pennywaltzy · 6 years
I - V (1/?)
So this is the first chapter of a commission from @ladytudorrose, who wanted an explicit Adlock fic where Sherlock admits his feelings to Irene with a bit of a power struggle thrown in as neither want to be vulnerable. I decided on a “five moments” type approach where it’s five moments in their relationship (starting with the sorta canon/sorta fanon idea something happened after Karachi) with alternating POVs and the last chapter fulfilling the prompt. Not all parts will be NSFW, but this first one is, so part of it is beneath a cut.
I - V - Five moments in the developing relationship between Sherlock Holmes and Irene Adler.
Read Chapter 1 | Buy Me A Coffee? | Commission Me?
I A Plane Headed Towards New York City July 2011
Sentiment had made him a fool, just like he had known it would. He owed her nothing and yet the moment he had heard of the threat issued by the terrorist organization and their capture of an American expat with a British accent he knew he would not rest until Irene Adler was safe.
Sentiment had made him a fool.
But sentiment had kept Irene alive to barter her secrets another day.
He had called in a favour to a friend, and currently, they were in a private jet somewhere on their way to New York City. Where Irene would go from there he didn’t know, but it was a good place for one to lose themselves to the masses. He would return to London and the world would think her dead. Or perhaps not; he had the feeling Mycroft would make sure that while the general public never was aware of the execution of Irene Adler, those who needed to be assured of her death would be made well aware.
And Irene would be safe.
Or, rather, safer.
He watched her doze in the seat next to him, curled up into a small tight ball with the exception of an arm snaked around his waist, resting lightly where the seat belt would go when it was time to land. He rather relished the warmth, he realized, but he would never in a million years admit it. There was a sense of being wanted in this minute gesture, even if she didn't realize she was doing it, even if she removed it upon waking.
He shut his eyes and began restructuring her room in his mind palace. They had talked on their way out of Karachi towards safety, hushed conversations to pass the time as they were smuggled to safer places. And there was closeness. He could now imprint the feel of her body against his in various positions, the smell of her hair, the smell of her, the sound of her voice…
It was with a start he was brought out of his thoughts by the realization her hand had drifted and her arm had been pulled back. Irene was awake, and if the incessant caressing of the bulged part of his trousers was any indication, she wanted him.
No less than he wanted her, he supposed.
It was strange to find this need to further imprint her, all of her, into his mind palace being so insistent. Sex was merely an activity he did with great irregularity to clear his mind, occasionally to stimulate it. Normally any time he truly needed to think he went to his room and let his mind wander along the images John kept carefully concealed on his laptop. Truthfully he didn’t really need them, but the erotic pictures of women had given him a focus as he stroked himself until he came. That release was usually enough.
But...now he wanted her. That was strange.
He could feel himself harden under her ministrations, and he turned to look at her. Yes, eyes open, wide awake now. They did not speak as she deftly undid the button of his trousers and then carefully lowered the zipper over his erection. He never wore pants, and so when his length was free she grasped it in her hands, stroking him and teasing the tip with her thumb. He knew then he would never do to imagine anything other than her hands on him when he spent time trying to clear his mind. The touch was gentle and firm and--
His mind suddenly stopped when she slid off her seat and knelt in front of him. Her hair was not pulled back, and when she put her mouth on him, sucking and licking and curling her tongue around his erection, all he could see was her hair falling over her face. Hair he needed to touch, needed to grasp.
He curled his fingers in her tresses, trying carefully not to force her to take him deeper than she intended by pistoning his hips upward, but she surprised him yet again, deep-throating the length of him. He tilted his head back and he couldn’t help his involuntary reaction as he came and she swallowed every last drop of him.
There was still a long flight ahead of them, and he knew, before they landed and went their separate ways, he would return the favour and then some.
Sentiment owed her that much.
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aethelfleds · 7 years
10, 17, 18
What is your favourite quote by / about them?
Mine is actually a poem by Henry of Huntingdon from the 1100′s 
Heroic Elflede! great in martial fame,
A man in valour, woman though in name:
Thee warlike hosts, thee, nature too obey'd,
Conqu'ror o'er both, though born by sex a maid.
Chang'd be thy name, such honour triumphs bring.
A queen by title, but in deeds a king.
Heroes before the Mercian heroine quail'd:
Caesar himself to win such glory fail'd.
Is there a song that reminds you of them?
- I associate two Lorde songs with her: Bravado and Glory and Gore
What is a trait you share with your favourite historical figure?
-Probably a love of learning/books? She was very much Alfred the Great’s daughter.
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lovingtheroyals · 7 years
ladytudorrose replied to your post “Y’all. I’m graduating today.”
Thank you!!! 
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ladytudorrose ha respondido a tu publicación “So, I want to make one of those queens + the four elements gifsets,...”
Elizabeth II definitely earth, Anne Neville air.
Ahhhh, great suggestions, thank you! :)
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charlotteelizabeths · 8 years
Queen Elizabeth I, Catherine de Medici
Queen Elizabeth I: What’s your favourite period drama?
The Young Victoria!
Catherine de Medici: Which song reminds you of your favourite historical person?
This one’s so hard, Walton’s Crown Imperial always reminded me of King George VI since it was composed for his coronation
Thank you!
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anna8910 · 6 years
Accepting requests!
I’m accepting requests for dramatic readings for the next fandom tiny chat! Submit me links of the tin hat crazies over the years that you think would benefit from the signature readings! @lovingtheroyals @claireofluxembourg @ladytudorrose @happyroyalist and others can attest to my killer skills!
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sea-dukes-assistant · 7 years
I've never been really in your circle in the fandom but when I found out what happened to you, you 100% have my sympathy and you have made me like Sea Duke when I never did before. All the best to you for 2018!!!
YAY NEW SEA DUKE FAN FUCK YEAH.  Thank you though; I wish you the same.
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seeker-of-depths · 7 years
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Oct 4, 2017. A reading.
So yesterday I asked the cards what I could ease loneliness, and it gave me two cards about introspection. Today I asked what I could to increase self-love. 
To be truthful, I was surprised to receive two pentacles cards. Since pentacles about material, the object world. I thought Pagans would give me cups or swords. However, after reading the guidebook answers, I now see why these two cards about about increasing self-love.
Ace is about manifesting hope. Four is about opening yourself up, and sharing your treasures. Anybody who have been following my daily draws all summer knows I’ve been struggling with both qualities. Yet, this is what the cards tell me I need to become more whole, to become more healthy. 
So thank you Pagans for this lesson. I feel it will take a long time maybe to develop both, but I also think I have already taken good, positive steps to help myself. (The opening up, though. ALWAYS DIFFICULT. Bless my friends like @ladytudorrose who listen to me when I finally cave when I’m down.)  I do need to learn how to be more open with myself everyday though -- which is what tarot and oracle cards are ironically forcing me to do. (I never thought drawing tarot and keeping a journal would be an ~emotional~ diary, but I guess you really do have to look inward when a card asks you to think about something you might be lacking. Or increase the things in yourself that are powerful and good.)
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vintage-royalty · 8 years
Just an FYI if you’re interested in the things I’m interested in you can message me just to fangirl over stuff for a while.
my personal is ladytudorrose
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heavyarethecrowns · 8 years
"The future King Edward VIII referred to his Aunt Victoria as a “Royal Bitch!”" do you think that's true??
I don’t think so but I think if you want a better educated answer I would go to the lovely and very informative @ladytudorrose
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pennywaltzy · 5 years
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So since I am closing down fic commissions (effective 9/20/19), I’m going to make two seperate posts: one for the finished commissions, so they can still be found, and one for outstanding commissions, fo me to use as a checklist. I’m going to remove the individual pages from linking, but these will both be linked on the Graphics/Coding Commissions page for people to find.
finished fic commissions for @chitarra10
A Slip Of The Tongue (1,350 word one-shot; Sherlock; Anderson-centric with Molly) 
Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better (16,288 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sally & Molly-centric with eventual Sherlock/Molly)
Discoveries (3 part series; Sherlock; John/Mary, Sherlock/Molly and Lestrade & Sally friendship)
Her Number (1,473K one-shot; Sherlock; Mycroft/Lady Smallwood & Sherlock)
Imperfection (6,493 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly with Lestrade)
Is There Any Room Large Enough To Hold Their Massive Egos? (2,812 word one-shot; Sherlock/Doctor Who; Molly & Clara-centric with Sherlock & Twelfth Doctor)
The Past Reacts To Future Events (2,847 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock & Mycroft)
What Matters More (10,294 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sally-centric, Sally/Tom, minor Sherlock/Molly, Sally & Molly friendship)
finished fic commissions for @greenskyoverme
A Private Moment (900 word one-shot; Elementary; Joan & Sherlock)
A Wave Of Heartache (900 word one-shot; Sherlock; Molly-centric with past Tom/Molly)
Best To Let Sleeping Dragons Lie (6,003 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series; Khan-centric with Marcus)
Comfortable In My Skin (1,000 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series; McCoy/Spock)
Common Tongue (1,233 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series; Spock/Uhura)
Cupcakes & Conversation (1,402 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly)
Just Another Day In The Life (900 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series; McCoy-centric)
New Family Memories (6,580 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series/Firefly/Doctor Who/Green Lantern/Cowboy Bebop; Kirk & McCoy friendship-centric)
Purring (420 word one-shot; Star Trek: The Original Series; Kirk/Spock - shared with strangelock221b)
The Beauty In Numbers (900 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series; pre-ship McCoy/Spock)
The Start Of A Beautiful Friendship (900 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series; Kirk & Spock)
The Sweetest Of Treats (3,133 word one-shot; Sherlock/Star Trek: Alternate Original Series; Khan/Molly)
To Sink Or To Strive Towards The Light (900 word one-shot; Elementary; Sherlock-centric with past Sherlock/”Irene”)
traces and whispers and guilt held too tightly (1,280 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series; Spock-centric)
finished fic commissions from @strangelock221b
…And She Came Home Again (263 word one-shot; Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries; Jack/Phryne)
A Brilliant Notion (562 word one-shot; Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries; Jack/Phryne)
A Letter To “Santa” (381 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Irene)
A Normal Christmas (350 word one-shot; Doctor Who; Twelve/Clara)
A Walk On The Beach (250 word one-shot; Sherlock; Moran/Molly)
Aftercare (440 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Irene)
Beginning – Middle – End? (879 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series/Sherlock; McCoy/Molly)
Fictober 2018 Stories (collection; 18 stories; various fandoms, various pairings)
Happiness Achieved (542 word one-shot; Sherlock; Mycroft/Irene)
Home Is Where Molly Is (339 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly)
Interest (1,137 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series/Sherlock; Khan/Molly)
Just Want The Best For You (825 word one-shot; Sherlock; Moran/Molly)
Laughter Does A Sex Life Good (368 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Irene - is an M rated story)
More Important Things (544 word one-shot; Sherlock; Moran/Molly & Sherlock)
Nighttime Routines (1,131 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly)
Nine Lives (1,846 word drabble collection; Sherlock/Star Trek: Alternate Original Series/Cabin Pressure/Doctor Strange; Molly-centric, multiple pairings)
Odiferous (526 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly)
Purring (420 word one-shot; Star Trek: The Original Series; Kirk/Spock - shared with greenskyoverme)
Say It With Flowers (1,326 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series/Sherlock; McCoy/Molly)
Snow & Books (797 word one-shot; Sherlock; Mycroft/Molly)
Surviving (849 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly and others)
Tells (665 word one-shot; Captain America; Steve/Natasha)
The Best (392 word one-shot; Doctor Who; Tenth Doctor, Donna Noble & Thirteenth Doctor)
The Comfort Of Counting (585 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly & Rosie)
The Itsy Bitsy Spider (1,571 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly & Mrs. Hudson)
The Molly Letters (400 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series/Sherlock; McCoy/Molly)
The Night Before (464 word one-shot; Captain America; Steve/Peggy)
The Night Before Christmas, And All Was (Not) Well (754 word one-shot; Sherlock/Doctor Who; Sherlock/Amy)
The Paradigm Shift (13,201 word one-shot; Sherlock; Moran/Molly, past Moriarty/Molly and Moriarty/Moran - is a NSFW story)
The Shadow (481 word one-shot; Sherlock; one-sided Moran/Molly)
The Very Secret Diary Of Molly Hooper And The Secrets It Contains (2,801 one-shot; Sherlock; Moran/Molly with Sherlock - is a NSFW story)
They Deserve Better (713 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly)
Up Too Late (444 word one-shot; Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries; one-sided Jack/Phryne)
We’ve Been Told About You And Your Dog (1,087 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series; Spock/Uhura with Carol)
Wedding Jitters (569 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series; Spock/Uhura with Kirk)
What The Honourable Miss Phryne Fisher Does Not Notice (Could Fill A Man’s Thoughts For Days) (335 word one-shot; Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries; Jack/Phryne)
finished fic commissions for @whclocked
A Self-Made Family (508 word one-shot; Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries; Prudence-centric)
A Sense Of Almost Déjà Vu (1,242 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Irene)
Earworm (1,043 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly)
He Tried (1,040 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly)
I Can Explain… (8 part series; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly)
I Was Just Saying Hello (1,274 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly)
In And Out Of Messes (1,519 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly)
In Sync (1,096 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly & OFC)
Meeting Mummy (7,086 word one-shot; Sherlock; Mycroft/Lestrade, Anthea, Sherlock, Mr. Holmes, Mrs. Holmes, OFC)
Nothing As Complex As A First Word (900 word one-shot; Sherlock; John/Mary & Sherlock/Molly)
Repeated Rhythms and Patterns (1,030 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly)
Temptations (1,067 word one-shot; Sherlock; Mycroft/Anthea)
The Littlest Untruth (13,738 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly & Lestrade)
The Case Of The Pholcidae In The Lavatory (900 word one-shot; Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries; Jack/Phryne)
The Kegger (1,143 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series; Kirk & McCoy - shared with greenskyoverme)
Trying To Leave The Past Behind (1,219 word one-shot; Sherlock; Lestrade/Sally)
finished fic commissions for assorted peeps
I - V (4,124 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Irene - written for ladytudorrose for a donation - is a NSFW story)
A Bittersweet Day (790 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sally & her mum with background Sally/Molly - written for onceinabluemoon13 for a reblog)
A Full Belly, A Full Heart & A Lighter Conscience (2,483 word one-shot; Sherlock; Mycroft, Sherlock & John; written for a-studyinsherlock for a donation)
A Well-Timed Rescue (1,017 word one-shot; Sherlock/Doctor Who; pre-ship Lestrade/Donna; written for awinterbornrose for a reblog)  
Do You Want To Be With Somebody Like Me? (41,415 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly - written for bakerst-sherlolly for a donation)
Dreams (3 part series; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series/Sherlock; McCoy/Carol & McCoy/Molly - written for posterofamyth for a donation)
Exquisite Taste (11,673 word one-shot; Sherlock; primarily Sherlock/Molly with Mycroft/Lestrade - written for missymegs2698 for a reblog)
Haunted (6,860 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly with background John/Mary - written for sherlolly-is-jolly as apology for delay in actual donation fic)
Inappropriate Lunchtime Conversations (1,896 word one-shot; Sherlock; Molly & Mary friendship with background Sherlock/Molly & John/Mary; written for @mcbangle for a donation)
Kindness Brings Happiness (2,042 word one-shot; Bleach; Ichigo/Orihime - written for sincerelydayyy for a donation)
Led About On A (Not So) Merry Chase (8,435 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly & John/Mary with Lestrade, Moriarty & Sally - written for sincerelydayyy for a donation)
Mambo No. 1 (1,018 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly - written for narniangriff23 for a reblog)
Maps Of A Life Well-Lived (1,008 word one-shot; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series; Kirk & Spock Prime; written for Felis Blue)
Measure Of A Man (3,171 word one-shot; Marvel Cinematic Universe; Coulson-centric with Nick and Melinda appearances - written for sherlolly-is-jolly for a donation)
More Than Just Numbers On A Wrist (1,397 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly; written for come2myrescue)
Moving Forward Slowly (1,447 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly; written for welcometothelosingside for a donation)
Never Will I Forget The Deep Shadows, Never Will I Waste The Moon’s Light (19,722 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock & Molly-centric with Mycroft & Moriarty - written for sirro134 for a donation)
No More Regrets (36,086 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly, John/Mary, Lestrade/Sally, implied Moriarty/Irene - written for ladysolitaire for a donation)
Possibly Permanent Parting (513 word one-shot; Sherlock/Doctor Who; Eleven/Molly with pining!Sherlock - written for katiebuttercup for a donation)
Sacrifices (3,028 word one-shot; Sherlock; Mycroft/Anthea with asexual!Sherlock - written for applebytezfood for a donation)
Saviors Of All Worlds (series; Star Trek: Alternate Original Series/Marvel Cinematic Universe/Sherlock/Eureka/Vampire Academy with roleplay tweaks; currently at 9 stories; Kirk/Uhura, McCoy/Molly - written for posterofamyth)
snip snip write (2,814 word collection of drabbles; Sherlock, Star Trek AOS, Once Upon A Time, The Flash, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Star Wars: Rogue One, Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, The Mentalist & Elementary; multiple pairings - written for various users for reblogs)
Strip Poker At Buckingham Palace (1,324 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Irene/Molly with Mycroft cameo - written for katiebuttercup for a donation)
Stuff Of Improbable Legends (series; Sherlock/Star Trek: Alternate Original Series/Vampire Academy/Doctor Who/Eureka/MCU/Murder In Suburbia/OUAT/The Scarlet Pimpernel/Elementary/Teen Wolf/Georgina Kincaid series/Farscape/Cabin Pressure/Star Wars/Grey’s Anatomy/Arrow/Supernatural/Endeavour with roleplay tweaks; currently at 118 stories; Kirk/Rose H., McCoy/Molly, Danny/Clara, Zane/Daisy, Elementary!Sherlock/Georgina, Armand/Allison, James/Zoe S., Jackson/Zoe C., Kate/John C., Martin/Rey with John W., Dean, Jo, Finn, Thea, Endeavour, Coulson, Peggy and OCs - written for posterofamyth - has NSFW stories)
Tactile Negotiations (834 word one-shot; Eureka/Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.; pre-ship Zane/Daisy - written for posterofamyth for a donation)
That Is Enough (200 word one-shot; Star Wars: Rogue One; Cassian/Jyn; written for doctor-molly-hooper-holmes for a reblog)
The Art Of Love Is Largely The Art of Persistence (266,753 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly, John/Mary, Mr. Holmes/Mrs. Holmes, OMC/OMC with Lestrade, Sally, OMCs and OFCs - completed for an anonymous donor for a donation - is a NSFW story)
The Best Day Of My Life (2,112 word one-shot; Sherlock; pre-ship Sherlock/Molly with Mary - written for sincerelydayyy for a donation)
To Keep From Sinking (16,661 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock-centeric gen with Molly, John & Mycroft - written for belis86 for a donation)
Unexpected (1,172 word one-shot; Captain America; Steve/Peggy - written for creativereadingfanfiction for a reblog)
What Happened After Sherrinford (1,690 word one-shot; Sherlock; Sherlock/Molly - written for loves-a-good-story for a donation)
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alatariiels · 8 years
Your Top Disney Animated Films List your top 5 and why
Tagged by @thefussymeerkat
1. Hercules - I loved this movie, especially the songs. I can remember playing the first song A Gospel Truth (Part I) over and over and pretending to be the Titans along with my siblings as Zeus cast them down (jumping off the couch lol). But seriously, love the songs, and I love the muses. I like the setting of Ancient Greece, and yet they made it modern in a way. And Hades is a riot.
2. Atlantis: The Lost Empire - This was such a serious and dark film, and I loved it. I loved Milo and the crew as well as Princess Kida. 
3. Mulan - “To be a man” That pretty much says it all. Seriously, though this movie is awesome, I love the story, and the songs. I love Mulan, and that little red dragon guy, Mushu.
4. Sleeping Beauty - A classic and one I did enjoy watching a long time ago as a child. I can never forget the two Kings fighting each other, and of course the fairies arguing over pink and blue. 
5. Zootopia - I just saw this awhile ago, and I really enjoyed it. It tackled important issues such as discrimination and prejudice really well, while inserting  humorous moments, and references (loved the godfather reference) in there. 
I’ll tag some people and some of my followers. You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. @madeleine92posts @ladytudorrose @kdmullerspy @garivem
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Queen Mary: Anyway, it’s a party and I want the whole family there! 
David: We’re having a party?
Queen Mary: ….no. 
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anna8910 · 7 years
Sorry y’all my stream died
@royalrumormonger @ladytudorrose
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sea-dukes-assistant · 7 years
I got off work early today and work from home tomorrow. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
I was so excited when I left work FUCK YEAH HELLA NESTING IN BAE.
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seeker-of-depths · 7 years
Ugh. Since last Friday, I’ve been suffering from a bout of depression, and it has made me not want to work with tarot or oracle cards.
I think it mainly stems from the unexpected bad news -- my grandmother had to go into surgery to remove skin cancer cells. She has had cancer before, but this particular cancer, is rare -- and it’s a deadly skin cancer. We won’t know for another week if the cancer has been completely removed, or if it has spread. With any luck, it hasn’t spread, but we won’t know.
I also think it might be due to PMS as well. I haven’t slept for an entire week, and that is usually a sign that the cycle is about to happen. I usually feel down prior to get my period (once I have it, it goes away, but I can’t shake the mood until then). 
The second thing is a much more minor matter, but I think between the two, it has me feeling little to no energy. (I legit would stay in bed all day if I weren’t working or didn’t have chores to do around the house.) Certainly, I don’t want to be a hermit to this extent, but it’s like -- I have no motivation. (Which is a contrast to last autumn at this time, where I tried to go out to new places at least once a week. I mean, I am happy watching films and TV shows -- and I had no time to do that during the summer -- but I’m not doing anything outside of that.. Even though in my head I think I will, but -- nada when I’m on my day off.)
But it’s made me want NOT to work with my tarot cards. I know the point of tarot is self-discovery, and you have to meditate, and use the insights from the cards whether in good or bad times. I know that. But I guess it’s good that at least I’m not repressing all this. Even though it has taken me a week to own it up and write it out, at least I’m writing this out. So at least I’m being emotionally honest, which is one thing tarot has encouraged me to do more often. (I AM inconsistent in where I am emotionally honest on my blogs, simply because it’s far more easier to keep things pent up and close to the chest, rather than spell it all out.) 
@ladytudorrose, linking you to this post.
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