#laito sakakamki smut
nightowlfandom · 3 years
The Sakamaki Brothers - Bravery Is A Cute Look On You. (Part 2/?)
Yo, I’m starting to get into skincare. If anyone has like any good brands American or not IDC (amazon,wishtrend,yesstyle whatever), could ya’ll drop them? My skin and self esteem will thank you.
also friendly reminder
You watched as the rogue vampire threw Yui right into your arms. Yui had a horrible bruise on her head. 
“Yui!” you hugged her to your chest and she buried her head into your head, refusing to let go.
“Y/N!” She sobbed.
“Get away from me!” You grunted, kicking in the face of another vampire that has grabbed your ankle. You pulled Yui to her feet, standing up as well. You grabbed a vase and hauled it towards the intruders as you stumbled back. Yui was still connected to your arm, afraid to let go.
“You know for someone who fucking hates me, you’re holding on way to damn tight.” you grunted, throwing another vase.
“I’m scared okay!? And you’re better than nothing!”
“Gee, thanks sis.” you sighed. 
The rogue vampire, angered finally got a good grasp on your ankle again. How he managed to, you’ll never know. You were ripped away from Yui who cried out to you. You landed on your back and were dragged to the other side of the room.
“Say goodbye to your bride, Sakamaki punks.” he snarled, crawling over you.
You had been home alone with Yui all day, giving the rogues room to break in.
“Y/N!!” you heard.
Every single Sakamaki brother stood at the front door.
“Oh, good to see you’ve come to see the show...”
Before you knew it, you felt a blistering pain in your shoulder. A scratch? No, a deep gash.
“Y/N!!” Kanato shouted first. You didn’t register the other men deciding to fight the other vampires to rush in. Ayato rushed to your side, tearing your jacket sleeve off. The vampire was thrown off you, courtesy of Reiji.
You crawled backwards as vampire limbs were thrown all over the place. Yui was completely frozen. She almost had to watch you die. 
“Always getting into trouble cutie-chan.” Ayato giggled, scooping you up into his arms. “Lucky for you, I’m always here.”
... (Three days later)
You were already back on your feet. Someone had to do the chores. Yui sure as hell wasn’t gonna do it. With your right ankles, left arm and right shoulder all bandaged up, you had duties. You had to do them.
Even at night school. You had duties.
“Y/N What happened to you!!” your friend, Mika asked as she rushed over. 
“Nothin’ just a slight injury. I’m fine.” you waved her off. You leaned against the lockers, listening to her talk about her week.
The boys were all casually chatting as they walked into the school. Of course they couldn’t help but acknowledge the other girls who swooned over them. It wasn’t until Laito landed his eyes on you.
He tore his eyes away from some random girl and ran over to you.
“Why hello there Sexy-chan.” Laito threw an arm around you just as you saw your friend off. “Come here.” you were gently pushed against the lockers...in front of everyone. “You left so rudely today, our driver told you you completely shut down the idea of riding to school with us.”
“I didn’t want to cause a scene...much like you are right now.” you whispered.
“What can I say.” he bit his lip. Before you knew it, Laito had laid a kiss on your lips. You could hear gasping from all around.
 “How’s your ankle?”
“Functioning?” you squeaked as he stepped back. “Everyone saw that you know-”
“So everyone knows...you’re mine.” he winked. “Walk to class with me.” he grabbed your good arm and led you down the hallway.
You tried to ignore the glares on you as Laito threw his blazer around you. You passed Yui who was busy evading her own gang of rabid fangirls who wanted to kill her. 
You then noticed you were nowhere near your classroom. In fact you were even more taken aback when you were thrown into an empty classroom.
“Laito? We’re supposed to be in class!”  you sighed. “What game are you trying to play now?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” he giggled. “I missed you, and I want you.” he kissed your lips, parting them with his tongue. 
Laito ran his hands up under your skirt and held your ass.
“Damn man, without us?” Ayato’s voice cut through the air.
“Why am I not surprised.” I whimpered.
“You idiots took too long.” Laito scoffed. “I was starting to thing you guys actually liked Yui for once.” he said as he kissed down your jaw.
“Dream on...ooooh Cutie-chan!” Ayato sang, yanking you from Laito. “How are you? How’s your shoulder?” He asked cutely. “That bad guy hurt my favorite shoulder to bite you.” he pouted. “I have to bite you on your naughty place then.”
“W-wait! We’re doing this in a classroom?” You felt Ayato shrug off your blazer.
“Yes, in a classroom!” they all chorused. Your head was turned to Kanato who crashed his mouth over yours. 
You shook in your shoes, feeling Kanato at your other side. He traced his lip up your jawline. He unbuttoned your shirt, trailing his slimy tongue down your neck. 
“Y-you guys-” your whimpered. “What if we get caught?”
“Then whoever walked in will get a show.” Ayato lowered himself to his knees, grabbing your skirt and hiking it up. He began kissing your thigh. “My cutie-chan.”
“My sexy chan.” Laito broke his kiss to laugh maniacally.
“My Y/N chan!” Kanato grabbed your wrist and sunk his fangs into your wrists. Laito invaded your mouth with his tongue just as Ayato sunk his fangs into your thigh. 
“Cutie-chan.” Ayato sang. “Whose my good girl?”
You sat on the kitchen counter, eating a bowl of cereal. Yes it was two in the morning, but you were hungry.
“You’re away.”
You watched Reiji walk into the kitchen, grabbing a random wine glass.
“So are you.” you smiled. “Staying up late I see.”
“Well cleaning up has put a damper in my mood.” you watched as he poured himself some wine. “You seem to be getting back into the swing of things.”
“How’s Yui doing?”
“She’s alive...if you can call it that. I’m more worried about you...”
“I’m alright, still healing but alright.” you took another bite.
“You’re very strong for a human...I like that.” He smirked, raising his glass to his lips.
“I have to be when dealing with you guys.” you joked. 
“Y/N...you have um-”
Before he even said it, you felt it. The drop of milk down your chin, trail all the way down your neck. “Ah!” you put your now empty bowl down. “I’m such a slob.” you grabbed a napkin, only to be stopped.
“Allow me.” Reiji set his wine glass down next to you. You were gonna ask what he meant, but were stopped when he lowered himself to be eyelevel with your collarbone.
“Reiji...huu-” you felt him trail his tongue up your collarbone, up your chin. It was then he kissed your lips. You could taste the wine on his tongue as he brushed your own. Reiji held the side of your face, moving his lips against yours in painfully slow sync. 
“Y/n, if you’d please follow me to my study.” Reiji breathed as he pulled away. “I need to speak with you about something...” 
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