#larson and bobby paine
boredout305 · 8 years
Geza X Interview from 2005, Part One
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Way back in 2005, Mor and I met up with Geza X at a recording studio he was working at in Los Angeles. It’s been a longtime since, and memories like vision just get worse, but I recall he had one of the late Rob Ritter’s (Gun Club, Bags, 45 Grave, etc.) amps there which he’d purchased from his former Silver Chalice band mate back in the ‘80s. Of all the illustrious accomplishments on Geza’s resume and cool stuff he had around, having Rob’s old amp really impressed me. This interview originally ran on a small website we started (In a Better World), long-since defunct. I want to point out that Mor was only nineteen when she did this interview. I think she did a great job and I wish she’d stuck with interviewing people. Geza was really pleasant, by the way. -Ryan Leach 
Interview by Mor Fleisher-Leach 
Mor: Having recorded so many singles, how do you think the demise of the 45 affected rock ‘n’ roll music?
Geza: Let me back track a little bit, because I grew up in the ‘60s and heard a lot of the one-hit-wonder bands. There were so many groups with regional hits, like The Standells and The Seeds—stuff like that. Even bands like Love, who were very big in one area of the country, weren’t that well known in other parts. I used to listen to these singles. In fact, I used to go to thrift stores and collect all these Dogs and other bands’ singles that just never made it out of their city. Sometimes there would be an incredible song on there. This was the era when The Beatles and all those types of bands had hit singles and the format was so big with radio. Radio was a lot different in those days. DJs would play various genres on pop radio during their sets, so you’d get a psychedelic song followed by Tom Jones. It was just a completely different world and I loved it. I was really interested in music, but I was also a student demonstrator. I was involved in leading all of the UCLA anti-war protest marches when the UC schools went on strike. I was a big activist, but I was always following the underground music scene. There were so many obscure bands who had one really great song. That aspect of 45s caught my attention and I became fascinated with singles. What happened when punk rock hit was that there was naturally some intrigue about the music. Jimmy Carter heard about it and said, “Well, we can’t have that in this country! They’re talking about anarchy!” President Carter sent out a memo to the heads of all the record companies promising them these humongous tax breaks if they didn’t sign any punk rock artists. That’s why none of us got signed by the majors and only the real sugarplum bands like X or The Dickies got record deals on the West Coast. We were a lot more like the English version of punk rock. The first wave of punk rock during The Masque era was very anti-art and Dada influenced.
Mor: How do you think it was different on the East Coast?
Geza: The punk audiences and artists on the East Coast were generally older and came out of this New York Dolls tradition. It was good stuff. The whole skinny-tie thing came from the East Coast. We just wanted beer. Nickey Beat was making these incredible shirts with spray paint and things like that, so we were really going with the razorblades and safety pins aesthetic out here in LA. But back to the singles—when I had the opportunity to start recording bands, there was nobody releasing stuff. We were almost forced to start the DIY movement, so we met the people at the pressing plants. We pressed singles because putting them out was still relatively cheap and we’d cram as many songs on there as we could. Sometimes a single had three or four songs on it. Everybody in those days had a record player and all the punkers were really broke; they’d blast punk singles on cheap record players. Singles were a really good format for punk. I was trying to bring back the one-hit wonders, which I did succeed in doing with a lot of the groups that I recorded. I spotted the bands that were really strong and I was looking for good material.
Mor: You produced the first Germs single, correct?
Geza: Well, it was not technically the first Germs single (“Forming” on Chris Ashford’s What Records?). They took some cassette that they had recorded that was really fuzzy and released it as a single. That was their first single. I did their first major deal for Slash Records (“Lexicon Devil”). It was a single that Slash put out when they became a label after their run as an underground magazine ended.
Mor: When did you first start theorizing about X-Music?
Geza: Between 1970 to 1972, I really started thinking about what was wrong with music. I liked underground music, but I saw the train coming in where everybody was going into this lame stage with bands like Bread. Really terrible ‘70s, post-hippie dumbed-down bands that were pretty tame in comparison to the underground music of the ’60s. I thought the ‘70s were an era where music was dying. I started thinking to myself—what would be the most extreme thing I could do that would be the total opposite of that? I liked Frank Zappa and Captain Beefheart and all those really weird, atonal bands, so I started playing with a lot more dissonance and what I called “X-chords”—which were just tritones. I read all these books on music theory. In the Middle Ages, people were afraid of these chords because they thought they would call forth the Devil, so people would be beheaded if they accidentally played them. If the court jester was playing along and accidentally hit a tritone, they would say, “Off with his head!” You had to be really careful around the church when you were playing tritones, so of course I bashed them out as loud as I could!
Mor: How was it different playing with bands like The Bags as opposed to The Deadbeats or The Mommymen were you would play X-chords?
Geza: The Bags was more of a poppy-punky band. I liked that kind of music too, because I liked so many different styles, including good top-40 and stuff that had a hard rock feel to it. I got into punk because in those days we were all starving to hear three-chord songs, but everything sounded like The Eagles, James Taylor and disco. All of that music was like a curse on LA in the ‘70s. If you turned a little amplifier up past “two” on the volume knob, you’d get booted out of these singer-songwriter clubs. Everything was acoustic and really cheesy and there were all these sensitive artists singing about these really sensitive things and I would just think, “Where’s the blood?” Needless to say, The Ramones showed up and played really loud and we were all really excited about it.
Mor: You joined The Bags early on, right?
Geza: Yes. It was pretty much around when The Sex Pistols and The Ramones had just started breaking out, and I was thinking “God this is great music.” My friend Joe Nanini and I said “Okay, we’re gonna join a punk-rock band.” Joe had moved to LA from Santa Maria with me, and he ended up joining The Bags too before he went on to Wall of Voodoo. I’d try to throw in a couple X-chords in with the Bags from time to time, but they’d get really mad at me.
Mor: Why did you go on to The Deadbeats after that?
Geza: I always liked kind of obscure, goofy, weird music. In those days, there was nothing like that. I was the only person I knew that was playing music in that vein. Then I met this band called The Deadbeats, and they were doing something very similar. Nickey Beat introduced me to them and I just thought “I’m home!” X-chords and all—they were ready for me. So that became a really happy outlet for some very arty, Dada rock. I really got to get my art-rock chops out with the Deadbeats. We would also wear costumes on stage which was really a no-no in those days with punk. We would perform brain surgery on stage with manikins.
Mor: After that you did the Mommymen which was your own thing.
Geza: Right. It was a similar thing to the Deadbeats, but it was a little bit more in between. I don’t know what I was thinking; I thought for sure it was going to be the next big punk hit. Now I listen to the Mommymen stuff and it’s so weird.
Mor: What was it like making the Mommymen record (You Goddamn Kids)? I heard you had some studio trouble.
Geza: No, not exactly. What happened was the studio where I recorded the Mommymen record was rented by these guys named Larson and Bobby Paine. Those guys were legends in the scene. They were not exactly part of the punk scene, but they were sort of lurking around it as producers. They were really cool guys and very talented songwriters. They really knew music and a fair amount about the studio. They worked with the Go-Go’s and Fear. They worked with a lot of bands before they came up, and of course they got shafted by all of them because that’s the way the world works. So anyway, those guys were my home team and good friends of mine. Bobby ended up playing bass in the Mommymen for a while. He and his brother Larson had rented this studio and they were cutting demos there. They were recording Fear demos, which I worked on. They were also doing Levi and the Rockats demos. They did the first Josie Cotton tracks, some of which appeared on her album (Convertible Music). I became an engineer at their studio sort of by accident. They’d asked every engineer in the city to help them get their studio running properly. They had rented it, but the gear was just sitting there and it was really old and trashed and none of it was really working correctly. In those days, I was this post-speed freak tweeker fiend, but I had this way with electronics gear. Finally, in desperation after they tried every engineer and they’d all gone running out of there in terror, they said “Look, you want to come in and goof around with this equipment and see what’s going on?” I went in there and thought there was no way to fix it—to have it actually working properly—unless I just took it all apart. They got really nervous, and I asked them to just go away and I’d do it and everything would be fine. So they came back about four days later. I don’t remember this story, but apparently Josie (Cotton) remembers it quite vividly and told me about it. I had every piece of gear on the floor taken apart, including this old plastic 8-track tape machine, and everything was just laying on the floor. They say I was petting the parts and talking to them.
Mor: Was this drug influenced?
Geza: No, I didn’t take drugs in those days, but that’s after I had taken loads of them! In those days, that’s what I used to do because I was always broke and I had very little electronic equipment. But I liked recording, so I would just get whatever was around and I didn’t have any money to repair the equipment so I had to talk to the gear. Anyway, I put it all together and it worked and I made a bunch of records there including my own.
Mor: How was the process of making that (You Goddamn Kids) record?
Geza: It was really fun. It wasn’t all tube gear, but there was some tube gear in there because it was a really old studio. It was a small place, but it had a decent sound—like a project studio. Even back then, I was totally in the DIY mode. I really have to say that I was probably one of the people who started the DIY movement back in ’77 and ’78. It was what went on to become DIY recording and so-called alternative rock. Of course, at one time it really was alternative.
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thedarkoutside · 3 years
The updated but probably out of date list
(if you’re name is missing please let me know) 1 of 100 1233221 1976 3Lapse and Richie303 4 floors of whores 424 8 Track Dogma :zoviet*france: A Farewell to Hexes A Strange Desire A.D Jacques A.F. Harrold AFH AM Web AOTCI ATKHorses Abduction by Giraffe Absinth3 Accursed Volts Action Beard Ada Stockwell & Lippy Kid Adam Cavill Adam Leonard Adi Carter Adjectivals Aet Afrotull Ahuva Aimee Cozza Airspace Akatombo Alan Dunn & Valérie Vivancos Alan Smith and John Bowers Aldo Rox Aleks Jurczyk Alex Charles Alex Forselius Alexander Jeavons Alexander Peverett Alextronic (HIVE Collective) Algiers Ali Wade Alice Hubley Alison Cotton Alma Riddell Amechi Essu Amesbury Banks Amongst the Pigeons Amy Beeston Andreas Miranda - Optics Andrew Bridport Andrew Hayes Andrew Lagowski Andrew Paine Andrew Ramsey Andy Blip Andy Holbrook Andy McDade Andy Monument Andy Pyne Andy Willis Anni Hogan Another Dead Weirdo Anton Caligula Maiof Antoni Maiovvi Anvil & Stirrup Apalusa Ape Seed April Larson Apta Arboria Auralist Arcadian Pink Art School Orchestra of Leeds Art Trip and the Static Sound Art_no Artist Unknown Arvik Torrensen Ashtoreth Assassin of Sound Astoria Sound Astral Social Club Atom Eye Atom Tree Atomluft Audbat Audio Obscura Aula Deft University of Technology Autodespair Autoflag Automatic Tasty Autumna Ava-Tara Essu-Taylor Ave Grave Avebury Sounds Average Alien Awful Collider Ayse Hassan (Esya)   Azuka Essu-Taylor BEPAWA BMH Babbage Music Ballard Ban Summers Bastard Flower Baze Djunki Bazrah Beatman Beckett & Taylor Bedroom Studio Projects Beholdthesalt Belly Full Of Stars Ben Salisbury Ben Tye Beneather Benge Benjamin Shaw Bernard Grancher Betamax Warriors Beth Ryan Bethany Porter Bev Craddock Billy Fuller Billy Fuller’s Jazz Hollowcause Bipolar Explorer Bis Bit Cloudy Bitbasic Black Cat Black Channels Black Glacier Black Tempest BlackBlackBlack Blacklight Blaiddwyn Blaine Blamhaus Blanc Sceol Blancmange Bleep Eater Bless This Machine Blood Blood Blood Candy Blood Everywhere Blood Wine or Honey Bloodeverywhere Bloody Mountain Blue Kirkhope Bobby Corrigan Bobby Horseshoe Body in the Thames Bonnacons of Doom Boodlam Boom Merchant Bottils Bound Boy Called Crow Boyd Braintape Brave Robin Brend / Big Ned Brian Carlson Bridget Hayden and Conny Prantera British Detail Broken Glass Brooks & Macfarlane Bruce Bruce McClure Burnt Begonia C-drík CD & TK CTE Cabaret Voltaire Cahn Ingold Prelog Calico Jack Capricornio Caring Carlo Patrão Carter Thornton Carter Tutti Cat Tent Cath Holland Cathay Catrin Perry Caveat Auditor Ccircle Cevan Charles Eppley Charles Gershkovich Charles Robinson Charlie & Lol1 Charlie Ulyatt Chase Gardner Chelidon Frame Cheryl Cole as remixed by Freelance Hellraiser   Children of the Crazed Chipped Teeth Choke Chris Carter Chris Dooks Christ. Christopher Umney Cindytalk Circuit Bent Birds Clair Clair Hotgem Clarapandy Clare Archibald Clare Qualmann Claro Correcto Claudine Coule Cleaners from Venus Cliver Clutchdaisy Cnut Co-Pilot Coefficient Coffin Warehouse Coil - remixed by Sheer Zed Coldsore Colin Newman Colin Newman/Wire Colony Recording Club Colorcode Concrete/Field Concretism Conrad Clipper Cool Tigers Coppervosper Corporal Tofulung Correlations Cosey Fanni Tutti Couch Boy Couch Boy & Deathstroke Course Correct Cowboy Flying Saucer Cowp Craig B Craig Safan Cromlech Shadow Culllt Cult With No Name Curxes Cuts Cyber Blood D Fyans D. McCann D. Taylor DAAM DFF Sound System DJ 2 Minute Noodle DJ Food DJ Kaos & W!de Receiver DROKK DVAnt DVAnt & Dr RemiX Dabba Dada Duo Dai Coelacanth Daimhin Kavanagh Damon Fairclough Dan Jobar Daniel Crompton Daniel Mudford of Balham Daniel Pioro Dann Danny Carnage Danny Hale Danny McCann Dark Actors Dark Knopfler Darren Hannant Das Blut & Zorn Orkestra Datassette Dave Ball Dave Clark Dave Graham Dave Salsbury  / Dr Jolly Dave Walklett David Bamford David Coyle David J Bertrand David McNicol David Miller & Michael Pedersen David W Smith Dawn Scarfe Dayton Madison Dea Karina Dead Bart Dead Flying Squirrel Dead Sea Apes Deathwatch Headband Debord Debt Debukas Decadnids December Beaches Delia Derbyshire Delicate Noise Den Haan Depeche Mode Desert Petunia Dessicant Devotional Hooligan Devotionalhallucinatic Diagrams Diamanda Galas Didymo Bloom Dil23 Dirch Blewn Disaster Famlee Distant Animals Ditchburn Band Divine Bear Divine Styler Dixie Treichel Diz Willis Dog Eats Wall Dog in the Snow Dogdub I-ilodica and DVAnt Dognoize Dolmen Dweller Dom Turnor Dominic Aitchison Donna Enticknap Doomed Nudes Douglas Deep Douglas Moreland Dowsabel Dragonfly Lingo Drew Five Drew McDowall Drew Mulholland Droid Drvg Cvltvre Duncan Chapman Duncan Foster Dundass Dunn Drank Dustin O'Halloran Dusty Ohms Dylan Ducklow Dylan God EV Early Hominids Earth Reference Terminal Earthborn Visions Earthling Originales Earthshine East India Youth Eat The Sun Ed Spess Eddie Cointreau Edith A Graves Eduards Ozoliņš Eggatha Yolk Egone Eismalsott El Ghou Elaine Howley Electric Talk Electro Aura Electroaurora Electroscope Elf and Stacy Elizabeth Joan Kelly Elli Shnoo Ellie Wilson Eléna Powell Em Downing Emilie Levienaise-Farrouch Emphemetry Ensam Hemma (Hu$Tlin) Entaclishus Eoin MacIonmhain Eon McKai Eraldo Bernocchi Eric Arn Eric Schaming Erlend Tait Erstlaub Escupemetralla Espetacara Euan Maco McAleece Eva Perouk Everon Goen Every Man in Lago Exit Chamber Exotic Caterer Exotic Pylon Expose Your Eyes Eyes Factory Floor Famished for Blonds Fantastic Twins Fantasy Sequence Farjill Farm Hand Fastland Feorm Feral Five Ferrie=differentieel Field Lines Cartographer Finitribe Finlay Shakespeare Fiona Soe Paing Fishes in the Pond Flesh Eating Foundation Flexagon Flower Farmer Flowers For Kali Flowstone   Fnuf Focus Of Light For All and None For Her Forces of Good Ford Forever Fortress Central Park Fossil Aerosol Mining Project Fossil Hunting Collective Four Italian Pep Pills Four Minute Warning Fragile Pitches Fragile X Frances Castle Francis Heery Frequency Controller Friday Night Weird Dreams From the Benthic Zone Fuad Ramses Fuad Ramses Exotic Caterer Full Spectrum Dominance Fushimi Inari 5 Futile Axe Future Pilot AKA Fylgia GBOAT Gaar Taylor Gabe Gurnsey Gabriel Ware Galcko Galloway Gamma Jack Garden of Surreal Dreams Gareth Blazey Gareth Jones Garnet Tear Gary Finnegan Gasmantell Gavin Inglis Gazelle Twin Geeky Disco Gemma Cullingford Geordie Pop and Maurice Reed George Granade George Hinchliffe Georgia Ghost Actor Ghost Signs Ghostradio Giant Paw Giants of Discovery Gilles Peterson’s BBC 6 Music show on 27 April 2013. Pretty sure the track playing was Flaxen by Dean Blunt via mixless Gillian Watson Gingerbread Master Ginnel Give Me Patience Gloomscapes Gnod featuring John Doran Golas Gone Caving Gonzo Orzo Good Cop / Naughty Cop Goodnight Gorg Prc Graham McIsaac Grand Veymont Grant Basma Horsnell Grant Forrester Grant Robson Gregory Kramer Grey Frequency Grifter Kid and The Midnight Raiders Grohs Grumbling Fur Gunjack Gusset Gussett Guy Osborn Guy Veale Guy Veale & Alex Rigg HMBKR HPL Hacker Farm Hairs Abyss Half Half feat The Russo Brothers Hand of Stabs Handpicked Tyrant Handspan Happy Gardens Harry Kari Harry Leard Hazard Radio Headstart Heate Rson Heavy Cloud Hedge Hog Heidi Holstad Heidi James-Dunbar Helen Mort Hengist Pod Herb Magee Hermann Holsgr Hey Hey Spaceman Hey-ø-Hansen Hi-Tech Criminal Hichrill High End Hinder Corp Hiroshima Bend Beta Hirsig Hole in the Machine Holmes & Atten Ash Holychao HoneyMunki Hookers for Jesus Hornbeam Horsethief Hotgem Hubba_Hapa Hubert Gendron-Blais Human Concept Human Greed Human League HyMettus Woods Hymettus Woods Hywel Da I Like Trains I Speak Machine featuring Clint Mansell I Start Counting I.S. Rowley Tummy Party I/Ona IK Joyce IOPAN     Ian Heustice Ian Hicks Ian Taylor Ichilon Idiogram Idle Devotee Ihcilon Illustrious Imogen Heap Improvhorn - Monday Club In the Long Summer Inner City Toad InnerCityToad Interstitia Invisible Sports Ioan Morris Iona Fortune Iopan Isobel Ccircle Ivy Nostrum J. Boardman J.S Fairfax JB/CS JD Twitch Jack Blake Jack Fell Down - Miami Girls Jack Hayter Jack Jackdaw Jackaman Jackanory Puffcake School of Drawing Jackson Montgomery Jah Wobble Vs Megaheadphoneboy James Aparicio James Brooks James Davoll and David De La Haye James Graham James Oldrini James Sandford James Weaver James Yuill Jamie Cameron Jamie Jones Jane Pitt Janek Schaefer Janet Philo Jarvis Probes Jason Gallimore Jason Judas Salomon Jean-Paul Bondy Jeff Noon Jeff Styroid Jen Allan Jen Robertson Jeremy Stokes Jeremy Tuck Jesse DeRossa Jesse Hackett Jez riley French Jiibay Shadow Dancer Jim Jarmo Jim King Jim Noir Jimmy Kipple Sound Jochem Klaus Jodie Lowther Joe Ahmed Joe Muggs Joel Shea John 3:16 John Chambers John Chantler   John Donaldson John E Smoke John Garc¡a Rueda John Kerridge John Oswald John Rushton John Scanlan John Stamp John316 Jon Brooks Jon Monk Jon Panther Jon Teader Jonathan Higgins Jonathan Willoughby Jonny Mugwump Jonny Wildey Jordan Reyne Jorts Washington Joseph Curwen Joseph Nanner Juju Jules Maxwell Juliette Birch Junklight Junkyard of Silenced Poets Jupiter-C Juxtagon Juxtagon presents the Ohtori Academy Magickal Goth Band J’ai des Rossignols K. KJK Productions KKP 1489 KR Hide Kahl Henderson Kalbata Kams Karl D'Silva Karl Winkenbach Kat Five Kate Arnold Kate Bosworth Kate Tattersfield Kathleen & Jenny Kathleen Messer Katja Gee Keener Keith Bradley Kek-W Kemper Norton Kenneth Johnson Kenny Inglis Kevin Logan Kevin Maynard Kid ‘Congo’ Powers * [not the Bad Seeds/Cramps/Gun Club one] Kieran Mahon Kill Alters Kim Moore King of the Stuntmen Kirsteen Mcnish Kitchen Cynics Kitty Turner Kl(aüs) Klonk Knights of Neon Komputer Konstruktivists Kontour Konx Om Pax Kristen Gallerneaux Kroko Israelsen Kulatopia L'Incal Noir L-Con L-Sedition L/F/D/M Laces Lagowski Laica Lament Configuration Lament_Config Land Observations Landfill Publishing Largian Philosophy Lark Lark vs Bones Larry Crywater Lathave Park Laura Cannell Laura Copsey Laura O’Halloran Laurence Lloyd Duff Laurie Anderson Lazar Laze Lee Noble Lee Rosevere Lefthave Plank Leiyun Lenina Leo Munks Lepton Leptonandon Lespectre Lethe1024 Lettrist Levi Fuller Leyton Audio Liam Crichton Liam Crichton & Ricki O'Rawe Liam Kendal Liberty X Lidane Livering Limited Ability Line Idle Lippy Kid Lippy Kid & Metis Lippy Kid Music / Matt McAteer Lippy Kid and Sophie Sparham Little Deer Crazy Blood Little Manitou Lo Five Lomond Campbell LoneLady Loop12 Looper Loose Capacitor Lord of the Isles Louzy Love Without Sound   Low Shadow Low Side Window Lucy Gooch Lucy Mclean Luisa Stucchi Luke Hansbury Luke Jordan Luke Turner Esq Luki Defacto Lumeet Luna Sola Ly Tumnus Lyra Lowood M - Orchestra M*A*R*Y M-Orchestra Mabel Gwen vs Rusty Sheriff Macerator Machinefabriek Machines in Heaven Madam Magnetik North Magnus Mercurii Maighread Malady of Knots Manfred Hamil Marc Woodward Mare Margaret Nelson Maria Papadomanolaki Maria Rita Stumpf Mark Goodwin Mark Healy Mark Lyken Mark Russell Mark Thomson Mark Turner Mark Wilkins Martin A Smith Martin Hoogenboom & Theo Calis Martin John Henry Martyn Ware Mary Epworth Mary Hill   Mary Shelley & the Implicit Order Masios Mathias Schober Matt Gollock Matt Mercer Matt Nix Matt Void Matteo Spanò Matthew Collings Matthew Lambert Matthew McCourt Matthew Shaw Matthew Thomason Mattnix Max Worgan Maya Essu-Taylor Me, Claudius Meadow Pixie Mechanical Ape Mechanical Lobster Medora Medora featuring Natalie Alva Megadead Megalophobe Megatron Man Melony Klein Melter Memory Ghost Merckurie Meridian Metrix Micah Stupak Michael Anguish Michael Barnes-Wynters Michael Begg Michael Begg  Colin Potter and Deryk Thomas featuring Steven R. Smith on spike fiddle Michael Denny Michael Nienaber Microchip Junky Midnight Midpoint - Nohno Mike Smalle Mike Tupling Milk and Cheese Millz Davis Min-Y-Llan Miriam Ingram Mister Slush Mitsubishi Cunliffe Mixless Moats Mode 7 Project Modern Hunting   Modulator ESP Monkoora Moon Ra Moon Wiring Club Moray Newlands Mosca Mother Mutation Mothership Mouse Sucks Moviedrone Mr Kong 95 Mr Kristoffa Mr. Slush Murdo Eason Murray Royston Museleon Mutual Process My Aural Fixation My Pleasure Myrrhman Nad Spiro Nalepa & Tony Bevilacqua Nat Lyon Nat Ward Natalie Sharp Nathan David Smith Natural Voices Choir Naturist Space Jazz Society Naum Gabo Naylee Near Future Negative Response Neil Fergusson Neil Garvey Neil Scrivin Nevada Base Neve New Gold Dream Niagara Elementary Instrumental Music Nick Scotese Nicola Roberts Nicolas Corniglion Nicolette Nigel Ayers Night Monitor Nightfall Horrors Nightwave Nitemirror / Strident Weasel Niton No Form Noah Dobbs Nonalogue Nosebleed Noyen Nube Fenix Nunn O))) OOO EEE OOO Observation Point Ogham Oh The Gilt Okraa Olabeat Old Man Olgar and Rolfo Oliver Lacon Olivia Louvel Oma Open Channel Openchannel Opensussex Opti Ordeograph Orif Orlit Oscar Rodriguez Otolythe Oubli & C.Morgan Outside Other Overworld Radio Owen Sound P. G. Warren P.G. Six P6 PK Pablo De Pablo Pablo Sanz Pabulum Palm Tree Tetsuya Palmer Eldritch Panamint Manse Particledots Passenger Pieon Patrick Ballanger Patrick Gubler Patrick Wray Paul A. Taylor Paul Haig Paul Hartnoll Paul Hood Paul Kendall Paul Marshall Paul Preston Mills Paul Research Payton Black Peesix Pefkin Pegasvs Peggy Nelson People Like Us Pete Um Pete Warren Pete Woodhead Pete von Petrin Peter Barnard Peter Clark Peter Nagle Peter Rose Petridisch Pettaluck   Pg Six Phantoms vs Fire Pheobe Riley Law Phil Maguire Phosphene Pinochio Pixieguts Plaid Plaster 0f Paris Plastique De Rêve / Ange Du Bizarre PoP Campaign Poly Hymns Polynomial Polypores Portishead Portobello Drone Choir Possible Area Post Posthuman Pracownik Prequel Tapes Presidiomodelo Primitive Knot Prince Video Production Unit Pulselovers Purple Maps Purple Maps Pettaluck Purple Minds of Lazeron Pye Corner Audio Quackk Quadraphonic Stylus Ensemble Qualchan Quantazelle Quarriers Quatroconnection Queen of Roaches Quimper R Tenevall R. Richards RJ Ellmer RVNES Radio Arts Radio Europa Radio Shoestring Radionics Radio Raen Arthur Raimundas Paulauskas Rainbow Pyramid Random Dander Rangga Purnama Aji Rave Sir Robin Raxil4 Re:Search Red Team Redave Redwood Drift Regolith   Remembering Steady Eddie Remnants & Residue Remote-Control_Rectum Repeared Viewing Restaurnaut Revbjelde Ri Cuin and the Great X Ria Bagley Richard Hims Richard Sandling Richard Smith Richard Turner Richard X Richard X featuring Kelis Rick Ross Rima Dadenji Rob Bridgett Rob Britton Rob Knight Robert Curgenven Robert Ellmer Robert Griffiths Robert Marshall Robert Rental Robert Shaw Robert Van Kolken Roberta Fidora Robin Davies Robin Northern Robyn Gibson Rockets in the Trees Rogue Sector Roke Roland Oakes Ronan Haughton Rory Rory McCormick Rose Dougal Rose and Sandy Ross Cooper Rox Jonson Squire Roy Whittle Ruaridh Law Ruby Rudi Zydaglo Rupert Lally Rupert Lally & Espen J. Jörgensen with Lakis Karnezis Rupert Lally/Espen J. Jörgensen Russel.M.Harmon Russell E. Marshall Rusty Sheriff Rysiek/Rysiunio S&M Solutions S.E.T.I. SABW SDFKT   SK123 and T.Brixson SVPER SVR Sacred Oak Sad Man Sadie Maskery Saguenay Salford Electronics Saltys Lighthouse Salvatore Mercatante Sam Eaton Sam Lou Talbot Samantha Fox Sandeshm Sansuro 77 Sarah Angliss Sarah Harding Sarah Sharp Sascha Müller & Abstracto Concreto’ Satori Satori Craig Safan Saturate Sawak Saxon Chambers Sblits Scanner Scanner and Justin Wiggan Scanner and Stephen Vitiello Scant Intone Scarfolk Council Schestokken Schmaidl Scott Mason Scott Smigiel Sculpture Scumbag Radio Seapup Sebastian Melmoth Secret Nuclear Security Self Help Semispecific Ensemble Severed Heads ShadowBox Shairanai Hito Shanyio and Loalue Sharp Veins Shaun Bythell Shaun Malone Shaun Robert Sheer Zed Shift Work Shiranai Hito Si Woods Siberia Sighell Sigillum S Signal Signal Jammer Silas Andersen Silver Stairs of Ketchikan Simon Dell Simon Fisher Turner Simon Fisher Turner / Espen J. Jörgensen Simon Halsberghe Simon Heartfield meets Megaheadphoneboy Simon James Simon Klee Simon Tucker SinS Sion Parkinson Sisterphonetica Sizike Skeleton Worm Slapdaddy Slateford Mods featuring MC Dead Kennarty Slow Deep Breath Slow Down Missy Smallbearsound Smithwerk Sneha Solanki Snekhoose Snooks Soft Ocean Hotel Sol Rezza Solar Enemy Solipsism Solo1 Soma Ghosh Sommet Sonic Noir Sons & Daughters Sophie Cooper Sophie Cooper and Delphine Dora Soramimi Soundhead Soundhog Spacelab Spaceship Spaceship and Luke Turner Speednoisemovement Spiral Dial Squirrel Natkin St James Infirmary Stamina Nudes Stapperton Stephanie Merchak Stephen Boyle Stephen Clarke 1980 Stephen Gallagher Stephen Shiell Stereopod Steve Cobby Steve Emerson Steve Nolan Steve Nolan & Fyfe Ewing Steven Legget Steven Reynolds Stewart Keith + Neil Campbell Stewart Lawler Stock Photography Stonebende Strangest Pet on Earth Stratfield Brake Strelokk Stretford Dub Club Stuart Cook Stuart Craig Subject to Change Subversive Recluse Sudden Creation Sulcus Industries Sunday Fascination Sunken Foal Superkamio Swardh Swarm Of Bees Sweatbox Swedgy Blinker Swim Deorin Swine Language Sylf Eren Synek Synthetic Life Group Synthetic Villains Synthonic Szuumm T Jervell TVO TVO & Patrick Walker Tabitha Potts Tafi All Stars Talanas Tambay Tara Busch Teak Veneer Team Steam Ted Versicolor Teishi Telagasunyi Terbijn Test Dept. The Acid The Asterism The Black Bicycles The Black Dog The Blue Lady The Book Shop Band The Bookshop The Bunbury Banter Theatre Company The Cairnsmore Conspiracy The Central Office Of Information The Cleaners from Venus The Cochranes The Creeping Doubts The Darkening Scale The Dead Heavys. The Dissonace Collective The Doll The Domestiques The Drugged Onions The Eccentronic Research Council The Ephemeral Man The Family Germ The Fatal Englishman The Fauns The GVK The Golden Filter The Great Indoors The Guelph Basin The Hare and the Moon The Heartwood Institute The Herbaliser The House in the Woods The Icarus Line The Implicit Order The Impulse Rehearsal The James Worse Public Address Method The Kitchen Argument The Last Ambient Hero The Leaf Library The Lovely Dreggs The Magus Project The Masters of Sleepless Nights The Monotone Men The Mutual Extermination Club The Nameless Book The New Movement The Nomad Generation The Outer Church The Please The Psychogeographical Commission The Revenant Sea The Rise and Demise of John The Shaving The Skaters The Strangest Pet on Earth The Tuesday Night Machine The Watcher The Witch and the Robot Thee Adversary Thee Balancer Thee Crumb Thee Manual Labour Thelonius Martin There Are No Birds Here Thoranna Bjornsdottir Thought Forms Thrislington Cubicles Tim Castro Tim Chipping Time Destroys All Things TimeDog To Sow Green Nettles Toby Warren Toby Wiltshire Todd Snow Todd Snow / k-rakos Tom Bradshaw Tom Ellard Tom Middleton Tom gunn Nash Tomas Borsa Tomoroh Hidari Tomorrow Syndicate Tonesucker Tony Ferodo Tony Fitz Topless in the Turning Lane Topo Productions Toxic octopus Traven Travin Systems Tree of life Triple Dipped Orange Trish Keenan Tromlhie Trond Jervell Tsarzi Tuatha Tujuh Kuda Tumsā Viens Two Ragged Soldiers UBO Ubre Blanca Ubu King Ukonnen UltraLux Ultraterrestrials   Unknown Clothing Unknown Rockstar Unquiet Earth Unseen Hands Untitled Ununseptium (aka Alan Currall) Ununseptiumwarehouse Upstanding Monk Uschi No Michi Uschi No Michi   Usue Venomous 9 Very Sharp Knives Veryan Vidiv Vile Plumage Violet Violet Tremors Vitruvian Skies Vivienne Void Theory Von Heuser Von Liz Voran Schwartz Vorschau Voxfazer Vraicbeard Waheela Walthamstow Home Keyboard Laboratory Wanda Group Warrior Bob Waves of Nightinglaes West Lakes Academy Whalt Thisney Whettman Chelmets WhiteSlug Wig Wild Situation Will Burns Will Schneider William Wild William Wild & Stuart Wray Windham Festival Chamber Orchestra Winjer3 Wire Wizards Tell Lies Wrangler Writers Bloc Wrong Island   Wubworld X-Amount X-TG Xander Harris Xelis De Toro Xiotron Xixada Xqui Music Xtro Xylitol YOL meets DEATHWATCH HEADBAND Yaki_Pony Year of Glad Yellow Salamand’r Yksiääniset Vahvistin Yol Your New Machine Yumasef Yung Coyote Yutani Yvette Haynes ZONATE TOOTH Zoe Miller [Box] [IN]CLUDED [ówt krì] aLTERkRANKERmANN aRSCHkRANKEmUSIK ap()ria baze.djunkiii c.3.3 dBear dESUS eBRAT ethi.cc ikjoyce k-l-j-d-s-k-p lfdm mhpb moon.o.bus o_S_k_m pHactory ps_ readyStateFail sp3ct3rs vdof xTalvihorros Ærkenbrand éntha …From the Benthic Zone ███ ♏◍ɲⓄ ㄚ∑ㄅ ∆ῳ▲ℾξ ♥ ))) Δ ((( H ))) Δ ((( ♥
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( brie larson, cisfemale, she/her, 27 ) — have you seen [ BOBBI MOORE ] around shermer? i hear they’re INDIVIDUALISTIC, but can also be TEMPESTUOUS A HEINOUS BITCH. they remind me of [ KAT STRATFORD from 10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU ], but it might just be me. last i saw them, they were working as a(n) [ JOURNALIST ]. 
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FULL NAME: Roberta Jolene Moore NICKNAME(S): Bobbi, Bobbi Jo AGE/DATE OF BIRTH: 27, 01/16/1992 OCCUPATION: Journalist GENDER: Cisfemale PRONOUNS: She/Her HOMETOWN: Seattle, Washington CURRENT RESIDENCE: Shermer, Illinois POSITIVE TRAITS: Individualistic, Eloquent, Organized, Purposeful NEGATIVE TRAITS: Tempestuous, Shrewish, Cynical, Scornful
non-consensual tw, implied rape tw
there is no greater comfort than the pitter patter of the rain. she loves it - craves it when it’s not around. perhaps that’s a result of growing up in washington state. rain was a constant in her youth, as well as douglas firs peaking out over silvery mist and slate colored skies. yes, it does rain in shermer, but illinois rainfall couldn’t compete with the damp autumns of the pacific northwest. it’s the one thing bobbi misses most as she sits before her laptop, bemoaning the writer’s block that’s keeping her page blank, a room temp cup of black coffee and a deap vally record all but forgotten to the blonde. if only it rained a little more the midwest. 
roberta jolene moore was born the eldest of two daughters to an obstetrician and an aspiring writer. but let’s get one thing clear - her name is bobbi. she’ll murder you if you call her roberta. no one calls her roberta. not since the day her mom up and left the family without so much as an explanation. whoever roberta moore was died as the tail lights of her mom’s 1971 corola vanished into the horizon. it would be a few more hours before her dad or younger sister woke up to the news, but bobbi had already witnessed it. she supposed that was a day that a lot changed for her. all of those childlike qualities that little girls so naturally possess seemed to vanish over night. dad was going to need someone to look out for him, and her little sister was going to be in desperate need of a strong female presence. so bobbi filled the gaps that their mother’s departure left. she became a homemaker and a nurturer, a shoulder for her hysterical father and naive sister to lean on, and she became the backbone of a family that had suddenly lost their foundation. 
of course this wasn’t the event that lead to the shrewish woman she is often condemned for today. no, maternal abandonment wasn’t going to be the thing that broke her. naturally, it was junior high. bobbi wasn’t exactly the most pretty thing around. like most ninth graders, she was a little awkward looking and experiencing the pains of puberty and acne. but she wasn’t bad looking either - at least, not to the class stud. for whatever reason they dated. probably because bobbi was a much different girl back then. she was someone who wanted to be accepted and who wanted to belong. which made it easy to get her to do what he wanted. all it took was some sweet words and enough wine coolers to cause bobbi moore to lose all inhibitions. she doesn’t remember much from that night. she remembers the music and the laughter of the party, and the first taste of alcohol. the rest was a blur, and her next clear memory was the following morning, laying naked and alone in the guest bedroom of her boyfriend’s house. it was easy to piece together what happened - she got drunk and she lost her virginity at the tender age of fourteen. something switched off for her in that moment, a feeling of discomfort. when her friends had written off the experience as “something she wanted” and “something teenagers all do”, she tried to write it off as all being okay. but of course, when her ‘doting’ boyfriend dumped her shortly after, the humiliation was enough to change bobbi. never again would she let other people’s expectations decide what she was going to do, and never again would she trust anyone else’s intentions with her. 
that was the beginning to the bobbi moore evolution, though she isn’t one to admit it. it’s no one’s business why she’s the way she is or what lead to her being such a ‘heinous bitch’. she doesn’t really feel like she owes anyone explanations for the kind of person she is. she’s bobbi moore - shrewd investigative journalist, tempestuous ‘feminazi’ writer, abrasive and aggressively assertive liberal, whatever. she kind of just lets people say what they want to say. to correct them would mean that she cares about her reputation and in the immortal words of joan jett, she “ doesn’t give a damn about her bad reputation. ” if being the town shrew is the only way to keep people at arm’s length, then bobbi is all for it. or people who aren’t worth her time - if you’ve got even an ounce of originality and aren’t a walking and talking cliche then you just might be one of her close circle, the few people in shermer she actually likes socializing with and being associated with. it’s a wonder if there’s anyone that can tame her. 
seems unlikely. 
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Pansexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Panromantic LANGUAGES: English FAMILY: Walter Moore (father), Mrs. Moore (mother, estranged), Becky Moore (sister) PETS: a Husky named Ruth Bader Ginsbark and a Golden Retriever named Rosie The Retrieveter ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn MBTI: ISTJ AESTHETIC: black coffee forgotten and cooled to room temperature; female musicians and feminist bands in vinyl only ( of course ); loose typewriter keys in her pockets; cracked brown leather jackets, vintage band tees; makeup-less face and messy buns; chipped black nail polish; coexist bumper sticker on a beat up 63 dodge dart; reading glasses sitting on the button of her nose, a finger shaped smudge on the right lens; concert ticket stubs, bleached shells, creased poetry slam programs, and scraps of old writing in a trinket box long forgotten in the far corner of the closet; freckles that only come out with the sun, sideways smirks and a mischievous twinkle in dark chocolate eyes; leather bound notebooks e v e r y w h e r e, blue ink stains on hands; long empty hours staring at pages and willing words to appear; nights spent alone and welcoming the solitude
the brat pack - a close knit crew of like-minded individuals who rise above the regulars of shermer society. popular isn’t a word commonly used for this group and very likely would never be used. they’re the outcasts of society who dare to speak up for themselves and their beliefs. and bobbi loves how they challenge each other to think beyond themselves and the proverbial box which cages much of the “small minded simpletons of shermer society”. jesse shah, open
the vapid one - the epitome of what bobbi hates the most in most people. the white knight of the status quo, the personification of banality, a loathsome creature of society who coasts the mainstream and has made a happy place there. they’re very unlikely to contain an original thought, and it bothers bobbi to no end. yet she’s ardently fascinated with this cliche and despite her best efforts cannot seem to stay away. heather mcnamara
the contender - unlike the vapid one, the contender is someone that bobbi doesn’t just loath for being just another cog in society’s machine - she despises them for the way they unapologetically flaunt it in her face. these two are always at war, constantly bemoaning the other’s existence and arguing over every stupid little thing they can think of. they could probably start a heated debate over the state of the weather if they wanted to - these two can never see eye to eye, and it’s better to steer clear of them when they’re in close proximity to one another. that is, unless you want to witness the pair butting heads again. open
more to come. i’m too lazy to think of anything else ahfiehapfheiapfhea
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ok, have an ask: rank you fave raúl characters please. :D
I love this, thank you so much!!! btw- im a bad Raúl fan and I haven’t seen all of his work, so spare me and my limited character knowledge. 1. Rafael Barba- my baby, my husband, my everything!! He’s number 1! He’s the character that I have the most material to work with. He dresses well, he wears suspenders, he’s good-looking, and he likes Hamilton. What’s more to love? If I’m being honest, I didn’t like Barba when I first got into SVU. I wouldn’t watch the seasons he was in because I wanted Alex back, but eventually, as you can see, I got over it and became obsessed with his character. 2. Bobby- this boy!!! so much feelings. Bobby is my constant mood. I love him. He goes through so much self-discovery during Company and I just relate. He’s funny. He rocks that suit, that disheveled hair, and loosened tie, like a pro. He was also my first introduction to Raúl in a theater role and he just changed my life. He is my forever love and holds a special place in my heart. 3.-Dr. Fredrick Chilton- I’m not going to lie, I watched Hannibal just because Raúl was in it and just watched most of his episodes. A mistake because they all brought me pain. I pity this child because he had so much done to him. He made a giant power move by writing that book about Hannibal, like go boo. That cane, tho!!!! mess me up! His lisp also messes me up and that accent. Psychology is also a huge interest of mine so bonus points. 4. John Larson- first of all young Raúl!!!!! I relate to all his questions about life and wanting to do something risk-taking and not caring if you succeed or not. For me, he’s Raul’s most relatable character. Tick Tick Boom is a whole bop. Any role that Raúl sings in I’m there.5. Alfredo Aldarisio- belongs with olive, fight me on this.6. Jackson Niel- lawd he is so sexy!!! the wardrobe is on point. If he just stood in the corner not talking dressed like he was, I’d tune in every week still!!I don’t think there is a Raúl character that I don’t like, everything he does is amazing. I also hate that I can’t put the accent over the “a” in his name, so im internally cringing everytime i don’t do it. I want you to rank them too!!!
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MONO: “Johnny Are You Queer?” by the Go-Go’s.
MONO: “Johnny Are you Queer?” by the Go-Go’s. Light-years away from the MOR Go-go’s you’re probably familiar with. Give it a listen. Thank us later. #music
THE SONG: Johnny Are You Queer? WHO: The Go-Go’s. WHY IT’S HOT… Before they got all dolled-up and mainstream, the Go-Go’s were an L.A. punk band that played seminal West Coast venues like the Masque in their hometown and Mabuhay Gardens in San Francisco. This song is about as far from their MOR “Vacation” as we are from the 1980s today. Written by Bobby and Larson Paine, the song is based on…
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Battle #6
Dan Vapid and the Cheats: Three ( Side A )
Josie Cotton: Convertible Music ( Side One )
Dan Vapid and the Cheats: Three ( Side A )
Dan Vapid and the Cheats are a pop punk band that hail from Chicago. Featuring former members of Screeching Weasel, The Riverdales, The Methadones, Noise By Numbers, The Vindictives, Sludgeworth and The Bomb, it’s more or less a super group, but maybe not if you consider that Dan Vapid is by and large the connecting dot between almost all of the aforementioned bands. The band formed after Dan Schafer (A. K. A. vapid) quit Screeching Weasel due to a falling out/ incident involving violence at a show. If you’re curious about it, there are all kinds of debates still happening in internet land about it. To me, this is where Vapid (the better songwriter half of almost ANY of those previously mentioned bands he was in) really comes into his own. These songs have a certain maturity and complexity to them and they land pretty squarely on power pop. Exhibit A: “Silver Lining”. Happy 3 chord bliss of intense matrimony. “The Time You Get” is a “make the most of it” introspective song. Sage advice as you never know when your number will be called.
“The Sky Is Electric Blue” is a mid tempo jam and indicative of the blue swirl vinyl it’s pressed on. Picking, strumming and humming. “Bittersweet” has another pop punk masterpiece written all over it. Catchy and harmony filled . Is Vapid going through a mid life crisis?!?! Maybe the most diverse tune on here is kept within the notes of “Chase Away The Darkness”. On the A side anyway. More rock and centerfold on the blitz riffs and punch. A real 80s rock feel and they just nailed it solidly. DV+C = solid x pop x punk.
Josie Cotton: Convertible Music ( Side One )
This is an interesting story and the typical Hollywood trope of “being in the right place at the right time “. Born as Josie Jones in Dallas, Texas, later becoming Cotton- she sang with Dallas bands and then moved to Los Angeles, California. There she met Larson Paine in Hollywood, and the two began dating. Larson and his brother Bobby gave her the song "Johnny, Are You Queer?" (previously performed by The Go-Go's) to record as a demo. After the first label to sign her folded, Bomp! Records released the song as a single. This garnered attention from the big wigs at Elektra Records, which re-released both the single and a full album, with the future Kingdom Come member Johnny B Frank on keyboards, in 1982. In addition, the timing was good for the tunes popularity as Cotton made an appearance in the 1983 cult classic film Valley Girl, singing "Johnny, Are You Queer?", "He Could Be the One" and "School Is In" during the film's prom scene. All of this has “cult following” written all over it. I’ll be honest- I know it because Chicago based punk band Screeching Weasel covered it on their 1994 classic “comeback special” with Mike Dirnt (Green Day) fulfilling bass duty (and extra ironic because Weasel is Dan Vapid’s old band). Small world. The Convertible Music LP has music reminiscent of the 1960s girl group tradition. And starts off with “He Could Be The One” (also covered by The Dance Hall Crashers). It’s a fantastic tune and very catchy. So very poppy and I love the keys. “Rockin’ Love” is slower but has Josie in some amazing vocal jams. “Waitin’ For Your Love” is an almost surfy sounding number. Backbeat and bongos...? A slower jangle with some diverse moments. This would actually make a pretty great cover too if any more punk bands want to tackle this... “So Close” is back to the no nonsense rock and roll. Soda pop and sock hop vibe with appealing hooks. I actually like this as another single honestly. But I guess Elektra didn’t think so. Last tune, Side one is “I Need the Night Tonight”. It’s more of a groove influencing tune, and a bit of a departure for the rest of the album. Interesting way to end...almost chant-like. Overall the album as a whole works great on theme and has a very Toni Basil feel.
So today, it was Dan Vapid and his Cheats who brought us three, by playing 5...songs in 17 minutes with 114 calories burned. They averaged 22.80 calories per song and 6.70 calories per minute. They earned 11 out of 15 possible stars. Josie Cotton played some convertible music that burned her 104 calories over 15 minutes and 5 songs. She averaged 20.80 calories per song and 6.93 calories per minute. Josie earned 11 out of 15 possible stars. So it looks like She IS the one (#seewhatididthere) and Josie took the Cotton picking trophy this time around.
Josie Cotton: “He Could Be The One”
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upshotre · 5 years
People's Choice Awards 2019 — full list of winners
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E!'s People Choice Awards held on Sunday night, November 10, and some of the biggest names in Hollywood were at the event, including Kevin Hart who made his first public appearance since his car accident. Hart accepted the Comedy Act of 2019 recognition after which he gave his first public speech since his September car accident. In his speech, he thanked his family and fans for their support. People Jennifer Aniston, Gwen Stefani, and P!nk were also some of those who received honors this year. Aniston was honored with The People’s Icon award, Stefani earned the Fashion Icon Award, and Pink took home The People’s Champion for her charity work. Below is the full list of winners: MOVIE Movie of 2019: WINNER: Avengers: Endgame Toy Story 4 Captain Marvel Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw The Lion King John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Us Spider-Man: Far From Home Comedy Movie of 2019: WINNER: Murder Mystery The Upside Yesterday The Hustle Men in Black: International Long Shot Little Good Boys Action Movie of 2019: WINNER: Avengers: Endgame Spider-Man: Far From Home Captain Marvel John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Shazam! Godzilla: King of the Monsters Dark Phoenix Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw Drama Movie of 2019: WINNER: After Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood Rocketman Five Feet Apart Glass Us Triple Frontier Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile Family Movie of 2019: Toy Story 4 The Lion King WINNER: Aladdin The Secret Life of Pets 2 How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part Pokémon Detective Pikachu The Angry Birds Movie 2 Male Movie Star of 2019: WINNER: Robert Downey Jr., Avengers: Endgame Chris Hemsworth, Avengers: Endgame Tom Holland, Spider-Man: Far From Home Will Smith, Aladdin Keanu Reeves, John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Samuel L. Jackson, Captain Marvel Dwayne Johnson, Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw Adam Sandler, Murder Mystery Female Movie Star of 2019: Millie Bobby Brown, Godzilla: King of the Monsters Scarlett Johansson, Avengers: Endgame WINNER: Zendaya, Spider-Man: Far From Home Sophie Turner, Dark Phoenix Jennifer Aniston, Murder Mystery Brie Larson, Captain Marvel Lupita Nyong’o, Us Tessa Thompson, Men in Black: International Drama Movie Star of 2019: Taron Egerton, Rocketman WINNER: Cole Sprouse, Five Feet Apart Zac Efron, Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile Lupita Nyong’o, Us Leonardo DiCaprio, Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood Brad Pitt, Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood Sarah Paulson, Glass Samuel L. Jackson, Glass Comedy Movie Star of 2019: Ali Wong, Always Be My Maybe Kevin Hart, The Upside Rebel Wilson, Isn’t It Romantic Adam Sandler, Murder Mystery Liam Hemsworth, Isn’t It Romantic Dwayne Johnson, Fighting With My Family Mindy Kaling, Late Night WINNER: Noah Centineo, The Perfect Date Action Movie Star of 2019: Robert Downey Jr., Avengers: Endgame Chris Evans, Avengers: Endgame WINNER: Tom Holland, Spider-Man: Far From Home Halle Berry, John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Keanu Reeves, John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Sophie Turner, Dark Phoenix Brie Larson, Captain Marvel Dwayne Johnson, Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw Animated Movie Star of 2019: America Ferrera, How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World Tom Hanks, Toy Story 4 Kevin Hart, The Secret Life of Pets 2 WINNER: Beyoncé, The Lion King Ryan Reynolds, Pokémon Detective Pikachu Chris Pratt, The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part Tiffany Haddish, The Secret Life of Pets 2 Awkwafina, The Angry Birds Movie 2 TV Show of 2019: Game of Thrones WWE Raw WINNER: Stranger Things The Walking Dead The Big Bang Theory Riverdale This Is Us Grey’s Anatomy Drama Show of 2019: Grey’s Anatomy This Is Us Chicago P.D. Game of Thrones WINNER: Stranger Things Big Little Lies Riverdale The Walking Dead Comedy Show of 2019: WINNER: The Big Bang Theory Saturday Night Live Modern Family The Good Place Grown-ish Veep Orange Is the New Black Schitt’s Creek Reality Show of 2019: WINNER: Keeping Up with the Kardashians Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Queer Eye Bachelor in Paradise Vanderpump Rules Jersey Shore: Family Vacation Competition Show of 2019: American Idol RuPaul’s Drag Race WINNER: America’s Got Talent The Masked Singer The Bachelor The Voice The Bachelorette The Challenge: War of the Worlds Male TV Star of 2019: Kit Harington, Game of Thrones WINNER: Cole Sprouse, Riverdale Norman Reedus, The Walking Dead Finn Wolfhard, Stranger Things Jim Parsons, The Big Bang Theory Milo Ventimiglia, This Is Us Sterling K. Brown, This Is Us KJ Apa, Riverdale Female TV Star of 2019: Mandy Moore, This Is Us WINNER: Millie Bobby Brown, Stranger Things Sophie Turner, Game of Thrones Danai Gurira, The Walking Dead Camila Mendes, Riverdale Lili Reinhart, Riverdale Maisie Williams, Game of Thrones Reese Witherspoon, Big Little Lies Drama TV Star of 2019: WINNER: Zendaya, Euphoria Norman Reedus, The Walking Dead Sophie Turner, Game of Thrones Millie Bobby Brown, Stranger Things Reese Witherspoon, Big Little Lies Maisie Williams, Game of Thrones Lili Reinhart, Riverdale Sterling K. Brown, This Is Us Comedy TV Star of 2019: Leslie Jones, Saturday Night Live WINNER: Kristen Bell, The Good Place Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Veep Tiffany Haddish, The Last O.G. Tracee Ellis Ross, Black-ish Jameela Jamil, The Good Place Yara Shahidi, Grown-ish Jim Parsons, The Big Bang Theory Daytime Talk Show of 2019: The View Red Table Talk WINNER: The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Wendy Williams Show Live with Kelly and Ryan TODAY Good Morning America The Real Nighttime Talk Show of 2019: The Late Show With Stephen Colbert WINNER: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon The Daily Show with Trevor Noah Jimmy Kimmel Live! The Late Late Show with James Corden Full Frontal with Samantha Bee Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen Competition Contestant of 2019: Buddy Valastro, Buddy Vs. Duff WINNER: Hannah Brown, The Bachelorette Kodi Lee, America’s Got Talent T-Pain, The Masked Singer Colton Underwood, The Bachelor Tyler Cameron, The Bachelorette Tyler Oakley, The Amazing Race Vanessa Vanjie Mateo, RuPaul’s Drag Race Reality Star of 2019: WINNER: Khloé Kardashian, Keeping Up With the Kardashians Kyle Richards, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Lisa Vanderpump, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills NeNe Leakes, The Real Housewives of Atlanta Jonathan Van Ness, Queer Eye Kandi Burruss, The Real Housewives of Atlanta Kylie Jenner, Keeping Up With the Kardashians Antoni Porowski, Queer Eye Bingeworthy Show of 2019: Game of Thrones Orange Is the New Black Law & Order: Special Victims Unit The Umbrella Academy Queer Eye WINNER: Outlander 13 Reasons Why Stranger Things Sci-Fi/Fantasy Show of 2019: Stranger Things WINNER: Shadowhunters Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Supernatural The Flash The Umbrella Academy Arrow The 100 MUSIC Male Artist of 2019: WINNER: Shawn Mendes Post Malone Ed Sheeran Drake Travis Scott Khalid Lil Nas X Bad Bunny Female Artist of 2019: Ariana Grande Taylor Swift Cardi B Halsey WINNER: Billie Eilish Miley Cyrus Camila Cabello P!nk Group of 2019: Jonas Brothers BTS 5 Seconds Of Summer Panic! At The Disco CNCO Imagine Dragons The Chainsmokers WINNER: BLACKPINK Song of 2019: Jonas Brothers, “Sucker” Ariana Grande, “7 Rings” Lil Nas X feat. Billy Ray Cyrus, “Old Town Road” Khalid, “Talk” Ed Sheeran & Justin Bieber, “I Don’t Care” Sam Smith, Normani, “Dancing with a Stranger” Billie Eilish, “Bad Guy” WINNER: Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello, “Señorita” Album of 2019: Ariana Grande, Thank U, Next Khalid, Free Spirit Billie Eilish, WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO? Lizzo, Cuz I Love You Jonas Brothers, Happiness Begins Ed Sheeran, No. 6 Collaborations Project Juice Wrld, Death Race for Love WINNER: Taylor Swift, Lover Country Artist of 2019: Luke Combs WINNER: Blake Shelton Carrie Underwood Luke Bryan Thomas Rhett Kane Brown Kelsea Ballerini Maren Morris Latin Artist of 2019: Daddy Yankee Anuel AA Maluma Karol G Bad Bunny J Balvin Natti Natasha WINNER: Becky G Music Video of 2019: Daddy Yankee & Snow, “Con Calma” Taylor Swift feat. Brendon Urie of Panic! At The Disco, “ME!” WINNER: BLACKPINK, “Kill This Love” Ariana Grande, “7 Rings” Billie Eilish, “Bad Guy” BTS feat. Halsey, “Boy With Luv” Sam Smith, Normani, “Dancing With a Stranger” Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello, “Señorita” Concert Tour of 2019: BTS, Love Yourself, Speak Yourself Lady Gaga, Enigma Ariana Grande, Sweetener P!nk, Beautiful Trauma Justin Timberlake, Man of the Woods Jennifer Lopez, It’s My Party Cher, Here We Go Again Tour WINNER: BLACKPINK, BLACKPINK 2019 World POP CULTURE Social Star of 2019: Emma Chamberlain The Dolan Twins WINNER: David Dobrik Rickey Thompson The Ace Family Shane Dawson Liza Koshy Tana Mongeau Beauty Influencer of 2019: James Charles Nikita Dragun NikkiTutorials – Nikkie de Jager Jeffree Star RCL Beauty – Rachel Levin Desi Perkins Jackie Aina WINNER: Bretman Rock Social Celebrity of 2019: Ariana Grande Taylor Swift WINNER: Ellen DeGeneres Miley Cyrus Kim Kardashian West Cardi B Shawn Mendes Justin Bieber Animal Star of 2019: Jiffpom WINNER: Doug the Pug Nala Cat Tuna The Chiweenie Juniper The Fox Shinjiro Ono – Marutaro tecuaniventura Lil BUB Comedy Act of 2019: WINNER: Kevin Hart Joe Rogan Gabriel “Fluffy” Iglesias Trevor Noah Ken Jeong Amy Schumer Colleen Ballinger Wanda Sykes Style Star of 2019: Kim Kardashian West Rihanna Celine Dion Lady Gaga Gigi Hadid Cardi B Jennifer Lopez WINNER: Harry Styles Game Changer of 2019: LeBron James Megan Rapinoe Coco Gauff Drew Brees Alex Morgan Stephen Curry Serena Williams WINNER: Simone Biles Pop Podcast of 2019: Getting Curious with Jonathan Van Ness Armchair Expert Podcast with Dax Shepard Off the Vine with Kaitlyn Bristowe Whine Down with Jana Kramer Bitch Sesh: A Real Housewives Breakdown with Casey Wilson and Danielle Schneider WINNER: Scrubbing In with Becca Tilley and Tanya Rad WTF with Marc Maron The Joe Rogan Experience Read the full article
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ciera-richez · 8 years
Kristen Stewart will support "Personal Shopper" with an appearance on the March 9 TODAY Show.
“Personal Shopper” opens in the United States on March 10.
One day earlier, star Kristen Stewart will appear on NBC’s TODAY Show.
NBC lists Stewart for the 7-9AM ET portion of the March 9 episode. Brie Larson will also appear within that window (Larson will also make a second appearance on March 10).
NBC’s official TODAY Show listings follow:
Monday, February 27
(7-9 a.m.) President George W. Bush on Portraits of Courage. Oscar Fashions with Olivia Culpo and Zanna Roberts Rassi. The Business of Love. Today Food.
(9-10 a.m.) Nick Lachey on Today. John Lithgow on Trial & Error. Natalie’s Night On The Oscar’s Red Carpet. Why Didn’t I Think Of That. Today Food.
(10-11 a.m.) Michael Vartan, Christine Evangelista & Josh Henderson on The Arrangement. Bobbie’s Oscar Red Carpet Remix. Fan of the Week. Today’s Buzz. Favorite Things. 2Cellos Performs on Today.
Tuesday, February 28
(7-9 a.m.) House Speaker Paul Ryan on Today. Today Live On Capitol Hill. Lisa Kudrow on Table 19. Age Proof. Today Food.
(9-10 a.m.) Nick Lachey on Today. Lisa Kudrow and Craig Robinson on Table 19. Jennifer Beals on Taken. Why Didn’t I Think Of That. Little Mix performs on Today.
(10-11 a.m.) Ray Liotta on Shades of Blue. Zoey Deutch on Before I Fall. Give It Away. Jill Martin’s Finds. Today Food. Little Mix Performs on Today.
Wednesday, March 1
(7-9 a.m.) In Trump They Trust. Age Proof. Jill’s Steals & Deals. Today Food with Padma Lakshmi.
(9-10 a.m.) Jimmy Fallon on Today. Nick Lachey on Today. Famous Firsts. Dirty Truth. Why Didn’t I Think of That. Today Style.
(10-11 a.m.) Milo Ventimiglia on This Is Us. Wyatt Russell on Table 19. Susan Lucci on Today. Who Knew. Dan + Shay Perform on Today.
Thursday, March 2
(7-9 a.m.) Jennifer Lopez on Shades of Blue. In Trump They Trust. Age Proof. Today Food. What To Buy in March.
(9-10 a.m.) Nick Lachey on Today. Why Didn’t I Think Of That. Al and Sheinelle at the Bronx Zoo. Wacky Gadgets. Saint Motel Performs on Today.
(10-11 a.m.) Jennifer Lopez on Today. Bobbie’s Buzz. Ambush Makeover. Today Food. OK or Not OK.
Friday, March 3
(7-9 a.m.) Sally Field on The Glass Menagerie. Today Style. What Your Fat Says About You.
(9-10 a.m.) Nick Lachey on Today. Freebie Friday. Nick’s New York Adventures. In The Kitchen With Al.
(10-11 a.m.) Randy Fenoli on Say Yes To The Dress. Style Q’s with Lilliana Vazquez. Thinner By Dinner. Il Volo Performs on Today.
Monday, March 6
(7-9 a.m.) Samuel L. Jackson on Kong: Skull Island. Rossen Reports. Analog Week. Today Food.
(9-10 a.m.) Oz Pearlman on Today. Symptoms To Never Ignore. Today Food.
(10-11 a.m.) Judd Apatow on Netflix’s Love. A Simple Guide To Mediation with Suze Yalof Schwartz. What To and Not To Say At Work. Favorite Things.
Tuesday, March 7
(7-9 a.m.) Tom Hiddleston on Kong: Skull Island. Rossen Reports. Analog Week. Today Food.
(9-10 a.m.) Danica McKellar on Goodnight, Numbers. Behind The Celebrity. Ask Lou with Lou Manfredini. Needless Acupuncture. Clean Bandit Performs on Today.
(10-11 a.m.) How To Say No. Prom Trends. Today Food. Give It Away.
Wednesday, March 8
(7-9 a.m.) Ed Sheeran Performs on Today. Analog Week. TBD.
(9-10 a.m.) Behind The Celebrity. Fascia Blaster. How Does It Work. Ed Sheeran Performs on Today.
(10-11 a.m.) Samuel L. Jackson on Kong: Skull Island. Joy’s Diet SOS. Who Knew. Beat It or Eat It. Ed Sheeran Performs on Today.
Thursday, March 9
(7-9 a.m.) Kristen Stewart on Personal Shopper. Brie Larson on Kong: Skull Island. Today Food with Siri and Carson.
(9-10 a.m.) Guy Pearce on Brimstone. Behind The Celebrity. Spring Trends.
(10-11 a.m.) Elvis Duran’s Artist of the Month. Ambush Makeover. Today Food.
Friday, March 10
(7-9 a.m.) How To Exercise When You’re In Pain. Today Food with Katie Lee. TBD.
(9-10 a.m.) Freebie Friday. In The Kitchen With Al. Starley Performs on Today.
(10-11 a.m.) Brie Larson on Kong: Skull Island. Liliana’s Luxe For Less. Spring Into a New Hairstyle. Couples Money Confessional.
Saturday, February 25
Rossen Reports.
Sunday, February 26
Saroo Brierley.
Saturday, March 4
Rossen Reports.
Sunday, March 5
President George W. Bush.
10 notes · View notes
4, 7, 17, 20
4. Brie Larson andh Millie Bobby Brown. Brie because watching her in Room made me cry a shit tonne (fuck tonne) and she was just so powerful. She was flawed and she struggled with her flaws but she fought and she helped herself and they way she portrayed that helped me through my life and choices. Millie because she is truly a talented actress. Stranger Things aside, even in Intruders at the age of 8, she was just incredible and she has done so well in such a short time span. If she can accomplish that much, so can I.
7. Probably either Harry Potter, Stranger Things or Percy Jackson (I’m very indecisive, get over it)
17. I wish my sibling/bestfriend was Nathan Byrn from the Half Bad trilogy so that I could protect him and prevent all that pain he suffered or the Baudelaire children for pretty much the same reason.
20. Shit man, hit me with the hard one. Uuuuuummm, probably Percy Jackson because the movies were a complete and utter fail and I would remake them as they should have been done in the first place.  I would just start all over again and make them actually feel like the boys like how GOT has done it.
Questions are here
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sibukun · 5 years
2020.03.14 / 17:40 TURN ME DOWN NICK STRAKER 2020.03.14 / 17:37 I LOVE NEW YORK METROPOLIS 2020.03.14 / 17:34 DEEP IN VOGUE MALCOLM MCLAREN 2020.03.14 / 17:26 DANCIN' AND PRANCIN' CANDIDO 2020.03.14 / 17:23 LOVE WON'T WAIT BOBBY CALDWELL 2020.03.14 / 17:20 LOTTA LOVE NICOLETTE LARSON 2020.03.14 / 17:16 THAT OLD SONG RAY PARKER JR 2020.03.14 / 17:12 YOU'LL NEVER FIND ANOTHER LOVE LIKE MINE LOU RAWLS 2020.03.14 / 17:09 I'LL BE AROUND SPINNERS 2020.03.14 / 16:57 TRY AGAIN CHAMPAIGN 2020.03.14 / 16:53 IN YOUR EYES GEORGE BENSON 2020.03.14 / 16:49 I JUST CAN'T STOP LOVING YOU MICHAEL JACKSON & S.GARRETT 2020.03.14 / 16:44 TOMORROW QUINCY JONES FT. TEVIN CAMPBELL 2020.03.14 / 16:41 I'LL BE GOOD TO YOU QUINCY JONES FT. RAY CHARLES & CHAKA KHAN 2020.03.14 / 16:37 STOMP QUINCY JONES 2020.03.14 / 16:33 ROCK WITH YOU BRANDY 2020.03.14 / 16:25 BREAK ME INTO LITTLE PIECES HOT GOSSIP 2020.03.14 / 16:24 I BELIEVE IN DREAMS JACKIE RAWE 2020.03.14 / 16:20 WHATEVER I DO HAZELL DEAN 2020.03.14 / 16:19 LET THE NIGHT TAKE THE BLAME LORRAINE MCKANE 2020.03.14 / 16:17 YOU'RE A WOMAN BAD BOYS BLUE 2020.03.14 / 16:14 FOTONOVELA IVAN 2020.03.14 / 16:10 ANGEL EYES LIME 2020.03.14 / 15:54 FREAKY DANCIN' CAMEO 2020.03.14 / 15:52 LET'S WORK PRINCE 2020.03.14 / 15:44 MUSIC ONE WAY FEAT. AL HUDSON 2020.03.14 / 15:41 ALL THAT'S GOOD TO ME RAFAEL CAMERON 2020.03.14 / 15:38 MY SIMPLE HEART CAROL DOUGLAS 2020.03.14 / 15:35 FALL IN LOVE WITH ME EARTH 2020.03.14 / 15:31 LOVE'S DANCE KLIQUE 2020.03.14 / 15:28 WHY YOU GET FUNKY ON ME TODAY 2020.03.14 / 15:26 WANNA GET WITH U GUY 2020.03.14 / 15:24 NEW JACK SWING WRECKS-N-EFFECT 2020.03.14 / 15:21 POISON BELL BIV DEVOE 2020.03.14 / 15:18 WORK IT OUT MONIE LOVE 2020.03.14 / 15:15 ICE CREAM DREAM MC LYTE 2020.03.14 / 15:12 TAP THE BOTTLE YOUNG BLACK TEENAGERS 2020.03.14 / 15:09 JUMP AROUND HOUSE OF PAIN
0 notes
thedarkoutside · 5 years
Absolutely Everyone
...From the Benthic Zone 1233221 3Lapse and Richie303 4 floors of whores 424 :zoviet*france: A Strange Desire A.D Jacques A.F. Harrold AFH ATKHorses Abduction by Giraffe Absinth3 Accursed Volts Action Beard Adam Leonard Adi Carter Ahuva Aimee Cozza Airspace Akatombo Alan Dunn & Valérie Vivancos Alan Smith and John Bowers Aleks Jurczyk Alex Charles Alex Forselius Alexander Jeavons Alexander Peverett Alextronic (HIVE Collective) Algiers Ali Wade Alice Hubley Alison Cotton Alma Riddell Amechi Essu Amesbury Banks Amy Beeston Andreas Miranda - Optics Andrew Bridport Andrew Hayes Andrew Paine Andy Monument Andy Pyne Andy Willis Anni Hogan Anton Caligula Maiof Antoni Maiovvi Anvil & Stirrup Ape Seed April Larson Arboria Auralist Arcadian Pink Art School Orchestra of Leeds Art Trip and the Static Sound Artist Unknown Ashtoreth Assassin of Sound Astoria Sound Astral Social Club Atom Eye Atom Tree Audbat Audio Obscura Autodespair Automatic Tasty Ava-Tara Essu-Taylor Average Alien Ayse Hassan (Esya)   Azuka Essu-Taylor BEPAWA Babbage Music Ballard Ban Summers Beckett & Taylor Bedroom Studio Projects Beholdthesalt Belly Full Of Stars Ben Salisbury Beneather Benge Benjamin Shaw Beth Ryan Bethany Porter Bev Craddock Billy Fuller Billy Fuller’s Jazz Hollowcause Bipolar Explorer Bis Bit Cloudy Bitbasic Black Cat Black Channels Black Glacier Black Tempest BlackBlackBlack Blacklight Blaine Blanc Sceol Blancmange Blood Blood Blood Candy Blood Everywhere Blood Wine or Honey Bloodeverywhere Blue Kirkhope Bobby Corrigan Body in the Thames Bonnacons of Doom Boom Merchant Bottils Bound Boyd Brave Robin Brend / Big Ned Brian Carlson Broken Glass Brooks & Macfarlane Bruce McClure Burnt Begonia C-drík CD & TK Cahn Ingold Prelog Caring Carlo Patrão Carter Thornton Carter Tutti Cat Tent Cathay Ccircle Charles Eppley Charles Gershkovich Charles Robinson Charlie Ulyatt Chase Gardner Cheryl Cole / Freelance Hellraiser Children of the Crazed Chipped Teeth Chris Carter Chris Dooks Christ. Christopher Umney Cindytalk Circuit Bent Birds Clair Hotgem Clarapandy Clare Archibald Clare Qualmann Claudine Coule Cleaners from Venus Cnut Coefficient Coldsore Colin Newman Colorcode Conrad Clipper Cool Tigers Coppervosper Correlations Cosey Fanni Tutti Couch Boy Couch Boy & Deathstroke Cowboy Flying Saucer Cowp Craig B Cromlech Shadow Culllt Cult With No Name Curxes Cuts Cyber Blood D Fyans DFF Sound System DJ 2 Minute Noodle DJ Food DJ Kaos & W!de Receiver DROKK DVAnt DVAnt & Dr RemiX Dabba Dada Duo Dai Coelacanth Dai Coelecanth Daimhin Kavanagh Damon Fairclough Dan Jobar Daniel Mudford of Balham Daniel Pioro Dann Danny Hale Dark Actors Dark Knopfler Das Blut & Zorn Orkestra Datassette Dave Ball Dave Clark Dave Graham Dave Walklett David Bamford David Coyle David J Bertrand David Miller & Michael Pedersen David W Smith Dawn Scarfe Dayton Madison Dead Bart Dead Flying Squirrel Dead Sea Apes Debt Debukas Decadnids December Beaches Delia Derbyshire Delicate Noise Den Haan Depeche Mode Dessicant Devotional Hooligan Devotionalhallucinatic Diagrams Diamanda Galas Didymo Bloom Dil23 Dirch Blewn Disaster Famlee Divine Bear Divine Styler Dixie Treichel Diz Willis Dog Eats Wall Dogdub I-ilodica and DVAnt Dognoize Dolmen Dweller Dom Turnor Dominic Aitchison Donna Enticknap Doomed Nudes Douglas Moreland Dowsabel Dragonfly Lingo Drew McDowall Drew Mulholland Droid Drvg Cvltvre Duncan Chapman Duncan Foster Dunn Drank Dustin O'Halloran Dylan Ducklow Dylan God Early Hominids Earth Reference Terminal Earthborn Visions Earthling Originales East India Youth Eat The Sun Eddie Cointreau Edith A Graves Eduards Ozoliņš Eggatha Yolk Eismalsott Elaine Howley Electroscope Elizabeth Joan Kelly Ellie Wilson Eléna Powell Emilie Levienaise-Farrouch Emphemetry Ensam Hemma (Hu$Tlin) Entaclishus Eoin Mac Ionmhain Eon McKai Eraldo Bernocchi Eric Arn Erlend Tait Erstlaub Escupemetralla Euan Maco McAleece Eva Perouk Every Man in Lago Exotic Caterer Exotic Pylon Expose Your Eyes Eyes Factory Floor Famished for Blonds Fantastic Twins Fantasy Sequence Farjill Farm Hand Fastland Feorm Feral Five Ferrie=differentieel Field Lines Cartographer Finitribe Fiona Soe Paing Fishes in the Pond Flesh Eating Foundation Flower Farmer Flowers For Kali Flowstone Fnuf Focus Of Light For All and None For Her Ford Fortress Central Park Fossil Aerosol Mining Project Fossil Hunting Collective Four Italian Pep Pills Fragile Pitches Fragile X Frances Castle Francis Heery Frequency Controller Fuad Ramses Full Spectrum Dominance Futile Axe Future Pilot AKA Fylgia GBOAT Gaar Taylor Gabe Gurnsey Gabriel Ware Galcko Galloway Gamma Jack Garden of Surreal Dreams Gareth Jones Garnet Tear Gavin Inglis Gazelle Twin Geeky Disco Geordie Pop and Maurice Reed George Granade George Hinchliffe Ghost Actor Ghost Signs Ghostradio Giant Paw Gillian Watson Give Me Patience Gloomscapes Gnod featuring John Doran Golas Gonzo Orzo Good Cop / Naughty Cop Goodnight Gorg Prc Graham McIsaac Grand Veymont Grant Robson Gregory Kramer Grey Frequency Grifter Kid and The Midnight Raiders Grohs Grumbling Fur Gunjack Gusset Guy Osborn Guy Veale Guy Veale & Alex Rigg Hairs Abyss HMBKR Hacker Farm Half feat The Russo Brothers Hand of Stabs Handpicked Tyrant Handspan Happy Gardens Harry Kari Harry Leard Heate Rson Hedge Hog Heidi James-Dunbar Helen Mort Herb Magee Hey Hey Spaceman Hey-ø-Hansen Hichrill High End Hiroshima Bend Beta HoneyMunki Hookers for Jesus Hornbeam Horsethief Hubba_Hapa Hubert Gendron-Blais Human Greed Human League Hywel Da I Like Trains I Speak Machine I Speak Machine featuring Clint Mansell I.S. Rowley Tummy Party I/Ona Iopan Ian Hicks Ichilon Idle Devotee Ihcilon Illustrious Imogen Heap Improvhorn - Monday Club Inner City Toad Invisible Sports Ioan Morris Iona Fortune Isobel Ccircle J. Boardman J.S Fairfax JB/CS JD Twitch John 3:16 Jack Fell Down - Miami Girls Jack Hayter Jackanory Puffcake School of Drawing Jackson Montgomery James Aparicio James Brooks James Davoll and David De La Haye James Oldrini James Sandford James Weaver Jamie Jones Jane Pitt Janek Schaefer Jason Gallimore Jason Judas Salomon Jean-Paul Bondy Jeff Noon Jen Allan Jen Robertson Jeremy Stokes Jesse DeRossa Jesse Hackett Jez riley French Jiibay Shadow Dancer Jim Jarmo Jim Noir Jimmy Kipple Sound Jochem Klaus Jodie Lowther Joe Ahmed John Chantler John Donaldson John E Smoke John Garc¡a Rueda John Oswald John Rushton John Stamp Jon Brooks Jon Monk Jon Panther Jon Teader Jonny Mugwump Jonny Wildey Jordan Reyne Jorts Washington Joseph Curwen Joseph Nanner Jules Maxwell Juliette Birch Junklight Jupiter-C Juxtagon Juxtagon presents the Ohtori Academy Magickal Goth Band J’ai des Rossignols KJK Productions Kahl Henderson Kalbata Kams Karl Winkenbach Kat Five Kate Arnold Kate Bosworth Kate Tattersfield Kathleen & Jenny Kathleen Messer Katja Gee Keener Keith Bradley Kek-W Kemper Norton Kenneth Johnson Kevin Logan Kid ‘Congo’ Powers Kieran Mahon Kill Alters King of the Stuntmen Kirsteen Mcnish Kitchen Cynics Kl(aüs) Klonk Knights of Neon Komputer Konstruktivists Kontour Konx Om Pax Kristen Gallerneaux Kroko Israelsen Kulatopia L-Con L-Sedition L/F/D/M Laces Lagowski Laica Land Observations Landfill Publishing Largian Philosophy Lark Lark vs Bones Larry Crywater Laura Cannell Laura Copsey Laura O’Halloran Laurence Lloyd Duff Laurie Anderson Lazar Laze Lee Noble Leiyun Lenina Leo Munks Lethe1024 Lettrist Leyton Audio Liam Crichton Liam Crichton & Ricki O'Rawe Lidane Livering Line Idle Lippy Kid Lippy Kid Music / Matt McAteer Lippy Kid and Sophie Sparham Little Deer Crazy Blood Little Manitou Lo Five LoneLady Loop12 Looper Loose Capacitor Lord of the Isles Love Without Sound Low Shadow Low Side Window Lucy Gooch Lucy Mclean Luke Jordan Luke Turner Lumeet Luna Sola Ly Tumnus Lyra Lowood M - Orchestra Machinefabriek Machines in Heaven Madam Magnetik North Magnus Mercurii Maighread Marc Woodward Mare Margaret Nelson Maria Papadomanolaki Maria Rita Stumpf Mark Lyken Mark Russell Mark Thomson Mark Turner Mark Wilkins Martin A Smith Martin Hoogenboom & Theo Calis Martin John Henry Martyn Ware Mary Epworth Mary Hill Mary Shelley & the Implicit Order Mathias Schober Matt Gollock Matt Mercer Matt Nix Matt Void Matteo Spanò Matthew Collings Matthew Lambert Matthew McCourt Matthew Shaw Maya Essu-Taylor Me, Claudius Mechanical Ape Medora Medora featuring Natalie Alva Megadead Megalophobe Megatron Man Melter Memory Ghost Merckurie Micah Stupak Michael Anguish Michael Begg Michael Begg Colin Potter and Deryk Thomas featuring Steven R. Smith on spike fiddle Michael Nienaber Microchip Junky Midnight Midpoint - Nohno Mike Smalle Mike Tupling Min-Y-Llan Mixless Moats Modern Hunting Modulator ESP Monkoora Moon Ra Moon Wiring Club Moray Newlands Mosca Mother Mutation Mouse Sucks Moviedrone Mr. Slush Murdo Eason Murray Royston Museleon Mutual Process My Aural Fixation Nad Spiro Nat Lyon Nat Ward Natalie Sharp Natural Voices Choir Naum Gabo Near Future Neil Fergusson Neil Scrivin Nevada Base Niagara Elementary Instrumental Music Nick Scotese Nicola Roberts Nicolette Nightfall Horrors Nightwave Niton No Form Noah Dobbs Nosebleed Noyen Nube Fenix Observation Point Oh The Gilt Okraa Olabeat Olgar and Rolfo Olivia Louvel Open Channel Opensussex Opti Ordeograph Orif Orlit Oscar Rodriguez Otolythe Oubli & C.Morgan Outside Other Overworld Radio PK Pablo De Pablo Pablo Sanz Pabulum Palmer Eldritch Panamint Manse Patrick Ballanger Patrick Gubler Patrick Wray Paul A. Taylor Paul Haig Paul Hartnoll Paul Kendall Paul Marshall Paul Preston Mills Paul Research Peesix Pefkin Pegasvs Peggy Nelson People Like Us Pete Um Pete Warren Pete Woodhead Pete von Petrin Peter Barnard Peter Clark Peter Nagle Peter Rose Petridisch Pg Six Phantoms vs Fire Pheobe Riley Law Phil Maguire Phosphene Pixieguts Plaid Plaster 0f Paris Plastique De Rêve / Ange Du Bizarre PoP Campaign Poly Hymns Polynomial Polypores Portishead Possible Area Post Posthuman Primitive Knot Production Unit Pulselovers Purple Maps Pettaluck Purple Minds of Lazeron Pye Corner Audio Quackk Quantazelle Quarriers Quatroconnection Queen of Roaches Quimper R. Richards RVNES Radio Arts Radio Europa Radio Shoestring Radionics Radio Raimundas Paulauskas Rainbow Pyramid Raxil4 Red Team Redave Redwood Drift Regolith Remembering Steady Eddie Remnants & Residue Repeated Viewing Restaurnaut Ri Cuin and the Great X Richard Hims Richard X Richard X featuring Kelis Rick Ross Rima Dadenji Rob Bridgett Rob Britton Rob Knight Robert Curgenven Robert Ellmer Robert Marshall Robert Rental Robert Shaw Robert Van Kolken Roberta Fidora Robin Northern Roke Ronan Haughton Rory Rory McCormick Rose Dougal Rose and Sandy Ross Cooper Rox Jonson Squire Roy Whittle Ruby Rudi Zydaglo Rupert Lally Rupert Lally & Espen J. Jörgensen with Lakis Karnezis Rupert Lally/Espen J. Jörgensen Russel.M.Harmon Russell E. Marshall S&M Solutions S.E.T.I. SDFKT SVPER Sad Man Salford Electronics Saltys Lighthouse Sam Eaton Sam Lou Talbot Sandeshm Sarah Angliss Sarah Harding Satori Craig Safan Saturate Sawak Saxon Chambers Sblits Scanner Scanner and Justin Wiggan Scanner and Stephen Vitiello Scant Intone Scarfolk Council Schmaidl Scott Mason Scott Smigiel Sculpture Sebastian Melmoth Security Self Help Severed Heads ShadowBox Shanyio and Loalue Sharp Veins Shaun Bythell Shaun Malone Shaun Robert Sheer Zed Shift Work Si Woods Siberia Sighell Sigillum S Silver Stairs of Ketchikan Simon Dell Simon Fisher Turner Simon Fisher Turner / Espen J. Jörgensen Simon Halsberghe Simon James Simon Klee SinS Sion Parkinson Sisterphonetica Slapdaddy Slow Deep Breath Smallbearsound Smithwerk Sneha Solanki Snekhoose Soft Ocean Hotel Solar Enemy Solipsism Solo1 Soma Ghosh Sommet Sons & Daughters Sophie Cooper and Delphine Dora Soramimi Soundhog sp3ct3rs Spaceship Spaceship and Luke Turner Speednoisemovement St. James Infirmary Stamina Nudes Stapperton Stephanie Merchak Stephen Clarke 1980 Stephen Gallagher Stephen Shiell Stereopod Steve Nolan Steve Nolan & Fyfe Ewing Steven Legget Steven Reynolds Stewart Keith + Neil Campbell Stewart Lawler Stonebende Stratfield Brake Strelokk Stretford Dub Club Stuart Craig Sudden Creation Sulcus Industries Sunken Foal Superkamio Svper Swarm Of Bees Sweatbox Swedgy Blinker Swim Deorin Swine Language Sylf Eren Synek Synthetic Life Group Synthonic T Jervell The Heartwood Institute TVO TVO & Patrick Walker Tabitha Potts Tafi All Stars Talanas Talvihorros Tara Busch Teak Veneer Team Steam Ted Versicolor Terbijn Test Dept. The Acid The Asterism The Black Bicycles The Black Dog The Blue Lady The Book Shop Band The Bookshop The Bunbury Banter Theatre Company The Central Office Of Information The Cleaners from Venus The Cochranes The Creeping Doubts The Darkening Scale The Dead Heavys. The Doll The Drugged Onions The Eccentronic Research Council The Ephemeral Man The Fatal Englishman The Fauns The GVK The Golden Filter The Guelph Basin The Hare and the Moon The Herbaliser The House in the Woods The Icarus Line The Implicit Order The Impulse Rehearsal The James Worse Public Address Method The Kitchen Argument The Last Ambient Hero The Leaf Library The Lovely Dreggs The Magus Project The Masters of Sleepless Nights The Monotone Men The Mutual Extermination Club The New Movement The Nomad Generation The Outer Church The Please The Psychogeographical Commission The Revenant Sea The Rise and Demise of John The Shaving The Skaters The Strangest Pet on Earth The Tuesday Night Machine The Watcher The Witch and the Robot Thee Adversary Thee Balancer Thee Crumb Thee Manual Labour Thoranna Bjornsdottir Thought Forms Thrislington Cubicles Tim Castro Tim Chipping Time Destroys All Things TimeDog To Sow Green Nettles Toby Wiltshire Todd Snow Todd Snow / k-rakos Tom Bradshaw Tom Ellard Tom Middleton Tomas Borsa Tomorrow Syndicate Tonesucker Tony Fitz Topless in the Turning Lane Topo Productions Traven Travin Systems Tree of life Triple Dipped Orange Trish Keenan Tromlhie Trond Jervell Tsarzi Tujuh Kuda Tumsā Viens Two Ragged Soldiers Ubre Blanca Ukonnen Unknown Clothing Unquiet Earth Unseen Hands Untitled Ununseptium (aka Alan Currall) Ununseptiumwarehouse Upstanding Monk Uschi No Michi Vile Plumage Venomous 9 Very Sharp Knives Vidiv Vile-Plumage Violet Violet Tremors Vivienne Von Liz Voran Schwartz Voxfazer Vraicbeard Wire Waheela Wanda Group West Lakes Academy Whalt Thisney WhiteSlug Wig Wild Situation Will Burns Will Schneider William Wild Windham Festival Chamber Orchestra Winjer3 Wizards Tell Lies Wrangler Wrong island Wubworld X-Amount X-TG Xander Harris Xiotron Xylitol Yaki_Pony Year of Glad Yellow Salamand’r Yksiääniset Vahvistin Yol Your New Machine Yung Coyote Yutani ZONATE TOOTH Zoe Miller [Box] [IN]CLUDED [ówt krì] aLTERkRANKERmANN aRSCHkRANKEmUSIK ap()ria c.3.3 Concrete/Field dBear eBRAT ethi.cc ikjoyce InnerCityToad k-l-j-d-s-k-p lfdm mhpb moon.o.bus ps_ readyStateFail sp3ct3rs Xqui Music Ærkenbrand éntha ███ ♏◍ɲⓄ ㄚ∑ㄅ ∆ῳ▲ℾξ
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torixus · 5 years
Full List of winners at People's Choice Awards 2019
On Sunday Night, November 10 the E!'s People Choice Awards was held that sa top Hollywood stars on Ground, including Kevin Hart who made his first public appearance since his car accident After Hart Car accident, his presence at the  E!'s People Choice Awards is the very First as he was blessed with the Comedy Act of 2019 after giving his first public speech since September, During his speech, he thanked his family and fans for their support.  The Award also recognized Avengers: Endgame as Movie of 2019, The award was received by markers of the award winning film. Ellen, Jennifer Aniston, Gwen Stefani, and P!nk were also some of those who received honors this year.
Torixus Media learnt that Aniston was honored with The People’s Icon award, Stefani earned the Fashion Icon Award, and Pink took home The People’s Champion for her charity work. Below is the full list of winners: MOVIE Movie of 2019: WINNER: Avengers: Endgame
Toy Story 4 Captain Marvel Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw The Lion King John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Us Spider-Man: Far From Home Comedy Movie of 2019: WINNER: Murder Mystery The Upside Yesterday The Hustle Men in Black: International Long Shot Little Good Boys Action Movie of 2019: WINNER: Avengers: Endgame Spider-Man: Far From Home Captain Marvel John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Shazam! Godzilla: King of the Monsters Dark Phoenix Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw Drama Movie of 2019: WINNER: After Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood Rocketman Five Feet Apart Glass Us Triple Frontier Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile Family Movie of 2019: Toy Story 4 The Lion King WINNER: Aladdin The Secret Life of Pets 2 How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part Pokémon Detective Pikachu The Angry Birds Movie 2 Male Movie Star of 2019: WINNER: Robert Downey Jr., Avengers: Endgame Chris Hemsworth, Avengers: Endgame Tom Holland, Spider-Man: Far From Home Will Smith, Aladdin Keanu Reeves, John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Samuel L. Jackson, Captain Marvel Dwayne Johnson, Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw Adam Sandler, Murder Mystery Female Movie Star of 2019: Millie Bobby Brown, Godzilla: King of the Monsters Scarlett Johansson, Avengers: Endgame WINNER: Zendaya, Spider-Man: Far From Home Sophie Turner, Dark Phoenix Jennifer Aniston, Murder Mystery Brie Larson, Captain Marvel Lupita Nyong’o, Us Tessa Thompson, Men in Black: International Drama Movie Star of 2019: Taron Egerton, Rocketman WINNER: Cole Sprouse, Five Feet Apart Zac Efron, Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile Lupita Nyong’o, Us Leonardo DiCaprio, Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood Brad Pitt, Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood Sarah Paulson, Glass Samuel L. Jackson, Glass Comedy Movie Star of 2019: Ali Wong, Always Be My Maybe Kevin Hart, The Upside Rebel Wilson, Isn’t It Romantic Adam Sandler, Murder Mystery Liam Hemsworth, Isn’t It Romantic Dwayne Johnson, Fighting With My Family Mindy Kaling, Late Night WINNER: Noah Centineo, The Perfect Date Action Movie Star of 2019: Robert Downey Jr., Avengers: Endgame Chris Evans, Avengers: Endgame WINNER: Tom Holland, Spider-Man: Far From Home Halle Berry, John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Keanu Reeves, John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Sophie Turner, Dark Phoenix Brie Larson, Captain Marvel Dwayne Johnson, Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw Animated Movie Star of 2019: America Ferrera, How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World Tom Hanks, Toy Story 4 Kevin Hart, The Secret Life of Pets 2 WINNER: Beyoncé, The Lion King Ryan Reynolds, Pokémon Detective Pikachu Chris Pratt, The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part Tiffany Haddish, The Secret Life of Pets 2 Awkwafina, The Angry Birds Movie 2 TV Show of 2019: Game of Thrones WWE Raw WINNER: Stranger Things The Walking Dead The Big Bang Theory Riverdale This Is Us Grey’s Anatomy Drama Show of 2019: Grey’s Anatomy This Is Us Chicago P.D. Game of Thrones WINNER: Stranger Things Big Little Lies Riverdale The Walking Dead Comedy Show of 2019: WINNER: The Big Bang Theory Saturday Night Live Modern Family The Good Place Grown-ish Veep Orange Is the New Black Schitt’s Creek Reality Show of 2019: WINNER: Keeping Up with the Kardashians Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Queer Eye Bachelor in Paradise Vanderpump Rules Jersey Shore: Family Vacation Competition Show of 2019: American Idol RuPaul’s Drag Race WINNER: America’s Got Talent The Masked Singer The Bachelor The Voice The Bachelorette The Challenge: War of the Worlds Male TV Star of 2019: Kit Harington, Game of Thrones WINNER: Cole Sprouse, Riverdale Norman Reedus, The Walking Dead Finn Wolfhard, Stranger Things Jim Parsons, The Big Bang Theory Milo Ventimiglia, This Is Us Sterling K. Brown, This Is Us KJ Apa, Riverdale Female TV Star of 2019: Mandy Moore, This Is Us WINNER: Millie Bobby Brown, Stranger Things Sophie Turner, Game of Thrones Danai Gurira, The Walking Dead Camila Mendes, Riverdale Lili Reinhart, Riverdale Maisie Williams, Game of Thrones Reese Witherspoon, Big Little Lies Drama TV Star of 2019: WINNER: Zendaya, Euphoria Norman Reedus, The Walking Dead Sophie Turner, Game of Thrones Millie Bobby Brown, Stranger Things Reese Witherspoon, Big Little Lies Maisie Williams, Game of Thrones Lili Reinhart, Riverdale Sterling K. Brown, This Is Us Comedy TV Star of 2019: Leslie Jones, Saturday Night Live WINNER: Kristen Bell, The Good Place Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Veep Tiffany Haddish, The Last O.G. Tracee Ellis Ross, Black-ish Jameela Jamil, The Good Place Yara Shahidi, Grown-ish Jim Parsons, The Big Bang Theory Daytime Talk Show of 2019: The View Red Table Talk WINNER: The Ellen DeGeneres Show
The Wendy Williams Show Live with Kelly and Ryan TODAY Good Morning America The Real Nighttime Talk Show of 2019: The Late Show With Stephen Colbert WINNER: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon The Daily Show with Trevor Noah Jimmy Kimmel Live! The Late Late Show with James Corden Full Frontal with Samantha Bee Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen Competition Contestant of 2019: Buddy Valastro, Buddy Vs. Duff WINNER: Hannah Brown, The Bachelorette Kodi Lee, America’s Got Talent T-Pain, The Masked Singer Colton Underwood, The Bachelor Tyler Cameron, The Bachelorette Tyler Oakley, The Amazing Race Vanessa Vanjie Mateo, RuPaul’s Drag Race Reality Star of 2019: WINNER: Khloé Kardashian, Keeping Up With the Kardashians Kyle Richards, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Lisa Vanderpump, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills NeNe Leakes, The Real Housewives of Atlanta Jonathan Van Ness, Queer Eye Kandi Burruss, The Real Housewives of Atlanta Kylie Jenner, Keeping Up With the Kardashians Antoni Porowski, Queer Eye Bingeworthy Show of 2019: Game of Thrones Orange Is the New Black Law & Order: Special Victims Unit The Umbrella Academy Queer Eye WINNER: Outlander 13 Reasons Why Stranger Things Sci-Fi/Fantasy Show of 2019: Stranger Things WINNER: Shadowhunters Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Supernatural The Flash The Umbrella Academy Arrow The 100 MUSIC Male Artist of 2019: WINNER: Shawn Mendes Post Malone Ed Sheeran Drake Travis Scott Khalid Lil Nas X Bad Bunny Female Artist of 2019: Ariana Grande Taylor Swift Cardi B Halsey WINNER: Billie Eilish Miley Cyrus Camila Cabello P!nk Group of 2019: Jonas Brothers BTS 5 Seconds Of Summer Panic! At The Disco CNCO Imagine Dragons The Chainsmokers WINNER: BLACKPINK Song of 2019: Jonas Brothers, “Sucker” Ariana Grande, “7 Rings” Lil Nas X feat. Billy Ray Cyrus, “Old Town Road” Khalid, “Talk” Ed Sheeran & Justin Bieber, “I Don’t Care” Sam Smith, Normani, “Dancing with a Stranger” Billie Eilish, “Bad Guy” WINNER: Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello, “Señorita” Album of 2019: Ariana Grande, Thank U, Next Khalid, Free Spirit Billie Eilish, WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO? Lizzo, Cuz I Love You Jonas Brothers, Happiness Begins Ed Sheeran, No. 6 Collaborations Project Juice Wrld, Death Race for Love WINNER: Taylor Swift, Lover Country Artist of 2019: Luke Combs WINNER: Blake Shelton Carrie Underwood Luke Bryan Thomas Rhett Kane Brown Kelsea Ballerini Maren Morris Latin Artist of 2019: Daddy Yankee Anuel AA Maluma Karol G Bad Bunny J Balvin Natti Natasha WINNER: Becky G Music Video of 2019: Daddy Yankee & Snow, “Con Calma” Taylor Swift feat. Brendon Urie of Panic! At The Disco, “ME!” WINNER: BLACKPINK, “Kill This Love” Ariana Grande, “7 Rings” Billie Eilish, “Bad Guy” BTS feat. Halsey, “Boy With Luv” Sam Smith, Normani, “Dancing With a Stranger” Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello, “Señorita” Concert Tour of 2019: BTS, Love Yourself, Speak Yourself Lady Gaga, Enigma Ariana Grande, Sweetener P!nk, Beautiful Trauma Justin Timberlake, Man of the Woods Jennifer Lopez, It’s My Party Cher, Here We Go Again Tour WINNER: BLACKPINK, BLACKPINK 2019 World POP CULTURE Social Star of 2019: Emma Chamberlain The Dolan Twins WINNER: David Dobrik Rickey Thompson The Ace Family Shane Dawson Liza Koshy Tana Mongeau Beauty Influencer of 2019: James Charles Nikita Dragun NikkiTutorials – Nikkie de Jager Jeffree Star RCL Beauty – Rachel Levin Desi Perkins Jackie Aina WINNER: Bretman Rock Social Celebrity of 2019: Ariana Grande Taylor Swift WINNER: Ellen DeGeneres Miley Cyrus Kim Kardashian West Cardi B Shawn Mendes Justin Bieber Animal Star of 2019: Jiffpom WINNER: Doug the Pug Nala Cat Tuna The Chiweenie Juniper The Fox Shinjiro Ono – Marutaro tecuaniventura Lil BUB Comedy Act of 2019:
WINNER: Kevin Hart Joe Rogan Gabriel “Fluffy” Iglesias Trevor Noah Ken Jeong Amy Schumer Colleen Ballinger Wanda Sykes Style Star of 2019: Kim Kardashian West Rihanna Celine Dion Lady Gaga Gigi Hadid Cardi B Jennifer Lopez WINNER: Harry Styles Game Changer of 2019: LeBron James Megan Rapinoe Coco Gauff Drew Brees Alex Morgan Stephen Curry Serena Williams WINNER: Simone Biles Pop Podcast of 2019: Getting Curious with Jonathan Van Ness Armchair Expert Podcast with Dax Shepard Off the Vine with Kaitlyn Bristowe Whine Down with Jana Kramer Bitch Sesh: A Real Housewives Breakdown with Casey Wilson and Danielle Schneider WINNER: Scrubbing In with Becca Tilley and Tanya Rad WTF with Marc Maron The Joe Rogan Experience (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); via Blogger https://ift.tt/33F09yo
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celebritylive · 5 years
The E! People’s Choice Awards 2019 sees fan favorites across the entertainment and pop-culture spectrum — film, television, music and more — take home awards as voted by the fans.
The show will feature presenters including David Spade, Jenna Dewan, KJ Apa, Sarah Hyland, Joey King, Kelly Rowland, Terry Crews and more, with performances from Alessia Cara and Kelsea Ballerini. Leading the pack of the total 43 categories is Avengers: Endgame for film, while Game of Thrones dominates for TV and BTS leads for music.
Check back throughout the night as the winners are announced!
People’s Champion Award
Fashion Icon Award
Gwen Stefani
People’s Icon of 2018
Jennifer Aniston
Movie of 2019
Avengers: Endgame Toy Story 4 Captain Marvel Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw The Lion King John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Us Spider-Man: Far From Home
Comedy Movie of 2019
The Upside Yesterday The Hustle Men in Black: International Long Shot Little Good Boys Murder Mystery
Action Movie of 2019
Avengers: Endgame Spider-Man: Far From Home Captain Marvel John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Shazam! Godzilla: King of the Monsters Dark Phoenix Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw
Drama Movie of 2019
Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood Rocketman Five Feet Apart Glass Us Triple Frontier After Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile
Family Movie of 2019
Toy Story 4 The Lion King Aladdin The Secret Life of Pets 2 How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part Pokémon Detective Pikachu The Angry Birds Movie 2
Male Movie Star of 2019
Robert Downey Jr., Avengers: Endgame Chris Hemsworth, Avengers: Endgame Tom Holland, Spider-Man: Far From Home Will Smith, Aladdin Keanu Reeves, John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Samuel L. Jackson, Captain Marvel Dwayne Johnson, Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw Adam Sandler, Murder Mystery
Female Movie Star of 2019
Millie Bobby Brown, Godzilla: King of the Monsters Scarlett Johansson, Avengers: Endgame Zendaya, Spider-Man: Far From Home Sophie Turner, Dark Phoenix Jennifer Aniston, Murder Mystery Brie Larson, Captain Marvel Lupita Nyong’o, Us Tessa Thompson, Men in Black: International
Drama Movie Star of 2019
Taron Egerton, Rocketman Cole Sprouse, Five Feet Apart Zac Efron, Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile Lupita Nyong’o, Us Leonardo DiCaprio, Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood Brad Pitt, Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood Sarah Paulson, Glass Samuel L. Jackson, Glass
Comedy Movie Star of 2019
Ali Wong, Always Be My Maybe Kevin Hart, The Upside Rebel Wilson, Isn’t It Romantic Adam Sandler, Murder Mystery Liam Hemsworth, Isn’t It Romantic Dwayne Johnson, Fighting With My Family Mindy Kaling, Late Night Noah Centineo, The Perfect Date
Action Movie Star of 2019
Robert Downey Jr., Avengers: Endgame Chris Evans, Avengers: Endgame Tom Holland, Spider-Man: Far From Home Halle Berry, John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Keanu Reeves, John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Sophie Turner, Dark Phoenix Brie Larson, Captain Marvel Dwayne Johnson, Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw
Animated Movie Star of 2019
America Ferrera, How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World Tom Hanks, Toy Story 4 Kevin Hart, The Secret Life of Pets 2 Beyoncé, The Lion King Ryan Reynolds, Pokémon Detective Pikachu Chris Pratt, The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part Tiffany Haddish, The Secret Life of Pets 2 Awkwafina, The Angry Birds Movie 2
Show of 2019
Game of Thrones WWE Raw Stranger Things The Walking Dead The Big Bang Theory Riverdale This Is Us Grey’s Anatomy
Drama Show of 2019
Grey’s Anatomy This Is Us Chicago P.D. Game of Thrones Stranger Things Big Little Lies Riverdale The Walking Dead
Comedy Show of 2019
The Big Bang Theory Saturday Night Live Modern Family The Good Place Grown-ish Veep Orange Is the New Black Schitt’s Creek
Reality Show of 2019
Keeping Up with the Kardashians Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Queer Eye Bachelor in Paradise Vanderpump Rules Jersey Shore: Family Vacation
Competition Show of 2019
American Idol RuPaul’s Drag Race America’s Got Talent The Masked Singer The Bachelor The Voice The Bachelorette The Challenge: War of the Worlds
Male TV Star of 2019
Kit Harington, Game of Thrones Cole Sprouse, Riverdale Norman Reedus, The Walking Dead Finn Wolfhard, Stranger Things Jim Parsons, The Big Bang Theory Milo Ventimiglia, This Is Us Sterling K. Brown, This Is Us KJ Apa, Riverdale
Female TV Star of 2019
Mandy Moore, This Is Us Millie Bobby Brown, Stranger Things Sophie Turner, Game of Thrones Danai Gurira, The Walking Dead Camila Mendes, Riverdale Lili Reinhart, Riverdale Maisie Williams, Game of Thrones Reese Witherspoon, Big Little Lies
Drama TV Star of 2019
Zendaya, Euphoria Norman Reedus, The Walking Dead Sophie Turner, Game of Thrones Millie Bobby Brown, Stranger Things Reese Witherspoon, Big Little Lies Maisie Williams, Game of Thrones Lili Reinhart, Riverdale Sterling K. Brown, This Is Us
Comedy TV Star of 2019
Leslie Jones, Saturday Night Live Kristen Bell, The Good Place Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Veep Tiffany Haddish, The Last O.G. Tracee Ellis Ross, black-ish Jameela Jamil, The Good Place Yara Shahidi, grown-ish Jim Parsons, The Big Bang Theory
Daytime Talk Show of 2019
The View Red Table Talk The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Wendy Williams Show Live with Kelly and Ryan TODAY Good Morning America The Real
Nighttime Talk Show of 2019
The Late Show With Stephen Colbert The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon The Daily Show with Trevor Noah Jimmy Kimmel Live! The Late Late Show with James Corden Full Frontal with Samantha Bee Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen
Competition Contestant of 2019
Buddy Valastro, Buddy Vs. Duff Hannah Brown, The Bachelorette Kodi Lee, America’s Got Talent T-Pain, The Masked Singer Colton Underwood, The Bachelor Tyler Cameron, The Bachelorette Tyler Oakley, The Amazing Race Vanessa Vanjie Mateo, RuPaul’s Drag Race
Reality Star of 2019
Khloé Kardashian, Keeping Up With the Kardashians Kyle Richards, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Lisa Vanderpump, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills NeNe Leakes, The Real Housewives of Atlanta Jonathan Van Ness, Queer Eye Kandi Burruss, The Real Housewives of Atlanta Kylie Jenner, Keeping Up With the Kardashians Antoni Porowski, Queer Eye
Bingeworthy Show of 2019
Game of Thrones Orange Is the New Black Law & Order: Special Victims Unit The Umbrella Academy Queer Eye Outlander 13 Reasons Why Stranger Things
Sci-fi/Fantasy Show of 2019
Stranger Things Shadowhunters Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Supernatural The Flash The Umbrella Academy Arrow The 100
Male Artist of 2019
Shawn Mendes Post Malone Ed Sheeran Drake Travis Scott Khalid Lil Nas X Bad Bunny
Female Artist of 2019
Ariana Grande Taylor Swift Cardi B Halsey Billie Eilish Miley Cyrus Camila Cabello Pink
Group of 2019
Jonas Brothers BTS 5 Seconds Of Summer Panic! At The Disco CNCO Imagine Dragons The Chainsmokers BLACKPINK
Song of 2019
Jonas Brothers, “Sucker” Ariana Grande, “7 Rings” Lil Nas X feat., “Old Town Road” Khalid, “Talk” Ed Sheeran & Justin Bieber, “I Don’t Care” Sam Smith, Normani, “Dancing with a Stranger” Billie Eilish, “Bad Guy” Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello, “Señorita”
Album of 2019
Ariana Grande, Thank U, Next Khalid, Free Spirit Billie Eilish, WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO? Lizzo, Cuz I Love You Jonas Brothers, Happiness Begins Ed Sheeran, No.6 Collaborations Project Juice Wrld, Death Race for Love Taylor Swift, Lover
Country Artist of 2019
Luke Combs Blake Shelton Carrie Underwood Luke Bryan Thomas Rhett Kane Brown Kelsea Ballerini Maren Morris
Latin Artist of 2019
Daddy Yankee Anuel AA Maluma Karol G Bad Bunny J Balvin Natti Natasha Becky G
Music Video of 2019
Daddy Yankee & Snow, “Con Calma” Taylor Swift feat. Brendon Urie of Panic! At The Disco, “ME!” BLACKPINK, “Kill This Love” Ariana Grande, “7 Rings” Billie Eilish, “Bad Guy” BTS feat. Halsey, “Boy With Luv” Sam Smith, Normani, “Dancing With a Stranger” Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello, “Señorita”
Concert Tour of 2019
BTS, Love Yourself, Speak Yourself Lady Gaga, Enigma Ariana Grande, Sweetener Pink, Beautiful Trauma Justin Timberlake, Man of the Woods Jennifer Lopez, It’s My Party Cher, Here We Go Again Tour BLACKPINK, BLACKPINK 2019 World
Social Star of 2019
Emma Chamberlain The Dolan Twins David Dobrik Rickey Thompson The Ace Family Shane Dawson Liza Koshy Tana Mongeau
Beauty Influencer of 2019
James Charles Nikita Dragun NikkiTutorials – Nikkie de Jager Jeffree Star RCL Beauty – Rachel Levin Desi Perkins Jackie Aina Bretman Rock
Social Celebrity of 2019
Ariana Grande Taylor Swift Ellen DeGeneres Miley Cyrus Kim Kardashian West Cardi B Shawn Mendes Justin Bieber
Animal Star of 2019
Jiffpom Doug the Pug Nala Cat Tuna The Chiweenie Juniper The Fox Marutaro tecuaniventura Lil BUB
Comedy Act of 2019
Kevin Hart Joe Rogan Gabriel “Fluffy” Iglesias Trevor Noah Ken Jeong Amy Schumer Colleen Ballinger Wanda Sykes
Style Star of 2019
Kim Kardashian West Rihanna Céline Dion Lady Gaga Gigi Hadid Cardi B Jennifer Lopez Harry Styles
Game Changer of 2019
LeBron James Megan Rapinoe Coco Gauff Drew Brees Alex Morgan Stephen Curry Serena Williams Simone Biles
Pop Podcast of 2019
Getting Curious with Jonathan Van Ness Armchair Expert Podcast with Dax Shepard Off the Vine with Kaitlyn Bristowe Whine Down with Jana Kramer Bitch Sesh: A Real Housewives Breakdown with Casey Wilson and Danielle Schneider Scrubbing In with Becca Tilley and Tanya Rad WTF with Marc Maron The Joe Rogan Experience
The People’s Choice Awards 2019, airing from the Barker Hangar in Santa Monica, California, will be broadcast live Sunday at 9 p.m. EST on E!
from PEOPLE.com https://ift.tt/2K7dfNp
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smilepuma80-blog · 5 years
How Far Would You Go To Get Rid Of A Pimple?
When you ask a question like “what’s the craziest thing you’ve done to a pimple,” you’ll be paid generously with very crazy answers. Such was the case here, when ITG presented that exact question last week. Hey, everyone’s been there. ITG readers are brave enough to share. There was the spit trick, the breast milk dab, the Borax mask, the...oh! Confused? Then get scrolling. ITG readers have seen every kind of zit, and tried every kind of out-of-this-world treatment to get rid of them.
The Sewing Club
Just needles. No thread required.
“My mom is a celebrated acupuncturist, so when a pimple gets really bad I let her needle it. It’s totally different from lancing a pimple—the needles are hairline fine and go in at the margins of the red spot only. I always immediately see a reduction in size, then after a night’s sleep if I’ve been doing as she says (no alcohol, spicy foods, etc), the angry red cyst is completely flat and replaced with a slightly pink mark; then it just disappears from there. No scarring, no pus-scab (don’t pretend you don’t know what I mean) from popping, better than any steroid injection.” —Magpie
“My dad is a dentist and would take my brother and I to his office, sit us in a chair and use his dental needle to pop our zits.” —Meredith
“I used to buy little needles that diabetics use to prick blood to pop whiteheads :/” —Martha Pietruszewski
“I can up your sterilized needles... I use the round edge of a bobby pin. Works like one of those fancy (I know they cost like $11) pimple poppers. Unsterilized, of course, every time.” —Gabrielle Dolceamore
The Burn Unit
Things got heated.
“I was always taught that heat would help bring a pimple to the surface—I had a pimple on my chin that I wanted to eviscerate, so in a brief lapse of judgement, I held a bowl of oatmeal (straight out of the microwave) on my chin for god knows how long. Instead of killing the pimple, it burned off about a quarter-size layer of skin.” —Hannahhoney
“I've had too many horror stories to count. I swear I never learn. The worst one though was when I was in middle school there was a device that heated up and was supposed to get rid of pimples (I don't even, to this day, know how that was supposed to work). I, being 11 and dumb, decided to apply the same principle of heating up a spot by literally burning a pimple on my face with a mini flat iron. Did nothing besides singe my skin.” —Caroline Jackson
“My deepest, darkest moment having a pimple was when I was 15 and decided that it might be a good idea to put a wart treatment on the sucker. This treatment contained high doses of formic acid, which is not recommended to apply on facial skin... It burned really bad and left me with a red mark that I had to cover up for years.” —Swedee
“I put straight, non diluted apple cider vinegar on two pimples I had on my upper lip. I remember being so proud of myself and telling my mom I was gonna get rid of them naturally. Like 15 minutes later she looked at me in horror and said I had a red mustache. I burned the shit out of my skin. It was so raw and gross I had to slather it with lotion. It did shrink my pimples though so now I dilute it. Lesson learned!” —Kathy Ruiz
The Creatives
These are just... different.
“When I was a teenager I put Borax on my acne. Yeah, laundry Borax! WHYYYYY! It just got more red and angry, of course.” —Hannah English
"Once I put Compound W 17% salicylic acid wart remover gel on a pimple ooof!" —Kirs
“I once put some crazy 90 proof Ukrainian vodka on a zit hoping to dry it up. It didn't work. Obviously.” —cknovy
The Topicals
Apparently not all beauty creams work the same.
“I’ve applied just about every cream one can find in a bathroom to my face (this includes Orajel one time, which did help with the throbbing zit pain from cystic acne!)…Honestly, I’m just glad I still have a face.” —gidgetfidgets
“I can't praise the diaper rash cream enough for what it's done for my skin! Three years, $100's of dollars later, it's the cheapest and most effective thing I've found to combat my occasional dermatitis outbreak, and ever so consistent cystic acne. As soon as I even get a hint of a new cyst forming under the skin I apply it, and within the next few days the acne has either flattened, or if it does surface it's reduced significantly in size. If you're picking it up, pay attention to the ingredients! Try to look for something with zinc oxide listed as the only ingredient.” —Kris J
"So, the craziest thing I’ve put on my face for acne is Vagisil 😬 embarrassing but true. I thought it would kill any bacteria (yes, I now understand that yeast is not the same as bacteria, but I was about 13 then haha). I figured if it was safe for your V-zone, it would be safe for your face. Made me look like a greasy mess. On the other end my favorite ever weird acne remedy is using a spritz of Triamcinolone nasal spray (like Nasacort) right on the skin. The reason: Triamcinolone is the active compound in the cortisone injections done for acne. The concentration of this ingredient in the nasal spray is within the range derms use, and the inactive ingredients are almost identical. So obviously doesn’t have as dramatic of an effect just being used topically, but it does absorb in the skin and I swear it helps cysts calm down A LOT in terms of swelling/redness." —Danya Rubin
“Oh, good god, everything. Toothpaste, lemon juice, baking soda, charcoal, aspirin, honey, sulfur paste, Neosporin, Visine (thanks ITG!), ice, calamine lotion, milk of magnesia, acv, blister bandages, Preparation H, pieces of potato and yes, the dreaded sterilized needle in an attempt to relieve the pressure of cystic acne, which of course turns you into Sisyphus.” —Madelynne Ramsey
The Foodies
Melts on your face, not in your hands.
“In the name of clear skin, I have tried all of the below: - The potato thing, except I didn't tape them so I just had to lie very still with wet root vegetables on my face - Rubbing the inside of a banana peel all over my face - Putting cuticle remover all over my face for one minute (exfoliating!) - Rubbing ice cubes all over my face - Steaming my face over my stovetop” —Eliza
“My sister-in-law's breast milk. I had a pesky zit on my chin that would not go away so she asked if I'd like a Q-tip dabbed in breast milk to spot treat it because she heard that it can nip zits in the butt. Can't really say much if it worked or not...I was at my family cabin and the zit came pre cabin trip. I don't think the "treatment" stood a chance to the thick layers of sunscreen I was applying when I wasn't in the water.” —Erin Larson
And Finally, A Very Natural Remedy
Spit is the new blood cream.
“The craziest thing I do that works is dab spit on mine throughout the day. Clean hands. dab dab dab...I read that the good bacteria in your mouth kills the germs in your pimples. There have been days where I had a pimple speed up and pop by the end of the day or next morning doing this.” —Michi
Photo via TK
Source: https://intothegloss.com/2018/09/pimple-popping-treatments/
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upshotre · 5 years
People's Choice Awards 2019 — full list of winners
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E!'s People Choice Awards held on Sunday night, November 10, and some of the biggest names in Hollywood were at the event, including Kevin Hart who made his first public appearance since his car accident. Hart accepted the Comedy Act of 2019 recognition after which he gave his first public speech since his September car accident. In his speech, he thanked his family and fans for their support. People Jennifer Aniston, Gwen Stefani, and P!nk were also some of those who received honors this year. Aniston was honored with The People’s Icon award, Stefani earned the Fashion Icon Award, and Pink took home The People’s Champion for her charity work. Below is the full list of winners: MOVIE Movie of 2019: WINNER: Avengers: Endgame Toy Story 4 Captain Marvel Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw The Lion King John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Us Spider-Man: Far From Home Comedy Movie of 2019: WINNER: Murder Mystery The Upside Yesterday The Hustle Men in Black: International Long Shot Little Good Boys Action Movie of 2019: WINNER: Avengers: Endgame Spider-Man: Far From Home Captain Marvel John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Shazam! Godzilla: King of the Monsters Dark Phoenix Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw Drama Movie of 2019: WINNER: After Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood Rocketman Five Feet Apart Glass Us Triple Frontier Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile Family Movie of 2019: Toy Story 4 The Lion King WINNER: Aladdin The Secret Life of Pets 2 How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part Pokémon Detective Pikachu The Angry Birds Movie 2 Male Movie Star of 2019: WINNER: Robert Downey Jr., Avengers: Endgame Chris Hemsworth, Avengers: Endgame Tom Holland, Spider-Man: Far From Home Will Smith, Aladdin Keanu Reeves, John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Samuel L. Jackson, Captain Marvel Dwayne Johnson, Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw Adam Sandler, Murder Mystery Female Movie Star of 2019: Millie Bobby Brown, Godzilla: King of the Monsters Scarlett Johansson, Avengers: Endgame WINNER: Zendaya, Spider-Man: Far From Home Sophie Turner, Dark Phoenix Jennifer Aniston, Murder Mystery Brie Larson, Captain Marvel Lupita Nyong’o, Us Tessa Thompson, Men in Black: International Drama Movie Star of 2019: Taron Egerton, Rocketman WINNER: Cole Sprouse, Five Feet Apart Zac Efron, Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile Lupita Nyong’o, Us Leonardo DiCaprio, Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood Brad Pitt, Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood Sarah Paulson, Glass Samuel L. Jackson, Glass Comedy Movie Star of 2019: Ali Wong, Always Be My Maybe Kevin Hart, The Upside Rebel Wilson, Isn’t It Romantic Adam Sandler, Murder Mystery Liam Hemsworth, Isn’t It Romantic Dwayne Johnson, Fighting With My Family Mindy Kaling, Late Night WINNER: Noah Centineo, The Perfect Date Action Movie Star of 2019: Robert Downey Jr., Avengers: Endgame Chris Evans, Avengers: Endgame WINNER: Tom Holland, Spider-Man: Far From Home Halle Berry, John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Keanu Reeves, John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Sophie Turner, Dark Phoenix Brie Larson, Captain Marvel Dwayne Johnson, Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw Animated Movie Star of 2019: America Ferrera, How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World Tom Hanks, Toy Story 4 Kevin Hart, The Secret Life of Pets 2 WINNER: Beyoncé, The Lion King Ryan Reynolds, Pokémon Detective Pikachu Chris Pratt, The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part Tiffany Haddish, The Secret Life of Pets 2 Awkwafina, The Angry Birds Movie 2 TV Show of 2019: Game of Thrones WWE Raw WINNER: Stranger Things The Walking Dead The Big Bang Theory Riverdale This Is Us Grey’s Anatomy Drama Show of 2019: Grey’s Anatomy This Is Us Chicago P.D. Game of Thrones WINNER: Stranger Things Big Little Lies Riverdale The Walking Dead Comedy Show of 2019: WINNER: The Big Bang Theory Saturday Night Live Modern Family The Good Place Grown-ish Veep Orange Is the New Black Schitt’s Creek Reality Show of 2019: WINNER: Keeping Up with the Kardashians Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Queer Eye Bachelor in Paradise Vanderpump Rules Jersey Shore: Family Vacation Competition Show of 2019: American Idol RuPaul’s Drag Race WINNER: America’s Got Talent The Masked Singer The Bachelor The Voice The Bachelorette The Challenge: War of the Worlds Male TV Star of 2019: Kit Harington, Game of Thrones WINNER: Cole Sprouse, Riverdale Norman Reedus, The Walking Dead Finn Wolfhard, Stranger Things Jim Parsons, The Big Bang Theory Milo Ventimiglia, This Is Us Sterling K. Brown, This Is Us KJ Apa, Riverdale Female TV Star of 2019: Mandy Moore, This Is Us WINNER: Millie Bobby Brown, Stranger Things Sophie Turner, Game of Thrones Danai Gurira, The Walking Dead Camila Mendes, Riverdale Lili Reinhart, Riverdale Maisie Williams, Game of Thrones Reese Witherspoon, Big Little Lies Drama TV Star of 2019: WINNER: Zendaya, Euphoria Norman Reedus, The Walking Dead Sophie Turner, Game of Thrones Millie Bobby Brown, Stranger Things Reese Witherspoon, Big Little Lies Maisie Williams, Game of Thrones Lili Reinhart, Riverdale Sterling K. Brown, This Is Us Comedy TV Star of 2019: Leslie Jones, Saturday Night Live WINNER: Kristen Bell, The Good Place Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Veep Tiffany Haddish, The Last O.G. Tracee Ellis Ross, Black-ish Jameela Jamil, The Good Place Yara Shahidi, Grown-ish Jim Parsons, The Big Bang Theory Daytime Talk Show of 2019: The View Red Table Talk WINNER: The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Wendy Williams Show Live with Kelly and Ryan TODAY Good Morning America The Real Nighttime Talk Show of 2019: The Late Show With Stephen Colbert WINNER: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon The Daily Show with Trevor Noah Jimmy Kimmel Live! The Late Late Show with James Corden Full Frontal with Samantha Bee Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen Competition Contestant of 2019: Buddy Valastro, Buddy Vs. Duff WINNER: Hannah Brown, The Bachelorette Kodi Lee, America’s Got Talent T-Pain, The Masked Singer Colton Underwood, The Bachelor Tyler Cameron, The Bachelorette Tyler Oakley, The Amazing Race Vanessa Vanjie Mateo, RuPaul’s Drag Race Reality Star of 2019: WINNER: Khloé Kardashian, Keeping Up With the Kardashians Kyle Richards, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Lisa Vanderpump, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills NeNe Leakes, The Real Housewives of Atlanta Jonathan Van Ness, Queer Eye Kandi Burruss, The Real Housewives of Atlanta Kylie Jenner, Keeping Up With the Kardashians Antoni Porowski, Queer Eye Bingeworthy Show of 2019: Game of Thrones Orange Is the New Black Law & Order: Special Victims Unit The Umbrella Academy Queer Eye WINNER: Outlander 13 Reasons Why Stranger Things Sci-Fi/Fantasy Show of 2019: Stranger Things WINNER: Shadowhunters Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Supernatural The Flash The Umbrella Academy Arrow The 100 MUSIC Male Artist of 2019: WINNER: Shawn Mendes Post Malone Ed Sheeran Drake Travis Scott Khalid Lil Nas X Bad Bunny Female Artist of 2019: Ariana Grande Taylor Swift Cardi B Halsey WINNER: Billie Eilish Miley Cyrus Camila Cabello P!nk Group of 2019: Jonas Brothers BTS 5 Seconds Of Summer Panic! At The Disco CNCO Imagine Dragons The Chainsmokers WINNER: BLACKPINK Song of 2019: Jonas Brothers, “Sucker” Ariana Grande, “7 Rings” Lil Nas X feat. Billy Ray Cyrus, “Old Town Road” Khalid, “Talk” Ed Sheeran & Justin Bieber, “I Don’t Care” Sam Smith, Normani, “Dancing with a Stranger” Billie Eilish, “Bad Guy” WINNER: Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello, “Señorita” Album of 2019: Ariana Grande, Thank U, Next Khalid, Free Spirit Billie Eilish, WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO? Lizzo, Cuz I Love You Jonas Brothers, Happiness Begins Ed Sheeran, No. 6 Collaborations Project Juice Wrld, Death Race for Love WINNER: Taylor Swift, Lover Country Artist of 2019: Luke Combs WINNER: Blake Shelton Carrie Underwood Luke Bryan Thomas Rhett Kane Brown Kelsea Ballerini Maren Morris Latin Artist of 2019: Daddy Yankee Anuel AA Maluma Karol G Bad Bunny J Balvin Natti Natasha WINNER: Becky G Music Video of 2019: Daddy Yankee & Snow, “Con Calma” Taylor Swift feat. Brendon Urie of Panic! At The Disco, “ME!” WINNER: BLACKPINK, “Kill This Love” Ariana Grande, “7 Rings” Billie Eilish, “Bad Guy” BTS feat. Halsey, “Boy With Luv” Sam Smith, Normani, “Dancing With a Stranger” Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello, “Señorita” Concert Tour of 2019: BTS, Love Yourself, Speak Yourself Lady Gaga, Enigma Ariana Grande, Sweetener P!nk, Beautiful Trauma Justin Timberlake, Man of the Woods Jennifer Lopez, It’s My Party Cher, Here We Go Again Tour WINNER: BLACKPINK, BLACKPINK 2019 World POP CULTURE Social Star of 2019: Emma Chamberlain The Dolan Twins WINNER: David Dobrik Rickey Thompson The Ace Family Shane Dawson Liza Koshy Tana Mongeau Beauty Influencer of 2019: James Charles Nikita Dragun NikkiTutorials – Nikkie de Jager Jeffree Star RCL Beauty – Rachel Levin Desi Perkins Jackie Aina WINNER: Bretman Rock Social Celebrity of 2019: Ariana Grande Taylor Swift WINNER: Ellen DeGeneres Miley Cyrus Kim Kardashian West Cardi B Shawn Mendes Justin Bieber Animal Star of 2019: Jiffpom WINNER: Doug the Pug Nala Cat Tuna The Chiweenie Juniper The Fox Shinjiro Ono – Marutaro tecuaniventura Lil BUB Comedy Act of 2019: WINNER: Kevin Hart Joe Rogan Gabriel “Fluffy” Iglesias Trevor Noah Ken Jeong Amy Schumer Colleen Ballinger Wanda Sykes Style Star of 2019: Kim Kardashian West Rihanna Celine Dion Lady Gaga Gigi Hadid Cardi B Jennifer Lopez WINNER: Harry Styles Game Changer of 2019: LeBron James Megan Rapinoe Coco Gauff Drew Brees Alex Morgan Stephen Curry Serena Williams WINNER: Simone Biles Pop Podcast of 2019: Getting Curious with Jonathan Van Ness Armchair Expert Podcast with Dax Shepard Off the Vine with Kaitlyn Bristowe Whine Down with Jana Kramer Bitch Sesh: A Real Housewives Breakdown with Casey Wilson and Danielle Schneider WINNER: Scrubbing In with Becca Tilley and Tanya Rad WTF with Marc Maron The Joe Rogan Experience Read the full article
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upshotre · 5 years
People's Choice Awards 2019 — full list of winners
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E!'s People Choice Awards held on Sunday night, November 10, and some of the biggest names in Hollywood were at the event, including Kevin Hart who made his first public appearance since his car accident. Hart accepted the Comedy Act of 2019 recognition after which he gave his first public speech since his September car accident. In his speech, he thanked his family and fans for their support. People Jennifer Aniston, Gwen Stefani, and P!nk were also some of those who received honors this year. Aniston was honored with The People’s Icon award, Stefani earned the Fashion Icon Award, and Pink took home The People’s Champion for her charity work. Below is the full list of winners: MOVIE Movie of 2019: WINNER: Avengers: Endgame Toy Story 4 Captain Marvel Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw The Lion King John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Us Spider-Man: Far From Home Comedy Movie of 2019: WINNER: Murder Mystery The Upside Yesterday The Hustle Men in Black: International Long Shot Little Good Boys Action Movie of 2019: WINNER: Avengers: Endgame Spider-Man: Far From Home Captain Marvel John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Shazam! Godzilla: King of the Monsters Dark Phoenix Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw Drama Movie of 2019: WINNER: After Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood Rocketman Five Feet Apart Glass Us Triple Frontier Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile Family Movie of 2019: Toy Story 4 The Lion King WINNER: Aladdin The Secret Life of Pets 2 How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part Pokémon Detective Pikachu The Angry Birds Movie 2 Male Movie Star of 2019: WINNER: Robert Downey Jr., Avengers: Endgame Chris Hemsworth, Avengers: Endgame Tom Holland, Spider-Man: Far From Home Will Smith, Aladdin Keanu Reeves, John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Samuel L. Jackson, Captain Marvel Dwayne Johnson, Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw Adam Sandler, Murder Mystery Female Movie Star of 2019: Millie Bobby Brown, Godzilla: King of the Monsters Scarlett Johansson, Avengers: Endgame WINNER: Zendaya, Spider-Man: Far From Home Sophie Turner, Dark Phoenix Jennifer Aniston, Murder Mystery Brie Larson, Captain Marvel Lupita Nyong’o, Us Tessa Thompson, Men in Black: International Drama Movie Star of 2019: Taron Egerton, Rocketman WINNER: Cole Sprouse, Five Feet Apart Zac Efron, Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile Lupita Nyong’o, Us Leonardo DiCaprio, Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood Brad Pitt, Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood Sarah Paulson, Glass Samuel L. Jackson, Glass Comedy Movie Star of 2019: Ali Wong, Always Be My Maybe Kevin Hart, The Upside Rebel Wilson, Isn’t It Romantic Adam Sandler, Murder Mystery Liam Hemsworth, Isn’t It Romantic Dwayne Johnson, Fighting With My Family Mindy Kaling, Late Night WINNER: Noah Centineo, The Perfect Date Action Movie Star of 2019: Robert Downey Jr., Avengers: Endgame Chris Evans, Avengers: Endgame WINNER: Tom Holland, Spider-Man: Far From Home Halle Berry, John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Keanu Reeves, John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Sophie Turner, Dark Phoenix Brie Larson, Captain Marvel Dwayne Johnson, Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw Animated Movie Star of 2019: America Ferrera, How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World Tom Hanks, Toy Story 4 Kevin Hart, The Secret Life of Pets 2 WINNER: Beyoncé, The Lion King Ryan Reynolds, Pokémon Detective Pikachu Chris Pratt, The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part Tiffany Haddish, The Secret Life of Pets 2 Awkwafina, The Angry Birds Movie 2 TV Show of 2019: Game of Thrones WWE Raw WINNER: Stranger Things The Walking Dead The Big Bang Theory Riverdale This Is Us Grey’s Anatomy Drama Show of 2019: Grey’s Anatomy This Is Us Chicago P.D. Game of Thrones WINNER: Stranger Things Big Little Lies Riverdale The Walking Dead Comedy Show of 2019: WINNER: The Big Bang Theory Saturday Night Live Modern Family The Good Place Grown-ish Veep Orange Is the New Black Schitt’s Creek Reality Show of 2019: WINNER: Keeping Up with the Kardashians Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Queer Eye Bachelor in Paradise Vanderpump Rules Jersey Shore: Family Vacation Competition Show of 2019: American Idol RuPaul’s Drag Race WINNER: America’s Got Talent The Masked Singer The Bachelor The Voice The Bachelorette The Challenge: War of the Worlds Male TV Star of 2019: Kit Harington, Game of Thrones WINNER: Cole Sprouse, Riverdale Norman Reedus, The Walking Dead Finn Wolfhard, Stranger Things Jim Parsons, The Big Bang Theory Milo Ventimiglia, This Is Us Sterling K. Brown, This Is Us KJ Apa, Riverdale Female TV Star of 2019: Mandy Moore, This Is Us WINNER: Millie Bobby Brown, Stranger Things Sophie Turner, Game of Thrones Danai Gurira, The Walking Dead Camila Mendes, Riverdale Lili Reinhart, Riverdale Maisie Williams, Game of Thrones Reese Witherspoon, Big Little Lies Drama TV Star of 2019: WINNER: Zendaya, Euphoria Norman Reedus, The Walking Dead Sophie Turner, Game of Thrones Millie Bobby Brown, Stranger Things Reese Witherspoon, Big Little Lies Maisie Williams, Game of Thrones Lili Reinhart, Riverdale Sterling K. Brown, This Is Us Comedy TV Star of 2019: Leslie Jones, Saturday Night Live WINNER: Kristen Bell, The Good Place Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Veep Tiffany Haddish, The Last O.G. Tracee Ellis Ross, Black-ish Jameela Jamil, The Good Place Yara Shahidi, Grown-ish Jim Parsons, The Big Bang Theory Daytime Talk Show of 2019: The View Red Table Talk WINNER: The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Wendy Williams Show Live with Kelly and Ryan TODAY Good Morning America The Real Nighttime Talk Show of 2019: The Late Show With Stephen Colbert WINNER: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon The Daily Show with Trevor Noah Jimmy Kimmel Live! The Late Late Show with James Corden Full Frontal with Samantha Bee Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen Competition Contestant of 2019: Buddy Valastro, Buddy Vs. Duff WINNER: Hannah Brown, The Bachelorette Kodi Lee, America’s Got Talent T-Pain, The Masked Singer Colton Underwood, The Bachelor Tyler Cameron, The Bachelorette Tyler Oakley, The Amazing Race Vanessa Vanjie Mateo, RuPaul’s Drag Race Reality Star of 2019: WINNER: Khloé Kardashian, Keeping Up With the Kardashians Kyle Richards, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Lisa Vanderpump, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills NeNe Leakes, The Real Housewives of Atlanta Jonathan Van Ness, Queer Eye Kandi Burruss, The Real Housewives of Atlanta Kylie Jenner, Keeping Up With the Kardashians Antoni Porowski, Queer Eye Bingeworthy Show of 2019: Game of Thrones Orange Is the New Black Law & Order: Special Victims Unit The Umbrella Academy Queer Eye WINNER: Outlander 13 Reasons Why Stranger Things Sci-Fi/Fantasy Show of 2019: Stranger Things WINNER: Shadowhunters Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Supernatural The Flash The Umbrella Academy Arrow The 100 MUSIC Male Artist of 2019: WINNER: Shawn Mendes Post Malone Ed Sheeran Drake Travis Scott Khalid Lil Nas X Bad Bunny Female Artist of 2019: Ariana Grande Taylor Swift Cardi B Halsey WINNER: Billie Eilish Miley Cyrus Camila Cabello P!nk Group of 2019: Jonas Brothers BTS 5 Seconds Of Summer Panic! At The Disco CNCO Imagine Dragons The Chainsmokers WINNER: BLACKPINK Song of 2019: Jonas Brothers, “Sucker” Ariana Grande, “7 Rings” Lil Nas X feat. Billy Ray Cyrus, “Old Town Road” Khalid, “Talk” Ed Sheeran & Justin Bieber, “I Don’t Care” Sam Smith, Normani, “Dancing with a Stranger” Billie Eilish, “Bad Guy” WINNER: Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello, “Señorita” Album of 2019: Ariana Grande, Thank U, Next Khalid, Free Spirit Billie Eilish, WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO? Lizzo, Cuz I Love You Jonas Brothers, Happiness Begins Ed Sheeran, No. 6 Collaborations Project Juice Wrld, Death Race for Love WINNER: Taylor Swift, Lover Country Artist of 2019: Luke Combs WINNER: Blake Shelton Carrie Underwood Luke Bryan Thomas Rhett Kane Brown Kelsea Ballerini Maren Morris Latin Artist of 2019: Daddy Yankee Anuel AA Maluma Karol G Bad Bunny J Balvin Natti Natasha WINNER: Becky G Music Video of 2019: Daddy Yankee & Snow, “Con Calma” Taylor Swift feat. Brendon Urie of Panic! At The Disco, “ME!” WINNER: BLACKPINK, “Kill This Love” Ariana Grande, “7 Rings” Billie Eilish, “Bad Guy” BTS feat. Halsey, “Boy With Luv” Sam Smith, Normani, “Dancing With a Stranger” Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello, “Señorita” Concert Tour of 2019: BTS, Love Yourself, Speak Yourself Lady Gaga, Enigma Ariana Grande, Sweetener P!nk, Beautiful Trauma Justin Timberlake, Man of the Woods Jennifer Lopez, It’s My Party Cher, Here We Go Again Tour WINNER: BLACKPINK, BLACKPINK 2019 World POP CULTURE Social Star of 2019: Emma Chamberlain The Dolan Twins WINNER: David Dobrik Rickey Thompson The Ace Family Shane Dawson Liza Koshy Tana Mongeau Beauty Influencer of 2019: James Charles Nikita Dragun NikkiTutorials – Nikkie de Jager Jeffree Star RCL Beauty – Rachel Levin Desi Perkins Jackie Aina WINNER: Bretman Rock Social Celebrity of 2019: Ariana Grande Taylor Swift WINNER: Ellen DeGeneres Miley Cyrus Kim Kardashian West Cardi B Shawn Mendes Justin Bieber Animal Star of 2019: Jiffpom WINNER: Doug the Pug Nala Cat Tuna The Chiweenie Juniper The Fox Shinjiro Ono – Marutaro tecuaniventura Lil BUB Comedy Act of 2019: WINNER: Kevin Hart Joe Rogan Gabriel “Fluffy” Iglesias Trevor Noah Ken Jeong Amy Schumer Colleen Ballinger Wanda Sykes Style Star of 2019: Kim Kardashian West Rihanna Celine Dion Lady Gaga Gigi Hadid Cardi B Jennifer Lopez WINNER: Harry Styles Game Changer of 2019: LeBron James Megan Rapinoe Coco Gauff Drew Brees Alex Morgan Stephen Curry Serena Williams WINNER: Simone Biles Pop Podcast of 2019: Getting Curious with Jonathan Van Ness Armchair Expert Podcast with Dax Shepard Off the Vine with Kaitlyn Bristowe Whine Down with Jana Kramer Bitch Sesh: A Real Housewives Breakdown with Casey Wilson and Danielle Schneider WINNER: Scrubbing In with Becca Tilley and Tanya Rad WTF with Marc Maron The Joe Rogan Experience Read the full article
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