arrthurpendragon · 11 months
⌨️ + Safe and Sound?
But she stood upright and walked to the mirror hanging in her office.  She patted her hair to make sure everything was in place. While her reflection had once shown a young, naive girl with no business being queen - it now revealed a much wiser woman who knew how to carefully play the game that was politics.  Lady Catalea could throw all the bluster and insults Cori’iana’s way that she desired, but that girl didn’t know the heart of the woman she hated.  Truthfully, there weren’t many that did. 
At the end of the day, all that mattered was Baethea’s liberation and Cori’iana could feel proud that she had played a part in it. Lady Catalea's opinion of her didn't matter.
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Send me ⌨ + title to one of my fics and I’ll write a sentence for that fic!
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alienaiver · 2 years
Hello! I hope this is the right askbox, I can't access the link one from the rules post. May I req about Allen W. & Lavi (separately) with reader having a relaxing time together after a tough tiring mission (in which they could have almost died)? Thanks!
hey hi hello! <!!3 and ah, thank you for telling me that! i'll fix it asap but dw, u came to the right place 🧡✨ and this request was so cute.......lavis got a bit angsty but i tried to mend it LJSFKS<3333 i hope you like them :') <!!33333333
made it genderneutral and reader is an exorcist as well, innocence etc is unspecified though!
wordcount: 1.9k (872 for allen and 1.1k for lavi respectively!) warnings: death is a discussed subject in both but more in the presence of relief in a death not happening! i kept it as lighthearted as my d. gray man infused tragedy ass was able to! (i wouldnt mind exploring either of these more in-depth if thats something youd be interested in!!)
thank you for requesting my friend<3
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Allen throws another log of wood into the hearth. It’s cold and your gratitude at being allowed to stay at this mansion during your mission is slowly wearing off with the way the temperature seems to be just a little too cold no matter how much wood you waste.
“Ah, I apologize that it has yet to heat up,” Allen apologies weakly and you can’t help the snort you let out, “that’s got nothin’ got do with you though.”
He nods, “still. I feel awful that you’re so cold,” he admits before situating himself back on the couch. You huff, “I’m not that cold.” you try but the arguments falls flat when he looks at you and laughs, “are you certain? I would like to think that you hogging all the blankets and both of our duvets speaks to the opposite argument.”
Allen’s laugh is ethereal. Simply otherworldly and a warmth settles in your stomach that has little to do with the actual temperature in the room. You settle further into your little blanket mountain and sigh deeply. Exhaustion is kicking in and the weariness is not only in your muscles today.
Allen perks up immediately, “does it still hurt?”
You shake your head and bend your knee a few times, slowly, “I should’ve just gotten it together.”
It sounds sour. You don’t mean to poison the lighthearted mood that was in the room prior but bitterness is very much detectable in your voice. He sighs and leans his body towards yours, “it’s okay, I’d take you getting injured any other day than you… dying.” an awkward pause was between his sentence and the final word but you’re too preoccupied with the residual anger – if only you’d dodged the attack a few seconds earlier, if your instincts would’ve just worked right, he wouldn’t have had to scream your name in an octave that almost made you cry.
“May I?”
You hadn’t even noticed how close he’d gotten, holding the edge of the top blanket in his still gloved hand. You nod dumbly, confused, letting him into your space easily, comfortably.
You move around in tandem so that you’re finally positioned where you want to be the most – in his arms. You absentmindedly play with the hem of his jacket – none of you are out of your uniforms yet, dreading the cold that’ll inevitably hit you the second that you do and he kisses the top of your head, “I’m just glad you’re safe. I’ll even carry you to the station in the morning.”
You snort, “I know you will but I’ll not allow it, Walks.” it’s his turn to laugh out albeit it’s awkward and slightly tense, “could you stop with that nickname? I’d like to think your boyfriend should be called by his actual name,” he tries but you look at him with a smirk, “I could also go with my honey.”
The imminent and violently red blush on his cheek is worth every dime you’ve ever tried owning in your life. Endearing nicknames are very new to the lovable British boy you’ve recently started seeing romantically after months of pining and even more months of Lenalee’s insistent intervention. Neither physical nor emotional affection was something he received easily but he was getting better. You settle back against him with a shrug and a hidden, teasing smile, “I could also go with beansprout I guess?”
He groans and lets his head fall onto your shoulder, “I will carry you to the station if you do not stop that wretched nonsense immediately!”
You laugh and Allen feels himself relax again at the sound of a genuine one – there had been no reason for you to feel guilty about what happened at the battlefield today but he doesn’t blame you – he knows the feeling all too well. He’s just grateful that you’re still here, alive, in his arms right now.
A comfortable silence falls between you after you sigh contentedly. Your hand has moved on from the hem of his jacket to his hand, intertwining them with your own while he periodically sneaks kisses onto the top of your head or cheeks.
Allen never knew he’d become so addicted to physical touch as he’s gotten after kissing you only a few times. He’s constantly seeking out your hand when you walk next to each other and his hands always seems to travel to your body in a quest for some contact. Recently he’s even started touching you with his glove off – at your request, of course.
“It’s warm,” you told him the first time his ungloved hand traced circles on your cheek, stars sparkled in your eyes at his willingness to comply. You’d then proceeded to kiss every digit and up his arm, stopping at his shoulder with a sigh, “I love you, Allen Walker.”
Allen’s brought back to the present at the sound of your gentle snoring. He pulls you in closer with a content sigh. He probably will make good on the promise of carrying you to the station – even if you’ll sound like a screaming banshee all the way.
You’re both fast asleep before you realize the warmth’s finally emerging in the room from the hours of making the hearth cooperate.
“Do you ever get tired of reading?”
You’re sprawled on the couch looking at Lavi who’s at the edge of the couch with his nose buried in documents. He almost died today and you’ve decided his reaction’s off. He’s way too nonchalant about it. You’re not sure if you’re more frustrated at him for almost dying or for his reaction not being as severe as yours.
“Hm?” he barely looks up from the parchment in his hands but the slight tilt of his head signals that he’s listening to you, at least. You groan and kick him lightly, hoping it’ll garner more of a reaction.
It doesn’t.
When you keep toeing at him, he finally sighs and puts the papers down on his lap, “what?”
There’s more bite in that word than you’ve ever heard from him and it makes you recoil. It doesn’t go past him though and he seems to visibly reign back his emotions, if only for a split second. He reaches out for you but you bend your legs up towards you, “I’m sorry I annoyed you,” you try and he moves back to his papers – for a moment you fear he’s just gonna start reading again but he folds them up nicely and puts them on the corner table next to the couch. He then takes off his headband, and lets his hair fall down.
“I’m a little tense, I apologize.”
He moves towards you again and this time you let him, his arms crossed and resting on your thighs. You bite your underlip, waiting to see if he’ll continue talking.
He doesn’t, he simply makes one of his signature smiles.
You sigh and let your arms fall to your sides, “listen Lavi, you almost died today. I think we should talk about it instead of just… reading to distract from the subject.”
Frustration flashes in his eye and he looks down with his bottom lip formed to a pout. A heavy cute aggression overwrites your focus for a moment and you want to squeeze his cheeks. You lean towards him as well, your arms going around his neck – the position is uncomfortable though, so your arms travel down his and wrap around his wrists to pull him on top of you. He follows meekly until he’s comfortably settled.
“Well, well, well,” he says with a toothy grin but you hush him, “don’t play around right now, idiot, I actually do want to talk.”
He clicks his tongue in an almost Kanda-like fashion but rests his forehead on top of yours anyway before he opens his mouth, “you know I’m not… good, with all that. I’m not built like that.”
You hold back a snort but a breath of air does escape your nose before you can stop it. You hope it’s not as condescending as you fear it sounds. “You said that about romance too before you kissed me senseless underneath two exploding Akumas two years ago.”
He looks around the room in an effort to not look you in the eyes. You kiss him, slowly and with as much love as you can muster. He sighs into it and when you pull back, he follows you for a second kiss. You oblige as your hands run through his hair. You always did like to play around with it.
He’s distracting you; you realize. He’s not the only one able to calculate situations like these so you pull back and tut at him, “I could’ve lost you today.”
He sighs, “but you didn’t.”
“No, but I could’ve. I won’t force you more than this but I just want you to know that I’m glad you’re okay.” you trace mindless circles on his cheek as you say this and you don’t miss the way his eye widens at your admission. He clears his throat, “you are?”
It’s a whisper of a question.
The insecurity laced into his question surprises you and you do a double take to read his facial expression. He looks scared. You pull him impossibly closer, sighing into his hair, “of course, Lavi. I love you.”
He gulps loudly and you can feel the shaking as he exhales. You know what he’s about to say, so you pull him to face you again and kiss him before he gets a chance to.
After kissing some composure back into him and the shakiness out, you smile at him, admiring his emerald eye.
“That card game you talked about on the train – you still want to play?”
He seems to consider for a second before he decides, “no. I want to stay in your arms.”
You laugh and he blows a raspberry into your neck making you scream out and paw at him, trying to push him off. He laughs too before settling into your neck again. You’re tense though because you don’t trust him not to continue his shenanigans.
“Would you rather eat 20 worms or sleep in the mud for two nights straight?”
You’ve never seen his face rise so fast from your chest to give you the most confused and disgusted look you’ve seen him sport in a while. When you just look at him with a raised eyebrow, clearly waiting for a serious answer, he falls back down and breathes out.
“Would I have to eat all the worms at once? Or could I space them out over a time period?”
You laugh, “would you really rather eat one worm a week for 20 weeks than get it all over with?” and he groans, “well, I gotta know my options here!”
You stifle your laugh that’s threatening to boil back up and clear your throat, “you could take as long as you needed to eat them.” you decide thoughtfully and he chuckles, “then I’d rather eat 20 worms.”
You hum in reply, thinking it through. “How long would you spend eating them?”
“Hopefully 20 years.” he admits and you punch his shoulders, “hey! That’s cheating!”
He looks up at you with a pout, “but you just said I could take as long as I needed!”
“Yeah, but I didn’t mean like that!” you pout back at him and he groans at the absurdity of it all.
The rest of the evening continues on with more ridiculous questions like these, all making you both laugh and punch each other in the name of fairness. The questions continue long into the night where you both end up falling asleep, uncomfortably tangled into each other without any hope of a duvet because none of you wanted to get up and not touch each other.
Lavi hopes his actions are able to communicate what his mouth won’t ever be able to say out loud.
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I HOPE THESE FIT WHAT YOU HAD IN MIND MY LOVE<3 if not dont be afraid to lmk!!!! <3 i enjoyed immensely writing both of these and as i said up there ^ these are both works i wouldnt mind exploring more in-depth in a more longer type fic (still one shot)! 👀 but it probably would be just a bit darker/exploring the 'almost losing someone' trope deeper!!!
@the-cosmos-network 🌌
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noodlebox-bird · 7 months
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the gang innocently murders lavi
thank u @metiredlr for the insp ✨
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shepherds-of-haven · 8 months
The Shepherds of Haven alpha preview has been updated here!
Note: This is not the same thing as the public demo, which is available for everyone and covers the first four chapters of the game: the alpha preview is the early access version available to Patrons and testers!
14,000 words of new content to Chapter 9!
Meet Prihine again (if she's alive and you met her in Chapter 2)!
Experience jealousy if you're a Lavi!Lover!
Start your dive into dizzying Sun Court politics and ✨ drama ✨!
Please be sure to read the specific developer notes on Patreon for more info, as well as check the Incomplete Routes Guide linked in the alpha build post if you have questions about how to proceed through the alpha build! 
More Chapter 9!!! I'm suddenly having so much fun with it, so I can't wait to add more and see how your MCs navigate these crazy labyrinthine politics! 👀 I hope you enjoy reading: feel free to leave your thoughts here, on Patreon, or on Discord!
(Also, we're quite close to meeting our goal of unlocking a new custom Shepherd emoji for our Discord; if you're a Patron and haven't tried your hand at this month's crossword, give it a try and see if you can help us meet our goal of 20 completed puzzles!)
Thank you, and I hope you all have a great close to your January!
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xillionart · 1 year
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A NoaEgo short comic where Chris Prince is exceptionally perceptive and ignorant.
✨My master strikers✨
Lavi: Knows nothing but smells the UST in the air and starts creating rumours with his signature creativity.
Chris: Unsuccessful on the pitch (only compared to Noa), but successful in love. Relentlessly mocks and match-makes Noa and Ego so that he can surpass Noa once his arch-enemy falls in love. His grudge doubles if we go with my Manshine-assistant-coach!Ego headcanon.
Snuffy: The only one who knows what really happened in the past. He says he respects Noa and Ego’s ~choices~ no matter what, but inwardly is super anxious because he sees Noaego as a surrogate for him and his deceased friend (OH NO).
Loki: either a bewildered little turtle who has heard too many … romantic urban legends from Hugo Lloris the French NT Cap and feels like walking on a minefield every day, or an outlaw madman who humbly laughs “Mhuahaha I will bury you all old men in the dust of history.” Or both.
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desceros · 3 months
GAH it’s almost like you _knew_ religious undertones combined with monstrosities with deep self hatred are my weakness. Beautiful, painful, gorgeous. Here, take the knife out of my heart, let me clean it with my tongue before handing it back to you.
Also, did Donnie ask any of his brothers to watch over the Ever Violet while he was deep in the ocean helping Lavi heal? I like to think Raph/Mikey/Leo was deep, deep under the boat, keeping anything dangerous away just with his presence. Kind of like that scene in Atlantis when the monster is swimming but the submarine doesn’t see it yet? Except, of course, it’s a Hamato instead of an Atlantean guardian and fisherman-Chan has never been safer.
Anywhoo, excellent work, yet again. Thank you for blessing us with your art.
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hehehe, so glad you enjoyed ✨ i've been waiting for an opportunity to write dredge au from donnie's pov. i always enjoy getting into his head since he and i think a lot alike, so it's quite easy for me to slip into his way of thinking.
as for how that all went down... i'm not sure, exactly! i'm still plotting out the specifics of how the attack from the fisherman went down in my head, beyond what happened and why. i can tell you that i imagine you would have gone back to your boat pretty quickly. you don't do well on land and would have wanted to be somewhere donnie could find you, and he's not one to enjoy ports or the like. (unlike mikey, whom i imagine spends many nights with glowing eyes under the docks, watching people pass like a kid in a candy store)
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sobamoyashiart · 1 year
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Poor you, but dont worry, we always wait for you :))
Happy Birthday to our Lavi!!!❤🐰✨
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kostektyw · 1 month
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it arrived!! 🌻✨🎉🎉
thank you so much @meitantei-lavi for your help in acquiring this, you are literally the best 💞🥳
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mint-icecreamie · 1 month
a-z of vocaloid related things
i got bored.
vocaloids: ARSLOID, Aoki Lapis, ANRI, akita neru
songs:, aishite aishite aishite, ame to petra, aku no meshitsukai, ai no uta, aishiteitanoni, amedama, amygdala's rag doll, anonymous m, appetite of a people pleaser, antichlorobenzene
songs: bitter choco decoration, bug, banana, bad∞end∞night, better off worse, binomi, blessing, brain fluid explosion girl, butcher vanity, butterfly on my right shoulder, baka baka baka!!, breaking things into pieces
producers: chinozo, cosmo@bousou-p, crusher-p, circus-p, creep-p
songs: circus monster, court jester, cute na kanojo, candle queen, cocomelon, casino, 'cause i'm a liar, chelovek, cinderella, coin locker baby, cooler girl, copycat, cutlery
producers: DECO*27, dennokop, daniwellp
vocaloids + utau: dex and daina, defoko
songs: dance of life, daughter of evil, dokuzu, DARLING, DARLING DANCE, Dear, disturbing chicken beets, drop pop candy, digital/physical heart, dizzy paranoia girl, denki yohou, daidaidai kirai
producers: eve
vocaloids: eleanor forte
songs: enko shoujo, ECHO, egoist, ego rock, electric angel, encounter, erase or zero, EYE, ever∞lasting∞night
vocaloids: flower, fukase
songs: failure girl, fake meme, fear garden, fire flower, flos, floating moonlight city, fox's wedding, fukkireta, feel empty!
vocaloids - gumi, gackupo/gackpoid
producers: giga, glue, ghost
songs: ghost rule, god-ish, gomenne gomenne, goodbye sengen, gigantic otn, goodbye to a world, gracious
producers: harumachigohan, hitoshizuku and yama, hachi
vocaloids: ✨HATSUNE MIKU!!!!!!✨
songs: heat abnormal, housewife radio, hello marina, haru no sekibaku, hatsune miku is going to beat you to death, hole dwelling, help me, erinnnnnn!!!, hiding from the truth, honey i'm home,
producers: iyowa, inabakumori,
vocaloid: IA
songs: i nandesu, igaku, identity, i don't care who someone go out with me, ifuudoudou, i met an angel when i was down, i'm glad you're evil too, imigo no tamago, iNSaNiTY, it's a whole world
songs: jinsei count, JOUOU, just a game, just a robot, just saying the body is honest, JUVENILE
vocaloids + utau + cevio: KAITO, kasane teto, KAFU, kagamine rin, 🍌 KAGAMINE LEN!!!!!! 🍌
producers: kikuo, karikibear, kanaria, kid p, kawaii vocaloid
songs: kimi wa dekinai ko, kami no manimani, kokoro, konton boogie, kyofuu all back, kyu-kurarin, KING, koinu no carnival, kurumi ponchio, kara kara kara no kara
vocaloids: 🍌LEN!! 🍌, luka, luo tianyi, leon and lola
songs: lagtrain, lost umbrella, lost one's weeping, love ka, lavie, lower one's eyes, liar dancer, lotus eater, last night good night, lightning hope, lucky me, lie lie lie
vocaloids: megurine luka, MEIKO, moke, mayu, matcha kobayashi, miku, meme squad
producers: MARETU, mothy, mcki robyns-p
songs: migikata no chou, mesmerizer, monochrome dream eating baku, my r, miku, matryoshka, mind brand, m@gical cure! love shot!, miku no shoushitsu, medical anomaly
vocaloid: neru
songs: nakakapagpabagabag, nazotoki, NAMIDA, newly edgy idols, nightmare, non-breath oblige, (not) a devil, novocaine, nyeh it's magic!, nyanyanyanya
vocaloids: oliver, otomachi una
songs: okusuri nonde neyou, ochame kinou, okaasan, only somewhat seen, orange
vocaloids: piko!
producers: powapowa_p, pepoyo, pinocchio-p
songs: plus boy, p.h, paradichlorobenzene, phony, patchwork staccatto, paiii sensation, paparazzi murder party, parasite, pascal beats, pathological facade, the peachy key, perfect nothing, propaganda
songs: queen, q-pole theory of evolution/Q極進化論
producers: rerulili, ricedeity
songs: rabbit hole, rakuraku annrakushi, rolling girl, rin-chan now!, rainy boots, ready steady, realize, reckless battery burns, rendezvous, romeo and cinderella
btw ricedeity did animation for some mv's he pretty cool :D
vocaloids: seeU, shian
producers: siinamota, sooichi, shikuira sougo, satsuki/32ki
songs: spice, seisou bakuretsu boy, sayonara hatsukoi, spider and the kitsune like lion, samsa, sand planet, secret garden, secret music, self inflicted achromatic, servant of evil, shinitai chan, shinkaisyouzo, shoujo rei, shoujo fuzei, SIU, snobbism, snooze, streaming heart, strobe last, strobe light, superhero, sweet devil
vocaloids+utau: teto
songs: tsumugi uta, tawagoto speaker, tale of six trillion years and one night, telecaster b-boy, therefore you and me, tondemo wonderz, two faced-lovers
vocaloids: una
songs: umiyuri kaiteitan, UTuber
producers: vane lily
songs: villain, venom, vampire, vampire's∞pathoS
producers: WONDERFUL☆OPPORTUNITY, wotaku,
songs: world is mine, white letter, why do i, white happy, where shall we go, witch hunt, wonder of wonder
songs: young girl a, yobanashi deceive, yoidoreshirazu, you are innocent monster, you are a worthless child, yababaina, yamiaka steroid, yamitsuki,
songs: zombie. (other than that i can't think)
i lost motivation halfway through and had to force myself to finish this ;-;
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mimihanyuu · 5 months
bothering you with statements and questions !!!! what would kanda think of smartphones .. like modern au how would he feel about the state of smartphones and how we've let them control our lives ........... 👀 sending smooches too mwuah !!! - @alienaiver (from main hehe) 🧡✨
HELLO FRIEND ily for sending this because Kanda hcs?! My time has come...I'll start by saying I think Kanda often wants to throw his phone in the ocean
Hes not great with tech so he's not a phone enthusiast or an anything tech related enthusiast. He uses it when obligated but kind of wants to fuck off into the woods with no technology pretty often
Has had his old crummy phone for like a decade. The screen is majorly cracked because he's kinda careless with it and tends to throw it around when it pisses him off enough 🤣
Mostly he uses it for music and communicating with you, specifically. Nobody else texts him bc he leaves them on read consistently unless it's REALLY important (ie a text from Lavi that says "hey man I'm in the hospital again lol" important). You, however, he replies to nearly immediately. And it's NOT because he's constantly fretting about your health and safety and happiness when you're not together, no.
He doesn't use emoji much except ❤️ and that's for you only
Does NOT get social media and encourages you not to use it. You always say "I just stay for the memes" but he's pretty sure it's doing you more damage than good
He doesn't concern himself with the affairs of that many people, so he doesn't really pay any mind of how phone addicted most of society is, but when it's you, that's different. He's very concerned about your screen time mostly because he's worried that stupid bots and algorithms are showing you things that upset you more than the alternative. That, and your sleep schedule.
It's not something I think he'd be aggressive about, but you do argue about it from time to time. It helps that you know he's just worried.
Still uses wired headphones because he hasn't gotten a new phone in years so his still has that capability. He does see the appeal of wireless but is too lazy and stubborn to use them. "If it's not broken don't fix it" mentality
Overall I think he doesn't care for technology in general but he will use it for things he deems necessary. And however much he is a social media anti, he does kinda blush and appreciate it when you post pics of the two of you together online with cute captions. Lavi and Allen joke sometimes that if Kanda had social media he would just lurk on your pages and like + share your selfies lol
If his phone does break you'll have to convince him to get a new one though. "But then I can't text you anymore!!" "......fine"
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✨Presenting our fourth idol, Laura!!
Name: Laura Pronouns: she/they Age: 21
Subunit: URAИIUM Image color: #DD88BB Birthday: 2/22
Likes: Vocaloid, Cookie dough, Making music/harmonies/translyrics Dislikes: Cities, Small talk Quote: "It's a gamble!"
Song: "Lavie" by Surii
Vocals by Laura Sprite edited by Laura, original from Love Live! Video by Solar
Transcript below the cut!
"The one and only Laura from URAИIUM here! I go by she/they pronouns with no preference for either, and I've been on and off singing for basically my entire life. I'm almost, if not entirely, self-taught in just about everything I do, whether it be singing, mixing, or anything else. There's not much else for me to say other than I hope you guys look forward to everything we have in store!
"Lovey lovey chu Now hold me, lovey chu You’re way too below the standard for me to hold
Lovey lovey chu You’re worthless lovey chu And biting right down the bone a Chu chu chu
Hand the voice over hand the cries over Yummy yummy yummy Hand the voice over hand the cries over Lovey lovey lovey
Yummy yummy lovey You love me yet?"
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arrthurpendragon · 11 months
Cori’iana is my favorite OC of yours! I love the backstory you’ve given her, the way you’ve slotted her so well into canon, and ofc her relationship with Obi-Wan
D'awwww!!! This means so so much to me! But also, you can credit @misshiraethsworld with helping me with a lot of this. She's been such a great friend. (If you have a wattpad, you should read her fic! It's amazing! :))
promised cookies: 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
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Anonymously tell me which of my OCs is your favorite.
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alienaiver · 1 year
Ummm I’m gonna go with!! 3 my lucky number and Kanda obvs. Thank u !! 🥰
my beloved bestie! 🧡✨ i could not write it any other way that i did because.... i didnt wanna give u angsty-angst bcos u and kanda deserve all good!!!!! u are so cute together i swear <333333
number three cashed out the sentence "just please open your eyes." ✨
it turned out to be 1.1k words and theres no real warnings except that there's a fight/argument between reader and kanda and he had a ..... special .. way of helping u emotionally. we love a strange little man!!!! ilysm!! i hope you enjoy and I APOLOGIZE AGGRESSIVELY FOR THE WAIT, i hope this is worth it !! 🫡🧡🧡🥰
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”You can’t be serious.”
You’re seething with anger, warmth heating your cheeks and tears lining your lash line from the overwhelmingly growing frustration building up in you.
Kanda doesn’t spare you a glance from the couch where he takes a sip of his tea. You want to rip the cup from his hands and hurl it towards the wall. He knows that’s what you want to do – he wants you to try.
Calmly, he puts down the cup, with the little finger hitting the table first so it makes no sound as he was taught by Edgar.
“I am.” He answers cooly, leveling your stance with a glance in your direction. Your hands are clenched at your sides.
You’ve been holding in your anger for the past week, ever since getting fired from your job. No emotional reaction, no comments; Kanda hates when you hold it all in.
He knows the road paved to your emotions can be walled up though, so telling you directly to react will simply make you stubborn; make a point out of being just fine.
“That doesn’t mean you have the right to go and actively piss me off for a week straight!”
You’re yelling. Good. Kanda knows it’s about to hit. He’ll take most hits if it helps you, doesn’t even consider them hits, really. He prepares for more yelling, for punching a wall or the couch but what you end up doing is tremendously worse.
You turn around and walk to your shared bedroom. You don’t stomp, you don’t slam the door shut.
Kanda sits wide-eyed on the couch, confused. This isn’t like you; this is a reaction out of his scope of experience with you. Shit.
He fucked up.
Logically, Kanda knows this wasn’t the best route to take, that he sounds like what Lavi would call “red flag-ish”, but he prides himself in successfully getting to know you and your needs over the years you’ve been a couple. If he simply forces you, you will go the other way, refuse to mold into what people want – even if it is what you need.
Some emotions come for you, easier than they do for Kanda, but others do not. Kanda has through trial and error taught himself how to navigate what can often be considered a whirlpool of your emotions. But he’s gone left where he should’ve gone right somewhere the past six days. He’s not entirely sure where.
Kanda doesn’t like being reminded or becoming aware of his shortcomings so the anger he wanted you to feel just a few short moments ago, is suddenly bubbling up inside him for being too emotionally stunted to figure this out on his own. He refuses to call for help. Lavi and Allen would be of absolutely zero help – Lenalee and Alma on the other hand would kindly navigate the situation with him, however, the chance that either of the two are hanging with the two aforementioned idiots is way too high for him to risk it.
All there is left is to simply bite the bullet.
He gets up from the couch and stretches his back, feeling several joints pop into place. He doesn’t remember being this tense before he relaxed the muscles actively.
He won’t admit it to anyone, but he’s tiptoeing down the hallway, dreading the moment he reaches the door. He likes you the best when you’re at your brightest and bubbliest but he likes it the worst when you’re closed up – especially if it’s his fault.
With three concise raps, he announces his presence by the door. There’s no sound from the other side, so with furrowed brows he knocks again.
He’s rewarded with complete fuck all.
With a scowl he opens the door – the least you could do was answer him. He finds you wrapped up on your side of the bed, with your back turned towards him. He knows you’re not asleep; your routine is different than this plus it’s only been a few minutes.
He clicks his tongue as he rounds the bed to get to your side. Further proof that you’re not actually asleep is the way your face is scrunched up almost dramatically, to signal that you’re both angry and pretending. He shakes his head and pushes at your hips unceremoniously to make room for himself to sit on the edge. You let him without any complaints.
He sits there for a moment, silence falling heavy over the both of you. You’re clearly trying to control your breathing as best as you’re able, making it visible how performative it is. Kanda holds back from rolling his eyes.
“Stop acting like a child.”
You huff out a sound before pulling your duvet over your face – or you try to, but Kanda’s weight is stopping it by your chin. Maybe not the best way to start his apology, he notes.
“Get it together.”
You let out an imitation growl before you trash around to turn your back to him. He grabs your shoulder to stop you and sigh out, almost as dramatically as you’re being, “I’m sorry.”
It stops you from trying to turn away from him. Other than that, it doesn’t seem to do much else in Kanda’s favor. His hand that is still resting on your shoulder starts drawing mindless circles into it. He hopes it’s soothing; he wants to be soothing for you. He lets a few more beats pass before he talks again, “just please… open your eyes.”
You seem to listen to his plea, as you peek open one eye to scowl at him, “I won’t forgive you, dumbass.”
He can’t hold back the smirk. You have forgiven him by now if your reply is that. He leans down to kiss you but you pull back, “I don’t accept kisses from assholes.”
His face stays as close to you as you let him as he raises an eyebrow, “hm? That’s odd, given that you gave me a welcome home kiss a few hours ago.”
Your palm hits his face in a matter of seconds. He laughs and kisses your palm instead. You make a grossed-out sound and pull it back, “you’re infecting me with your dumbassery! Go away!”
He rolls his eyes but holds your hand, “if you’re already infected, I feel like you can give me a kiss anyways…”
You pout and huff out before you look at him, “be mindful next time you try to help me, okay?”
He nods, “I promise.”
You lean up the rest of the way and connect your lips. He’s happy he learned something new about you today; you’re his favorite thing to keep learning about, no matter how many years it’ll take. He’s looking forward to each and every one of them.
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laviemorteart · 1 year
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All these cute stickers are available on my La Vie Morte store 💜✨ cute and ready for new homes!
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exultedshores · 1 year
Musical Tag Game!
I was tagged by @thane-emblem, thank you so much!!! :D I’m a very ‘pick one song and play it on loop ad infinitum’ type of person, so this one is right up my alley ^-^
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask/tag 10 of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶✨
Dave Not Dave - Cold Blood
Oren Lavie - Breathing Fine
Imogen Heap - The Walk
Lydia - One More Day
Iron & Wine - Passing Afternoon
Tagging: @tacticaltaxonomist, @srrrokka, @rising-dawn-uvu, @flowers-all-around-me, @sechurae, @overseermartin, @meadmeinthemiddle, @merulanoir, @em-cosplay42 & @icarusonspeed. No pressure, but if you feel like it I’d love to see what kind of songs you vibe with! <3
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metiredlr · 2 years
Tyki: is your Bookman Jr too attached to others? Flirting with exorcists, civilians or even akumas? Is he too fucking horny for no reason?
Sheryl: you're in luck my friend because we have the perfect solution for you. *slaps chair*
Lavi: *still sitting on it* ouch-
Sheryl: this bad bitch takes care of all your Bookman problems!✨✨
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