therosemaryrhodes-a · 2 years
Closed Event Starter || @leannerhodes​ (Pumpkin Patch) 
“You know, one of the things that was hard about being away at school was missing stuff like this.” Rosemary told her mother as there had been times that she was very homesick. But now she was thankful to be back, even if it meant the loss of some of her freedom. See watched as she young children ran excitedly to pick out their pumpkins. “I guess there really is no place like home.” 
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theharperphillips-a · 2 years
Closed Starter: @leannerhodes​
In the last couple of months, Harper hadn’t seen Leanne as much as she used to. It just seemed that both of their lives were quite busy. Which was sad, but it was just the reality of things. Either way, she was happy to be getting coffee with the woman and catching up.  While Harper waited, she watched the snowfalkes fall lightly onto the ground. She sent a small wave at Leanne when she noticed her. “Hey, I am glad you could come.” 
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livrhodes · 2 years
Starter for: @vincenzo-inendino​ & @leannerhodes​
Where: Rhodes House
Thanksgiving at the Rhodes house went great as usual. They all had a great time as a family, and everyone seemed to have enjoyed themselves. Liv, however, was so uncomfortable that she didn’t eat nearly the amount of food that she did every year. She was still pregnant with the twins and was super uncomfortable. Not to mention she had been having some contractions, but really didn’t think anything of it. She had been through this before and knew that sometimes things took a while. After dinner they all sat around and Liv tried to play it off like everything was fine, and she didn’t think anyone thought anything of it. At least if they didn’t, they didn’t say anything to her about it. She thought a distraction might do her some good for now. “Does anyone need help with anything?” She asked, taking a deep breath as she tried to stand up. “Give me something to do.” 
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bridgeporthq · 2 years
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The following characters have 48 hours to post or contact the main:
@leannerhodes (2 posts)
@karnajoykeenan (2 posts)
@shelbythompxon (2 posts)
@matt-petracca (2 posts) 
Please unfollow the following:
The following members are on hiatus:
JJ - November 21st
Mis - November 27th
Jess - November 28th 
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veritysinclair-a · 3 years
closed | @leannerhodes​
Verity had been wiping down the counter top while preparing to finish off her shift of the day at the Pit Stop Bar when one of her colleagues asked her if she could bring over a customers order. It was a glass of red wine, so to her it seemed easy enough. After having prepared it, she exited from behind the bar and started walking over to the table in the corner. She was surprised when her hues met with the last person she figured would be visiting the bar, even more so ordering an alcoholic drink! Her steps turned a bit more hesitant as she approached the woman, offering her a small smile as she came a bit closer to her. “Hi - Is um.. Is this your order?” She asked her out of curiosity, figuring her colleague might have written down the wrong table number. 
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grace-baker · 2 years
@leannerhodes​ || Birthday time!
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Iris was uncertain about handing over her gift, a simple envelope with her test results enclosed. But she figured writing it would be easier than telling Leanne. Ever since she’d found about her older sister being so ill Iris had been desperate to help and, after talking things over with both Derrick and Malcolm, she went to get herself tested as a donor. Finding out just in time for Leanne’s birthday that she was a match was just an extra blessing.
She waited a moment, a soft smile gracing her face as she waited for Leanne to read. “Whenever you’re ready, so am I.”
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maggiexrhodes · 2 years
continued thread for @leannerhodes​ at the Rhodes residence
Leanne didn’t sleep too well that night. All these years later and she was still on edge when one of her children was sick. She woke up to Maggie’s messages when helped a bit. She got Audrey off to school and was in the process of making Grace a snack when Maggie arrived. She could tell she was tense which was never good. “What’s going on, honey?” Her eyes widened when Maggie revealed the ultrasound photos. “Oh. Wow.” She licked some banana residue off her thumb as she stared at the ultrasound, taking it all in. “I’m not shocked Brady wouldn’t be able to think about protection when he was with you. I’m glad it’s nothing serious.” Not that a baby wasn’t a big deal, but Maggie had really worried for a minute. “Are you.. do you feel like your in a place to have a child right now?” Leanne wasn’t sure how to even ask without upsetting her. She trusted her daughter, but with Maggie going through so many changes right now she was naturally worried. “I think it’s great, I do! You’re a great mom to the girls. This is a just big thing on top of all the other big things your tackling right now and I want to make sure you’ll be okay?”
She took a deep breath as they looked at the pictures and then she looked up at her mom. She wasn’t upset by any means by her question. It was valid given everything. “I don’t know.” She said honestly and shrugged. “But I’m going to.” She said honestly and met her mom’s eyes again. “It’ll be okay. It will be. I just... gotta tell Brady.” She said and looked in the direction of where the man lived. “You know him. How do you think he’ll take it? I mean, I got proof its his and not the guy I slept with at the beginning of March. I had to know, you know?” She said and bit her lip. “Mom, what do you think?”
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dianamoulin · 3 years
Where: Diana’s Home Who: @leannerhodes​
For as long as Diana could remember, Leanne had always been a nearly permanent fixture in her life. Her own mother saw Leanne as her little sister and Diana eventually would teach all of the children Leanne Rhodes would grow to take care of one day. She remembered when she was in high school and the Youth leader at church and Leanne gave her extremely helpful pieces of advice that she clearly didn’t take. Instead of enjoying her youth, she was too focused on feigning love for the ultimate revenge plot that she would end up pregnant with her first child just after senior year. This would also be a turning point for her because many people who knew her from church would slut shame her from that point forward. Cheating on the father of her children didn’t really help either. Her youngest child’s paternity always came into question, and rightfully so, but she would never admit that there was another man in her life. Everyone knew, but without her confirmation, she felt no one could say it matter of fact.
Having spent a significant amount of time on crafting the perfect Southern meal for herself and Leanne to enjoy, she waltzed her way back into the dining room with two glasses of wine and a smile on her face, placing Leanne’s in front of her and finally settling herself down with a light sigh and tilt of her head. “How’ve you been, Leanne?” she felt not many asked this question as Leann was always the one looking after others. When was anyone checking on her? She grew up with Leanne somewhat a mixture of an older sister and aunt given their twenty year age difference. Even through all the rumors, Leanne was there for her and she appreciated that so much that she couldn’t express it properly most of the time.
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piaxjilani · 2 years
starter for @leannerhodes​ location: leanne’s residence 
Easter weekend celebrations brought out the Cherry Blossom Festival and the great planning of the one and only, Leanne Rhodes. For as long as Pia could remember, she had been going to Leanne’s home for the giant Easter egg hunt. As a child, that was the highlight of the weekend. Pia remembered rushing over the land as many children her age and older followed behind her. They grabbed the eggs as fast as they could. Pia was still attending, getting in on the Easter egg hunt itself but the older she got, the more she went to socialize with the woman of the hour. While having great parents of her own, it still came to no surprise to Pia that Leanne was like a motherly figure to her. “Leanne,” she smiled as she approached her with a drink in hand, “I don’t know how you manage to outdo yourself every year but I am not surprised.”
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christianxxcoleman · 3 years
starter for @leannerhodes​ location: starbeam 
In the last year that Christian had moved to town, he had frequented he karaoke bar in Fallbrook. When he did, he hadn’t expected to meet such a force of a woman that would get him on the stage to have the time of his life. It was entirely unlike Christian to sing karaoke but when he met Leanne, it didn’t take much convincing. At least, not outside the amount of alcohol he had that evening. And since then, Christian returned to the bar to sing along side the star herself. “Leanne,” he grinned, spotting the woman and he lifted his hand in a raise as he moved over to her. “are we ready to kick some ass tonight on stage?”
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sylvialawson · 2 years
Starter for: @leannerhodes​​
Where: Rhodes Residence 
"Okay, what’s first on your to-do list today, Leanne?” Sylvia asked, raising a brow at the woman. She had just finished at the flower shop and was now at the Rhodes home for the next few hours to assist Leanne with whatever she needed. She liked Leanne. She was a good woman and a town legend, from what she could understand. She had only been in town for a little while and she knew that. “Sorry I was runnin’ a little late. We had a big order to prepare over at the flower shop. I did bring you these, though. We had extra,” the redhead said, offering a small bouquet of yellow roses. “Heard you liked these.” 
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therosemaryrhodes-a · 2 years
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*sings* Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear posey! Happy birthday to you!!!!
To the sweet little round face girl that made our family completely, I love you more and more each day. You are such a blessing to us. I know I say it all the time, but I’m so happy that we had you. Being an older mother, I got to experience things with you that I didn’t with the others. We certainly had lots of wonderful adventures, you and I. Sing motherhood again through the lens at 40 is such a powerful thing. You were definitely my toughest renter to evict, I guess my womb was so nice and toasty you felt the need to bring it with you ;) I don’t want what happened the day you were born to ever cause you any pain or guilt. It was a hectic day, but I would do it over and over again for you my little Rosie Posey. I remember the first time I saw you, you had the biggest chubbiest pink little cheeks and you opened those beautiful eyes and looked at me and I knew that you held my heart forever and that having you was the best choice I’d ever made.
I know things have been a little hectic around here lately, but we made it. I may not be able to throw you the kind of party I want to right now, but just you wait!! Your father and I spent a while working on those balloons for you though.
Nothing can stop me from making a homemade birthday cake for you, and your father is going to fire up the grill later for your birthday dinner extravaganza.
I found this necklace it when I was shopping for your birthday a few months back and I think it resonates now more than ever. Your father and I have done our best to give you roots, and now it’s time to give you wings. As hard as it is on us, letting our last little baby go, we are so proud of you and on our chairs with excitement about everything your going to accomplish in this life. you’ll always be our baby, that won’t change. So when you’re out there living your dreams, New miss home or you’re thinking about us you just look at that necklace and will be with you.
With how much you work, and how much you love organization like me I made sure to get you some lovely new stationary and a new work desk. You can thank you father for the desk, he build it from scratch and I helped him stain it! Whenever you’re feeling like you’re not good enough, just remember we’re always in your corner and we love you to the moon and back!!
More little presents to come, see you soon baby!!
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alexander-warren · 2 years
Location: Alexander’s home
Status: Closed starter for @leannerhodes​​
“Hope you like Italian food!” Alexander called from the kitchen while serving the dish he had been working on all day, nervousness bubbling up on his stomach. Not only had he managed to have one of his favorite actresses as a guest in his home, going as far as calling her a friend after she so gracefully had taken him under her wing at the community theatre, the news he had for her were at least for him, life-changing. The business owner took a small breath before walking back to the dinner table, one plate on each hand as a bright yet slightly anxious smile on his face. “I— made pasta from scratch. I totally forgot to ask if you wanted anything in particular when I asked you to come but in my defence, I was in a trance, I think I didn’t breathe for like, 30 seconds after you said yes” he chuckled. Even with Leanne sitting at his table, Pollux somewhere in the living room and two plates on his hands, it was still hard to grasp for Alexander, the moment he was living. He placed the dishes on the respective places, grinning at the other. “How are you, Leanne? How’s that wonderful husband of yours?”
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livrhodes · 2 years
Starter for: @leannerhodes​
Location: Rhodes House
Liv was very thankful for all of the hard work Leanne put into the baby shower. It was amazing to see how everything came together, and even with Leanne not feeling well, everything still looked perfect. People would be arriving soon, and Liv was really looking forward to Leanne cutting the cake and finding out that she would be getting both another grandson and a granddaughter. After getting dressed for the party, Liv approached her mom and pulled her into a hug, well, the best hug she could with her huge belly. “Thank you for doing all of this, I just want you to know how much I appreciate you,” she said with a smile. She felt like her mom didn’t hear that enough from people, especially when she planned events. With Leanne planning, they just always expected everything to be great. “How do I look? Does the dress look okay?” The dress was the purple one they had picked out together when she was only a few months along. 
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ashihussan · 2 years
closed starter for @leannerhodes​ at Crescent Shore Beach
It was crazy the amount of people that showed up for the surprise reception. Honestly, there were people there she didn’t think was actually going to do it and the Rhodes was one of them. While she had, of course, invited both Eddie and Enzo because they were her bosses and their family too. And once she saw Leanne again in passing, she invited the older woman and her husband as well. So, when she saw she was actually there, she was happy, but also surprised. “Hey! You made it!” She said over the music as she approached her. “Thank you so much. And sorry I didn’t warn you it’s a reception.” She said with a laugh.
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loganvalentine · 3 years
special delivery - @leannerhodes​
Logan stood in the kitchen, lifting her eyes up to look out the little window towards the backyard. Lily sitting in her spot in the shades with a book in her hand as Matty taught Theo how to hit a couple of baseballs. A soft smile came along her features as she glanced back down towards the cookie batter in the bowl in front of her. “I owe you my life, Leanne. I don’t know how Theo’s teacher thinks I should be in charge of the bake sell.” As if she was in need of the extra stress. They were still working on paying off Adam’s hospital bill and now with another baby on the way... with mixed emotions from every single person in her life. She inhaled as she glanced over towards Leanne. At least she could relay on Leanne to be excited. “Can I...” She cleared her throat, dropping her gaze to the bowl. “Never mind. I shouldn’t put a damper on the evening.”
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