#lantern of plasma
thekitsunesiren · 7 months
Dc x Dp #48 pt.2
This is a quick part two from prompt #48 because I did research on the lantern rings, and I have a lot to say!
First off: There is a Phantom Ring! A ring being able to use the power of all previous lantern rings but has instability issues due to relying on so many emotions at once. Honestly, I thought that Danny should have this ring just for the namesake, but I thought about how interesting it would be for King Phantom to have another powerful ring that's based on emotions as well.
Two: Can ghost use lantern rings? Ghosts have a physical body and their obsessions could be apart of one of the emotions the rings rely on, so if a lantern ring were to somehow end up in the infinite realms, would the ring be able to pick a ghost for its user?
Three: How strong would the rings be against a ghost? I know the red lantern ring allows its user to spit plasma, but how would that fair against ectoplasm? Is the emotion of a ring stronger than obsession of ghost?
I'll ask more questions as I think of them!
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wjbs-bonkle-au · 5 months
Turaga-staff ideas for each element that I might make at some point as custom Studio parts
Fire - flaming torch
Water - anchor
Earth - shovel
Air - propeller
Stone - crystal-holder
Ice - ice-drill
Light - lantern
Shadow - umbrella
Sonics - microphone
Gravity - flail
Plasma - blowtorch
Magnetism - compass
Plantlife - flowerpot
Lightning - lightning-rod
Iron - bardiche
Psionics - radar-dish
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averyghe · 1 year
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Stellar serpents are gigantic creatures born at the dawn of times, from the larvae formed from the premordial energies, in a flow of which the first stars were formed. They dwell in the depths of the stars, consuming their mass to Procreate, and than feed on eachother. Their appearance, is dependent on the cycle their star being in. Azul lurkers, leave in a Blue Giants, Neutron serpents, in a highly pressurised in ironments of a neutron ones, and the crimson lanterns, floating in a coronal mass of a red dwarves. One of the most interesting types of the stellar serpents, are Chromaric Apostles, which are not usually leaving inside of the stars but in a waste of space, traveling from system to system by a wormholes…
On a topic of their “biology” if it can be called so, including the fact of how alien this life form is, they are basically gigantic – some reaching the lengths of the Sun’s radius, nuclear reactors, made out of pressurised gas and plasma. They can survive the temperatures, probably no corporeal in the universe is able to withstand, and they live for the hundreds millions of years – at least the ones, which were not consumed, by other – larger serpents.
Some could say they are gods – and, I can agree with them. Despite lacking conventional consciousness, they can be considered a possessors of godlike powers – they are manifestation of a celestial bodies themselves – Star sprites if you wish. And as long as the last one them havent died with the last star in existence burning out, leaving the universe in the darkness, and cold the cosmos itself will be alive…
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wondariadreamparade · 2 years
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very good images from the latest kirby picture book
[Image description: three images from a Kirby picture book. The first shows Dedede and a Waddle Dee at a barbecue, Kirby and Bandana Dee fishing, and Elline and Claycia shaping clay together. The text reads "I was able to meet a new me as well." The second image shows Meta Knight holding up a lantern next to Kirby in a dark room. The text reads "Thank you. With you here, the darkness can't scare me anymore." The third image shows Kirby, Bandana Dee, a Waddle Doo, and Dedede having a picnic together. In the background, Meta Knight is reading a book against Whispy Woods, and Elline is offering a clay crown to a Plasma Wisp. The text reads "My gratitude will always remain, just for you. Thank you." End ID.]
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raccoonfallsharder · 6 months
✩࿐࿔ brush your frickin' teeth. [new 3/25]
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fluff (smut-free) | gn reader | no use of y/n | drabble | word count: 1,774.
when you're exerting all your energy trying to negotiate life, sometimes the little shit falls by the wayside. rocket's looking out for you and your dental hygiene though, cupcake. p.s. get yourself some emergency mouthwash.
precious nonnie, i wrote this straight out of my heart with a lot of love, truly. i really, really hope things get better for you soon. you're absolutely not alone. (pro tip from someone who knows: mouthwash when you can't brush up can be a lifesaver.) sending you my very best blessings for better days, and hugs if you want them.
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You’re lying in your narrow bed, staring out the window. The daytime lights of Knowhere have dimmed hours ago, but you haven’t moved — sprawled quietly, letting the mild breeze of the skull’s ventilation system flutter your thin curtains and stroke cool fingers against your face. You stare out at the velvety-dark inside of the dome and the strings of tiny plasma orbs, sparkling like strands of distant moons tethering your roof to the one across the street. There aren’t many views of the deep-space sky from Knowhere — not unless you’re on the observation deck — but the countless paper lanterns, starry tin-smithed lamps, and stringed lights almost make up for it. You sigh listlessly. At least, you think, Rocket’s turned the music on. He’s got some old song crooning away on the speakers in the streets — the kind that will lull the Star Kids to sleep and mellow out whatever chaos is currently happening at the poker tables at Mantlo’s. Underneath the notes, you listen to the wash of low conversation — a soft crush of mumbled half-words you can’t hear from your apartment — and the occasional shout of laughter, bright and clear. You let your eyelids drift closed, and you wonder if you could fall asleep like this. And then there’s a knock at the door.
read more on ao3 ✩࿐࿔ for nonnie ♡
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need more reminders from rocket?
the world is hard, and sometimes it's difficult to complete daily tasks & take care of yourself (aka rocket bullies you for your own damn good).
feel free to ✩ request reminders ✩ via reblogs, asks, and tumblr or ao3 comments if they would be helpful for you. it may take me a hot minute to get to them depending on life n stuff, but i will do my best. if you’d like to join my fanfiction taglist, please comment or send me a message or ask! ♡
this is about as wholesome as it gets (for me) i think. can be read platonically or romantically. mcu-based anthology, meant to take place post-volume-3, but headcanon however you want ♡
✩࿐࿔ take what you need masterlist
࿔ eat somethin. (wc: 576) ࿔ go to frickin bed already. (wc: 737) ࿔ get outta bed & get your shit done. (wc: 925) ࿔ take a damn bath. (wc: 1,375) ࿔ leave your frickin skin alone. (wc: 1,579) ࿔ take a fuckin study break.(wc: 1,020) ࿔ drink some goddamn water. (wc: 1,209) ࿔ stop destroying your frickin clothes. (wc: 1,609) ࿔ just buy the damn thing already. (wc: 1,271) ࿔ it's frickin laundry day. (wc: 1,923) ࿔ get some sunshine, sunshine. (wc: 1,614) ࿔ did you take your damn meds today? (wc: 1,288) ࿔ schedule your fuckin' appointments.(wc: 1,222) ࿔ do your goddamn dishes. (wc: 994) ࿔ brush your frickin' teeth. (wc: 1,774) for nonnie ♡
if you find any of these at all helpful, they're meant for you.
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taglist ✩ @suicidalshitstick ✩ @glow-autumz ✩ @evolvingchaoswitch ✩ @wren-phoenix ✩ @pretty-chips
total word-count: 19,156.
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anonymous-bastard · 8 days
Some things are better unsaid.
What was the thing about a red lantern?
What is the purpose of a red lantern?
What can a red lantern do?
Red Lanterns are like Green, except they are powered by anger. Righteous anger, specifically.
The ring is parasitic though so not usually said to be a great experience. Like ,pu rake it off you die.
You get cool powers though including spitting hot plasma.
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fluffle-writes · 2 months
Okay. I may have ideas for Malleus. (First one I thought of-) I was thinking about something with laterns, dragon tail being sentient or a living extestion of him, there being eyes on it, thorns forming dragon wings and a scar emmitting a fog that puts people to sleep if he goes ob mode.
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The lantern idea is wonderful! Lilia as a candle, Malleus as a lantern, Sebek will probably be one of those plasma balls or something else that's like electricity...
And the tail!!!! :D that's an amazing idea - I could probably make a dragon-like tail using images of lizards and maybe some kinda deep sea fish for the cool-looking fin like things that you often see at the ends of dragon tails! And the eyes can be incorporated nicely - I could probably do multiple tails to make him seem more imposing - as well as including some type of wings...
And incorporating the thorns into the wings! That'll look awesome - I'll probably also add some across other areas of his body like the dandelions on Ruggie!
Ooh your ideas have me excited to start working on Malleus's edit now - I'll make sure to tag you when it's posted if you'd like (^w^)
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Weirdcore AU Masterlist Here!
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heroesoath · 3 months
Realized that some people might not be familiar with my muses, and what they can do, so here's a cheat sheet for my mutant muses specifically. I can write about the non-mutants at a later date!
Alex has the mutant power to absorb energy, though more specifically radiation and shit from the cosmos like sunlight. His body stores this energy where he can later expel it in a blue or yellow colored plasma form in blasts, waves, and other means.
I personally think that when he stores too much energy his body can become overheated. It starts with a burning sensation in his hands and it spreads, it's why he constantly has to shoot plasma every so often. Alex has a long history of not being able to control his powers, the goofy original costume with the eggbeaters on the mask and the black spandex was created so he could control his powers more easily because they are dangerous! He can essentially be a walking atom bomb if he's not careful.
Dani's powers have evolved over time, but originally they were seen as the telepathic ability to create illusions based on people's greatest fears. They have since been expanded on so that she can create illusions based on anything, and they can become physical constructs. A popular illusion she can make are psionic arrows, since she's a gifted archer.
I want to point out that Dani's powers were originally VERY tropey, she's Cheyenne and Claremont literally said let's make her a literal Dreamcatcher. it's iffy and it needed to be addressed. Another tropey ability she has is her rapport with animals, but I now associate this more with her telepathic gifts rather than it being a separate thing.
Dani can read minds, but it's not something that's easy, she tends to stick to her illusion based powers and archery in combat.
Jamie has the power to create duplicates of himself! Originally this was an extremely hard power to control, and like Alex, he had to wear a special suit to help keep control. Since those days however, Jamie has had the smart idea of sending his duplicates out into the world and doing things, whether it be attend college, medical school, law school, become an olympian, his duplicates have done a lot of things and Jamie would eventually find them and reabsorb them, retaining their knowledge and skills they have obtained. The ethics of his powers have been discussed not only in the comics, but by fans alike. It's an interesting question if Jamie's duplicates have autonomy since so many of them have different personalities ( all parts of Jamie's overall personality ).
When Jamie needs to fight, he'll just create a bunch of dupes, he's a one man army and there's something unsettling about seeing a clone army coming at you. Luckily for him though, Jamie tends to just use his powers for passive reasons, like when he is a detective or more recently a scientist on Krakoa.
Jean is a telepath and a telekinetic. I'm not going to get into her omega level status, she's extremely powerful and that's great and all, but people who focus on that aspect of her bore me to tears so I won't subject anyone to that either. She's good at what she does, she can move things with her mind, read people's thoughts, lots of shit with her brain.
Jean is also the host of the Phoenix Force, a cosmic being whose exact nature has flipped back and forth based on the writer, but it seems that they are moving back to the original intent of the force from Chris Claremont's brain. The Phoenix is Jean's power, and it's uniquely tied to her and her bloodline alone. She's the cosmic firebird of all creation and life, it's wild, it's terrifying, and it's fun. I'll probably write more about this once Jean's new solo comic comes out.
Julian is a telekinetic. He probably has the most simple powers of my entire mutant cast ( along with Piotr ) , he can move things with his mind and fly. His powers manifest as a green light, not unlike the Green Lantern Corps of DC fame.
His powers are not overly powerful, he's not on like Jean or Rachel Grey's level, but Emma Frost did unlock his potential when Julian flew across the United States at the sound of light in order to save Laura from dying. After this event his powers began to be very finicky, but they seemed to have stabled out.
I remain on the side that he's not ultra powerful, but in moments of distress or when he needs to save someone he can tap into the part of his brain that controls his power levels and manifest a higher control. It's rare though and when he does he ends up in a light coma for a few days to heal.
Piotr has the power to shift his skin into steel. He grows in size and becomes extremely strong in this form.
He's a perfect defensive wall, he can crash through things, throw things ( and friends ) and do probably untold damage to most things. It's probably the most interesting thing about him from his original introduction in the 70's. He's the team's bruiser and tank and yet the duality with his soft and gentle personality makes for an interesting take on the "big guy" trope.
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dc-polls · 6 months
The DC Body Swap Brawl - Character Profile
Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle)
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Physical Strengths
Super strength
Plasma cannons
Energy shields
Physical Weaknesses
The Scarab which grants him powers is a sentient being who must be outwilled and negotiated with
Vulnerable to Green Lanterns and will make them instinctively go apeshit
Non-Physical Strengths
Resistant to emotional corruption
Used to working with unreliable/sketchy/mildly evil people
Generally charming
Non-Physical Weaknesses
Very concerned about collateral damage
Used to being one half of the scarab and might struggle when separated
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wumblr · 4 months
sitting bolt upright from a nightmare when i was not asleep like "the thing that most people don't understand about vampires is that it's not instantaneous. you can be surrounded by them for years, very, very slowly inculcated or even kept like livestock and farmed for your blood, which is not the point, which is not literal, long before you will ever realize what you've been forced into and twisted to become. more than anything it's like a bank transfer. it's you being transferred, through an automated clearing house, as if to fund munitions for war. your being, itself, slowly siphoned away to an endless expansive world devoid of anything, which we've all seen in our dreams, perhaps made of glass, or covered in water, a place that is somehow programmatically encoded in your mind, which you could see for yourself before being told. this is where the real harvest can occur, leaving behind a shell of an automaton to go through the motions of your life. it is, fundamentally, a process that requires self-propagation to survive. you are not the mark. your victims are." and laying back down and closing my eyes to return there to see if there's anything to be done for the long dry and empty dead while the most heavenly chorus of a train horn down the street, an uncommon and nonstandard chord for the industry, echoes across the city, across the graveyard next door with its thousand solar lanterns memorializing only those who could afford it, just to obfuscate the scale of death, and across a thousand for-profit blood plasma donation centers and gas stations plugged into an open vein
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strangermask · 1 month
Thinking about ninjago fusions of the main four elements
Like making up lore for it kinda think
Some of the elements are mostly based on ship names such as:
Lava - Lava
Plasma - Plasma
Bruise/Geode - Crystal
For the others, I have these for now and might change in the future
Techno - Cloud(?)/Weather(?)
Opposite - Temperature(?)
Glacier - Land(?)
Rn, I’m thinking of when the fusion elements of the main four are created, they got their own version of golden weapons. Not sure if they would still be gold or a different kind of metal, but definitely better made than the golden weapons (personal hc that FSM focused too much on the power of the golden weapons and less on the weapon stability. Blacksmith stuff).
The fusion weapons, with help of a blacksmith and a sorcerer, ended up with two forms. There is, of course, the weapon form. And then there is the everyday object form called “hidden form”
Rn, I have ideas for the only confirmed fusion elements of what their weapons are
Plasma - Lantern/Kyoketsu-Shoge
Lava - Vase/Tsukubō
Crystal - ???/Kusarigama
Once I get everything figured out, I might make separate posts for each element
I am open to suggestions if y’all have any
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youllallriseintheink · 7 months
Enemy of my Enemy
This is the story of Volo first making contact with Giratina. Though their friendship quickly blossoms, the help of a deity does not come without a price.
The further Volo traveled into Turnback Cave, the more sure he was that this was the place he'd been seeking. The tome he'd bought off a merchant from his homeland had described a cave in which the physical realm lay dangerously close to the realm beyond. This cave certainly felt otherworldly with the way the rocks and earth shimmered and the dry ground yielded slightly too much under his feet, and how much bigger it seemed on the inside than the outside. And both the Celestica runes he'd investigated and the local folks had told him of the labyrinth within that had earned the cave its name. When one found themselves in Turnback Cave, the only way to survive was to turn back immediately.
Volo's growlithe barrelled towards him and rubbed against his legs, whining and looking up at him in hopes of getting fed, or at least getting a treat for keeping the wild zubats and geodudes at bay. "Sorry, little one," Volo said, "I don't have anything to give you."
They'd been in this cave for three days, and Volo's supply of food had run out yesterday. He was in so deep that turning back had left him just as lost. Maybe he should have heeded the warnings of the clan members when they'd told him to turn back. Maybe he was about to become one of the many lorekeepers who'd died here, hungry and deceived by how small the cave looked from the outside. But there was one thing left that he was willing to try.
"Giratina?" Volo called out, "I've come seeking you out. I want to make a deal."
A rumble sounded from within the cave, followed by a deep voice that Volo could hear within his head. Tell me your intent, it demanded.
Volo waved his lantern around, but it illuminated nothing but empty tunnel. "Well, I want to meet Arceus," Volo explained. "I want to know why the world is as unfair as it is, and if there isn't a good reason for it, I want to overthrow Arceus and fix it. I heard that Arceus locked you away for a very long time, so I thought you might understand. You do understand, don't you?"
Hmm... came the voice. Then there was a pause that to Volo seemed to last an eternity.
Suddenly, a tunnel opened up before Volo, perpendicular to the one he'd been hiking down.
Come, said Giratina.
Volo started down the path at a jog, his growlithe running ahead of him. The further he went down the tunnel, the more the rocks shimmered as though covered in a plasma veil, and the more the ground gave beneath his feet.
The tunnel then opened up to a room with a high ceiling and a sight Volo would never forget. Against the far wall and behind what looked like a purple force field, an enormous worm-like creature floated a few feet above the ground. A golden crown making up its face, the grey and red serpent was decorated with golden rings of armour. Black tendrils of shadow stretched from its back, each tipped with a blood-red claw. It didn't look exactly like the creature Volo had seen depicted in ruined temples, but was similar enough that there was no mistaking it. And its beady red eyes were focused on him.
Volo dropped to one knee before the creature. "Giratina. At last we meet. I've come seeking your service. I'd like to collect the eighteen plates of life so that I can converse with Arceus, and if you would help, I would be eternally grateful."
You need not kneel, Giratina said. I do not seek worship. It seems as though we are natural allies. I doubt that you will find the answers you seek in Arceus, but I will gladly help you reach It if it means I may have a chance to dethrone It. However, there is something I need help with first.
Volo rose to his feet. "And what would that be?"
As you have heard, I was banished to this realm. You must help me to escape it. There is a golden stone in this room- the griseous core. Pick it up.
Volo peered around, found a jagged golden rock, picked it up, and looked to Giratina for further instruction.
Now, you must touch me, Giratina ordered, pressing his shadowy tentacle against the barrier.
“Will do,” Volo replied. He returned his growlithe and set down his pokéballs- no need for his Pokémon to get hurt if this turned out to be a grievous mistake. Then, he took a deep breath and touched the barrier.
The barrier felt like several inches of thick wax, but with effort, Volo forced his hand through it. He grabbed onto Giratina's claw and was pulled through with ease.
Volo regained his footing. Now that he was past the barrier, he could see the environment in which Giratina dwelled- a strange world of endless purple skies, floating islands with strange geometries, and no life as far as the eye could see save for some bare trees and sickly flowers. "My..." Volo said. "So this is the place you've been spending the past few centuries, huh? It hardly looks like a pleasant place to spend such a long time.."
Not centuries. Millennia, Giratina corrected. But I would guess that you're much the same. Of all people I expected here, a Celestica was not one of them. Has Arceus wronged you as well?
"It certainly seems so. I'm one of the last Celesticas."
Giratina straightened up in surprise.One of the last? When I was sealed away, they were thriving. They were Arceus' chosen.
"Yes. Apparently not anymore." Volo laughed bitterly.
Ha. Then we do have something in common. I am Arceus' child, and yet he treats me worse than he treats his creations. No matter how many times I try to apologize, it's as though he doesn't hear.
"And I keep doing what the old faith tells me to, but it hasn't gotten me anywhere. It's as though he forgot all about us."
Sometimes, I wonder if he has. But your plan to gather the plates... that will work. I am sure of it. At any rate, the task at hand...
Giratina touched the griseous core with one of its tendrils, but nothing happened.
Hmm… it seems that Arceus put a seal on the stone as well. That is... unfortunate.
Giratina paused for a moment as it seemed to consider its options. Then its eyes fell upon Volo.
Would you do anything for your goal? Giratina asked coolly.
Volo met Giratina's eyes nervously, not knowing what to expect. But he'd come so far, and he had so little to return to. "Yes, of course, anything," he said.
Very well, Giratina said. Then, it touched Volo between his mouth and nose with one of its tendrils. The frigid smoke-like substance began to seep into Volo's nostrils, and then within seconds Giratina turned to smoke and entered Volo through his nose, mouth, eyes, ears, and pores, overwhelming him until he was knocked flat on the ground, spasming from the sheer amount of power and substance his body had been made to absorb. He felt simultaneously like he was being frozen from the inside and as though his body might burst like a burlap sack stuffed with too much cargo.
Go to the physical world, Giratina instructed.
Volo tried to think past the pain and understand what that meant.
Your world, the other side of the barrier! Giratina explained urgently.
Volo rose unsteadily to his feet and staggered to the boundary between worlds. It was harder coming through this time, as though the wax had thickened. As he permeated the outer barrier, he felt something begin to shatter around him- like a thin sheet of ice.
Evidently, Giratina had felt it, too. Yes, YES! the creature roared, a vibration that Volo could feel from within.
Once on the other side of the barrier, Volo dropped to his hands and knees. The griseous core he'd been holding tumbled onto the ground beside him.
Giratina tore out of Volo's body through his eye and touched the griseous core, brushing away the damaged barrier with ease before he'd even come out of its origin form, halting the process. Another touch allowed it to transform him into his worldly, altered form. Oh, yes! It worked! Giratina roared, dropping onto its new legs. The barrier is broken! My thanks, Hu-
It was then that Giratina looked back at Volo and saw the sorry state he was in. He was nearly unconscious and laying on his side, groaning as he held a blood-stained hand over his left eye. Volo pulled his hand away for a moment and saw that it was covered not just in blood, but a jelly-like substance that moments before had been contained in his eyeball. And he screamed. And screamed. And screamed.
"What did you do!?" Volo shouted, rising to his knees and looking up at the diety with terror.
Giratina struggled to find words. It knew what had happened: in its rush to see if the barrier was broken, he'd put too much pressure on a small, delicate part of Volo's body, and this had been the result.
I... I was reckless. The barrier is broken, so we will not have to do that ever again. Please, let me help you, human, Giratina replied.
Volo tried to rise to his feet, but stumbled. "Go ahead," he said weakly, probably feeling as though he had no other choice.
With its beak-like mouth, Giratina picked Volo up by his backpack and placed him on its back. It opened up a path straight to the outside, gently flew out, and plucked a branch full of sitrus berries from a nearby tree. It craned its neck back to hand Volo the berries.
It is these that heal you, right?
Volo opened his eyelids weakly. Giratina hung its head when it saw again the bloody mess it had caused.
"Yes, that's the healing stuff," Volo said, putting some enthusiasm into his tired voice. He picked two of the sitrus berries and ate them, juice running down his face. Giratina put down the branch and took a bite of the sitrus tree as well.
Mmm... not bad! Much tastier than antimatter. Are there any other berries in this area?
Volo slid off of Giratina's back, looking haunted but a little more energetic now.
"Indeed there is," he said, surprisingly calmly given the situation. "You don't know much about this world, do you? Well, I'll just have to show you, then. But... not right now. Going through that barrier tuckered me right out. Can you make sure that no one disturbs us?"
Yes, Giratina promised. I will make sure no one comes near enough to see us.
Giratina laid down in the shade of the trees and watched as Volo dug through his backpack, took out some bandages, and wrapped them around his head to cover his bleeding eye. When Volo was done, he laid against Giratina's side, intending to fall asleep. Giratina wrapped in his head and tail and prepared to do the same.
I'm sorry about your eye.
Volo was quiet for a long time before he responded, but he kept a casual tone when he did. "It's quite alright. I didn't expect that the help of a deity would come cheap. And once we meet Arceus, I'm sure that restoring an eye will be the least It can do."
Ha. Can, perhaps, but will It? That I doubt.
"In that case, once we enslave It and use Its powers to recreate the world, making a new eye will be the least of our concerns."
Now that, I can see.
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yourfavslanterncorp · 7 months
n from pokemon
You know, if my legal name was Natural Harmonia Gropius, I'd go by an initial as well. N was raised in the forests of Unova by pokemon, then taken in by the biggest bastard in all of Pokémon, Ghetsis. He was raised to be a figurehead, a puppet king for Team Plasma, but was defeated by Hilbert/Hilda and realized he was in the wrong. He now roams the region, caring for sick and injured pokemon, and returning those stolen by Team Plasma to their rightful partners. A beautiful tale of redemption, and one tied to a very lovely emotion.
N from Pokémon Black & White is a Blue Lantern.
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lavender-laney · 1 year
choking on sea salt snippet
This next chapter is taking longer than expected (mostly because I realized I don't have an actual outline... oops) so here's a little chapter two excerpt I wanted to share in the meantime!
Sadie is sure her responding smile is strained, but she shoulders past it, subtly tucking her hand into her coat pocket in an attempt to stifle the chill that had seemed to migrate from his frigid skin directly into her bones. Oddly enough, he doesn’t move to open the gate, but instead steps into the tall grass, pushing his way through the foliage. Sadie glances back at her car, left sitting before the gate, nearly swallowed by the thick fog, then grips her bag tighter and follows the man into the dark wood.
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For a moment, there are only the sounds of the forest – but wrong, somehow. There is the rustle of a salty breeze brushing against the trees, sending goosebumps across Sadie’s skin. There is the crunch of the pairs’ footsteps as they make their way deeper into the thicket of towering pines. As Sadie listens closer, though, there are no crickets, nor the chirping of frogs. No birds pass overhead with whispering feathers, no chipmunks or mice skittering through the undergrowth. No moths flutter past, no lightning bugs float by like paper lanterns. As she stares at the back of Joseph’s tangled hair, and the bow of his shoulders, she feels a sureness in her heart that there are no creatures in this wood besides herself and this strange man. Feeling horribly off-kilter, she stumbles on her next step, thorns snagging in her pants. The sudden grip of Joseph’s hand against her forearm, stabilizing her, is like a frigid wave crashing over her, sending a shock of ice up her arm. She jolts back, nearly falling into the thorny plant, if not for Joseph’s unyielding hold.  “Thank you,” she manages, attempting to pull her arm away. He simply watches her for a moment before his grasp loosens and she can clutch her arm close to her chest. “I’m not really used to … trekking through the woods like this,” she attempts to chuckle, but it comes out shrill and loud, and she’s sure she sounds on the verge of hysteria. “That’s alright,” he says quietly, almost a murmur, sunken eyes locked onto her own shifting gaze. “A nice girl like you ain’t meant to be out here in the elements like this, but it’s the only way into town, I’m afraid.” "What about the gate?" she asks, glancing over her shoulder, though the forest's edge has long since disappeared from sight. As though he did not hear her, he pushes on, shouldering past a low hanging branch. "We're getting close," is all he says.
I promise there will be actual plot soon instead of just ~ spooky vibes ~
tag list (lmk if anyone would like to be added or removed! or if you'd only like to be tagged for complete chapter posts <3)
@megarywrites @at-thezenith @repressed-and-depressed @plasma-studios @wrenofthewords @palebdot @communist-mariner @phantomnations @thelittlestspider @eurydicefades @inkingfireplace @silverslipstream @atreegrowss @i-rove-rock-n-roll @kaze-writes
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mythaura-blog · 2 years
Development Update - December 2022
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Happy New Year, folks! Miyazaki here with our December 2022 update. We take a look at everything Mythaura accomplished in 2022 as well as what we’re going to be working toward in 2023.
Key points covered:
2022 Year in Review
Beast Design Contest Winners
Quarter 3 (2022) Concepts
Ko-fi Shop: Q2 Companions/Glamours
Ko-fi Sponsored Items
New artist introduction
Beast Creator Demo update
Coming in 2023
More info available under the cut!
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2022 Year in Review
2022 was a big year for Mythaura! From the change of ownership in May to the newest addition to our team hired in December not a month went by without something new happening. Here’s a general recap of what the dev team got up to this year:
Koa and Sark became the new Mythaura owners in May
Completely new site server and layout
Fully rebuilt Beast Creator Demo & Breeding Predictor
Onboarded both new (Kymara, Miyazaki, Munke, Sashie) and existing (Luci) staff
Tint Special
50 new colors added to the color wheel
Ko-fi Sponsor system
Infrastructure and security upgrades
Gear, Glamorous, and Apparel
New NPCs
It was a productive year for us, and with some solid groundwork laid we’re really digging into the gameplay and story, and are excited to share more with you in 2023!
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Beast Design Conest Winners
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Thank you for all the great submissions to the Beast Design Contest! You all never cease to impress us with your creativity. For the December 2022 Beast Creator Contest we’ve got our three winners: KCDragons, Eclipsesalign, and Aina!
Our three winners will each have the rewards automatically applied to their accounts, and these three beasts will be featured on the homepage for Quarter 3 (January through March).
Keep an eye out for our next Beast Creator Contest–we’ll be gathering entries in March to display on our site for Quarter 4 (April through June).
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Quarter 3 (2023) Concepts
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It’s the first day of the new year and also the first day of Quarter 3 (2023), which means we’ve got new Quarterly Rewards for Sponsors to vote on on our Ko-fi page!
Quarter 3 features some popular concepts from past Quarters as well as some new additions. Which concepts would you like to see made into official site items? Sponsors of Bronze level or higher have a vote in deciding. Please check out the Companion post and the Glamour post on Ko-fi to cast your vote for the winning concepts!
Votes must be posted by January 31, 2023 at 11:59pm PDT in order to be considered.
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Ko-fi Shop: Q2 (2022) Companion and Glamours Available
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All Quarter 2 (2022) Rewards are now listed in our Ko-fi Shop for individual purchase for all Sponsor levels at $5 USD flat rate per unit. As a reminder, please remember that no more than 3 units of any given item can be purchased. If you purchase more than 3 units of any given item, your entire purchase will be refunded and you will need to place your order again, this time with no more than 3 units of any given item.
Hopefully in the future Ko-fi will offer the functionality to limit purchases per user, but for the time being we will be reviewing orders manually and reaching out to those who disregard these instructions.
Familiar: Wishing Tree Spirit
Glamour: Phantasmal Plasma
Glamour: Solid Gold Hippogriff
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Ko-fi Sponsored Items
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Necrophagic Talisman
Sponsored by: Alanna
Necrophages scour battlefields and cemeteries in search of trace magical energy from the dead. The consumed magic can be stored in this festering talisman, but comes at a cost to the wearer.
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Rosy Maple Llamoth
Sponsored by: Bug
A solitary creature, velvet-soft to the touch. It rubs its wings together to release a sleep-inducing spore on its would-be predators, then extracts their life essence to light its lantern.
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Flamebrush Boar
Sponsored by: Bug
The grass tendrils along its back flicker and sway like flames even without the presence of wind. Birds make home in the dense brush, eating ticks and fleas in exchange for shelter.
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Sponsored by: Alanna
Lily Twintail
A resilient two-tailed dragon. It inspects all lilies in its territory with equal care and attention, making it a prolific pollinator.
Lotus Twintail
A serene two-tailed dragon. During mating season these gifted swimmers make moonlit ponds glow with dancing blue lights.
Rose Twintail
A tempermental two-tailed dragon. Rose gardens are the sites of fierce territory disputes as these dragons claw, bite, and spit embers to attain dominance.
Sakura Twintail
A graceful two-tailed dragon. It entwines itself in the branches of sakura trees to keep hidden from the swarms of tourists visiting during the height of spring.
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Meteor Melon
Sponsored by: Kitty
A hard-skinned fruit that cannot be cultivated by traditional means. Patches of Meteor Melons sprout from the impact sites of fallen stars.
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Alpine Strawberry Ice Cream
Sponsored by: Bug
A delicacy crafted by Dragons from the alpine mires. Strawberries are a hardy fruit that can withstand the cold, and thus are commonly incorporated into Dragon cuisine.
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Introducing: Sashie
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This past month we welcomed a new artist to the team, Sashie (she/her)! She will be working on several different Mythaura projects, including bringing things to life with her professional animation experience.
Sashie is a huge bug fan: she loves entomology, finding bugs outside, and has pet tarantulas. We’re excited to have her on board!
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Beast Creator Demo Update
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The Beast Creator Demo has gotten a bit of an update!
When creating a Beast, users now have the option between either a solid color background or a Mythaura setting background (as of right now we have two: Spryhawk Mountains and Fledgling Forest; more to come in future updates). Users also have the option to have a drop shadow on their beast or not.
We hope that these changes will provide a more customizable Beast Creator Demo experience!
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Coming in 2023
We’ve taken a look at what we did in 2022, but how about what you can look forward to in 2023?
More Specials
Battle Demo (May 2023)
More NPCs
Astrology system & Mythaura lore
World map & starter town map
Exploration/Wild Areas
All that and more–we’re looking forward to sharing everything with you!
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Code Updates
All Mythaura items now have alt text
Color locking issue on Beast Creator Demo now fixed
Safari iPad issue on Sponsor page now fixed
Beta Keys now automatically set to recurring
Contact Us page/Support Ticket system created
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Thank You!
From all of us here at Mythaura: we wish you a very happy 2023! May this be a happy, healthy year for you. Thank you for coming along on our journey with us so far and for being such a supportive, engaged community. We appreciate you all!
See you around the Discord!
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ryukang1995 · 5 months
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe counterparts/matchups
Superman = Raiden - The ultimate defenders of their worlds. Superman is like a god while Raiden is literally one...well, before New MK1 came along.
Batman = Liu Kang - The greatest human defenders of their respective teams...at least before Liu Kang became the Fire God. Both are expert martial artists and have an animal motif going on (Liu Kang has a dragon theme while Batman's is self-explanatory).
Wonder Woman = Kitana - Warrior princesses from other worlds. Depending on which version you're going with, they also have close relationships with Batman and Liu Kang.
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) = Kuai Liang (Scorpion/Sub-Zero) - Members of councils who often share their mantles with other figures in the canon (Hal is part of the Green Lantern Corps while Kuai Liang is a member of the Lin Kuei clan, and later the Shirai Ryu clan in New MK1). Green Lantern's ring and Sub-Zero's ice often function similarly with both of them being able to create practically anything with them.
The Flash = Kabal - Super speedsters who often can be snarky.
Aquaman = Rain - Royal figures who are hydrokinetic and can manipulate the weather.
Deathstroke = Hanzo Hasashi (Scorpion) - Top ranking assassins who left behind their families from previous lives.
Catwoman = Sonya Blade - Arguably the most recognizable female characters besides Wonder Woman and Kitana, they're often on opposite sides of the law since Sonya is a Special Forces agent while Catwoman is a burglar. They too have close relationships with Batman and Liu Kang (mostly in my works based on MK, and even in the Jeff Rovin novel).
Dick Grayson (Robin/Nightwing) = Kung Lao - The partners/sidekicks to Batman and Liu Kang, they too are skilled martial artists.
Cyborg = Jax - African-American males who are cybernetically enhanced.
Starfire = Li Mei - Female fighters who can fire plasma/nova blasts. They also have close relationships with Dick Grayson and Kung Lao (at least in my works based on MK).
Raven = Ermac - Figures who use telepathy and dark magic.
Beast Boy = Nightwolf - Characters who can morph into animals.
Shazam = Fujin - Godly figures who are somewhat connected to Superman and Raiden.
The Joker = Kano - Psychopathic criminals with a penchant for knives and a twisted sense of humor.
Harley Quinn = Mileena - Seductive yet playful and twisted femme fatales.
Green Arrow = Kung Jin - Archers who are also skilled martial artists.
Black Canary = Sindel - Authority figures who are also mothers and have ultrasonic screams.
Blue Beetle = Takeda - Young heroes who have an insect motif.
Booster Gold = Johnny Cage - Egotistical celebrity heroes.
Katana = Kenshi - Japanese fighters who wield swords that have the souls of family members trapped in them.
Sinestro = Bi Han (Sub-Zero/Noob Saibot) - Darker foils to Green Lantern and Kuai Liang who used to fight for good until they became villains who invoke fear.
Killer Croc = Reptile - Sideshow freaks with a strong reptilian theme.
Lobo = Baraka - Deadly otherworldly beings.
Bane = Goro - Behemoth fighters with a level of intellect. They also have pivotal roles against Batman and Liu Kang (while Bane broke Batman's back, Liu Kang defeated Goro to become the Mortal Kombat champion).
Doctor Fate = Shang Tsung - Sorcerers.
Lex Luthor = Quan Chi - Power-mad and intellectual villains.
Darkseid = Shao Kahn - Tyrannical rulers bent on conquering worlds.
That's all for now. I did leave some characters out, but these are who I could think of at the moment. If you view them differently, it's all good.
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