goldignis · 3 years
❛ what do you mean you don’t have tiktok?  ❜
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❛ what do you use your phone for then? ❜    // @lastofmars​  
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12thlevel · 3 years
querl: *opens his mouth*
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venomblastings · 3 years
❝ there is nothing i can do to lighten your heavy heart. ❞
american gods starters // accepting 
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Jessica remained silent for a moment, almost numb. Her gaze averted to her hands, clenching them into fists. 
    Of course they’d say that. Everyone pretty much has. 
She took a deep breath in and let it out shakily. Maybe she shouldn’t let a telepath try sort out her past next time. “Thanks for trying.” 
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circusmade · 3 years
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❛ you’ve seen the bee movie how many times? ❜ // @lastofmars​
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wyslyyzr · 4 years
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‘  you  are  not  a  mutant--and  i  cannot  treat  you  as  such.  ‘  a  simple  truth  he  was  sure  j’onn  would  no  real  qualms  with;  erik’s  communities  came  first  to  him,  insular  in  ways,  and  warm,  giving,  in  others.  but  the  kindnesses  he  offered  other  mutants  were  not  in  the  caliber  of  those  he  could  offer  to  a  man  of  the  cosmic  realms.  still,  there  is  a  degree  of  compassion  not  afforded  to  the  majority  of  humanoid  counterparts.   ‘  ..  however,  you  aren’t  a  human,  either,  so  i  may  welcome  you  to  see  you  well.  in  fact,  i’ve  been  told  you  possess  an  armament  of  investigative  skills--those  that  i  might  need.  ‘
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killsfirsta · 4 years
@lastofmars​ said:  “next time i want somebody to dance on my grave, i know who to call.” REAL HOUSEWIVES | accepting 
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     SLADE HAS BEEN AROUND THE BLOCK ENOUGH TIMES  to know when to stay down. “ christ all-fucking-mighty. “  he wheezes, followed by a bloody cough.  “ yeah --- you can count on THAT much, manhunter. at the VERY least. “ 
     next time. there is always a next time. 
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frczenhearts · 4 years
the fact being that the american healthcare system really just being like this in real life too tho ... 
Honestly I doubt even a European system would have helped Victor. Knowing from what I’ve witnessed with the Italian government-run medical situation there, they literally have the patients bring their own toilet paper, pillows, sheets......
And they tend to brush you off if you’re too old or sick for them to bother. In general, hospitals freaking stink.
I WISH there was a medical thing like in the comics where people were helped regardless of financial position. Instead we have to deal with *dramatically waves hands everywhere* this.
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with-pryde · 4 years
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❝   friendship ENDED with the x-men.  now martian manhunter is my best friend.   ❞  of course, if they’re going to be a squad, there are a few important matters that need figuring out asap.  ❝   now, i nominate can’t touch this by mc hammer as our theme song, but i’m open to suggestions.  we also need a team name; got any ideas ?   ❞
@lastofmars​ ♥ ed !
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polymorphc · 4 years
@lastofmars​ // sc.
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❝ have you ever tried crushing a soda can with your biceps? ❞
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12thlevel · 4 years
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tonight on justice league...
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monster-bcrn · 4 years
"I don't celebrate, but thank you nonetheless. And I hope your holidays have been joyous as well, Grundy." 
“ It good. Friends visit. It fun in swamp for Crissmiss.......this time big bad monsters in swamp stay away from Grundy’s friends.”
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He gave a worried look, not really understanding that there were others out there who didn’t celebrate Christmas. Then again, his own interpretation of the holiday was very rudimentary......pretty lights, trees, presents and cookies. And friends.....a lot of friends.
“ Green man lonely for Crissmiss?.........Hug?”
That was his reaction to anyone sad, or who he thought was sad......giving them a hug.
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bluesunsdusk · 4 years
--// Sigma’s Mass Effect Andromeda AU has been expanded. ))
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heroichunter · 4 years
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“J’onn. You okay there, big guy? You barely touched your Baja Blast?”
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frczenhearts · 4 years
me intellectually knowing n52 mr freeze bad: hmmmmmm mohawk and bare arms. nice                             
LOL I’m gonna be honest....the art in that comic is really lackluster, just in seeing how bland Freeze looks.
There ARE much better illustrations of Freeze in that get-up, like this:
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Personally I find the look at nonsensical as the time Freeze had a bare midriff in the 90′s.
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Sure it’s cool.....but he keeps saying that exposing himself to anything warmer than 0 degrees will kill him. So why is he out there dressed in short shorts, a bare midriff and fingerless gloves?
Oh and he’s wearing a metal tank top.
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ablantian · 4 years
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“Are we going to talk about it or no?”
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mistahtwistah · 4 years
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" You need to discipline your niece more, Manhunter. Otherwise, she's going to wind up dead and buried like the rest of your kind."
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