#larry x papillon
kiwikiwiandkiwi · 2 years
H+L moments in 2022
I’ve seen these recaps before so I thought I’d make one with my favorite moments of 2022 since it was such a special year for them (and for us too):
1) I’m gonna start with probably my favorite moment (and this was just the beginning of everything) Louis wears the same blue and green shirt for his shows in Houston and Seattle (aka HS) 28 days apart of each other:
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2) Louis pointing nonstop to a Larry sign during his show in Washington (here's the moment in different angles x, x, x):
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3) Louis, during his Pittsburgh concert on Valentine's day, wears pants with a butterfly logo on them - a butterfly that was inspired by the movie Papillon, the same movie which inspired Harry’s butterfly tattoo:
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4) Louis, on his Reykjavik show, wears a shirt that's written Maison - home in french - on the same day Harry announces his new album, Harry's House:
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5) Ok, maybe this is my favorite moment. Harry, during his first concert of 2022, sings You're Still the One while wearing a rainbow jumpsuit (knowing exactly what this song means to us after singing it in 2018 and fonding way too hard while looking up at the VIP box):
6) Harry doodles an "H" and a subtle-ish “L” on his shoes while stunting in Italy:
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7) The peace ring makes a comeback in May and then for a few days in September (worth mentioning that the first appearance in September was on the 7th, the exact same day the ring made a comeback in 2021:)
May 19th:
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Sep 7th 2021 and Sep 7th 2022:
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8) Louis and Harry being in Italy at the same time and Louis pretending he is not aware of it:
9) Harry dresses up as Danny Zuko (making him look a lot like Louis) aka a character from Grease aka one of Louis' favorite movie aka a character Louis played when he was young (a play so important to him that he still has the jacket he wore in it):
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10) which leads me to this moment, because while wearing a Danny Zuko costume, Harry sang Hopelessly Devoted to You, a song that speaks for itself but that later on, Louis said was his favorite song from Grease:
11) After years of Harry telling us he's the little spoon, Louis finally confirmed that he is in fact the big spoon:
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12) so many songs and lyrics from Harry's House and Faith in the Future (big, big, big, biiiiiig shout out to Keep Driving, Daylight, Written All Over Face and Lucky Again)
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larentsbr · 3 years
Anon: Oioi!!! eu vejo mts larries falando que kill my mind e back to you são sobre/para o harry, mas essas músicas não falam sobre um relacionamento abusivo?
dividi a análise em duas partes:
parte 1 - back to you
parte 2 - kill my mind
kill my mind:
kill my mind eu acho que é larry no sentindo de estar com a pessoa que ama passando por todos os perrengues juntos. Então passar por um monte de merda, mas estar ao lado da pessoa que ama faz parecer mais leve a situação.
Sobre o relacionamento abusivo, eu, na verdade, acho que fala sobre a situação que os dois viveram/vivem é abusiva. Então como indústria/gestão foi/é com eles desde o início.
Sobre Director's Cut: Essa primeira parte que começa com Joe andando de moto sozinho até encontrar com a Miki, muita gente analisa e eu até que concordo, que seria os dois fazendo tour ao mesmo tempo, então cada um estaria em um lugar. Mas ele se encontrariam depois, o que para mim, representa quando eles alinharam as datas de tour para conseguirem ficar mais tempo juntos.
You're a nightmare on the dance floor
And you hate me, and I want more
[Você é um pesadelo na pista de dança
E você me odeia, e eu quero mais]
Eu não consigo ouvir essa parte e não pensar nesses gifs.
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Aí o louis fala brincando e o harry responde que odeia ele.
You're a total distraction
While I'm waiting for your reaction
[Você é uma distração total
Enquanto eu estou esperando pela sua reação]
Essa parte, para mim, é a parte que quando eles estão juntos zoando, é uma distração. O mundo está pagando fogo lá fora, mas na bolha deles as coisas estão mais leves e divertidas.
The devil in my brain
Whispering my name
I can hear it sayin', ah, ah, ah
I can ease the pain
Just a little taste babe
And ya won't let go of your hold on me
[O diabo na minha cabeça
Sussurrando o meu nome
Eu posso ouvi-lo dizendo (ah, ah, ah)
Eu posso aliviar a dor, apenas um gostinho, bebê
E você não vai deixar seu domínio sobre mim -> você não vai me deixar ir]
"E especialmente no refrão, é meio que uma descrição de uma situação, algo ou alguém que você sabe que não faz bem necessariamente, mas é divertido na hora" - louis, track by track. Essa explicação me lembrou o primeiro verso de copy of a copy of a copy (já analisei), em que todos os sonhadores entram de cabeça achando que são mil maravilhas. No começo até pode ser bom, mas depois faz mal fisicamente e principalmente psicologicamente.
Me lembra também o que eles passaram na época da banda, em que até o liam comentou várias vezes sobre como eles se divertiam, como era legal as tours, fãs etc mas como fodeu muito eles, acabaram desenvolvendo alguns transtornos e vícios. ↓
É esse verso que faz referência a parte ruim, a situação merda que ele passou. Ele ouviu tanto os outros falando sobre o que é errado e certo, o que ele deve ou não fazer, que acabou mexendo a cabeça dele. É como se ele não conseguisse aproveitar tudo 100%, como se ele não se permitisse estar presente,como se a cabeça dele estivesse em conflito, estivesse preso -> "você não vai embora". Mas então ↓ (próximo verso)
You kill my mind
Raise my body back to life
And I don't know what I'd do without you now
[Você mata a minha mente
Você traz o meu corpo de volta a vida
E eu não sei o que eu faria sem você agora]
O amor dele mata todos esses pensamentos negativos dele (do verso acima), resolve os conflitos dele, faz ele voltar para o corpo, ele fica vivo de novo só de estar lá ao lado da pessoa especial. Ele não sabe o que seria dele (louis) sem o amor dele ao lado, para trazer a realidade e aproveitar mais. Sendo a sua âncora, assim como ele é a bússola.
Kept me living from the last time
From a prison of a past life
On a mission just to feel like
When you kissed me for the last time
[Me manteve vivo desde a última vez
De uma prisão de uma vida passada
Em uma missão apenas para sentir como
Quando você me beijou na última vez]
Eu amo essa parte. Para mim fica mais claro ainda de como o amor dele ajuda a passar por tudo, como mantém o louis vivo. E mais uma vez faz referência ao verso em que o louis está em conflito, o diabo o prendendo e manipulando os seus pensamentos, mas a sua alma gêmea está lá para ajudá-lo a passar por isso.
"Em uma missão apenas para sentir como quando você me beijou na última vez" -> a missão, o objetivo do louis é correr atrás dessas emoções de felicidade, excitação, euforia que só a pessoa especial dele trás, ainda mais depois de beijá-lo.
"Prisão de uma vida passada" (vou me basear em algumas partes de um post e o clipe)
Prisão me fez pensar em tantas coisas.
1° ele preso na própria mente, em conflito e com ajuda do amado, ele se livra desse pesadelo.
2° no sentindo de se sentir preso em não poder fazer nada, sempre ser monitorado, nunca está sozinho porque sempre terá alguém no fundo de olho em suas ações.
E é sobre isso que vou falar do clipe. Joe e Miki no penhasco, onde eles estão sozinhos, se beijando, aproveitando a companhia um do outro.
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Mas então os capangas chegam, o Joe olha para trás e percebe os dois homens ali e pula do penhasco, para se livrar da prisão da sua vida passada.
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Ele pula na água, e sai dela diferente, renovado, sem a barba e com uma aliança. Ele é uma nova pessoa, ele aparenta estar livre e feliz.
3° Clipe x Papillon
Sinopse Pappilon: Henri Charrière, chamado de Papillon, pequeno bandido do subúrbio de Paris da década de 30, é condenado à prisão perpétua por um crime que não cometeu. Enviado para a Ilha do Diabo, na Guiana Francesa, ele conhece Louis Dega, homem que Papillon promete ajudar em troca de auxílio para escapar da prisão.
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larry x papillon: tatuagens.
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Harry e Louis:
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*** **
Por último e nem um pouco menos importante.
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[caralho, pensei que tivesse deixado óbvio]
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eu não tenho uma teoria muito formada por trás disso, mas eu acho que tem uma ligação com a parte da explicação do "diabo na minha mente" e os pensamentos negativos, como ele foi muito influenciado desde o começo a esconder quem ele é de verdade e isso influenciou muito quem ele é e as ações que ele precisa tomar.
Esses últimos segundos do clipe, onde tudo está escuro - uma parte bem escondida, quase ninguém presta atençã - e só a torre com as cores do arco-íris, acho que tem a ver com ele precisar esconder mas ele dando um sinal de quem ele é.
*** **
ok... agora eu não quais são os top 3 análises de músicas favoritas.
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kanhatomame · 5 years
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Babies and “fathers”🤔🥰💕
※baby Ahkmenrah say “Larry”, and the guys think “my baby is the best!” Papi says “fight” and “I wish I was there instead of Dega...”, Larry says “he works hard...” and Tyrell says only “Elliot...”.
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skepticalarrie · 4 years
For beginners / Masterposts / Timelines / Resources
2022 Larry / 2021 Larry / 2020 Larry / 2019 Larry / 2018 Larry / 2017 Larry / 2016 Larry / 2015 Larry / 2014 Larry / 2013 Larry / 2012 Larry / 2011 Larry / 2010 Larry 
Reasons why / They never broke up / Rainbow Bears / Body Language  / Tattoos / Looking disgustingly in love / Sign language / Jealous Harry / Jealous Louis / Innuendos / Baby boyfriends / List of things I like crying over / Big gay war / Nothing suspicious here keep scrolling / Dream Team / Always touching / Holding Hands / Denials / Supportive Harry / Supportive Louis / Always around each other / Next to you / Harry is Louis' baby / Married as fuck / List of things larry should be avoiding if larry wasn’t real / Sharing is caring / Debunked or not debunked / Best friends who are also married
For skeptical ones: Coincidences / Biggest Larrie Award / Communicating / Coded clothing / Queer coding / Outings / Tweets / Blue and Green / Patterns / Things named Louis / Narrative x Reality / Sexuality Harry / Sexuality Louis / Rebel Harry / Rebel Louis / Rebel Larry / Photo ban / Larry and Larries / Plausible Deniability
Why and How: Industry / Closeting  / People exposing Syco and Modest / Simon Cowell / Louis x Simon / Harry x Simon / Modest / Management / Coming out / Harry's image / Louis' image / Rebranding / Syco / Contracts and Business / Media Training / PR relationships / Harry's closet / Louis' closet / Not the first ones
Theories and Analyses:  Theories / Lyric Analysis / (other) Analysis / Parallels  / Songwriting
Louis is not a father: Babygate masterpost with links / Babygate general tag / Babygate masterposts / Babygate resources / Babygate timeline / Birth certificate / DNA test / Real parenthood / Surrogate / Custody / Fake pregnancy / Photoshopped / Why babygate / Briana / Rainbow bears x Babygate / Harry x Babygate / Louis x Babygate / Media x Babygate / 1D x babygate / Larry x Babygate / Foreshadowing babygate / Party boy Louis /  Boobiegate / End it / Freddie Reign / Babygate 2021 / Babygate 2022 / Babygate 2023
Beards and stunts: Stunts / Holivia / Haylor / Hamille / Hendall / Haige / Townes / Elounor / Loufie / Douis / Haroline / Tess / Harry x Elounor / Paparazzi / Pap walks / Stunt Clothes And Accessories
Harry: Harry's House / HSH promo / HSH leak / Solo Harry  / Harry and gender /  Harry Styles appreciation post / Actor Harry / Don't Worry Darling / My Policeman / Eternals / HS Tour (Live on Tour)  / Twitter Harry / Instagram Harry / Merch Harry / Harry Fashion / Harry and Rainbows /Harry and fans / Harry team / Harry band  / Harry's Rings / Interview Harry
Louis: Faith In The Future / FITF Promo / All Of Those Voices / AOTV promo / Louis song leaks / Solo Louis / Louis Tomlinson appreciation post / Walls era / Directors Cut / Just Like You / Bye Simon / Louis the boss / Everyone loves Louis / / Twitter Louis / Instagram Louis / Louis Fashion / Judge Louis / Merch Louis / BMG / Away From Home Festival / Away From Home Livestream / LT2 / Louis and Rainbows / Louis and fans / Real Louis / Louis team / Louis band  / Interview Louis / LT2 anagrams
1D: 1D general tag / Hiatus / Zayn Leaving / Louis x 1D / Harry x 1D
Rainbow bears: Rainbow bears general tag / RBB / SBB / Rainbow bears for beginners / Rainbow bears masterpost  / Rainbow bears theories / Nut tree / RBB phone / Countdown  / Larry x rainbow bears / Sound guy debunked
Random tags and important events: Blue bandana / Fake leaks and hacks / Weedgate / Yachtgate / Yacthgate 2.0 / Porngate / Milkshake tweet / Carpool karaoke milkshake / 369 / 28 / Eroda / Papillon / AIMH / Belfast / Lairport / Massive attack teardrop
Tour tags: LOT 2021 / LOT 2022 / LOT 2023 / LTWT 2022 / FITFWT 2023
My posts
Posts em Português (BR)
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larry-archives · 3 years
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➝Timelines: español: Linea del Tiempo: Tatuajes -@happieasa // tatuajes complementarios -@tbsloney // Harry y Louis tatuajes - @haroldcomehome // ingles: Larry Timeline: Tattoos To Date -@bulletprooflarry // Harry & Louis’ HQ Tattoos Masterpost -@too-old-for-this-ship en foto: X
XX -@tellmethisisnotlove
➝Tatuajes Completamentarios: (tag) Tatuajes relacionados con larry -@larryspain Tatuajes - @habithlarry Hi Oops! -El barco y la brújula - El ancla y la soga - La rosa y la daga -@happieasa He got the dagger -@skepticalarrie - the rose has already been taken care en ftos - X
➝Extras: traducciones: xx - xx - xx - 5 birds -@twopoppies Shakespeare and Harry -@pervincaa2 What antis get wrong about the tattoos. -@bulletprooflarry iniciales del otro -@twopoppies given a chance -@youfuckingloosah - you booze you love -@geneticistlarrie Louis en spotify -@behappyhl (otro) xx - spotify daga y rosa (concierto) -@heyangelonlyangel (otro) xx golondrinas -@kindofsharethat (otro) -@lightssup Royal Louis ship -@visali ta-te-ti -@quietasides "i can't change" lighthouse papillon X - .xx. - X - X ➝giff: xx - lindo gif - X - X - otro muy lindo ➝ftos tatus juntos: .xx. - .xx. - .xx.
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bluewinnerangel · 3 years
Since I'm seeing both Papillon/larry parallel posts and this recently released pic of Louis floating around lemme just go back here too:
Louis for House of Solo magazine (2019) / Rami Malek (plays Louis Dega in the remake) at the Papillon premiere (2018)
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Don't mind me just linking the posts and digging up a bunch more:
Harry/Louis' Papillon tattoos
Harry x Steve McQueen (who played Henri in the 1978 film)
Papillon x Kill My Mind/Lights Up
Papillon x Eroda
Reoccuring prison imagery
go watch this movie and cry
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Hi! I love your lyric/mv analyses, and I was wondering if you would consider doing an analysis of the parallels between Harry and Louis' videos? I know you've pointed out a few, but there are so many (especially between Walls, Lights Up, and TPWK) and the meaning behind those parallels is sometimes clear and sometimes not. Would love to know your thoughts!
oooooh okay. yeah my first thought about that is that it's all been said already, but knowing them, that is very very wrong. i will..... mull it over while i offer you some posts i had tagged as parallels:
walls x lights up mv lined up
another walls x lights up comparison
twin peaks x walls
walls x tpwk
kill my mind x lights up x papillon (movie) (essential reading imo)
adore you x we made it x papillon
my we made it director's cut breakdown, which includes parallels with lights up x papillon x other queer media
not a parallel with anything larry but still fascinating: tpwk x christine and the queens
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so-idialed-9 · 3 years
Main Posts and Master Posts
Larrie is love. Louis is not a dad. I’m a Larrie/Louie but also Harrie/Directioner and Ziam hopeful. I’m queer and in my 40s. I wasn’t around in the early years of the fandom but making up for lost time. I’m somewhat new here - I love new followers, and welcome comments on posts, asks, messages, and reblogs. GlowingRae on AO3.
Soon! Larry Stylinson timeline masterposts by year, with primary sources
Louis Tomlinson World Tour 2022:
Me being emotional about how far Louis has come x x
My concert experience - Chicago & Louis' onstage rainbow lights Chicago
NA tour group photos OTB compilation we see you fighting Louis feels protected
bluegreening x x x x x x
Exit songs
Full concert videos x x
Rainbows by Louis' team x x x & by Louis himself x x x x x
Industry response media response
Dallas x x - Austin - Houston - St. Louis thanks for the flag love cupcakes x - Atlanta - Nashville x x - DC - Louis confirming Larry - NYC 1 x mic drop -  NYC2 x x x codependency - Pittsburgh x x - Philadelphia x x x x - Boston x x - Cincinnati x x x x - Detroit touching a pride flag x x x x - Indianapolis - Chicago x x x x - Minneapolis - Kansas City x x x x x - Denver - Orem x x x x - Seattle - Portland x x - Vancouver - Oakland - LA 1 x x x x x & 2- Reykjavik x x x x - Oslo x -
Harry Styles Love On Tour 2021 concert moments:
Chicago 1 "Convince my boyfriend to propose" 
Bluegreening x x
Harry's House: x x x x x
Harry/Louis Home: x x x x
My Policeman x x
Acoustic LT/HS/1D x x
Tattoos masterpost - Harry and Louis' tattoos lead back to Leeds
x x x, Papillon x x
MV and lyric analysis:
Louis Tomlinson "We Made It" mv x "If They Only Knew"
Sunflower Larrying
Coded clothing:
Harry's blue bandana receipts, collared reference, Keith Haring x
Louis: Maison/House, Basquiat x x, Man in Black, James Dean queer icon, LTWT22 NA tour outfits, gay clubs/films, compass x x x, Polari x, Papillon x
Matchy x
Polari x Louis and Harry
x x
Sign Language:
Harry - pride dance
Louis - x H sign x x
Louis Tomlinson worship/lovable chaos sprite:
x x x x x x x x x
Top Louis x
Harry being anything other than str8:
x x x x
Larry receipts & proof:
x x x x x when pigs fly
Harry looking at Louis: x x x
Ziam: x
fuck simon cowell: x x
Frequently used tags:
bluegreen soulmates, blue and green (uses of blue and green in H/L), coded clothing, fuck simon cowell, fuck the system, harry’s styles (H fashion), louis' family outing (family and friends outing Louis or Larry), larryaf, larry receipts, long term closeting, lou are home (Louis is Harry's home), lyric analysis like an English lit major, Polari, pride flags, queer coding, rainbow Louis, walk in your rainbow paradise (for Harry and rainbowing), you are home
I occasionally tag babygate, holivia stunt, or eleanor stunt, always with tag end the stunts, but do not post stunts as news.
Dates: I'm starting a tagging system by the year something occurred, and if known, the exact date in mm.dd.yy format. Examples: #2022 or #1.31.22
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ssfoc · 6 years
anyone has a (master)post with larry x papillon? save a life please 💘
Here you go.
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wellthatwasaletdown · 3 years
But there are some coincidences or difficult to explain away things that have let people believe they are/were together. // Can you give an example? //
I wasn’t the anon, but I’ll weigh in here. A lot of people say that the tattoos “convinced” them that Larry was/is real. Personally, I think interpreting the meaning of another person’s tattoos is foolhardy, and Larries have made some really tedious and unconvincing connections. But some of the tattoos do sincerely appear to be complimentary. First, in the book Papillon, there are three prison tattoos mentioned, which the main character (Henri) has: The skull and crossbones, the suite of cards, and the butterfly. H’s tattoo artist has gone on record to say his butterfly tattoo is a reference to the prison tattoo in Papillon. Louis has the other two, the suite of cards and skull and crossbones, on his left wrist. There are parallels to be drawn here about two men (Henri and Louis) escaping a prison, etc. For my own purposes, I always thought the fact that Louis got tattoos of a swift bird and a paper airplane on the same day, about two weeks after Haylor ended, to be very strange. Numerous news sources quoted Louis saying the tattoo is specifically a swift, with the caveat that it’s “his favorite kind of bird.” If nothing else, the tattoo truly resembles a swift. And anyone who has listened to “Out of the Woods” or watched the music video knows how prominently the paper airplane necklace factored into Harry and Taylor’s relationship. There’s more, like the rose and dagger, but you get the idea. For me, watching their behavior on X-Factor, with the Susan Boyle (Harry) and Frankie Sanford (Louis) jokes that were often sexual/romantic in nature (“go on a date with Susan Boyle” and “My confession is two months ago I snogged Susan Boyle”) was odd because of how repetitive and incessant it was - and how bashful Harry looked. Shortly after X-Factor, Harry and Louis created Facebook and Twitter accounts for their Cat and Dog, Dusty Styles and Ted Tomlinson. Their families and friends interacted with and followed these accounts, so I do think they were run by Harry and Louis. Anyway, Dusty and Ted were very openly in a relationship and made these really over the top declarations of love. Like, “I LOVE YOU DUSTY STYLES, FOREVER, NO MATTER WHAT OBSTACLES MAY FACE US I LOVE YOU FOREVER xxxxxxxxxxxx” which kind of seemed like the forerunner to the “Always in my heart” tweet. I’m not a Larrie, btw. And I find babygate entirely unconvincing and offensive. But there’s weird stuff like this throughout 1Ds tenure and well into hiatus.
The Facebook accounts sound immature, which considering their age at the time, seems like it was just some immature fun and not at all to be taken seriously. The tattoos and trying to determine their meanings is foolhardy, like you said. No one knows why they got those tattoos except for them.
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kiwikiwiandkiwi · 3 years
I have this… thing where every now and then I decide to go through all of my posts only to add new tags or “retag” old posts. So this post is definitely under construction. I like to collect evidence, references, moments and I like to keep everything organized, even if it is just for me. But if you’re reading this, enjoy!  
masterposts; timelines; for beginners;
since the beginning; hl moments; hl timeline; things that keep me up at night; all the reasons ever needed; if it isn’t real then explain me this; they never broke up; still the one;
rainbow bears; theories; communicating; coded clothing; queer coding; big gay war; coincidences; same patterns; parallels; being loud; he’s gay; pride; at the same time; lyrics; lyrics analysis; lyrics change; 369; 28; rings; freddieismyqueen; sign language; nautical theme; this shade of blue; things named louis; x factor; papillon; belfast; leeds; wellington; jamaica; brazil; lairport;
1D; 1dhq; hiatus; zayn leaving; 1d leaks; image control; narrative x reality; pap walks; pr relationships; media training; industry; management; closeting; privacy; contracts; photo ban; simon cowell; syco; sony; music industry; BMG; rumors; receipts; public houses; outings; everyone knows; denials; debunked;
LARRY: fetus larry; body language; harry loves louis; louis loves harry; pick someone supportive; jealous louis; jealous harry; biggest larrie; husbands af; husbands on tour; blue and green; same everything; always there; next to you; pronouns; innuendo; get a room; the fond; the hug; sharing clothes; matching; tattoos; always touching; whispering; serenading; mirroring; 1d x larry; larry and larries; AIMH; friends and family; in laws; same circle; the B stage; vip box; living situation; blue bandana; umbro shirt; the H shirt;
THROUGH THE YEARS: larry 2010; larry 2011; larry 2012; larry 2013; larry 2014; larry 2015; larry 2016; larry 2017; larry 2018; larry 2019; larry 2020; larry 2021; larry 2022; larry 2023;
HARRY: harry fashion; harry and rainbows; flamboyant harry; harry’s image; harry’s closet; harry’s sexuality; harry and gender; harry and men; harry and women; womanizer harry; about harry; everyone loves harry; harry styles tm; harry’s rings; harry photoshoots; hs interview; twitter harry; instagram harry; songwriter harry; harry and fans; harry’s team; actor harry; hs1; behind the album; live on tour; hs1 leak; hs2; fine line; eroda; fine line promo; love on tour; hs3; harry’s house; you are home; harry’s house promo; hs3 leak; love on tour 2022; love on tour 2023; hs merch; hshq; pleasing;
LOUIS: louis fashion; louis and rainbows; flamboyant louis; louis and gender; louis’ image; louis’ closet; louis’ sexuality; louis and men; louis and women; about louis; everyone loves louis; judge louis; louis photoshoots; lt interview; am i the boss? i was always the boss; twitter louis; instagram louis; lthq tiktok; songwriter louis; louis and fans; louis’ team; louis leaks; lt1; walls;  walls promo; walls mural; director’s cut; lt world tour; lt2; faith in the future: lt2 leak; lt2 anagrams; faith in the future promo; faith in the future listening party; faith in the future tour; lt merch; lthq, 28 official programme;  live from london; the away from home festival; the away from home festival 2022; 
BABYGATE: babygate masterposts; babygate timeline; before babygate; louis x babygate; harry x babygate; party boy louis; louis and kids; freddie reign; clark family; DNA test; real parenthood; briana jungwirth; babygate x media; tamara bell; fake pregnancy; photoshopped; boobiegate;
STUNTS: holivia; hamille; hendall; townes; haige; haylor; haroline; elounor; douis;
By year (you can find tags for every year):
2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023
you can also search for a month ex: tagged/jan21
(not all months of every year can be found yet, i’m still working on it)
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larentsbr · 3 years
eu sei que eu falei que ia fazer muitas coisas nesse blog nessas férias. Eu fiz pelo menos duas timelines yay. Eu até tentei organizar, mas é muita coisa. Aqui são quase todas as tags do meu blog (não são todas porque eu preciso terminar de olhar todos os posts, mas acho que falta pouco)
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mas mari, como eu procuro isso? bem simples!
vá no navegador do seu aparelho eletrônico e digite: larentsbr.tumblr.com/tagged/
depois da segunda barra, você coloca o nome da tag. Aviso: Se a tag tem espaço, coloca "-" para representar os espaços.
Exemplo: A tag é larry x papillon então você coloca assim: larentsbr.tumblr.com/tagged/larry-x-papillon -> desse jeito vai levar para a página específica dessa tag.
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É meio confuso? No começo, mas depois pega o jeito.
Eu estou fazendo isso porque eu voltei de férias hoje, 3 de agosto, e esse semestre vai ser intenso porque as matérias vão começar pra valer e eu terei que ir pra faculdade dois dias da semana por conta das aulas de neuroanatomia e neurofisiologia que são no laboratório, então vou ficar menos tempo por aqui. Além disso, também ajudo a faculdade com algumas coisas, então acabo tendo algumas reuniões.
Quando eu tiver tempo novamente eu vou tentar terminar de arrumar o blog, tentar fazer uma página mais bonitinha e arrumada.
É isso :) Obrigada pela atenção. Podem continuar mandando asks se quiserem! Vou tentar responder todxs o mais rápido possível.
ps: eu sei que estou devendo umas 3 asks, só que faz um tempinho que as coisas estão corridas e não tive tempo de pensar direito em nada. E tem duas asks que as respostas são bem longas, então demandam tempo... Mas não esqueci delas!
post que era fixo antes, que também tem links e as minhas traduções.
mari xx
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larryspillow · 7 years
Larry songs
so here are the songs that remind me of Larry and those that are just so Larry u can't ignore it: 1D - if i could fly 1D - Home 1D - strong 1D - little things 1D - they don't know about us 1D - over again 1D - perfect Harry Styles - two ghosts Harry Styles - from the dining table Harry Styles - sweet creature Mr. X - scandal Little mix - secret love song Little mix - nobody like you OneRepublic - Let's hurt tonight Ed Sheeran - friends Ed Sheeran - give me love Ed Sheeran - little bird Ed Sheeran - Kiss me Ed Sheeran - Photograph Ed Sheeran - Tenerife sea Ed Sheeran - perfect Ed Sheeran - firefly James Arthur - say you won't let go James Arthur - safe inside Jessie J - who you are Christina Perri - human Adele - when we were young (I'm always listening to the cover by Tanner Patrick btw) Kodaline - all I want The Temper Trap - sweet disposition grouplove - let me in Ariana Grande - just a little bit of your heart Måns Zelmerlöw - the core of you Christian Akridge (cover) - can't help falling in love Snow Patrol - chasing cars The Fray - you found me The Fray - how to save a life EDEN - circles daughter - medicine the killers - mr. brightside a day to remember - forgive and forget the airborn toxic event - safe the airborn toxic event - the storm the airborn toxic event - papillon Jack Johnson - Angel the cinematic orchestra - to build a home Eric Arjes - find my way back sleeping at last - total eclipse of the heart Andrew Belle - in my veins ( ft. Erin McCarley) James Blunt - make me better Perrin Lamb - everyone's got something Justin Timberlake - Mirrors sia - fire meet gasoline Alex & Sierra - I love you that's it, hope you enjoy it💚💙
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thepeterssite · 7 years
Rami Malek Net Worth
Who is Rami Malek and How much is his Net Worth?
Rami Malek, born as Rami Said Malek, is an Egyptian-American actor. He is recognized for portraying the lead role of Elliot Alderson in critically praised USA Network TV series Mr. Robot, which has also earned him Critics’ Choice Award and the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in Drama Series. Besides, his other prominent roles include Pharaoh Ahkmenrah in Night at the Museum series, Finn in Need for Speed (2014).
Rami Malek was born in Los Angeles on May 12, 1981 in a conservative Egyptian family. His late father worked as a tourist guide in Cairo, and his mother works as an accountant. He also has twin brother Sami, a teacher and has an older sister Yasmine, a medical doctor. He completed his graduation from Notre Dame High School. He later enrolled at University of Evansville and completed Bachelors of Fine Arts.
Rami Malek Net Worth
Malek made his acting debut as Andy in an episode of Gilmore Girls “In the Clamor and the Clangor”. Following the year, he appeared as Hassan in Steven Bochco’s TV series Over There and as Timothy Kercher in Medium’s episode “Time Out of Mind”. He also had a recurring role of Kenny in The War at Home.
Moreover, in the year 2006, Rami made his movie debut through Shawn Levy’s fantasy comedy film Night at the Museum. In the movie he portrayed the role of Pharaoh Ahkmenrah. He again reprised the role of Pharaoh Ahkmenrah in the Night at the Museum franchise; Night at the Museum: Battle of Smithsonian. These movies helped him in addition of his net worth. Soon, he was seen as Marcos Al-Zacar in a television series 24 in 2010. The same year he played as Merriell “Snafu” Shelton in The Pacific.
Furthermore, Rami had a small role of Steve Dibiasi in Tom Hanks’s Larry Crowne. Later in 2012, he appeared in three movies; Battleship, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2, and The Master. However, he had small roles in these movies. Besides, he also was seen as Webb Porter in a TV series Alcatraz and provided his voice for Tahno in The Legend of Korra.
Similarly, Rami made his appearances in three movies namely Ain’t Them Bodies Saints, Short Term 12 and Oldboy in the year 2013. In the year 2014, he portrayed the role of Finn in Scott Waugh’s Need For Speed alongside Aaron Paul and other co-stars. He again replayed the role of Pharaoh Ahkmenrah in Night at the Museum’s series Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb. This role also increased his net worth and was seen as Seneschal Higginbottom in Da Sweet Blood of Jesus.
Besides, in year 2016, Rami did the portrayal of Jonah/Buster in Sarah Adina Smith’s Buster’s Mal Heart. He was also a co-narrator of a short film, Project X. He recently appeared as Louis Dega in Michael Noer directed Papillon. Malek will soon be seen in a new film Bohemian Rhapsody in coming year 2018. He is also playing the role of Elliot Alderson in USA Network’s series Mr. Robot since 2015.
Working in this all TV series and movies, Rami currently has a net worth of $6 million US dollar. The main source of his net worth is Mr. Robot and Night at the Museum series including various other movies which have paid him a handsome revenue.
Must Know Facts about Rami Malek
Real Name: Rami Said Malek Date of Birth: 12 May, 1981 Profession: Actor Height: 5′ 9″ Facebook: 269K Fans in Facebook Instagram: 375.4K Followers in Instagram Twitter: 353K Followers in Twitter Net Worth: $6 Million
The post Rami Malek Net Worth appeared first on etcNepal.com.
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larentsbr · 3 years
https://twitter.com/louxstylest_/status/1421847688996347909?s=19 Mari, oq vc acha disso? pq já vi que a tatuagem do louis "it is what it is" se completa com a mariposa do harry, mas agora vi isso... que é uma baita de uma coincidência tbm
um dos meus paralelos favoritos é larry x papillon. tem tanta coisa envolvida...
minha tag larry x papillon, e no fim da minha análise de kill my mind, eu também falei sobre.
sobre it is what it is, até pode ser que eles se conectam porque ambas as tatuagens são do Liam Sparkes, e quando eles se abraçam fica na mesma posição que esta no decalque. Tatuagens podem inúmeros significados. E eu acho uma incrível coincidência as duas juntas. Eu acho que o louis só uniu o útil com o agradável.
E sim, o liam sparkes falou sobre a tatuagem do harry ser sobre papillon. Ele falou em uma entrevista para another man em 2016 (se não me engano). Então respondendo a sua pergunta: o que eu acho disso? Acho super válido. Eu acho que sim, essas três tatuagens se conectam.
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larentsbr · 3 years
oi mari, sobre o tweet da anti tentando desmentir a tatuagem de borboleta do harry ser sobre papillon, ela tentou desmentir dizendo que ele fez a tatuagem para uma campanha para ajudar crianças, mas na verdade, ele foi convidado para participar dessa campanha justamente porque ele tinha a tatuagem de borboleta. ou seia: a campanha só aconteceu depois dele ter feito a tatuagem :) desmentiram o tweet dela e ela até mesmo apagou, pois tentou espalhar uma informação falsa. é isso! o próprio tatuador já confirmou a tatuagem ser inspirada em papillon!
sim sim! deixei o link do liam sparkes falando sobre a tatuagem ser sobre papillon no post da primeira ask. E simm, o harry fez a tatuagem antes da campanha, em janeiro de 2013 - se não me engano - e o tweet foi feito só em outubro.
Obrigada por mandar!! Não sabia que ela já tinha apagado o tweet, bom saber. Eu não acompanho nada do que rola no twitter. Tenho zero paciência pra ficar vendo briga entre anti x larrie e ver anti simplesmente puf deletando contexto.
referente a esse post.
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