#laura lee x y/n
ultrone · 1 year
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─ ౨ৎ ‧˚ rebel!reader who was failing yet another one of their classes, and their parents forced them to get tutoring, threatening to send them away for the summer if they didn't comply. after class, you approached your teacher to discuss the possibility of extra tutoring. unfortunately, her schedule didn't align with yours. as a last resort, she arranged for laura lee to assist you. laura had recently started volunteering after school to help students excel in subjects she excelled in, one of which happened to be the class you were struggling with.
you both agreed to meet three times a week, much to your dismay. you clearly couldn't care less about that particular class, and the fact that you now had to attend not only the class but also endure hour-and-a-half tutoring sessions three times a week made you want to end it all. and to make matters worse, the two of you weren't even friends, which added to your lack of enthusiasm. most of your free time was spent with your best friends, lottie, van, and tai. you occasionally hung out with nat too, but usually separately or with lottie. laura, on the other hand, was in a completely different league when it came to friendships. it wasn't that you mocked her; in fact, you’ve always thought she’s a very sweet person. it was just that she had always been too uptight for your taste, which left you completely disinterested in forming any type of bond with her. 
or so you thought until your tutoring sessions began. initially, it was dull, the same old routine of reviewing confusing topics. but as the minutes dragged on and boredom set in, you found yourself inexplicably staring at her face. her neatly combed blonde hair, so soft-looking, her smooth skin, rosy cheeks, and the way her pink lips moved while explaining topics with ease and enthusiasm—all of it made you realize just how pretty she was, something you'd never noticed before. you didn't say anything about it, though; you simply admired her from a distance.
what truly captivated you, however, was simply her. she was not only the sweetest person you had ever met but also far more interesting than you'd ever imagined, and her patience in explaining the same things to you over and over again without a hint of irritation made your cheeks flush each time. whenever stress got the best of you, she would gently rub your forearm, wearing a small smile on her face, and suggest that you take a break. she'd then open her backpack and share some of her snacks with you while you talked about random things. her unwavering faith was admirable too. even though you respected it, you had always thought she was a bit too religious, attending church every weekend, saying prayers before meals, and before bedtime. this, coupled with her prudishness—never uttering a single curse word, abstaining from parties or social events, and avoiding alcohol, essentially steering clear of the typical teenage activities most students indulged in—was something you always found quite weird, or uncommon. although, you had to admit that her dedication in upholding her beliefs was impressive. what truly struck you, though, was the genuine peace and satisfaction that radiated from her whenever she engaged in these activities. she seemed whole, and you yearned for that same feeling.
it didn't take long for you to realize you wanted to feel that completeness too, but by her side. so, you did what you did best: you flirted. you were careful not to make her uncomfortable, keeping your advances subtle, at least initially. you'd drop compliments about how pretty she looked that day, how smart she was, and you even gifted her a beautiful rosary necklace she had been wearing ever since. the best part was catching her shy smile and the way her cheeks reddened at your words, looking away while opening her textbook to continue with the lessons.
eventually, you mustered the courage to ask her out. to be honest, you were a bit nervous. you weren't usually the timid type, but despite the prolonged flirting with her, which she seemed to enjoy, you didn't actually know if she was into you or if she even liked girls, which worried you the most. as the days passed, you grew closer, and you feared that her beliefs might cause her to react negatively and jeopardize your friendship. however, you knew it was worth it, she was worth it, so you took the plunge. during one of your sessions, before you both headed home, you asked her out.
initially, she innocently interpreted your invitation as going out as friends, causing you to chuckle. you then clarified that you meant going out on a romantic date. she blushed and stammered a bit, clearly not expecting that, but to your surprise, she said yes.
─ ౨ৎ ‧˚ some hcs
literally not a single one of your friends believed you when you told them laura lee and you had just started dating 😭 it wasn’t until they saw you walking to practice hand by hand that they realized you were being serious.
“laura lee, y/n? are you serious?” “isn’t she like a pilgrim tho? how’d you even manage to hit? wth”
you convinced her to come to one of jeff’s parties once, and she vowed never to go again. long story short, she drenched shauna in holy water and tossed her pocket bible at her face because she was vomiting and mumbling things in spanish while being really drunk. “i know what a drunk person looks like and believe me when i tell you she was not drunk.” “people vibrate in lower frequencies when they’re drunk and attract demons more easily.” ☠️☠️
studying got a lot more fun since you started dating. she promised that if you get all the answers right, you’ll both watch a movie and cuddle all night. but even when you get them all wrong, you always manage to convince her to do the same anyway 🤭
you began attending church with her every sunday. waking up early in the morning is a hassle, but you understand how much it means to her, and you just want to see her happy. so, if that's what it takes, then so be it.
you were low key surprised her playlists weren’t just gospel songs LMFAOO (much to her parents dismay 😭😭)
whenever you fuck up and do something wrong, she always goes “it’s okay, baby, you’re beautiful in the eyes of our lord.”
once, van, tai, and you offered her $10 in exchange for saying a curse word. you begged her relentlessly, and she felt so pressured that she finally said one. but as soon as the word left her mouth, she burst into tears because she felt awful and guilty 😭 you felt terrible about it so u went to church with her that same day and asked for forgiveness in front of her LMFAOO
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lacyscabinet · 11 months
In YOUR opinion
Okay hihihihihihi
Natalie: tits. I am SURE about this one.
Lottie: thighs
Van: tits
Taissa: ass
Shauna: ass/thighs
Jackie: ass
Misty: probably all of them
Mari: ass
Laura Lee: idk thighs maybe (!?)
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t1ts-4-scattorcio · 1 year
Protective nat w a soft gf pls 🙏
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Protective Nat x Soft GF Reader
You were known for being kind which is why it was odd to see you and Nat together, especially as girlfriends. Sweet quiet girl always looking for the best in people and an angsty grunge goth latched to her hip. 
The epitome of sunshine and dark cloud + has an attitude with everyone else but you. She can have the most sour expression on her face then is all goo goo eyes when she see’s you.
“Hey nat whats up?” Jackie asks, “Nothing.” 😒 ‘you enter’ immediately skips to you “Hey baby” 😍
She loves making you happy, she’s up for anything you want to do. She lets you do her makeup the way you want it when she comes over for fun. Sometimes it happens before school and she ends up walking in with pastel pink eye lids and loads of glitter on her face. Jackie and Laura Lee think the look suits her since they’re only used to dark colors.“Pink suits you so well nat!” “thanks” 😌
Color coordinating outfits. You would wear a floral dress and she would have a floral scrunchie to match
Nat doesn’t shy away from soft readers romantic advances you’re so sweet she can’t help but let you love her. Lottie and Van poke fun at nat “you’ve really gone soft Scatorccio.” “yeah yeah whatever” 🙄
Nat isn’t scared to break a few noses if anyone takes advantage of you though and is basically your shadow, everyone knows that where you go natalie follows so any asshole know not to fuck with you.
Get’s ansty when you’re drunk, once a guy harassed you during a party after you denied his advances. Insisted he was good in bed and better than Nat in any way possible. “You’re so quiet, Nat’s got you so wound up hm, I bet I can make you come out of your shell.” TF Did she just hear?? 🤨 She was so angry after overharing him she punched him so hard he ended up getting a concussion.
After that she makes sure she has an arm wrapped around you, sometimes making you hold onto her belt loop when she can’t hold your hand.
She isn’t afraid to confront anyone that speaks badly about you “y/n is so sensitive, I bet she’s fake as hell too.” Her head spins so fast “the hell did you just say??” Pinning the idiot that said that against a locker.
You’re so sympathetic to nat’s home life, you had a feeling nat was having a hard time and your heart broke when you realized why. Nat loves how you listen to what she has to say, you hold her while she sobs after having a screaming match with her dad or how negligent her mom is towards her.
She’s also attentive to your anxieties, suggests you go somewhere quiet to relax when you’re overwhelmed, outside on the benches in the soccer field or a secret corner in the library designated for the both of you.
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lottiembae · 9 months
FIGHT CLUB; lottie matthews x fem!reader
Summary: y/n get convinced by pj that you need to enter the fight club. lottie didn't like the idea but didn't tell her anything, so she entered too.
Warnings: au bottoms, fluff, blood, two idiots pinning about each other. jackie x shauna in the background.
Note: English is not my first language.
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not my gif.
"Have you heard about the new fight club? It is amazing." You said to your friends when you sat down in your usual seat at the cafeteria.
Different reactions from the new information were exchanged. Jackie copied your enthusiasm and clapped, saying that if you are going she is going too, for Shauna's dismay. Van has a similar reaction to Jackie, but in Van's way. Natalie and Laura Lee, indifferent about it but cool with the new club. And then, there are the most skeptical people, Lottie and Shauna. Both brunette girls didn't say anything, just kept eating their food. Shauna has problems sharing her emotions publicly, Jackie is the only one who could cherish it. And Lottie usually gave her opinion in almost everything, and if you are involved it will always be good.
Your focus is entirely on Van and Jackie, a big grin plastered on your face while you talk about it.
"I can't wait to tell Tai. I'm sure she is going too!" Van exclaims excited.
When you were to reply, Lottie wanted to know how you found it so inevitably she interrupted you. "How have you found it?" She asks you softly in comparison to rudely cut you.
All eyes were on her, but she didn't care. The only eyes that care right now would give her the answer. You frown momentarily. "It was PJ. She told me that she, Hazel and Josie created it and she offered that if wanted to join them." You innocently answer.
Lottie bit her tongue, but didn't say anything. She gives you a nod and lets you resume the previous conversation. Her gaze meets Shauna's, who give her a raised eyebrow. Lottie sighs, rolling her eyes. You'll see, it's been a while that a few of them (Shauna, Natalie and Van) started to tease her saying she likes you, every time you two are in the same room her eyes transform in heart eyes, something that is true but never say it to them. It didn't help that they were in the football team playing together. Sometimes she is relieved that she picks to go to the photography club or debate team.
The brown eyed girl doesn't personally meet Josie and PJ. She knew Hazel from the photography club, they didn't exchange many words but the girl seems nice at her every time they are in the same room. About the other two, she doesn't have a based opinion on them because didn't meet them, but Lottie didn't like PJ's vibes.
"Who else could join?" Jackie asks, looking at them. Lottie missed the last part of their conversation, but knowing that the most enthusiastic about it are going to join the club. The football captain looks at Shauna expectant, who was scribbling something in a book. The rest of the girls looked at each other, knowing smiles about the constant situation between the best friends.
Shauna looks up when Natalie lets out a snort, receiving a nudge from Laura Lee. The brunette looks at the rest of the table, confused why all of them are looking at her but understood when her eyes meet Jackie, who already is looking at her with a clearly fake innocent smile.
"What did I lose?" Shauna questioned softly, looking at Jackie.
"You getting into the fight club." Van says out loud, making the rest of the table laugh while Laura Lee disapproves of all their behaviour.
Shauna rolls her eyes, a blush creeping on her cheeks. She knew the moment Y/N commented about it she will go there for Jackie's reaction. So ignoring their friends, her eyes met her favourite hazel eyes.
"Is it necessary that I need to go?" Of course Shauna could put some objections before she says yes.
Jackie rolls her eyes with a smile. "Are you kidding me? I need you there." The captain blinked repeatedly, making Shauna click her tongue sighing.
"Fine." The brown eyed girl gives in, crossing her arms. The whole table cheered for the knowing answer. Shauna curses them, it only makes them tease her more. But it is worth it when Jackie wraps an arm around her shoulder and kisses her cheek in an charming manner for her affirmative answer.
Y/N is in her last period of class that day, sharing it with Van, Lottie and PJ. The redhead and Y/N went to talk with the curly hair girl, who was surprised that two of the most popular girls are talking with her right now. Meanwhile Lottie rolls her eyes when saw her friends go towards her, going to sit on her seat.
It's the first time Y/N wouldn't share the desk with her in the same period. A pang of jealousy ran inside her, watching with her jaw clenched how you opted to sit down with their friend in common, behind PJ seat. She moves her gaze away when the professor enters, muttering a quick apology to come late and proceed to teach the new lesson.
Lottie tried hard to focus on the lesson, but it was difficult when the table from the other side kept whispering through it. She clicked her tongue, frustrated and decided to make a plan for Y/N to forget this stupid fight club thing.
"Lottie! I'm sorry I ditched you, I thought you were behind us." Y/N's voice followed Lottie when the tall girl ran away from the classroom the moment the final whistle sounded.
The brown eyed girl stopped and turned to look at her, not malice in her voice. Even she was giving her a sincere apology. Lottie sighed, she so screwed up. "It's okay, Y/N/N. You can go on your new adventure." The last part was said with a hint of sarcasm, turning on heels and walking to her locker.
Y/N watches confused how her friend walked fast. A whistle on her right side makes her turn to look at Van. "You are in problems..." The redhead sang, patting her shoulder and pushing her softly.
"What do I do?" Y/N asks, a little sad knowing her friend is pissed at her for some reason.
Van hummed. "I have a few ideas." They muttered.
Y/N frown, but Tai and Jackie with a Shauna flying behind her interrupted their conversation. "Alright! It's time to go to our first meeting, let's go!" Jackie grabs Y/N's wrist and brings her with her. The girl noticed she did the same thing with Shauna, who has a brief pout painted on her face.
"Where is it?" Taissa asked, following close behind Y/N and Shauna.
"At the gym!" Van and Y/N said at the same time, remembering the previous exchange of dates with PJ.
Jackie made an abrupt turn and changed the direction, the girls she has a hold on the wrist protest for her lack of delicacy. When they arrived, they were met with two backs standing there inside the gym. The noise the little group did, made the two girls and rest inside look at them. Shauna and Y/N wanted to hide, blushing considerably.
"Sorry, girls! I don't think we would appear like that..." Jackie apologised, without letting her friend's wrists she entered in, greeting Isabel and Brittany.
"Damn, I already love this club..." Y/N could hear Van murmur, letting out a hiss later. She assumed Taissa was responsible.
"You came!" PJ said a little surprised, even if she had the confirmation from earlier, she didn't think Y/N was approaching there, alongside her popular friends too. "Hi! Take a seat please. I was saying that we are punctual and if someone wanted to come and it started, they could be out." The curly hair tried to say it firm, but her nervousness betrayed her.
They sat down, some whispers were heard but they didn't pay attention until someone let out a squeal.
"You all are here!" The characteristic Misty Quigley's cheerful voice greets them. Y/N could hear Shauna grit her teeth, cursing something under her breath. It calls Jackie's attention, who gave her a warning look.
After the interruption, they let the founders explain why they decided to create this club and later they put in pairs to practice. Jackie immediately chose Shauna, Van and Tai got together too, it let Y/N look shyly around her.
"I can go with you!" PJ approaches her, giving her a reassuring smile. Y/N thanked her, she dismissed it and grabbed her hand, going a little away from the girls. "We can practice better without anyone interfering." She explained, blushing when you nod and turned her back at her.
PJ explained what Y/N needs to do, teaching with her hands what she has to do. When she did it wrong PJ grabbed her hand and gently positioned it correctly.
"C'mon, punch me!" PJ encouraged her, putting her fist up.
Y/N grimace, unsure. "Really? I mean, I prefer if you do it first." PJ bit her lower lip, the red shadow coming back at her cheeks. "Are you okay?" The footballer is worried, noticing the red cheeks.
"Yeah, it is hot here." PJ lied, clearing her throat. "Okay, I'll go first and you need to block it and punch me back, alright?" Y/N nods.
PJ licked her lips and nodded to herself, counting to let Y/N time to react. When PJ moves her fist to try to connect with her face, she never thought she actually would hit Y/N's face. She thought the other girl would block and throw back the punch. But Y/N screaming in pain and the sound that makes her nose when her fist connects with her septum, PJ stands stunned on her spot.
Shauna went immediately to help Y/N, the rest of the girls following her. The brunette gently removes Y/N's hands around her face and grimace when saw the blood fall like a fountain. At this PJ reacts, starting to apologise feeling really bad about it.
"Okay, I'm going to take you to the infirmary." Shauna said, standing up and helping her friend. Her other friends accompanied them and the rest looked awkwardly waiting for a new command.
It's Hazel who dismisses the class, promising that they let them know when would be the next class. Josie approaches PJ and wipes her tears, hugging her.
The next day when Lottie sees Y/N almost pass out. The tall girl approaches her and hugs her. "What happened?" She asked, worry. She removed from the hug but stayed closed.
"It's my first punch that I received!" Y/N excited said. It made Lottie frown confused.
"Who punches you?" She inquired, a suspicious look installing on her eyes.
"Relax, it was an accident. PJ was my partner and while she taught me and accidentally hit my nose, I was supposed to dodge it." Y/N explained.
Lottie tense when she heard what happened. Actually she is fuming, wanting to do the same thing with the girl and really teach some real defensive skills.
"You aren't going anymore." Lottie murmurs lowly, grabbing your hand and taking her to her first class, like usual.
Y/N rolled her eyes. "Not offense, Lottie. But I need to remember I play football? And when Stacy Moon punches on the ribs? It's nothing." She tried to reassure her best friend, moving her hand up and down for her arm when they stopped near the class. Natalie passed there and saw the gesture, she rolled her eyes and got inside. "I'll see you later, okay? Nat, wait! Look at my nose!" Lottie rolls her eyes this time, a tiny smile playing on her lips watching her going behind the dyed blonde and showing it.
The brunette saw Shauna trying to hide from her. She scowls, knowing very well why she is doing it. Lottie thought it was a little silly because they shared the first period and they sat down near. She let her friend hide all she wanted, soon Lottie would corner her.
"Before you said anything! There are more of us too, don't blame me." Shauna quickly said, licking her lips nervously.
Lottie rounded her desk while looking at her and sat down on her own. "You are right. I have that in mind in a future." She muttered, advertising her gaze and grabbing her book.
Shauna frowned, not liking the reaction her friend is having. She knows how protective Lottie is when Y/N is involved. She could understand because she felt the same with Jack-... nevermind, what Shauna wants to know is why Lottie isn't around Y/N but she is, how is the responsibility to take care of Y/N pass to her?
The rest of the class Shauna was uncomfortable, wishing it finishes and went to her second period, gladly she has it with Tai and not Lottie.
Lottie went to her second class and saw how PJ and Hazel entered it. Her first impulse was to approach the curly hair girl and punch her, but already she has suffered it on her nose. She thinks about Y/N and what would she say to her if she threatened PJ. So Lottie walked with her jaw clenched, an arm around her shoulder distract her. Turning her eyes to the person she saw a snide smirk in Nat's face.
"Easy there tiger. Y/N told me about it. PJ didn't have the fault either Y/N." The blue eyed girl said, entering the classroom and going to the end of the class, sitting on her usual desk.
Lottie gave her a sarcastic smile, rolling her eyes.
After the accident, PJ went to the infirmary encouraged by Josie and Hazel and went to apologise. For her luck, Y/N reassuringly said that it was an accident. Even she made a joke that now they are matching, pointing their noses.
So the next day they have another class and two new members. Y/N's eyes opened and grinned excitedly when she saw Lottie and Natalie walk inside. The expressions they were wearing were very different. Lottie wore a serious expression, softening it when saw Y/N's face and Natalie had a smug smirk the whole time.
"You two are here!" Y/N exclaims excited, giving them a brief hug.
"I have convinced her." Natalie sang, giggling when Lottie gave her a dirty look. She patted Y/N's shoulder and went with Van and Tai sitting with them.
Y/N grabs the brunette hand and goes to sit down on the floor, waiting for the class to start. "I thought you were skeptical about it." She teases her, nudging her shoulder with hers.
Lottie rolls her eyes, a playful smile resting on her lips. "I still think this is stupid, but I will give an opportunity." She said in a boring tone, chuckling when Y/N punched softly in her arm. "That and to defend you from these angry girls."
Before Y/N could reply, Hazel approaches them and greets Lottie animatedly. "Hey! I'm glad you are here." She said sincerely.
They engaged in a short conversation, Y/N staying aside and listening to it. Her mind is picturing why these two know each other. Her didn't wonder too much because someone was clapping to call their attention. Before Hazel goes with PJ and Josie, she asks Y/N how she felt from yesterday's event.
"How do you know her?" Y/N asked curiously, following the calm girl step towards the pair. Lottie turned to look at her, a little surprised by the tone she used, but she decided to not point it out.
"She is in the photography club too. She is really good at it." The brunette explained, biting her lip.
Y/N nods, pursuing her lips.
"Already! Today we will continue with yesterday's movements and before we finish, practice against each other. It continues for tomorrow all day, okay? Let's go!" Josie exclaims, clapping with her hands and dismissing the group in pairs.
Y/N and Lottie stood up. "Can you go with Nat? I don't want to let PJ out." She pouted.
"Really?" Lottie asked, unbelievable. But Y/N begged her and intertwined her hands, making emphasis. "Okay. But only this time." She rolled her eyes, scolding herself and reproaching she needed to be stronger. Spoiler: she will not.
For this, Y/N grabs Lottie's face between her hands and tiptoeing, she kisses her cheeks repeatedly. Then, she went towards PJ, letting a blush mess behind her.
The rest of the session they have a lot of fun. Y/N punched a few times at PJ, without intention. The same with the curly hair girl, the best part is that they have some good laughs about it. Then, they all gathered in the middle and the first ones to fight each other were the best friends, followed surprisingly with Shauna and Misty. A good tie. And before they call it over, Y/N and Jackie were the last ones.
"Scared, baby girl?" Jackie teasingly said with an amused smile. Y/N rolls her eyes when she hears the nickname her friend gives her at the start of the year.
"Sure." Y/N murmurs, positioning herself and looking at her with deep concentration.
They rounded themselves a few times, cheerful from the other girls who were heard in the big gym. Jackie is the first one to attack Y/N, but this one dismisses it quickly, gaining support from the presents there. The next time Jackie does the second attack, Y/N dodge it and throw her fist to Jackie's left cheek, hitting her. The captain let out a hiss, Y/N worried a little when she hit her but soon positioned herself in position when Jackie quickly reacted and gave her a kick on her ribs. Y/N doubled herself on the floor, bringing her hand to the kicked zone.
"Shit! Are you alright?" Jackie's raspy voice sounded more, she bent down and put a hand on her shoulder.
Lottie and PJ approach them fast, making them stop abruptly and look at each other. PJ's gaze is awkward while Lottie is serious.
"I'm fine." Y/N let out a hiss, but reassure her friend who looks really worried.
"Okay, I think it is over. Good fight girls." Josie said.
Shauna walked to Jackie and Y/N, nudging Lottie when she passed by her side. The brunette bit her lip and gave PJ a force smile. "Good job, PJ. I can't wait to come back." If PJ knows her, she would catch the real meaning of those words, but Lottie is really good at hiding it and only Shauna and Jackie catch them.
PJ nods, relaxing. "Cool. See you tomorrow!" She said and walked fast to her friend.
"Give her a break, Matthews." Jackie scolded her, helping Y/N with Shauna's help.
"Shut up." Lottie muttered.
The days passed and Lottie actually started liking these classes. She couldn't go to every class due to her extra classes, but when she could go, it was a really good time.
It worsened the crush she has on Y/N. Her eyes are prolonging more on her figure and her dreaming is interrupted by her friends, receiving later teasing comments.
For Y/N, it changed too. She didn't know she had something for Lottie until that Hazel girl started to talk more with her, making her laugh. Y/N commented on it with Van, since she knew the redhead more than the other girls. The freckled redhead said to her between some teasing and joking comments that she has a crush on Lottie. At first Y/N denied it, but then Van started to point things and then she assumed the redhead was right.
And it didn't help that the same day Y/N could face Hazel wad the day that two couldn't stop talking, making Y/N really piss about it. Shauna and Van intervene to hold Y/N when she pinned Hazel on the floor and started punching her, not with a strong hit but enough to make some cut to the kind brunette. Lottie went to help Hazel, a worried look on her face and it made Y/N angrier, so with quitting the hold on her figure she stormed out, not looking back.
Y/N ran away from there, her legs took her to the changing room. She sighed and let out a huff, sitting on her usual bench. The best part is that she has training sessions now and it means she will see Lottie. And she probably will be angry with her.
"There you are." PJ's voice interrupted her mind. She is panting, bending down and putting both hands on her knees, catching some air. It amused a little Y/N.
"You are in the right place." Y/N inevitable remark at her, PJ rolls her eyes but walks towards her, sitting on the floor with her knees up while reposing her arms there, looking at her.
"What happened there?" The curly hair girl asks softly.
Y/N averted her gaze, clicking her tongue. "I don't know... I just got a lot of information I guess..." She mutters, playing with her fingers on her lap. She isn't lying, after all.
"You like Lottie Matthews." PJ points out, making Y/N open her eyes and stammering repeatedly a no. PJ gave her a kind smile. "I see how you look at her," the blue eyed girl said, shrugging. "It's the same manner I look at Brittany... Or any girl in general." The last comment made Y/N laughs, PJ laughed with her. "Look, you need to confess to her because it could be bigger and maybe you regret it in the future to not tell her how you really feel. Remember that you aren't losing anything."
"What about her friendship?" Y/N asks, unsure.
"Right." PJ said under her breath, frowning." But it wouldn't happen." She reassured her. Y/N threw at her and wrapped her arms around her neck, taking surprise at PJ.
"She is here!" Someone yells, making both jump. Y/N scolded Van, who wiggles their eyebrows.
Y/N raised her index finger in the air. "Don't say anything." She warns at the redhead.
Van raised their hands in the pockets of their jacket. Soon, the rest of the girls approach there. PJ stood up, feeling really nervous.
"I think I'm going with Josie and see how Hazel is," Y/N grimace with Hazel's name and PJ immediately rectified, not wanting to make her feel bad. "Or not, she is fine." Then, she waves and walks fast from there.
Natalie steps towards Y/N and gives her backpack. "And I thought you were the weak one." She receives a nudge from her, making Nat chuckles. The dyed blonde patted her arm and went to change.
Y/N sees how the rest do the same, the girls don't go to the fight club showing up. But what called her attention was Lottie. The brunette is standing near her, crossing her arms while trying to decipher her. She stood up too and stepped towards her.
"Lottie, I'm sorry. I don't know why I did it." She apologised, feeling bad. The brown eyed girl shakes her head softly, making the other frown. "No...?"
"It's not me you need to apologise." Lottie gently told you and with a sight she went to change too.
When Y/N thought anything could go more bad, she was wrong. Following Lottie's advice, Y/N went to apologise with Hazel. But she doesn't have time to do it because when she approached the class was going to start, so she made a mental note to speak with the girl after it finished.
It never happened.
Result that the girls went to do an adventure to Jeff's house. Y/N really enjoyed it, she was sticking with Nat and Van the whole time. That's not the reason why Y/N didn't apologise, she didn't even know that she was going but Jackie threw her at the van.
During class, they decided to open up and say why they want to learn to fight. Y/N and Lottie never got the opportunity to speak on it. She didn't know how everything started but PJ accused Hazel and Josie accused PJ. Hazel stormed out when PJ told her a hurt comment.
Then, in the introduction to the football team, a player called them out. Hazel fought with a guy who was in a cage. It happened too that PJ and Josie lied to them, they never went to a juvie centre. Y/N felt betrayed, like the rest of the girls.
Since that day, Y/N hasn't talked with Lottie. Scared to give her the reason, that she was right from the start. In the training session she avoided Lottie and remains with Nat or Shauna. They tried to reason with her, but it did not matter what they said to Y/N, the girl didn't listen.
So right now, it is the big day. The football team would play against their big rivals. Y/N has the jacket of her team, walking between Van and Tai to the stands. Someone has another plan and pulled her hand and took her under the stands. Y/N did not oppose resistance when her eyes found the long brown hair cascading on her back. It is Lottie.
She let out Y/N's hand and crossed her arms, looking at her with a defeat look. The other girl noticed how prominent dark circles are under her eyes, telling her how bad she is sleeping.
"I don't know why you are ignoring me. But please, stop. It hurt me, from all of the people you can't be mad at me. I don't care if some of the others are mad at me..." Lottie begged, Y/N saw how she was holding her tears.
Y/N felt like a bad person. She didn't deserve Lottie at all. She brings her hand to grab one of her hands, caressing the palm in circles. "I'm sorry, Lottie. I'm not pretending to hurt you I just don't want to confront you or you telling me about how bad the club idea was... I'm a stupid."
"You aren't a stupid. And I can't say it was a good idea because in some way the girls helped us." Lottie murmurs, catching with her thumb yours.
"There is one more reason..." Y/N advertised her gaze, feeling shy about it. Lottie brings her free hand to her cheek, her gaze coming back to the brunette, seeing the warmth on her brown eyes. "I realised, with Van's help," she poorly said, seeing a tiny smirk appear on Lottie's lips. "That I like you, like you. That's why I acted with Hazel like that. I mean it's not a reason to excuse my behaviour. I guess I got jealous and..." Lottie shush you with her finger, lit on her eyes. The height difference showing up since Y/N needed to look up.
"Can you repeat it?" Lottie asked in a husky voice, hopeful swimming in her eyes and on her smile.
"I guess I got jeal-," "Not that part." Lottie chuckles.
"I like you." Y/N whispered.
Lottie closed the gap and brushed her lips with hers, bringing her other hand to her cheek and caressing the skin there, deepening the kiss. After they need breath and separate, Lottie leans her forehead on Y/N's, brushing their noses.
"I like you too." Lottie confess.
But before they could continue on their bubble, Josie and PJ interrupted them and between apologies, they asked for their help.
"We could do it better." Lottie whispered on Y/N's ear, kissing her head while the girl leaned on her shoulder giggling, covered in blood just like her. The arm the brunette has on her waist pushed softly towards herself, trying to be the most near possible.
They saw Shauna and Jackie's first kiss.
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Ok, how about Natalie X reader, the scene where they find the lake, but reader is too self conscious to strip down in front of everyone and go for a swim?
Pretty Girls
Anon this is a lovely request but imma be so Fr I can't remember the exact dialogue so enjoy my bullshit <3
Warnings: insecure reader, mentions of body image issues, no smut but a bit of a heated make out, not proofread and also written on my phone <3
"I found a lake," Taissa announced as she returned from her hike,"It's about four miles from here. We should hike it."
"We aren't leaving. What if the rescue team comes?" Jackie responded, clearly annoyed.
"I hate to break it to you, but it's been three days. They aren't coming, and we're running out of water. We need to head to the lake." Taissa's voice was firm.
Secretly, you agreed with Tai, but you weren't going to get in the middle of this argument. The last thing you needed was Jackie pissed at you. There was enough division as it was.
"We should put it to a vote," Jackie announced. So much for no more division, "All for staying here, raise your hands."
Three people agreed. Jackie, Lottie, and Laura Lee all raised their hands.
"Okay, all for heading to the lake?" Taissa asked now, and nearly all of the group put up their hands. Even Shauna, which was shocking. Who knew she'd go against Jackie like that.
"Looks like we're heading to the lake. Get your shit." Wit that, everyone began packing up any belongings not already in their suitcases.
About twenty minutes later, you all were ready to start your hike. You fell into step beside Lottie as you walked.
"Hey. I know you didn't want to do this," you said.
"Honestly, I was more worried about Jackie's reaction than actually leaving the plane." Lottie smiled at you. You laughed lightly in response.
The two of you walked in silence for a while, listening to everyone chatter on and on. A few girls had started complaining, and you heard Jackie say something about how Tai must have been wrong about the distance from the crash site.
That's when Van saw the lake.
"Hell yeah bitches!" She exclaimed, jumping up and down. Soon, everyone was racing down to the water, stripping off tee shirts and shorts. You hung back, not entirely wanting everyone to see your bare stomach.
"You don't want to swim?" Natalie spoke softly into your ear. You jumped at the unexpected closeness. The two of you hadn't really had time to spend together since the crash.
Your relationship to Natalie was a complicated one. You had began hanging out with her because Van and Tai had started spending more time with each other, leaving the two of you with each other. You'd had a crush on Natalie for a while, and you enjoyed spending time with her. Recently, though, she'd begun to flirt with you. Nothing major, just jokes about how pretty you were, or messing with your hair, or good-natured teasing about your interests. You weren't entirely clear on where you stood.
"Just not totally sure how I feel about stripping in front of everyone." You laughed as you spoke, as if trying to convince both Natalie and yourself that it really was a joke. Even if you knew it wasn't.
"You afraid they'll stare?" She teased.
"Yeah, actually. Just not for the reason you think." You giggled again, but it was harder to be convincing this time.
"Hey, if you're set on not swimming, that's fine. But no one is going to judge you for the way you look. I think we've moved past that point."
"Yeah, well, the rest of you have been changing in front of each other for ages. This kind of thing is new to me."
"Whatever you say, gorgeous. I'm swimming. You should too. I know I wouldn't judge you." She smirked at you in a way that made heat rise to your cheeks.
"Mm. And you've also never seen me naked, so I don't think you can say that yet."
"Okay, y/n." With that, she walked to the edge of the lake, stripping her shirt and pants as she walked across the pebbles.
You didn't stare. You in fact made a point not to stare. But it seemed that as soon as you looked up at her, she moved her head to catch you looking. She smiled at you, and nodded her head toward the lake.
As you looked back at her, you rolled your eyes and shook your head. There was no way you were getting in that water. The whole team didn't need to see your stomach and stretch marks.
Well... maybe you'd take off your shirt. You had a sports bra on. That was full coverage enough, right? Plus, your jeans had a high waist on them. Not much would be on display.
Cautiously, you peeled off your t-shirt, hoping no one would notice. Or care. As you shook your hair free from the confines of the fabric, you felt eyes on you.
In the middle of the lake, you caught Natalie staring at you this time. When she saw that you caught her, she averted her eyes. But something about her eyes on you made you feel good.
Not good enough to take your pants off, but you'd take what you could get.
You balled up your shirt and put it down on the rocky beach so you'd be able to lie down. If nothing else, you were going to enjoy the sun. Maybe not in the same way as everyone else, but you were going to enjoy it.
You lay in the sun for a bit, letting it warm you and only worrying a little bit about the sun damage that was occurring to you. You survived a damn place crash. Cancer seemed so irrelevant now.
It was nice, you thought, that even after what had happened, you were all able to have fun like this.
"Y/n! Get your ass in here!" Van called.
"No!" You yelled back, laughing.
"Lame ass," she responded.
"That's me." With that, you went back to your sunbathing and daydreaming. The only thing that would make this better would be-
"What the fuck!" You exclaimed, dripping water. Somehow, someone had managed to dump a whole bucket of water on you.
You looked up to see it was Van and Taissa. You'd expected Van, but Tai was a low blow. Although, best friends would do that kind of shit to you.
"Taissa Turner I swear to god. I could kill you right now." Your hair was soaked, your mascara was running, and your pants... well, wet jeans aren't ever the move.
"Now you have to swim," Van said, clearly not sensing your anger.
"No, now I have to fucking change out of one of the few pieces of clothing that's actually clean. Thanks for that."
"Whoa, sorry. We didn't think you'd be upset about it. We just wanted you to have fun." Taissa looked at you apologetically. You found yourself forgiving them almost immediately. They were just trying to get you to have fun. There hadn't been much of that lately.
"Still a little pissed at you. But it's fine. I'll just change." You started getting up to find your suitcase.
"Or... hear us out... you come swim with us. It'll be fun." Van looked at you expectantly, hoping you'd say yes.
No. You couldn't. What if they stared at you. What if Natalie stared at you. What if she saw you in your underwear and decided she was done flirting with you.
"Y/n, come on. We all know each other here. No need to be a prude," Van teased.
"Oh, well in that case." You rolled your eyes.
"You know you want to." Taissa poked your shoulder. And she was right. You did want to swim. You just didn't want to swim in front of everyone.
But it would feel so nice. And you'd be able to wash away some of the dirt and sweat from the last few days. Maybe you'd feel less... disgusting.
"Fine." You began to peel off your wet jeans.
Deep breaths, you thought, as the warm spring air hit your thighs. No one was looking at you. Right? Well, except Taissa and Van. But they'd seen you change before. You surveyed the rest of the team. No one was looking at you. Except-
She just kept staring as you stripped down to your underwear. Luckily for you, you were wearing something full coverage.
The way she was looking at you was almost hungry, like she was drinking in your entire body. Nothing would take her eyes off you.
This was it. This was when she decided all the flirting was over. She didn't like the way you looked under the sweaters and baggy pants. She-
Was walking towards you. Out of the water. Away from everyone else.
"Tai-" you started, before you realized that she and Van had walked away. Shit. Shit shit shit.
Without thinking, you started walking towards the lake. The sooner you were submerged, the better. And you really didn't want to talk to Natalie when you were this exposed.
As you passed Natalie, you wrapped your hand around her wrist and drug her along with you.
"Come on. We're swimming. You can't get out as soon as I decide to get in." She doesn't resist as you pull her behind you, back into the lake.
"Whatever you say. I'm glad you decided to get in."
"Well, Taissa thought it was a good idea to dump water all over me. I would've had to change in front of everyone anyways. Might as well suck it up and get into the water while I'm at it."
"I told you no one would stare." She smirked and pushed the water toward you, splashing you a bit.
"Mm. Someone was staring," you responded, trying to get her to tell you why she had looked at you the way she did.
"Who?" She asked. You couldn't tell if she really didn't know who you were talking about, or if she was feigning innocence.
"Um. You?" You replied, looking at her with a quizzical look on your face.
"That was because I wanted to see if you were really going to swim. Not to judge you."
"Oh, yeah, sure. Whatever you say."
"Did you want me to be judging you? Because I wouldn't do that. To anyone. But especially you. You're like, really pretty or whatever."
"Really pretty or whatever? Such a romantic, Scatorccio." With as much force as you can, you splash her.
After she recovers from the shock of the water being splashed in her face, she looks at you with a challenge.
"No Nat please I didn't-"
Before you could finish your sentence, finish apologizing, she shoved you under the surface of the lake. You didn't have time to do much, except inhale right before she pushed you down.
When you resurfaced, the first thing you heard was her laughter.
"Wow. That was a bit excessive," you said, once you had caught your breath. She was still giggling.
"Had to retaliate somehow." She shrugged, but she did look slightly apologetic.
"It's how I show my love."
"Awww, you love me?" You mocked.
"Oh, fuck off."
You just laughed at her.
She was doing it again. Staring at you. Subconsciously, you tried to cover yourself up with your arms. It didn't really have the desired effect.
"You're gorgeous," she said, eyes still on you.
"You don't have to say that." You tried to be nonchalant, but you felt your cheeks heating up.
"I'm not just saying that." She moved closer to you. When she reached you, she gently moved your arms out of the way of your body, leaving you more exposed than you'd like.
She looked at you straight in the eyes. Something about it made your knees weak. There was so much love in her face. She was looking at you like you were the only girl in the world.
"I want to kiss you so bad," she whispered in your ear. You shivered at the closeness.
"Maybe not in front of everyone," you whispered back.
"Embarrassed of me?" She joked.
"No," you laughed, "I just hate PDA"
"I have an idea then." She beckoned for you to follow her out of the lake.
You walked behind her as she led you across the beach. The only person that seemed to notice you was Taissa, and she just smiled as you passed.
Natalie continued to lead you to the edge of the woods, in a place just secluded enough. You could still hear everyone, but they wouldn't be able to see you.
Before you knew it, you were pressed up against a tree, the bark scratching your bare back.
"Can I kiss you?" Natalie asked, brushing your hair out of your eyes.
You nodded, and as soon as she got your consent, her mouth was on yours. Her lips were slightly chapped, and you appreciated the roughness of them. But her movements were soft.
Her hands rested on your hips, and her fingers were cold. Her lips felt too good on yours for you to care. You tangled your fingers into her damp hair, pulling her closer.
She pulled away for a moment to whisper to you.
"Do you believe me about you being gorgeous now?" She asked, looking at you with her pupils blown out and lips puffy from kissing.
You laughed, "I guess."
Seemingly satisfied with your response, she went back to kissing you. But now, she was kissing any inch of skin available to her. Your forehead. Your jawline. Your ear. Your neck. She didn't go any lower than that, which you appreciated. You weren't sure how ready you were for anything more. Especially in the woods.
"Y/n? Natalie?" You heard Tai's voice from a distance. "Lottie saw something. We're going to go see what it is. Come back, please."
With that, Natalie looked at you again, eyes full of hunger and want.
"Do this again later?"
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flowerbxuquet · 1 year
Unspoken promises
Lottie Matthews x fem!reader
A/N: AHHH guys lottie’s just my scared pookie stop ALSO THIS IS NOT SHAUNA SLANDER. I haven’t rewatched the show in a while so some info could be inaccurate
WARNINGS: reference to miscarriages, blood, bruises, cuts, just mentions of violence but no actual writing about it. (I didn’t proof read this)
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Lottie Matthews eyes slowly opened and adjusted to the blurry haze in her vision, smelling the familiar wood and fire of the cabin, she could feel her painful swollen face and the feeling of the sleeping bag she was on.
Lottie went to go sit up, wincing in pain and gasping out in shock, pain shooting up her body as a reminder of the earlier confrontation from Shauna. A soft voice quickly fills her ears and a pair of arms support her so she doesn’t fall and hurt herself.
“Y/n.” Lottie’s gravelly voice comes out as her gaze is still blurry but she can barely make out the colors and your face shape in her line of sight, her hand shakily reaching out to cup your soft cheek.
You were her rock in this whole situation, Lottie had been a bit distant lately, even before the Shauna situation. The cannibalism and the death of her former love, Laura Lee, was quickly ripped away from her when she acknowledged her feelings and she was scared the same would occur with you, but even though you were still so kind to her.
You showed genuine care that no one besides Laura ever really did, her heart would clench at every kind gesture, she wasn’t used to affection. Lottie’s parents made sure to give her everything but that growing up and she was so starved of any sort of love.
You take a deep breathe, taking Lottie’s hand that’s on your face and holding it tightly, you were so scared Lottie was going to die and you’ve just now realized how deeply you cared for the girl, a sense of love in your heart.
“I was so worried about you. Why did you do that?” You whisper softly to her, holding her hand tightly but not tight enough to hurt the wounds on her hand.
Lottie take a deep breathe, she knows exactly why she did it, Lottie knows the pain that Shauna had, losing not only one person but two that were so deeply important to her. Lottie remembers when she just wanted to kill and scream at someone after the plane exploded when Laura Lee died.
Lottie only wished the best for everyone, she wanted to give Shauna the experience she wished she had.
“Shauna needed it and we all know that.” Is all that Lottie says, her voice is sore from being asleep for so long and you remember that you have a cup of water with you and you gently lift it to her lips, letting the water fall between her cracked and bruised lips.
You roll your eyes at that, taking the cup and setting it down once she’s done with the water, “I know Shauna’s going through a lot but that doesn’t make up for the fact that you could’ve died.”
Lottie frowns, maybe that’s true, maybe Lottie just doesn’t care enough about her own well-being to think like that, but she knows if it was you in her situation Lottie probably would have thought the same.
“I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you.” Your voice fills her ears again, this time it’s sad and your voice is shaky, “Seeing you lying on the floor, i-in your own blood, made me realize how much I truly do care about you.”
Lottie felt her heart beat faster and clench, a warmth filling her body even though it was so cold in the cabin.
“You mean a lot to me too.” Lottie whispers softly, her voice sounding a bit better after the water but still low and gravely, “More then I ever thought possible.”
You stared at her and your hand goes to run through her hair, making her almost purr like a cat as she leaned into your touch, she was so damn touch starved and she enjoyed the affection.
You smile softly and continue to run your fingers through her long hair, her head eventually finds its way to your shoulder and Lottie’s curled up against you, a blanket draped over the both of you.
“You..stayed with me all this time?” Lottie asks softly after a couple minutes of comfortable silence and she can feel your head nodding against her as you continue to hold her close to you.
Lottie feels so touched, that you cared, not like how the others cared, because she was their “leader” but because you genuinely saw her as your friend, a loyal companion, and she appreciated that.
Lottie felt like everyone had been treating her as some sort of god and she hated it, she hated that everyone looked up to her for everything and the pressure was on her.
“I couldn’t leave your side, no matter how many times the others told me to give you distance just in case. You mean so much to me, Lott.” You smile and snuggle a bit closer to her for warmth.
A vulnerable silence fell upon the room as Lottie’s heart pounded in her chest at your words, should she tell you her feelings? Lottie felt so comfortable but she didn’t want to ruin this. The two girls unspoken feelings hanging in the air as Lottie’s heart pounds so loud that she’s worried you may hear it.
“I…I’ve always felt something for you, but, I was so scared of losing you..” Lottie whispers so silently that if it wasn’t so quiet in the cabin you probably wouldn’t have heard it. Your heart stops for a moment, was she saying what you think she was saying?
“Lottie..I’ve always felt something strong for you too, you’re never going to lose me.” You reassure her, your voice full of tenderness as you fall back into a silence, the harsh wind blowing against the window in the attic.
Lottie’s sore body slowly sits up until she’s facing you, she can see a bit better now and Lottie blinks a few times before her hand reaches out and cups your cheek.
Lottie leaned in slowly but hesitated, looking at you and silently asking for permission and you nodded slowly, your gaze flickering to her lips. Slowly you two leaned in and met in a tender, cautious kiss.
Lottie’s lips stung with the bruises and cuts on her lips but the pleasurable pain filled her with bliss as she finally got to touch your lips with her own and it felt like pure heaven, pure ecstasy, the two of you curled up into each other and kissed for as long as your breathes would let you, and so. In the quiet solitude of the attic, you two exchanged soft words and kisses, a promise for a new start of life in your chaos filled experience in the wilderness.
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star-girl69 · 1 year
Dark But Just a Game
Lottie Matthews x Natalie Scatorccio x Fem!Reader
sypnosis: A former Yellowjacket with a vendetta against the team and anyone associated with them targets you during gym class dodgeball. Your girlfriends take their revenge.
a/n: this literally sucks but oh well i hope you all enjoy!!
warnings: CRINGEY AS HELL, literal assault lol, swearing, injury, tell me if i missed anything!!
You have spent far too much time in the Wiskayok gym.
You’re there for every girls soccer practice, every pep rally and assembly, and they still force you to play dodgeball in this poorly lit, sweaty place.
Soon, the walls are going to start greeting you.
You look towards Laura Lee, smiling, watching as she rolls her eyes.
“I didn’t mean to get out!” you shout, knowing you had every opportunity to move before the ball hit your leg.
“Sure,” she smiles, having more integrity than you, and you make your way over to the bleachers.
While you’re not a member of the star soccer team, Lottie and Nat are on it, and most of your friends are- so you feel a duty to come as much as you can.
You enjoy watching them run around, groaning and shouting, and you like driving home with Lottie and Nat each night, stopping at the trailer park parking lot to smoke whatever Natalie had brought today, watching her walk to her house, and Lottie’s hand on your thigh for the rest of the drive.
All of your lives were so intwined that you couldn’t imagine anything different. You would have to take the bus without Lottie. You would get home earlier if you didn’t stay for their practice. Your entire life would be uprooted.
You lean back into the metal and tap your fingers against it, watching Laura Lee dodge whatever’s coming at her only to shoot them right back. You silently cheer her on until Marsha, a former Yellowjacket, finally got her out.
She didn’t seem to mind. And you didn’t either, not until you noticed the way Laura Lee was limping over to you, and the way her thigh had turned red with the imprint of the rubber ball.
“Oh my gosh,” you breathe as she sits down next to you. She pulls up the end of your shorts so you can both see it. “Oh, Laura Lee,” you murmur, staring at the red skin.
You glare over towards the other team, where Marsha sends the two of you a glare.
“Oh, she’s just so damn bitter, isn’t she?” you huff.
Laura Lee seems a little guilty when she nods.
“I prayed for her to get her grades up!” she says like she’s explaining it straight to God.
Marsha had gotten kicked off the team months ago because her grades were so poor. You faintly remember Jackie even giving her the copied answers for their French class, but still. And to this day, she hates every Yellowjacket. And you, by extension.
You sigh and turn back to Laura Lee.
“Does it hurt bad? Wanna go to the nurse?”
“No,” she says, kicking her feet. “It doesn’t hurt bad.”
“You sure?” you ask, but when you look back down at her leg, the redness has already started to fade- if only slightly. “Oh, well, okay,” you mumble.
The first game ends, and the teacher blows his whistle, so you both stand up, whispering about how Micheal was so rude to Mrs. Stock second period.
Everyone goes to the opposite sides of the gym. Another sharp whistle, and everyone takes off for the balls lined up in the middle. You and Laura Lee stay behind, walking slowly, still finishing up your conversation.
You look away from the court, watching as Laura Lee walks away to pick up a ball.
“I couldn’t believe that he said that, you know? I mean, he has to have a little respect, right?”
Laura Lee straightens and shakes her head. “And he goes to church every Sunday.”
She looks up at you. “Y/N!” she shouts, dropping the ball, pointing towards something in front of you, and you turn to see it, something slamming into your face.
You hear this horrible, stomach-churning crack, then quick build up of pressure, and then a swift release as blood start pouring from your nose.
Yours and Laura Lee’s screams melt into one.
“I have a really bad headache.”
“And I have a really bad stomachache. Can I just lay down for a few minutes?”
“Yeah, and can I get some ice?”
You can hear their voices, and you almost want to cry more. Your nose aches horribly, the ice doing nothing to help you, but at least keeping your head tilted back like this has stopped the bleeding. It’s still sticky and half-dried, running down your chest and shirt, mixing with your salty tears.
“Sure,” the nurse says. “I just have to go to the staff room, we’re out of ice in here unfortunately. Sit in those two beds. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
“Oh, thank you so much,” Lottie says.
“Mhm. Mhm, thank you,” Natalie says.
You can hear the nurse’s footsteps fade away.
“Natalie? Lottie?” you ask, sure it’s them, but just wanting to hear their voices more.
“Hey,” Nat says, leaning over you, brushing hair from your face. Lottie grabs your free hand and smiles softly.
“My nose really fucking hurts,” you whisper, laughing slightly, tears rolling down your face.
“C’mere,” Natalie says, her hand cupping yours, helping you pull the ice away from your face. “You’re alright- oh, Jesus fucking Christ.”
Your eyes widen.
“Is it that bad?” you ask, wincing at the air hitting your nose. Nat’s eyes widen, and she grimaces, trying to be good to you, but you can feel it.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Lottie coos, her thumb brushing against the back of your palm.
You take a deep breath, Natalie pressing the ice back to your face, and you just stare at the ceiling, trying not to cry more.
“It was fuckin’ Marsha,” you say after a moment. You had understood her anger before, but after this you just feel bitter resentment and… rage towards her.
What have you done to her besides date two Yellowjackets?
“God, I can’t believe her,” you continue, sniffling.
“Hold on, what?” Nat asks. Your look towards her, her brows furrowed together, her jaw clenched. “It was fuckin’ Marsha?”
“Marsha.” Lottie hisses, her usually kind and sweet voice filled with such violence.
“She’s gonna look like a marsh when I’m done with her.”
You laugh, and even Natalie and Lottie smile a bit, even though all of you know a part of Nat is serious.
“Okay,” you chuckle. “Don’t go all fuckin’ Joker on us, or whatever.” Lottie smiles against your hand as she kisses your knuckles.
Natalie just smiles softly, brushing your hair back one more time, leaning down and pressing a kiss to your forehead.
Your parents graciously let you spend the next day at home, your nose still throbbing and having been reset by a doctor- you were miserable. Lottie and Nat had swung by your house on their way to school, waking you up with sweet touches and sweet words, before promising they would come after practice.
Practice ended at 5pm, and it only took about 15 minutes for them to pack up and get to your house. So, at 5:15, you had dimmed the lights in the living room, set the remote and a bowl of popcorn out on the coffee table, blankets carefully wrapped around you.
They usually just barged into your house without any warning, and this time was no different. Your face was puffy and your nose was swollen, but they still smiled so sweetly when they saw you.
Lottie threw her backpack to the floor and jumped onto your couch, wrapping her arms around your neck.
She placed her hand on your face, frowning at your nose, a scab already starting to form near the top.
“Feeling any better?” she coos, and you nod, maybe a bit too fast, just excited to spend time with them and forget about your throbbing nose and the embarrassment.
“You’re gonna give her a double broken nose jumping on her like that,” Natalie laughs, setting her backpack down much more carefully. She bends over and you look at her light grey jean shorts.
You giggle slightly.
“What the hells on your ass?”
It was dark blue, dried, obviously something that happened much earlier in the day. You imagined her sitting in history class, only for some spilled ink to be on her seat.
Lottie straightens and pulls away from you.
“You didn’t check your clothes?!” she hisses to Natalie, her mouth immediately clamping shut after she realized what she said.
“Wait, what happened today?” you ask, laughing until Natalie sits down next to you, looking a little sheepish. Your smile falls. “What?”
You’re a little scared for their answer.
Natalie and Lottie shoot each other a look.
“Well…” Lottie starts. “I may have accidentally bought a pack of balloons from the party store yesterday. And then I accidentally blew it up this morning, and accidentally put a bunch of ink from some pens in it, and I may have written something on it with Sharpie. And…. maybe I gave it to Marsha…”
“And then we accidentally walked in front of Marsha while she chased after us, and I accidentally spilled some water, and she accidentally slipped and fell on the balloon… accidentally getting ink all over herself.”
Both of them cringe and look away, waiting for your reaction.
You mouth drops open in shock.
“Some of it must have accidentally splashed on me…” Nat trails off.
Lottie hits her slightly. “Even though I told her to make sure there wasn’t any on her!”
“How am I supposed to see my ass, Lottie?”
You start laughing like you haven’t in years. A laugh straight from your stomach, from the deepest happiest parts of you, a laugh that makes them start laughing too.
“You’re not, like, really mad at us?” Lottie whispers when you’ve all quieted down.
“Well… thanks for avenging my honor?”
Natalie chuckles and kisses your cheek. “Anytime.”
“Unrelated, but we won’t be at lunch for the next week.”
“Oh,” you hum, placing the popcorn in your lap and leaning back. “So, you totally don’t have lunch detention, right?”
“Totally,” Lottie affirms, kissing your forehead, relaxed, because she knows she can do it again and again.
everything taglist:
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oakwave · 1 year
Roomies- Van palmer x reader-smut
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Warnings: smut xoxo, a little almost angst
Description: prompt was "there's only one bed" "fuck"
If the plane never crashed and they made it to nationals and where happy little lesbians they deserve to be! (+getting caught kinda)
Words: 2000
Requested by: @imnotjesscossen
I feel my eyes start to open as the intercom crackles on "please re-buckle you're seat belts, we will be starting our descent in around five minutes" the voice of the captain announces. I rub my eyes, trying to wake myself up whilst Nat, next to me, begins buckling her seatbelt and taking her headphones off her head. "Morning sunshine"  she chirped,sarcastically yet still far too happy for someone who just sat through a six hour flight. "Hey" I grumble, much less enthusiastically, not feeling the same joy as the twinge in my back makes itself known from sitting too long.
The plane slowly tips forward as we begin to land, and coach Martinez goes over what we need to do when we land, usual teacher stuff collect our bags and follow him to the bus that'll take us to our hotel, a plan we follow well after landing, each making our way to the large bus, graciously paid for by mr.Mathews, whilst he's a shit father (from what Lotties told me) at least he doesn't mind spending his money on us. Once everyone's boarded the bus, me sitting next to Nat with Lottie infront and Jackie and Shauna on the two seats across, over the aisle, coach begins to tell us what's happening when we arrive at our hotel. "You will be sharing rooms with DESIGNATED room partners unfortunately you won't get too choose who you share with as we needed to give a list to the headmaster for safeguarding reasons" he announces, voices of objection rise, clearly no one's happy. Great. Now I need to share a room with someone I might not even be close with and won't get to sit and drink with Natalie tonight, perfect. His voice cuts through the air again "I know I know it's not ideal but it was necessary. Ok so Lottie and Nat you're sharing,  jackie and Shauna you're sharing, mari and Laura Lee, gen and Melissa, Allie and Sarah, Misty and crystal, tai and Akilah, and  y/n and Van". My eyes find vans as we look for each other in the crowded bus, we're friends, we both live in the trailer park so we know each other quite well. As our eyes meet she gives me a smile and I smile back, at least it's not someone I don't like.
After a while longer, the bus pulls up outside our hotel and we begin to file out, gathering our bags and meeting in the lobby. Coach Martinez tells us to find our room mates, me and Van drift together through the crowd of rowdy teens. "Hey" she speaks "hiya" I speak back smiling, "I'm quite glad I got you I was afraid I was gonna get someone random when coach said we don't get to choose, she commented. "I know I didn't wanna get out with one of the sophomores or anything" I joke back. Coach hands out the room keys and informs us what time to wake up tomorrow, what room he's in incase of emergency and where all the fire escapes and vending machines are incase we get hungry later in the night. He concludes his speech by telling us to find our rooms and try not to be too loud or stay up to late to prepare for the game tomorrow. The group splits up, each pair going to find their room and set up for the night. Me and Van start walking towards the elevator, making light conversation as we go. Eventually we find our room, between Lottie and Nat's, and Taissa and Akilahs rooms, "well that's good, at least they’re near by", I say nonchalantly and Van nods, fiddling with the key as she opens the door. Revealing a large room with a window on the far side and a bathroom on the left wall, however what room my attention is the double bed sat in the middle, pillows neatly stacked on the crisp white bedding. " there's only one bed" Van utters, clearly just as shocked as I am, "fuck" I blurt out. "Hey I'm not that bad you know, if this is about me liking girls-" "no no no no no, it's not sorry, I just expected there to be two beds, it's definitely not about you liking girls I promise, sorry it sounded like that" I cut her off quickly, the last thing I want her to think is that I'm homophobic, I mean I'd literally hate myself, literally. "Ok good, I thought I'd have to fight you all John McClain style for a minute" she laughs, referencing die hard in the process. "Oh no trust me you don't have to worry about that with me" I ramble, not really thinking about how obvious I made it that I wasn't straight. She looks back at me quizzically for a moment before stepping into the room with her bags. "Which side would you prefer?" She asks, it's nice of her to let me choose, not everyone would do that. "Oh I'll take the side nearest the window if that's ok with you?" I reply, and she nods in response as we begin to unpack our pyjamas and I go to get a shower to get all the grime from the day off. After cleaning off I hop out the shower, brushing my teeth and go to leave, only to realise I left my pyjamas in the bedroom and now need to head into the room with only me and van in,with nothing but a towel covering me. Perfect. After a while of debating I pluck up the courage to just go, I mean it's not big deal we're both girls right? I head into the room and start to change when I feel Vans eyes on me, as I pull my shirt over my head, "take a picture it’ll last longer" i utter giggling, secretly hoping she's not judging me for how I look. Her cheeks flush a pink colour under her freckles, her eyes moving across the room at light speed away from me, realising she's been caught. "S-sorry" she mutters. Weird, vans the most outgoing person I know, I mean in sex Ed she literally shoved a condom on her hand to prove to Randy he's not 'too big' for it, I've never known her to be reserved or quiet like this, maybe she's just tired from the flight? "Okay weirdo" I reply jokingly and she just nods before going to the bathroom.
I get into bed, Van joins me when she comes back from I assume brushing her teeth, turning the lamp of on her way.A silence fills the air, not awkward but almost expecting as I wait for one of us to say something. "Are you ok?" I ask, concern lacing my voice. "Fucking fabulous" she verbalises through gritted teeth, "ok woah, what’s going on?" I ask getting a little concerned, is it me? maybe she’s stressed about the game? "Nothing just go to sleep" she says sharply, clearly annoyed. "This is ridiculous, have I done something? How can I fix it if I don't know what I've done?", my voice annoyed, concerned maybe even upset with the last question. Vans bright blue eyes meet mine, softening a little when she sees how her words effect me. "It's nothing y/n, please let's just sleep" she asks almost pleadingly now, I sit up and turn the light on before moving closer to her. "Van I want to help, if you want to sleep I'll respect that but you don't seem ok" she sits up to the same level as me " I don't think you'll understand, you'll hate me", hate her how could I hate her? "Try me" I respond. She nods a little before shuffling closer to me, our noses nearly touching. "Is this ok?" She whispers, i nod in response, the air in my lugs seemingly caught. Her lips connect with mine so gently, a wave of electricity going through me as i realise what she meant previously. She pulls away an anxious look on her face, "are you mad?". I pull her in, my hand on the back of her neck, "does that answer your question?" We both giggle as our lips reconnect, the kiss growing more intense every second, the ache between my legs growing.
I climb into vans lap, the kiss never breaking as both of my hands find their way to her hair, I feel hers grip my waist, palming at the skin, moving to my thighs and ass, resting there. The sensitivity in my pussy growing too much, my hips begin to roll, craving for attention. I feel vans lips curve into a smile on mine, " is this ok?"Its my turn to ask through heavy breaths, afraid I'm taking things too far. "It's perfect..." Van utters, her hands encouraging my actions. My legs twitch a little, the pleasures incredible but I need something more.
As if she can read my mind Van kisses down my jaw before, reaching between us to my heat and rubbing gentle circles over my panties, feeling how wet I am through the fabric. "All this and I haven't even touched you yet?" Van questions seductively, my face goes hot and I bury my head in the crook of her neck. She moves my panties to the side, playing with my clit. I let out a long breathy moan at the sensation, Van kissing me harshly to muffle the noise, smiling into it; god she's so proud of herself. Her hand continues to move two fingers easily thrusting up into me, the sound filling the room accompanied by both of our heavy breaths and moans. Vans free hand comes up under my shirt to pull at my nipple before massaging the tissue there, sending a shiver through me. "Van, I'm gonna-" I utter, before cutting myself off with a loud moan, feeling my pleasure build. "It's ok princess, just come" with that I let myself fall over the edge, my breaths deepening as my legs started to shake, an electric feeling coursing through my veins. She continued her movements, fingers guiding me through my orgasm until i couldn't take it anymore . "mhph- van please" I almost begged as she slowed her movements, removing her fingers from my pussy, sucking them clean them in her mouth, curved in a smirk, holding eye contact with me. 
As soon as she removes her fingers, I pull her in for a long, deep kiss, tasting myself on her tongue. The kiss continues for a while, it's passionate but also gentle and sweet, filled with unspoken feelings. Van flips us over, straddling one of my legs and reigniting the kiss. A harsh knock broke through the sound of our kisses and breathing, making us pull apart before looking at each other to see if the other heard it. Van got up, quickly combing her hands through her hair and making herself look presentable before answering the door. As she swung it open Taissas and Nats shadows filled the door frame, “Could you two PLEASE keep it down, we’ve got a big game tomorrow we need to rest” tai communicated, “I know, the boning was unexpected anyway, but for this long, really!?!” Nat pushed. Van turned round to face me both our cheeks a cherry red. “Sorry” we both said in unison. Van exchanges a few more words with the girls before closing and locking the door and rejoining me in bed, silence filling the room before we both broke out in laughter. “ I can’t believe they all just heard that” she speaks in a hushed voice trying to calm down, “ I know I didn’t think we where THAT loud” I whisper back. We both take some deep breaths as our laughter dies down and we sink into bed a little. “I’m glad tonight happened and I don’t really want it to be a one time thing if you don’t” Van looks into my eyes as she speaks. “ me neither” I confirm and we share a short gentle kiss, one that represents the start of our relationship. We sink down into bed, turning the lamp off and cuddle into each other; getting the best nights sleep ever before the game tomorrow.
Heyo, I have a Lottie request coming up next so look forward to that my loves!
As always send any feedback :)
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imsososolesbian · 3 months
Warm Morning
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Repost. Not stolen. Edits made.
Vanlee x Fem!reader
No warnings
Summary: You spend a nice morning with your girlfriends
Word Count 394
It was a peaceful morning. You stood, leaning up against the counter in your kitchen, as your two girlfriends were sitting at the kitchen table. Van was reading a newspaper, a cup of coffee in front of where she sat. 
Laura Lee has a guitar sitting in her lap as she tuned it. She had bought one after saving up for a few months. She had found piano was starting to get boring for her and the next thing she wanted to try was guitar.
You were sipping on some water, watching the pastries you had in the oven rise, when Laura Lee had started to strum the guitar. She had a bright smile on her face.
You could tell by the first few notes what the song was. You let out a laugh, Van still hadn’t looked up from her newspaper. 
Soon enough, Laura Lee was soon in full swing singing Jolene by Dolly Parton. That’s when Van finally looked up from her paper, with a confused look on her face. 
You push yourself away from the counter and walk up behind Van, leaning your front up against the chair she was sitting in and wrapping your arms around her neck, as you press a kiss to her cheek. 
Laura Lee looks at the two of you fondly, and then Van pushes your arms off of her neck and stands, walking over to Laura Lee, and waiting for her to finish the song before she plants a kiss to Laura Lee’s forehead.
“I’m not taking your man,” Van says, making eye contact with you, a smirk on her face. “We’re gay, I can’t take your man.”
Laura Lee chuckles and lightly taps Van on the hip, but she stands up, and puts her guitar on its rest. “Van, we were together long before Y/n came into the picture, anyway.” 
“Yeah but I took both of your women, I took both of you,” you say as you go to cheek out your pastries to see they are done and ready to be taken out. “Also, your playing has improved a lot, and your voice is as always amazing, Laura Lee.”
You take them out of the oven and put one on three plates, bringing them to the table. Van and Laura Lee sit back down as the three of you share breakfast together.
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spiderlandry · 1 year
always check my pinned post to see if im taking requests
keep in mind i only take drabble (<1k words)/hc requests so please clarify which one u are requesting; english is not my first language; i use y/n in my fics
SCREAM: ethan, tara, quinn, chad, anika, sam, mindy, amber
AVATAR: lo’ak, neteyam, spider, jake, tsu’tey, tsireya, rotxo, ao’nung
ONE PIECE (anime only except koby): koby!!!, nami, zoro, luffy (platonic only), sanji, usopp, polyam zosan, law, penguin, ace, polyam acesan, kidd, chopper (platonic only), sabo
SHADOW AND BONE: nikolai lantsov, nina zenik, polyam helnik
YELLOWJACKETS: for 1996 - lottie, shauna, nat, tai, van, laura lee, jackie, misty, mari; for present day - misty, van, tai
TEEN WOLF: malia, stiles, isaac
THE MAZE RUNNER: minho, thomas, newt (no fem!reader), gally, teresa, frypan
ADDITIONAL: i can write character x character - newtmas, lo’reya, tamber, lottielee, lottienat, jackieshauna, zosan, acesan, lawzo (please request these i love writing character x character fics)
WHAT I DON’T WRITE: smut, yandere, abusive relationships, cheating, rpf, anything too sadistic (furthest i’ll go is scream-type stuff), toxic relationships, pregnancy, human x na’vi requests
^ will add more if something comes up
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ultrone · 1 year
ive seen very few people write for laura lee and I'm literally sobbing. because she needs something and I can't find anything that I haven't read :(. I miss her.
u know what u’re right 🤨 maybe i could do some platonic hcs for y’all laura lee enthusiasts 🙏🏻 any ideas?
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lacyscabinet · 11 months
As said before, this is a democracy
Let me know what other characters you'd like me to write for just in case! <3
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kisses-galore · 1 year
Emily I'm Sorry - Laura Lee (pt1?)
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( not proofread )
( no crash ) ( r and laura lee are 21 ) ( inspired by "Emily Im Sorry" By Boygenius but like it doesn't really follow it )
warning(s): mentions of drinking, cussing, arguing, and more i think tell me if i forgot something
Laura Lee x fem!reader
tags: @g1rlsriot
plot: r and laura lee are what you would call high school sweethearts. they've been together for six years. throughout those years they have started to argue more. the arguments being about the littlest things. even the stupidest things. at one-point laura lee has had enough of it and decides to break up with r. r then drunkenly calls laura lee and asks her to come pick her up from the local bar. laura lee of course says she'll do it. what happens when r wants to get back together with laura lee?
(btw this is pretty short so there may be a part two)
Omniscient p.o.v It's about four in the morning and laura lee was awoken by y/n getting ready for work.
"Can you just please be a little quieter? I have work at six." Laura Lee said. "My fucking bad I was just trying to get ready." Y/N responded. "Okay well you didn't have to respond like that." Laura lee scoffed sitting up. "I'm not the one complaining." Y/N said. "I'm just asking you to be quieter. I have to work a 12-hour shift." Laura Lee said. "Well go back to sleep then. Fuck." Y/N replied. Laura Lee rolled her eyes and laid back down. Y/N then continued getting ready walking out of their shared bedroom.
"I was just out with some friends!" Y/N yelled. "You could've at least told me you were going to the bar! You had me worried." Laura Lee said. "I don't have to tell you my every fucking move!" Y/N said. "Well, I'm fucking sorry for caring for your wellbeing." Laura Lee then said sitting on the couch. "You can care for my wellbeing but fucking bombarding me when I walk through the god damn door is just fucking dumb." Y/N talked. "You know what no I'm done arguing with you. It's always my fault every time. I'm done. I'm done with your bullshit and acting like you can't take care of yourself. Because guess what sometimes you can't." Laura Lee told Y/N. Tears forming in her eyes.
"Wow so now you're crying. Plus, I can take care of myself alright? It's not my fault you think I can't. I'm not a fucking child." Y/N said angrily. "Sometimes you fucking act like one! Every single fucking time. And I'm the one that has to take care of you!" Laura Lee said sounding more angry then sad now. "Get out." She added. "What?" Y/N asked confused. "I said get out. Leave I'll get you an uber and a hotel but get the fuck out." Laura Lee said answering Y.N.
Y/N just stayed silent nodding. "Fine..." She said getting a bag and putting some clothes in it.
'Was this it? Did I fuck up this bad?' Y/N Thought. "I'll give you the rest of your clothes tomorrow." Laura Lee said.
Laura Lee's p.o.v
I was sleeping but was waken up when I heard my phone ringing. I picked it up seeing Y/N's contact. I answered it. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey uhm by any chance could you possibly pick me up? Uh I know it's late, so you don't have too if you don't-" She said but I cut her off. "Yeah, I'll pick you up. Just send me your location." I spoke.
Then a few seconds later I got a message. It was Y/N's location. "I'll be there in a couple of minutes." I spoke. "Alright." I heard y/n say.
I got up put my shoes on, got my keys and went to my car.
I got to the bar y/n was at about ten minutes after she called me. I looked around for her and saw her. Parking my car, I unbuckled and got out. Walking over to her I said nothing. I walked her to the car and told her to get in the back. She got into the back laying down. I started to drive back home and looked in the rearview mirror. I noticed she was sleeping. She was peaceful. I missed this. I missed her.
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lottiembae · 7 months
𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔; shauna shipman x fem!reader
Summary: shauna shipman sees y/n differently after that night.
Warnings: fluff, smut, slow burn.
Note: English is not my first language.
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"Why are you ginger?!" Some of them exclaimed at the unison.
Shauna rolls her eyes, blushing a little. "I lost a bet." She just said, letting her suitcase on the floor.
Jackie bit her smile, knowing the reason, after all it was a bet between them. The blonde crossed her arms and sat down, the salt on her hair wavering her locks. Shauna glares at her, giving her a sarcastic look.
"Okay. You can change upstairs, you staying with Y/N. Right corner, second door." Lottie informed her, eyeing the pair of friends discreetly.
They all have an entire week in Charlotte's beach house in Lake Key, a big house for all of them. A paradise they can enjoy.
Shauna hummed, scanning the living room and not seeing the mentioned one there, assuming she is upstairs or out in the pool with the rest. She is grateful to have Y/N like a roomie, she is the most tidy of all their friends. The -now- ginger girl changed into a bikini, grabbing her sunscreen, book and going downstairs.
The heat hit her body when she walked in the back garden, her friends having fun in the pool or laying on the grass chatting. Shauna laid a towel next to Taissa in the grass, depositing her things there and throwing herself in the pool, purposely doing it and smirking when they gasp and call her name.
"Shauna!" Y/N exclaimed happily, swimming towards her. "You look beautiful." She innocently said.
If this compliment came from one of her other friends, she would probably show her middle finger. But it's Y/N, the unique innocence of the group, Laura Lee left behind that adjective a long time ago.
"Thanks." Shauna muttered, clearing her throat and reciprocating the hug.
Y/N giggles, separating from the embrace but remaining close. "How's college?"
"Good! Stressing but really good. How about you? I heard you struggled at first." Shauna asks, rubbing the drops from her eyes.
"Yeah... Van went there a few days. I know, I'm like a child. But I spent years seeing your faces and then I didn't." Y/N explained, shrugging.
Shauna gives her a lipped smile. She struggled the first weeks too, used to see them, hang out and play soccer. "I don't think so. I understand what you mean." She shrugs too.
A splash interrupted their conversation, moving their faces to the side avoiding the water hit their faces. Another trail of curses from the ones sunbathing were heard, Natalie and Van ignored them with big smirks on their faces.
"Y/N, Jackie wanted you to go with her." Van commented.
Shauna saw how Y/N bit her lip but nod nonetheless, waving at them and walking out from the pool.
"Poor Y/N. Jackie is trying to corrupt her." Natalie hummed at Shauna, her eyes focused on the mentioned.
"Why?" Shauna asks, following her gaze. Jackie held Y/N's hand and went into the house, Lottie following behind.
"She said 'Y/N needs to wake up and have fun'." Van replied, imitating Jackie's voice. "Usually Lottie keeps an eye on Jackie, just in case." The redhead explains.
Shauna rolls her eyes, so typical of Jackie. However she could understand why, the blonde doesn't want people to mess with Y/N and maybe she has in mind this summer to make her less innocent.
The rest of the day Shauna inverted to catch time with her friends and finish the book she was reading this past day. When Jackie and Y/N returned, the first one had a mischievous smirk on her lips, a pallid Y/N travelled behind with Lottie wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
"Where were you guys?" Taissa is the first to ask.
"Discovering the world." Jackie mysteriously said, sitting in a chair and quitting her big black t-shirt, showing her soft orange bikini.
They all frowned by her answer. "I'm afraid to ask... But what did you do to her?" Natalie asks, throwing the uno cards on the towel, piercing her blue eyes on Jackie Taylor.
"Show them." Jackie says at Y/N, smiling reassuringly at her. "It was part of the bet." She shrugs her shoulders.
Lottie put herself in front of Y/N, clearly seeing the struggles on her face and deciding to put a stop. "Enough Jackie. She did it, let her be comfortable."
Shauna squinted her eyes when heard Jackie said bet. Internally she rolled her eyes, what have Jackie with bets? And why does her opponent always lose?
Y/N gave Lottie a grateful look and went to sit down away from Jackie, it needed to be something big when Y/N did it. Van muttered something and stepped towards Y/N, bringing a chair with themselves and sitting next to her. Shauna kept an eye on them while Natalie and Taissa tried to worm out what she did to her.
"It's sexy." Jackie was the only thing she said before walking in again, muttering something about starting to fix up to party up.
Taissa ran after her, the group dissolving slowly to follow Jackie's steps. Shauna waited for Y/N and Van to join her when she stood up and they walked towards her direction.
The three walked in and Van disappeared to the left once they were upstairs, making Y/N and Shauna snort when they commented something about waiting an hour for Taissa to be ready.
"It's a good thing that we have our own bathroom in our bedrooms." Shauna commented, opening the door to their shared bedroom. Y/N hummed behind her, her brown eyes catches her red eyes and the dry cheeks. "Do you want to go shower first?" She offers, letting her things on her bed next to the window.
"No, you can go first. I'm going to see what I can wear." Y/N gave her a smile, going to the closet and opening it.
Shauna muttered okay and grabbed some comfortable clothes, disappearing in the fancy bathroom. She doesn't get too late there, putting her clothes on quickly and brushing her hair while coming back to the bedroom.
"All yours." She said at Y/N, seeing her sitting on her bed and watching outside hugging her knees.
"Those jeans stand out your ass." Y/N giggling said when Shauna gave her back at her. Shauna blushed, letting her brush on her bed. "Shit, it made you feel uncomfortable? I don't say it it's like a bad thing." Y/N rants out, standing up and explaining with her hands.
The compliment deepens her blush, the burn on cheeks worsen it. "It's okay, Y/N. You should shower up, I don't want to hear Natalie bark out later." She avoided it, chuckling nervously by her own comment.
Y/N nods, grabbing her clothes and going in. While Shauna waits for Y/N, she decides to put her clothes in her part of the closet. She was the last to approach there, the others coming two days earlier. She finished and Y/N didn't come out, she is really taking so long.
"I'm ready! Sorry to take so long." Y/N opened the door and came out with a summer yellow and white dress, her burn cheeks framing her beauty. She let out a giggle while putting her earrings when saw Shauna looking at her with her jaw dropped, her brown eyes looking her up and down. "I'm that bad?" She briefly pouts, looking at her dress.
Shauna shakes her head, clearing her throat. "N-No!" She stammered, closing her eyes momentarily. "You look beautiful, Y/N! I just..." Shauna thinks hard for something else to say, her blush intensifying. "You look great." She said poorly, biting her lower lip cursing herself in her mind.
Y/N let out a grin, happily to hear her friend compliment her. "I'm grabbing my purse and we can go down." She let her brush on her bed, just like Shauna and do what she said.
When they approached the living room, some whistling from their friends were heard. "Damn, Y/N! You look hot." Natalie says lowly, eyeing Y/N.
Laura Lee let out a chuckle and pinched Y/N's cheeks. "Stop, Nat! She is blushing." The blonde kindly says, rubbing her hand up and down on her back. "But she is right." She whispered in her ear, however Shauna heard her, making her jaw clenched.
"Thank you girls." Y/N shyly said, side hugging Laura Lee and later Natalie, intertwining her arm with hers.
"Woah! You worked on that ass." Van shocked said, stepping next to her and their jaw dropped when her blue eyes met Y/N's figure. "I died and I went to heaven?"
Shauna shakes her head with a small smile while the others laugh. Their laughter intensified when someone else cleared her throat behind them, a smug Taissa was there with her arms crossed about her chest, raising an eyebrow.
"And you come back to actually die." Natalie smugly said. Van rolled their eyes, glaring at her. The dyed blonde put her hands in the air, but her smirk remains.
"Look at her." Van leaned on Taissa and whispered, signaling with their head towards Y/N.
Taissa rolled her eyes and stepped down, going to the kitchen winking at Y/N when passed by her side, Y/N gave her a sheepish smile and Van trailed behind her.
"Damn, girl!" A raspy voice said behind Shauna, smacking her ass.
"Jackie!" Shauna hissed. However Jackie chuckles to stop abruptly when step next to her, her doe eyes focusing on Y/N.
Lottie passed them and winked at Y/N, making a gesture with her hands at her. "We are going out now!" She hummed, going to the front door.
Natalie made a signal with her hands, stopping them. "We need to check on her all night. I'm not letting any dude rub her up."
"Who?" Y/N asks, confused.
They all looked at each other.
"My head hurts..." Jackie muttered when she got downstairs, sitting in the bar stool next to Shauna and leaning her head on her shoulder, a brief pout on her face.
Shauna snorted, but that simple sound made her flinch, Jackie too. Last night all of them had fun, well, not all of them, they made a bet (yes, other) and Laura Lee lost, meaning that she needed to take care of them (Y/N).
"Be quiet, Shauna." Jackie groaned.
Taissa sat down with a water bottle next to the pair, Van offering to make the lunch that day, since surprisingly they barely drank last night. Lottie offered to help the redhead, but Van pushed her next to Taissa and declined her offer with a gentle smile, making the three people sitting there release a relief breath.
"Where are the others?" Jackie raised her head on Shauna's shoulder, her eyes half open looking at Lottie and Taissa.
Taissa shrugged. "I just came down."
"Nat is asleep. Laura Lee and Y/N are in the pool." Lottie informed them in a low voice, leaning her head in her hand tiredly.
Jackie hummed just in time when Y/N came inside giggling with Laura Lee flying behind her with a grin.
"That smells good, Van. Do you need some help?" Y/N kindly asks, giving a smile to her friends there. Jackie called her with her hands, once Y/N approached Jackie and sat her down on her lap.
"Actually, yes please. Can you cut the vegetables?" The redhead requested her.
Y/N agreed, fighting with Jackie to release her. "Jackie! I need help Van." She said giggling.
"A kiss and I leave you." The blonde demanded, making Shauna roll her eyes.
Y/N didn't think about it too much, kissing her cheek a few times. Jackie unwrapped both arms from her body content when Y/N did what she asked.
Laura Lee sat down next to Lottie, massaging her shoulders with a smile. Shauna gazes at them, curious. Lately, she noticed how those two spent more time together, maybe the fact that they are going to the same college has something to do with it. It's not like Lottie and Laura didn't get along in the past, the brunette spent an amount of time defending Laura Lee from bullies.
Shauna decided to help too, letting a whining Jackie sit alone. She put on the cutlery and offered to wake up Natalie when the food was ready. The lunch passed without too much energy from half of them, the only conversation heard was between Laura Lee, Van and Y/N. Once they are done, Lottie shoves them out and cleans the dirty dishes, but a stubborn Natalie stays and helps her.
"You two put sunscreen on!" Jackie threw at Shauna and Y/N two bottles of it. "I don't want you two to get serious damage for not taking care of your skin." The blonde sternly said.
Shauna opened an eye and saw her stern look on her. She doesn't bother Y/N doing it, because she knows that Y/N is putting sunscreen. She rolled her eyes and opened the top, putting some cream on her burned cheeks.
"Don't forget the rest of your body." Jackie sarcastically said with a smile before she lay down on her towel, next to Shauna.
Y/N gave her a funny look, holding her laugh. Shauna pokes her tongue out, throwing the sunscreen at her when she finishes.
"Jackie! Shauna threw the sunscreen at me." Y/N childish said, laughing when Shauna gave her an offended look.
Jackie gazed at Shauna with a suspicious look, but holding a laugh for Y/N's behaviour.
"I thought she wanted it." Shauna made an excuse, biting her lip. She shrugs her shoulders, waiting for Jackie to look away and give Y/N a warning look, standing up and running after her. She caught her quickly, Y/N was still laughing between her arms. "You regret it." She muttered, throwing Y/N into the pool with a smirk.
A scream fell from her mouth but she was cut when Shauna threw her in the pool. "Shauna!" She exclaimed, wiping her eyes. Shauna has an amused smirk painted on her lips.
"What happened?" Van came, a hawaiian shirt on.
"Van! she threw me here because she can't be an adult." Y/N pointed with a finger at Shauna.
The brunette gasped. "Me!? What about you? You can't be an adult." Shauna exclaimed indignantly, looking at Van, who has an amused smirk on their face, annoying Shauna more.
Van bit their lip and wink to Y/N. Shauna saw it and gasped offended. The redhead pushes her once she stays looking at Y/N. "Sorry, Shauna. I tripped." They feigned regret, but their blue eyes lit with mischief.
"Van." Shauna hissed, scowling next to Y/N, who is laughing by her side.
Y/N wrapped her arms around her shoulder and hugged her. However Shauna nudged her rib, but she missed and nudged her boob, making Y/N let out a pain sound.
"Are you okay?" Shauna gazes at her with worry, seeing the pain on her face. "I don't want to hit that zone..."
"I'm fine." Y/N breath out, putting a hand on her chest.
Shauna notices something when her eyes fall to her chest unconsciously. "Do you have a piercing?" She asks incredulously. All of the people who can wear it, Y/N is not one of them.
Y/N blushed and looked briefly at Van. This one wears a worried expression, not hearing Shauna question. "Yes... I did yesterday."
The ginger opened her eyes and mouth. An idea popping in her mind. "Wait... That's why you all disappeared?" Y/N nodded, still with a hand on her chest.
"I'm going inside." Y/N whispered, going out of the pool and after wrapping a towel around her, she got inside. Shauna felt a little bad, even if she didn't want to give that hit intentionally.
Van patted her back and muttered a reassuring word. When minutes passed and Y/N didn't come out, Shauna decided to check on her. She walked towards their shared bedroom, finding it empty but the bathroom's door closed. She knocked a few times and called her name.
"You can come in." Y/N said.
Shauna opened the door and stopped on her tracks when saw Y/N topless, a red shadow covering her cheeks. "Is it okay?" She asks in a low voice, avoiding her naked chest.
"I think so. It has a red mark but nothing serious." Y/N explained.
Her brown eyes fell to her chest, a metal piercing on her left boob. It seems a little inflamed around the nipple, but that's all. She saw how Y/N put on some cream there.
"It hurt you?" Shauna whispered.
Y/N raised her head and saw a sad expression on her face, her half wet ginger hair covering part of her cheeks, her brown eyes showing more of the colour.
"Don't worry, Shawn. I'm fine." Y/N reassuringly said, giving a smile.
Shauna rolled her eyes. "Don't call me that." She said in a hushed tone. She hates that they call her with that name. She removed her hair from her vision and walked out, sitting on her bed and waited for Y/N to finish.
Y/N came out and sat down on her bed, now with her purple bikini on. Shauna gazes at her, every gesture silently. She wanted to ask some questions, but she doesn't want to overstep. The other raised her eyes to her and watched her expression, standing up and stepping towards her.
"Don't think about it. Let's go out." She grabs her hand and pulls her up. Shauna gave her a lipped smile, wrapping an arm around her waist.
"It's kinda hot." She murmurs, suppressing a laugh when Y/N turns to look at her with raised eyebrows. "I'm surprised you did it. You can use it against Nat when she tells you you need to loosen up." She said joking.
"I will keep it in mind." Y/N said with a thinking face.
That evening they decided to go sightseeing in the small town. Shauna and Jackie split up from their friends and went by their count, sharing the last news on their lives since they are going to different colleges.
Shauna licks her chocolate ice cream, walking by the promenade. Jackie ranting by her side eating her vanilla ice cream.
"That's Y/N?" Jackie interrupted, her eyes focusing in the distance. Shauna followed her eyes and saw not far away Y/N sitting in a bench with Taissa braiding her hair.
They walked towards the pair, waving to an enthusiastic Y/N waving at them. Jackie grabbed her chin and pecked her cheek, offering her ice cream at her.
"No, thank you."
Shauna sat down next to her, Jackie sat down on her lap. She is not bothered by it, actually she is used to this gesture. She remembers when Y/N told her about the bet before and leaned on her ear, muttering something about the piercing. Jackie looks at her with that innocent doe eyes, shrugging.
Y/N has a few strands of hair braided, thanks to Taissa. Shauna's glued on Y/N's profile while the other three started a conversation, she decided to listen to them. This time, Y/N had her cheeks burned from the other day, thanks to Jackie it kept at bay. Her grin warming her chest with every reply Y/N made, always with illusion or loving explaining something at them that they don't know. It doesn't matter how dumb the question is, Y/N never would reply with a bad word.
"Nat and Van went to that pub." Taissa informed them once she finished braid Y/N's hair.
"I want to go to Marco's library." Y/N says, standing up and walking towards the place without receiving a reply from them.
Shauna muttered at them that she goes with Y/N, wanting some new books too. Jackie nodded more relaxed this time. It's funny, the only one challenging Y/N to wake up and she is the first worried about her going alone. The ginger steps quickly to Y/N side, throwing the napkin in the trash.
They walked in, Y/N walking mindlessly through the shelves of books until she reached her destination, romantic novels. Shauna bit the inside of her cheek and wandered to the horror one, the smell of lavender mixed with cinnamon relaxing her.
When Shauna grabbed a book to read the inside cover, to the other side was Y/N with a few books on her hands, a brief frown on her eyebrows. She didn't know why that simple sight made Shauna's heartbeat accelerate. It's the contrast of the white dress with her sun kissed skin, eyes' colour accentuating, plump lips, long eyelashes, or her cute braids on her salt hair? She can't put a finger on it, but feeling attracted to Y/N, it definitely wasn't on her plans for that summer.
"Do you see something interesting?" Lottie startled her, giving a little jump on her spot.
"You scared me." Shauna muttered, glaring at her.
Lottie apologizes, a smirk on her lips. The tall brunette wandered between the shelves, a few books in a hand. Shauna grabbed the book she wanted to read from the past month and followed Lottie, who now is with Y/N.
"I don't know, Lot. I want this, but maybe I could buy it next time." Y/N said, letting saying book again on their place.
She walked to the cash register, Shauna bit her lip and quit off from Lottie's hands the book Y/N left behind a few moments.
"Are you sure?" Lottie asked behind her. However Shauna ignored her and positioned herself behind Y/N to pay.
Once their visit to Lake Key was over, they decided to make dinner and stay there to party, gathering in the living room in a circle. Natalie prepared them their drinks, slowly sipping on it while they chatted.
Until Jackie cleared her throat. "Guys! I want to play a game. What about a simple one, truth or dare?" She proposed, giving a big sip from her ron with coke.
After bickering for a while, they agreed.
"Okay. You go first." Natalie points with her finger at Jackie.
The blonde shrugs, agreeing with it. She chose dare, and Natalie made her swim naked in the pool. Jackie accepted and quit off her clothes while walking outside, their friends laughing with her.
"Alright! I did it, it's my turn to choose." Jackie says with a towel around her body and sitting on the floor. A smirk on her face. "I chose Y/N."
And it made sense for all of them, -less Y/N- why Jackie wanted to play it.
"It's simple. Go to my bedroom and on top of my bed you find what you need to do." Jackie indicated when Y/N chose dare.
Shauna gave her a questioning look, but Jackie ignored her with the same smirk plastered the whole time. They waited a few minutes there waiting for Y/N to come back, chatting animatedly.
Y/N came back, however she changed her clothes. Now she is wearing a red bikini, but a short cover of the full piece. Her demeanor turned shy, chewing her lip nervously.
"Show us!" Jackie exclaimed, clapping with her hands excited.
The silence made in the room once Y/N took off her shorts, turning on heels to them to appreciate the small piece of clothes. Shauna opened her mouth, her pupils dilating from the sight in front of her. She gave a big sip from her drink when felt her mouth dry, the first to speak was Jackie.
"Nice ass, girl!" She cheered her.
Natalie licked her lips, still processing how hot her friend looks. She looked around her, their faces one by one and less Jackie, all of them seemed affected by it.
"That's a dare?" Natalie muttered, trying to play cool.
Jackie glares at her, crossing her arms. "Yes. For Y/N is a good dare, shut up."
"I agree." Van lowly said, their blue eyes dilated and their freckles hiding by a shadow of pink on their cheeks.
"Wait... Is that a piercing?" Taissa frowned, noticing it when her eyes landed on Y/N's chest.
Shauna moves a little uncomfortable, their reactions were immediate, well from the three ones who don't know. Inevitably her eyes fell on Y/N's ass, the heat sprayed inside her body. She made a messy bun, hearing their friends reactions.
"Van knew it." Taissa spoke again, noticing the lack of participation on this.
The redhead guilty shrugged. "I did. She told me the other day."
Y/N put on her shorts again and sat down where she was before, between Lottie and Laura Lee.
The game ended quickly, moving to dance on the improvised dance floor in the living room or the back garden. Usually Shauna hates something related to parties, but these moments, where are her and her friends, she treasures them. Lottie and Laura Lee were talking on the couch, next to a Natalie affected by Y/N revelation, who was happily dancing with her. Shauna drinks in a bar stool while Jackie is making some snacks for them. Van and Taissa chat quietly in a corner with silly smiles on their faces.
Two hours later, Shauna flies behind a giggling Y/N to their shared room. They are the first ones to call it a night, Shauna feels a little relaxed but with her senses intact, while Y/N looks more intoxicated than her.
Once in their respective bed, Shauna hears how her friend can't stop moving. "What's the problem?" She rasped out, her eyes looking in her direction in vain, the darkness didn't let her see properly.
"It sting a little..." Y/N slurred out.
Shauna frowned, but soon understood what she meant. "Then, quit it off." She suggested.
A few seconds later she heard something dropping on the floor followed by a relief sigh. Shauna turned her head, and even if she couldn't see her, she could appreciate her silhouette and it made her jaw clench. Why? Why can't she see her properly why is it turning her on? Maybe it is because she knew about the piercing and it excited her? Shauna groans, now her turn to move on her bed, finding the room very hot right now.
She didn't know when she left herself asleep, but when Shauna opened her eyes, the sun hit directly on her face, the dizziness on her head didn't help at all. She grunts, with her eyes half opened and walks towards the bathroom, noticing the empty bed on her way there.
Shauna takes a short shower, even if she probably would throw herself in the pool, however she didn't want to smell sweaty. She put on her black bikini and put on an old grey sporty shorts and went downstairs, no one was there.
She checked the back garden and there was Y/N, having some breakfast. The girl noticed her and waved, calling with her hand to go there.
"I made breakfast for all, but I'm guessing they would wake up after lunch. That is soon..." Y/N poured coffee in a cup and offered it at Shauna.
"Thanks..." She kindly says, taking it and sitting next to her. She notices the book she bought for her last day, remembering with a smile how Y/N kissed her face and muttering how much she loves her. "You like it?"
"I love it! Amanda is so brave. I wish I could be like her." Y/N commented, biting her toast and continued to read.
"You are brave." Shauna lowly said, sipping from the cup and looking at her.
Y/N gifted her with a warm smile, putting a hand on her forearm. "You are nice. But I'm not. You are brave or Van. But not me."
Shauna frowned, not liking how Y/N talked about herself. "I wish I could see people like you. Or believe everyone is good." She states, grabbing the hand on her forearm between her hands. "You are not afraid of telling them how you feel. I remember when you fought with Jackie in the last year of high school because she mocked Arnold Phillips and you defended him. I was thrilled and she did too." She saw how her cheeks darkened. Shauna appreciates the little messy braids, it even looks better now, she mindlessly puts away a strand of hair, a fond smile when Y/N shrinks because it feels ticklish when her fingertips brushed her neck.
Shauna can't stop looking at her, her hand placing now on her back and caressing it carefully. She leaned on the table, getting closer to her. Y/N brought a hand to her cheek and brushed her thumb there, actually she wiped something there.
"Better." Y/N murmurs, her eyes meeting her brown ones. Shauna swallowed and slowly leaned on her, stopping when their noses brushed with each other. It surprises her when Y/N grabs her face between her hands and kisses her.
It's short but gentle. Shauna chases her a second later, not containing herself and introducing her tongue on Y/N's mouth, exploring and dominating. Her hands were placed on her hips in a firm grip, leaning her head aside to kiss her better. Their lungs burned, making them separate to catch air.
Shauna trailed kisses on her jaw, sneaking a hand under the yellowjackets' shirt she is wearing, caressing her skin. She stopped when Y/N let out a moan, her gaze finding her face.
"Stop looking at me like that... Your stare is deep." Y/N murmurs, looking somewhere else, avoiding her gaze.
The ginger bit her lip, kissing her cheek and separating from her. Bringing her hand out of her shirt and deciding to finish her breakfast.
"You are beautiful, it's not my fault." Shauna replied confidently.
"Shauna!" Y/N whined, making her laugh.
A grunt from behind made them look that direction, seeing a zombie Natalie stepping slowly towards them. She greeted them quietly, pouring an orange juice in a cup and grabbing a croissant.
"You look horrible." Y/N commented, Shauna held her laugh when Natalie glared at her.
"Sorry, miss perfect. Next time I guard you, then I can avoid being the next day like this." She ironically said, signaling herself.
Shauna closed her eyes, the sun kissing her exposed skin and luring her. Natalie commented on them what happened after they left, laughing when Jackie fell or Van hit their face with the glass window.
"Sunscreen." Someone said, something fell on Shauna's lap. The ginger opened her eyes and looked at it and the person who threw it, Charlotte Matthews. "You are matching your hair by now."
Y/N snorted, hiding her mouth with a hand. Lottie wink at her, grabbing some fruit. Shauna poked her finger on her neck and saw how she shrank, giggling and putting away her hand.
They all agreed to spend the day at the beach, to Y/N and Nat's idea. They swim, sunbathing while they relax and play volleyball. Shauna's mind was a spiral, thinking about the kiss she shared with her friend, a friend she thought never saw like something else. The best part? Shauna wants to kiss her again, and wrap her arms around her waist to be nearer her, maybe her hands sneaking to her ass and squeezing it, her lips trailing wet kisses on her neck while Y/N let out moans, like before, then-... Who's that guy? And why is he smirking at her in a flirty manner?
Shauna clenched her fist and stood up, stepping fast towards them and pushing that guy away from Y/N.
"Stay away from her." Shauna scowled with a fierce gaze, putting herself in front of Y/N.
"Shauna! He is a nice boy, stop." Y/N threw the volleyball's ball and helped the blonde guy up.
It infuriated Shauna. "He wants to get on your pants, Y/N!" She gritted, her brown eyes throwing daggers at the innocent blonde boy.
Of course when they went to the beach and Y/N decided to wear what Jackie gifted her last night, some stupid guy should approach.
Fuck Jackie and fuck that guy.
Shauna saw how Y/N removed her gaze from her, her cheeks turning a soft shadow of pink. She felt bad to speak to her like that, usually she would use other words.
"I'm talking with her. That's all, relax." He said in a gentle tone, raising both hands in the air. However Shauna knew better, years being Jackie's best friend teach her experience with the opposite gender. And that guy, wants something else than talking with Y/N.
Shauna gave a sarcastic smile, but before she could give a sardonic comment, Natalie showed up, Lottie behind her with Jackie.
"What happened?" Natalie asks looking at her friends, then her blue eyes notice the blonde guy, making her frown. "Who are you?"
Jackie puts herself next to Shauna, crossing her arms on her chest, while Lottie grabs Y/N's hand, bringing her with hers.
"I'm Neil, nice to meet you." He said, waving with a nervous smile. Shauna snorted mentally, he didn't look like that before.
"Hi, Neil." Natalie said in a fake nice voice, walking towards the tall guy, with every step letting a mark of humid footprint on the sand. "Stay away from her." She patted his shoulder with a low laugh, signaling towards Y/N. "I know the guys like you. Out."
Neil bit his lip, his eyes falling on Y/N. Then, he gave a quiet laugh, his demeanor changing completely. "You all can't be protecting her forever." He muttered, a smug smirk playing on his lips before he turned on his heels and walked out.
Jackie held Natalie's wrist, the same with Shauna. "Stop! That stupid is gone." She murmurs, pushing them both to where they are.
Shauna's eyes fell on Y/N, who is with Lottie. She left behind the bickering that Jackie and Natalie started and grabbed her wrist kindly, stopping their friends.
"Can I talk to you?" Shauna timid asks. Y/N nods slowly, Lottie let them some privacy walking back to her place on the towel. The ginger took her to the seashore, this time her hand intertwined with Y/N's one, playing with her fingers. "I'm sorry to say that." She started, looking at her surroundings. "I don't like the way he was looking at you and... I should let you choose if you want to talk with him or not." She finishes, knowing very well that she will interfere if some dude tries something with her.
Y/N caressed the palm of her hand with her thumb. "Are you jealous?" She hummed, stepping closer.
Shauna frowned, her gaze now on her smug eyes. "No. I'm not. I only... I want the best for you. That's all." She said, shrugging her shoulders.
Why does Y/N think she is jealous? I mean, Natalie acted like her too, is she jealous too? Shauna let out a scoff for this thought.
"I'm jealous." Y/N admitted in a calm tone.
This confession made her feel more confused. "Why?" She can't hide her stupor.
"I saw a few boys looking at you. Your ass. They eat you with his eyes. I don't like it." Y/N explained, her turn to shrug her shoulders.
Shauna relaxed. She didn't notice their eyes on her, thankfully. But she notices the only one on Y/N, and maybe, just maybe, Shauna felt the same.
"You don't need to worry. I'm not interested in them." Shauna whispers, letting her hand out but embracing her waist with an arm and hiding her head on her neck. She feels how Y/N relaxed on her arms and wrapped hers on her neck, playing with her hair.
"I want to kiss you..." Y/N shyly said, a lipped smile on her face when Shauna fixed her chocolate eyes on her.
"I can make an excuse and go home and kiss." Shauna offered, hearing how Y/N let out a melodic laugh, inevitably painting an involuntary smile on her face.
It's been three days since Shauna and Y/N kissed for the first time. Three days that they can't stop kissing. They shared this affection where they are alone in their room, away from their friends or when they are around them, when they aren't looking Y/N stole a kiss from her lips, letting Shauna speechless.
A sigh hit Shauna's face when she separated from her bruised and red lips. Her fingers caressed her cheek and removed a strand of hair from her face, giggling softly while memorizing her features for later fantasizing with her or rant on her journal about how Y/N makes her feel.
They are laying on Shauna's bed, the rays of the full moon hitting Y/N's face, it's time like this Shauna doesn't hate that window. Y/N's hand is playing with her ginger hair, pulling at it every time Shauna bit her lip or sucked her tongue.
"Are you fine there?" Shauna hummed with a hoarse voice, brushing her nose with hers. She can avoid hiding her smugness.
They don't trespass to the other step. It's not like Shauna didn't think about it, it's mainly for Y/N, she didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable, so she happily accepts it.
"Here is hot..." She whispered, with a hand fan herself.
"The window is open." Shauna commented, looking briefly at the window.
"Shauna." Y/N calls her in a soft voice, the mentioned turned to look at her. "Do you feel attracted to me?" Shauna could appreciate how shy Y/N asked this.
"Y/N, I can't stop thinking about you. It's weird to say it loudly, but you are in my mind a lot." Shauna admitted, the burn on cheeks got a bay thanks to Jackie or Lottie to put sunscreen on. But she can feel the warmth on her cheeks just like if that same afternoon she burned all over again.
"You are in my mind too, Shippy. It's funny to think now how intimidated I felt about you in high school." Shauna frowned. Y/N saw her and immediately clarified. "You are hard to let people in, always attached to Jackie and I told you about it before, your gaze is so deep that I feared you could know what I'm thinking."
"That's why you nodded or gave me a short answer?" Shauna asks quietly, now understanding a few things. Y/N hummed an affirmative. "You are right, I don't let people know me easily. But I never would treat you or let anyone talk to you badly. I... We fought with some asshole to defend you. Don't ask and think about them, they are stupid." Shauna says quickly after her confession. "Why do you ask about me that...?" She tried to change the subject, also mostly for curiosity.
"I want to have sex with you." Shauna sometimes forgets how direct she is. Her blush deepens, gladly the dark hides her cheeks.
But it surprises her how natural she said it, and it made her think about it. "Have you had sex before?" She asks, it's the first time she actually thinks Y/N had sex before, she wondered about it but soon dismissed it.
Y/N nods, moving her head to a side. "Why you ask?" Shauna stares at her shocked, her mouth half open and holding her breath. Y/N roll her eyes, it didn't surprise her Shauna having that reaction, it's the same Van had when she told them. "I know that you all think I'm innocent, something I will not discuss... But I'm curious too."
"Sorry..." She apologised, breathing normally again. She blinked a few times, questions popping on her head. "Who? I mean, I know him?" She asks in a low voice.
"No, he is a college friend."
Shauna nods, laying fully by her side. She huffed, rubbing her eyes. "I need to ask it." She said, putting her hands down and fixing her eyes on her, seeing her curious eyes on her. "Did you do it because you wanted?"
"Yeah... I never would do something I don't want." This answer calmed Shauna, thankful Y/N didn't feel social pressure and did it for that.
"Can we go to sleep?" Shauna murmurs, feeling tired. Y/N hummed with a small smile, she kissed Shauna's cheek and proceeded to stand up, but the ginger stopped her, wrapping an arm now on her waist. "Stay here."
They fell asleep with Shauna hugging Y/N, many thoughts in her mind, dissipate when the other started to play with her hair, something Y/N likes and she didn't complain.
The next morning when they woke up and got downstairs, too quiet and finding a note in the fridge.
"We are at the beach, see you there. Jackie xx." Y/N read out loud. "And why didn't they wake up us? I would do it. You know what? I don't feel like going to the beach, if you want to go, have fun." She said in an adorable piss voice, in Shauna's opinion. She walked around and started to make breakfast.
"I like your idea. What do you want to do?" Shauna hummed, going to hug her from behind and kissing her shoulder.
Y/N looks up, thinking. "I want to go eat ice cream in Lake Key. Tomorrow we will get stuck here doing our suitcases and cleaning the house."
On Friday, they all would go to Wiskayok and finish the summer there before coming back to their respective colleges.
Shauna removed her hair aside, peppering kisses on her neck. "I like that." She just wants to spend some time alone with her before they come back.
So that's what they did. After finishing breakfast they changed their clothes and adventure to the small town. It's weird how freely they felt with every shared kiss without worry if someone saw them and judged. It helps that the only way is a solitary dirt road, nobody lives for that area, only the Matthews' family.
They let out their intertwined hands once they entered the town, exploring some places that they never went to before or just walking while laughing for anything. They agreed to eat the ice cream after lunch, for Shauna's luck because she made a little picnic, surprising Y/N.
It's the soft laugh that Y/N let out when Shauna awakened from her mind, too entrance on studying every feature, line and simple detail on Y/N's face that she zoned out. Shauna left the throwable plate on the grass, clearing her throat.
"Have a date with me." Shauna blurted out, mostly because she was rephrasing it in her mind and it slipped out. She blushes the moment she realizes how she asked this. Exchange Y/N raised her head and slowly formed a smile. "What I want to say is that... I thought about us, and I want to go on a proper date with you, if you want of course."
Y/N put her hand on top of hers. "I love to."
"Really?" Shauna asked, a little speechless. Y/N giggles by her reaction, nodding with her head. "You don't would regret it, I promise." She reassured her, carefully intertwining their fingers.
After they finished, Shauna stubbornly paid for their ice cream. They eat it while they walk towards the house, holding hands the moment they step out of the town. Laughs filled the way, ice cream kisses and rosy cheeks.
Shauna let her hand once they approached the fence, opening the doors and letting Y/N pass first. They come back and the house is still empty.
"I want to lay on the sofa, my feet hurt." Y/N commented, letting her bag on the coat stand and laying down in the black couch.
"Come here, I'll take you upstairs." Shauna offered, opening her arms for her to jump.
Y/N let out a delighted sound and jumped on her arms, wrapping her legs on her waist and both arms around her shoulders, leaning her head there too. Shauna held her and walked towards their bedroom, laying Y/N on her bed carefully and getting on top of her when Y/N grabbed her t-shirt and pulled Shauna towards hers.
With only a look, Shauna knew what Y/N wanted. She wants it too, if she is being honest, but what happens if their friends come and surprise them by doing it?
"Are you sure?" Shauna asks in a gentle whisper, her hair coming to her eyes and private to her to keep gazing Y/N, until this one removes with her fingers the strand of hair out. Her hands are too busy supporting her weight on the mattress.
"Very sure." Y/N whispered back, closing the distance and smashing her lips on hers.
Shauna let out a low moan, reciprocating it and soon turning in a hungry kiss. A hand sneaks under her baby blue shirt, slowly tracing her abdomen until reach her chest, squeezing with the bra on, feeling the piercing there. She grunted on the kiss when she felt it, breaking the kiss and taking off her shirt, delighted by the views.
Y/N pulls Shauna's shirt, making the ginger to raise her arms up, letting Y/N take it out. Her brown eyes admired how Y/N held her breath when her gaze met her abdomen, a smirk creeping on her face. A finger traced her stomach, gently scratching her abs.
"I think we have some weaknesses..." Shauna rasped out, chuckling.
"You kept playing soccer?"
Shauna nods. "Yeah. Casually my first friends played soccer and they created a team, like a hobby. I don't mind play there sometime." She explains.
Y/N's fingers get lost on her hair, pressing her head towards hers and starting another kiss. They slowly took out their clothes, Shauna's mouth went immediately on Y/N's chest, no resistance anymore and took her left nipple on her mouth, biting there and tasting the metal too, gaining a whimper by Y/N and her nails digging on her shoulders.
Shauna spent a long time there, when she got satisfied, admiring the new red marks and saliva covered on Y/N's chest, with her red lips peppered wet kisses until reach her mouth, giving her a languid kiss.
After they need to breathe again, Shauna takes advantage when Y/N still has her eyes closed and slowly sneaks her right hand between her thighs, soon meeting how wet Y/N is between her fingers. The ginger let out a groan, her dilated brown eyes catching sight of -now half open- Y/N's eyes and reddened cheeks. While they keep gazing at each other, her hand meets Y/N's entrance and without warning introducing a finger, grunting when she notices how tight she is.
Her nails digged on her shoulders once again, making Shauna let out a hiss of pain. A soft sound escaped from Y/N's mouth, once she felt comfortable with her finger inside of her, Shauna started to move it slowly while her thumb rubbed circles, creating more sounds slipping from her mouth, making Shauna drunk hearing them.
Another finger was introduced, her movements becoming faster and the first moans echoing in the room. Shauna involuntarily starts to move her hips in search of some friction, the wetness on her center increasing. The sweat on their bodies is more present, their hair stinging on their faces, framing their faces in a sexy form. With three fingers inside Y/N, her orgasm is near.
Shauna gave her a wet kiss, unable to control. Y/N came on her fingers, muffling her orgasm in her mouth. Their chest moved in sync, their lungs asking for air. The ginger took her hand out of her, the free one on top of Y/N's knee while slowly, her right one approaches her vision, the smell hitting her nose. After a few seconds where her eyes stuck looking at her hand, she took it to her mouth, a porn sound slipped from her mouth the moment her fingers met her tongue, testing Y/N. Her eyes rolled behind her head, her tongue wrapping her fingers and sucking slowly, testing every fluid.
When she opened them again, was met by hypnotised eyes gazing at her, biting her lip. Shauna let out a small smirk, putting down her now clean hand. Before she could make a comment, Y/N changed their positions, now Shauna is laying her back on the mattress and Y/N is straddling her. Shauna put both hands on her knees, caressing them, gazing at Y/N from a new angle. Her eyes fell from her marked chest to her half hidden shaved pussy, meeting her stomach side.
"Promise me something." Y/N said in a scratchy voice, calling her attention.
Shauna nods, captivated by her beauty. "Anything."
Y/N gave her a small grin, leaning her head to the same level as her, lowering it a few centimeters. "Don't dye your hair. I love how this colour looks on you... It matches your eyes, making them have a deeper look, if that is possible..." She ranted, admiring her ginger hair sprayed out on the pillow in soft waves. "You look good too with your natural colour hair, but this one... I really like it." She finishes in a low voice.
"I promise you that I will have it for a long time from now on." Shauna said with a cheeky smile, knowing very well that she would be stuck with that hair colour only for her. Then, she put a hand on her back neck and pushed her face towards hers, sealing the promise with a passionate kiss.
When Y/N moved her hips involuntarily, Shauna felt a patch of wetness on her abdomen, and groaning by this, she took both hands on her waist in a firm grip, probably letting some bruises there, and slowly pushed her a little, making friction on her sensitive spot.
"Can I...?" Y/N whispered, timid.
Shauna removed her hair from her face and nodded, after all she incite to do it. "You can ride my abs." She said in a deep voice, hearing the strong breathing falling from her lover's lips.
And she did it, up and down, at first with slow movements. It will become faster soon, Shauna is delighted by the sight in front of her. She clenched her abs when noticed Y/N was coming, with her head back and both hands on Shauna's sides. Y/N gave a final thrust, screaming for pleasure and falling on top of her, exhausted.
Shauna caressed her back tenderly, feeling a warm liquid fell on her stomach. She swallowed hard, she felt a little frustrated sexually talking. Shauna thought that watching Y/N had her pleasure, she didn't need it now, but... She is wrong. She let Y/N recover her breath, playing with her hair without the necessity to use words.
Y/N hummed contents, peppering kisses on her naked shoulder until her neck, biting gently there, gaining a low moan from Shauna. Her nails scratched Y/N's thigh, a loud hiss slipped from their mouths. Shauna observed when Y/N slowly started to go down, she paid attention to her chest, but not staying too much time there, preferring to bite her stomach a few times.
"I'm not shave..." Shauna said panting, a little embarrassed. Y/N raised her head frowning, seeing how Shauna closed her eyes, her cheeks turning more red.
"I don't care, Shippy." Y/N snorted innocent. It made Shauna open her eyes, seeing a brief frown on Y/N's eyebrows. "And I think if you shave now, you would cut yourself." She said looking down, the face she put on made Shauna relax and chuckle.
Y/N bit her lip and looked at Shauna, asking with her eyes. The ginger nods, her breathing stuck on her throat, but not keeping her eyes away from her. Y/N give her some wet mouthed kisses on her thigh, getting closer. Shauna opened her legs more to let Y/N put herself between knees, and her mouth immediately met her center, giving a long lick. Shauna let out a moan, biting her lip and scratching the pillow next to her. She can feel Y/N's nails on her thighs, her tongue getting deep inside her and recollecting the wetness she had from seeing Y/N cum two times.
A hand squeezed her chest, hard. If the moment doesn't require her to think, she would ask how in hell Y/N is doing it so well. Shauna is close, she is worked up and her orgasm is approaching, with hand on Y/N's head, pressing her face on the exact part where she wants and with the room filling her moans, Shauna released on her mouth with a guttural moan, her legs shaking.
With half open eyes and an irregular breathing, Shauna saw Y/N's chin covered by her cum, her hair mess and sweat covering her body. She raised half of her body and grabbed her face between her hands, kissing hard.
"SHAUNA, Y/N! ARE YOU TWO HERE?" Jackie interrupted them. They shared a panicked look and soon they started to put on their clothes. For their luck Jackie was downstairs, at least they could be dissimulate, only if the blonde didn't get upstairs and entered there, then they screwed up.
"Go to the bathroom!" Shauna said in a low voice, putting on her big shirt. "I'm going to distract her. Get down for around 5 minutes." She explains, putting her hair in a messy bun.
Y/N nods, disappearing on say place.
Shauna stepped down and saw her friends there, embarrassed she waved them with a hand. "Hey, Y/N is in the bathroom." She cleared her throat, avoiding Jackie's hazel eyes and going to the kitchen for water, because she really needed it.
Jackie hummed, following her. "We were worried. I thought you two would come."
"Y/N didn't like you don't wake us up and we went to the town." She explains, shrugging and giving her an apologetic lipped smile.
"I told you..." Van walked next to Jackie and sang, letting some things on top of the countertop.
"Y/N! ARE YOU MAD AT ME?" Another person would wait to ask this face to face, but it's Jackie and she went to the top of the staircase, looking up to an empty hall.
"NOT ANYMORE!" Another scream was heard, Shauna shaking her head with a smirk while sip from the cup.
"DO YOU WANT TO COME TO THE MOVIES WITH ME AND I COMPENSATE YOU?" Jackie asked hopefully, even if her told her that she wasn't mad at her.
Y/N approaches her vision, she took a shower and now has a lilac top belonging to Shauna with a black shorts, a small smile resting on her lips. "Okay. I missed our dates." She can't resist and hugs Jackie.
"She is so weak. We need to make her stronger." Van commented with a frown, looking at them.
Shauna snorted. "Which one?"
Summer passed faster, and Shauna knew it.
With dreamy eyes and a silly smile, she recounted every date she had with Y/N these past two months, her favourite one was when she asked Y/N to be her girlfriend and she said no because Y/N wanted to ask her to be her girlfriend. After discussing it for a few minutes, Shauna gave up the moment Y/N gave her puppy eyes.
She sneaked every night to Y/N's house, going to sleep together and fearing she couldn't do it the moment they couldn't hold each other when they came back to their respective colleges. Many hidden kisses, desire to do what they did that week in her friend's house, but they gave up every time they tried, and something or someone interrupted them, so they happily did other things.
Like talk. They can talk for hours. It's something that Shauna adored about their night laying on the bed, talking about anything in particular or knowing Y/N unknown's side. She comprehends her better, and mentally grateful for choosing her to share her secrets, her dream passion or just to not run away from her with her weird persona.
About their friends, well... They agreed to not tell them anything. Y/N commented at Shauna about telling them their relationship at the end of the summer, only if she wants too. Shauna nodded, unsure. She wishes that she was more like Y/N in that aspect, not fearing what people could say, and less with her friends, the ginger knew that they can't say anything bad. But they are in 1997, and until this date, Shauna saw hate about it.
"What are you thinking about?" Y/N interrupted her thoughts, balancing their hands while they walked to Shauna's car. They went to the woods to walk, enjoying some time alone. The night arrived and the hour to the meeting with their friends was approaching. Because they would tell them about their relationship.
"About... How beautiful you are." Shauna commented, holding her laugh when Y/N shoved her playful.
The nights in Wiskayok by this time of the year usually are breezy, and Shauna wears one of her famous flannel on, Y/N was wearing one of hers too because she was stubborn to not grab any jackets and luckily Shauna had one in her car.
The car approached their vision, Shauna wrapped an arm around Y/N's shoulders and gently opened the copilot door, gaining a kiss on her cheek the moment she sat down on her seat.
"We need to pick up Jackie." Y/N commented, searching for some songs she likes on the radio.
"Believe me, I know." Shauna rolled her eyes, used to her friend's princess side.
The ride to Jackie's home was filled with Y/N humming the song playing on the radio, Shauna tapped the wheel to the beat of the song, humming quietly too. She honked a few times when they arrived, praying that Jackie doesn't take too long.
Shauna put a hand on Y/N's knee, caressing the exposed skin with her thumb. Her brown eyes softened seeing her profile, her mind calming down the spiral that usually she is in.
"You sure about this?" The ginger, less now, but still glowing, asked. Y/N put a hand on hers and nod with a smile.
"Yeah. I want to kiss you in front of my friends. Our friends." Y/N whispered, playing with her fingers.
Shauna can't hold the smile anymore. "And I want to kiss you every hour... Is this sane?" She joked, leaning to kiss her cheek.
Y/N shakes her head, giggling.
Shauna removed her hand when she heard a door opening. She looked behind and saw Jackie Taylor get in, shivering a little and she had a jacket on.
"Put on the calefaction, Shauna." Jackie said, closing the door.
"Hello to you too, and not. I'm not going to put it. It's not that cold." Shauna said, starting the car. She heard how Jackie let out a gasp.
"Open the right seat, there is a blanket." Y/N commented before they could get entangled by another silly discussion.
Jackie says loudly how much she loves her, making Y/N laugh and Shauna rolled her eyes. They are approaching Lottie's house, the last reunion until Thanksgiving. They decided to spend their time together in a quiet place, and since Lottie's parents are out the major part of the time, she offered to hold the little party.
"The last ones!" Van opened the front door, putting them to a side to let them pass in. Y/N is the first one to hug the redhead, from the whole gang, Van and Y/N had a special bond.
Y/N let Shauna, Jackie and Van behind and she adventure into the big living room, usually quiet and empty, now filled with laughter and life.
"There you are!" Lottie saw her and stood up with a happy smile, engulfing Y/N in a hug. "I'm gonna miss you a lot." She whispered when they separated.
"I hope you miss us a lot too..." Natalie commented behind her, a teasing smirk on her plump lips. Then, she envelopes Y/N in a hug.
Lottie rolled her eyes. "Don't get jealous, Scatorccio. I will miss you too, less than the rest but still I'm going to miss you." Her dark eyes lit with mischief, taking her red cup to her mouth.
Before Nat could reply back, Taissa interrupted them by pushing the blue eyed girl to a side and taking her turn to hug Y/N. Shauna and Jackie approached there and greeted them with hugs too.
They sit down next to each other, recounting old anecdotes or telling the new ones. Shauna was quiet, hearing them and sipping from her red cup while her eyes travelled to the storyteller. Y/N nudges her side, giving her a silly face when she turns to look at her.
"You are an idiot." Shauna leaned on her ear and whispered with a loving smile.
Y/N makes an offended face, putting a hand on her chest. Shauna rolls her eyes, but her smile remains.
"I will remind you later when you want to kiss me..." She whispered in her ear, licking her lips when she separated.
Her brown eyes opened, big and deep. Without noticing she gave her puppy eyes, not liking the idea of not kissing her. Y/N couldn't resist her eyes and without thinking too much, she grabbed her chin and pecked her lips.
Shauna froze on her seat, the place getting quiet and feeling all eyes on them. She cleared her throat, her surprise eyes going to normal but refusing to look at them. Y/N frowned when she paid attention to them, at first confused but soon realising what she did.
"Oh my god! Shit, I'm sorry Shippy." Y/N apologised with her girlfriend.
"Shippy? She hates that. This is serious." Van was the first to comment.
Shauna looks at her redhead friend, frowning. "She is the only one who can call like that." She warned them.
Y/N saw their unreadable expressions and decided to clarify. "We are in a relationship." She told them.
"Are you corrupting her!?" Jackie exclaimed, a shock expression plastered on her face.
"She's not! And you started corrupting me." Y/N said. "We like each other and decided to date. We wanted to tell you tonight, in a different manner... I hope it's okay with you guys." She said softly, playing with her fingers.
"Me and Taissa are in a relationship." Van said casually, Taissa nodded next to them.
"We are too..." Lottie comments, giving a soft look to the blonde.
Shauna opened her mouth, surprised and Y/N painted a small smile. "So, all of us like women? We are cool then." Jackie says, all looks on her now. "What? I appreciate women too." She said shrugging, taking her red cup to her lips.
"We knew that. We thought in high school that you and Shauna were dating. When we found that you didn't then we assumed during college maybe you get together." Natalie explained in an obvious tone.
"I agree." Y/N says, receiving an incredulous look from her girlfriend. "You look cute together if that helps."
"She corrupted me." Shauna said, looking at all of them. Y/N calls her name in a whine, while their friends laugh.
The rest of the night they enjoyed their time together, explaining the new unknown sides and all of them gave a talk to Shauna.
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pinkmoonzzz · 9 months
Something for laura lee during crash pleease, where she didnt try to fly the plane and reader decide to ask her for doomcoming after they grew closer after the crash
Ofc! I love Laura Lee sm! I'm sorry if it's a little short!
Laura Lee x reader
The yellowjackets decided to have a homecoming and call it doomcoming. You listened to the girls talking about going with each other and what they were going to wear. You looked around and saw Laura lee reading her Bible. Laura Lee has truly been your rock since the plane crashed. You listened to her talk about the Lord with  glimmering hope that shined in her eyes. With her around you couldn't help but be hopeful about being rescued. But since you were both here and the group planned something fun you wanted to ask her to go with you. You got up from where you were sitting with the group and sat next to her.
"Hi y/n" she said as she looked up from her Bible.
She smiled at you and you looked down at your hands nervously.
"Hey Laura Lee, the group is talking about a homecoming and calling it doomcoming, and I was wondering if you would want to go with me?" You asked her.
You looked up at her and she was blushing.
"Yes, I'd like that" she said softly.
You smiled at her excitedly
"Ok," you said blushing. You quickly kissed her cheek and went to help the group prepare.
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flowerbxuquet · 1 year
Burning beauty.
Laura Lee x reader
WARNINGS: mentions of death
A/N: didnt proof read this either jus wanted to get a fic out bcuz i haven’t posted in a couple days </3
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It was time, the anxious feeling in Laura Lee’s heart as she hugged and said goodbye to the others as she prepared to get on the plane.
Last night when she had told you, y/n, her best friend, the only one who never laughed or made fun of her, about her plans to take the plane and find safety you were not for it.
You were worried, you had a bad feeling about this and you couldn’t bear to live with the thought of if Laura Lee lived or not.
It was the first time you two ever got into a big fight, and the first time Laura Lee ever screamed or raised her voice at you. She felt like you weren’t supporting her and it hurt.
Laura is sad when she sees you’re not there to at least bid her good luck when she goes onto the plane, she moves to climb in—
Your voice shouts and you run over to her, grabbing her wrist, your face is flushed and sweaty from running through the forest after you decided you needed to try one last time to get her to stay.
Laura Lee’s gaze softened, she felt so bad for raising her voice at you last night but she knew she had to do this, it felt like her purpose to be the savior of her friends.
Laura lee’s voice was soft like honey, her blue eyes filling with adoration and love as she stared into your e/c eyes.
“I cannot let you get on that plane without telling you this.” You take a deep breathe and Laura Lee looks confused but she doesn’t protest, “I’m worried, worried about what might happen to you. I care about you so much, Laura, I can’t bear the thought of losing you..please..please this isn’t worth risking your life over.”
Laura’s heart skipped a beat at your words, a blush forming on her cheeks. No one’s ever cared this much about her and it made her feel like she was going to melt into a puddle in any second.
The others could clearly see the way Laura’s eyes shone with love as she stepped down from the plane and looked at you with the most adoring look.
Laura snapped out of it though as she gave you an apologetic look. “I have to go, I have to face this, it’s my purpose, Y/n.” she whispered, her voice filled with vulnerability, you could tell she was as terrified of flying as you.
Your grip on Laura Lee tightened and you shook your head, “I understand that, but you don’t have to face it alone. We’ve always been there for each other, through everything. And I can’t let you go.” You whisper softly.
“I love you, Laura Lee.”
You finally confess to her after all this time and it’s almost like her eyes seem to brighten up, a shy smile creeping up onto her face. It’s clear Laura Lee’s not used to this type of affection as she looks away shyly.
“…I love you too..” Her voice is shy and meek, but she has a smile on her face that tells you everything you need to know, “But I have to do this..” Laura says and she tries to pull out of your arms.
You grip her tighter, pushing down all your fears aside before she gets on the plane. “Then let me come with you..” You whisper softly.
Laura Lee shakes her head, like she wants to protest, as if she knows that she has a high chance of death on here. “No- i-it’s too-“
You beg softly, staring up at her with a pleading gaze and eventually she gives in with a nod.
The other girls stand in shock, that they quite literally just watched a whole love confession infront of them.
You and Laura Lee climb into the plane, Leanord in the middle of you two..
The plane takes off! You and Laura Lee squeal in delight and surprise, cheering as the plane takes off into the air.
After a few seconds of relief and happiness, you can smell and see smoke. You look down and see Leanord on fire.
You shout and her attention turns to you, her gaze wide as she looks at you and the fire slowly spreading through the pain.
Laura Lee hiccups with a sob, shaking her head in denial.
The fire illuminates her pale skin and she looks so beautiful even in her last moments. You lean forward and press your lips to hers passionately, Laura lets put a soft moan, like angels singing as she grabs you and pulls you closer, kissing you heavily back.
You pull away with a smile as the fire slowly spreads throughout the plane.
“You’re so beautiful..” You whisper softly, cupping her cheek and placing your forehead against hers as you wipe her tears.
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