#lbr they’re all a little childish but I love them
sapphymayeyeplease · 1 year
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lewis-winters · 3 years
this isn't a love language ask but i wanted to knowmore about your hoob janovec webb pat au pretty please? they sound so cute, i hope its ok for you to share
Of course I am more than ok with sharing.
Under the cut, because it got kinda long:
Web, John, and Pat are roommates. Hoob and Cobb are their neighbors.
The boys don't see Cobb that much because he's a hissy cat who doesn't care for company and especially not Web's company because for some unknown reason, Web finds his grumpiness hilarious
Like, you know that scene where Cobb goes 'yeah? so what?' after Web drops his little Nuenen knowledge? Web doesn't actually look hurt. In fact, he laughs a little and keeps smiling.
This bitch thinks Cobb's grumpy ass is the funniest thing. And the other three boys find their whole dynamic as amusing as Cobb finds it annoying.
So every time Web is around Cobb tries to run, but Hoob and Pat and John always manage to catch him before he can go so far. Web is none the wiser.
Web and Pat are also collaborators. Web writes children's literature and Pat is his illustrator. Think Lemony Snicket and Brett Helquist.
Pat and John are gym rats. That's why they look so ripped. Web goes occasionally, but only at the behest of the two. Hoob never goes, and if he does he's always just in the coffee shop next door, waiting for the rest of his friends to come out.
I have a whole thing for Web and Janovec-- they met in college when Janovec yelled 'same sweater!' at Web from across the classroom
Web, who is a lot more childish than he likes to admit, lit up like a goddamn christmas tree and yelled back; 'same sweater!' and they've been inseparable ever since
I have a whole thing about it (that is a whole different post) but, before they became a thing, Joe thought Web and Janovec were dating.
They weren't. Janovec is straight as a pole and has a girlfriend. It's just his love language is physical touch and he doesn't have any boundaries.
Neither does Web. It's how their relationship works.
Pat thinks he's the most mature of their little group. He is wrong. It's Hoobler.
Pat wouldn't know what mature is if it bit him in the ass.
Repressed is what you are, Patthew. Repressed and a control freak. That is good for small things, like helping Web cross the street or reminding Janovec to wear a seatbelt or helping Hoob with the cooking. With big things, though, like life advice or big changes, he's as good as useless.
lbr, Hoob is the real mastermind behind getting all his friends fed and well rested. He does the equivalent of a parent hiding medicine in grapes so their kids would eat them. He always manages to convince the other three (and Cobb) to do something that's good for them.
He's the only one who remembers Pat's birthday-- and it isn't even Web or Janovec's fault because Pat deliberately doesn't tell people his birthday, he never did understand why people cared, anyway.
When Hoob greeted him in front of several people, thus spilling the beans, Pat was upset because???? dude, why???? what for????
and Hoob stared at him and was like; "Bitch, what do you have against letting the people who love you celebrate you? You're so so loved, don't you know?"
Pat maybe cried about that but shhhh it's their little secret.
Hoob is clumsy, though, and when he accidentally managed to get a turn a nailgun on himself and drive a long nail into his thigh, the other three (and Cobb) panicked so much like you have no idea.
Pat called 911 and was very calm and collected until the point Hoob was driven away by the ambulance and he had to drive himself and the two other himbos to the hospital, too.
In the end they called Joe, and he was the one who got them there in the cab.
Help them, they're useless.
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queenharumiura · 5 years
The (harsh) professionals: Ponsol, Kyouya and Izumi
Send me a ship and I will grade it: ||Still accepting|| @tsundere-model
B: It’s really cute (last one for today, sorry mobile tumbling people OTL)
So going off of what was already mentioned in: [x] and [x] I’ll try to make this one a lil shorter (but we know that’s a lie).
So I already mentioned how Kyouya and Ponsol would be. With the addition of Izumi, it probably will change a lil bit.
I’ve read a little bit about the Kyouya and Izumi pair that you both have got going, but I haven’t been there from the very beginning and i’m sure I missed a lot. Still, from what I can see, the two have a relationship built off of them being sweet and caring for the other. 
Both caring for each other in their own way. Izumi being like a housewife of sorts, while Kyouya is the dependable and responsible husband? They both respect each other and are loving towards the other. I’m sure Kyouya helps Izumi with his self-confidence issues. 
Ponsol and Izumi have their own ship as well and they’re kind of a mess lol. They started out as enemies lol. However, like I mentioned before, Ponsol is rather sensitive to emotional and mental abuse. Seeing Izumi having a panic in the midst of fans was sensitive enough for him to step in and save him. From this, the responsible Izumi saw to it that he thanked Ponsol for it. 
The two over the course of their relationship (as neighbors) have learned more about the other as they worked together in a booth, crafting lessons (for a scarf), and also whenever they had their sick episode. 
Ponsol was sick, and that’s where Izumi first realized about some of Ponsol’s circumstances, like the way he was treated. Even if he’s the heir, it doesn’t mean he’s treated right by his supposed family. It probably gave him insight on who he was. He also happened to see a ‘cuter’ side of Ponsol given it was his show of craving for any kind of affection deep down. 
Being weak to that sort of stuff, Izumi warmed up to Ponsol. I think you know a bit of the drama that went on in the back with Arashi, so I won’t mention that here, but that does have a play in some of this. Very long story short, Ponsol gets over that, and starts to see Izumi who was supportive of him in the meanwhile. 
He learns to accept Izumi’s questionable behavior. By that, I mean, Ponsol forever questions why Izumi sticks with him and helps him. It makes no sense to him. What do you get out of it? Do you want him to speak well of you in company meetings or what? He slowly starts to accept that Izumi is just a busy body who likes to care for people. 
Also, he may act haughty and confident, but he’s just as broken as Ponsol is in regards to confidence and self-worth. With time, the two would eventually have to be honest with each other and form a relationship. That was our set up.
SO, now in consideration of a 3p. I think it would be interesting. I’m usually not for a 3p since it can get messy, but if done right, it’s nice. I think if Kyouya lacks the ability to want to really give Ponsol a chance, I think that’s where Izumi comes in. He knows about Ponsol’s hurting, and can relate to it. He could be the one that pushes Kyouya into giving him that chance and make him understand why Ponsol is the way that he is. 
Both would be the sort to also help Izumi when he’s suffering. They’d make sure he eats well, and takes rest when he needs it. Take care of him when he’s clearly not caring for himself as well as he should due to body images and what not. 
Going off on the premise that they both love Izumi, the two would come to understand each other more and there could be a sense of respect there. I can also see some animosity that stems from competitiveness, tbh. Still, I think over time, they could come to approve of each other as ‘rivals.’ 
From rivals, comes friendship that was born from understanding and respect. I can see Izumi doing a ‘wow they’re both so wonderful, of course they would start to love each other. I’m just a nobody.’ Cue the Ponsol smack. 
“Do you know my net worth? You have my affections and yet you try to throw it onto someone else? Check yourself.” 
I honestly don’t really see much of an issue on Kyouya’s end, as he’s the sort to rise up to the situation and fight. Ponsol, I think, would be insecure around Kyouya because he’s more morally upstanding. He’s a better person who is less of a jerk than Ponsol is. Ofc Izumi would prefer Kyouya. He may even slowly start to push those two together. 
From here it could go multiple ways, but on the topic of 3p, we’ll go down the route of, Izumi wanting to stubbornly stick to Ponsol, or Ponsol stubbornly wanting to prove himself for Izumi. I think Shugarl probably had to kick him into gear like, don’t be stupid, you damn brat. You clearly love him, so go for it, else you’ll regret it. 
Whichever the case, I’d assume that Izumi struggles to choose between the two because they both mean a lot to him and he doesn’t want to risk losing the other. Seeing as the other two don’t hate the other, I can see them making that executive decision: 
“I don’t hate you, and you don’t hate me. We can work together just fine.” “Agreed. Are we in agreement to make this work in a civil manner?” “Yes, I’ve already drafted the contract. We will both be civil to the other, and not purposefully try to oust the other at the expense of Izumi’s feelings.” 
So I can see this more of it being a two people loving one person kinda 3p ship. Inevitably you’ll still have the worried thoughts of ‘what if they’ll love each other and throw me away’ or ‘Izumi will soon grow tired of me and throw me away’. 
I’m sure that with a lot of heart to heart talks, they’ll grow to trust in their relationship. Who is to say? Maybe Ponsol and Kyouya will grow to like each other too when they have more of a deeper understanding with the other. Heart to heart talks are good for that. 
If that were to happen, it would be interesting to see. I can see that they still prioritize Izumi in regards to romance, but they won’t completely disregard the other like, “hey, I didn’t forget about you. Here is a vday gift for you too, so don’t sulk about it.” (lol)
Truly, Kyouya and Ponsol both love to work together to spoil Izumi lbr. Izumi of course wants to do his best to return the favor and spoil them as well by taking good care of them-- otherwise he’d feel useless, i’m guessing. 
If a lot of plot development and character development happened and all 3 mutually loved each other, it would be an interesting show of personalities, and helping each other through life and pain. Healing and protection. The two rich guys spoiling Izumi, while also trying to impress the other. Battle of the alphas. 
Honestly I see it as their rich boi way of flirting with the other, in some dumb way. Like you see this? Are you impressed? I know, I thought of a romantic idea, are you jealous? Well, my idea is just as grand. Look at how detailed my planning is, be in awe of my skills. 
Kek, it would be a silly sort of ship, i’m sure lol It sounds so childish and almost petty and that’s 1000% Ponsol’s fault, i’m sure. 
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ainswcrth · 6 years
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[ neels visser, cis male, he/him, 21 ] SWEATPANTS by CHILDISH GAMBINO? whenever i hear that song, it reminds me of PERSEUS AINSWORTH. maybe because they’re GREGARIOUS but also INATTENTIVE. they’ve been living at mulberry apartments since JANUARY of 2018 in 601 and have 2 ROOMMATES. ( I LOVE IT, DON’T HOLD THE WALL, LIVE WHILE WE’RE YOUNG )  
it’s me lexa picking up my 4th wowee !!! ok under the cut you can read up on perseus -- pls leave this post a like if you wanna plot!!
perseus “percy” ainsworth is trash and i apologize in advance for him. he moved into the apartments literally 1 year ago!! and i will get into WHY in a bit here
his fam is a little based off nate archibald tbh so don’t @ me when u see some similarities in like fam structure i’m just comin’ out and saying it right now!!! and he’s always doin dumb shit like serena sO!! xoxo gg
his father is successful business magnate that usually spent little to no time at home. he would often fly between baltimore and nyc for work. his mother comes from the de loughery family (basically just super old money and percy COULD NOT tell u how they got it all!!). she calls herself a philanthropist, but really just a socialite ok
his parents marriage is a LIE and is really fucked him up when he found out. he flew into their NYC penthouse to visit his dad one weekend and when he got there surprise he was in bed with someone that WAS NOT his mother. the thing that really fucked him up was when he told his mother, she wasn’t angry, wasn’t sad BASICALLY brushed it under the rug and moved on with her life, staying married.
you could say his issues w love and relationships traces back to this day, but percy will tell you that you are dumb as fuck and he couldn’t care less about his parents and what they do
he’s never had a Great relationship with his father and you can bet every time he said “i’m proud of you son” he nutted (this did not happen often) but his mother was always a bit softer with him. she had more time (that’s not saying a lot but) to spend with him, but you can bet she chose her other socialite friends and charity functions over anything to do with percy or his brothers!! still she’s the main reason he still gets such a generous allowance every month
he has two older brothers that have accomplished WAY more in life than him
he’s still close to one of them, but the other.. well here’s why he’s p much exiled from the fam right now.... idk why i’m building it up ok basically percy was sleeping with his oldest brother’s fiancé and it all blew up on The Wedding Day. the tabloids got involved bcos said fiancé & his brother were a v high profile power couple. the wedding was called off and literally all the high profile/big business people had to go home without any wedding happening. SO MUCH MONEY WASTED. V EMBARRASSING FOR THE FAM. hence perseus’ move to mulberry apartments.
does percy feel badly about his actions: yes -- this is good this is a start. has he actually apologized -- no. 2019 all about growing u know.
he’s not awful to be around........... but he is definitely no sunflower
when he’s not being a sarcastic bitch he’s pretty fun esp in any kind of party setting like he is a SOCIAL BUTTERFLY and loves being the centre of attention in a big room like he’s v charasmatic when he wants to be (and this def makes him a lil manipulative)
don’t watch this entire video but the story he tells about getting $10,000 worth of clothes being stolen from him is FOR SURE cannon. if u do watch any part... watch him at 13:05 complaining with A PASSION about his clothes being stolen. 
some connection ideas: hook ups.. (look i took up 2 hookup connections from the main, but lbr this boy loves to fuck!!!), someone that does not stand for any of his shit and will tell him to stfu when he’s being a whiny baby, fake friends that use him for his money, some1 that loves cooking and lets him come over when he burns his dinner bcos he does this a fuck ton!!, this kid travels a lot so maybe they had a past fling. i thought i would think up more but that’s all folks, pls hmu if you would like to plot!!! 
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sigurdjarlson · 6 years
Your Tsundere!Med post made me think of what if Medivh notices just how popular Khadgar is?
On one hand, Medivh’s proud of him. Khadgar’s come a long way from being that awkward punk that arrived on his doorstep so many years ago. Khadgar went from being tossed to Medivh to get rid of him to leading that same city. Medivh notices how Khadgar behaves around most other people. He’s funny and charming and even Medivh finds himself a little attracted to that. It’s only when Khadgar cracks some jokes he’s used himself that Medivh realizes: “Oh, he’s acting like me...” Flattery aside, it worries him, just how much is Khadgar acting and what’s he really feeling. There’s also Khadgar’s popularity. He is well liked. Getting visits from champions and old friends, getting gifts and care packages, and being fretted over and admired. Medivh feels jealous, not of Khadgar, but how he looks at his champions. There’s a certain glimmer in his eye, his tone becomes more genuine. It’s not practical getting jealous over Khadgar sharing that side of himself. It’s downright childish! But a darker part of Medivh feels that side of Khadgar is his. Medivh’s a little cold to Khadgar’s champion at first, he even becomes a little colder to Khadgar. He’s like a cat that’s been introduced to something new. Medivh doesn’t like it. Khadgar is urging them to get along because he cares about them both deeply. Moroes meanwhile is watching this shitshow in the background while borrowing the champion’s Darkmoon Faire popcorn toy. He’ll have words with Medivh later, he’s being a brat like his mother. But for now, it’s a trainwreck that’s entertaining to watch.
Now THIS is what I’m talking about. Possessive Med is my fav. (and maybe just a little bordering on creepy..)
And he notices things. Medivh is perceptive. He’s always talking about his champions.. They’re always THERE. And he feels..almost like a third wheel when with them because he’s missed a lot lbr. It’s been how many years? 
He’s kind of on the out. He knows Khadgar but he doesn’t. On both sides they’re both learning who they other is now. They’ve both been through much and it changes you.
They’re the same…but different.
Khadgar’s attention used to be solely on him. That blind sort of hero worship. And you know some part of Med loved that. He’s as starved for love as Khadgar is. 
It’s there still but..not. Khadgar is older. he can stand on his own two feet.
He doesn’t need him anymore.
And that..scares him?
He didn’t contact Khadgar after being resurrected for several reasons. First it was he thought he was dead on the other side of the dark portal so there’s that but you know he heard about it when he returned, alive and well. 
But he didn’t go to him. Khadgar was better off without him surely. After everything he’d done to him? he needs to learn how to stand on his own two feet. 
but now that he’s seeing the results of that..he’s not sure he likes the fact that it means sharing him.
To be fair Khadgar is quite honestly the only person Med has left. All his friends and family are dead.
And they always had a special connection (gay). An understanding that he’d  never had with anyone else. (and lbr as much as he’d scoff he adores Khadgar as much as Khadgar adores him) 
And oh..he seems so close to these champions. The softer, genuine way he speaks to them,  the way he lights up when he sees them, a clear history between them (i dont necessarily mean romantic) that he knows nothing about, inside jokes he doesn’t get. 
He’s an absolute third wheel when they’re around. (in his mind) 
Khadgar goes to them for help. Emotional support even. Why not HIM? Okay he knows why but…
I’m fucking dying at the thought of someone being like “ay khadgar where’s your special pal.” and medivh who’s perched on his shoulder in raven form (he’s being low key okay) just PUFFS THE FUCK UP
SPECIAL PAL? What does THAT mean???? And he’ll mock him for it but he’s deeply disgruntled. 
And presumably they never acted on romantic/sexual impulses back then (although the feelings were quite clearly there and still are) and he’s like woah wait a fucking second…he REALLY doesn’t like this. 
And he’s so..petty. Like his mother.  Like who do these people think they are? They really think they know him? They don’t know him like he does. Right? 
And it’s really a deep underlying fear that Khadgar doesn’t need or want him anymore. And that’s his…person. And they think they can take his place? Hmph. Doubtful..right?
It comes out as him being downright passive aggressive towards both Khadgar and the champion/s. (because he’s not about to sit khadgar down and talk about his feelings)
And for all narcissistic tendencies he’s deeply insecure in this. Because he doesn’t know where they stand right now anyway.
And he’s aware it’s childish. It’s a little creepy really how much he wants to keep Khadgar all to himself. Although he’d be satisfied with just knowing Khadgar wants him there.  
He’s delighted come BFA when Khadgar comes to Karazhan. (To Him) It’s just them again. How it should be. With only the occasional visitor/visiting champion. 
And they fall back into their rhythm but it’s still bothering him. And maybe he wants him to be his in ways that decidedly aren’t innocent. And it’s much harder to ignore now that there really isn’t anything standing in the way besides the uncertainty it’s reciprocated.  
And maybe he’d be satisfied if claimed him the most intimate way one can. There’s his confirmation he’s special to him. There’s his assurance Khadgar is still his. 
Alas, he’d rather not send Khadgar running in the other direction because he tried to get in his pants. (it wouldn’t but he doesn’t know that) 
And in quite possibly the most primal petty way he hates the thought of someone touching his Khadgar. Someone seeing him like that, at his most vulnerable. He doesn’t like that at all. Nope. 
He’d know how to take care of him. They wouldn’t. 
And lbr Khadgar is having similar concerns. They’re both figuring out where they stand now. 
Feelings are complicated :/ 
(hmm giving me ideas for that one collar fic..) 
I feel so bad for Moroes tbh. But you know he finds it hilarious. If it gets too out of hand he’ll step in surely but oh..is it fun to watch Med get taken down a few pegs.
I’d feel bad for him if he wasn’t such a bitch ;) 
\also I dont know why I made this but it wouldn’t get out of my head
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arrcwhead · 6 years
so I remember making a little hAHA funny joke!! post about this several months ago bUT honestly I sometimes am inclined to think harder about it due to the nature of the blogs I come across-- not because it’s a necessity, but because it sparks the idea and has me like huh... I woNDER...
but yeah, so Zutara, am I right? Plenty of Zuko and Katara writers support it--typically in their own personal verses--but with respect toward their preferences and that of my own muse, it has me tapping a finger on my chin like How really WOULD Aang react if that happened? 
Especially my PARTICULAR Aang who is a blushy mess of a child crushing on both of them. someone help him.
We see his very emotionally driven and childish reaction to the ember island players displaying Zuko and Katara as a pair; it upsets him beyond belief and it’s entirely fAKE what a nerd so honestly, adolescent boy lacking control over his feelings leads me to believe he’d probably not take it too well for a bit should it be brought to light. He’s a kid. Where he has admirable maturity in some areas, he still lacks it in others, and he definitely isn’t fully developed in the romance department.
He’ll be hurt. He’ll be JEALOUS. It’ll be a bit confusing for awhile--he knows he likes Katara and always has, but my Aang’s crush on Zuzu is a lot more subtle and something even he doesn’t realize? So the intensity of his jealousy is just doubled and it’s a bunch of ???? but i digress.
Looking at how Korra reacts to Mako/Asami in s1, I feel like Aang would have a similar mindset, but not nearly as blatantly disgusted by it; more of just averting his gaze whenever he sees them with each other--kinda pouting a bit--and oftentimes avoiding them when he knows they’re going to be together. The good ol’ “Ope, sorry I can’t come--AVATAR stuff, yknow? l8erz  ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ”
Because, lbr, he’s a KID. This is the first time he’s gotten his heart broken; of course he’s going to behave like it’s the end of the world in the way all pre/teens do. But, yes, he gets over it.
And somewhere along the line, he’s happy for them; he sees they’re happy and that’s all he wants for those he loves. He gets over it, matures, moves on and is able to nurture a close bond with them still. It’s just a bit of a rough transition period, but it all ends up okay.
SHOCKING for everyone, it actually isn’t the end of the world and he survives.
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heroicisms · 6 years
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saturn’s headmaster’s daughter yEET
she wanted to be a hero, but her dad told her when she was very young that she wouldn’t make it, so she just studied until she figured out what she wanted to be, and she decided that she still wanted to help heroes and asked her dad to let her work as an assistant of sorts in the school
she has the ability to detect emotions, but it can sometimes be difficult to tell whose emotion is whose in a large crowd
some of their emotions can fuel into hers a tiny bit so if there are too many people with strong emotions she can get overwhelmed and has to be alone for a bit
she and her father have a ?? strange relationship ?? like sometimes he treats her like another staff member but other times he’s her daughter and other times she’s someone who can be trusted with any secret whatsoever and she just wishes he’d make up his mind
she doesn’t teach a class, but she just sorta assists with things, like setting up hero training or helping students study or performing first aid and the like
she’s just a helpful person all-round tbh and she’s an easy person to talk to bc she can understand how you’re feeling without you having to put it into words
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basically zane lbr
he can emit electricity bUT he can’t really control where it goes by himself so he needs some tech items to help him direct it and all that fun stuff
he works for the league of villains, or a sort of subsection of it bc that’s the life he was born into since his mother was already part of it before he was born
the jobs he ends up going on are mostly to intercept signals and the like, especially since while he’s competent in combat, he tends to destroy quite a few things around him when he partakes in it, so things just end up getting messy
he’ll get a redemption arc bc of course he will
not that he needs tHAT much redeeming he just ?? does what he’s told and likes playing pranks on the other league members when he can so
his mum disappears for days, weeks at a time so he knows how to look after himself and people are always surprised at how independent he can be bc he often acts so childish
he likes to go out in casual wear and pretend he’s normal sometimes rip
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ya boi has paralysis inducement which basically just means he can stop people from moving temporarily. it only works on living things tho
he always wanted to be a hero but bc of his colder demeanour people just sorta assumed he’d end up some sort of criminal or even a villain ?? which just influenced him to work harder
the entrance exam was kinda difficult bc his quirk wouldn’t work on the droids and shit but he managed to beat quite a few with just his hand to hand combat skills, which made him one to watch
he was the type of student who was all “why do i need to know this, it’s not relevant to me, anyway” but was super studious on the subjects he DID consider relevant, so the teachers were just “????????”
he’s an underground hero, which means no one really knows the name ‘red light’, he does things under the cover of darkness, his hero persona a secret, but he’s still a legal hero
people were surprised when he became a teacher bc Mr Cold & ‘Everything is Unnecessary’ teaching kids ?? and wanting to deal with them at all ?? what ?? and then he ended up being super effective in his own weird af way so ??
he is 110% the class dad don’t mess with his kids bitch
i’m still debating on whether he should be the main teacher of the 18 year olds or the 19 year olds gimme ur opinion
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ya girl has solar manipulation so she can manipulate the sun, but there actually has to be sunlight around her, so she isn’t that effective inside or at night
she became a hero bc it just ?? sounded like a good time tbh and her parents weren’t the bEST tbh they just sorta ignored her and assumed that she would become a deadbeat like them, so she decided she’d become something flashy to prove them wrong and tHUS SHE BECAME A HERO
she had a falling out with her parents midway into studying in saturn and hasn’t spoken to them since idk where she stayed during that time but ?? i’ll figure something out
she’s a partier and loves going out at night, even though that’s when she’s weakest, but she knows hand to hand, so she figures she’ll be okay
she’s also a very social person and has a lot of connections, plus she’s also made a name for herself in the fashion world, and a lot of her hero merch is designed by her
that being said tho she can be super self-absorbed and sometimes she just needs someone to pull her head out of her ass
tHRIVES in front of cameras
she’d be the worst teacher in terms of actual hero training but she’s good when it comes to advice about being in front of the camera and beauty tips and all that fun stuff
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while technically a civilian, they’re surrounded by villains 24/7, it’s just that they’re like cullen and are a captive rather than someone who willingly works for them
they can read minds but can’t control it, so when they’re out in a crowd the thoughts can become super overwhelming hence one of the reasons the villains keep them in isolation most of the time. the other reason is that no one wants them to read their mind
they were abandoned as a kid when their quirk first manifested and they accidentally revealed to their mother that their father was cheating, and continued spouting out truths about one to the other. in denial, the parents abandoned them rather than owning up to their own issues
that’s when they were found, pROBS by the same association as cullen but if u guys have any other ideas come @ me
their job is basically to be an assistant, and most of the time, that’s what they are, but when they’re having a conversation with someone untrustworthy, daiyu must stand there and look all assistant-y while reading their mind
they don’t speak a lot, and they especially don’t like revealing discord between the members since they were punished for doing so when they were very little
they’re in isolation, but they’re not without stuff to do, and their constant thought is just ‘it could be worse’ and that’s what gets them throughout the day
someone save them pls
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he has super speed which is an oldie but goldie
his entire family comes from a long line of heroes, so it was inevitable that he would be one too, but he doesn’t mind. his only issue is that he wants to make a name for himself in his own way rather than depending on his surname
he can be a bit off-putting in interviews and it’s very easy to see when someone’s pissed him off bc it’s so obvious like if this were an anime you’d be able to see the vein popping out of his head
he hates getting asked about his family all the time. like he loves them and they love him but sometimes he wants to talk about himself, not how great his parents are, or about the pressures of living up to them
he’s that one friend who seems to live close to the downtown area so everyone just ends up crashing on his couch in the middle of the night and he’s just “why me i need to move”
tbh he’s not that social and yet ?? he probs has a bunch of friends ?? he’s just “i don’t have friends” and then like 5 people at once walk past and just “hey dasher wassup”
he’s known to be at multiple fights at once because of his super speed, but it drains him a lot more quickly
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he has illusion magic though it’s mostly just limited to sight, but he’s working on the rest of the senses while he’s at saturn
he’s the type of person who wants to please everyone, and so when he was a kid people would be like “hey chi !! can you create this !! hey chi !! can you do this ??” and he’d do it but it tired him out so easily
he’s still like that tho rip
he wants to become a hero bc he wants to help people for a living, and he thinks he has what it takes to be a good hero, especially after passing the entrance exam
other people sometimes doubt him tho bc he’s so soft and sensitive and just wants everyone to be happy so they underestimate him a lot, and while he’s not the bEST in his grade, he’s definitely on his way to being a great hero
his parents are super supportive and also soft like they don’t want him to get hurt but they’re also so proud of him
tries to include people in everything
when he’s sUPER emotional his illusions can act up without him realising, but he apologises profusely whenever it happens and there are people around
he calls himself ‘the dreamer’ bc he likes to use his powers to make people’s dreams come true, even if it’s just for a little bit, though also because people think he’s super spacey and wrapped up in his own little world, which isn’t wrong tbh
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feline physiology, but he’s the same as baram, so he can’t actually change inTO a cat, he just has the senses of one
he a flirt
he has 2 mums but he’s biologically theirs
tbh at first he decided to become a hero for the hell of it, bc he thought he had the ability and bc it’s a respectable profession, but he ended up really loving the look on people’s faces when he saved them while he was interning and he wants to see that more often
he acts like a cat all the time tbh, like he’ll sleep in people’s laps and purr when someone scratches behind his ears and he naps in the middle of the day sometimes, he’s the resident house cat
u can also distract him with a laser pointer tho
even tho he’s a flirt he’s a soft flirt bc a lot of the time he just wants to cuddle a bit and he just thinks it’s better when there are kisses involved
he’s a bit of a night owl cat and when he becomes a full hero he wants to work mostly at night
he’s not the class’s number 1 or anything but he doesn’t really wanna be ?? he prefers to go at his own pace bc he knows that’s better for him, and he doesn’t really have any interest in trying to beat people who are aiming to be in the same profession bc what’s the point of competing when all he wants to be is a hero ?? not necessarily number 1 or anything, just someone who helps people
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epiclarryficrecs · 8 years
TOP5: MediaWhore
Here comes a TOP5 for my ABSOLUTE DARLINGEST FANDOM BESTIE TURNED REAL LIFE BESTIE MEDIAWHORE AKA @mediawhorefics (see how impartial I am… sorry not sorry)
1. Coax the Cold
England, 1897.
English Professor Louis Tomlinson’s passion for the occult has been a source of mockery and derision for most of his life. When he hears whispers of a travelling freak show newly established in London claiming the existence of a monstrous sea hybrid, half-man, half-fish, Louis sees it as his ticket to credibility amongst his peers. The summer he spends undercover working on the show, however, gives him much more than that.
(k so I wanted to be totally selfish and put a long way down as #1 because OBVIOUs reasons but… lbr this is a masterpiece and totally deserves #1)
2. a long way down (to the bottom of the river)
“ Most people would call Harry silly for believing in curses. Childish would also be a probable insult thrown his way. In their little town full of little people, Harry’s whimsical nature and beliefs mean that he’s subjected to frequent judgemental looks and whispers. It doesn’t usually bother him. Most people don’t know about the magic thrumming through his veins or about how powerful words can truly be. Most people don’t carry around their ancestors grief like a burden. They don’t have to pay for deeds hundreds of years old like Harry and his family have. They get to love freely without fear.
Harry and his kin aren’t so lucky.”
a practical magic au in which Harry and his sister accidentally kill her abusive boyfriend with magic and Louis is the D.I working the case.
3. All These Lights
“People vote for alphas because they’re strong and they’re not only beautiful but also mesmerizing. They make you want to give them all of your attention, make you want to beg for some of theirs back. They’re shiny, oozing sex appeal and a commanding presence, and people always want more and more. Omegas are enticing too for sure, but it’s not the same. It makes people uncomfortable. It doesn’t make them want to root for you.”
the canon fic where Harry is an omega and dreams come with a price.
(I should probably re-read this, cause it’s been a while and, like, yk, everything you write is great)
4. you think fashion is your friend, my friend (fashion is danger)
“Louis has one rule, and one rule only, that he simply refuses to break. He forbids himself to be attracted to anyone he might work with. No wanking to models who might wear his clothes! It’s hardly fair, considering he spends 95% of his time working with the most attractive men on the planet, but his career is more important. Besides, in Louis’ experience, it always leads to disaster. Harry Styles makes respecting the rule really damn hard though and Louis is not quite sure why.”
the one where Louis is a famous British designer and Harry is the clumsy, most likely straight model that makes his heart race.
(I think I probably read this fic before I even knew you were the one that wrote it… and I loved it. #meant2be)
5. What do you mean he’s coming?
When Harry accepted to be his sister’s Maid of Honour, despite how non-traditional of a choice he was, he didn’t think writing a speech for the wedding reception would be this hard. Now, not only does he have less than two weeks left to find something moving and inspirational to say, but Gemma just confided in him that her old childhood best friend is going to be in attendance. The one who moved to LA and they haven’t seen in fifteen years because he was too busy becoming an Academy Awards winner. But hey, no pressure. It’s just Louis Fucking Tomlinson.
(you know why else Marie aka @mediawhorefics is the sweetest human being? Because she signs-up to pinch hit for fic exchanges. She manages to give fics to people who otherwise wouldn’t have one, even though it stresses her out because she wants to please the prompter and she’s not sure her writing is good and her assignment is LATE or she didn’t respect the prompts… you know. stressfull stuff. BUT SHE DOES IT!!! she’s an angel!!!) 
Special mention for a Tomlinshaw fic: loose lips sink ship all the damn time (not this time)
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theajaheira · 8 years
ATS for the fandom meme? And B99 if you want to do 2?
My favorite parent-child relationship: definitely fred & her parents. possibly the only genuinely healthy parent-child relationship on that show now that i’m thinking about it
My favorite sibling relationship: nothing really comes to mind?? 
My favorite family relationship (other): i love the way cordelia’s and wesley’s initial romantic interest in each other dissipates and evolves into a gorgeous friendship
My favorite friendship between two people: angel and cordelia!!! i also love them as a romantic relationship because they click on all levels and friendship is definitely one of them. but if we’re talking entirely non-romantic friendship i think probably lorne and fred because that’s just Adorable
My favorite friendship between a group: angel investigations, obviously
My favorite mentorship: isn’t lorne like everyone’s mentor because lorne mentoring everyone is my favorite thing
My favorite rivalry: LILAH AND LINDSEY
My favorite hatred/antipathy: lilah being pissed at anyone is the most endearing thing in the world to me and i can’t explain it. she starts rattling off incredibly violent and descriptive insults and it’s just like...my baby
My favorite potential relationship between characters who never talk in canon: i mean drusilla showed up in a few episodes, so she counts, right?? anyway i would have loved to see her meet fred and both of them strike up this friendship that weirds the hell out of everyone who knows either of them, born from the fact that fred’s very sympathetic to dru and dru hasn’t had that in a while. she decides not to kill fred until after maybe the fifth tea party (spoiler alert: she doesn’t kill fred)
My favorite parent-child relationship: jake and holt Obviously
My favorite sibling relationship: rosa’s basically jake’s apathetic older sister (although lbr jake’s everyone’s little brother)
My favorite family relationship (other): i don’t know what to call gina and charles since they’re exes but also step siblings? anyway i love their weird relationship
My favorite friendship between two people: this one’s...so hard. but i have to go with rosa and charles because i love that charles moved on from his crush on her and they’re now close friends with no Weird Sexual Tension
My favorite friendship between a group: the entire 99 is a wonderful place
My favorite mentorship: AMY AND HOLT like i still love that first episode where she just Decides that he’s going to be her mentor
My favorite rivalry: amy/everyone because amy is always down to Fight
My favorite hatred/antipathy: idk if i can think of a specific example but i love the stubborn & childish way jake will decide to Hate things while still being a ball of sunshine
My favorite potential relationship between characters who never talk in canon: basically everyone talks in canon so i can’t think of anything for this
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