#league legacy vault
goodstuffhappenedtoday · 11 months
10 years ago, Batkid was battling bad guys and cancer — now he's 15 and healthy
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Today, Miles Scott is a healthy teenager with a passion for baseball. He plays catcher for his high school in Tulelake, Calif. "I wear all-black in baseball," Miles said. "So the dugout's always screaming 'Batkid! Batkid!'" Ten years ago, the then-5-year-old Miles won hearts both in his hometown and around the world when he transformed into the black-clad superhero Batkid for a day, becoming an instant media sensation. The Make-A-Wish Foundation, a non-profit that grants wishes to children who are seriously ill, partnered with the City of San Francisco to organize the adventure for Miles, who had been battling acute lymphoblastic leukemia since he was just 18 months old. According to the Yale School of Medicine, the disease is the most common type of childhood cancer. Survival rates used to be low, but these days children with the disease have up to a 90% chance of going on to lead a healthy life. Granting the wish Make-A-Wish went to elaborate lengths to make Miles' dream of becoming Batman's sidekick Batkid true. The foundation enlisted the help of The Mayor of San Francisco (the late Ed Lee), the San Francisco Police and Fire Departments, the San Francisco Giants and many other individuals and entities. San Francisco was re-dubbed "Gotham City" — Batman's fictional home — for the day. Clad in his Batkid costume and accompanied by a grownup Batman (played by Eric Johnston), the pair zipped around in their Batmobile thwarting villains — they prevented The Riddler from robbing a bank vault — and undertaking daring rescues, including freeing the San Francisco Giants' mascot Lou Seal from The Penguin's clutches.
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Thousands of people descended on San Francisco to cheer Miles on. He earned a key to the city. The San Francisco Chronicle published a special edition of its daily newspaper to mark the occasion. Then-U.S. President Barack Obama sent Miles words of encouragement via a video message on social media. "The feeling was palpable; you could just feel the positiveness and how the community came together," said Miles' mom, Natalie Scott. "People flew in from everywhere and it just gave everyone some sense of peace almost." The event was covered by many mainstream media organizations, including NPR. And millions of people around the world followed the #Batkid hashtag on social media. Batkid lives on Batkid's legacy didn't end on that day.
The wish was the subject of the 2015 Warner Bros. documentary, Batkid Begins. Media organizations have revisited the story over the years. "He plays Little League, attends fifth grade, helps on his family's farm and sold his first market goat at the fair over the summer," reported his hometown California paper, The Siskyou Daily News, on Batkid's fifth anniversary in 2018.
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And Miles himself has been free of cancer for the past few years. "Every year he goes for a checkup, and everything's been on the straight and narrow, so, we hope to keep it that way," said Nick Scott, Miles' dad. Miles has grown out of his Batkid costume. But his kid brother Ben donned it last Halloween. Miles is now in high school and is looking ahead to the future. "Right now, he's dead set on going to Alaska and being a 'pack mule' for his cousin's husband's guide business," said Natalie Scott. "And he has a lot of interest in welding. So we'll see!"
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GREAT MAGNETO PROMPT MASTERPOST (includes Music, Theme, Verse and Place Prompts)
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Plots based on a Magneto-related theme, verse or era. Plot Roulette for quick access. Add (*your muse/my muse*) for adjustments -- updated 24.06.24
001. Spionage Era .
002. Acolyte Uprising .
003. AnarchyX Revolution .
004. Future of X-Men Blue .
005. Asteroid M's Final Stand .
006. Savage Land Philosophies .
007. The White King of the Hellfire Club .
008. Brotherhood Noir .
009. Dark Fantasy .
010. Apple of Krakoa .
011. Elden Ring/Lords of the Fallen .
012. League of Legends .
013. Kree and Shi'ar War of Kings .
014. War of Arrako .
015. Peace of Arrako .
016. Resurrection on Krakoa .
017. Political Intrigue of Krakoa .
018. Legacy Virus .
019. Mothervine .
020. Mysterium Metal .
021. Secret Wars with Avengers .
022. Headmaster Magneto .
023. Magneto Protocols .
024. X of Swords .
025. Civilisation on Saturn .
026. Chimera Plots .
027. Chimera Magneto .
028. Quiet Council Secrets .
029. Uprising .
030. Paradise Genosha .
031. Ruins of Genosha .
032. Lives of Moira X .
033. Black Vault .
034. Machine Forge .
035. Expedition .
036. Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse .
037. Cosmic Cerebro .
038. Mutant Purge .
039. Broken Magnet .
040. Black Ops .
041. Game of Thrones .
042. Legacy of M .
043. Avalon Sanctuary .
044. Terrorist .
045. Brotherhood .
046. Morlocks .
047. Anomaly .
048. Riddled Alliance .
049. Civil War .
050. Lost .
051. Celebrations .
052. Studies .
053. Rebirth .
054. Family .
055. Rise of Magneto .
056. Cosmic Event .
057. Reforming Mars .
058. Living Earth .
059. Reluctant King .
060. Betrayal .
061. Corruption .
062. Imprisoned .
063. Sacrifice .
064. Infiltration .
065. Annihilation .
066. Negotiation .
067. Survival .
068. Experiment .
069. Invasion .
070. Art .
071. Judgement .
072. Banishment .
073. Assassination .
074. Forgiveness .
075. Eclipse .
076. Quantum Electromagnetism .
077. Heart of a Star .
078. Nimrod .
079. Resonance Chamber .
080. Control (Game) .
081. Blackest Night .
082. Destruction of London .
083. Boss Fight .
084. Series 97 .
085. Golden Tracks AU .
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001. Genosha .
002. Asteroid M .
003. Savage Lands .
004. Island M .
005. Wundagore Mountain .
006. Poland .
007. Berlin .
008. Krakoa .
009. New York .
010. Madripoor .
011. Dark Dimension .
012. Limbo .
013. Mars .
009. New York .
010. Madripoor .
011. Dark Dimension .
012. Limbo .
013. Latveria .
014. Underground Cities .
015. Atlantis .
016. Morlock Tunnels .
017. Xavier Institute .
018. Avalon .
019. Muir Island .
020. Research Facility .
021. Museum .
022. Astral Plane .
023. Bermuda Triangle .
018. Mojoverse .
019. Vault .
020. Jungle .
021. Phalanx .
022. Saturn .
023. Space .
018. Outerspace .
019. Eternals .
020. Avengers Tower .
021. Study .
022. Quantum World .
023. Hellfire Club .
024. Apocalypse .
025. Titan .
026. Hell .
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canigetuuu · 2 years
that skater au gave me brain worms so. just. take whatever this is. I'm so tired.
started figure skating young
his dad was a genial and well respected business manager at a rink in Washington sponsored by the prestigious Skaianet Systems Inc, which brought major players like the vaulted Roxanne Lalonde to Olympic gold stardom
he's just a decent man though, trying to support his family
he brought John to the rinks sometimes and taught him to skate just for fun
however, John soon started showing a prodigious talent for it, and Dad Egbert was so so proud of him for it
John liked skating well enough at the time, and was kind of hoping that maybe if he took up skating his dad would axe the whole harlequin thing
(which he did)
at sixteen, after winning a few pretty impressive medals in the junior category, John was ready to call it quits and retire the professional skates
Tragically, however, it was around this time that James "Dad" Egbert, who had always been so supportive of John's skating, died very suddenly.
John grieves in a very particular way. He often gets (home)stuck in a version of denial which often looks like radical acceptance.
He is in fact actually very fucked up right now.
Vriska Serket, a young and notorious athlete turned coach who John had been working with for the last year or so at that time, pulls a Vriska, and hamfists John back into skating.
With her guidance, John becomes one of THE top US figure skaters, and at age 21 is ready for his second foray into the Olympic scene.
The winter Olympics are in less than a year, and John has taken up training in Vancouver...
took up street hockey as a teen in his home town of Houston, Texas with his kid brother Dave, who said it was the height of irony to play a winter sport in the hottest place this side of satans tight asshole
Dave never liked it as much as Dirk did though
probably because Dave liked not fainting from heat stroke
I know, Dave is so weird
It got them out of that apartment though.
... (<- Bro silence being very loud)
At 16, Dirk got scouted by a pale man in a suit working for a company called Abraxas, which he said was looking for young athletes to sponsor. <- very believable
That's very rude. I never lie.
And please, call me Doc Scratch.
Is it normal for traveling salesmen to have doctorates?
Oh it's not a title, though I imagine it would be very easy for me to acquire one. Haa haa, hee hee.
Things got very messy and horrible very quickly.
Events culminated in an extremely high profile law suit, where Dirk and many other athletes were represented by the Pyrope Firm to take down Abraxas, Doc Scratch, and his boss Lord English (H3'S SO PR3T3NTIOUS, UGH) and to free them all from their horrifying contracts
Pyrope won.
For now.
At age 18, Dirk had a scandal behind him, a kid brother to take care of beside him (the Bro silence got quieter), and a veritable mountain of legal reparations ($$$) to get him into any college he wanted.
dude, just go to the hockey school
I could support you better with a law degree.
After Dave had to go to the hospital due to the force of his laughing fit giving him a hernia, Dirk decided to go to the hockey school.
He joins the team there, and does well enough to get into the Big Leagues once he graduates with a combob philosophy/comp sci degree.
the Big Man. he is you
Dave, despite having a literal athlete brother, still has no idea how sports work.
And neither do I, so just assume that Dirk does really well and gets on a good team and is very normal about everything.
He is especially normal when, at age 24, he has to move to Vancouver, Canada since he got swapped to a different team and Dave doesn't come with him.
Bonus notes
Rose is John's friend who is also a figure skater. She's got a very turbulent relationship with her mother, former Olympic skater Roxanne Lalonde, which drags down her genuine love for skating with the weight of legacy.
John and Dave are internet friends who don't know each other's last names, and while John knows a lot about Dave's life, he keeps his own private.
Dirk started playing hockey not for the ironies like Dave thought but because his online friend Jake said he thought hockey players were cool, and Dirk had a crush on him.
Dirk and Jade went to the same college (she was home schooled and started college early) and took a robotics class together for two semesters. They're still friends to this day, though Jade actually is an engineer now.
Guess where she's interning.
(Psst, it's Skaianet)
Vriska stopped being a skater after a string of incidents involving two other former skaters and a lawyer, which resulted in her being banned from ever competing again. One is now in a wheelchair and the other quit the ice skating thing completely. Ghosted it, if you will. wonk.
Aradia is a roller derby skater, and she is incredibly hot. She might show up in the hypothetical actual fic i write for this au. Because I love her.
Me being me i'll probably find a way to include everybody else in this au, but for now, that's all. Ta.
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theplottdump · 1 year
12 and 13!
Ahhh thank you for the ask! :')
12. Do you actually play the game or do you just use it as a storytelling medium? I do play the game!! My Gens 1-5 were purely personal gameplay, and then things started to slowly snowball with more poses and more complex storylines when Val was in High School. The Pit was essentially a NISBI challenge where I just controlled Valerian barring the last fight and escape sequence which was more story focused. When Val aged up I used all the legacy funds he stole from his parent's Vault (legitimately) to pay for the house leaving him with like $30. The whole house is off the grid, there's a massive windfarm out back in the deco rocks, and he cloned a bunch of perfect dragonfruit he stole from his family and has a little underground bio-farm to pay the bills. He also legitimately built Leanne as a servo though gameplay. Because I'm impatient with how slow of a writer I am, I have also played through science baby's entire toddlerhood. They're ready to age up to a child but I want to go back and play with infants too. :') The Casino Heist is going to be pure story, start to finish because it wasn't even something I had planned on doing in the first place. But when @doctorsimcraft built the casino I got all excited about doing one final sendoff for some secondary characters and it provided the opportunity to have more of a spectacular resolution with Val and Chad's relationship. (The initial idea was just to have Chad roll up back on the island coming out of the ocean like Ariel in the Little Mermaid. Val would have seen him coming and rush to climb down the stupid house, falling, and Chad catching him. Then they make a funny remark about having to put in a front door and the laugh track plays and credits roll.) But this arc gives me the chance to explore more of the relationship with Poppy and Chad, introduce some new characters and old faces from gen 5, and dive into the world and aesthetics of one of the members of League of Evil.
Honestly I would love to highlight all the members of the League in little pulpy spin off stories but that would probably kill me. 13. From basic planning to a finished post, how long does that take you?
This depends on a few things! Do I need to make CC for this scene? Poses? Am I recoloring anything? Who am I writing for? Why am I such a slow writer? Being able to make your own poses and props is a slippery slope. I think I've made like near 150 poses, 5 animations, a pistol, 2 massive conference tables, re-uved and recolored Val's helicopter, Made helicopter headphones, luggage pose accessory and poses, cc for the casino and so much just random stuff just for this gen so far.
BUT, I don't edit my pictures. Unless there's a special effect, everything is shot in game with my reshades I'm constantly tweaking.
Usually if it's a big story heavy event I'll work on poses after work throughout the week and dedicate half a Saturday to shooting the dang thing.
Ask me more things and get very overblown answers.
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thenarator · 2 years
so i'm not sure if you meant for me to talk about five different scenes but i can't think of five scenes i wanna talk about on the same post, so here's one scene i've really wanted to talk about for a while and i'm just going to talk for extra long.
this is my director's commentary on the vigilante group training scene from savior of the desperate and forgotten chapter 18, "whenever you're ready."
in this scene izuku goes to meet up with stain and his gang of vigilante students at their hideout in the abandoned shopping mall for additional training and to give them an update. stain takes the opportunity to use izuku as a teaching assistant and the entire group train hard for a few hours. izuku then reveals that he has made the group a homemade picnic lunch of onigiri, and they all sit around eating and relaxing together after their hard work. izuku gets to bond with several members of the group individually, and receives validation for his decision to ditch his internship with nighteye. at the end of the scene he secures a promise to attend the school festival from dabi and hoshi, as part of a plan to cheer up shouto and natsuo.
what i really enjoyed about writing this scene is that it's not just a single conversation, it's a dozen different small interactions to build the relationships between characters. it's kind of a shame, because this scene took forever to write and i was super happy with all the little details i put into it, but a lot of people just commented that they "liked the vigilantes section" without focusing on any of the specific interactions. not that i expected people to notice how much time i spent figuring out what was the most in-character type of onigiri for everyone to like, but it still would have be nice for someone to comment on what a sweetheart izuku was for making everyone lunch.
for this series i will take any opportunity to get that sweet sweet sibling dynamic between izuku and tomura, so izuku bothering tomura about liking things and tomura bothering izuku about his 'hunger strike' were important details to me. i came up with the idea of izuku teasing tomura about the vault last minute, but i really liked it because it acknowledges that their relationship wasn't always great but they have come a long way. i want them to be close to each other and have a lot of their motivation be wanting to protect and take care of each other, but i also have to show their growth as individual characters. tomura learning to enjoy things when he was previously only encouraged to hate and destroy shows that he's starting to heal. izuku learning to joke about afo's particular brand of crazy shows that this legacy has lost some of its dread for him.
it was difficult remembering to give all the characters a chance to talk during the chapter, so that it really felt like everyone was present and participating, because there are a lot of them at this point. i had to go back and add in lines for twice in a few places, because i almost completely forgot he was there. i tried to give each dialogue exchange some weight from a character perspective, using the responses to things like izuku telling them about nighteye's creepy behavior to show that these aren't the same league of villains that we know from canon. i think magne only speaks like two or three times in this scene, but in only a few lines she establishes camaraderie with hoshi by saying that talking to her is a good enough reason to learn sign, and establishes protectiveness over izuku by offering to beat up nighteye for being a creep. izuku also just gets a nice interaction with almost everyone in this scene: analyzing compress's sleight of hand tricks, toga bragging to him about learning sign, spinner looking to him for his opinion, and of course everyone getting protective because of nighteye.
i also took the chance to do a lot of housekeeping this scene. i brought mustard back and even though he only spoke like once i still show that he hasn't been written out and that he's still part of the group even if he's not actively doing the vigilante thing. toga shows that she's starting to learn sign, and stain suggests that everyone else learn, so later down the line i can just say that they all know sign when i need them to communicate secretly. izuku puts cream on tomura's neck again, so that in the next big scene of this group it can be fully healed. spinner brings up the gentle criminal video, so i can foreshadow gentle and la brava eventually joining the group a few chapters later, and also remind everyone of that video recording izuku has yet to do anything with.
i really love writing scenes of the vigilante gang, almost all the scenes i've gotten to write, and i'm super pleased with how this one turned out. i hope everyone else enjoyed the fine details of the scene as much as i enjoyed coming up with them, even if they didn't know how much work went into it all.
anyway, thanks for the ask!
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albatrosstoss · 3 months
Jund Summer has failed. Long live Deadguy Ale - Canadian Highlander edition.
That’s right, I got a Canadian Highlander League going, and here’s the basic list we’re running, which is heavily inspired by the classic Legacy midrange deck Deadguy Ale. Our point total is eight (Mox Pearl, Mox Jet, Strip Mine).
LANDS (37x):
8x Swamp
8x Plains
1x Karakas
1x Emeria, the Sky Ruin
1x Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
1x Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
1x Bojuka Bog
1x Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
1x Isolated Chapel
1x Concealed Courtyard
1x Shadowy Backstreet
1x Godless Shrine
1x Caves of Koilos
1x Tainted Field
1x Shattered Sanctum
1x Brightclimb Pathway//Grimclimb Pathway
1x Silent Clearing
1x Vault of the Archangel
1x Strip Mine
1x Wasteland
1x Rishadan Port
1x Maze of Ith
1x Glacial Chasm
This is the average, run-of-the-mill Deadguy Ale landbase; we got black lands, white lands, and a good mix of utility lands. I think the two most exciting are Rishadan Port and Maze of Ith - both contribute to classic Ale strategies, and both allow me to control what and how my opponent plays.
1x Esper Sentinel
1x Mother of Runes
1x Giver of Runes
1x Knight of the Ebon Legion
1x Cabal Therapist
1x Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
1x Spirit of the Labyrinth
1x Stoneforge Mystic
1x Dauthi Voidwalker
1x Kitesail Freebooter
1x Tourach, Dread Cantor
1x Dark Confidant
1x Caustic Bronco
1x Orcish Bowmasters
1x Tidehollow Sculler
1x Graveyard Trespasser
1x Opposition Agent
1x Liliana, Heretical Healer//Liliana, Defiant Necromancer
1x Anointed Peacekeeper
1x Archon of Emeria
1x Thalia, Heretic Cathar
1x Sin Collector
1x Kambal, Consul of Allocation
1x Kambal, Profiteering Mayor
1x Kunoros, Hound of Athreos
1x Athreos, God of Passage
1x Grief
1x Solitude
We’ve got a pretty great suite of creatures here that largely follows the usual Death and Taxes model, with the exception of cards like Tidehollow Sculler (Scully) and Cabal Therapist (Mulder). These hand disruption creatures are what gives Deadguy Ale its special, secret spice - it functions like an 8Rack deck, making our opponents discard and controlling what they have in their hands is vital to meeting the decks winning conditions.
Sub-note A.) Liliana, Heretical Healer lets us play a planeswalker that doesn’t get taxed by Thalia.
Sub-note B.) We’re also playing both evoke elementals in our colors - value is value, and a scam is a scam!
1x Mox Jet
1x Mox Pearl
1x Aether Vial
1x Lost Jitte
1x Umezawa’s Jitte
1x Batterskull
This is where most of our points come in: the Moxen. Quick, dirty, easy mana. Plus some back up value in the Swords and Skull - mostly things for Stoneforge to tutor up.
Aether Vial is for instant speed Scullys or Mulders; flashing one of those bad boys in after our opponent’s draw step is devastating.
1x Bitterblossom
1x Restoration of Eiganjo
1x Phyrexian Arena
Not too surprising enchantment wise - I like the play pattern Restoration of Eiganjo or Bitterblossom and Cabal Therapist offer me!
1x Surge of Salvation
1x Silence
1x Swords to Plowshares
1x March of Otherworldy Light
1x Fatal Push
1x Not Dead After All
1x Undying Malice
1x March of Wretched Sorrow
1x Fracture
1x Vanishing Verse
1x Despark
1x Anguished Unmaking
1x Kaya’s Guile
1x Abstruse Appropriation
We’re playing a lot of instants - maybe too many, considering Thalia, but most of these solve for a lot of the biggest threats in my local meta; including that bastard True-Name Nemesis!
We’re playing the two revival effects to do an evoke scam (hopefully), and the marches to clear dead cards from our hand. Cards like Fracture and Despark hit annoying stuff like The One Ring, too!!
1x Oust
1x Declaration in Stone
1x Sevinne’s Reclamation
1x Thoughtseize
1x Inquistion of Kozilek
1x Duress
1x Soul Search
1x Castigate
1x Humiliate
1x Gerrard’s Verdict
1x Vindicate
1x Legions to Ashes
Finally, the thing that really hoses Deadguy Ale is token strategies and weenie decks. If I don’t know what to target in the hand, the battlefield can quickly grow out of control. Cards like Castigate and Thoughtseize help look at the hand, and cards like Legions to Ashes clean up anybody who gets by!
Sevinne’s Reclamation is a great spell for bringing back creatures in our graveyards - essentially a 3-for-2 deal!
0 notes
notoriouslydevious · 4 years
No Sweetheart/Heartseeker skins this year.
That moment when you get informed Riot isn’t going to do the Sweetheart/Heartseeker skins this year and they’ve been replaced this year by the Crystal Rose & Withered Rose skins.  Don’t get me wrong, Crystal Rose Zyra is TO DIE FOR, I LOVE THAT SKIN! Syndra’s is also really pretty, but I was really looking forward to more Sweetheart/Heartseeker skins. 
Was hoping now that Senna’s finally been released, she’d get a sweetheart skin to match Heartseeker Lucian, and they could have a matching recall where she’d sit in a chair on the opposite side of his table. Maybe Sweetheart Ezreal & Heartbreaker Lux? Heartseeker Nidalee, Heartseeker Rengar, & Sweetheart Neeko? Sweetheart Graves & Heartseeker Twisted Fate?  A Heartseeker Trynd to match Ashe? Heartseeker Katarina & Sweetheart Garen?  Sweetheart Jarvan & Heartseeker Shyvana? (Ngl, I’m really happy that they’re touching on their romance again in Legends of Runeterra ♥)
And so, SO many more. So many cute couple ideas for matching heartseeker and sweetheart skins...  Someone said that the skins didn’t sell very well and the whole skin line has been vaulted. I hope that’s not the case.  I was aware that they’d only be around during Valentines and then would be unavailable, but I thought that was because they were legacy skins and not a vaulted skin line. 
I’d be really sad if they never made anymore of these skins, I loved this skin line. 
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p1325 · 3 years
Here's the list of the movies I used : -A Journal For Jordan, A Quiet Place Part II, Acasa, My Home, After We Fell, American Traitor - The Trial of Axis Sally, Annette, Antlers, Army of the Dead, Awake, Barb & Star Go to Vista Del Mar -Zola, Zoey's Extraordinary Christmas, Justice League, Yes Day, All Too Well, Wish Dragon, Wrath Of Man, Wild Indian, Voyagers, Vivo, Venom - Let There Be Carnage, Vacation Friends, Uncharted -Trust, Trollhunters, Spiderman: No Way Home, Shiva, Love Susie, Sing 2, Silk Road, Space Jam - A New Legacy, Space Sweepers, Spiral- Saw, Cinderella, Candyman, Baby boss 2, West Side Story -The Vault, The Map of Tiny Perfect Things, Without Remorse, Titane, Run, Saint Saud, Shadow In The Clouds, Riders of Justice, Respect, Single All The Way, Son Of The South, Snake Eyes, Spirit Untamed -Stillwater, Supernova, Sweat, Sweet Autumn, Sweet Girl, The Colour, The Conjuring, The Kissing Booth, The King's Man, The Suicide Squad, The SpongeBob Square Pants Movie, Tick Tick...BOOM!, Till Death -Tom And Jerry, The United States vs. Billie Holiday, The White Tiger, The Woman in the Window, Things Heard & Seen, The Misfits, Beans, Beckett, Belfast, Below Zero, Boogue, Born A Champion, Boss Level -Bruised, Censor, Chaos Walking, Jungle Cruise, Cherry, Clifford the Big Dog, Coda, Come Away, Coyote, Crisis, Cruella, Cry Macho, Dear Evan Hansen, Luca, Demonic, Desert Strike, Die In A Gunfight -Encanto, Don't Tell A Soul, Raya and the Last Dragon, Domino - Battle Of The Bones, Don't Breathe 2, Don't Look Up, Dune, Earwig and the Witch, Edge of the World, Escape from Mogadishu, Escape from The tournament, Everybody's Talking About Jamie, Fast and Furious 9, Falling for Figaro, False Positive, Fatherhood, Fear Street Trilogy, Finch, I Care About a Lot, How It ends, If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power -The Croods, In The Earth, In The Heights, Infinite, Jagame Thandhiram, Jiang Ziya, Judas and the black Messiah, Kate, King Richard, Last Night in Soho, My Salinger, The Eternals, Moxie, The East -Resident Evil, Run, Oxygen, No Man's Land, No Sudden Move, My Hero Academia, Mortal Kombat, Malignant, Monster, Love Hard, Master, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, Master, Midnight in the Switchgrass -Night Teeth, Nine Days, Nightmare Alley, Nobody, Nomadland, Old Henry, One Night in Miami, Palmer, Paper Lives, He's All That, Peter Rabbit 2, Pig, Pschyo, Queenpins, Quo Vadis, Aida, The Princess Switch 3 -The Mitchell vs The Machine, The Midwife, The Misfits, The Ice Road, The Tomorrow War, The Right One, The Power Of the Dog, Romeo & Juliet, The Last Letter From Your Lover, Time Is Up, The Protege, Son of the South --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #fanvidfeed #moviemashup #happynewyear #viddingisart #popmusic #AnDyWuMUSICLAND #Mashup2020
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Fics and WIPS
I'm mostly writing this for my sake because my mind is all over the place and my memory is terrible but here's a whole list of all my currently uploaded fics as well as WIPS I'm working on. This list will probably be changed over time. Feel free to ask me about any of them.
Uploaded Fics
For Nothing At All
https://archiveofourown.org/works/34903177/chapters/86911528 "Midoriya Izuku plays "Rock, Paper, Scissors" with his reflection and learns about what it means to be an eternal spirit."
A fic exploring what it's like to be a ghost for Midoriya Izuku (Currently 1 out of 5 chapters up) The Tickle of the Trees https://archiveofourown.org/works/33706828
"Izuku goes to visit his mother."
A series based on the Blooming Dead apocalype by otherwindow here on tumblr.
(Currently 1 part out of, uhhhh several, are up)
Amnesia Was Her Name
"Although she survives, Mari does not come out completely unscathed, even if no one realizes it at first."
(Chapter 1 of 3 up)
WIPS that have yet to be uploaded
A one-shot about Midoriya realizing the amount of destruction he's capable of. As a result, he begins to fear himself.
Baby Shoes
Midoriya Inko makes a deal with All For One in order to bring Izuku back to life. This takes place several years before canon.
Interrupted Signal
An AU where Midoriya never goes to U.A and All Might dies at Kamino. Before passing away, All Might passes One For All to Endeavor in order to preserve its legacy.
Years later, Midoriya has his own segment in a radio show exploring silly hero conspiracies. He's contacted by Todoroki Shoto about where Endeavor may have gotten his new power. It all goes from there.
Broken Crown
A Grandpa!AFO AU. Midoriya Inko and Izuku run away from All For One and seek to live a life in peace. Both of them have the quirk AFO and Izuku goes to UA.
Please Be Well
Instead of staying with Chisaki Kai, Eri is taken under All For One's wing with the sole purpose of helping her learn to control her quirk to reverse him back to his peak. The fic takes place years after these events, where she had been rescued and was adopted by Aizawa. She then begins to remember Midoriya, who had taken care of her during her time with the league and begins to wonder where he was now.
Can't Go Back
Bakugou Katsuki is blacklisted from hero schools after going too far with his bullying. He then learns to get over his own ego without the influence of anyone from U.A.
Game of Pricks
After overhearing a conversation from their teachers, Yaoyorozu and Jirou team up to find the U.A traitor, no matter the cost. Everyone in this fic is, as you can guess from the title, a prick.
Vault AU I have yet to name
Midoriya grows up in a vault with his Uncle Yoichi by his side. He's then rescued and learns about the outside world. Pretty typical for a Vault AU i guess lol
Seriously, I don’t want to hear your life story, just show me the casserole recipe I beg of you.
Midoriya Inko is a part-time blogger, part-time vigilante. She details her crimes in recipe blogs, and no one ever reads the story part of a recipe.
Midnight Bus
Class 1-A wakes up in a bus that never stops. That's all I got for the meantime lol
Inko Has Hanahaki AU that I also have not named yet
Pretty much self-explanatory, the Hanahaki is for Hisashi.
The Toshinori Parable
After a long day of grading, All Might looks around to find that everyone has disappeared. There’s also a narrator detailing every movement he makes and every thought that he thinks. It’s unnerving, to say the least.
-I’m not entirely sure how i want to writs this out, part of me kinda wants to make it a CYOA but a linear story would also kinda work.
Clifford the Messed Up Dog
There were many things Ochako didn’t know.
She doesn’t know how she was going to pay rent, nor did she know if she was apt enough to even be considered as a contestant for U.A, nor did she know if she’d ever actually make it as a hero. Though, she does know one thing.
Whatever was dragging itself through the alley was most certainly not a dog. ft. ghost deku, animal nomu's, and best girl uraraka
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kiddphel · 3 years
Since you didn't specify, I reached into my Legacy Vault of men who are still important to me but not on my f/o list mostly cuz I dont talk abt them much anymore and hate when my list is long. And I picked this special man and also my 4th League man klsjfdhgk
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Swain is the same as Viktor where I loved them in high school, he was my boyfriend my husband my sweetie. Actually, he was my mid main and bf before Viktor, but Viktor became more important sorry Swain. :( A big reason is because I actually really really miss pre-rework Swain
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This is the man I feel so madly in love with and every day I miss him </3 But I am slowly working things back with rework Swain cuz he IS very very handsome hoo boy. And personality wise its pretty much the same man, so I do still miss and cherish him a lot.
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calacuspr · 3 years
Laureus Nominee Duplantis looks ahead to Tokyo 2020
Laureus Academy Member and pole vault legend Sergey Bubka has told Sweden’s Armand Duplantis he has a ‘fantastic chance’ of winning the gold medal at the Tokyo Olympics.
The two were sharing an enthralling conversation for Laureus.com, following the Nomination of Duplantis for this year’s Laureus World Sportsman of the Year Award.
In the discussion, they talked about Bubka’s glittering past and Duplantis’ hopes for the future. They even spent time discussing the merits of the different length and flex of poles used for vaulting.
Duplantis took a massive step forward to confirm himself as the No.1 pole vaulter in the world in 2020 when he broke Renaud Lavillenie's six-year-old world record with a jump of 6.17 metres in Poland and increased it a week later in Glasgow to 6.18m. When athletics returned, in the Rome Golden Gala Pietro Mennea Diamond League event, he broke Bubka’s outdoor world best with 6.15m.
Bubka, who dominated the sport for almost two decades and is the only athlete in history to have won six successive world titles, broke the world record 35 times in his career. He told Duplantis: “This is great what you did, and I believe for the future it is also possible to jump higher. I understand that the Olympic Games is a very important event for you and, of course, I wish you good luck in the Olympics, because this is something unique. There is nothing to compare with the Olympic Games.”
Bubka recalled ruefully how he missed the Olympic Games in Los Angeles. “Back in my memory, in 1984, I lost my dream with many other Olympians who dreamed to compete in the Olympics and win the Olympics. I lost it because of boycotts. In your case, in your generation, it's a little bit different [with the pandemic], but I understand how tough it was.”
Duplantis, American-born but competing for Sweden, told Bubka: “It was pretty tough, because I was just coming off the indoor season where I broke the world record twice and I was pretty much just on top of the world. I felt fantastic jumping and the rhythm on the run and everything just felt really great and then, two weeks later, everything shut down. I think the main thing for me was keeping the motivation and the excitement - don't think of it as cancelled, it's just postponed, it's going to happen.
“I want to jump as high as possible, but a really important thing for me now is I want to win the championship meets. I came up a little short in 2019, I was second in the World Championships and so, of course, that's a meet that I want to win and I want to win several times.
“I think the big goal right now is the Olympics. I mean, it's the biggest event in track and field, it's the pinnacle of our sport. So I want to be able to come away with the gold because I think it's really important if you want to leave your legacy as one of the best pole vaulters to live.”
Bubka wished Duplantis luck. “You have a fantastic chance to get this glory and to feel this value of Olympic victory. I am also a member of the International Olympic Committee, I understand and I know how important it is for you, for your friends, for colleagues, for all the Olympic Movement to have the Games.
“Your family is a very supportive family. I always follow you. I know a lot of things. I wish all of you a lot of success. It's a bright career, and I consider it is beginning and you have great potential. Do your best, keep motivation and, of course, make your family and fans of athletics happy and proud.”
During the conversation, Duplantis revealed to Bubka that he has been one of his idols for years. “I grew up pole vaulting at such a young age. When I was four, five, six, I was watching videos of you, it seemed like it was impossible feats, really. As the years kept going on, and I started getting closer and closer to that six metre barrier, the dream started to become a little bit more of a reality.
“It's such a special mark. A lot of that is because of you, because you set the bar so high. There's still quite a few things I need to do if I want to catch you, but hopefully this career has just started and I'm able to achieve a lot more things.”
Bubka added: “Your achievement is impressive because athletics is very close to me, pole vault is my life, and to see you leading pole vault now will bring the new generation to a new level, this is something unique and special.
“I am very pleased to see you nominated for the Laureus Award. I hope it will be good news, of course, but the competition is very strong. Of course the Laureus Award is just one part of Laureus, we also have a charity foundation [Laureus Sport for Good] around 250 programmes, 40 countries around the world, engaged to change the life of kids, change the life of people. Our Academy Members visit and give some tips and some lessons and motivate. This is something unique, that the great champions try to give back to society.”
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-art-of-scrolling-steel/
The Art Of Scrolling Steel
 Buy Now    
Discover How to Turn “Unbendable” Steel into Hard Core, Heavy Metal, Strongman Artwork Just Like the Oldtime Strongmen Used to Do It.
You too can bend and twist steel bars into amazing pieces of art, once you learn the Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – STEEL SCROLLING.
From the desk of Jedd Johnson:
Dear Friends in Iron,
The Mighty Atom
Since the times when the first Circus Strongmen stood on stages to wow crowds with their might, Steel Bending has been a staple feat of strength.
From bending nails and spikes into “U” shapes to twisting horseshoes into “S’s,”
taking an object that is not meant to be bent, and bending it with sheer body and hand strength, is something truly impressive.
Men like the “The Mighty Atom” Joe Greenstein and Slim “The Hammer Man” Farman personified the Oldtime Performing Strongman, accomplishing
amazing bar and spike bending feats.
The great steel benders of yesterday have left behind a legacy of strength, and given us
many different types of bending to choose from.
Chuck Sipes Bending a Nail
First, there’s Short Bending, like Nail and Spike bending.
This is a strict form of bending where hand and wrist strength are key and contact with the lower part of the body is avoided.
This is often called the “gateway drug” of bending. The first type of steel bending that trainees learn and master.
It’s where you get hooked on the feeling of steel giving way to your strength.
Addicted to the rush of melting steel with your hand strength,
you find yourself wanting more…
The next step is Braced Bending.
Marx Bending a Horseshoe
With Braced Bending, you use your hands like wrenches and hammers to mold the steel…
Now, you destroy steel bars, and odd objects
by actually forcing them against your body.
Whether it’s driving a giant spike against your thigh with all your might to bend it into a U-shape…
…or if you hook a horseshoe around your side to pry it apart until it looks like an “S”…
…the objective is always the same – Conquering the Steel.
And like any other addiction, you can’t just stop there.
You need to ramp things up.
Slim The Hammer Man
You need to take it to the next level.
Just like the karate student, who works and trains to graduate to the
next belt up…
…like a football player strives to go
from the JV team, up to Varsity…
…and the Minor League Baseball player who longs for the chance to play
in the Majors…
…with Steel Bending, the Big Leagues is Scrolling.
To truly join the ranks of the Mighty Atom, Slim the Hammer Man, John Grunn Marx, and the other legends of the past…
You must learn the
Ultimate Form of Steel Bending – Steel Scrolling.
Streaming On-line Version Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
The legendary steel benders of yesterday were never able to produce the How-To Manuals and Videos that could have helped this art stay alive.
And because of that, Steel Bending and Scrolling is slowly dying out.
This is where Bud Jeffries and I come in.
Bud and I have been bending steel of all sorts since the early 2000’s, and we love spreading the passion of steel bending.
Now, we have put together the video that explains Steel Scrolling and how you can practice this art form exactly the way the pioneers of scrolling did it way back when.
There’s just something awesome about the feeling of twisting a steel bar into an artistic shape, and being able to place it on your mantle or entertainment center, and remember the battle you had with it.
The sweat that drips from your brow to the floor.
The struggle with the bar as you press on the steel, and it pushes back at you, like a fight to the death…
The glory you feel once you’ve defeated the steel.
And the bond you now possess with the great Oldtime Strongmen of the past.
That is what Steel Scrolling is all about.
And that is how we want you to feel.
We want Steel Bending and Scrolling to enjoy a rebirth, and it starts with you.
With steel bending, you can challenge yourself further than with conventional strength training.
You can finish off each training session with an exclamation point, and a trophy for your work.
And whether you are left with a pile of bent nails, or a stack of twisted horseshoes, you know you are following a rite of passage that connects you to the great strongmen of the past.
And now it’s time for you to go one step further…Scrolling Steel.
Grab Your Copy of This Double-DVD Today:
Streaming On-line Version Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
What is Steel Scrolling?
Steel Scrolling is the art, science and physical performance of bending steel into purposefully made, artistic shapes, usually with a crowd watching in amazement.
Alexander Zass
Steel Scrolling is what they did in the times of the oldtime strongmen, back before everything got all watered down and packaged into a 7-minute abs commercial.
Back then, Scrolling showed you were the real deal and made you immortal if you mastered it.
It’s the perfect blend of heavy metal ferocity and graceful ballet artistry.
It combines the strength of a weight lifter with the endurance of a distance runner and the cunning of an engineer.
An outlaw variety of strength that stands alone as the king of steel bending.
And you can learn this lost art of the oldtime strongmen with our video, “The Art of Scrolling Steel.”
Streaming On-line Version Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
Here’s Exactly What You Will Learn in the Art of Steel Scrolling:
The Types of Scrolling: Scrolling is broken up into several styles. You’ll learn each one and when to use them for best results.
Shortening the Learning Curve: Bud and I share with you our key tips that’ll save you hours of searching if not years of wasted training.
Purposeful Shapes or Abstract Steel Sculptures?: There are differences, and you will learn them right from the beginning of the video.
How Scrolling Incorporates Other Forms of Bending: Scrolling involves techniques found in other types of steel bending, and soon you’ll be able to pick them out easily and make mastering scrolling even easier for yourself.
The Most Common Steel Bars for Scrolling: You’ll know what type, length and size of steel to use and why each one works best for each type of scroll.
Protective Materials for Serious Scrolling: You’ll learn what types of gloves and pads to use, when to use them or not, and the reasons why.
Maximize Your Leverage: You’ll learn how to optimize your body angles and positioning to make even the hardest steel bars do what you want them to do.
How to Save Money When Buying Steel: In this section, you’ll learn where to go to get your steel bars, so you can buy more bars for your hard earned cash.
Special Safety Considerations: Injuries are rare, especially when you know what to do and what not to do, but you’ll learn the insider tips relating to footwear, surface you stand on, avoiding moisture and more.
Workouts Like You’ve NEVER Had Before: You’ll learn how creating a twisted look to the steel will give you better core workout than anything you’ve ever done before.
Next Level Scrolling: We give you all our secrets and show you how to make unique steel scrolls you can sell and make money.
Don’t FIGHT the Steel – Work With It: You’ll learn what to look for so you can see EXACTLY what the steel bar wants to do, making the Scroll EASIER.
Cross-Training for the Grapplers Out There: Why this is the perfect training for grapplers and martial artists and why it develops strength to tear a body limb from limb.
Must-Know Info for Strongman Performers
For those of you looking to Scroll Steel on stage before a crowd, we made sure to include this special section for the future Strongman Performers:
How to Make a Piece Worthy of a Stage Show: We show you the secrets that will make you look like a seasoned pro on the stage.
How to Finish Your Scroll The RIGHT Way: You always want to finish your scroll THIS WAY so the crowd knows you are a legit performer and NOT just a pretender.
The Bending Style to Avoid at All Costs: The dangerous style of bending that injured a legendary strongman, and why you should never try it…EVER!
Secrets From the Vault: A special style of Scrolling from one of the true legends of the strongman game
Whether you do shows in front of 12 people or 1200, you need to know the information in the above section beforehand.
Ever Wonder How a Performing Strongman Trains?
Well, you’re gonna find out in the next section.
You see, Bud Jeffries is the last of a dying breed.
Bud makes his living as a Strongman Performer, and he knows how to stay in top condition all year long.
Unfortunately, there’s only so much steel he can take with him on his travels around the country.
So he has developed some amazing strength training methods using regular gym equipment, that help him develop top-level bending strength all year long.
And in the last section of this DVD, he shares them with YOU.
Here’s what you are going to learn from the last of the Full-Time Performing Strongmen:
Bud’s Functional Pushing Isometric: This will make your shoulders and entire upper body stronger than it ever has before.
Bud’s Functional Pulling Isometric: This is a huge back and lat builder, and I couldn’t believe how CRAZY it felt when Bud showed it to me.
Noah’s Functional Core Isometric: Bud’s son, Noah, is an innovator, too, and this series of lifts will target your core better than ANY other abdominal exercise you know and skyrocket your braced bending strength off the charts.
The 3-Dimensional Dynamic/Isometric Combination: You’ll be ready for ANYTHING when you see the CRAZY ways Bud combines the Row and the Press – for the SICKEST Hybrid Exercises.
Dennis Rogers Gripper Band Pulls: LEGIT Gripper Training for every steel bending strongman – these will turn your fingers into vises and make your wrists as strong as steel cables
It’s Time to Become a “Complete” Strongman
You may already be bending steel, but if you haven’t mastered Scrolling, you’re missing the final chapter that will complete your legacy.
It’s time to go to the next level.
It’s time to create the next modern art, and steel bars are the medium.
It’s time to become the next Michelangelo, with the strength and power of the X-men.
Scrolling Steel is about imposing your raw will on what many see as unbendable steel.
It’s hand-bent, no heat, no tools, steel sculpture.
And now, the “How-to” is no longer bottled up by a small group of modern strongmen.
Today, you can learn how to turn steel into your own signature artwork with your own brute force and bare hands.
Streaming On-line Version Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
You will love this living performance art, done with purposeful thought, and precision force, to make a specific shape out of “unbendable steel.”
Along the way, Scrolling will strengthen every tendon, ligament, and muscle in your body.
Such is the power of this lost art.
Make no mistake about it, the men who did this, were the strongest lions to walk this planet.
You can be just like them.
And we will show you how.
All the best with your scrolling,
   Jedd & Bud
Common Questions
Who Are Jedd and Bud and Why Should I Listen to Them About Steel Scrolling?
Bud and I have a combined 20+ years of steel bending between them. Along the way, we’ve mastered the art of breaking down complex movements like steel bending and scrolling, so that we can teach them in a way anyone can understand how to do them. The Art of Scrolling Steel is no different, and we will walk you through many different Steel Scrolls so you too can forge these pieces of steel art yourself.
Will This Information Be Too Advanced for Me?
Bud and I took our time and got actual scrolls on film for you to watch. These are not gimme scrolls or warm-up bends. We did the actual scrolls we would do on stage before a crowd, or in our gyms to produce top-notch steel scroll artwork. All the time, we are pausing so you catch everything you need to and miss nothing. In some cases, while one of us is bending, the other is giving coaching cues and commentary, to help you understand exactly what is going on.
How Did You Pack All of This Valuable Information into One Product?
We kept editing to a minimum to make sure NOTHING is left out. You will get everything you need to learn scrolling the right way. Because of the amount of information we are providing, The Art of Steel Scrolling is a Double-DVD. That’s right – you are receiving 2 DVD’s.
How Are the DVD’s Delivered?
Right now, we have a small inventory of 50 copies of this double-DVD in stock. We will personally mail each copy of the DVD set to you. Once the inventory is wiped out (and with the size the waiting list has grown to, that won’t be too long), we will use our time-tested and reliable publishing and shipping company to print and mail the DVD’s out you.
What If I Need to Return a DVD?
Easy. Just ship it back to me at the following address. Please include a note explaining what is wrong with the DVD or email me at jedd dot diesel at gmail dot com.
Jedd Johnson PO Box 806 Wyalusing PA 18853
What if I Live Overseas and Don’t Want to Pay for Shipping?
Bud and I realize that shipping and customs charges can be pretty annoying for our customers overseas, so we decided to make the video available in a digital download version as well. All you have to do is choose the digital version when you click the Add-to-Cart button.
What Kinds of Scrolling Feats are Covered in the Video? What If I Need to Bring Up My Strength in Order to Scroll Steel?
We’ve got you taken care of – we covered Special Strength Training for Steel Scrolling in this DVD set, too! This part of the DVD could literally stand alone and we should probably sell it separately. This section has some of the most unique and specific exercises for steel bending and scrolling, but more than that, literally the toughest core exercises you’ve ever seen. These drills are simple to set up and will make you BRUTALLY STRONG. There’s more than a dozen variations of these five special exercises.
We will get you started the right way. We’ve got you covered.
Now, the rest is up to you. Click the Add to Card Button below:
Streaming On-line Version Digital Download: $39
Hard Copy Version Hard Copy DVD: $49 + S&H
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gildedcrown · 5 years
I really like you Raihan. No matter what anyone says, you are great in your own way. People really love you.
It’s weird. Being completely in the dark while hearing those things. He’s gotten a lot of things said to him on the internet and off. He knows that most, if not all, of the people in Hammerlocke at least like him. It gets trickier outside of his hometown. He knows he’s strong, he’s the last leg of the league before any challenger can think of reaching the champion. There’s the legacy of protecting the Vault, something that just isn’t handed out. Raihan knows he’s earned his spot. Wears it with pride everyday in fact. But that doesn’t stop the outside world from trying to get under his skin. 
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He wasn’t sure that the apparent confession was meant to be admirable or romantic. Still, Raihan appreciated it nonetheless. It was something that at least got a smile out of him. “Would love to know who was sayin’ all this. Seems I can’t place your voice either. Usually I’m pretty good with those types of things.”
whisper your secrets 
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eddycurrents · 5 years
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For the week of 5 May 2019
Quick Bits:
Age of Conan: Bêlit #3 throws a few road bumps in the way of Bêlit’s plans as the Kushites renege of their deal and her drunken “Captain” continues being a jerk. I’m really liking this exploration of Bêlit’s early days from Tini Howard, Kate Niemczyk, Scott Hanna, Jason Keith, and Travis Lanham.
| Published by Marvel
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Archie #704 throws some roadblocks in the way of Archie and Sabrina’s relationship through the form of a “Bachelor”-like charity programme set up by Cheryl. I love the even more stylized pastel colour palette from Matt Herms.
| Published by Archie Comics
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Batman & The Outsiders #1 is an entertaining debut from Bryan Hill, Dexter Soy, Veronica Gandini, Clayton Cowles. I’ve not read the arc in Detective Comics that feeds into this, but this first issue provides enough information for new readers now to be lost and gives good incentive to check out what’s come before. Great art from Soy and Gandini, with an interesting look inside a team and a compelling start to a mystery about the last survivor from a metahuman generating factory.
| Published by DC Comics
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Bettie Page #4 concludes the QE2 aliens caper. Love the art from Julius Ohta, Ellie Wright, and Sheelagh D.
| Published by Dynamite
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Bronze Age Boogie #2 continues the strangest Doom Patrol story as the Martian invasion angle has taken hold in the future and a motley crew of heroes bands together to try to stop them. Stuart Moore, Alberto Ponticelli, Giulia Brusco, and Rob Steen are playing with some interesting cross-media influences to tell a highly entertaining tale. It’s rounded out with the usual goodies in the form of prose, letters, and what’s probably my favourite of the back-up strips so far, Major Ursa, from Tyrone Finch, Mauricet, Lee Loughridge, and Rob Steen.
| Published by Ahoy
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Conan the Barbarian #6 sees Jason Aaron, Mahmud Asrar, Matthew Wilson, and Travis Lanham tell a story of Conan’s frustrations as a mercenary in the skirmishes between Turan and Stygia. People constantly underestimating Conan is always a fun story.
| Published by Marvel
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Deadly Class #38 sees Marcus and Maria return to King’s Dominion. It’s kind of messed up seeing the new status quo, but at the same time the tension that Rick Remender, Wes Craig, Jordan Boyd, and Rus Wooton build here between to old Legacy kids and Marcus & Maria feels like it’s going to explode, suggesting something even worse for the characters is coming soon. It’s very captivating.
| Published by Image / Giant Generator
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Detective Comics #1003 reveals the identity of the Arkham Knight. It’s not really anyone you could have possibly guessed, but an interesting addition to Batman’s rogues gallery. Also the cult surrounding the Arkham Knight is certifiably insane. Gorgeous artwork again from Brad Walker, Andrew Hennessy, and Nathan Fairbairn.
| Published by Marvel
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The Empty Man #7 goes full Clive Barker as we get an explanation for what the Empty Man really is and how he continues to manifest himself upon reality. I know I keep saying it, but the body horror brought about in the art from Jesús Hervás and Niko Guardia just can’t be stressed enough. Every issue they seem to outdo themselves with creepy and intriguing designs.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Eve Stranger #1 looks to be another winner for Black Crown. This first issue sets up the titular character as a secret agent who seems to need to reboot her memory every week. Why, exactly, is left unknown, but that’s part of the fun. David Barnett, Philip Bond, Eva de la Cruz, and Jane Heir do a wonderful job here with the action and intrigue. Also it’s great to see Bond doing more espionage tinged action, his art always looks so great telling these kinds of stories.
| Published by IDW / Black Crown
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Excellence #1 is a thoroughly excellent debut from Brandon Thomas, Khary Randolph, Emilio Lopez, and Deron Bennett. The world and character building in this first issue is impeccable and the art from Randolph and Lopez will just blow you away. Incredible development of a magic-based society and the class structure therein.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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The Flash #70 begins “Year One” promising new insight and occurrences during Barry’s origin story. Given that the last time this happened his mother was murdered, changing the timeline and resulting down the line in Barry trying to fix it with Flashpoint, anything’s possible. The real draw, though, is the stunning artwork from Howard Porter and Hi-Fi. Porter is really giving this his all and it shines through wonderfully.
| Published by DC Comics
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Hawkman #12 brings Bryan Hitch’s tenure on the series to an end with the conclusion to “Cataclysm”. This is an excellent, action-packed final confrontation between the legion of Hawkmen and the Deathbringers, setting up a whole Hawkman for possibly the first time and hints as to worse things waiting on the horizon.
| Published by DC Comics
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Infinite Dark #6 amplifies the terror and chaos as the dead-ish things exposed to the void start spreading fear and panic throughout the station. Ryan Cady, Andrea Mutti, K. Michael Russell, and Troy Peteri ratchet up the horror here.
| Published by Image / Top Cow
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Invaders #5 raises more questions after we thought some things were coming into focus in the previous issue, as Chip Zdarsky, Carlos Magno, Butch Guice, Alex Guimarães, and Travis Lanham continue “War Ghosts”. The tension here on the brink of all out war between the US and Atlantis is incredible, and there are more interesting twists that suggest something far more sinister occurring.
| Published by Marvel
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Jim Henson’s The Storyteller: Sirens #2 features a gorgeous adaptation of the story of Chinese mother goddess, Nuwa, by Chan Chau with letters by Jim Campbell. The artwork is amazingly beautiful supporting a very sweet tale.
| Published by Boom Entertainment / Archaia
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Justice League Odyssey #9 opens up an interesting thread that Starfire, Cyborg, and Azrael may be unduly under the influence of Darkseid. Dan Abnett is setting up some simmering conflict between Jessica Cruz and the rest of the team here, along with quite a few occult catchphrases thrown in to help amplify the mood.
| Published by DC Comics
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Lodger #5 is the end to this excellent crime drama from the Laphams and it is all kinds of messed up. We learn what really happened to Ricky’s family and...yeah. This has been a strange, at times disturbing, ride and they stuck the landing.
| Published by IDW / Black Crown
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Murder Falcon #8 is the epic conclusion to this series as Jake and Murf take on Magnum Khaos. Between this series and Extremity, Daniel Warren Johnson has proven himself time and again as a master storyteller and it shines through with the heartrending end to this story. This one goes up to eleven.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Red Sonja & Vampirella Meet Betty & Veronica #1 is an interesting mash-up of the three properties from Amy Chu, Maria Sanapo, Vinicius Andrade, and Taylor Esposito. Some nice fish out of water humour as Sonja and Vampirella acclimate to Riverdale.
| Published by Dynamite
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Savage Sword of Conan #5 concludes “The Cult of Koga Thun” from Gerry Duggan, Ron Garney, Richard Isanove, and Travis Lanham. Some interesting twists in this finale of what has been a highly entertaining adventure.
| Published by Marvel
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She Could Fly: The Lost Pilot #2 sees Martín Morazzo cut loose again with some of the designs and presentation for Luna’s dreams and schizophrenic episodes.
| Published by Dark Horse / Berger Books
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Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Boba Fett #1 features some incredibly rich artwork from Marc Laming and Neeraj Menon. Great detail throughout this story spotlighting Boba Fett’s cold, silent amorality.
| Published by Marvel
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Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #32 begins “Unspeakable Rebel Superweapon” as Aphra and her young protege steal the titular MacGuffin. There’s some interesting flashbacks to Aphra’s youth and it’s great to see Caspar Wijngaard doing more Star Wars art, even if just the flashbacks.
| Published by Marvel
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These Savage Shores #4 is a sumptuous feast. Ram V, Sumit Kumar, Vittorio Astone, and Aditya Bidikar are elevating the artform of comics which each subsequent issue. The epistolary narrative, the horror and mythological themes, the plays upon the nine-panel grid, the shadowy character designs, the lush and spooky colours, the overlap with historical events, the unique approach and detail in each character’s missive...just one of these elements would result in an entertaining tale, this comic mixes all of them into a superlative package. You’re doing yourself a disservice if you’re not reading this series.
| Published by Vault
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The Unstoppable Wasp #7 throws Nadia a birthday party, wherein she learns of her relations to what seems like half of the Marvel universe. Also, issues a death threat to Tony Stark. It’s cute, from Jeremy Whitley, Alti Firmansyah, Espen Grundetjern, and Joe Caramagna.
| Published by Marvel
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War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas #1 sets up the conflict in the Pacific with Sindr while introducing a swath of new international characters to the Marvel universe. Also, Amadeus Cho continues to be a massive idiot, even at his shrunken size. Great art from Gang Hyuk Lim and Federico Blee.
| Published by Marvel
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Wonder Twins #4 sets up the twins with a pair of dates, allowing for some hilarious misadventures. Also, Polly seems to have a weird obsession with testicular cancer. Mark Russell, Stephen Byrne, and Dave Sharpe continue the fun, even though this one kind of takes us away from all ages material.
| Published by DC Comics / Wonder Comics
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Wyrd #3 opens up the messy can of worms of Wyrd’s past further as a figure out of the past he can’t remember emerges for a “meet”. Great tone and atmosphere for this story from Curt Pires, Antonio Fuso, Stefano Simeone, and Micah Myers.
| Published by Dark Horse
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X-Force #7 begins “The Counterfeit King” from Ed Brisson, Dylan Burnett, Damian Couceiro, Jesus Aburtov, and Joe Caramagna as past and present threaten to collide. Some nice character development for the team as they wait for Deathlok to do his thing.
| Published by Marvel
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Other Highlights: Accell #20, Age of X-Man: Apocalypse & The X-Tracts #3, Battlestar Galactica: Twilight Command #3, Betty & Veronica #5, Black Hammer: Age of Doom #10, By Night #11, Captain America #10, Captain Marvel #5, Catwoman #11, Curse Words #21, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #6, Gunning for Hits #5, Hack/Slash vs. Chaos #5, Hit Girl: Season Two #4, House of Whispers #9, Ice Cream Man #12, James Bond: Origin #9, The Last Space Race #4, The Long Con #9, Marvels Annotated #3, Oberon #4, Ronin Island #3, Section Zero #2, Shadow Roads #7, Six Days, Spider-Man/Deadpool #50, Star Wars Adventures #21, Supergirl #30, Symbiote Spider-Man #2, The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #44, Unnatural #9, Vindication #4, War of the Realms: Journey Into Mystery #2, Wasted Space #9, Waves, Wonder Woman #70
Recommended Collections: Accell - Volume 4: Slipstream Dream, Beyonders - Volume 1, Blackbird - Volume 1, Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor - Volume 1, The Freeze - Volume 1, Justice League - Volume 2: Graveyard of the Gods, Pearl - Volume 1, Quantum & Woody! - Volume 2: Separation Anxiety, Red Sonja/Tarzan, Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider - Volume 1: Spider-Geddon, Star Wars: Age of Republic - Villains, Thor by Jason Aaron: Complete Collection - Volume 1, The Woods: Yearbook Edition - Volume 1
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d. emerson eddy feels like a frappuccino.
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favefandomimagines · 6 years
New York State of Mind Part 1 (e.u.)
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“Harry, this is ridiculous. Why are we going back to America?” Eggsy asked the man. “Because we have to help another branch of the Statesmen. It’s in New York City so we don’t have to worry about that horrendous country music.” He answered.
Eggsy rolled his eyes as he looked out the window. After Tilde left him for someone more “worthy,” the last thing he wanted was to go on a mission.
The jet landed and on the tarmac, they were met by you standing there with sunglasses on your face. “Boys. My name, well code name, is Liberty. Welcome to the Big Apple. I’ll be escorting you back to headquarters.” You said greeting the boys.
Eggsy was thrown for a loop when he saw you. For the longest time he hadn’t even looked at another woman but seeing you was refreshing. “And where exactly is headquarters?” Eggsy asked as him and Harry followed you. “If I told you that, I’d have to kill you.” You answered shooting him a wink.
Harry saw how flustered Eggsy was getting and chuckled slightly. “So, since this is New York, we will be walking. You get to sight see and i get to debrief you on the way.” You told them. “What’s the case?” Harry asked.
“The mayor is having a charity auction slash gala and at the auction tomorrow night, there is a ruby worth around $15 billion and a league of art thieves is looking to steal it and sell it on the black market.” You explained.
“Empire will tell you the rest when we get there.” You added. “What’s your real name?” Eggsy asked you quietly. “Y/N. I’m the only female statesmen on the East Coast so of course I got the codename Liberty.” You answered. “How long have you been an agent?” He questioned. “About three years. My brother was an agent and my dad so I’m a legacy.” You said.
You three had arrived at headquarters, and stood outside. “Well, this is it.” You said. “It’s the Natural History Museum.” Harry said. “Okay, you Kingsman are disguised as tailors, we’re disguised as museum employees.” You rebutted.
Eggsy and Harry exchanged a glance as they followed you inside. “Follow me.” You instructed them. They followed you down a corridor, passing multiple exhibits.
You got on an elevator and pulled out a manila folder. “Okay, so the two men who are going to try to steal the ruby, are Vincent and Marcus Corleone. They have ties to the Italian mob and plan to take it at the gala tomorrow. They’ve been on our radar for months. Eggsy, you and I are going to dress up as a millionaire, newlywed couple to follow them. Once we see them slip away, and they will, that’s when we go after them.” You explained.
“How did you know my name?” He asked you. “I have my sources.” You told him with a smirk. The elevator opened to reveal a perfectly run network. “Liberty, are these the Kingsman?” Empire asked you as he stopped in front of you. “Yep. Galahad and...Galahad?” You questioned. “See, we thought he died and then he was alive, so for today, I’m Galahad.” Eggsy said.
“Great! I’m sure Liberty has already filled you both in. Galahad, you will be joining her at the gala tomorrow. In your room, you will find a brand new suit with all of our latest technology, as well as your own. Liberty, the dress is in your room as well.” Empire told you and Eggsy.
The both of you walked off towards your separate rooms, before Eggsy spoke up. “So, we have to pretend to be newlyweds.” He said. “That is the plan yes. And look, I heard about that princess leaving you and stuff. So, I’ll make you a deal. I will help you forget about her for the night if you promise you’ll have my back.” You ranted.
Eggsy couldn’t help but laugh at how flustered you got. “Deal. And don’t worry, I’ll have your back.” He said. “Great. I’ll see you tomorrow then.” You told him before parting ways.
You couldn’t sleep a wink that night. Thinking of your father and brother and how they died on missions too. You got up out of bed and just walked around the hallways of the museum. It calmed you down before missions to just look at the exhibits.
As you were walking, you heard footsteps behind you. You turned around quickly and relaxed when you saw Eggsy. “You scared the hell out of me.” You commented. “I didn’t peg you for the scared type.” He said. “Well, walking around an empty museum in the middle of night can put you on edge.” You replied. Eggsy smiled before walking to stand next to you.
“Are you nervous?” He asked. “Oh no. I don’t get nervous.” You answered. “You’re quite confident.” Eggsy told you. “I kind of have to be. After my dad and brother died on missions, I don’t wanna risk not being confident enough. Second guessing gets you killed.” You told him.
“I’m sorry about them. Harry and I lost one of our own too.” Eggsy said. “It’s okay.” You replied quietly. “You know that deal you made with me?” Eggsy asked. You nodded your head as a response. “I haven’t thought about her since I saw you.” He said.
You gave him an amused smile before replying. “Well then I must be doing a good job.” You said.
Eggsy looked at you for a moment, really being able to see just how beautiful you were. You looked up at the clock and saw how late it was getting. “We should probably get some sleep. We need to be on our A game tomorrow.” You told him.
“You’re probably right. I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N.” He said. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Eggsy.” You told him before walking back to your room.
The next night, you stood in the ridiculously tight, black dress you were wearing and looked at yourself in the mirror. You’re hair was in a formal updo and your makeup was flawless. To play the part of a millionaire, you had a small diamond necklace around your neck.
“Y/N, are you-” Eggsy started as he walked into your room but stopped when he saw you. You turned around and gave him a shy smile. “Wow. You look,” He added. “Like an idiot? Yeah, I know.” You said with a laugh. “No, you look beautiful.” He said. “Thanks. I would say you clean up nicely but you look just as handsome as you did when you stepped off that plane.” You replied. “Thank you, love.” He said.
You carefully walked over to him, barely being able to walk in the heels you were wearing. As you were doing so, you tripped over the rug and almost fell on your face. You expected to hit the ground but felt a pair of arms around your waist keeping you steady.
You looked up and you and Eggsy were inches apart. Neither of you said anything, just looked at each other. “Sorry. I’m such a klutz.” You finally said with a small laugh. “It’s no problem.” Eggsy said. You sat up and straightened your dress out. “Shall we get going?” You asked.
Eggsy smiles at you before offering you his arm.
The two of you arrived at the gala, feeling a bit out of place since it was so posh. “Wow. These people party hard.” You commented. Eggsy laughed at your comment before he grabbed the two of you a glass of champagne.
You took it graciously before taking a small sip.
The gala was well under way, you and Eggsy making small talk with a couple other people, his hand wrapped around your waist. “So how long have you two been married?” A woman asked the two of you. You shared a look before you answered. “We just got married a few weeks ago.” You said.
“We just bought a townhouse in London and needed some new pieces for it.” Eggsy added. “You definitely hit the jackpot. Your wife is beautiful.” A man commented to Eggsy.
Eggsy looked at you admiringly before replying. “That she is.” He said. You looked down to hide the red on your cheeks.
When you looked up, you saw one of the targets heading off down a long hallway. “If you’ll excuse me for a moment.” You said politely before giving Eggsy a knowing look.
You deseretly followed the man, who you learned was Vincent, down the hallway. You somehow made your way ahead of him, and tossed a piece of gum on the floor.
“Liberty, what are you doing?” Eggsy asked. “Just watch.” You answered. When Vincent stepped on the gum, his footprints because visible to you and Eggsy. (if you’re old like me you’d know this is from Spy Kids)
“You’re just full of brilliant ideas.” Eggsy commented. “You have no idea, Galahad.” You said.
Soon, Eggsy joined you behind the wall as you were taking your heels off. “He’s going straight for the vault where the ruby is.” Eggsy said.
You were still fiddling with your dress, making sure it wasn’t going to get in the way of your mission. “Here’s something you don’t know about me, Eggsy. I’m quite impulsive. So since you made that deal with me yesterday, you better have my back.” You said looking him right in the eyes.
Eggsy was having such a good time with you, he completely forgot about the deal and he completely forgot about Tilde just like you said.
You went to the corner before he pulled you back. Thankfully he did, because Vincent and Marcus were standing on the other side.
“Thanks.” You whispered. Eggsy gave you a nod before you began to lift up your dress to get your gun. “Have you had that there the whole time?” He asked. “Of course. Just like you’ve been carrying around that umbrella even though it’s a clear sky.” You said with a smirk.
“Cover me.” You added before walking out from behind your hiding spot. The two quickly spotted you and fumbled to get their weapons out. You were one step ahead and fired quickly.
You took down Marcus quickly and soon you fired your gun at Vincent as he fired his. All you knew for sure was that your shot wasn’t fatal and he ran off.
Eggsy ran out to you and you soon noticed your injury. Vincent had shot you in the shoulder. “Well, that makes things interesting.” You commented. “Are you alright?” Eggsy asked, having one hand on the side of your head and the other applying pressure to your shoulder.
You nodded your head before looking up at him. “I’ve been compromised. You have to go get him.” You told him. “Not without you.” Eggsy started. “Eggsy. You have to go stop him.” You said in a more serious tone.
He looked at you and nodded his head before his own impulsivity got the best of him. He leaned down and kissed you feverishly before leaving you to run after Vincent.
Your head was spinning, both from your wound and from the kiss.
A few minutes later, you were sitting in the back of a Statesman car, heading back to headquarters to get patched up.
You got back and Empire greeted you at the door.
“You were impulsive and a reckless. Many more people could have gotten hurt.” He scolded you. You nodded your head as you pressed a dinner napkin against your bullet hole wound. “That’s just like your father and brother.” He added.
“I know. But I saw the shot and I took it. Second guessing gets you killed, remember? Now, can I go get this fixed before I bleed out?” You questioned.
He nodded his head before you walked past him to the infirmary.
Eggsy got back to headquarters and saw the blood droplets on the floor, having no doubt they were from you. He had no idea where he was going or where to go to find you.
“Harry! Where’s Y/N?” He asked his partner. “Empire sent her to the infirmary to get stitches. From what I’ve heard she’s alright.” Harry answered. Eggsy let out an audible sigh of relief. “You’ve known her for a day and yet you’re worried about her.” He added.
Eggsy knew his small crush had been exposed plus it probably didn’t help him kissing you when Harry was watching you.
“Go see her.” Harry said motioning towards the infirmary. Eggsy gave the man a gracious nod before quickly making his way to where you were. 
He opened the door and heard you cursing because of the pain. “Oh my god. Do you not have an anesthetic for this? Jesus Christ.” You sneered at the nurse. “Empire said you could handle it.” The nurse said. “Of course he did.” You muttered, knowing that was the man’s punishment for you. 
You looked up and saw Eggsy standing in the door way. “Don’t just stand there looking creepy. Come here and hold my hand. Might as well have you suffer with me.” You said to him. He made his way over to you and you quickly grabbed his hand. 
The nurse stuck the needle through your skin for a third time and you squeezed Eggsy’s hand while continuing to say ‘ow.’ “This is worse than a tattoo.” You commented squeezing his hand even harder. “Okay, you’re done. Take the dressing off in a few hours.” The nurse told you before walking off. 
You released Eggsy’s hand before looking up at him. “Sorry about that.” You apologized. “It’s no problem. I’ve been through worse.” Eggsy said giving you a smirk. “So. About that kiss.” You said. 
“If it was too weird, I’m sorry. Something just came over me and I had to do it.” Eggsy said. “No need to apologize. If you weren’t going to do it, I was.” You said to him. “I know I’ll be leaving in a couple days, but would you want to get dinner with me?” Eggsy asked. 
You smiled at him before standing up and placing your hand on the back of his neck and kissing him just like he did a couple hours before. “I’d love to.” You answered as you parted. 
You left Eggsy flustered once again before he smirked down at you. “I mean, it is the gentlemen thing to do after kissing me. What is it you Kingsman say again? Manners maketh man?” You teased him. “Oh you really have a smart ass comment for everything don’t you?” Eggsy questioned. 
“It’s all apart of my colorful personality.” You answered with a smile. 
“Galahad. We may need you to stay here for a few extra days. Vincent is still alive.” Empire interrupted stepping into the room. “What? I shot him in the head, how the bloody hell can he still be alive?” Eggsy asked. “I have no idea. That’s why you need to stay. Liberty is out of commission for a few days and we need an extra agent.” Empire explained before leaving the room. 
“Looks like we’ll have plenty of time for that date.” You said before leaving him in the infirmary. 
The deal he made with you was probably the best thing that could have happened to him in the United States. 
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musicprincess655 · 5 years
Nori set his bag down on the couch he was claiming for the foreseeable future and looked around the basement of the Hall of Justice.
Okay. He could do this. Sure, the biggest existential threat Earth had ever faced was happening without the heaviest hitters the League had were on the other side of the universe, and sure, everyone he knew and cared about was in mortal peril, and sure, his girlfriend who he loved very much hadn’t responded to anything in two weeks, and sure…
Nori was man enough to admit that things were pretty spectacularly fucked. If only admitting that would actually make them better.
One of the screens in the control room was a broadcast of an interview with Captain Atom and the Reach ambassador. Nori had hoped Oota would be able to help. He was pretty well-liked, and good at keeping a cool head in interviews. But the Reach ambassador clearly knew what he was doing, playing Oota to his detriment.
“No- Kawakami-san?” Furuya poked his head into the basement Nori was calling home for the for now. Because he didn’t have superpowers, or extensive training, so leaving him in his apartment was a liability. Great.
“You can call me Nori if you want,” Nori told him. Furuya hadn’t exactly been programmed with stellar manners when they’d grown a Superman clone in a lab, and Furuya hadn’t exactly gotten used to calling people by their family names yet. “What’s up?”
“Shazam is asking for you,” Furuya said.
“Yeah, okay, I’m coming.” Nori had learned almost everyone’s secret identities over the years, but Raichi’s situation had been a surprise to even him. Shazam couldn’t have appeared more different to the teenager Raichi actually was.
“Nori-san!” Nori braced himself for a heavy hand landing on his shoulder. Raichi always seemed to forget how strong he was in this form, and with the confidence boost he got with the transformation, he was definitely friendlier.
“What’s up?” Nori asked again.
“Zatanna is here, she wants to know how she can help,” Raichi said. Takako nodded to Nori.
“I’ve got a lot of scared teenagers and more coming in,” Nori said. “Help me find them somewhere to sleep? I’m out of beds and I’m running out of futons and couches.”
“I’ll go see what I can do,” Takako said. She probably meant she’d do something involving magic.
“An is in the control room if you need help,” Nori called after her. Takako waved over her shoulder. “You don’t need a place to stay, right?” he asked Raichi.
“I’m fine,” Raichi said. “Ever since I shared my power with my family, I don’t have to worry about them so much.”
“It probably helps that you have the Red Hood helping you look out for them,” Nori said. Sanada’s softness for children had always been a bit of a puzzle for Nori, but it had meant a serious reduction in drug crime among minors, so he’d take whatever victories he could get.
“Yeah, but he’s pretty busy, too,” Raichi said. “He does what the League can’t. And right now, the League can’t do a lot.”
“Sorry we have to pull you too,” Nori said. Raichi was another one that tended to cause a lot of city-wide destruction. He and Sawamura making friends had only made that worse.
“It’s fine, it’s...who’s that?” Raichi asked. Nori followed his eyes and resisted the urge to groan.
Another alien? How many did they have to deal with? Why did they have to deal with so many?
“Who are you?” Raichi asked, easy friendliness untempered by caution.
“This is my master!” a small robot floating by the alien announced. “He comes to prove himself against Earth’s mightiest warriors, on the advice of your Light.”
Nori took a cautious step back. If this had to do with the Light, it was already time to panic. The robot tapped something on his arm, and a glowing cage appeared around the Hall of Justice.
The alien stepped forward and kicked Raichi through the door.
“Brilliant, master!” the robot praised. “My master is Despero, champion of ninety-two star systems. He comes to this backwater planet to seek a challenge and prove himself superior to all other life forms.”
Great. An alien and a robotic majordomo. Nori’s day was getting better and better.
“This one doesn’t exist in the Krolotean database, master,” the robot continued, pointing at Nori. “Leave him for better prey.”
Nori didn’t even bother getting offended as Despero passed him without another glance, going right for where Raichi had already gotten back to his feet. He rushed Despero, shoving him into a wall, and got himself thrown to the ceiling for his trouble.
Nori winced. Raichi was great, but not if he had to think through a fight. Nori dodged around them, heading for the control room. The only way out of this was to call for backup.
“Superboy, Shazam needs backup!” he called to Furuya. “Bumblebee, Zatanna, you too!”
Nori slid into the controls, but - and he really should have seen this coming - all the communications were down. Great. No backup. And as far as he could tell, no way to get that cage down, either.
He ran back out to the main entrance. There had to be some way to signal for help.
“Zatanna, see if you can get that cage down!” he called.
Before Takako could respond, Despero sent her flying into a wall, knocking her out. He didn’t pause, grabbing Furuya out of the air and slammed him into the ground. Nori winced. Furuya was basically indestructible, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt.
Meanwhile, Raichi just kept getting kicked around. He was a little smarter than Furuya with his punches, but not by much. He really didn’t use that “wisdom of Solomon” very much.
“I’ve still got one trick, though!” Raichi said, dodging and wrapping his arms around Despero’s neck. “Shazam!”
And then Raichi was just a sixteen year old kid again, and Despero looked no worse for wear. He threw Raichi into a wall easily. Nori winced again. Shazam was as indestructible as Furuya, but Raichi wasn’t. This time, when he hit the ground, he stayed there.
“My shocks aren’t doing anything,” An said, fluttering close to his face. “I don’t think he feels them.”
“Fantastic,” Nori said. “We’re down to just Superboy.”
Despero tackled Furuya through a wall.
“I’m on it.”
Nori wasn’t entirely sure what she planned on doing, but at least it would be something. He looked around at the rubble in the entrance, at Raichi groaning and trying to sit up. Despero had taken down two heavy hitters, but there was more than just them in the Hall. There were kids here, teenagers that had lost their home, and were about to lose another.
And someone had to protect them, because help wasn’t coming.
Nori’s eyes fell on a costume that had been knocked free by the fighting. He was getting an incredibly stupid idea, one that he should stop having right now, but...he was kind of all they had.
Before he could stop himself, he put the helmet over his head, hoping Guardian’s legacy would be enough to protect him.
Nori slapped the rest of Guardian’s costume on, figuring it couldn’t make anything worse. He passed Raichi, ignoring him as he headed for Furuya and An. She was already on the ground, about to get stomped, and Furuya wouldn’t get there in time to save her.
“Enough!” Nori shouted, trying to feel more confident than he actually was. To his shock, Despero actually listened, turning to face him. “You want Earth’s champion? I’m right here!”
“He’s not in the Krolotean database, master, but it may be incomplete,” the robot said.
“Superboy, take the others and leave,” Nori said, trying to drop his voice to make it sound powerful. Furuya stared at him with wide eyes, and Nori silently begged him to understand. Furuya finally nodded, picking up An and heading for Raichi.
Bless Furuya, because no matter how stupid he could be, he listened when it mattered.
Nori set himself up for the most important game of keep away he’d ever played, praying he’d given An and maybe Takako enough time to come up with a plan B.
“Superboy bowed to him!” the robot proclaimed. “He really must be Earth’s champion!”
“Since you hurt my friends, I’ll play with you longer,” Nori said, stalling for time. “Prepare yourself!”
Despero charged at him, and Nori jumped as hard as he could, planting his hands on Despero’s shoulders and vaulting over him. He landed in a crouch as Despero careened through the wall.
“Thank you Black Canary and Katsuko,” he whispered. They’d both insisted that if he was getting into this life, he needed to know how to throw a punch. It was saving him now.
Despero threw chunks of ceiling at him, and Nori dodged around them.
“Is that the best you can do?” he taunted. God, he was going to die. Despero roared, and this time, when Nori tried to jump out of the way, he wasn’t so lucky.
Despero grabbed his leg and slammed him into the ground. All the air rushed out of Nori’s lungs, and he gasped in pain.
I could really use that plan B, guys.
The floor collapsed beneath him, and Nori had a moment of panic as arms wrapped around his waist before he realized it was just Furuya.
“I have never been happier to see you,” Nori whispered. Furuya’s mouth twitched.
Despero advanced on them, picking them both up like they weighed nothing. Nori squirmed, but then his limbs went slack as another presence entered his mind.
“It’s just me,” Takako said. “Relax.”
“Retne a ecnart!” She shouted with Nori’s mouth. Despero’s eyes went slack as he went into a trance at her command. “Superboy, I possessed Nori to get the alien, but I don’t know how long it’ll last!”
Furuya didn’t wait for more instructions. He just sent Despero flying.
“You’ll all pay for this!” the robot screamed. Guns popped out from every surface of his body, and...come on, that wasn’t fair. They took out the big guy, the stupid robot shouldn’t be the one to kill them.
“Let’s try this again!” Raichi was up, and he had a hold on the robot. “Shazam!”
This time, the lightning did its job.
Nori took in the destruction around them. There was rubble everywhere, cracks in all the walls, but the building was still standing. Small victories had to be what they took, he guessed.
“Is everyone okay?” Takako asked, running into the room. “Nori, sorry about that, I...what are you wearing?”
“I work with what I got,” Nori defended himself.
“Nice keep away,” Furuya said, holding out his fist.
“Uhh, yeah,” Nori said, pounding it. “Thanks.”
Now the bigger order of business was getting the cage down. But Raichi and Furuya punching together didn’t do anything, and neither did Zatanna’s spells.
“We’d be better off if we could call for help,” Nori said, but he trailed off as a helicopter approached.
From the helicopter came Oota, the UN Secretary General, and the Reach ambassador.
“Perhaps I can help,” the ambassador said. He placed a device on the cage, and in seconds, it was gone. “I’ll also take that alien off your hands.”
Nori wanted to protest, but Oota shook his head. There was nothing they could do.
“Thank you,” Oota said, and Nori wondered if anyone else could hear how strained it was. As soon as everyone else was gone, his expression hardened. “They beat us without firing a shot. That interview was a disaster, and now they only look like the good guys even more. And the UN invited them to extend their stay.”
“All because they want to find humans with a Meta-Gene,” Nori sighed. “If this is what happens when Earth gets into the intergalactic spotlight, maybe some of these isolationists have a point.”
“You don’t mean that,” Oota chastised him. Nori shrugged. He didn’t, but he also didn’t like that now they were facing a full-scale invasion that they couldn’t fight.
“I do know one thing, though,” Nori said. “Despero was here because the Light tipped him off. If he came after the Hall of Justice, the Light knows we’re down a few key players.”
So they had to get everyone back that they could. Even if it was dangerous, they’d have to pull everyone off undercover missions and get them back to safety.
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