#last days of weimar vibes
Limp Wrist - Want Us Dead
Two men were hung in the Middle East just for being gay. Some Texas punks got killed cause someone thought that they were strange. Trannies are beat and murdered by some sick fucks full of hate.
They want us dead.
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Okay last time:
Imma say this and leave it at this,
I most definitely did send you a random phone number. It’s actually my friends so it is a real number.
I am in Weimar Germany. I could care less believe I’m in Kansas, you aren’t doing anything except clogging up your RP accounts and talk about me! Do you know I’ve actually gained followers because you keep tagging all of my accounts? I mean you do you honey. I’m just here for the vibes.
Also let’s talk about the fact that I bother you so much that you have made..how many post about me? On how many different account? That’s fun.
I sent you a random picture I found off the internet because it is not your business, it does not concern you. My daughter’s ashes weren’t pressed into a necklace, they’re in an urn.
If you want to sit there and continue to make an ass of yourself go ahead. I am not going to sit here and be like “OH NO!! BUNCH OF STRANGERS OFF THE INTERNET HATE ME!! OH WOE IS ME!!” I don’t care.
I really fucking don’t
I’ve apologized again, and again, but you all say “we don’t like your apology” go fuck yourself. I’m nice to an extent. I am a bitch, but I am not your bitch.
Have a good day.
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simtrospective · 4 years
Just some thoughts about my new save while I plan how I want to fulfill the last request in my inbox. I thought I’d write every thing down because it might help me think if I read it all back. I made it an entry you can see for those who enjoy super lengthy sims minutia. If you read this and have opinions or thoughts about where I could go with my ideas, please do share those opinions/thoughts with me!
1.) I have a family set to live in Glimmerbrook and a few ideas for the other residents there and the world’s overall vibe (I’ve not yet made the other families, nor renovated the world). I don’t care about ~spellcasters so my idea was to have at least one of the main families be immortals, and rivals with the family I’ve created already, who may themselves be immortal or half-immortal or not at all immortal but who will know that the other family is, and--whatever, who knows. Not the point.
The point is, I was making a few updates to my New Save Plans and while rereading everything, saw and thus remembered my idea to make Glimmerbrook into a vacation world/transcendentalist paradise. Recalling that plan, I still like it, and now I’m not sure what to do about anything there.
Glimmerbrook and Granite Falls feel similar. I don’t want nor need two woodsy vacation areas.
Glimmerbrook has roads designed for vehicle travel. It’s not private and seems more “active” than I want a vacation world to appear, consistently. I’d also hate to lose some of the locations as isolated residential lots.
Where will I put the family I’ve already made? They were supposed to have a peacock farm!
2.) Never mind why it took so long for me to come up with a concept for Selvadorada; I’m suddenly super into giving it a 1930s Havana vibe--actual jungle notwithstanding--and moving it from the vacation worlds into the regular playable worlds. I’ve done the adventure playthrough already and it’s not going to fit into my new save so I’m not concerned with losing/avoiding that.
I want to move at least one world into the vacation world to make up for this swap, not counting Glimmerbrook since I’m undecided about that, and I’m thinking it’ll be Sulani. I actually love Sulani as a world (my mains lived there for a while) but it doesn’t make sense to me that there’s no beach vacation spot + I’d like to leave it wide open, fun, and with a relaxed vibe. I don’t want to disrupt the natural terrain. Super basic, open-plan, two-room rental properties + beaches + one place to get food/drink + one place (maybe the same place as the food/drink spot) to drink, dance, and... flirt, and that’s it.
I do (did?) have plans for Miss Sulani and Mr. Sulani and a whole thing, but I think I can still execute some of what I want. I mean... townies, etc., generate when you visit any world, including a vacation one, so I can just visit Sulani, let the townies generate to ensure they’re tied to Sulani, and then replace them with what/who I want, right? I guess? Yeah? Yeah.
Actually... none? 99% sure I’m going to make Sulani a vacation world. 100%. 100% sure!
I never played the conservationist storyline or whatever the heck it is. I could still do that. Take a seven-day vacation in Sulani and clean the beach? I’ll have a few young, 1960s/1970s sims. A vacation to clean the beach = serving/volunteering in the Peace Corps? That was ~so hot back then. Now I get to name the sims version of the Peace Corps, so that’s fun.
3.) Let me get this straight: You’re concerned with leaving Sulani relatively untouched but want to slash and burn Selvadorada so you can have a nightclub? Interesting.
Actually, having thought about this more, I went back and looked at the pictures I took of every emptied world and I don’t see 1930s Havana working out in Selvadorada. I am now super not into this concept and don’t know what to do with Selvadorada, all over again. I still love the 1930s Havana concept and want to use it, though.
I looked at a few real life reference pictures and while I can see 30s Havana working with much of eastern Windenburg, I’m still really into eastern Windenburg as post-war Europe. “Europe” is broad, yes, and Windenburg will “be” multiple countries in one, but I don’t want to go even broader here and pull from multiple geographic regions around the globe, plus I’m already combining various cities into Oasis Springs, too, and so want to limit the “combining” approach. I looked at my world pictures again, and... Magnolia Promenade, though definitely not perfect, is the best place to put “Havana.” I think I can make it work, though, so that’s what I’m going to try to do!
Magnolia Promenade was intended to be a Coney Island-Atlantic City boardwalk hybrid, another concept I want to keep. So... where’s that all going to go? I think it could work in Willow Creek, but with so many other lots there, the [boardwalk] will not be isolated in the way that I want it to be, though spreading it across the four side-by-side Crawdad Quarter lots + putting the attractions (Ferris wheel, carousel, etc.) in that closest 50x50 lot is certainly a workable option. Ugh, I don’t know, this needs more consideration.
4.) Forgotten Hollow and Newcrest are just...
Forgotten Hollow--to repeat myself--is getting a 20s-30s vibe, a Weimar Republic vibe, a German expressionist cinema vibe. It’s getting a seedy nightclub cabaret venue. Fine. Great. But what else is going to go there besides that? I’m not interested in multiple sims who fit into this world; I already have one done, I don’t think I need more than four others, and I don’t think I want to play a household of them so what else can fit into that world that makes sense/is “justifiable” within my gameplay? Just a deco church? Even with the cemetery, that can’t be the only cemetery in my save; that’s weird. Some hippie OD’s in Del Sol Valley and gets buried in Forgotten Hollow? The smiling milkman from Brindleton Bay has a cute life and eventually dies of old age surrounded by his grandchildren and gets buried in Forgotten Hollow? I mean, once, okay, maybe ~an “average” sim has a secret~ so that their ultimate resting place is a creepy, foggy, Germanic crypt, but, also... no. That milkman idea’s a good one, tho, right? Ah, shit.
Last I updated my plan document, I shifted my Newcrest plan to Evergreen Harbor and started kicking around the idea of making the three neighborhoods into the Haves, the Have-Nots, and the... Have-Somes, I guess, because it might make for some interesting storylines despite that I don’t want to use this game to play out class inequity/inequality as a constant theme. I can have some sims be total assholes to sims who are different than they are or who don’t live in the tony part of town, but, like, all of them are going to act like that? All of them except one? And then, let me guess, a rich sim and poor sim fall in love and sneak around because their respective families blah blah blah
But, then, what on earth to do with Newcrest? It’s so... boring. I hate the 50x40 lot. Even the 40x30 lots feel too big where they are. I hate the layout. I don’t understand it. I don’t understand the location of the water nor where the hospital-looking, officey-looking deco building is, and the reasoning behind the placement/existence of those big-ass rocks behind one of the Ridgeline lots, nor how any--any--of it works together in individual neighborhoods/the whole world. I understand it’s basically Willow Creek all over again but it suckssss and it’s too open-ended and this is from someone whose first move in every neighborhood she’s ever played in this entire series is to bulldoze everything.
Since I’ve changed direction in Willow Creek--let’s say I’ll put my boardwalk there for the sake of the rest of this sentence--I could shift my suburbia ideas to Newcrest, I guess, maybe put a library there and a (deco) high school. In another save, I tried to build the world up using Baltimore/Baltimore Harbor as inspiration and it was okay for a little while, I guess, but ultimately I didn’t achieve what I wanted and it was so boring to play there, even when I liked the sims I was playing.
Again, Forgotten Hollow and Newcrest are just :P
So. More thinking to do. More planning to do.
Boy that’s a lot of words over a silly little game XD
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countryshitposts · 5 years
what if... German Empire... didn’t die after the Great War... and witnesses Weimar succeeding him and trying to restore their nation... but after too much pressure snaps and becomes TR. haha... just kidding... UNLESS???
The first day after the Great War, things have turned about in the household of the Germans. The Second German Empire had to be deposed, to be played with, and replaced by his firstborn son, Weimar. He loves his son, to the inferno and back, but he realizes that Weimar is not fit for ruling a war-torn Germany, especially when it is in debt and broke, the economy falling towards oblivion. The Second German Empire decides to stay and witness the Allies harrasing his son to giving them more money than he can ever make. But he didn't interfere. He couldn't interfere, his presence like a transparent window, always open but never closed. He lets in fresh air, his voice, to advice Weimar, but in the end he couldn't get through him.
Since Weimar was now busy with the country's affairs, The German Empire stays home and watches his grandsons, East and West, play with each other with the old toys German Empire had made for Weimar. He usually replaces their childish, happy faces with Weimar's, remembering the times his son's face was filled with delight. He rarely sees it now, often plagued with sadness, his eyes giving off a different kind of tired- sleep can't cure the circles underneath his eyes, his posture slouched due to how much workload he receives in one day.
German Empire knows that one day, Weimar might snap, and it'd be one of the worst moments of his life, and probably the twins as well. German Empire reads a book from page-to-page, feeling its smooth paper underneath his gloved hands, and smiles, liking this kind of peace and tranquility surging through his veins.
The tranquil air around the room is suddenly stolen by a cold vibe, its claws digging through the skin of tranquility, and dragging it down below with him. Weimar slams the door open, looking out of breath, clutching his chest, red in the eyes. He was wide-eyed, his blue eyes looking every where, as if searching for something that isn't there in their surroundings. The children drop their toys, looking worried for their father, who looked like he had seen a ghost. The Second German Empire closes his book and immediately makes his way towards his son, sweating as if his whole life depends on seeing his son bright-eyed and happy again.
"Son", German Empire replies, trying to touch his son's shoulders, but he ends up trying to step away from his father, limping, crawling away from him. Weimar was breathing harshly, clawing at his hair, and the Second German Empire sees a light red tint on both his son's fingers and uniform. It could be a fluid that he had seen wildly flowing in the war fields, but he didn't want to envision his times during the trenches again.
"Get away from me", Weimar snarls, his voice shaky and brittle, like it was about to break any moment with a high pitched vengeance. "J-just stop tormenting me."
Naïve, German Empire thought his beloved son was hallucinating those Allies harrasing him for money again, "I am not them. I am your father, Weimar. Please calm down, you are scaring your own children."
Instead of snapping out of it, out of this episodic attack that will mark the first time that the Second German Empire looks at his son with fear, and the first time Weimar is plagued with a brand new character walking to their lives and destroying the next thing German Empire loves, Weimar walks towards his room, muttering something about a dead cab driver.
Second German Empire tucks East and West to sleep, kissing them both on the foreheads, like how he had watched Weimar do to them so many times. He has never done this to his child, and he can feel regret seeping in. He yawns, feeling the goddess of sleep trying to tug him down, but he decides to visit Weimar's room, to ask about what had transpired this sunset. He knocks on his son's door, and hears a muffled hum, thinking it was an affirmation that he can see Weimar. Second German Empire opens the door, which squeaks, but before he can utter a word towards Weimar, he sees his son snorting a gram or two of inhalants.
German Empire and Weimar lock eyes for a few seconds- German Empire's fierce blue eyes and Weimar's ecstasy-filled ones. German Empire's concerned feelings towards his son gives way to anger and disappointment, as he reprimands and berates his son for such an inappropriate way of dealing with his problems. Before Weimar can respond to his father, German Empire slams the door loudly, to the point it echoes throughout the large house.
The second time it happens, German Empire is awoken in the middle of the night, by the sound of someone shattering bottles of gin in the cellar. He thinks it was one of the drunken states, getting ahold of German Empire's beer in an effort to drown themselves from the exhausting work being given to them. German Empire, with this light assumption, goes back to seeing black again.
Then German Empire is awoken by the sound of loud footsteps, thundering throughout the house, the wooden staircases shaking and creaking underneath their footsteps. German Empire's sharp ears hear a familiar voice, singing an old German melody, slurred. They drop the bottle of beer they were holding, near German Empire's room, and the German curses that follow it. German Empire hears the person try pick it up, but results to more cursing in German. The man gives up on trying to pick up the shards of glass, but still stands on the middle of German Empire's room, still singing an old melody. German Empire's ears are ringing, and he finally leaves the sweet comfort of his bed to investigate who was outside the door.
As he opens the door, the lights go dim, and the hallways become quiet. Confused, he tries to take one step, expecting glass shards- there were none trying to puncture his skin.
In the morning, as he and Berlin make breakfast for everyone in the German household, he sees Weimar playing with his children. His sharp eyes catches the bandages around Weimar's hands, with the a tint of the familiar red hue around it. He stares at it for a moment, but it seems to become more than a full minute as his staring becomes widely known by his son, who pulls his hands away from German Empire's eyes.
"Why are you hiding your bruise when I have already seen it?", Second German Empire asks, and all eyes turn to Weimar, including West's and East's, eyes gleaming with confusion and curiosity. "It's like you're trying to hide that you are dying to a doctor."
Weimar's blue eyes look down, but German Empire didn't back down.
"I know that you were the one breaking bottles last night, Weimar", Second German Empire approaches his son, and leans in. "Do not think I have heard your voice."
Weimar's downcast eyes turns to a look of confusion. "Papa, I have never snuck out last night!"
"Explain me hearing broken bottles and an old German melody being sung, then", he turns to the people in the room, "have you heard those sounds waking you up?"
A chorus of affirmation rises from the crowd, and Second German Empire looks at Weimar sternly, who was rapidly shaking his head.
"I swear I didn't do something as hazardly as that", Weimar says, "I would never touch Papa's bottles of whiskey!"
"Explain the wounds on your hands, son", German Empire says. "Explain how you got them."
A second of absolute silence is all what German Empire needs to get out of the house and smoke some cigars.
The third time it happens, Weimar looks like he was about to snap America in half. German Empire was quite happy to get invited to a show by America, along with Weimar and his sons.
"It's a movie", America had said, pursing her lips together to make her look like one of the American actresses German Empire had seen before, "and you four are invited." She handed the tickets to Weimar.
Truth be told, German Empire was quite delighted to see the twins being excited to go to the theatres for the first time. After all, they were born after German Empire's most embarassing loss yet, against those damned Allies. He knows he should still be wary of them, but when he sees Weimar talking to America as if they were friends, he decides that the civil meetings the two had eventually blossomed to a friendship, and German Empire loved the idea of his son finally having friends.
The theatres were quite dim, and German Empire can't help but go back to the trenches where he shared the night with Austria-Hungary, or the clinics where he sees many men die because of him. He would always see them in his dreams, forever miserably moaning and cursing German Empire, cursing and asking him why their fates had to be this cruel. German Empire would always reply that he didn't know, that the fates were cruel, that God was unjust for letting this happen to them.
When the film begins, the setting looks so familiar to the point that German Empire has to squeeze his eyes shut to not let an influx of memories take over. Then, he hears a gunshot, ringing out from the film, and he sees Weimar covering West and East's eyes. Of course, he wishes to protect the children's innocence on such violence. But when a newspaper has been printed on the film, it answers the questions to why it was so familiar.
It was a reenactment of the Great War, from head to foot.
And just like the film, the memories start to go over his head again, all his cells the equivalent of the people in this cinema, and he mentally shuts down.
He awokens to the sound of someone screaming angrily, and, as much as his head is hurting from the memories, he tries to stand up and ultimately fails, stumbling a few steps, realizing that Weimar, West and East, were nowhere near him. He sighs, trying to keep his dirty blonde hair from falling down as he looks for them with his half-asleep eyes. Sleep is softly whispering to him to come back to her domain, but he wouldn't let her, as German Empire stumbles through all corners of the theatres, and finally finds Weimar shouting at America, face full of fury. America looked bored, as if the man screaming in front of her is the least of her problems.
"Son", German Empire says softly, approaching the group and tapping his son's shoulder. Weimar swiftly turns towards German Empire with a fury, but it quickly vanishes to a worried look. "What was the movie all about?"
"It was about the Great War, Papa", Weimar says softly, unlike the shrill sounds he had been making towards America earlier. "And she tried to make us look like bad people."
America scoffs, possibly her only verbal response towards this entire conversation, "You are bad."
"We're not!", Weimar bellows, and the twins flinch at their father's harsh way of speaking. German Empire sighs, as he pulls the children closer to him, away from their angered father. "You're the bad person here, along with your family!"
We're all bad, German Empire thinks to himself, looking at his son and America as they continue their one-sided argument, that leaves Weimar in shambles, as America leaves, her heels echoing throughout the floors, and Weimar goes to the bathroom. German Empire instructs the twins to stay right there, as he follows his son towards the bathroom to, possibly, comfort him in his own way.
But as he nears the bathroom, Weimar locks it before German Empire has the chance to catch a glimpse of his son. He tries knocking and telling Weimar that this is his father, but to no avail. The bathroom was silent for a few minutes, and German Empire thinks that Weimar was silently crying in one of the stalls. After those few minutes of silence, he hears a series of choking, and the sound of vomitting something into the toilets, which is quite strange, as Weimar had not eaten in a day and a half, despite being told to. Is he trying to force the remaining food left from his stomach to the toilets? German Empire can't let that happen, and he tries to force the door open, but to no avail. He hears a soft melody from Weimar, his voice hoarse and harsh due to probably vomitting a lot, but hears a set of nails, scratching one of the mirrors, and German Empire absolutely fears it. Then, he hears his son muttering, muttering that they will pay, they will pay for what they did to him, before his mutters become incoherent nonsense and soft laughter. The soft laughter turns to manic laughter, and German Empire runs towards the twins, telling them that Weimar is currently having troubles in the bathroom, and treats them to a nice lunch.
Weimar only comes back to the German household in the evening, looking more tired and messier than usual, his hands mangled and stained with what German Empire would deny seeing. He doesn't make eye contact with anyone, and he goes and locks himself in his room.
German Empire is kept up all night by the sounds of German melodies being sung on his doorway.
The fourth time, German Empire actually witnesses it. He wakes up one morning, and goes to Weimar's bedroom, to find him currently missing. German Empire decides that he must have gone to work earlier than usual in that morning. German Empire, after breakfast, decides to smoke a cigar, and goes outside, not wanting to puncture the twins' lungs. He is greeted by the cold morning air around him, and he sighs, smiling a bit to himself.
He walks around the neighborhood, greeting his usual neighbors a good morning, as if there was no such thing as their entire country going bankrupt and still in debt. No such thing as many different parties trying to make Weimar crack. No such thing as German Empire dying. He glances at his skin, slowly disintegrating every single year. It had disintegrated his hands, and now it's moving towards his arms. He will die, sooner or later, and he cannot escape the death cycle- it will come back to bite him in the worst ways possible.
Then, as he nears the urban areas, he hears noises in an alley. He hears the sound of a man, trying to make his way out of a labyrinth, before his distressed cries and pleas for help become a scream of horror and terror. German Empire, who could not control his urges, runs towards the direction of the noise. He leans along the brick walls, trying to become as invisible and as stealthy as he ever could, and glances at the horror spectacle that he was about to see.
Out of all things he expected would happen, he never expected to see blue eyes, madness and ecstasy ruling over it, his calm, soft smiles becoming a vessel for maddened laughs and insane smiles, his usually smooth and blonde hair, messy and covered with dirt, his skinny but calloused hands embracing all the dirt and blood, as he digs into his victim's flesh.
His son.
His son, his beloved son, whom he had watched grown up, his innocent smiles turning into sad and tired ones, his gloved hands unafraid to touch the smallest spec of dirt, turn into something else, a darker figure, a brand new character molded from above. German Empire watches as Weimar tears his victim apart, snarling like a wolf as they devour their prey.
German Empire takes a step back, and runs towards the direction from where he came, not coming into contact with anyone as he races towards his house, on top of the floors, and checks Weimar's room. He glances in horror, as he looks at the dead bodies scattered around his son's room. He can feel Weimar's presence inside the room, warning the intruders of what was to come to them in such an abrupt time.
"Father." For the first time in German Empire's life, he flinches, afraid of the voice from behind him. Rapidly, like a hunter caught in his own trap, he turns, to find Weimar, glowing with a brand new aura, an aura of evil and a sense of a brand new coming, to wipe all away with one drain.
German Empire decides to face his son, the son who had done horrendous crimes right in front of his eyes, but he decides not to see that, as he comes face-to-face again with tired but innocent eyes looking back at him.
German Empire, without thinking about his decisions, embraces Weimar warmly, to the point his son could hardly breathe.
German Empire was saved from yet another nightmare by the shrill screams from below the floors. He wouldn't say he was saved by the screams - this was even worse than seeing Austria-Hungary's decapitated head - it was more of a nightmare in real life. A darker nightmare, one he couldn't just wake up from and find solitude from one of the cigars in his cupboards, no. This was something he can never escape, and the first thing he does is check Weimar's room.
He races through the hallway, feet thudding and making the worn floorboards creek under him, as if screaming a song they can never unhear, and screeches to a stop just in front of Weimar's door.
German Empire can't understand what is happening to his son, to his only child who he loves to the point he'd rather die than seeing his son's body, but he knows that it was those annoying and unpleasant political parties trying to murder Weimar and use his body as revenge. He's seen revolutions, full scale ones, he's seen the revolutions revolving and rotating to the point the person representing the land still retains aspects of themselves.
He opens the door, sweating with anxiety. German Empire wanted to deny that Weimar had turned evil, after an opposing party had come to destroy his party. Before turning the door knob, however, he hears someone stepping behind him, but before he could react or scream out in fright, he is hit with the sensation of death trying to tear him apart, and him dropping to the floor.
Cold air wakes German Empire up, as he drowsily opens his eyes only to find darkness. He can feel someone carrying him, without grunting or making noise, like he was only a suitcase meant to pack and store away to some cruise ship, which will eventually hit an iceberg and sink ever so slowly into the ocean, knowing that Death's clock is ticking, and the people on the ship had no time to lose, jumping into the water to evade a sinking death, but freezing due to the ice cold climate.
German Empire, despite his head still hurting from the blow to the back of his head, tries to struggle, but it seems that, by smart choice, he is binded by strong ropes, and he can feel them depriving him of his movements and air. He stops struggling, knowing that the only way to face his incoming death is with courage, and hope. Hope that he can see Austria-Hungary again. He can feel Austria-Hungary's aura around the air, and German Empire, maybe out of either desperation or desolation from removing the love of his life from this world, screams, and he hears the echo coming right back to him. German Empire didn't cry, despite his heart slowing their beats for Austria-Hungary, he will not cry. He won't cry teardrops that'd only be frozen in the air.
The person carrying him makes a stop, and German Empire can hear the sounds of ships and boats. They were going to kill him the same way the Allies killed all his friends. They didn't kill Austria-Hungary like that- they opted for a more cruel way of killing him right in front of German Empire's eyes. The person starts walking again, right next to an old and miniature boat, and German Empire can feel his stomach churning, wanting to empty itself.
The opportunity never came, as it seems his time is up. The minutes, then hours, travel around German Empire so fast, to think that one revolution around the sun would only be like a day to him, a revolve around it an hour to him. The days of his youth, his teens, and adulthood blur into one, the Great War now just a scar and an unpleasant memory, that will pop up in his mind from time to time with no warning. He can see Death now, holding his scythe in one hand, and a contract that German Empire will sign, once he's stopped breathing, once he can't think anymore, once he's just gone. He turns to face the man who had brought him to his doom, and his heart breaks the second time in only a decade.
"Oh, Weimar", German Empire says, shaking his head rapidly from side to side, knowing that the day Weimar would snap is near. "How did we end up like this?"
Weimar's emotionless blue eyes glint with fury, ambition, and madness. His lips curl up to an ear-splitting grin, as he looks st his father. "To finally seek vengeance on those who wronged me."
German Empire rapidly shakes his head, biting his lower lip in the process. "We don't need our vengeance to be grest again, Weimar. Please, come back to me."
Weimar laughs, closing his eyes, as if his father's anguish is such a thing to laugh about. "How much do you not understand? I am not Weimar, he is gone from this place. I am irreversible, and I will be the salvation to all Germans."
With that, Weimar abruptly stands, and, without warning, pushes a dagger through German Empire, and the latter chokes, pain surging up inside him, like a dozen bows finally hitting him at one point. His son, his own son, finally pushes him off the boat, and into the saltwater, and German Empire holds his breath. He flinches and tries not to scream as his fresh wound comes to contact with saltwater, someone puncturing and forcing pressure into it. German Empire can see crimson blood, running from his wound, and floating into the dark blue waters.
His lungs run out of air desperate to breathe, and he trashes around, trying to float towards the midnight sky dancing upon him. He can feel the pain on his body increasing, and German Empire releases his breath and inhales the saltwater, its content puncturing his chest and lungs with a thousand knives. He can feel himself dying, limbs going slack, body going rigid, lungs feeling in with water and the stab wound bleeding out too much blood.
Before he can see darkness again, this time irreversible, he can feel Austria-Hungary's hands embracing him one last time.
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MWW Artwork of the Day (3/29/18) Lovis Corinth (German, 1858-1925) Ecce Homo (Christ with Pilate)(1925)   Oil on canvas, 189 x 148 cm. Kunstmuseum, Basel
Painted during the heyday of the doomed Weimar Republic, this is one of the last works of Lovis Corinth, an artist often labeled as both an Impressionist and a German Expressionist, but who identified more with Rembrandt and Rubens than with either of those schools.  It's a "contemporary" rendering of an oft-painted scene: the guy on the left bears an uncanny (though probably spurious) resemblence to Nazi bloviator Joseph Goebbels; the soldier on the right gives off the vibes of a German militarist.
Corinth was more a graphic artist than a painter. He explored every print technique except aquatint, with his greatest successes coming in drypoint and lithography. In 1919, he experimented with the woodcut medium but only made 11. Like Picasso, he was quite prolific, producing in the last fifteen years of his life more than 900 graphic works, including 60 self-portraits. Of these, the landscapes he created between 1919-1925 are considered the best.
More of this artist's work is included in the MWW exhibit/gallery: * Weimar II: A Society at the Brink
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