#laura lee headcanons
ultrone · 1 year
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─ ౨ৎ ‧˚ rebel!reader who was failing yet another one of their classes, and their parents forced them to get tutoring, threatening to send them away for the summer if they didn't comply. after class, you approached your teacher to discuss the possibility of extra tutoring. unfortunately, her schedule didn't align with yours. as a last resort, she arranged for laura lee to assist you. laura had recently started volunteering after school to help students excel in subjects she excelled in, one of which happened to be the class you were struggling with.
you both agreed to meet three times a week, much to your dismay. you clearly couldn't care less about that particular class, and the fact that you now had to attend not only the class but also endure hour-and-a-half tutoring sessions three times a week made you want to end it all. and to make matters worse, the two of you weren't even friends, which added to your lack of enthusiasm. most of your free time was spent with your best friends, lottie, van, and tai. you occasionally hung out with nat too, but usually separately or with lottie. laura, on the other hand, was in a completely different league when it came to friendships. it wasn't that you mocked her; in fact, you’ve always thought she’s a very sweet person. it was just that she had always been too uptight for your taste, which left you completely disinterested in forming any type of bond with her. 
or so you thought until your tutoring sessions began. initially, it was dull, the same old routine of reviewing confusing topics. but as the minutes dragged on and boredom set in, you found yourself inexplicably staring at her face. her neatly combed blonde hair, so soft-looking, her smooth skin, rosy cheeks, and the way her pink lips moved while explaining topics with ease and enthusiasm—all of it made you realize just how pretty she was, something you'd never noticed before. you didn't say anything about it, though; you simply admired her from a distance.
what truly captivated you, however, was simply her. she was not only the sweetest person you had ever met but also far more interesting than you'd ever imagined, and her patience in explaining the same things to you over and over again without a hint of irritation made your cheeks flush each time. whenever stress got the best of you, she would gently rub your forearm, wearing a small smile on her face, and suggest that you take a break. she'd then open her backpack and share some of her snacks with you while you talked about random things. her unwavering faith was admirable too. even though you respected it, you had always thought she was a bit too religious, attending church every weekend, saying prayers before meals, and before bedtime. this, coupled with her prudishness—never uttering a single curse word, abstaining from parties or social events, and avoiding alcohol, essentially steering clear of the typical teenage activities most students indulged in—was something you always found quite weird, or uncommon. although, you had to admit that her dedication in upholding her beliefs was impressive. what truly struck you, though, was the genuine peace and satisfaction that radiated from her whenever she engaged in these activities. she seemed whole, and you yearned for that same feeling.
it didn't take long for you to realize you wanted to feel that completeness too, but by her side. so, you did what you did best: you flirted. you were careful not to make her uncomfortable, keeping your advances subtle, at least initially. you'd drop compliments about how pretty she looked that day, how smart she was, and you even gifted her a beautiful rosary necklace she had been wearing ever since. the best part was catching her shy smile and the way her cheeks reddened at your words, looking away while opening her textbook to continue with the lessons.
eventually, you mustered the courage to ask her out. to be honest, you were a bit nervous. you weren't usually the timid type, but despite the prolonged flirting with her, which she seemed to enjoy, you didn't actually know if she was into you or if she even liked girls, which worried you the most. as the days passed, you grew closer, and you feared that her beliefs might cause her to react negatively and jeopardize your friendship. however, you knew it was worth it, she was worth it, so you took the plunge. during one of your sessions, before you both headed home, you asked her out.
initially, she innocently interpreted your invitation as going out as friends, causing you to chuckle. you then clarified that you meant going out on a romantic date. she blushed and stammered a bit, clearly not expecting that, but to your surprise, she said yes.
─ ౨ৎ ‧˚ some hcs
literally not a single one of your friends believed you when you told them laura lee and you had just started dating 😭 it wasn’t until they saw you walking to practice hand by hand that they realized you were being serious.
“laura lee, y/n? are you serious?” “isn’t she like a pilgrim tho? how’d you even manage to hit? wth”
you convinced her to come to one of jeff’s parties once, and she vowed never to go again. long story short, she drenched shauna in holy water and tossed her pocket bible at her face because she was vomiting and mumbling things in spanish while being really drunk. “i know what a drunk person looks like and believe me when i tell you she was not drunk.” “people vibrate in lower frequencies when they’re drunk and attract demons more easily.” ☠️☠️
studying got a lot more fun since you started dating. she promised that if you get all the answers right, you’ll both watch a movie and cuddle all night. but even when you get them all wrong, you always manage to convince her to do the same anyway 🤭
you began attending church with her every sunday. waking up early in the morning is a hassle, but you understand how much it means to her, and you just want to see her happy. so, if that's what it takes, then so be it.
you were low key surprised her playlists weren’t just gospel songs LMFAOO (much to her parents dismay 😭😭)
whenever you fuck up and do something wrong, she always goes “it’s okay, baby, you’re beautiful in the eyes of our lord.”
once, van, tai, and you offered her $10 in exchange for saying a curse word. you begged her relentlessly, and she felt so pressured that she finally said one. but as soon as the word left her mouth, she burst into tears because she felt awful and guilty 😭 you felt terrible about it so u went to church with her that same day and asked for forgiveness in front of her LMFAOO
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peach-and-bugs · 1 year
That is very good, feeling extremely gay is the best.
While I'm here (since I was gonna request this last night/yesterday but I fell asleep), do you have any thoughts/head cannons on Adult!Yellow Jackets (whether you include cannon adult YJ's by themselves or as well as the others that died ((Jackie, Laura Lee etc)) is up to you) as parents/how they are around kids.
Just a thought, since Mama Lottie is the only thing I've been able to think about for weeks and I'm super excited for chapter 2 (no pressure on releasing it of course), and thought this would be cool.
If not don't worry I'll 100% understand if you don't xxx
Oh my gosh, this is absolutely perfect for me, thank you so much for asking me to ramble about the girls as moms/aunts. It's my favorite thing to think about. Some of these will expand upon what I said in my SFW alphabet
Yellowjackets as parents/with kids
tw: food shame/judgment with Jackie religious themes with Laura Lee (all positive endings)
✰ Jackie had a very strict upbringing to me. She was obsessed with being perceived as perfect and model all the time and I can only assume that was instigated by her parents (mostly her mother)
✰ She seems like the type to have kids, but she's always trying to improve upon how she grew up because she knows how that pressure feels and doesn't want that for her kids
✰ For whatever reason, I see her as a girl mom whose last kid is surprisingly a boy and she's thrown for a loop because she's so used to having girls, and having a boy is suddenly so different
✰ but as a girl mom, she tries to be really open for her daughters. She wants them to see her as just a normal person because that's how they'll then look at themselves. She's also that mom on holidays or family gatherings that lets her kids have control over what they eat
✰ I headcanon her mom was one of those almond moms who was always talking about what Jackie was eating or looked like and she's not gonna let that happen to her girls. She wants them to have a positive relationship with food from the start so they don't have to learn it like she did. She's opening up the pumpkin pie at thanksgiving before dinner is served and giving each of her kids a slice and noone can stop her
Laura Lee
✰ Laura Lee is still very involved in her church and faith in her adulthood and I can see her wanting that for her children too, but she makes it very clear that that faith for them doesn't need to be strictly Christianity. I think she'd probably take them to church when they're little, but she'd be really open to letting her kids know if that's not something they want, they can tell her they no longer want to go
✰ I can perfectly envision her as one of those moms at pride with the free mom hugs shirt on and proudly holding up her sign about how god made everyone beautiful as they are. She's also taking in any kid who needs a roof over their head and a hot meal, no questions asked
✰ I see her wanting to fully or partially home-schooling her kids. Can't really explain why, but it feels fitting
✰ We already know a lot of how I look at Lottie as a mom, given my mama!Lottie tag and fic, Bean Sprout, but I'll never skip an opportunity to gush about her more!
✰ she's the epitome of the crunchy granola mom who's taking her kid out to the garden with her, encouraging them to dig in the dirt in their rain boots and overalls to find worms and other bugs and taking them on hikes with the dog. She's got her kid and her dog with her all the time.
✰ She's the kind of mom who wants her kid to try everything at least once, but not in a pushy way. She thinks it extremely important for confidence development that her kid knows that it's ok to try and fail because you can always get right back up again
✰ She's also really good with other people's kids. She likes watching the way kids think and the best way to see and understand that is by getting to know them on their level
✰ Misty's awkward around everyone, and that extends to kids as well, but she's a little better with kids than she is with adults. She babysat back when she was a teenager, so she still knows a thing or two
✰ part of me can see her as a mom while another part of me doesn't. I think had the crash not happened, she'd be more likely to have or adopt a kid of her own, but in the crash timeline that feels far less likely
✰ that or it's a situation where she thought she wanted to be a mom when she was growing up because "that's what everyone wants" but as she gets older she realizes that no, she really doesn't want to be a parent
✰ but I do think she enjoys being around children to some degree due to her babysitting days
✰ So Natalie is an interesting one because my immediate reaction is always no, in no world does she like kids, but then I remember that she's actually pretty chill with kids and we see that when she goes to Kevin's son's soccer game
✰ In no way do I think she'd have a kid of her own, but she can definitely be the favorite aunt, that's for sure. She's gonna teach her friend's kids about the reality of the world, maybe how to get away with some very petty crime (but if they actually do it, she'll be pissed) and she's gonna go and take them to do the things they aren't supposed to, like getting sweets before dinner
✰ I think Shauna prefers younger kids. She's definitely having a hard time with Callie and the teen years, but based on how she talks about Callie when she was younger, she enjoyed the younger days
✰ She seems like one of those moms who had trouble making other mom friends, but it's alright because she's go her little girl keeping her company
✰ I feel like Callie was her little mini-me, which makes her growing up harder
✰ she's definitely one of those moms who kept a baby journal when she was pregnant, writing to her baby nearly every day and she managed to keep it up throughout a good chunk of her childhood. she's planning to give it to Callie when she graduates high school
✰ Tai gives me the vibe that having a kid wasn't something she initially considered when she was making her life plan, but now that she has Sammy she'd never go back
✰ I'm really hoping we get Sammy and Taissa again in season 3 because when she's in a good space and caring for herself she really is a good and caring mother, and it made me sad to lose that completely in season 2
✰ I personally think Samone carried Sammy and Tai stayed by her the whole time, making sure her wife got the best care she possibly could when they were in labor. After he was born and she got to hold him, she got this overwhelming feeling realizing that yeah, she's a mom now and this is her little guy to take care of
✰ she's definitely an only-child mom to me. I don't personally see her wanting another kid. can't really explain why on that one
✰ Very much like Natalie, Van gives off chill aunt or step-parent energy to me. I don't see her having kids of her own, but she's definitely really good with kids. The only way I see her as a mom is if she gets into a relationship with someone who's already got a kid
✰ She'd be willing to babysit her friend's kids as Aunt Van and she loves hosting them at her house for sleepovers. Breakfast is always fun at the Palmer house, and it's guaranteed to be very sugary
✰ I mentioned it before, but I can imagine her hosting summer parties in her backyard and grilling lunch with a bunch of kids running around playing with water balloons and squirt guns
✰ she's definitely got a box or closet full of cool toys for when she has kids visit. She also loves teaching them about the movies she liked growing up and taking them out on all kinds of outings
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cannibalmeowmeow · 1 month
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My hierarchy of the queer Yellowjacket ships:
tier 1 that one friend who ruined your life that you still think about: Obviously this is JackieShauna
tier 2 soulmates: Taivan are soulmates to me, no matter how toxic. AND Crystal and Misty were definitely soulmates. Idk if they were romantic soulmates but soulmates none the less.
tier 3 lovers: In this tier i placed Lottienat, Mistynat, and MariLottie. I’ve not seen anyone ship Mari at all. I think she and Lottie would make a great pair. Mari would make lottie laugh a lot 💖
tier 4 friends: i hope most the girlies are friends!! but i listed Jackie and Misty, Natvan, Taishauna, and Shauna and Lottie. I loved how soft jackie was with misty at times. Nat and Van being childhood best friends is one of my favorite headcanons.
tier 5 acquaintances: Jackie and nat. self explanatory imo
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heartz4shauna · 6 months
rip lottie you would’ve loved donnie darko
rip nat you would’ve loved the tumblr aesthetic
rip jackie you would’ve loved katy perry/the other woman by LDR
rip shauna you would’ve loved faye webster/the other woman by LDR
rip van you would’ve loved towa bird
rip tai you would’ve loved ASMR
rip akilah you would’ve loved the jumping mice from coraline
rip mari you would’ve loved regina george
rip misty you would’ve loved omegle
rip laura lee you would’ve loved the teddy bear tim
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jollyreginaldrancher · 7 months
More realistic Yellowjackets hcs
•Van is squeamish af. She nearly threw up when just talking about Allie's leg in the pilot, and she almost throws up everytime you finally get to pick a movie and you go for a horror thing.
• Shauna would be one of those girls that could never pick what to eat. She would drag you to hell and back before she'd finally just go with one of the same three restaurants she always chooses. Even though she always picks the same she still wants you to suggest every place in town before she reaches a conclusion.
• Nat and Van overshare with each other. If you're with either one of them you will get smug looks from the other.
• Nat and Van also share their porn stash. Van has the decency to hide it but Nat just leaves her magazines on her night stand. You only ever knew she shared them with Van because you saw one of their trades. Nat tucked a folded up mag into the back of her pants. Van hid hers in the bottom of her schoolbag. You cringed so hard when you realised that's what they were doing. Nat stole them during a house party and Van let curiosity get the better of her and long story short they'd been trading them all year until you found out and used the rolled up magazine to beat Natalie over the head with.
• Van absolutely tries to build a house out of breadsticks every time you take her out to a restaurant for dinner.
• She tries to make an igloo out of waffles.
• You're on the team, on Away games and you share a room with Nat. She climbs on the bed and rocks it back and forth making it squeak and makes moaning sounds when you're on the phone with your mom. If Van is there she will join in but she will be blushing the whole time.
• Trying to get closer to Taissa involves being forced to take part in her morning constitutionals. Only her morning constitutionals involve 45 minute morning runs. And her legs are so long you are constantly trailing behind, and with her, everything is a competition so she straight up leaves you in the dust. You've gotten lost in her neighbourhood multiple times when she's left you behind to run ahead.
• Jackie's inviting you to weeknight dinners with her parents and expecting you to sit idly by while they passive aggressively destroy your confidence. She gives you yours back though after dinner when she lets you top her on her frilly bedsheets.
• Jackie makes you leave her house after dinner, get in your car, drive to the house next door, out of sight, then sneak back and climb up to her window to hit it.
• Sitting in a pew in the back of Laura Lee's church, your hand resting on the stretch of wood between you. You scratch your chin and return it absentmindedly only to find her hand is also resting between you...her pinkie is close enough to touch. You breathe heavily as you ghost your finger against it only for her to react by parting her fingers. Not a lot, but just enough to interlink your pinkies. Your heart is thumping so loud you swear the whole congregation is aware of it. You stare forward, your eyes glazed over as the priest chants Κύριε Ελέησον.
• After church one day, you hang back with Laura Lee as your parents all mingle with other members of the church. The two of you climb to the second floor, way in the back, and lie down on one of the pews, head to head. You look up at her, and she looks up at you and smiles. It's the same pious smile she always gives you but this time you swear her gaze fixes on your lips a moment.
Her parents call her over to go home and she sits up abruptly and waves at you as she bounces nervously away.
• Akilah spends most of her free time with family. Her older sister and her husband both work, so she and her mom get saddled with babysitting her nephew a lot. She sits around the house watching tv and doing homework with a baby on her lap most days. She's supposed to put him down but he's sooooo cute she just can't bring herself to.
When he's a little older, you two sneak him his first bit of chocolate. Well, less sneak, more he reaches over and shoves your entire ice cream down his throat at six months. He doesn't get to the cone before Akilah pulls him away but half your scoop is gone with him. Akilah apologises profusely but you just laugh. She offers to buy you another ice cream and you suggest a rain check. Your first date is an ice cream date when she's no longer grounded for letting him have ice cream at six months. He was fine though.
• Mari doesn't have nieces or nephews yet but she has so many cousins and they all get together and play soccer at family get-togethers. She is not the only one in that family who's on a soccer team but she's the only one who's going to nationals so the competition is stiff with all her cousins competing against her to prove they're all just as good. You may not be the best but she starts dragging you to all of these get togethers so the two of you can ratio her entire family together.
She normally wears jumpers and ties her hair up and stuff but her family notices that she dresses in way more form-fitting clothes and lets her hair down when you start coming to these things and ALL make fun of her for it. I'm talking little baby cousins who look up at her and make kissy faces behind your back and you feel a breeze when you turn your head, and hear the thud of a couch cushion hitting a seven year old at full force.
Oh no, her cousin spilled some juice on you now. Guess she has to bring you to her room, alone, and give you something to change into. You hear another Thwack behind your back as she ushers you down this hallway to the back.
A few cousins grin at you both through the window so she rushes to shut the blinds... She's red as fuck at this point. You're in her room and it's the designated coat room so she pushes a big pile of coats off to the side so you can sit down. She rummages through her closet and finds something that's lowkey a little revealing but she realises her whole family will see you in this so she reaches for a turtleneck instead. It's way too hot though so she just grabs a yellowjackets tee and hands you that and pretends to look around her own room while you change.
• She sniffs it when she gets it back.
• Melissa wears her hat backwards so she can be more easily identifiable as a skater. She's the only girl skater in the school but she doesn't get that much shit for it because she's also a jock on the soccer team that's going to nationals.
• She absolutely tries to rizz you up while skating around you.
• She absolutely loses her focus and eats shit while trying to hit on you.
• You give her your number out of pity.
• She writes your number down on her arm and then uses that part of her arm to wipe the sweat off her brow.
• You realise she's not playing dumb for the bit but you give her a shot anyway. You spend a disproportionate amount of time applying bandages on her and talking her off dumb stunts.
• Had there been any flat surfaces in the wilderness she could have used to skate on, she would have been the first to die.
• Gen...fuck it I don't know shit about Gen. Maybe she's a ninja. Yeah.
• latchkey kid with one of those dogs that's small enough to fit in a bag. It's fluffy and smol. She brings it on dates and feeds it breadsticks when her date isn't looking.
• Gen likes to dress that dog up in funky little outfits. Sometimes she matches it. Has a box full of pictures of her dressing her dog up.
• Misty can and will drag you into the equipment room for some alone time at school.
• Still plays doctor. Doesn't realise that the objective is not to heal the patient but to get close to the patient and feel them up. On the upside she has a full nurse costume. Not a sexy nurse costume, an accurate replica of a nurse costume. So accurate she's banned from wearing it at the local free clinic. Because 12 year old Misty tried to wear it to the clinic the way kids wear princess costumes to Disneyland.
• Van and Natalie subscribe to the sniff test. These jeans Nat's wearing were at the bottom of her used clothes pile but it doesn't matter because they passed the sniff test. Can Van pull off wearing that hoodie for a third day in a row? Yes, because it passed the sniff test. Sniff test.
• Van and Nat have burping contests outside Denny's at 3 am.
• Misty goes to sleep at 8pm every night. Even Laura Lee thinks that's way too early and she has a strict self-imposed bedtime at 10:30.
• Jackie's skincare routine takes the better part of the night.
• Shauna makes you sleep on the floor because she kicks in her sleep and it's her bed so...
• Lottie can come up with an excuse for shit at the drop of a hat. Usually it's excuses for why you shouldn't leave her house and why you should stay over. Lately she's been using excuses to get away from you though and it's worrying you. Nevermind she just wanted space to throw you a surprise party. Wholesome ass.
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olipeaksforever · 12 days
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Albums I think Cooper, Albert, Diane (first row) and Laura, Donna and Shelly (second row) would listen to!
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nattroan · 8 months
𝓦𝑒𝑙𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑦 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡 𝑙𝑖𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑟𝑦✦ 𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑠♡🌷
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𝐻𝑖𝑖<3 guys I leave these recommendations so that if you can take a little of your time to read these beautiful fics, do it because you won't regret it, please, I beg you to reblog it and give it a like because I need these writers and the wonderful fics that they They make them have more recognition (by the way, thanks to the writers for taking a few minutes and even hours of your time to make such wonderful fics)
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𝓝𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑐𝑖𝑜:
-the bet @24hlevi
Natalie does your eyeliner @pinkmoonzzz
The wilderness dance @lacyscabinet
—dizzy like! @shaunashipmansgf
Cool About It @rae-writes-sometimes
calming the storm @coalswriting
Unexpected Christmas @devskindawritingblog
Safe @lacyscabinet
Dreamy @lacyscabinet
I miss home @t1ts-4-scattorcio
Spider @ones-g
𝓛 𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑒 𝑚𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑤𝑠:
𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐡 𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 @lottiembae
Notion @fromabasementonthehilll
Braids @fromabasementonthehilll
𝓡𝑜𝑏𝑖𝑛 𝑏𝑢𝑐𝑘𝑙𝑒𝑦:
Chiquitita @sawyerconfort
Puppy Love @elliesmainhoe
Wrong locker @ashwhowrites
𝑺ℎ𝑎𝑢𝑛𝑎 𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑝𝑚𝑎𝑛:
facing your fears @alottiegoingon
evermore @shaunamilfman
(If you want to find some really good fanfics or headcanons about Shauna x reader or Jackieshauna x reader check out their masterlist)
𝑺𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒉 𝒄𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒏✦:
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝑳𝒖𝒙𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 @writingreadinglurkingandsmirking
𝓛 𝑎𝑢𝑟𝑎 𝑙𝑒𝑒♡:
Drunken Love @devskindawritingblog
𝓗𝑎𝑧𝑒𝑙 𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑎ℎ𝑎𝑛✰:
Hold to my Hand @denwritesandcries
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lesbianjackies · 4 months
the yellowjackets’ favorite books hcs bc i saw one of these and disagreed with all of them 👍
jackie: okay i’m so sorry but this girl only reads trashy romance novels she found on booktok. it drives shauna BONKERS because she’s incapable of getting jackie to read anything she likes.
natalie: i don’t think she’s a reader but if she was she would be a comic girlie. dc > marvel and she gets into fights with van over it regularly.
laura lee: she genuinely really likes theology books and she FOR SURE grew up on american girl and still loves them. she will pick up anything if she hears it’s gay or christian but she has really high standards and she’ll dnf any book that doesn’t meet them.
lottie: she’s an astrology girlie for SURE so i think she reads a lot of books on that to compile as much knowledge as she can (so she can psychoanalyze her friends). i also feel like she was a greek mythology kid so i think she’s read a lot of the original myths and likes a few select retellings (but they’re not the popular ones. she, like laura lee, has really high standards).
van: okay SHE is like definitely a comic girlie for sure. marvel > dc. she’s also just into those classic middle grade books every queer person read as a kid like harry potter and percy jackson and still has a lot of nostalgia for them. oh she was also a warrior cats kid for SURE. lmao.
misty: WARRIOR CATS KID AND IT SCREWED HER UP FOR LIFE. big into harry potter & lord of the rings and also just random niche fantasy series. reads a LOT and she’s active in a lot of fandom circles and she tries to get everyone she talks to into the books she reads.
taissa: def a nonfiction girlie. books on law, books on feminism, books on queer history… van thinks everything she reads is boring as fuck and she thinks everything van reads is stupid. true love 🫶
travis: ough okay i think travis is ALSO a comic girlie. but i think she’s more niche with it. i think she likes like….. umbrella academy type shit idk. and i think as a kid she was into stuff that was “for girls” until her dad bullied it out of her and now she gets really upset when she sees those series / hears someone talk about how they read them.
shauna: CLASSICS. brontë sisters, jane austen, edgar allan poe, emily dickinson…… yeah. she’s SO pretentious about it too she has two copies of each book so she can have a pretty one on her shelf and then a torn up copy that she can write notes in and she’s always carrying books around and reading them in public to show people she’s smart……. yeahhhh.
mari: mari doesn’t read that’s for fucking nerds. (she was a warrior cats kid and she’s obsessed with harry potter, percy jackson, and the lord of the rings. tell anyone and she’ll hurt you badly.)
akilah: rainbow fairies kid!!!!!! doesn’t read as much as she used to; if she does pick up a book it’s gotta be something that really speaks to and connects with her.
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antlerdykee · 7 months
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she often looked at you in class, but when you looked back she always hid it.
Laura Lee braids you whenever you're distracted, she can't help it
she always blushes at silly things, like when you hold her hand or compliment her on something
Laura Lee believing everything you say. If you told her something absurd (and obviously a lie) and she had no knowledge of it, she would innocently believe you
you listen to her talk all day about the things she likes, like literally ALL day
you are a bad influence on her. Since you started dating she has been swearing more, but of course she always feels guilty afterwards
she always hugs you no matter the moment, she never lets go of you
Laura Lee watching cliché romance movies, she always makes you watch it with her
Something tells me that Laura Lee loves to kiss your face, in any situation she will be hugging you and kissing your face lovingly
you give her several stuffed animals, and she keeps them all in her room
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mimicmockingbirds · 5 months
Yellowjackets - Werewolves HCs
I know absolutely no one asked for this, but I'm missing the Yellowjackets crew, and I've been binging a horror media all week, so here are my loose ideas for a werewolf AU as inspired by this post
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Van & Taissa:
Obviously Van is the first one to turn, having been attacked by a rival werewolf during her side-quest with Tai, Mari, Akilah, and Misty like in the show
Tai also gets bitten in the process of helping Van heal/deal with her first transformation
From there, they spread the curse to the rest of the group, making them the leading alpha pair by proxy of "creating" the rest of the pack like alpha-parent pairs in the wild
Van struggles with the leadership role, considering herself more of a follower than a leader when in human form
Tai leans into it, being a natural leader in human form; although, since it was her idea to go on the side-quest that got Van bitten to begin with, she is more cautious when it comes to making decisions
Tai also gets more protective of the group as a whole, often herding them or biting their scruffs to keep them in place (i.e. safe) from rival wolves
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Instantly embraces having a bigger, physically stronger body as a wolf
Uses it to unleash all of the compartmentalized anger and aggression she carries in human form, making her the most snappish of the group, bordering on feral
Consequently, she really struggles to submit to Tai and Van as the alpha pair, often testing their patience by trying to go off on her own or stealing scraps of their food
Has a lot of nicks on her body from Taissa constantly having to correct her behavior
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The complete opposite as Shauna; she absolutely hates having a second body and the strangeness of having to navigate it
Is the most resistant to change in general, so her transformation process is particularly difficult
Stays in her human form as much as possible; only really shifts when there's conflict among the other wolves and they need a mediator to calm things down (especially because it's usually started by Shauna)
Since she's in human form so often, her social standing in the team/pack starts to decline, making her more submissive and subdued
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Is resistant to the change at first, as she is resistant to the supernatural in general
Gradually starts to embrace having a wolf side when it proves useful in hunting/providing for the others
Starts to thrive because wolves naturally communicate via actions, which she prefers as someone who was raised on volatile emotions rather than rational words
Sometimes stays in wolf form just to vibe and show her affection for others, clambering on top of them or licking their muzzles when she's in a good mood
Mostly reverts to human form when she's upset, because it's easier to hide her emotions that way (although it quickly becomes a sign in and of itself that she's in a poor mood)
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Is absolutely enthralled with having a new, bigger body with better senses and strength
She is still the smallest of the group, so she compensates by being very vocal as a wolf, constantly yipping or howling
Shifts between human and wolf the most often, usually at random, because she does still value having human qualities when she needs to play group medic
As a human, she lacks a lot of social awareness for boundaries; as a wolf, that becomes even worse
Constantly inserts herself into others' personal space, butting her head or muzzle against theirs to see what they're doing or where they're going; consequently, she receives a lot of corrective behavior from the others, like nips to the ear or base of her tail
It works for about 5 seconds, then she's right back in their space
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Laura Lee:
Absolutely hates shifting
Still views the entire situation of being stranded, and now forced to deal with transformations into another body, as some form of divine punishment
Like Jackie, mostly keeps to her human form whenever possible, and shifts only to play mediator when the others need it
However, unlike Jackie, her social standing doesn't suffer, since she has status by proxy of being friends with the likes of Van and Lottie
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Is disorientated by the transformation process at first, wondering whether it's another symptom of her mental illness or withdrawal from her meds
Eventually accepts it, and is even comforted that she's not the only one suffering from strange phenomena for once
Due to her acceptance to change and the unknown, she is able to shift the most easily from one body to the other
She's the most attuned to the Wilderness as a human, so she has the best senses as a wolf; starts to accompany Natalie on hunts, wherein she tracks down the prey for Nat to kill
Is very anxious, so she is often scratching or grooming herself; her fur gets patchy around her paws from licking them so much
Builds a closer friendship with Natalie (from hunting together) and Van (for gifting her the bone-necklace), so they try to console her anxious habits, either by laying next to her or directly on top of her to keep her still
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Only embraces the change when Natalie does, especially since it proves so useful in hunting
Despite being a bigger size than the girls, he has the lowest social standing, since he was never officially on the team and thus, is considered an outsider to the instinctive pack dynamic
Mostly hovers at a distance from the girls during any gathering; however, he only exhibits outwardly submissive behavior like lowered ears and a tucked-in tail towards Van and Taissa, since they're the official alpha pair
Prefers to flee rather than fight during conflicts amongst the pack, only becoming aggressive when his hunting partners (Nat and Lottie) are involved
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ultrone · 1 year
i only write for young laura lee. no smut at the moment.
click here to see my yellowjackets masterlist.
click here to be added to my taglist.
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⋆ ꉂ headcanons — bulletpoints
rebel reader x laura lee (includes blurb)
⋆ ꉂ tags
laura lee thoughts — contains every ask i’ve answered that is related to her.
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peach-and-bugs · 1 year
I have been wondering what you think the girls would study in college (if they were teenagers in 2021 and no crash happened) (including Jackie obvs)
oooo! This is actually such a fun idea!!! I'm also adding Laura Lee bc she deserves it and I love her! I also kinda went into what they would do with their degrees after school
What would the Yellowjackets study and major in college (no crash)
tw: religious themes with Laura Lee
✰ So, Jackie is a hard one. She's the kind of girl who goes into school thinking she's got the world figured out, only to realize that no, she doesn't, and get hit with quite a rude awakening
✰ She'd go in choosing something rather ambitious, having a hard time with it, and possibly taking a gap year to figure herself out
✰ Ultimately, I could see her as an early education major. She didn't think it would be something she'd enjoy, but to her surprise, she does, and eventually, once she graduates she becomes a kindergarten teacher at Wiskayok Elementary
Laura Lee
✰ Laura Lee Is so dedicated to her religion, and I have to have respect for that. But I could easily see her going into youth ministry with a degree in theology and possibly a minor in religion studies
✰ However, I could also see her minoring in music because of her piano! While she doesn't like her teacher much, I really do think Laura Lee enjoys the piano itself and I could see her leading a youth choir in her church
✰ She's definitely working in a progressive church. personally, I think she was raised to be more conservative, but in a world where she gets to go to college and grow more away from her family, she developed her own opinions and becomes a far more open person, viewing god as someone far more excepting then what she was initially taught
✰ I fully see Lottie going to college knowing from the start that she wants to study teaching/education. She'd go back and forth about wanting to teach little kids and older kids, but she'd ultimately settle on teaching middle schoolers
✰ I could see her being an English teacher or possibly a history teacher! She loves connecting with kids and giving them a voice and lending an ear, especially with them being at such a frustrating age
✰ I can also see her minoring in French! Yes, Lottie isn't supposed to be good at French, but I think that's a complete lie. If her school doesn't have a French program, she'd 100% start an after-school club or run summer classes for students interested in learning
✰ I could see Misty sticking with nursing, but she's also a giant theater kid. She seems like the type to go to a small liberal arts school for musical theater or improve with huge dreams of acting on stage
✰ I really think she'd find a great community in a theater/arts program because even though she's always gonna be a weirdo, she'll definitely find more weirdos to be her friends (this is coming from someone who has theater majors as friends)
✰ This could be some of my own self-projecting, but I think she'd get really involved in the nightlife of college and eventually frequent the drag scene with her friends. She's also always going to rocky horror. Ultimately that's how she realizes she's gay
✰ I think the only way Natalie is going to school is on a full-ride scholarship, but even then, college doesn't seem like her thing. I could see her following one/some of the girls to their college campus to screw around and figure herself out, living some of the college life without actually going to school
✰ Natalie would try to pursue a music career, no questions asked. She's shown to have a love for music and she already looks like a rock star, so it just makes the most sense for her. She'll crash on couches, eventually getting her own apartment while she writes her own music and I think she could eventually really take off
✰ she'd get a band together and eventually tour, writing music kinda along the lines of classic rock and grunge with some riot girl in the mix. Think pearl jam, foo fighters, and le tigre (all great groups that I highly recommend)
✰ Shauna is 100% getting a Literary Arts degree, no questions asked. Or an English degree with a focus on creative writing
✰ She gets to explore herself, take her semester abroad in Paris like she'd hoped, and eventually she becomes a New York Times bestseller for her works of poetry
✰ She'd also delve into fiction and I could even see some of her work getting turned into limited series or films eventually. She's quite humble and lives a quiet life, though she enjoyed being in the spotlight for her work
✰ I still think Tai would study law and become a Lawyer and potentially still go into politics. But part of me kinda wants to say she'd take an interest in environmental science and possibly become an environmental lawyer?
✰ I really don't know why I thought of that, but I think it would be really interesting for her. I think she'd still end up with Simone and Sammy and she'd go to New York for work a lot of the time
✰ If she did run for office again, she'd have a heavy focus on environmental conservation. I could also see her getting into National Park works
✰ So, originally I kinda thought Van would be a dropout, which sounds bad, but I was thinking about her store. But then I realized that she'd only got her store because she was stuck trying to relive her life before the crash, so no crash, no store
✰ Ultimately, she's a film major. She's either getting a film studies or production degree. Van loves movies and would want to get involved with that world, creating movies like what she grew up watching, like The Goonies and Alien
✰ She absolutely hates remakes and remasters, so if she's directing or writing her own films, they're going to be originals that still hold the nostalgia of the 80s and 90s
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lesbianlotties · 1 year
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lesbians reading lesbian romances before realizing they're lesbians
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music-parallels · 7 days
Yellowjackets + Song Parallels
"Sailor Song" - Gigi Perez
Jackieshauna + Lottielee + Taivan
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Side Tangent:
I almost didn't put in Taivan but I realized that they, out of everyone, encompass what happens after the song. The song begs for someone to weather the storm with them, for theirs to be a love that withstands everything like a sailor on a boat. For all intents and purposes, Tai and Van did that. They found someone to be in love with in a homophobic small town in 1996. But they didn't last, they broke up. Jut like everyone else, they never moved on, not really. However, unlike everyone else, they've had their chance and they also still have time. When the storm came back around they found each other again. Lottie and Shauna? They're still begging for their loves. Also Tai could have easily ended up like Lottie and Shauna because Van was almost the first to die in the wilderness several times. It's like fate is catching up to her by giving her cancer and then Tai will be like Lottie and Shauna.
I also thought of doing Lottienat but I am kind of a firm believer that regardless if Lottie and Nat end up having something in their youth before the 2021 timeline, Laura Lee was Lottie's first love. If anything, Nat was her second. That doesn't diminish Lottie and Nat's relationship, if there was one. It's just different and equally valid.
(The parallels between Jackieshauna and Lottielee are fucking insane. Shauna was pulling herself away from Jackie and Lottie was clinging to Laura Lee. Lottie was always pointed at as the "crazy" one, even by Shauna and yet Shauna was having hallucinations of Jackie. Laura Lee was burning in her last moments and you can see her accept her death in the moment itself, Jackie was freezing in her last moments and she accepted her death long before it actually happened. Parallel lines and they both ended up the same way.)
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kings-paintbrush · 3 months
Do you think any of the yellowjackets would age regress?
I was planning on making this aesthetic headcanon post with drawings and borders and stuff but I’m EEPY so,, UGLY LOOKING HEADCANONS!!!!!!
LAURA LEE :3333 i headcanon her as a Flip. A voluntary regressor! I think Laura Lee would just be a little angel, such a sweet little one. Always sharing and being able to put up with the other,,, not so well behaved little ones. As a Caregiver I CANNOT get the idea out of my head that she’s like a teacher. Giving the little ones lessons by the lake side, total Miss Honey from Matilda vibes… like teaching them their alphabets or their numbers with little songs 🥺🫶🏿
Lottie Matthews- Also a Flip, but with a caregiver lean. (In the wilderness she’s forced into a leader/carer role. So she’s definitely constantly taking care of all the littles). I think Lottie would be kind of independent when little, (involuntary.) maybe from ages 5 to 7, she’d want to do things on her own but mostly want a caregiver for supervision. Lottie would be nonverbal when regressed since she’s always had trouble communicating anyways. She likes to be praised for the little things, like pouring her own glass of milk and getting dressed— she was just never given attention much as a kid so that’d be nice for her.
Taissa: Regressor! I think it’s very much so involuntary and mostly to Middle space, she would have a lot of like tantrums and be generally pouty and mad. She probably wouldn’t notice she was little until someone else pointed it out.
Natalie: Teen Regresssor! Bc of trauma. Nat probably regresses to the ages of like 12-14. I think for the most part she would like sucking on lollipops but I could 100% see her making a deco paci. she’s usually rebellious when little, but it’s all in good fun, I could see maybe Lottie being her caregiver and Nat calling her “mom” or “ma”. But ALSO she may be a flip bc I love the idea of her being like a babysitter/big sister caregiver… she’s so sweet Misty: Pet Regressor/Flip. Vibes only. She bites people. She’s a puppy, a little excited puppy. Like in the pilot when she got excited doing the “BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ” and also as an adult she’s LITERALLY a caregiver so… Misty’s a lot of fun but idk, I could see her not really being good at dealing with high emotion situations (Ie; tantrums or accidents). She could come on a bit hard and condescending.
Mari: Regressor! Older kid, maybe 7-10! Mari’s personality definitely stays the same. A little Asshole if you ask me. I think Lottie would be her main caregiver, her mommy. But since Lottie takes care of ALL the little ones, Mari may act out for attention. I think Mari gets REALLY focused on the crafts she does and may not always notice when she has to go, so she’s padded. She’s super insecure abt her age regression bc of it. Javi Martinez: THATS A BABY. I’m right. I always will be. He’s semi verbal/nonverbal. he DEFINITELY clings to Shauna, that is his mama and I’m correct (i always am). Like just just I love them. He’s so sad and scared :c Shauna: Shauna’s an honorable mention bc I see her mostly as a Trauma Caregiver, she’s a mama to cope… but also Melanie Lynskey basically canonized Teen Regressor! adult Shauna so…
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look me dead in my eyes and tell me this isn’t a mama and her little… HONORABLE MENTIONS: Fun dad/papa Jackie and strict mama Shauna, Big Brother CG Van, Playmate Crystal, Occasional Babysitter Akilah, Laura Lee giving Lottie one of those erasable magnet boards so she can write/draw to communicate, and ermmm that’s it :3
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p-perkeys · 3 months
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Jono who?
“You can kiss a hundred boys in bars
Shoot another shot, try to stop the feeling
You can say it’s just the way you are
Make a new excuse, another stupid reason
Well good luck, babe
You’d have to stop the world just to stop the feeling”
Femme Laura and Masc Jubilee is 🔥🔥🔥 okay just shhhh it’s okay
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