#language positivity
indigostudies · 1 year
feeling enthusiastic tonight so i wanted to talk about my favourite things about the languages i speak/am studying!
mandarin chinese:
singular character words are fairly rare! unlike english, due to the high number of homophones in the spoken language, most words are comprised of two or more characters for clarity's sake. for example, while 孩 does by itself mean child, usually it's combined with another character (ie 孩子,小孩儿,etc.) due to it sounding similar to other words (还,骸).
in spoken language, you often need the entire context to understand the meaning. due to homophones, if you're missing the surrounding context, then it can be easy to misunderstand what someone's saying.
homophones generally! i've been known to love a good tongue-twister, and being a native chinese speaker is definitely part of that—there's just so many good ones! this also crops up in social media/memes, where a homophone is substituted for the original character(s).
the written language! i'm definitely more biased towards simplified chinese, but i can still read traditional chinese, and i think chinese is one of the most beautifully-written languages. it's just so logical! the strokes follow a certain order, and everything is contained in "boxed" that are very pleasing.
poetry! german is known for literature, and i love reading poetry in german, even if not having studied it in a while means i have to look things up pretty frequenty ^^°°
the pronunciation! while i'm definitely at an advantage since i have an ear for languages and can nail german pronunciation at a natural level, i love speaking german—especially the longer words! i love the way the letters sound together (i'm definitely biased towards the eu/äu combination haha).
the ß!
gothic script—this appears a lot in historical german print, and i love it, even if it does make it a bit of a challenge to read anything haha.
the various possessiveness contructions—there is no verb corresponding to the english to have, so instead you have to use the verb hebûn, to exist, so for example, two brothers of me exist (du birayên min hene, using the izafe construction) or for me two brothers exist (min du bira hene, without izafe, possessor is in the oblique case at the start of the clause) would be used instead of "i have two brothers".
the xw dipthong—i'm probably biased because i love "uncommon" sounds and letter combinations, but not only does the x in kurmanji sound nice (it's sort of like the ch in bach, or the ch in loch), when combined with the w it makes a sort of hissing sound which i'm very partially to.
sounds absolutely gorgeous!! central asian languages generally sound very pleasing to me, but i especially love the guttural sounds in mongolian.
the traditional script is one of the most beautiful things i've ever seen. i have yet to learn how to write in it (at least without a lot of tears on my part), but there's a user on xhs that writes in traditional script, and it's just. stunning. it's fluid, and curling, and just! aaaa!!! i love it. also it's written vertically, which is a fairly uncommon thing as far as languages go.
it's got a ton of different dialects! i'm a known enjoyer of dialects and regional language variations, so of course this is like a goldmine to me.
i know i said that the mongolian script is gorgeous, but look, i love writing systems in general, and korean is just. so orderly! so perfect for my pattern-obsessed little mind! also, it only takes, like, half an hour to memorise. 12/10 i love it.
a very specific point, but the various ways to say goodbye! you specify whether the person you're speaking to are staying or leaving.
probably the most agglutinative language i'm aware of—a lot of words, especially more "modern" (ie new) words are formed by taking a base word and then adding on "meaning" or semantics to it, for example the word for a shoe cabinet is literally "that which stores the covers for the feet".
neutral pronouns! spoken mandarin is also neutral in pronouns, but in turkish both the written and spoken form of the third person pronoun is neutral. while it does make it a little bit frustrating if you're trying to, say, discuss feminist theory, it does mean that no gendered assumptions are made about, for example, a job position.
that's all i can think of right now! if anyone else wants to ramble excitedly about the languages they're studying/speak, please feel free to add on!
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doghowto · 3 months
Man unintentionally teaches his Corgi sign language! 😊 Follow me for more smart puppers!
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minimalist-quotes · 23 days
I’m slowly learning that some people aren’t good for me, no matter how much I love them.
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chipsy · 11 days
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soul-from-another-era · 3 months
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Sharing music is a huge love language for me 🤍.
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nightmareevara · 4 months
I want to be part of your journey, your struggles, your everyday life. I wanna be there for you even at your worst, not just when you are doing well.
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chrissy-kaos · 4 months
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Cuddles anyone?
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the-catboy-minyan · 5 months
due to a certain asshole spewing bullshit in spacelazarwolf's notes, I wanna emphasize something:
the only thing you need to be Jewish is to be Jewish. a Jew is a Jew.
(this message does not include messianic jews)
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stoneshipper · 6 months
when I first started self-shipping: maybe this character would like me back. we’re sorta dating. oh, and maybe I’d be friends with this character? they might find me annoying…
me now: this character would always have my back. we’re friends until the end of the line. multiple characters have unrequited crushes on me. my f/o has dedication to me like no one’s seen before. we’re madly in love. we’re best friends. we’re soulmates. it’s even deeper than that.
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incognitopolls · 4 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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autoraton · 1 year
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riz redraw!
side-by-side comparison under the cut :-)
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sillyfairygarden · 7 months
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90 minute leyendecker study b4 bed. heard cleo has a cat cafe this season :swoons:
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student2022 · 26 days
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martyrbat · 9 months
my secret confession is i think a lot of current art in comics is pretty but sometimes way too glossy and lifeless... it kinda feels like a sticker sheet where they just swap out generic stock poses that they have on hand for that character rather than the art being reflective of the actual story and moment the character is currently in
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qprconcepts · 2 months
qpp “i’m gonna bite you” x qpp “STOP TAKING CHUNKS OUT OF ME?!?!?”
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canisalbus · 5 months
I have to ask what drew vasco into falling in love with machete?
His snivelling runt ways were just that irresistable.
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