#laser fire
wildforestfaerie · 2 years
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anonymous-ivplay · 11 months
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Inktober Day 31: Fire
Super simple one because I am tired :P wanted to play around with using a symmetry tool and thought of laser fire, the sparks were my fiance's idea
And with that my first Inktober is finished!!! Last year I never would've thought I could possibly ever commit to Inktober, especially when I didn't think I was a good enough artist for it. But I ended up having a ton of fun and am looking forward to participating in another drawing challenge next year! I'll def be looking forward to taking a break though... unless I decide to do nanowrimo rip
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53v3nfrn5 · 10 months
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The Lockheed AC-130 in action
Due to the cloud of smoke left behind after flares are released, this aircraft is widely known as “The Angel of Death”
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matchabot · 5 months
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duke fraldarius
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rin-hanarin · 3 months
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They took my favorite dudes and put them in a blender to make The Ultimate Favorite Dude, good for me.
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legendary-cookies · 8 months
How does everyone react to Moonlight's long-lost brother?
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Look okay I have priorities lmfao
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lowpolyanimals · 1 year
Hi please feel better, you are both beautiful and strong and we need your powerful laser move as well as your AOE stun
im recharging both and will be ready to fire in a few days ❤️
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goshdangitpaul · 1 month
ok so y’all know that one line in DR season 1 where Chancellor Gulch says to Zane “I don’t think anyone could live up to the legend of Zane. Maybe not even Zane himself” or something like that? Yeah I think it’s really important.
no spoilers for s2p2, just 3 paragraphs
Arin has high expectations for the ninja, especially the “Legendary Green Ninja”. But Lloyd can’t live up to the hype because at the end of the day he’s still just a guy. A young adult still struggling through life. And yet still Arin doesn’t see that and expects almost perfection (and Ras doesn’t exactly help with this- near the end of s2p1, he says that he’s still weak, despite training with the legends).
And Zane? He’s got a mixed record. The Ice Emperor, the Overlord-defeating nindroid, Murderer, the Titanium Ninja, etc. How could he ever live up to a Savior when he tortured a realm for decades? I like to think that Zane is stepping back from the limelight because they don’t need “Zane” anymore. They need answers, sure, they need an analytical perspective, sure, but they don’t need the cooking, kind, and emotional aspects of Zane anymore. His more “human” traits you could say. In fact, Zane tells Mr. Froghicky that he doesn’t experience heightened emotions, when he most certainly does. He needs to be the “Zane” that’s useful, the “Zane” that won battles.
Maybe the rest of Dragons Rising will give everyone a chance to distance themselves from their legends. A chance to find themselves again, without their past successes or failures haunting them, telling them what they should be.
(Edit: Thanks @/carlostck for the name correction)
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hoboscruff · 5 months
Drew something due to the resurgence of Whisper of the Worm
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batmanego · 1 year
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god held his face & knew him & it still didn’t save him
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dragonbma · 4 months
Hear me out… obsidian cages with bars instead of solid walls.
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Pros of bars:
Better view
More spacious
Fresh air (not really, it smells like fish)
You can kick your feet if you feel like it
Cons of bars:
Everything is LOUDER
Elder guardians can see you if you lean too far
Probably see a familiar inventory pile…
My headcanon that Romeo sometimes visits Vos still stands. Except now he can’t be sneaky and listen in on this old man rambling to fish because Vos can very much see him. The Admin definitely has to make excuses to why he can’t free the adventurer. “Well if you fell from that height, it’s doubtful you’d survive.” or “I’m not really allowed to tamper in the lives of mortals.”
“But… isn’t this your temple?”
“Yeah, and I make the rules. Helping you is cheating. And that’s against the rules.”
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eggo-tistical · 22 days
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a lil light doodle 🎀
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heyzebulon · 7 days
I don't know why this hasn't totally popped off yet
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kivaember · 4 months
i just wanted rusty to yell worm
Rusty paid little notice to the PCA's System droning over the spaceport's failing network, its feminine voice rasping with static and its syllables stated with clinical flatness. He was more focused on his heart beating rabbit-fast in his chest, uncomfortably hot as his body came down from the adrenaline rush of going toe-to-toe with the PCA's most cutting-edge mech.
He'd grown too reliant on STEEL HAZE's nimbleness. The 'HC' he had fought had been just as nimble and precise, its feet never touching the ground as the gigantic boosters installed on its shoulders gave the mechanical impression of wings, elegant and authorative when combined with its sleek body.
He wouldn't be surprised if the PCA named those mechs 'Archangels' or something equally pretentious, Rusty thought darkly. Their cold guardians wielding burning blades of plasma, and cutting down the innocent sinners fighting to survive in a scorched eden, condemned for the simple sin of living.
"Tired," Rusty mumbled, realising the caustic poeticness of his own thoughts. He always did find his mind travelling in odd directions after a hard battle. "But at least that should be the end of it."
The PCA's System had finally shut up for once, leaving a ringing silence in its wake. Rusty cast a quick glance over his HUD, seeing nothing but the blinking blue dot of Raven's AC somewhere out of sight. The battlefield they had fought the HCs was a twisted maze of two collapsed warships, debris crafting towering walls of bent metal that threatened to topple over from a too-powerful gust of wind. Rusty's HUD indicated Raven was somewhere slightly elevated. On one of the crashed ships?
He activated their comms, wondering what Raven was up to. Maybe it was a little self-centred to point it out so bluntly, but after a successful shared sortie, Raven usually came gamboling up to him with a muted sort of eagerness. It was odd for him to simply wander off without (figuratively) saying a word.
"Hey, buddy," he said. "What're you-"
The ground trembled minutely, and a few of those towering metal walls shuddered warningly, their shrieks drowning out his words. Rusty tensed, but his HUD didn't indicate an artillery strike or an orbital bombardment. Tectonic activity, maybe? The Central Ice Fields were prone to devastating earthquakes every few years or so. They had caused the earth to swallow up more than a few old cities, the capital included.
Another tremble, more violent, and one metal wall collapsed with a tremendous crash. One of the shipwrecks started to peel apart as well, its broken skeleton causing the already split hill to fall away from the continuous vibrations.
"Buddy, we need to go," Rusty said, keeping his tone calm but threaded with a taut urgency. STEEL HAZE leapt upwards in a boost-assisted jump, and he chanced a glance towards Raven - seeing his AC standing atop of the sturdier shipwreck, staring East-Northeast.
"Buddy," he said again when Raven stayed in place. He made STEEL HAZE hover, a hint of impatience in his voice as the vibrations grew worse: "This place isn't tectonically safe. We need to-"
Rusty stared at that word blinking across his HUD in open bafflement. He opened his mouth slowly, wondering if the vibrations had Raven mistyped, and asked: "W-"
The ground exploded in a shower of frozen rock and cement, a metallic groan-shriek reverbing through the air in deafening volume. The snow that plumed upwards with the explosion created a brief obscuring haze, but it quickly thinned, revealling something huge- no, massive, towering, jet-black, rusting metal coated in permafrost, its flat head bending low towards them, a great, massive, unearthly-!
"Worm?!" Rusty blurted in disbelief, and was very nearly crushed as a result when said worm promptly bellyflopped at them.
Later, far later, after the pang of terror at coming face to, err, face with an ancient C-Weapon capable of squashing him like an ant unintentionally had faded, and a sharper, colder fear at realising the entity was utterly impervious to any and all weaponry, Rusty was forced to sit in a dark meeting room with the other Vespers where they reviewed the Ice Worm's first appearance.
Forced to sit there, and listen to his past-self's high-pitched, comically startled shriek of "woRM?!?!" echo over his combat log's recording, as said worm aimed a deadly bellyflop his way.
He hadn't died, obviously... but it would've been one embarrassing way to die, in retrospect.
"...worm," Pater mumbled under his breath. A muted, not-quite titter rippled through the rest of the Vespers - sans Snail, of course - and Rusty had to fight the urge to sink low in his seat until he disappeared entirely underneath the table.
Would've been even more embarrassing to have 'worm' as his last word, though.
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knightwhoisni · 1 month
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Cy doesn’t want you to know this but the sentients on the Murex are free you can take them home I have 458 sentients
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abstract-moth · 1 year
thinking about how Ambrosius originally stood next to the Director far from Ballister and the Queen
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and the only reason he was close enough to cut off Ballister’s arm
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was because he moved forward to cheer his name
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