#lau era
laracroftdaily · 21 days
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Lara Croft Crowned Most Iconic Video Games Character of All Time, According to BAFTA Poll
BAFTA has revealed the results of its landmark players’ poll to establish the Most Iconic Video Games Character of All Time. Launched to celebrate the 20th BAFTA Games Awards on Thursday 11 April, the poll was engaged with by over 4,000 players from all over the world. 
Taking the number one spot is the generation-spanning heroine Lara Croft, star of the Tomb Raider franchise. Lara Croft first appeared in 1996, nearly three decades ago, and since then she has been remastered and evolved several times for television, film, video games and even her own live immersive experience in London, England.
First introduced to the world in 1996 in Tomb Raider for the Sega Saturn, Lara Croft has appeared in over 15 games, three films, multiple novelisations and comic book adaptations, and an upcoming Netflix animated series.
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moonyssmommyy · 7 months
Marlene McKinnon Moodboard
Marlene Marie Mckinnon
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Beabadoobee as Marlene McKinnon
Beatrice Laus as Marlene Marie McKinnon
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unlockmyworlds · 17 hours
@/grlgroup is now @/unlockmyworlds 💘
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 5 months
Elliott's Team + Nate's Squad!
Pts pts @randomestfandoms-ocs look at the babies!
Look at the pretty secondary characters in True Colors!
Also, please please tell me if I should add them to the new masterlist I'm making.
Elliott's Dance Team (+ their teacher)
Hannah Gloss - joins the Team in season one
FC: Olivia Holt
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Midge Beryl - also Cheerio at McKinley
FC: Grace Van Dien
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Gigi Collier - Crawford Country Day's student; her and Duncan are dating btw
FC: Odeya Rush
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Laurel "Lau" Reed - the baby of the Team
FC: Milly Alcock
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Charlie Fenlon - Rosamund's nephew
FC: Owen Patrick Joyner
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Duncan Dayrell - also football player at McKinley; him and Gigi are dating btw
FC: Eli Brown
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Louis Aster - Dalton Academy's student
FC: Jordan Fisher
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Rosamund Gaulett - the teacher of the Team; like a second mother to all of them
FC: Sarah Michelle Gellar
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Nate's Italian Squad
Elisabetta "Betta" Guidi - the baby of the Squad
FC: Ciara Bravo
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Davide Bernardi - Lucia's twin brother
FC: Lorenzo Zurzolo
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Francesco Moretto - has a thing for Nate's sister Cami lol
FC: Gavin Leatherwood
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Lucia Bernardi - Davide's twin sister
FC: Talia Ryder
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everdeenxmellark · 10 months
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“can’t remember how to say your name,
let alone count all the freckles on your face”
- the way things go, beabadoobee
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morgana-pendragon · 1 year
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nayeons · 1 year
i want to be more active here :o
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practicehandlettering · 4 months
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lyrics to tomboy by (g)i-dle, written by jeon soyeon (전소연), poptime & jenci
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corazona-das · 15 days
Capítulo 3.
Pretty liars (toxic best friend) - Matías Recalt
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Estuvieron conversando durante horas, claramente ellos no apoyaban lo que habías hecho pero de alguna manera lograban entenderte. Lo bueno de esto es que al contarles sentiste una sensación de liberación, era una carga muy pesada que estaba recayendo sobre ti y para tu suerte encontraste apoyo en tus amigos, los cuales te dijeron que están ahí para ti, y lo que más te repitieron fue que te alejaras de Matías. Era algo evidente, pero decir que sí es muy fácil, lo difícil está en que no querías hacerlo, te aterraba la idea de separarte de él, tal vez por simple costumbre, o porque odiabas la idea de terminar su amistad. Pero estabas olvidando algo muy importante, él ya sabía todo, y si no te alejas tú, probablemente él sí lo hará.
Eran casi las 4AM, no habías logrado pegar un ojo. No hablaste con Mati en todo el día, no sabías como dirigirle la palabra después tu actuar inmaduro. Estabas avergonzada, no querías imaginar lo que él es capaz de decirte, estando enojado suele ser bastante cruel, y ya tuviste suficiente de eso.
Fue casi una semana de dormir muy mal, llegaste a soñar con lo que había pasado, tu consciencia no estaba tranquila ya que estabas evadiendo algo que eventualmente pasaría. Por la tarde del domingo te armaste de valor, luego de pensar y pensar comenzaste a escribirle un mensaje, no ibas a llamarlo, tampoco querías verlo en persona, y él tampoco se había contactado contigo, así que te comunicarías así por el momento.
(Mensaje que le escribió pero no envió)
"Matías, no sé por dónde comenzar. Quiero ofrecerte mis más sinceras disculpas, sé que estuvo mal lo que hice, pero no estaba en mis cinco sentidos, y sí, sé que es muy pajero culpar al alcohol por mis actos, pero así paso. De alguna manera u otra se iba a terminar sabiendo, y lamentablemente terminó así. Para mí es muy difícil hacer esto, realmente espero que para ti no lo sea. De ahora en adelante quiero que tomemos caminos separados. Espero que lo entiendas."
Estabas por apretar en boton para enviar cuando comenzó a sonar tu celular. Rápidamente lo soltaste algo asustada al ver quién era. Sonó durante unos 10 segundos y cortaron, no pasaron 2 minutos y volvió a sonar, respiraste profundamente antes de enfrentarlo y contestaste.
¿Maya? —Se escuchó desde la otra línea. No se oía molesto, estaba normal.
¿Si? qué pasa? —Trataste de sonar lo más natural posible para ocultar tu nerviosismo.
Bajá, te estoy esperando afuera. Tenemos que conversar. —Enseguida cortó, no tuviste tiempo para negarte.
No se veían desde lo sucedido, de todas formas no querías hacerlo aún, no estabas lista para afrontar el problema frente a frente. Dudaste mucho en si ir o no, pero finalmente bajaste, y en cuanto se abrió el elevador lo viste por la puerta principal. Estaba ahí parado junto a su auto, tranquilo, no parecía enojado. Y tú cada vez parecias más confundida.
Te acercabas lentamente, no se te notaba pero sentías el corazón a mil por hora, no pensaste verlo tan pronto luego de lo sucedido. En cuanto estuvieron frente a frente no pudiste callarte más.
Matías, perdóname, estuvo muy mal lo que hice, yo no quería hacerlo, pero justo discutimos y me sentí muy mal, sé que no es excusa para revelar cosas así... —Estabas hablando demasiado rápido, apenas se entendía lo que querías decir y te cortó.
Pará Maya, no te he dicho nada. Subite, vamos a dar una vuelta. —Dijo mientras se encaminaba hasta la puerta del piloto esperando a que tu hicieras lo mismo.
Había algo en su comportamiento que te hacía dudar, aún no sabías qué era pero decidiste subirte, después de todo, lo peor ya había pasado. Estando ya en su auto, lo encendió pero no avanzaba, el silencio que inundaba el lugar era sumamente incómodo.
Terminé con Lau. —Soltó en seco esperando tu reacción.
Yo... supongo que en parte es culpa mía. Lo siento por eso. —Dijiste evitando el contacto visual.
No lo sientas, yo no sabía como hacerlo, podría decir que me ayudaste. Y ahora estoy completamente libre. —Esbozo una sonrisa algo coqueta.
Sabías a lo que se refería, pero te molestó la manera en que lo dijo. Esto significa que todo ese teatrito que te armó cuando pasó... ¿fue todo mentira? No te sentías bien al saber que había terminado con su novia por lo que hiciste, era algo que querías que pasara pero no así. No puedes poner excusa, desde que comenzaron a hacerlo se sintió como algo incorrecto y no te negaste.
¿Tienes algo más para decirme? Realmente no tengo ganas de ir muy lejos a esta hora. —Dijiste tratando de sonar convincente.
Bueno boluda, siempre me pediste que termine con mi novia y ahora que lo hice te hacés la loca? No me jodas, sabés bien a que vine. —Enunció en un tono pesado.
Estabas algo sorprendida por las palabras provenientes de él. Sí era evidente, pero algo en tu cabeza hizo clic, él no la dejó porque tú querías estar con él, lo hizo cuando ya no tenía como excusarse y eso te hizo sentir muy culpable.
Matías ¿vos me querés? —Preguntaste algo dudosa y temiendo a su respuesta.
Y obvio que te quiero, sos mi mejor amiga. —Lo dijo como si fuese obvio y se acercó peligrosamente a tu rostro mientras acariciaba suavemente tu mejilla.
Su respuesta quedó resonando en tu cabeza, eras su mejor amiga y por lo visto, él no tenía planes para cambiar eso. Evidentemente estaba mal sentir cosas por Matías, pero el estar tan cerca de su rostro sintiendo su respiracion chocando con la tuya, el aroma de su perfume embriagante y esos ojos que cada vez que te veían te devoraban, era una imagen lasciva, no podías resistirte.
Sin poder actuar, él ya se encontraba repartiendo besos por tu cuello, masajesando con algo de rudeza uno de tus pechos, mientras que con su mano libre sostenía tu rostro. Por más que quisieras resistirte, no podías, no podías negarte a su tacto, te encantaba, lo amabas. Estabas tan sumergida en el momento que comenzaste acariciar levemente su cabello, querías besarlo, marcarlo, acariciarlo. Hasta que caíste en cuenta de que siempre sería así, por la noche, cuando nadie los ve.
Por favor... —Dijiste en tono de súplica mientras te separabas de su agarre.
¿Qué querés? Decíme, Maya. —Dijo el pensando que hablabas de lo estaban haciendo.
Enamorate de mi como yo lo estoy de ti, quiéreme tanto hasta que sientas que te va a estallar el corazón de amor por mi, porque a pesar de todo eso es lo que yo siento por ti. —No habías planeado nada, todo lo que salió de tu boca fue por el momento, y estás lista para el golpe de realidad.
¿Sos joda? Ya te dije qué es lo que pasa entre nosotros Maya. Y es una pena que estés así por mí porque yo jamás sentiré eso por ti. —Dijo mientras volvía a posicionarse sobre su asiento.
Sabías qué te diría, pero querías intentarlo una vez más. Sentías la misma sensación que la primera vez, no tenias voz para decirle algo, menos para poder reclamarle algo que nunca fue tuyo. Sin esperar nada, te bajaste de su auto dejándolo confundido.
pienso hacer una última parte para dejarle final feliz a Maya y ver qué pasó con mati, ya tengo una idea, pero si de casualidad leen hasta acá díganme con quien les gustaría ver a Maya:3
Y perdón, me hubiese gustado escribir una escena explícita, pero aún no tengo práctica en ello, más adelante quizás lo intente!
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bokunosoul · 2 years
Black Butler men as cliché love tropes pt. 2
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Lau - That billionaire CEO
Being a fresh graduate off the top business university as the valedictorian you were indeed blessed. Big international companies there and there gave you offers. But that was when you woke up to reality. A low class girl living alone in the most crowded apartment buildings in your country, despite that you were ready to take a gamble in applying to a top company. After passing many interviews for gods sake and declines you were able to get in as a secretary of a bossy CEO, an rich asian heir Lau, whom have many secretaries before that he fired. Will you fight to survive by being that man's secretary?
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Undertaker - Past lives lovers
As you were in the museum in your college field trip in england to document on what happened in the victorian era you were suddenly seperated from your friends. Being bored, you decided to just wander around the museum. You suddenly felt a familiar presence, you stopped and look directly at the gigantic painting encased in gold. There was a man whom dressed in black holding a scythe of death with a peculiar look of smile on his face and a woman on his side who seems to be in a casket laying beautiful in white. A sharp pain came crashing in your head and unknown memories started coming back from the past. You and him were lovers, you were both forbidden to eachother.
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Charles Grey - Rivals
Being born to a middle class family, your mother was a maid at the esteemed upper class Grey household. Your mother who raises you alone, got permission of the family having the priviledge of living under their roof, with free education. You were an talented child who is excels at anything. Not until their son who was sent abroad comes back, making him your rival. Charles Grey whom is good at everything you can imagine. He was intrigued by you not backing out and eventually becoming rivals.
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laracroftdaily · 5 months
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ethanreedbooks · 7 days
Dive into NYX #1 with Stunning Variant Covers!
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Get ready to dive into the mutant-filled world of NYX with the stunning variant covers for Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing, and Francesco Mortarino’s NYX #1, hitting shelves this July! Marvel Comics has been on a roll, teasing fans with variant covers for Phoenix and X-Force, and now it's time for NYX to shine. The latest reveals feature three breathtaking covers showcasing Laura Kinney, better known as Wolverine.
These incredible covers are brought to you by the talented artists Rogê Antônio, Stanley “Artgerm” Lau, and Todd Nauck.
In the world of NYX, Krakoa may have fallen, but mutantkind is still ready to take on the world. Set in the upcoming From the Ashes era, NYX explores how mutants navigate the challenges of returning to the big city. Penned by Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing, with art by Francesco Mortarino, this series delves into the harsh realities of life as mutants face bigotry, mistrust, and misinformation. Without the guidance of the X-Men and the protection of Krakoa, they must rise above the hate and evolve in the face of adversity.
Today, fans can feast their eyes on a new array of variant covers for the debut issue! These covers spotlight Laura Kinney, also known as Wolverine, who originally debuted in the groundbreaking NYX series as X-23. Throughout the new series, watch as she embraces her role and hunts down violent anti-mutant oppressors in the city's darkest corners.
Don't miss out on these incredible covers! Preorder NYX #1 at your local comic shop today and immerse yourself in the thrilling world of mutants. Visit Marvel.com for more information.
NYX #1
Variant Cover by STANLEY “ARTGERM” LAU
Virgin Variant Cover by STANLEY “ARTGERM” LAU
Variant Cover by RO
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myjunipersjupiter · 1 year
The younger Dixon
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Pairing: Daryl Dixon x reader
Wordcount: 1.9k
Category: Fluff
Warnings: Prison era (s3), slight season 1 spoilers, character deaths spoilers,
A/N: Still trying to find my writing style and stuff so I hope it’s good! Sorry if characters are OOC. !not proof read!
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I was separated from the group in Atlanta, the day they left Merle on the roof. Everyone had already left, but I stayed behind because I knew it would crush Daryl if we left Merle here to die. But it didn’t go as planned. I didn’t have the key to the handcuffs and there was no way for us to break the handcuffs, he told me to cut his hand off, and so I did. I knew they would have come back one way or another, but We couldn’t stay. The walkers were trying to get in and there wasn’t much time. By the time we left the building, everyone left. It was just you and Merle, but both of you wanted to go different ways. We went our ways and promised to find each other again sometime. Well, that was about a year ago, maybe less or more. I have lost the track of time. Ever since then, I have been independent, always working alone. I’ve learned a lot.
For the past week I’ve been walking nowhere in particular, but let me tell you I hit a fucking jackpot. In an abandoned city I found a motorcycle, I always wanted one, and a lot of cars that still had gas in them, and some even had guns, ammo, and other weapons.
It was an early morning, I was on the road with occasional walkers and abandoned cars. I need some food and supplies because I’ve been running low. I made my way to the city that was not too far away. I stopped my motorcycle in front of a grocery store and took my bag to take what I needed. Canned food, water and other drinks, bandages, medicine, hygiene products, and other stuff, still leaving some stuff for other people that would need them. As I was putting my stuff into my bag, I heard a car pull up. I quickly hid behind a counter, the door opened and someone walked inside. Two voices could be heard throughout the whole store.
“Ok, we need baby formula, canned food, and maybe some water. I'm going to look here, and you can go there.” A man’s voice said it was familiar. I couldn’t wrap my head around who it sounded like, so I stuck my head out a little. I saw a woman with short brown hair going through shelves. On the other side of the store, I could only see a little bit of the man’s black hair. I was waiting for them to leave, and then I saw the man turn around. I could see his face. Glenn.  I was contemplating whether I should call out his name or not, deciding I will. 
“Glenn?” I called out from behind the counter, both of them turning around with their guns in their hands, ready to fire. It took a moment for him to recognize me, but when he did, he put his gun down. 
“Yup, it’s me. I missed you.” I softly smiled at him, the girl next to him looked at me with jealousy in her eyes. I walked away from the counter and in front of him, extending my arms, so we could hug. He gave in, it was a short but warm hug.
“Oh my god, where were you? We were waiting for you, but you never came.” he had a little tear in his eye, quickly wiping them away.
“I couldn’t, walkers were everywhere, and I had to stay in Atlanta for a while until it was manageable.” I didn’t tell him about Merle, I probably should have, but it will have to wait for now. 
“Uh, (Y/n), this is Maggie, my girlfriend,” He awkwardly introduced us. I turned to her, smiling at her, “Maggie, this is (Y/n), she was with us from the start, we lost her in Atlanta.” She extended her hand for us to shake, not looking like she trusts me, but let me tell you, I don’t care. I pulled her into a hug, she was still for a few seconds, but she relaxed a little, wrapping her hands around me.
“It’s nice to meet you, Maggie, you’re beautiful,” I turned to Glenn and with a smirk, I asked him, “tell me, Glenn, how could you pull someone like her?” She laughed a little as Glenn pretended to be offended. It was nice getting reunited with him after a year or so, and also meeting someone new. Maggie was still a little unsure about me, but It’s understandable since we just met. 
“So tell me guys, you have a camp somewhere around or something?” I was hoping they would say yes and just maybe take me with them, it would be nice to be with your family again. We were together for so long that I would love to catch up.
“Yeah, actually, I mean, we could take you with us, but I don’t know how others would react.” Glenn looked at Maggie, who subtly nodded at him. He smiled at me and told me to follow them. We went out of the store, and they told me they could take me in their car.
“Actually, I have a ride, so I could just be behind you if that’s ok?” I pointed to the motorcycle that was not far from their car. They said it was fine and so we went. After lord knows how many minutes, I could see a prison in the distance. How did I never notice? It’s huge! They started slowing down when someone came out and opened the gate, a child… maybe it was Carl. I got a little excited as we went inside. We stopped, and the boy came out with a gun pointed at me. I stepped away from the bike and put my hands in the air. Glenn and Maggie got quickly out of the car as more people started approaching. 
“Hey Carl, it’s okay, put the gun down,” Glenn said as he stepped in front of me, shielding me from anyone’s view. Other people came with their guns. 
“Who is that, Glenn?!” Rick was the first one to come. Glenn had a smile on his face and didn’t say anything, just waited for the others to come closer.
“Glenn?” Rick repeated. 
“Look guys, whom we found on our run!” He said with excitement, as he slowly stepped away, so the others could see me. Everyone was silent. I was Rick, Carol, the boy from the gate who later pointed a gun at me which was, in fact, Carl and Carol. A lot of people were missing since the last time I saw them. I had tears in my eyes, I wiped them and looked around. Lori, Andre, Dale, Shane, Jacqui, Sophia, T-Dog, Jim, and Daryl. They were nowhere to be seen.
“(Y/n)? What? I… I have no words.” Rick put his gun down, slowly making his way to me. He hugged me as I hugged back, the tears now going down my cheeks. Everyone else joined in a group hug. I was so happy I could see them again. After a while, I was once again standing alone, wiping away my tears.
“Where are the others?” Please tell me they just didn’t come out. Everyone looked at me sadly.
“Well… we lost a lot of people,” He looked at me with a little smirk. I looked at him confused, why was he smiling, “but there’s someone who I think would love to meet you.” He looked at Carol, who just nodded and quickly went inside. I looked around at everyone.
“Who?” Carl was now next to me, he took my hand and everyone went back to doing what they needed to and taking the supplies inside. I, Carl, and Rick went inside slowly. 
“You will see in a second,” Rick told me as he was in front of me. Inside was already Carol waiting for us. 
“Just wait for a second jeez,” Carol told someone with a little chuckle as we approached, “look.” Was all she said before Carl dropped my hand and Rick stepped away. There he was, Daryl. Standing in front of you, shocked.
“Tell me, you’re fucking kidding me?” He put his crossbow down and came closer, “You’re real?” I chuckled at his statement.
“Of course I am.” Tears once again stained my cheeks. I couldn’t move. But he could, he hugged me, squeezing the air out of my lungs.
“God, I missed you.” He said, his voice soft and quiet with his head resting on my own. I wrapped my arms around him.
“I missed you too.” The younger Dixon and I were always friends, even before the apocalypse, so it was nice seeing him again after so long. He softly pulled me away, looking into my eyes.
“Where were you?” his voice asked me, stern and serious.
“The day they were in Atlanta. I stayed behind with Merle to get him from the handcuffs, but we didn’t make it in time, everyone was already gone and walkers were everywhere. So we left, and then we went different ways, I’ve never seen him since.” His eyes were wide.
“So you stayed to help him instead of saving yourself?” only I could see the tears in his eyes when I mentioned Merle.
“Yeah, I knew you would be upset, so I tried to get him out, but he lost his hand. But he’s alive. Well, at least I hope so.” He may have been an asshole, but you still cared for him. 
The rest of the day I got to know the people I’d never seen, and then we talked about what happened when we were separated. It was peaceful, you finally had your family back.
It was late and almost everyone was asleep. I couldn’t go to sleep just yet. I went outside to go grab something out of my saddlebag, something I haven’t had in a long time, cigarettes. I found them in the shop today and to be honest, you kinda needed them. You leaned on the wall of the prison and lit up your cigarette, taking a long drag.
“God, how I missed this.” You missed everything. Your family, the people, the feelings, and even the cigarettes. When I was younger, I used to sneak out of my house to go smoke with Daryl. I missed those days, but there’s nothing that could bring them back. I closed my eyes, breathing in the smell of smoke and the night air. Not hearing that someone was approaching you.
“You know, when I came back to the camp and you and Merle weren’t there, I wanted to just go there and find the two of you myself. They didn’t let me. They said we would go the other day, we went, and you weren’t there. I was so pissed I didn’t go.” Daryl told you with sincerity in his voice, I always knew he wasn’t the one to get sentimental, but when you were alone he allowed himself to get a little soft. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He looked beautiful in the light of the moon. As my eyes scanned his face, I realized something. The reason I did everything, why I didn’t stop, was him. Daryl. I love him, ever since we were kids. I always loved him, but I never realized it. It all made sense. My train of thoughts was interrupted when his eyes met mine. The world stopped. It was just us against the World, no one else… nothing else. Just us. 
“Yeah, Sunshine?”
“I love you.”
“I love you too,”
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blackmoonlightexpress · 9 months
TTEOTM Creative Team: What else did they work on?
For those who are a bit underwhelmed by the summer drama options or still dreaming about TTEOTM! 😎
Kuk Kok Leung (Lead Director)
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Kuk Kok Leung is a veteran director who started his career in Hong Kong's TVB. He's been nominated for the prestigious Magnolia Award and is known for wuxia and serious, warm-blooded historical dramas (he's adapted 7 out of 8 Jinyong novels). His works include...
Legend of the Condor Heroes (1983) as Assistant Director, with Felix Wong and Barbara Yung
The Duke of Mount Deer (1984), with Tony Leung & Andy Lau
Return of the Condor Heros (1983) with Andy Lau & Idy Chan
Legend of the Condor Heroes (2002) with Li Yapeng & Zhou Xun
Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils (2003), with Hu Jun, Jimmy Lin, and Liu Yifei
Water Margin (2011), nominated for Magnolia Award
Cool Sword (2013), with Julian Cheung & Wallace Chung
The Patriot Fei Yue (2013), with Huang Xiaoming & Ruby Lin
The Stand-In (2014), with Wallace Chung
The General and I (2016), with Wallace Chung and Angelababy
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He's also a frequent collaborator and producer on Johnny To films, including Election, Election 2, Mad Detective.
So you get the picture. He makes TV for men who are ready to bleed for their country. This all makes him a really interesting choice for TTEOTM (and tells you a bit about the ambition and creative vision of the producers), especially since all his more recent idol dramas were widely panned.
Wang Haiqi, Director & Action Director
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We don't know too much about Wang Haiqi because TTEOTM is actually his directorial debut. He started his career in stunts and has worked as the action coordinator on Ashes of Love (2018) and Immortality (unreleased) alongside Luo Yunxi. He was also a stunts man/double in a bunch of Hollywood films, including Mulan (2020) and the Foreigner (2017) through the Jacky Chan stunts team.
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He's responsible for most of the action/battle scenes in TTEOTM, and his experience working on films probably explains why the fight sequences are unusually cinematic for TV.
Luan Hexin, Art Director
Luan Hexin is a Magnolia Award nominated art director best known for Huanyu productions, including Story of Yanxi Palace, Winter Begonia, and Royal Feast. He's a serious art guy, as you can tell from this interview.
(Note: Huanyu is Bai Lu's management company. There is a rumor that Luan Hexin is part of Bai Lu's "dowry", but the parties have since clarified that Luan was brought in after she was cast.)
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He's also an interesting choice, having never worked on costume fantasies before and better known for his authentic representation of the look and feel of bygone eras.
Huang Wei, Costume Designer
Huang Wei is one of the most sought-after costume designers working today, especially for xianxias. She started her career as a Vogue China editor and was in fact the person responsible for TTEOTM's Dunhuang-inspired aesthetics.
Her better known works include A Dream of Splendor (2022), One and Only (2020), Love O2O (2015), Back from the Brink (2023) as well as a bunch of highly anticipated dramas like Immortality and The Last Immortal. (The joke on Chinese internet is that there is an "expensive" vs. "cheap" version of Huang Wei costumes - her design can be much simpler on lower-budget productions.)
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I'd like to think that after designing 40 mostly white costumes for Luo Yunxi in Immortality, she decided to go nuts on color with Tantai Jin.
Tsang Ming Fai, Makeup Designer
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Tsang Ming Fai is a big name in the xianxia circuit. He and his team of “students" have worked on a large number of costume dramas, including Ashes of Love (2018), Love & Redemption (2020), Under the Power (2019), Noble Aspirations (2016), Sword of Legends (2014), as well as the... wait for it... unreleased Immortality and Luo Yunxi's currently filming drama Follow Your Heart.
He's sadly been receiving a lot of hate in fan circles over the heavy makeup in TTEOTM (which may or may not have been his call). What I do appreciate is his ability to help actors craft distinct characters with varied hair and makeup choices. For example you can distinguish between different Luo Yunxi characters and their personalities with Runyu's clean cut tie-back half ponytail (ethereal & straight laced), Tantai Jin's slightly brown hair, messy bangs and heavy eye shadow (dark & sickly), Chu Wanning's angular eyebrows and geometric hair puff (strict & proud).
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He also excels at creating unusual, iconic looks even for side characters, e.g. Chen Yao's dark lipstick paired with gothic jewelry in Immortality and Chen Duling's retro updo in TTEOTM.
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Ukrainian Su-25 Frogfoot from the 299th TAB, showing off an extremely diverse mix of US and Soviet-era weapons. US-supplied and integrated LAU-10 rocket pod for 127mm Zuni FFARs, a domestic B-13L rocket pod for S-13 122mm rockets, and an R-60M AAM.
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romanceyourdemons · 5 months
it’s been a while since i enjoyed a film as much as i enjoyed let the bullets fly (2010). written, directed by, and starring jiang wen, the film follows the good, the bad, the weird (2008) in superimposing the spaghetti western genre onto the warlord era in the early 20th century through a black comedy lens. as in the earlier film, this film takes the fluidity of identity implicit in the figure of “the man with no name” and expands it to the center of the film’s psychological complexity and tension. the theme of what is real, what is false, and what is illusory but can still definitely kill you weaves throughout the film: virtually every character impersonates another character or is impersonated themself at some point. whether or not the impersonation is picture-perfect is irrelevant. identities—that of bandit, of warlord, of governor, of virtuous wife—are bought with gold or with blood, and the only way to maintain them is to hold up a watertight display of power through schemes and mind games. the film’s star-studded cast could not be more perfectly suited to the task. jiang wen, chow yun-fat, ge you, and carina lau’s masterful performances are the highlight of the film, as desperate, grinning liars whose honor or lack thereof is swathed deep in illusion but whose guns are unmistakably real. but not only were the performances excellent: the richly-toned, dynamic cinematography draws on the quiet yet fast-paced drama of spaghetti westerns, while the script presents an absolutely hilarious narrative shot through with open cynicism about the likewise illusory and opportunistic nature of revolutionary spirit, as well as ironic yet apt references back to the romanticized, dirty warlord times of liu bang and zhuge liang. limited in scope but vast in scale, ironic yet deeply moving, let the bullets fly (2010) is one of my favorite films i have recently seen, and i would highly recommend it
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