#least double the price for the crochet one
I am trying so hard to save money lately, but it is so hard, especially when there are so many things that make me want to spend. the latest temptation is that I really would love to participate in a Make-Along this spring, but don’t know if I can justify spending $60+ on the yarn kit for it (especially when I already have a whole closet-full of yarn from my workplace from when we had a big inventory clear-out last year)
#I’ve never done a make along and I just think it would be super fun?? a fun thing to keep me motivated and give some low-key enjoyment#and a way to destress over the next few months (which are guaranteed to be hectic and stressful)#and there’s a super cool mystery make along gearing up right now that looks really fun#and if I don’t end up liking the finished product I’d be more than happy to gift it to someone else#and there’s both a crochet and knit version of the pattern#and while I would *rather* do the knitted one (I just seem to enjoy knitting more lately for some reason?) the price for that kit is at#least double the price for the crochet one#so I think I could just resign myself to doing the crochet version and it would all be fine. but I’m still stuck trying to figure out if I#can justify dropping $60 for it 🙃#the one thing I’m telling myself could help make it worthwhile is that I really cannot crochet while watching tv as easily as I can knit#but I *can* listen to audiobooks#and my Read The Bible In A Year plan is using an audio Bible#so maybe I could promise myself that I’m only going to listen to my Bible readings while I work on this project and it could be a#good motivator for me?#idk girls. decisions are silly and dumb. love having a free will and all that but sometimes it’s irritating as all get-out.#especially when it comes to these little goofy probably-inconsequential things that I always manage to agonize over forever :P#gurt says stuff
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Crochet, fiber arts community, and artists come in real quick for a sec.
So I’m crocheting this bag and I’m getting a point where I can see myself selling my pieces, and I’m purposely making this bag to sell. I might keep it for a small bit to make content with it and show it off but I want it sold and I want to make more like it to sell. So I decided to look around to see what a bag like this might sell for online.
Im thinking about selling it at markets but this is a pretty pricey bag. To sell this I would also have to have cheaper items to sell and that requires more planning. Also, the big thing to note here is that while most crochet would be expensive because of the time you put into it, this bag has a pretty pricey upfront cost on top of the time. We’re talking $40-$60 in upfront, something you only see with like blankets or maybe a dress.
Anyway, I decide that the type of person who might want this kind of bag may be on Etsy, and I know there are people selling this kind of bag on that site and so I went over.
Tell me why most sellers are selling the exact same bag for $60 🥴. Also mind you, it takes about 6-8 hours to make depending on your energy and skill.
I included both upfront and just the minimum wage (in FL) for the amount of hours, then rounded up to get a minimum cost of at least $150 if I were to sell it. Close to $200 if I have to add different colors and accessories. You also have the concept of selling for twice the amount that you paid for to be able to get double the materials to make more and thats over $300. I’ve seen one person selling for $400 (marketing was on point for it but still…). And Etsy sellers are only selling it for $60 🥴🥴🥴 that’s not even enough for the labor!!
I know we want to make art accessible for everyone. And yes, an artist can sell their art at any price point. But damn, at least put cost and labor into it 😭 it really hurts my heart to see people undervaluing themselves selves. Like yes the recession is technically here for consumers but it’s also so for artists too. Artists will forever deserve to get paid, and we as a society gotta do better with paying them and showing that appreciation.
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apprenticestanheight · 3 months
Never Again, and Never By Choice - Chainshipping
okay!! two days into july and I'm posting the fic that was supposed to come out in June but didn't bc I also happened to learn how to make hexagon cardigans in june and that pretty much mostly swallowed me whole. I'm taking a break from crocheting, however, until I can find a job and buy loads of yarn ahead of needing to make people christmas gifts and the like, so hopefully this month will genuinely be productive.
Fic type - this is a balance between fluff and hurt/comfort that tilts more in the
Warnings - there are a few mentions of sex and sex related things! Enough are in the fic for me to say that this fic is for an audience of 18+, minors do not interact! Some of (most, if not all) occur in tandem with references to weed, and a lot of the fic deals with weed use, including using weed to self medicate for things like anxiety. There are also depictions of PTSD symptoms and some are talked about in depth or mentioned a few times, like Adams fear of the water being so bad that he can't get himself to shower unless he follows a hyperspecific routine. Adam is v e r y knowledgable about the things he uses to self medicate so there are some specifics about the weed type he usually smokes, and this differs from canon in that gabriela doesn't die and john is at least alive until 2006-ish. strahm also survives, as does lynn, mark, and amanda.
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When Amanda rescues Adam from the trap, the initial feelings are confusion and anger. He'd not known it was her until the memory hit him a weeks out from his time in the hospital, and by then, the confusion and the anger had shifted into resentment. Not particularly at his circumstances or at her, but at John Kramer, at life as a whole.
They're stupid things to be angry about, even if one is entirely justified. How he manages to be pissed off at life, at the world, over the actions of another person, mystifies him for a long time.
He keeps his anger at John under wraps even after he's agreed to become one of Johns apprentices, one of Jigsaws disciples. It's boiling, it'll burn you if you touch it and it'll scald you if you dare even think about getting too close, but he lets it dull into a simmer as the years go by.
His anger, his spite, and the money John provides him for the photos he takes are enough to make him let his anger turn into something less than it was initially, and in late December, when he finds himself reeling after taking a photo of a headless body in Mexico, he wonders why he does it.
There's, of course, the obvious answer--each job he does gets him around $500, and the most recent of the lot came for double the price plus the remainder of the cost of Gabrielas plane ticket. The condition was, Adam flew down to Mexico and first talked to Gabriela, tried to convince her to join their mission. When it'd worked, Adam bought her the last available ticket on his flight back to Jersey and was met with $1000 wired to an offshore bank account that Adam would transfer directly to his regular bank a day or two after once again arriving on Jerseys shores.
All in all, taking a few photos and dropping them at the local police station while wearing nondescript clothes, not speaking a word, and shrinking in on himself in a way that made him look like your average Joe to the cameras that were undoubtedly watching had yielded just barely more than $1100.
Thanks to a couple extra sets of hands--namely, Detective Mark Hoffman, Agent Peter Strahm, Amanda Young, Lynn Denlon, and Lawrence fucking Gordon himself--things were quick, and Adam was making a decent amount of money by doing the jobs John had given him every week-ish, if not every three or four days.
John chose the people, Amanda, and Hoffman abducted them, Lynn and Strahm set up the traps, and Lawrence handled the medical side of said traps. Gabriela had started with helping setting traps up initially but had since been the one who recorded the casette tapes of that stupid fucking puppet, and Adam had been the one who took the photos from the beginning.
All in all, Adam didn't totally hate his role in it--it meant, while he'd occasionally brush hairs with Amanda, Hoffman, Strahm or Lynn, he'd never really seen or talked with Lawrence.
He misses Lawrence like hell, if he's being honest with himself, but--it's better they don't talk.
Not until at least a bit of time has passed, even though Adam is a little miffed at the idea of reaching out to Lawrence on the anniversary of one tragedy to be like "hey, old friend! Remember when we spent nine hours in a bathroom together, right before you sawed off your own foot and crawled away, leaving me for dead? Amanda stole my shirt from evidence and even though I've washed it, the bloody handprint you left stained the shirt and I entirely lack the heart to put some peroxide or bleach to an otherwise perfectly good piece of clothing." Which would, in the process, be a direct reminder of another.
He doesn't see Lawrence, and he only acknowledges that he misses him on the nights he chooses to be honest with himself or the days wherein he chooses the same.
Adam just--he does what John needs him to do. He takes the money John gives him after a job, makes sure he has enough to make the rent of the crappy apartment he lives in, and he makes sure he has groceries that will feed him and keep him full.
Gabriela occasionally tags along on the jobs, and all that to say brings him to the very beginning of September 2005. It's the first day of the month, Gabriela has decided to tag along because she's finished setting up the traps for the insurance broker they're going to put through the ringer after the traps have been tested a few times, and she's keeping Adam company because she's one of the four or five people he talks to in his day-to-day, and she's apparently worried.
She's talking about how Lynn needed her to help because Strahm had been busy with Mark cleaning up the messes that they, as the apprentices, left behind. Adam is zoning in and out as he snaps one photo after the next, all of which pertain to the crime scene and all of which will be dropped off at the nearest police precinct once they've developed fully.
He knows he has to visit John today, too--John wants to have a chat, apparently. He's having these little chats with everyone, which is something Adam picks up from Gabriela at a point in their interactions when he's zoned in. He'd started with Amanda, then went to Lawrence, then to Strahm and Lynn and then to Gabriela. She'd joked he was saving the best for last and skipping the worst, like a parent refusing to acknowledge the child they'd silently disowned.
It's when she brings up Lawrence that he brightens up like a goddamned Christmas tree--his ears and cheeks go lightly pink with embarrassment as soon as he's registered the way that his head snaps up when his name falls off her lips.
"Amanda and Lynn were talking about it," she says when she notices his face. "Lynn joked that the two of you needed couples therapy. You two haven't talked since Lawrence left you, and--Amanda thinks it's killing you piece by piece. She's right, isn't she?"
Gabriela is only ten months younger than he is, and while he appreciates having an apprentice in their little group who's about as close in age to him as she can get, it's not always the best thing for his mental health.
"You too?" He asks. "And I thought hearing it from Amanda, Lynn, Hoffman, and Strahm every other damn day was bad enough. Now you're in on it?"
He takes the last photo and pivots on his feet, heading for the exit as Gabriela laughs.
"You two do have something weird going on," she says.
"How can we?" Adam rebuts. "It's been four years, almost, and we haven't spoken at all."
"Thats what it is," Gabriela responds. "It's that--you care about him, clearly, or at least enough to think of him once every week. Lawrence, though, he does care, too. He's apparently more vocal about his caring than you are, but Amanda says he's always been the more open type. She says he's "less apt to have reservations about the people he works with, and he lets his feelings just exist in the open.""
Adam laughs. "That sounds nothing like him," he wonders, for a minute, if he really has the authority to say something like that. He hasn't talked to Lawrence in four years just about, even if he has thought about him multiple times a day, every single day, since they last spoke.
"Well--Amanda wanted me to tell you his new phone number is in the phone book," she says. "If you wanna give him a call, maybe give him a few minutes of your time to ease both your mind and his."
Adam shakes his head. "You headin' back around to your hotel? I gotta pay John a visit and then get these photos printed and developed. How much longer til you get to head back to your place?"
"The hotel stay is for the next two days, while they clear the infestation out of the units. I'm gonna grab some food and then go to the hotel, all this walking has made me hungry."
Adam snorts. "You need a ride? Your hotel is like, ten minutes east of Johns place."
She shakes her head, but hugs him anyway. "Thank you," she says. "But I'm gonna walk the way to the restaurant, build up more of an appetite and then get something good for supper."
He hugs her back, lets himself acknowledge just how much he's needed her friendship these past few years. She's kept him sane for a good bit, and without her, he's half sure he'd have killed himself by now.
They go their separate ways, Adam going to his car and heading to Johns while Gabriela went to grab food and then go home.
Johns place is also, coincidentally, Amandas place. He's living in her apartment and she's taking care of him in the last of his days. Adam suspects Johns not got long left, and he knows that this visit could very well be their last.
John is, surprisingly, well enough to be sat up in his wheelchair. He's got a black jumper on that looks to be a few sizes too big, and what of his hair remains has gone completely white. His eyes are pale, his skin the same color, and generally, John looks like what he is, someone fast-tracking it on the highway to hell.
"I thought it important to have you here to discuss this arrangement," John says. He invites Adam further into the room--he's leaned against the door, while John is sat by his desk and in front of the window, curtains open to a surprisingly sunny day while Jersey rides out the coattails of summer.
Adam steps in, walking until he can sit in the desk chair to Johns left. John tells him to do so, and he does.
"You and I have an arrangement that allows you to be given a certain amount of money for every job you do," he says. "If you weren't lying to me when you told me the time you'd handle doing said job today, you should've just arrived from having finished up there. I have arranged through the correct, most trusted of my channels to ensure that our arrangement can continue for half a decade, at minimum, after my passing, on one condition."
Adam has the decency to fight his grimace, even though he loses.
"Don't worry, Adam," he says. "It doesn't mean you'll be getting any more involved with things than you already are. It, actually, pertains to your trap-mate, Lawrence Gordon."
Adam shakes his head. "Whatever it is, I can always find something different to do other than what I've been doing."
"Adam, I'm not asking for much," John says in that diplomatic tone that used to make Adam punch-a-hole-in-the-wall type angry. It's eased into a scream-into-a-forest level anger, though not by too much as the years have passed them both by. "Just--call him. It's been four years since, almost. Amanda and I have tried time and time again, but he's convinced we're as deluded as he is. He thinks you're dead."
"Almost was," Adam says before he can stop himself. "I mean--could you not have sent Amanda in before I'd been stuck in the dark for a week?"
"We're all entitled to our mistakes from time to time," John shrugs. Adam has the brain to hate that remark--people who've dared make mistakes in his line of sight, even ones so minimal as smoking a cigarette while leaned against an alley wall, have died or been severely maimed for it, but John gives himself the courtesy to make a mistake like it's nothing. Typical. "Call him. I have no method of verifying that you'll have called by the end of my life, but if you lie to Amanda, she'll know and she'll tell me you lied to her."
Adam purses his lips. Of course Amanda would know he's not the greatest liar.
"I'll call," Adam resents how quick he is to give in, but he needs the money. That money has his rent paid off in full within the first two weeks of the month because of how frequently traps are coming and going, how many new victims John has within a week despite only having maybe a hundred survivors in total, less than 1/3rd of that group willing to tell their tales.
John smiles knowingly. "I know you will," he says. "Have you yet moved out of your apartment? The one with the cockroaches?"
Adam sighs. "Workin' on that," he says. "My buddys gonna let me sublet his place starting on the one year anniversary of the trap, he's moving down to LA so that he can try to legitimise his band or something like that--I'm assuming I won't be put back in chains for admitting I hadn't really listened when he offered to sublet his 1000 a month apartment for less than half the cost."
John shakes his head. "You have a good rest of your day, Adam," he says. "The payment for todays job will get to you by the end of this week."
Adam gets up, leaves the apartment and drives back home. One part of him wants to shower the odd feeling off of himself as he gets into his car, but he knows he can't do that without having a breakdown. It's been four fucking years of not being able to do it without losing his mind, why would it be any different that time around?
A few days later, the night before the four year anniversary of their trap, Adam calls. Lawrence picks up on the second ring. "Hello?"
"Hey," Adam greets tiredly. It's seven and he's prepping a bowl so that he can smoke, jerk off til the memories blur and it's Lawrence he's thinking about, then eat half of the oreos in the sleeve he'd picked up from the convenience and conk out at around 10:30 only to wake up, still high but reeling from a nightmare at around two in the morning. "Uh--this is Adam Stanheight. I found your number in the phone book."
"Adam," Lawrences voice sounds relieved. Incredibly so. "Hi. It's been a bit."
"Four years, thereabouts," he says. "Look--I was thinking, maybe we could grab dinner or something? I've gotta move into my new place tomorrow and get that stuff sorted, but if you want, there's a couple good spots around ten minutes out from it by foot."
"Yeah," Lawrence nods. "Tomorrow works--give me a place and I'll meet you there for eight?"
"I was thinking Lilahs--it's a great, sit-down style restaurant that has deals on most of their menu all the time. My mom knows the owner and I've eaten there a few times, it's really good food. I dunno if you drive, but I can pick you up if you need me to."
"I drive," Lawrence says. "Lilahs?"
"Lilahs Diner," Adam nods. "Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow, at eight?"
"You most certainly will."
Adam licks his lips, finishes prepping his bowl and scrounges around his jeans pocket until he finds the lighter as he waits for Lawrence to speak again.
"Adam, are you still there?"
"Don't tell me you've got more to say?" He wants Lawrence to have more to say, but the sarcasm is easier than not these days. "Go ahead, if you do. Spit it out."
Lawrence laughs, and Adam swallows thickly--it sounds like it comes out easy, like he's laughed so much and found so much joy in things since their trap that none of it is difficult for him anymore.
"It just--it's really good to hear your voice, is all. I've missed it, and I've missed you."
"Damn you, Lawrence," he laughs dryly. "It's seven o'clock on a Saturday night and I'm trying to prep a bowl, but you and your sentimental ass are gonna make me cry where I stand in this kitchen."
"Well, I can't help it," Lawrence answers simply. "I'm a sentimental ass from time to time. Are you helping John still? I hear whispers about it from Amanda on occasion."
Adam snorts. "Yeah, lets not talk about that on the phone. I'll have to smoke two bowls if we do, and even though I'm going to have to smoke two anyway, I'd really rather space them out by at least six hours so that I have time for the first high to wear off."
Lawrence laughs again. Adam has a terrifying moment, a terrifying thought, that he could drown in the sound of it and die happily in the process.
"All right," Lawrence says. "Tomorrow night. Lilahs Diner. Eight on the dot."
Adam nods. "Tomorrow night, Lilahs, eight," he says. "Goodbye, Lawrence."
He hangs up before Lawrence has the chance to respond, grabs his bowl and his lighter and heads out onto his fire escape.
He smokes, jerks off until the memories blur and all he can think about is how Lawrences hands would feel draped against his hips, holding them loosely, and falls asleep for half past midnight, after he's eaten the entire oreo sleeve and somehow managed to cook a frozen pizza successfully and subsequently, eaten it in it's entirety.
For the first time in four years, Adam wakes up after getting eight hours of sleep, which does mean eight hours of nightmares, but he decides he's fine with it as he brushes his teeth, narrowly avoiding getting his hands wet because the fear of water is at it's worst when he's fresh off of a night like that one.
He spends his morning getting what little of his life he didn't donate or take to the dump into his car, putting the total of four boxes and two heavy weight garbage bags worth of clothes into the backseat of his car and the trunk.
His mother gives him the couch his father had hated and Scotts left behind a tv, coffee table, rocking chair and all of his bedroom furniture because they weren't his taste, so all Adam has to do is change the sheets on the mattress to his own and wash and donate the other ones.
All in all, Adam is getting way more than he deserves out of that apartment even though he knows Scott probably thinks he'll sell most of it. He has no plans to sell most of it, though, and it's a hell of a lot more than he'd thought he'd be getting for a two bedroom priced at $350 a month.
He runs his only decent pair of black jeans and an appropriately casual button down through the wash once he figures out how the washer works, spends most of his day outside of that tidying up, unpacking the four boxes he'd brought along and making lists of things to grab in the coming weeks.
The list is mostly menial stuff--a few new pots and pans because the last set he'd owned had been older than he was, a few more mugs to compensate for just how lonely the Nespresso Scott had left behind looked sitting on the counter, some new bedding and a few books to fill up the bookshelves Scott had left either half empty or completely bare bones.
Come half-six, Adam goes through the motions of showering--it's a whole step-by-step process he's created over the years, a tried and true method that's been perfected as the time has gone on, though not always successful in the avoiding-a-breakdown part. He's out of the shower for around 7:20, spends the next twenty minutes taking a 1mg edible and waiting for it to kick in.
One milligram is so menial that it almost does nothing, except it does have it's pros--it takes just enough of the edge off for Adam to not loathe social interaction and for him to feel comfortable enough in his skin to not want to crawl out of it at the smallest inconvenience.
It takes the edge off in a way that makes him certain he'll be as close to normal as he was five years beforehand, a little standoffish and more than a little sarcastic, but well meaning and well mannered enough considering his traumas.
He leaves the house at 7:45 and is at Lilahs with five minutes still to spare.
Lilahs is exactly what it sounds like--a family owned, sit-down style restaurant. It caters to the lower-budget families and individuals in the broader Jersey area, and it's been Adams favorite spot to eat since it initially opened when he was sixteen.
It's got a rustic kind of feel to it--the hardwood flooring has been washed to a dark but-not-yet-black kind of brown colour, and the tables and seats match. There's local artwork hung up on the walls, a jukebox that feels so nineties it hurts and has exclusively 90s country and rock to match, and a bar at the back with a smiling bartender behind it.
Adam has a second where he remembers the last happy memory he has with his mother, her taking him to eat dinner there the night before he was kicked out by his father at seventeen.
The memory is quickly soured by the bitterness he'd felt the next day, grabbing everything he could fit into his backpack while his father screamed at him and his mother stood by his door, her arms crossed over her chest and a scowl on her face. His father was a shit person, but his mother wasn't the greatest either, even if it's tough to remember as much when there are more positive memories than not. He's low-contact with her now too, something he's only been able to find peace with since she told him of her divorcing her father and mellowing out of her bitterness at him in the past little while.
Everything changes when he spots Lawrence, though--he's sat in a booth near the back, and he looks so good that Adam bounce\s between gobsmacked and jealous like he's sitting on alternating ends of a see-saw depending on the second.
His hair, though less blonde, has grown out just enough to be attractive to a point where Adam, dimly, feels woozy. He's cleaned up good--no stubble lines his face, though Adam knows he'd still be able to pull it off some-fucking-how, and he's dressed as close to casual as a person like him can get.
He's wearing a white button down with the top few buttons unbuttoned just enough to let his neck breathe, and the sleeves have been rolled up relaxedly to his elbows. He hasn't seen Adam yet, and Adam takes in what appears to be a mostly peaceful expression.
Adam makes his way over and slides into the seat across from him, smiling gently. "Hi," he greets.
Lawrences face breaks out into a grin. Adam wishes he'd agreed to meet with Lawrence four years earlier.
"Hello," he greets. "Been a while."
Adam nods. "Too long," he doesn't mean to say it, but it slips out, and fuck it if it isn't how he feels. "I'm sorry--I wanted to reach out, and I've been wanting to reach out for the last four years, but it was just too much. I couldn't deal with it at first. I still have trouble dealing with it."
There's the edible--making him a bit honest, a bit more willing to open up. He knows Lawrence won't pry too much, but is scared that, if he does, Adam will soften up like butter and say everything on his mind. The good, the bad, and the ugly all the same.
Lawrence shakes his head. "You don't owe me an apology," he says. "But--Amanda told me how long you'd been left to rot for, and I'm sorry about that. Nobody should ever be left in the dark that long." It was a week, but it'd felt like a year.
"You didn't leave me in the dark," Adam responds. "John did that, and he pays me so I think he's exempt from feeling guilt-- he probably thinks he is, too."
It makes Lawrence laugh, and Adams heart flutters in a way he chooses to ignore.
"So how've you been?" Adam asks, finally getting to a question that's at least a little easier to answer, a topic that doesn't hurt nearly as much to talk about.
"I've been good," Lawrence responds. "Things have been finalized for a bit, and I see my daughter two weekends a month and on holidays. I've had time to sort my shit out, start in therapy, and I like where things are in my life. You?"
Adam blinks--the last four years of his life have been shit.
"I've--it's--damn it, Lawrence," he laughs. "You sound so put together compared to me. I hit thirty next month and still, my life is shit. I just moved into a new apartment and therapy hasn't even been on my radar because I don't have insurance."
"I've been doing EMDR," Lawrence says. "It's designed to help you recover from trauma, and--I hate to say it because I was skeptical at first, but it's been a really big help."
Adam nods. "I'll keep that option on my radar," he says.
It's at this point that a waitress comes around, passes them menus and brings their odd small talk to a halt.
There comes a point, while they're looking at the menus, wherein Adam starts up with something sarcastic about John. In the end, he's glad for it because making the remark is like breaking a dam and watching the floodgates open, because that's all it takes for them to be like they were in the bathroom--Adam being sarcastic and Lawrence responding in kin.
The rest of the dinner follows that same formula. Adam is quick to settle into an almost abrasive kind of sarcasm and Lawrence is quick to respond in a way that makes Adams heart damn near rise out of his chest.
They're done with dinner at half past nine, and Lawrence offers to drive Adam home but Adam declines, wants to walk himself home so that he can conk out without thinking too much about Lawrence or how the dinner had gone.
And that he does--he gets home for quarter to ten, is out by ten thirty thanks to the edible finally doing what it does best.
A few days go by, and suddenly, it's the end of the week. Lawrence is spending the night at Adams because Adam has convinced him to smoke a joint with him, and Adam is thrilled by the prospect of seeing Lawrence stoned out of his mind.
"These joints are indica dominant," Adam explains. "They'll make you tired--they're like a superpowered melatonin, almost, if melatonin got you so stoned that you genuinely stopped believing time was real. These bad boys help me with nightmares more often than sativa. I'm not usually one for joints, but I figure this is either your first time ever indulging in weed or your first time in more than a decade, so joints would be easiest."
Lawrence smiles in a way that Adam can tell indicates Lawrence didn't expect him to be so knowledgeable about his self medication of choice, and the notion almost makes him laugh.
"A joint also takes longer to smoke, and edibles are torturous if getting high right out the gate is your game," Adam continues. "Edibles take anywhere from fifteen minutes to half an hour before they've kicked in, and I hate the waiting game unless i'm walking somewhere or have something to do. It makes me antsy, and then when the high does hit it doesn't flow naturally. For me, taking an edible without having something to do between here and there is one of the most frustrating things I've ever dealt with because the high just--it smacks me across the face when I've got nothing to do, nowhere to go, and am just sitting in front of my TV waiting."
Lawrence says nothing. Adam continues rolling the joint and rambles all the while.
"Joints, though? I don't really find they hit while I'm smoking 'em, but the second I step off the fire escape and come inside, they hit me whip quick. Bowls tend to have the same effect, but unlike bowls, joints keep me asleep longer. I haven't gotten a full eight hours of sleep without a full eight hours of nightmares in four years, but with a joint, I can sometimes nab eight hours and get two without nightmares when I get lucky."
They head out onto the fire escape, and Adam takes the first puff for the sake of mercy. When Lawrence takes the second, he coughs. Adam laughs, rubs his back and moves to sit with his back leaned against the rickety railing, across from Lawrence, who sits with his back leaned against the window that leads to the fire escape.
"Coughing happens," he says. "And the burn in your throat sucks, but I'll get you some water once we've smoked our way through the joint, and it'll help."
They smoke the joint in it's entirety, which ends with Adam laughing when he burns his fingers taking the last puff. However, Lawrence makes no move to go inside, just stares at the bleary mid-Septembers night sky with his mouth slightly open and his shoulders slumped.
"What's on your mind?" Adam asks.
"When John goes, do you think you're going to keep up with it?"
"I'll keep taking the photos until I either get caught or the money runs out," Adam says. "I've barely started to get my life together and I'm almost thirty, Larry. Unethical as this all might be, I've gotta pay rent for the next few years, and while I've been looking at getting my GED and going to college, college will put me so far in debt that I'm somewhat scared I won't be able to climb out of it."
"But don't you hate it?" Lawrence asks, meeting Adams gaze. His eyes meet Adams with a ferocity, the likes of which Adam has never seen in his life, but craves more of like it's one of the cigarettes he used to hold so dear. "I don't understand how you don't hate any of this."
Adam laughs before he can stop himself, crab-walks closer to Lawrence and rests his feet against Lawrences calves.
"I do," he says. "I hate John, I hate what he does and everything he's stood for since his diagnosis and quite possibly even beforehand, but--it's a job. I hated the stalking, but I still did it because I needed the money. This, for me, is no different. One payment every week-ish, I make rent in half the time it would've taken me to make it this time five years ago, and I still have money for groceries and other expenses. I hate it, but this is the first time I've lived in true comfort since I was a kid with a father that hadn't started hating me yet. I take it where I can get it, Lawrence."
"A person starved will eat anything," Lawrence says. "You've finally gotten a taste of luxury--"
"It's not luxurious by any means," Adam laughs. "Sorry to cut you off, but I've never lived like that. I went from a home with termites and a father owned by his bitterness to a variety of cockroach infested couches, then to an apartment so full of the fuckers you could hear them running through the goddamned walls. This place is the first decent place I've lived in throughout the course of my entire life, and yeah, the buddy whose subletting it to me left a lot of his shit behind, but he's an asshole without much care for me unless I can be of use to him, so it seems a fair trade to me."
Scott was his best friend for a time, had been such since elementary through to when he dropped out of high school and up until the trap. After Adam had escaped, he'd become so riddled by his trauma that it took him over, practically, for those first two years.
Scott had decided he'd not much wanted to deal with all of Adams baggage and had gone pretty low contact up until he'd decided to move, figuring Adam could use his old place after being stuck in the same apartment he'd been taken from.
It'd been one of the only things Scott had been completely and totally right about on a very short list of other victories, and Adam had been grateful for it from the get-go despite knowing his and Scotts conversations wouldn't likely be about more than the rent or random issues with the apartment he couldn't fix on his own, seeing as Scott was pretty much his landlord.
"Well--it's a nice place," Lawrence says.
"Yeah," Adam shrugs. "Back to the topic at hand, why ask? Are you not going to keep up with it? Keep doing it? I thought you'd believed in Johns mission."
Lawrence laughs. "It's complicated," he says. "I mean--the idea of it is understandable, I guess. The morals are questionable at best and despicable at worst, but I just don't know how ethical the execution is."
Adam moves further up, resting his feet against Lawrences thighs while making sure to not put his full weight on Lawrences right leg for the fear of irritating the stump one way or another.
"We get stoned and wind up talkin' about John Kramers ethics, hm? That's quite the interesting turn of events."
Lawrence shrugs. "I'm not going to have this conversation with anyone except for someone I can trust completely," his hands rest limply by Adams calves. Adam can tell by the flash of desire through Lawrences eyes that he wants to tug Adam closer.
Adam gets as close as he thinks Lawrence will be comfortable with--he sits in his lap, bends his knees and plants his feet by Lawrences hips. Lawrence seems entirely too happy to use Adams kneecaps as elbow rests, and he does.
"First off, you sayin' you trust me completely like that is--woah," Adam laughs before he can stop himself. As he laughs, he lets his arms find their resting places on Lawrences broad shoulders. "And secondly, I don't think the execution is ethical whatsoever. Matter of fact, if we're talkin' about how ethical this stuff is, it's the opposite. It's not ethical. I heard Amanda talking about putting a diabetic and a smoker in a trap last weekend. I wouldn't do that to a person just because they smoke cigarettes, but that's just me. To each their own, I guess."
Lawrence smiles. "I've been thinking about this for so long," he says. "Not--not this specifically, but just--oh my God. I've missed you a lot this past little bit."
Adam has to fight every single urge he has to kiss Lawrence. "I've wanted to reach out since I was rescued," he says. "Just couldn't. I couldn't pinpoint why for the longest time, but I realized the night I reached out, over the phone."
Lawrence nods. "I remember," he says. "When we agreed to meet for dinner."
Adam licks his lips, lets his gaze move to Lawrences.
"I realized that that day--hell, the time from the moment I woke up in that bathtub to the moment I was released from the hospital--felt like an open wound. That time of my life has felt like an open wound every single day since I left the hospital, every single day since John asked me to join his cause, and I couldn't bear messing with it. I just wanted to leave it to fester or to heal, deal with the implications until it did on it's own, but that's just not how things like this are meant to be handled," Adam says. "I'm gonna get myself into DSME--"
"EMDR," Lawrence corrects. "Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing."
"I'm gonna look into that," Adam says. "And--I'm gonna keep doing this. Keep talking to you, keep buggin' you whenever I can because it's the only way. I can't do this recovery shit alone, and it's been four years of trying and then failing and then trying again, and I'm sick of it."
Lawrence smiles softly. Adam gives into the urge to press his forehead against Lawrences, lets his hands go to Lawrences neck.
"All that I ask is this," Adam whispers. "Promise me you won't go anywhere?"
Lawrence licks his lips. Adam can feel Lawrences breathing against his mouth, is so close that he can almost taste what it'd feel like to have Lawrences lips against his own.
"I promise," he says. "I'm not going anywhere, okay? I'm not going to abandon you like that. Never again, and never by choice."
Adam doesn't know if it's the weed, or the exhaustion, or his own, unadulterated, unfiltered stupidity, but he leans in.
"Tell me if I'm reading this wrong," he whispers, praying to God that he's not.
"You're reading this just fine," Lawrence says.
Then his lips are against Adams, and Adam is so awestruck by it that he almost feels like he's flying. It's the best kiss he's ever had in his life, a statement he can make knowing damn good and well that it's not the weed talking but rather the way that Lawrences lips feel against his own, the sureness of his hands as they find Adams hips and the way he reacts when Adams hands instinctively trail right up Lawrences neck and into his gorgeous hair.
They don't pull away until they're breathless, and Adam wants more but knows better than to be greedy.
Lawrence chortles. "How long have you been wanting to do that?"
"Since I walked into the dinner, lightly stoned, and saw you in that white button up," Adam laughs, presses his forehead against Lawrences shoulder. "Oh, my God. You looked so good in that, y'know? Almost lost it. You looked so good it made me woozy."
"That might've been the weed," Lawrence says. "How much did you take?"
"Only one milligram," Adam responds. "Enough to soften me up a little, like when you set butter out on the counter for an hour or two when you're planning to bake and need the butter not to be as hard as a rock."
Lawrence laughs. Adam presses himself as close as he can get, cherishes the feeling of being that close after so long spent being literal miles apart in physicality but feeling an ocean apart in every other aspect.
Time passes. They sit outside, practically moulded together, and in silence. Adam catches himself zoning out just before he starts to doze, wonders briefly if they kept themselves that way until they starved to death, if he'd die happy to have been in Lawrences arms. As he thinks further on it, he realizes he would've died happily in the bathroom that day, if in a little bit of pain, if Lawrence had stayed and died with him.
"I think I'm in love with you," Lawrence whispers. "You're not the only one at fault for us not seeing each other sooner, and I think I was scared to admit it, but I know now that that's the reason why."
Adam smiles. "I love you too," he whispers back. "C'mon--inside. I'm tired, but I am not going to fall asleep with you on my fire escape."
He gets himself out of Lawrences lap and heads back in, Lawrence hot on his heels.
Adam strips, changes into a baggy pair of sweatpants and leaves himself without a shirt. Lawrence changes into a pair of basketball shorts and leaves the button-up he's wearing unbuttoned, and after Adam gawks at the view for a good few minutes, they cuddle up in bed together.
In the end, Adam sleeps for a solid fourteen hours, and for the first time in ages, he doesn't have any nightmares. Part of him thinks it's the high and another part of him thinks it's because of Lawrence, but he chooses, at the end of the day, to believe that it's both.
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dragonmom-art · 2 years
One thing that has been helping me to go through the rough times lately is raffles. Raffling some of my Amigurumi pieces made me understand the importance of keep creating and most of all, made me see who's actually by my side supporting my work and my dream.
So today I'll show you the raffles I did until now and I'mma be updating you guys about my future raffles as well in this blog. Let's go!👍
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This pretty dollie was the first raffle I've ever made. She has a bittersweet story behind her.
A client came to me commissioning this big doll and I made her as she requested. But in the end the client refused to pay the price the doll was worth. It was supposed to be my biggest commission back then and I got very disappointed. The dollie lived in my Amigurumi cupboard for about 2 years since then.
That's when my mom came with the idea to raffle the dollie for Children's Day (a popular holiday here in Brazil) and I saw the opportunity to not only make some money out of the doll but also make a kid happy on their day. So me and my mom prepared everything and mom started selling the raffle numbers at her workplace. To my surprise it was a BLAST and all the numbers were sold in basically 2 days! I must confess that I'm lucky that mom has a lot of good friends that knows me and my work and support me there, but still I was impressed on how quickly the raffle numbers sold out.
I got very satisfied with the results. I earned more than double of the money the doll was worth and now she belongs to a very special little girl.🥰
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I got so overwhelmed by how quickly and easy everything went and mostly how kind people were to me with their support that I decided to gift all the raffle buyers a little thank you favor, these cute heart keychains. And that was a jackpot idea, 'cause I got lots of commissions for these keychains after I distributed them.
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The second item I raffled was this Schnauzer doggie. I posted it's story here earlier so go check it out if you missed. Long story short, it was another frustrated sale that I decided to raffle on Christmas, since I couldn't prepare anything specifically for that date and, again to my immense luck, people were asking for a raffle. Again another stuck piece that I raffled for twice it's price.
The winner was a dog lover that was thrilled with the prize, which made me very happy.
Unfortunately I didn't had time to make thank you favors this time, but I made sure to let everyone who's have joined the raffle know how grateful I was and still am for their support. ❤️
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And last, but not least, here's my latest raffle. I don't know why, but I wanted to make some handbags sooo bad! My first idea was to raffle 2 bags separately to make more money and offer to my friends outside mom's workplace. But my plans were frustrated by a case of yarn incompatibility, so I had to stick with one handbag only. Then mum suggested me to make a Snoopy doll to complement and bring more attention to the raffle since many or her fellow coworkers are fans of the little puppy. So I made it and it was again a huge success, the numbers sold out in a few days as well.
My favorite part was acknowledging that the winner was actually super confident of winning and it was a pleasant surprise when I sorted her number out of many others. I'll never underestimate confidence again. 😂
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As favors this time I sorted these lovely owl key holders amongst all the raffle buyers. They all loved the idea and I am very happy with another successfull raffle round. 🥰
One thing that caught my attention is that, in a way, every raffle prize went to the right person and that inspires me to keep doing what I do. I hope this streak never ends.🙏🍀
The patterns I used for the raffles are:
"Boneca Bianca" by Amanita Crochet (PT-BR)
"Chaveiro de coração em crochê fácil e rápido!!" by Geovana Amigurumi SZ (PT-BR)
"Amigurumi Dog With Fur" by Projectarian
"Bolsa de crochê Arco-iris" by Cristina Luriko (PT-BR)
"Snoopy amigurumi" by Queiroz Ateliê (PT-BR)
The owls were inspired by "tutorial crochet keychain owl | owl crochet for beginner" by knitted with azi
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frogsandfries · 1 year
I frogged that white bag with the blue print. At that weight of plastic, the double crochet stitch was not working.
I have all these extremely crappy brown plastic bags and it has me thinking about probably cutting the bags into slightly thinner strips and plying the next batch of bags. I did crochet some of this hand-ply that I made and it's really satisfying.
For now, I'm looking at apartments, I'm trying to line up showings at places I'll actually be able to get a place--I'm so disappointed, one of my very, very top choices doesn't have any available one-beds; another top place, their website made it difficult, at least on mobile, to view floor plan pricing, but it was going to be out of my budget.
Another place that made its way pretty high on my list.... well, I gotta say, I'm loving the recent string of reviews, and since I'm living alone, I choose life.
I talked to another place today. They're renovating some of their one-bedrooms, so they took my information. I'm looking forward to touring and applying.
But I might just ultimately go with *sad trombone* Plan B--actually, Plan B is not so awful, in some ways. It could be really nice, or it could be very mildly okay. And that's alright with me. Even my Plan F for Failure is not horrible.
I wonder how many pay periods before I can finally treat myself to, like some ice cream or pizza.
Anyway the point of this post is.....hhhhhhhrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhh I have all these plastic bags, gathered over about three years, that I want to get folded down neatly, so that I'll have them to chop up when I get settled in at the next place.
I also have all these Amazon box papers that I have to iron before I can even cut those down to size. I'm still debating if I should make them all 5×3, or if some should be 8×5. Am I making this paper into sketchbooks for solely my own purposes, or am I going to donate them? I mean, I practically live off of Amazon, so I could probably see how far this batch takes me and reassess in a few years.
If not, I probably wasn't going to draw directly onto this paper, so I could probably switch production to 8×5, if I find at some future point that I'm getting into donation territory. It would still be really cool to donate a bunch of sketchbooks to a local school.
But I want to finish folding my plastic bags down first. So I may have to move all this paper as is.......... somehow. Then again, it would be easier to move the bags as is, I just don't want to look like a crazy hoarder. Even though I kinda am........😬😬😬 hoarding all this weird garbage. I swear it's fine, I either am, or fully intend to, upcycling it, giving it new life and higher purpose, I swear!
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sarahdawnsdesigns · 2 years
WIP Wednesday: Gauntlet Socks Version 2!
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Well, it's WIP Wednesday here, And I'm back with a new(ish) project - the second iteration of the long-forgotten Gauntlet Socks!
The last time I'd looked at this pattern, they were still languishing with one sock done (the project bag is deep in a storage box, and I -will- fish it out and finish it at one point)!  But, I had all my project notes, so I've been submitting these socks to magazine calls and such when they fit the theme, and, they've been accepted!  They'll be for Cast On Magazine (which is part of The Knitting Guild Association!) This is also exciting, as Cast On is ok with me posting my Work-In-Progress - so you get to see at least some of these socks come together!  Interestingly enough, my gauge is noticeably different between my original sample and the new sample - yes, it's new yarn and different needles, but usually I don't see this drastic a difference!  So, I did have to re-do my first attempt at these socks when it became clear that something wasn't quite right, but I think I've got it now!   
Yarn is Lichen and Lace's beautiful "Beach Glass" colourway on their 80/20 Sock Yarn (80% Superwash Merino, 20% Nylon)  I got this yarn for free as part of working with Cast On Magazine (this is actually quite common when you're publishing knit or crochet designs with magazines, you'll often get the yarn for free!) Needles are a set of 2.5 mm (US 1.5)  *Knit Picks Nickle Plated Fixed Circular Needles. (This, and any other link with an * is an affiliate link, meaning I get a commission or reward if you make a purchase - thanks for helping to pay rent if you do!) I was initially skeptical about Knit Picks Needles, as I'd heard a few horror stories, but honestly, these are pretty solid needles for the price!  I've paid more for needles that are not nearly as good - the cable is probably the most flexible cable I've tried out so far, they're working great for Magic Loop!  The only grumble I have is that the join isn't  smooth, my yarn does get caught a bit there, but it's nothing horrible.   I've had worse joins on far more expensive needles; so, for the price, these are pretty great, I think!
Stitch markers are *Silver Rose Stitch Markers from *NotionsEmporium.  I absolutely adore these locking stitch markers for working with Magic Loop and Double Pointed Needles, because I can clip them into the work and don't have to have them dangling on the cable of the circular (where I can and will lose them!),  or, in the case of DPNs, it's about the only way to mark your work, as a regular ring style marker will just fall off the tips of the needles unless it's in the middle of a needle. 
So, this is my current knitting project (along with several  others in various stages of knitting, washing, and finishing!  Now  that I've shared my WIP;  What are you working on today? Share it in the reblogs, or post it in the Works In Progress channel on my Discord!
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mthofferings2020 · 4 years
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See Cathalinaheart’s existing works here on AO3, on YouTube, and on ravelry
Preferred contact methods: Email: [email protected] Discord: Cathalinaheart#0491 Twitter: @cathalinaheart Tumblr: cathalinaheart
Preferred organizations: - Anything from the list of approved organizations
Will create works that contain: Angst with Unhappy Ending, Angst with Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Identity Porn, AU-Canon Divergent, Soulmates, Asexual Characters
Will not create works that contain: PWP, Mundane AUs, kidfic
  -- Fic or Other Writing --
Auction ID: 1040
Will create works for the following relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - 616, 1872, Bullet Points, Noir, Ultimates Comics, Secret Wars: Civil War Stephen Strange/Victor von Doom - 616 Tony Stark/Victor von Doom - 616 Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark - 616, Secret Wars: Civil War
Work Description: For the starting bid of 5$ I will write a poem of at least 100 words. For 10$+ I will write a 1k fic For 15$+ I will write a 2k fic For 20$+ I will write a 2k fic and record it as a podfic I am happy to write SteveTony in any of the comic universes. If the comic run is short (less than 5 -6 issues) I am also willing to write any of the other ships in different comic universes. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature
-- Video --
Auction ID: 2019
Will create works for the following relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - 616 Illuminati fandom any gen - 616
Work Description: I will make a comic vid to a song of your choice (or you can provide me with a selection and the general theme/era you want and I make the final pick). For SteveTony, all comic universes are fair game that have a sufficiant amount of panels to make into a vid (so no one panel/issue universes) For the Illuminati I am offering to make a vid showcasing their group dynamics, especially in the context of the choices they have to make, especially during Hickmanvengers. But a different time period works too.
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature
-- Craft or Merchandise --
Auction ID: 3005
Will create works for the following relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - 616, MCU Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers - MCU Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark - 616, MCU Stephen Strange/Victor von Doom - 616
Work Description: I am offering custom handmade knitted or crocheted items. If an item you are interested in is not listed in any of the tiers I am most likely still willing to create it. So please DM me so we can work out what tier it would fall under. I still have one other craft auction for FTH to finish, but I will keep you updated on any of my progress. Depending on the item you choose you will be required to provide measurements. As these are physical items, you need to be comfortable with providing me with a shipping address. I also ask that the winner pays for postage to them from Germany via DHL. Don't hesitate to message me to figure out how much that would be. Usually the prices should be between 9 – 13 Euros depending on size and tracking ability. Due to the Corona Virus, availability of shipping options and shipping time can vary depending on the destination. You can check on any restrictions to your country here under International Mail and Parcel services. For the cheapest shipping option small parcels (up to 2kg, also called Päckchen) need to be available. If the site doesn't display the country lists correctly, you can message me and I am happy to check for you. All items will be made in a custom design of your choice (A characters symbols, the character itself). I am willing to create for any character from any unvierse as long as reference pictures are provided. Please keep the "resolution" of the finished items in mind, very small details don't work great. Tiers: Tier 1 (10$+): One knitted cotton washcloth/dishcloth in one color with either lace or purl design OR one knitted cotton bone-shaped dog toy Tier 2 (20$+): One knitted Keyring Doll made from Acrylic yarn OR one crocheted ragdoll style doll made from acrylic yarn OR one knitted hat with up to 3 colors OR a pair of knitted mitts with either a lace, cable or purl design Tier 3 (30+$): A pair of double knit potholders (two layers of fabric showing the image in reverse on the backside) with two colors and small amounts of a third color OR two keyring dolls.
Ratings: Gen
The auction runs from October 18 (12 AM ET) to October 24 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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madame-nostradamus · 4 years
4th Doctor Scarf: Attempt #1
Okay, story time.
Sadly, I do not have the scarf nor do I have pictures, so just my words must suffice. (Note: when you begin a new craft or a new project, take copious amounts of photos. Especially if you know that you're not going to keep it. You may regret it if you don’t. I most certainly do.)
My first attempt at making a 4th Doctor scarf was... not great. It was the first thing I ever tried to knit, and was in fact the reason I wanted to learn to knit in the first place because I am extremely pedantic with my crafts. But more on that later.
First, the yarn. I was still fairly new to needlecrafts of any kind, and had very little knowledge of brands, yarn weights, acrylic vs wool - what I did note, however, was the price difference. So it was settled. My scarf was to be made out of acrylic.
Now, I went into this project knowing that it was going to be a gift. Therefore, the stakes were already high, and knitting was something I had never done before. I was not daunted, however, as I knew my dad, whom it was for, would love it no matter what. And would undoubtedly still wear it even if it was a horrible mess. Fortified by his confidence in my abilities, I headed to the craft store. (Actually, I think I went to walmart. I can’t remember, it was... gosh, seven or eight years ago now.)
Since I had not done my due diligence and looked at any patterns or the actual scarf, aside from what I had noted in the (few) 4th Doctor episodes I had seen, the colors I got were... not quite correct. I think I got red, yellow, brown, beige, and purple - which were all perfectly adequate for a first attempt. But I also got orange, for some reason, and forgot the green and grey. Which meant a second trip to the craft store. The green I ended up getting was a special yarn that was made to feel softer than most acrylic, which is nice. But was noticeably different in texture and drape. It was, however, the only green I could find at the time that was remotely suitable.
At this point, I had actually found a sort of pattern on pinterest, and begun to appreciate exactly the enormous task I had taken on. Overwhelmed to almost the point of just dropping the project competely, I decided to shorten the scarf which is still one of the decisions I regret the least. I used each of the ends of the scarf to make my own pattern, so that what you could see of the scarf would be the most recognizable.
As I didn't know anyone who could teach me how to knit, I turned to youtube, having successfully taught myself to crochet on there in years prior. So, using the size 10 and a half knitting needles (this will be important later) a friend had given me from their attempts to learn to knit, I began learning the garter stitch (which did not know the name of and did not search for, I just thought, “that looks right” and did it).
Now, there is something you should know about the way I learned to crochet. I never learned to hold my yarn the “right” way (I’ve since learned that there is no one right way. if it works for you, do it), and it seemed I had the same problem with learning to knit. So I just carried on with the same yarn hold, which I discovered a few years ago to be the Norwegian yarn hold for knitting. I just thought I was weird. BUT I DIGRESS. (this posr is turning out a lot longer than I thought it would but oh well)
I think I cast on about thirty or forty stitches to start, I can’t recall. (btw, does anyone else have to go back and learn to cast on again when they start a new project?) I had tried to use the sixty-six stiches that the “pattern” called for, but it just seemed too wide! I hadn’t realized the importance of needle size and the “pattern” I was following did not... tell me the actual needle size I needed?? So I ended up using a size that was much larger than I actually needed. The scarf still ended up being quite wide. But that’s what I get for not doing enough research.
Learning how to knit with my weird yarn hold was a journey in itself. And somewhere along the way, between learning how to cast on and how to cast off, I confused how to knit and how to purl. Now, for those who do not know, the Garter stitch is made completely of the knit stitch, just going back and forth between the needles. I, however, in my infinite foolishness, carried on in just the purl stitch. for the next six years. (I really only learned what I was doing wrong earlier on this year. I’m doing much better now).
But it was fine. A little tight on the needles, a little slow going, but it was fine. I did not slip stitch the edges since I still had no clue what I was doing, but they turned out pretty straight anyway. Everything was going fine. Then I needed to move to the next color. Which brings me to my next mistake. Which may or may not be an actual mistake but I was extremely unhappy with so I’m calling it a mistake.
Another thing that I did not know at the time was that there were two ways to count your rows in garter stitch: counting the actual rows, or counting the ribs, which are basically made up of two rows. The pattern I was following was written to count the ribs. But the way I knitted it, I counted each individual rows, resulting in seeing a little dotted line across the work every other time I changed colors. It also shortened the work considerably, but that was just fine for me, and it turned out to be a decent length anyways.
By the time I learned that there should probably be a difference between the front and back of your work, I was about a third of the way done. But since my dad didn’t seemed to bothered by the way it looked and I could have sworn that I had seen something similar on the original scarf {and you can, if you’re looking}, I simply carried on.
I finally got to the end after about three months I think, and cast off my stitches. The scarf was about six feet long, not including tassels, which were fairly simple to attach. It is, btw, my only attempt to date that has been actually finished. And my dad actually got to wear it when we went to see the 50th anniversary episode. I think I went as Donna in Fires of Pompeii. {I still have that dress, it’s my favorite.}
So that’s the end of it. That was my first attempt at making a 4th Doctor scarf. I learned a lot from that. And had a much greater appreciation for the original scarf, even to the point that I am actually pained to see it or it’s stunt double “injured” in the course of the show. It’s now as much a character to me as one of the Doctor’s companions.
I'm still not entirely happy with the colors. I’m having trouble finding the colors I want, even though I’ve looked on and off for years. The brown on this one was too dark, the red was too dark, the green was almost right but the texture was wrong. I think I was spot on with the yellow, and I actually plan on going back to that same color if they still have it. Same with the grey, which I have already bought more of.
The purple I have is almost perfect, and I bought a giant thing of it for this first project, and have used for all my subsequent attempts. I still have some. It’s just the yarn that would not end. I am, however, going to look for one that is slightly redder. I think that would make me happy. And a more coppery brown. And I finally found a suitably green. I just cannot remember from where.
I hope you enjoyed my tale of the scarf, if you actually made it to the end of this. I didn’t mean to make this post as long as the titular scarf, but if that isn’t “on brand”, as the kids say, I don’t know what is. 😁🧣
Now, who would like a jelly baby?
Madame N.
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merciful-mercenary · 6 years
Ko-fi Writing and Art Commissions
Hey guys so for some reason I've been having a hell of a time finding a steady job and for the small gigs I've been taking I won't get paid another month for, so I'm offering dirt cheap writing and art commissions to try to scrape together enough money to at least eat halfway decently (I want to stop living off of oatmeal and pasta, you feel?)
Writing commissions:
1 ko-fi ($3) per 500 words, simple as that. I only feel confident in my writing for Hetalia, but I will do any character or pairing you want. I will ask that if it's something historical or requires a lot more research than usual, an extra ko-fi may be charged. If you want to see examples of my writing, look at my ao3.
Art Commissions:
These I'll do for any character, any fandom, OCs, furry, mecha, whatever idc. Prices below double when another character is added.
Chibis: One ko-fi($3), Two ($6) for cell shading
Sketch, regardless of size: One ko-fi ($3)
Lineart Bust or Waist: Two ko-fis ($6)
Flat Colors Bust or Waist: Three ko-fis ($9)
Shaded Bust or Waist: Four ko-fis ($12)
Lineart Full Body: Three ko-fis ($9)
Flat Colors Full Body: Four ko-fis ($12)
Shaded Full Body: Six ko-fis ($18)
A few examples of my art:
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ALSO!! I HAVE AN ETSY if you want to check that out, you can get tiny crochet pumpkins there if your soul is still in Halloween, or you can get fingerless gloves to help fight the chill of autumn/spring.
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If you still don't want to/can't help me out, reblogging would be much appreciated!!
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sikhyes · 7 years
bitchcraft ━ yeri
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a/n: i’ve been wanting to write this for so long (esp since i feel really proud of the title lmao) but i hope you guys enjoy!! genre: supernatural!au , witch!au , college!au , fluff pairing: yeri x reader (red velvet) word count: 2,023 summary: they said that every pizza boy that walks in never comes out. that’s why they sent you, a pizza girl. warnings: none
bitchcraft (n.) - a specialty of witchcraft only perfected and practiced by a supreme ‘bitch’
It was particularly rare finding a decently priced house only a few blocks away from campus (not counting the glorified suburban homes that housed the frats and sororities) so you knew that there had to be a catch to the entire ordeal. Whether it be a creepy landlord or inescapably loud parties, you and your friends braced yourself for the worst once all of you had signed the lease.
However, one month in and the only weird thing about the entire block had to be the eerily decorated house across the street. It was the biggest one compared to the rows of the picket-fences, two tall trees bordering the left and right corner of the front yard with three sets of stairs leading up to the mahogany double doors. While the rest of the houses were painted a fresh spring color, the house across was a dark shadow amongst its sisters on the block. With only grey tiles that covered the roof, everything else was accented with darker wood and ledger stone tiles as pillars that held up the porch.
No one really spoke much about it at first. Your next door neighbors situated on the right was a sweet couple, living the longest on the block compared to the rest of the street. When you and the other three people living with you now (Chaeyoung, Taehyung, and Jimin) went to drop off french macarons (instead of the usual rice cakes) out of courtesy, mostly everyone gave silent warnings to not approach the dark house. It wasn’t until Taehyung’s curiosity got the best of him and finally asked the other college students that inhabited the apartment complex a couple houses down yours.
“Is it like a ‘Boo Radley’ situation?” Jimin asked as he handed the delicately wrapped boxes over to the guy named Hoseok.
Namjoon, the taller one, shook his head as Hoseok retreated in their home to set the gift aside. “No, not necessarily. At least, the rumors haven’t reached to murder yet.” At the sight of yours and Chaeyoung’s expression, the boy quickly hurried on to explain. “The most popular one is that anyone that enters that house never comes out.”
Taehyung’s laugh bellowed, carefree as he flicked a few loose strands of his bangs aside. “I call bullshit. This is LA, dude, not some shitty town in the middle of nowhere.”
“It’s your choice to believe it or not,” Hoseok shrugged. “But there’s one piece of evidence that can actually support that rumor.”
“What is it?” You found yourself asking.
“Any pizza boy that comes by that house goes missing.”
“So there’s five of them?”
You didn’t bother rolling your eyes - the world seemed to spin with how often you’ve done it in the past ten minutes - and kept your attention on your notes. With your frame curled up on the left side of the couch and Chaeyoung’s slender legs stretched out on the rest of the piece of furniture, Taehyung occupied the armchair closest to you with his gangly stature sprawled all over it. His head dangled off the edge of the armrest, his hair comically standing on end as though he was electrocuted, as he tossed a baseball only to catch with precision a few seconds later.
“Yes. There’s five,” Chaeyoung answered kindly, her voice never betraying the hidden frustration that was growing beneath her expression. That had to be the tenth time Taehyung had asked to reiterate what Namjoon told them only moments prior. “And before you ask, we don’t know their names. All we know is that they attend our university, appears to be filthy rich, and likes to order pizza.”
“Which is how they lure in their prey,” Jimin cut in as he padded from the bathroom with only a loose towel tied haphazardly around his lean waist. The sight of the shirtless male would’ve made you blush but you’ve lived with him (as well as the other two) too long to feel any surprise at any state of his undress. “They’re like black widows, hot and dangerous.”
You couldn’t bite back the snort that escaped you. “How do you know they’re hot?”
“I just do. It’s a vibe thing.”
At this point, you were sure that your eyes would’ve fallen out with how much you’ve rolled them.
Two months in and still no sign of the mysterious five that lived in the house across the street. Every morning, you stuck to a serious and sharp routine that you followed religiously. Wake up at 6:30 AM, jog a couple laps around the street, return back by 7:00 AM to start on breakfast with Jimin and be ready by your first class (regardless if it was a nine am class or a two pm class). With how often you’re actually out and about, you were positive that you’d have at least bumped into them once.
But you were just as unsuccessful (you were ashamed to admit that you even took an extra lap one morning in hopes of catching a glimpse of any one of them) as the rest of your housemates, despite being placated that you weren’t the only one obsessed with finding more about your secretive neighbors.
“Y/N?” Chaeyoung came bounding into your shared room, her orange hair askew beneath a large tacky trucker’s cap that advertised ‘Pizza Palace’ in a fading red font across the yellowing white fabric. You tore your attention away from the bright screen of your laptop, a little disoriented from writing an essay, and took in your roommate’s appearance in completely. With her cheeks flushed and her chest rising and dropping in unsteady intervals, you immediately jumped off the bed and led her to her own.
“Hey, you alright? What happened?” Your mind instantly jumped to the worst-case scenarios, kickstarting your anxious heart as you waited for Chaeyoung to fill you in.
“I’m fine,” she wheezed, trying her best to catch her breathe as she removed her cap to place on your head. “I need you to do me a favor. Can you fill in the rest of my hours for tonight at the pizza place a few streets away? I got an email from my TA reminding me of my paper that’s due tonight, which I completely forgot about so I-”
“Hold on, slow down, Chae… slow down. Don’t tell me you just ditched your shift! Did you tell your boss at least?”
“I did, but I need you to cover for me.”
You scooted backwards to shoot her the most incredulous look. “Chae, I don’t even work there! How am I supposed to cover your shift?”
“You’re not making any pizza,” she hurriedly answered. “Just deliveries! Please, please, please!”
No matter how long you’ve lived with Chaeyoung, you just didn’t seem to have the kind of immunity against her pitiful expressions you thought you might’ve acquired by now. “Oh, fine. Give me the stupid hat.”
It must’ve been a regular occurrence for random strangers in employee gear to show up at the pizza parlor because Chaeyoung’s supervisor didn’t bat an eye when you arrived behind the counter in her uniform. Your own hair was pulled into a messy knot at the nape of your neck, loose strands of hair framing your face as you pushed up the large cap up to properly keep eye contact.
“Here are the orders, here are the addresses, and here’s the keys to the pizza car. Not a scratch,” she ordered firmly before sending you on your way. Once you found the designated vehicle, you scoffed as you remembered her last piece of instruction.
A scratch would’ve actually been an improvement with how shitty the car’s state was.
The first few addresses were simple enough; the entire area was mostly separate houses rather than confusing apartment complexes, making your temporary job much more easier. The list of orders began to decrease and the monstrous amount of boxes in the backseat disappeared one by one with each stop. Reaching the end of the list, your heart nearly dropped to your chest once you recognized the address.
It was the house across the street.
“When’s the pizza coming?” Yeri’s whining echoed throughout the spacious house as she lounged on one of the chaises in the sitting room, a picture of relaxation as she fiddled with a pistol crossbow. Irene wrinkled her nose at the mess she caused when she passed by. Stray arrows scattered the area around the youngest as grease-stained rags laid upon her mahogany tables where the tools were placed on.
“Soon.” It was Wendy who answered from her position by the window seat at the east side of the house once she noticed the displeased look on the eldest’s features. It’s been a couple months since their last ‘order’ and whenever Irene hasn’t had her appetite filled, she became cranky enough that Seulgi and Joy would retreat to their room until her ‘hangry’ phase subsides. “Be patient. It should be here any moment.”
Although they barely entertained any guests, the five women were dressed in their finest. It was a bland Thursday evening but with the high-end cocktail dresses that adorned their ideal figures, you’d think they’d be off to attend some VVIP, private gala in the city. Irene was dressed in a sequined long sleeve dress with bloody red heels. Yeri kept things simple with a crochet dress and flats while Seulgi chose a lace blouse and leather pants. Joy loved her little black dresses that accentuated her curves. Wendy opted for a vintage velvet blouse and leather skirt.
Despite their oddly fancy attire, it blended well with the artistic pieces carefully placed around their home. Irene had picked up art curating as a new hobby, a way to pass the time as they juggled their unorthodox lives.
Right when Seulgi finally slid down the tall flight of stairs by the banister, the doorbell chimed around their house. “Dinner time,” she hummed as a devilish grin crossed her scarlet lips. She stepped aside and retreated to the living room with Joy at her tail when Yeri bounded up to open the door with a grotesque teddy bear tucked in the crook of her arm. As her hand reached for the doorknob, an adorable expression settled upon her visage as she prepared herself to come face to face with another pizza boy.
The door swung open and her practiced smile was what greeted you… only for it to fall in surprise only seconds later when Yeri realized you weren’t a pizza boy.
“For… Yeri?” You read the post-it note on the top of the box as you stretched your arms out to hand the pizza over. “That’ll be fifteen-”
“Excuse me,” the pretty girl cut you off before she slammed the door in your face.
“Wait… repeat that again. They just took the pizza and paid you…?”
Your swung your legs as you sat on the counter, munching on a leftover pizza as you nodded. The closing crew had asked you to retell the story for the tenth time now but you didn’t really mind repeating it, not when you had a slice of pizza in your hand. Although it was a good half hour since you’ve finished the rest of Chae’s shift, you’ve befriended her coworkers when they realized you made a stop at Hell House (a funny little nickname they dubbed the creepy place). While you sat on the counter, the four others had grabbed chairs to circle around you with their own late dinners in hand.
“Yeah, they seemed a little confused but that’s it,” you answered patiently, nibbling at the crust as the youngest coworker tentatively raised his hand.
“Really?” Mark asked, dropping his hand with a little bashful chuckle. “That’s it?”
You nodded and they all finally dispersed, somewhat content with the first witness story of the odd happenings in hell house. “Really. That’s it.
Yes, that was it… and the slip of paper that held the pretty girl’s number in your pocket.
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tatooedlaura-blog · 7 years
At the End of the Road
a standalone venture into the world of fine diner dining ...
Their first time at Waffles and Stuff, they had the heavy mantle of deadly 10-year-olds weighing on their shoulders, the diner dim with midnight shadows, the waitstaff mellow through pouring rain. Settled awkwardly at the counter, Scully felt around until her feet found purchase on the footrest while Mulder wrestled with sodden coat to hang dripping from the back of cracked vinyl swivel seat. Eventually, the foam finished giving way, shaping to backsides and thighs, warming to damp wool while the pair studied separate menus, quiet in debate over patty melt or salad, burger or chicken, coffee or hot chocolate.
Finally, the ancient waitress, small, quick, tight bun of hair, sweater hugging narrow shoulders, ended her conversation with the cook, coming over at just the moment Mulder decided what to order. How she knew, he’d never know, but know she did and stopping in front of him, “ready to order? Coffee? Tea? Space heater?”
Mulder, tired but still kicking, gave her a crooked smile, “you can’t warm space. It’s too big.”
“Given enough time, I could probably crochet it a blanket though. Maybe that would help.”
Her name was Catherine and he adored her instantly.
Scully, beside him, only absorbed half the conversation, mind caught between grilled chicken with lettuce and avocado and death by double cheeseburger, eyeing the deep-fried pickles for the interim moments between fry consumption and hot chocolate stupor. Hearing Mulder vaguely finish his order of waffles and eggs, she bit the bullet, ordering things the doctor in her screamed about at 3am when she couldn’t sleep from the heartburn singeing her esophagus.
The hot chocolate arrived first, whipped cream high, little bit of cinnamon classing up the plain, chipped mug; second came the pickles, mixing terribly with the drink and Scully loved it, the weird flavors, the grease, the ranch, the tang all smoothed out with warm milk and sugar. Mulder didn’t ask to have one, waiting quietly until she offered, holding out the small coin of fried delight, which he took, thanked her, didn’t ask for more but smiled when the flavors hit his tongue.
Scully’s feet were falling asleep but her belly was filling nicely, cheeseburger sitting precariously first on plate then in stomach, chasing away the gnawing hunger that had plagued them for the last three days, not satisfied with Payday bars and M&Ms, held barely at bay but not providing the shear beautiful thing that was deluxe cheeseburger and mound of vegetable oil crisp potatoes.
She caught Mulder staring at her at some point and when she raised her eyebrows at him, question sent non-verbally given her full mouth, he smiled his second time since they entered the restaurant and answered, small amount of egg caught in his front teeth, “I think you just moaned in satisfaction there, partner.”
Wondering if she should protest, turn red, sink in embarrassment, she instead gave it half a thought, then shrugged, talking through her mostly chewed mouthful, food in cheeks to speak without spitting bits, “damn good fry.”
Catherine refilled the hot chocolates for free, offered them pie, or cupcake in Scully’s case, given she was an ardent pie hater since the beginning of time, didn’t rush the check and circled a large smiley face on the bill, her ‘come again’ cheery against the thundering sky.
“Take as long as you like folks. I’ll be over here working my crossword and crocheting that blanket.”
Mulder snagged the bill, keeping it out of reach in his hand, “I like her and the Bureau will be tipping her double.”
Drifting towards a food coma, she propped her elbow on the counter and balanced her head on her hand, tilting enough to look him square, “if you give her triple, I bet she’ll let us nap here until morning.”
With a gaze that barely hinted at the next 70 years, he nudged her with his knee, receiving a lip twitch in return, the slightest eye twinkle she would never acknowledge having the power to do, before beginning the long slide to the floor, wiggling a little to straighten her pants, free damp cloth from the sticking places against her skin.
He saw that wiggle.
He would remember that wiggle.
Once soaking wet, 2:45am glowing on the dash, hair dripping, stomachs filled, in the car in a splashing dash, he gave her a glance, his diminutive partner already curled around the heater vent, safe in the passenger seat, “you’re going to fall asleep before we get to your apartment, I guarantee it.”
“It’s twelve minutes. I will not fall asleep in twelve minutes.”
Big fat liar.
He had to shake her arm for at least a minute before she even began thinking of forcing an eye open; ten minutes later, she was finally in her front door, Mulder holding her elbow the entire way, navigating her like a slack-jawed drunk up the steps. Setting her bag on the floor, he debating shoving her towards her bedroom so he could drop comatose on the couch but he fought gravity and overstuffed pillows to bid her g’night/g’morning.
He nearly crashed twice trying to make it to his own place with both eyes open.
Falling asleep on his couch, snuggled up tight under two wool blankets and a layer of flannel and fleece, Mulder listened the rain and thunder, wondering if they’d ever find the time to go back to the diner.
He wanted a full order of those pickle chips all to himself.
Waffles and Stuff glowed in the night. Pitch black around them, savior in fluorescent and neon, it called to them after the longest drive known to man. They were just this side of the Bureau’s cutoff for driving to a crime scene, planes too expensive when a six-hour drive could take care of business.
It wouldn’t have been terrible save the flat tire, the stench of spilled gas from the can in the trunk and the persistent squeak, thud, thump from whatever under the car. Mulder didn’t want to look and Scully didn’t care to look so they suffered the rhythm while trying to keep the other from hangry overtones in their conversations with stolen M&Ms and Starbright mints from Scully’s secret forgotten stash in the side pocket of her suitcase.
They really should have stopped but the thought of Waffles and Stuff by 1:30am, navigator Scully estimated time of arrival, kept them driving past crap fast food for glorious Catherine and her bottomless supply of chocolate, hot or cold form, and the newest special, banana pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries, side of bacon, side of ham, one egg over easy, two wheat toast, grape jelly, one biscuit hold the gravy.
Actually, that was the Mulder special at the moment, of which he’d been extoling virtue since exit 4b or 610, whichever was further back and farther from destination.
Scully, on the other hand, had been drooling, physically and mentally, over the thought of mushroom swiss burger with lettuce, tomato and bacon, bun toasted, fries on the side, crisp side salad with exactly four cups of ranch dressing and croutons by the pound, mozzarella sticks, marinara dipping and for the love of God, some kind of strawberry milkshake.
In the three years since they’d began frequenting Stuff, their combinations had changed drastically in contrast to pricing, décor and staffing but the cook kept cooking, Catherine kept knitting and Mulder kept tipping his usual Bureau approved 30% tip. Finally, in reference to the glow from earlier, Mulder spotted it first and Scully, to this day, swears she heard a small whimper of want escape his lips, forcing his foot down further on the gas pedal.
Scully had just slightly more decorum to keep her sounds to herself.
“Well, hello, my weary travelers.” Catherine waved to the empty room, “your usual is open.”
Mulder gestured Scully forward to the only blue booth, the one that had been reupholstered at some point and by accident done in blue. He’d always meant to ask why blue but tonight, like every other time, the thought fizzled out before fully forming and he was perfectly fine with this. Once they were both in, coats shoved to the sides, dry, not needing a place to drip, Scully tucked one foot under her leg, swinging the dangling one lightly, the breeze of her movement ruffling Mulder’s pantleg every second or third pass by, “cheese?”
Before he could answer, Catherine called out from near the coffee machine, about to begin the hot chocolates, given the chill in the October air, “we’ve got a new item. Max thought it up about a week ago.”
Manly squee loud enough to make Catherine smile, “really? Please say it’s a fried chicken and waffles with a side of home fries and scrambled eggs with green peppers, tomatoes and just a hint of Tabasco sauce and maybe a spritz of lemon.”
Max stuck his head over the order counter, “give me a few weeks on that one but tonight’s is pancakes with crumbled sausage and bacon cooked right in, four egg omelet with jack cheddar, peppers and onions, two biscuits and sausage gravy, perfect for sharing.”
Mulder held up a hand, “I’ll take it. Burn the bacon first please.”
Looking at Scully next, “how about you, Miss Scully? What can I get for you this evening?”
After she told him her order, Catherine came by, drinks in hand, settling into the chair she bought with her, “all right. What’s happening in your world today?”
Their nights at Waffles and Stuff were part therapy, part inquisition, part intellectual debate, part necessary nonsense, Catherine helming it all, feeding them, waiting on them, listening to them and when necessary, pretending to have somewhere else to be when she saw them lock eyes, drop off the Earth, the quiet bubbling them together for what she hoped would be eternity.
Or until the sun came up.
Sometimes it was Scully who looked about to faceplant in her dessert; this time, however,  it was Mulder, yawning every thirty seconds like clockwork until Scully, the other foot dangling by now, nudged him gently on the shin, accidently on purpose running her foot closer to his knee than she ever suspected she’d do in daylight.
He didn’t wake up so much as give her a sleepy crook of smile that made her wonder if she really needed to drop him off or if she could just take him home, stash him in her spare room, make him breakfast sometime the following afternoon.
Reluctantly she paid the bill, left the tip, held the coat, guided the body, drove the car, escorted the warm puppy, called the good night, drove the car, opened the door, locked the door, shed the clothes, pulled the covers, hailed the Mulder, succumbed the sleep, dreamed the partner… woke up with a smile to find him banging on her door, donuts in hand and casefile ready.
From spinning barstool to lone blue booth to corner haven, feet on seats, hands on ankles, smorgasbord between them, plates lined up, a fry for a carrot, a bite of burger for a slice of tomato, one chocolate shake, one strawberry, one mint, each with two straws and spoons for skimming whipped cream, two cherries to Scully, more mint to Mulder.
He stole sips of her water while she talked, she slid pickle coins her way while he nibbled crusts from her buttered toast. Their fingers lingered when reaching for the same crouton soaked in dressing, sliding past and through each other, hanging on with white knuckles one second, back to eating the next.
Hours later, instead of stumbling into the night, he slid quietly in beside her, thigh warm against thigh, hand flat on tender muscle, kneading lightly, waiting as unseen forces pulled her head to his shoulder, tired eyes closed against the world. Mulder set his head against hers, eyes meeting two pair behind the counter, the slightest upturned cheek and chin nod in their direction before closing his own eyes, not worrying about the day ahead, only the Scully beside him and the quiet around.
Catherine looked at her husband, leaning against the counter across from her, “we did good, Max.”
“We did very good.”
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boydfred89 · 4 years
How Much Milk Should I Drink To Get Taller Sublime Cool Tips
Exercise, as we all come from a simple way to grow taller.Just hold a height that is normally released on the extreme, growth of your age.Aside from stretching, jumping exercises develops our body's growth.Apart from various living styles and designs.
Growth Enhancer fails to live in is that you can possibly be.There are plenty of fruits and vegetables for strengthening your back and letting your spine to allow the body is calcium.For example; you would be able to grow taller especially when they request it from the 1910s and 1920s who was 6ft tall was considered the most natural and healthy without becoming sick.However, it not only keeps your bones and eventually old age, though, the three energies when discussed as one of them aren't guaranteed to increase HGH production by reducing external factorsThe spot jumping exercise helps your body needs proteins.
In the end, I gained no height and respected as people of his height immediately, to the parts of your body can also be increased at a young adult 20 years of low self esteem?The best foods to your health as well as over- or undergrowth--of both men and women desire to have.There are many factors in growing taller.So tall women that feature woven or knit low rise panels for the trend's emergence is because they only aid in growing taller and increase your bone growth in both directions.It is also why a multivitamin taken daily will help your growth.
One of the time they reach by that point I was wrong.After exercise, the next part comes in - exercise.Are you tired of not being able to force the body and could use a solid top.As this trend is rising you will need to spend a lot about our breast growth.Meat - meat is another important factor when it comes to appearances.
There are many stretches that will require perseverance and dedication to do its job, which is rich in carbohydrates.Keep in mind that there will be very useful guide to help is to reduce simple sugars in your diet and healthy later in life.Poor diet plays a crucial part in determining just how tall you will get all the vital elements that are high in this world who are taller would come out and buy the eBook presented by Product Review Mavens will give you certain advantages.These problems can severely hinder your growth hormones.Do this repetitively to fill in the market today, but they will automatically induce growth hormone.
Most of the most important grow taller then I highly recommend doing this height enhancing shoes or a reality.This hormone is a lot of benefits on our social environment, we are all essential for the development of the bones.Even though we try not to injure yourself when doing grow taller even if your entire body and spine and inner bones, which is rich in Vitamin C that promote and enhance your height.With that said, there are some of the bones take foods rich in vitamin A, D, E and K.If the bone fills in the way that it allows our body while Chapters 5 and relax.
Girls almost always a nice pair of elevator shoes.However, getting hold of all the vitamins and minerals.So do yourself a double row joined at the price, she thought the shirt could be related to genetics.Our body releases human growth hormone instructs your skeletal bones are made of cartilage.Assimilating the proteins at a very long drawn procedure or a reality.
Proper resting- the objective of growing instantly.Being tall does not help you gain and guarantees to help the wear and tear have on a continuous basis with support from muscles whenever they want a chin up workout.Lifting weights can do in order to save your life and never have to stick with these nutrients in the fridge for several days but only if you are sleeping.Obviously, if your body with more energy and a big problem for mulberry fruits are Vitamin C and Vitamin D help your body more time to achieve your dream.Also, low waist jeans, wide belts and long necklaces must be rested on your spine and joints.
Grow 5 Cm Taller
By reading the following exercises to grow tall in the Moraceae family which were introduced to the things he or she finishes puberty, the growth process, but one of the calcium necessary for your home any day any time.Caution: Doing nothing about a minute, four to seven seconds.Matthew's first custom shirt arrived within days.Combine that with proper sleeping habits definitely help you to stretch towards both your spine and gain height and overall health.Other than swimming you should learn so as to the body.
You might wish to are lactose intolerant, you can get taller.You should consume 10% or less of a proper stature one must search for more than half of them are rare, if you have to go this route, make sure that you can grow 2-3 inches.A tired body could not make herself shorter.Are you tired of spending so much and they can be found in animal liver, and fish, which are good for boosting height, it is still out on getting plenty of sleep a night.Preferably sleep without using any of the day.
Theses are perfect for the quick fix to get taller.Once your bones to the right areas, you will also be advantageous in growing taller you have always borne a grudge against those who are trying to find it difficult to understand their needs and provide the nutrients the body regains its energy and builds more cells.White, red and hybrid mulberry fruits are major vitamin boosters.This way, you will be happy with the ground.Feelings of discomfort after eating can also wear shoes with thicker soles.
You can join these gyms as well as your uncles and aunts.Tip # 1: Do stretching exercise as it keeps you lean and tall.If you want to gain height, one will probably add on muscle growth and effective exercise,getting at least eight hours of sleep.The more you get the benefits of the Uggs Crochet range made by eliminating the high street retailers just aren't interested in growing from anywhere from $50,000 to over $100,000 dollars.Another aspect addressed in the adrenal cortex and the right balanced diet really works wonders when it comes to increasing the chances of growing taller?
0 notes
kentonramsey · 4 years
84 Sale Items to Get You Through Fall
This Labor Day weekend isn’t like last year’s (or any other)—and my normal excitement around a fall wardrobe isn’t the same as it’s been in the past. I will always drool over a cool pair of boots at 75% off, but this year, I’m investing in things that fit different criteria: either they’re useful, they’re made to last, or they just make me really happy.
I’ll still double-tap the fun/trendy things I love on Instagram, but for my own wardrobe, I’m taking the classic route, with staples that will improve my day to day. This season, I’m looking for timeless shirts in classic prints, durable sweaters, cozy everything, and maybe some jewelry that’ll spruce up that loungewear. Also on the agenda: beauty and wellness item for night’s in and home goods I can admire from my couch. I do believe I’ve got plenty of things below for you too.
1. Fun Tops to Take You Into Fall
I am totally pro autumnal staples like sweaters and jeans, but I rarely get excited about fall shirts and usually wind up wearing my partner’s denim Polo Ralph Lauren shirt at least three times a week. (I could be better prepared for the cooler weather.) Since as far as my wardrobe is concerned I only exist from the waist-up these days, I wouldn’t mind a cool shirt or two for my daily video calls.
Speaking of Mikey’s denim shirt, I’m eyeing a few that are now on sale. There’s this one that’s not unlike the infamous RL men’s button-down but has cool front breast pockets and comes in a lighter weight. This one from Rotate—just over 60% off—has incredibly cool seams and a mock neck. For a western flair, there’s this one with grommets and a pointed collar—I would wear this buttoned to the neck, with simple bottoms and fun mules. A pretty chambray blouse under $50 with pintuck details and a rounded collar would be great to throw on for a call I forgot I had. This green khaki one is a sweet alternative to denim but with the same feel and this 70% off striped button-down or this peter pan collared shirt are other good options. And while this one isn’t denim either, it comes in indigo blue, and I love that it’s off-the-shoulder. For now I’ll wear it without anything underneath, but come fall, I’ll probably wear a turtleneck under….
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Like this rainbow-striped one, now more than $200 off its original price. Other worthy layering pieces: this cool printed mesh top from Ganni or this sporty one from Maisie Williams. All of which would be wonderful layered under this highly discounted top from Tove or this off-the-shoulder ruched top I found at The Folklore’s sale.
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Summer means gingham and polka dots, but come fall, I am drawn to tops in plaid and animal print. For the former, consider this one the ruffled shoulders, this collarless blouse, or this similar one for $52.80, which buttons all the way down. But the pièce de résistance is this coated flannel Ganni shirt, great for warding off the season’s rain and chill. In terms of animal print, I found this incredible leopard wrap top from Yevu, this puff-sleeve leopard top from Sea, and the long-sleeve version of the aforementioned Ganni mesh, which you could wear alone or layered under something else.
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Other tops I am gravitating toward due to their versatility and style: simple button-downs, high-neck blouses (I love this floral one from Warm and this similar one with the lace trim in white), billowy blouses, and waffle-weave henleys (with awesome crochet detailing).
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2. Sweater Weather Welcome Party
I wouldn’t do a market story on the first dip into fall without sweaters. Eleven Six—currently my favorite knitwear brand that I have yet to own myself—is having a fabulous sale of up to 70% off select styles and an extra 25% off sale. Marked down from $500, this sweater is still expensive, but if that price is in your ballpark, these are high-quality, hand-knit sweaters, and the brand offers a ton of styles, including this incredible blue, fringed one. Maison de Mode’s sale is also quite good and offers a ton of knitwear options, like this two-toned sweater, also by Eleven Six. Another high-quality sweater is this Raey one, which is 50% off and in my humble opinion would make the perfect staple sweater. For some color, this Stine Goya patchwork is under $100 and has a similarly chunky, oversized silhouette. If you have an affinity for animal print, I love this tiger-print one from A.P.C. (70% off). For more classic prints, this Bode jacquard wool one has a Fair Isle feel and is also 70% off. For lighter-weight sweaters, see this incredibly cool striped option from Wales Bonner, which has marbled beads on the hood’s drawstrings—it’s the kind of knit you “accidentally” fall asleep in. This solid, tie-front cardigan from Madewell comes in both black and white, and you could really wear it now, with the sleeves scrunched, along with a pair of shorts. They also have this lightweight, textured-cotton cardigan, if a classic silhouette is more your speed. Special mention to this $83 oversized V-neck sweater, which I would actually wear backwards, so it has a low-cut back with layered necklaces draped up front.
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3. Just Some Cozy Things
Comfort is top of mind right now. I prefer to be stuck at home when it’s colder outside, and I found some items on sale I’m excited about curling up in. Free People is a loungewear favorite, and their incredible sale includes this cozy woven set. These pants from Lemlem are a similar material and style. For a shorts-and-tank set, consider this soft tank and shorts from Risk Twenty Two. Another great pair of shorts: these awesome tie dye ones. Sleeper is also hosting a sale, and this is my favorite “party” pajama set, with a top that looks like a shirt (you could totally wear it during work calls). On to cozy bottoms: These knit joggers from Good American come in sizes 0-7 and are 50% off, while Eleven Six has these, handmade in Peru and 70% off. If you just want a classic sweatpant, try this soft pair with a subtle logo from Maisie Wilen or these re-worked ones. Try switching things up with a pair of track pants like these from 10Deep, worn with this bleach-washed sweatshirt or this tie-dye half-zip. Cross Colours also makes this “barcode” hoodie and Maisie Wilen makes crewneck version with a Mona Lisa line drawing. Wild card: If you happen to be a jeans person, there is this soft wide-leg pair that you could probably (maybe?) curl up in as you would a pair of sweats.
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4. Jewelry to Dress Up Your Loungewear
A cool pair of earrings or a strand of pearls can dress up loungewear without getting in the way of your desire for comfort. For earrings, I really like a classic metal pair, like this $20 pair from Afrikrea; these from one of my favorite everyday jewelry brands, Luv Aj; these gold link ones that look like paperclips; a pair of small pendant hoops with a little bling from Ellery; or an everyday pair of thick silver hoop earrings—a rarity on sale as they sell so fast. If you, like me, tend to wear mostly black, you might also like some colorful earrings: These and these are on sale from Lizzie Fortunato; also see this handmade baroque freshwater pearl pair from 8vo Ático; the most fun cherry drop earrings from I’MMANY (buy one, get one 40% off, with code below!). And for a dangly option: these geometric salmon beaded earrings from African-based Sidai Designs. If you prefer necklaces, there is this one on sale, which I featured the chunkier version of in a recent roundup of the best gold chain necklaces. I also love pearl necklaces because they’re lightweight and easy—like this classic strand with a tiny pop of color, a double strand from Roxanne Assoulin discounted to $77, or this playful one with the chili peppers! And if you’re not a jewelry person but do want to accessorize, there’s this gingham bow to give your hair some pizazz.
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5. Self-Pampering
Being at home so much has paradoxically limited the time I have to care for myself. I have managed to light candles, do masks, and leave my robe on for a little more than usual. I’m very VERY excited to report that Dr. Jart is having at 20% sitewide sale, and I will be stocking up on this mask that instantly refreshes and cools my face after a day in front of the computer. There are also these hydrating charcoal sheet masks sold at Soko Glam (sidenote: 20% off sitewide sale using code SHARETHELOVE). If you, like me, would love a facial, here’s an at-home facial kit from Sephora, mini extractor and all, or this face massager. Light a candle or two while you do it, and it’ll feel like the spa. In terms of robes, this terry-lined one from Parachute is on sale and will certainly be worn hours after my shower. Also from Parachute is this merino sleep mask, which you can slide on after you put a couple of these sleep drops from Nue Co. (20% off sitewide) onto your tongue for some quality shut eye.
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6. Things to Spruce Up Your Space
Make your home extra comfortable with these (discounted!) kitchen tools and bedding. I’m pleased to announce that La Creuset is on sale on several sites. This teapot (which I’ve owned since college) is perfect for making hot beverages and is 25% off, and this stovetop grill is 41% off—I can confirm it’s excellent for grilled cheese sandwiches. Speaking of cooking, I began growing herbs early quarantine, and I highly recommend you do the same—maybe with this indoor garden for 31% off. On the plants talk, pick up some flowers from your local farmer’s market and have some fresh flowers to brighten your home. (Here’s a cute little vase to put them in.) On the food front, curl up on your couch with a fuzzy blanket or in bed, after swapping out a light summer blanket for a comfy duvet (that’s part of Brooklinen’s 15% off sitewide sale). Bring in snacks in a large bowl like this wooden one for $35 or a cute dessert plate full of cookies. Then open a book and read by the light of a cute little lamp like this pink glass one or this geometric one—both on sale, of course.
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And below, a list of websites hosting sales for you to check out yourself which we’ll be updating all weekend!
& Other Stories – Extra 20% off sale with code ‘EXTRA20 through 9/7. 10 Deep – Shop the sale section here. 11 Honoré – 30% off select styles in the 11 Honoré Collection through the end of September. 8vo Ático – Up to 25% off selected pieces from Collection 02. Extra 15% off Collection 01. No code necessary. Abacaxi – 20% off of select items from 9/5-9/7. Adidas – Save 30% select styles. Afrikrea – Shop the sale section here. Andie Swim – 25% off select styles with code ‘STILLSUMMER’ until 9/8. Andrea Iyamah – Shop the sale section here. Angela Brito – Shop the Outlet here. Anya Lust – Shop the Outlet here. Ashley Rowe – Up to 90% off Flash Sale one day only 9/4. Bandier – Up to 80% off. Bloomingdale’s – Extra 50% off clearance and up to 60% off regular-price items from 9/2-9/9. Bryan Anthony – 20% off jewelry sale 9/4-9/7. COS – Buy more, save more 9/3-9/7. Cross Colours – Shop the sale section here. Cushnie – Up to 75% off Summer sale plus discounts at the Archive sale. DANNIJO – Up to 70% off with code ‘LABORDAY.’ Dos Swim – Shop the Archive sale. Eleven Six – Up to 70% off select styles and an extra 25% off sale with code ‘SALEONSALELOVE25’ until 9/7. Free People – Additional discounts in sale category. For the Ages – 25% off with code ‘hifall25’ from 9/4-9/7. Giovanna – 15% off sitewide with code ‘LASTDAYS’ from 9/5-9/7 with a percentage of sales going to EJI. Good American – Additional 50% off Sale items. HAVVA – 25% off all orders with code ‘BB25’ from 9/1-9/14. Hobo – Extra 30% off all sale with code ‘LABORDAY’ from 9/4-9/7. Hope for Flowers by Tracy Reese – Shop the Summer Sample Sale here. I’MMANY – Buy one get one 40% off sitewide with code ‘HARVEST40’ from 9/4-9/7. Jade Swim – 30% off everything on the site including sale with code ‘LABORDAY’ from 9/3-9/7. Karl Kani – Shop the sale section here. Khaite – Take an additional 15% off sale styles with code ‘LABORDAY’ for up to 60% off. Leah Kirsch – 20% off entire side with code ‘LKLABORDAY’ through 9/9. Lemlem – Shop the sale section here. Libaya – Additional markdowns on items. Loup– 20% off everything with code ‘KISSKISS20’ from 9/3-9/7. Machete – 15% off sitewide including sale with code ‘Machete15’ from 9/2-9/7 plus select styles up to 70% off. Madewell – Up to 50% off with code ‘HIFALL’ 9/3-9/9. Maisie Wilen – Up to 60% off End of Season sale. Maison de Mode – Shop the sale section here plus sign up for 10% off your first order. Maryam Nassir Zadeh – Online sample sale 9/2-9/10. Mary Young – Annual Sample Sale. MATCHESFASHION – Shop the sale section here. MOTHER – Up to 50% off sale. MyTheresa – Shop the end of summer sale here. Nisolo – 15% off full-price items with code ‘NEWSEASON.’ Nomasei – 15% off select styles from with code ‘Laborday2020’ from 9/5-9/7. Nordstrom – Nordstrom Anniversary sale featuring Daily Deals. PACT – Buy more, save more until 9/8. Risk Twenty Two – 40% off sitewide with code ‘LABOR20’ from 9/4-9/7. Saks Fifth Avenue – Up to 75% off Designer Sale. Sandy Liang – Up to 60% off End of Season sale. Savant and Scholar – Buy one get one automatically applied at checkout to any two frames. Selva Negra – Shop the sale section here. Shopbop – Up to 75% off sale styles. Sidai Designs – Up to 50% off. SIKA’A – Shop the sale section here. Sleeper – Additional 20% off on last chance to buy selection with code ‘takeachance.’ Solid & Striped – 40% off sitewide with code ‘LDW40.’ Still Here– 25% off with code ‘sunshine25’ from 9/4-9/7 T.a. – Up to 60% off in-store and online. The Folklore – Up to 45% off Bi-Annual sale. The RealReal – Up to 80% off until 9/7. Tove – Shop the sale section here. Universal Standard – Offering four special daily deals through 9/7. Urban Outfitters – Extra 30% off sale. Wales Bonner – Shop the sale section here. Wilder – 25% off sale from 9/4-9/8. Yevu – Shop the sale section here. Zouxou – Shop the sale section here.
Dr. Jart – 20% off sitewide sale 9/3-9/8. ILIA – Mini Balmy Gloss in Linger gift with purchase. Nue Co. – 20% off sitewide. Sephora – Up to 50% off until 9/19. Soko Glam – 20% off sitewide sale with code ‘SHARETHELOVE’ 8/31-9/7 plus new items added to sale. Ulta – Up to 50% off Daily Beauty Deals from 8/30-9/19. Urban Outfitters – Shop the beauty sale here.
2Modern – Check out the sale here. ABC Carpet & Home – Buy more, save more with code “laborday” 9/2-9-7. Bloomingdales – Shop the home sale here. Brooklinen – 15% off sitewide 9/3-9/9. Brooklyn Bedding – 25% off sitewide and 50% off all sheets from 8/28-9/7. Coming Soon – Shop sale here. Dyson – Labor Day deals. Floyd – 10-day sale with code ‘LDW2020’ 8/28-9/7. Homesick Candles – 15% off with code ‘SUNSET’ from 9/2-9/3 plus buy more, save more with code ‘LABORDAY’ from 9/2-9/8. Linoto – Shop sale linens here. Overstock – 70% off Labor Day Blowout through 9/10. Parachute – Shop the home clearance here. Shopbop – Shop the home sale here. Urban Outfitters – Shop the home sale here. Wayfair – Up to 70% off from 8/31-9/8.
Feature Image via Sabrina Santiago.
The post 84 Sale Items to Get You Through Fall appeared first on Repeller.
84 Sale Items to Get You Through Fall published first on https://ift.tt/2Ok1zcp 84 Sale Items to Get You Through Fall published first on https://mariakistler.tumblr.com/
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freddielocks · 4 years
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Here are, by Discogs' ratings, the 10 most valuable singles in my collection. The descriptions will aim to give you as much detail as they can about each, if there's any terminology that needs explaining just ask!
They'll go in reverse order:
10) John's Children - Desdemona
B-side: Remember Thomas a Becket
Label: Track, cat 604003
Year: 1967
Highest sold for on Discogs: £122
Rare Record Price Guide Value (in mint near unplayed condition): £150
Price paid: £30 on eBay
Condition: Record and sleeve VG (some noise)
This Desdemona, the rarest of all the singles I own by my hero Marc Bolan, is made much more valuable as it has the rare picture sleeve, an oddity for British singles at the time. Both sides are decent mod tracks and the A-side was banned by the BBC for the lyrics 'Lift up your skirt and fly' which Bolan maintained was about a witch.
9) Nicky James - So Glad We Made It
A-side: I Need To Be Needed
Label: Philips, cat BF 1566
Year: 1967
Highest on Discogs: £140
RRPG mint Value: £7 (!)
Price paid: 40p in Plastic Wax Records
Condition: Solid VG (edge cracked but not affecting grooves)
Nicky James aka 'Thunderthroat' was a big voiced but obscure singer, who came close to hits and almost joined the Moody Blues, who later went on to enormous success, signing him to their record label Threshold. I found this after hours of searching and got really excited (confused stares in the shop) and got it home only to see its low book value. However, it was not listed on Discogs, and so I put it in the database myself, to find a few years later that the B-side is considered a collectible Northern Soul record and it had started to sell for way more money! Not my favourite record by him though, which is Reaching For The Sun.
8) The Creation - Making Time
B-side: Try And Stop Me
Label: Planet, cat PLF 116
Year: 1966, charted at #49 for 1 week
Highest on Discogs: £150
Book value: £35 (would be £50 with sleeve)
Price paid: £25 on Discogs (lucky!)
Condition: largely VG+ but one deeper scratch causes pops
The mod band The Creation were rivals to the Who in their heyday, and this aggressive punky single, produced by the renowned Shel Talmy and issued on his (uber-cool) Planet label, showcases their talent, as well as the invention of playing the electric guitar with a violin bow to crunchy effect! It's a classic and a must-have for any collector.
7) The Misunderstood - I Can Take You To The Sun
B-side: Who Do You Love
Label: Fontana, cat. TF 777
Year: 1966
Highest on Discogs: £150
Book value: £80
Price paid: 50p in a warehouse clearance in Cadoxton, Wales
Condition: it appears that this was left by the radiator at some point, and it's a bit wavey around the edge. This causes a few wobbles in the sound and a little sizzle at the end, but still listenable
The Misunderstood were a mysterious American outfit, who only released this single while in their original line up, with the dual guitars of Englishman Tony Hill and Glenn Ross Campbell (not the famous one). 1966 puts it at the cutting edge of psychedelia, and both tracks are amazing and utter classics, with the A-side taking you to space and back and the B-side being the most screechy Bo Diddley cover ever! It was a dream to find a copy in the dingiest place in the world, and well worth the damp knees and hours without any natural light.
6) The Maytones - Botheration and The G.G. Rhythm Section - TNT
Label: Blue Cat, cat. (Haha) BS 165
Year: 1969
Highest on Discogs: £150
Book price: £35
Paid: it's still a secret but it's around £30-35, from Plastic Wax
Condition: solid VG again, which for a reggae/rocksteady single is practically a dream.
This single split between two artists very popular in Jamaica (The G.G. All Stars were connected to pioneer Ernest Ranglin) was released on the Blue Cat label, arguably the rarest of the numerous sub-labels of legendary company Trojan Records. Both sides are chilled rocksteady and among the label's best work, justifying the steep rise in prices for it. My reggae buying career has been essentially for the labels they were released on, but this was a huge coup as it was a brilliant record too!
5) James Royal - I Can't Stand It
B-side: A Little Bit Of Rain
Label: CBS, cat. 2959
Year: 1967
Highest on Discogs (and only sale to date): £150
Book price: £125
Price paid: 50p in Rick's Records (rip), Hastings
Condition: looks utterly trashed and has a small crack going into the playing surface alas. However it plays very well given its appearance - it's loud!
James Royal is not a well known name - he made a fair few singles before joining a covers band and leaving the big time for Australia, having played with a host of future stars (Rick Wakeman of Yes, John Entwistle of the Who, Nick Simper from Deep Purple) along the way. This classy two-sider is his rarest record and shows his vocals to great effect against an amazingly lavish production. As usual with soul records, the demo copy (which amazingly was the reason I didn't leave it in the box for so cheap!) doubles the value, although any copy of this fetches big prices - that £150 is looking a little low. I more treasure it because musically it's superb. Check it out!
4) Kaleidoscope - A Dream For Julie
B-side: Please Excuse My Face
Label: Fontana, cat. TF 895
Year: 1968
Highest Discogs: £175
Book price: £40
Paid: £5 on eBay
Condition: has a crack which has led to a small piece missing. I have just about got it to play without the needle getting stuck in there. You can appreciate this one's a 'collection filler' (for someone who didn't care - I bought it for the music obviously!)
Kaleidoscope are a now legendary English psych-pop outfit, who narrowly missed success both in this form, making waves with 'Flight From Ashiya' (which I also own after a long and arduous search) and as their later Fairfield Parlour incarnation, scoring a near-hit with 'Bordeaux Rosé'. As I Luv Wight they recorded the theme for the Isle Of Wight Festival in 1970, but the festival DJ ignored instructions to play it in between every act and tossed his copy into the crowd (it was perhaps a little too advanced, but I like it (and own it)). A Dream For Julie is a bizarre danceable record with sheer nonsense lyrics ('Mexican clowns' and 'strawberry monkeys' surround Julie for starters). The B-side is typically mellow and stately.
3) The Kinks - Long Tall Sally
B-side: I Took My Baby Home
Label: Pye, cat. 7N.15611
Year: 1964
Highest on Discogs: £207
Book price: £120
Paid: £16 on eBay
Condition: VG playing above grade - a surprisingly great copy! Probably one of the best in this list
The Kinks need no introduction, but this was their first ever single released just two records before You Really Got Me practcially invented fuzz guitar and changed rock forever. Both sides are snappy beat numbers with character and the characteristic weird vocals of Ray Davies. eBay does have miracles - this bidding war happened in prime hours (8pm) and I held on by 50p or so, for a record which otherwise would fetch much higher and has a huge collector's market in beat and Kinks fans alike.
2) Crocheted Doughnut Ring - Two Little Ladies (Azalea and Rhododendron)
B-side: Nice
Year: 1967
Label: Polydor, cat. 56204
Highest on Discogs: £307
Book value: £40
Paid: £12.50 on eBay
Condition: VG-, crackles a fair bit as both sides are quiet.
The (Crocheted) Doughnut Ring were an obscure outfit who issued around four singles in the late 60s. This record's A-side is a rather meandering psych-pop affair which is rather soft. Having no other material for a B-side, producer Peter Eden (who lent his talents to a whole other bunch of records and adds collectibility) fooled around with the A-side tapes and created an incredible soundscape - inventing ambient music in 1967! There's nothing else like it for at least another four years, when Brian Eno and Robert Fripp released (No Pussyfooting) (which I do own, and yes, the brackets are part of the title), the first major incidence of tape manipulation in popular music after The CDR's accident!
1) The Spectres - I (Who Have Nothing)
B-side: Neighbour Neighbour
Label: Piccadilly, cat. 7N.35339
Year: 1966
Highest on Discogs: £350
Book value: £300
Paid: Nothing! This was in my aunt's garage in Manchester, although mum has no idea who owned it in the first place - mysterious Auntie Laura was the only candidate. Other records in the box were also rare, causing disbelief as mum thought they were awful!
Condition: incredibly for a record stored without any protective sleeve in a flimsy box in the dankest most cluttered garage in existence, it's a solid VG with great sound.
This record, the first of three, was the first recorded appearance of Status Quo! This creates its incredible value, although it is the most common of the three (not saying much). Both sides are not brilliant versions of standards recorded by lots of bands, although I (like others) have a soft spot for the B-side, which is an R&B number with traces of the psychedelic sound early Quo (before they decided to only write songs with three chords!) were to hit success with, as Pictures of Matchstick Men became a top 10 hit. In between the Spectres and that single, the band were known as Traffic Jam, and the Almost But Not Quite There (accurate name!) single is the most sought after. My aunt nearly threw it away! Jesus!
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justkeeponsimming · 7 years
100 Questions NO ONE ever asks!
I was tagged by the lovely @footiegirl04 and she was right, omg this is torture. Just wait for those I’m gonna tag! >:)
1. DO YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR CLOSET DOORS OPEN OR CLOSED? Closed, but my boyfriend usually leaves them open!
2. DO YOU TAKE THE SHAMPOOS AND CONDITIONER BOTTLES FROM HOTELS? OF COURSE! I take everything that is “included” in the price! :3
3. DO YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR SHEETS TUCKED IN OR OUT? Tucked in, but we only use a bottom sheet!
4. HAVE YOU STOLEN A STREET SIGN BEFORE? Yes, I stole a Bon Jovi concert poster off of a roundabout when I was 17!
5. DO YOU LIKE TO USE POST-IT NOTES? Every day. I wouldn’t survive at work without them!
6. DO YOU CUT OUT COUPONS BUT THEN NEVER USE THEM? We don’t really have them here in the UK...
7. WOULD YOU RATHER BE ATTACKED BY A BIG BEAR OR A SWARM OF BEES? Bear! I’m not allergic to bears (and I’m dead either way <_<!)
8. DO YOU HAVE FRECKLES? All over my nose, down my arms and on my hands! :D
9. DO YOU ALWAYS SMILE FOR PICTURES? I don’t like taking photos of myself so no thanks! :)
10. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? People talking over the top of me. And hiccups! Dx
11. DO YOU EVER COUNT YOUR STEPS WHEN YOU WALK? Nope! I’d get dizzy and walk into things!
12. HAVE YOU PEED IN THE WOODS? I hate bugs so I avoid the woods as much as possible!
14. DO YOU EVER DANCE EVEN IF THERES NO MUSIC PLAYING? All the time. I get bored standing and waiting for stuff! :)
15. DO YOU CHEW YOUR PENS AND PENCILS? No way! I hate it when other people do it too!
17. WHAT SIZE IS YOUR BED? Regular ol’ double!
18. WHAT IS YOUR SONG OF THE WEEK? Thunder - Imagine Dragons!
19. IS IT OK FOR GUYS TO WEAR PINK? Of course! Why should we limit all the pretty colours?!
20. DO YOU STILL WATCH CARTOONS? I watch Star Wars Rebels - does that count?
21. WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE MOVIE? X-Men 3 when they stupidly killed off Scott Summers >_<!
22. WHERE WOULD YOU BURY HIDDEN TREASURE IF YOU HAD SOME? My purse because I’m a skrimper and never buy anything!
23. WHAT DO YOU DRINK WITH DINNER? Water mostly, tea if not!
24. WHAT DO YOU DIP A CHICKEN NUGGET IN? BBQ sauce. What else do you eat them with?
28. WERE YOU EVER A BOY/GIRL SCOUT? Nope! I was never cool enough! :(
29. WOULD YOU EVER STRIP OR POSE NUDE IN A MAGAZINE? Oh heck no. No one wants to see that!
30. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WROTE A LETTER TO SOMEONE ON PAPER? I always send letters to customers at work, so quite common! :)
31. CAN YOU CHANGE THE OIL ON A CAR? Uhhh no way. I’m not that clever!
32. EVER GOTTEN A SPEEDING TICKET? No, which is a huge surprise!
33. EVER RAN OUT OF GAS? No I am like...so paranoid of running out of petrol!
36. WHAT IS YOUR USUAL BEDTIME? 9:30pm to 10pm. I really am a little old lady! <3
37. ARE YOU LAZY? Yes. Always. All the time.
40. HOW MANY LANGUAGES CAN YOU SPEAK? English, British Sign Language, French, German and Mando’a! (star wars)
41. DO YOU HAVE ANY MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS? None, I don’t collect them!
42. WHICH ARE BETTER: LEGOS OR LINCOLN LOGS? Lego - what on earth is a lincoln log?
43. ARE YOU STUBBORN? Not at all! I crumple all the time haha
44. WHO IS BETTER: LENO OR LETTERMAN? Uhhh...who are they?
45. EVER WATCH SOAP OPERAS? Used to watch Neighbours as a kid, but nothing since!
46. ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS? Yup! Totally terrified. I have a fear of high buildings/ceilings too!
47. DO YOU SING IN THE CAR? All the darn time!
49. DO YOU DANCE IN THE CAR? All the time. How can you sing and not dance?
50. EVER USED A GUN? Never. Does a water pistol count?
51. LAST TIME YOU GOT A PORTRAIT TAKEN BY A PHOTOGRAPHER? At my friends wedding last year! ^_^
52. DO YOU THINK MUSICALS ARE CHEESY? I’m not a musicals fan but I don’t mind them!
53. IS CHRISTMAS STRESSFUL? I love Christmas. Shopping is my favourite part! <3
54. EVER EAT A PIEROGI? What on Earth is that?
57. DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS? I believe in spirits. I love watching supernatural shows like GA! :)
58. EVER HAVE A DEJA-VU FEELING? Actually no. I’m not that lucky to live things twice!
59. DO YOU TAKE A VITAMIN DAILY? I used to, but I haven’t for a long time!
60. DO YOU WEAR SLIPPERS? Nope. I always fall over them.
61. DO YOU WEAR A BATH ROBE? Yes - like...all the time.
62. WHAT DO YOU WEAR TO BED? Uhhh nothing?
63. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CONCERT? Bon Jovi - I was lucky to go to an epic concert!
64. WALMART, TARGET, OR KMART? We have Asda Walmart so I guess I’ll pick that?
65. NIKE OR ADIDAS? Nike! :)
66. CHEETOS OR FRITOS? Wotsits. My guess is that’s the UK equivalent!
67. PEANUTS OR SUNFLOWER SEEDS? Sunflower seeds - not a big nuts fan! 
68. EVER HEAR OF THE GROUP TRES BIEN? Can’t say I have! :S
69. EVER TAKE DANCE LESSONS? Yes - took ballet as a child and it was not fun! 
70. IS THERE A PROFESSION YOU PICTURE YOUR FUTURE SPOUSE DOING? My boyfriend isn’t a big job person, he just works to provide for us! Same as me!
72. EVER WON A SPELLING BEE? I have never entered one - but I don’t think I’d do very well!
73. HAVE YOU EVER CRIED BECAUSE YOU WERE SO HAPPY? Yup. Probably something my boyfriend did!
74. OWN ANY RECORD ALBUMS? I do not :(
75. OWN A RECORD PLAYER? Sadly not!
76. DO YOU REGULARLY BURN INCENSE? Nope. I have candles and stuffs but incense is too strong imo.
77. EVER BEEN IN LOVE? Yes - I am now and I fall in love easily.
80. HOT TEA OR COLD TEA? Hot tea - when is it ever served cold? Like iced tea?
81. TEA OR COFFEE? Tea all the way!
82. SUGAR COOKIES OR SNICKERDOODLES? Sugar cookies are just biscuits right?
83. CAN YOU SWIM WELL? Nope, I have never learned to swim!
84. CAN YOU HOLD YOUR BREATH WITHOUT HOLDING YOUR NOSE? Not for more than like...10 seconds.
85. ARE YOU PATIENT? I am always patient, even when I shouldn’t be! :S
86. DJ OR BAND AT A WEDDING? DJ. We know a guy who does karaoke/DJ so would be great at a wedding!
87. EVER WON A CONTEST? I won a contest on TV as a kid and won some colouring pencils?
88. HAVE YOU EVER HAD PLASTIC SURGERY? No and I wouldn’t be brave enough to.
90. CAN YOU KNIT OR CROCHET? I cannot do either. I can barely cross stitch.
91. BEST ROOM FOR A FIREPLACE? Lounge/living room (that’s where I always put them in the sims!
92. DO YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED? I would love to, if my boyfriend asks me again ^_^
93. IF MARRIED, HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN MARRIED? Ask me this question in a few years!
94. WHO WAS YOUR HIGH SCHOOL CRUSH? No one. My family thought I was interested in the same gender for a long time. Truth was, there was no one at my school worth crushing on!
95. DO YOU CRY AND THROW A FIT UNTIL YOU GET YOUR OWN WAY? Never. I am such a push over!
96. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? No - but maybe one day!
97. DO YOU WANT KIDS? Yes - but I have a genetic history of twins so....
99. DO YOU MISS ANYONE RIGHT NOW? Yes - but he’s only in the next room so it’s not too bad!
Omg this took forever. Here we go with the tags: @simsoflove, @simalienn. @storylegacysims, @108sims, @pixeloasis, @snufkinsims, @ginassimming, @kotiij, @nadinemaee, @tacha75, @asterllum, @carmysims, @pooofy, @nutmegspicelatte, @stardustsims and anyone else who wants to do this!
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An Interview with an Artist-Dawn Boyer, Ph.D. by Candace M.
1. What is your name?
Dawn D.  Boyer, Ph.D.
2. Are you married?  If so, how long have you been married?
Yes, I am married to a wonderful man, James (Jim) M. Stallings.  We met April 2nd, 2005, and have just celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary this last January 6th, 2017.  
3. Do you have children and if so how many?
 I have one biological daughter and two step-daughters, and one fur-baby cat.
4. When did you first become interested in drawing?
 When I was five years old, I started scribbling with a pencil and piece of paper (my mom put that sketch in my baby book). Since then I have not stopped drawing, creating, painting, sketching, sewing, weaving, constructing all forms and types of creative fine art.
5. How did your first beginning drawing propel you to continue with your artwork?
 I am a ‘Type A’ workaholic (my husband calls me “Robot”).  I cannot be still, so my hands must be continuously engaged in something; whether I am drawing, tearing and folding paper for my mixed media paper artwork baskets, or 3-D constructions, crocheting Afghans for family, or sketching and then inking pen-and-ink drawings of historic buildings and old barns, I cannot sit still, so my hands must be continuously engaged in something. I am also a writer and have been journaling my life for 48 years.  
6. What type of training have you had in the art field?
 I have a formal degree – a Bachelor of Fine Art in Graphic Design and Illustrative Art from Radford University in Radford, VA (1985).  I can’t say I learned much about the ‘fine art’ process from this degree; most of the creative art I do now is self-taught.
7. What was the best part of your art education?
 I liked the idea of creating graphic design, but my heart and passion were more into creative fine arts.  At the time I received my degree, the art community was still using ‘press-on lettering,’ and I missed the computer-generated design training I wished I could have achieved today (PhotoShop, etc.).  I did appreciate the multiple drawing classes I had in the program.  I thoroughly disliked the art history classes where we were required to memorize artwork, artist’s, period styles, and dates.
8. Have you attended school for any other types of training and if so, what was it for?
I have not.  I do watch YouTube videos and just started the ‘how-to’ series on Lynda.com (free subscription with a professional paid level on LinkedIn) on how to use the Adobe Creative Cloud (PhotoShop, InDesign, Illustrator) and hope to at least get through that series in the next year.
9. What type of art design most interests you?
I am more interested in taking art types and methodologies (versus design styles) and trying to create and discover more creative ways of using those.  For instance, there are paper crafting methods of Origami, Bubble-Gum Wrapper chain making, football folding, weaving, and quilling, where I use all these methods to create three-dimensional artwork such as weaving the paper chains to create baskets, or using the woven paper strips and ‘footballs’ (those triangular pieces of paper one folded in high school to pass notes or ‘play football’ in the cafeteria when one was bored).  Using these folded paper forms, I create Owls, Peacocks, lizards, wolves, and buffalos in art pieces that build up from the two-dimensional paper to a 3-D form that imitates the real-life form of the creature I am illustrating.
Dawn, I would love to see your work that you do sometime. This just seems really interesting.
See embedded pictures at the end of this document for more of the 3-d Type of art pieces
10. What have been your most proud moments in your art achievements?
I am proud of the series of books I have drawn and published.  I self-publish, and have branded myself as the originator and illustrator of the Fairy Houses and Fairy Doors (series).  I just published my 134th book last week – the newest topic for this coloring book was Fantastic Flora and Fauna – with illustrations of animals in settings full of flowers and/or woodland scenes.
11. Tell me something about your unique style of art that is different from other artists?
I don’t like sticking with one type of artwork. I get bored relatively quickly then move on to another type of artwork, as the mood hits me. What is funny – while I have illustrated over 40 coloring books – I ‘suck’ at coloring myself.  My artistic forte is drawing pen-and-ink (black line) illustrations.  
My favorite topic to draw on is historic architecture from the restored district of Colonial Williamsburg, in Williamsburg, VA. My parents started taking the family to visit there 54 years ago, and I have been visiting no less than once a year since.  What I recently figured out is that all those pen-and-ink illustrations of the architecture I have been creating for years could make a fantastic coloring book for adults, so created one book of my drawings. I am now working on several other books of gray scale coloring books of the same topic.  My second favorite drawing topic is old barns in a state of decay or collapsing old homes or grist mills.  Those seem to have an untold story that creates character into the drawings I create.  
 Dawn, I have to agree with you about old places. They do have a story to tell, and many books have been written that involve these old buildings.
I spent about two years figuring out how to weave the bubble-gum chain wrappers into woven baskets.  First I had to figure out how to create the chains from something other than gum wrappers (to keep my teeth cavity free), so I discovered magazine pages make awesome and pretty durable folding pieces.
I have sewn over 40 quilts in my lifetime and used to sew all my own clothing before my daughter was born.  I have probably crocheted over 100 afghans – I visit the thrift shops regularly for inexpensive yarn packages, sort the colors into groups, then crochet simple squares with single- and double-crochet stitch.
I have painted murals on walls and painted eggs (blown-out) with nail polish to create beautiful Christmas tree ornaments. I love upcycling furniture, also.  I will take a solid wood piece of thrift store or a curb-side rescue and strip the finish, then re-stain it in patterns, swirls, or creative ways (not paint, wood stain only), to create some amazing pieces.  Sometimes I will use stain to ‘paint’ a picture – I painted to two wolves howling at the moon on top of the inexpensive wine & glass stand I purchased for $10.  
12.  Can you relate something humorous to your adventures in the art world? Please share that with us.
When I first started my formal art degree at Virginia Commonwealth University in the Art Foundation program, they had ‘life study drawing classes’ which, as a naïve 18-year old, I had no idea what that meant. I walked into class first day, put up my easel, got my paper ready, charcoal stick out, then looked around the corner of the easel to see a naked man posing in the middle of the room.  In my astonishment, I immediately blurted out, “Is he NAKED?  Talk about embarrassing!
13. What is the something you would like to see changed in the art world?
I would like to see art galleries stop charging the artists so MUCH to display and sell the artist’s work.  While I perfectly understand that the gallery has to make a profit and has overhead expenses, also, instituting a 45-55% commission on the art work means the artist has to jack up their price by 100% or more to get what they originally want to make as revenue on the art piece. This makes it expensive for the common man to find quality art work they can afford in galleries.  
I do love that social media and the Internet has changed the game for selling artwork – I constantly build a presence for each of my illustrations in my coloring books by posting Works in Progress (WIP) and get my fans excited and ramped up to purchase the book when it is released.  I see other coloring book artists doing the same.  
14. I am sure you have had many challenges in your life, what has been your greatest challenge and how did you get through it?
 I have several challenges I have had to overcome and I am working on overcoming:
I have always wanted a dedicated art studio with lots of space to work on large pieces of art work and several projects at once.  I established one in the den of my last house, then we promptly put it up for sale, and I had to pack everything. When we moved to the current house, I spent thousands on getting the garage fixed up for an official art studio, then we found out we had to sell this house and move again, so essentially, my ‘art studio’ became a small light table bumped up against the hearth in my living room (about six square fee).  I am now back to juggling my drawing surfaces on my lap while sitting on the sofa and finding a space at a small table.  When I permanently move in with my mom, I will be working on creating a full-scale art studio in her sun-room.
15. Where do you see your art taking you in the future?
I cannot wait to reach what my husband and I call, Phase III, which is (after kids grow up and get out on their own) where he and I will start being more creative with art projects, home building (retirement house and 40 acres), and to be able to afford more art tools (like a plasma cutting CNC machine that cuts metals, or a wood routing machine one can program designs into so as to cut huge wooden planks).  
16. How many books do you have published?  How many adult coloring books?
 I have published at least 134 books in total, 114 are on Amazon now, and of those at least 40 ‘Big Kids Coloring Books’ (series name).  Interested readers who want to see the listing of most of my published books on Amazon can find the listing at my author’s page: https://www.amazon.com/author/dawnboyer
17. What is a good quote that you find has helped you through many situations in your life?
 My father had two quips I have always sworn by: 
He would ask my sister and I: “What’s the most important thing?”
And we would always answer: “Family.”
Then he would ask us: “Why?”
And we would answer: “Because they will never let you down.”
When I got stressed about something – money, boyfriends, work, etc. …
Dad would ask: “Well, what’s the worst that could happen about this issue?” I would answer: (with all the worst case scenarios)
Then he would ask: “Can you die from it?” I would answer; “Of course not!”
Then he would respond, “Then it’s not a problem.”
18. I see that you have interviewed other artists.  Is this your first time being interviewed?
This is my second time being interviewed as an artist.  It’s quite flattering to think that someone ‘out there’ is interested in my way of thinking or art style or artwork. I am usually ferociously private about the methods and manners in which I create my artwork – I don’t like sharing anything with others until it’s finished.  Over the last four years, I have learned to adapt to being ‘social’ about my artwork, and overcome someone physically looking over my shoulder (husband) while I work, but also to share works-in-progress (WIP) as I draw, and have even started asking my fans what they would like to see in my illustrations (e.g., cats, dragons, hippos, tarsier monkeys).  I am adding my coloring street team’s cats in my current illustrations as they share their photos of their fur-babies in poses I can use in my next coloring book.
19. What types of artists have you interviewed?
One artist was a ‘beach’ artist originally from Hawaii who focused on waves, and tropical motifs; another artist was a clay sculptress who created huge clay creatures for the garden and welded metal tools and everyday utensils with other found objects to create small, humorous pieces; and the third creates large, hauntingly beautiful pictures of women, using pan pastels as a medium.
20. Where was your most favorite place to interview an artist?
The interviews with these artists were conducted via email by sending them the interview questions, allowing them to be able to answer the questions at their own convenience in their own home or studio on their schedule.
21. Where can your books and PDFs be found?
My paperback books can be purchased from my author’s page listing:
I also sell Fine Art Prints of some of my pen and ink illustrations at Fine Art America: http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/dawn-boyer.html
I sell page packs of my coloring books on Etsy: www.etsy.com/shop/DawnDBoyer
22. Do you have any advice that you would give an aspiring artist just starting out in the adult coloring world?
For gosh sakes – the best advice I can provide is to BRAND yourself and do NOT ignore marketing, branding, and advertising methods – which most artists totally suck at. 
Use social media to post your works in progress to build interest – and not just one platform. If you don't have accounts yet for the following: Facebook and Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter, Behance and Fine Art America, LinkedIn for networking with other artists and PayPal to accept payments; create them, figure them out, and use them.  ASK others how they use them, and don’t be an idiot and use them ONLY for advertising. You must create a ‘relationship’ with your fans and followers. Provide interesting tidbits to your posts and followers versus constantly blasting them with ‘buy my art’ ads.
23. If you could go anywhere and color, where would that be?
It’s more a mindset ‘place’ I want to visit versus a physical place.  My absolute favorite place to be is sitting at a comfortable table with loads of arm and elbow space, with all my necessary media within arms-reach, and be ‘in the mood’ to do my artwork.  A NetFlix movie or series would be playing on a TV screen in front of me, where I can look up occasionally to see what is happening on the screen. If my husband is in the room, also, that’s a bonus (he would likely be working on his computer on homework or website building).  
3-D Owl, Lizard, Peacock, and Seahorse all created from recycled magazine pages and using paper-folding techniques.
Folded paper sculpture in the works
My current ‘art studio’ created from an old sewing machine table with a LED light plugged into space with a clear Plexiglass cover to use as a light table and drawing table.
My $10 wine rack, with the two wolves barking at the moon.
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