#lala liveblog
pilferingapples · 1 year
oh no live blog of Lala land
starting with a traffic jam and the NOISE is a terrible start
the ACTUAL SONG is maybe worse, this is like. Sparkling Elevator Music.
the extras are selling this dance sequence
this movie is banking hard on my having feelings about Hollywood and California that I absolutely do not have
blah blah struggling actress, L5Y did it better
Another song!! it is also. Bad.
why are these songs so nothing
why is the lead actress either not strong vocally or being coached to be not strong vocally
it's all very aesthetic so far but there's zero warmth? it's trying SO hard to be Golden Age Musical but it's missing all the fun, somehow
Lead Girl's friends insisted she come out to a party and then DITCHED HER?? and left her to walk home alone while drunk?!? they are roomies this is gonna be awkward as hell
...I am fifteen minutes in, this is all somehow worse than I expected
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lalalaugenbrot · 1 year
Adams ganze komische Ausdrücke und Redewendungen (zu Matschepampe gehauen, Sie stinken ja wie ein Iltis, dein Schwur ist Dreck unterm Nagel), ich weiß, das ist vermutlich eher Hendriks eigene Sprache, die da durchschimmert, aber in einer perfekten Welt hätte Hendrik das extra so angelegt, weil es klingt alles wie etwas, das jemand sagen würde, der sehr viel liest, insbesondere Fantasy, Science Fiction und Comics
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gobbie-boom · 10 months
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anyway, festive jiji time
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fyeahgustavo · 1 year
i love telemundo
theres no alexi or carli there
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zipmode · 9 months
I cant fucking get a fucking p rank on the cerberus boss fight [head in hands] its always the style im beating these fuckers in a minute or less but my style isn't cool enough. This really is hell.
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themynock · 2 months
omg nana........
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the-evil-pizza · 1 year
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the normal reaction to a lalafell
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ace-with--a-mace · 2 years
we said most POWERFUL, not the prettiest
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wordsmith30 · 2 years
Black Lightning 1×04: “Black Jesus”
It’s been a while since my last liveblog, but I am back on my DCTV show binge once again!
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Let’s get into it!
So, to recap: the Reverend and Khalil were shot during the march, Anissa was seen flirting with Grace (despite the fact that she still has a girlfriend), and Jefferson believes that he needs to be doing better (he’s right). Lawanda’s death has really shaken him. Lala’s dead and we’re about to see the aftermath of the protest.
Jefferson finds a boy in the bathroom on Green Light, a very powerful street drug – so powerful that the kid rips a sink clean off the wall and flings it at Jefferson’s head. 
Jefferson is able to take him down, but he has to electrocute him. I was afraid he was going to kill him.
Shortly afterwards, Anissa finds two of her students trying to buy drugs from these guys on the corner. These boys just love to threaten people, don’t they? She makes a note of their location for later.
The nurses’ attitude towards Khalil’s condition is a perfect example of medical racism. And one of them has the nerve to say “What” when Jennifer tells them off. Isn’t it your job to help people and put them on a path to recovery?
We learn that Tobias only got in with Lady Eve and her people because he allegedly killed Black Lightning. Now that Black Lightning has returned to the stage, his reputation is in jeopardy. He now has to finish what he started.
I think Jefferson is being awfully unfair about the whole track situation. “I know you’ve been through a lot …” Yeah, she was kidnapped by The 100 gang and had her life threatened multiple times, even getting assaulted by a kid who shot fake blood at her! Give her a break! These are children, not soldiers.
Dinner with the Hendersons is quite eventful. Jefferson can barely contain his smug smile while Anissa praises Black Lightning’s efforts as a superhero. Little do they know, she’s talking about herself as much as she is him as she also wants to do more. And then poor Lynn is just trying to remind everyone how dangerous and frightening it is to engage in vigilantism (cough, cough). If only these children knew!
Anissa’s would-be heroism takes a dark turn when she goes after the two dealers from earlier in “disguise” and then has to call an ambulance. Whoops! 😅
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Again, I love the realism on this show. Things never go exactly the way we plan them in our heads. You have to be careful.
Jefferson confronts his old buddy, Two-Bits, about the Green Light supply. When that doesn’t go anywhere, he tries Plan B. That bar clears out fast when Black Lightning shows up!
I just love the dynamic he has with the public. Black Lightning’s so cool, I gotta get a selfie with him before he knocks me out! 😂
You can tell Jennifer was hoping for a bigger reaction when she told Khalil she quit the track team. She did it for you, dummy!
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The drug case with Jefferson’s student, Bernard, prompts the school board to claim final say on disciplinary actions. As if Jefferson doesn’t have enough to worry about. He knows their interests don’t lie in the students, but in their own reputation. Black teens are already overpoliced and criminalized, and held to unreasonable standards. They need people who will stand by them and fight for them, and allow them the space to make mistakes. Who will allow them the chance to grow from them.
Tobias calls in his younger sister, Tori, to help him take down Black Lightning.
Jefferson follows Two-Bits’ lead to the Green Light warehouse and tries out his new electric-vision goggles. Meanwhile, Anissa gets into a scrap with a bunch of guys harassing Grace. 
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I ship it. 😁
And to think Jefferson was so close to finding her out. She was right next door!
Gambi manages to pull up footage from the attack, but he doesn’t get Anissa’s face. Still, he continues to leave Jefferson in the dark. I really don’t trust this man … (and how is it any safer for you to go and investigate?)
When Bernard’s father calls Jefferson – beaten and bloody, and looking for help – I was afraid Bernard had gone rogue and turned on his dad, just like what happened with Jefferson. Gambi did say one hit from Green Light would make people hooked. But it was The 100 gang.
Jefferson suits up to save Bernard and beat up some thugs! (Also, I’m sorry, but Cress’ stunt double is so distinguishable 😆).
Tori suggests a more indirect approach to nail Black Lightning. Tobias decides to become Khalil’s mysterious benefactor and poison his mind against the hero who supposedly landed him in the hospital.
Not good. Very not good!
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luminecho · 2 years
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Ah it’s you
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impulstor · 3 years
tango: i’m with endless for life
endless: yea we’re making out
lala: no, no, its brody that wants to make out
brody: yeah, i do
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lalalaugenbrot · 1 year
ich hasse es so sehr, wie Leo und Adam in HdW 'den Lehrer' die ganze Zeit 'den Lehrer' nennen, wo dass doch ihr Lehrer war oder zumindest Adams, aber Leo wird ihn ja auch mindestens vom Sehen gekannt haben?? 'Herr Lausch' muss das heißen, 'Herr Lausch'
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gobbie-boom · 2 years
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literally the only thing im looking forward to in ffxiv rn is hrothgals so im bringing runa back until theyre finally here
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fyeahgustavo · 1 year
thank god for the mute button
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aqpuppy · 4 years
I’m... sad
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noctswife · 4 years
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Some friends and I raided another friend’s house in ffxiv today and fucked around for an hour—that is, until she found out and came over to kill us 
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