#ldad asks
cartoon-angerr · 10 months
Small LDaD art dump!
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I did the sketches below yesterday. Loodvigg got humanized and furryfied?? No way
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Sign a letter asking Justice Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from United States v. Trump
Lawyers Defending American Democracy has invited readers of this newsletter to sign onto a letter calling on Justice Thomas to recuse himself from US v. Trump. I have signed the letter.
As our letter sets forth in detail, Justice Thomas�� spouse, Virginia, has an extensive and well-documented involvement in efforts to overturn the 2020 election results and obstruct certification of the electoral vote. Efforts to overturn that election are at the heart of criminal charges against the former president.  If the Supreme Court decides that presidential immunity applies to all of the former president’s actions, Virginia Thomas escapes the potential scrutiny that could emerge in a trial against Mr. Trump. Under the Court’s own Code of Conduct, disqualification is warranted where Justices know that they, or their spouse, have an interest that could be substantially affected by the outcome of a proceeding. The only correct action under the Code is for Justice Thomas to recuse himself on April 25. If he will not, then the Chief Justice should exercise his leadership and intervene.  We are asking you to please join LDAD’s efforts to prevent this from happening by signing our letter to Chief Justice Roberts today. To sign, click on this link: Call on Justice Thomas to Recuse Himself in United States v. Trump. – LDAD
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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sillyseaveerablogs · 11 months
My Life is going downhill. I am trying to cheer myself up by making vines or finish chapter 1 of my AU but I am still carrying the guilt of the reason Velyana left.
I also feel like I am hurting others or Being annoying with my asks.
I Got bombarded with anons on my side account (since anon Asks are still on on it) ATTACKING me for not liking LDAD Prouloge post (not the Fanfiction itself, THE POST) and claiming I hate evil Loodvigg.
I don't know what to do and I feel like its my fault for Treez and Plushii getting hate for having Loodvigg be evil or mean.
Idk what to do, I feel like leaving and giving up, but if I do I won't have anywhere else to be except Pinterest, but its kinda Dead due to users moving to other socials.
I am not sure what to do.
Listen Aisha, IDK about you, but you should not listen to those Anon haters! IF YOU DON'T LIKE EVILVIGG, THAT'S FINE /vpos I DON'T MIND EVILVIGG! /vpos ALL THAT MATTER IS THAT YOU DO YOU! /vpos AND THOSE ANONS SHOULD KEEP THEIR MOUTH SHUT CAUSE IT WAS YOUR OPINION! /vpos (I mean, you made Vigg hate Furnoss, Blassom, Galvana and Attmoz while I made him this nice dude that happens to be creepy, but still!)
Pls don't leave Tumblr, we are here for you And I hope Treez and Plushii are OK from the Anon hate for now on. /lh
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This chapter was forever ago, but I'm still confused about it.
I was rereading LDAD (lovely fic, btw, one of my faves) and Logan turns into a human and is unable to use his electricity.
HOWEVER, during chapter 9, it says that he can use his electricity and he even eats multiple raw fish, despite being human. Virgil takes him to his room to sleep with him, and later, Logan like... glows in the dark.
I'm confused with the situation? Is Logan human or a merman during these scenes?
once logan turns into a human, he’s too weak from the change and the shock (plus the strain of learning to walk and his injuries) to use his electricity in that form. he’s still able to eat raw fish because his internal organs/stomach tolerance for raw fish hasn’t changed at all, and the glowing/bio-luminescence of his skin isn’t something that he has to consciously devote energy to. it’s just how his skin naturally is, the way that cats’ eyes naturally reflect green in low light
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delimeful · 4 years
...Wibar and LDAD (Teacupfullofstarshine) crossover? Just imagine. Roman asking about Patton and then eldritch horror Patton rises out of the water and he's just like "THAT'S PATTON!?" And LDAD!Roman and Wibar!Roman bonding over having bad experiences with humans and originally hating on Virgil.
LDAD!Roman 🤝 WIBAR!Roman
-spiky prickle lads
-protective of their families
-Humans Suck™
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vitchimage · 2 years
Can i get a battinson x reader where the reader is kidnapped by the riddler because the riddler is yandere for the reader. He keeps her for months and batman is trying to find the reader but can't. One day he finds the reader and batman captures her because she keeps running away from him but he needs info about the riddler. He tends to her wounds and falls in love with her and asks her to stay. Alfred becomes her dad to and just fluff of him comforting her even though she's scared a lil. TYSM!!
Really really sorry for the long wait! But it's here now <3 I hope you love it, and maybe even turn out as you expected.. :)
This idea was just *chef kiss* ISTG you all have so many beautiful and lovely ideas!
TW!: Very brutal and maybe a bit graphic? What I mean is breaking bones in detail, and violence if you squint. Gaslighting, manipulation, toxic and abusive "relationship", trauma/panic attack if you squint.
Note: It's funny I wrote 'Running up that hill' and then Stranger Things S4 came out lmao. I didn't even know about the song until ST 4 came LDAD but now I'm addicted to it.
ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴀᴠɪᴏᴜʀ, ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴠɪʟ – ꜰᴀʟʟ ɪɴᴛᴏ ʜᴇʟʟ ᴛᴏɢᴇᴛʜᴇʀ ɪɴ ᴀ ʙʟɪꜱꜱ
“My dear..” his voice gave her chills. “Trying to escape again? I taught you better than this,” 
“I’m sorry..I’m sorry..” she begged and cried, “I didn’t mean to..” 
‘I just wanted to go home..I just…’ How did it even come to this? How long has it been since she has seen the outside of this bird cage?
He kneels to her eyes level, hand stroking her cheek making her flinch, “I  just wants the best for you, please know that..” 
“You made me do this, this is all for you..” It scared her how his voice was so soft, yet the malice from him was clear.
She prepared for any punishment handed out to her as she begged someone to set her free.
“Months, Alfred, months, she has been missing for months. Along with Riddler.” 
Bruce huffs frustrated, “She is a curcial key yet not once has she been seen nor found.”
“Do you really think she might be riddler’s accomplice?” Alfred puts the tea beside him.
“Riddler has no reason to kidnap a person like that, unless to mess with me. But there has been no sign of her, no hostage threats or anything – so there is a slight chance–”
“Well, commissioner Gordon might be a bit of help,”
“He is waiting for you upstairs, it’s about Y/N L/N.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He chugs down the tea, quickly dashing upstairs.
“You never let me get the chance too,” Alfred sighs, following pursuit.
Hours has passed and all she felt was numb, tears has dried and the aches semmed to have faded.
She hugged her knees, as she was locked in the room, ankle chanied making her unable to leave. 
Maybe she was doomed to be like this forever? Was this really her fate?
The more she thought about it, the more she felt the taste of despair. But deep down, a small fuel still burned and longed for any chance to run, to get out of here. 
Maybe she should just wait, act like a good girl so he can let his guard down, and then she can strike.
Yet, the toxictiy in her minds seemed to differ. Maybe it was for the best, Gotham is indeed dangerous. She has seen it’s ugly side, and how uglier it can get. Maybe it was indeed the best for her, after all if she is good he won’t harm her. She just need to..
The sound of someone breaking through some doors, could be heard.
‘What..?’ She looks up, ‘What’s happening..?’
Her breathing quickens, it couldn’t be Edward, he was already out for business and wouldn’t come back for awhile. But what if this was some sick morbid joke to make her scared of escaping? To fear the outside, to prove how dangerous and brutal Gotham is?
The sound grew louder, and louder, closer and closer. Until it reached hers.
“Eep!” She coward for a second or two, before quickly thinking of a way to get out here.
“RIDDLER!” the voice booms from the other side. It was deep, it was stern.
“Y/N L/N!” it yells again, trying to bust down the door.
The person behind that door wasn’t riddler, no, his voice was way to deep. 
Then who could it be? 
‘Now is not the time to think about that!’ She scolded as she looked around for a way out.
Was it such a time where she wished Edward was here, just like now? 
Fear and aderline kept rising, it’s a good thing Edward made that door a tad bit stronger, or else they would have busted through that door the second they hitted it.
Her eyes landed on a window beside her, a sense of relief, she scanned around the empty room, looking for some sort of way to break the chains. But to her despair, there was none.
“Y/N!” A hole was made through that door, it won’t last much longer.
Panicked she tried to free herself, yanking at the chains around her ankel in hopes that it would break.
The sound of a bone breaking could be heard, and she screamed in pain.
The person stopped for a moment, before they continued, much faster and stronger.
The sound of the chains breaking was like music to her ears, and she crawled back towards the window just as the door bursts opened.
The man before her was wearing some sort of suit looking like a bat, his eyes pierving through her.
Gotham is dangerous my dear, there are so many people out there seeking to harm you.
Especially the man in a batsuit.
Don’t trust him, don’t trust any of them.
They just want to harm you, they are no good for you, if only you knew their evil deeds.
It’s ok, I’ll protect you from them.
I love you.
I love you, my sweet little angel.
His sweet whispers of lies sang in her head, eyes starring terrified at the man in the batsuit.
With each steps he took closer to her, the more she back away until she felt the wall hit her back.
The man in the batsuit looked at the chains for a moment, before turning his eyes towards her.
“ Y/N L/N.” He calls out to her.
Y/N looks behind her, noticing she is right under the window, before turning her eyes towards his.
“I believe there is something we need to discuss.”
‘Discuss? is that an excuse to..--’ She didn’t want to think about the last few words.
It’s amazing what a person can do to someone just in a few months. The poison of lies being fed to your brain to the point it becomes the truth.
“I..” Words got stuck in her throat, trembling and having no other choice, she slids out of the window. Afterall she doesn’t want to be in pain anymore, and the damage of the fall will only be temporarily. At least that’s what she told herself.
“...!” The man reaches towards her, hands barely grasping as she fell further down.
“DAMN IT!” He yells, the window was obviously to small for him to slip out like she did, if so, he had to take off his suit – something he can’t afford to do. So, not having much option he dashed to get outside.
Coordinating her body right, she landed on her feets and legs, breaking both of them.
“AAGH!” tears slid down from the unbearable pain, masked with the heavy rain of Gotham.
She had landed in an allyway, and having no choice she dragged her body somewhere.
Somewhere far away from the person, from him.
And it was impressive how far she had gotten that it took a quite a while for the man to catch up until another man stood before her, gun pointing at her.
‘Ah, he must have called for back up or some sort…I’m doomed..’
Her breathing became heavy and the man seemed to lower his gun at the sight of her state. Horrified and concerned is a way to decribe his expression.
“You..” He began, but ended at that as he remained speechless as he was probably not expecting this situation, “What the hell did he do to you?”
Bruises, marks, cuts, scars and bandages decorated and littered all over her body.
“Broke me.” She answered a smile on her face despite the tears. 
She felt someone pull against them, knocking her unconscious as she tried to struuggle with all the energy she barely had left.
Y/N found herself on the floor as soon as she woke up, trying to crawl, to drag her body away from this unkown place.
With the stone cold walls, it looked like a cave. Yet there wasn’t any dirt nor rocks beneath her, it was actually a sturdy floor.
When she had opened her eyes seconds ago, she was sitting in a hostpital dialysis bed.
Panicked, as memories of the past with Edward kicked in, her first instinct was getting away.
She remembered it, that day when hell had just begun.
“Oh, you’re finally awake!” His cheery voice rang in her dizzy state.
“Our home!” He chriped,  Ah, my love at last, I can finally have you all for myself.”
“Nobody is going to take you away from me now...”
Gaining her concious fully she immediatly panicked. She was strapped against a bed-like chair.
“There is no need to panic, no need to fear. I’m here, and only me here..”
He stroked her hair, “And you’re safe here with me, I’ll protect you..”
In a quick movement, she bit his hand making him yank his hand back, backing away a bit.
“How dare you! After all the things I did for you!”
“For me?! How is this for me?! I don’t even know who you are!”
It was stupid the ask him to let her go, she knew it. 
As looking into his eyes, a deep sense of twisted love, no, obsession, painted them – telling her he won’t let her go. Her freedom had been stolen from a single person.
It’s scary how easy it is, with just a flick of hand.
She shut her mouth, fear kicked in at his glare.
What happened? She was so brave a moment ago, but just a gaze like this, she felt chills. 
“There is no helping it, everyone has to learn something right?” His grip around his hand tightened. And she gulped.
First day, the first punishments.
“Don’t move.” An icy voice rang, “Unless you want me to tie you down.”
She flinched. And the voice behind her, picked her up and placed her back on the dialysis bed.
Dark brown hair, newly shaved with dark eyeshadow and piercing blue eyes. His body language seemed like someone who is stoic and stern.
And in a weird sense of way, he was handsome. Maybe she would have thought he was more devilishly handsome hadn’t it been for him being her capture.
“Please let me go..” She whispered a plea.
“I will, once I get the information I need from you.” He tended her wounds making her hiss, “So start talking.”
“What information..?”
“About the Riddler,”
Her breathing hitched, “I.. don’t know..”
“You disappeared with him for a few months, and you’re telling me that there’s–” He stopped in mid-sentence. 
It didn’t take a genius like him to understand her expression. Horrified, frightened.
“I didn’t go with him, he..” her breathening quickened, 
‘Oh god what if he founds out I’m here? What would he do? what..’ 
“I need to go..! Please let me go!” She began screaming,
No matter where you run, I’ll always find you, we are meant to be, this is fate..
“If he finds me...if he..”
Trying to run away again? What did I say about this? What did I teach you regarding this?
“Hey, breathe!” His voice snapped her out of her thoughts.
Seeing her breathing slowing down he began, “He isn’t going to find you, you’re safe here.”
She didn’t utter a word. Tears stained her cheeks.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it that way. I should have known better,”
“It’s nothing.” Her voice was flat.
His lips formd into a thin line as he continued to patch her up, without another word uttered.
Bruce Wayne was his name, hiding behind that fearful mask.
He had offered her to stay here in sake of her her safety, to which, without really knowing why. She agreed and accepted it.
Maybe because she feared what would happened if she rejected the offer, considering she was taught to accept. And accept.
But days went by, she felt hostile yet so peaceful, conflicted. 
She hadn’t felt this in awhile.
This safety, this warmth, the tender of his care. But that’s what scared her, having forgotten what it was like, used to the opposite, it didn’t feel safe either.
Y/N strolls through the garden in a wheelchair with Alfred beside her, his butler.
“You got an appointment with the physical therapist next monday.”
“Ah, right. My legs are better now, right?” Her voice was quiet, scared if it was any higher, she would be punished, but despite her wrong doings during her stay, never once was she punished, nor yelled at.
Bruce tone may have been sharp at times, yes, but it had always been like that. And after awhile his tone grew more gentle, learning quickly that sharp tones scares her.
“Sort of, but due to not having walked for days or months, walking and moving your legs would be no simple tasks.”
Y/N laughs at that, “I guess so. Sorry it was stupid.”
“Nothing is stupid, miss.”
She smiles at that, the feeling of reassurance floods in.
Something she had missed. 
Something she used to get from her dad.
But he was no longer here to fill that tasks, nor any of her family members.
In a strange sense of way, Alfred and Bruce was all that she had left now.
“Everything is going to be alright, miss..” Alfred carefully puts a hand on her shoulder.
“Thanks, Alfred..”
They strolled around for a moment, comfortable silence took place.
“It’s pretty…” Y/N suddenly spoke up.
“Do you like them?”
She smiles softly, “Yes, lilies somehow gives me comfort, especially poppies.”
Alfred didn't question it, mumbling out a,
“I see,”
And thus they both stood there in awhile admiring the flowers as the gentle breeze passes by.
Soon after, she grew more and more closer to them, feeling more comfortable. 
“Therapy session was great!” Y/N began to tell Bruce on how it went, not only with physical therapy, but with normal therapy as well, as they strolled down the street. Her eyes sparkling so bright, brighter than before.
Bruce felt a ting of warmth soothe through at that. At how lively she looked, at how lovely she looked. Her smile brightens his surrounding, the way her eyes shines –
His sun in life. She was his sun in life. 
And that warmth continued to grow and radiate each day.
As soon as she finishes, Bruce chuckles and ask if he could quickly excuse himself.
Y/N felt nervous, scared, her smile falter.
‘No, no..keep smiling’ He had a strong urge to say it, the thought became intense.
“I’ll be close by, and I’ll be quick.”
She fidgets not answering.
“Y/N look at me,”
“Please look at me..”
She looks up, meeting his blue orbs.
“Can you believe me when I say it’s safe?” There it was again, his tenderness.
“But what if..”
“He wouldn’t be stupid enough to do it in such a public place like this,”
“He is crazy enough,”
“Okay,” He breathes, “I won’t leave then. We’ll go there together.”
She blinked, “huh?” She didn’t expect for him to give in so easily. Usually he would discuss until earth ended. That was how stubborn he was.
Without an answer Bruce takes the wheelchair, pushing her through the street, the speed was fast.
Her laughter echoes in his ears, and yet again he felt the warmth seeping through.
He wanted this. Exactly this. Her happiness, for her to stay happy.
It felt like her happiness was also his.
If she’s happy, then so is he.
“Here you go,” The florist hands him a boquet of lilies.
“Who are these for?” Y/N felt a sting in her heart, the strange bitterness flooded, they replaced the bliss she just felt a moment ago.
‘Is he seeing someone? I mean he has been out a lot lately, I thought it was because of his jobs. But..what if..’
You and him aren’t meant to be, why are you so disapointed Y/N?
We are meant to be, you and me. 
His voice dugged into her ear, each word filled with venom.
“Huh?” Y/N looks taken a back as she snaps out of her trance.
“These are for you,” he hands her the boquet,
“You didn’t know? I have always been gifting you flowers, till now.”
“I-i do, but these are different from the ones you gift me. You usually give me poppies.”
“Ah, I thought a change might do.”
Y/N became silent, and time seemed to stop. The sting and the bitterness washed away.
She felt ease, her cheeks getting warmer. She felt happy, a tender smile plastered on her face. She felt so…
“Thank you, Bruce..”
Days, months passes by, yet again like a flash, like a flick of a hand.
She and Bruce grew closer, closer more than anyone else. More than Alfred who filled her role as a father figure.
Her feelings are growing stronger each day, every minute with Bruce, every moments, seconds with him. 
From baking to road trips. 
From road trips to picnics, to a warm day at a beach.
To when she could finally walk. Running up that hill.
She felt so free, so alive. She felt like flying instead of falling.
Flying with him.
And without her knowing, he felt it aswell.
This, this feeling of being alive, to fly high into the sky.
And there were times.
Times where she felt like she was drowning, her past sinking her further down the ocean.
Times where she felt like flying, where she can breahte, where the cold is no longer there.
But, that was what love was – bestowing tough and hard times, but also times where happiness lurks, the feeling of bliss. Together.
Love’s ups and downs –
Together, getting through it together.
“We caught him,” Bruce states, as Y/N cleaned the cut on his cheek after a rough night for him.
She flinched, backing slightly away at the mentioning of Edward.
“He..he is…”
“Locked in Arkham Asylum,” Bruce looks up at her, “Are you..”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine…” She moves back, returning to clean his wounds.
“I’m sorry I should have..--”
“It’s fine, Bruce. Thank you for telling me sooner than later.”
He takes a hold of her wrists, old scratches decorated it from the past, when she used it as a coping mechanism when she was scared.
He didn’t know why he did that, he just wanted to. He wanted to..
She stops, time stops. And it just felt it was them, just them.
“What now? What do you want to do now?” He breaks the silence.
Close, they were close. If she leaned a bit in, their lips would have connected.
“I don’t know..but I want to pay him a visit.”
Silence filled the place again.
“Wait, you..”
“No,” She cuts in before he could finish, “I just want to face him, to confront him.”
‘So I can move on,
move on with you’
“And here?” He hesitates. He doesn’t want to hear her reply either, his heart was hammering way to much.
“I..” her breathing hitches.
‘I want to stay,’
You’ll just be a bother.
“I don’t know,” She gives a sad smile, “we’ll see..”
He nods, his throat tightens. 
He let’s go and she pulls away.
Both missing each others warmth.
“I can get the visit permission from them, but are you sure?” 
She packs the first aid kit, “Yeah,” Y/N puts it back on the shelf, “I want to move on. And I believe to do that I need to confront what’s standing in the way, what’s chaining me to the past.” 
She felt someone spin her around, the same warmth emitting from her waist. Calloused hands holding her tightly.
“Time.” He said, “is important when healing, when leaving the past.”
Y/N widens her eyes, stunned and flustered.
Although they were close when she was taking care of his wounds, she still felt like butterflies swarming her stomach. Getting the warmth she craved, she missed a second ago.
Him, he was the cause of this. This emotional rollercoaster,  like a drug, a drug she wanted more of.
Him, his everything, she wanted his everything, the ugly scars and his flawless ones.
“If you jump too quickly before the time, you’re bound to wound again. So I’m asking you again.” he pauses, “Are you sure about this?”
She gulps, her gaze downwards.
Memories of Edward floods in, and yet again she felt like drowning. But with his warmth she was floating again.
Head out of the water, breathing, barely.
What’s holding her back from coming on land? To safety?
She knew, deep down, to be able to swim, to get to land, she needed to let him go.
To let the past go, to confront. Running has been tiring, and it will always appear again, and again – like an evil cycle by him. And she needed to break it, to break from him. The chains, the toxins in her brain, him. 
If she does that then..
She breathes, she looks up at his piercing blue eyes, her hand around his arms.
“I’m sure.”
“You’re here..” he lets out like a saviour before him, “you came,”
Y/N silently sat down.
“I’ve been looking for–”
“Edward.” Her voice was cold,
His happy face fell.
“You and I..” 
We are meant to be, you and me.
“Are not meant to be.” A statement, a fact.
She wanted to get this done quickly, to get her point across.
“No, no, no..” Edward shakes his head, “you–”
“You’re delusional.” She didn’t let him finish, “All this pain, all the suffering I had to go through. Blaming myself for just wanting to survive, to live, that I clung to you for that.”
“But it’s not my fault. It’s a human nature.” a smile plastered, but not for him, not for Edward, “and he made me realize that.”
He laughs, “I’m not delusional, Y/N! Open your eyes! He doesn’t love you the way I do, the way I’d do anything to keep you by my side, the way I want you to be happy! You and him are not meant to be. You need me, Y/N, you relied on me back then, what changed? WHAT CHANGED? YOU AND HIM..” He slammed his fists onto the table, clearly the thoughts of Bruce and her was like an oil to the fire.
She shakes her head, numbed,
“You’re sick Edward. I don’t need a sick person like you, but clearly and strangely you need me.”
“Y/N..Angel you don’t understand..”
“There is a difference between doing anything to keep a person by their side and doing anything for their happiness.” She stands up,
“Burn in hell, Edward Nigma, I hope you get the taste of pain I once felt when my freedom was taken away from me.” 
She puts the phone back, leaving as Edward calls out for her.
And maybe, she was cruel to say that. But even so, even if he really was sick, it doesn’t excuse for the hell he had shown her, the hell she felt with him. 
No, it was worse than hell. She would rather be in hell than be with him. Hell was a better place.
Y/N could only wish the same pain, fell upon him as she left the Arkham Asylum, leaving the past behind, and finally moving forward, swimming.
Stepping outside she was greeted by the rain. Y/N looks up at the sky, before exiting to the gate.
“How do you feel?” A familiar voice rang in her ear as an umbrella hovered over her head.
She looks up at him, his blue eyes.
“Good..It will take some time, but..” She smiles, “I feel like I can finally move on..”
“That’s good, Y/N, I’m proud and happy for you” Bruce smiles back, a gentle look to him, “Let’s head back before–”
“Bruce..” She interrupts, her breathing shaky.
“Is something wrong?” he grew worried, putting a hand on her shoulder as he looks around for a moment, for any dangers.
And as soon as it seems clear and safe, his gaze went back to her.
Y/N’s lips, wet from the rain, clashed against his dry ones – yet to be touched by the rain.
Time stilled. It was just them now, everyhting else vanished to thin air. A moment where every emotions clashed.
She pulled away, but he pulled her closer – not wanting this moment to end.
Their silence, their movements and the way their eyes said the words, they understood;
The way their heart was beating for each other.
Y/N flutters her eyes open as she heards the curtains open.
“Good morning you two,” Alfred greets, “It’s 12’ clock, lunch is downstairs.”
She hears Bruce groan beside her, dragging her down with him as she sat up.
“A little longer..”
“20 minutes or you’ll get leftovers.” Alfred leaves.
“He is really overprotective of you,” Bruce mumbles, “He has known me since I was a kid, yet he lectures me on how to treat you right, thinking somehow I’ll hurt you. I think my back burns everytime he sees us, or me touch you ever since yesterday.”
Y/N laughs turning to face him. Bare chested, his brown hair messy. scratches on his back from the night. He looked so good. A god prehaps? No, 
the devil. He was the devil.
“Well, good morning to you too sir,” She raises an eyebrow, teasing.
He buries his face more against her chest,
“Morning, love.”
“I personally think he is celebrating since yesterday after it was clear we were late and drenched, due to the make out session in the rain.” Y/N strokes his hair, 
“Well it doesn’t matter cause in the end, I’m pretty sure I’m not getting the leftovers, but you are.”
He laughs heartily at that. God that laugh. 
Everything about him, she fell, his laugh, his smile, his everything, 
she fell for him.
And it didn't matter if he was really the devil. She would gladly, go and fall into hell with him – together.
Y/N snakes her hands to cup his face.
“I love you,” She whispered.
“I love you too,” He responded back and kissed –
both feeling such intense bliss.
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calikoghost · 4 years
I’m over the moon that you liked it, Star.
I absolutely adore LDAD and it’s low key the thing that started my love for Analogical, and when I saw that scene I just had to draw it. I hope I did it justice  🥺
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siren1song · 5 years
In Which Jo Loves Content Creators
I’m in a mushy mood. This means it’s time to snipe people with my love for their work and affection for them as people. (People I don’t know that well/talk to regularly won’t be as personal as people as I’ve made good friends with! All to avoid making anyone uncomfortable <3)
I’m going to start with @sleepless-in-starbucks, because of course I’m starting with Lia. I know I’ve made a literal collaboration post with Max about how much I love them and their work, but Also how can I not mention once again how sweet and funny they are? I vowed that one day, I would rick roll them, they don’t believe I can, but I will, one day. Also they’re really good at comforting people??? And let me scream about some of my favorite fics/tropes to them. I also really enjoy talking to them about stuff I’m working. Listen. Lia is great, okay?
Speaking of @max-is-tired did you know they’re an incredibly sweet datemate who’s super considerate and easy to talk to and gosh I love them a whole lot? Not to mention their writing and ideas are phenomenal!!!! Max is so big brained!!!!! I will never stop expressing my love for them ever.
Oh, oh, oh!!!! @thechildoflightning is also really super sweet!! I became a huge fan of their writing through their daemon prinxiety au!! And my love of their work just kept expanding as I read the jksf verse they’ve worked so hard on! Their research is expansive!! And did you know they’re really cute when they info dump? I asked them to tell me about the bird facts the other day because I wanted to hear their info dumping and it was really cool information!!! I learned a lot about a really cool bird!!
(This is going to get long... time for a cut!)
Another segue! You know who else I’ve learned a lot from? @lilfellasblog who is so cool? And kind???? And smart? Sometimes, I’ll ask them questions in a joking way and then I’ll end up learning something and wow! That’s so cool! And they don’t mind simplifying things for me when I ask! And their fic, Healing Broken Wings? An actual masterpiece, though if you check it out I recommend reading tags thoroughly. And if you have questions about a tag, ask them! They’re so willing to elaborate to make sure you’re able to stay safe!!! They care more about your safety than your readership!!!!! And that’s so awesome! I love Lil so much! A great friend and an amazing writer!
A friend I don’t really talk to nearly as much as the others but who I still care about a whole lot is @illogicallyinclined. They say they can’t write, but bullet fics are a Valid Form of Writing, and also their art? Stunning? They’re the reason I started appreciating Logan a whole lot more than I used to, and their hockey au  is really good (and Jam Packed with Logan Angst if you’re into that.) They’re also hilarious to talk to. I have chatted about Virgil and Logan being huge ass meme’s with them on multiple occasions.
Someone I’ve only recently started talking to is @sign-from-god-complex who’s actually really cool? I was talking to him about my love for fandom content creators before I decided to make this post and of course I had to include him? I’m literally going to be bingeing his writing as soon as I finish this Love and Appreciation post because it’s amazing! I can’t believe I haven’t read more of his work before! A travesty, honestly!!! And oh my God his music is good? Literally the whole reason I joined his server and started talking to Lo in the first place was because he was really nice when I asked him how downloading music worked because I’ve only ever done that onto an MP3 (I know, I’m old) and even then I had to have help because I’m not adept with technology. A great singer and writer!
Now for people I’ve never talked to personally but really want to show my appreciation for... Goodness, there’s so many?
I’m gonna start this section with @princeanxious who’s writing, art, and ideas in general are amazing? Have you seen his coma au? Heart wrenching. His Lost Guardian au? Beautiful world building! His punk lo/pastel dee au? Adorable oh my goodness I can’t get enough!! I tried to talk to him once, but I kind of got scared I was bothering him, but he seems really nice!!!!
Did I mention soulmate au’s earlier? I did. You know who writes really cool and great soulmate aus? @not-so-innocent-bi-sander and MAN is their writing great! Have you read their vampire soulmate au? That was so cute??? I loved Logan’s internal conflict with changing Patton and Roman, gosh? And they have such interesting au ideas too? Like I have actually never heard the concept of Lockets before, and it was such a fascinating idea for a soulmate au? I mean, obviously they have other fics that aren’t soulmate aus, like their prinxiety fic Overcoming a Legacy? Stunning, I am pretty sure I stayed up really late reading that one.
Speaking of fics that made me stay up late (so many segue’s) @impatentpending ‘s fic Powerless had me up from 5:30 pm when I started reading it to 2:30 am when Max finally woke up and distracted me long enough to make me shower and go to bed cause I had work in the morning. Do I regret it? No. Powerless is a stunning fic with an amazing concept. I can’t tell you how excited I was to read a fic where Virgil willingly took on a villain role to protect his loved ones. And also I’m going to physically fight Missy, she can catch these hands. I can’t really give much else on the rest of her fics, because I tend to avoid anything that might not end happy (I’m five chapters away from finishing Powerless, and I’m only just now getting skeptical they might not get their happy ending so count me scared) but I have no doubt everything she’s written is just as good, if not better since this fic was finished in 2018? Wow.
Another fic that had me up super late was @lovelylogans gilmore girls au where you lead, i will follow. Don’t be fooled by the eleven chapters, that fic is over 100k words but God is it so worth it to read every single one. You don’t even need to be familiar with the show the au is based on, it’s amazing either way. The characters, the plot, the romance, all absolutely stunning. I will personally fight Patton’s mom. And the rest of her fics! Wow!!! Stunning, amazing, wonderful, beautiful, I’m running out of adjectives. I loved their princess bride bullet fic a whole lot, that was fun.
If you ever see me gushing about mermaid aus, please know that @voidsides au is Probably my favorite take on it. The prinxiety! The sassy virgil!!! The Logan being so done with Roman’s shit. Literally the one comic with Logan interaction I could practically see “Roman I swear to god if you don’t stop flirting with the fish I’m going to push you into the water” in his words. He didn’t say it, but man he was definitely thinking it.
Oh man, I can’t forget to mention the person who got me into g/t-slash-borrower sides @infinimay cause his content? Amazing, really. I found him when someone I follow reblogged one of his halloween fics and I fell in love and proceeded to binge the rest of their writing. Amazing, really. I really love the giant hermit virgil and hiker logan ones a lot. There’s more that I definitely love a whole lot as well, but I can’t currently match content with titles right now and if I go through I’ll get caught up and forget to come back to this post, but just know I love
Another giant/tiny writer I really love who I fell in love because of his amazingly written alien au- @delimeful WIBAR is currently one of my fic obsessions and I might reread it soon because it’s so good? I love the world building and how he’s written the characters so much. The rest of his work is Also Great? The fic where Virgil turns into a dragon when stressed? Amazing I can’t wait for it to continue.
@tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors You got me so in love with laoft I think about it often. Scary Virgil?? Changeling Logan???? Witch Roman???? Gifted Patton????? I want to cry I love them so much. And God, May! May Gage is a disaster of a woman but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love her. I just. I love this au so much and it’s gotten me to love fae lore so much like I used to. I want to reread this au now, crap. Wait I need to read Lo’s stuff first. Double crap.
Oh man. speaking of writer’s who keep bringing up fae and reminding me how much I love them, @lefaystrent I hope you know your parental shenanigans on my dash bring me life. I didn’t know carbonated milk existed until last night. Kind of wish I was still ignorant on that particular topic. Either way, your fae virgil fic? Amazing. I got so super excited every time I saw an update, and that epilogue? A beautiful ending, if you ask me.
@stillebesat I start screaming in excitement, reading your Interview fic. When I found it, I became so in love with the fic I had a really hard time reading anything else and I frequently checked your blog looking for an update. I am so in love with it, and honestly there’s lots of questions I have about it but if I ask all of them this post will be even LONGER and it’s so massive already.
@today-only-happens-once You’re writing is amazing. So many of your fics are so stunning?? I fell in love reading The Only Exception. Still need to go through your masterlist thoroughly, but man everything I’ve read from you so far is so well written and takes my entire heart.
This post wouldn’t be complete without @notalwaysthevillian who actually got me to start shipping Logince with her fic Shattering Stereotypes. And then there’s of course her tangled prinxiety au??? Which I actually really gotta finish but what I’ve read of it? Amazing. 
Oh crap. If void has my favorite artistic mermaid au, @teacupfulofstarshine has my favorite written au. LDAD is a stunning fic and I would die for it. And also her recent atla au fic? I was screaming over it. Also also her moxiety dad au series she did for halloween had my entire heart. Every installment of that series had me so incredibly soft I probably could have cried.
And finally, @randomslasher I really love your writing. Your fic, Starved was one of the first I read in the fandom and I adored every single word. I haven’t actually had the chance to really sit down and binge any of your work that I could find, but I plan on fixing that soon. It’s also?? Really nice to see an older fander! As someone in their twenties and constantly seeing how young everyone is, it’s comforting knowing I’m not the only one!
That’s everyone I wasn’t scared of bothering! Everyone who I wanted to shower in my love for their work (and affection for the people I talk to!) This isn’t really in any particular order, beyond me separating the people I talk to from the people I don’t. This post is massive, but I hope everyone enjoys my appreciation for their content!
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lovelylogans · 5 years
4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them? / 16. If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be? / 28. Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much. / 💖
fanfic asks
4. how many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? care to share one of them? 
again, so!!! many!!! but i will share that i have an analogical “the guy who didn’t like musicals” fic in the drafts, which i started writing in early 2019 (like, winter break, after january 1 2019) so i have deceit in there but no remus (and still struggling for a role for roman, funnily enough! i’m pretty sure i was planning on making him the apotheosis.) and it’s technically an answer to a prompt fic, so! i hope on posting it! someday! 
16. if you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?
oh boy. uhhhhhh, probably logicality? which i know is a surprise, as i haven’t written them as a focus in much of my published fics, but i have this really long fic in the drafts (i’ve mentioned it here and there) and i just really love their whole relationship dynamic. i want to get back into writing it more.
28. share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
@princelogical: marin’s college au was actually one of the first fics i started actually really in-depth following in the sanders sides fandom! i also have a soft spot in my heart for her queerplatonic logince verse. it’s just. Chef’s Kiss.
@tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors: who i have to congratulate because vi hit 100 works in their laoft extras today!!! that’s so crazy!!!! super mega huge congratulations for that, my dude!!!!! all of them are so well-written and clearly passionately written, you can tell how much she cares about the verse, and it’s just!!! great!!! (also their remile selkie au Kills Me but!!!!!)
@teacupfulofstarshine: ldad! ain’t it fun! little and broken! crossroads of our destiny!! the federal bureau of gays!! the lamp college verse!!! the cinderella au (which my brain persists in calling cinderfella!!) there are So Many Great things here, in so many different verses with different Moods and Aesthetics for each and just!!! i PROMISE that you will find your cup of tea in something that star has written because star is So Talented!!!!
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political-fluffle · 4 years
Tumblr media
Legal Group Files Bar Complaint Against Rudy Giuliani for ‘Flagrant and Persistent Lying’ About Election Fraud
Lawyers Defending American Democracy (LDAD) delivered its 18-page grievance to New York’s First Judicial Department in Manhattan, demanding the ethics committee conduct an investigation into Giuliani’s for his “false public claims, on behalf of former President Trump, that the 2020 presidential election was stolen by fraud, and for filing lawsuits without legal or factual support.” (...)
LDAD also asked that asked the committee to immediately suspend Giuliani’s license to practice law until the probe is completed.
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Some Fandom Love Vibes
Every once in a while, I think about how much talent and lovely people are in this fandom and my heart grows soft and warm. Like:
@justisaisfine: I still think about the Sanders Bro AU a lot. I still listen to the playlist a lot. I think it’s always going to have a special place in my heart and honestly, props to Isa for not minding my refusal to let go of this au and ocassionally roll into their ask box unanounced to ask a question about it because I just. Love it. And the care and love and dedication they’ve put into developing it just. It blows me away?? And their ART?!?! Is gorgeous??? They always are able to say so much in the characters’ expressions in both the comics and stand-alone pieces and their watercolor approach to coloring is just. Distinct and beautiful and I love it.
@teacupfulofstarshine: Sometimes I think randomly about LDaD and a little part of my brain is like “whoa. She did that.” One day I hope to be able to fold lore so seamlessly into narrative like starshine does but until then, I will continue to read LDaD and look for examples of how she does it because that’s honestly the best way to learn. Is to look at the examples you admire and pay close attention. On top of that, LDaD has gorgeous and vivid setting description and I just. Admire the heck out of it. 
@princeanxious: Luka!! Okay so like. Luka is so flipping creative?? He has so many AUs that are all chock full of deep, rich lore and unlike anything else I’ve ever really seen, and he does it with such a passion and love for his work that it’s so easy to get caught up in it all in the best kind of way. And on top of writing, he also draws?? And it’s awesome?? Like, I’ve said this before but Luka has such a distinct style to me that sometimes I’ll see art on my dash and be like “hey that’s really cool and looks like Luka’s” and then I’ll check OP and realize it was him. Which just always makes me feel a little splash of happy.
@ironwoman359: Every once in a while, I’m going about my day as a normal human being and my brain will be like “remember Our Own Villain? HECK.” Or. “Yo remember that part from A Fiendly Reunion?” and I’ll be like “I’m doing dishes but now I want to go re-visit it.” Or “Hey remember when Lies of Omission smacked you upside the head with emotions?” and I’ll be like “I was grading papers but I guess now I’m gonna sit and think about Patton and re-read that convo with Patton and Virgil from that fic because feelings”. Basically what I’m saying is that Taylor is an awesome writer that always makes me feel a lot and I am so hecking happy she devotes her time and attention in writing to this fandom.
@randomslasher: My brain refuses to stop wanting to revisit so many of LJ’s fics. Like. Sometimes I’ll just be chilling and my brain will be like “Let’s re-read Thespian” and I’m like “aight” and then I fall down the rabbit hole because then I want to re-read Dad and Superfluous too and I feel?? So much?? When I read those??? And then there’s Starved, which I’ve been known to cry when I re-read certain parts when I’m feeling emotional and it’s the carthartic kind of cry, but it’s a sort of comfort fic for me that I go back to when I feel like I need it. Which is hard to explain?? But hopefully that makes sense. ON TOP OF THAT, LJ also makes art that is sometimes beautiful and sometimes cute and sometimes both and always, always awesome. I admire the heck out of the time and dedication they’ve put towards honing both of those crafts to be what they are today. 
These are all just a few blogs that I find myself always revisiting, but honestly this fandom is so rich with talent and kindness and sometimes I think about that and feel sappy in the best kind of way. 
If you make art, or write, or create edits of any kind--thank you. Thank you so much for the time and dedication you’ve put towards each individual project you’ve undertaken. You make fandom an enriched experience and I couldn’t be more grateful for the work all of you--tagged or not--pour into your creations. 
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ecto-american · 4 years
📸 📖
OKAY so0 im super drunk rn and i think thtiis is meanto  be SAMxJAZZ sso i gotta say???????????i can vibe that.  i have ne ver seen it before but i???? i can dig it...........go on funky ldads
THE MEME THJING: https://ecto-american.tumblr.com/post/620216280236048384/danny-phantom-pride-asks
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fangirltothefullest · 6 years
Reblog this and or comment and tell me what aus of mine y’all wanna be tagged for and I’ll make a taglist for each of my aus. 
AU list (please make sure yu specify if you want all or just art for those listed): 
A Primrose Promise (updates)
Toy AU (art)
Toy AU (all)
Steampunk AU (art)
Steampunk AU (all)
General art taglist
Fae AU
Hypnosnek (Jealousy) AU
The Buterfly’s Shelter AU (Aka Dad!Logan/Toddler!Virgil) 
Hero AU (AKA Bird!Roman AU with @teacupfulofstarshine) 
Centaur AU (art)
Centaur AU (all)
LDaD Merms (cause I doodle them on occasion)
Tashi Sides
Fang AU (should I ever doodle more)
Moulin Rouge AU (should I ever doodle more)
Witch Soulmate AU (should I ever doodle more)
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im trying to find this sanders sides story but i cant find it, do you know of the mer story where Patton is a mer researcher and he finds Virgil and brings him underwater to Logan and Roman who are scientists and they start learning about humans through him? Lo and Ro teach Vee mer and Vee lives in several air pods that can move through the area hes in
i’ve never heard of this fic before, but if anyone has please link in the comments of this post if sounds fascinating
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tera-91 · 5 years
Late night reading ..... if I could just
I wish there was a way to save/archive your favorite stories on tumblr. Such as have more than one favorite folder or have a separate way to favorite certain things. I mean here I am unable to sleep and I would love to read a good story. Don't get me wrong I could just pull up @not-so-innocent-bi-sander TVFH or @teacupfulofstarshine LDAD for a couple of examples because I know who posted them. However, it can a bit tricky if there isn't a master list or you just can't quite remember who posted a story but you remember basically the entire story, or vague details, so you ask for help finding it. Or you even reblog it in the hopes of finding it again a good while later (like I have done several times with stories such as @sketchynebula Scribbles) as well as sharing the amazing-ness of these stories. 🙃💜 Well off to bed I go, probably will scroll a bit first. If anyone knows a good fluffy LAMP/CALM feel free to share 😁 I will be spending my vacation hopefully re-reading said mentioned stories along with some others. And yes I WILL be working on Monsters I have not forgotten about it (I am so sorry for the wait. I mayyy have stalled a bit and need to start, not quite, from the beginning)
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This is gonna sound real stupid but Lovely, Dark and Deep made me for some reason want to be a marine biologist, and now here i am with a few fish-related qualifications and aquariums bigger than me in my livingroom
that’s not stupid at all!!! i’m so happy that i could inspire you to be a marine biologist! live your dreams, sweetheart!
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