greediee · 4 years
Beel constantly wanting to check and see if his brothers are eating enough/hungry, but doesn’t want to be annoying. So he secretly slips them snacks. Levi makes sure everyone D.D.D are charged, always carries some sort of WiFi booster so everyone has a connection Luci secretly tucking his brother in after they fall asleep/ just likes watching them sleep. He knows they’re safe and that calms him.
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this is ... so precious ... i dont have words
thank u for the soft bros content 
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❤️- a romantic hug for laurel w/ her skelebae? And if it’s not too much ✸-a bear hug for me? I’m good with anyone! I could just you a hug 😔
As you wish, friend!  
For Laurel, a snippet of something from that beach trip she and Mutt started in our last RP. 
“You look beautiful in the moonlight,” Mutt said, wrapping his arms around you.  The two of you stood on the balcony of the old beach house, looking at the beach and the stars reflecting on the water.  You could hear his soul humming softly in his chest.  
“I love you,” you said, turning in his arms so you could look up into his face. 
“I love you too,” he said.
You took advantage of your new position to stand on tiptoe and press a gentle kiss to his teeth. 
And for you, I’ll deploy my best huggers to give you the best bear hug ever!
Sweets is the first one at your side when you mention needing a hug.  He wraps his long arms around you and hugs you close to his chest.  Papyrus joins him, hugging you on one side and Mutt joins on the other. Finally, Blue joins in as well.  You’re not sure how he squeezed between the three tall skellies, but his arms go around your waist. They all hold you for a moment and then slowly step back again, each of them grinning widely. Sweets is the last to pull away. 
“If You Ever Need Hugs Again, Let Us Know,” he says.  “We Love To Give Them As Much As You Love To Get Them.” 
You manage to say thank you.  When you turn around, you walk right into Anne, who wraps you in another warm hug.  “We’re always here if you need us,” she says.  
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skesgo · 4 years
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fitofpaige17 · 5 years
Right let’s try this again! This thought has been plaguing my mind... so we know Apollo is 5’4 and Klavier is 5’11 yes yes and generally the most accept hc is the Klavier is stronger/dominant... now picture this... Apollo is secretly jacked as fuck!! I’m talking comfortably able to deadass lift Klavier up in one arm and just tote him around on his shoulder with no problem at all...
This is honestly one of my favorite HCs ❤️ Of course I love the idea of Klavier picking up Apollo and carrying him around, and Apollo complaining but secretly enjoying it sometimes.
But tiny jacked Apollo is LIFE. Imagine Klavier accidentally injuring himself and can't walk and Apollo is like "hold on, I've got you." And just starts carrying him and Klavier is all blushy and wide eyed and thinking "holy fuck I love this man so much. how does he exist? How is he MINE?!"
AHHHHHH, I aspire to also be jacked and carry my husband even though that will never happen 😂😂😂
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miriossunshine · 4 years
I ship Mod Honey with Kugizaki Sōga Nine Vlad king Mirko Edge shot Mono Both Iida brothers 💕💕💕
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JSKSMSMSNSMSNZ oh my goodness 💞😳😳😳💞 WOW ,, IM BLUSHINGGG wow omg ALL OF THEM ARE JUST SO 💖💞💖💞💖💞 !!! i am honored- 😳😳
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popatochisssp · 5 years
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Hey Poppy! I hope you’re having a wonderful time over the holidays! I just wanted to give you a little something in return for you lovely holiday gift to all of us! I can’t draw and I’m doing good to string together a few coherent words on a good day ^_^’ but I’m a pretty good cook/baker ( even if I do say so myself :P) so I wanted to give you one of my absolute favorite Christmas candy recipe!
Ps. I use butter instead of margarine and pecan instead of peanut :)
Pss. So I hope you enjoy this as much as my family does! XOXO
Oh wow, thank you so much for sharing! I’ll have to try this out! :D
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jigokuhana · 6 years
Do you happen to have a master-list for your bad prediction au? I just stumbled upon it and fell in love! So I was hoping to start from the beginning and work my way through without spoiling things for myself. And if not sorry for bothering you I shall simply work my way backwards I suppose \~_~/ Have a lovely evening,day, and or,morning depending on when you read this!✨
Yeah, all my Bad Prediction AU tags are listed here. Just scroll down & you should find them. :) Nothing’s in a particular order though, so getting spoiled on certain things may be inevitable. ^^;
I’m glad you like it though~!
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thelazyhermits · 6 years
Tokumei gives whole meaning to the phrase “Knowledge is power” Also does Mumei suffer from any kind of mental backlash if over uses his quirk? Like a family trait of some kind?
True that. Tokumei is definitely the brains of the operation while Mumei is more the brawn. 
In regards to Mumei’s Quirk, he can only create a limited number of barriers at once. The more he creates, the weaker they are. So, he’s not good with dealing with large numbers where he has to hold up multiple barriers at once. That’s why he prefers creating a single dome barrier if he’s trying to protect himself or something like what he did with the USJ. 
The strength of his barriers are directly correlated to his mental strength. The more focused he is, the stronger they are. Likewise, if he’s distracted, then he loses focus, causing the barriers to fall. Mumei’s not the type to overwork himself, but if he were to use his Quirk too much, he’d get a bad case of mental exhaustion so he’ll need to sleep to recover.
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isnt-that-something · 4 years
I have done a very dangerous thing.... I started actively looking at the Picrews.... Send help...
That aside I found one I thought was pretty that others may like.
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@searchingwolf​ @leandersluckylady​ @trashybonecan​ Tagging y’all cuz I know you like Picrews. Unsure of any other Picrew lover so concider yourself tagged if you do like them! :D
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milkacchan · 4 years
Rquest for @leandersluckylady: Hello there^^ I was hoping to request a haikyuu (character/s) of your choice X reader who’s a swimmer if that’s alright with you?? Perhaps the haikyuu character didn’t realize reader was an athlete as well?? Fluff and embarrass ensue?? Anyways I hope you’re having a lovely morning/day/night!
Ahahah Kuroo Tetsurou? Yes. Kuroo Tetsoup
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Kuroo Tetsurou. The absolute love of your life. This man was perfect, to you anyway. Even in spite of his flaws, he was amazing and wonderful and still a bloody fucking idiot.
Kuroo Tetsurou. Started out his morning routine by texting you good morning, with a little heart emoji, a good start to the day before you two began roasting. On weekdays, he'd meet at your house so the two of you could walk to school together, occasionally bike, and usually hold hands. On weekends, he tended to show up unannounced in the morning, not always, however. It was usually at random.
This morning, was one of those mornings.
"Hey baby- you're mom let me in- oh." He froze. There you stood, in all your glory. "What are you wearing?"
"It's called a bathing suit, foreign concept to you, I know."
"Why? It's October and 9 in the morning."
"I had swim practice." You shrugged, stripping yourself of the suit, not particularly caring that your boyfriend was in the room.
"You swim?" He sat on the bed, sounding, thoroughly confused. How had he not known? Was this common knowledge to her friends? When did she swim? Had she gone to meets?
"Yes, dummy, I swim. I have for like 2 years."
"Why didn't you tell me? How many of your meets have I missed?"
You smiled and turned around, pulling your shirt on before sitting next to him on your bed.
"Well, you're busy with volleyball and school. You have enough to focus on with those two, plus our graduation. Never seemed important. Also, I would've assumed you'd probably figure it out. Did you think I just waited after school for your practice to be over?"
"Yeah, actually. I thought you just waited because you loved me." He scrunched his nose, taking your hand.
"No, I had swim practice."
"So you don't love me."
"No, I do. Just not enough to stay 4 hours for you."
"You should've told me though, I would've gone to your meets and supported you," he hummed, moving so the two of you could lay down. He pulled you into him and kissed your forehead.
"Baby, it's okay. I want you to focus. I don't want to overwhelm you."
"Babe, we're going to the same college, we already have our apartment set up for when that happens, we have our enrollment and our class options already listed. We have it all under control, I wouldn't be overwhelmed. I want a list of all your upcoming meets. I want to be there."
"You'll get em babe." You gently kissed him, smiling when you pulled away. "Seriously though, how did you not realize? I literally have trophies and metals on my desk and wall."
"I dunno! I didn't realize they were there. And if I had I would've assumed it was for like, world's prettiest girl or something. Shut up, okay?" His face flushed a dark red. "I didn't put them together, okay."
"What did you think I did instead?"
"Drawing, reading, I was always under the impression that you were a fucking NERD, not a jockie."
"I'm not a nerd." You mumbled, scowling at him.
He gave you a look, the 'you sure?' look. "Mmmmmmmm"
"Yeah okay, maybe a little bit of a nerd but not super nerd. I'm decent."
"A hot nerd."
"Shut your face."
"My hot nerd slash jockie swimmer."
"Yeah, you're hot nerd slash jockie swimmer." You hummed and kissed him again.
Idiot or not, you loved him more than anything.
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crusnikroxas · 4 years
Happy Belated Birthday!!!
🎉🎉🎉🎉 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
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This is my absolute favorite chocolate cupcake recipe!!!
And this is the most amazing hot fudge EVER!!!! I highly recommend it with coffee ice cream!!
I hope you feel better soon!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
(Submitted by leandersluckylady)
Oh gosh 😭😭😭😭 Thank you so much, it sounds yum!! ❤
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greediee · 4 years
Satan leaves little notes for everyone, but no one knows it him. Feeling sad? A note appears on your mirror. Begone sadness only he can cause his siblings suffering! So we already know Mammon is thought full as hell, but just imagine him shopping “ oh Beel would love this! And satan doesn’t have this book yet” and said items just show up in their rooms.
oh yeah, the house is full of things Mammon buys for his brothers, for sure. Lucifer has a draw full of pens he never uses but refuses to throw away, Levi has a wall full of posters for anime he’s never even seen but he still hangs.
Satan has a whole book case full of the most random books and he’ll never admit that they’re some of his favourites. Asmo has a collection of nail polish he hates the brand/formula but still displays them all on their own self.
Beel never runs out of snacks, like ever. always has candy in his bag or pocket and thats for sure Mammon’s doing. Also lil personal hc but i like to think Mammon bought Belphie his cow pillow!
also Satan leaving notes is so cute! but all i can think of is him casually leaving like, elaborate threats/ murder plots for lucifer to find and him keeping them XD
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I have decided Laurel owns a flower shop. A rather popular shop in town, and at the end of each week she’ll take the ‘leftover’ flower n make a bouquet. They always turn out to be the prettiest of the week, and as such feels they should go to the one who holds her soul. All that being said, how would Mutt feel about getting flowers every week from a not so anonymous sender?
Mutt would be surprised at first, and then flattered.  He takes all of them home with him and keeps them in his room as long as possible.  When they start wilting, he panics a bit.  He doesn’t want to tell Laurel that he’s killing her presents, so he asks Comet’s advice (Comet being the house flower expert).  Comet explains that as far as he knows, you can’t keep cut flowers alive forever, but he has learned how to press flowers.  Mutt starts a collection of pressed flowers.  He also draws every single one in a sketchbook. 
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skesgo · 5 years
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Sketch commish for @leandersluckylady of her and Mafia!Red~
It's been a while since I last drew UF!Sans dhdj Thank you so much for commissioning!!
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ooffies · 4 years
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Aight first outfit for @leandersluckylady 💚
Once again congrats on winning the raffle and thank you so much for the support! :)
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miriossunshine · 4 years
So dumblr hates me and won’t send me notifications. As such I’ve only seen your selfies today, and before I send whom I think you’d be super cute with. let me just say Mod Honey if you don’t have some kind of sunshine/ light related quirk I will fight someone!! Because YOU are the literal human embodiment of sunshine!!!☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️
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“dumblr” HAHA i love that- PFFT
also omf?,, BABIE- ur so sweet i’m literally tearing up what the HECK!! thank you so mucH- 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 💖💞💖💞💗 AAAAA TAKE ALL MY LOVE!!!
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