#lance mcclain. musings / feel like i’m the worst so i always act like i’m the best
ahsterism · 2 years
tag drop pt. 10: misc cartoons
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ahsterism-aa · 4 years
✧・゚ tag drop: animated muses (pt 2)
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ahsterism-a · 4 years
NOT TO BE ON MY LANCE BULLSHIT BUT “ i’m still trying everything to get you laughing at me / and i’m still a believer but i don’t know why / i’ve never been a natural, all i do is try, try, try / i’m still on that trapeze / i’m still trying everything to keep you looking at me ” ooOGDHFFDHFDHKSDJJDSDSSDhHHH
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ahsterism-a · 4 years
i am begging tumblr to stop deleting my tags
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ahsterism-a · 4 years
i never posted these tags did i,,,
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