#later on in life my aunt had to babysit me and she asked if i wanted to see the cat
xetlynn · 1 day
Twilight Imagines- Benjamin
First Sight
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Requested by: @twilightlover2007
Summary: in where the Cullens are getting multiple covens together to help them convince the Volturi that Renesmee is not a danger Benjamin spots [Name] and is immediately enamored by her. Even with her two year old daughter. Also finding out they have similar abilities.
I sit in the living room with Bella and Edward as we watch Renesmee play with Athaliah. I cross my arms, holding myself. "How do you feel?" Edward asks me suddenly and I turn to him. "Read my mind." I roll my eyes, he scoffs out a laugh. "I'm asking so you can let it out."
He responds, I look back to the girls. "Yeah, we haven't talked much since you found out about her." Bella chimes into the conversation. I frown for a second.
"It's a weird situation, I don't really know how I feel." I tell them in all honesty. One second Renesmee was a newborn and seconds later she was months old and now she's physically 4 years old.
"I just wish we didn't have to deal with the Volturi. Once again." I hold my head in my hands. Last time we dealt with them was when I turned into a vampire, Athatliah was only 16 months old. They were worried that I would turn Athaliah.
We had to convince them I wouldn't go near her until I had control over my thirst and she wouldn't know anything about us until she was the age of turning or if anything I would fake my death and she'd never see us again. It's something I don't even want to consider. It's something I have 16 years until I have to truly think about. The Volturi believed us when Aro looked into Edward's mind along with mine. Also with the fact that my ability was strong, I would put up a fight. They didn't need any of their men dead.
"I wish that woman just talked to us before running straight to the Volturi. She's also going to get killed." I lift my head back up. Renesmee takes Athaliah over to us and they both smile. I pick up my daughter, placing her on my lap. Edward doing the same with his daughter.
"All right, lovely, it's time for a nap." I stand up. "I'll meet you guys outside." I tell my two best friends before walking upstairs. They have a crib that was originally for Renesmee in Edward's old room. I place Athaliah down. I could tell she was tired so when she started crying I knew it was only for a few minutes.
The first year of her life I cried almost every time she cried. I couldn't handle it. My mom was a huge help since Athaliah's dad left in the beginning of my pregnancy. His parents moved to a whole different state so he didn't have to be a father to our baby. I grieved the relationship in the beginning. I don't really care anymore.
Bella was the only friend I've had ever since giving birth. Other people judged right away. Not Bella. She sometimes would babysit for me if I had to work and no daycare. My mom would pay her as well. Edward then started to help with her. Then he bonded with Athaliah as well. They both became an aunt and uncle to my daughter. I am forever grateful for them.
When her cries stop I snap out of my thoughts. Quietly slipping out of the room. I go downstairs and join everyone outside. Bella and Edward showing the new vampires renesmee's gift. I look off into the distance to see Carlisle and Esme coming our way with three new people. They're from the Egyptian Coven, they drink human blood. I lock eyes with the younger looking man. His eyes were a dark red. They felt entrancing. I couldn't look away. That was until Rosalie comes up to me.
"Could you help me with something?" She asks in a quiet tone, I furrow my eyebrows but nod my head. Following after her. Feeling eyes watch me the entire time. The blonde leads me back into the house where Zafrina, Kachiri, and Senna were standing in our way. "These ladies are from the Amazon coven. They wanted to meet you." Rosalie speaks softly, I place a hand on my chest, confused on why they would want to speak to me. "They've heard of your ability." Emmett tells me, I let out a little 'oh' standing straighter.
"Zafrina likes meeting people similar to her. Having incredible gifts." Kachiri informs me. "What's your gift?" I tilt my head, intrigued. The quiet woman smiles slightly, staring at me. Focusing on something and then suddenly I'm not in the house anymore. I'm back outside. But not our outside. A different place. A place I've never seen before. It was gorgeous.
Then I'm back in the house and I stare at her with wide eyes. "That... was amazing." I tell her, utterly in shock. She grins back to me. "We'd like to see your ability." Kachiri says, I make a face, turning to Rosalie and Emmett who nod their heads for me to do it. "We'd uh, we would have to go outside." I lead the way outside, in front of the porch. The three from the Amazon Coven stand on the porch with Rosalie, Emmett was standing in the door frame.
I smile to them as the cloud above us gets darker than earlier. Their expressions are confused until I bring my arms in the air and it starts raining. It was sprinkling at first then thunder struck. I felt the others crowd around me. I then make it storm. Everyone getting soaked. And then suddenly it stops as I stop focusing on the sky. I take a deep breath. The others begin to clap.
"That's just a tiny bit of what she can do." Emmett roars out, I nod my head sheepishly. "How did you find that out?" One of the Denali sisters ask me. "When I turned, the pain caused a storm. The wind was strong. The weather was insane that night. Later on when I wasn't paying attention and every time I had a huge emotion, a storm began every time. It's a lot easier to control now." I smile as I then make it begin to snow. Renesmee runs up to me with a huge smile. I pick her up so she can play with the snowflakes.
"This is a powerful ability... The Volturi would have no chance against us." Garrett laughs beside Kate who has a tiny smirk on her face. "You could deflect my electricity and make it more powerful." She tells me, lifting one of her hands to show me the electricity coming out of it.
Then everyone begins to talk to one another about it. I place Renesmee down, she holds my hand though instead of running off. I listen outside of the others to see if Athaliah has woken up but her breathing is still slowed. I can tell she's about to wake up. Her naps aren't very long lately.
A person walks up to me, startling me. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." It was the younger looking man from the Egyptian Coven. I wave a hand. "It's alright, I was trying to make sure my daughter was still sleeping." I sigh out, looking down to my niece who was staring up at the man.
"Your daughter?" He asks, looking around. "Her name's Athaliah." I tell him, we begin to walk inside the house, Renesmee sticking by my side because I think she knows we're going to see my girl. "Beautiful name." He compliments, I quietly thank him. His looks are entrancing I can barely focus on what is being said.
It goes silent between us until Renesmee speaks up in a small sweet tone. "He can make tornados, smaller than yours though." I smile down at her. "Really?"
I've only created a tornado once and right as it formed we made it disappear. That was before Renesmee was born though. Of course Emmett told her about it though. "Our gifts are incredibly similar." He tells me. Before he can say anything else though I hear my daughter begin to stir. Her tiny whines sounding out to down here. "Oh, I have to go, I'll be back." I step up the first couple of steps. He stands there, I can tell her wishes to say something though.
Renesmee was already running to the bedroom though. "What's your name?" I ask him.
"Benjamin." He says. I smile. "Beautiful name." I then head up the stairs.
Renesmee is playing with Athaliah through the bars of the crib. I smile, heading over to them and picking up my daughter. "Let's go play downstairs." Renesmee says, taking my hand once again and dragging me back down. Benjamin was still standing there just as he was before I left.
I was glad to be honest. I was hoping he waited for me. "This is Athaliah, Athaliah, meet Benjamin." I bounce her on my hip, pointing to the beautiful man. She tiredly looks to him.
Then suddenly doing grabby hands at him for him to take her. I furrow my eyebrows. It usually takes her a minute to get used to new people. He sticks his hand out, letting her grab onto it. It wasn't enough though she lunges her body forward so he could take her out of my arms. I laugh. "Sorry, you don't have to-"
"I don't mind as long as you don't." He puts his hands out and I shrug my shoulders, handing her over to him. Renesmee watches, a little bit annoyed until Edward comes in and tells her to go with him somewhere. I watch as my daughter puts his face into her hands. I then wondered if that was a good idea looking at his eyes which were red. Meaning he eats humans.
I bit my lip. He looks over to me and I think he can sense my worry. He gives me a short smile and places Athaliah down. She walks back to me, hugging my legs. She's still waking up.
Later in the night Bella and I were getting the girls to sleep. Athaliah sprawled out, her arm going over Renesmee's torso. She's holding onto her hand. I look up to see Bella looking at someone. I trace where. It was Benjamin who was sitting beside Jacob. He was staring at me though. "He seems enamored by you." She whispers, careful not to wake the kids. I snort out a laugh. "Yeah, okay. He wants a single mom." I joke, rolling my eyes.
"I mean the whole time he's been here he's been staring at you. He keeps trying to talk with you and he's brought you up to us every chance he gets. Asking about your ability." She informs me and I give her a look. "Yeah, he's interested in my ability. Not me." I sit up straight, crossing my legs.
"You're so oblivious, [Name]." She comments, sitting up as well. We eventually get up listening to Vladimir and Stefan talk about how they despise the Volturi and why. They were characters, that was for sure.
I sit down by the fire, a log was already there but no one else was there. They all went to different areas of the woods. I stared at the flames wondering how tomorrow was going to go. Someone sat beside me but neither of us spoke. I didn't even move my head to see.
"[Name]." The person speaks up after moments of silence. I hum out in response. "I uh I've never been left this speechless before. I don't know what to say around you." It was Benjamin, I smile to myself before turning to face him. "I'm boring, I apologize." I say, now just observing his features and I wonder what he was like as a human. If he was always this perfect.
"No, you're not at all. You make me nervous. It's a feeling I don't think I've ever experienced." His eyes lock with mine and I badly want to look away. But I can't. I'm stuck in place. "When did you turn?" I slightly change the subject. "1815." My eyes widen to his answer. He begins to laugh at my reaction. "Sorry, that was rude." I rub my hands together, finally looking away due to embarrassment.
"I expected it, when did you turn?"
"Last year."
"A newborn practically and you're that in control of your ability?" He seemed to be surprised.
"I couldn't control my ability completely until maybe six years after turning." He then ignites fire from his pointer finger. "You control the elements?" I ask in amazement. "And you control the weather." He states.
"Our abilities are incredibly similar." I laugh, excited. Watching the flames on his finger tip before he closes his fist and it goes away.
For hours we talk about our abilities, about his life before turning. I do the same. Telling him a bit about Athaliah. It never felt like a bad subject bringing her up like it usually does with men.
He actually asks about her and that's where I feel he doesn't want to be with me but to be friends.
"Your daughter truly has your looks." We both look to my sleeping daughter who is still sprawled out. I smile. "Thank you. She's my everything." I tell him.
"I can tell."
"I'm interested in getting to know you more." Benjamin says, this time he cautiously takes my hand into his. Making sure I was okay with it before gripping a little tighter. "What do you want to know?" I nervously ask.
"No, I mean courting you. You being mine, me being yours." He explains, I scrunch my nose before saying. "it might be forward, I know this. But you, seeing you, talking to you today. It only makes me want to be yours more."
"What about Athaliah, she comes with, we're a package deal. I'm a single mother. She's human, you eat off... humans." I take my hand back, now giving him a serious expression. It feels crazy but I feel the same way. I feel so strongly for him and I can't lose it but I also have to put my child first.
"I'll love her as my own. I'll eat animals for you both. I'll learn." He assures me, I pause for a moment.
"This feels crazy." I laugh out. "But I'll give it a try. I'm interested in getting to know you more." Even though we don't know what's going to happen tomorrow I don't care. I deserve to be happy even for a little bit.
I almost deleted this whole thing after finishing it.
Heart was racing. Almost cried.
If you want to request anything lmk!
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stvharrngton · 2 years
roles reversed
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a/n: I don't know what to say about this lmao idk what possessed me when I wrote this okay. again horrendously bad at titles
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 3.3k 🤡🫣
warnings: smut, 18+ minors dni, oral (f receiving), handjob (m receiving), edging, sub!steve, also dad!steve bc I said so
“You all set, kiddo?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“Got your backpack?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“Brushed your teeth?”
“Yes, Daddy!” your four year old squealed now, at Steve’s incessant badgering.
You watched the scene before you unfold, your daughter perched between your legs as you braided her hair ready for her weekend at Aunt Robin’s. A soft smile tugged at your lips as you watched Steve pace around the kitchen, hands on his hips. Domesticity really did suit him.
“Alright, all done, bug.” you said with a pat to her tiny shoulders and a kiss to her head, “Now go give Daddy a hug and kiss goodbye.”
Your daughter lept off the chair and skipped over to Steve, where he scooped her up in his arms. He spun her around as she squealed and giggled, pressing kisses all over her face. Your features turned soft, eyes all fond at the family you’d made for yourselves.
Robin arrived a few minutes later, barrelling your kid off into her car, promising her the most fun weekend of her life with her favourite aunt. She teased you and Steve as you stood in the doorway, urging you both not to get up to too much mischief during your weekend alone.
You all said your goodbyes, waving and blowing kisses to your baby as Robin reversed out of your drive. Steve’s lips were pressed to your temple as you sighed, that little pang to your heart that always came back with a vengeance when your friends would offer to take your daughter out for the day, or you would drop her with your Mom for the night.
Closing your front door behind you with a click, you slouched against the wood, Steve’s eyes trained on you carefully.
“So, what do you want to do with all this alone time?” you simply asked him.
He chuckled, stepping ever closer to you, “You.” was all he said, his large hands coming to rest on your waist.
You rolled your eyes at him, tutting, “Is this why you begged Robin to babysit this weekend? So you could get into my pants, Harrington?” Your arms encircled his neck now, fingers toying with the messy strands at the back of his head.
“What?” Steve feigned hurt, “A guy can’t want to fuck his beautiful wife, no?”
You giggled at his statement, “I never said that.”
It was true, it had been a while since you and Steve had an ounce of time alone together. No time for hands to wander and explore skin they had memorised, no heated make out sessions wherever you pleased without being interrupted by your daughter’s tiny cries.
“Do you want to go out tonight?” he asked, his nose skimming the slope of your own, his lips barely brushing over yours, “You could put on a pretty dress, get a nice dinner, hm?” Steve kissed you properly now, it was soft, sensual, sweet, “Let me spoil you.”
Your heart fluttered at his words, his low sultry tone, voice like velvet, but you could think of nothing worse right now. Features twisting in conflict, your fingers drumming on the back of his neck.
“Could- could we do that tomorrow?” you spoke quietly, eyelashes fluttering up at your husband, “I kinda just wanna be lazy today,” you shrugged your shoulders, “with you.”
Steve chuckled, hands skimming up and down your waist, a kiss to your forehead, “Sure, we can do whatever you want, honey.”
And you did. You lazed on your couch all day, laying inbetween Steve’s sweatpant clad legs, nursing whatever junk food you had in the house. Doing nothing but enjoying each other’s company. When it came time for dinner, Steve ordered your favourite takeout accompanied with a bottle of wine, a random movie popped into the VCR only to serve as background noise.
Your head lay on his chest, his arm slung around your shoulders as he pulled you in close, his lips pressing kisses into your hairline as your fingers drew shapes on his thigh absentmindedly. They danced up the length of the muscle, skimming over his hips before delving underneath his t-shirt, nails scratching lightly at the happy trail that disappeared underneath the waistband.
Steve tensed at the gesture, his hand squeezing your shoulder in response. Your fingers continued their ministrations over his stomach as you shifted your chin to get a better look at him.
He pinched your chin between his finger and thumb, raising his brows at your pout, “What, sweetheart?”
Your eyes bore into his big brown ones, warm and inviting, “Kiss me.” was all you said.
The man all but smirked at you, hand coming to cup your cheek now, warm thumb stroking over the soft skin there before he lent into you. Steve’s plush pink lips encasing your own, skin tingling and mouth watering. Your fingers reached up into his hair, tugging at the unkempt strands. Steve groaned a little at the feeling, he kissed you harder now, nose prodding into your cheek.
You took the hint to push him a little further, moving to swing your leg over his thighs so you were straddling him on the couch. Steve’s hands came to rest on your ass, large hands squeezing the flesh over your cotton shorts. You licked into Steve, tongue pushing into his mouth to mix with his own, feeling the strain of his hardening cock below his sweatpants making you feel a little dizzy.
Your hands were everywhere, tugging on his hair, pushing on his chest, balling up the fabric of his shirt into your fists. Steve couldn’t think straight, his brain essentially mush, his hips rutting up into yours as he pushed yours down to meet his own thrusts. He felt needy, desperate.
Chest heaving and breath panting, you broke the kiss. Your eyes were glazed over with lust, desire, gaze flicking to Steve’s kiss-bitten lips and wild hair. You stood from his lap, fingers lacing with his own as he followed suit.
“Lets go to bed,” you whispered, leading him out of the room as you started up the stairs.
“Yes, Ma’am.” Steve quipped, spinning you around so he could plant his lips on yours again, walking you down the hall to your bedroom. You let him have this slither of control, his hands squeezing your hips as he kissed you with fever.
You smirked into the kiss pushing him back onto the plush mattress, his body hitting the sheets with an oopmf. Steve saw the change in your eyes, your usual piliant flicker now a controlling glint. A dark haze clouded your gaze as you crawled atop Steve once more.
Steve’s personality was dominating. The need to care for and protect those he cared for often transferred into the bedroom. Which you never complained about, he had you writhing and coming undone beneath him more times than you could remember. Sometimes though your roles reversed, and Steve was more than happy to submit to you.
Settling into his lap you pushed his shirt up his abdomen, lips pressing chaste kisses on the scars and freckles that decorated his skin. You pushed the fabric more before Steve did the rest for you, throwing the garment to the floor. Your hands revelled in the newly exposed skin, lip and hands exploring.
“Fuck,” he breathed below you, “can- can I touch you, baby?” his voice was shaky, breath heavy and cheeks pink, “Please?”
You gnawed on your lip, nodding in response, “Yeah, you can touch me, Stevie.” you hushed, discarding your own shirt before reaching for Steve’s hands to place them on your tits.
Steve groaned at the pet name you only used in times like these, the feel of your breasts in his hands, fingers squeezing and groping, finger and thumb rolling a nipple between. A soft moan escaped your lips as you keened above him.
Your hips rolled over his once more, lips connecting with the skin of his neck, skirting along the scruff of his jaw before settling on that spot just below his ear lobe, teeth sucking a mark he’d jokingly scold you for later.
“You’re gonna be the fucking death of me, honey,” Steve admitted with a breathy chuckle, hands rubbing up and down your bare back. Steve’s words were sticky sweet, saccharine that went straight to your pussy.
“Mhm,” was all you replied, standing again from his lap to rid yourself of your shorts and underwear and you swore you heard Steve’s breath hitch in his throat. His tongue slithered out from his lips, licking over the red skin at your bare body.
“Want you to eat my pussy, Stevie,” you delcared, pulling on his sweatpants now, thankful that he wasn’t wearing anything underneath. His pretty pink cock springing free, a hiss left his lips at the cool air, “that okay, baby?”
Steve nodded fervently, hands reaching out to bring you closer to him.
“Ah, ah,” you tsked, “lay back down.” you demanded and Steve was sweating. Cock painfully hard and leaking already. Eyes wide and mouth agape as you climbed over his chest, cunt inching ever closer to his waiting mouth.
“Oh, fuck,” he moaned as you lowered yourself over him, his arms encirlcing your thighs as your hands came to grip the headboard above your bed. One hand coming to swipe the stray strands out of his face,
“Go ‘head, baby.”
Steve needed no further instruction, tongue darting out to lick into you like there was no tomorrow. He ate your pussy like a man starved, swapping between curling his tongue into your entrance and sucking on your throbbing clit. His spit mixing with your click, surely making a mess of his pretty face.
You mewled above him, hand coming to grasp and play with your tits, tweaking your nipple just right, “Makin’ me feel so good, Stevie,” you whined, “so good at this, making my cunt drip all over you.”
He groaned right into you, his ministrations sending vibrations right up your spine, your coil winding tighter and tighter. You glanced down at him, Steve’s eyes squeezed shut, his brow furrowed, focused, on licking and sucking everywhere he knew you liked best.
Hips rocking absentmindedly, essentially using Steve’s mouth to get you over the edge, his nose bumping your clit with every roll, “Shit,” you wailed, fingers fully tugging on his brunette locks to hold him in place as you fucked yourself on his tongue.
His hands squeezed the fat of your hips now, pads of his fingers digging into the flesh there, his bruising grip surely to leave a mark. His eyes rolled to the back of his head at the feel of you using him how you damned well pleased, hips rutting up into thin air behind you. And Steve swore he could have cum right there and then.
“Fuck, ‘m gonna cum,” you mumbled, hips now dragging your pussy over the flat of his pudgy tongue, the tip of his nose stroking your clit just right, the sight of his wild hair and dreamy brown eyes boring into your own essentially getting you over the line.
You writhed above him, head thrown back as your orgasm peaked, mumbles of fuck and just like that and yes, Stevie, all tumbling past your lips in a jumble of pants and moans. Steve kept licking and sucking until you couldn’t take any more, the overstimulation too much.
Moving off his mouth, you slid down his chest, sitting pretty on his stomach as you lent back on your palms. Chest heaving and forehead sticky with sweat, you took a minute to catch your breath.
The tip of Steve’s cock brushed against your back and he winced, throbbing and heavy. His palms came to rest on your thighs, stroking soothingly, snapping your gaze back to him.
“Kiss?” he asked, voice minute, and you giggled not being able to resist. So you leant back up now, hands braced on the smattering of hair across his chest as you pressed your lips together. You sighed at the taste of yourself on him, the wet feel of your slick covering his mouth and chin, glistening in the low light of the room.
“Baby,” he whined, “shit, you gotta- you need to touch me or something,” his hips canting upwards, his dick rubbing over the swell of your ass, “‘m gonna fuckin’ explode. Christ.”
You giggled at him and Steve could have cried, you truly were a vixen, he thought. One hand reached behind you, delicate fingers ghosting over the length of him, “Like that? Is that what you want, Stevie?”
He groaned, “Fuck, yes, fuck, baby. More, need more.”
You gave him a final squeeze right at the base of his thick bush, before swinging your body off him and switching your position so you were sat atop his stomach, bare core still leaking arousal on his skin, but you had your back to him, your body and hands facing his aching cock.
You bent forward, dragging your nails up his calves, over his meaty thighs, a light touch to his balls before dragging them up his shaft. Steve wailed from behind you, panting and whining and moaning.
Gathering spit in your mouth you let it fall from your lips onto the tip before you used a hand to spread it over his dick. The cool of your saliva touching him made him let out the most delicious groan, hips stirring and cock twitching beneath you.
You began to work him with both hands, twisting and gliding up and down his cock at an agonisingly slow pace, choosing to squeeze lightly at the angry pink tip.
Steve was already embarrassingly close to his orgasm, all the muscles in his thighs and tummy clenching and constructing. His big brown eyes were screwed shut, his cheeks flushed as he dragged his arm to lay over his face, incoherent moans of oh fuck and please, baby, please filled the quiet of your bedroom.
Keeping up your pace you began to work his head, your fingers a circle tugging up and down over the sensitive part of his cock, your free hand rolling his heavy balls in your palm.
“Oh, fuck,” Steve whined, thighs spread wide beneath you, toes curling, “please be careful, shit, please be careful.”
You could only smirk at the neediness in his voice, tone a notch higher than usual as he keened below you. Your hand never relented, keeping your ministrations going, doing so well to unravel the man you were sat on.
Steve had to take deep breaths, deep pants escaping his wet lips, his hand coming to grab at the flesh of your ass, fingers digging into your skin as he pleaded with you, “Please can I cum, shit, please can I cum, baby,” he begged now, “oh, please please please.”
His thighs trembled on the bed, you felt him tense and you knew he was right there, one or two more pumps of your hands and he’d be spilling all over them. So, you stopped. You removed your hands and braced them on his thighs instead.
“Oh, fu-uck,” Steve’s whine was long and drawn out, drawing long shaky breaths in and out of his pursed lips. You watched as his cock twitched below you, angry and throbbing, pre-cum leaking from the tip.
His hands came to rest on your waist now, fingertips digging into the bare flesh of your hips, thumbs stroking up and down. Steve’s hips stirred beneath you, his feet planted firmly in the mattress as his knees bent. Desperately trying to find any kind of friction.
Your fingers ghosted over his shaft again, the pad of your pointer fingers finding his slit, spreading the leaking pre-cum all over.
“Baby, please, I-” he started, cutting himself off with a moan as you squeezed his head once more, “I need to- you gotta let me cum, shit, angel, please, feels so good. Can’t hold it.”
“Hm?” you breathed out, your hands building up the pace again, bullying the tip of his cock, “Need’ta cum, Stevie?” you asked, tone low and enticing.
“Yes, yes, so bad,” Steve’s thighs trembled, hips rutting up into your hands, “please I- I’ll be good, baby, so good for you, please.”
Your cheeks flushed at his admission, heat rising up your neck, your cunt fluttering at the affect you had on him. You could only imagine what he looked like behind you. Eyes glassy and hair wild, his face flushed red and lips pink and bitten.
Your hands never stopped, leaning forward again to dribble more saliva onto Steve’s cock as you felt his stomach and thighs tense all at once, so close to orgasm once more. He moaned beneath you, “Fuck, I’m gonna-” but you cut him off as soon as your hands left his cock again, leaving him on the edge.
“Alright, baby,” you spoke, lifting yourself from his stomach, your gaze flitting to the wet patch of slick you’d left on his skin, “I’ll let you cum, but I wanna see you.”
You finally got a good look at Steve, his face was tucked into the crook of his elbow, other hand fisting the sheets of the bed. His neck and chest was slick with sweat, a thin light sheen covering his skin. His mouth was hanging agape, breathing heaving with vigor. Steve looked so fucking pretty like this.
So you crawled back on the bed taking your spot between his stretched out thighs, you leant down to press soft kisses along the skin there. Your hand found his that was clutched around the sheets, your fingers encasing his fist, thumb rubbing soft circles there, “Y’okay, Stevie?”
He nodded, a throaty whimper escaping his lips. He unclenched his fist, letting his fingers slot between your own. Your fingers glided up the protruding vein on his cock.
“Words, baby,” you whispered, “come on.” Your tongue darted out to lick a stripe up the underside of his length.
“I’m good, angel,” he hushed, “just- please,” Steve cried beneath you, as your hands came back to his dick, stroking and pumping up and down, “please, please let me cum.”
Steve was gone. Unbelievably fucked out, vision bleary as tears gathered in the corner of his eyes. Pain and pleasure mixing deliciously, head dizzy and moans incoherent. You decided you’d teased him enough, brought him to the edge enough times just to let his orgasm fizzle out.
“Okay, Stevie,” you hushed him, your hand continuing to pump his thick cock relentlessly, “cum for me.”
And that was it, Steve’s hand squeezed yours in a bruising grip, back arching up off the bed as all the muscles in his body tensed. His orgasm rolled through him like a freight train, his brow was furrowed as he whined and whimpered beneath you. Steve cried out your name like a chant, moans of praise and thank you’s left his lips as his chest heaved.
His hot cum spilled over your fist and his stomach as he rode out his high, thighs shaking as his head hit the soft pillows beneath him. Steve’s eyes fluttered open as he caught your tongue lapping up the remnants of his orgasm off your hand, a fuck whispered into the room.
You stroked his thigh soothingly, crawling over him to press a soft kiss to his lips. You felt him smile into the kiss, tongues mixing together lazily and languidly. You chuckled softly as you stood off him, leaving him with a kiss to the slope of his nose.
Leaving him to collect his breath on your bed, you grabbed a warm cloth to clean up the mess on his stomach. He chuckled lightly at the gesture, a soft blissed out look on his face, thoughts of how the roles are usually reversed.
You climbed into bed beside him, head resting on his chest as your fingers came to trace the moles and freckles that littered his skin. His arm slung around your figure pulling you in close.
“Y’okay?” you whispered into his skin.
Steve hummed, his lips pressing into your soft hairline, his fingers dancing up and down your bare back.
“More than.”
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altschmerzes · 4 months
as a treat for @jamiesfootball, an extended sequence of softness and light, taken from far ahead in wriggle up on dry land (the baby jamie au). enjoy, my friend <3
Jamie has been repeatedly assured by both Roy and Sarah that what he is doing is fine and allowed, but even so, the walk up the path to the school building makes him more nervous with every step he takes. He feels like any moment now he’s going to get accosted by a teacher or school official and interrogated about what he’s doing here. Possibly arrested. If it weren’t for the fact that he would rather die than let either of the Kents down, let alone both of them, he would probably chicken out and run or something. But he would rather die and the task does need to be done, and so here’s Jamie, finding a teacher in the courtyard and walking up to her like he has every right to be here.
“Hello,” he says to the woman, doing his best to sound trustworthy and respectable and not like an awkward sixteen-year-old. “I’m Jamie, I’m here to pick up Phoebe Kent?”
There’s only a moment between when Jamie speaks and when the teacher does, but that moment is plenty long enough for a thousand potential responses to cycle through his mind, none of them positive. And then-
“Oh! Right, yes, Jamie,” the teacher on after-school duty says brightly, flipping up a piece of paper on her clipboard. “Yes, Sarah did call about you picking Phoebe up this afternoon, she sent your picture along as well. Come along, I’ll fetch her for you.”
Still not entirely believing that this was all going to work out, Jamie follows her across the pavement.
“Nice of you to look after your cousin like this,” the woman says without turning around, and what sounds like it was intended to be an offhanded, casual comment stops Jamie in his tracks. It takes her a few seconds to notice, and it takes just about as long for Jamie’s brain to catch up with his mouth and produce any sort of coherent response.
“Huh?” Okay so maybe ‘coherent’ was pushing it.
The teacher has stopped as well, turned to look at him with slight confusion on her face. That’s rich, given that she’s the one who’s just said something that didn’t make any sense at all.
“Oh,” she says, “just that when your aunt called and said her brother’s lad was going to be taking Phoebe home on the bus today I wasn’t expecting how young you are. My boy is just a little older than you and I couldn’t get him to babysit my sister’s lass if I tried.”
The gears in Jamie’s head slowly start creaking back to life. The math does itself rather quickly, and before he can say anything else, he hears his name shrieked out and then there’s the sound of thudding light-up trainers on the pavement. Jamie barely has the time to crouch down and open his arms before Phoebe has hurtled straight into him, nearly knocking him off balance.
“You’re getting big then, eh, what do they feed you at school, Phoebs, rocks?” he asks, a little winded from the impact and from what the teacher had said. Your cousin. Your aunt. Her brother’s lad.
“No-o-o,” Phoebe giggles, drawing the word out. She bounces out of Jamie’s arms a moment later, never staying still for more than a few moments at a time. They aren’t separated for long, though. A little hand latches onto Jamie’s almost immediately after Phoebe exits the hug and she starts to swing their interlocked fingers enthusiastically. “Can we go home now please? I’m sure Dauphine has missed me terribly while I’ve been away.”
Looking to the teacher, Jamie waits for further instructions from the adult in charge. It surely can’t be that easy to just show up and take a child from school, name and photo on hand or not. He must have to… well, he doesn’t know, but there’s got to be some kind of test. Some kind of ‘will you get this seven year old home in one piece’ test that he’ll have to undergo.
“Off you pop!” says the after-school duty teacher. She smiles at both of them and gives an exaggerated wave that seems like a bit much even for a kid Phoebe’s age. She’s a bright little gremlin, she doesn’t need to be condescended to.
“Right, okay,” Jamie says, blinking at the teacher even as Phoebe starts tugging him by the hand towards the gate. “Uh, thanks,” he calls over his shoulder, then focuses on not falling over his feet or the kid leading the way. “So, you ever taken the bus before?”
“The bus!” From the tone with which she’s exclaimed it, you would think Jamie had just told Phoebe they would be riding home on a pony made of gold. “Oh I love the bus.”
“That’s the attitude, mini-Kent.” It’s an acutely funny thing for a kiddie her age to say, but Jamie focuses on not laughing. He doesn’t want to discourage her interests or whatever. Nothing feels worse when you’re young than someone older than you laughing at you.
Their hands keep swinging between them, and every so often Phoebe adds a little skip into her gait. It makes the lights in her trainers go wild, little yellow and pink stars flashing against the grey of the pavement. She chatters as they go about her day at school, about how she thinks maths is dull and how she and her new best friend Cierra were going to write a comic book together about their cats being best friends and solving crime. Jamie responds where appropriate, humming and nodding and asking questions. He wants for her to know that she’s being listened to, but he would have to admit that his mind isn’t all focused on the proposed adventures of Dauphine and Prime Minister Socks. Instead, he’s still thinking about that teacher’s voice and the way she’d smiled at him when she’d told him it was nice of him to look after his cousin.
Your aunt. Her brother’s lad. Had Sarah said those words exactly? The teacher surely hadn’t invented them out of thin air. They had to come from someplace, and the thought makes Jamie feel warm inside and a little bit shy. He tries to imagine it, to picture what it would have sounded like. Sarah’s voice saying, My nephew, Jamie, he’ll be picking up Phoebe today. Yeah, he’s my brother’s lad. All the way to the bus stop and up the steps onto the bus he thinks of different ways that it could have gone, in-between responding to Phoebe. All of them feel… They feel good. They feel right.
Sure it’s lying and lying isn’t exactly right, but what’s the harm? It’s one teacher at a school Jamie has never been to before and probably will never go to again, this being a one-off fluke of scheduling and convenience. What does it matter if she thinks he’s Sarah’s nephew? Roy’s… Roy’s lad? So what if Jamie likes the idea of someone out there thinking that, even if it isn’t true?
“You’re smiling.”
The observation comes after what Jamie belatedly realizes has been an extended silence from Phoebe. She’s sitting on the bus seat beside Jamie, legs swinging back and forth and his hand clutched in hers. They’d let go for just a moment while Jamie took care of their fares, and then Phoebe had promptly reclaimed her place hanging onto him, which is encouraging as far as her awareness of travel safety goes.
“Am I?” Jamie asks. He’s sure that his face has turned a lovely shade of red, and he only hopes that at least will pass unnoticed.
“Yes, you are,” she confirms, nodding for emphasis. Then, as if to prove her point, Phoebe lets go of his hand just long enough to poke him in the cheek. “You’ve been smiling all the way to the bus. It’s nice. I think you should smile more. I think everybody should smile more, because smiling means you’re happy, and I think everyone should be happy. Except for Walter Lewis who is a mean, mean boy who chased my friend Stephen with a worm on a stick yesterday, so I think he should be sad, and go and live in tarnation.”
“He should go and live in what?” Anything else he could have asked flies promptly out of Jamie’s brain at that completely incomprehensible conclusion. This could be a matter of her knowing things that he didn’t, which is entirely possible, because geography has never been Jamie’s strongest point, or this is about to be a much funnier interaction. If they get to move off of Jamie’s expression before she could get to asking him why he was smiling, all the better.
“Tarnation,” Phoebe says, pronouncing it very deliberately and primly. “That’s what Mister Ted says all the time. What in tarnation, he says, and so it must be a very bad place, because he does not frown very much and he’s always frowning when he says that. So I think Walter Lewis should go and live in tarnation and not be mean to anyone anymore. And he can be sad forever there.” A frown creases her little face as she thinks very hard on it for a moment. “Actually, no, he doesn’t have to be sad forever. That would be terrible, even for Walter Lewis. He should be sad for a while, though. A very, very long time. Like, maybe even until he’s ten. Or until he learns to stop chasing people with worms.”
The effort with which Jamie is not laughing is nothing short of heroic. He takes a few deep breaths, ensures that nothing is going to slip out, and then he tells her, “That seems like a very fair decision. He can live in tarnation and be sad until he’s ten, or until he learns to stop chasing people with worms.”
“Exactly,” Phoebe responds. She nods, a sharp jerk of her chin and a self-satisfied conviction in her face that makes her look very much like Roy. “I’m glad you understand.” Then, in the flip of a moment, as fast as everything seems to change with children her age, Phoebe has let go of Jamie’s hand so that she can slip both arms around his elbow, hugging close to him and pressing the side of her face into his bicep. “I’m so happy you got to come ride the bus with me today, Jamie. Let’s do this again lots of times, okay?”
Jamie finds it suddenly very hard to speak. His throat feels tight and his eyes prickle with heat and he is not going to cry on this fucking bus and definitely not in front of Phoebe Kent and most certainly not because a seven-year-old asked him to hang out with her again.
Nice of you to look after your cousin like this. Your aunt called and said her brother’s lad was going to be taking Phoebe home on the bus today.
“Yeah,” he says eventually, when he’s glad that an entirely new kind of unwanted sound won’t slip out alongside the words. Lifting his arm, Jamie carefully dislodges her grip and wraps it around her shoulders instead, letting Phoebe cuddle in close to his side, even though her swinging feet kick him in the shin every so often. His other hand keeps a firm grasp on her book bag, and he feels both very young and very grown up all at once. “Yeah, I’d like that, too.”
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dreaminonao3 · 1 year
Fictober 01 - "It's not too late, let's go." - DSS/Peggy
Fandom: Marvel's What If...?
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Never Too Late (AO3)
“It’s not too late, let’s go,” Peggy insisted.
“You’re sure?” Stephen asked. They had just gotten back to their apartment after saving the universe once again, both of them still covered in ichor.
She grinned at him. “After we clean up, of course. Date Night is important. Nat is babysitting Donna until tomorrow morning, after all.”
He had to smile at the mention of their six-month-old daughter, named in honor of her late aunt. “Alright. Allow me.” He raised a hand to use magic to clean them up but Peggy gently grabbed his hand.
“We have enough time to get clean the conventional way,” she said, then she smirked. “That is, if we shower together.”
Stephen smirked. “I need no further persuasion, Captain Strange.”
His wife’s response was to kiss him then lead him to the master suite.
One invigorating shower later, they were in a cab on the way to the restaurant.
“I can’t get over our little miracle,” Stephen said softly, awed. “After everything I put my body through, I shouldn’t have been able to father a child.”
“You assumed too much, that’s all,” Peggy reassured him, and not for the first time. “From everything you’ve told me, I honestly think one of the purposes of magic is to preserve life, and that apparently includes sperm and egg cells. We could give Donna siblings, if we wanted.”
He chuckled. “Has someone caught baby fever again already?”
“I don’t mean right now,” Peggy said, rolling her eyes fondly. “Near-future is soon enough for me. A year from now, two at the most. Let’s enjoy being a family of three for a little while longer.”
Stephen slipped an arm around her shoulders and held her close, murmuring, “That is perfectly fine by me.”
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years
Aight, 1 for the drabbles
Character needs to babysit a toddler for a couple of hours
"How was the venue tour?" Simon's mother Carla asked as Ambar and Simon were helping her to set the table for dinner at Simon's childhood home.
The travel plans of staying in Mexico for one night to announce the engagement had already stretched two days... and it looked like they'd be staying there at least till Friday now.
"It went well," Ambar said while arranging the forks and the knives on the table. "I think we might have found the one. Grand Oasis has a beautiful wedding package and they can handle almost everything. Helps with budgeting and everything. We made another appointment there on Thursday."
"Let us know if you need any help," Carla responded and went to stir the pot on the stove.
"Mom, trust me. She has it handled. Even I am not allowed to do anything," Simon joked, and Ambar struck him on the ribs.
"Mom, I am sorry but we'll have to cancel the concert tomorrow." Maya entered the kitchen.
"What happened?" Carla turned to Simon's sister concerned. "You and Antonio were really looking forward to that. "
"Our babysitter canceled." Maya shook her head. "Miriam has the flu. Not her fault at all. Antonio's parents are out of town, but you and Dad can still go. We'll go see the mariachis later."
"Don't cancel it." Simon suddenly piped up. "We can look after Valeria."
"You mean that?" Maya looked at him suspiciously, "Because I am not mood for jokes Simon."
"Of course!" Ambar joined Simon. Valeria, Simon's niece, and goddaughter was the most adorable thing on earth. Ambar didn't have any experience with younger children and given her upbringing she wasn't always sure about herself with them, so Simon's family had been such a good experience. She wanted to learn. "We don't have anything to do tomorrow."
"How's my little princess?" Simon picked 3-year-old Valeria up as he and Ambar walk through the door into Maya and Antonio's house.
"Call, if you need anything," Maya said as she picked up her handbag from the chest of the drawers. "And Simon, I will kill you, if you let her eat too much candy."
"I want candy!" Valeria exclaimed from Simon's arms.
"You know, I was told that you are a champion at Twister." Simon poked Valeria's nose. "Maya, don't you have any faith in me?"
"Well, after you got fired from your job and took off to Argentina and never came back? No, I don't." Maya shook her head while joking.
"I think we need to start to get going," Antonio, Maya's husband took hold of her arm. "Simon and Ambar got this."
"Come on! Come see my room!" Valeria grabbed both Simon's and Ambar's arms after her parents had gone and started pulling them forwards.
"Wow, this is beautiful." Ambar gasped as Valeria pulled them to her room. "I love all the pink."
"I wanna be a princess!" Valeria continued as she gestured to the gazebo that had been set up on her bed.
"Well, you already are one," Simon laughed, "Soooooo, wanna beat Uncle Simon and Aunt Ambar at Twister?"
"Yayyyyyyyyyy!" Valeria jumped off her bed off the bed and Simon her up once again and they exited the room to find the twister. Ambar just smiled looking at them. He would be an amazing dad someday.
"I think today has been a much better workout than any of the concert rehearsals." Simon joked as they were sitting on the couch later in the evening. After the Twister tournament of death, they had gone to the park and got some takeout.
In order for Simon not to get himself killed, they had not gotten any candy. They had gotten Ice-Cream though. Ambar had to admit that she had had the time of her life.
Three of them had been snuggled on the sofa watching Beauty and Beast. Valeria had dosed off during the end credits and was now sleeping on Simon's lap.
"It was so much fun." Ambar laughed, "I haven't been on the swings since forever."
"Just for the record, I am the best at pushing people on the swings"
"I believe that, after today especially," Ambar reached for his hand. "Do you see yourself having a big family?"
"Honestly, even if I have grown up in this crazy mess, I don't want six kids. Two or three is enough." Simon looked her into the eyes. "I kind of always imagine having two girls, both as beautiful as their mother."
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twistedmindtales · 1 year
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Next Door Neighbors
There have been a few paranormal events that I've experienced in my life, the first of which happened when I was rather young.  Every year, after my brother and I got out of school for the summer, we visited my dad’s side of the family who lived just outside of San Diego, CA.  My aunt, cousin, and grandparents all lived on the same block, and the neighborhood was filled with kids for us to play with. 
For some reason, which I can’t remember, my parents didn’t take us for a year or two and it was the summer of 1990 before we went again.  An older couple lived next door to my aunt that had a “banana board” style skateboard in their garage that I loved to borrow every time I went.  I was about to head over to their house to borrow the skateboard as I always did, and my aunt told me they didn’t live there anymore.  My response was probably a slight frown and exaggerated sigh, but I didn’t ask questions and just went about my way. 
Later that night, my cousin said she was going to babysit the kid who moved in next door after the elderly couple had left and asked me if I wanted to go with her, enticing me with the prospect of splitting the babysitting money and staying up late watching movies.  I gladly agreed and we headed over to the house just before it got dark. 
Once we got to the house and met the family, the parents left for their nightly outing and we started playing with the little boy we were babysitting.  He was a rambunctious 3-year-old and we were having a ton of fun with him wrestling and throwing balls around the yard for him to chase.  He started to tire around 9 pm and we went inside to put him to sleep and begin our movie marathon.
I made some microwave popcorn and grabbed candy I had stashed then popped the movie in the VCR while my cousin put the boy to bed in his room. 
We were about halfway through the movie and I noticed my cousin looking towards the hallway where the boy’s room was and I asked her what she was looking at.  She asked, “Did you turn the light on in his room?”  I scoffed at the notion since I hadn’t even left my seat on the couch. The light was indeed on, or at least one of the bedroom lights, and neither of us had remembered one being on before. 
“I got it,” I said as I paused the movie and jumped up to go turn it off. At this point, I still wasn’t suspicious of anything and really just wanted to get back to watching the movie so I dashed over to the room and it was indeed the light from the boy’s room.  The moment I stepped into his room it was like I was into a grocery store freezer.  My body bent over at the waist and I let out a guttural “Ohhh!” it was so bitter cold.
It was the middle of the summer, there was no central air conditioning in the home, and none of the ceiling fans were on.  I took a quick look at the little boy to see him sleeping and turned off the light then raced back to my cousin.
“Why is it so cold in there?” I asked with a puzzled tone as I nestled back into my corner of the couch.  “What do you mean?” she asked in reply.  “Huh?  It’s like 2 degrees in there!  It’s the middle of summer I’m over here sweating and that room is like an icebox!” My cousin acted like I was speaking a different language and just shook her head telling me she didn’t know what I was talking about. 
We turned the movie back on and about 30 minutes later, she tapped on my shoulder and had a terrifying look in her eyes.  As her lips quivered she whispered, “Tommy I thought you turned out the light…”  We both ran to her house next door so fast that I don’t remember the run and we forgot the little boy. 
My aunt and parents walked back to the house while we stayed at my cousin’s and watched through the window as they went inside.  We saw the light turn out in the bedroom and they quickly came back with the little boy in tow. 
When they got back home, none of the adults looked well and told us why the older couple no longer lived in the house. They had been brutally stabbed to death after they caught burglars in their home a few years before.  My cousin almost fainted and I’ve never had that feeling in the pit of my stomach since.
TM & Copyright © 2023 Twisted Mind Tales. All Rights Reserved.
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soupbabe · 1 year
You asked for stuff and my little brain is still so attached to dad Bo, tell me how you think he'd be as a dad, and also how the siblings would be as uncles (plus aunt because we love Maggie<3<3)
I think Bo would genuinely be so nervous 😭 he just wants the best for his kid and I think he'd struggle with breaking the cycle of abuse he grew up with. He has very obviously not healed from his own trauma and having a kid of his own makes him want to be a better man. Like it makes him confront his past, y'know? He'd try his best to be supportive of his kid, Bo wants to be very involved in their life despite him lacking in the heart-to-heart emotion category . Though I think he can excel in raising them in their later teen years as he raised Maggie and Lester when they were 16 and 15 respectively !!
Lester and Vincent are fun uncles. Hands down. They both have such a soft spot for kids, especially Lester. Summer breaks spent with Lester is the most fun a kid could have. And I'd imagine Vincent would try to open their eyes to the world of wax sculpture. I don't think Bo wants his kid to see the brutality behind it all, so it all starts with more innocent, smaller sculptures in hopes that the kid grows a fondness for it. They both know how to have their fun and have their niece/nephew's back no matter what.. though I'd imagine Vincent is a lot more reactive every time they tell him about bullies or s/o drama. He will want to tell Bo and give that kid a piece of their mind (non violently ofc, worst case scenario is just threatening the parents into actually checking the actions of their kid lmao)
AND OMG AUNT MAGGIE HAS ME WEAK <33 SHE GETS SO SOFT ESP IN THE BABY STAGES SHE LOVES BABIES!! I always thought she used to babysit when she was like 13-15, she's met babies/kids with a variety of personalities, probably the most qualified person here 😭 she'll spoil the kid rotten. Goes all out for them on Halloween. Coolest costume at the party, first place everytime. Also I think she can become a good friend to Bo's kid, especially if he has a daughter. Like idk there's definitely more of an attempt to give her the childhood Maggie never had. Make it be known that she's enough and she encourages her to embrace her individuality. She wants to give her a healthier mother figure, call it Maggie healing her inner child.
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theghostus · 1 year
Day 95
By now y'all know this is my personal blog. Putting all my feelings and thoughts down.
Still no income. Brightside...I will probably start my new job at a school after Eid. Y'all think, hey, that's good news. Dude, not to my savings account, it ain't. Borrowing money and moving money for the past 5 months. Each month the bills take a HUGE bite into my savings. Not counting the necessities like food and feminine products. So yeah. I'm hella worried. Last December really took a toll on my mental health when the insurance companies asked for their yearly payment. That sucks eggs, man. Oh another thing, my phone has that infamous green line in the middle of my screen. It will cost me a new phone just to get it repaired. Even after repair, it has only a 1-month warranty. FML.
Another thing that weighs heavily on my mind is that bitch of my aunt, aka Dad's sis. She still hasn't sold the Devil's home. I mean, how can she? The damn place it's as old as me (not telling you how old I am; I'm a millennial that's the only clue I'm giving). No one wants to buy that home for the price she's selling, even though it's 'convenient' etc etc. When I released it to her, it was cleaned and manageable (also, it was after GP passed) Her son is now 30; if I recall correctly, he doesn't need babysitting. So it's her and her husband now. I mean she could downsize her 2-storey flat to save cost. Whatever I digress. Without that money from the sale, I can't do my kitchen. I had 2 quotes from 2 different contractors. Each will cost me almost 6k. Including the changing of the toilet doors. sigh.
My mum's condition is stable and no change over the years. With the "occasionally" and 'normal' sounds of her being strangled by an invisible hand. The sounds coming from her I can only describe would be the sounds if I were to strangle someone.
Mdm Sunflower finally got her goal. She and her husband have a daughter. She came home to them on my birthday. Will need to find out if her girl is a Pisces - they are emotional balls of energy which Mr and Mdm Sunflower are not. Her girl has already proven to be the Lil Diva already, haha. Luckily her girl is a Rabbit - they are kind and social creatures. She will make a great mum. That has been her goal since she got married almost 20 years ago. It seems like yesterday we were talking about our goals and what we wanted to achieve in our life.
Le Bf celebrated our 2nd Vday at a proper restaurant. We didn't celebrate my birthday much coz was trying to balance my mum and him. We ate at a hawker centre (it's a Singaporean eating centre) because his workplace is 1.5 hours away from my flat. He was doing sales, so he couldn't really go anywhere. Plus, I sus he just lazy to plan shit. So he just manages with whatever. Also, I was supposed to meet him early, but I went marketing with Mum in the afternoon and took a nap thinking he could only leave later when he didn't tell me that he had someone at the shop with him to cover. sigh. men.
Then I was thinking of surprising him and celebrating his birthday by bringing him to Gardens by the Bay at night to watch the light show since he had never seen it before. First, he didn't this week tell me he took 3 days off and planned to spend his whole 3 days with his mates and for his social work. I got to know this only yesterday. Secondly, he told me, I think a couple of weeks ago, that he's travelling to Bangkok this week, and his flight is tomorrow at 5am and will be returning to SG on the 10th (again I was told this yesterday when he came over). So he will be in Bangkok from 6 to 10 (for duty and play his words not mine), including on his birthday. So I'm a mix of sad and angry at the moment. Sad I couldn't celebrate his birthday again. Angry, he spends his birthday overseas again. the first time, his friend treated him to a seafood dinner in Malaysia. While I thought he was working when he sent his seafood dinner pics to me. I don't blame him for wanting to have fun with his mates, but sometimes I wonder am I the fool trying to create memories? I'm in two minds of just throwing his present in his face and telling him next time I just wish you HPB. I won't be celebrating his birthday anymore anything since he prefers to spend it with his friends overseas.
Am I being brainwashed by socials with picture-perfect relationships? Am I expecting too much?
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boxed-chardonay · 2 years
So look, I have this cousin (in his mid 30s I think) who is in jail for numerous offenses few of which are substance use/dealing and illegal possession of a firearm (this will become more relevant later) . He was arrested at burger King Like All great criminals are. He's Been in rehab, corrections, and prison for about 5ish years now.
Now this is where it gets twisted. He is soon to be released, which for numerous reasons we will talk about I don't agree with. But i know somebody who has evedance that he hasn't changed despite what he is presenting himself to be. But to understand that, let's go back to just before he got arrested.
The leading days to his arrest (keep in mind he was on illeagal substances) he harassed everyone in the family. From his mom to the 7 aunts and uncles and everyone in between. With out going into detail he harassed both if his sisters. Calling it harassment is taking it lightly. That same week he broke into my home and stole my father's cloths and one of his uncles duffel bags to "deliver" "goods" that same day the previously mentioned illeagal firearm was brought to my mom's attention. Nothing was said nothing came out of this man's ill mouth. Just a blank, emotionless stare right at my mom. On the same day as well my mom was babysitting my 2 younger cousins. He purposely told them that a tornado (it was storming out) was going to kill them and left the house. Quite a few things after that happened that I vaguely remember, but I can't pull them forward for some reason. Anyway. The next week he was arrested at burger King and sent to a rehab/corrections facility. Things genuinely seemed like they were turning around for him, which was strange because he's been in jail before and he came out with noting different about him. Some time goes by as his mother updates the family. People asked me to send him money to which I did not. Last year, around this time his claim was he was becoming an ordained minister for the church. Which once again struck me as odd. He was never a church going person. But the pastor of the church that I occasionally frequent that all my family goes to saidhe was doing better and how he was meeting with him every so often to help him get ordained. Hopes started increasing that things might potentially be changing for him.
I now believe I was wrong. Recently our uncle had passed over a substance overdose. And strange things happened (that's for another story). He claimed he saw our uncle with our deceased grandmother. His mom. It was an entire thing for a different story. One of my cousins stayed with me during my uncles service because she came from Kentucky. I was brought to attention of a list of things he wanted is girlfriend pinpal to search for him. One of which was a very specific illeagal substance traid in my state.
I bring this up because most people in my family don't know this. I also bring this up for the judge mental posts that I have seen. But I have to be honest though judgemental I don't disagree. I fear my families life when he gets out because I fear what he will do. My mom tells me "he served his time" to that I say his time isn't long enough. People tell me "only one person can judge him now and that's God" Like I'm sorry. Love thy neighbor and all but love thy neighbor behind bars. I shutter to think what this man is going to do when he gets out. And if it has anything to do with anyone in my family being harmed he will be the one 6 ft under and I will be the one behind bars. I've been told I might act nice but I can mace Satan cry and if my cousin ends up in hell as a result of me Satan himself will apologize because I will be the one in his torture chamber humiliating, torturing, and harvesting his pain for eternity. Everyone has high hopes for him. But they don't know what I know. And for that I home they won't find out because if the cops don't get to him before I do there will be hell to pay and I will enjoy every second of it even if it results in me being behind bars for the rest of my life. And he will have to answer to me for the rest of eternity. Begging for me to stop, asking me to let him take one breath. Because I won't.
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If u think cats are evil bc they're mean to u and attack u maybe u should take a step back and ask urself why the cat is acting like that?
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writingmaneskin · 3 years
Stolen Time - A Thomas Raggi Story || Chapter Five
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Pairings: Thomas Raggi x Fem! Reader
Description: Thomas had one big love in his life and it all went to hell for a reason that he could never understand. Almost a decade later, the truth starts to unfold as he learns what really happened.
Warnings: Contains angst, but also comfort. Mentions of partying and alcohol, as well as mental health
Words: 2.3k
A/N: I am grateful for all the support that you've shown this story and I would love some feedback as always <3
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Taglist: @idyllicbutterfly, @moonlight-simp. @maneskings, @itsmaneskinbitch, @mywritingonlyfans, @hiraetheral, @homesicam, @ilwiwbysmv, @bieberhoodforever, @que--sera--sera, @vita-thrasher, @ethaneskin, @iosonoarina, @theimpossiblehologramtree, @dubist-immerinmeinengedanken, @butkutee, @8iunie, @sunflowerpumpkinpie, @ventvnni, @l0standn0tf0und, @lasciatemi-stare, @dpaccione, @elvirabelle, @cuzimitaliano, @daddydamiano, @shehaddreamstoo, @iamtashaquinn
“It’s nice to meet you too.” Theo nodded, not knowing what more to say or do. There was this tall stranger that resembled them but what could they do?
“I brought some sweets, do you like sweets?” Thomas spoke shyly as he stepped more into the apartment. “I got all my favourite ones…”
Theo’s face lit up. They did like sweets but it wasn’t something that Angie necessarily encouraged by any means.
“I love sweets.”
Angie watched as father and child interacted for the first time, her hands gripping the kitchen counter, her heart going a million miles an hour. She wondered what you would think of this, and the thought of you made her ache all over again.
She finished setting the table - a task which she had delegated to Theo who was now otherwise preoccupied.
Angie’s phone buzzed on the kitchen counter, hard enough to startle her out of her trance. Victoria had left merely an hour ago, not wanting to clash with Thomas and have to answer some very uncomfortable questions.
“How is it going? Did he get there on time? He hasn’t told anyone anything!” - Victoria wrote
“He came here early, brought sweets and wine, and the two of them are currently talking. I am giving them space but it all seems to be going well.” - Angie responded quickly, grateful for the care that Victoria was showing.
“He must be really excited. I haven’t told anything to Damia or Ethan and obviously I’ll pretend I don’t know until he’s ready to tell us.”
“That’s the wisest choice, I think. Maybe. I don’t know anything anymore.”
“Do you want me to come over later?”
Yes. Yes, she did want that.
“Don’t you have more interesting plans than to babysit me?”
“I am not babysitting anyone, smartass.”
“I’ll take that as a yes. Text me when he leaves.”
“I will be right back, okay. Please don’t go anywhere.” Theo looked at Thomas pleadingly. He nodded, seeing so much of you in that look that it took his breath away.
He got up and started walking over to Angie, feeling the need to be useful.
She was smiling down at her phone when he approached the table.
“This is wow. I…” He started, not really knowing what more to say.
“It is. I am sorry, it should have happened in a completely different way.”
“I love them.” Thomas spoke earnestly. “I love them, yes I am in shock and I don’t know what to do but I don’t want to cause them any pain or sadness. I feel like they’ve had that more than enough for a lifetime.”
Angie started tearing up just as Theo walked back in the kitchen.
“Hi again.” Theo sat down, taking the place instinctively between Angie and Thomas. Both of them smiled down at the child.
“Do you want some wine, Thomas?” Angie asked, starting to get up.
“Yes, thank you.”
“May I have some juice?” Theo looked at their aunt who only affirmed with a smile.
“Of course, bambina.”
“I am starting a new school on Monday.” Theo looked at Thomas. “My old one was too far away but now I get to be closer to Angie and it will be great.” There was light in their eyes when they spoke. He noticed a thin chain around their neck - a necklace.
“That’s amazing, Theo. I am very happy for you.” He smiled too. “May I see your necklace, please?”
He hid his hands under the table as they started shaking and his suspicions became reality when Theo pulled out the necklace that he had given you all that time ago.
“This was mama’s but I got it and now I have her always with me. It was her favourite necklace.”
Thomas looked at Angie. “May I go to the balcony?”
“Of course.”
When Thomas stepped outside, Theo spared Angie a worried look. “Did I say something wrong?”
“No, Theo. He is trying to process everything. I am sure he will tell us if something was wrong. Don’t worry about it until then, okay?”
Theo only nodded and kept picking at their food, anxious about this new person that had so much to do with them and yet was a complete stranger.
Thomas smoked two cigarettes one after the other before he could calm down enough to sit back at the table. He washed his hands and was painfully aware that he reeked of cigarette smoke.
Maybe I should quit smoking, and set a good example. He thought to himself.
He looked at Theo who was not looking at him but staring at their plate.
“I would very much like to introduce you to my family, if that is okay with you.” He spoke finally. He knew that Theo was now an irreplaceable part of his life and he knew that his parents would adore Theo too.
"I am okay if Theo is." Angie nodded.
"I..yes." Theo smiled shyly.
"Perfect, I'll arrange for that to happen as soon as possible!"
Theo hesitantly left Thomas and Angie to speak when she was almost asleep at the dinner table, the emotions draining her too quickly for her own liking. Angie went with her and made sure that everything went smoothly, and Thomas decided to make himself useful and cleaned up a bit.
“You don’t have to clean up…” Angie spoke softly, stepping into the kitchen.
“You don’t have to do everything by yourself either.” Thomas insisted. “I have a lot to learn but I am a quick study and I am more than happy to help with whatever I can. Did I pass the test?” He leaned on the kitchen counter and looked at Angie.
“What test?”
“The test that would determine if I am fit to be in Theo’s life.” Thomas spoke softly, wanting to spare Angie any and all unnecessary pain.
“You being in Theo’s life is up to you. And to them, of course.” Angie added hastily. “I think you two have been kept apart for long enough but whether or not you two build a relationship is up to you.”
“Thank you, Angie. I will happily be in their life for as long as they let me.”
“They will be glad to hear that. Look, Thomas, Theo is a child who has been through more things than any person their age should go through and I will always be protective of them.”
“That’s understandable.”
“Good. I hope you realise that it means that I won’t interfere until it’s called for.”
“Of course.”
Thomas felt lighter than he had since he’d learned of what had happened to you. He was a dad. And not only was he a dad, but his child was pretty amazing.
“Can we meet?” He wrote in the group chat, buzzing to share this news with his friends.
“Where will we meet?” Damiano was first to reply.
“Come over to my place.” - Thomas put down finally and went into the nearest store, buying snacks and drinks, wanting to celebrate this miraculous occasion. Yes, there was cause for celebration even if said celebration was a bit later than he’d wanted.
He rushed home with the bags and started setting out everything, excited to share this big news with his closest people. And the next day, he would head out to see his parents and tell them everything.
Ethan arrived first, shocked to find his friend in such good spirits.
Thomas pulled him in for a tight hug and Ethan was worried that his friend’s grief was spiralling into something scarier.
"Come in, we are celebrating!" Thomas exclaimed.
"Are we alone?" Ethan stepped inside.
"The others are coming soon."
"What are we celebrating?"
"I will tell you as soon as the others arrive too."
Ethan sat down on the sofa and watched as his friend kept rushing and organizing everything.
Damiano saw Victoria pacing around Thomas' apartment building.
"Is he not here? Did he invite us without actually being here?" He pulled a cigarette out of the pack and lit it.
Vic moved her gaze away from the phone, which was buzzing softly with texts from Angie and looked at her friend.
"He is probably here. I haven't checked." Another text came in, pulling her attention away.
"Do you have something better to do?" Damiano asked, taking a drag from the cigarette.
The phone buzzed again.
"Try and celebrate and enjoy yourself tonight. I'll shower and go to sleep. See you." - Angie wrote to Vic. Victoria had been panicking about the sudden party idea that had gotten into Thomas and more so how she was going to look him in the eyes with the knowledge that she knew of his kid before he did.
"I will toss that phone if you don't tell me what in the name of fuck is going on, Vic." Damiano threatened. Seeing his two friends as stressed as they recently looked was stressing him out as well.
"You'll find out sooner or later." Vic moved her gaze away from the phone.
"Text me if you need anything, see you soon.x"
The blonde put the phone in her pocket as Damiano put out his cigarette and reached for the doorbell. They were quickly rung up and Thomas welcomed them with a huge smile on his face.
"THE GANG'S ALL HERE!" He almost shouted. "What are you drinking? Wine? Beer?"
"I am going to have a soda or something." Vic mumbled.
"Great! Dam?"
"A beer sounds good."
The two moved towards Ethan who was sipping a beer on the sofa.
"What the fuck is going on?" Damiano looked at the drummer.
"I have no clue."
Thomas came back with the requested drinks and passed them to their respective owners before raising his glass of white wine.
"As you know, this past week has been one from hell with me learning about Y/N's death and grieving and everything…"
The three friends looked at each other but didn't say anything, Victoria fidgeting uncomfortably in her seat.
"I learned something incredible today which I felt that the three of you should find out first about since you three are the closest people in the entire Universe to me and it's very important…"
"Tell us." Damia prompted, anxiety getting the best of him.
"Y/N and I have a child." Thomas announced and Ethan and Damiano looked stunned, while Vic got paler.
"How do you have a child?" Ethan looked more confused than anyone. "You two haven't been together in ages and if you did have a child, surely you would have found out by now."
"Angie gave me Y/N's journal which she kept before she passed and in it she was talking to me. She came to one of our shows but never worked up the courage to come and talk to me or to reach out and … I am a dad. And I met my child and they are amazing and I can't wait for you to meet them too."
"You're sure?" Ethan looked at Thomas.
"They are a copy of me, Ethan. Their name is Theo and they are the coolest kid I have ever met."
Ethan and Damiano both smiled and got up to hug their friend. Victoria looked like she was about to cry.
"That's great, congratulations!" Damiano patted his back.
"They are eight years old so I have missed a lot of time but I fully intend to catch up as best as I can." Thomas smiled shyly.
"I am proud of you, Thom." Vic put down her drink and went over to hug him.
"Thank you."
"I have a confession to make…" Vic started, looking at Thomas as if he was the only one there.
"I texted Angie and met with her that day when you told us that Y/N passed. I was so mad and I wanted to find the answers for you, I wanted to be able to help…"
Thomas' face fell.
"Did you meet Theo?"
"I did. I slept over there that night after meeting them and Thom, they are a wonderful kid."
"Did you think about coming to tell me?"
"Of course I did. I would have figured out a way for the information to get to you."
"Do you think Angie would have kept me in the dark?" Thomas looked at his friend who only shook her head.
"I barely know Angie but I know she wouldn't have done that to you. I know it." Vic vowed. Thomas thought for a moment what that meant and then realized that yes, it did sting that his best friend met his kid before he did but also his best friend knew his kid.
"Theo is pretty awesome, eh?" Thomas smiled. Vic let out a sob of relief and hugged Thomas.
"Theo is pretty awesome."
“Well, we aren’t privileged enough to have met Theo yet, but we want to celebrate the occasion all the same.” Dami interrupted the interesting moment, trying to break the tension.
“Let’s celebrate.”
And so they did - the volume of the music went up, they danced and did what every person does when the occasion arises - they celebrated. Theo’s appearance in Thomas’ life, despite the huge loss that you had left in both their lives, caused for a celebration. He couldn’t believe how quickly dawn was breaking for him, when mere hours ago, he thought he would be living in darkness forever.
Vic’s phone was on the table and she was dancing with Thomas on the improvised dancefloor. The screen lit up and it read Angie.
“Vic, the phone.” Ethan, ever the gentleman, didn’t look at the screen but handed it to her. She rushed to the balcony, not wanting to kill the party but worried about what might be happening over there.
“Ange?” She picked up as quickly as possible, pulling the door closed after her.
“Vic, it’s Theo. Angie locked herself up in the bedroom and I think she’s in trouble.” Theo’s voice was shaky.
“I’m on my way there. Stay put, I will call you back as soon as I am there.”
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sixeyesgojo · 4 years
dad time // Gojo day 2020 ♥
Summary: in which Gojo practically adopted you as his kid.
Pairing: Dad!Gojo and his kiddo, Shoko is the cool and drunk auntie
Word count: 1,252
Content warning: not for the weak heart because this is SOFT
A/N: I wrote and posted this on AO3 on Gojo day 2020. posting this for comfort after today’s chapter <3
Dad!Gojo will be a series (requested via AO3) and this is the kick-off of said series. More to come in the next few days as I slowly construct this blog. Let me know if you want to be included in a taglist or something - just shoot me a message!
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If there was anything Gojo learned from this, it was that time passed quickly. Almost too quick for him. Not that he ever regretted saving you that day on the street.
It happened on one of his missions. He had been sent to exorcise this certain first grade curse in Nanami's stead. The latter had been injured severely in his previous mission. Nanami claimed that he was fine after having been healed by Shoko but the woman sternly insisted that he would rest for a day until he was completely fine again. For Gojo's favorite junior - whom he loved to the point that he wrote very short but endearing letters at least once a week - Gojo had agreed to take on the mission instead. After all, his students could fend for themselves for a day, as he believed in them.
The curse was nothing too special, at least not to Gojo. He had, once again, exorcised it in the blink of an eye after arriving in the nick of time. He was about to depart when his ears registered a whimper nearby. Turning around, he scanned the area until he caught a glimpse of a little shivering and crying mess that was you. Behind you were two charred corpses that reeked of cursed energy; you had been lucky to not have been hit by the curse's cursed technique.
Damn, hadn't he come so late, they two probably still be alive, Gojo thought. He let out a sigh and picked you up. "I'll bring you to a place where it's safe for you," he spoke softly, then warped away while carrying you as the curtain dissolved.
You were two years old at that time.
And so, three years passed, just like water flowing in a river. Though admittedly, he had an ulterior motive of raising you into a responsible adult - which had proven to be hard - and formidable Jujutsu Sorcerer to walk alongside him, Gojo had taken you under his wing and fully adapted to his role as a foster parent quite quickly. The beginning was a little rough as you just kept wailing and he was restless, not knowing what to do, but he had somehow managed. He had the means to do so, after all.
It was one of Gojo's rare days when he knew he would get off work earlier than usual and he promised that he would spend the whole day with you. So, here you were, waiting for your foster dad to come out. You were wearing a shirt he had gifted you as a souvenir after coming home after a long day: it was a black shirt with white lettering that said "if lost, return to the strongest dad". Gojo loved this shirt so much, he had gotten himself a matching "I'm the strongest dad" counterpart. Of course, you had it with you because you liked the idea of matching with your favorite person in the world.
Holding Shoko's hand while waiting for Gojo in front of the school building, you had been bugging her for the last 30 minutes by asking repeatedly, "When will daddy come, auntie?" to which she would reply with a smile, saying, "Patience, kiddo." Shoko had always played a big part in your life, being one of your dad's very few close friends. She had always been like an aunt to you and you loved her dearly. But your #1 and utmost favorite person in this world was still your childish dad.
"Auntie, my feet hurt," you pouted. Wordlessly, Shoko picked your small form up. Your little fist resting against her shoulders, holding Gojo's shirt.
After some more waiting, the door finally opened, revealing a certain white-haired sorcerer with a big grin on his face. "Ohh? Look who it is! It's my favorite little munchkin!" Gojo exclaimed and Shoko could almost see the happiness in him manifesting around him. He was as dorky as always. Your little fist held out the shirt to him as you pouted. He understood right away as he eyed you. Taking the shirt from you, he saluted with a joking voice, "As you wish!" With a snap of his finger, he was wearing the shirt already. His blindfold also switched with casual shades.
"Thanks for babysitting, Shoko," he turned to her and thanked his colleague and friend to which the said person replied, "It was a pleasure to hang out with Y/N, as usual." You kissed your beloved auntie on the cheek ("Goodbye auntie!!") before she let you down so you could take your rightful place, which was on Gojo's shoulders. He always carried you like this when the two of you spent time in town. It was a simple gesture but you always felt like you could conquer the world (or at least as far as you could see from up there).
"Where do you want to go, sweetie?" the sorcerer asked as he hoisted you onto his shoulders. "Dad, I want to go eat ice cream!!" you voiced your wish. Like dad, like kid, Gojo thought as he smiled. "I was thinking the same thing, Y/N! Wanna go to our usual place and get the special sundae with me?" he suggested. You nodded enthusiastically before realizing he probably would not see your nod. "Sure! But only if you don't gobble down all of my vanilla scoops again..." you said and puffed your cheeks.
"Aww, baby, I'm soooooo sorry. I acknowledge that it was, in fact, pretty mean of me but I reeeeeaaaaaally couldn't control myself last time," Gojo chuckled, "This time you'll get a biiiiig share of my part, okay? It's a promise."
The tall sorcerer treated the both of you to a big sundae of 20 scoops, which you shared, at your favorite ice cream parlor. As promised, he let you have a considerably big share of his part. Usually, kids would be satisfied with just that - but not you. You were Gojo's kid after all, taking very well after him and his horrible sweet tooth after all these years of being together with him - and he knew that well. This was exactly how following ice cream, the two of you happily spent time eating kikufuku, cotton candy, daifuku and the like. It truly is a miracle you haven't ended up with dental caries yet.
If there was anything Gojo loved in this world, it would be spoiling you rotten. He would stop at nothing to make you happy and carefree as these emotions being displayed on your face were his favorite. Seeing you smile never ceased to make his heart beat a little harder out of his own happiness. Talking about spoiling you rotten: on that day, he had bought you new clothes (since you started growing out of your old ones), a few new plushies you had eyed and restocked your secret candy stash ("but do not tell auntie Shoko about this, okay?").
After spending a wonderful day and enjoying dinner with your dad, the two of you went home hand in hand.
Later on, he tucked you into bed as it was time for you to sleep. "Dad, thanks for today. I love you," you said and he replied with a kiss on your cheek and a chuckle, "I know, I love myself too." You rolled your eyes.
The Jujutsu world may fear this man but to you, he was just your dorky dad whom you loved more than any other person in this world.
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duvetsandpillows · 3 years
Sebastian Vettel Fluffy A-Z
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Gif Credit: @chasingpegasus
A = Attractive: what do they find attractive about the other?
Your kindness. You are always looking for the best in everyone and you always put others before yourself. He calls you his little angel because he thinks you’re too good to be of this earth.
B = Baby: do they want a family? why/why not?
Seb knew he wanted to have kids with you after he saw you with one for the first time. Your friend had a baby and you’d offered to babysit for a night so she could go out. Seb got back from work to see you dancing around the living room with the baby girl in your arms, the two of you listening to Queen.
“Liebling what have we said about stealing babies?” You turned around and rolled your eyes.
“I know, I’ll give her back tomorrow.” He chuckled and gave you a kiss before cooing to the baby.
Once you’d put her down for the night you turned around from her cot to see Seb standing in the doorway.
“I didn’t know you were so good with kids.” You shrugged and gently ushered him out the room, pulling the door to.
“I dunno, used to look after my cousins when I was growing up.” He smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
“Do you ever think about having your own one day?” he asked wrapping his arms around your shoulders.
“I think I’d like having a pair of feet pattering around the house.”
A year later you found out you were expecting two sets of feet to cause mayhem and Sebastian couldn’t have been happier when he found out.
C = Cuddle: how do they cuddle?
Sebastian loves to wrap his arms around your shoulders from behind. He loves being able to hold you close and press kisses to the top of your head. In bed he loves to be big spoon, having you curled into his chest, your leg hooked between his. He will kiss the side of your head and whisper sweet nothings in German to you as you fall asleep.
D = Dates: what are dates with them like?
The two of you don’t always get time for dates as he travels so much so you always cook dinner for when he gets back from a race. It’s guaranteed time for the two of you to have some alone time together. You don’t need extravagant dates, being together is enough.
E = Everything: "you are my ____" (e.g my life, my world...)
You are my forever and always.
F = Feelings: when did they know they were falling in love?
He knew he had feelings for you pretty quickly. Whenever he was home from work you would be his first thought and he realised that he loved you and no one could ever compare to you.
G = Gentle: are they gentle? If so, how?
Seb is always gentle with you, sure you two muck around and play fight but he would never intentionally hurt you.
H = Hand/Hold: how do they like to hold? how do they like to hold hands?
When out and about you can guarantee his fingers will be laced with yours. He likes keeping you close, knowing how you can get overwhelmed in big crowds so will always squeeze to give you reassurance that you’re not some and that you’re going to be okay.
I = Impression: first impression/s
You were an old family friend but you two hadn’t seen each other since the two of you were kids. Sebs mother had invited your family over for a barbecue since Seb was home for a while. When he came down stairs he saw you chatting with his auntie, and he couldn’t believe it was really you. You’d gone from being an adorable little girl to a stunning young woman.
You glanced away from his aunt and caught him staring at you so you flashed a smile and a small wave. Seb immediately had an unexplainable wave of anxiety wash over him. He walked over and his auntie excused herself to let the two of you catch up.
“Long time no see,” you said offering him a beer, which he accepted.
“I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.”
“It’s a lucky day for both of us then.”
The two of you were inseparable for the rest of the day, causing both your mother’s and his auntie to have plenty to gossip about.
The two of you ended up staying up all night chatting around the fire pit, cuddled up in a blanket together.
“Can’t risk you getting a cold or something,” he whispered wrapping his arm around you.
J = Joker: are they into pulling pranks?
You two would be silly and make each other laugh with shitty dad jokes and puns but you two weren’t prank sort of people.
K = Kisses: how do they kiss?
Sebastian is quite reserved in public so usually kisses your head or cheek but in private he will kiss you anywhere he can, he finds it hard to keep his hands and lips off you.
L = Love: who says I love you first?
He did. You two had been dating for a couple of months and he just knew it was love but he was worried that it was too soon to say it to you. I hat was until you two had gone out for drinks with some friends and you two ended up getting a taxi home and leaving the car at the bar.
Sebastian poured the two of you a whisky while you kicked off your shoes and lit the fire. Seb sat down next to you and passed your drink before wrapping an arm around you.
“Did you know…” you slurred turning your head to look at him, “you are my favourite person,” you pressed a kiss to his jaw before pressing kisses to his neck, leaving a small mark.
“Did you know that I love you,” he slurred back. You looked up at him in shock, just as much as he was; realising what he’d just said.
“Really? You love me?”
“How could I not, you’re perfect.”
M = Memory: their favourite moment together
You hadn’t been able to go to a race weekend and even though he didn’t show it he was bummed. You felt just as sad so you wanted to make it up to him. He got back to see candles lit everywhere and music playing softly in the background. The table was laid and dinner waiting. You were in the dress you’d worn on your first proper date together, which was coincidentally Sebastians favourite.
You spent the whole night pampering him after he’d worked so hard and by the end of the night the two of you were cuddled with up under a blanket by the fire.
N = Nickel: do they spoil? do they buy the person they love everything?
Sebastian likes to occasionally spoiled you with jewellery or clothes. You don’t like him spending so much money on you but he would always respond with “nonsense my angel deserves the best.”
O = Orange: what colour reminds them of their other half?
Light green. You wore a necklace that you’d had since you were a kid and it had a small light green emerald inside it. He was so used to seeing you wear it he automatically associated the colour with you.
P = Pet names: what pet names do they use?
Engelchen, Schatz, my everything.
Q = Quaint: what is their favourite non-modern thing?
Cuddling up by the fire and chatting. You would sit there for hours discussing anything that came to mind. You just enjoyed being in each others company.
R = Rainy Day: what do they like to do on a rainy day?
Usually you would start the day by trying to do jobs around the house but Seb gets bored and insists that you two take a break that never seems to end. Then you usually watch a movie or cuddling up in bed.
S = Sad: how do they cheer themselves/each other up
Sebastian goes quiet and finds ways to occupy himself. You always notice fairly quickly and walk over to him, wrapping your arms around his waist and hugging him tight.
“I love you so much,” you will say giving him a squeeze, causing him to hold you as tight as he can and let everything out that’s on his mind. As long as you were in his arms he felt safe.
T = Talking: what do they love to talk about?
Anything. You two could talk about paint drying and find a way to make it interesting. He spends half his day texting you random things because he misses you.
U = Unencumbered: What helps them relax?
Taking baths together. He brought a purposefully large bath so that you two could both fit in it. He loves holding you close, with your back against his chest and pressing kisses to the side of your head or neck while whispering how much he loves you.
V = Vaunt: what do they like to show off? What are they proud of?
Seb only shows off on track. His personal life is kept private.
W = Wedding: when, how, where do they propose?
Seb proposed to you on your three year anniversary. You were four months pregnant and didn’t really want to dress up all fancy and have to go out so Seb set up a beautiful dinner in the back garden. After you had finished pudding Seb took your hand in his and told you how much you mean to him before getting down on one knee and asked you the questions. You said yes and pressed your lips to him before he slid the ring on your finger. You had the wedding a few months after you gave birth so you could have the kids in the photos.
X = Xylophone: What's their song?
Thunderstruck - AC/DC
Y = You're the ___ to my ___ (e.g the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
You're the lightning to my thunder.
Z = Zebra: if they wanted a pet, what pet would they get?
You both had dogs but when you got pregnant you got a puppy so your kids could grow up with their own dog.
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nightwishesworld · 3 years
Babysitting (Part 1)
You and Alcina are roped into taking care of your friend's daughter for a few days. Alcina is...less than excited about it. I mean, come on, a baby in Castle Dimitrescu? What could possibly go wrong?!
The warmth of the afternoon sun crept its way into the windows of Castle Dimitrescu. Both you and Alcina decided it was a beautiful day to take your afternoon tea in the gardens instead of the library . Blooms grew in newly fragranced air, the sweet petals that fluttered reflected by the honeyed-sweetness within. The garden birds always warm your heart. They bring so much joy just from watching them play and dance around the hedges. There are so many of them out today, large and small, brown, red-capped, and golden stripped. You love listening to their chirping, each singing its own beautiful song.
Alcina held your hand over the table as she sipped her special blend of tea.
“Oh, Darling, did I tell you Cristofor and Lucia are going out of town? He says it’s for business but honestly, I think they just want to have a break from the baby. I mean, I don’t blame them, it’s their first kid and you know how hectic everything’s been for them lately."
Alcina nods. “Yes, well, it didn’t help that they were a little unprepared for baby Julianna. That’s her name, right? I remember we offered to buy a few things for them before she was born.”
“Yeah, that’s it, but I just call her Jewel. My precious little gem. I guess they’re gonna be gone for the extended weekend and need someone to watch her.”
Alcina scoffs. “I pity those they choose.”
“Oh stop it, Alcina, it won’t be that bad.”
She stops what she’s doing, nearly choking on her tea, and just stares at you. “You didn’t. You did not! Please for the love of Mother Miranda tell me you didn’t say we would take care of her!”
Your silence was all the answer she needed.
“Why would you do that? Castle Dimitrescu is no place for a baby!”
“Tell that to Cris! I tried telling him that and all he did was assure me that everything would be fine. They feel Jewel would be safest in our care; they were practically begging, Al. What was I supposed to say?”
“No?” You roll your eyes at her. “What about their family? Are they really not available?”
“Lucia said she would feel guilty asking her folks to do any more for them. They usually watch her every day Cris and Lucia are at work. Imagine that plus three straight days; I would want a break too.”
Alcina stayed silent.
“They’re gonna stop by in a few days with some stuff, like diapers and toys and things.”
Alcina huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m so glad you discussed the details so thoroughly with them.”
“I figured you would say no. Look, I’m sorry I went behind your back but they really need a babysitter and they don’t trust anyone as they do us. Besides, I’m Jule’s unofficial aunt, I don’t think I can say no to something like this. I know you don’t like kids, but-”
“What are you talking about? I love seeing little Julianna.”
“You do? Cause every time they come to visit you seem kind of...distant”
“I don’t...I don’t like holding her. She’s too tiny and fragile for someone like me to be holding.”
“Someone like you?” Then it dawned on you. “Oh, Alci. You don’t actually believe that, do you? You’re always so gentle with her.”
“Because if I’m not delicate I’ll crush her.” Alcina’s face held sorrow to it, not evident to most individuals.
“You wouldn’t crush her, Alci. I know you better than that. You literally came running into my study the other day because I screamed ‘spider,’ and then carried me out because I lost sight of it. You’re a lot more gentle than you’re giving yourself credit.You're a good, thoughtful, and gentle person Alci. Anyone who can’t see that is purely idiotic,” I muttered under my breath.
“I suppose it’s not the worst thing in the world, having a baby running around the castle. And we have time to babyproof everything.”
“That shouldn’t be too hard, love, she’s only seven months old. She’s only just starting to learn how to crawl.”
You were talking but Alcina wasn’t listening. She was too busy making a mental checklist of everything that needed to be done before baby Julianna arrived. “Hmm? Oh yes, of course, darling. Do you know where they got those baby gates? We’re going to need quite a few of them.”
“Alci, I don’t think we’ll need-” She’s already walked away. “ Hey, at least you’re embracing it?”
True to his word, Cris arrived at the castle three days later with a carriage full of supplies. You wanted to welcome them with Alcina, but the matriarch was nowhere to be found. The past few days for her have been spent deep cleaning the walls and floors, which really sucked, especially for Bela, Cassi, and Dani. They stuck doing the hard labor as Alcina bossed them around.
You greeted him with a tight hug. “Thank god you’re here. Alcina’s going crazy trying to babyproof everything. I don’t think the castle’s ever been this protected. Or this clean,” I muttered the last part under my breath.
Cris put a hand over his heart. “Oh, she doesn’t have to do that! Julianna can barely crawl five feet. Besides, I know for certain this place is much neater than our house, even on a bad day. She would have been perfectly fine.”
“I tried to tell her to not worry so much, but it just goes in one ear and out the other. Perhaps if she hears it from you she’ll finally listen,” I rolled my eyes playfully.
Cris nods. “And you wonder why I think Julianna’s so safe up here. I’ll be sure to mention it to Alcina. Do you wanna unload this stuff now or wait for her?”
You glance behind him to the carriage. There were a few large bags filled with miscellaneous items as well as a few larger things on the back seat not bagged at all like the playpen. “I don’t even know where she is, Cris. And I’d offer to have the girls help, but they’re hiding from Alci. Let’s just get started. We can put it in the lounge in the foyer until Alcina comes around.”
“Sounds like a plan. Some of this stuff I’ll bring more of when we drop her off, like diapers, you’ll never have enough diapers,” he says as he tosses you a bag.
“So you’ve said. Didn’t you have a nightmare about it once?”
“Before Lucia even went into labor. We ran out and every shop in a 50-mile radius was sold out. To date, it’s one of my worst nightmares.”
You laughed. “So where are you guys going? I mean, really going. You don’t actually think I believe that crap about a Mortician Expo, do you?”
Cris gave you a look of skepticism and stayed silent as if he were planning his next move.
“Relax man, I don’t actually care. Taking care of a baby is more work than I can imagine. I would want a break too!” The statement seemed to ease him.
“Nowhere special. We made reservations at a nice hotel a few hours south of here; it’s got a pool, hot tub, couples massages, the works!”
You nod, tossing the last of the bags by the lounge. “Nice! You guys deserve it, like I said, I can’t imagine how much work taking care of Julianna is.”
“You won’t have to in a few days,” he laughed.
“I’m excited now, but something tells me I won’t be in a few days. Just sleep deprived!”
“Nah you’ll love it. It’s just, well only slightly tiring! That’s all. Should we go looking for Alcina? I wanna go over Julianna’s schedule with both of you.”
“She knew you were coming so she should be here any minute now. I’m sure she just lost track of time bossing the girls around. The entire west wing has been baby-proofed and when I mean the entire wing, I mean the entire wing. She had Daniela take down all of the ornate weapons and armor from the walls while Bela and Cassi scrubbed everything. And that was just this morning.”
“I’ll be sure to thank them then,” Cris chuckled lightheartedly.
As if on cue, you can just make out the sound of high heels rushing down the corridor, only to stop abruptly just around the corner. Knowing Alcina she was probably adjusting herself to look like her usual well-presented way. Sure as rain, Alcina approached looking as elegant as ever. “Oh Cristofor, please forgive me. It’s been total chaos around here- I completely lost track of time and-”
Cris waved it off and took her hand in his, bringing it up so he could kiss her wedding ring. “Think nothing of it, Alcina. I heard you’ve been keeping yourself busy.”
The matriarch sent you a glare that you shrug off with a smug smile.
“You don’t need to worry about anything, Alcina. I know my little girl will be in the best care possible up here. There’s no one Lucia and I trust more.”
“That is one very generous statement, Cristofor, but a castle is still no place for a baby, especially this one.”
“That may hold some truth, but most of all that...messy business stays in the basement, right?”
“All of it does,” you answer for Alcina. “Even I’m not allowed down there and we’ve been married for three and a half years!”
“And for good reason,” Alcina says. “You know what goes on down there. Why would I put my wife’s life in danger?”
You were about to retaliate but Cris wrapped his arms around the both of you. “Let’s just get this stuff upstairs, huh? Far the fuck away from the basement and whatever goes on down there.”
Alcina opens her mouth but Cris shakes his head profusely. “Nope, don’t want to know. Let’s just get to the bedroom. Wow, the walls do look bare.”
“Indeed,” Alcina nodded. “It’s a good thing little Julianna is staying, I should have had the walls deep cleaned nearly decades ago,” she let out an elegant laugh.
“I hope you didn’t do all this just for us.” Cris looked in awe as the various portraits and ornate weapons decorating the walls became more scarce as they neared the master bedroom. It made this part of the castle feel abandoned. The chemical smell of cleaning solvents was strong, but it would surely be gone in time for Julianna’s arrival.
“Of course I did. You are family and you deserve nothing but the best possible care.”
Cristofor shakes his head. "You're a good woman, Alcina. I genuinely hope you know that."
She gives him a warm smile while holding the bedroom door open for him. "I try to be."
"So," he sets down his two large boxes of supplies to rub his back. "Where do you want this stuff?"
"At the foot of the bed for now," you shrug. "Alcina and I will organize everything once it's all here."
He nodded and kicked it lazily to the end of the bed and took a seat on the mattress. "If we wanna be lazy we could shove the rest of the boxes in the playpen and carry it all up in one trip."
"We can do that," you smiled. "Then we can start organizing everything."
"And while we're doing that I'd like to walk you through Julianna's schedule. Lucia made you a copy with a couple of notes on how to do specific things...it's all well let’s just say pretty detailed," he laughed.
A look of fear crossed over the matriarch's face for a moment. "Why don't I go grab it? Then you two can start unpacking. If I run into the girls I'll send them up as well."
"Oh leave the girls alone," you shake your head at the matriarch. "They're already hiding from you."
Alcina lets out an exasperated laugh. "Can you believe that, Cristofor? My own daughters are hiding from me!" Alcina exclaimed with a look of sheer amusement on her face.
"Nothing I'm looking forward to." You started unpacking the many boxes of  diapers and arranging them neatly on the already emptied shelves while Cris made himself comfortable sitting on the floor, unpacking blankets and clothes. He unfolded and refolded them in a perfect square and placed them on top of the hope chest. You smiled at each plush blanket bearing a different pattern and color.
"Where can I put her clothes?"
"Um, just on the bed for now. I don't know if Alcina emptied out a drawer yet. It would be that middle one if you wanna check."
You hear almost all the joints in his legs crack as he stands and makes his way over to the dresser. He grips the knobs but pauses before opening them. "I'm not gonna find anything dirty in here, am I?"
"Not in there, no."
He turns back to you with an arched brow and hung jaw. You only laugh at him.
"Is it cleared out?"
He nods, neatly organizing the various onesies and pajama sets.
He busied himself displaying various lotions and powders on the coffee table, which would act as your changing station.
“What can I do?” Alcina asked, staring down anxiously at the various bottles.
Cris thought for a moment before taking two smaller boxes out of the playpen and pushing them towards the vampire. “These are for bath time." He quickly scanned over the contents to make sure he was correct. "This box is shampoos, soaps, and toys. Julianna loves bath time; the more toys and games the better." Alcina smiled. “And this box is her special duck towel, washcloth- also a duck pattern she loves ducks, two non-slip bath mats for both inside and outside the tub, and a sponge.”
She looked a tad overwhelmed again taking in all the items but took the boxes nonetheless. “Good thing I cleared out cupboard space, right darling?”
You wanted to laugh but restrained yourself to biting the inside of your cheek instead. “Yes, dear.”
"Well, that's everything. Oh, and don't worry about a crib. Lucia and I are bringing it when we drop Julianna off."
Alcina shook her head and simply waved him off. "Oh don't bother, Cristofor. We have one she's more than welcome to use."
You gave her a confused look. "Um, no we don't."
"Yes, we do. I just have to grab it out of storage. If you'd like to wait and see if it's up to your standards you're more than welcome to." It wasn't so much of an invitation as it was a plea.
Cris laughed. "Alcina, I told you anything you have is probably way better than ours. I'm sure it's fine."
"It would make me feel a lot better," Alcina said with a hint of desperation in her voice.
"Alright, whatever it takes to make you feel better about this."
Alcina sighed in relief and rushed down the hall.
"She really is worked up about this isn't she?"
You let yourself collapse back onto the bed. "You have no idea. She's been fretting over everything since I told her three whole days ago!"
"I kinda figured she would be the calm one between the two of you since, you know, she's got three kids already."
You feigned a look of hurt. "Ok first of all, ouch my pride! Secondly, all three of the girls were turned when they were adults. Which is why I wanna know where this supposed crib came from."
He turned back to you. "And you know what you're doing?"
"Of course not, but one of us has to be calm about it."
Cris laughed, letting himself lounge back on his elbows. Any further down and he was afraid he would fall asleep. "I guess that's true. You're gonna be great though, both of you. Just the fact that you're worrying about all this stuff tells me you're really dedicated to keeping Julianna safe and happy here."
"Thanks, man. I think I really needed to hear that. Got any advice to help us prepare?"
He slaps a hand on your thigh and gives it a friendly squeeze. "Have as much sex as you can before she's here. Because once she is, you'll be way too tired to even think about it."
You sit up and look at him incredulously, which earns him a hearty laugh. "I asked you for advice on how to keep your baby alive and you tell me to bone my wife?"
"All I'm saying is Lucia and I haven't been able to do it since before Julianna was born," Cris whispered in all seriousness.
Alcina returned carrying what you can only assume is the crib covered with a sheet. Bela stepped in first to hold the door open for her.
"Thank you, darling. I found my one good daughter to help me. Not the rascals this time!"
Cris laughs. "I see that."
The blonde nodded and joined you both on the bed. "Hello, y/n. Hello, Uncle Cris."
"Good to see you, Bela."
“Alright,” you hop off the bed. “Let’s see this crib that we apparently have just laying around.”
Alcina rolls her eyes and yanks the dusty sheet away, revealing the most beautiful baby crib you have ever seen. Polished solid dark oak frame with solid gold detailing wrapping around the bars like vines. The Dimitrescu House Crest is shining proudly on both sides.
A smug grin plastered itself on Alcina’s face knowing she single-handedly put an end to your snarky remarks.
“Holy shit,” you finally say. “And you had this in storage…just because?”
The question made her uncomfortable, you could tell. A shadow cast over Alcina’s face. “I had it made a while back and forgot about it until now. I’m glad it stayed in such pristine shape. Any polishes used on it were water-based and non-toxic. Perfect for a baby to slobber on,” she chuckles almost a bit uncomfortably.
Cris shook his head as he ran a hand across the smooth wooden framework. “I don’t know what to say, Alcina. It’s absolutely gorgeous.”
“Only the best for our favorite niece.”
Cris clapped his hands together and pulled out a few pieces of paper from his back pocket. "Now, onto Julianna's schedule. Lucia tried to be as helpful as possible when writing it down, but she said if you have any questions just ask her when we drop her Jules off."
Both of you nodded as he handed them to you. Bela situated herself on your bed with one of the plushies he brought over just because.
 Daily Routine
7 am- wake up and bottle feed 8 ounces for about 20 minutes (doesn't have to be one the dot if she's still sleeping. It's a rare occurrence for her to sleep in, but it could happen
7:30- playtime on the floor or outside (we usually keep her inside this early in the morning but either is perfectly suitable)
8:00- breakfast (something solid-ish. Like oatmeal and fruit chunks)
8:30- more play 
Between 9-9:30- bottle-feed 6 ounces for 15 minutes then naptime
11:00- wake up and play (she loves her building blocks and rattle)
Noon- lunch (baby food! Fruit or veggie) (she'll probably refuse solids but don't take no for an answer! Even just a few are ok if she's especially cranky)
12:30- play (peek-a-boo in the mirror! she gets a kick out of it every time. 
1:30- bottle-feed 6 ounces and nap (Congrats! you're halfway there)
3:30- wake up and play (try using the hand puppets and engage her in nursery rhymes)
4:00- bottle feed four ounces for roughly 20 minutes
5:00- dinner (more baby food. Whichever one she didn’t have for lunch)! Same as the morning, she'll probably refuse)
5:30-play (maybe go for a walk if you haven't already?)
6:30- bath time! (see added note for specific bathtime notes. She loves hearing her little rubber ducky squeak)
7:00- bottle-feed 8 ounces then time for bed (good luck trying to sleep and getting her to sleep)
1:30 am- bottle feed again (she’ll wake you up when she’s hungry don’t worry)
Breastmilk can be refrigerated for five days and I’ve given you more than enough to hold her over. Protect it with your lives! Breast Milk is liquid gold!
 You read the note over a couple of times before handing it to Alcina who looked just as overwhelmed as you. "That is so much."
"Not enough," Alcina says at the same time.
Cris laughs. "Wanna see what she wrote for bathtime?"
Alcina took the second not from him.
 Bathtime Tips
Make sure the adhesive mats are set down before bath time begins. One in the tub one outside
Make sure you have everything you need nearby; towel, washcloth, toys (especially her duck), shampoos, lotion, clean clothes, and a diaper
It’s easiest (and less painful) to sit on a stool or something instead of standing and bending over
Take off any jewelry and be sure to wash your hands
Check the water temp with the inside of your wrist- it should be warm (not too hot or too cold)
Dry and dress her on the floor (hence the second mat) 
Squirty toys! (The duck is her favorite as it also squeaks)
Plastic boats that she can push around
Whale-shaped basin for rinsing hair
Once she’s all dry she can go right in her crib
 "Sweet Satan, Cristofor. This is a lot of information. I mean, the more the better but..."
You take her hand in yours and kiss the top of her knuckles. "It's alright, Love, we've got this. If anyone can manage this it's us."
She nods but doesn't really believe your words. You can see the doubt reflecting in her eyes. "You're right."
"It looks way more complicated than it is, ladies. You just put her in the tub, don't let her drown, clean her, and take her out. Boom, simple as that."
Alcina lets out a relieving chuckle and you thank him silently.
You lay awake that night unable to fall asleep. Alcina is awake too, but you don't dare speak to her. She's too lost in her own world to be bothered with your nonsense. But it was starting to eat you alive from the inside out. You looked over at it sitting across the room. Its existence is mocking you to the point where you can almost hear it laughing at you.
You finally break the silence. “Who’s even is it? You turned the girls when they were adults, right?”
“All of them?”
You hear her sigh. “Yes of course all of them. Now please, I don’t want to talk about this.”
“But you had to have a reason, Al. No one just has a crib as intricate as that made out of the blue.”
“It doesn’t matter,” her tone grew sharper. “We have it now for Julianna and that’s what matters.”
“I guess so, but…” you turn your body to face her. Her silhouette is laying on her back staring up at the ceiling. “D-did you try having a baby with someone else and…”
She turns to look at you with wide golden eyes. Not angry, but certainly not expecting that line of questioning. You immediately regret opening your mouth.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have-“ Alcina silences your ramblings with a searing kiss. One you happily return.
“It’s nothing like that, my love. My only children are ours. I had it made last year when Lucia first told us she was pregnant. I remember how excited you were for them. You did so much to help her get ready, for both of them, really.” Alcina smiled and reached blindly for your hand. “And every time they come up to visit your eyes just light up when you see Julianna. You’re so good with her, iubirea mea.”
A shadow of guilt passed over her face. “I overheard you talking to Lucia about wanting kids of your own.”
Your heart plummeted down to the pit of your stomach.
“You love our daughters with your entire heart, but it’s not the same as raising your own flesh and blood. Every time I saw you holding little Julianna or singing to her I pictured you with our baby. So, I got all excited and, albeit, ahead of myself and had the crib made.”
“For our baby,” you finished with a genuine smile.
Alcina nodded. “I wanted to wait for you to bring up the conversation before saying anything about it, and” her voice cracks. “You never did. I didn’t understand why at first. You would produce such a beautiful baby with or without me.” Tears pooled in the corners of her eyes threatening to cascade down her cheeks. “Then one night it just sort of hit me; why would you want to share something as precious and innocent as a baby with a monster like me?”
Tears flowed freely from her eyes and sobs racked her body, it broke your heart. Without thinking you throw yourself at Alcina and wrap her tightly in your arms. The vampire happily buries her face in the crook of your neck and cries her heart out. You thread your fingers through her hair to help soothe her.
“Oh, my love, I’m so sorry. Don’t you ever refer to yourself as a monster ever again, do you hear me? You are no monster, Alcina Dimitrescu. How can someone as loving, and soft, and generous like you be anything besides an angel?”
“Oh stop pretending, y/n. I’m a genetically mutated freak! The baby would take one look at me and start wailing,” Alcina let out a frustrated huff.
“Stop it, Alcina. Our baby would adore you just like Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela do. Julianna loves you to pieces! She gets so excited every time you walk in the room.”
Alcina sniffled. “She does that with everyone.”
“Because she likes us, Al.”
A beat of awkward silence passed between the two of you until you finally felt her breathing steady.
“You want to have a baby with me?”
You couldn’t contain your smile as she nodded ever so slightly into your neck. “Why didn’t you say anything before? We could have talked about it months ago. The only reason I never brought it up was that I assumed you didn’t want any more children running amuck in the castle. Imagine if they turned out to be just like Daniela.”
That got her to laugh a little. “I wouldn’t mind a baby running around; especially if they look like you.”
“Well I don’t know about that considering we would have to adopt.”
A mischievous smile crept on Alcina’s lips. “Who says we can’t have a baby ourselves?”
“Um, nature? We’re both women, Alcina. I don’t think I have to explain to you how that won’t work.”
Alcina chuckles into your neck. “We’d have quite the brood running around the castle if it did.”
“Then you want to find a donor?” She detached herself from you just enough to give you a look of disgust. “Of course not; no one is allowed to touch my y/n except me.” She flips you both over so you’re pinned underneath her. “There are ways we could have a baby, you know?”
A blush covered your cheeks down to your chest. “O-oh?”
“Mmhm. The old witch in the village could brew something up for us, should we choose to carry.” She laughs at your dumbfounded expression. “It would be a sex change tonic of sorts. Temporary of course, I believe it only lasts a week.”
You blush furiously.
“And depending on the portions of ingredients she uses we could change the erm, size, if you catch my drift.”
You couldn’t bring yourself to respond, in real words at least. Something between a yelp and a whimper came out of your mouth instead. It gets a laugh out of Alcina at least.
“That’s really a thing we could do?”
She starts trailing kisses down your neck to your chest. “Oh yes,” her free hand comes up to pull your shirt down over your breasts. As soon as they pooled out of their confinement Alcina started circling one of your nipples with her tongue. “Would you like that, darling? To feel my cock pounding into you.”
Fuck you loved it when she talks dirty to you. But that turned you on more than you were willing to admit. You gave a shy nod.
Alcina rewards your honesty by taking your hardened nipple in her mouth and sucking. Her other hand moved up your body to rest on your other breast, gently kneading it like dough.
Alcina has always been fascinated with your breasts. Always burying her face in them when cuddling. She simply melted into them on bad days. Giving her a scalp massage at the same time earned you bonus points.
Her lips abandon your nipple, leaving a bridge of saliva still connecting you, and snuggled her face deep in between your breasts. She let out a long sigh and closed her eyes, letting herself get lost in the moment. Her eyes flutter open and you can see the corners of a smile buried in your chest. “What do you think, my love?”
“I think we should see how we do this weekend before making any big decisions.”
Alcina leaned forward only enough to kiss your lips. “Sounds like a plan.”
288 notes · View notes
supercorpkid · 3 years
Extraneous Variable 3
Error: n3
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Alex Danvers x Niece!Reader, Kelly Olsen x Niece!Reader
Word Count: 3120.
“What the actual fuck!”
“LANGUAGE!” Kara scolds Alex, pointing at you. “My kid is here!”
“Well, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but WE ARE KIDS TOO!” Alex runs to the front of the mirror, and you get out of her way. “This can’t be true! I’m gonna kill Brainy!”
She marches to the door looking like she will absolutely kill him. You wonder if you should do something, but Brainy can protect himself, besides you’re not a superhero anymore. You look at your moms. Kara and Lena are staring at each other, so shocked, nothing leaves their mouths.
Kara seems to be the first one to come down from her shock. “I’m you! I’m about your age!”
“Yep! We’re one in the same.” You agree with a big smile. Alex is close by, yelling at Brainy to reverse this mess. You try to ignore her.
“That’s so cool!” Kara holds Lena’s hand, who still hasn’t said a word. “Love, I’ve always wanted to know you as a teen. Hey, now we can say that we have! And, YAY, I’m going to kiss you as a teen.” Kara’s face goes towards Lena’s, who sleekly moves away. “Lena!”
“Nope.” Your mom finally lets out. “You’re her. I’m not doing that, it’s weird.” She points at both of you and sits on the chair that is closest by. Her hands cover her face, and she lets out an exasperated sigh. “I told you not to mess with alien tech. Look what you've done.”
“I didn’t do this! It was Brainy.” You defend yourself, pointing at him instead.
“In my defense, I’m just trying to undo the mess you made.” He also ignores Alex for the sake of defending himself.
“Well, you’ve made more messes than I have now.”
“Only if we look at this numerically.”
“How else would we look at it?”
“You star-”
“STOP IT!” Lena yells, making everyone in the room flinch at the sound of her teen voice coming out so loud. “Both of you, stop it! I have a damn company to run and how the hell am I supposed to do that looking like a teenage girl?”
Kara opens her mouth, but before she has a chance to speak, Lena snaps at her again.
“Kara, I swear to GOD if you say ‘language’ right now, I’m going to curse in five different languages!”
“Someone’s a moody teenager.” Alex mutters and you hold your laugh, biting your lip, knowing damn well not to add into Lena’s moodiness.
“I think I can-” Brainy starts.
“NO!” Alex slaps his hand away from the piece of tech. “Do not touch that again.”
“But-” He tries.
“NO!” Kara yells protecting the tech with her own body. “I’m scared you might turn someone into a zombie next and they’ll come for me.”
“In that case, you don’t have to worry. Zombies eat brains, so you’re safe.” Alex looks at Kara and you look to the other side trying to hide your laughter again. Aunt Alex as a teen is way too funny.
“Hey!” Kara interjects.
“I just have to-” Brainy starts again.
“NO!” It’s Lena who says it this time. “You heard them! Step away from the alien tech. Actually, can we all get out of here and leave it for the kid to figure this out?”
“You know, you can’t call me ‘kid’ anymore. I think I’m actually older than you are, right now.”
“And I am actually still your mother, so you better find a way to reverse this, or you will be in deep-deep trouble, young lady.” Lena says and you drop your head low. Why is she still so scary even looking younger than you?
“But if the 12th-level intellect can’t find the solution, what chance do I have?”
“Well, you have the motivation.” Lena smiles at you, blinking her big green eyes at you. “Find the solution, don’t get grounded for messing with alien tech when I specifically told you not to.”
“But how is this even possible?” Kara says, counting something on her fingers. She looks around confused. “We’re not all the same age, yet-”
“I have neither the time, nor the crayons to explain this to you.” Alex says and this time you can’t hold your laugh anymore. You wheeze out a laughter and Kara furrows her brows at you in response.
“You don’t know, do you?” She asks Alex, who denies with her head.
“No idea.”
“Ok, that’s it. Everyone out of this lab. Let’s all wait upstairs.” Lena points outside and you watch Brainy, Alex and Kara leaving with their heads hanging low.
“But I need help.” You mumble, but are left unanswered. You don’t know if they didn’t hear you or are just choosing to ignore you for the sake of Lena not yelling at them.
“So, we’re not gonna kiss?” It’s the last thing you hear before the door closes behind them.
“KARA!” Actually, that’s the last thing before you find yourself all alone in your lab with the alien tech in front of you.
It’s not that you’re scared of it, but yeah, being a baby and then a boy wasn’t the best experience in your life. Now your moms and aunt are teens. One is moody, the other is a sarcastic queen, and the other one is… Just… Kara.
You: Need help. Brainy turned our moms into teenagers.
Jamie: WHAT! OUR moms? This is gold!
You: Yeah, well, Lena is still scary as a teen, so I need a solution ASAP. Help. Please?
Jamie: Don’t know how I can help, but yeah. Sure. On my way now.
Jamie shows up some time later. You try to fill her in on what’s going on. She can’t stop laughing. Seriously. She can’t be stopped.
“I’m serious!” You roll your eyes at her reaction. “This is bad! Really bad.”
“I know. I wish we had popcorn.” She jokes, grabbing her phone in her pocket and going to the lab door. “Come on, I gotta see this with my own eyes.”
“Jamie.” You try. She ignores you, still going to the elevator.
“You said they’re at Lena’s office, right?” She’s already inside the elevator when you decide to follow her. She smiles satisfied when she sees you. “Relax.” She says pushing the button for Lena’s floor. “We’ll say we need to assess the situation, or like, whatever.”
“Fine. Just be aware, your mom is a savage.”
“Oh, I’m counting on it. I’m going to film the whole thing. Whenever I say something she doesn’t like, I’ll use this video as proof I’m not as bad as she was.”
You two sneak into the top floor, but there’s no need. Your mom’s assistant was sent home. Lena probably didn’t want to explain how she was turned back into a teenager. You open a little crack on the door and Jamie sneaks in her phone so she can film them.
Brainy is no longer with them, so right now only the three of them are in the office. Lena’s on her chair, still doing some work even as a teen. Alex is on the couch and Kara is impatiently walking from one side to the other.
“Seriously Alex, what do you think? I could wear Superkid’s suit, and no one would know.” She asks, looking at Alex waiting for a response. It doesn’t come. “Alex?”
“There’s no need to repeat yourself, I ignored you just fine the first time.” It’s what Alex says. You and Jamie try not to laugh out loud.
“Rao, you’re the worst teenager ever!” Kara complains, throwing herself in the chair in front of Lena. “Lena. Hey.” No response. “Lenaaaaaa, do you have any snacks?”
“Kara, I’m trying to work.” Lena shots her down, making Kara roll her eyes.
“Why? We’re teens. We’re not supposed to work. Besides, it’s not like anyone can hear your voice or see your face right now. Am I right, Alex?”
“I stopped listening, so why don’t you stop talking?” It’s what Alex answers. You seriously have to cover your mouth not to make any sound.
“You’re not funny. Just very cruel.”
“Yes, well. It keeps me young.” She winks at Kara. You and Jamie laugh so loud, Kara stands up in one motion, grabbing Jamie’s wrist -the one with the phone still filming- and you watch your cousin being lifted over Kara’s head. She struggles trying to put her feet back on the ground.
“It looks like we have company.” Kara says finally putting Jamie back on her feet, and you get up from the floor and go inside the office too.
“I thought I told you to reverse this!” Lena says, looking at you. You shrug.
“Well, I needed to see how you’re all thinking.” You lie, trying to justify yourself. “Momma doesn’t seem to have changed at all and you’re still working, but aunt Alex seems to have turned into a teen completely.”
“I have not.” She stands up, crossing her arms. “It’s just nice to annoy Kara. Now, I would very much like to return to my old body.”
“Me too! Lena doesn’t even want to make out with me anymore.”
“Oh, dear God.” Lena gets up, going to her cocktail bar and pouring herself a glass of whiskey.
“What are you doing? You can’t drink! You’re not old enough!” You tell her and she looks at you with wide eyes.
“Yes, I am! I’m a forty-six woman in a teenage girl’s body!”
“Well.” You take the glass of whiskey out of her hands. “When I was a sixteen-year-old girl in a baby’s body you fed me baby food, so I guess we’re respecting that rule. That means no drinking for you.” You look at Kara. “And no, you cannot use my super suit and go save the world, because, like I told you, Superkid doesn’t exist anymore. Now, be nice and go buy us some snacks.” Then, you turn to Alex. “And you, stop giving Kara a hard time or I’ll call your wife and have her come and babysit all of you. Now, if you can excuse us, the older ones must figure out a way out of this mess.”
“She’s your daughter alright.” Kara mumbles, looking at Lena and you shoot her a warning look.
Kara follows you and Jamie out of the office and into the elevator. Jamie looks at both of you with a weird expression.
“I thought one was more than enough.” Then she agrees with her head, looking away. “I was right.”
“And you’re Alex’s daughter alright.” Kara steps out of the elevator when it gets on the ground floor and you hear Aly talking to her.
“Hello, Miss Luthor-Danvers! It’s good to see you.”
“Oh, um, yeah! It’s me!” Kara says and you look at Jamie rolling your eyes.
“You know what? The sooner we finish this, the better.” You push the button for the underground level, and it doesn’t take long for you and Jamie -kind of- start working.
You absolutely hate the fact that you started messing with alien technology in the first place. You should’ve listened to Lena when she told you not to touch it. Kara comes in and out with food, Jamie takes several naps next to you, but you keep working.
“Ok, honestly. That’s enough.” Jamie gets up, holding your arm. “We’re going home. They’re not going to die being teens for a day. I mean, you didn’t die being a boy, so they’re cool.”
“Lena told me to find the solution.”
“Yes, well. She said, ‘find the solution’ not ‘find it today’. So, we’re leaving.” Jamie sighs, tired. You look at the clock and agree with your head. “Let’s take our teens home.”
And despite protests, you all go home. It’s funny that none of them can drive, so Jamie is the one left driving all of you around in Lena’s fancy car. You can tell Lena is not enjoying the ride, but there’s not much she can do about it.
“And here we are.” Jamie says, stopping in front of your house.
“Why are our lives so goddamn weird?” It’s how Alex says goodbye, and you look at Jamie raising an eyebrow.
“Good luck with her.” You slip out of the car and follow your moms into the house.
“Well, I’ll go watch TV.” You hear Kara’s voice, and she makes her way to the living room. You look at Lena who just shrugs.
“Meh, guess I’ll do that too.”
“Ok, no.” You follow Kara and turn off the TV. She interjects, but you ignore. “You’re going to take a shower, and Lena is going to help me with dinner.”
“I don’t wanna.” Lena says, throwing herself on the couch and you breathe deep.
“Ok, come on. You guys are not actually teens. Stop being annoying!” You take the control out of Kara’s hand again, when she motions turning the TV back on.
“And you’re not our mom, so stop bossing us.” Kara complains. You breathe deep one more time.
“I wouldn’t have to boss you, if you would just act your age, young lady!” You hear yourself saying that and your eyes widen. “Look at what you’re making me say! My God, I hate myself right now.” You toss the control back at her. “Do whatever you want, I don’t care.”
You still go to the kitchen and get started on dinner. How dare they make you be the responsible adult in the house? They only look young. They’re not actually young. Right?
Jamie: Why does my mom keep acting like a young brat? Isn’t she supposed to be like 50 but look younger?
You: Maybe? My moms are also being immature right now.
Jamie: Do you think their minds are catching up to their body?
You: Maybe???
“Mom!” You call but hear no answer. “Lena!”
“Ugh, what? Can you just leave me alone for like a second?” Lena’s voice comes a while later.
You run to where they are. They’re sitting on the same couch holding hands.
“What’s going on here?” You ask and receive rolling eyes as an answer. Those little weasels!
“God, you’re so annoying for a teen. Are you sure you’re not a 60-year-old woman?” Lena says and you bite your tongue not to answer her. “We’re holding hands, ‘cause this one apparently needs human contact to survive.”
“Well, aren’t you a ray of pitch-black as a teen?” You go back to the kitchen and finish the dinner. But they’re awfully quiet in the living room, so you make your way there in silence to see what’s going on. “Wow, that’s a big kiss!”
You interrupt them, like Kara once has done to you and Maya. They are breathless and flushed and are now shooting daggers at you.
“Dinner is ready.” You say but none of them move. They’re really starting to annoy you. “Did you listen?”
“We’re choosing to ignore you.” Lena says and you close your eyes, breathing deep a few times. Come on, you’re not that annoying as a teen. She’s the worst.
“Get up, come on.” You make your way towards them, hold Kara’s arms and make her stand. “Come eat, and then we’re going to sleep. I can’t stand you both anymore. Go on, Kara. Don’t make me say it twice.”
At that she obeys. Lena still rolls her eyes at you once more, before getting up and going to the kitchen table. You thought it would be a lot more fun having your moms being your own age. You felt like they would understand you, but instead they’re so self-centered it is impossible to hold a conversation. There’s no doubt, their minds are catching up to their bodies for sure.
“Hey, hey, hey.” You stop them, before they run out of the kitchen. “You two are not sleeping together. And you still have to do the dishes and clean the kitchen.” You smile, actually excited you get to say that to them. “Go on.”
You don’t even care about the rolling eyes, and the mumbles under their breaths. You’re sitting while they do all the work. You get now why Lena likes bossing you so much. It is fun!
You don’t let them sleep together. You already saw way too much when you went to the living room earlier. So Kara’s stuck sleeping with you, and the moody teen gets to sleep alone in the other bedroom.
It’s early when you wake up. Jamie, Kelly and teen Alex show up at your house sooner than you’d like.
“Ok, I’m going to the lab, you stay here and try to wake my moms up.” You tell Kelly and look at Jamie who grabs the car keys at your signal. “You might have to hire an exorcist for Lena.”
“Can’t be worse than this one.” Kelly points at Alex with her head, who rolls her eyes in response. You fight the urge to roll your eyes at Alex and leave with Jamie.
“Do we roll our eyes that much?” You ask her and she agrees with her head.
“Not anymore. My God, that shit’s annoying!”
You go back to the lab, and surprise! You can’t do it alone. But since Lena’s not around – physically or mentally – you call Brainy, and he shows up a while later to help you.
“Ok, this time, I think we actually got it.” He says and you agree with your head.
“After we undo this thing, I swear to Rao I’m breaking this machine into a thousand pieces.” You look at Jamie. “Ok, call your mami. Time to bring them back.”
It’s not long until Kelly shows up with three moody teenagers fighting behind her. She looks as done as you imagine you would with their bullshit. You pray to Rao this works. You’re done with this tech, and this nonsense all together.
You shove them inside your lab. Show Kara which button to press – she’s the less annoying one – and the rest of you wait outside.
“You did it!” Kara says, opening the lab door, excitedly. You look at them looking normal again and breathe relieved.
“Thank Rao.” You hug both of your moms, while Kelly and Jamie hug Alex. “You two were terrible teenagers.”
“Well, you handled us very well, babygirl.” Lena kisses your forehead. “I love you guys. But, um, I have to go to work.”
Lena leaves in a hurry. Kara, Alex and Brainy also excuse themselves running out of your lab back to their jobs, and you find yourself alone with Jamie.
“Hey. Help me with this?” You give her a piece of wood and point at the alien tech. She nods with a big smile.
Bye, bye weird situations alien tech put you through. Hello, weird situations your life puts you through.
Once again thanks @oncemoonie for this fun prompt. I had too much fun with this series.
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americanmoths · 3 years
adventures in babysitting
At least Voldemort had the decency to look evil, Drank thinks later, after the doctor he hires to tell him his baby cousin hadn’t given him lycanthropy tells him werewolves are able to infect as young as three. He pays the doctor double to keep quiet and spends the rest of the month crying in the bathroom, pausing only to floo Andromeda and let her know she should get a sitter for the full moon, preferably one that already has lycanthropy or one she wouldn’t mind sacrificing to werewolf-hood, like a Weasley.
“Oh, I’m actually going to France with Minerva next week,” his aunt says before he can actually tell her why he's calling. “Harry’s taking care of Teddy.”
Draco’s breath catches in his throat, stopped-up by memories of a half-naked boy kissing his mouth, his neck, his chest, his stomach, his wrist, between his legs —
“Draco?” He’s still flooing Andromeda.
“HaveAGoodTime, Bye!” He yells and pulls his head out of the fireplace. Resumes crying in the bathroom, now with the added quandary: Do I tell my ex-lover he’s babysitting a lethal baby if it means I’ll have to talk to him for the first time since I broke things off to focus on betraying him (and saving my mother’s life) in sixth year? He tries to convince himself he doesn’t care what happens to Harry and, when that doesn’t work, he tries to remember what hating Harry felt like. He ends up knocking on Grimmauld Place the day before the full moon.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Harry’s wearing black shorts and a knit tunic cardigan and nothing else.
“I see you’re still opposed to wearing shirts.”
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Harry repeats. Draco wants to tell him every awful feeling he’s had over the past month, how most of them have been sharpened to an animal edge that terrifies him, and also he doesn’t want to tell him anything at all.
“You’re watching Teddy.”
“Yes. And?”
“And … I wanted to warn you about him. He has the ability to infect you. Just so you know.”
“He’s three. Why actually are you here?”
“Werewolves gain the ability to transmit the disease at age three, even though they won’t transform until they’re in their teens. That’s actually why I’m here. He bit me.”
The words hang in that space between them where hatred and love have both taken up residence before. Draco doesn’t know which end of the spectrum Harry’s response is going to fall closer to: if he thinks Draco deserves this, or if he thinks this is a tragedy of the highest order and is going to spend the rest of the day crying in the bathroom with Draco.
“So you’re going to transform into a werewolf on Friday. Would you like company? I’m assuming you’re on wolfsbane, and I’m an animagus, remember.”
As though Draco could forget the majestic stag turning back into a half-naked boy mid-laugh and kissing Draco breathless, whispering you need a really good tether to manage an animagus transformation and you’re mine.
“Have you done it since then?” Draco asks. Did you find security in someone else?
“No.” Harry says. “But I mean the mechanics are the same so I can’t imagine it’d be all that difficult. Besides, this’ll be good practice for later, when Teddy, you know, transforms. I’m sure he’d like having two people he trusts with him, especially if one of them’s another werewolf and can show him the ropes.
Hope rises like the full moon inside Draco. He’s never been good at recognizing bad things for what they are, but the best things always look like this: half-naked, bright-eyed, spinning bad luck into golden futures.  
for @drarrymicrofic​ prompt: back in the saddle [heyyyoo my prompt :) loovvvvee reading everyone’s take on it] | on ao3
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