#laser skin clayton
roman-writing · 3 years
no great revelation (2/8)
Fandom(s): The Haunting of Bly Manor / Star Wars
Pairing: Dani Clayton/Jamie Tyalor
Rating: T
Wordcount: 7,223
Summary:  Jamie just wants to enjoy a drink after a hard day's work on the  Telosian Restoration Project. The last thing she needs is to get herself  caught up in a mysterious woman with a lightsabre at the local bar.
Aurthor’s notes: Please don’t expect anything from this story. I’m just doodling in between writing ch11 and ch12 of ‘bring home a haunting.’
read it below or read it here on AO3
Jamie laughed. 
It wasn’t the best reaction, but it was an honest reaction. Sometimes in life you just had to laugh. With deep incredulity. 
“I have a hard time believing you -” she gestured towards Dani, blonde-haired, pastel-silked, wide-eyed damsel in distress Dani, “- killed a Jedi.”
“I told you,” Dani insisted with a scowl which spoke volumes regarding how she felt about Jamie’s reaction. “It was an accident.”
“Even as an accident. No,” Jamie corrected, sitting up straighter on the couch. “Especially as an accident. Do you know how hard it is to kill a Jedi?”
“Well, I -”
“Don’t answer that. Because you’re wrong. Because you don’t know.” 
Jamie pushed herself to her feet and crossed over to her bedroom. She shook her head and muttered to herself as she pulled out two pairs of pajamas from the drawers built into the wall. “Killed a Jedi. And I bet Telos has a moon now, too. Fuck’s sake.”
She began to strip down to change. Never mind that there was no wall to protect whatever virtue she had left. That had all gone out the window long ago. The Temple wasn’t exactly a place that left one with their dignity intact. Not when she’d spent her years crammed, tip to tail, in every other padawan’s space. One quickly learned to grow accustomed to the notion that ‘personal space’ was non-existent. 
“Can’t you go into the bathroom to do that?” she heard Dani ask from the couch, sounding exasperated.
“Too late,” said Jamie, tugging the baggy shirt over her head and adjusting the soft elastic band of the pants around her waist. “Already done.” 
She tossed the small mining laser onto a table without any care if it actually landed there or not. She smacked another panel on the wall, and her dirty boilersuit got shoved down the laundry shaft that flipped open. She closed it with her knee, then scooped up the other pair of pajamas on her way back to the couch. 
“Here.” Jamie tossed the pajamas onto Dani’s lap. “We’re roughly the same height. Should fit you fine.” 
Dani started slightly when the folded up fabric hit her legs. She stared down at the pajamas — the shirt dark-washed and splashed with a loopy neon print for Figrin D’an and the Modal Nodes — and her fingers slowly curled around the cloth, gripping it tight. She was so quiet that Jamie frowned.
“Hey. You all right?” 
“I know,” Dani whispered, almost too soft to hear. 
“I know how - how hard it is to kill a Jedi.”
Jamie opened her mouth to reply, but the words died in her throat. Dani’s hands and shoulders were shaking. 
“He just - He grabbed me in the transport, and then I - I don’t know what happened but he was suddenly on the other side of the cabin and -” Dani continued, her voice ragged and raw. “He drew his lightsabre and started yelling, and he kept looking at me like he was terrified and I didn’t - I was so tired and my head hurt - my head hurt so much. I couldn’t - I didn’t mean to - to -”
A broken note escaped Dani then, and Jamie just stood there, feeling like an asshole while a pretty woman started crying on her couch. And not the nice cute kind of crying, either. Soon Dani was pressing her face into the pajamas and trying to muffle great hitching sobs into the fabric, her whole body trembling. 
“Okay,” said Jamie and she hesitantly reached out to pat the top of Dani’s head in what she hoped was a reassuring manner. One of Dani’s hands clutched at the hem of Jamie’s shirt like it was a lifeline, and she pressed her head into Jamie’s stomach so that Jamie could only stand there awkwardly while a stranger cried her eyes out and made a mess of it, too. 
"I'm so tired,” Dani mumbled again, when the sobs had faded away into sniffles. “I’m so tired."
At some point Jamie had placed a hand on Dani’s shoulder, and her other hand had begun to absently stroke through her golden hair. "Okay. All right. Let's get you to bed.” 
It took a bit of gentle convincing to get Dani to her feet. Jamie prodded her towards the bathroom to change and wash up. By the time Dani emerged, Jamie had already dug around in the closet for a spare blanket, which she was now tossing over her legs while she made herself comfortable on the couch. 
Dani’s eyes were still red-rimmed, but the blotchiness had gone from her cheeks. She filled out Jamie’s pajamas better than Jamie ever did, and she blinked at Jamie from the doorway of the bathroom. 
“You don’t have to -” she started to say. 
“Just take the bed,” Jamie sighed. She lifted her hand and waved it for the motion sensor, and the holo feed turned off. “Be warned. I wake up early for work.” 
Dani nodded and made her way uneasily towards the thin mattress, pulling back the sheets. “Do you -? I mean - Am I supposed to stay here while you -?” 
Jamie spoke through a yawn and burrowed down into the lumpy couch cushions. “Dunno. We’ll figure it out in the morning.” 
Another wave and the lights went out, plunging the room into darkness. With no light pollution bleeding through the barred windows, the little apartment was a mass of shadow and shapes looming in a jungle through the night. Jamie could have manoeuvred through it all with her eyes closed — and had many times before — but she heard Dani shuffling around before the mattress finally creaked. 
Jamie shut her eyes. She tried to tell herself that it was a night like any other night. She tried to pretend that it was a day off tomorrow, and she had indulged in too much drink downstairs at Ho’kyn’s, that she had only managed to stumble to the couch, half dressed, before falling asleep to the dull sound of the holo feed. Except the presence of another person in the room was too unfamiliar to ignore. Dani tossed and turned. Every time Jamie thought she had managed to slip away into sleep, another shuffle of the blankets would jolt her awake once more. And worse, Dani started crying again at some point. Quietly. But not as quietly as she probably thought.
Jamie groaned. She scrunched up her face and pressed a spare pillow over her head in an attempt to block out the noise. 
It was going to be a long night. 
There was a dip in the cushions, as if someone had just pressed their weight against the couch. It was the first thing she noticed apart from the cold. Shivering, Jamie blinked awake blearily, her back sore, her hair a mess, her brow furrowed in confusion. Even through the blanket and the warm spring night, she could feel an icy edge cut near to the bone. It took her a moment to register where exactly she was. That she had fallen asleep on the couch. And that there was someone kneeling over her, holding a lightsabre to her throat. 
That certainly got her attention. She was definitely awake now. 
A kickstart of adrenaline sent her heart hammering into overdrive. Every breath plumed from Jamie’s mouth and nose in little bursts of white steam that clung to the cold. Jamie had to quell the urge to flinch, to move in any kind of way that might end with her neck a gaping cauterised wound. The lightsabre hummed gently. She could feel the heat of it against her skin, and she winced when she swallowed reflexively. 
The blade was the only source of light in the apartment. It drenched the air with a deep crimson haze. Dani was crouched atop her, hands holding the lightsabre steady. Her face was illuminated in a wash of red light, and her eyes — both her eyes — gleamed an eerie unblinking gold through the night. 
And with a smile that never touched her eyes, Dani slashed the blade down in a single fluid motion.
Jamie jerked awake with a gasp. She flailed against the blanket that had tangled around her legs in the night, and in an attempt to clutch at her throat, she nearly toppled right off the couch and onto the floor. Managing to catch herself before she collapsed in a graceless snarl of limbs and blanket, Jamie scrambled to her feet, fists up, ready to punch the absolute living shite out of some air molecules. When it was clear there was no present danger, she kicked the blanket away and reached up to feel at her neck.
Her unblemished, completely lightsabre-free neck.
Still breathing heavily, Jamie looked around. Sure enough, Dani was sound asleep in her bed, curled up beneath the sheets in a tiny ball, her mop of blonde hair barely visible.
Jamie closed her eyes and tilted her head back to breathe towards the ceiling in relief. Just a dream, she told herself. Just a really vivid fucked up dream. Running a hand through her dark unruly curls, she trudged off towards the bathroom. She didn’t bother being overly quiet while she took a shower and pulled on a fresh set of clothes for the day — a supposedly sweat-resistant pair of leggings and undershirt to go under a Corps issued boilersuit — and yet when she emerged from the bathroom Dani had not stirred in the slightest. 
Jamie twisted her damp hair into a messy half bun at the back of her head; it wasn’t long enough for anything else. Then she zipped up the boilersuit to midway up her chest. Grabbing her work boots, Jamie sat on the other edge of the bed and stomped her feet into them one at a time. 
“Hey,” she said, not unkindly but not softly either.
Behind her Dani stirred somewhat, the sheets shifting as she rolled over with a wordless grumble. 
Jamie bent over to tie up the laces of her boots. “I’m going to work. There’s food in the fridge. Don’t leave the apartment unless you want to be spotted.” 
No response. 
Sitting up straight, Jamie leaned over and gently poked Dani’s shoulder. “I need an affirmative. Or I’m going to keep annoying you.”
That earned her a sullen noise. “Yeah. Okay,” Dani mumbled as she pulled the sheets completely over her head and burrowed further into the pillows. 
With a shake of her head, Jamie rose to her feet. She had the front door open before she patted at her leg. She turned back around to grab the mining laser from where it had rolled onto the floor at some point during the night, and strapped it to her thigh before strolling out into the grey pre-dawn of Telos IV. 
By all accounts, it was a day like any other day. Anybody watching her would have noticed nothing different about Jamie’s routine. She caught the railspeeder a few blocks down and rode it from Thani all the way to the forests just past the grasslands in quadrant two. Chodo Habat Parkway was empty at this time of morning, but in just a few hours it would be a bustle of activity. The railspeeder flew over the Parkway and Jamie watched it from the window with barely registered interest. The only other person on the train that she could see was a Rodian dead asleep on the other side of the cabin, his antennae drooping. 
By the time Jamie made it to the edge of quadrant two, the sun had risen over the horizon and washed the planet in muted green and gold light. Far below the railspeeder, the grasslands rippled in a breeze. She eyed it with a touch more interest than for the Parkway. The previous generation of AgriCorps members had managed to get the grasslands to take, but only two species. It had taken Jamie and her team four years to introduce a handful of other grass species robust enough to cling to life in this dirt. She sat up a little straighter in her seat and tracked the varieties she could spot from this distance.
Turned out that even after three hundred years, an orbital barrage rendering an entire planet ground zero could still have an adverse effect on soil leaching. 
God damn fucking Saul Karath and the damn Sith. 
It was another half hour until she reached the drop off point. When the railspeeder slowed to a halt, Jamie dragged herself upright and hopped off. A few people passed by to get onto the railspeeder for the next stop, but the outdoor station on the forest outskirts of quadrant two was largely full of people coming to work, not leaving. She paid a few credits for a dietary supplement being sold by a dented droid vendor behind a small stall with a leaning canopy. 
“You should eat actual meals sometimes, Jamie,” the droid admonished even as it deposited the tablet-sized supplement into her outstretched palm. 
“I’ve tasted your swill before, C-87,” said Jamie. “I’ll take my chances with the supplement, thanks.”
C-87 gave an affronted sniff, but handed her a compostable cup that was filled with steaming stimcaf. “On the house.”  
She took the cup and washed down the supplement with a heady swig. “You’re a legend, mate.”
“I am not at all well known outside of Thani,” C-87 said in obvious confusion. 
She shook her head with a smile. “It’s just an expression.”
“Oh. Right. I will add it to my database with the others.” 
Jamie continued down a ramp to the broad dirt path that served as a crossroads for the area. A turbo-tractor dragged piles of gear down the track, leaving a cloud of dust in its wake. A ruddy-skinned Ithorian was directing teams in shifts for the day, handing out new jobs and gathering feedback on the screen between his hands. Jamie walked towards him just as a small group departed with waves, their expressions tired but not unfriendly. 
“Morning, Murr,” Jamie greeted.
Murr’s only reply was a deep reverberation of hello. It sounded more like the shifting of tectonic plates than actual language.  
“I saw some patchy sections over the grassland outskirts of quadrant one,” Jamie said, jerking her thumb over her shoulder to indicate the railspeeder behind her. “Can we get the scrubs to take a look this afternoon?” 
Murr was already tapping away at his screen. The translator device at the top of Murr’s long neck blinked, and through his rumbling subvocalisations a robotic voice said, “I will send a team to check the clay capping has not been permeated.”
“And make sure they don’t forget to test the aquifer this time,” Jamie insisted.
Murr’s throat sack expanded and he made a low booming sound that she had come to learn was a sort of derisive snort for his species. The robotic voice said, “You have little faith. You should consider revisiting your Temple.”
“Sounds almost as boring as one of your jungle Herd meets.”
He waved her away, but she saw him make an extra note on his screen nevertheless. 
“Cheers.” She gave him a brisk pat on the shoulder before striding off towards the treeline. 
From one of the pockets of her boilersuit, Jamie fished out a key. She hopped onto a rusting old swoop bike and turned it on with a twist of the key. As she sped off into the forest, she chucked the now empty cup of stimcaf over her shoulder, where it would dissolve into the nitrogen rich soil with the next scheduled rainfall. 
Work was dull, repetitive, yet fulfilling. Technically Jamie supervised a team of new AgriCorps entries, most of them young idealists who’d chosen this Service out of a sense of obligation to the Restoration, as though it were some kind of symbol against the tide of red creeping across the galactic map with every passing day. They hadn’t been parcelled out to the other branches like loose change that never quite added up to a whole number. They found her dry pessimism inharmonious with their convictions, and so they only ever came to her for direction as a last resort. 
And honestly it was the best for everyone involved. As far as Jamie was concerned, she was the last person who should be teaching anyone. Especially starry-eyed kids who looked like they’d only just graduated from being younglings at the Temple. 
Even out in the far-reaching forests of Telos, Jamie felt like she was being watched, like someone would know exactly who she was hiding in her apartment. She kept a sharp eye on the treeline as she worked. At one point she nearly gave herself a second degree burn with the mining laser when a new entry snuck up on her with a question. Jamie sent them scurrying off with a gruff answer — ‘No, don’t plant them beneath the allelopaths, you prat’ — and returned to her careful pruning with a scowl. 
By the end of the day, she was exhausted and paranoid and she still had a two and a half hour rail ride back home. To really spice things up, a huddle of officers shuffled into her rail car at one of the station stops. They went around questioning passengers about whether or not anyone had seen a woman of familiar description — blonde, pretty, mismatched eyes. When they reached Jamie, she shook her head. They glanced at the AgriCorps logo on her boilersuit, thanked her for her service and dedication, and went on their merry way. 
She was bouncing her leg up and down when the railspeeder finally pulled into her station. She tried not to look like she was fleeing, but the officers had congregated at the far end of the rail car to chat amongst themselves, and the last thing she needed was to be pulled over for a candid discussion about the latest Restoration Project updates. 
Telosians. Nosy fuckers. The lot of them.
The sun slanted towards the horizon as she walked home, her steps brisk, her shoulders hunched, her hands jammed into her pockets. Her boots rattled against the metal staircase leading up to her apartment. She held her breath while she punched in the passcode to open the door, half expecting the place to be empty, or to be a complete wreck. Dani gone. Dani taken. Dani just another strange memory to add to a list of strange memories. 
Dani was, in fact, still there. Indeed, Dani was wearing a spare set of Jamie’s clothes and an apron, and she was puttering around the kitchenette. Her hair had been tied back in a braid and she was unpacking a few bags of groceries. Jamie recognised the logo stamped on the recyclable bags as belonging to a little market stall a few blocks down. 
Jamie shut the front door behind her and locked it. “I thought I told you not to go outside. How did you even get back in without me?”
“I saw you enter the passcode last night,” Dani answered without looking up from what she was doing. She opened a cupboard and pulled out a pan that Jamie couldn’t even remember buying. It must have come with the apartment. “And you didn’t have any food.”
“There’s food in the fridge,” Jamie said.
In answer Dani opened said fridge, which was nearly barren. She gestured towards its bare shelves and said, “I’d hardly call dietary supplements and alcohol ‘food.’”
“Do you want to get caught? Because this is how you get caught.” 
“Just -” Dani shut the fridge again and turned back to her previous task with a sigh. “Let me cook dinner. And then you can teach me some lightsabre forms afterwards.” 
Jamie was in the process of tugging off her work boots, and she nearly fell over hearing that. “I’m sorry - I can do what?” 
Turning on the electric stovetop, Dani pulled out some pre-packaged protein and sauce. “If I’m going to have it, then I at least want to know how to use it.”
“First of all,” Jamie finished taking off her shoes and left them by the door. Then she crossed the room so she could lean against the counter to talk to Dani. “Nobody just starts off with a lightsabre, all right? That’s not how it works. You need to do all sorts of inner peace bantha-shit before they even let you harvest kyber to make your own lightsabre. There’s a whole right of passage.” She gestured to herself emphatically, tapping her own chest. “I never got to make a lightsabre.”
There was a very attractive, very distracting curve to Dani’s smile when she replied, “Failed the inner peace part, huh?” 
“Very funny,” said Jamie, not laughing. Dani moved to start cooking in earnest, but Jamie reached out to grasp her wrist. “Hey. Is this really what you want?” 
Dani went still. There was no leap of electricity between them, not like that first night down at Ho’kyn’s. Still both of them hesitated, waiting for it to happen again. 
When it didn’t, Dani’s jaw squared bullishly. “I want to be able to defend myself. Against -” she waved at Jamie with her free hand. “- you know.”
“Force sensitives.”
Jamie tapped her finger in a thoughtful manner; it took her a moment to realise that this meant she was tapping at Dani’s wrist while Dani watched her in confusion. Snatching her hand away, Jamie said, “Fine. C’mon.” 
Pausing to rummage through one of the grocery bags for a bread bun, Jamie walked to the middle of the room and motioned for Dani to join her. 
Dani blinked. “Wait - right now?” 
“Are you gonna wait until I change my mind after dinner?” 
Immediately, Dani switched the stove off and removed the apron. Come to think of it, Jamie couldn’t remember buying an apron either. Before she could dwell on that thought too hard, Dani had rushed over to the bedside table to scoop up the lightsabre, and was now standing before Jamie in the middle of her living room/kitchen/spare bedroom. She bounced eagerly on the balls of her feet, lightsabre hilt held unsheathed in one hand, awaiting instruction. 
Fuck, but Jamie was bad at the whole teacher thing. Six months in the EduCorps had been enough to remind her — and everyone in her close vicinity — that she was Not Great at patience and bookishness. In fact, moving from the EduCorps had been her first Reassignment, and the Council had never put her back there. A decision which was met with universal relief. Especially from Jamie. 
“Ground rules,” Jamie started.
Dani nodded to show she was listening.
“If I tell you to sheathe the blade, you sheathe it. If either you or I feel uncomfortable or in danger or — whatever — you sheathe it. If you hit something you shouldn’t, you sheathe it. If you drop it -” Jamie paused, then grimaced. “Don’t. Just don’t do that.” 
Dani nodded again. “Okay.” 
“Be careful,” Jamie warned. “Usually they start you off with a practice sabre. That -” she pointed to the hilt in Dani’s grasp, “- is the real deal. One wrong move, and you will kill someone. Probably yourself. Or me. Honestly I would prefer if it wasn’t me.”
“Okay,” Dani repeated, sounding exasperated this time. 
Taking a step back so she was well clear of any sweep radius, Jamie bit into the bread bun and mumbled around a mouthful, “Go ahead.” 
“What? Just -?” Dani gave the unlit hilt a little wave. 
“Yeah,” said Jamie, chewing. “Go on.”
Dani’s thumb hovered over the silver activation button, and then she pressed down. The blade extended from the hilt, a deep and brilliant blue, blue as a Tythonian sky on a cold winter’s day, blue as an evening star. For a long moment Dani simply held it outright, the blue light washing out her face. Then she gave it an experimental slash through the air, the sound of the plasma blade like nothing else. 
“It’s -” Dani said in surprise, “- heavy.” 
Jamie hummed around another mouthful. She took the time to finish chewing before she answered, “You haven’t connected with it yet.”
Dani scrunched up her nose. “It’s just a fancy sword.”
“If that’s what you believe, then we should just go back to making dinner. Maybe you can use it to cook those steaks you bought.” 
Dani pursed her lips. She lowered the blade, holding it loosely at her side so that the tip was pointed towards the ground. “No. Teach me.” 
Studying the determination on Dani’s face, Jamie leaned back against the wall. She propped her foot back, crossed her arms, and said, “Lower your stance. We’re going to go through the forms, now.” 
If nothing else, Dani was a quick learner. At least, that must have been the reason why this was going so well. It certainly couldn’t have been because Jamie was a decent teacher, because everyone from the Outer Rim to Tython knew that wasn’t true. Yet Dani, after an hour spent barefoot and wearing pajamas in Jamie’s living room, already looked more at home with a lightsabre in her hands than Jamie ever had after years of training in the Temple. 
At one point, Jamie tore off a chunk of bread and threw it at the floor near Dani’s legs. Dani leapt back a step unsteadily and pressed the deactivation button so that the blade slid back up into the hilt. 
“What was that for?” Dani asked.
Jamie jerked her chin towards her. “Pay attention to your feet. Look how narrow they are. Your opponent can put you off balance, take ground from you, force you to retreat.”
“You can just tell me that. You don’t need to throw food at me.” Dani knelt down to pick up the piece of bread and toss it into the sink. 
Now that Jamie was actually looking at the floor more closely, she asked, “Did you vacuum today?”
“Since when did I own a vacuum?” 
“It was in the supply closet behind your pantry.”
“I have a pantry?” 
Dani walked over towards the kitchen side of the room and hit a panel on the wall that Jamie had never cared to fiddle with in the past. A whole section of the wall jutted out then slid sideways to reveal a whole host of kitchen items and cleaning supplies that Jamie had never even knew existed. 
“Well, shit,” Jamie muttered, scratching at the back of her head. “I have a pantry.”
Hitting the panel again to make the wall shut, Dani took her place back in the centre of the floor. “Can we keep going?” she asked, and she already pressed the activation button to unsheathe the lightsabre once more. 
Jamie lifted her eyebrows. By now she had crouched down against the wall, one leg outstretched as she idly fidgeted with the zipper of her boilersuit. “Start from the top. One. Two. Three -”
Eventually Jamie didn’t even have to mime the movements for Dani to follow along, and Dani — looking utterly pleased with herself, her smile radiant — finished a whole set without a single discernible flaw. 
"This isn't so hard," Dani said. She gave the lightsabre a bold flourish as she turned on the spot.
Which of course meant that the blade cut right through Jamie's couch.
Dani scrambled to hit the deactivation button, nearly dropping the lightsabre in the process, but the damage was already done. The couch was cut cleanly in half. Slowly it buckled as they watched, slumping to the floor in the centre where it was no longer self supported. The cut through it smoked gently and smelled of burning hair. 
Jamie glared.
Clutching the now unlit sabre hilt, Dani winced. "Sorry."
Jamie pushed herself upright, dusting off her hands. "I think that's enough lightsabre training for one evening,” she growled.
The worst part was how Dani kept apologising all through dinner. 
“I’m sorry,” Dani said, hovering at Jamie’s elbow while Jamie loaded dishes into the automatic wash machine. "I can buy you a new couch.” 
"Save your credits for the trip to Tython."
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t -” Jamie cut herself off. She shut the front-loading machine a little more firmly than was perhaps strictly necessary, then turned to face Dani, whose expression was positively doleful. “Don’t be sorry. Be better. Don’t get cocky just because you got through one set of the most basic lightsabre form there is.”
“Sor -” Dani started to say, then changed course. “I won’t.” 
The lightsabre itself was propped atop the counter on the far side of the room, where Dani had hastily put it down moments after the incident. 
Reaching for a dish towel, Jamie shook her head and started to wipe down the kitchen countertop. “You need proper training. Not whatever rubbish I can offer you.” 
“I don’t want to go to the Temple. I don’t want to learn about -” Dani’s mouth snapped shut and she frowned down at her own feet. 
“Being Force sensitive isn’t just something you can run away from, you know,” Jamie said. She ran water over the dish towel and rung it out before continuing where she’d left off. 
“I told you,” Dani grumbled. “I’m not Force sensitive.”
“Fuck’s sake. This again?” 
“You don’t need to teach me about the Force. You can just teach me the basics of a lightsabre.”
At that, Jamie laughed. She stopped mopping up the counter and turned to face Dani. “Fuckin’ hilarious that you think those two things are different somehow.” 
With a huff, Dani turned aside. She crossed her arms and glowered at the maimed couch. 
When it was clear she wasn’t going to speak, Jamie tossed down the towel. “Nothing you say will change the fact that you’re -”
“Stop,” Dani said through grit teeth. “Just - stop it.” 
Jamie didn’t stop it. Because if there was one thing Jamie knew about herself, it’s that she didn’t have a lick of good sense. “What do you think will happen if you try to run from it, anyway? Do you think nobody will notice? Forever? Because even I noticed, and I’m about as Force sensitive as a tree stump.”
While Jamie spoke, Dani’s jaw clenched. “You think I want some Council to dictate my whole life? You think I want -?” she asked with a broad sweep of her hand towards Jamie’s apartment without finishing her sentence. 
Jamie narrowed her eyes. “What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“No, go on.” Jamie took a step forward, and it was gratifying that Dani didn’t back down, that she held her ground. “If the Jedi don’t find you, the Sith will. You think my life is bad? What are you gonna do? Run forever? Why are you -?”
“Because! Because this will get worse!” Dani burst out, and there was a ragged edge to her voice that gave Jamie pause. “Because if I use it — if I do that then I’ll -!”
She stopped abruptly, hand flying to her head with a wince of pain. Concerned, Jamie reached out, but the moment she touched her, it was like being struck by lightning. Like a chorus of song branching out in all directions. Dani staggered away from her with a gasp, breaking the connection, and her eyes were squeezed shut, arms raised as though to ward off an incoming blow. 
“I’m - I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to -! I didn’t -!” Dani was saying, apologising over and over, and all but cowering. 
Jamie stared at her, hand still outstretched. Slowly she rubbed her fingertips together, half expecting a flicker of sparks to leap between them. The thrill of it still echoed around her ribcage and the roof of her mouth. 
This time when Jamie reached out she was careful not to touch her. “Dani,” she said softly. “Nothing happened. It’s all right. Hey. You’re all right.”
Hesitant, Dani opened her eyes, peering around the room as if surprised that everything was still intact. She worried at her lower lip, her hands clenched at her sides. Finally she looked up at Jamie, and the fear was painted openly across her face, pleading and alone; it gleamed in her eyes.
"The Force isn't what you think," Jamie murmured. "You can't run from yourself."
Dani opened her mouth to speak, only to shut it again. She dropped her gaze and sniffed. For a brief terrifying moment Jamie thought she was going to cry again, but then Dani simply nodded. If anything her expression was a mixture between miserable and embarrassed. Jamie patted her upper arms, and for a brief second Dani tensed, only to relax when nothing happened. 
“Now,” said Jamie. “Let me finish washing up. I’m afraid that if you help, you’ll cut my kitchen in half, too.”
Dani let out a watery laugh. 
Jamie grinned in return. “I’m serious. My kitchen’s small enough as it is. Don’t need it drawn and quartered as well.”
Dani was biting back a smile when she looked up at her. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re kind of a jerk?”
Jamie pretended to look thoughtful and shook her head, but what she said was, “All the time.” 
That earned her another snort of laughter. Dani wiped at her cheeks with both hands. 
Picking up the dish towel once more, Jamie snapped it feebly in Dani’s direction. “Go on, now. Get.”
Dani lifted her hands in mock surrender and moved away, leaving Jamie to finish up in the kitchen alone. Jamie didn’t pay much attention to the sounds of rummaging in the apartment behind her. At one point the bathroom door shut, then she heard the hiss of water in the shower. She took the opportunity of Dani’s absence to strip down and get into pajamas without making her guest blush scarlet. As tempting a proposition as that was. 
When Dani finally emerged from the bathroom, hair damp, pinning a towel to her chest with her fingers, Jamie was bored and flipping through the holo feed from the bed because the couch was — well, the couch still smelled like burning hair for starters. Bit unpleasant, that. Jamie wouldn’t be rid of the stench for weeks.
Getting to her feet, Jamie squeezed past Dani for her turn in the bathroom with a murmured, “‘Scuse me,” while Dani shied away from her, still looking guilty, like she was expecting Jamie to throw her out at any moment. Which, honestly, was a bit rude, to be honest. Jamie was an excellent host. Minus the whole ‘no food’ thing. 
When Jamie emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later, scrubbed and tired and ready to sleep, she stopped dead in her tracks. On the ground beside the bed, Dani was fluffing up some of the couch pillows in a makeshift mattress. She had changed into the same spare set of Jamie’s pajamas, and was now settling herself atop the cushions. 
"What are you doing?"
"Well, I thought -" Dani started to say, but she trailed off, her hands curling in the blanket she had drawn up her legs. 
"Just -" Jamie sighed and went over to her usual side of the bed, where she pulled back the sheets. "Get in."
While Dani sat on the floor trying to make up her mind, Jamie waved off the holo feed and the lights. With a groan, Jamie clambered into bed, listening to the pop of her joints. She wasn’t exactly ancient, but maybe she was getting a little old to be scaling canopies hundreds of feet in the air for hours at a time. She might start training some of the new recruits in mass pruning tomorrow. Provided they didn’t display an alarming propensity for loss of limb when wielding a thermal saw. 
Beside her, Jamie felt the mattress dip beneath a new weight. Dani slipped beneath the sheets and curled as close to the edge as she possibly could, far away from Jamie. Honestly that suited Jamie just fine. She wasn’t too keen on a cuddle, either. Grabbing a spare pillow, Jamie hooked it beneath her arm and rolled over. She wriggled deeper into the mattress and settled in for a kip. 
Until the bed trembled slightly, that was.
Without opening her eyes, Jamie frowned. There was shuffling behind her, sounding like Dani was trying to wind herself into as tight a ball as possible. She was, Jamie realised, shivering. Jamie sighed. She sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed. A quick trek across the apartment, and she returned with a spare blanket, which she threw over Dani without saying anything. Dani’s form went very still, and Jamie crawled back into her own side of the bed, punching her pillow into shape before resting her head upon it. 
After a long moment of silence she could hear Dani’s soft voice through the night. “Thank you.” 
She didn’t have the same dream again. Though she didn’t sleep well either. She wasn’t used to having another person in her bed. Especially when said person kept fidgeting and sighing and rolling over, unable to fall asleep. 
And when Jamie did eventually sleep, the dreams were fragmented and red. They were shards of glass and metal in a clenched fist. 
When Jamie stepped off the railspeeder the next morning, bright and early, she approached C-87 for her usual dietary supplement and stimcaf combo. The droid perked right up when it saw her coming.
“Jamie -”
“Mornin’,” Jamie said around a long yawn. “Don’t suppose you could make it a double shot today?”
“Jamie,” the droid said again in as serious a tone as it could muster.
“Yeah, that’s my name. What about it?”
In answer, C-87 swivelled its head around. With a frown she followed its gaze, and then she felt the blood drain from her face. 
There at the end of the ramp stood Pillock One and Pillock Two. She didn’t need to see the Czerka logos on their kit to recognise them. Their backs were towards her and they were talking to Murr. Ithorians didn’t typically have what she would call expressive faces, but Murr’s large brown eyes were wide and he had retracted his neck like a turtle trying to hide in its shell. 
“Shit,” Jamie swore and she ducked down behind C-87’s stall. Without question the droid reached up to adjust the canopy so that it hid her better. “Did they talk to you?”
“Negative,” C-87 replied. “They were questioning a few other AgriCorps members, and then they started speaking with Murr. I took the liberty of moving your swoop bike so that it was more easily accessible, should you require it.”
Shuffling around on her hands and knees, Jamie dared to peek around the edge of the stall. Sure enough, her swoop bike was within easy reach. Murr spotted her, his throat sack swelling up in surprise as he drew in a deep breath. Pillock One started to turn, but Murr pointed towards the treeline, where her swoop bike would’ve been parked had C-87 not moved it.
Pillock Two made a rude gesture towards Murr before setting off in the direction he had indicated. Pillock One followed after him, unholstering the very large blaster rifle slung across his back. When they’d gotten far enough away, Murr gestured sharply at Jamie in what was very clearly a shooing motion. 
C-87’s head popped around the corner so abruptly that Jamie jumped with a curse. “I think you should take the next railspeeder back to Thani as soon as possible. Alternatively, you should drive your swoop bike,” the droid told her.
“Yeah, you think?”
“I have been thinking that for several minutes, in fact.” 
“It’s just an expression,” Jamie sighed. “We’ll work on your sarcasm module some more next time, all right?” 
“Very well, Jamie.”
She didn’t wait to see if Pillock One and Pillock Two were heading further into the forest. She jumped on the back of her swoop bike, started it up, and sped off towards the next railspeeder station. There was no way a short-distance bike like this could make it all the way back to Thani in good time. She had to wait at the next station along the grid, anxiously tugging at her boilersuit zipper, wishing she had a hood or something to hide herself even a little bit. The swoop bike she simply abandoned at the station, jumping onto the next rail service with the sort of pent up jitters that had her half vibrating out of her skin. 
It was perhaps the longest two hours or so of her life. In recent memory, anyway. She spent the whole time folded up in a back seat in the rail car, trying to make herself seem inconspicuous. When a random ticket officer droid trundled by, requesting to see her ticket credentials, she fumbled with the laminated pass so badly that she nearly dropped it. And when the railspeeder finally pulled into her station, she bolted out as quickly as she could without drawing too much attention.
Back at the apartment, Jamie burst through the front door. Dani, who had been flicking through the holo feed from the bed, started with a yelp. 
“You scared me,” Dani gasped, hand over her still heaving chest. 
“Change of plans,” Jamie said. She rushed across the apartment, grabbed a rucksack from beneath her bed and started to shove clothes into it at random. “We’re leaving.”
“What? Now?”
“Yes. Now.” 
For all the confusion on her face, Dani jumped to her feet and began gathering what little items she’d brought with her. “What happened?” 
Dani’s eyes widened and she dropped her nanosilk cloak to the ground. “They know where I am?” she asked, swooping down to snatch up the cloak.
“Yes,” said Jamie. Then, “No. Maybe. They know where I am now, anyway. Showed up at work, and — Look. We have history, all right?”
“What kind of history?”
Jamie darted into the bathroom to gather up a few necessary toiletries for the trip. Dani followed, watching her from the doorway. 
“Jamie,” said Dani, voice sounding both stern and worried all at once. “What kind of history?” 
“I know their leader. Peter fucking Quint. I may have -” Jamie opened the mirror cabinet and just pushed a few rows of stuff into the open bag in her hand. “- gotten his arm chopped off at one point.”
“You what?” 
“It was his own fucking fault!” Jamie hissed. “I just helped! A little! And he’s still, y’know -” She zipped up the bag and shrugged. “- sore about it. Some people just hold a grudge.” 
“Oh, sure. Can’t imagine why he’d do that,” Dani said, and Jamie didn’t have to look at her to hear the roll of her eyes. 
Jamie turned around and stomped past her from the bathroom. “At least he’s still alive. Which is a hell of a lot better than what you’ve accomplished.”
Dani glowered at her, still leaning in the doorway with her arms crossed. 
“Do you want to wait around until Czerka finds us?” Jamie asked, pointing towards the front door. “Because they’re on their way.”
With a huff, Dani relented. She grabbed up her small bag and clipped the lightsaber to the belt at her waist. “No. I don’t.”
“Great. Let’s go.”
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fanfictionlover333 · 3 years
Sea Of Stars
This the story of the second greatest pirate to have ever been born. Surely, you do not believe Jack Sparrow could be outdone.
Jason Baker is his name, and this tale is one of his countless adventures. It begins on the ship known as The Phoenix. Calling it a ship could be considered an insult. If one wanted a more accurate description, one might say it was a magnificent vessel of monumental proportions. What would he do if someone damaged The Phoenix? Nothing compared to what he would do to someone who hurt his love.
Captain Baker was watching stars rush by him as he stood on the deck. With the universe at the tip of his fingers, he was completely free. Yet, that belief in total freedom was marred when a burning cannonball crashed through the shield into the yardarm. Baker's head swiveled around to the aft where the flaming projectile was shot from. In the distance, Baker spotted a ship. Its hull was bright emerald green. Baker smiled inwardly amused by the prospect of a showdown with the target who stuck out like a sore thumb.
"Listen up crew!" Captain Baker bellowed strolling calmly to the helm. He took the wheel from his first mate with a devious smirk. "Time to make the fuckers pay Clayton." He whispered leaning in toward his beloved. He could drown in his sapphire blue eyes and lose himself in Clayton's broad shoulders. Then he redirected his attention to the rest of his crew, Baker cleared his throat before continuing to speak. "If they want a battle, we will give the bastards a war, Ready the cannons arm the laser guns."
The captain's commands were met with an eruption of cheers from the men and women on the deck below. Meanwhile, Clayton’s eyes remained fixed on the captain watching his long shaggy black hair lay against his old leather coat moving up and down with his shoulders. The twinkle in Baker's sea-blue eyes told Clayton things were going to spin out of control. This realization should have scared him and perhaps it would have been if he were not with Baker. They were a team, and nothing could tear them apart. After the second shot barely missed them thanks to Baker's superb steering Clayton bolted down to the engine room.
"It's about bloody time! Where have you been you nitwit?!" Paulette Little snapped bursting with outrage. "Does everyone expect me to wave a blasted wand to repair a cannon ball-sized hole? The mechanic's words came out blistering with indignation.
Clayton let out a chuckle, "well Paulette no one can say you lack in passion." Clayton's playful verbal jab was met with a string of what he could only assume were colorful insults. Then she got down to business. The redhead started barking out commands with no time to waste.
Paulette would have appeared fragile to anyone who saw her outside the ship. Her thin frame permitted her to move freely within the cramped space. As she wiggled in-between and crawled underneath the damaged pieces in the shield generator. All the while, Paulette gave Clayton instructions on how to reboot the computer and what tools to hand her. Moments later they both breathed a sigh of relief when the shield came back online. However, it was short-lived because the ship slammed into something. "That mad man is going to kill us all!" Paulette bellowed.
"Probably sooner than later," Clayton rumbled with laughter yelling over the emergency alarms that were loudly proclaiming they were flying into a meteor storm.
That left Paulette speechless and unsure whether to cackle along with him. The ship shook as if it was trapped in trembling hands. Then everything was as still and quiet as a corpse. Paulette and Clayton shared a look of dread. As seconds went by, they waited for a sign as to what was going on. The lights were on, and all systems seemed to be operating. They should have been able to hear the crew’s footsteps on the deck above them but there was not a sound.
After what felt like hours, they could hear someone coming down the stairs. The computer gave no warning about intruders but under the circumstances, they could assume nothing. The duo clutched their semi-automatic laser shooters. As the footsteps grew closer Clayton's heartbeat raced at warp speed. By the time, the door leading to the engine room creaked open the two of them had already drawn their weapons.
A half-second before they could fire upon the unsuspecting prey, they put the laser guns down. The only thing saving the person from being turned into Swiss cheese was the sound of jingling bells " Silver I have half a mind to put a hole in you. What is the bloody matter with you? Are you trying to scare me to death?!" Paulette fumed a squeak of fear hidden in her voice and a slight quiver in her hand as she returned her shooter to her holster.
Silver tilted his head in their direction. For a tense moment, Silver's pale blue eyes seemed to pierce through her. When he, at last, regained the ability to speak he spoke in the raspy whisper of a man who had been to hell and back. "The captain... has been wounded."
In that instant, the world froze around Clayton. Baker was wounded. When? How? Who was responsible for it? Was Baker going to live? All these questions and many more overtook his panicked mind like an army trampling the ground as they marched to battle. He scoured Silver's face for any sign that he was joking. However, much to his horror there had been no devilish gleam in the seasoned navigator’s eyes or a repressed devious smirk. There was none to be found... His stare was vacant, even his rich brown skin seemed to pale as a result of his destress.
The next thing Clayton knew, he was standing in the middle of the deck pushing his way through a crowd as he fought his way to the nursing office. The head doctor Helena was not thrilled about his intrusion but she had anticipated it. Whenever the captain was hurt Clayton was close behind. She met him in front of the patients’ quarters and led him to the private room set aside for Baker. "He's lost a lot of blood, but he will make full recovery. At the moment he needs to rest."
Clayton tried desperately to listen to what Helena was telling him, but his frenzied mind could just hear Baker lost blood. Baker had lost so much he was willingly laying in a hospital bed. If Baker was an average human such an event would not have been notable, but he wasn't regular. "Have you been listening to me?" Helena reprimanded.
Clayton snapped out of his daze. "Sorry doc," Clayton murmured remorsefully. A light blush turned his cheeks pink.
"Oh, just get in there already." Helena encouraged with an eye roll. She moved to the side just before Clayton barreled into the room. Helena smiled inwardly, Baker had nearly bled to death, and he was still the luckiest bastard alive.
Clayton closed the door as Helena went down a corridor. He allowed his heart to steady as Baker's eyes fluttered open. His knees went weak with relief, and he sunk into the chair by Baker's bed. "Are you going to tell me what happened to you?" Clayton asked his captain his voice quiet as a mouse.
Baker's eyes dimmed as if he was staring into an abyss. Baker shook his head like he was shaking off chains. "We don't have to talk about that..." Baker croaked struggling to compel the answer through his dry throat. "Right now, I just want to hold you," Baker begged reaching out for Clayton's hand.
Clayton opened his mouth to argue but he decided to drop the subject for the time being. "Alright," he whispered with a small sigh as he crawled into bed. Both of them fell to sleep in moments.
The solitary reprieve ended abruptly when they awoke to a knock on the door. Baker tried to sit up, but Clayton shot him a glare that communicated, you are not going anywhere. Baker obeyed the unspoken order.
Clayton watched him out of the corner of his eye. Baker started to laugh but it was stifled by the protests of his broken ribs. Clayton rolled his eyes opening the door. "Good morning," Dr. Helena greeted. "I was going to ask if our charming captain was conscious. However, if he has enough zeal to test your patience, I've been worried about nothing."
Her playful jab was met with a twinkle of approval from Clayton's drowsy eyes. "Yes, Clayton nodded solemnly. "The old man will be around for many years to drive us all up the wall."
"Damn right!" Baker howled with pride and the spark that comes from a need for justice. Both crewmembers snickered like children in response. "I can hear you two," the captain drawled.
"Oh good," Helena chirped with delight. "My favorite patient is awake," Helena noted. "At the risk of asking a stupid question, do you need anything for the pain?" The doctor asked the inquiry slipping with the ease of predictability. She peeked around the corner twirling her long black hair in her fingertips with a glint in her grey eyes.
"The only thing I need is a bottle of rum and my ship in working order," Baker growled with vigor.
"As your doctor, I cannot in good conscience recommend you consume alcohol in this condition. Then again who am to get in the way of your fun." She finished a huff like a parent exhausted after a long day of trying to wrangle their hyper toddler. Helena didn't have time to waste debating with him. So, she refocused her attention on Clayton. "Paulette told me to tell you that we will be docking at a repair station any minute. She’s going to need an extra pair of hands when we get there. "
Clayton nodded sharply, "I'll be down to help her once we arrive," Clayton assured. With her job done Helena left the men to their own devices.
She was correct the journey was brief. Yet, time seemed to all but cease to move. Baker stared blankly at the ceiling. The events of the day had inflicted as much if not more agony on his mind than his body. He felt like his psyche had been ravaged then discarded. The single solitary that thing tethered him to the world was Clayton's hand in his.
When they reached the destination, Baker was snoozing unaware that Clayton had gone down to the engine room. "Paulette?" Clayton called walking down the stairs.
"Here," Paulette answered as Clayton came around the corner. She was welding wires back together. She never took her eyes away from the assignment at hand. "Toss this in the trash shoot," Paulette stated passing him a chunk of burned and melted wiring.
"I'm more than a little caught off guard." Clayton snorted relieved she was not hurling broken pieces at him. "Last time I spoke to you I got the impression you were on the verge of scrapping this ship."
"You were absolutely right but the damage wasn't as extensive as I thought." Paulette hummed as if she was thinking out loud, "we will be ace in a week."
Clayton furrowed his brow, "Paulette, you have things under control. So, why did you ask for me to come here?"
"I am allowed to worry about my little odd group of misfits," Paulette remarked flashing a grin. "So, how are you love?" It was a loaded question. Yet, her soft and disinterested tone lessened the impact.
Clayton sat on the floor with his back against the wall. "Baker is shutting me out... He won't tell me what happened..." Clayton paused throwing his hands up in the air. "He's hardly speaking at all..."
"The bloke has had a bewildering day. Perhaps, let him take a moment to collect his thoughts." Paulette commented with all the sarcasm she could muster.
"What if he doesn't come around?" He persisted
"He will," she exhaled. "Now, scamper off, you are distracting me." Paulette scowled waving her hand as if to brush him away.
"You told me you needed my help," he argued. If looks could kill Clayton would have dropped dead faster than rocks plummeting to the ocean floor. Needless to say, he made himself scarce.
He returned to Baker's room and climbed into bed. Baker purred snuggling up to him and embracing him. "Easy..." Clayton cautioned as Baker's hand slipped underneath his shirt. "You have to rest."
"Don't want rest...Want you..." Baker slurred through the shroud of sleep. " I Was gone... for so long." He whimpered incoherently.
"Gone?" Clayton echoed in disbelief. "What are you talking about? We have been together on the ship for months.
Baker shook his head. "That doesn't matter anymore. The only thing I care about is marrying you after I even the score with the assholes who landed me in this bed.
"Marry me?" Clayton gasped as if the wind had been knocked out of him. "Are you messing with me?"
"Will you marry me?" Baker asked as if he didn't hear him. Clayton nodded unable to speak while his heart raised.
@bauliya Thnx
The pirate asks their lover for their hand in marriage
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palimpsestiism · 3 years
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"𝘞𝘦 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘢 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘥𝘺𝘴𝘧𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦, 𝘸𝘦 𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘥, 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘫𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘵𝘴, 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘣𝘰𝘢𝘵𝘴, 𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘥𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴. 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘶𝘴, 𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘰 𝘸𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘸𝘦 𝘬𝘯𝘦𝘸, 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘢 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘯 𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴."
genre: young adult, dark academia status: outlining warnings: homophobia, abuse, manipulation
— 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
Andrew Lawrence Bennett — 18. ( narrator )
I was the average one of our group. Brown hair and eyes, medium height and slim frame, I was the only one with glasses. I refused and fought against my parents' desire to have laser surgery. I liked the feel of glasses and the look it gave me. I was the intellectual of the group, my nose often in a book. I keep hidden from my parent my deepest desire to become an author. Only the other Island kids knew about it. My father was a Wall Street shark and they expected me to follow him into the finance world. I played along to please them and avoid conflict, daydreaming about how I would break free from their expectations.
Clayton Rutherford III  — 21. 
The son of a renowned surgeon, it was expected that he would follow into his father's footsteps. Clay was the total package. Grand and strong with auburn hair and green eyes, he was as athletic as smart. We didn't see much of him during the school year, his duties as captain of the lacrosse team as well as his classes, meant that classes kept him busy.
Peneloppe Rutherford  — 20.
Penelope, or Poppy as we called her, was a year younger than Clayton. While The Rutherfords were strict about Clay's future and how he should achieve it, they were more lenient when it came to their daughter. Poppy had the same green eyes as his brother except that her hair was the most vibrant soft red we had ever seen. From a young age, she had been a model and she started to appear in a few independent movies in the last year. Being a socialite was what her parents expected of her and she planned on taking full advantage of that and the trust fund that came with it.
Suzanna Winthrop  — 20.
We called Suzanna and Yvonne snow white because of their their raven hair and pale skin. As the oldest of the sisters, Suzanna was the docile one. Clayton and her had been dating for almost 3 years now, an agreement between the two so that they would be left alone. While they deeply cared about each other’s, their relationship was only to hide their sexuality from their parents.
Yvonne Winthrop  — 19.
Yvonne was the wilder of the Winthrop, the one was sat at 2am on a balcony, eyes fixing the sky while a cigarette burned her fingers. A string of boys often followed her and she was in no hurry to settle down.
Margaux St. Clair  — 19.
Margaux was blonde with blue eyes and fair skin, the picture-perfect of the well mannered and rich daughter she had been raised to be. The first thing that stroke us was the way she carried herself. Poised like an old movie star, a real-life golden-haired Audrey Hepburn, she didn't look out of place in her white and red polka dress. A red scarf was protecting her head from the sun and sunglasses were hiding her eyes. There was no smile on her crimson lips.
François St. Clair  — 19.
François was harder to take in. While he shared his twin’s physical characteristics, there was something darker about him. Messy hair and thick-framed glasses, we could the bandages on his right hand from a distance.
— 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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healthcareinfo · 2 years
Dermatology Devices Market Demand, Segmentation, Trends, Strategies and Forecast to 2027
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The Global Dermatology Devices Market is projected to reach USD 11.3 billion by 2027 from USD 6.2 billion in 2022, at a CAGR of 12.7% during the forecasted period (2022 to 2027). Dermatology devices help dermatologists and surgeons in diagnosing and treating skin disorders. These devices are used by various medical care providers, such as hospitals, dermatology clinics, physician offices, and academic research institutes. The rising incidence of skin diseases and increasing awareness of aesthetic procedures are the primary growth drivers for the dermatology devices market. The expansion of healthcare infrastructure in developing regions is expected to provide growth opportunities to players operating in this market. However, reimbursement issues and stringent regulatory policies for medical devices are estimated to restrain the growth of this market.
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Key Market Players
Alma Lasers, Ltd. (a subsidiary of Sisram Medical Ltd.) (Israel), Cutera, Inc. (US), Cynosure Inc. (US), El.En. S.p.A.(Italy), Lumenis, Ltd. (a subsidiary of Boston Scientific) (Israel), Solta Medical (a subsidiary of Bausch Health Companies Inc.) (US), Bruker Corporation (US), Carl Zeiss (Germany), Candela Corporation (US), Genesis Biosystems, Inc. (US), HEINE Optotechnik GmbH & Co. KG (Germany), Michelson Diagnostics Ltd. (UK), PhotoMedex, Inc. (US), Leica Microsystems (a subsidiary of Danaher Corporation) (US), Olympus Corporation (Japan), FotoFinder Systems GmbH (Germany), Canfield Scientific, Inc. (US), Beijing Toplaser Technology Co., Ltd. (China), DermLite (US), Syneron Medical Ltd. (a part of Apax Partners) (US), Aerolase (US), and Bovie (a subsidiary of Symmetry Surgical) (US).
Market Dynamics
Rising adoption of aesthetic procedures among geriatric individuals
The global population of individuals aged 60 years and above is expected to increase from 880 million in 2011 to 2.1 billion by 2050, representing 22% of the world’s population (Source: UN Population Division). The process of aging is associated with progressive deterioration of the skin. Subsequently, the demand for aesthetic procedures, such as anti-wrinkle treatment and skin tightening, is expected to grow among the elderly.
According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, in 2019, nearly 204,745 liposuction procedures were performed in people aged 51–64 years, and 35,289 procedures were performed in people aged 65 years and above in the US. In 2018, these figures were 225,067 procedures in people aged 51–64 years and 32,573 procedures in people aged 65 years and above. However, in 2020, these figures were 38,389 procedures in people aged 55–69 years and 3,165 procedures in people aged 70 years and above, mainly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the market is recovering now
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North America commanded the largest share of the dermatology devices in 2021.
Based on region, the dermatology devices market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World. In 2021, North America has the largest share of the dermatology devices market. The large share of this regional segment can be attributed to factors such as the rising incidence of skin diseases, increased awareness about aesthetic procedures, rapid increase in healthcare expenditure, easy accessibility to advanced technologies, and the strong presence of market players in the region.
Key developments:
In 2022, Cynosure, Inc. collaborated with Clayton, Dubilier & Rice and announced a new investment of USD 60 million from lead investor Clayton, Dubilier & Rice
In 2021, Lumenis entered into a definitive agreement to sell the Lumenis Surgical Business to Boston Scientific. The acquisition of Lumenis Surgical (including its robust product portfolio, global team, and the Israeli surgical laser center of excellence) represents a major milestone for the Lumenis team and will enable Boston Scientific to enhance the execution of its urology strategy.
In 2022, Candela collaborated with The Vascular Birthmarks Foundation, Dr. Giacomo Colletti, Laserplast, this collaboration enabled more than 30 pre-qualified patients from 13 countries to receive free laser treatments in Milan
In 2022, Canfield Scientific, Inc. acquired Medici Medical s.r.l. to create Canfield Scientific s.r.l., open a state-of-the-art facility near Modena, and launch a medical dermatology education program.
In 2021, Alma launched Alma PrimeX, a non-invasive platform for body contouring and skin tightening.
In 2021, Alma launched Alma Hybrid, which exclusively combines 3 powerful energy sources to deliver effective results.
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meditech-insights · 2 years
Dermatology Devices Market Will Reflect Significant Growth Prospects during 2021 – 2026
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Dermatology devices are the devices that help in diagnosing and treatment of skin diseases as well as hair, and nail-related diseases like psoriasis, eczema, acne, rosacea, ichthyosis, vitiligo, hives, seborrheic dermatitis, lesions, rashes, hair removal, and nail infection. Skin disorders vary greatly in symptoms and severity. Dermatology devices are classified into two types treatment devices and diagnostic devices.
The Dermatology Devices Market is projected to grow at a rate of ~12% by 2026. The rising awareness regarding dermatology devices for aesthetic treatments, growing prevalence of skin diseases & skin cancer, technological advancement in dermatology devices, and increased usage of dermatology devices for hair removal & stretch mark reduction are some of the key features driving the global dermatology devices market.
Increasing Adoption of Dermatology Devices for Aesthetic Treatment Boost the Dermatology Devices Market
Lasers and energy-based devices allow physicians to provide quality care to patients and achieve optimal clinical results. These devices can also be used in the treatment of excessive sweating, remove pigmentation, treat acne, scars, skin tags, moles, and improve the appearance of veins. The high adoption of dermatology devices in aesthetic treatment is further predictable to boost market growth.
Rise in Usage of Laser Application in Dermatology Fuels the Dermatology Devices Market Demand
The use of laser technology in aesthetic medicine is due to the use of unique properties of laser radiation in techniques for eliminating aesthetic imperfections of the skin and its rejuvenation. A laser can be used in dermatology, cosmetology, and aesthetic medicine as a tool for bloodless dissection, evaporation, and coagulation of soft tissues, for laser resurfacing and destruction of vascular skin pathologies. Due to these properties, laser treatment is used in various aesthetic procedures such as hair removal, tattoo removal, and skin resurfacing, among other skin diseases.
Growing Usage of Dermoscopy Techniques In the Diagnosis of Skin Disorder Drives the Market
Dermoscopy is a non-invasive, in-vivo technique that has traditionally been useful for the evaluation of suspicious skin lesions. It can help identify lesions and differentiate melanocytic lesions from dysplastic lesions, melanomas, or non-melanoma skin cancers. Moreover, it can also help in the diagnosis of dermatological disorders including inflammatory dermatosis, pigmentary dermatosis, infectious dermatosis, and disorders of the hair, scalp, and nails.
Explore Premium Report on Dermatology Devices Market @ https://meditechinsights.com/global-dermatology-devices-market/
Key Constraints/ Challenges: Dermatology Devices Market
The stringent regulatory policies for dermatology devices, reimbursement issues, and complications associated with dermatology treatments are some of the key factors that are likely to hamper its growth in the coming years. There are also several complications associated with treatment such as skin inflammation, skin irritation, and itching, among others.
North America Expected to Continue to Hold a Major Share in the Dermatology Devices Market
From a geographical perspective, North America holds a major market share of the dermatology devices market. This can be mainly attributed to the growing prevalence of skin cancer and other skin diseases such as acne, rosacea, etc., increase usage of dermatology devices in aesthetic treatments, and growing awareness regarding aesthetic procedures among young populations in the region.
Companies Adopting Organic & Inorganic Growth Strategies to Increase their Market Share
Players operating in the global dermatology devices market are adopting organic and inorganic growth strategies such as collaborations, acquisitions, and new product launches to garner market share. 
For instance, 
•In May 2022, Cynosure Inc. announced a new investment of $60 million from lead investor Clayton, Dubilier & Rice. The new capital will support the company's plan to grow and provide comprehensive treatment solutions to its customers
•In December 2021, Canfield Scientific Inc. acquired Medici Medical s.r.l. to create Canfield Scientific s.r.l., opens a state-of-the-art facility near Modena, Italy and launches a medical dermatology education program
Competitive Landscape Analysis of Dermatology Devices Market
Some of the key players operating in the dermatology devices market include Image Derm, Alma Lasers, Lumenis, Aesthetic Group, 3Gen, Ambicare, and Genesis Biosystems, among others.
For More Detailed Insights, Contact Us @ https://meditechinsights.com/contact-us/
About Medi-Tech Insights
Medi-Tech Insights is a healthcare-focused business research & insights firm. Our clients include Fortune 500 companies, blue-chip investors & hyper-growth start-ups. We have completed 100+ projects in Digital Health, Healthcare IT, Medical Technology, Medical Devices & Pharma Services.
Ruta Halde
Associate, Medi-Tech Insights
+32 498 86 80 79
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cricsart · 3 years
Each of the covered 39 country’s color-coded and fully-sourced market models are equipped with epidemiology based indications with procedure volumes. To increase the data transparency, the interactive excel deliverable covers installed base, new sales volumes, product usage, average selling prices, market size and company share/rank analysis (wherever available). Moreover, analyst comments with qualitative insight offer context for quantitative data.
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berfometalpha · 4 years
Legacy of Eternity: Chapter 4 - Beyond the Sea and Stars Part 3.1: The Rescue... Awaken SoulZero
With the Strike Fleet going on the offensive to save their friends as chaos begins to rise in Vega prime. With Kent Redridge and his Sergeant Clayton Carmive able to recover the stolen armor and weapons of his comrades. Now time was not on their side as Vega was drawing closer to war that will consume them all.
At the north eastern district of Vega prime’s capital where the command center was held Rex, Marky and Genji were making final preparations for their plan to sneak into the base. 
The three hid at the back of an alley way across the command center where no cameras can see them.
“Okay, Lets go over the plan one more time... Marky will be our spotter since his scope can see through walls... Genji and I will go through the main door disguised as soldiers and get to the central computer room to get the intel we need...” Rex explained while getting into cover.
“Right but how are we going to get disguises?” Genji asked.
“Easy, after a long days work many soldiers will be heavily hammered and hang out or passed out inside a bar or on the street on their way back to their barracks... So... We nab 2 soldiers steal their uniform and that should do with the least of our problems...” Rex said.
“This is risky but I dont really know if this will work?” Marky said with concern.
While the three talked deep inside the command center’s restroom a loud laser cutting sound was heard on the floor. It opened the floor revealing a black suited beauty came out as she sealed the floor back. Their was a female soldier that entered the rest room and was quickly knocked out. 
She stole her clothes and tied her inside the utility closet with a smirk she planted a proton bomb inside the restroom with a timed detonator to disable the base just in case she needs it.
Lily moved with great efficiency as if she was not a spy at all in the eyes of the soldiers. She slipped into their mess hall and poisoned their stew with a powerful drug that causes body pain and rashes to appear in every part of their bodies.
“Okay the food is down now for the guards... But where’s Rex and the other idiots... they should have started infiltrating the base right now?” Lily thought.
Lily moved slowly but surely into the enemy base at the same time making her presence unnoticed and taking out the camera’s using her arm band’s jamming ability.
As soon as she reached the Commander’s room she planted a small microphone device on the door knob and moved away to one of the utility nearby closets.
Commander: Has she talked yet Warden?” Warden: No commander she is a tough bitch to crack. Commander: I wouldn’t expect no less from the Former commander of the Shadow Corp. Warden: Then What do we do now sir? Commander: Keep going until she breaks... WE haven’t begun extracting Micheal’s neural-evo Implants yet... Once we are done then we can dispose of both of them. Warden: Yes sir!”
The Warden saluted as he left the commanders office Lily thought for a moment for Micheal who was their primary target in the first place.
“Alrighty... Commander of Vega... Prepare to be... Tortured...”Lily thought.
As she exited the closet their were over 5 soldiers who were waiting for her as the commander of the base himself was waiting.
“Do you really think we are idiots to get infiltrated twice Black Lotus?” The commander boasted.
“Oh how sweet you came up with a code name for me... I was going to flirt with you for a bit before I get what I need...” Lily stated as she slowly raised her hands.
“You really are a bitch if you think we are letting you walk in and get anywhere near our computers!” The commander said as he pulled his pistol out and aimed it at her head.
“Yeah since the first time we blew up your base and destroyed half of your fleet... But you just made my job easier!” Lily said.
“And what is that suppose to mean?” The Commander asked.
“to think I was going to have to drag you out... But you came to me instead... Ill tell you what... I wont kill your soldiers if you come with me quietly?” Lily said.
“You have no power here you whore!” The commander said as he slowly pulled the trigger.
“I thought as much... Oh well...”Lily replied as she snapped her fingers.
The proton bomb that she planted earlier exploded sending a massive electromagnetic pulse throughout the base knocking out their security and most of their energy based weapons. 
Lily pulled out her high frequency knives and started striking the soldiers one by one in their key nerve points stopping them in them from moving. 
The soldiers tried to kill her but Lily was too fast for them and one by one they fell the commander ran for his life as soon as Lily was done dealing with the soldiers.
She sighed and pulled out her pistol grappling hook as it pierced his left leg and pulled the rope forcing him to the ground. She ran to him and knocked him out before he could call for help as she sat on his back wiping the sweat off her fore head.
“““Sigh”“ Well that was seemingly easy... I should ask Kent to give me lymphatic massage and a facial... or maybe a full body massage... Maybe ill ask him later now onto my next objective... But first... Wow he is heavy you need to lose some weight here pal!” Lily said dragging the commander into his office.
Though heavy Lily was able to drag the commander back into his office with his head jammed between the automatic doors preventing the doors from closing. She Grabbed the collar and threw him into the room closing the doors behind her.
She then got down and hacked the commander’s computer breaking through the security system was easy for her since they still used the same protocols and didn’t make any updates to it since her last Visit.
Lily grabbed the commander by the collar and slammed his face on the retinal scanner and his hand over the monitor allowing her access into his personal computer.
“Okay... Lets see what we got here... A monthly subscription to... Bunny girl suits... Okay not that... Subscription to... Punish me hard daddy.uninet...  Weird he likes those S&M things like Clay... I think they would make good friends but not right now... Okay here we go... Willow where are you?” Lily thought as she kept digging into the computer. 
After many minutes Lily managed to find where Willow and her Brother was located as it says on the computer. Willow was held the maximum security complex called the Pit located at the Far east in the old bone canyon 
While Micheal was being held in the science facility to the north at least 6,710 Km away from the maximum security complex. She also saw several dozens of files called Project Titan and played one of the audio recordings available.
Data entry number 01: - Project Titan, a top secret super soldier program that will help Vega’s military fight insurrectionists and all who oppose President Kormicheal’s rule. We have begun abducting children at the age of 5 below for the program and had begun their screening process this includes one of the Andersmith family members who come from a long line of soldiers.  He will be monitored and be placed under strict surveillance until implantation procedures commence.
“So these bastards already gunned for Micheal since he was a baby... These sick bastards... I’ll go over these data files with Kent later on... for now I need to get out of here along with this idiot!” Lily thought as she hooked up her flash drive.
After the download was complete Lily tied up the commander and dragged him out of the office again the doors suddenly opened to see Rex and Genji already inside.
“REX?” Lily asked.
“Lily is that you and why are you wearing a black mesh skin suit?” Rex asked.
“I’ll explain later... Grab that fat ass and book it to the exit I made in the girls restroom... I got everything we need in my uni-tool and Flash drive!” Lily shouted.
“Rex, hurry up  I can’t hold off the hoard of angry soldiers here... WHY YOU LITTLE!” Genji shouted as he man-slapped a soldier to the ground.
Rex Grabbed the Commander of the base as the three ran for it to the Exit as Lily pulled out her energy knife and carved the man-hole she made earlier and opened it again. 
The three managed to escape but Lily stayed last as she planted another bomb in the restroom to cover their tracks.
The three were in the sewers of Vega and exited through the back alleyway where Marky was waiting.
“Okay I won’t ask why Lily is here and why you all smell like sewage?” Marky said.
“Good man... Our ride should be here at any minute now?” Lily said as she pulled out her watch.
Soon after saying it a red unmarked van drove up in the alleyway as the back doors opened to see Clay and Kent in the drivers seat.
“Get on quick!”Clayton shouted.
“Is everyone in?” Kent asked.
“Okay Everyone hang on!” Kent stated as he put it on gear 4 and pressed his feet on the gas.
While driving through Vega’s streets the young knight was actually a designated driver and obeyed the rules of the road. And even using turn signals and everything which upset the sergeant.
“Boss we are not doing a show case for the bloody car we need to get out of here fast!” Clayton shouted.
“Clay you have your means of driving and I have man and No one likes a back seat driver!” Kent shouted.
“Kent I have the intel with a little extra baggage... Prepare the interrogation room when we get back? I need a shower first and Clayton my dear friend... Do not be alarmed but what I found is very alarming!” Lily said.
“Now I am seriously alarmed thanks Lily!” Clayton replied.
“Oops... Sorry... Kent can we get back to the Night Hawk as soon as possible please?” Lily asked.
“What did you find anyway?” Marky asked.
“I got a bad feeling about this Commander!” Rex added. 
“Me too my friend... Me too.” Kent replied.
After many hours the team managed to reach the Night Hawk without any problems though the riots of the lower city are begging to spread and shows no sign of stopping.
After a shower and a hot meal to eat Lily decoded the rest of the data she managed to get and it was just as she feared. In the War room of the Night Hawk Lily began to explain what she had found.
“Kent, Rex, and everyone else in this war room... I managed to decipher the files we extracted from the commanders computer and it held some pretty juicy information... First of all Willow and Micheal are being held in 2 seperate facilities one being called the pit which is located about 500 miles from here we will be passing through what they call the bone canyon this area is riddled with Anti-air ordinance if we pass through there in the Night Hawk we might get blown out of the sky... Though I have confidence in the ships cloaking but we can’t be too careful... “ Lily explained.
“So what about the little dude?” Clayton asked.
“Yeah... He is in an unknown science facility at least 7000 miles north from the prison... The only problem is... This facility has a security force of over 15,000 soldiers equipped with phase disruption weapons.... And they have sensors that can detect stealth ships... Which brings me to another concern... They are using Vai’len slaves to manufacture their weapons and are experimenting on slaves and Priestesses they managed to... Procure... During their last visit... I managed to get the total number of prisoners and slaves.” Lily stated.
“How many are we counting?” Kent asked.
“About 518,241 slaves and around 583 priestesses and double the number of mages... I have a list here if you...”Lily said when loud explosions suddenly roared out.
“What the hell?” Clayton asked.
“Sir bad news a massive hoard of Leviathans had just came out of warp space their are thousands of them and millions of flying monsters heading to vega as we speak sir!” One of the marines reported.
“This has Kyvash written all over it...”Kent thought.
“Kent we have an incoming transmission from one of the Megalodon Alpha’s... Should I patch it through?” Winter asked.
“Yes please.” Kent replied.
The Monitor in the war room revealed a humanoid like High Glaive with a tyrannodon like features such as fangs, heavily armored scales and an extended tail, Claws as sharp as swords, blood shot eyes and breath hotter than magma.
“Hello Lord Anthony... I am Tyrannox Alpha leader of the 7 War masters of the Great Mother Kyvash the goddess of Retribution... I and 3 of my brothers and sister had been asked to provide Aide to you while rescuing our kin. Let us know what you need and we will bare down our fangs on those who stand in your way.” Tyrannox saluted.
“Very well, my team and I are going to rescue Willow from the pit... Lily please send to Tyrannox the coordinates to the science lab where Micheal and many of the Vai’len are being held... WE will join you as soon as we get Willow.” Kent ordered.
“By your command... For New HOPE WE RIDE ONTO TOMORROW!” Tyrannox saluted as the transmission ended.
“Well we just got our distraction... So boss I think we are done with the stealth right?” Clayton asked.
“““Sigh”“ Yeah looks like it... Okay, lets get going... Lady Winter please jettison the external disguise and get us to the pit as soon as possible Lily please provide the coordinates to said location.” Kent said with disappointment. 
Lily provided the coordinates to the pit as the High Glaives began their invasion on Vega had begun. The Night Hawk detached its external disguise and made it’s way east of the city harbor. 
As the Night Hawk flew off from the Harbor like the other ships trying to escape the battle. Hundreds if not thousands of entry pods came hurdling down from the skies like rain it poured and it poured like a hurricane. 
The Strike team saw first hand the fury of the High glaives as each pod crashed into the city streets many warriors charged through the police and military blockades and tore anyone stupid enough to get in their way. 
“These ain’t mindless rabble boss they are extremely coordinated even those mech aren’t proving too much of a threat to those weird looking dog things!” Clayton stated.
“Those are Fang wraiths... And to be honest Im afraid of the High Glaives to be honest with you... they have the fire power, numbers and resources to maintain a long war... But their queen assured me that they will never aim their fangs or blades towards the Dragon-wolf and to Ren’veil but this sight of how they fight still scares me to the bone...” Kent said with fear in his heart.
Kent and Clayton were getting ready for the fight ahead of them when a very young Adept came into the barracks. He was nervous around the team as he couldn’t make a simple greet or gesture. 
“My Lord, Um... If I... Ugh never mind pardon my intrusion!” The sword Adept said as he hurriedly left the barracks.
“What was that for?” Clayton asked.
“No Clue... By the way... has anyone see my rifle brush?” Marky asked.
“What does it look like?” Kent asked.
“Its has a long brass body with red and blue brush on it I know I left it on my locker earlier...” Marky added.
“Oh you mean... Oh.... Oh... I saw it in medical... “Clayton said as his voice became a bit off.
“Wait why would Lily need my Rifle brush?” Marky asked.
The young knight sighed as he got back to his room and worked on his log entries as he became increasingly worried for his friends. All he could do was pray to Faith that they will be okay no matter what may come and hope that its not too late to save their friends.
About 40 minutes after the first and second wave of High Glaive warriors and beasts made land fall. The entire planet’s government and citizens were thrown into utter chaos not even Bone canyon was spared as the Night Hawk passed over head of what was left of the Anti-air defenses. 
Many Soldiers were torn to shreds by the Fang wraiths, supported by the Prowl hunters and many other creatures from the High Glaives army showed no mercy to those who pose a threat to their Mother’s wish.
The Night Hawk landed at the edge of the Bone yard where the Fang Wraiths and Torasque’s had recently rampaged. The area was heavily guarded by Vega’‘s best as bodies upon bodies of the High Glaives had been put down making a frontal assault impossible not even the torasques were forced to fall back.
The team were over a large cliff and spotted from a far and things seemed a bit dire.
“Okay It seems our work is cut out for us...” Lily said.
“I can tell heavily armed guards, rotary grenade cannons on every wall, laser turrets, anti-infantry and tank land mines... tanks, air drones, even an artillery facility... are you sure that Willow is here Lily?”Marky asked.
“Yes I am very sure I checked the data files and all the communications coming to and from the Vega base commander is right here.”Lily said.
“Okay I get that Lily if we do a direct assault the scorgon tank will not last against that much defenses and Anti-tank capabilities.. Is this really a prison it feels more like a fortress to be honest?” Marky added stated.
“Then what the fuck do we do huh? WIllow is fucking trapped in their and god knows what they are doing to her right now?” Clayton cussed.
“Calm down Clayton we will get her out of their we just need a big distraction.” Rex said.
“Then It’s time to bring out the big guns... Rex lead the rescue team...” Kent ordered.
“What about you?” Rex asked.
“I guess you can Rex... It’s time to suit up!” Kent said with a smile.
Kent only looked back with a smirk on his face as he walked to the Night Hawk’s armory their laid a massive black door the Hidden foundry. 
The young knight walked into the Hidden Foundry their seven massive armor lockers each with varying names written as follows. The SoulZero, Night Raider, Chamillione, Pyrozerker, Freyja Zero, Flash Gale, and God-Zero.
Though Varying in size each suit locker was sealed as if nothing and no one should ever be allowed to access them.
He thoroughly looked at each one of the lockers he saw the locker for Soulzero slowly opened revealing a 7 foot and 3 inch armor clad in Blue, White, black and Red with a hint of green.
By comparison it is bigger than any standard Knight Elite armor it was not bulky yet not slim in form.
The Helmet had a forehead guard with 4 horns protruding backwards, with a green visor white face mask with white fang’s on the side of the sides of the face as each side of the helmet was equipped with a green sensory lenses for full 360 degree coverage.
The chest was similar to a fully built man but in between the chest below the breast plates and above the abdominal plating was a green power core that produces an unknown energy source powering the entire suit. It also had blue shoulder blades with a white armor set for both arms each arm was colored and designed differently from each other except for the hands.
The left arm was clad in black and the power core on the left was similar to the Howling arm the young knight possess except for the elbows that hand a pair of extendable transformation High frequency blades. 
Along with the claws on each finger and the reinforced knuckles allowing the plasma core of the palm and elbow to recharge and use the plasma wave as much as he needs to during the battle. The right arm was white with a green power core with white overlapping scale type armor acting as a shield with the same blades for the elbows and claws.
Both legs had a set of hydraulic pistons increasing the jumping and running strength of the wearer. The Knee guards had pile bunker spikes with a revolver cylinder feeder for the spike. Both sides  side skirt armor can produce a number of High frequency blades for close combat called Schneider killers.
Each side of the lower leg armor had a hidden holster system that can deploy two sets of energy blades at any given time and the feet had two steel tipped claws that can latch onto any object and surface and deploy a micro energy blade from the claws for increased close quarter combat.
The suit itself possessed a Class 7 Adamantine plating infused with Zenomite and Crystorium plating allowing it to regenerate any damage taken, absorb energy and disperse it if needed and remain light and durable enough to sustain a 72 hour long salvo barrage from a dozen planet cracking rail guns.
“My son this thing is a monster... Who ever built this is a god...”The black queen said as she scanned the armor.
“How so?” Kent asked.
“If I were to say this... It is you but in a suit form... The Muscle fiber on this suit is 500 million microfiber per micro muscle strand. a self regeneration protocol, 500 micro quantum processors... Kent I recommend you do not use this suit!” The black queen said when the young knight touched it.
The suit suddenly burst open revealing 33 razor sharp interface needles lined up like a spinal cord. The Black queen tried her best to stop the young knight as the suit itself will kill him if he should wear it as she does not have enough viable data to go by. 
“Mother I know you don’’t want to do this but if we waste more time then Willow and many other Vai’len held inside that place might die... I won’t risk that happening... If this suit will give me a chance to save them then I’m willing to take the risk!” Kent said as he looked for a way to activate the suit.
As soon as he touched the interface needles the suit suddenly came to life as the interface needles interlocked with Kent’s spinal cord and secondary spine drilling themselves into his back.
The pain was unbearable as he started to cry out blood trying to withstand the intense heat he felt on his back and the drilling of the needles intensified his pain. 
After a brief moment the pain suddenly stopped as he heard a voice in his head saying Genetic code verification complete Identity confirmed Kent Redridge 777th descendant of creator initiating genetic repair protocols, injecting bio-uni chem.
He felt a warm slime like fluid flow into his back he could feel the pain going away the black queen was deeply surprised to see the status of the young knight’s lower back was being repaired down to the cellular level.
“Self repairs complete... Awaiting directive?” The AI asked.
“OUCH!!! My back felt a lot more than a tingle their... But Pleasantries and complaints later for now time for action... AI what is your name?” Kent asked.
“I am the Artificial, Linear, Interrogative, Calibrator, Entity... Or code Alice for human terms.” Code Alice said.
“Okay Alice, can I use this suit?” Kent asked.
“Yes, The suit has calibrated to your specifications and combat experience alone... All you need to do is step inside and we will follow your will.” Alice said.
Kent nodded as he boarded the suit as it locked in the young knight and the suit were one as the helmet close the eyes flashed a bright green light. As he walked forward the SoulZero was weightless it was as if the suit was his own flesh and blood. 
The young knight flexed his hands and shadow boxed for a brief moment and performed a spin kick to see if the suit was capable of keeping up and it did and more. The suit also improved his eyesight, increased thought processing, strength, agility, reaction time to the point that his previous limit was broken more times than his time in Hell’s gate could provide him.
“I could get used to this...” Kent said.
“Master, Reporting data on Citadel pit... Threat level 7.1, Operation Rescue Lieutenant Willow: Plausible, Location confirmed: Lieutenant Willow is located at level 210 Maximum security facility, Providing tactical data now.” Alice reported.
“Thank you please send it to Captain Rex and Clayton... They will be rescuing my friend while we have the pleasure of battling the soldiers... What do you say?” Kent asked.
“Directive confirmed, Sending data to Captain Razor Sigfield Crosswolf and Sergeant Clayton Carmive... Data Transfer complete, Equipment option variable 1... Initiating Weapon Fabrication.”Alice reported.
 The foundry began to move as it made a pair of small carbine rifles with a shield interlinked alongside the rifles. Below said rifles have interchangeable equipment from another burst rifle attachment, grenade launcher, switch blades and a grappling hook.
“Weapon fabrication complete... Weapon designation Switch Blaster shields.”Alice reported.
Kent nodded as he walked out the night hawk with his new set of equipment the young knight took a deep breath and stood still as the boosters of the suit slowly ignited. 
Rex and the others saw a suit of armor flew across the sky with a blue trail tailing it. 
“That must be the boss?” Clayton asked.
“Indeed he said here that he will distract the enemy and open the main gates but how is the question.” Rex stated.
Soon after gunfire and explosions ignited at the main gate of the Pit they all saw laser fire flew in all direction. Marky watched from his scope as the suit that their commander wore withstood over 6 miniguns firing at him and over a dozen m32 rotary grenade launchers and 3 tank rounds head on without even flinching.
The young knight turned and aimed both his rifles at the main gate and fired two high explosive plasma grenade rounds to the reinforced gate creating a massive gap in the prison’s defenses.
He slowly moved to another section of the base to draw the guards away from the gate creating a massive opening for the team to exploit.
“Okay that’s the signal!” Rex shouted.
“Right EVERYONE BOOK IT TO THE VAN!” Clayton shouted.
“Wait you actually Kept that van?” Marky asked.
“Hey it’s compact and environmentally friendly and I made some improvements to it... So shut up and get on we are moving!” Clayton swore as he grabbed Marky by the collar and belt and threw him into the van.
“Well... I won’t complain that is a fast way to get on a van.” Lily said as she go on the front seat.
As they got on the Van Clayton pressed his foot on the gas and floored it through the gate. While the guards are distracted Clayton and the others were able to pass through the breach the young knight made unnoticed. 
Clayton parked the van near the south gate’s prison block building number 3 and made their way into the central elevator leading to the lower levels.
With so few guards to fight it seemed like the young knight was the biggest threat to them than the prisoners escaping.
“Guys we have a small issue.” Lily said.
“You really like to say small issue huh Lily is that an incest thing?” Clayton asked.
“What no I’ll talk with you later you butt! The issue I was going to say is this elevator is operated in one location only to prevent prisoners from escaping... So someone needs to stay here to operate the elevators when we escape.” Lily explained.
“Why not hacking it?” Re xasked.
“Tried it but it wont respond this is a manual type of elevator controls its analog.” Lily explained.
“Okay then, Big bro, Boss cap, Sniper man and Lily... I’ll volunteer and operate the crane controls.” Genji stated.
“You sure lil bro?” Clayton asked.
Genji nodded as he entered the elevator control room as they boarded the elevator down to the lower levels. Marky switched from his rifle to a pistol and a knife since his sniper rifle will be rendered useless in the narrow corners and tight corridors.
As they went down everyone changed their optics on their helmet to night vision as light seemed to be a bigger problem at levels 51 and below. 
“So Lily where do we go next?” Rex asked.
“Good question...” Lily replied as she opened the holo-map.
The pit is more like a maze for vega’s hardened psychopaths and killers it is divided into 5 sections and we just passed the mild convicts and from level 101 we will need to go left from the main elevator hall. Then head straight and make a right where another elevator will take us to the lower levels once we pass through another checkpoint we should be able to find the maximum security section where Willow is being kept.
“Well shit I hate dark places!” Clayton stated.
“We don’t exactly have the luxury of making choices at the moment Clay so deal with it!” Marky stated.
“Okay get off my fucking case Marky!” Clayton swore as he equiped his flashlight.
“Okay you two cut the chatter with the general counting on us to find Willow we can’t waste any more time!” Rex ordered.
“Yes Captain!” The two saluted at the same time.
As the elevator stopped at Level 51 the strike team made their way into darkness as they saw the living conditions of each cell was inhumane with only serving minimum amount of food to survive and the space was only enough to stretch one’s arms and legs and the bathroom was only one small hole.
The criminals held in each cell was begging to get out and some even committed suicide to escape their situation. he soldiers who acted as the prison guards left them to rot or worse. 
The deeper they went the worse the conditions were and the darker the pit go even though their is sufficient lighting. After many hours of traversing traps, security turrets and elevators they were able to reach level 210 the deepest part of the pit.
It was a long corridor with less than a dozen rooms only used for interrogation and torturing people. The guards here seemed to be non-existent making their job a lot easier.
“Alright, everyone fan out pick a door we are running low on time!” Rex ordered.
Lily started hacking the door controls while Clayton kicked the reinforce titanium steel door. Two of the doors only showed lockers and miscellaneous torture devices and others.
After many hours of hacking and breaking down the doors the last door at the end of the corridor was the only place they had never checked. Clayton tried to bash the doors open but the last door seemed too strong for him.
“Okay I think we are on to something... I’ll need time to unlock the doors!” Lily stated.
While Lily started working on the doors when the facility started to light up and the doors suddenly opened. Genji got on the radio as the elevators were destroyed on his end 300 soldiers are heading their way to kill Willow.
“Okay, Clayton take the left side, Marky on the right Lily how much time do you need?” Rex asked.
“15 minutes... I’m already at the 3rd binary lock who ever made this is a really butt hole!” Lily reported.
“Lily we got your back get that door open!” Clayton said as he mounted his chain gun.
The three grabbed the lockers they saw earlier and jammed it to the elevator doors and made some cover between them and the soldiers.
After setting the barricade in the nick of time soldiers poured through the elevator shaft and started to fire at the three. Rex and Clayton returned fire without the use of explosives as it could cause the ceiling to collapse on top of them.
Marky used his sniper rifle’s tactical infra-xray scope and sniped the soldiers that were trying to sneak past the gunfire using cloak. Rex pulled out a flash flare grenade and threw it at the soldiers much like a Molotov cocktail. 
The fire melted the floor creating a massive gap between the soldiers and them as Lily was working on the door with Bullets flying past her head. A bullet somehow ricochet off the wall and destroyed the only terminal to the sealed room. 
“DAMN IT!” Lily shouted as the terminal exploded.
“What happened?” Rex asked.
“A bullet destroyed the door controls... I can manually open the door terminal but it will take me hours to complete!” lily stated.
“Okay that’s it!” Clayton shouted.
He drooped his chain gun and pulled out a small grenade launcher from his side belt and fire a Hell razer  round into the door. Lily immediately jumped away from the doors as the Hell Razer round hit the doors. After a brief second the doors began to melt as it left a trail of hot titanium.
The Hell Razer round is a combination of Liquid plasma mixed in with ryghdonium powder and mixed with liquid Jormite when combined it can generate heat up to 9,129 °C though experimental and strictly not advised to be used for conventional breach weapons no sane Promethian heavy gunner will ever use a Hell Razor round unless it is absolutely needed.
“Well that makes things a little better...” Marky said.
“How is this any better we can’t get through until the molten titanium cools off!” Lily added.
“Don’t worry I got this!” Clayton said as he loaded another grenade round and fired it at the river of molten titanium.
As he fired a winter fell round into the molten titanium it suddenly froze the magma like trail of titanium in a matter of seconds.
“Nice job Clay!” Rex praised.
“Yeah, one thing I learned in the home... Never leave home without a hell razer round and a winter fell round at the same time.” Clayton stated.
“Well good said... Clayton we can hold here you and Lily go!” Rex ordered.
“Thanks boss Cap.” Clayton saluted.
The two entered the last torture chamber to find Willow or what is left of her Clayton fell to his knees to the sight of the Archer maiden being strung up the wall like a trophy. Her arms and legs dismembered in the most brutal fashion organs being placed into jars with one of her eyes being placed in a weighing scale.
“She is still alive... But barely...” Lily said as she scanned the dismembered body of her friend. 
“I’ll ready the Iso-med-bed!” Clayton said as he gathered his courage.
As he took out the stretcher Lily tapped him on the shoulder assuring him that everything will be okay and she vowed to work round the clock to save their friend.
“Right... Thank you Lily...” Clay said as he got the stretcher ready.
Lily worked on stabilizing Willow when they heard a step in the far corner of the room her spine tingled as they heard the sound of a blade grinding in the distance.
The two looked at the dark corner of the room to see a massive hulking soldier wielding an over sized knife like saw with blood shot eyes. The soldier proclaimed his handiwork on Willow was the best he could ever do as it was art in his eyes. He then aimed his blade at the medic as he slowly walked towards her Clayton grabbed his chain gun and without a moment’s notice started firing at the soldier. 
Each round either bounced off his body barely scratching him as he tried to distract him away from Lily. He then pulled out the micro grenade launcher and fired a crack shot round towards the soldier causing to stagger as the explosion melted some of his skin. 
“Oh shit!” Clayton said.
He braced himself as the soldier rushed him damaging the rotary motor of his gun and with powerful downward swing he managed to slice off the barrel clamp. The promethain stepped back for a moment and threw what remained of his chain gun at the soldier causing him to stagger. 
Clayton tackled him and delivered a three punch combination followed with a powerful uppercut. He then grabbed the soldiers sword hand and crushed his left arm forcing him to release his butcher blade.
The Soldier kicked him in the chest and rushed him with his knife in hand to stab him right in the chest. At the last possible second Clayton dodge to the right and kicked him at the side of his chest breaking over 4 ribs at once.
The soldier was desperate to win as he threw his Knife at the medic even before he could threw it. Clayton jumped in and caught the blade and threw it back towards the soldier hitting him right in the left thigh slicing off the femur. 
Clayton stepped in as he stated to the soldier about making people suffer because they only wanted to protect their family. The soldier just laughed at him stating that they were not even human and are just living organs for them to extract for the glory of their own species.
The Promethian had heard enough as he grabbed his face and bashed the soldier’s head into the reinforced titanium column. The soldier was not done as he grabbed Clayton’s arm in a desperate attempt to break free but the Promethian stomped the soldier’s back breaking his spine in half. 
Clayton then threw him to the wall and grabbed the butcher’s knife and threw it at the soldier’s chest killing him in an instant. 
“Well that wasn’t fucking easy... But good riddance to bad rubbish!” Clayton said as he clapped his hands.
He walked back to what remained of his partner and grabbed her weapon heart as the body was already battered and broken. 
“Thank you Trenchy for helping me out since our first day with the Boss man I’ll fix you right up when we get back home.”Clayton said as he placed the Weapon heart in his back pack.
He walked back to the Iso-stretcher and prepared Willow for transport when explosions were heard just outside of the room. Clayton rushed out to see the battle was getting one sided as more and more soldiers poured through the Elevator hall. 
The Promethian took cover beside Rex and grabbed a nearby assault rifle and opened fire at the incoming wave of enemies.
“What happened to your chain gun?” Rex asked.
“I dealt with an ass in the torture room... Trenchy got hit hard boss Cap!”Clayton reported.
“Damn it we could have used some support right now!” Rex said. 
“Captain we have more incoming!” Marky reported.
“We make our stand here until the general can get to us!” Rex ordered.
“Yes sir!’ The two saluted.
As the battle in the torture level raged on meanwhile at the surface of the pit the young knight was hard pressed as more and more soldiers were pouring in from outside the base.
The young knight took cover at some fallen debries as he alone defended the main entrance to the lower levels. 
“It would seem that the Vega- soldiers really don’t want us to get Willow out of here don’t they?” Kent said as he reloaded his carbines.
“Master Reporting in, over 500 more soldiers are heading this way as we speak with anti-material sub machine rifles!” Code Alice reported.
“How about reinforcements from the High Glaives?”Kent asked.
“They are 12 minutes out!” Alice reported.
Kent held his ground and fired openly at the soldiers as his armor did provide a large amount of protection his ammunition was running low. Though his carbine energy rounds could destroy tanks but it trains over 12% of the energy clip. 
He used the rapid fire mode of his carbines though it conserved his ammunition usage it also ran the risk of over heating the barrels and malfunction was too fight of a risk. As the battle was turning in the Favor of Vega the High Glaives  were too far out and had been busy dealing with the Mega fleet. 
A loud high pitched scream could be heard in the distance the Night Hawk fired its Rail gun and its lower turrets opened fired clearing a path for the scorgon to deploy on the ground.
“Wait, Lady Winter I thought I asked you to wait at the rendezvous point?” Kent asked.
“You did but you guys were having a lot of trouble so we came to help!” Winter replied.
The scorgon tank immediately took out the heavy batteries that were aimed at the Night Hawk as it landed. 
Kent could not fight against Winter’s decision making as she is the crown princess of the Frost Wolves which outranks him in every right and she is also the oldest member of the Strike team making her experience and wisdom invaluable.
“Okay Lady winter you can help... But if the situation gets dicey then get out of here!” Kent ordered.
“I won’t leave you guys... Regardless if that is a request or an order!” Winter replied.
Over 2 dozen marines and 3 knights set up defenses around the main entrance the young knight brought with him 4 marines into the main elevator shaft to see Genji was already finished cleaning up the guards that passed through earlier.
Genji reported about large number of guards pouring into the interrogation level and Without the elevator controls on his side it was going to be difficult to get a direct line from the lower level back to the surface.
“Alright, do what you can from here Genji... The rest of you with me!” Kent ordered.
“You got it boss man!” Genji saluted.
With a smile on his face the young knight walked to the edge where the elevator was and pried open the doors with his bare hands. 
“So this is going to be one big fall... Damn it... I hate heights and holes... Forget this!” Kent said out loud.
He took a deep breath and took a leap of faith into the dark pit below the three marines followed him in with their jump packs in tow.
Alice reported in as the High Glaive fleet was able to break through the second line of defense and will send reinforcements soon the Vega high fleet had recalled their forces from their reserves to defend the capital.
It would only be a matter of time before the High Glaives would be overwhelmed but knowing the High Glaives they will not easily back down. As they fell into darkness the Marines turned on the built in flash lights in their helmet to help them see and the motion sensors in their helmets helped them track where they are now.
“General we just passed through Level 41 and motion sensors are picking up a lot of activity in each floor!” Tim reported.
“Then we need to hurry Line up behind I have an idea!” Kent ordered.
SoulZero Deployed over 6 blade panels called Zone familiars automated defense drones that serve as the SoulZero’s extra arms and guns. Though independent in thought and motion they are capable of providing support to the main suit when needed. 
The familiars lined alongside the marines and acted as their primary boosters as the angel ignited it’s jet boosters the 4 of them made their way down with all speed. At the same time Rex and the others were slowly being overwhelmed by the number of soldiers as it seemed like they were not running low on bodies to throw at them.
“Shit I’m out!” Clayton shouted.
“Here my last mag make it count!” Marky shouted as he threw a plasma clip.
“Thanks... But if this is it I just want to say... I have not always not hated you!” Clayton stated.
Just before they got overwhelmed a massive explosion was heard in the elevator hall as a volley of energy clips that tore through the rows of soldiers. 
“What the hell just happened?” Clayton asked.
“Didn’t I tell you Clayton to cut down on the cursing?” Kent asked.
“Boss man? Thank the maker am I glad to see your tall skinny ass!” Clayton said as he jumped out the cover.
“I am seemingly skinny Clay I just want to point it out! and I am glad you guys are in one piece but what about Willow where is she?” Kent asked.
Clayton took the liberty of explaining what happened as Lily had a difficult time to move her as most of her organs are removed and most if not all of her blood was drained out. 
The team didn’t have much time left as the soldiers were massing for another counter attack as they worked together and moved the dismembered parts of Willow into the Iso-med-bed. 
It took a while for the entire team to get back to the surface after taking the stair hidden stairwell after the elevator shaft broke down at level 51.
“Finally...”“Wheezing”“” Clayton said as he was short out of breath.
“If we only didn’t run out of fuel half way through!” The marine reported.
“Right... At least we are through Now everyone get back to the Night Hawk we are leaving!” Kent ordered.
As the team boarded the Night Hawk just before they left the Planet they received word from their High Glaive allies regarding the science facility. It was able to escape into deep space with a large number of transport ships into the unknown region of deep space.
Despite their best efforts to save both of them Willow was the only one they could save. Everyone was upset as the Leaders of Vega abandoned their own kin as the planet was slowly falling into discord and most of their naval fleet was either destroyed, torn apart even after surrendering and fled the system. 
They regrouped aboard the Storm Raider to gather their thoughts and see about their next plan of action as to what to do with Vega and her people. Willow was brought into the Medical bay of the Storm Raider if their was any hope of giving her a second life the Medical Facility of the Storm Raider was the best shot to give her said chance. 
Clayton was slowly losing hope for Willow as she was taken away by the Knight Healers deep into the many hospitals of the Massive Arc-like ship. The young knight tapped his shoulder and told him to go with them the best thing to do was pray to the Faith for a miracle this day.
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ty-talks-comics · 5 years
Best of DC: Week of March 4th, 2020
Best of this Week: Strange Adventures #1 - Tom King, Mitch Gerads, Evan "Doc" Shaner and Clayton Cowles
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This is the Tom King I love.
The first book I read by Tom King was the awesome Grayson (2014) series post Forever Evil (2013) after Dick Grayson was “killed” by the Crime Syndicate. That book had a levity and coolness that no other book was really exhibiting at the time and King was kinda on my radar. Soon after, I’d heard that he was writing a solo Vision book and I was skeptical, but after a few issues I was sold and absorbed everything Tom King had written up to that point.
From Sheriff of Babylon to Mister Miracle, I was fully on board up until Batman got long in the tooth and Heroes in Crisis became a disaster. I have slung my fair share of mud, but Strange Adventures is an awesome return to form that blends the two amazing styles of Evan Shaner and King’s longtime collaborator Mitch Gerads. This book forms a tale of heroism and then overshadows it with horrific implications.
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Adam Strange has always had something of a STRANGE presence within the DC Universe, mostly having stories in anthology books like Mystery in Space, miniseries or being part of various teams, he’s never quite been consistent. Adam Strange is a product of the sci-fi boom of the 50s and 60s, an archaeologist from the planet Earth whisked off to protect the spaceways and his beloved second home of Rann with his lover, Alanna. He’s always been kinda silly.
Tom King takes this silliness and turns Adam’s story on its head as we open to Strange doing a book signing of his memoir, Strange Adventures. At some point, he seems to have sold the story of whatever he did during some terrible war on Rann (that will definitely be expanded on later) and his name is on the lips of every American citizen, talk show host and politician as he and Alanna bask in their newfound fame.
In just the first few pages, Gerads and Shaner illustrate what kind of contrast we’ll be seeing throughout this series. During Gerads’ scenes, Adam is doing normal things, signing books, accepting awards, doing press and lying in bed (in more ways than one). King scripts the dialogue as being pretty casual in these scenes, the way that people talk when they’re alone or have a spotlight shone on them. Colors are striking, but the scenes aren’t dynamic, more somber with specific focuses.
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Shaner, on the other hand, get’s splash pages of Adam flying through the skies and facing down hordes of his enemies with heroic poses, laser gun fire and explosions. It looks like a high action, pulp comic or Saturday morning cartoon and the dialogue is comparably cheesy. These scenes are meant to paint Strange as the persevering hero as he has to face down insurmountable odds and get by by the skin of his teeth and his very handsome smile. Almost immediately, there’s a pit made in the stomach because it’s almost too unbelievable.
The closest real life comparison I’m willing to draw, before the next few issues come out, would have to be that of “American Sniper” Chris Kyle. A few years after leaving the Navy, Chris Kyle published the book which detailed his time during the Iraq War and a lot of the media painted him as a hero for his actions. The book sold gangbusters. He went on to the big talk shows, did the magazine interviews, he even got a great movie made by Clint Eastwood and Bradley Cooper, but it didn’t come without controversy.
Tom King seems to be channeling a little bit of that for Adam Strange and it works to great effect as in one scene, a pair of talk show hosts laud Strange as a hero before their interview. Gerads gives the scene a television like static as if we’re looking at it all like the rest of America. In the background we can get excited too as Adam emerges from the crowd with his jetpack and makes a grand entrance.
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However, not everything is smiles and praising as, after a fan carrying volumes of Sheriff of Babylon and Mister Miracle thanks Adam for his service, we see a panel of Adam taking off his boots in the foreground while the focus is on a bloody picture frame in the background. The picture depicts Adam, Alanna and their daughter Aleena, who is conspicuously absent from the present day scenes. The blood on the picture speaks volumes more than could be said in these initial pages.
After another man screams at Strange, calling his depiction of events a lie, the pit in the stomach grows deeper as the first seeds of doubt are sown. Things are made even worse as we get a scene soon after with Shaner’s stellar art. The earlier scene made use of Cowles perfect letters with “BOOOOOOMs” and “PEW PEWs” to sell the sci-fi aspect of it and takes it to a higher level with even better balloons that placed comical emphasis on the more outworldly elements of Strange’s origins like Zeta Beam and Protector of Rann.
This comical heroism is emphasized as Adam screams about protecting his family while firing lasers at a mech created by Rann’s enemy, the Pykkts. Shaner draws Adam as being miniscule by comparison, but also nimble enough to dodge it’s blasts and taking it down with a few shots from his laser pistol. As he raises his hand in victory, one can’t help but wonder...was the event true? 
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The same can be said when Shaner draws Adam zipping past a giant lizard creature, flossing his teeth as he goes in and out of his mouth like a real action hero. Adam Strange has always been capable, but this has an air of embellishment to it. Things get even worse for Adam as the man who screamed at him is found dead with what appears to be an exploded head due to laser gun fire. It’s an absolutely horrific scene that only Gerads could pull off.
We get a number of awesome pages of both Adam and Alanna doing damage control. The symbolism of Adam’s jetpack being a focus with a reflection of both Alanna and the picture is powerful as the implication seems to be that whatever happened to Aleena was somehow his fault, but Alanna still carries the scars of Rann, but doesn’t blame him. During a press conference, we see Alanna crying before wiping away her tears as Adam denies killing the man.
Where King scripted and overused the nine panel grid in Heroes in Crisis, he has Gerads use the format twice with powerful effect.
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Something about Strange’s denial of war crimes on Rann feels off, much like how people called Chris Kyle a war criminal during the movie’s release, we get that same feeling here. There are almost always horrors in war and Strange has to have left out some of the worst details of things he’s done or seen, especially since this is a Tom King story and he doesn’t shy away from the morbid. 
As the pressure intensifies, Strange turns to Batman, the World’s Greatest Detective, as someone who can help clear his name. Adam is convinced that he didn’t commit the crime, nor anything else that he’s being accused of, but Batman refuses to accept the case. Batman cites their longtime friendship as a reason that he wouldn’t be able to stay impartial and that makes a lot of sense. You never want to show favoritism, especially when there’s a chance your buddy could be a murderer.
The book ends with another nine panel grid showing Adam flipping the bloody picture down, almost as if to avoid looking at his shame and guilt while he meets that man who’ll take his case. There will certainly be some “Fair Play” in his future.
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This first issue of Strange Adventures was absolutely phenomenal. I think King does well with characters and stories like this. He did it with Mister Miracle and he did it with Kite Man in the pages of Batman. Adam Strange has always been that character who showed up in the background or the odd Hawkman story to show just how large the Universe was, but I’m glad he’s being given a focus like this. 
Of course, with Tom King, there’s always a worry that as the issues go on, things will start to go off the tracks, but I have hope. Even the worst issues of Mister Miracle or Omega Men were fantastic reads.
Evan Shaner and Mitch Gerads absolutely smashed it with their art. I love the idea of having two contrasting visions of one's life with one bright and wondrous and the other real and dark. Separately, these two are phenomenal, together they are AMAZING. I would look forward to every issue of this series for their art alone, and with King’s scripts, this is just perfect.
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This one gets a high recommend from me!
Also, support me on Patreon:
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southeastmed-spa · 1 year
Body Sculpting Clayton: Sculpt Your Dream Body
Makeover your body with body sculpting Clayton at Southeast Med Spa. Our qualified specialists provide individualized treatments to sculpt and contour your body. With the help of Southeast Med Spa shaping treatments, you may achieve your ideal body objectives. Set up your consultation right away. For more details visit us at southeastmedspa.com or call us at (919) 243-8146.
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roman-writing · 3 years
no great revelation (3/8)
Fandom(s): The Haunting of Bly Manor / Star Wars
Pairing: Dani Clayton/Jamie Tyalor
Rating: T
Wordcount: 6,444
Summary: Jamie just wants to enjoy a drink after a hard day’s work on the Telosian Restoration Project. The last thing she needs is to get herself  caught up in a mysterious woman with a lightsabre at the local bar.
Aurthor’s notes: Please don’t expect anything from this story. I’m just doodling in between writing ch11 and ch12 of ‘bring home a haunting.’
read it below or read it here on AO3
The only transport with availability they could find on short notice was a nine day trip through hyperspace on the Hydian way with a stopover on Coruscant to jump on another transport for the Byss Run. ‘Short notice’ actually being: a seven hour wait in the public hangar bays, during which both Jamie and Dani hunkered down on an unlit bench and attempted to look as inconspicuous as possible. By the end Jamie — who was not by nature a person inclined to sitting still — was ready to claw out of her own skin if it meant getting up and actually doing something. And to really make things worse, the last tickets on the transport were for eighth class quarters with only one sleeping cot. 
“I didn’t even know they had an eighth class,” Dani muttered. She tugged at the hood of her cloak as they were jostled down the crowded corridor that led deep into the belly of the ship. 
“The joys of being a Service Corps brat,” Jamie said dryly, then she grunted when she caught an elbow to the back of her knee. She growled over her shoulder at the huddle of little robed Jawas pressing in close behind her. “Hit me again, I fuckin’ dare you.”
The only response to her threats was a series of skitterish language and rude gestures. One Jawa even jumped up and down, miming hitting her again. Jamie was sorely tempted to get her handheld mining laser out and have a go, but there were about seven of them and the very idea of being dogpiled by a bunch of children-sized robe-rats was too much to bear. 
Dani seemed to not see this interaction at all, and was focused entirely on pushing ahead. She squinted at the faded room numbers over each of the narrow doors, and said, “I think this is us.” 
“About bloody time,” Jamie grumbled.
She and Dani scooched closer to the wall and as far out of the way as possible to let the mass of other low level passengers by. Jamie glared at each of the Jawas as they passed, and each Jawa in turn fixed her with their glowing yellow eyes, while Dani swiped the laminated card they’d been issued by the ticket officer. A light on the door flashed red. Dani muttered something under her breath and swiped the card again, and with a blink of green light the door hissed open.
The room inside was small enough that Jamie could hold out both arms and touch the walls on either side. The sleeping cot was little more than a slit in the wall with storage lockers built into the wall beneath. The most uncomfortable metal bench Jamie had ever seen crouched in the far corner, bolted into the wall as well to prevent theft. They hadn’t even bothered pretending there was space to make food; for the next nine days it was all dietary supplements or overly priced galley grub on the upper canteen deck. 
“Looks cosy,” Jamie said, peering in over Dani’s shoulder. 
“How long did that droid say the trip was again?” Dani asked, gripping the straps of her bag at her shoulder.
“Nine days.”
The two of them looked back, and marinated in the notion that they would be spending nine whole days in such close quarters that one could barely turn in a circle without hitting the other. 
“Where are the bathrooms?” Dani asked.
“Dunno. Let’s find out.” 
Jamie nudged at Dani’s back, and the two of them stepped inside. The door hissed shut behind them automatically and sealed itself with the blink of another red light. While Dani set down her bag on the bench, Jamie started hitting random buttons on the panel by the door to see what they all did. The first dimmed all the lights. Useful. She turned them back on. The second opened the door again, which she quickly shut. The third opaqued the tiny port hole that admitted a view of the cramped hallway outside. And the fourth slid back a wall panel opposite the cot.
“Found the toilet,” Jamie said. “And the shower.”
Dani, who had crouched down to open the storage lockers beneath the cot, straightened and turned around. She made a face. “All in one?”
Jamie poked her head inside. “Seems like it. Smells clean, at least.”
Indeed, the industrial-strength cleaning vapours were so overpowering they made her eyes water. Screwing up her face, Jamie leaned back. Dani came to stand beside her and investigate the ablutions closet as well. The moment she caught sight of the tiny mirror bolted to the wall inside however, she made a strangled noise and jerked her gaze aside. Jamie watched in puzzlement as Dani whipped back around and tried to pass it off as a cough.
Without a word, Jamie hit the button to shut the panel that hid the ablutions closet. “You all right?” 
Still facing the other direction, Dani nodded. She cleared her throat and said in the most unconvincing tone possible, “Yeah. Fine. I’m - I’m fine.” 
Carefully Jamie slipped past Dani so that they didn’t brush against one another. She dropped her own travel pack onto the bench beside Dani’s and unzipped the main compartment to rummage around inside. 
“Don’t reckon there’s much chance the menagerie will die down until well after we’ve hit hyperspace.” Jamie checked the time on her travel credentials chit, hitting a few buttons on the display until it was set to a standard self-regulating clock so she could actually remember to sleep on a decent schedule. “But if you’re hungry, I can battle my way to the canteen on deck 34?” 
“No. Thank you. The lunch we had at the hangar terminal was enough.” 
Peeling back the packaging of a dietary supplement from her bag, Jamie shrugged. “Suit yourself,” she said, and tossed back the supplement with a dry swallow and a grimace. Another quick search around the room revealed a tiny spigot protruding from one of the walls, which delivered a dribble of fresh water when she set an open travel bottle beneath it. Jamie took a grateful sip, then filled up the bottle to the brim before capping it. 
“Wish they’d just knock you out flat for trips like these,” Jamie said. “But then they couldn’t gouge us at the souvenir shops, I guess.” 
Behind her, she heard a begrudging huff of laughter. When Jamie turned around it was to find Dani with her hands around her stomach, as though trying to give herself the galaxy’s most ineffective hug. Dani glanced up and shuffled her weight back and forth in obvious discomfort. Even now, standing as far from one another as they could, Jamie could easily reach out and touch her if she tried. 
“I - uh -” Dani made a feeble gesture towards the panel that hid the ablutions closet. “I thought I saw something. That’s all.” 
Jamie shrugged. “Didn’t ask. Not my business.” 
Beneath their feet, Jamie could feel a slight rumble as the engines hit maximum burn. There was a momentary feeling of weightlessness, and then the familiar pull behind her navel when they finally hit hyperdrive. Some ships — sleeker, more capable ships than this — liked to make an experience out of going into hyperspace. Like pushing in the throttle on a first rate speeder. This experience however could only be described as lumbering. Like an overworked beast of burden taking that first reluctant step towards its destination.
Letting out a long tired exhale, Jamie said, “Right. Nothing left to do, then.”
And without further ado, from her bag she pulled out a set of pajamas — the only set of other clothes she had brought with her, to be perfectly honest, apart from a heavy thermal jacket in case they got stranded on an ice-ridden hell hole like Hoth or some shit — and began to change. 
Unlike the previous nights, Dani did not avert her gaze or get flustered. Instead, her eyes traced the tattoo on Jamie’s shoulder, a series of vines and flowers curling down the bicep of her right arm and partway up her neck. A large enough piece to be eye-catching, while also easily concealed by clothing. Not that the Jedi Order cared about tattoos. Just that some planets had different rules than others, and when you hopped from place to place as often as Jamie did, then you hedged your bets. 
“Does it mean anything?” Dani asked, nodding towards the tattoo.
Pulling a soft shirt on, Jamie shrugged. “Means I was young and stupid. Seemed like a good idea at the time.” 
Dani didn’t have a reply to that, though the expression on her face said that she didn’t buy Jamie’s story for an instant. She squeezed by Jamie to start pulling out her own set of sleeping clothes, and Jamie had to hop out of the way while tugging a pair of sweatpants up her thighs. 
“Don’t suppose you have any you’d like to share with the class?” Jamie asked, giving Dani a quick once over. 
Dani, who had been in the process of taking off her cloak, froze, then continued what she was doing once more. “No,” she said, facing the wall so that her back was turned to Jamie. 
“Thought it was a fair question,” said Jamie. She stepped atop the first rung of the ladder built into the wall so that she could inspect the cot in all its glory. Thin sheets. Thin mattress. Thin pillows. Happy days. 
“I appreciate tattoos,” Dani answered, her voice muffled momentarily by the shirt she pulled over her head. “But I’ve never wanted one for myself.” 
“Fair enough.”
When Jamie had assured herself there were no unfortunate bugs or surprises in the bed, she hauled herself up into the cot. She had to lie flat to slip in, and the ceiling was close enough to her face that when she was on her back she could make out every scratch and detail in the panels. 
“Well, this is shite,” she muttered. Turning her head to one side, Jamie asked, “Do you get claustrophobic? Only that I can take the end nearest the wall if you’d prefer.”
Dani went very still in the act of pulling on a thicker set of socks. Then she gave Jamie a guilty little nod.
“All right.” Jamie shuffled over some more until she was wedged up against the wall. 
Padding across the small room, Dani dimmed the lights before she climbed up into the cot beside Jamie. It was so cramped with the two of them, that there was no way they couldn’t not touch, and there was no way for Jamie to plaster herself against the wall any more than she always was. Eventually Dani was lying flat on her back, sheets pulled up to her chest, and staring unblinkingly up at the ceiling, while Jamie tried her damndest to not move too much. 
A futile effort, in the end. With a muttered curse, Jamie wriggled around so she could reach up and scratch at her own tattooed shoulder. Dani frowned over at her quizzically, and Jamie answered, “Got a scar. It itches like mad sometimes.” 
Dani hummed a wordless note. When Jamie had finally stopped scratching, she asked, “Why are you helping me?”
Jamie adjusted her pillow and said, “I don’t like Czerka. And, well, I guess I’m stuck with you now.”
Through the dark, Dani’s expression was inscrutable. She rolled over to face Jamie, and the pillow obscured her partly so that the only eye that watched Jamie was the one that seemed to gleam golden in the deep shadows of her face. “You just left your whole life behind on a whim.”
“Jedi aren’t supposed to form attachments,” said Jamie. “Even Force sensitives are discouraged from it, generally. Especially at the Temple.” 
Dani blinked at her. “I’m sorry if I was too forward, or -”
With a snort, Jamie shook her head. “Not at all what I meant. Just — I move around a lot. And you’ve seen my apartment. Did it look like I was planning to stay long?” 
Rather than answer, Dani asked, “Do you not like the places you live in?”
“I like them fine. Telos IV is fine.”
“What about family?” 
Jamie arched an eyebrow. “What about them?” 
“Well -” Dani faltered over this for a moment. “I miss my mother. She’s awful and she drives me crazy, but I still miss her.” 
She said it like it was an example, an invitation for Jamie to give her own in return. 
“Don’t have one,” Jamie said. 
“What? Nobody?”
“But what about -? I mean -” Dani blew out a frustrated breath before continuing. “Surely there are people who care about you. You’re a good person.” 
“You’ve known me three days,” Jamie pointed out. “Less. Two and a half.” 
“Jamie,” she said in an admonishing tone.
With a sigh, Jamie rolled onto her back. She could hear their neighbours through the thin walls. Someone was playing thumping music and talking loudly amongst themselves in a language she did not understand, until they blended into a drone of white noise. 
“Attachments are forbidden for Jedi,” Jamie repeated, “but I’ve never been Jedi material. When I was still in training at the Temple, there were people in my group that I cared about. Sure. Formed an attachment with a youngling named Mikey. We weren’t related by blood but we might as well’ve been. I looked after him, and for a while things were good. But he was strong. Stronger than I could ever dream of being. And for people like him, people strong in the Force -” Jamie made a helpless gesture towards the ceiling. “They separated him from the rest when he was still so young. He’s a Jedi Knight now. We don’t talk anymore. He probably doesn’t even remember me.”
“I’m sure that’s not true,” Dani said softly.
Jamie’s stomach swooped, and she grit her teeth against it. “I hope it is. It’s for the best.”
“And what about these other friends? The ones we’re going to visit on Tython?” 
“Just friends,” said Jamie. “Good friends, but friends. They’re actual Jedi, and they take that shit seriously. Or, well -” she huffed out a laugh. “One of them does. Sometimes I wonder if Owen takes anything seriously. Most people, though? No. No attachments. Most people aren’t worth the effort.” 
Dani's gaze was a dart of gold through the enclosed space, the two of them cramped together, their knees brushing despite their best efforts. Then, she said, "I'm glad."
Frowning, Jamie turned her head to look at her. "About what?"
"That this isn't an effort."
Jamie opened her mouth to retort but no sound came out. It hadn't been said with venom or sarcasm. It had been resigned. Matter of fact, even. 
And before Jamie could gather her wits about her enough to formulate a response, Dani rolled over and nearly took the rest of the blankets with her. Scowling, stomach churning unpleasantly, Jamie rolled over as well and tried to get some sleep. 
Three days passed without anything noteworthy occurring, which — given the way Jamie’s week had been going so far — was a miracle in and of itself. And after three days of scouring the various lower and mid decks, Jamie could with great confidence say that no Czerka had followed them aboard this particular vessel.
Now, if only those weird fucking nightmares would go away. That would be grand.
Jamie was at the canteen bar on the mid decks. She was allowing herself to indulge in the vice of a foamy alcoholic beverage which resembled beer but which definitely wasn't beer. The location she would've preferred to drink at — a corner table with an excellent view of the whole room, and good access to one of the side exits — was already occupied by a group of surly looking humans, which meant that Jamie was forced to drink at the bar itself. She nursed her not-beer and tried not to think about how she still had six more days of sleeping beside a very attractive woman who was alternatively clingy or kick-y in her sleep.
Right when she was constructing ways of padding Dani's legs — more socks would do the trick, surely; and the woman was always bloody cold; she wouldn't complain — Jamie felt a frisson run down her spine. She straightened from her stoop with a frown, and looked around the room for any indication of new threats or danger.
Which was when someone stepped up to the bar beside her. He waved down the droid bartender and ordered himself a drink. Non-alcoholic. She looked at him, and went tense.
When it had seemed that she could finally allow herself to relax, to enjoy this leisurely cruise through hyperspace — as much as anyone could enjoy passage in their shit quarters — Jamie just had to go run into a Jedi.
An actual Jedi this time. Brown robes. Lightsabre. The whole lot. In fact, the last thing she noticed about him was his lightsabre. It was everything else that gave him away. The way he held himself. His clothes. The way he even breathed.
Immediately, Jamie buried her nose back into her glass and prayed that he wouldn't look her way.
He did. Of fucking course he did.
His sharp eyes promptly found the Service Corps dog tags hanging from her neck. Jamie was still mentally kicking herself for wearing them today, when he slanted his head sideways to read her Corps Assignment on the metal tags.
"And how is Telos?" he asked without preamble.
Jamie shrugged and stifled the urge to walk very quickly away. "Scarred," she said, "but alive."
He hummed. The droid brought him his beverage, and he murmured his thanks before turning his attention back to her. "And you're heading to Coruscant," he remarked thoughtfully. "Are you being Reassigned?"
Jamie shook her head. She bought herself some time by taking another sip of her not-beer. "Nah. Been three years since I've seen some friends on Tython. Thought I ought to say hello. They'll be sick of my pre-recorded postcards by now."
His answering smile was small, a thing barely there. Then there was a flicker of his brow. "You know," he said slowly, "I think I recognize you."
Well, that sure wasn't ominous. Not in the slightest. 
"Oh?" said Jamie. 
"Yes. You used to be ExplorCorps, didn't you?" He leaned closer, elbows on the bar, considering her. "My old Master was a Seeker. He showed me the proceedings of a smuggling bust he took part in about four years ago on an undisclosed planet near Nar Shaddaa. You gave the testimony that sent that Hutt crime lord to prison."
Jamie bought herself a second by buying her nose in her glass and taking a deep drink. So much for identity suppression. "Ah - yeah. That was me. Small galaxy, innit?"
He held out his gloved hand. “Pasha,” he said.
Switching her not-beer to her other hand, Jamie took his hand and shook it. “Jamie. And what brings you here?"
Setting his hand down, Pasha tapped his fingers against the bar top. Then he surveyed the rest of the room, as though checking for eavesdroppers. "I trust I can rely on your discretion?" he said in a tone that was too casual.
"Yeah. 'Course."
The droid bartender trundled by on its treads, and Pasha waited until it was gone. “I am investigating a murder."
It felt like a bucket of ice water had been dumped over Jamie’s head. "Someone in the Order?" 
His expression was grave, and he nodded. "A young Consular by the name of Edmund. His body was found on a transport cruiser passing through Vurdon Ka. We believe it was the work of a Sith assassin."
Well, that was new.
"What? That close to the Core Worlds?" Jamie asked, and her voice was as incredulous as she could make it.
"Yes," he said and he was the definition of sombre. "You understand why this is so important. If the Sith have managed to infiltrate so deeply into the Core, then the risk to the Republic is far greater than we had thought."
"Well, fuck," Jamie muttered. Though not for the reason he probably thought. 
She really had to go and get herself involved in the biggest clusterfuck of the decade. No. Biggest clusterfuck of the century. 
“We’re almost finished making our sweep of the ship,” Pasha sighed as he lifted his glass for a sip. “I’ll be glad to be done. It’s tiring work, and this assassin somehow manages to slip through our fingers every time we get close.” 
Wait, wait, wait. Hold the holo. 
Jamie jabbed her finger against the bartop. “You think the assassin is on this hunk of junk?” 
He nodded, lowering his glass. “We’ve done a thorough check through the upper and mid decks the last few days. Just making our way to the lower decks now.”
“I’m down there, and I haven’t seen anything,” Jamie said, hoping she didn’t sweat straight through her shirt. “Now, I’m no Knight, but I think I would know a Sith assassin if I saw one.”
“Have you ever met a Sith before?” 
Jamie paused. She’d had plenty of dealings with Sith associates over the years — smugglers, crime cartels, weapons dealers, drug runners, you name it — but an actual Sith in the flesh? She shook her head. 
“Pray you never do,” Pasha said darkly. 
Jamie felt the hairs on the back of her neck and arms lift with a shiver. Then the sound of heavy boot steps approached the bar. Two masked Troopers in scuffed body armour stopped behind them, the Republic insignia emblazoned in blue on their left shoulders. They were walking talking weapon arsenals with more military tech between them than the rest of this sorry boat combined. One had a massive assault cannon strapped to her back and a bandolier of grenades clipped across her chest. The other was armed with a blaster rifle, a shielding pack, and an honest to fuck harpoon. Jamie sank down into her bar stool a little further. 
“Sir,” one of them said, her voice muffled through the helm. “We are ready to descend into the lower decks whenever you are.” 
Pasha gave Jamie a commiserating look and then drained his glass in one long pull. “Seems like the job is never done,” he said with a smile. “May the Force be with you.” 
Jamie lifted her own glass in reply, watching them go without taking a sip. The two Troopers cleared the path just by walking in a straight line. People scrambled out of their way. The three of them passed through a door, rounded a corner, and they were gone. 
Exhaling the breath she had been holding, Jamie slumped against the bar, letting her head rest against the cool and slightly sticky surface. She could hear the whir of mechanical treads as the droid bartender shifted position behind the bar. Jamie lifted her head. 
“Oi,” she whistled to get the bartender droid’s attention. 
It stopped cleaning a glass and gave her a low tired beep.
“Is there some sort of tech or maintenance shaft I can use to get to the lower decks fast?” Jamie asked. 
Another beep, and a spindly mechanical arm popped out of the droid’s flank to poke a button. The garbage chute sprang open from the wall. Craning her neck, Jamie wrinkled her nose as she looked down into the chute, which ended in a trolley full of rubbish that was just big enough for her to fit inside if she tucked in her legs and arms. 
With a deep sigh, Jamie bolted back the rest of her drink, then stood and started to round the bar towards the chute. “Fuck me.” 
Jamie was still picking eggshells from her hair when she walked the corridors of the lower decks. At least the bar’s garbage had mainly consisted of fresh fruit rinds and nut shells, though she had a stimcaf stain on her pants that would take an age in the ablutions closet to get out later. She hurried along the hallway, pushing past clumps of other passengers who wandered about or chatted with one another. 
For the first time since stepping foot on this ship, she wished they’d gotten a room on an even lower level deck. This was only two decks beneath the canteen, and battle-hardened Republic Troopers weren’t exactly known for sitting on their hands. 
The door to their room was open, and Dani was nowhere to be found. Swearing under her breath, Jamie looked left and right down the hallway, hands on her hips. She checked the time at her wrist, and then continued down the corridor at a light jog. Every open room she passed, every tightly-confined communal space, Jamie poked her head in for a quick check, until finally she found her.
Dani was, of all places, twenty doors down with the Jawas. She was sitting cross-legged on the ground, nursing a steaming mug of something or another while listening intently to the surrounding seven Jawas chittering at her. Jamie stopped in the open doorway, slightly out of breath. 
“That’s extortion!” Dani remarked, and one of the Jawas nodded emphatically. Then she said, “I’m very impressed.”
This earned Dani a series of gratified chirps from all of the Jawas, one of which eagerly topped up Dani’s mug with more of whatever beverage they were all drinking. She thanked him, and several of the others began demanding Dani’s attention with small sharp hand gestures and fast-paced prattling. 
One of the Jawas noticed Jamie's presence and started making a high-pitched growl, like a territorial womp rat. The noise alerted the others, including Dani, who glanced up.
"Can we talk?" Jamie asked. She stepped further inside the room with a furtive motion for Dani to approach her.
Looking puzzled, Dani handed the mug to the Jawa sitting closest to her, then rose to her feet and crossed the room. “Is there something wrong? Why do you smell like orange juice?” 
“Long story.” Jamie smacked the button which shut the door and opaqued the tiny porthole that peered into the Jawas’ quarters. Lowering her voice so that the Jawas couldn’t easily hear her, she whispered, "There’s a Jedi on board and two Republic Troopers. They’re looking for you and they think you're a Sith assassin."
Dani stared at her. "But -" she spluttered, "I'm not."
"I know that. But they don’t."
Dani glanced towards the door, then at the Jawas. She worried her lower lip between her teeth. “What do we do?” 
“We hide and hope that once they’ve cleared this deck, they don’t come back,” said Jamie. “I don’t know how much time we have. They were making their way down here right as I left.” 
"Spike was telling me -"
Dani pointed to the Jawa she’d handed her mug to. "Spike."
"You learned their names?"
"They're cute!" Dani insisted.
Right as she said it, one of the Jawas snatched up what appeared to be a tiny live rodent from a container, and swallowed it whole. The rodent vanished into the impenetrable darkness of the Jawa's hood, until even its wriggling tail was slurped up as well.
"Yeah, they're fuckin' adorable," Jamie said dryly.
“Spike was telling me,” Dani repeated more firmly this time, “that there are ventilation ducts that they use to pressurise the cabins during take off and landing.”
“And what happens if they decide to de-pressurise the cabins while we’re in there?” 
“We’re in hyperspace. What are the chances we’re going to be boarding anything?”
“The way my luck is going,” said Jamie, “I’m willing to say the chances are pretty bloody high.” 
“Do you have any better ideas?” Dani asked, and there was an edge to her voice that from anyone else would have sounded angry, but which Jamie could already tell was just fear bleeding through. 
“I do, actually.” Jamie jerked her thumb towards the door behind her. “We ride the rubbish chute to the upper decks and lie low until they finish their sweep down here. They’re not going to retrace old ground, and once they’ve cleared the entire ship, we’re gravy.” 
“The garbage?” Dani furrowed her brow, giving Jamie a once-over. “Oh, I see. That explains it.”
In the background, a few of the Jawas had huddled around a small handheld screen and started chattering excitedly amongst themselves. Jamie and Dani ignored them until Spike scurried over and tugged at the trailing ends of Dani’s cloak. Both of them turned to listen, and Jamie felt her blood pressure tick up in real time. 
“What?” Dani asked, face going pale.
“They can’t have made it to this deck already,” said Jamie to Spike. “You must be seeing things.”
In answer, Spike motioned towards the cluster of Jawas, one of whom turned the little screen around to show the holo it displayed. They had somehow hooked into the security feed and on the screen, clear as day, was Pasha and the two Troopers, striding down the corridor towards them. 
Without peeling her wide eyes from the screen, Dani asked in a trembling voice, “Where did you say the garbage chute was located?”
“They’ve already passed it,” Jamie muttered.
Yammering in agitation, Spike pointed towards the ceiling, where a vent was located just above the sleeping cot. Jamie groaned.
“Oh, all right,” she relented. “C’mon.”
Picking their way across the Jawas’ quarters was like navigating a minefield. There was junk sprawled all over the place in piles. It was a mystery how they even managed to get it all in here. When Jamie climbed the ladder beside the cot, there were two sets of glowing yellow eyes watching her from the dark corner of the bed.
“‘Scuse us,” Jamie mumbled and pulled out her mining laser to cut the vent free just enough so that it swung open on two rusted hinges.  
If Jamie wasn’t in the habit of hauling herself up trees all day, she would’ve had a hard go at clambering into the crawlspace. As it was, she grunted and pulled herself up. With a bit of wriggling — her hips got stuck in the small vent opening — she managed to get inside. She held a hand down for Dani just as there was a knock on the door. 
“Let’s go,” Jamie muttered more to herself than anyone else, as she heaved Dani up and into the ventilation shaft with her. Dani scrambled in and Jamie barely had enough time to seal the vent shut before the door opened with a hiss.  
Jamie was squashed between metal on three sides and Dani on the other. The only light in this space shone through the slats in the grating. Every breath was loud, as loud as Jamie’s heartbeat. She couldn���t have moved much if she tried. At her feet she could feel the shaft turn a corner, and any attempt to crawl along after it would end in one or both of them getting well and truly stuck. 
“Pardon the intrusion,” Jamie heard Pasha’s cultured voice. 
"Official Republic business," said one of the Troopers, his voice sounding muzzy through the speakers of his helmet. "Your cooperation is appreciated and expected. Any opposition will be met with force."
The Jawas jabbered and quibbled, but the sound of heavy boots stepping into the room regardless of their protestations was unmistakable. One of the Troopers, the one with the harpoon strapped to his back, stepped into view right below the vent. Jamie watched him crouch down and open up the storage lockers beneath the cot for inspection. 
Dani’s eyes were squeezed shut. Jamie could feel the way she was trembling all over. Reaching up, Jamie took her hand, but Dani’s only reaction was to clutch it in a white-knuckled death grip. Jamie winced, the bones of her hand creaking, but she did not pull away. 
“What’s this?” 
The Trooper below had dragged something out from the locker, while his partner searched the ablutions closet. The Trooper nudged a large crate with the barrel of his blaster rifle, then turned to a nearby Jawa. “Open it,” he ordered.
The Jawa needed the help of two friends to heave the lid of the metal crate back. The Trooper had his blaster rifle tucked up against his shoulder, ready to fire, only to lower it once more, when the crate’s contents were revealed to be piles of more useless junk. Tangled skeins of wire. Dismembered droid parts. The works. 
“Have you checked the cot?” his partner asked. 
“Nothing but a litter at roost,” the Trooper replied. 
Pasha spoke up from the doorway. “What about the vent? It looks like it’s been tampered with.” 
Dani’s breathing started growing fast and shallow. She was a line of tense muscle pressed up against Jamie’s front, her jaw clenched so tight Jamie was amazed she hadn’t cracked a tooth. There was a groan of metal around them and whole sections of the walls started to flex and bend in an alarming manner, as though something were attempting to crumple the entire shaft in one massive fist. Meanwhile, Dani’s shaking fingers dug painfully into the skin of Jamie’s hand.
Double shit. 
“Shhh,” Jamie whispered. “Shh.”
Dani’s brow was furrowed and her breathing had shot straight past panting and into hyperventilating. The pipes beyond the crawlspace hissed and whined. 
Below them, the Jawas were crowding around the two Troopers, but Jamie paid them no attention. With her free hand, she cupped Dani’s cheek and said softly, “Look at me. Dani. Hey.” 
Dani opened her eyes, expression raw and panicked. Jamie could feel every sweeping exhalation as Dani struggled for air. 
“With me,” Jamie murmured, and she breathed in and out with slow exaggeration. In through her nose. Out through her mouth. 
Slowly Dani matched it, her muscles relaxing in the smallest of increments while Jamie coaxed her along, until they were breathing in synch, until Dani’s forehead rested gently against her own, noses brushing. 
“All right, all right,” Harpoon Trooper growled below them. “We’re going. You’ve made your point.” 
The Jawas were still talking over one another all at once and waving their tiny robed arms while the Troopers stomped out of the room. It was a small thing, the relief that burst like little fireworks in Jamie’s chest. She smiled, then breathed in sharply when that relief continued to branch out into something more, something alive, electric, and beyond herself. She gave Dani’s fingers another squeeze and shook her head quickly.
The Force retreated like a skittish hand reaching forth in the dark, but it was too late.
The footsteps below them had gone quiet. 
"Is something wrong, sir?" one of the Troopers asked.
"I thought I felt something,” said Pasha slowly. “We went too quickly through the deck above this one. I want to go back.” 
“But -”
“There is something above us, Commander,” Pasha insisted, and his voice was stern. “Ignore this floor, and let us go with haste.” 
When they had finally gone, Jamie allowed her body to slump with a beleaguered sigh. Then she began to laugh softly. One of her hands was still cupping Dani’s jaw, and she brushed her thumb over the round bluff of Dani’s cheek, tucking a lock of blonde hair behind her ear. 
“Well done, love,” Jamie said with a smile.
Dani’s gaze was surprisingly steady for someone who had just been in the throes of a panic attack. She swallowed thickly. “Thank you,” she breathed. 
It was an extraordinarily bad idea to glance down at Dani’s mouth. Jamie hadn’t even realised she’d done it until Dani blinked at her, tongue darting out to wet her lower lip. A nervous, automatic gesture, but one which Jamie could not ignore. 
“I think we can leave now,” Dani said. 
“Right.” Jamie cleared her throat and let go of Dani quickly. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay. I didn’t mind.” 
While she worked to open the vent again, Jamie had to sternly remind herself that Dani was a wanted murderer, and that the warmth pooling in her gut was a very very bad idea. Dani was silent as Jamie urged her to go first. One after the other, they squeezed themselves out of the vent and dropped down onto the floor below. 
When Dani did it, the Jawas caught her and cooed over her, patting off the dust from her clothes. When Jamie did it, the Jawas let her fall in a bruised and graceless heap onto the floor.
“Thanks, mate,” Jamie grunted at Spike.
Spike narrowed his yellow eyes, then offered Jamie a mug of that steaming stuff they’d been drinking before. Sitting up and brushing herself off, Jamie took it. The drink tasted like battery acid warmed over, but it filled her with such a mild and pleasant feeling that she drained the cup. 
“They’re not going to stop looking, are they?” 
Jamie ran a hand through her hair. “No,” she said. “Don’t reckon they will. He sensed that, so he knows now there’s something on board. He’ll be back.” 
Dani twisted her fingers together. When a Jawa offered her a cup, she demurred with a murmur. “So, now what?” 
Tipping her head back towards the ceiling, Jamie closed her eyes. She mulled over their options, then shook her head with a wry grin. “God. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to do this.” She waved the mug at Spike. “Don’t suppose you lot have a long-range transceiver I could borrow? Preferably untraceable, but beggars can’t be choosers.” 
Rather than hop immediately into action, Spike looked at Dani for confirmation. Dani nodded and said, “Please.” 
With a series of noises that could only be described as high-pitched grumbling, the Jawa rummaged around in the still open crate that the Troopers had inspected earlier. He unearthed a dented and ancient subspace transceiver, dusted it off, and handed it over to Jamie. 
“The hell is the range on this thing?” Jamie muttered to herself as she turned it on.
The transceiver blinked to life with a flicker of white noise. Hoping beyond hope that the frequency was still the same as she remembered, Jamie keyed it in and hit the transmit button. 
For two of the longest minutes of her life, the only answer was a blur of static. Then a familiar voice crackled to life. 
“Well, well. Jamie Taylor. Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”
Jamie’s smile was more of a grimace. “Hello, Rebecca. Remember how you owe me a favour?”
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calorieworkouts · 6 years
The 8 Best Physical Therapy Methods Explained
From breaks to contusions to bursitis, physiotherapists have a special knack for examining the human body and aiding recover it back to optimal efficiency. Equipped with cutting edge tools and also a big background of expertise, PTs could help diagnose as well as treat numerous usual ailments and also motion disorders. Despite having a multitude of trendy toys (laser therapy anyone?), their most helpful device for therapy could be their hands. Read on for the need-to-know on the most prominent treatment choices for whatever injury may come along.
Let's Experience Bodily - The Assessment
The primary step in the therapy process of any kind of excellent bodily specialist is examination. Expect therapists to ask thorough inquiries regarding how the injury transpired, yet additionally do some professional sleuth work (because the damaged location could be a result and not the starting point of bad movement). According to Dr. Mike Reinold, a Boston-based PT and also therapist for the Red Sox, specialists could have the ability to lower the pain promptly, however that will just be short-lived unless they take care of the origin cause of the problem.
Although clients may involve see specialists for a range of causes, low back aches, knee pain, and overuse injuries are amongst one of the most usual complaints. Complying with an extensive investigation, specialists will begin to outline a treatment plan, which will frequently include passive modalities (ice, heat, laser therapy, and electric excitement among others). But generally, manual treatment - a term that includes several techniques of recovering tissue function like massage therapy, extending, as well as workout - is the structure for the analysis and treatment of an injury, Reinold states. Simply do not prepare for jumping (or running, swimming, or training) back right into task promptly. According to Dr. Eugene Babenko, a bodily therapist based in New York City, the average size of care for bone and joint (read: bone as well as muscle injuries) can be anywhere from four to 6 weeks.
Putting the Pieces Together - The Treatment
Ready to experience going on the road to recuperation? Prior to going to your local PT office blindly, Greatist spoken with Reinold as well as Babenko to damage down the most efficient therapy techniques for a range of disorders, huge and tiny. Note: The adhering to section covers general assessments, not indicated to take the place of professional clinical advice, which will differ on a case-by-case basis.
Manual Therapy
Best for: Any injury This hands-on approach separates bodily therapists from various other health professionals. Manual therapy may refer to numerous things, therapists generally employ typical techniques like extending, massage therapy, as well as hands-on reinforcing exercises to reeducate the body into proper motion and auto mechanics. 'Manual treatment is a prime method to removing movement constraints as well as aiding clients relocate better,' according to Dr. Reinold. He additionally suggests that handbook therapy ought to form the backbone of any kind of therapy plan, not techniques like ice as well as electrical stimulation.
Best for: Injuries entailing inflammation and also swelling Ice can be a significant element of injury treatment. By tightening blood vessels after application, ice is an effective way to decrease and even avoid swelling instantly following an injury. Cold treatment could likewise leave the joint more mobile and also boost hand-operated treatment. It's challenging to nail down the most efficient method, applying cold packs to inflamed areas has been shown to dramatically lower swelling in soft tissue injuries Ice treatment: exactly how good is the evidence? Mac Auley DC. Institute of Postgraduate Medication and Health and wellness Scientific research University of Ulster, Northern Ireland. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 2001 Jul,22( 5):379 -84. The usage of ice in the therapy of acute soft-tissue injury: a methodical testimonial of randomized regulated tests. Bleakley C, McDonough S, MacAuley D. Recovery Science Research Group, University of Ulster at Jordanstown, Antrim, Ireland. American Journal of Sports Medicine, 2004 Jan-Feb,32( 1):251 -61. .
Best for: Injuries including muscular spasms and also tightness Applying warmth has been revealed to lower pain and increase mobility after some injuries - mostly those including soft cells like muscular tissues, ligaments, and also ligaments Superficial warmth or cold for reduced neck and back pain. French SD, Cameron M, Pedestrian BF, et al. Monash Institute of Health and wellness Services Research, Australasian Cochrane Center, Monash Medical Center, Clayton, VIC, Australia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Testimonial, 2006 Jan 25,( 1): CD004750. The effect of heat used with stretch to raise range of activity: a methodical testimonial. Nakano J, Yamabayashi C, Scott A, et al. System of Bodily Therapy as well as Work Treatment Sciences, Graduate School of Health and wellness Sciences, Nagasaki College, Nagasaki City, Nagasaki, Japan. Physical Therapy in Sporting activity, 2012 Aug,13( 3):180 -8. Epub 2011 Dec 29. Cold therapy of sports injuries. Thorsson, O. Kliniskt fysiologiska laboratoriet, Universitessjukhuset MAS, Malmö. Lakartidningen, 2001 Mar 28,98( 13):1512 -3. . By making the tissue a lot more flexible, the therapist can better extend the affected area. Keep in mind: Heat is just one tool in order to help the therapist be more effective, Dr. Reinold says, it should not be the major emphasis of a therapy plan.
Best for: Connective cells injuries By using acoustic waves (undetectable to the human ear) to generate heat deep in the body, ultrasound therapy could assist loosen up tissues in prep work for hands-on treatment or exercise. Just how it functions: Therapists make use of a wand (sadly not the magic kind!) to use the acoustic waves straight - and also safely - to the skin. Ultrasound has actually likewise been revealed to enhance ligament-healing rate in our fuzzy equivalents (read: rats), though more research studies are had to reveal whether the exact same applies for us Effect of ultrasound treatment on the repair of Achilles tendon injuries in rats. Jackson BA, Schwane JA, Starcher BC. Division of Wellness as well as Kinesiology, College of Texas, Tyler, TX. Medication as well as Science in Sports and Exercise, 1991 Feb,23( 2):171 -6. .
Low-Level Laser
Best for: Muscular or connective tissue injuries Laser therapy makes use of certain wavelengths of light to promote healing (well below the skin so you don't really feel a point). Best-case circumstance: The therapy can help in reducing swelling, muscular tissue exhaustion, and also pain Efficacy of low-level laser therapy in the administration of neck pain: a methodical evaluation and also meta-analysis of randomised sugar pill or active-treatment regulated tests. Chow RT, Johnson MI, Lopes-Martins RA, et al. Nerve Study Structure, Mind as well as Mind Research study Institute, College of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. Lancet, 2009 Dec 5,374( 9705):1897 -908. Epub 2009 Nov 13. . It could additionally allow the specialist to move the affected joint around easier with much less discomfort.
Best for: Disc herniation When we stand, our back is consistently bearing our weight making healing from pain in the back difficult, Dr. Reinold claims. Traction entails separating vertebrae to enable more room for nerves as well as less compression on disc cartilage material. Some research shows that grip could be efficient for decreasing discomfort as well as improving lifestyle in individuals with a herniated lumbar disc Conventional bodily treatment with lumbar grip, professional examination as well as magnetic vibration imaging for back disc herniation. Kamanli A, Karaca-Acet G, Kaya A, et al. Division of Rheumatology, Department of Physical Medication as well as Recovery, Firat University, School ofMedicine, Elazig, Turkey. Bratislava Medical Journal, 2010,111( 10):541 -4. . As well as considering that it doesn't entail going under the blade, this could be an efficient treatment option for those who can not pay for a lengthy recovery.
Functional Electric Stimulation
Best for: Restoring muscular strength It's electric - no truly. Electrical stimulation, also described as ESTIM, is a typical treatment alternative to recover muscular function complying with a terrible injury. By applying a minor yet stable electric stimulation, therapists can create contractions from muscular tissues that could otherwise stay dormant. This results in recovering correct activity and also function sooner than depending on exercise alone. While ESTIM cannot bring back motion in every case, study reveals it can speed up healing following ACL as well as complete knee replacement surgical treatment during a few weeks Neuromuscular electrical stimulation. An introduction as well as its application in the treatment of sports injuries. Lake DA. Department of Physical Therapy, Northeastern College, Boston, MA. Sports Medication, 1992 Might,13( 5):320 -36. . Added study validates using ESTIM as an effective treatment option to restore feature in hemiplegic patients (those with one side of the body paralyzed) Effects of practical electrical excitement on upper limb electric motor feature and shoulder range of activity in hemiplegic individuals. Wang RY, Yang YEAR, Tsai MW, et al. Professors of Bodily Treatment, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. American Journal of Physical Medication and also Recovery, 2002 Apr,81( 4):283 -90. .
Best for: Any type of injury to remain healthy and balanced after treatment It might appear obvious, yet exercise is a go-to technique to relieve and avoid discomfort. These aren't merely any type of old run of the mill workouts - they're hand-picked to help people move much better by enhancing targeted muscle mass as well as dealing with any kind of muscle imbalances that could exist, Dr. Babenko spokens. Also, remember that lots of injuries could turn up (or repeat) from a sedentary as well as repetitive way of living, Dr. Reinold describes. (Assume: stooping over the computer or obsessing over that Instagram feed.) By executing any kind of type routine workout, those with also one of the most inactive everyday can prevent common nagging pains and also pains.
Ready to obtain taken a look at? Lots of people could be referred to therapy by their health care physicians after an initial check-up. Additionally, new state-by-state straight accessibility laws now permit those hurting to head straight to their neighborhood specialist (examine your state guidelines for specifics).
Disclaimer: Keep in mind that none of this info must replace professional medical suggestions. Always get in touch with a doctor or physiotherapist initially when those pains and pains arise!
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Welcome to the planet of beauty! It is a extremely massive globe, full with all kinds of instruments, accessories, and so a lot far more. The simple fact that elegance is a extremely individual thing, can make it appear a little bit not possible to locate what will work for you. Logan Thomas Youth Jersey can support give you some suggestions. Here is Youth Doug Flutie Jersey to make your eyes attractive and seem bigger: just brush on dark mascara. It is greatest to use a water-proof product. Use a disposable mascara wand to take away any clumps following you have used your mascara. Give oneself a quick facial at property by filling a bowl with scorching drinking water, and then steaming your experience above it with a towel draped over your head. This will open your pores and aid to eliminate black heads. Comply with with a chilly drinking water rinse to close the pores and carry on your makeup program. If you have a wide encounter, you can make it appear less wide by making use of a rosy, creamy blush only on the apples of both your cheeks. Even so, you should be cautious to not implement it also shut to your nose or lengthen the colour out previous your ears as this will make your experience appear even wider. Warmth your eyelash roller with your blow dryer. Keep your roller in entrance of your hair dryer for a handful of seconds. Be sure to verify the temperature before using it on your eyelashes simply because it could burn up you. Your eyelashes will curl greater with a minor warmth used to them. You can implement makeup to your broad-established eyes in a way that is quite flattering and can make the eyes look nearer together. Initial, apply a darkish brown or navy eyeliner to the internal corners of your eyes, then blend it with a sponge. Apply your eyeshadow at the internal corners, then blend properly outward. To give by yourself an instantaneous facelift, just apply a streak of blush along the top of your cheeks. The coloration will attract the eye upward, providing your face a tighter, a lot more youthful appearance. If you have pale skin, you are going to get the ideal effect from a pale pink. Individuals with darker skin must decide on rosy shades. Curl up your eyelashes before you implement mascara. Undertaking so will open up the visual appeal of your eyes, and make your lashes seem more time. Begin by squeezing the curler at the quite base of your eyelashes. The following action is to transfer the curler further absent from the base of your lashes and repeat the approach. This will aid give a natural curve fairly than a sharp angle. Most girls would be stunned to know that the regular woman devotes a lot more than 60 hours of her daily life to the ordeal of shaving and waxing. Laser hair elimination, although fairly costly, will save you a great offer of time and nicks on your legs, underarm, experience, and bikini region. As you can see, there is a good deal of wonderful data below. These suggestions ought to give you inspiration to make some changes and see the big difference for oneself. If Womens Mark Clayton Jersey place your mind to it, you can be the beautiful man or woman that you know you are, you just require to get out and shine.
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sarahburness · 7 years
Letting Go of Our Past Identities: When It’s Time to Move On and Evolve
“Life is the dancer and you are the dance.” ~Eckhardt Tolle
The day I decided to leave acting felt like being exorcised from my own body.
I was twenty-nine and had been dreaming of being an actor from the time I first saw a regional production of Cats around the age of eight.
I spent the next twenty-one years with laser focus on making that dream a reality—voice lessons, dance classes, summer theater intensives, constant late night college rehearsals, and finally, top conservatory training.
Even my mother, who was initially highly uncomfortable with the idea, tossed up her hands when she saw me perform and when she witnessed my resolve.
“You have just always known,” she would say with a sideways smile. “You were meant to do this.”
Acting brought me closer to the divine. I get that now. And though it took me a while, I now say that unapologetically.
What I felt when I was onstage was nothing short of connection to the divine self, to a self I could trust to fly, to do her thing without apology, my deepest self-expression, a high-vibrating force. Perhaps that was why I was so addicted to it, why I felt I needed it to feel alive.
My actor self was a mask, a costume I wore for many years. I believed I needed it to feel seen, to be admired, to become powerful. My talent and successes were proof of my worthiness to live and to be loved. The idea of taking them off instilled mortal fear.
The day I left acting, I had just finished one of my most achingly fulfilling runs. I played a meth addict named Janelle who was struggling for sobriety and love. At the end of the show, I knew the time had come to let go. I knew it was time to move on, that I was meant for work beyond it. Though I knew, it didn’t stop me from sobbing on my bed in the fetal position.
The day I left New York City, I felt like I was being exorcised from my own body.
Silent tears streamed down my face as we drove through Brooklyn en route to Virginia. My heart railed against my rib cage and my intestines temper tantrumed in rebellion.
New York City was where I found myself as an adult, as a professional.
It was where I found my people, my tribe who believed in me, my message, who called me the “white witch.” It is where I became a business woman, developed my own programs, retreats, where I started writing, where I honed my self-expression and channeled it into impact. It is where I started to feel like an independent bad-ass, who could do anything, who could dream things into reality.
I realize now that much like acting, coaching brought me closer to divine. It took me a while to say that, but I say it unapologetically now.
There was an energy that would flow through my veins, crackling with electricity. My focus would narrow and I would feel suspended in time with another human. I didn’t “think.” Information was just there for me. I was relying on a deeper intelligence, and the kicker was that it was the same energy I felt onstage.
Perhaps that is why I became addicted to my professional roles in NYC. Part of me still believed I needed them to feel close to that divine source, to feel powerful, to be worthy of love and of being alive.
When I was left in a new city without my tribe, without that admiration, without the same roles as before, without the ability to easily look into someone’s soul, for a while, I felt lost. I questioned my worth.
The day I became a mother, I felt like I was being exorcised from my own body… quite literally.
Emotionally, I was letting go of all the child selves I had been and bidding farewell to unbridled freedom. Physically, the contraction and pain left me unable to fight, and in a strange way, left me completely open to presence.
On that day, pulling my son from between my legs and onto my chest, I felt intensely connected to the divine. In the months and years following, despite the challenges, the exhaustion, and the constant couts in my ability, I feel the connection to something larger than myself growing and growing, and when I think it can’t get bigger, it just keeps on going.
And though I’m still in my early years, I can already feel myself becoming addicted to the role of mother. 
Part of me still believes I need it to feel those feelings of transcendent connection, of deep intimacy, connection with my children, of deep feminine power. I can feel how much I am already attaching, and how one day, letting go of being needed, letting my children make their own decisions, simply letting them go, will feel like being exorcised from my own body.
One day, I also know I will have to let go of the identity of a daughter, of a wife, of me.
And perhaps that is the dance of letting go of our identities, our roles, our masks and our costumes. They become second skins, and even when they become painful and frayed, we feel we need them to be safe. We feel we need them to experience love, and breaking free may always feel like we are being exorcised from our bodies.
But life never stops moving and never stops demanding our internal growth. We outgrow each phase, and each role with time. Each one eventually falls away as we become larger and more expansive. 
Life never promised to keep us safe. It wasn’t designed that way.
Life, however, will continue to hand us opportunities to become who we really are, to understand ourselves on a deep level, to experience the full breadth of human emotion.
Some of these opportunities will strip us of our false selves and our superficial attachments. Others will invite us and inspire us to play bigger in our own lives. They all serve the same purpose, however, to understand love, and ourselves, with more nuance, with more wisdom.
Life hands us the masks and the costumes until we grow into them fully, then asks us to take them off.
It will hand us the closing of the show, the chapter, and the opportunities to take them off. In doing so, life gives us the option to expand who we are underneath the costumes, to get closer to the divine, the feelings of big love, transcendence and connection in a new way that we have before.
When we attach to the identity costume we are wearing in the moment, it’s like pouring cement over our deepest selves. We are missing the point of the purpose of it, and in doing so, we are refusing our own evolution. The result is that we wind up feeling limited, stuck, and chained.
The identity may be the temporary vehicle of the deeper self, but the guidance of our soul doesn’t care much about them, which is why it may whisper to us to change paths or urge us toward something surprising to us, and scary to our identities.
We always have the self underneath who is trying on the costumes, who is constantly growing bigger and more powerful (if we are listening and feeding it). We never lose it. It is our point of consciousness. It is the life energy that is neither created nor destroyed.
Perhaps the next time life confronts me with an opportunity to take off the costume, to dance naked for a while, or to put on a new coat, I can try to hand it over with a little more grace and trust.
And the truth is, I love trying on the costumes, the masks. I love dancing around in them. Some songs are dark and melancholy. Others are full of joy. Sometimes there is silence and all I can do is lie on the floor.
I recognize, however, that each coat will eventually come off, and it is the self underneath that I am left with, and she is the source of all everything; of deep feminine power, of love, of connection, of presence, of flow, of trust, of belonging. She is who I have always been.
She just needed to see herself mirrored back in all of those costumes to see truly see that.
About Beth Clayton
Beth Clayton is a TedX speaker, lifestyle coach and owner of Soul Body Life. She helps people cut the mind chatter to release from outdated belief systems and past pain so they can connect with their intuition and accelerate momentum in their lives. You can check her out at www.soulbodylife.com and get her free e-book, "The Secrets in Your Sabotage" at http://bit.ly/2rnJkWf.
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from Tiny Buddha https://tinybuddha.com/blog/letting-go-of-our-past-identities-when-its-time-to-move-on-and-evolve/
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hishem25 · 7 years
Knowing If Graston Soft Tissue Mobilization Is Right For You With A Chiropractor In North Smithfield RI
By Clayton Maske
If you have sustained a muscle injury, chiropractic therapy offers spinal adjustments and physical therapy to provide relief. Mobility becomes severely restricted, scar tissue forms and movement compromised when damages are left without attention. With the aid of a chiropractor North Smithfield RI communities are provided Graston Mobilization to eliminate scar and tissue encourage movement to help determine whether is best for your needs. The Graston Technique involves the use of a specific medical instrument that is scraped and massaged against the skin. This initiated the bodily processes encouraging a reduction in scar tissue and pain in the soft tissues cause by trauma. This well researched approach has been shown effective in improving mobility. When you learn about alternative methods and how to manage scar tissue, the practice of GT is recommended. Such procedure does not lead to additional difficulties, but the scraping and massage can cause mild levels of discomfort around the target areas. A professional can help decrease high levels of pressure and better manage the experience of pain without having surgery performed. The implementation of Graston Techniques is beneficial to enhance blood flow and deliver oxygen at a cell level. Professional sports players benefit from the procedure while patients impacted by pain in the limbs including carpal tunnel, Fibromyalgia and other healthcare strategies can find relief. Alternative healthcare efforts can minimize limitations and help accelerate recovery. When these non-invasive techniques are determined, it can help improve function and requires patients to warm-up through stretching before it is applied. The therapy can last for 10 minutes and aims to strengthen and tone the body. Any signs of inflammation in the limbs and body can improve with the application of cold packs and laser or electrical muscle stimulation. A four to five week plan performed twice per week is sufficient for GT. After the fourth session, you may experience significant improvements depending on the nature of the injury. Chiropractors will advise on Graston efforts to address both acute and chronic conditions for the long term well-being of patients.
About the Author:
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