#lang lihua
stiltonbasket · 7 months
nhs is so busy trying to detach a-Hua from his cloak that he just takes off the cloak and gives the whole bundle to Jiang Cheng. a-Hua is victorious! she has a nice cloak. NHS may or may not get it back.
Nie Huaisang gets back an even nicer cloak. He has no idea whose it is, or where it came from, but he's not going to say no. :0
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jelenedra · 4 years
Additional notes and ephemera for Restoration. Read with caution! There are spoilers at the end of this post.
Fun fact: the fic as posted to AO3 is 84,709. The amount of fic I actually wrote is 122,284. That means there’s 37,575 words of material on the cutting room floor. Oof.
Pinyin place names:
Fumodong : Demon Slaughtering Cave
Luanzang Gang : the Burial Mounds
Bujing Shi : the Unclean Realm
Yunshen Buzhichu : Cloud Recesses
Lianhua Wu : Lotus Pier/Lotus Cove
Buyetian Cheng : Nightless City/Nevernight
Jinlin Tai : Carp Tower/Koi Tower
Pinyin titles:
Huadan Shou : Core-Melting Hand/Core Crusher
Zi Zhizhu : Violet Spider
I believe all the other pinyin terms used are commonly used in fandom or are sufficiently contextualised to be understood, but let me know if there are any that need clarification!
Spoilers ahead! Gonna list the minor/background pairings.
Some of these are fairly textual, but with the exception of occasional flirtation/references in characters’ inner monologues, almost all actual romance occurs completely off-screen. 
Meng Yao/Nie Mingjue (nieyao)
Jiang Yanli/Nie Huaisang (sangli)
(implied) Lan Xichen/Xue Yang (xiyang)
(implied) Jin Zixuan/Wen Ning (ningxuan)
Wang Lingjiao/Wen Qing (lingqing)
I did not intend for there to be Song Lan/Su She/Xiao Xingchen (songsuxiao), but I’m told some people saw it in there, so. Have at.
Here are some notes about names of people, for those who don’t get names in canon. I was ably assisted by merakily and invitan in choosing these and am told they’re not wildly inappropriate! There are some spoilers in the details given.
Starting off with the nicknames for the babies, so if you’re not sure if you want to spoil yourself further you have two paragraphs to back out or continue.  
Xiaodou (小豆, Adzuki) or Xiaodou Yeye (小豆爷爷, Grandpa Adzuki) is a nickname given to baby Mo Xuanyu. Adzuki are a type of bean, also called red mung beans, and they’re commonly boiled with sugar to make an extremely delicious paste called anko. In Chinese cuisine it’s commonly used as filling for pastry dishes like mooncakes and tangyuan. The story of how he got that nickname is in chapter 12; in short, he was red and wrinkly, as many babies are, and the nickname stuck. The more common term for adzuki seems to be hongdou (红豆) but xiaodou, chidou (赤豆), chixiaodou, hongxiaodou, etc. are used fairly interchangably as far as I can tell, and I think the version that approximates to “little bean” is the cutest version to refer to a baby with.
Luobo Zhongzi is a nickname given to baby Wen Yuan. I used the characters for the words translated as “radish seeds” in chapter 74. In that chapter, Wen Qing scolds Wei Wuxian because she told him to go buy radish seeds and instead he fought Jiang Cheng. In my head, this is how that nickname came to be:
“Wei Ying,” Meng Yao says, with the fragile calm of someone an inch away from completely losing his shit, “I thought I told you to buy radish seeds.”
“Are you blind, Meng-shidi? Look at this handsome radish seed I have right here!” Wei Ying bounces the baby on his hip. “We’ll plant him and he’ll sprout right up, you’ll see.”
Meanwhile, Xue Yang sidles up to Wen Zhuliu and gives him his biggest, toothiest smile. “Gege, teach me how to punch someone in the soul?”
Some birth and courtesy names:
Fu Xiang (富 祥); the fu here is still a relatively common character used as a Chinese surname today, and can also mean “wealthy” or “abundant” - a good name for a mercantile sect, especially one that wants to curry favour with Lanling Jin. The xiang means “auspicious” - also a fairly common name, in this case given by parents who hoped their daughter would tie them to one of the larger sects one day.
Mo Xing (莫惺). The character 惺 is commonly understood as “tranquil”, although it has an older literary meaning of “wise” or “intelligent”, as Mo Lang tells Mo Yu. However, Mo Yu is not particularly literate at the time she chooses it, and doesn’t realise that Mo Lang is rather unkindly choosing a name that’s homophonous with 猩, which means “ape”, and 腥, which means “fishy smell”.
Mo Lang (莫 角); in modern usage, lang means “jade-like stone”, “clean and white”, or “the tinkling of pendants” but it also has an archaic meaning as “white jade” i.e. the most valuable jade.
Mo Yu (莫玉); yu also means “jade”, but in this case, just regular jade, not fancy white jade.
Mo Lihua (莫 莉花). Li, “jasmine”, and hua, “flower”. The character used for her surname is the same as all other members of the Mo family, meaning “no one” or “do not”, but sometimes Mo Lihua likes to troll people by writing her name as 茉莉花, which is the full name for a jasmine flower (the literal translation would be “jasmine jasmine flower”.) Mo Lihua is a reference to the popular folk song Mo Li Hua, which definitely post-dates the CQL timeframe, but I already disclaimed my ahistoricity so we are all just going to deal with that. It’s very popular - Celine Dion and Song Zuying performed it at the Beijing Olympics - and I thought it was particularly appropriate because of a translation singeli showed me:
Oh beautiful jasmine flower / Oh beautiful jasmine flower / Sweet-smelling, beautiful, stems full of buds / Fragrant and white, everyone praises / Let me pluck you down to give to someone else / Jasmine flower, jasmine flower  
Meng Jingqiu (孟经秋); the jing comes from the Shijing, the Book of Songs, which really does use the same character as Meng Shi’s birth name (诗). The qiu comes from the Chunqiu, the Spring and Autumn Annals. These are two of the Five Classics of Confucianism.
Meng Fuqiu (孟府秋); the fu comes from yuefu (乐府), which is a genre of classical poetry intended to mimic folk songs (class issues, anyone...?), and also means governance - something Meng Yao excels at. The qiu, again, comes from Chunqiu and links his courtesy name with Meng Jingqiu. I thought it was nicer than linking him to Jin Guangshitbag.
Wen Guijiao (温 圭角); this is a little complex. A gui was a long jade tablet or scepter, often shaped like a sword (here’s a plain one) (here’s one with poetry on it) (and one with animal masks) (and a very fancy one with dragons) held by imperial rulers for certain ceremonies. The pointed tip is called the guijiao (literally “corner of the jade tablet” but more usefully “tip of the scepter”, I believe). So literally the guijiao is the most delicate piece of an incredibly delicate and ornate piece of jade, but figuratively it means “talents displayed”, as in the chengyu bulu-guijiao (不露圭角) which is literally “do not reveal the tip of the scepter” and means to remain inconspicuous by hiding your talents. And I thought that was nice, for Our Lady of Hidden Badassery.
(here are some more examples of cool gui) 
Update: can’t believe I forgot the comically long list of Wen sect heirs in chapter 11!
Wen Qing = as per canon, “tenderness”
Wen Xu = as per canon, my best guess is approximately “warmth of the rising sun”
Wen Chao = as per canon, approximately “warmth of the dawn”
Wen Liang (温良) = “warm and kind”
Wen Budun (温布顿) = Wimbledon, as in the tennis event
Wen Rou (温柔) = “gentle and soft”
Wen Nuan (温暖) = “warm” (as in, temperature)
Wen Hepai (温和派) = unusual variant of the word for “dove” but more commonly “moderate faction”
Wen Shu (温 淑) = “a gentle and kind woman”
Wen Gehua (温哥华) = Vancouver, as in the Canadian city
Wen Cun (温存) = “tender affection” or “to be attentive” in the romantic sense
Wen Huo (温和) = “lukewarm”
Wen Chadian (温差电) = “thermoelectricity”
Wen Hexing (温和性) = “tenderness”/“gentle character”
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hyokas · 7 years
全职高手 (Quan Zhi Gao Shou/The King’s Avatar) Production Staff and Voice Actor Info
List of production staff and voice actors under the cut.  I might update the voice actors as the season progresses, we’ll have to see.
Production Staff
Director: Xiong Ke
Screenplay: Liang Sha
Produced by: Yue Wen Group (aka China Reading Limited); Qi E Pictures; Dong Shen Pictures
Co-produced with: bilibili
Producers: Luo Li; Wang Juan; Li Guodong
Executive Producer: Chen Kun (aka Aloys Chen)
Executive Editors: Wang Yun; Jin Wenjun
Editors: Gao Lihua; Hao Bo; She Yuanyuan
Original Novel by: Hu Die Lan (aka Butterfly Blue)
Production Managers: Jiang Bowen; Li Shaotang
Literary Coordinator: Yan Huan
Commerce: Zhang Tianwen; Li Qianru; Sun Chenlu; Zhao Ying; Wu Mian 
Marketing: Huo Ya’nan
Content Advisor: Du Jianbo
Art Advisors: Liu Liming; Zhang Tianwen; Lu Yiyi; Chen Chen; Zhou Li’na; Li Jie 
Game Advisors: Ma Zijun; Tian Zhen; Qu Yi; Song Xiao; Lin Rui; Wei Yifei; Liu Ze
Adaptation Design: Yan Ling; Ye Guang Chong; sanama; Gao Deng Qi Liu; Mus; Pin Qi; Bingtang Xueli; Yu Han; Cha Cha*
Sound Director: Chen Yujia  
Animation Director: Shen Lin
Dubbing Director: Zhang Jie
Tencent Production Representative: Jin Wenjun
Yue Wen Production Representative: Gao Lihua
Animation: Shi Mei Animation (aka G. CMAY Animation & Film)
Voice Actors**
角色名称                                            配音演员
Character Name***                         Voice Actor****
叶修                                                  张杰
Ye Xiu                                              Zhang Jie
苏沐橙                                               C 小调
Su Mucheng                                   C Xiao Diao
孙翔                                                  刘三木
Sun Xiang                                       Liu Sanmu
刘皓                                                  赵毅
Liu Hao                                           Zhao Yi
崔立                                                  商虹
Cui Li                                              Shang Hong
吧台小妹                                            久任
Receptionist                                   Jiu Ren
陈果                                                  季冠森
Chen Guo                                       Ji Guansen
月中眠                                               王晨光
Yue Zhong Mian                             Wang Chenguang
阳关                                                  李进
Yang Guan                                      Li Jin
柳色                                                  龙吟
Liu Se                                              Long Ying
渭城                                                  小蛇
Wei Cheng                                      Xiao She
暮云深                                               王敏纳
Mu Yun Shen                                  Wang Minna
田七、云归                                         傅晨阳
Tian Qi/Yun Gui                              Fu Chenyang
浅生离                                               飞大团
Qian Sheng Li                                Fei Da Tuan
灯花夜                                               森中人
Deng Hua Ye                                  Sen Zhong Ren
系舟                                                  刺儿
Xi Zhou                                           Ci Er
雷鸣电光                                            张赫
Lei Ming Dian Guang                    Zhang He
蓝河                                                  杨天翔
Lan He                                            Yang Tianxiang
知月倾城                                            咩咩
Zhi Yue Qing Cheng                      Mie Mie
唐柔                                                  乔诗语
Tang Rou                                        Qiao Shiyu
夜度寒潭                                            郭浩然
Ye Du Han Tan                               Guo Haoran
车前子                                               凌振赫
Che Qian Zi                                    Ling Zhenhe
包子入侵                                            藤新
Baozi Ruqin                                   Teng Xin
旁白、电视播音                                   李龙滨
Narrator/TV Broadcastor               Li Longbin
NPC                                                  小蛇、北辰、草摩琅琊、傅晨阳、飞大团、                                                                                           李进、森中人、周湘宁
NPC                                                 Xiao She, Bei Chen, Cao Mo Lang Ya,                                                             Fu Chenyang, Fei Da Tuan, Li Jin,                                                                   Sen Zhong Ren, Zhou Xiangning
*translator’s note: I’m 99.9% sure these aren’t real names
**translator’s note: I will try to update this list as the series progresses (NO GUARANTEES)
***translator’s note: some of these characters have yet to appear (as of episode 2).  I’ve put the names of the characters in pinyin for now, if I have time to read the English translation of the novel I might add their English names on there, but this is all I have for now.
****translators note: again, some of these names are not real names
All the names listed above follow the format of a typical Chinese name (surname, first name).
for @kingsavatar-fan
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stiltonbasket · 1 year
Hua-bao spends a couple of weeks convinced that she wants to be a pirate? She practices boating and swimming and is extra-invested in physical training and swordsmanship. a-Hua mostly gives up the idea when she finds out that pirates don't get along with the law.
This lasts all of two weeks, when she discovers that baby Jueying is very interested in not getting along with the law. A little while later, she reads her mother's procedure records and realizes that Jiang-furen cares even less about the law, so she decides to devote herself to piracy full-time. 😤
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stiltonbasket · 1 year
a-Hua meets a-Yuan for the first time and she's just like !!!!! Prime gege material, must snuggle. a-yuan is getting lots of baby snuggles + didi cuddles.
At the Wangxian wedding, Sizhui eats his dinner with Xiao-Yu on one side of his lap and A-Hua on the other. It's a very chaotic meal. XD
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stiltonbasket · 2 years
ChengQing kids following NieLan and Wangxian cousins' grand tradition of JXZun + Su She bullying. They also get their parents to join in too after JXZun calls uncle Ning wen-dog.
Jiang Lihua, at her limit: All right, minions. Let's cast an illusion curse on Jin Zixun so he thinks he's got the hundred holes.
Her little siblings, equally devious:
Tumblr media
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stiltonbasket · 2 years
the yunmeng baos are excited to find out that Jiang Cheng is getting married? They want to do something nice for Jc and jiang-furen? they do a special performance of the bao frog dance as part of the wedding festivities. Also they make a celebratory scroll with YZH's help. It has a congratulatory message and then handprints for all the baos, with their name written under their handprints. JC tears up when he sees it.
Lihua leaves a little blank spot next to her handprints for her future baby siblings! When Lianhua and Bohai are born, she smuggles them over to the scroll, dips their tiny hands in ink, and puts them beside her old prints. ;~;
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stiltonbasket · 1 year
a-Hua is learning how to walk, and a-Min is her one-Bao cheer squad? This baby is going places. Like the cookie jar.
Xiao-Yu is still at Lotus Pier while A-Hua is learning to walk, so she has a two-bao cheer squad! She's too tiny to reach the cookie jar in Wei Wuxian's room, so Xiao-Yu and Yu Min stand on each other's shoulders to fetch it for her. ❤️
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stiltonbasket · 1 year
a-Hua sees all this pre-wedding fuss and is like ??!! She needs a special wedding outfit too! and a bao pedicure and special hairdo. nhs comes through and she's treated like a tiny princess.
Her dress is made to look like a realistic lotus flower 🥺
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stiltonbasket · 1 year
chaos baby a-Lan leads a-Hua down the chaos path? they're drawing inky moustaches on everyone they can during the night. Han-gege? Moustached? Jiang Cheng? Very large mosutache + beard. wwx? huge lambchop moustache.
For extra chaos, they use spelled ink so that only some people can see the moustaches. Jiang Cheng can see his moustache and Wei Wuxian, but not Yu Xihan's; and Lan Wangji can see Yu Xihan's, but not his or Wei Wuxian's. There's a great deal of confusion until everyone gathers to figure out who really has a moustache (and thus needs a bath with Special Soap) and who doesn't.
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stiltonbasket · 7 months
a-Hua attaches herself to nhs for part of the wangxian wedding? NHs is Not Good with infants and is trying to fob off this tiny child on someone who actually knows about babies.
NHS immediately stuffs A-Hua into Jiang Cheng's arms and absconds to go get drunk. A-Hua is disappointed (she was busy snuggling into Nie Huaisang's best evening cloak) but Uncle Jiang gives nice cuddles, so she'll deal with it.
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stiltonbasket · 9 months
yu min and a-Hua are the toddler bride and groom replacements for Jiang cheng and Jiang-furen's wedding? they're running around organizing the other baos and causing maximum chaos.
Lihua is busy carrying her mom's train and "helping" her with her makeup on the big day, so the pretend bride is none other than Little Snowdrop. She made a surprisingly beautiful bride, for a cat!
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stiltonbasket · 1 year
yu min is very unhappy to see xiao-yu go to Gusu. ( ╥ω╥ ) He misses his friend!! a-min is now doubling down on being a good shixiong for a-Hua.
He got a shidi and then he lost him! Yu Min would've been heartbroken for months if not for Lihua. 😭
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stiltonbasket · 1 year
there's a whole generation of juniors who grew up reading the goat-laoshi books and then had to go to the Cloud Recesses and be taught by lqr? He's lecturing in the Lanshi and all the kids are just thinking "goat-laoshi says not to speak while eating" and "goat-laoshi says to treat your writing brushes with respect."
Once, Lang Lihua actually calls him Goat-laoshi. He's disappointed, but not surprised. 😅
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stiltonbasket · 1 year
a-Lan is sharing her spoils from the market with her parents and the other people in Lotus Pier? She shares her new hair ribbons and some of her snacks with Lang Lihua and Jiang Lianhua. They're all cute as buttons!
Jiang Lianhua is a very tiny baby, so she and baby Chun-bao have the ribbons tied around their waists. Chunyang is crawling around Lotus Pier with a pink balloon attached to her ribbon, so she's easy to find. ❤️
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stiltonbasket · 1 year
One of the Jingshi kitties migrates to Lotus Pier? a-Hua is a very devoted kitty caretaker.
None of the Jingshi cats make it to Lotus Pier, because they're afraid of water; but Little Snowdrop eventually has several kittens that come under A-Hua's care when she's around nine or ten. The three oldest are called Snowflake, Inkstone, and Peppercorn. ❤️
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