#lady shizuka gozen
hekateisconfused · 11 months
Today is a very special day to me. Five years ago, I got my PS4, and was searching for free games. There was one, a free MMORPG, Onigiri. I never expected that five years later, I'd be obsessed with it, and have it be my absolute passion.
This marks my fifth year anniversary of playing Onigiri! It's been such a fun journey, and here's to many more years!
There's no proper amount of words to say how much this game means to me, it has gotten me through a lot, and has sparked my creativity and passion to go further. Along with it being my fifth anniversary, that also means it's my fifth year of having Crystal as my main character, and she means the world to me.
This feels surreal and I'm so happy to share my passion of my favorite RPG with you all.
Here's to five years, and many more!
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lanymme · 2 months
Falls to my knees , hiii so like... the requests.... would you be so kind as to consider Ushiwakamaru|Yoshitsune (and her wife Shizuka Gozen....) (she gets 1 dialogue in Heian-Kyo (Incredibly romantic line about wishing to follow Yoshitsune until the very end) and mentioned in Little Big Tengu)
Scenario... Ushi getting reminded of Shizuka and realizing how much she misses her...im basic i am starved
The idea of Ushi joining the "i miss my spouse" club and Tomoe being there is hilarious honestly. I am rambling
I am very sorry if this ask was too late </3
The monkey's paw curls.
Sure i can write that for you!
It’s a quiet, clear night, the full moon shining brightly down on the trees, the courtyard, the roof of the mountaintop compound.
Sitting on that rooftop, one knee tucked up and the other dangling casually from the edge, foot swaying back and forth, a figure clad in a Japanese armor sits alone, drinking and looking out at the light of the city far below, long unbound hair fluttering slightly in a gentle breeze.
Behind them, a scattering of gold motes of light blows into shape and coalesce, as a woman dressed in similar armor stands behind them, posture straight and proper, sharing the same view.
“Ah, Lady Archer.” Her voice, normally energetic or cheerful, is subdued yet friendly. She turns, casual and unmannered, to smile thinly through the weight of emotion at her guest. “Please, come,” she says, offering the bottle and a small cup to her visitor. “Share a drink with me, and some familiar company in this foreign land.”
Archer ignores her offer, continuing to stare out into the city.
“…Lord Saber. I would kill you here, now, if our Masters were not allied.”
“Mm.” She nods, acknowledging the statement as true, if not important. “Such is the nature of the war we fight.”
Archer’s eyes narrow.
“…I will state the truth plainly, then. I would kill you if there were no war. Knowing you live, I would seek your death. Only duty now stays me from seeking vengeance for my Lord.”
Saber takes in a deep breath and lets it out in a sigh, staring out over the city.
“…Fair enough. I can’t apologize for anything I’ve done to serve my own Lord. But, if my Master permits, once our alliance is over, I will give you a proper fight to the death.”
The wind blows through the trees, rushing, cool. The tips of Saber’s hair blow in the breeze. She takes a sip, and studies the bottle of alcohol with casual interest.
Archer’s fists clench, the sound of friction audible like a creak of leather, before she lets her fair, callused hands relax.
“I am surprised to hear you’d take consideration for anyone other than the master you serve.”
Saber’s head bobs in positive appraisal. She continues to stare out into the night.
“My Master told me to convey to yours that he is to meet her in the shed tomorrow in the morning to discuss plans regarding Caster and Rider.”
Saber nods again. She stares into space for a moment, as she convey the message through the link.
Then, she takes another sip of alcohol, looking up at the moon.
Archer waits a few minutes longer.
Her eye twitches.
Just as she prepares to leave, Saber speaks again.
“It was a night like this, when I last saw my love.”
Archer regards her carefully.
Saber smiles, wistful, fond. “She liked to go for walks at night, and I would go with her, and stand close to keep her warm. Even on hot summer nights.”
For a moment longer, she looks out over the edge, features softened into a sad smile.
Then her face falls.
“But the last night I saw her… we didn’t have time for such happiness, such peace.”
She looks down, now, into the courtyard, at the earth.
“My retainers managed to convince me to run, when my brother decided to put me down. I gave it my best, really. But I knew he would catch up to me. And… I think she knew, as well.”
Archer stares at her, uncompromisingly.
“She wanted to stay with me, even so. I never… really understood people, or love. I don’t know what I did to deserve such loyalty. Or maybe that’s just how she was. But I appreciated it. I needed it. To know there was someone with me who would never move, never leave, even as I am… how I am. Who really cared.”
“If you really appreciated it,” Archer says, voice heavy, tinged with venom, “then why. Why did you send her away, before the end?”
Saber turns and looks at her. She smiles, faintly.
“Because I wanted her to live.”
Archer snaps.
“Selfish! You say you appreciated her loyalty, yet you would trample it for your own selfishness!”
“…Mm. It was selfish.”
Archer stalks toward Saber, where she sits balanced at the edge of the roof, “If her love, her loyalty truly meant so much to you, then why deny her the chance die alongside her Lord!” she demands, breathing hard, long-restrained anguish bleeding through into her fury.
Saber makes no move to respond, to back away or take a defensible position. She curls, hugging the knee tucked up against her chest, eyes cast down.
“Because… I always knew she would die for me, but I… I would always serve my liege, first. In the end, though, when my brother decided I should die… I thought, for once, I would like to return that devotion. To thank her, for always… for always supporting me. If I was to die… then I could still give her a life, to live on. I could do that for her, at the end.”
“I was never good at expressing my feelings. I knew enough, to know it would hurt her. But still… I wanted to do that for her.”
She takes a sip of alcohol, and smiles ruefully.
“I failed in the end, though. My brother captured her anyway. I was dead, by the time it happened, but…”
Archer stares at her, still breathing hard, glaring, body tense. But the earlier fire is gone from her eyes, and they instead search through old emotions.
“… We do not decide how fate will turn. It is the choices we make that speak for us.”
A moment later, she turns away.
She pauses.
“…Saber. The Master you serve…”
“Hmm?” Her face brightens visibly.
“…” Archer looks up, over the compound, fists balled at her sides. “…That person is not worthy of your devotion.”
She dissolves again into swirling gold motes of light, and they blow away in the gentle night breeze.
“… I wouldn’t know,” Saber says, to the empty rooftop. “I'm not the best judge of people. All I want… is the chance to faithfully serve, until the end.”
Cautiously, Tomoe Gozen enters the ruined compound, the remaining fires burning low. The building where she spoke with Saber on that night in the first days of the War is rubble, pulverized by the shock of Rider’s Noble Phantasm, and then cleaved in half.
Master— she begins, reporting out of habit.
Foolishness. Her gentle, composed Master is gone. She feels the loop of prayer beads at her side where they hang under her robes.
Rest easy. For my Master’s sake… I will see your wish granted. I will save them.
She is cursed, cursed to always be the survivor.
She’s too late to witness the conflict, but the state of the war has shifted dramatically. She picks her way through the buildings to see what she can still learn.
The night is darker, now, the moon waning. The courtyard is in ruins, stones broken and split, the lonely pear tree torn up from its roots. Great slashes are carved into the walls of the sturdy storage building that makes up its other side, and the wall has fallen over.
As she proceeds toward the center of the compound, she finds the headless body of Rider’s Master, lying flat on its back.
One of Caster’s siege defense machines has fallen from the rooftops, burnt almost completely, its bolt still loaded lying on the floor.
She tightens her grip on her self control as her oni blood flares, threatening to overtake her reason. She looks up to survey the surroundings
The other giant crossbows that line the remaining buildings are mostly intact. The one farthest back is split in half, jagged wooden remains stained by a heavy spray of blood.
But they are pointed into the heart of the compound, not at its surroundings.
A trail of blood leads her way deeper into the compound
A pit of dread fills her stomach. She worries at the prayer beads that keep her temporarily sustained with mana, her Master’s parting gift to her.
She materializes her sword with a lick of flames, and raises it in preparation before turning the highly defensible corner.
She finds the remains of the body Assassin was puppeting, leaking black ichor.
A few paces away, one of the giant crossbow bolts has buried itself into the earth. It’s stained red with blood.
The trail of blood thickens beyond it. There are bloody handprints, smears against the walls.
Tomoe Gozen narrows her eyes, and steels herself, and proceeds through the bounded field into the heart of the compound.
It’s burning. Ichor and bloodstains everywhere.
At the far side of the space, the largest crossbow is spattered with blood. Beneath it, the severed sleeve of Caster’s robe lies trampled on the ground. And beside that, a mangled figure.
Maintaining her alert, she makes her way quickly across the space.
Saber—Yoshitsune lies slumped against the building’s wall, still clutching her sword in her hands. Her skin is blistered, her long hair burnt away. Cuts and pierces litter her ruined armor. And a crossbow bolt the size of a wooden beam pins her against the building behind her.
So it’s true. Saber’s Master has taken Rider as his Servant.
The loyal general Minamoto no Yoshitsune has once again been betrayed and cut down by the lord she serves.
Tomoe Gozen feels no joy at the sight of her husband’s killer.
The lively, energetic Saber is almost inert, staring blankly up at the sky with dulled eyes. But as she approaches, she looks up at her in awe. Her sword falls from her fingers. Her bare, dry voice whispers.
“…Shizuka?” Tomoe’s heart drops.
She kneels by her foe, and takes her remaining hand in her own. Sightless, dull eyes cast toward her, feebly.
“… ah. My Shizuka. You’re safe. I’m glad… I’m glad.” She sighs, shuddering. “If you live… then all was not lost. I—“ she heaves a breath, and smiles. “can meet my death, without regret.”
Tomoe takes a ragged breath. Suddenly, her vision is full of tears.
“Lord Yoshinaka, I beg of you—“
“I have given you my command!” Her husband shouts, voice trembling with fervor. “Leave this battlefield! I will meet my death with Kanehira at my side!”
He looks at her, then, and feeling flashes over his face. Love. Sorrow. Pain. “I will not—“ his voice chokes, rough, raw. “—be shamed by dying together with a woman.”
She takes in a deep breath, trembling, spine straight, mastering her feelings. Then she bows stiffly.
“—As my Lord orders it.”
Before she turns away for the last time, filled to overflowing with mastered emotion, tears leaking from the corner of her eyes—
She sees something like peace come over her husband’s face.
She trembles, kneeling before Saber.
Her mortal foe takes in a slow, desperate breath.
“Ah, but Shizuka. Your Ushiwaka… has so rarely received an injury. It really… hurts, after all.” she laughs weakly, and then coughs, and trails off.
Tomoe draws in a deep breath, steadying herself.
“Lord Yoshitsune,” she says. “Allow me to ease your pain.”
“…thank you,” that haggard voice says, relieved. “Thank you.”
Saber slumps forward, presenting her bare neck.
Tomoe stands, and draws her sword.
“…forgive me!”
With one swing, she separates Yoshitsune’s head cleanly from her shoulders.
A moment later, in a shower of gold mana, the body of her great enemy, of her husband’s killer, dissolves and fades away into the smoke-filled night air.
Tomoe stands alone. She cleans, and sheathes her sword.
“Lord Yoshinaka,” she whispers. “Your wife has avenged you. And if it gave you peace, then I will proudly carry forever the shame and sorrow of surviving you.”
With one final lingering glance at the place where a crossbow bolt lies embedded in the wall, she leaves the place of death behind.
Her Master, still, remains to be avenged.
There are yet more ghosts for Tomoe Gozen to carry.
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tanuki-kimono · 2 years
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Hello! i saw your kimono drawing guide, and i have some questions. I saw this art and was wondering about a few things: what is the tied knot& tassel things on the sleeves for? and, what hairstyle is the lady wearing? If you know, please tell me! If you don't know, could it be possible to direct me to someone that might? Thank you for taking the time to answer, if you're able! Have a lovely night/day!
Hi and thank you for your question :) The ukiyoe you are sharing is by Utagawa Kunisada and titled Genji rokujo no hana (源氏六條の花), or "Cherry Blossoms at Genji's Rokujô Mansion". It is part of a three prints set:
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It depicts an imaginary scenery from The tale of Genji, and the young lady playing with her pet cat is the princess Onna San no Miya.
Characters are not shown wearing period accurate clothes (from Heian era), but luscious Edo period attires. Because of her rank, the young princess is wearing what Edo princesses would, especially the trademark hairstyle named fukiya 吹輪.
You'll find below a translation from a costume photobook I did a while ago. Note the big bridge style front hairpin, and the drum like one in the back. Princesses from the buke (samurai class) would also have dangling locks called aikyôge (I also found the term okurege), but I am not sure kuge princesses (noble class) wore them too.
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There is a whole dispute about this hairstyle, as we are not actually sure it was worn as such by actual princesses. This style may have in fact started as a somehow cliché bunraku/kabuki costume used to depict princesses (think a bit like Western Cinderella-types princess gowns). Nowadays, it is found only as a theater style, or worn by Maiko during Setsubun season.
For comparison, here is character Shizuka Gozen from kabuki play Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura:
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As for the dangling cords, I covered those in a past ask about kamuro that you can find here (part 1 / part 2). TL:DR: I am still not sure what is the exact name for those decorations (kazari himo? sode no himo?).
But their use is pretty much linked to 3 things:
1) luck + protection (knots have auspicous meanings),
2) reinforcing weak points of garnment (here: sleeves wrist opening)
3) cuteness impact, as much like furisode (long sleeves kimono) those dangling ribbons were mostly seen on girls/young unmarried ladies by the Edo period
All the design elements chosen by Utagawa Kunisada for his Onna San no Miya stress own young and carefree she is still (which considering her narrative arc is in fact a bit sad... like all Genji Monogatari stories). BUT: bonus points for pet cat!
Hope that helps :)
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yamayuandadu · 14 days
"shizuka gozen self inserting as ariwara no narihira while explaining ise monogatari to kamakura court ladies, in accordance with medieval ideas about finding enlightenment in amorous pursuits" is a real illustrated scroll but tragically it does not fully explore the implications
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tsunael · 11 months
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🌟My non-WoLs🌟
Valtyrja Eruyt meaning: The slain God. From the village of Eruyt.
A Fran expy, clearly. For undetermined reasons, she did not give up her forest name when she left Dalmasca. Has a complicated relationship with the Green Word who she sees as both mother and God. Viera who leave their forest homes are forsaken by them, but she can hear plants and the Elementals who deign to speak with her still. She is quiet, until she is rough and blunt. A possible Warrior main because a Viera with an axe has a kind of je ne sais quoi. (Tsuna inherited all the traits she was supposed to have. The free trial didn't allow Viera.)
Cerise Vierge meaning: Yeah, it's a bad joke. But also a Xenogears reference.
A possible Gridanian Elezen, who is possibly tied to Mother Miounne. She is an archer-- maybe a part of the Adders. I don't have much for her. 🤷 EDIT: IM A FOOL she could have served House Dartancours i.e. Lady Amandine...🧍
Shizuka Gozen meaning: She was named after a famous courtdancer who was the mistress of Yoshitsune.
Originally created because I just wanted a baddie midlander. Now she might have been one of Tsuna's sisters in the Okiya, or was her Okiya 'Mother'-- though I am tempted to make the latter a Roe. She has Hatsumomo vibes?? and is Ada Wong flavoured.
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lilac-melody · 2 years
Minor LOVE&KISS novel spoilers
I keep thinking about how the director said that “Yoshitsune to Shizuka Gozen” will be the next play that he does, and then claims that Aizou and Yujiro will be the protagonists.
Well, doing a bit of digging, the protagonist is Yoshitsune, and Lady Shizuka is his mistress. A mistress is not a wife, but a lover or...well, a friend with benefits.
In the novel, allegedly, the director had in mind that Aizou play as Yoshitsune and Yujiro play as Shizuka. (Even pointing out the dance Yujiro did for Aizou was Lady Shizuka’s dance)
(I also want to point out that Shizuka dances specifically for Yoshitsune as well, so maybe the director saw parallels in that..?)
So...is the director saying he wants to see Aizou and Yujiro play a couple who cannot be together (because Yoshitsune is married) but who still do things together..?
The director ships it?
I’m doing more digging but I have a feeling that this wasn’t just a one off thing. I think we’re supposed to see Aizou and Yujiro as people whose relationship grows with them doing things such as kiss marks and etc, but who cannot truly be together, even if they are in love.
I feel like this is actually symbolic for them...being idols and such.
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redsamuraiii · 9 months
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Ninpuu Sentai Hurricanger (Ep 44)
First appearance of Kagura Gozen. She was born hundreds of years ago. Interestingly, her attire and title "Gozen" is of Heian Period.
Her attire is usually worn by a young lord and "Gozen" usually refers to a "Young Lady" of a high status, like Tomoe Gozen and Shizuka Gozen.
I like how the feudal hierarchy works here, Shurikenger being her trusted vassal and the Hurricanger being her warriors.
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cestacruz · 3 years
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They are canon in Fate and thats all that matters to me Last year was a blessing to me specifically and there's only one more year to wait until we get the canon gay in NA
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thekimonogallery · 4 years
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Shizuka Gozen, or Lady Shizuka, one of the most famous women in Japanese history and literature, was a shirabyōshi of the 12th century, and a mistress of Minamoto no Yoshitsune. Artwork c.1820 by Katsushika Hokusai  
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hekateisconfused · 1 year
A stranger...
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... Turned best friend.
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October 19th...
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
Kaminari : Men i love Gozen she is the greatest women of the history . Mina: Which Gozen?Aya Gozen or Shizuka Gozen or Tomoe Gozen? . Kaminari: I was talking about Tomoe Gozen ? Waited what's?! There are more Gozen? . Mina: Uh Gozen isn't a name btw . It's a title usually translated as Lady . Kaminari: Waited i thought Gozen was the first name . Bakugou: No you dumb pikachu , Tomoe is her first name and Tomoe Gozen is "Lady Tomoe" . Kaminari:... . Kaminari:Oh
Why was this sent to me?
I get that this is a BNHA thing
but just why?
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mayasshitposts · 4 years
Yoshira - The Love Story of a Warrior
Theme: The force of love is greater than anything Game: Shall we Date Destiny Ninja Character: Yoshitsune Minamoto, Akira Fukuhara
Title: Yoshira the Love Story of a Warrior
Trigger warning: Mentions of seppuku, aka ritual suicide. Read at your own discretion.
Novel Summary: In the backdrop of the fierce Genpei War lurks a beautiful love story. Follow the journey of Minamoto-no-Yoshitsune, the general of the Genji and Akira, a princess from foreign lands. Yoshitsune’s hand in marriage was already promised to Shizuka Gozen, the daughter of an ally, when he met and fell in love with Akira. Will the Minamoto clan accept this development in the midst of conflict? “I lay my head before the sword of thee, if falling in love is such a heinous crime then punish me” Akira.
If you would like to read the complete novel, let me know in the comments Movie inspiration- Bajirao Mastani (2015)
This is fanfiction, based on long research into the historical events that the game Shall we Date Destiny Ninja was based on. So this can also be considered historical fiction. Remember the word fiction- so it's not entirely true! Also this short is three chapters squeezed into one chapter, so if there seem to be any weird skips, that's why.
The head of the Minamoto clan, Minamoto Yoritomo sat in the hall with his trusted vassals. A nobleman, Kajiwara Kagetoki, and three shinobi, Enya, Goyo and Kazemasa Hattori Hanzo. They were all upset with the daughter of the Fukuhara clan. She had continued to live and fight back despite all the warnings and threats. Yoritomo had to resort to the final tactic. He had already sentenced his brother, Minamoto Yoshitsune, to an honourable death. He gave out one last order, "Capture the girl and throw her into the dungeons till she dies."
It was a spring afternoon. The Sakura flowers were starting to bloom and the air felt alive. The fgrass was fresh and green. The sun was high and mighty, bathing the earth in its soft golden glow. Akira Fukuhara sat under the very sakura tree where the So-Daisho and her had first shared their love. 'Has it really been two years?' She wondered. Akira shut her eyes, dwelling on the wonderful memories she made with the So-Daisho.
There was a loud rustling in the bushes and four men surrounded her. One of the men, Kajiwara Kagetoki Kajiwara stepped forward.
Akira stood up and held her hands out towards him, "You're here to capture me, aren't you?" She asked. "Bind these wrists together and carry out your orders. Death is a welcome escape if it means having to live another day without the So-Daisho." Kajiwara smirked, "You sure are smart for a dancer girl. Who would have thought that the only daughter of Fukuhara Kaito would fall into a love trap?" He scoffed. "How does it feel to dishonour the name of the Fukuhara clan?"
Akira's eyes waver for a second before she regains her calm. "I may have dishonoured the name of my family, but I have not dishonoured the name of love," said Akira.
Kajiwara Kagetoki grunts, and says, "What is this love you speak of?"
 "Love, that battles stormy seas is love, that fights the world in front of everyone is love, that binds two souls together for eternity, that is the love I speak of," said Akira, looking into the nobleman's eyes.
 One of the men, Enya speaks up. "It is this love that is punishing you so." Akira smiled while calmly responding, "I lay my head before the sword of thee, if love is such a heinous crime then punish me."
"Yoshitsune sama! Yoshitsune sama!" cried a voice.
Yoshitsune Minamoto, who was sitting in a room at the Minamoto headquarters in Kamakura, snapped his head up towards the direction of the voice that had called out to him. "Sohma? What is it? Any news from Kyoto?" He asked, anticipation lacing his voice. "Yes Yoshitsune sama, and I'm afraid that it is bad news," Answered Sohma. "Lady Akira was captured and thrown into the dungeons."
Yoshitsune felt an arrow like feeling pierce his heart. He stood up, picking up his katana and ran out of his room, towards the dais where his older brother, Minamoto Yoritomo sat. He lunged towards the leader of the Genji, only to be pinned down by one of the guards. Yoritomo smirked, as he ordered for the ceremony for Yoshitsune's seppuku to begin. The guard led Yoshitsune to the raised platform where he would slit his belly.
"Any last words?" asked Minamoto Yoritomo.
Yoshitsune, still furious, but with a calm expression says, "I have loved Akira Fukuhara, not lusted for her."
The sounds of the ceremonial drum, the chants of monks. All is calm.
One man, Minamoto Yoshitsune sat upon the platform where he would commit ritual suicide.
Hands bound together, pale skin, strong winds, the scent of sakura blossoms.
One woman, Fukuhara Akira, stood in her jail cell.
Both were asked only one question, "Any final wishes?"
"To see my beloved," They said.
"Minamoto Yoshitsune," said she.
"Fukuhara Akira," said he.
Yoshitsune's four retainers stood outside the Minamoto camp, fending off any enemies that dared come close. Three ninja fought their former comrades. Arrows flew high and mighty as each warrior fought valiantly.
 Musashibou Benkei was the lone soldier standing after a long and tiring battle. Yoshitsune's trusted vassal continued to stand as arrows pierced his body. Suddenly, one of the soldiers noticed that Musashibou Benkei had stopped moving. And then, the great warrior fell to the ground, dead. Benkei had died standing, and legends would tell the story of the standing death of Musashibou Benkei.
Yoshitsune silently held the blade of his short sword to his belly and proceeded to disembowel himself.
Akira pulled at her chains that were binding her to the jail cell.
Both could see the sakura petals blowing in the wind. The setting sun glowed orange in the Western sky as the full moon illuminated the sky in the East. Monks were chanting hymns in the background. A strong wind brought soft droplets of rain. For a moment, Yoshitsune and Akira were transported to the last time they saw each other.
Yoshitsune was holding Akira in his arms. He had just informed her of his brother's orders. Akira tearfully asked him, "Will we ever meet again, Yoshitsune sama?" Yoshitsune hugged her tightly and said, "Don't worry Akira. I promise we will meet again. When the sakura flowers blossom and their petals rain down on earth, when the cool wind brings soft rainfall, when the full moon rises in the east as the sun sets in the west, when we hear the monks chant their prayers, our souls will forever united, and our names will always be remembered as one."
Flashback end
 Akira fell to her knees as her breathing shallowed. She felt a searing pain in her chest as she sensed her life force draining away.
A man leapt to his feet, ready to behead Yoshitsune.
At that moment, Yoshitsune and Akira remembered the conclusion to their conversation.
"Our hearts beat together Akira,"
"And they cease together."
Right then, the man swiftly beheads Yoshitsune, as the warrior falls forward.
 Akira's eyes shut firmly as her form falls limp.
The lovers now united for all eternity.
We often make wishes when we see a shooting star. Perhaps, Yoshitsune and Akira were two stars that had fallen to teach the world about the power of love. They succeeded. The world will forever sing the praises of their love. Their names will always be called together. One will always be remembered with the other. The legends shall forever tell the tale of Yoshira.
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yamayuandadu · 4 months
i also got ise monogatari and downloaded multiple articles on kamakura period exegesis of it just because that shizuka gozen scroll has her engage in that at the request of kamakura court ladies (she casts herself as ariwara no narihira in the process which has some interesting implications)
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missmyloko · 5 years
I've seen pictures on Instagram recently of the Gion Higashi maiko dressed in period clothes. Do you know what the occasion was?
That was the Jidai Matsuri (時代祭)! The 2019 participants include: Tomoe Gozen: Ichimame (市真芽) - Pontocho Wake No Hiromushi: Taka (多香) - Pontocho Sei Shonagon: Ichifuku (市福) - Pontocho Murasaki Shikibu: Chizu (千鶴) - Pontocho Ono no Komachi: Ichiaya (市彩) - Pontocho Ono No Komachi’s Attendant: Hidechisa (秀知紗) - Pontocho Ki No Tsurayuki Musume: Momifuku (もみ福) - Pontocho Tokiwa Gozen: Hisasuzu (久鈴) - Pontocho Yokobue: Hisamomo (久桃) - Pontocho Shizuka Gozen/Lady Shizuka: Masano (満彩野) - Gion Higashi Shizuka Gozen/Lady Shizuka's Attendant: Tomichie (富千英) - Gion Higashi Abutsu Ni: Hinayū (雛祐) - Gion Higashi Yodogimi: Kanohiro (叶紘) - Gion Higashi Yodogimi’s Attendants: Kanohisa (叶久), Kanochiyo (叶千代), and Masanao (満彩尚) - Gion Higashi  You can read about the costumes and the people portrayed here ^^
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cyaron-blog1 · 8 years
Apparently, they boosted the Star Gen buff of Bryn’s NP, no interlude or anything required, it was changed from 3% to freaking 30%. Okita and Jack are gonna love that.
Moon Festival event is going to be back, I don’t even mind that it’s just a rerun, I’m just glad we are going to have an event again after so long, I need my mats.
You know, I really hope we will get a new, full datamine soon, most of the Servants from the original are already released and thanks to those voice lines from a bit ago we know that the rest is coming soon. I’m pretty sure though that the tanned lady and the loli from EoR aren’t any of those datamined servants, so they must be new. I wonder what other servants they have been planning in the past one and a half year.
I’m surprised Shizuka Gozen, “one of the most famous women in Japanese history and literature” isn’t heard of yet at all, not even Ushiwakamaru mentions her. Wait, unless they genderbend Shizuka Gozen, we will get a canon yuri couple, yay! More Norse and Chinese Servants, especially Romance of the Three Kingdom characters, would be nice too. I also want more modern occultists, like Helena. I know we’re going to get Rasputin (Kirei), but Aleister Crowley would be cool as well. Ah, I just remembered that DxD had a really strong Magician based on a real person, MacGregor Mathers, he founded the Golden Dawn mage’s association. IRL that dude sounds like a crazy person, but in the Fate universe he would probably be an incredibly strong Magus. Speaking of DxD, Le Fay, I totally want her in FGO, although I highly doubt she’s gonna be as cute as DxD’s Le Fay. And I really really want to know if Aozaki Aoko is going to be a (Pseudo-) Servant. I don’t know if I expressed it well in my Mahoyo post from a few days, but I like her a lot. If I knew she is going to be a Servant then I would hoard my quartz for like just like I am doing for Semiramis. Actually, that’s my primary reason, for wanting a new datamine list, I want to know which Servants to look forward to and save quartz for, otherwise, I’d just roll for whoever catches my interest and then regret a bit later.
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dbamountaineer · 5 years
Note: I do apologize for more than 6 months rest from writing my travel adventures, had been busy, but still got a chance to visit some cities in USA and even got a chance to return to Japan for a while. This post is a continuation of my previous post that focusing about Dotonbori.
Before leaving Dotonbori, I visited a museum which included in the Osaka Pass that I bought. Since I love museum, I was curious what to see inside of Kamigata Ukiyoe Museum.
One of the Ukiyoe Prints with the name of museum (sorry as it was blurred one)
Finding the museum was quite a challenge, I used my GPS in my phone and I knew that I was in front of it, but I was not sure since I did not see immediately the English Version name of the building (which can be seen only at one side) as I stand in the corner of it. The museum is a two-storey small and narrow building, because of that I had doubts if it’s the museum. Then, I entered the building and asked someone if it’s the museum that I was looking for, the Japanese lady confirmed to me that it was. Next, I showed my Osaka Pass to the lady in the counter and she exchanged it to a ticket. Then, I took upstairs to see the current exhibit displayed at that time.
Dotombori (Dotonbori)
As part of my learning in the museum, “Kamigata” refers to Kansai region where Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe belong but not used anymore when Emperor Meiji moved to Edo (now Tokyo).
Some of the display that I found describes the old days of Dotombori (Dotonbori). The exhibits displays the entertainment information of the area including theatre descriptions and maps. Here, I understood why Dotombori is called as Japanese Broadway, because the best theatres in the country can be found in the area. Other displays even shows how busy and festive Dotombori area at its earlier times.
Settsu Meisho Zue
Settsu Meisho Zue (illustrated famous-place picture collection which introduced Osaka’s famous place)
Detailed description of Dotombori
Kaomise at Dotombori (Naka-za Theatre)
Kaomise at Kado-za Theatre
Takeda-no-shibashi (Takeda Theatre)
A piece of history every time I discover it made me sad because a piece or part of history has been destroyed because of war. Below mentioned that almost all theatres were gone during the air raid in March 1945.
And the Best Theatres to see in Dotombori during its old days (where some of it still exist as of this time).
Ukiyoe Paintings (Prints)
Kamigata Ukiyoe Museum is a private museum and mainly focused to display traditional Ukiyo-e artwork depicting Kabuki performers. Kamigata Ukiyo-e was produced mainly in Osaka during Edo period. The museum changed their display from time to time. At the time of my visit, they are displaying ukiyo-e paintings with the theme of “Actor’s Make-up in Ukiyo-e paintings”. It means that the exhibits features the make-up of kabuki actors.
About Ukiyoe paintings
Paints Used for Ukiyoe paintings
Different color information used for Ukiyoe paintings
Ukiyo-e is a genre of Japanese art which flourished from the 17th through 19th centuries. Its artists produced woodblock prints and paintings of such subjects as female beauties; kabuki actors and sumo wrestlers; scenes from history and folk tales; travel scenes and landscapes; flora and fauna; and erotica. The term ukiyo-e (浮世絵) translates as “picture[s] of the floating world”.
Kokusenya Kassen
One of the display found in the exhibit was Kokusenya Kassen (The Battle of Coxinga) Ukiyoe print. It shows the puppet play created by Chikamatsu Monzaemon which portrays the historical figure named Koxinga or Coxinga (Chinese Ming loyalist resisted Qing) and depicts a jidaimono play (historical episode) restoring the rightful dynasty of China. Utagawa  Yoshitaki (also known as Ichiyosai Yoshitaki) is a famous Japanese designer of ukiyoe woodblock prints in Osaka whom created more than 1200 ukiyoe prints during his time and commonly portrays kabuki (classic Japanese dance-drama) actors.
Kokusenya Kassen (The Battle of Coxinga)
Hagi wa Sendai Na wa Matsumoto (Matsumoto and the famous autumn flowers of Sendai)
The story of the play was said to be a rework of another play called “Meiboku sendai hagi” (Bush clover, the famous tree of Sendai) which dramatize the intrigues over the succession within Date clan of Sendai. One of the main character named Nikki Danjo conspired to overthrow Ashikaga (represents the Date Clan) Yorikane which in the end was slain. This was made by Shunkōsai Hokushū whom recognized as the most important artist in Osaka.
The ghostly rodent is actually Nikki in metamorphosis — he possesses magical powers, including the ability to turn himself into a giant rat. Nikki holds his hands in the manner associated with nercromancy as the rat emerges from his human form (note the lighter shading of the tail and hindquarters, indicating that the transformation is still in progress). Nikki is a prime example of an important role type known as jitsuaku (or tategataki) — unrepentant evil samurai who plot to overthrow their lords. They are also referred to as kuni kuzushi (“demolisher of nations”) to signify their intention to usurp an emperor’s throne or a daimyô’s domain.
The rat clenches with his teeth a scroll containing a list of conspirators planning to wrest power from Yorikane. Later, pretending to have reformed, Nikki will substitute another list and offer it as trumped-up evidence of the conspiracy, only to remove a dagger hidden within the scroll and mortally wound a counsel and ally of Yorikane’s son.
Hagi wa Sendai Na wa Matsumoto (Matsumoto and the famous autumn flowers of Sendai)
Arashi Rikan Lineage by Yoshikuni
Arashi Rikan Lineage by Yoshikuni (Portrait of different roles of Arashi Rikan)
Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura (Yoshitsune and the Thousand Cherry Trees)
Sato Tadanobu, Yoshisune’s follower who has accompanied Yoshisune’s lover, Shizuka Gozen, is in fact a fox. It has transformed into Sato Tadanobu because the drum-head of Yoshitsune’s drum was made from the fox’s parent’s skin. Finally. Shizuka Gozen finds it out.
–Kamigata Ukiyoe Museum
One of the three most popular and famous in the Kabuki repertoire
— Wikipedia
Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura
Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami (Sugawara and the Secrets of Calligraphy)
Same with Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura (above) ukiyoe, Sugawara Denjun Tenarai Kagami is one of the most popular play in kabuki repertoire. In the act III of this play where it titled as “The Struggle for the Carriage (Kurumabiki)”.
This famous scene, “a classic example of Kabuki’s stylized beauty”,[13] takes place in front of the Yoshida Shrine in Kyoto. The scene opens as Umeōmaru and Sakuramaru try to stop Shihei’s carriage, and are confronted by Matsuōmaru, a member of the entourage. As the pair begin to unlash the oxen and tear apart the carriage, Shihei emerges, his blue face makeup marking him as a villain. He glares at them malevolently, halting their attack.
  Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami
Shinpan Kikugoro Zukushi
  Shinpan Kikugoro Zukushi (created by Kuniyasu)
The memorial performance for Danzuo IV
Is a 9/1824 tsuizen-e depicting Ichikawa Danzo V (1788-1845) on the stage of the Kado Theater commemorating the 17th anniversary of the passing of his celebrated forebear Danzo IV (1745-1808). The 17th anniversary (actually falling in the 16th year, due to the way Japanese count such things) is an important milestone in ancestor worship. Beyond that date the deceased’s generation is understood to seriously drop off in numbers; so does interest, one can assume, even within a family.
Danzo IV (known as Shiko) had the final curtain drawn on him before single sheet Osaka printmaking had reached its flowering.* Perhaps this is one reason why Umetatsu (n.d.), an otherwise unrecorded artist, inserted him so strongly, peering down in ferocious mie from inside the triple black frame — actually the mimasu crest of the Ichikawa acting family.
Also of interest is the jaw line of the kneeling Danzo V. Thanks to regional differences in actor portraiture, the same thespian’s face was usually drawn thin and angular in Edo and soft and pudgy in Osaka.
In this case, though the print lists an Osaka publisher, Danzo V’s visage (pointedly sans make-up) betrays the narrower Edo look.
One possible reason may lie in the first part of Umetatsu’s signature — “Azumaya,” or “Easterner.” If the artist was visiting from Edo, (where he presumably would have used a different name, and where, incidentally, both Danzos were hugely celebrated), that could explain both the obscurity of the signature, and the actor’s severe jaw line.
It might also explain the rarity of this print. True, Danzo V was not performing in Osaka at the time, but one would still expect a special Ichikawa lineage tribute image like this to sell well. Perhaps Osakans reacted particularly negatively to the cut of his jaw.
  The memorial performance for Danzuo IV
Azumakagami Mikari no Maki
The Ukiyoe print shown below is portion of the play of Azumakagami Mikari no Maki designed by Syunko.
Azuma Kagami is medieval text chronicles events of the Kamakura Shogunate from Minamoto no Yoritomo’s rebellion against Taira clan. It was compiled after 1266 under the directive of the Hojo shikken. It is an enormously detailed record of different activities centering on the shōgun with almost daily entries that include even notes on the weather.
Azumakagami Mikari no Maki
Hadekurabe Ise Monogatari
    Hadekurabe Ise Monogatari
Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami (Sugawara and the Secrets of Calligraphy)
From the scene IV of the play Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami, a print depicts the scene from Tempaizan (Mount Tempai). The ukiyoe print designed by Syunko
Kan Shojo who is leading his quiet life in exile goes to Anrakuji temple to hear the story that the ume (plum) tree that he loved in Kyoto came flying overnight. Umeomaru arrives at the scene and tells Kan Shojo about Fujiwara no Shihei’s conspiracy in Kyoto. Kan Shojo transforms into a thunder spirit from anger and ascends to heaven.
–Kamigata Ukiyoe Museum
Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami by Syunko
Tenmangu Natane no Gokuh (The Rapeseed Offerings at Tenmangu Shrine)
The ukiyoe print was based from pure kabuki play entitled Tenmangu Natane no Gokuh which is one of the play that was written more to exploit the principles of feudal loyalty than to depict court romances.
–Rising from the Flames: The Rebirth of Theater in Occupied Japan, 1945-1952
The print displays the Kabuki actor Nakamura Shikan III is in the role of magician Ki no Haseo in the play, “Tenmangu Natane no Goku” performed at Naka Theater. The print designed by  Utagawa Sadaihiro, a Japanese artist that produced portraits from the beginning of his career. He was said to be a student of Kunisada, but then changed his name to Hirosada and became student under Sadamasu. He was active artist from 1830 to 1850.
Nakamuraza Sankai no Zu (The Third Floor of the Nakamura Theater)
Another ukiyoe displayed was made by Utagawa Kunisada, the most popular and most commercially successfully designer of ukiyoe during 19th century in Japan. The print depicts the kabuki actors in the third floor of Nakamura Theater.
Nakamuraza Sankai no Zu (The Third Floor of the Nakamura Theater)
The museum also showcases a display and information of the old Dotonbori. Through exhibits, it can learned that Dotonbori was a large scale entertainment district and the south side of Dotonbori called as “play side”. Dotonbori has not only kabuki theaters, but also as puppet theaters, and even place for acrobatics or sumo matches. “Settsu Meisho Zue” (1796-1798) the picture collection of Osaka’s famous place illustrates famous places, temples, shrines, events, customs, and traditions in the particular area.
Other stuff that found being exhibit in the museum are below:
Notes : Plan to visit Osaka ? Please check latest information here. Location : Osaka, Japan Directions / Transportation to Osaka : 1. For official access to Osaka coming from anywhere in Japan, please check here. Official Website : Osaka Info
Plan to visit Kamigata Ukiyoe Museum? Please check latest information here. Location : 1-chōme-6-4 Nanba, Chūō-ku, Osaka, 542-0076, Japan Directions / Transportation to Kamigata Ukiyoe Museum: 1. For trains, there are four Namba Stations where different train lines stops near Dotonbori. a. Take Yamatoji Line for JR Namba Station or b. Take Hanshin-Namba or Kintetsu Limited Express or Kintetsu-Nara Line for Osaka-Namba Station or c. Take Modosuji Line or Sen-Nichimae Line or Yotsubashi Line (all subway lines) for Namba Station or d. Take Nankai Line or Nankai-Koya Line or Nankain Limited Express for Namba Station 2. From different station, follow the walking path towards Kamigata Ukiyoe Museum 3. For official access link, please refer here. Official Website : Kamigata Ukiyoe Museum, Dotonbori
  Visiting Kamigata Ukiyoe Museum (Part 3 of 3) Note: I do apologize for more than 6 months rest from writing my travel adventures, had been busy, but still got a chance to visit some cities in USA and even got a chance to return to Japan for a while.
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