#lazer fuel
fourtwentybuds · 11 months
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Lazer Fuel #1 by 🌱chicanna24🔥
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Danny crawled down the aisle of the GAV, his stomach churning with every sharp turn and honest to ancients barrel rolls his parents suped up war car was doing while speeding down Gothams city streets.
He didn't think it was possible for anyone to be a worse driver than his dad, but it turned out the GAVs own Ai was powered by ectoplasm.
Who would have thought ectoplasm could be affected by Scarecrows Fear Toxin? Not Danny.
So now here he is, lying on the floor of his parents' car as its firing missiles and lazers, and the Bats are trying to beat it up.
The GAVs ring tone suddenly rang through the air, and Danny had never been so grateful to hear a Katty Perry song in his life. Hoping it was his mom calling so he would be rescued from this nightmare, he yelled out, "Answer!"
"Hello," an unfamiliar robotic voice chimed in from the speakers. Okay, so not his mom.
"Hello." He replied without thinking, his Midwestern hospitality kicking in despite no one actually being in here with him. "How can I help you?"
"Are you able to stop the machine?" Oh, so it's straight to business. Danny could respect that. "No. All the controls are on the fritz. But I think I know what caused this." He didn't give her a chance to respond before he continued, "There was a leak in the fuel line under the GAV. All my parents' tech runs on ectoplasm, which is sensitive to emotions."
"The fear toxin." The voice was still mechanical but held an undercurrent of realization, "You're a meta," the voice stated, though Danny had no idea how they knew. Scratch that. He had used his powers in Gotham a few times already. Guess the bats really do see everything, huh. "Can't you use your density sifting ability to get under the vehicle and fly underneath to repair the damage? I've seen you work on your parents' weapons before."
Danny laughed mirthlessly, "No, the GAV is specifically designed to have energy shields that I can't pass through. Besides,the problem isn't actually the leak. It's the fear. If you could force a new emotion into the ectoplasm, it might override the fear, and while I have many abilities, the Care Bear Stare isn't one of them."
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z-and-the-space-child · 11 months
my head is all currently midnight burger podcast so here's everything i like about this wonderful piece of media:
it's pretty fun and very funny!! i smile like an idiot on public transport and on my way to class at least once a day listening to this.
the characters are so. idk how to describe them but theyre so full of life and you can tell that they are loved greatly by the creator(s)
the WRITING. i could seriously pluck a quote from damn near every episode to carry me through the day. i don't need affirmations i need gloria to talk me through my problems.
i was doing a lil analysis of the themes in this show and i came up with "the best thing you can ever do is the best thing you can do right now" and it is FUEL, babey.
The el triste monologue. also just gloria being a POC and being proud of herself and her culture. there's a lot of cultural mish-mash in podcasts, so this is very refreshing.
It's very, very sweet and heartfelt. kind of like wolf 359 if they communicated more instead of dodging their issues until they came to a peak (love them for it.)
the PHYSICS of it all. i'm a physics/astrophysics major because i think space and looking at the stars is my lifeblood so i won't shut up about it. i don't want ava and leif (certainly ava) to shut up about it ever. HOW much reasearch did they have to do to get this kinda grasp on it. im in awe, i'm LEARNING actual things from them. i could go on. the gravity waves, the stellar nuclear fusion, the time dilation of it all. and all without using over-flowery language!!! i can actually follow a good chunk of the time. are we sure ava didn't take one of those science communication seminars. maybe 5 phds does it. when she and leif talk i vibrate like an electron in a lazer. wonderful.
star sequencing??? stellar nucleosequencing??? right up my alley. thats my kinda stuff. the romanticization of space, i've seen. the romanticization of physics, however, is not something i haven't seen in such a beautiful modern fashion. (Ie, not oppenheimer or even richard feyman)
and it's not too science-y to the point that they think they can't have fun. yes they discuss the implications of gravity waves and wax poetic about space and pulsars. (it beats for you, berts) but they have FUN! they meet their parents because they can. they get a plant drunk. there's an atmosphere(?????) around the diner that allows them to fly around and mind-numbing speeds and look at the curvature of spacetime and also sit on the roof. (I imagine the entire place is the temperature of a summer night.) they have a whole wild west planet. leif builds things inexplicably. how? where does he get the materials??? shhhhh don't question it just let him have the gravity wave detector. nobody actually knows what engineers do, not even engineers. let him be. also time crystals??????
ALSO ava being a woman in stem and being so blunt yet covert about it. she's been dealing with it for so long. why are all (recognized) physicists a)white b) men c) both. it's such a sucky thing to work into because of the outward appearance. ava is a proud mad scientist which i aspire to so much. i am keeping her in my little arsenal of people to think about when i don't want to study. (picture the do it for her meme but it's pics of ava) I don't think i aptly put how much i love her. i'm not all the way finished yet but i've heard she was forced to marry someone? i think it would be a thing for sure if she cheated on him. so many physicists cheated on their spouses (wives ): ) and i think ava should also do it. as a treat. if that's what she'd like.
when people have done bad, bad things but show/are capable of redemption upon reflecting on their past/current shortcomings is just something that gets me so much directly in the heart. the hiddenness of people. the tragedy. we contain MULTITUDES and this show demonstrates that so well. how they support each other! they are everchanging and that's good for them. Leif the engineer the ex criminal the diner cook.
leif exploding a man in cold blood. if i could draw i'd draw that. maybe i will anyways.
food as a form of affection/way to bond. grief. doing your best. making amends. using the time you have. death is inevitable but that's okay.
And if time and tide roil you too harshly, or diurnal courses leave you with no safe havens, just remember we’re out there, somewhere, lookin’ for ya’
they open at six
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multi-purpose-a · 10 days
The Story of Agent D (Part 1) - Just Dance Theory
This theory assumes that Gimme More (Just Dance 2024) is a sequel to Toxic (Just Dance 2023) as elaborated in this post.
Said post also contains several pieces of evidence on which i base this theory, so if you havent seen it check it out!
Part 1 - Toxic (Just Dance 2023)
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In Toxic (2023) we get formerly introduced to Agent D. In the map she is on a mission - "Operation SKY"; Disguised as an Air Hostess (Stewardess) she has snuck onto a pink jet liner that is currently on an overnight flight in Sun Horizon.
The name of the airline that owns this pink jet is not confirmed, but we can assume that Mahna Mahna (JD 2015), Hey Mama (JD 2016) and Dragostea Din Tei (JD 2017) could all be related to this airline somehow.
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While the actual flight attendends are distracted with a Just Dance map (Specifically the original JD2 version of Toxic) Agent D starts her rounds.
It is unclear if the original Toxic map was made by Agent D for the express purpose of distraction, or if she even is the coach for said map. The two Air Hostesses could also just be on their break.
Because the passengers are asleep when Agent D enters the cabin, the plane must have been en route for about 8+ hours already when the map starts. Therefore the map doesn't start with Agent D boarding the plane, but rather with her emerging from a lower deck, where the plane's staff resides. It is unknown how long she needed to be in disguise before the events of Toxic (2023) play out.
Agent D walks through the plane's 4 economy sections and acts as a steward: waking up passengers, serving them and ensuring they are safe when they dance.
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From the last economy section it can be assumed that the planes in the Just Dance universe allow (and possibly encourage) their passengers to dance while safely airborne. It could be possible their flow is what fuels the plane most of the time, reducing the need for fossil fuel and allowing the planes to have practically no emmisions.
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As she reaches the end of the economy section Agent D encounters and successfully fights off two hi-jackers, members of an unknown organisation and disguises herself as a V.I.P. upon reaching the luxury section to blend in.
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The first class cabin section of the plane can be assumend to be as long as the 4 economy sections combined. It is at least significantly larger than one of the economy sections.
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Upon exiting the luxury cabin, she encounters two more members of the hijackers and successfully fights them off.
The disguise Agent D uses in the V.I.P. section has no officially confirmed alias attached to it as of yet. We can assume that it is a secret Identity that Agent D has taken on numerous times before, as none of the other V.I.P.'s question her presence - meaning it would not have been odd for this Identity to be on board with the other V.I.P.'s My guess would be it is the Secretary from Womanizer (Just Dance 1) - this would imply that the other V.I.P.s might be several other high ranking members of the same Company that the Secretary works for. Whether there is a real person that she is impersonating or if this Identity is 100% fake is unclear. I would argue, that the latter is the case.
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Finally Agent D changes out of her disguise into her regular spy gear to traverse the luggage hold. At this point it would seem that the Hijackers are trying to keep her from advancing further by letting the plane fly erratically causing the luggage to fly around.
As to why the planes cargo is not secured, this might also be the work of the Hijackers
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The next section which features security lasers could be argued to not be part of the plane - but rather Agent D remembering her training or a different mission, using this skill to dodge the flying luggage. (I certainly have never heard of security lazers like that on a regular passenger plane.)
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Agent D fights off the remaining pair of Hijackers. She hen reaches the cockpit and frees the plane's pilot Captain Catastropha from his ropes, revealing that her aim was to stop the hijacking of the plane. She then takes the helm herself and flies the plane.
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I would hazard to guess that Agent D not letting Catastropha back on the helm after freeing him, implies that she won't fly the plane to its intended destination either, but rather to her base or HQ as the plane is seen later in Gimme More, meaning she kept it after the mission. She basically hijacked the plane from the hijackers.
Remaining Questions
What's the aim of the hijackers?
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Seeing as there was a V.I.P. section to the plane maybe the enemy organisation wanted to kidnap the influental people on the plane. They infiltrated the plane before it took off and as it was far away from the airport they took control off the plane by tying up the pilot and steering the plane off-course to their base. The pilot, regular passengers and other staff on the plane would become additional hostages.
What was Agent D's Mission?
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"Operation SKY" was about stopping the hijacking, retrieving the hostages and securing the plane. Upon regaining control of the plane, Agent D was further tasked to fly it to her base instead so all the people on board could be asessed and taken in as witnesses. That way any organisation memebers that were still in disguise and weren't thrown out of the plane by Agent D could be caught.
Where is the Co-Pilot?
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Notably there is only Captain Catastropha in the cockpit when Agent D arrives. Despite there being 2 seats, there is no co-pilot. I would say that Captain Catastropha's co-pilot was one of the hijackers. When the hijackers enitiated their take-over the co-pilot with the help of a collegue overpowered and restrained Catastropha in the co-pilot's chair, then took over the steering. These two are the ones Agent D fights before reaching the cockpit. When they couldn't stop her with the luggage hold manouver they went to confront her directly (and lost).
What is the Extreme Version?
Toxic - Extreme (JD 2023) is most likely a training that Agent D had to undergo in order to become a spy/ to stay in form. She remembers this training when she has to navigate through the luggage hold of the plane in the Classic Version and it helps her succeed. Though the map could also be a glipmse at another mission where she had to traverse actual security lasers. this is not confirmed as of yet. It utilizes the same costume seen in the later sections of the Classic Version and confirms that this is her true appearence. It also serves as an extended version of the section with lazers in the classic map which was inspired by the Toxic Music Video.
Further Points of Note:
Plane Layout Visualized:
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The plane shown in Toxic (JD 2023) is different from the one seen in Dragostea Din Tei (JD 2017), the map Captain Catastropha originates from. The Toxic plane is fully pink, while the DDT plane is white with blue accents and the text "Just Dance Air". As of yet it's unconfirmed weather the pink jet from Toxic belongs to the "Just Dance Air" airline, but it can be inferred from Captain Catastropha being strongly implied to have been the pilot of the plane.
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Captain Catastropha bears resemblence to P2 of Mana Mahna (JD 2015) He and either one of the other Mahna Mahna coaches or P2 of Hey Mama (JD 2016) could be the parents of Catastropha.
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The flight attendents in Mahna Mahna (P1 & P2) have a significantly different uniform from the one shown in Toxic. Notably the uniforms in Mahna Mahna are pink, while the Uniforms in Toxic are blue. It is the inverse of the planes' color difference between DDT and Toxic. This could either mean that Mahna Mahna is a different airline or that the airline changed the designs of their uniforms at some point.
During Toxic the main color of Agent D's appearence goes from blue to purple to red. The purple costume being a sort of transition state between the fully disguised Agent D and the undisguised Agent D. Seeing, how the purple costume bears resemblence to the mainly blue coach of Womanizer (JD1) this might imply that Agent D is taking on the appearence of a younger self where she was working as a secretary, and might be the reason for her hairstyle change to a bob cut in Gimme More.
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The plane seen at the end of Toxic shows up during As It Was (JD 2023), the noise of it flyng over being used as a censor. The time placement of this cameo is unclear but it does tie Hadley to the Agent D Saga. It is most likely that this cameo takes place right after the events of Toxic, i.e. when Agent D is flying the plane to her base. Because the plane is flying very close to the ground it implies Hadley lives close to Agent D's base and might even be a fellow agent. Another possibility would be that the cameo takes place after the events of Gimme More - i.e. after the plane launches from Agent D's Base, which carries the same implications for Hadley.
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Due to "Operation SKY" being confirmed to take place in Sun Horizon, unless planes can be used to travel between Danceverses, this would put As it Was and by extention Agent D's Base in Sun Horizon aswell.
This is it for now. Thank you for reading.
Stay hydrated, dancers
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alaydabug2 · 1 month
Tag list: @sparklenarniawizard @imobsessed123 @thoughtlescat @ilikebookssomuch
Broken heart/Broken mind
Chapter Fifty-three
(Human AU)
Sophie and Keefe met in the children's hospital when they were little. Because of how long they were confined to the four walls of the hospital, they became very close during their stay.
As the years pass, they wind up being in the same classroom together due to their physical conditions. This makes their bond deepen.
But are they able to handle when life gets tough, throwing problems and complications their way?
Sophie had her arm hooked through Keefe's as they walked into the movie theater. They went up to one of the lines to purchase their tickets.
"Want some popcorn?" Keefe asked.
"I would," she told him.
He turned to the cashier and ordered popcorn and some drinks. When they had their goodies, they headed into the theater.
Sophie leaned her head onto Keefe's shoulder. He smiled and kissed the top of her head. She reached over for some popcorn once the trailers had begun.
Part way through the movie, Keefe started shifting uncomfortably. She lifted her head and whispered to him.
"Do you need to use the bathroom?"
He shook his head. "No. My arm feels tingly again. It's getting on my nerves."
Sophie was about to apologize for cutting off his circulation, but she realized she was leaning on his right arm. He was moving around the left one, trying to get normal feeling back in it.
It had been a little over a week since the last time it happened. It couldn't be connected... right? She put it out of her mind. He had probably just pulled a muscle while they were all playing lazer tag, and it was taking a bit longer to heal. She leaned against him to continue watching the movie.
Coming out of the dark room once the film was over had Sophie squinting in the light off the room.
Although it was bright inside, she noticed, outside, it was already dark. She threw the trash in the garbage can as she went to walk outside, hand in hand, with Keefe.
She was stopped, however, when he stopped in his tracks. His hand reached up, and his nails dug into her forearm.
Caught off guard, she whipped her head around to see his brows pressed together in pain. His eyes were screwed shut, and his other hand had his nails digging into his palm.
"Hey, what's wrong?" She tried her best to sound calm, but internally, she was freaking out.
He managed to pry his eyes open and grit out, "It hurts."
Sophie felt her breath quicken. She held him by his shoulders to try and stabilize him. "What hurts?"
He couldn't speak his awnser. His only response was to reach up and rub his sternum. That only fueled her anxiety.
Reaching up and brushing hair out of his face, she asked, "What do you need?"
"Bench." The one word caused him to gasp for his breath back.
Sophie scanned the area. She turned him around and guided him to a seat. Once sitting down, she held him close to her.
She wasn't positive about what else she could do for him. Did he need 911?
Before she could spiral any further, his breathing shifted. He sat up from his position, leaning against her, and took in several deep breaths. They sounded shaky but sufficient. He leaned back against back rest.
Sophie tried to disguise how terrified she was, but some horror still leaked out into her voice when she asked, "What just happened? Are you ok?"
He covered his eyes with his hands with a grumble. "I'm not sure what that was. But I'm fine. My head just hurts now."
"I don't know what that was either," she told him. "But you are NOT ok. You need a hospital."
He placed a hand on her arm. "I'm fine now. See?"
He pointed to his face, which didn't seem very fine in Sophie's opinion. His hands were still trembling, and his skin had a sheen of sweat on it. His eyes looked like they had watered up during the fit.
She shook her head. "You should probably go to the ER. There's no way that's good!"
Keefe stood up on shaky legs. "Seriously, I'm good."
She got up and let him lean on her. She pursed her lips. Eventually, she let out a sigh.
"Finee." She held out her hand. "But I'm driving." He gladly handed over the keys.
Climbing into the truck, she started the ignition. Keefe slipped his arm through hers. She could still feel him trembling but decided not to mention it. It was probably because he was coming down from an adrenaline high.
Sophie realized the small issue with her driving home once she got into her driveway.
She was driving his truck. And he still needed to get home.
Reluctantly, she stepped out of the truck. Before Keefe could get in, Sophie stopped him.
"Swear to me you can get home safe on your own."
He took her by the shoulders. His hands were still this time. "I promise to you, Sophie. I can get home, alright by myself."
She nodded. "Text me once you get home ok, alright?"
He nodded. "I will."
He kissed her goodnight. Sophie quickly showered and dressed into her pajamas. When she crawled into bed, she was happily met with a text message from Keefe.
'Hey, I made it home alright. Now you can sleep tonight. ;)'
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darknoverse · 3 months
:,D for Costar and Aku
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🫡omg yes boss lemme just
*cracks knuckles*
I love them so muuuuuuuuch in many ways. Ngl till now Costar gotta be one of my favourite s/i ever design wise and story wise . Probably the only one (aside from my two Mario s/I )that I perfectly planned every angle AAAAAA and I'm so glad people think so too ^^. Picking her design was so fun cuz it's 1- based on an inside joke and 2- based on so many cool design aspects I likes especially in 30s cartoons . It's so fun to work on ! Especially with how diverse samurai jack characters can be so it gave me so much creative freedom .
As for Aku like I really REALLY love his design so. much .One of the most iconics designs ever I SWEAR. Also love how much personality he has it's so fun he can I stantly switch between nightmare fuel to Saturday morning villain which is 10/10. Also the irreversible damage this mf caused to my brain years ago lol like that was pretty much one of the few villains that just made my brain instantly get interested in a show so MUCH it became more than just "wow cool show" . And honestly I think I liked him sm as a kid (and till now) is that he's literally everything I'm not ☠️ like man I wished I was like him , like dude has LAZER EYES . HOW COOL IS THAT???
along side how epic his theme is , it's so memorable and yet feels so uncanny it's 🤌🤌🤌. Also the whole introduction scene was insanely good I will bite through each frame/pos
Ig I love cosku sm they're my gooby goobers :3
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hanasnx · 3 months
indy we may be the same person because i did too lollll. i liked how he js announced and starlight really had no choice but to agree and the kiss???? omg i was creaming it was no joke 😭😭 and then the possessiveness and the threats of him killing ppl when she got too close to them like wow. he likes everything to be his so it makes sense for him to be overly jealous when you start getting too comfortable with a guy. definitely lazers his headhead off when he sees u chatting with him and doesn’t care if u get mad, cus you’re his at the end of the day - 🧃
the part where she had to kiss him 🥴 and threatening the one she truly loves so that she’d stay in line with his expectations 🥴🥴 my kind of shit.
his lack of parental figures makes him yearn and claw for that promised stability of a nuclear family. in a way, he saw madelyn stillwell in the role of his “mother.” someone who comforted him, someone he relinquished control to, someone who gave him pleasure, and someone to gain approval from. and the role of his “father” was filled by stan edgar. who he tried to rebel against and prove his worth to.
when he tried to operate said nuclear family himself, the role of the children was placed on the seven. and the role of mommy was forced onto maggie shaw (queen maeve)—even her indifference and distaste for homelander trying to push her into that role only fueled it. he expected the “mother” to try and reject her role, because in his eyes that’s what a mother does. she rejects her “responsibilities.” which is one of the reasons why he had such a tight hold on maeve. even going as far as to warn her he’d use her eggs—that’s how desperate he was to use her to fulfill his needs.
in the second season, he tried out filling the parental role himself a little more literally because the original holders were missing and he’d discovered his son. he wanted to play daddy, he wanted klara risinger (stormfront) to play mommy. when his expectations cracked, he burned down her trailer in retaliation even when she had no idea what he was trying to accomplish and what she had to do with it. klara did her best to fulfill his needs, but ultimately she succumbed to her own. leaving homelander feeling more or less abandoned. again.
so now he’s even more desperate to fill that hole, so he forces annie january (starlight) to do it. even though she’s kicking and screaming, homelander will not budge. he revels in the fact he has such a grip on her actions because it’s like getting revenge for all the disappointment leading up to this point. it fascinates me. he wants to fill the nuclear family roles so bad he blackmails starlight into it, he doesn’t even like starlight that much. but it’s an opportunity he can’t pass up
thanks for giving me an excuse to info dump about this, ive been sitting on these observations for months
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indigo-ghost-girl · 11 months
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Spoilers for parts of Sonic Frontiers...
Part 1
Part 7
Eggman howled with victorious laughter as he flew into the relative safety of his fleet.
However, it wasn’t long before he started to notice the explosions. He also noticed the two concentrated beams of red energy burning through the air, like the world’s most dangerous beam lights.
The doctor’s laughter faded into a concerned whine as he steeled a cautious glance behind him. He caught a brief glimpse of his possessed nemesis zipping around at his usual speed.
Eggman couldn’t deny it made him almost nostalgic. It was like he was in space again, leading Super Sonic through the rest of his fleet into a trap designed specifically to capture him and retrieve the emeralds. Only this time, the comforting blanket of a plan wasn’t a safety net he could fall back on.
The bolt of red stopped for a split second.
With an instinctual jerk, Eggman swerved the eggmobile to his left. Two lazers of humming, neon purple energy buzzed past him. The narwal themed airship in front of him took the hit and erupted in a great ball of flames. The human gulped.
“Eggman, keep him distracted, I have a plan,” came in Tails static voice from Eggman’s earpiece. It was a miracle it was even heard at all.
“What does it look like I’m doing!” Eggman squawked, swerving his eggmoble hard right to avoid another electric blast. The doctor nervously eyed the singed side of his eggmobile for a split second, “Whatever you plan on doing, do it faster!”
On the ground, the other two were helping Tails rummage through the stack of metal crates of Eggman technology and supplies. They had begun to set up an impromptu computer, something neither the red or pink creatures could really wrap their head around.
“So, what’s the new plan?” Knuckles asked, eyeing the lightshow in the upper atmosphere with the appropriate caution and slight awe. He flinched when three giant fish like battleships exploded in quick succession. The sudden judder in his muscles made Knuckles painfully aware of how much he ached.
“The ancients thought ahead, they had a backup plan for if the three titans somehow got destroyed, in the form of the towers,” Tails explained, sliding the metal tongs of two clumps of wires into the ports of a giant keyboard. The keyboard was sitting in a foldable metal table, its thin legs standing surprisingly strong as more and more pressure was piled on top of it.
“Alright?” Knuckles asked, eyes still fixed on the sky.
“Which means that, if we’re lucky, they might have made some type of backup program encase it did get out.”
“Wait, I thought… Sage told us sealing him in cyberspace wouldn’t work?” Amy questioned, pulling out a folded swivel chair that looked big enough to hold ten large bags of potato’s. She took a moment to look at it questioningly, wondering whether Eggman really needed a chair that big or if he just wanted to sit on throne sized seats.
The fox connected another clump of wires into the cyberspace portal, the custom gear shaped metal plug slotting perfectly into its base.
“Not… permanently no but it should buy us some time.” Tails flicked three switches and pressed a big black button. The machine whirred to life, two holographic screens flickering on above the keyboard.
Amy unfolded the chair and pushed it in front of the computer.
Tails fell into the chair, flexing his fingers. “And If not, I’m going to have to program one from scratch.”
Eggman beelined it to the tankiest ship in his fleet, weaving in and around the ships moving in to shield him against the lazers zapping mercilessly through the air. The ship in question was a humongous whale shark inspired vessel, wider than most skyscrapers and heavier too, only kept afloat by an ungodly amount of fossil fuel that would make any environmentalist pull their hair out.
The metal sphere narrowly dodged another pair of lazers. He pressed on, resisting the urge to pound his console in fearful frustration. The great Doctor Eggman, fleeing like a coward, again! He simmered furiously. He couldn’t even…
An alarm blared a loud “wahh”, on his console. Eggmans head snapped to the side. One of his airships was hurtling towards him, smouldering with red flames.
He let out a very unsophisticated “Gahhh!” pressing south hard on his controls. The metal egg pod dipped suddenly.
A grating scraping tore across the top of his glass dome. One of the smouldering wings had caught the top of the egg mobile. Its legacy left behind by the charred scratch now engraved into the glass. The sound may have deafened him, were it not for his metal headphones that automatically did their best to cancel out much of the screech.
A metal docking hatch opened on the whale shark ship and Eggman shot for it. His momentum wabbled as he dodged yet another lazer blast. He made it in, side of the Eggmobile clipping the side of the docks entrance, a chunk of metal peeling off. The man dove from the craft, hitting the ground with an undignified groan. He flinched away at the loud crunch that echoed from the far side of the dock seconds later. Eggman didn’t spare a glance at the broken hunk of metal that might have been his resting place had he not ejected himself, instead focusing on dashing to the exit, slamming his fist on a big black button outlined in yellow and black strips. The ship suddenly lit up in blaring alarms, red lights flashing, as he booked it through the door. It closed with a heavy clonk behind him.
Something loud cracked behind him as he ran through yet more doors, each one closing with a heavier thunk. The Docters brain was running a mile a minute, desperately recalling the safest route to another dock and a spare eggmobile. The further away he got, the quieter it became. It made the hairs on his mustache stand on end.
The man slowed to a stop, leaning on his knees and panting. The sound of his gasping breaths echoing off the soulless metal walls of the tunnel. The longer there was no sound, the more the doctors skin began to crawl.
He lifted a shaking hand up to the radio in his headset, missing the button his first attempt at pressing it. “Tails,” he called into his radio, “Just what are you up to?” he demanded, his voice came out much feebler than he preferred and he cleared his throat sharply.
“Just keep it busy,” came the hurried, reedy voice of the fox.
“It’s gone quiet up here,” Eggman admitted with a cautious mumble, “has it…”
“He’s not returned to the island, if that’s what you’re asking,” came the reply.
Eggman hummed in nervous acknowledgement, releasing the speaker button. Eggman pulled out a wire from his back pocket, plugging it into an open space in the wall. He attached the lead into a small tablet like device he pulled from his coat. The screen of the device flittered to life. The top view of the room he was in popping up; the feed relayed from the camara on the wall, showing his bald head and bristled mustache. Eggman took a moment to smooth down his facial hair before tapping the screen. The feed flickered to the room he knew was the dock he had entered. The view of the room flashed red every few seconds: lighting up the space. It took a few seconds to make out but there was a giant hole in the wall, great cracks leading from the hole and into the runways.
Eggman clenched his fist.
He swiped the screen to the right, turning the camara, the door he had entered through was intact, much to his surprise. Had it not followed him?
“Tails are you sure?” he asked.
“Yes, I’m sure,” Tails responded, bordering on curt.
“What’s going on up there Eggman?” Came the distant voice of Knuckles. “The explosions stopped…”
“I don’t know,” Eggman grumbled, flickering through more camaras, the control centre, the engine, the massive spare robot part room.
“Come out come out wherever you are,” came a whispery call from above him. Eggman jolted, stumbling backwards and snapping his head around. His eyes fell on the metal bars that led into the darkness of a tunnel.
“What?” called the confused voice of Knuckles.
“The blasted thing is in the ventilation shaft,” he quickly yanked the cable from the port, shoving both bits of equipment into his coat and starting up his panicked sprint again. Seconds after he took off, the distinctive sound of tearing metal screeched behind him.
“All robots, report to storage chamber B10. NOW!” Eggman commanded. He burst into the next room, running past the broken robot parts and the line of mass produced soldier bots that had began filing into the room from three different entrances. Robots, armed to the literal teeth with guns, lazer cannons and various other deadly metal barrels. The door slammed behind him as he entered. The impact shook the ground under his feet and his arms flailed as he regained his balance.
“Robots! He demanded hoarsely, gasping for breath, “Attack!” A metal explosion went off behind him. Eggman saw tiny bullet sized metal shrapnel go flying past his face. He was still mid run when something lodged itself in the back of his left heel. It threw him off completely. The man fell flat on his face, sliding over the threshold of the exit with his gained momentum.
The door slammed shut behind him, just centremetres away from his boots.
“This had better be worth it, Fox.” he spat into the radio, unplanting his red face from the metal floors. The man tried to stand, jolting forwards when he tried to put pressure on his left ankle. He caught himself on his hands before he could face plant a second time. He had made it to the control room. A large white control panel sat at the centre of the ovular space, propped up on a purposely tall platform with five steps on either side.
Eggman sighed, suddenly regretting his architecture choices.
Eggman heard a seething hissing. He flipped onto his back. A chunk of the metal door fizzled and glowed a hot burning red. It formed the unmistakable silhouette of Super Sonic.
The human scrambled backwards on his back like a three legged spider, his immobile left leg dragging a streak of bright crimson across the spotless white floor.
In walked an unfettered red hedgehog, molten metal dripping off it like hot butter. Its fur and quills hissed, steam and smoke rising off it in thin spirals. Small, charred patches of purple fur fell out, floating to the floor in black, scattered clumps. The skin underneath, only visible for a moment as the fur almost immediately grew back. It took a moment to brush off a small clump of charred fur on its shoulder before turning its attention back to its target.
The hedgehog observed the cowering human for a moment. It chuckled.
Sonic’s face lit up, mouth spreading into a cocky grin, “What is wrong eggface, frightened of a little rodent?” called the thing, its voice warping into a Sonic like snark.
Eggman began to feel thick sweat crawling down the back of his neck. What he would give to have the real Sonic approaching him. He, at least, could be talked down.
“Sonic, you stubborn rodent,” he barked, dragging his tense and ragged limbs across the floor away from it, “I’ve fought you for years, your persistence is maddening. You refused to be commanded by anything before, not even by my brilliance. Why is this thing an exception?”
It paused, then smiled. “The ‘rodent’ doesn’t care doctor.”
“Get back!” he demanded, shuffling back on his bottom. He hit the opposite wall.
Eggmans hand finally reached the compartment behind him, yanking open the hatch and grabbing the lazer gun. The bowel expanded like a Venus flytrap. Eggman spammed the trigger, red shots of light rapidly shooting from the centre of the jaws.
The red hedgehog continued its walk, unfettered. Each shot that hit its target smouldering out like a doused flame, the rest flying uselessly by, melting little holes through the wall, beams of blue sky shining through.
Tails jittering fingers jabbed at the keyboard.
Amy tapped the tip of her boot against the ground nervously, hands clasped tightly to her heart. Her eyes followed along to the strings of code appearing across the screen in a vain attempt to understand anything.
Knuckles was pacing, agitated, back and forth through the grass. “Arg,” Knuckles growled, kicking up a clump of grass, “I should be doing something.”
A square panel the size of a thick, A5 book slid back on the metal cylinder, attached to the keyboard with trailing yellow wires. “Amy, I need one of your rings,” Tails told her, lifting his left hand from the keyboard to point at the hole while his right continued to type away.
“Of course,” Amy twisted a ring off her left wrist.
“I said stay back!” Shouted the radio. Tails flinched back, unhooking the radio from his ear, gently tossing it down next to the keypad.
Something on the other end crunched, a static howl erupted from the speaker.
All three creatures cringed. Amy’s face twisted in hesitant worry. The hedgehog quickly slid the ring into the hole, only half of it fitting inside.
“Foreign item, except? Y/N”
Tails quickly clicked a popup that appeared on the second, smaller hologram.
A loading bar appeared under the box.
“Good, now don’t touch it,” Tails turned his attention to the second screen, his hands became a blur on the keyboard, eyes flickering across the lines of blue lettered code as they appeared on screen.
The second voice spoke up from the radio, “This incarnation can only speculate the sentiment of mortal empathy.”
Knuckles found himself gritting his teeth.
“Natheless, Comprehension of imposed imprisonment is a shared abhorrence.”
“Come on...” mumbled The Fox, frantically hitting the back button ten times.
“And compensation is long since overdue.”
A tearing sound, like a knife scoring through leather, followed. The radio crackled and buzzed, struggling to receive the volume on the other side. Small moments of broken roaring cries occasionally snapping through the static.
Amy covered her mouth with a hand, reeling backwards. Her head turned to Knuckles.
“Tails!” He snapped.
Tails lent into the holographic screen, his nose a pennies width from it, “I need more time!” he hissed desperately.
A high whistling cut through the air. Knuckles head snapped towards the sound. A red something broke through the side of an airship, zipping through the air like a comet.
“I’ll keep it busy,” Knuckles shot off in the comet’s direction, tracking its fall.
Amy went to follow; Tails grabbed her by the arm. “No, I need you here.”
Knuckles shoes stopped dangerously close to the edge of the cliff face, skidding to a stop just in time.
The comet crashed into the ocean, knocking up a towering pillar of water that drenched the cliffside. It drenched Knuckles along with it. A slimy something smacked him in the face. He yelped and spluttered in surprise, batting away the silvery distressed fish. It gasped and flailed on the grass next to him. Knuckles wiped the saltwater from his face, his eyes staining with a red frame. He blinked hard, trying to clear the buzzing pain assaulting his eyeballs.
He got back enough of his vision to notice the fish. Knuckles frowned sadly. Still blinking frantically, he nudged it gently back into the water with the side of his foot. It landed back in the water with an unheard plop among the roaring of the waves.
A boom shook the ground. Through Knuckles’ blurred vision he saw a dim scarlet light illuminate the darkness below the waters surface. A few seconds passed and a slew of black shapes bobbed to the surface. Knuckles shook his head before squinting his eyes.
Fish. Dead eyed sea creatures, black charcoal burned to their scales.
Knuckles shoulders tensed. He growled, watching the corpses get tossed around in the waves. He made a fist, slamming it furiously into his other hand. He examined the water, eyes twitching, fiercely watching the waves, waiting for that thing to dare show its face.
Something else bobbed to the surface, small bits of something. He couldn’t see what.
Another rumbling caught his attention, it felt like someone burrowing in the rocks beneath him.
Knuckles leapt back, narrowly missing the shooting red ball of electricity as it shot from the earth beneath his heels.
The Echidna raised his fists, halting when he saw something in its hand: The glistening blue head of metal Sonic, dangling; loose wires fizzling from its base.
“Meddlesome machine,” it tutted lightly, flicking it away with its index finger. The metal ball shot horizontally over the cliff. It soon became a dot in the distance before it lost momentum and dropped like a rock.
The red hedgehog opened its mouth casually, letting loose a waterfall of seawater that cascaded out in one go. Knuckles grimaced in disgust.
“Your friend detests the ocean,” it commented, mouth still dribbling.
Knuckles leapt, aiming a punch. It grinned softly, disappearing just before the fist could contact. A blast of pain exploded in the back of his skull. Another strike to the chest sent him plummeting into the ground, creating a small chasm in the stone cliff face under him.
“You disappoint me, last of the echidnas, your friend believes you to be more capable than that pathetic display.”
Knuckles strained to open his eyes, a pounding headache beating at the back of his brain like a drum. Something caught the corner of his vision. The echidna smiled. With a grunt, Knuckles pushed himself from the rubble onto his knees, “Of course I am,” he chuckled, voice cracking. He heaved in a few breaths, quelling his headache, “But I’m just the distraction,”
A bright yellow ring descended over the head of the red hedgehog, closing in on its arms in a millisecond and swiftly yanking the hedgehog away.
“…What is this?” it questioned dully as it was quickly dragged across the island.
It turned its head, following the yellow rope dragging the ring, noticing the keyhole shaped structure ploughing towards it, the circle atop alit with a glitchy blue flame. The neon purple lights in its eyes spasmed.
“NO!” An eldritch screech boomed, its face twisting and stretching vertically like rubber. “We will not return to that accursed prison.” It screeched in desperation, legs flailing, thousands of voices morphing into one.
It burst to life with red electricity. Just as it entered the circle, the yellow ring binding it shattered.
The red hedgehog glowered down at the fox, neon purple slicing through icey blue. “YOU.DARE-”
But Amy had already ripped off her second ring, jamming it into the hole, Tails quickly slammed down his hand on a blue button. A second ring formed. It ensnared its neck, yanking it back.
The air fizzed to life with red sparks for a split second but was immediately quelled as a bright golden light engulphed the portal.
Tails and Amy shielded their eyes from the bright golden glow, stumbling backwards. The blinding light flickered, fading completely as the humming ancient technology quieted. The only sound left was the exhausted panting of the two friends, standing before the deactivated portal.
“Sorry Amy…” Tails breathed “I don’t think you’ll be getting your rings back,”. Tails shook from head to tails, his arms and fingers throbbing and sore from all the typing.  
“Tails…” Amy wheezed, “That, is the least of my worries right now.”
A silent relief washed over the two. Both fell to their knees.
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yeetus-feetus · 9 months
i miss when joker was silly and goofy and occasionally teamed up with batman. I hate how joker is now is cold and calculating and serious. You've just turned him into a mirror of batman. He's not funny anymore, he's pure nightmare fuel.
I think it started happening because of the killing joke and death in the family. And slowly slowly he's been morphing into something else since then.
Remember the early comics and all the cartoons on TV where joker pulled elaborate tricks and pranks and crazy plots because he wanted Batman's attention. Where he was a real clown and he made explosive balloon animals and his hands were somehow always prop hands and the were all kinds of odd things hiding in his sleeves, when he lived up to his name and made fun jokes. When he had oversized hammers and and the most captivating mouse-traps set up just for batsy.
I liked that joker. I liked the fun and exciting back and forth, where the joker never 'won' anything because he only wanted Batman. Because batman and joker are nothing without each other. Because when they teamed up with mutual enemies it was always so fun to watch.
I hate the joker now. I hate what he did to Jason. I hate how serious he is. I hate that he's not a fun little freak anymore. I hate that he's always hurting batman in ways that aren't funny, that tear him and his family apart. I hate the Joker, because he's not the joker anymore, he's just another needlessly violent criminal. I hate the way modern media has watered down the fantasy of DC and tried to make everything more realistic.
Comics weren't made for realism. Realism ruined comics. Because comics are supposed to be an escape from reality, where anything wonderful and outrageous can happen. Where a man dressed as a bat is a hero and an alien from space has Lazer eyes and can't touch green rocks. Where we have stupidly named things like 'bat-bucket' and 'battery' and fuckin condiment king- Krypton Krypto Kryptonite, Smallville and Metropolis because we can't think of better words and it's funny and it's part of the bit.
Realism ruined comics. Because now Batman isn't batman and joker isn't Joker and everything's just too serious and complicated and redemption doesn't exist.
The old comics taught us even bad guys can be good, the old comics taught us that anyone can be redeemed if you give them a chance and they choose to be good.
Now it's only punish punish punish and clowns that aren't really clowns and altering your son's brain without his consent and the world's ending but this time we can't save it, this time it's not fun and easy peasy, this time all you feel is dread and despair, a sense of impeding doom and there's no hope or love for us left.
I want the old joker back.
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xarmapolicex · 3 months
Q&A time 🍵
tagged by @soundfanatic / @lezbrarian
rules: answer the questions and tag 9 people.
favorite color: blue beyond the day i die. no questions asked.
last song listened to: morning pages - the Japanese house ft MUNA
currently reading: all about love by bell hooks
currently watching: major lazer, community
currently craving: snickerdoodle
coffee or tea: tea but if im real neither are ideal options for me. water and coke fuel this dyke body.
no pressure tags ! @le-velo-pour-dru @sixftmp3 @librasunlesbianmoon @wingamy24
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moonlight-tmd · 1 year
Crack idea[?] #3
That 'Professor Princess' or whatever villain in the show gets her hands on some lazer-beam gun that turns things into girly toys. While she is raiding another toy factory the lazer gun is broken- but not without a victim getting hit by it.
Bee gets shrunk down- he's toy sized. It's one heck of a trouble finding him cuz the rest of the bots think he just vanished. After some defo weird adventures Bee finds his way back to the plant and Prowl finds him.
Bee is practically the size of a nanobot and him being put in some weird cage thing in medbay defo doesn't sit right with him. So Sari takes him with her until Ratchet fixes that weird lazer gun.
Bee, initially pissed about how tiny he's become- is elated once he realizes he can actually go into game stores with Sari and sneak into the cinemas to watch the movies, no more waiting for screening in drive-in theaters! HECK- he can go to the amusement park and try out all the rides!
Being that small has it's perks- he doesn't need much fuel and the tiny snacks have suddenly become full feasts he can devour and get a robot version of a sugarcrash.
Another part of it is that,... he can wear doll clothes. He can have a full blown fashion show with Sari in her room and not feel judged about it. He dresses up on halloweed so why not? and it makes him feel prettier then ever!
But it had it's drawbacks too- Sari brought him to school once and they happened to run into a bully, the kid tried to 'break Sari's toy" but Bee zapped him and ran after them screaming when the kid dropped him. That kid never bothered Sari ever again.
One time, Sari woke up from a nightmare in a storm. Bee soothed her and for once- sang her a lullaby. They both fell asleep in her bed, Sari cuddling Bee like a plush. It was good.
Once the lazer gun is fixed, Bee returns to the normal size again. He is a tiny bit bummed because he can no longer have fun with Sari in her room or go to places he could while he was tiny. eh, he'll get over it soon enough.
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fourtwentybuds · 10 months
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Lazer Fuel ⛽️😎 2nd place November Discord winner.🥈🌱 by clm307
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tenaciouschronicler · 1 month
August 17 2024 2009
Rose is now playing Building Simulator v4.13. Finally some lighthearted hijinx.
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First off Dave has some super supportive friends. After finding out Rose is building stairs John refers to the first SBAHJ comic to which Rose has a right giggle. I really hope GG is also in the know about stairs.
Before braving the imps and Nannas baking John aquires 2 of the MANY cans of shaving cream Dad owns.
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Dads love shaving. It's basically all they do. (When they're not baking, that is.)
For some reason John also takes the pogo ride and the expelled towel floats gently back into place. A quick peek from Roses perspective on Nanna shows her baking up a storm.
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But not for naughty imps. Naughty imps get NANNA LAZER. I know John hates baked goods with a passion but seeing how many cookies Nanna made in such a short amount of time makes me curious what Johns niche would be. I like to think pies, they could double as prank fuel.
In any case John is well on his way to the study.
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... thats a lot of imps...
The following sequence of panels showcases the true nature of the pogo ride as a VALIENT STEED.
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This is incredibly dangerous!
Yes well. This is also John Egbert. Self proclaimed master of dangerous pogo stunts. Im sure he'll be fine.
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tmnt-obsessed-ace · 2 years
2012 Leo deserves to go a little apeshit
As a treat
So you remember a couple of months ago when I mentioned how 2012 Leo in the Krang Apocalypse future creates a reverse version of the Healing Hands that instead of the user using their own energy to heal it instead takes away the energy of others and give it to the user while also corrupting the user's soul?
You remember how 2012 Leo ends up in the 1987 dimension?
That deadly power was born from pure grief and pure RAGE when all three of his brothers died on the same day.
Something similar is going to happen
2012 Leo searches everywhere for his brothers, as 2012 Raph, Donnie and Rise Donnie all jumped into the portal to the prison dimension to try and save Rise Leon before they got separated in a massive flash of light and a loud explosion.
So when 2012 Leo ends up in the 1987 dimension ALONE without his brothers after everything that happened in the Riseverse...he's gonna assume that they're dead. (He doesnt have any evidence of this aside from Rise Leo's cracked katana that fell through with him, but he doesnt have any evidence proving that theu arent dead either. Logically they probably ended up in different dimensions as well but 2012 Leo is far too stressed to be thinking logically right now)
And then he sees the 1987 Technodrome in the distance and. He. LOSES. IT.
The only thought on his mind is "Dont let my brothers die in vain. Avenge them!"
He breaks into the technodrome and as soon as he locks eyes with 1987 Shredder and 1987 Krang.
God help them.
He goes absolutely feral, trying to rip and tear them and the entire Technodrome apart.
Shredder and Krang are completely outmatched and it only gets worse when 2012 Leo grabs Shredder by the throat, the rage barely contained.
And thats when it happens.
The rage reaches a peak, burning like fire under his skin. A deep hatred for the man squirming under his grip triples in size.
The fire needs fuel.
2012 Leo screams out his hatred for this man, an alternate version of monster that murdered his father a year ago, allied with an alternate version of the monster that killed his younger brothers. He feels nothing for Shredder but pure hate. Pure fury.
Pure rage.
While howling winds swirl around the pair, seemingly also screaming inside the Tehnodrome, something shoots up his veins.
Burning hot yet icy cold, zapping all through his body and growing stronger by the second. It settles around in his body like a parasite, demanding MORE MORE MORE.
The look on Shredder's face while his life force is ripped away is horrifying but god does Leo love watching that man suffer.
A lazer cuts through the storm, burning Leo's shell. He looks over at 1987 Krang, the rage growing even stronger. He drops Shredder, allowing the man to live before charging.
He moves so fast Krang cant even move before his metal body is being furiously clawed to shreds, metal swirling around in the trashed Technodrome. He grabs Krang and rips him from the remains of his mech suit, gripping him so tightly.
Just as he's about to literally tear Krang in half, the 1987 turtles come in to see one of their friends causing this much destruction.
And so begins the plan to try and calm 2012 Leo down, but he doesnt exactly WANT to calm down. He wants Krang's blood splattered all over the walls. Its a difficult thing, trying to talk down an enraged, grieving turtle that is one of your friends.
Eventually the only one that can at least get 2012 Leo to cool it with the murderous rage for a few minutes is 1987 Raph (purely because he has the same voice as 2012 Donnie and Leo would naturally calm down if he thought Donnie was here)
At least until Krang manages to escape the Technodrome in one of his backup mech suits, with the intention of getting one of his weapons to destroy 2012 Leo and or to get help for Shredder.
Yeah that doesnt go as planned because 2012 Leo follows him into the city.
Now theres a violent, furious, ninpō powered turtle in the CITY.
Thats not going to end well.
Poor 2012 Leo needs a hug
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pretzel-mansion · 2 months
I just listened to a 4 hour podcast of a guy interviewing an author who wrote a book about the horrors of nuclear war and how if any nuke is launched by any country it will almost certainly result in total planet-wide armageddon and extermination. Also a bit on how detterance isn't good and is fueled by the military industrial complex. Really interesting stuff.
At the end of the this 4-hour-long the host mentioned his idea for ending nuclear war: Giving MORE money to the military industrial complex to fund for a NUKE 2 thats stronger than a nuke but is like lazers or AI or something so its 'safer'.
Like, what??? How is that your takeaway?? Bwuh??
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
it'd actually be funny to think if Hua Jiao got a scar on his eye due to his own fire powers.. i mean- it's not like you can blame him! imagine having fire powers that are fueled by monkey powers/energy. kind of like the second samadhi fire; but a little more powerful!
(Xci Nicco definitely kisses Hua Jiao's burn scars when the chance is given.)
Inherited Samadhi Fire + Grandpa Sun's eye lazers = "OW!!" The first time Hya Jiao's powers acted up after being created.
The kissing of scars is so cute i love it
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