#learn golf
sapphoismymuse · 1 month
every now and then i remember golf is a canon sport in middle earth (possibly the only one ever mentioned?) and with this in mind, i think there aren’t enough golf-centric fics and art out there we need more
like imagine a retirement fic where bilbo and the other hobbits are teaching thorin how to play golf
or an erebor fic where bilbo brings golf to the mountain and teaches it to all the dwarves
the possibilities
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starker-sorbet · 2 months
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Despite being a billionaire and golf being a quintessential rich person sport he'd never played it or even liked it. When he was younger it was just another thing to take Howard's attention away from him. But he knew Peter liked it. Especially the maths and physics side of the game. So he put his negative feelings to one side for his husband and asked the younger man to teach him how to play. An idea Peter was more than eager to try out. Unfortunately younger Tony was right and golf was still incredibly boring to him. He could hardly follow along with Peter's instructions as it was definitely more how Peter's ass moved as he swung than the swing itself that caught his attention. Still the view certainly got him warmed up to do some actual exercise with Peter in their bedroom later.
@starkerfestivals Summer Bingo: Learning how to play golf card below
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stagefoureddiediaz · 17 days
So do we think maybe Buck golfing with Gerrard is something along the lines of Tommy giving advice to Buck to get to know him and play nice to make his life easier (or some such - because Tommy never actually had any hated directed at him from Gerrard so never actually experienced first hand what he was like in the same way Chim and Hen did).
Which Buck will do and find out a few things about his situationships (it’s technically unlabelled as a relationship so I’m not calling them boyfriends!) past behaviours and dots will start connecting all those red flags that Tommy is waving?!!
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this-ass-is-eikonic · 3 months
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my inner yuppie -yearns- for quinn
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No witchy Wednesday this week. Life decided NO.
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Everyone who speaks to or does stuff with Pierre always immediately talks about how open and willing to participate fully he is in whatever they're doing. I just think the fact that he walks into all of these situations with a true joy and appreciation for all the opportunities f1 brings him to enrich his own life is so lovely and refreshing he's so important to me actually
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crehador · 1 year
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normal thing to say to your golf buddy
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haven-of-dusk · 3 months
Screenshots from Matt's story, talking about how he got his first eagle today (golf)
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corvids-corner · 5 months
Kill all golfers now.
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creator-indy · 7 months
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chronal-anomaly · 5 months
park ranger park ranger park ranger park ranger rahhhhhh
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dreamyeyedrose · 1 year
you won't believe half the things I see inside my head wait 'til you see half the things that haven't happened...yet
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imperatorrrrr · 1 month
Pick an Olympic team sport you and Mike Matheson have to compete in together. How does it go? ❤
okay, so this is between I think mixed doubles tennis and fencing, but I think I'm going to go with mixed doubles tennis.
And honestly, given his shot and size, and given my delusions of grandeur and my prowess when I was pre-teen/early teenager, we'd probably make a good run of it.
Some upsets against some favorites.
We wouldn't end up medaling, but we'd shock the world with our dominance and end up on some morning breakfast talk show.
He is Canadian and I am not, so dunno which country we would compete for? I could probably get away with competing for India through some circumnavigation, but I doubt my best friend, Michael Matheson, has any South Asian ancestry, though you never know! He did go to Boston College, but I don't think that automatically means he has any like ties to the States.
A conundrum we will face together just like our tennis matches.
Also, pls picture, Michael Matheson, 6'2 and me, T, 4'11 and 3/4.
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ratatatastic · 2 days
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oh so i was supposed to be normal about my wibe flaunting her gorgjiss knobby moose legs in front of me, no better than a victorian man, that was a thing i qas supposed to be normal about? yeah?
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this is a view i have to behave like a respectable citizen about? this?
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simpforsix · 3 months
one (fun?) fact about my family is that my uncle was part of the 60's scoop so he was an indigenous kid who got adopted into a white family by british parents. now the 60's scoop was horrifying (as is canada's history with indigenous people in general) but i would like to share some instances that the canadian government definitely didn't account for:
when my uncle was a baby my grandma (a white british lady) was walking him in a stroller when a stranger said "he looks just like you!" and my grandma's response was to say "thank you!" after a moment of confusion, since her baby was very clearly brown and shares no features with her.
our family is very supportive of him reconnecting with his roots but nobody knows who his birth family is. except for a random indigenous man he golfs with who clocked which family group he comes from because he's "short and stout".
i went with him to film a video about residential school survivors, but since i wasn't filming i basically just hung out at a museum all day with the people who weren't filming and got free lunch. he introduced me as his sister's kid and nobody said anything but i think it's funny to think about how i was this random white kid who was just there.
when he invited me to come film he said i wasn't white like the rest of my family. i know he meant that i would fit in with the group but it was very funny.
the canadian government made it basically impossible for him to get status and kept asking him to prove he was indigenous. he complained about this to us and someone suggested that he just show a family photo in which he is clearly an indigenous person surrounded by white people.
i'm the most left-wing of the family and very interested in politics, and he's very passionate about his culture and is a big figure in the indigenous art world here, so most family gatherings include me and him talking about racism and indigenous culture while our family desperately tries to get us to stop infodumping.
my family has also learned a lot about indigenous issues through osmosis and educating themselves, which means my indigenous ex-gf once had an in-depth conversation with my grandma about the 60's scoop and residential schools and they were very clearly shocked because my grandma does NOT seem like someone who is educated on it at first glance.
he doesn't burn in the sun so in all the family photos from childhood vacations he's the only one without a sunburn. every summer he is very proud of his watch tan.
sometimes he makes self-deprecating jokes at the expense of indigenous people at family gatherings and everybody kind of awkwardly has to decide whether or not to laugh while he cackles at his own joke.
he has said he wants to watch my sister's track practices but a) doesn't want to look like a creep and b) when someone inevitably asks who he's watching and he points at my sister they will be Concerned.
anyways @ the canadian government your plan failed and instead you got a bunch of educated white people and a man who is very good at and well known for making art inspired by his culture. now can you give him status or are you still too scared of paying him all the money he's owed?
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joanofexys · 2 months
i unfortunately know how to fit in with sales bros
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