#lancity and I´m being kind here
kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Tails au (part 11)
N/A: This goes on, I suppose. Kurt deals with Jelly, Amanda is going cray cray, Lance asks Kitty out and Tabby is the one sane here. Also, I promised myself a bit of Romy and I should keep it.
Rogue is a slouch on the coach too akin of a cat and lost in the narrative of her book and only manages to notice she was smiling when Kitty enters in the room and mentions her big and goofy smile. “Hey, was the date that good?” Kitty teased and Rogue frowns back and puts the book down.
“Ah not dating him…Ah mean” now Rogue pauses for a moment and looks at the poker card Remy gave to her on their first meeting. “Ah don´t know anymore…that damn swap rat does not seem to mind that if he kisses me he´ll be knocked out” Rogue concludes and Kitty, putting her jacket down and now is organizing some of her material for her art class.
“Isn´t that a good thing?” Kitty asked as her ears tingle a little and the tip of said cat-like ears are asking to be treated and Kitty, silently complaining about that and a bit curious, managed to pet her own ears and is proud for not have pour after that.
And Rogue bites her lips tasting the black lipstick she used and then she confessed. “Ah´d not know. Ah don´t want to hurt him…and at any moment he can get tired of a girl he can´t really kiss…” Rogue now looks defeated and Kitty can´t leave her friend feeling like that.
“There´s a show called Pushing Daisies where the main couple can´t physically touch themselves for magic reasons so they use plastic film to touch…here an idea” Kitty suggested and Rogue tosses a pillow at Kitty, but, she is indeed considering the idea.
When Lance finally asked Kitty out it seems as if a spell as cast and the Brotherhood seems to get a case extremely good luck for all the mutants presents in this group, for example, Quicksilver won´t have to deal with his father anymore (a huge relief for his mind), Toad and Fred are getting more simple tasks and Mystique is not being too harsh with them, Mystique is too busy doing whatever and is not using them …which is a huge relief and finally, Lance is on cloud nine.
“Someone is in love” Pietro states on the couch watching TV. The house is in better shape than before and the mutants of this group vow to leave the house in such a way for as much as possible. “What you´ll do in this date?”
And then Lance stops smiling and thinks about his only plan of dialogue. “Talk about how the X-men sucks?”
“Talk about something else?”
Jean Grey was playing with her powers and lifting the key to Scott´s car when someone rings the doorbell of the mansion and Logan, the one closer of the door, is not happy to see a member of Brotherhood with flowers and ask for Kitty. His claws speak for himself.
“What are you doing here?” Logan is not happy. His claws make sure of that and Lance is no fool to think he can take down Wolverine. Jean, wanting to avoid bloodshed intervenes.
“What´s going on?” she asked and she can put one and one together but is better to have all the facts first. Kitty arrives quickly and she told how Lance asks her to a date and she said yes and again, is vital to point out, Logan is not happy about it.
Jean is neither, but, she is diplomatic enough. “And where you two will go?” she asked neutral and the answer seems innocent enough, a movie date, and well, Jean is not her mother.
Kurt was doing his chores when he heard Logan´s growls and is quick to teleport to see Lance with flowers and talking about a movie date with Kitty (for some reason, he really wished Logan would tear the flowers down along with Lance-and yes, this thought scares him a little) and is not happy when Kitty did confirm this movie date.
Will you let her go, Jean?
What you want me to do? Say no? Kitty grows up to deal with her own business…
And Logan is the one interrogating the boy, Lance, and not being very approving of this movie date, but, if no one else will oppose (and he can´t dictate who she dates or not) then he´s bound to let Kitty go to Lance, much to Kurt´s dismay.
“Ok, thanks for not murdering, Lance” Kitty speaks. “and see you later, Kurt” and she waves at the dark corner where one Kurt Wagner was hiding and wonders how she saw him there.
Kurt smiles fakely at that and watches her go. Lance is sending a death glare at Kurt and Kurt pretends to not notice.
“I´m just saying…this movie is really dumb” Lance speaks a bit loudly to Kitty.
“You said you were fine with my choice of the movie”
“Yeah…but that movie was really, really dumb, next time you could write something less dumb”
“Oh, next time?”
Amara was listening to some Brazilian songs her own mother send to make sure her daughter is not completely alienated from her culture and while some songs are embarassing, and Amara refuses to translate some parts, it has some comfort in hearing a song in your own native language.
Tabitha does not speak Portuguese, well, only the basic and she can´t quite place her finger on what the lyrics are saying, but, if Amara is that adamant in not translate the song… “Is about sex, isn´t it?”
Amara blushes and refuses to acknowledge that. “Oh, so is about sex, ok, then I´ll study even harder to understand” and Tabitha concludes by snickering at her girlfriend´s expression.
“Really? You rather learn my language just to know what the song is about?”
“No, I want to do for you…but the song is a nice plus”
“Dork” and Amara now rest her forehead against Tabitha as their lips touch each other kindly. In moments like this, is so easy to forget the rest of the world, when you have someone you love…everything gets better.
Amanda Sefton is not happy as Kurt is not answering her calls, again, and is not very pleased even less so when she got a text of one of her followers showing a rather ugly picture, if you ask Amanda, about a certain Kitty Pryde and a boy named Lance Alvers.
It seems Kitty was not having a good night. Is what the legend says with a distress Kitty with a boisterous loud Lance who is talking loudly about something and is not paying attention to his surrounders.
“Is she cheating on Kurt? Whatever, I must make her and Lance be together no matter what…” and she takes her phone and calls to Info-chan. “What do you know about Kitty? How can I make her stay with Lance forever?”
“I would recommend glue, but, I´m afraid you would take literal, look, just show her she could do much worse…and props up Lance´s qualities, Lance is her first boyfriend ever and the girl wants to have a boyfriend like every other girl”
“Oh, thank you, Info-chan”
“You´re welcome”
Tabitha enters in the kitchen to get more popcorn and sees a very angry elf aggressively cleaning the dishes and muttering something in German and by the look of it looks something that is better of without translation.
“Blue boy?” and this jolts Kurt a little, but, his aggressiveness remains. Not phasing him, not literally, Kurt calms himself down and greets Tabitha. “Hey, the popcorn is over”
“Damn, ok, we can take snacks…but are you ok?”
“Kitty is out with that Lance…I´d not like him” and the way he phrases this sentence makes it seems as if he does not understand why and Tabby would find funny if it wasn´t the second time she sees him acting like that.
“Kurt, you´re completely green of jealousy. Green! Soon Hulk will be here and will be mad you took his colour”
“I´m not jealousy…I´m just worried for her sake…what if Lance tries to hurt her?”
“Funny, you didn´t seem all that concern when Rogue go out with Remy…Again, you´re green, Kurt, 100% green and denial go so forward, now, stop being a dumb blue boy and don´t take out on the dishes” Tabitha spoke and leaves with two snacks in her hand.
@everykurt @dannybagpipesarecalling @bamfoftheundead
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