#lahmacun radio
metalindex-hu · 1 year
Megjelent az Anchorless Bodies és a Satelles közös élő lemeze
Megjelent az Anchorless Bodies és a Satelles közös élő lemeze - https://nuskull.hu/hirek/megjelent-az-anchorless-bodies-es-a-satelles-kozos-elo-lemeze/ -
Kis hazánk két legjobb dallamos hardcore-bandája, az Anchorless Bodies és a Satelles élő splitlemezt adott ki Live at Lahmacun Radio címmel.
Az Anchorless’ ezekkel a felvételekkel koronázza meg a legutóbbi albumát, a Lélekhozó Esőt, ami nálunk is előkelő helyen végzett a tavalyi lemezeldorgálásban, és ami nemrég gyönyörű hanglemez formát is öltött. A Satelles pedig kapva kapott az alkalmon, hogy ők is kicsit elmerengjenek az elmúlt tíz évükön és társak legyenek a “rosszban”. A repertoárban mindegyik csapattól két saját szám szerepel, ezek közül az Otthon és az Our Father, Premonition dalokban egy-egy vegyülés is tetten érhető az énekesek részéről. Ezen kívül még a Hátsó Szándék egyik leghíresebb tételét, a Fiatalon nincsen szép halált is feldolgozták a bandák.
Az autentikus “’80-as évek technológiája” borítót Future Ceremonies készítette, aki már olyan zenekarokkal dolgozott együtt, mint a Turnstile, a Power Trip vagy a One Step Closer. A bandák az “űrmetalos” logóikat is neki köszönhetik. A Lahmacun rádióban készült session videóra is lett rögzítve az Azkollektíva által, így a srácok hamarosan képi formában is betekintést engednek majd a közös rajcsúrba.
A két zenekar mindegyikét el lehet csípni élőben is a hétvégén: a Satelles pénteken Győrben, szombaton pedig Nyíregyházán vendégeskedik a Petofi új kislemezének bemutató bulijain, míg az Anchorless Bodies vasárnap az Instantban játszik a Fiesta de Corbatán, többek közt az amerikai Portrayal of Guilt előtt.
Június 23-án pedig mindkét banda fellép a Petofi budapesti lemezbemutatóján a Dürerben, ahol még pluszban a nemrégiben ismét határait feszegető Heartlapse is csatlakozik a falkához.
Live at Lahmacun Radio by Anchorless Bodies, Satelles
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falsestuff · 4 years
the show is dedicated to unemployment and barely making a living  ... two hours of uplifting music inspired by the financial downs of life 
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matekonkol · 5 years
Köszönöm a meghívást a Lahmacun rádióba, és a beszélgetést Kormos Zsófinak! 
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undsowiesogenau · 3 years
Erinnerung an Lahmacun
Wie Dinge einen Sinn erhalten durch die Verankerung in einer Zeit, an die man sich gern erinnert:
Bei Hanna und Gregor kamen wir am Samstag, obgleich der Abend noch jung und die erste Flasche Wein kaum leer war, schon auf den Stimmungshit »Hier fliegen gleich die Löcher aus dem Käse« aka Polonäse Blankenese von Gottlieb Wendehals, der dann auch sogleich abgespielt wurde, woraufhin mir war, als zöge meine gesamte Jugend wie ebenjene Polonäse nochmal an mir vorbei. Warum eigentlich? Das Lied kam wenige Monate vor mir auf die Welt. Spielte das Radio es mir an meiner Wiege? Wahrscheinlicher ist, dass ich auf Kindergeburtstagen damit Bekanntschaft machte, denn Polonaise gehörte dort damals dazu. Ich hatte bestimmt dreißig Jahre nicht mehr daran gedacht.
Den Friseur Robert hatte ich gefragt, wo in Berlin er was essen würde, wenn er bloß noch einmal im Leben essen gehen könnte. Erstaunlich schnell kam seine Antwort: »Örnek«, Prinzenallee, Lahmacun. Binnen weniger Minuten fielen ihm noch drei, vier weitere Läden ein, die er mir als erste Adressen skizzierte, kulinarisch wie auch vom Ambiente her. Tatsächlich handelte es sich aber, wie ich nach kurzer Recherche unter Kennern jener Läden herausfand, eher um solche Orte, die man im Zuge einer langen Nacht zuverlässig ansteuern konnte. Das passte auch insofern ins Bild, als Roberts Leben sich weitgehend ums Feiern und damit verbundene Substanzen drehte, Essen also eher so etwas war wie Treibstoff, der eben rein musste, damit es weitergehen konnte. Er habe schon herrliche Stunden im »Örnek« verbracht, so Robert.
Heute waren Joachim und ich dort. Der Laden ist so klein, dass niemand darin sitzen kann. Alles nur zum Mitnehmen. Wir kauften zwei Lahmacun, Stück ein Euro, und verzehrten sie auf der Straße. Sie schmeckten sensationell, ganz frisch gebacken, nicht aufgewärmt, außen knusprig. Hatte Robert was ganz anderes erlebt, als er glaubte, aber mit dem richtigen Gefühl abgespeichert?
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seslimeram · 2 years
Sesli Meram #239 - Karşı Radyo (19.07.2022)
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"Doymak nedir bilmeyen bir oburlukla memleketin altı üstüne getirilmeye devam ediliyor halihazırda. Tüketilen kaynakların, yok edilmeye çalışılan doğanın, olabildiğince varlığı sıfırlanmaya çalışılan emeğin tümünün, her şeyin ve hepsinin karşılığında zorbalık rejimi mutlak bir iradeyle sıfırlamaya devam ediyor. Hayatın ucuz, bedelsiz addedilmiş olan her detayında tasarruf hakkını kendisinde bulan bir cüretin suna geldiği yegane şey çok daha fazla baskı / daha aleni bir çalma çırpma eylemidir. Yedikleri, götürdükleri, iç ettikleri ol milyar dolarlar gibi, kamusal müştereklerin de talan edilmesinin sonsuzluğu dahilinde bir kere daha sınırsızlığını imler ak parti. Herkes konuşurken onlar çoktan icraatın dibine tam da köküne inerler. Ülkenin yüzde seksen beşi ile doksanının yoksulluk sınırı kılınmış olan asgari ücrete tamah ettirildiği bir yerde, yüzde bir ile ikilik creme de la creme tabaka ile o iktidardan nemalanan yüzden beş ile on arasındaki bir zümrenin hayatı vur patlasın çal oynasın kıldıkları dokuz günlük bayramlık mesaileri ilerleme olarak zikredilir. Dönemin tam da sureti olan, birkaç on liraya su, birkaç yüz liraya lahmacun, birkaç on bin liraya ancak var edilen akşam yemekleri, bilmiyoruz gündelik ücreti kaç yüz dolarlık kiralanan sahalar, localar, zıkkımın kökleri, alt alta üst üste Alaçatılar, Marmarisler, Bodrumlar ve daha nereler nereler / kimler kimler ile peşkeşler, yeni kasetler, anlaşmalarla yapmacık değil doğrudan yağma güncellenir. Doymak nedir bilmeyen oburlukla iç eden piyonların varlığı bir başarı hikayesi gibi sunulur." sesli meram
podcast image credit: statue:::simon lee:::unsplash
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loopdrivemicro · 4 years
One of my tracks was used in a mix for a Hungarian online radio station, LAHMACUN RADIO. Thank you very much. It's kind of cool that it's mixed on the same axis as warp69 / "Natural High". https://t.co/08YjdP4ZWc
— wat / loopdrive (@shugoh) March 8, 2021
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falsestuff · 5 years
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falsestuff · 5 years
ma este ismét RNR666 Radio Show a Lahmacun műsorán!
az adás két szempontból is rohadt különleges:
- egyrészt mert kerek egy éve indítottuk újra ezt az egész rádió őrületet és a kezdeti kvázi koncepciótlanságból valahogy mégis kikerekedett valami érdekes. ebben a műsorban az égadta világon semmilyen tabu, vagy szabály nincsen (igaz, rendszeresen el is kúrtunk ezt-azt). ennek alátámasztására ékes példaként tudnám felhozni, hogy az elmúlt év legtöbbet szerepeltetett előadója Csókos Miska volt (szerény számításaim szerint legalábbis)
- másrészt az előbb említett weird étoszt reményeink szerint fokozni tudjuk, ugyanis a mai adásban olyan zenék lesznek, amiket enyhén szólva vegyesen fogadtak megjelenésük idején. szóval lesz bőven botrányosan szar zene, meg csemegék, meg zavarba ejtő dolgok, de hol van ugye a határ mindezek között? tényleg kell-e jó ízlés ahhoz, hogy élvezhessük a ízléstelen alkotásokat (ahogy azt mondta volt John Waters)? nem képmutatás bármit is magas piedesztálról guilty pleasure-nek bélyegezni? na be is fejeztem az okoskodást, mert tökre nem kenyerünk az ilyesmi. 
kezdődik: Budapesti idő szerint este 6 órakor (illetve ha technikai malőr van, akkor lahmacuni idő szerint---)
tart: két teljes órát, reklámok nélkül (éppen ezért tökre jófej vagy, ha adományoddal támogatod a Lahmacun rádiót, hiszen stúdióbérlésre, eszközökre folyamatosan kell a pénz... )
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falsestuff · 5 years
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falsestuff · 4 years
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falsestuff · 6 years
Elmex - Heavy Metal (1986)
Van egy viszonylag új underground community rádió, a Lahmacun, van rajta egy viszonylag új műsorszámunk, az RNR666 Radio Show és ma este jön új adás ‘Metál Káosz’ címmel (erős understatement)
Szombat esténként 18:00-20:00 a Lahmacun rádió műsorán, archívum az RNR666 Mixcloudon!
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loopdrivemicro · 4 years
ハンガリーのオンラインラジオ局、LAHMACUN RADIOでのミックスにて自分のトラックが使われてました。ありがとうございます。 warp69 / "Natural High" と同じ軸線上でミックスされてるのちょっとグッときますね。 ▶ Infinite Scroll 031 @ Lahmacun Radio by gilbertpomelo https://t.co/YXsNl2yWZQ
— wat / loopdrive (@shugoh) March 8, 2021
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easterndaze · 3 years
Easterndaze x Berlin 2021 - Community Radio special Archive
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Community radios from Central and Eastern Europe connected through the Easterndaze Berlin platform. Easterndaze Berlin On Air facilitated conversation and exchange between diverse voices which you can follow both locally and all over the world. Joining the project were Radio Kapital from Warsaw, Lahmacun Radio from Budapest, IDA Radio from Tallinn/Helsinki and Cashmere Radio from Berlin. Showmakers and musicians contributed to a week of collaborative broadcasting practices, creating and developing new collective experiments in radiophonic formats. Easterndaze Berlin On Air took place from April 19th to April 23rd.
You can listen to the whole archive here. Screenshot: Natalie Mets
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easterndaze · 3 years
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From March to September 2021
As the world is unraveling this past year, cultural events in physical space remain postponed indefinitely. Most of these happenings have shifted online with artists and audiences atomized across the world, connecting via 0s and 1s. With Easterndaze x Berlin, the connection between communities and collectives will be symbolic - it will not happen physically per se, nor via online streams or virtual get-togethers. The collaborations will take place in the form of a compilation and zine, a video installation, a week-long community radio marathon, and a presentation of historical and contemporary music videos.
"An Embrace" is a collaborative project between the Bulgarian experimental music collective Amek and the German music label Vaagner. “An Embrace” is a mutual undertaking which aims to create a bridge between two communities from different cultural environments in Eastern and Western Europe, by pairing artists from the respective regions into four duos. The final results will be compiled and presented as a joint release of Amek and Vaagner, comprising both a limited edition cassette tape, and an accompanying riso-printed zine - formats that have been the key element of DIY labels and initiatives for many decades. The zine will offer further insight into the creative process of the release, including interviews with the artists and information about the activities of the labels involved.
The Double is an immersive installation by Holly Childs & Gediminas Žygus (Hydrangea), presented by Subtext Recordings. The Double is part of a fictitious quantum entangled network of European colonial gardens with which the artist duo is engaging. In The Double, botanical spaces are problematised, as sites of camouflaged violence, of appropriation and deletion. This iteration of the work takes place on the twin islands of Bärenzwinger, formerly used to cage captive city bears, and engages with the history of Köllnischer Park, once owned by the Freemason lodge. The Double will be presented to limited audiences as listening sessions on the evenings of 10, 11, 12 September 2021. Community radios from Central and Eastern Europe will connect through the Easterndaze x Berlin platform in an effort to encourage collaboration between these DIY mediums which play a crucial role in their respective artistic and community milieus (being implicitly political, especially in Poland and Hungary). The project’s participants are these community radios from Central or Eastern Europe: Radio Kapital from Warsaw, Lahmacun Radio from Budapest and IDA Radio from Tallinn/Helsinki, hosted by Berlin's Cashmere Radio. The project will encompass a week-long collaborative programming (including swapping shows and moderators - ie. a Cashmere Radio show would be moderated and presented - in a way remixed, or recontextualised - on Lahmacun by their own moderators, etc). The week will culminate in a live broadcasting session and a panel talk about the issue of community radios on Friday, 23 April.
A selection of current and past music videos from the CEE region will be shown at Zönotéka in Berlin's Neukölln, a collaboration with the Klipzona project, an archive of audiovisual music from Central and Eastern Europe, from the 1960s to the present.
Design: Elod Janky: http://elodjanky.com/ More information: https://berlin.easterndaze.net/
Easterndaze x Berlin first took place in 2016 as a music festival and film series geared to present music from Eastern European DIY music scenes in Berlin, where music from Eastern European countries is underrepresented despite the city’s proximity to Central and Eastern Europe, drawing on the Easterndaze project which aims to inform about underground music of the CEE region. Other key aims were the facilitation of cooperation and networking of these scenes and contributing in a small way to changing the exoticizing discourse often still rooted in Cold War clichés.
Two further editions took place in 2018 and 2019, also facilitating such collaborative works as the split tape of Exiles, Technologie + das Unheimliche and Total Black imprints.
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greenbagjosh · 4 years
Day 3 - Degerloch cog rail ride, the three leg train ride to Lausanne, trolleybusses and visit to the Vaca Lechera
Friday, 8 September 2000
Buongiorno!  Grüß Gott!  Bonjour!  
Hello and welcome to the 17 day journey of September 2000.  
Today is 8th September 2000 and a Friday.  We will be going to Lac Léman, or Lake Geneva, in particular Lausanne, the Olympic Committee headquarters city.  But first, we will go on a morning adventure as my jetlag had not yet gone away.  
About 4:45 AM I woke up and took my video camera with me.  I went to the Metzstraße U-Bahn station.  I noticed something interesting about the U Bahn, as there are two gauges, one the 1 meter gauge for the GT-4 trams, then served by line 15 and went past the current Hostelling International Youth Hostel at Eugensplatz, ending at the tram loop at Ruhbank, and it still operates on Sundays as a special exhibition service.  The other is the 1.435 meter gauge known as standard gauge and is used also by most of Europe's mainline trains.  Many stations on the line have low floor sections for the meter gauge trams, and the newest DT-8 series that used the tracks that GT-4 used, had to have foldable steps for the stations where both train types serve, for example the Bad Cannstatt station that also has a connection to the S-Bahn.  The U Bahn has since been renovated and almost all stations have exclusively high floor platforms and only standard gauge, save for a few along the special exhibition line 21.  
I took the U Bahn line 1 at 5:20 AM from Metzstraße to Bad Cannstatt through Mineralbäder, which would terminate at Fellbach.  The Bad Cannstatt U Bahn station at the time, had only low floors, and the U1, U2 and U14 that stopped there, had to use the folding steps.  Bad Cannstatt, among many U Bahn stations in Stuttgart, were upgraded with high platforms as the line 15 in its previous form was converted to a full high floor stepless U Bahn.  I watched when I went to the S Bahn to ride into downtown, the U1 pull away in the direction of Fellbach, sort of northeast of Stuttgart.
About 5:40 AM the first S Bahn arrived at Bad Cannstatt.  It was of the ET420 train series, built in the early 1970s, that I remember from as far back as September 1983, and also in the 1990s when I lived in Frankfurt am Main and Munich.  I took it to Schwabstraße, so that I could come back to Rotebühlplatz / Stadtmitte on the newer ET423 trains.  The S Bahn went first to Hbf, then Rotebühlplatz, Feuersee, and Schwabstraße where the line terminated.  I took the next S Bahn back to Rotebühlplatz, and ended up at 6 AM at Calwer Turm.  The pedestrian shopping area was almost completely deserted, though there were a few busses circulating through downtown Stuttgart.  I walked to Rotebühlplatz and found a Döner Kebap seller open and ready to serve not only Döner Kebap but also Lahmacun, the turkish rollup pizza that I have enjoyed since June 1993.  I ate it before going on the southbound U Bahn train to Charlottenplatz and then to Marienplatz, to connect with line 10, the Zahnradbahn, otherwise known as the cog rail that went uphill east and south to Degerloch.
I had to wait at Marienplatz until the train left at 6:49 AM for Liststraße, Pfaffenweg, Haigst and Degerloch.  I had rode it a previous time on Saturday 2nd August 1997, so I had some idea what to expect.  The line 10 train split at Wielandshöhe for the other train to come down.  On each train is a bicycle rack, always at the south end in front of the train if you look at it if you are at Marienplatz.  Between Pfaffenweg, Wielandshöhe and Haigst, you can see quite an interesting view of the Neckar Valley and downtown Stuttgart.  After Haigst but before Nägelestraße, I could see the per-liter prices for fuel in D-Mark.  It was about 1.90 D-Mark for a liter, about one Euro.  At the time, the US Dollar had more value than the Euro.  Just before 7 AM, the train reached Degerloch U Bahn Station, which was underground.  Already the train was maybe 1,000 feet above sea level, probably 400 feet above downtown Stuttgart.  I took a 7:03 AM train to the next stop at Albstraße so that I could come into the station and then head back to the hotel in time for breakfast.
I took the 7:10 AM train which was stepless, so it could not be operated on the same line as the GT-4 tram line 15.  I took it through a couple of tunnels passing through Weinsteige, Bopser, Olgaeck, and Charlottenplatz.  I had to change at Charlottenplatz to a train for Metzstraße.  While at Dobelstraße, I noticed a sign for one of those floor waxer rental places, plus a Döner Kebap shop.  I made it to the hotel about 7:45 AM.  Breakfast was similar to what I had in Igls at Pension Oswald, coffee, bread rolls, jam, cheese, sliced meats and so on.
I packed up and took a shower in the hallway bathroom.  In the meantime I had my radio on, and it recorded "Let's get loud" by Jennifer Lopez, "Never be the same again" by Mel C of the Spice Girls, "Desire" by Ultra Naté, "Everything is coming up roses" by Black, and "Groovejet (if this ain't love)" by DJ Spiller with Sophie Ellis-Bextor on vocals.  I watched a few videos while packing up, including "Will the real Slim Shady please stand up" by Eminem.  Then about 9 AM I brought my luggage down, and checked out.  I think it cost $45.00 for the night.  I took the U Bahn to Hbf, but got a notion to take the S Bahn past the University and take it back to Hbf, as the train to Karlsruhe would not depart until at least 10:04 AM.  
The train left at 10:05 AM for Karlsruhe.  It went past Zuffenhausen, the factory where Porsches are built, then Pforzheim.  The train went very fast, maybe 100 mph through a few tunnels as they were zoned for 120 mph travel if the signals permitted, and about 10:35 AM the train arrived in Karlsruhe Hbf so I could change to the train that stopped at Basel Badischer Bahnhof, Basel SBB and Olten where I would change again.  The second train was at Baden Baden about 11:24 AM, and an hour later, 12:42 PM it was at the last station in Germany, Basel Badischer Bahnhof.  It is a special train station, where the train platforms are considered to be in Germany, but the station lobby is considered to be past the Swiss border and legally in Switzerland.  Basel SBB is entirely in Switzerland.  There was no border check or passport control that time, only the conductor checking my Eurail Pass.  The train crossed the Rhine at 12:47 PM into Birskopf BS before entering the SBB/SNCF station.  The train stopped at Basel SBB about 12:51 PM, to change directions.  I turned on the radio and the Let's Get Loud song by Jennifer Lopez was played on the then-DRS3 station.  They changed call letters to SRF3 a few years ago, I guess 2015, music format in 2020 is essentially the same as in September 2000.  The train left Basel SBB about 1:15 PM for Olten, and went past Pratteln, Liestal and Sissach but did not stop.  
My first transfer in Switzerland happened about 1:45 PM at Olten.  I changed to an Inter Regio that went through the Canton of Solothurn and western Argovia that borders the half-canton of Basel-Landschaft.  It stopped at Oensingen (not Önsingen), Solothurn, Grenchen Süd (Grenchen Nord is for the line between Biel/Bienne and Delémont in the Canton of Jura), Biel/Bienne, Neuchatel (Neuenburg in German), Yverdon Les Bains and Lausanne.
I had the radio on between Olten and Biel/Bienne.  I had the radio tuned to the local RSR (Radio Suisse Romande), a French-language radio station.  They were playing classic songs of the late Serge Gainsbourg.  One of which was "Pauvre Lola" from 1964.  
About Grenchen Süd the train enters the Canton of Bern and the last station before crossing the unofficial "Röstigraben" is Biel (German) or Bienne (French).  What is the Röstigraben?  It is the linguistic boundary between the German and French speaking parts of Switzerland.  In German, the French speaking part of Switzerland is called the Westschweiz, and the German speaking part of Switzerland is called the Deutschschweiz, or "Düütschschwiiz" in Swiss German.  In French, the French speaking part of Switzerland is called La Suisse Romande.  On the trains, you can notice that the next-station chimes are different depending on which region of Switzerland you are in.  In the German part, there is a low-high-medium chime, and in the French part there is a high-medium-low chime, and in the Ticino there is a medium-medium-low chime.  You can put those all together played fast, which was the standard practice for journeys starting and ending.
The train left Biel/Bienne about 2:30 PM and some time after 3:20 PM the train was in the canton of Neuchatel, so I was in the outer fringes of the Suisse Romande.  The train continued to Lausanne.  I would have arrived there about 4 PM.  I bought a day pass for about 5 CHF.  I had to find the Gare-Flon cog rail line entry.  The entry was a bit north of the rail station.  At the time the CFF station had two adjacent tracks, both with cogs but neither were exactly at the same incline grade.  Both terminated at the Flon uphill transit hub, and at some point there was a track switch for the Gare-Flon line to the main Gare-Ouchy, pronounced as Ooshee.  At Flon, there was a stepless connection to the M1 that went to Renens, about fifteen miles west of Lausanne, and there was also a train station a level below that went to Etagnières.
In 2000, the trolley busses consisted of a regular bus, plus a trailer with doors controlled by the driver.  They seemed older than most of the trolley busses as you would see in Geneva, and did not have any next-stop announcements aside from the dot-matrix visual displays, as opposed to Geneva.
I took the 4:30 PM M1 train to Bourdonnette where there was a connection to the trolleybus line 2 that stopped by the Jeunôtel at the Bois de Vaux stop.  There were a couple of underground stops but most were at the surface.  I walked to the Jeunôtel with my luggage, and checked in about 4:45 PM.  I had a single room which actually was a 3 person bedroom without private shower, that would cost maybe $20 extra for the two nights.  
I ate supper at the hostel, and I think it was chicken, rice, salad and soft drinks.  The price was about 16 CHF, not bad.  At 5:30 PM I went to the Bois de Vaux trolleybus stop, boarded line 2 for Bourdonnette and took the M1 in.  I ended up at Flon about 5:50 PM and I walked around downtown.  I wanted to find a particular clothing store called the Vaca Lechera.  I saw an ad for it, in travel documentation that the city of Lausanne has sent me by mail a few months prior, I guess April 2000.  I thought about eating at the Manora restaurant but I decided maybe at a later time.  About 7:20 PM I was getting tired, and took the Flon-Ouchy cog rail train to Ouchy and take bus line 2 to Bois de Vaux to the hostel.  I decided from then on, that the combination of the Flon-Ouchy train to Ouchy and bus line 2 to Bois de Vaux, would be a better route to take.
I went to bed about 9 PM, and was excited for the next morning to get to go to Geneva and Bellegarde in France.
I hope you will join me again in the next story, Saturday 9th September 2000.  We will bring our country total to five out of seven.
Buona notte!  Gute Nacht!  Bonne nuit!  Good night!
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