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angellayercake · 1 year
face down in décolletage - chapter 1
Papa Emeritus IV x Fem Reader | NSFW | AO3
Disclaimer: Copia talking about being face down in tits has all the feminism leaving my body. I am sorry but he can leer at my boobs any day and I would thank him. So TW for Copia being a fucking perv and kind of degrading but if you are into that we are golden!
For @ghostchems for being feral with me 💜💜 love you!
With a dramatic puff you try to blow the hair sticking to your face away. It was so damn hot today you would rather be anywhere but at work but here you are. Another day, another show. You glance down at your clipboard, Ghost. You think you have heard of them, some kind of religious band from a church. When you had first started working at the venue you used to enjoy excitedly researching all the bands that passed through but now you just looked forward to getting through the night. As you scan down your clipboard you notice your top has ridden down again. You glance around quickly and yank it back up hoping that none of the guys noticed the blue frills of your bra peeking out the top. 
Maybe if you had got up earlier you would have had time to pick a different outfit or even check the weather forecast but as you had rolled out of bed and straight into the only clean clothes you had left you were stuck wearing your most revealing vest top with your most ridiculous push up bra. You had to live with the consequences of your lack of organisation combined with the stifling heat wave that had you sweating in even the little you were wearing. You just had to deal with it. 
The sounds of the buses pulling in draws your attention from your wardrobe woes and back to the job at hand, which for you is making sure the band stay happy for the duration of their stay at the venue. Their rider had been prepared and set up for them and you would be on hand to help them with anything else they needed. You hoped these guys weren’t dicks, there had been a run of assholes recently that had the stupidest demands but that was the job. You watch them pile out onto the forecourt all dressed in black and wearing helmets? Masks? You can’t quite see but they all huddle together just off to the side not approaching the manager who had stepped up to greet them.
A commotion from the bus draws everyone's eyes from the group of strangely dressed musicians and you see the frontman of this band for the first time. He was wearing a burgundy tracksuit, a fake designer shirt and leather brogues. And he had just dropped an armful of juice boxes as he tripped out the bus. He knelt down scrambling to pick them all up, fumbling with the broken packaging until one of the masked people must have taken pity on him, letting him pile them up in their arms. He looks up only now taking notice of all the eyes trained on him. As he straightens up he offers an awkward wave and a forced smile until the venue manager steps forward and introduces themselves. 
After a brief conversation you notice them making their way down the line of staff, which although not unheard of was unusual. The band manager would usually meet with venue staff not the talent but he must have insisted on being introduced to everyone. He shakes people's hands and gestures to the musicians behind him. You glance down at your clipboard as you wait your turn. Papa Emeritus IV and the eight Nameless Ghouls. He was the frontman and leader of the band and the Nameless Ghouls were instrumentalists. Your attention snaps back up when they reach the person beside you and you get your first proper look at him.
He’s not much taller than you and it’s hard to see much of his body under the baggy tracksuit but his face. He was oddly handsome, perfectly proportioned with strong features and carefully slicked back salt and pepper hair. The face paint he wore only accentuated his unusual mismatched eyes. But as he approaches you notice his gaze doesn’t land anywhere near your face. No he is looking directly at your boobs, with his mouth hanging open no less. You know they are very visible today but this middle aged man is gawping at you like a teenager seeing a porn mag for the first time. You clear your throat offering him your hand and he looks up at your face at last. Realising he had been caught a fetching blush grows across his cheeks that you find slightly adorable in spite of his leering. He takes your hand but as you attempt to shake it he tries to bring it up to his face. The back of your hand ends up squashed against his nose and you can feel his lip paint smudging on you. He drops your hand so quickly the momentum swings it away from you and his face is almost as red as his tracksuit when he moves on. What an odd man.  
You don’t see him much for the rest of the day, you are kept so busy keeping the ‘Nameless Ghouls’ in line. They are a fun bunch, quite mischievous but polite in spite of it all. The few times you do see him you can feel his eyes all over you and you find your annoyance building. What was with this guy? You had since discovered that he was the leader of not only this very satanic rock band but also the associated religious organisation, he was well into his fifties and while he was attractive you had to admit he was really quite odd. You shrug it off though. There was only an hour left until the show and although your manager would help you if you complained, something, you weren’t sure what, was stopping you. 
By the time the supporting act had finished it was all hands on deck to get the transition completed smoothly. Your arms are full of the discarded outfits of the supporting band so you can get them to the laundry when you pass by his dressing room but you are so consumed with your thoughts you fail to notice when the door opens and he steps out in front of you. You collide into him with a bump dropping everything that was piled in your arms at his feet.  
‘Papa Emeritus! I’m so sorry.’ It is not lost on you that you are now taking your turn to fumble around on the floor in front of him or that where he is standing above you gives him a perfect view down your top. Your arms full once again you kneel slowly, noticing all the differences about him as you go. The scuffed brogues are gone, replaced with perfectly shined expensive looking boots. His slim calves were covered in tight denim which clung all the way up his legs. His thighs were covered in ripped fabric that did nothing to hide the shape of them. It’s lucky your hands are full because just as he seemed unable to not look at your tits you might not be able to resist running your hands up his thighs and... Your mouth goes dry when you notice the lace up fly on his trousers but you stop that thought short. 
His jacket, while interesting, as distressed as his trousers with dramatic gold detailing and epaulettes, it's his face that captures your attention. He reaches down helping you back to your feet and as you stand you just stare taking in all the details of his stark black and white face paint. He is transformed, not just in how he looks although his painted face and sharp clothes differ so much from earlier. No, his whole demeanour has shifted. His nervous smile is replaced by an easy confident smirk when you meet his eyes, clearly having noticed your appraisal of him. 
‘You better be coming to watch the show cara mia.’ he says as he begins to walk away from you. Occasionally you do find time to catch the performances more often you are busy all evening but the way he says it feels like an order more than a request
‘I will try after I have finished my …’ he spins back round fixing you with a demanding look. 
‘No you will. I am not asking.’ He steps towards you, close to boxing you in against the closed door of his dressing room. ‘Your job is to make me happy, no? And what will make me happy is you watching the show from the side where I tell you.’ His proximity and commanding tone broker no argument so you just nod in agreement but he doesn’t give you room, just raises his eyebrows as if to communicate he is still waiting.  
‘Yes Papa.’ you breath hoping that was the answer he was waiting for. 
‘Bene, I will look for you cara, do not disappoint me.’ Only then does he stalk off with only a few minutes to spare. 
With the threat of his disappointment hanging over you you rush through the last of your tasks before making your way to the stage. He is waiting to the side as the last checks are completed. You don’t approach him as he seems to be deep in his preparations but he spots you as he paces, nodding and pointing to an out of the way area where you still have a good view. You can hear the crowd cheering in anticipation and in only a few minutes the lights go down and the music starts to swell. He has kept up his pacing back and forth, occasionally jogging on the spot as he waits for his cue. Your attention is drawn to the stage as the pyrotechnics soar and the guitars kick in and then running up to the centre of the stage in the midst of it all is him.
The show could only be described as mesmerising. Both Papa and the Ghouls had the crowd in the palm of their hand as they performed song after song. The costume changes and confetti, the smoke and the sparks, you couldn’t look away. You almost wished you were down in the audience so you could experience it properly. However there was one particular benefit to your position and that was having a clear view of Papa’s wardrobe. Everytime he hurried back for a new outfit or prop you received a smile or a wink and as time went on more and more heated looks. You weren’t entirely sure why he had wanted you there but you got the feeling you would enjoy whatever it was. 
He had announced their last song to cries of despair from the crowd but that only seemed to spur them on giving a rousing performance and he left the stage to a roar of appreciation. The ghouls continued playing as he ducked into the wardrobe for the last time, shrugging off the black jacket he was currently wearing in exchange for a dazzling blue sequined one. It reflected the light even in the dark corner of the stage you were both in. Instead of running back on stage though, this time he approached you.
‘Now there is something I need your help with cara mia, please follow me.’ He takes your hand and pulls you with him towards the narrow backstage corridor.  It is very rarely used now but it was originally for performers to get from one side of the stage to the other with no hindrance but what he could need your help with here you had no idea. About halfway down he stops suddenly manoeuvring you between him and the wall in the narrow corridor
‘You hear them all screaming for me cara mia?’ He asks with a smirk. He knows full well you can hear the screaming that's why you have your ear protectors slung around your neck. His arm rests on the wall above your head bringing him so close you can feel the heat radiating off of him, and smell the spicy scent of his cologne and his exertion. He’s taller than earlier, his fancy boots giving him a boost so although he is far from towering over you, this close you need to make an effort to look up at him as you speak. 
‘You must be happy, knowing that all those thousands of people enjoyed your show.’ It is quite obvious where this conversation is headed but you are curious to see how exactly he plans to proposition you when the memory of him fumbling his juice boxes is so fresh in your memory.
‘Si that should make me happy but really there is only one person I want to hear screaming tonight.’ His piercing mismatched eyes burn into yours and you know he is talking about you. You almost can’t breathe from the intensity and you wonder how this could be the same man as earlier. The only real similarity is the way his eyes trail down from your face all the way to your cleavage. Forcing yourself to finally take a deep breath you watch his eyes follow the rise and fall of your chest and you feel an unexpected heat rising within you. You weren’t a stranger to men staring at your boobs, it kind of came with the territory and usually someone staring this blatantly would earn a slap, but you enjoyed his eyes on you and it only made you want more, as it had all day. He leans in until he is close enough to whisper directly in your ear. 
‘Would you like this? A little after party just for us?’ His voice is low and seductive and you are only really able to hear him because he is so close you are almost touching. ‘For me to give you your own private performance, show you all my best moves then make you scream for me?’ Without saying much of anything at all he paints such a vivid picture and you want all of it. You could feel his painted lips brushing your ear ever so slightly as you leaned in and you knew what your answer was going to be. 
‘I … yes. Please.’ You feel his mouth pull into a grin as he steps even closer, his body flush with yours. You expect him to move to do something but he just continues to look at you, eyes burning into your already flushed and overheated skin. The leer he is giving you as he looks down your top shouldn’t be making you feel this way and yet you find yourself somehow desperate for the touches that look threatens. 
‘Thank you, cara,’ he pinches your chin tilting it up to just the right angle so that he can slot his mouth against yours, except he doesn’t. No he locks you in with his gaze, keeping you hypnotised and still as he ghosts his lips across your cheek and down your neck and as his lips finally make contact at the juncture of your neck and collar bone do you realise that he was just positioning you to get unhindered access to your chest. But as he settles his hands on your waist and begins to gently suck your sensitive skin you can’t even bring yourself to be annoyed. 
You lean your head back against the wall behind you and let your eyes drop closed so you can just concentrate on the feeling of his mouth on you. He nibbles along your collarbone soothing the marks with his tongue as he goes before dipping lower. He moans as his lips meet the curve of your breast and he stops, sucking a deep mark right in the centre before sinking his teeth into your soft flesh. It’s not deep and he doesn’t seem intent on inflicting pain on you, just feeling your body give way to him. You find your fingers woven in his hair not sure whether your intention was to push him away or pull him further in but you do neither and just let him take what he wishes. As he finishes marking you he licks a trail following the curve down into your cleavage and back up to the other side, peppering kisses everywhere he can reach. 
‘Mmmm,’ he moans as if he was eating his favourite meal. ‘So good cara mia, so perfect.’ He slides his hands up from your waist until they are cupping your breasts, spreading them apart so there is just enough room to bury his face between them. His moans are muffled in his new position but that doesn’t stop you noticing him getting louder. His hands start a slow massaging squeeze that has you moaning, turning into a whine when he stops, hooking his fingers into the top of your bra and pulling back to look at you. The heat and his touches have turned your brain to mush so it takes you a moment to realise he is asking you a question and a moment longer to register what it is. 
‘May I?’ he asks, starting to pull at your already revealing neckline. You can feel his knuckles brushing your nipples and you can only imagine how much better it will feel if you allow him full access. He is watching you intently so he catches your slight nod and slowly reveals them to his hungry eyes letting your top and bra bunch up just underneath like he doesn’t have the patience to wait to remove them properly. You watch his eyes light up as he sees your pierced nipples, the small gems glinting as you move even in the harsh light of the corridor. 
‘Così bella mia cara,’ he whispers as he ghosts his mouth over you, the tip of his tongue flicking at one nipple then the other. He grins up at you as you gasp, his teasing touch feeling almost too much already. You think back to a moment ago when you compared him to all the other men that you caught gawping at your cleavage. You had been so wrong. Never had you had such attention lavished on you, turning you to putty in his hands just from this. He sealed his lips around a nipple, sucking it into his mouth and toying with the piercing with his tongue and the other he rolled between his fingers twisting and pulling and pinching. Your fingers tighten in his hair, encouraging him closer. He pulls off your nipple with a pop, kissing and licking across until his whole face is between them finally relinquishing your other nipple so he can push them together while shaking his head back and forth. 
‘Papa?,’ another voice intrudes into your consciousness and you all of a sudden remember where you are and who you are with and the thousands of people waiting for an encore. You try to jump away from him but you are so securely pinned between him and the wall. He pulls away just as the footsteps get closer tucking you back into your top. His face paints are surprisingly intact although there are grey smudges all over you there is no hiding what was being done to you. ‘Papa,’ the stage assistant says as they round the corner and find you. ‘They are all still here calling for more.’
‘Excuse my cara. I am needed,’ he winks at you, gesturing for the assistant to go on ahead. He steps towards you pining you back in place tilting your chin up to force you to look at him once again. ‘But if you want to continue this, be in my dressing room at the end of the show.’ He turns on his heel heading in the same direction only to pause before he rounds the corner. ‘And I want you undressed.’ You are surprised your knees hadn’t buckled yet you were so worked up, the possibilities of what would happen if you followed his instructions buzzing in your mind. 
The crescendo of screams as he walks back on the stage breaks you from your reverie, and forces you into action. You don’t even need to think, the decision already made by your racing heart and your wet pussy. You push off the wall knowing you only have three songs to follow his instructions but you don’t need to rush just yet as you can still hear him addressing the crowd. Exiting the corridor on the other side of the stage you listen for a moment. He hushes their screams so he can banter with them for a moment.
‘I was already at the after show party,’ He says gesturing behind him to the fictional afterparty. You laugh to yourself starting to head towards the dressing room so you can get ready for what you are sure is going to be a memorable night. But the next words out of his mouth freeze you on the spot. ‘You know I had my face down in some decolletage and someone said that they are still all here.’ A laugh barks out of you in disbelief. That smug sexy bastard! 
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Moving in with Katsuki Bakugo
'Katsuki, where'd you leave my books?'
'Still in the car, maybe?' Your boyfriend of over a year supplied, popping his head out of the bathroom where he's busy re-organising everything to fit the both of you. 'Figured I'd wait for ya to finish gettin' your ass kicked by IKEA before I brought more crap in here.'
'It's not crap, it's literature you uncultured swine!' You jested, sticking your tongue out at him with a giggle. 'Besides, it didn't take me that long to build the thing!'
'Uh huh, sure.' He narrowed his eyes at the wood shelf now stood in his living room, empty beside his own hefty collection of books. He likes to read just as much as you do, there was no way he'd find room for your book collection without the extra storage space. 'Watch it fold like a house o' card as soon as you put a book on it.'
'Are you doubting me, babe?' You bunched up the packaging plastic in your hands for recycling, tucking it in the corner by the door. 'You're too cruel, Kats.'
'Whatever, just go get yer damn books, and take the trash out while you're at it!'
'Yessir Dynamight sir!'
Katsuki rolled his eyes, but welcomed the kiss you pressed to his lips before you left the now shared apartment.
As soon as you were gone, he paused, taking a look at the place. His apartment had always felt...big when he was alone in it, but whenever the squad came over, it felt tiny.
Now, with your rainbow throw pillow on his black leather sofa and that gimmicky flamingo LED lamp your friend bought you on the side table, it felt like just the right size.
He knew he wanted you to move in barely a month after you reconnected. It became a habit for you to meet him at his agency after work every day. You'd grab dinner, or cook at his place as yours was pretty out of the way.
He's still pissed that you were the one to admit your crush on him, granted you'd taken at least three shots of tequila to grow the courage, but still, he doubted any amount of drink would have given him the balls to do what you did.
Ever since then, Katsuki's been determined to be the best damned boyfriend you could ever want, and judging by the fact that you're now moving in with him, he's not been doing a bad job of it.
There are traces of you scattered all over the apartment now, picture frames of your time at UA, many of them decorated by your own hand. Looking at them reminds him of just how many memories the two of you share, how natural it is for you to be part of his life.
'Jesus Christ books are heavy!' You huffed, stumbling through the door with a box so big you couldn't see over it in your arms. 'Thank fuck for my bloody quirk.'
'Here, don't break the damn floorboards, dumbass.' He chuckled, taking the other side of the box and helping you set it down on the floor beside the shelf. 'I think we're gonna need a bigger shelf.'
'Aight, save the shark references for when Kiri's over.' You giggled, eagerly flipping the box open to inhale the smell of books. 'Oooh, we should so organize our books to be all aesthetic!'
'Who the hell's got time for that?!'
'Not us, I guess!' You giggled, pulling out your books to start stacking them away. 'I'll just organize them the way I always do.'
'Why the hell do you put the hardcovers on the top shelf? If they fall on your dumbass you'll get a concussion!'
'But if the paperbacks fall from that high they might get damaged!'
Katsuki rolled his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. 'Priorities, babe, priorities.'
You giggled, standing on your tip-toes to put a book on the top shelf and steal a kiss to his cheek. 'Love it when you call me babe.'
Katsuki flushed pink, averting his eyes from that adorable smile you flashed him, the same smile that could make his heart race. 'Whatever, dork.'
The two of you moved together through the apartment, he let you put on music and work to the sound of the playlist you'd made together.
By the time the sun went down, you're curled up on the sofa together, dishes drip-drying on the rack after Bakugo made a favourite of yours for dinner.
He's scrolling through Youtube on the TV with your head resting on his shoulder, fingers peacefully drumming against your waist while you drifted off.
It doesn't feel new, or exciting, it feels comforting, familiar, your weight nestled into his side like you belonged there. As far as Katsuki's concerned, that's exactly where he wants you to be.
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Mako Mermaids F/Feb Day 8 Grey
Day 8 Grey - Rita/Veridia/Nerissa, 803  words, Rating G
Stormy days were grey days. When the pouring rains and howling winds kept them all shut inside and made surfacing to breathe a dangerous task. Most Mermaids took to their caves and waited it out, safe with their friends and their own little treasures. 
Rita had been one of those Mermaids once, until she came onto land and built her grotto from a dusty old cavern under the house to a literal treasure trove. Treasures, potions, rare fabrics, antiques and anything one could think of to do with the sea.
Sometimes she watched the storms from the safety of the house, watching as the grey clouds engulfed the sky and the Sea mirrored it back, an endless gloom set to swallow the whole world if it was left to its own devices. 
Sometimes she used storms as an excuse to look through her collection. Each storm brought out another old chest she hadn’t looked at in years or sparked up the urge to rearrange and change her displays. She once thought about cataloguing everything but she gave up after she filled the first leather bound tome and had barely scratched the surface on her possessions. 
This newest storm was another opportunity. She’d watched the clouds while she waited for the kettle to boil then retreated down to the grotto where she found Veridia and Nerissa already settled in the lower level. Nerissa lying with her head on Veridia’s lap, the latter sitting closest to the stairs, holding a book in her hands. 
Rita kissed Veridia on the cheek before sipping her tea and deciding which area to start on first.
“Now I feel left out. Everyone’s all paired up but me,” Nerissa joked as she sat up. “Mimmi’s over with Chris, Zac and Evie are at Evie’s house and now you two over here.”
“Aww,” Rita gave Nerissa a gentle kiss on the cheek and lightly cupped her jaw, “Least it gives you time to help with some organising down here while everyone else is busy. Both of you can help.”
“I’m not helping, not after last time. You got annoyed at me for not putting everything back right, I’m going to stay here and read,” Veridia swung her legs up onto the bench in one smooth move, the fabric of her dress rippling like the waves as she did so, “Nerissa do not indulge her either.”
“Nerissa can make up her own mind,” Rita retorted,”and besides, she’s using false facts to get pity.” Rita directed her attention towards the Mermaid in question, “You know you’re one of us Nerissa.”
“If you value your peace and sanity stay here with me,” Veridia warned. 
“How bad can it be?” 
Veridia turned back to her book with a laugh as Nerissa gingerly stood up and followed behind Rita. 
As soon as Rita moved the first target box, it unearthed a cloud of dust almost as big as the storm clouds outside which immediately doused both her and Nerissa near enough head to toe. 
“Veridia was right,” Nerissa coughed, “I never should have helped you.”
Rita just shook the grey dust from her hair. “It’s been a while since this has been moved, a bit of dust is perfectly normal.”
“This is not a bit of dust, this is a literal volcanic ash size pile of dust. It’s all over you and all over me.”
“I warned you two,” Veridia called over, “but Rita never listens and it seems you don’t either Nerissa. Now who’s left out, the only voice of reason left.”
“Hearing her, the voice of reason,” Rita continued brushing dust off before raising her voice to make sure Veridia could also hear, “try getting Ondina to do what you say and then we’ll see who’s the ‘voice of reason’ amongst us.”
“Ondina is perfectly willing to follow instructions,” Veridia said, “the majority of the time.”
“When was the last time she did what you asked? She’s too much like you. Never does as she’s told
“Ondina always does what I ask,” Nerissa added. 
“You’ve got the best friend’s mum thing going on,” Rita replied, “plus Ondina was only here for a week before she left for Shanghai.”
“How about instead of arguing, you two get all that dust cleaned off of you?” Veridia asked. “It’s in both of your hair and all over your clothes and I don’t want it on me.”
“Why not? You’d look cute being all dusty with us,” Rita blew a kiss to Veridia.”
“I’m fine thank you, just clean yourselves up.”
Rita waited until Veridia had gone back to her book before cloaking herself and quietly sneaking up behind the other Mermaid and catching her in a hug. The surprise gave Nerissa enough time to catch Veridia from the front. 
“You two are horrible!”
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loudsnapdragon · 1 year
it's a sex shop fic.
Buy Local: Steve Harrington's Guide to Modern Sexuality
steve/eddie. mature. 49,000 words, 5/5 chapters. background platonic stobin, nancy/jonathan, and robin/vickie. read on ao3 here, loudsnapdragon.
Amid the crotchless lingerie and silicone dildoes that litter the floor of Hawkins’ worst and best and only Adult Store, Steve undergoes a very short, and not very stressful sexuality crisis; Robin fails to lose her virginity; and Eddie refuses to admit why he doesn’t use Grindr. It’s not what Steve expected out of life, definitely not what Steve's dad expected out of his life either, but Steve’s not complaining, well, not until he ends up locked in the stockroom, with nothing more than a bag of genitalia-shaped candy, and a prudish Eddie Munson to keep him entertained, with their least favourite gun-carrying regular tearing apart the merchandise outside.
‘Co-captain’s log, the time is…’ Steve checks his watch. ‘4:47pm, the date is 06/10/23, we are currently locked-’
‘You cannot be serious.’
Steve snaps his head away from the security camera positioned in the high corner of the stock room, scowling at Eddie, who sits jaw-dropped, eyebrows set in a furious line, legs sprawled out on the floor, his elbows wresting on a cardboard box marked Penis-Enhancer 2000.
‘What else am I going to do? Dude, we just have to wait this out. I pressed the panic button. The police will be here soon. Might as well be productive.’
Outside the stock room, there’s a loud thump, a swooping noise, followed by the quiet woosh of air escaping an inflatable. Steve winces. Unlucky Doris.
Eddie pulls at his hair with both hands, his feet bouncing faster. ‘How is that being productive?’
‘It’s how me and Robin pass on notes, don’t be a dick. Just calm down and shut up.’ He turns back round to the camera. ‘It’s the sixth of October, and we are currently locked inside the stock room…’
There’s another bang from outside the stock room, the sound of Rodney’s muffled cursing, then a shelf falling over, a clattering of small boxes hitting the floor. Steve silently mourns his beautifully organised DVD displays.
Eddie clumsily jumps up onto his long legs, belt chains clanking on the cement floor, knocking over a box of skin rags in the process, starting to pace manically around Steve. ‘We’ve gotta do something! He has a gun.’
Steve shrugs from the floor. ‘It’s just Rodney.’
‘It’s just Rodney? How can you be so chill? He’s tearing your store apart!’
Steve rolls his eyes, giving up on his captain’s log. ‘Dude, this is like the third time this has happened to me. I don’t really care anymore. Ms. Scarlet has insurance, she’ll be fine.’
From the sounds of it, Doris will be the only casualty, which is a shame, Steve had grown quite fond of the inflatable sex doll.
read more under the cut.
Eddie stops his frantic circling around the six-foot square space. ‘This store has been robbed two times already?’
‘Oh, I dunno, probably, Ms. Scarlet seems prepared, but the other robberies weren’t here.’ Steve yanks Eddie down by the shins, because he just can’t deal with the unnecessary panic right now. ‘That was at Scoops.’
‘Who the fuck does a stick-up at an ice cream parlour?’ Eddie says, confused, which is good, maybe if he’s distracted, he’ll give up with the fretting. He settles beside Steve, leather pants tacky as he wraps his arms around his knees, feet still bouncing.
‘Two guys who massively overestimated the value of vanilla milkshakes.’ Steve says, planting a hand on Eddie’s thigh to stop it shaking, only resulting in Eddie striking it off with a scowl.
Steve laughs, ‘Oh, I forgot there was a robbery at Family Video too, but I wasn’t working that day. And there was this car chase at the drive through, same day that me and Robin got locked in overnight, but that was just the kids messing with us.’
Eddie skews his eyes. ‘Dustin?’
‘Nah, not him. Will and Mike.’
‘Will?’ Eddie asks, tilting his head, surprised. ‘I mean Mike, sure. But Will? I did not expect that for him.’
‘He’s a schemer when he wants to be. He got pissy when I refused to give them free milkshakes on their big date. He pickpocketed the building keys off Robin when she wasn’t paying attention.’
Eddie smiles, feet slowly stilling. ‘Good for him. The boy deserves some mischief.’
‘Easy for you to say.’ Steve scoffs. ‘We’d just finished a ten-hour shift. I was exhausted. Have you ever been forced to make an emergency bed out of hamburger buns? Have you?’
Eddie’s eyes glint in the stock room’s dim light, and he laughs as he fiddles with his hair, curled round his finger, long line of his neck white and gleaming; and Steve considers, not for the first time, there’s danger here, in the trapped box of a stockroom. They’re locked there, their phones lying dead and smashed behind the door, waiting until the police arrive as Steve’s least favourite regular throws a weaponised hissy fit outside.
‘Be honest, was that the worst place you’ve ever fallen asleep?’ Eddie asks, with a knowing lilt.
Steve sighs, smiles despite it. ‘Obviously not. The worst place was last night.’
‘Last night?’
‘Yeah. I swear, my Grindr date’s bed was stuffed full of rocks.’
Eddie laughs, throwing his head back, opens his mouth to speak, stops at the sound of a bullet pinging off the stock room door.
Steve turns to it, bolted from the inside. There’s another bang, a loud crash, then presumably what must be Rodney chuckling to himself.
Steve glances over at the screen with the different security camera views by the light switch, where all the store’s cameras are still very much covered in the silly string Rodney brought along, pink and orange lines dripping over the three of the four views, the fourth one just a grey-scale square in the corner, showing Steve and Eddie hauled up in the stockroom, looking like off-duty actors caught behind the scenes. 
Eddie starts biting his lip so hard it’s going bright red. ‘Fuck. Fuck. He has a gun! Steve, he has a gun!’
Steve pats his shoulder. ‘The door is like, titanium, or something. Ms. Scarlet says it’s bulletproof.’
‘Thank God.’ Eddie exhales, raises his hand to cover Steve’s, skin on skin, then a second later, blushes, and shakes it away. Steve can’t help but smirk.
‘This never happened upstairs, we’ve never had a robbery.’ 
‘Huh. I woulda’ thought a vape store would get tonnes of this shit.’
‘No.’ Eddie says, his legs practically hovering off the floor. ‘Not once. Never had it at the record store either.’
‘Was the record store your only other job?’ Steve asks, trying to find a conversation that will take Eddie’s mind of the madman outside. Probably rude to call Rodney a madman, like he’s an asshole, obviously, but it’s not his fault he has a couple screws loose.
‘Yeah, yeah. Only other legal job.’ Eddie says, unravelling his legs, almost relaxing. ‘Started working there at sixteen, stayed there four years. Then it closed, and… well… you know how my move to the city went after that. But shit man, I can still remember how bummed I was when Andy said he was going to sell the place.’
‘I get it, fucking pain in my ass when Family Video closed.’ Steve says, ‘And Scoops, and Benny’s, and Holloway Press, and Merrill’s farm, and the library, and…’
‘Christ.’ Eddie interrupts. He does that all the time. ‘How many jobs have you had? How did ya’ even get all them?’
Steve doesn’t try counting, he’d need his resume to know for sure. ‘Robin’s good at applications.’
Eddie snorts. ‘You get Robin to apply for all your jobs?’
‘Yeah. We’re a package team, she’s not going anywhere I can’t follow.’
‘Cute.’ Eddie rests his chin in his hand, elbow on his only-slightly shaky knee. ‘Soo how did you end up here? At this wonderful, titanium protected, sex emporium? She sent in an application for you both?’
Steve kicks out his legs and raises his eyebrows. The door remains shut, the barrage of Rodney’s destruction filtering through the cracks.
‘Actually, that was all me.’
Hawkins has always been a shit hole, but in the years following Steve and Robin’s consecutive high school graduations, it’s become an all-encompassing shit crater; a chasm devouring and destroying all hope for the few youths that remain in their backwash hometown. Every local store closing, most of the big businesses vacating, Family Video first, but hey, can’t blame them. Personally, Steve blames Netflix, streaming is killing the little guys, people just don’t appreciate a good DVD these days.
Benny’s drive through-was the saddest closure, but the man was just retiring early, couldn’t be assed competing with the McDonalds down the highway. Steve didn’t really give a shit when the newspaper stopped printing, other than losing out on that sweet dental insurance and his last pay cheque. Tom Holloway, the rat bastard, still owes him $558. But Nancy was real torn up, practically mourning the local paper, had a very detailed argument explaining why late-stage capitalism was murdering independent journalism, which Steve failed to keep up with, too busy trying to surreptitiously text Robin under the diner table, asking her if she had any luck with their application at Walmart.
Robin is forging an escape route, halfway done at the community college in the town over, but she’s still bunking with her parents, still pretending to be dating Steve to survive scrutinising questions at weekly family meals; saving up cash for the fancy, probably single sex dorm rooms at whatever stupid, liberal arts school on the East Coast she’ll eventually run away to. Yes, Steve is bitter about her plans to move away, but never enough to try to stop her. So, for now, they still spend their weekends together, driving the pot-holed roads and empty streets, past the burnt-out crisp of Starcourt mall and the bug infested corn fields, singing along to the cheesy local radio stations, and gossiping about all the other losers still clinging on to their hometown by their fingernails.
They’re both very experienced, very bored, and very, very desperate for cash; like most other twenty somethings stuck in the Midwest; and with the rent on the tiny apartment in Steve’s shabby complex only getting higher, and the scholarships Robin’s applying to only getting more competitive; their desperate job hunting driving around the edges of Hawkins eventually leads to the sign-less warehouses just past the town boundary, where the sidewalk stops, the windows are painted black, and the posters promise: a clean and confidential experience.
Robin slams the car door after jumping out the passenger seat. Steve scowls, and she huffs, before gently petting the door and cooing. He accepts this apology on his Beamer’s behalf with a tight-lipped nod.
She twitches her nose as she looks up and down the strip. ‘Steve, are you sure about this?’
‘Not really, but hey? Can’t do any harm.’
A literal tumbleweed rolls over their feet. A crow caws from its stoop on a rickety drainpipe. A barefoot woman in a massive trench coat stumbles out the back entrance of the farthest warehouse, lighting her cigarette, pushing away her silver wig to glare at them over a cloud of smoke.
‘I’m feeling like it could do some harm.’
‘We could do worse.’ He says, ‘Come on.’
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Leo x Xena
(Pre-established relationship)
I half proof read this as I again had no sleep and work had slightly taken my soul but pls Enjoy~
The concert
The pit was changed into a makeshift stage, the first band was setting up with their sound check echoing throughout the arena like room as the crowd spilled into the place. The bar set up at the back of the room had a huge queue and Xena was starting to lose hope on the promise of beer that Sho and Leo swore they’d obtain for her if she came tonight.
Not that she needed much convincing but it was nice to get something out of an already favourable venture. Plus it was an excuse to dress up as Darkwick finally got her clothes, it’s only took a month but she could’ve kissed the ground the agents walked on when one of them delivered the box of clothing. Tonight she was wearing a black knitted cami with a long red plaid skirt, it had chains attached all around the waist and she finally was able to wear her chunky black boots. She had her black leather jacket on and thick eyeliner and red eyeshadow. She felt more comfortable now that she was finally in her own clothes, wearing the same uniform was torturous especially when she had to wash it every other day just to ensure she had something to actually wear. The fact that on the same week she got her clothes back, vagastrom was hosting a punk event, starring their very own band The Honkies and a mortkranken band call The Scapel Brothers was even more of a plus, she was slightly annoyed that the highlight of her week was getting her own clothes so she’s glad she had something exciting to look forward too. Apparently both bands were quite heavy and had a very electric vibe, Sho said he saw them practicing and they were insanely good. She looked around the place and saw that even the walls had been decorated in band posters and new spray paintings fitting with the theme, she even spotted some of Alan’s art dotted around the place. She was so distracted taking in the new sights of the usually bloody area that she missed the whispered argument of Sho and Leo, an argument that Leo seemed to win (as usual).
“Oi, honor roll Sho’s going to get the drinks, we’ll go claim our spot before someone else steals it.”
Sho just frowned and shook his head as he headed to the dreaded queue muttering to himself as he threw one last glare at Leo before throwing a small smile Xena’s way.
Leo grabbed onto Xena’s hand excitedly as she tilted her head in confusion, he stepped closer to her as he sighed rolling his eyes dramatically as she watched him with a blank face.
“You weren’t listening to a thing we were saying were you Xe?”
He started fiddling with a strand of her hair twirling it around his finger sighing as she shook her head to signal ‘no’.
“We have a spot reserved for us since I basically organised the whole event, ya know it wasn’t eassssssssy~ Enaaa don’t you think I did well~~”
She was still thrown off by the nicknames and how friendly he’s been lately, but it was entertaining watching him try to get a rise out of her. It’s become a weird cat and mouse game for the both of them to see who will crack first.
She let out a small huff as she squeezed his hand.
“It looks insane Leo, you’ve done a good job-I’m actually really excited for tonight, it looks like it’s gonna be loads of fun and it’ll be because you did such a good job and you look hot doing it”
She said it in the bluntest voice and with the straightest face, where anyone else would think she was being sarcastic, Leo’s features turned into that of the cat who’s got the cream, a delighted smile and eyes glittering in praise as he unconsciously rubbed circles onto Xena’s hand. He had a slight blush as he tugged her to follow him, she had to admit he looked good tonight aswell, he was wearing a black bomber jacket with a yellow cropped jumper and black distressed cargos, he had a fishnet tank top underneath and his usual headphones around his neck. He did have some white eyeshadow on as well which made his golden eyes pop even more, he looked stunning really.
They dodged and weaved through the crowd and she tried to keep up as he led her to the left side of the pit, she could see a red rope cornering off a section that was beautifully decorated with different graffiti art and a big bold poster of the Honkies. The area had a couple of chairs and tables and there wasn’t anyone else there besides Alan who was scowling at the crowd, Leo just waved energetically at him as they passed by, she nodded as a greeting at Alan who returned the favour.
He finally let go off her hand, chucking his phone to her as he started to pose in front of the Honkies poster, she immediately started snapping photos used to the routine of playing the part of photographer- following along with Leo as he changed his background to the graffiti art, which now she’s closer she can see it’s been made into a zombie doctor holding a scalpel as he was dining into a brain.
“You look different Xena, did you dress for the event.”
Alan stood slightly behind her as he watched the imprompt photo shoot. His arms folded as he closed off the VIP section.
“These are my normal clothes, Darkwick finally decided it’s time to give the uniform a rest-at least on non-school days.”
Alan made a thoughtful noise as he silently continued to watch them, which seemed to irritate Leo for some reason, Xena didn’t really understand why. Alan was about to say something else but found himself cut off before he could even begin by the disgruntled Leo.
“Himbo, instead of standing around how bout you make yourself useful and help Sho, I told him to get extra drinks so he won’t have to go back to the bar again~”
He scowled at Alan as he shooed him away.
Alan just sighed as he turned to make his way to the bar.
“You know he didn’t even want the concert Xe?! I had to announce it on Instagram so he couldn’t reject it and now he’s just standing about in VIP as if he was all about it.”
Leo was by her side again frowning as he leaned into her checking through the photos and picking out his favourites, satisfied with his picks he turned his attention to xena.
“Okay now you.”
“Now me what?”
She furrowed her brow at him as he pushed her towards the poster.
She awkwardly stood in front of the poster as still as a statue, her face in the same position as usual. •_•
Leo grinned as he smashed the camera button as much as he could seeming to enjoy taking photos of the awkward girl.
The band was finally doing instrumental sound check as the crowd finally seemed to finish filing in, it was jam packed and Xena was actually quite glad for the VIP area. After what seemed like eternity the sounds of the drums beating through the room saved her from having any more photos being taken as they begun their last sound check.
Leo came back to her side, watching excitedly as the vocalist spoke into the mic.
“Test one…”
“Test two…”
It was Xena’s turn to lean into Leo as she watched excitedly (inwardly) as the band readied themselves. Leo himself was starting to feel even more excited for his plan. That was until the fender let out the cursed awful shriek, xena winced at the amp fault, the sound so awful she almost missed the perfectly timed small whimper that emitted from Leo.
The key word being almost.
She turned towards him worry filling her eyes as Leo had both hands over his ears, she tugged at his sleeve guiding him over to wear the armchairs are. Her plan was to sit him down and chuck his headphones on to help block out the noise around them and contact Sho to grab some painkillers before the show started.
Instead, she found herself trapped between the Honkies poster and Leo who took the opportunity to guide her there as she tried to lead him to the chairs.Leo currently had his face hidden in her neck and arms snaked around her waist hidden underneath jacket. Her hands were frozen against her side as her usually non chalant face was a furious bright red. Her heart beat was practically leaping out her chest as she slowly wrapped her arms around his neck, fiddling with strands of hair as she used her other hand to rub circles in his neck. She felt him say something against her shoulder but couldn’t quite make it out as he tightened his own grip rubbing circles into her back.
He sighed contently as he snuggled further into her listening to the furious heartbeat that threatened to break through her chest. He’s glad his face was hidden right now as a smirk made its way onto his face, everything was going according to plan as Xena attempted to soothe the falsely pained Leo.
She knew he was sensitive to sounds and that migraines sometimes infiltrated and broke him down a bit but this time he was prepared. He had taken pain killers before to ensure it was only a dull headache that’ll attack him tonight. He wanted to see a flustered Xena tonight and he knew she was weak to him in moments like this as he had tested it in the previous weeks watching as she doted on him whenever he acted up or had an actual migraine. Plus add on the pity of a migraine at an event he made sure to emphasise how much he was looking forward too and dedicated so much time planning and Xena’s own good mood, it was a combo for a successful mission.
He wanted a picture of a flustered Xena but now as she played with his hair and the smell of citrus and leather surrounded him he found himself to not really care that much about getting a picture of Xena blushing and found himself trying to figure out how to drag this moment out as much as he could~ though the picture of the two of them up against the Honkies poster would surely be a hit on Instagram.
He hoped Sho came back in time to get the photo, he could hear her heart starting to balance out though it was still drumming like she just drunk six extra strong coffees.
“Leo, do you want me to get you some pain killers or should we put your headphones on? I think they’re about to sta-“
He cut her off as he let out a loud whine, he didn’t want her to move away and although he enjoyed her soothing voice he didn’t want her to get away.He pulled her even closer as he could practically hear her blood rushing more to her cheeks. She slid her hand into his hair as she gave him a slight head massage, he melted into her nearly purring at how good it felt.
He could hear the music start and sighed as he turned off his stigma, not wanting to be deafened by the band itself.
“Oh! Sho and Alan are here…”
Xena murmured into his ear making him slightly shiver as she tried to wiggle away. He finally lifted his head up as he came face to face with the blushing Xena, it only got worse for her as she quickly tried to cover her cheeks as she saw the shit eating grin covering Leo’s face. He slid his hands away from her waist as he pressed her further into the wall placing his hands either side of her head as he leaned down, he was so close that their noses were brushing. Xena let out a short gasp as they two stared into each others eyes, Leo took one of her hands off her cheek and replaced it with his own. He was about to lean in closer but he felt something grab the back of his collar harshly pulling him back as a beer was held out in front of his face.
“Oi, You can only have one cause of the painkillers earlier-senpai I got you three beers so you don’t have to leave the area…”
Xena quickly recovered as her face swiftly went back to the blank mask it usually was, though there was still a pink dusting littering her face as she took the cup from Alan who stood very awkwardly behind Sho as he avoided both Leo and Xenas faces. He seemed almost flustered at catching the two almost kiss whereas Sho was just exasperated, he pulled Leo closer to him glaring as he did.
“You can’t kiss her just to fluster her and win some bet dude.”
Leo scoffed as he took a sip of his drink, Sho can be so stupid sometimes obviously he had an intricate plan, the almost kiss was just something of the moment and an added bonus and now to make matters worse she must’ve heard Sho announce that he already prepped for the threat of a migraine and thus didn’t actually need to be doing all that.
“Did you even get the pics of us?”
He ignored Shos disapproval and held his hand out expectantly, he glanced over at Xena who was standing beside Alan, the two of them enjoying the music that had easily become background music for Leo.
Sho sighed as he handed his phone over watching the Cheshire grin take over Leo’s face as he saw the assortment of photos taken, he was taken aback though as that Cheshire grin turned gentler as he scrolled through the pictures of the two of them cuddling. He sent practically every single one to himself as he commandeered Sho’s phone. He was already posting the best ones to his gram thanking his girlfriend for taking care of him in his time of need. Sho rolled his eyes as Leo threw his phone back to him already making a beeline back to Xena, who had already seemed to forgive Leo for his plan.
The two have had this weird flirtationship since they attempted to kill her, xena calling them out on it after the mission was over. She was so blunt about he thought she was joking at first until she just stared •_• until they responded~ well more like he responded and Leo just made bitchy comments, only to receive comments thrown back at him by Xena.
Leo found it fun trying to figure out how to get her to properly react, as they realised she didn’t even react properly when she almost died. She went along with their plans and entertained Leo in his attempts, most of the time it seemed she enjoyed spending time with them though it would’ve been hard for them to notice originally but now that they know her more, it’s a lot easier to tell the difference between the blank faces.
His annoyance slowly drifted away to amusement as he watched Leo wrap himself around Xena again, using her shoulder to lean his head on as he started to pay attention to the actual band, he wrapped his arms around her and Sho couldn’t help the smirk that took over him as he watched a small smile take over Xena’s face, he couldn’t tell who was more smitten.
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drreamgirls · 10 months
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full name:  Mizumi Uzui (Caddel) nicknames:  Mizu gender: genderfluid  female sexuality: lesbian pronouns:  she/her aesthetics: I'm only happy when I am on the run, I don't belong to anyone; turns herself into a weapon; the smell of gunpowder and whiskey on the tongue, distant thunder crackling like electricity, blood on your lips,  the soundless running of fingers through her lover’s hair in the dark, a woman held underwater, screaming. age:  30 date of birth: December 21 zodiac sign:  sagittarius residence:  manhattan occupation:  boxing / Kendo instructor (in reality: paid assassin involved in various underground illegal organisations)
faceclaim: Mylène Jampanoï height:  1,78 ethnicity: half japanese, half American. build:  toned and muscled, tall and very athletic. biceps all hard with muscle and legs for days eyes: blue hair:  dark brown / wolfcut (wears her hair cropped short) piercings:  0 tattoos:  an X mark and 3 dots on her forearm / sprawling tiger tat on her back style:  excessively masculine, jeans, sleek black suits and white shirts, tank tops and sports bras with low cut jeans. shades on all the time, day and night, leather jackets, combat boots. voice: very deep and rough, like smoking bourbon and thunder.
traits:  ruthless, unpleasant, bitter, unfriendly, angry 80 per cent of the time. cold, stoic and sarcastic. doesn't give a fuck about you or what you think. loyal. selfish. obsessive. unpredictable. sharply witty and funny. mental health: completely obsessive. major anger issues. physical health:  always bruised up for some reason... (reasons in her bio) likes: music, boxing/kendo/swords/guns. sports. extreme sports. motorcycles and she only rides japanese bikes. dislikes:  talking to people. cooking. fears:  failure phobias:  fire hobbies:  Kendo, fencing, working out, motorbikes skills:  she is extremely athletic. skilled with guns and swords; kendo and box are her lifeline. speaks several languages. quirks:  Always wears her shades even when it's dark outside, she'll take them with her; does not drink. does not smoke. perpetually snarling. pet peeves:  people.
ice cream flavour: she doesn't like ice cream. she likes lemon sorbet. time of the day / night:  night weather:  fog breakfast food:  hot tea and rice dinner food:  ramen or soba. probably instant unless her girl cooks colours:  blue and black songs:  Paul Wallen feat. Gigi Nally - Smells Like Teen Spirit
other random stuff:
a cherished item:  the amethyst ring isabelle (her partner) gave her. her mother's silk blue scarf which she has given to isabelle. usual mood: pissed off 1 thing they want to do / experience before they die: hurt the people who hurt her family defining moments:  her mother's violent death/murder / her house burning down / losing her entire life in the blink of an eye. & meeting her girfriend.
full name:  Isabelle Annesley nicknames:  Belle & Elle gender:  female pronouns:  she/her aesthetics: a venus fly trap closing around its prey, lipstick stains on your collar, leaving red kisses and confusion everywhere you go, watching dusk break into dawn from the small of your window, a lingering whiff of expensive perfume, cold hands, needing perfection, the way light hits cascading velvet. the desperate search for love. age:  28 date of birth: 17/11 zodiac sign:  scorpio residence:  staten island  (in a small flat) occupation:  photographer / part-time waitress
faceclaim:  janet montgomery height:  1,68 build:  slim & delicate, she did ballet growing up but hasn't in years eyes: black, bright, tender eyes hair:  long full ebony curls that she's recently cut a bit shorter piercings:  just her ears tattoos:  stars on her wrist style:  jeans & silk shirts, layered necklaces, excessively tightened belts, thigh high boots, loose frothy shirts. always silver and not gold.
traits:  spiteful, vindictive, arrogant, extremely neurotic, sacrastic / exceedingly witty, charming, loving, passionate. pride issues. easily provoked & annoyed. mysterious & aloof mental health:  hanging in there in spite of the fierce stress of it all. her photography cures her crippling, strange melancholia. the kind of girl to say she's okay when she's not because no one will see her be anything less than perfectly strong & poised. daddy issues galore. quite depressed. physical health:  feeling kind of perpetually tired. likes:  photography, painting, art, the sunset, her sister; car rides with her listening to music, trips to the beach in the winter where everything is quiet and grey-silver and they can read and light a fire and be at peace. dislikes  everything that does not mean something to her. people. liars. lack of control over every aspect of her life. fears:  death, loneliness, loss phobias:  deep water & the dark (she always sleeps with some kind of light shining faintly somewhere in her room) hobbies:  she likes to paint and work with ceramics. her photography of course. skills:  being able to open a beer bottle with her teeth, of course. (photography, painting, enduring Fools and their Stupidity. Exceptional at pool and an amazing kisser.) quirks:  Always wears her mother's amethyst ring; can smell her before you see or hear her: she smells extremely deliciously. Short-tempered, especially when irritated. Almost never wears a bra. Perpetual smirk. Smokes menthol cigs. pet peeves:  people. more seriously; people who are one-uppers. loud voices. Lack of an Oxford comma. Justice for the Oxford comma!
mother dead in a car accident / father absent, has disappeared & made himself a new family, a second chance at getting it right / she's got a 12 year old sister (Chloe) whom she's been raising after turning 18 & adores / much loved aunt (dad's side, who had been the proverbial scapegoat of the Annesley family) who helps as much as she can.
ice cream flavour:  strawberry & vanilla time of the day / night:  night weather:  moody rain to match her soul breakfast food:  black coffee with cream, no sugar dinner food:  dessert colours:  black & white songs:  bang bang - Nancy Sinatra
other random stuff:
a cherished item:  her mom's old vintage camera & her mom's amethyst ring usual mood: apathetically impassive and detached. Sufferer of chronic, resting bitch face. Optimistic despite all appearances. 1 thing they want to do / experience before they die: to be important to someone (surprise surprise). A family. defining moments:  her mother's death, her father's absence, becoming her sister's guardian, moving to New York hoping for something better for the both of them and to be near her aunt.
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coinofshiver · 10 months
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work will always come before everything else in dent's life . he is so committed and so confident that he can make a difference in gotham that if anything , or anyone for that matter , tries to get between him and his mission to rescue the city from corruption , they'll be met with hostility . dent has grown so used to seeing blackmail , bribery , bullying and intimidation run rampant around his workplace that he doesn't really fully trust anyone . so , even simple advice suggesting that he should slow down or not get involved in certain cases , will be met with resistance --- in his mind , the only reason anyone would want him to stop is because they either don't care about the city or have more insidious intentions .
it is not uncommon for harvey to do late nights or to take his work home . no significant adult relationship can flourish in the depths of his carpeted office . few friends are available to sit and watch him type out documents for hours while trying to maintain a conversation in-between paragraphs . although he is good at socialising and seems confident in his interactions with others , harvey is bad at maintaining relationships that aren't somehow connected to his work .
his office is emptied of personality ; he hasn't taken the time to decorate any part of it ( unless a small wall calendar titled great american architecture counts as decoration ) . he's got an old but comfy leather chair , a computer that might need updating and a trashcan usually filled with emptied paper cups . the only thing that you might find interesting about dent's workspace is that his desk usually looks quite organised . clean , emptied of junk , impeccable . but under it hide dozens of boxes overflowing with paperwork . harvey's drawers also have a system that only he seems to be able to navigate through . beneath that organised façade , chaos waits .
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tiffanylamps · 2 years
👀Gimme. Fruit bowl. Also not truly one!!vampires!!!!👀
ayyyyyyyyyooooo, you happen to choose two wips that involve eating lol wip list
So, fruit bowl/you hungry thing (I think I've spoken to you about it in the past) is a post-canon jwds porn without much plot oneshot. Dong Sik moves to the lake house and Joo Won is helping him organise,,,,,, annnnnd they get hungry 🤷‍♀️ (basically, it's just jwds eating well lol)
Dong Sik tuts. “That won’t do. What kind of host would I be if I allowed you to move all these boxes for me, then let you leave on an empty stomach?” Joo Won pauses by the couch, his ever-curious fingers grazing the blanket that is folded over the armrest. “I didn’t move all the boxes by myself.” Dong Sik finds himself smiling, as he often does when Joo Won is around. “Hm, I suppose,” he nods in agreement. “But you’re still helping me move house and that deserves thanks.” Before the inspector can fathom a silly counterargument, Dong Sik retreats back to the modest kitchen in the lakeside house he (as of this afternoon) now calls his full-time home. He doesn’t need to look up to know Joo Won has followed him to the comforts of the boundary line. “We don’t have much, but I think I have some fruit to keep us going. Later, I could order something in, there’s a restaurant nearby that delivers.” Joo Won leans against the archway with his arms crossed over his broad chest and Dong Sik can feel the weight of his reluctance melting away into a sweet caramel. He hums in agreement and watches as Dong Sik fumbles through unorganised cupboards, trying to find the bag of fruit he haphazardly stashed away earlier that day. “You’ll like the selection I got,” Dong Sik shares with a sly smile, casting a glance to Joo Won over his shoulder, all before retreating a fruit bowl from a cardboard box, with the words “fragile” and “glass” written in Joo Won’s neat handwriting on the side. He carries the bag of fruit inside the freshly rinsed bowl, and can’t help but note that the young inspector doesn’t move when Dong Sik walks past him. He doesn’t even seem to mind that their shoulders brush.
aaaaaand for our vampy campy boys, i'll give you the beginning of chapter 2. It's the wip that has my main focus at the moment, but I'm struggling to write, so it's taking its time.
There’s a congregation of gasps and a chair leg squeaks. Joo Won's heels strike the ballroom floor with repetitive taps as he hurries away from his dancing partner. He darts towards the lobby with one mission, one goal, one thing that holds paramount importance over the rest: that smile and the man it belongs to. His heart is pumping, racing, throbbing as he ducts between party guests and champagne flutes. The dizzying heights of this adrenaline rush pulsates a thrumming ache through his racing body. He knows what he saw. He just needs to prove it. In the distance, back to all those yesteryears on the dance floor, a voice echoes his name. It pierces the air, reminiscent of the hook cutting through the water to find its prey beneath the rippling surface. But Joo Won refuses to be reeled in, so he struggles against the tide and swims his way upstream. The lobby is a grand portrait of the golden hues of a Klimt masterpiece. There, in the not-too-far distance, amongst the half-drunk-half-asleep party guests, there is a distinctive bob of raven curls. The man- no, the thing he saw earlier is making its way towards the elevators. Joo Won will have to be quick to catch up; lucky for him, he earned top marks in his training for judo, fencing, gunmanship, and sparring. So, with his strength and experience, he picks up the pace and despite the ever-deafening tapping of his Italian leather dress shoes, he breaks out into a sprint. “Stop!” He shouts out, his voice electric in a sea of sleep. The… thing he is pursuing does not so much as flinch when his voice bellows, hitting the high ceiling of the lobby before it bounces back down to shock everyone else awake. He merely, simply, casually, steps into the elevator and does not even deign Joo Won the decency of looking back as the doors close.
there you go!!! a cheeky lil insight to what I'm passively working on 😊
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nari-writes · 1 year
Bruce is well aware of Eurydice and Orpheus when he decides to go to Georgia.
Constantine says the "energy of communal belief increases the potency of spells" but considering Jason would not be with the devil and they're trying to invoke the underworld and not hell, Bruce is sure Constantine is fucking with him.
He goes to Georgia anyway. He goes to Georgia and thinks about Jason's memory following every step, the literary analysis of Orpheus as a metaphor for grief - that it was impossible to ignore Eurydice, as impossible as it is to avoid running into memories of Jason.
He is not a good enough musician to win over Persephone. He is not a good enough father to convince Hades.
He goes to Georgia anyway. Constantine meets him there, looking sweaty and annoyed, shoulders hunched in his trench coat.
"You could wear something befitting the weather," Bruce says mildly, when he picks Constantine up from the airport. He's in a full suit, and Constantine eyes him with distaste.
"Mate, you coulda decided to let the dead stay dead."
No. Not in this instance. Not when Jason deserves better. Elysium can wait - he should have had more time, to live and love and eat and read and go to school.
"The leylines in the area largely converge in public spaces," he says instead, "but I've organised to rent out a local park for tomorrow and the day after. You'll be able to set up today and erase any magical traces tomorrow without interruption." Bruce smiles, just a hint of Brucie in case anyone's watching as they pull up to a stoplight, "The city was very accommodating."
"I'm sure they were," Constantine says, "what with the amount of money you probably chucked at 'em. Did you organise my-"
"Your fee will be handled by Alfred," he interrupts smoothly, before Constantine can start griping. "Once you've finished setting up and shown me how to get through, it's half, and when Jason is back, the rest."
Constantine gets out a box of cigarettes, then freezes in the act of pulling one out. He's looking at the dashboard, clean leather, at the frown pulling at Bruce's mouth, a miniscule downturn, and pushes the cigarette back into the box.
They are not the same cigarettes that Jason used to nick from Alley girls. The sight of the box still makes Bruce remember finding Jason against his favourite gargoyle, the little red star between his fingers the only illumination.
Bruce is well aware that he will not be well-recieved in the Underworld. He's hoping to get an audience and bargain from there, but the amount of aimless souls who'll cling to Batman may make it difficult to have privacy, and privacy is all he wants when he's begging for his son to have life. If he gets his audience with Hades and Persephone, it will not be a quiet meeting with a King and a Queen, but an open amphitheatre filled with external judgement. The thought of standing in an audience of spirits, under the eyes of two gods and a thousand dead, all of them wondering why he's only come back for one-
And knowing that if his bargain works, he'll have to listen to them, angry and grieving and longing for another to come below and do as he did. Joining the audience, but forever known as a previous performer. Does Dick feel like that, when he watches a show? Hating and wanting the stage in equal measure? For what it gave and what it took? He is sacrificing Batman, and with it, Gotham and the good he's done with the League, and he doesn't know if it will be enough.
Dick will be mad he's not coming home. Alfred will be mad at the will, at burying another member of the Wayne family, at Bruce. They wouldn't have wanted him to leave Gotham, if they'd known his plan. They'll both be mad and grateful and grieve, and Jason will be back.
He goes to Georgia anyway.
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vimalb-blog · 2 years
SYGA Faux Leather Finish 3 Slot Cavity Wrist Watch Storage Box Display Case Organizer with Glass Window (Black)
Price: (as of – Details) Features: and Great texture and delicate designHolds 3 watches on individual removable cushioned pillows. Pillows can be removed to make room for other accessories.Contemporary brown Faux Leather box with white contrast stitch detailing.Soft cream suede interior with individual cushioned pillows protect your watches against scratches.Keep your watch collection organised,…
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Jewelry Organizer Market 2022 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2030
Jewelry Organizer Market size stood at USD 171.04 Million in 2020 and is projected to reach USD 990.51 million by the end of 2030 exhibiting a CAGR of 19.2% over the forecast period of 2021 to 2030.
The Jewelry organiser is a box, compact packet or a structure which is used to keep Jewelry safe and easily accessible. It is useful for storing bracelets, rings and various other products in one place. It is very popular since it helps increase the shelf life and shine of expensive Jewelry from debris, dust, and other harmful factors.
 Shopkeepers prefer to have a Jewelry organiser since it aids in increasing anti-theft protection for costly Jewelry items.
Global Jewelry Organizer Market: Market Dynamics
Anti-Theft Properties of Jewelry Organisers to Aid in the Market Growth:
A Jewelry organiser helps in organising the Jewelry items in a neat and tidy way. It is very useful for common people to keep the Jewelry needed, tide and clean. It also helps increase the shelf life and shine of the expensive Jewelry from debris, dust and other harmful factors.
 Shopkeepers prefer to have the Jewelry organiser in their shop since it offers anti-theft protection to the costly Jewelry items. Due to demand from the market, the key market players are offering advanced security options in Jewelry organisers, such as digital code locks and manual code locks. These factors are expected to accelerate the global Jewelry organiser market growth over the forecasting period.
 Rising Demand for Luxury Jewelry and e-commerce Penetration to Fuel the Market Growth:
 The Jewelry organiser is available in various shapes, sizes, and patterns. Among all the designs, the flat Jewelry organisers are highly favoured in the stores, as it takes less space and easily fit in the crowded closets.
 Continued progression in fashion and media influence has affected people’s choices about Jewelry . The demand for luxury Jewelry is on the rise, resulting. The Jewelry organiser market is projected to witness exponential growth over the forecast period.
 During the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries were under forced lockdown to avoid contamination. During Lockdown time, people’s choices about shopping drastically altered. People started to give more preference to online shopping, which increased e-commerce penetration in the market.
 Alteration in people’s shopping habits and penetration of e-commerce industries aid the Jewelry organiser’s market growth.
Request a sample copy of Jewelry Organizer Market:- https://wemarketresearch.com/sample-request/jewelry-organizer-market/137/
Global Jewelry Organizer Market: Segmentations
Top Key Players:-
·        Ellis James Designs
·        Jackcube, Inc
·        Umbra Ltd.
·        SONGMICS
·        Love-KANKEI
·        Parshwa Padmavati Industries
·        Glenor Co
·        Gunther Mele Limited
·        Westpack A/S
·        Finer Packaging Ltd
·        Jep Pads
·        JPB Jewellery Box Company
·        Kling GmbH, Nile Corp
·        Stockpak
·        The Jewelry Tray & Pad Co
·        The Jewelry Tray Factory
By Material
• Metal
• Glass
• Leather
• Paper
• Wood
The glass segment is anticipated to witness significant progression over the projected timeline as glass is generally regarded as a fully sustainable element and hence can act as an ideal material for eco-friendly jewelry organizers.
 By Product Type
• Hanging Jewelry Organizers
• Jewelry Armories
• Watch Boxes & Cases
• Jewelry Boxes
• Necklace
• Ring
• Bracelet
• Watch
• Others
 By Distribution Channel
• Supermarkets & Hypermarkets
• Retail Stores
• Club Stores
• E-Commerce
• Others
The e-commerce segment is poised to capture a high market share over 2022-2030 attributing to rising adoption of smart devices and increasing internet penetration worldwide.
 By End Users
• Business to Business
• Business to Consumer
The business to consumer segment is projected to register notable gains over the estimated timeline due to rising customer inclination towards antique ornaments.
Purchase Global Jewelry Organizer Market Research Report:- https://wemarketresearch.com/purchase/jewelry-organizer-market/137/?license=single
Table of Contents
1. Global Jewelry Organizer Market Introduction and Market Overview
2. Global Jewelry Organizer Market - Executive Summary
3. Jewelry Organizer Market Trends, Outlook, and Factors Analysis
4. Global Jewelry Organizer Market: Estimates & Historic Trend Analysis (2018 to 2021)
5. Global Jewelry Organizer Market Estimates & Forecast Trend Analysis, by Deployment
6. Global Jewelry Organizer Market Estimates & Forecast Trend Analysis, by Component
7. Global Jewelry Organizer Market Estimates & Forecast Trend Analysis, by Content Type
8. Global Jewelry Organizer Market Estimates & Forecast Trend Analysis, by End Use
9. Global Jewelry Organizer Market Analysis and Forecast, by Region
10. North America Jewelry Organizer Market: Estimates & Forecast Trend Analysis
11. Europe Jewelry Organizer Market: Estimates & Forecast Trend Analysis
12. Asia Pacific Jewelry Organizer Market: Estimates & Forecast Trend Analysis
13. Middle East & Africa Jewelry Organizer Market: Estimates & Forecast Trend Analysis
14. Latin America Jewelry Organizer Market: Estimates & Forecast Trend Analysis
15. Competitive Landscape
16. Company Profiles
17. Assumptions and Research Methodology
18. Conclusions and Recommendations
Frequently Asked Questions
1.     What will be the growth prospects of the jewellery box market?
2.     Which type of material is expected to lead the jewellery box market during the forecast period?
3.     Which application segment accounted for the largest jewellery box market share?
4.     What will be the incremental opportunity for the jewellery box market in 2032?
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WE MARKET RESEARCH is an established market analytics and research firm with a domain experience sprawling across different industries. We have been working on multi-county market studies right from our inception. Over the time, from our existence, we have gained laurels for our deep rooted market studies and insightful analysis of different markets.
Our strategic market analysis and capability to comprehend deep cultural, conceptual and social aspects of various tangled markets has helped us make a mark for ourselves in the industry. WE MARKET RESEARCH is a frontrunner in helping numerous companies; both regional and international to successfully achieve their business goals based on our in-depth market analysis. Moreover, we are also capable of devising market strategies that ensure guaranteed customer bases for our clients.
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duchess-fox · 3 years
2021 Dream Girl
I found @2pretty's 12 Month Dream Girl Guide and thought it was actually a very good and intentional way of setting goals and achieving them. While I won't be doing 12 months - I'll be doing it for the rest of 2021 instead!
Who is she?
Naturally beautiful goddess with her life put together, who piques curiosity from many. She is kind, feminine and smart. Her home is always clean, cozy and quiet. Her style is understated but you know it's expensive because everything fits her perfectly. Her outward appearance is always perfect and even if it isn't, it's imperfect in just the right way. The epitome of beauty and brains.
Qualities to Create Her
She takes care of her body - hair, skin, nails, fitness
She speaks multiple languages - Korean, Chinese, English
Her apartment is clean, everything has a place and purpose and is beautifully decorated
She is well dressed - shoes clean, clothes fitted, bag organised
She eats well - knows how to cook and prepare healthy and delicious meals
Her life is organised - she knows exactly when her bills are due, how much money she has, how she plans on spending the money.
She can sew and makes some of her own clothes.
She keeps her mind nourished.
She takes care of her body - hair, skin, nails, fitness. She eats well - knows how to cook and prepare healthy and delicious meals
Hair - Hair masks once a fortnight! Luckily Kmart does have some inexpensive hair masks as money will have to be tightly rationed the next few months.
Skin - Daily morning and night regimen is something I want to get into the habit of as I've been slacking in the past year (!). I also need to develop the habit of putting on sunscreen daily.
Nails - Hopefully my nail drill and the nail supplies I order come in the mail soon! The dust fan won't arrive until much later which is a shame but it's not essential. I will apply cuticle oil and hand cream morning and night, extra hand cream after I wash my hands.
Body - I'm going to start walking every day, 3 times a day. I don't like taking long walks and I've come to really enjoy a particular route. It's about 1.7km so if I walk it 3 times a day (morning, after lunch and after work) it should be 5km a day! I also want to develop a morning and night time stretching routine to increase my flexibility. I bought a scale that has an app so it can track my weight so I will be using that daily in the morning too.
I would also like to have a bigger library of healthy meals in my repertoire. I am a fan of BTS and the BTS meal just came out so I will be having a McDonald's every couple of days. The local McDonald's is 1.4km from my apartment. So walking there and back is almost 3km which will add up!
She speaks multiple languages She keeps her mind nourished.
I've been learning Korean on and off for almost 10 years now and the lack of discipline in my language learning is painfully obvious.
I will also try and be more observant of the Korean vlogs and TV shows I watch - they're great because they usually have subtitles in Korean so I can read those too.
I will continue studying Korean grammar through Talk to Me in Korean.
I also want to make use of the local library - I like reading from physical books sometimes but economies need to be taken and I don't want to invite too much clutter into my apartment. The library might not be as big as the big city libraries I'm accustomed to in my home city but there's always material to read regardless. I'll also make use of certain resources too if I have to in order to find some of the books I've been wanting to read and are a bit more obscure and unlikely to be found in my local library.
Her apartment is clean, everything has a place and purpose and is beautifully decorated
I have a few prints I'd like to hang from one of my favourite artists. I also want to print a big triptych artwork which is a subtle nod to my favourite music artist. I have plans to buy some nice big plants to brighten up the place too.
I'm also going to set up dedicated sewing and nail spaces because I really enjoy those things and they also require specialty equipment.
Since I just recently moved to my new apartment, I still have cardboard boxes that need to be taken to the recycling centre.
I will also make it a habit to ensure that all the dishes are done before I go to bed, my desks are free of rubbish. I will make my bed in the mornings and make sure my laundry is folded away neatly.
She can sew and makes some of her own clothes.
I want to focus on hobbies - namely sewing. I'd like to really challenge myself in sewing so I'd like to make one well fitted dress to wear on a night out. I bought the Rose Café dress pattern from Daria Dressmaking and I hope my body will be in a more satisfactory condition before I attempt to make this dress. I'd like to make this is a boucle fabric (which I'll probably source from AliExpress as it's much more affordable than buying $35/m fabric from the fancy fabric store). I want it to be perfectly fitted to my body so I will be custom fitting it. It won't be a short project so I want to dedicate the whole month to it.
She is well dressed - shoes clean, clothes fitted, bag organised
I want to make sure all my clothes, shoes and bags are in good condition - especially winter clothes that I won't be wearing for a while. Lint roller, wool comb, leather conditioner, waterproof spray - it's all coming out.
Things in my bag should be organised into pouches so that they're not flying everywhere either.
Her life is organised - she knows exactly when her bills are due, how much money she has, how she plans on spending the money.
I want my Google calendar to be full and colour coded. I want my bills to be on auto transfer and have my cash flow organised. I'd also like to have at least $5000 in emergency savings (since my recent move really drained my savings) and aim for $20000 eventually. I hope by then I'll be more disciplined and in control of my finances.
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loudsnapdragon · 1 year
hello, i'm writing a very silly stobin and steddie fic set in a sex shop. it is silly. have a look?
Amid the crotchless lingerie and silicone dildoes that litter the floor of Hawkins’ worst and best and only Adult Store, Steve undergoes a very short, and not very stressful sexuality crisis; Robin fails to lose her virginity; and Eddie refuses to admit why he doesn’t use Grindr.
It’s not what Steve expected out of life, definitely not what Steve's dad expected out of his life either, but Steve’s not complaining, well, not until he ends up locked in the stockroom, with nothing more than a bag of genitalia-shaped candy, and a prudish Eddie Munson to keep him entertained, with their least favourite gun-carrying regular tearing apart the merchandise outside.
excerpt below the cut
‘Co-captain’s log, the time is…’ Steve checks his watch. ‘4:47pm, the date is 06/10/23, we are currently locked-’
‘You cannot be serious.’
Steve snaps his head away from the security camera positioned in the high corner of the stock room, scowling at Eddie, who sits jaw-dropped, eyebrows set in a furious line, legs sprawled out on the floor, his elbows wresting on a cardboard box marked Penis-Enhancer 2000.
‘What else am I going to do? Dude, we just have to wait this out. I pressed the panic button. The police will be here soon. Might as well be productive.’
Outside the stock room, there’s a loud thump, a swooping noise, followed by the quiet woosh of air escaping an inflatable. Steve winces. Unlucky Doris.
Eddie pulls at his hair with both hands, his feet bouncing faster. ‘How is that being productive?’
‘It’s how me and Robin pass on notes, don’t be a dick. Just calm down and shut up.’ He turns back round to the camera. ‘It’s the sixth of October, and we are currently locked inside the stock room…’
There’s another bang from outside the stock room, the sound of Rodney’s muffled cursing, then a shelf falling over, a clattering of small boxes hitting the floor. Steve silently mourns his beautifully organised DVD displays.
Eddie clumsily jumps up onto his long legs, belt chains clanking on the cement floor, knocking over a box of skin rags in the process, starting to pace manically around Steve. ‘We’ve gotta do something! He has a gun.’
Steve shrugs from the floor. ‘It’s just Rodney.’
‘It’s just Rodney? How can you be so chill? He’s tearing your store apart!’
Steve rolls his eyes, giving up on his captain’s log. ‘Dude, this is like the third time this has happened to me. I don’t really care anymore. Ms. Scarlet has insurance, she’ll be fine.’
From the sounds of it, Doris will be the only casualty, which is a shame, Steve had grown quite fond of the inflatable sex doll.
Eddie stops his frantic circling around the six-foot square space. ‘This store has been robbed two times already?’
‘Oh, I dunno, probably, Ms. Scarlet seems prepared, but the other robberies weren’t here.’ Steve yanks Eddie down by the shins, because he just can’t deal with the unnecessary panic right now. ‘That was at Scoops.’
‘Who the fuck does a stick-up at an ice cream parlour?’ Eddie says, confused, which is good, maybe if he’s distracted, he’ll give up with the fretting. He settles beside Steve, leather trousers tacky as he wraps his arms around his knees, feet still bouncing.
‘Two guys who massively overestimated the value of vanilla milkshakes.’ Steve says, planting a hand on Eddie’s thigh to stop it shaking, only resulting in Eddie striking it off with a scowl.
Steve laughs, ‘Oh, I forgot there was a robbery at Family Video too, but I wasn’t working that day. And there was this car chase at the drive through, same day that me and Robin got locked in overnight, but that was just the kids messing with us.’
Eddie skews his eyes. ‘Dustin?’
‘Nah, not him. Will and Mike.’
‘Will?’ Eddie asks, tilting his head, surprised. ‘I mean Mike, sure. But Will? I did not expect that for him.’
‘He’s a schemer when he wants to be. He got pissy when I refused to give them free milkshakes on their big date. He pickpocketed the building keys off Robin when she wasn’t paying attention.’
Eddie smiles, feet slowly stilling. ‘Good for him. The boy deserves some mischief.’
‘Easy for you to say.’ Steve scoffs. ‘We’d just finished a ten-hour shift. I was exhausted. Have you ever been forced to make an emergency bed out of hamburger buns? Have you?’
Eddie’s eyes glint in the stock room’s dim light, and he laughs as he fiddles with his hair, curled round his finger, long line of his neck white and gleaming; and Steve considers, not for the first time, there’s danger here, in this trapped box. They’re locked here; inside the stock room, their phones lying dead and smashed behind the door, waiting until the police arrive as Steve’s least favourite regular throws a weaponised hissy fit outside.
‘Be honest, was that the worst place you’ve ever fallen asleep?’ Eddie asks, with a knowing lilt.
Steve sighs, smiles despite it. ‘Obviously not. The worst place was last night.’
‘Last night?’
‘Yeah. I swear, my Grindr date’s bed was stuffed full of rocks.’
Eddie laughs, throwing his head back, opens his mouth to speak, stops at the sound of a bullet pinging off the stock room door.
Steve turns to it, bolted from the inside. There’s another bang, a loud crash, then presumably what must be Rodney chuckling to himself.
Steve glances over at the screen with the different security camera views by the light switch, where all the store’s cameras are still very much covered in the silly string Rodney brought along, pink and orange lines dripping over the three of the four views, the fourth one just a grey-scale square in the corner, showing Steve and Eddie hauled up in the stockroom, looking like off-duty actors caught behind the scenes. 
Eddie starts biting his lip so hard it’s going bright red. ‘Fuck. Fuck. He has a gun! Steve, he has a gun!’
Steve pats his shoulder. ‘The door is like, titanium, or something. Ms. Scarlet says it’s bulletproof.’
‘Thank God.’ Eddie exhales, raises his hand to cover Steve’s, skin on skin, then a second later, blushes, and shakes it away. Steve can’t help but smirk.
‘This never happened upstairs, we’ve never had a robbery.’ 
‘Huh. I woulda’ thought a vape store would get tonnes of this shit.’
‘No.’ Eddie says, his legs practically hovering off the floor. ‘Not once. Never had it at the record store either.’
‘Was the record store your only other job?’ Steve asks, trying to find a conversation that will take Eddie’s mind of the madman outside. Probably rude to call Rodney a madman, like he’s an asshole, obviously, but it’s not his fault he has a couple screws loose.
‘Yeah, yeah. Only other legal job.’ Eddie says, unravelling his legs, almost relaxing. ‘Started working there at sixteen, stayed there four years. Then it closed, and… well… you know how my move to the city went after that. But shit man, I can still remember how bummed I was when Andy said he was going to sell the place.’
‘I get it, fucking pain in my ass when Family Video closed.’ Steve says, ‘And Scoops, and Benny’s, and Holloway Press, and Merrill’s farm, and the library, and…’
‘Christ.’ Eddie interrupts. He does that all the time. ‘How many jobs have you had? How did ya’ even get all them?’
Steve doesn’t try counting, he’d need his resume to know for sure. ‘Robin’s good at applications.’
Eddie snorts. ‘You get Robin to apply for all your jobs?’
‘Yeah. We’re a package team, she’s not going anywhere I can’t follow.’
‘Cute.’ Eddie rests his chin in his hand, elbow on his only-slightly shaky knee. ‘Soo how did you end up here? At this wonderful, titanium protected, sex emporium? She sent in an application for you both?’
Steve kicks out his legs and raises his eyebrows. The door remains shut, the barrage of Rodney’s destruction filtering through the cracks.
‘Actually, that was all me.’
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Grey Wings.
*Grey Leather*
*Grey Uniform*
*Grey Dress*
*Grey Vase*
*Grey Blanket*
*Grey Jeans*
*Grey Socks*
*Grey Boxes*
*Grey Balloons*
*Grey Singlet*
*Grey Cocktails*
*Grey Keys*
*Grey Rope*
*Grey Boxing Gloves*
*Grey Ice Pack*
*Grey Lace*
*Grey Ashes*
Thank you to my Bishop Beta @beccabarba and Bishop’s Halloween costume is dedicated to @alwaysachorusgirl who is a massive fan of this series ❤.
🦇Happy Halloween 🎃
Warnings: Swearing, old relationships and smut.
WC: 1861
Enjoy x
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The aftershocks of the fires through Santo Padre continued for weeks. Every shift was none stop, with people getting injured going back to the runes of their houses and hurting themselves, and you hadn’t been seeing Bishop much, the club helping out when Antonia asked, “The town needs the club so they know you’re the good guys” was the line she used to rope Bishop into saying yes. The last few weeks you had just been sleeping next to each other and now the clean up and work started to settle down, Ez suggested the club throw a Halloween party, inviting the charters from out of town for you all to let your hair down and naturally you were sweet talked into planning it with the help of Rosa.
You had organised the food, had gone all out on the decorations and made a new play listen to play during the night over the speakers. You had taken a couple of days off work to relax, Rosa taking the same days off and on the day of the party, Letty, Gabby, Steve and Chucky promised to spend the day helping you set up for the night. You walked out to the van Chucky had backed to the stairs, which had some of the bigger decorations and the green and red lights in it when you heard voices, pulling your attention towards Ez’s trailer and you saw him having an intense conversation with Emily.
You walked down the steps and stood there for a moment; your arms crossed over yourself watching on in disbelief that she would be stupid enough to walk into the club house grounds, let alone talking privately with Ez. When was history going to stop repeating itself and stay away from you, why was Emily even here and why would Ez walk back into that situation when he had Gabby waiting for him every night? You watched as Emily started to point her finger in Ez’s face and Ez threw his hands up and turned to walk away from her. Emily called after him and she looked past him and caught eyes with you, you shaking your head back at her, her face blushed and she started to walk towards you also,
“Y/N, it’s not what you think” Ez walked to stand in front of you and you looked up into his eyes.
“Does Gabby know your out here with her?” Ez sighed looking down to the ground “Go inside” you snapped.
“You’re not my mother“ Ez shot back frowning at you.
“Your mother would have kicked your ass for being out here in the first place Ezekiel, so don’t try me”
Ez rolled his eyes walking inside and when you looked back ahead of you Emily was standing in front of you, her eyes wide open starring at you and her arms crossed over her body,
“Does Miguel know you’re here? And who you came here to talk to?”
“It’s not what you think, Y/N”
“Emily, what even made you think it was a good idea to come here and speak to him? You’re asking for trouble”
“Don’t try to act like my friend now and pretend you’re concerned about me and my marriage. You don’t understand, ever since Dita-“
“Don’t kid yourself Emily” you scoffed “Look at who your married too, you know how he feels about Ez. Gabby is an absolutely amazing person and I wont let you swoop in here to try and rekindle something because your home isn’t happy” your tone was laced with venom.
Emily raised her hand and went to slap you, but before she could even swing for you, you felt a hand grab yours pulling you out of the line of the slap and Bishop pulled you behind him to shield you,
“I don’t think your husband would approve of you being here Mrs. Galindo. It’s not really the place for a lady like you. I think you should leave” Bishop said coolly, Emily narrowed her eyes at you both. She went to open her mouth, but Bishop cut her off before any words came out “Oh and Emily” Bishop ran his hand through his beard, looking at her with frowned brows “raise your hand at my girlfriend again, we’re going to have a big fucking problem, understand?”
“Clearly” Emily spat turning on her heels walking away.
Bishop turned to face you, his eye brows raised, a grin on his face and you shrugged your shoulders,
“It’s Halloween, all kinds of crazy comes out today” you looked at him coyly.
“Halloween’s got nothing to do with it, baby. Your ghost’s follow you around all year round”
“Babe, they aren’t ghost, they’re poltergeist”
Bishop let out a chesty laugh and you gave him a cheeky smirk.
“Should have thrown you both in the cage to fight it out. If you can beat Angel’s ass, she wouldn’t have stood a chance” You giggled back and Bishop hooked an arm around your waist pulling you into him, “You know how much I like it when your feisty, so sexy” his lips landed on your jaw and his hand went down to grab your ass through your jean shorts, then he slapped it and he peaked your lips, your hands going to his cheeks and you both smiled into each other lips “Do you need help finishing the decorating?”
“We’re good, thanks babe”
The club house looked absolutely amazing, green and red lights around making it look eery, ghost, zombies, mummies and spiders hanging from the roof, fun Halloween food, gross Halloween candy and so far, everyone had dressed up. You, Rosa, Letty and Gabby walked out of Ez’s trailer all dressed in your costumes walking across the yard to the party. Rosa dressed as a sexy cop, Letty as a sexy witch, Gabby sexy sugar skull and you in your sexy grey fairy dress with matching grey wings.
Your eyes scanned around the outdoor area at everyone’s costume and you were excited that they had all made an effort to get dressed up when your eyes found Bishop up on the porch talking to Taza and Hank and your mouth watered. A white tank top showing off his arms and chest with red paint dripped over different parts of it, an old pair of jeans that had rips down the legs, his salt and pepper hair swooped back, his beard perfect and furry fingerless gloves on his hands. Bishop excused himself from the others and walked down the stairs to you, his eyes dark as they ran over your body in your very tight and very short dress,
“Hey baby” he peaked your lips “Love your costume, my sweet girl” he growled before he kissed your neck and made you giggle at his beard tickling your skin.
“Love yours. Such a sexy werewolf” your hands rested on his arms.
Bishop grinned, his lips landing on your shoulder and he kissed up to your ear his hot breath hitting your skin and you shivered,
“Does it make you hot for me baby?”  He nipped your ear lobe.
“Always hot for you” you purred back.
It had been an amazing and fun night. Too much drinking and too much dancing. Your wings and his gloves long gone when Bishop was leaning on the pool table, you between his legs with your back to his chest shaking your hips in his crotch to the beat of the music and his hands on your hips. One of Bishop’s hands snaked up your body and his hand went around your throat and his other ran down to your thigh, his fingers brushing up the inside of it and his lips at your ear,
“I’ve missed you so much baby” he kissed behind your ear. You moaned pushing your hips back into him and you heard a growl rattle through his chest “It’s been a long time since I made you feel good” he rolled his hips into you and you moaned again.
His grip wasn’t firm on you, you walking out of with no struggle. You grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the templo door, till you both saw the bathroom door open and Bishop pulled you into it, closing and locking the door behind you both. He pulled you into his body and he kissed you deep, rough and needy. Bishop’s tongue rolled into your mouth as he reached for your hand pulling it to his crotched and you cupped him over his zipper, he grunting into your mouth. Bishop’s hand went on top of yours pushing your hand into him more as he started to push you back towards the bath.
When your legs bumped into it, Bishop’s hands moved to grab your hips and he spun you around and he sat on the edge of it before you watched as his longs fingers pushed down his zipper and he reached into his boxers pulling out his hard cock. You looked down at him and licked your lips. You stepped over him so your legs where either side of his, Bishop reaching under your costume to hock his finger into the edge of your panties to movie them out of the way as you lined yourself up to him and you sunk down on him. Your mouth was slightly open as he stretched you, you missing the way he filled you up and Bishop let out a groan when he bottomed out in you, he missing your warm wet centre.  Your arms went around his neck, one of his arms around your middle and his other cupping your ass cheek, guiding you over him as you rocked your hips,
“I missed you babe, so much” you whimpered feeling your walls flutter around him.
“Me too baby” he grunted.
Your eyes were locked with his before your forehead rested on his, your hips moving faster over him and he started to thrust up into you. You loosened one arm from around him and reached down, your pointer finger finding your clit and rolling over it fast, your orgasm coming on faster because it had been so long,
“Yes, Bishop”  you whimpered
“Let me hear you baby”
Your teeth sunk into your bottom lip and you moaned Bishop’s name loud as pure pleasure crashed over you as you came hard around him. Bishop started to thrust up into you as you started to come back down to reality, his grip on your behind bruising till he stilled and grunted your name loud, his realise spilling into you and he tried to catch his breath. Bishop’s hands came up to your face, cupping your cheeks and kissing you deeply. You didn’t break the kiss as you stood up off him, your hands then moving to his cheeks. Bishop broke the kiss peppering your face with kisses before he let you step away to fix yourself up and he did the same,
“Trick or treat babe” you smiled at him and Bishop grinned as his fingers did up his belt,
“That baby, was a treat” he winked “the tricks can come out when we get home”
 Tags: @nestorocetevas @jemmakates @frattsparty​ @withmyteeth​ @lyly00
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lonelyyinchicago · 2 years
practice makes perfect 
the sky had darkened considerably since harry had organised a quidditch practice in the morning. it was early october and rain was pelting the windows of the common room. he laid down along the length of the faded red sofa, his legs over the arm at the far end. he reached out blindly to the table beside him, grabbing his transfiguration textbook and planting it over his face. 
“don’t you have a quidditch practice?” hermione asked from above him.
“hmm?” he mumbled, his voice muffled by the weight of the book. “i don’t want to go; look at the weather.”
“you’re the captain” hermione reminded him, picking the book up and marking the page in case harry actually wanted to return to it, and putting it back down on the table. 
harry brought his knees up, making space for her on the sofa. she sat down, immediately pulling a blanket over her lap. she rummaged in her bag for a minute, sitting up once she’d retrieved her book, quill and ink pot. 
“i think i saw ginny heading down to the pitch on my way back from ancient runes” hermione mumbled as she flicked to the chapter she wanted. 
“she’s already there?” harry asked, hoping hermione wouldn’t pick up on the way his voice suddenly rose an octave.
“yep” hermione replied disinterestedly, popping the “p”. 
she watched amusedly as harry leapt up, taking the stairs to the dorm two at a time. in less than five minutes, harry returned, heading for the portrait hole.
she stared at him for a moment in disbelief.
“you going to take your broom with you?” 
hermione smirked as harry ran past the back of the sofa, cursing. 
“have fun” she shouted as the portrait hole began to swing shut. 
before he’d even made it to the pitch, harry was soaked, the heavy rain making his quidditch robes weigh what felt like a tonne. he looked around the empty stands, his eyebrows drawing together as he failed to locate his team.
he was forced to take a step back as ginny weasley flew straight at him, coming to a stop directly on front of him. she grinned down at him, her long hair pulled back into a single ginger plait that ran down the length of her back.
“nice of you to join us” she said, hovering just above the soggy grass.
she winked and harry quickly mounted his own broom, speeding to where the rest of his team were patiently waiting. 
“sorry” harry rushed. “right, let’s just do some basic passing with the bludgers and then head in. ron, i want you to do this practice too because i think it would be beneficial as a whole team exercise.” 
returning to the ground to retrieve the quaffle, harry fumbled with the clasps on the ball box, the metal slippery. his fingers lingered over the opening to the snitch but he decided against it, closing the trunk with a snap. 
the bludgers were already out; his new beaters having already started their own training before he arrived. he flew back to the chasers, the driving rain beginning to hurt as it hit as his exposed skin. he shook his head aggressively as he approached his team, sending water droplets flying. 
“alright, let’s spread out. are you two ready?” he called out in the direction of jack sloper. 
seeing a vague nod through the rain, harry threw the quaffle across the field at ginny. the firm leather caused her to fumble but she was ultimately able to retain a grip on the ball. he raised an eyebrow challengingly, and she shook her head, struggling to suppress her smile. she launched the ball in katie’s direction, her eyes still on harry. 
by six thirty the sun had truly disappeared, leaving the team squinting to see the ball. next to him in the circle that had formed, harry could see  katie shivering slightly, her fingers moving stiffly as she adjusted her grip on the quaffle. 
“let’s head in” harry shouted over the sound of the rain and the bludger that came whizzing through the circle.
he looked up as thunder echoed around the stands. he headed back to the grass, spinning as he felt the quaffle following close behind him. he caught it easily and turned to see ginny with a frown on her face.
“nice try” he told her as she landed softly next to him. 
he fastened the various balls in their assigned places, ginny tapping her foot impatiently next to him. each time her foot hit the grass, drops is muddy water would flick up over harry’s hands as the slipped over the smooth surface of the bludgers. he stood up, looking at her his expression unreadable.
without saying anything he headed for the changing rooms, the ball crate balanced across his arms. seeing the boys room was empty apart from her captain, ginny followed. as soon as the box hit the wooden bench, she cleared her throat, leaning against the doorframe.
“you’re not allowed in here” harry told her without making eye contact.
“is that why you’re here?” ginny asked. “are you trying to escape me?”
harry looked up, running a hand through his hair. the rain had flattened his usual tufts and she smiled softly as she stepped over the threshold of the room. she paused in front of him, his knees against her lower thighs. 
she fiddled with his hair, pulling the strands into pointy spikes across his head. harry’s eyes closed as ginny positioned her thighs either side of his own, the bench creaking under the additional weight. 
he slowly opened them again when he no longer felt her fingers. he blinked a couple of times, blushing softly as ginny refused to look away. his hands found their way to her waist, holding her as she leant down, their lips colliding with a taste of slightly acidic rain water. 
he sat up straighter as her hand cupped his cheek, her thumb moving back and forth across the damp skin. she pulled away, not ceasing her thumb’s movements.
“so when’s next practice?”
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