saigonstartravel · 2 years
Bạn đã vi vu quá chán với thành phố biển Phan Thiết này nhiều lần nào là cát trắng, biển xanh, nắng vàng hay các khu nghỉ dưỡng cao cấp. Nhưng ngoài ra tại đây còn có một địa điểm du lịch nổi tiếng mang đậm nét cổ kính Tây Âu đó chính là Lâu đài rượu vang. Hôm nay hãy cùng Saigon Star Travel xem thử ở đây có gì mà lại khiến cho nhiều du khách tìm đến vậy nhé.
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Lâu đài rượu vang tọa lạc tại khu phố 1, phường Hàm Tiến, thành phố Phan Thiết Bình Thuận và năm trong khu phức hợp 5 sao Sea Links City tại thành phố biển Phan Thiết. Xuất hiện từ năm 2012 đây là lâu đài rượu vang duy nhất tính đến thời điểm hiện tại. Lâu đài rượu vang mang lối kiến trúc Tuscan thế kỷ 13, xây dựng theo lâu đài rượu nổi tiếng tại vùng Napa Valley. Bên cạnh đó bên trong lâu đài được chia thành các khu vực hầm bảo quản rượu, khu vực thử rượu, khu trưng bày và tham quan. Khi đến đây du khách còn được thưởng thức với 2 loại rượu là rượu vang trắng và rượu vang đỏ. Rượu vang trắng thường dùng với các món ăn hải sản trắng và rượu vang đỏ thường sử dụng với những loại thịt đỏ như thịt bò,.. Tuy nhiên để đến đây tham quan bạn sẽ phải tốn phí vào cổng 100k/1 người và được thưởng thức 1 ly rượu vang hoặc 1 ly nước uống. Ngoài ra du khách cũng có thể mua rượu ngay tại đây với giá khoảng từ 300k - 500k và sẽ mắc hơn nếu du khách mua rượu nhập khẩu.
Để khám phá và trải nghiệm nhiều hơn về Lâu Đài Rượu Vang hoặc cá địa điểm du lịch tham quan Mũi Né hấp dẫn khác, bạn có thể book tour qua link này. https://saigonstartravel.com/tour-du-lich-phan-thiet-mui-ne-3-ngay-2-dem/
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hinahasan · 1 year
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lamgiamoc · 7 years
Tôi luôn sợ hãi yêu đương nhưng sâu thẳm trong lòng luôn mong mỏi có một tình yêu lâu dài...
Tiểu Thiên
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mister-intru · 3 years
The irony of "Di tayo nagmamadali, pero di tayo makapaghintay".
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dieukhacsaigon · 3 years
Điêu khắc lâu đài - Điêu Khắc Sài Gòn ART
Châu Âu là nơi khai sinh ra lâu đài và là nơi có đại đa số các lâu đài ‘đích thực’ trên thế giới. Mặc dù các lâu đài ở châu Âu đã qua thời hoàng kim, nhưng vẫn còn hàng chục nghìn lâu đài rải rác trên khắp lục địa châu Âu. Điêu khắc lâu đài chính là cách làm lâu đài trở nên nổi bật và sang trọng. Cùng tìm hiểu ý nghĩa và thời hoàng kim của các lâu đài Châu Âu.
Mẫu điêu khắc lâu đài
Điêu khắc lâu đài ở Châu Âu
Một số đã ‘biến mất’, một số khác thì đổ nát, và một số lại là những ngôi nhà sang trọng. Hãy bắt đầu và khám phá một số lâu đài vĩ đại nhất ở Châu Âu.
Không có nhiều lâu đài Trung cổ xác thực đã tồn tại ở Hà Lan. Tuy nhiên, vẫn còn rất nhiều pháo đài lớn để khám phá.
Những lâu đài tuyệt vời nhất ở Ý: Từ những câu chuyện cổ tích hình bát giác đến những pháo đài hung dữ. Điêu khắc lâu đài Châu Âu thực sự hùng vĩ và có cái chất riêng của từng nước, ví dụ như nước Ý.
Lịch sử các lâu đài châu Âu
Lịch sử lâu đài châu Âu: Ai là người xây dựng những lâu đài đầu tiên?
Những lâu đài đầu tiên có lẽ được xây dựng ở Châu Âu vào những năm 800. Tuy nhiên, từ thế kỷ thứ 10 trở đi, người Norman đã bắt đầu xây dựng các lâu đài với sức sống đặc biệt.
Người Norman ca ngợi - không có gì đáng ngạc nhiên - từ Normandy ở Pháp. Họ là những chiến binh vô cùng thành công và ngoan cường. Năm 1066, họ xâm lược Anh (thay đổi lịch sử nước Anh mãi mãi), và họ cũng tuyên bố chủ quyền với Ý, Sicily và thậm chí cả Byzantium.
Điêu khắc lâu đài Việt Nam phong cách Châu Âu
Người Norman rất xuất sắc trong việc đánh chiếm các vùng lãnh thổ mới. Nhưng họ thực sự cần phải nắm giữ mọi nơi mà họ có thể chinh phục.
Và thế là họ trở thành chủ nhân của lâu đài Motte và Bailey - một lâu đài làm bằng đất đơn giản, được xây dựng nhanh chóng, nhưng mạnh mẽ để phòng thủ.
Bất cứ nơi nào người Norman chiếm được, sau đó họ xây dựng một lâu đài để củng cố quyền lực của mình. Lâu đài chính là cách thể hiện quyền lực, nên điêu khắc lâu đài càng đẹp càng thể hiện sự uy quyền.
Chứng kiến ​​sự thành công của người Norman, các chiến lược xây dựng lâu đài của họ đã được các chiến binh châu Âu khác mô phỏng - và, chắc chắn nhưng ổn định, các lâu đài bắt đầu mọc trên khắp châu Âu.
Tại sao lâu đài được xây dựng trên khắp châu Âu?
Để thực sự hiểu được tầm quan trọng của các lâu đài ở châu Âu, việc hiểu biết về lịch sử thời Trung cổ rất hữu ích. Điều đầu tiên cần nhớ là, cho đến thời Cận đại, bản đồ Châu Âu trông rất khác so với ngày nay.
Điêu khắc lâu đài Châu Âu
Các quốc gia của Đức, Tây Ban Nha, Vương quốc Anh và nhiều quốc gia ở Đông Âu chỉ mới được thành lập gần đây. Người Normal đã xây dựng nhiều lâu đài để củng cố vị trí những lãnh thổ vừa chiếm đóng.
Điêu khắc lâu đài Châu Âu nổi tiếng hơn cả vì đây là nơi bắt đầu, là cái nôi xây dựng ra nhiều biến thể khắc của lâu đài.
Nguồn bài viết:https://bit.ly/3hNpgch
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kcrph · 7 years
Under the cut you will find  #50  gifs of Laudya Cynthia Bella  (1988), a singer. All gifs were made by Min so I would appreciate it if you didn’t add to gif hunts or make into gif icons without credit or permission. It would be great if you could like or reblog if you use these !
Notes: Laudya is Indonesian (Sundanese descent) , please cast her correctly. This request can also be in concurrence with @tasksweekly #47
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surnumanaja · 4 years
Estonian week by like:
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Bộ mẫu thiết kế biệt thự 1 tầng hiện đại và bộ nội thất hoành tráng rất đáng xem và chiêm ngưỡng. Xem thêm các mẫu biệt thự 1 tầng tại đây:  https://www.kientrucadong.com/diendan/forums/mau-biet-thu-1-tang
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silencednd · 5 years
Ma intrebai daca sunt barbat...nici nu aveai nevoie de asemenea intrebare doar uitandu-te singur in oglinda apoi la mine si vedeai ca oglinda arata un pizdificat și in fata ta chiar sta un barbat :). Te laudai in fata mea ca ai femei si te iubesc, apoi ca ai o masina smechera si o vila tare...Felicitari tataie ;) nu prin numarul de femei te numesti barbat 😂 findca tot o laba trista ramai la finalul zilei...spuneai ca te iubesc ele? Serios??? Pai daca te iubea vre-una acum in momentul de fata nu aveai timp sa imi spui mie astea findca ii raspundeai cu aceasi moneda ;) prinde-o acum pe asta dar ia-ti manusi coite sa nu faci bataturi de la atata laba ;) Esti Barbat? Eu cred ca da ;) dar unul pizdificat coițe...ai bani? Ma bucur Femeile usoare iubesc banii si frumusetea lor consta in banii fraierilor ca tine care doneaza ;) deci respect pizdei de langa tine doar ca ai grija sa nu va pierdeti in solar amandoua ,,barbate,, 😂Spuneai ca ai masina tare? 😂 ce gluma buna, chiar ma amuzi 😂 ai vazut la stiri cersetorii aia cu masini adevarate? Aia au masini nu tu coite, nu pe banii parintilor iti cumperi masina si scoti fetele in oras ;) deci esti tot un papa lapte esti findca nu ai fost in stare sa iti iei o masina si ai asteptat sa faci 28 de ani sa ti-o cumpere parintii cu o rata mare la banca ;) cand vei plati rata vezi ca mai nou se accepta si bonuri de masa, deci ...? 🖕oooo asta a fost buna ,,am o vila frumoasa si mare,, serios coite? Pai nu te-am mai vazut prin ea nici pe strada, nu ai bani de facturi? Am vazut Enel-ul ca ti-au luat panoul 😂 hai sa iti dau si cateva care sa te faca sa iti spargi telefonul cand citesti ;) te-as putea jigni in ultimul hal si demonta doar din cuvinte dar nu vreau sa ma iau in halul ala nenonorocit findca nu jignesc ,,fetitele ca tine,,
Aacult-o pe asta...am umblat peste tot, pe unde a vrut pula mea findca mi-am permis dar nu ma laud ca tine insa ti as da pasaportul poate inveti putina geografie.
Am ce vreau si imi este de ajuns doar sanatate sa imi dea Dumnezeu si timp sa ma bucur de toate findca sunt Independent chiar un Rebel Independent ma poti numi dar in ochii pizdelor tale sunt acel Golan cu stil ;) versat si dulce, am talentul de a simti in viata javrele ca tine, va miros de la o suta de metri dar va primesc in cercul meu findca si ,,pasarele,, mai ciugulesc firmituri...intelegi ce spun nu? Iti dau clasa pe orice flanc pe care vi doar nu veni din spate findca nu sunt Gay ca tine ;) in fata mea vei fi barbat cand viata te loveste intr-un hal in care sa nu sti de unde sa pornesti la drum, in halul in care minutele alea in care respiri sa ti se transforme in saptamani, atunci cand iti vei castiga respectul in fata multora nu prin bani sau violenta ci prin a ,,fute,, creiere, nu ma intelegi? Nu e stres cauta ,,biblia,,strazii coaie ;) Fi barbat si asuma-ti tot ce faci in viata, nu mai pune pizdele tale sa imi scrie ,,nesimtitule,, si prostii din alea ca daca ii bagi mana la pizda in clipa aia cand imi scrie e fleașca coaie ;) esti barbat? Arata-mi!!! Dovedeste-mi!!! Doar mie si daca e asa atunci jos palaria si imi retrag cuvintele. Sa nu uitam ca spuneai ca ai bani si una alta nu? Off off ori iti iau banii mintile ori esti prea prost sa recunosti ca esti prost dar nu e stres, si pe partea asta ma cobor eu la nivelul tau de prost ca sa te bat putin cu experienta ;) ai un telefon smecher? Si aici ma dai pe spate 😂 dar deodorant de ce nu iti iei? E 10 lei coaie...as avea mai multe sa iti mai spun dar astept replica ta la ce am scris aici si stiu ca nu va veni niciodata de aceea vreau sa sti ca prefer sa ma uit la un documentar cu animale ca tine decat sa iti mai scriu.
Pace si respect, acel Golan in ochii pizdelor tale cu Stil ;)
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Mẫu thiết kế Lâu Đài Dinh Thự đẹp 2022
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Mẫu thiết kế Lâu Đài , Dinh Thự đẹp 2022 mang phong cách kiến trúc cổ điển châu Âu, được Kiến Trúc Hoàng Gia thực hiện với vẻ đẹp sang trọng và quy mô đồ sộ.
Website: https://kientruchoanggia.com/thiet-ke-lau-dai-dinh-thu.html
>> Tham khảo:
Các mẫu dinh thự: Xu hướng thiết kế lâu đài đẹp sang nổi nhất hiện nay
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kientruckienduong · 2 years
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muabannhadatquan12 · 3 years
Nhà 2 Lầu+dãy nhà trọ,Dòng tiền 15tr/tháng, Đ.Tô Ký.Q.12 Giá 7 tỷ 7
HOT HOT NHÀ VỪA Ở VỪA CHO THUÊ QUÁ ĐỈNH ** Chính chủ vừa ở, vừa cho thuê phòng trọ, thu nhập 15 triệu/tháng. ** Nhà từ chợ Tân Chánh Hiệp, TMT13 thông ra đường Song Hành, đường nhà mình thông tứ phía, xe công chạy đua.... ** Nhà hiện đang 4 phòng trọ dưới đất, 6 phòng trọ trên lầu. ** Tiện ích khu vực này thì đầy đủ, không thiếu gì. ** Sổ sách pháp lý chuẩn, sạch, chính chủ công chứng ngay
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#MuabannhadatQuan12 #NhadatCafeland source https://nhadat.cafeland.vn/nha-2-lauday-nha-trodong-tien-15trthang-dto-kyq12-gia-7-ty-7-2066555.html
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feuillesmortes · 7 years
Academic life got in the way of this fic, but here we are! This chapter happens just one day after Henry and Lizzie’s day trip to Richmond. I’m tagging my mates @harritudur and @queenbessofyork, who have been incredibly supportive of this fic. 
As always, you can also read it on Ao3.
Henry, London Borough of Camden, 2:04 p.m.
One could think of few things better than spending a bank holiday in North London. The sun was out, the birds were singing. The sound of the rustling leaves coming from the Heath was carried along by a gentle breeze sweeping down on Hampstead Village. That posh neighbourhood, known as the new frog valley of London, where french pâtisseries and crêperies endowed the air with the richest of flavours, was home to François de Bretagne.
In one of the large Edwardian houses that populated the neighbourhood, Henry Tudor attended his boss’s garden party garbed with his best bottom-up and armed with a politely trained smile on his face. It was a great chance to properly catch up with his co-workers and improve his networking skills. Except Henry would rather be anywhere else. Well, not really anywhere else. Certainly not with anyone. He had a very specific person on his mind. 
For what felt like the hundredth time, he unlocked his mobile screen to look at her text:
Can we meet today at 7? Spoons would be nice x
Just ten simple words. Not unlike with everything else in his life, Henry found himself overanalysing that line of text. She had ended it with a single ‘x’ instead of a double… Not the most affectionate way to end a text, one could say. Their goodbye the previous day had been awkward enough, yes, but she hadn’t shied away from his embrace. Granted, when walking Lizzie to her flat she had hurried inside the building maybe a bit too fast.
But her invite to the local Wetherspoons was a good sign, wasn’t it? A familiar feeling gnawing at his insides, Henry started to think he might have miscalculated his move. Maybe he should have given her more time… He instinctively touched the pocket where he kept the gift he had bought her ages ago: a gold necklace, paired with a rose pendant. He had bought it as a Christmas present, only at the time he hadn’t had the guts to give her.
“Tudor, are you coming or not? We’ll be running out of gravy soon.”
“Yeah, bruv! Just grab your plate and get in the bloody queue!”
Henry looked up to find his co-workers Ed and Tom waiting for him, both mildly annoyed at his delay. “Alright, alright. I’m coming.”
His colleagues were right to worry about the gravy, though; the queue for the buffet table was incredibly long. It looked like everyone who worked for the company had been invited to the party. The majority of the employees were EU nationals, but Henry’s fellow Brits were increasing numbers every day.
“Oh shit, is that Jane from HR?” Tom exclaimed suddenly. “I’ve gotta go talk to her. Hold my place for a sec, will you?”
A cocktail cooling in hand, Henry watched Tom approach the HR girl with the characteristic sleazy smile he put on whenever he tried to chat up a girl. Thomas Grey, simply known around the office as Tom, looked just like a generic Tom was supposed to look. Small round eyes, rosy face, neither tall nor short. Every Brit knew at least one generic Tom.
“Doesn’t he have a girlfriend or something?” Henry turned to ask his other colleague, Edward Woodville. He bore the same last name as Lizzie’s mother, which sometimes made Henry wonder whether they were distantly related or if it was all just coincidence.
“Last time I checked, he had a fiancée.” Henry let out a small oh, taking a sip from his glass. Ed simply shrugged. “You know how Tom is. Always… fooling around.” He turned his gaze to Henry. “What about you? What were you doing back there on your phone? Not bad news, I hope.”
“No, not bad news. Just… me being paranoid, I reckon.”
Ed nodded, turning to scan the rest of the party. “Do you… want to talk about it… maybe?”
“Nah, mate. I’m fine.” Henry looked down at his glass, shaking the ice cubes. The liquid quivered with circular vibrations. Some unspoken rules were just not simply broken.
“Cool.” Henry repeated, as if those were not his worries they were just trying to discuss. Cool.
A comfortable silence settled over them, lasting no longer than Tom’s return. Looking triumphant, Tom got back just in time before the queue moved too far. “I did it! I got her number! See, I told you I would—”
“Well, well, well! Who do we have here?”
They spun around to find Pierre Laudais, François’ assistant. He sported a mocking smile and an awfully tacky tie as he usually did. He wasn’t particularly popular among the employees, not even the EU nationals working for the firm. As the second in command, Laudais was merely tolerated. Henry let out a deep sigh, bracing himself. Here we go.
“And do my eyes deceive me or it is Henry Tudor, the absolute ledge!” The Frenchman laughed, patting his shoulder. “Isn’t it how you lads say it? Absolute ledge?”
Don’t murder stare. Don’t murder stare. You’ve got this. Don’t murder stare. Don’t murder st—
His colleagues shook their heads, barely concealing their contempt.
“It’s not… It’s not really…”
“It’s not how we say it.”
Laudais was thoroughly amused, though. “Why not? This guy— this guy here, I’m telling you. This guy right here is a legend. The best intern we ever had. Go ask François. N’est-ce pas, Tudor?” Laudais spoke his last name with a strong accent dripping with sarcasm. It all clearly meant: aren’t you a proper boss’s pet?
Henry squinted his eyes at him, fake smiling. “Thank you, Laudais. I only try my very best. But clearly, you already know that for sure.” Just the previous month, Henry had checked a couple of funny reports, counts not matching the system. The error couldn’t be tracked at the time, but Henry had a feeling Laudais hadn’t been much happier since then.
Laudais simply blinked at him for some seconds before turning to his co-workers. “Well, forgive me for trying to blend in with you, heh. You know, after Brexit one does fear about losing his job. No one is safe! Who knows who could be next!” He raised his glass of champagne as a way of goodbye and gave them an ugly smirk, a motion that rendered his face even more punchable. He left them to go straight to the casserole dish stand, jumping the queue and receiving some silent head shakes along the way.
“Connard.” Henry muttered under his breath, gulping down the rest of his cocktail. He could assign a long list of names to that bastard. It was a special pastime of his to get colourful with his french insults: enfoiré, abruti, crevard, quickly turning into trou du cul, face de rat, sac à vin, crétin des Alpes, ironie de la création… It was truly a great pity he could not voice his thoughts with so many French speakers around.
His co-workers beside him, though, were not so subtle.
“Fucking wanker.”
Henry served himself a couple of golden yorkshire puddings, a recent favourite of his. “Don’t mind him. Laudais is just trying to scare me. Honestly, I couldn’t be arsed to care.”
“But maybe you should,” Ed said, stuffing his plate with roasted vegetables. “Aren’t you graduating in a few month’s time?”
“Hopefully yes.”
“It’d be nice to have a job then, don’t you think?”
Henry fell silent at that. It would be nice to have a job. That was something he had to remind himself every time frustration got the better of him, like a mantra. It would be nice to have a job.
The hours dragged, the minutes stretched. Taking rounds around the garden to chitchat with his colleagues was like a personal nightmare come alive. The weather! Where would they all be if not for that particular topic of conversation? Switch to French. Switch to English. Switch to French again. François’ relatives were there too, which meant of course even more fake smiling, fake listening, enthusiastically nodding your head and feigning interest in the most tedious things. The number of times he had to say “how do you do?” that day just couldn’t be measured.
Henry would check his watch every now and then. Shit, only five minutes since last time. It was at that rather depressing moment that Tom pulled out a cigarette pack. “Time for a break. Are you coming, Tudor?”
Ed didn’t smoke, though he would sometimes join them during coffee break. Every time, though, he would complain the smoke followed him around. Henry himself as he was trying to quit gradually stopped joining Tom for a drag.
Henry looked at the pack Tom was shaking in his hand. They were L&B, a popular brand, but too chavvy for Henry’s taste. He forcefully willed himself to look away. “No, thank you. I’ve quit.” He rubbed the nicotine patch beneath his shirt, placed just above his elbow. He knew the day would be stressful enough, so he had to come prepared.
“What, Tudor! Seriously?“
Ed congratulated him by clapping. “That’s the spirit. Good for you, Tudor. ”
“Come on, mate! One fag is not gonna kill you.”
Tom extended a cigarette to Henry, nimbly holding it between his fingers, but Henry turned it down. “I can’t. I promised I wouldn’t.” He had promised other things as well, like getting an appointment with his GP. As if Henry had enough time for that.
By now Tom was lighting up his cigarette. “So what now? You promised your mum you’d stop smoking, is that it? Nancy boy doesn’t want to disappoint his mum?”
“Not my mum, you blinking idiot.” It was impossible not to sound defensive. “I promised a friend.”
“A friend?”
“A girl…friend.”
“Oooh, a girlfriend. Ed, do you believe this fucker? He never tells us anything.”
Edward wriggled his eyebrows. “Is it that girl you fancy, Lizzie? Tom, he won’t say a thing but he’s mentioned her name several times.”
“Lizzie, eh?” Tom took a long drag and let it out in a silvery grey cloud. “Yes, I recall. Have you shagged her yet?”
Henry shot him a deadly, fulminating stare. “That’s none of your bloody business.”
Tom turned to Edward. “I take it as a no.”
Ed suppressed a laugh, but Henry wasn’t amused. "Why don’t you just fuck off, Tom?”
“Calm down, bruv.“ Tom raised his palms in self-defence. "I was just taking the piss. What else are friends for these days?”
Henry wouldn’t exactly call him a friend. Co-worker, associate, colleague, work fellow, ally, a little dot in his social network scheme, but certainly not friend. “I appreciate your interest in my love life. But rest assured, I know how to handle myself.”
Tom didn’t take the hint. "You’re really serious about that girl, eh?”
Henry’s best fake smile flashed through gritted teeth and squinted eyes. “Unlike some, I don’t fool around.”
Tom frowned quizzically, as if trying to decide whether that was a veiled insult or not. Thankfully François came calling before the air turned too foul. “Boys! Ed, Tom, Henri! We’re taking a group picture. Come, all of you!”
Henry had thought the party couldn’t get any worse.
Lizzie, City of Westminster, 6:53 p.m.
A girl sitting by herself is always a sorry sight no matter the place, that much she had been told. Some lessons took longer to unlearn, so maybe that was why Lizzie was so restless in her seat: one minute fidgeting with the rings on her fingers, the next gripping the menu tight in her hands. It was her own fault, actually, to have chosen the local Wetherspoons to meet him. It was too familiar, too public a place to talk with him. Her anxiousness grew from a knot in her throat and spread to the tips of her toenails like a rope stretched too tight.
From her place at the table, Lizzie watched different groups of friends ordering their rounds. She tried to distract herself by inventing lives for each men. The short one with the funny hat was an architect, she decided. The loudest of them, she kept on musing, was actually the saddest, his hollering and chattering only a mask to hide his— No, it wasn’t working. Her rambling mind kept trailing back to her own doubts and worries. No, it was entirely her fault. She didn’t need to get there so early in advance. Henry was halfway across town and chances were he wouldn’t get to the pub in time.
She took another sip of her pint of cider, an overly sweet Strongbow Dark Fruit. Lizzie had never been one for drinking. She had always been too prim, too proper. A general distaste for beer and a lack of aptitude to handle hard liquor made it all too easy for her to rely solely on sugary booze. But regular cider was something a 16 year-old might pick when illegally drinking with her mates in the park. Lizzie, on the other hand, liked to think a Dark Fruit was a much classier option with its rich royal purple liquid gracing her taste buds.
She kept thinking of what Cecily had said during their last facetime session. Lizzie had volunteered to help her sister improve her grades— she vowed she could help her with anything, anything but maths. But Henry could help her with that, Lizzie reckoned. She knew he would if she asked him nicely enough. Cecily had been all too grateful for the help, but when confronted about her seeing a particular boy while still grounded, Cecily had plunged into a sullen mood.
“Whoever said I can’t see him?”
“Well, for one, mum said that.”
“Lizzie, have you thought that mum is not our boss? Do you let her rule your love life? Do you let her pick your boyfriends for you? No, I don’t think so. I’m sure you can think for yourself. So why should she have a say in who I date and who I don’t?”
That hit uncomfortably close to home. Lizzie looked down at her pint glass. She was on her second pint already. God, what was she thinking? She pushed it away while she still had a clear mind. She certainly wouldn’t like Henry to see her tipsy. It was at that moment that she saw a familiar face walking the place. Lizzie ducked her head, tried to hide her face behind the menu as she realised it was her ex-boyfriend Charles. It was a futile action though, for he had already seen her and was coming her way.
Lizzie let go of the menu, but kept her eyes focused on the ground, refusing to acknowledge him. Yet the feet planted in front of her table weren’t going anywhere, it seemed. Lizzie clutched the edge of the table and slowly raised her eyes.
“Chérie, I haven’t seen you in a long time.” His dark hair slicked to one side, a carefree smile dancing on his lips, and sporting a Paris Saint-German shirt, Charles took the chair opposite hers. “What are you doing here all by yourself?”
“I’m not by myself.” She managed to croak out. “I’m waiting for someone.” Her reply was brief, almost rude, but Lizzie had no intention to be polite with him. He surely hadn’t been considerate of her feelings when they were together.
Something like aggravation flickered in his face before he dismissed it with a scoff. “Waiting for someone? Like what, like a date?”
“Like— Well, I’m…” Was it a date? “It's— It’s Henry! I’m waiting for Henry.”
“Oh!” He chuckled, probably relieved. Lizzie couldn’t believe it had taken her so long to see how pretentious he looked with that smug smile of his. “Henry Tudor, isn’t it? We have some classes together. Your roommate.”
“He’s my former flatmate, as I’ve told you well before.” At the time of Henry’s moving out, Lizzie had repetitively whinged about it to Charles. Lizzie had always suspected he hadn’t listened to any of her grievances; now she had complete proof.
“Yes, yes, ma chérie. I’m sure you did.” Charles made a vague dismissive gesture with his hands, his tone patronising.
I am not your chérie, she thought bitterly. Lizzie wanted to erase that smile from his face, wanted to slap him to see if it went away. If she flung her pint into his face would that be enough? Would it be enough to see it dripping into his expensive football shirt?
“Anyways.” He started again, lounging too comfortably on his chair. “I don’t know why you’re still hanging out with him. Tudor is such a huge nerd.”
“Don’t talk of him like that!” She snapped. “You don’t know him.”
Charles frowned, slightly amused. Maybe she had sounded a bit too defensive. “Wow. PMS is a bitch, hein?”
Lizzie looked straight at him. She didn’t flinch from his gaze— she took all in, saw all of him. His dark eyes, his long nose, his wormy lips. She tried to find what had caught her attention before. Maybe, just maybe, it had been that overbearing sense of confidence he exuded through every pore of his being. Only now she knew it wasn’t confidence, no, it was an absurdly heightened arrogance. Suddenly she felt nothing towards him anymore. Neither love nor hate. Neither affection, nor contempt. Nothing at all.
“It was great chatting with you, Charles.” She stated with an even voice. “But I think you should leave now.”
Charles made no intention to move. “What, leave? Ma chérie, we haven’t even started.”
He moved to grab her wrist, but she pulled her hands into her lap before he could do so. "Just. Leave.”
Charles looked at a point behind her. “Tudor! We were just talking about you.”
Lizzie turned around to see a newly-arrived Henry. If he was in any way displeased by seeing Charles at her table, he didn’t show any of it. On the contrary, he looked every bit dignified. His hair was neatly combed, his button-up shirt complemented his Burberry tailored jacked wonderfully. He was wearing his contacts that day, looking every inch sharp and professional.
“Lizzie.” He greeted her with a warm smile, taking the seat beside hers to wrap an arm around her waist, going in for an open mouth kiss. For a moment Lizzie forgot they weren’t alone.
“Rôôôôh! C'est quoi ce bordel?!” Charles sounded a mixture of gobsmacked and furious.
Pulling back, Henry acted like he did not see him before. “Oh, Charles. Hello there.” Henry said simply, almost like acknowledging his presence was an afterthought.
Charles looked from Henry to Lizzie, eyes bulging. “Tu te fous de moi?”
Lizzie carefully replied, fidgeting with the hem of her skirt. “Charles, it’s been months since we—”
“You were fucking behind my back, that’s what you were doing!“
She opened her mouth to deny it, but Henry stopped her by landing a hand atop hers, ceasing her fidgeting. "Lizzie, you don’t owe him any explanation whatsoever.”
“I know, but people are looking.”
“All this time!” Charles kept raving, his accent getting thicker by the minute. “And oh my God, you were roommates!”
”Flatmates!“ Their voices corrected him in unison.
"A slut, Lizzie! That’s what you are!” Charles smacked down a hand on the table.
It was at that moment that Henry grabbed him by the shirt, pulling Charles across the table to face him. “That’s enough.” His voice was cold, perfectly controlled. “You will remove yourself from this table and quietly fuck off. Do you understand?” Charles, caught by surprise, could only stare at him. “Do you understand me?” Henry released him with a sneer. “Pauvre con.”
Charles’ face went quickly from white to purple. “Ta gueule!” He stood up, pushing his chair noisily across the floor.
The whole pub watched as Henry slowly stood up from his place. Lizzie tried to grasp his hand to stop him. “Henry, don’t.” She murmured, but Henry had already disentangled from her grip and made his way around the table.
“Ça commence a me gaver là, putain.”
“Ah carrément?” Charles scoffed, giving him a shove.
“Oui, carrément.” Henry pushed him back. Both men grabbed each other’s by the collar.
It was a matter of seconds. Lizzie rushed to get between them, struggled to pull them apart. “Stop it! Stop it! What’s wrong with you?!”
“Take that outside!” Someone shouted at them.
Why are men so bloody stupid? They were acting like she was some sort of property to be fought over. Henry had the grace to look somewhat ashamed, but Charles still looked furious. Thankfully, someone had called the security guard. “Gentlemen, I have to ask you to leave.”
“I’m leaving. He can stay.” Henry carded his fingers through his hair, putting his clothes back in order. “Come, Lizzie.” He took her by the hand, pulling her along. She managed to pick her purse and jacket before she was half-dragged to the exit door.
Charles still had some in him to bite back. “Yes, flee like the coward you are! Dégage!”
It didn’t matter what Charles could say, Henry was still the one who left the place with his arm wrapped around the girl. Henry mockingly waved to him before they crossed the door, but Lizzie could only feel her cheeks burning. She would never be able to step inside that pub again. They had just walked past the corner when she pushed Henry away. “Why did you do that?”
“Excuse me?” He was still jumpy from his altercation with Charles.
“Why did you have to make such a scene?”
“I made a scene?” He scoffed, sarcasm coming out. “Sorry, were you trying to make up with Charles back there? Did I interrupt anything?”
“You know I was not! Don’t even try to play that card. The point is you made it look like we’re a thing. We’re not a thing! We’re not even together!”
At that Henry lowered his head, as if taking a blow. He blinked for a second before replying. “Well, thanks for telling me now. When were you planning to tell me perchance? Today? Next week? Maybe after I brought you a wedding ring?”
“See, that’s not how a relationship works! You don’t get to decide what we do, what we are, before we can talk things through. Just because we kissed that one time—”
“By that one time you mean yesterday.”
“—That doesn’t mean we are together. It doesn’t mean I owe anything.”
“Owe me? What sort of nonsense is this?”
“Look, Henry.” She ran a hand through her long hair, searching for the right words. “I am not ungrateful. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for offering help when my family faced eviction. I truly do! But you don’t get to decide our relationship. I cannot repay you like that.”
“Lizzie, for God’s sake!” He rubbed his eyes. He looked tired, so so very tired. “I’m not trying to buy you!” His voice took a quiet turn then, almost tender. “Don’t you see that everything I do, I do because I care about you?”
She shook her head. “Don’t.”
“Don’t?” He looked befuddled, almost hurt.
She looked away. “Don’t come at me like that.” Don’t be soft now, or you’ll make me soft too. “What of what I want? What I think, what I feel? I’d like to have a voice in this too!”
“Of course, Lizzie! But you do!”
“I don’t want it to be like that. Like— Like I’m paying back a favour.”
“But you’re not! I’m not asking for payment!”
“It doesn’t matter, that’s what it looks like to people.”
He caught her wrists then and brought them to his chest, pulling her to him. They were both short of breath, chests heaving. He didn’t kiss her, but she almost wished him to. From that close proximity it was almost unbearable to look at him. He wasn’t wearing his glasses— there was nothing between her and his agitated eyes. They were piercing and blue, and terrible to face. “Lizzie, it’s simple.” He said, very quietly. “Do you want me or not?”
“I…” She faltered. Suddenly it was difficult to breathe.
“Stop with the mixed signals for once. Do you want me…” His voice dropped to a whisper. “Or not?”
“I…” She searched for a word, anything. “I don’t know.”
He released her then, splaying his hands like she’d just burned him. He stepped back, his expression unreadable “Henry?”
He pulled something out of his pocket and pressed it into one of her hands. She opened it to find a delicate gold necklace, a pendant in the shape of a rose carefully crafted. “What… what is this?”
“A gift. I have no use for it.”
Lizzie felt her eyes swarming with unshed tears. She looked up to find his back to her. Henry was steadily walking away. He is leaving me, the realisation struck her like a dagger. “Henry! Henry, where are you going?”
He didn’t reply. She wasn’t even sure he had listened to her. Lizzie watched as he descended the stairs to the tube station. He wasn’t going back to his flat, that much was clear. He didn’t need to take the tube for that. “Henry!” She called him one last time.
She wouldn’t run after him. Not her, not while people passing by could see her in such an undignified state. She did the right thing, so why did it feel like the worst decision she had ever made? The coldness of the night suddenly crept into her bones. She wrapped herself tight in her jacket, a shiver ran down her spine. She was left alone on that street, alone with her thoughts and the words she should never have said.
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Trải nghiệm GOLF trong Biệt Thự TRĂM TỶ ăn mừng NÚT BẠC – P.2 | nhaTO Official 19
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