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daniel5946 · 1 year
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misspygmypie · 2 months
The Golden Box
Pairing: Lando Norris x reader Warning: None; sad-ish maybe? Summary: In 2072 Y/N is reminiscing about her life with Lando. Words: 5.3k
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September 2072, Bristol, England
Y/n's fingers traced the familiar texture of the items inside the golden box. Each piece held its own story, a fragment of her life with Lando. There was the delicate locket with a photograph of their wedding day, a memory of vows and dreams shared under the soft glow of twilight. She remembered how Lando had smiled when he first saw her in her wedding dress, how he had whispered promises of forever...
Next, she found the small, leather-bound journal that she had written throughout their early years. Flipping through its pages, she saw her neat handwriting documenting their adventures, the everyday moments that had seemed insignificant at the time but now felt like treasures. There were entries about their first home, their first dog, and the day they found out they were expecting.
Her hand brushed over a faded photograph, yellowing at the edges. It was of the entire family - y/n, Lando, and their three children - standing together in front of their house. They were all smiling, the joy and warmth of the moment captured forever. She could almost hear the laughter and the playful banter that had surrounded that day.
The chest had been filled with mementos from their travels: seashells from a holiday, tickets from a show they had attended, and a handwritten note from Lando, declaring his undying love.
Finally, her hand touched something soft; a handkerchief embroidered with their initials. It was a gift from Lando on their tenth wedding anniversary, one she had kept close through the years. As she held it to her face, the scent of his cologne, faint but still present, brought back a rush of emotion.
Tears finally spilled down her cheeks, not from sadness but from a sense of gratitude. Each item in the box was a testament to the life they had lived together; a life filled with love, joy, and the occasional heartache, but always shared with someone who made every moment worthwhile.
The sunlight bathed the room in a gentle glow as y/n sat in the rocking chair, while the past played out before her in the contents of the golden box. She closed the lid, wiped away her tears, and took a deep breath. Life had been a journey, and she was grateful for every step of it, for every memory, and for the love that had filled their years together.
July 2024, Monaco, French Riviera
Lando glanced at y/n, a slight smirk playing at his lips as he saw her nervousness. It was clear that the evening was as significant to her as it was to him. He adjusted his shirt and then looked down the street, where his sleek car was parked.
"Well," Lando began, his voice smooth and reassuring, "I thought we might start with a little surprise."
He extended his arm towards her, a gesture that seemed both casual and intimate. Y/n hesitated for a moment but then took his arm, allowing herself to be led towards the car. As they approached, Lando opened the door for her like a true gentleman.
Once inside the atmosphere changed from the bustling street outside to the quiet, comfortable interior. Soft music played in the background, and the scent of Lando's cologne filled the space. Y/n noticed the thoughtful details, like a small bouquet of her favorite flowers sitting in a vase on the seat next to her.
As the car began to move, Lando stole a glance at her, his eyes softening with a mixture of admiration and anticipation. "I hope you're ready for a bit of an adventure tonight," he said, a hint of excitement in his voice.
Y/n's nerves calmed down as she looked at Lando, realizing that he was genuinely invested in making this evening special. "I’m ready," she replied, her voice gaining confidence. "Where are we going?"
Lando smiled, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "You’ll see. It’s a place that’s been very special to me. I think you’ll love it."
The car drove smoothly through the city, and as they passed familiar landmarks, y/n's curiosity grew. Finally, Lando pulled aside and parked before helping her out of the vehicle.
“Can you close your eyes for me now? I want this to be a surprise.”
Y/n nodded, imitating the smile she saw on the young man’s face in front of her. She could feel the cool evening air against her skin and the gentle rustle of leaves from the nearby trees. Lando's hand, warm and reassuring, held hers firmly as they walked.
"Just a few more steps," Lando said, his tone filled with both warmth and mystery. 
Y/n's heart raced as she followed his lead. The anticipation was almost unbearable, but it was also intoxicating. She could hear the distant sounds of the city, but her focus was entirely on Lando and the thrill of the moment.
Finally Lando stopped. "Okay, we're here. You can open your eyes."
With a mix of eagerness and nervousness, y/n slowly lifted her lids. As her eyes adjusted to the dim light, she found herself standing in a beautifully decorated spot in the mountains atop Monaco overlooking the city.
A picnic blanket was spread out on the grass, adorned with candles and a small basket filled with an assortment of delicious treats. String lights hung from the nearby trees, casting a soft, magical glow over the area. In the center of it all was a small table with two chairs, set for a romantic dinner.
The sight took y/n’s breath away. She looked at Lando, her eyes wide with admiration and happiness. "This is... amazing," she said softly, her voice filled with emotion.
Lando smiled, his eyes reflecting the soft light. "I’m glad you like it. I wanted to do something special."
Y/n walked over to the picnic setup, her heart swelling. She sank into one of the chairs and looked up at Lando, who was now arranging the dishes and pouring them both a glass of champagne.
“This is perfect,” she said, reaching out to him with a look of gratitude. “Thank you for making this evening so memorable.”
Lando joined her, his eyes locked with hers. “You’re worth every bit of effort. I’ve wanted to do something like this for a long time.”
They spent the next few hours enjoying each other's company, savoring the delicious food and sharing stories and laughter under the twinkling lights. The world outside their tiny bubble seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them in their own little paradise.
As the stars began to appear in the night sky, Lando took y/n’s hand in his once again. 
“This night,” the Brit said softly, “is just the beginning. I want many more moments like this with you.”
Y/n’s heart swelled with emotion. “I’d love that,” she replied, her voice a whisper as she leaned in closer. “More than anything.”
As y/n sat there, overwhelmed by the beauty and thoughtfulness of the moment, Lando’s arm around her waist felt like a comforting embrace that grounded her in the present.
She turned her head slightly, feeling the warmth of his breath against her neck, and the familiar, comforting scent of his aftershave enveloped her senses. It was as if the world had narrowed to just the two of them.
When Lando’s lips finally met hers, it was gentle and tender - a kiss that spoke volumes more than words ever could. It was as if he was pouring all of his affection, his joy, and his admiration for her into that single, sweet moment. The world seemed to pause, holding its breath along with y/n, as she savored the closeness and the intensity of it all.
Lando’s touch was both passionate and respectful, reminding y/n of the depth of their bond and the shared history that had brought them to this perfect evening.
When they finally broke apart, their foreheads gently touching, both of them breathed in deeply, savoring the shared intimacy. 
“I wanted tonight to be perfect,” he said softly. “I wanted you to know how much you mean to me.”
Y/n smiled, her eyes still glistening. “It’s more than perfect. It’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of.”
Lando’s smile widened as he gently brushed a stray tear from her cheek. “Then let’s enjoy it together.”
September 2072, Bristol, England
The paper was worn and delicate, but the words written on it held a timeless significance. As y/n read through the letter, she could recall the emotions and the moments that had shaped their lives together.
August 2023
My dear y/n,
I remember the first time I saw you. It was as if the world had shifted just a little, making space for something extraordinary. Our journey together has been nothing short of magical, filled with laughter, dreams, and love that grows deeper with each passing day.
Today, I want to share something with you. These lines are not just words; they are the promises I hold in my heart. I remember the day we shared our first kiss - how your lips felt against mine, how your touch made me feel alive in a way I had never experienced before. It was the beginning of something beautiful.
And now, as I sit here with you, I am reminded of how far we’ve come. I am grateful for every moment, every memory we’ve created together. From the surprise picnic in the mountains of Monaco to the quiet evenings just like this one, each moment with you has been a gift.
I want you to know how deeply I admire you, not just for the extraordinary things you do but for who you are. You are my love and my best friend. I promise to always stand by your side, to support you in every dream, and to love you more with each passing day.
With all my heart,
As y/n finished reading, a tear slipped down her cheek, a bittersweet reminder of the depth of their love and the journey they had shared. She carefully folded the letter and placed it back in the box, her heart full of memories and emotions.
She looked around the room, taking in the familiar surroundings that had been a backdrop to their shared life. Each corner of the house held a story, a piece of their history together. The letter was just one of many treasures, a testament to their enduring bond.
With a sigh y/n closed the golden box and placed it gently back in its spot to keep protecting the memories of the love they shared. The love that had started with a kiss in July of 2024 had blossomed into a lifetime of shared experiences, laughter, and deep affection. And as y/n sat there, reflecting on their journey, she knew that every step they had taken together had been worth it.
Her heart swelled with gratitude for the life they had built, and she felt ready to embrace whatever the future held, knowing that they had shared something truly special.
December 24, 2024, London, England
The kitchen was filled with the delicious scents of Christmas cooking—herbs, spices, and the faint aroma of roasting meat. Despite Lando’s somewhat chaotic approach, there was something endearing about watching him tackle the task with such determination. His concentration was evident as he fumbled with various pots and utensils, the occasional splash of sauce or clattering of a pan adding to the festive atmosphere.
Y/n took a moment to admire the scene before retreating to the bathroom. The anticipation of the evening ahead had her buzzing with excitement.
After her shower, y/n emerged feeling refreshed and ready to enjoy the evening. The house was decorated festively; twinkling lights, ornaments, and the soft glow of candles added to the coziness. The aroma of Lando’s cooking grew stronger as she approached the kitchen again.
Lando was still busy at the stove, now humming along to a Christmas tune playing softly in the background. He looked up as y/n entered, a hint of flour on his cheek and a warm, satisfied smile on his face.
“Looking forward to trying my culinary masterpiece?” he teased, trying to balance a spoon in one hand while stirring a pot with the other.
“Absolutely,” y/n replied, her eyes sparkling with affection. “I’m sure it’ll be delicious and you learned quite a bit since you burnt your burger buns to literal charcoal a few years ago.”
Lando rolled his eyes playfully. “There was no need to bring that up. And just so you know, I’ve put my heart into this.”
The kitchen clock ticked on, and soon enough, Lando began plating the food. The Christmas dinner admittedly was a beautiful sight - roasted vegetables, a perfectly cooked turkey, and all the traditional sides. The table was set complete with candles and a festive centerpiece.
As they sat down to eat, y/n couldn’t help but admire Lando’s effort. The food was, indeed, surprisingly good - proof of his dedication and perhaps a sign he had practiced this with his mother. 
“This is amazing,” y/n said, genuinely impressed. “You’ve outdone yourself.”
Lando grinned, his eyes twinkling. “Well, I’m glad you think so. I wanted tonight to be special for us.”
As they ate, Lando watched y/n with a sense of contentment. Her appreciation was clear, and he was relieved and delighted to see that his hard work had paid off. The joy on her face was worth every minute he had spent preparing the meal.
The evening continued with laughter, shared stories, and the warmth of their love. As they finished their meal and moved to the living room, where a cozy fire crackled in the fireplace. Wrapped in the glow of the Christmas lights and the crackling fire, y/n and Lando enjoyed the simple pleasure of each other’s company. The night was filled with joy, love, and the magic of the holiday season.
In that perfect, quiet moment, with the world outside frosted with winter’s chill, y/n realized that this was exactly what she had always wanted: Time spent with the person she loved most, creating new memories and cherishing the old ones. 
“Thank you, Lando,” she said, her voice filled with emotion. “This has been one of the most wonderful Christmas Eves I’ve ever had. Everything is perfect.”
Lando squeezed her hand gently, his eyes soft with affection. “I’m so glad you think so. You mean the world to me, and I wanted to make sure tonight was special for you.”
They shared a quiet moment, simply enjoying each other’s company. The Christmas spirit was all around them, but it was the warmth of their love that made the evening truly magical.
Lando took a deep breath, trying to steady himself as he prepared for what he had planned. The small box in his pocket felt heavier than he had anticipated, but he knew he needed to push through the nervousness. He turned to y/n, his heart pounding.
“Y/n,” he began, his voice slightly wavering but filled with sincere emotion, “there’s something I need to tell you.”
Y/n looked at him with curiosity and a hint of concern. “What’s wrong, Lan? You’re making me nervous.”
Lando took out the small box from his pocket and held it in front of him, his hands trembling slightly.
“I’ve been thinking a lot about us lately,” he said, his eyes meeting hers with a mix of love and determination. “About our future, and how much you mean to me.”
He carefully opened the box to reveal a delicate ring nestled inside. The diamond sparkled softly in the candlelight, its brilliance a perfect reflection of his feelings for her.
Y/n’s eyes widened in surprise, and her hand flew to her mouth
“Lando, is this...?” she started, her voice trailing off as the realization sank in.
Lando nodded, his gaze never leaving hers. “I’ve never been so sure about anything in my life. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, y/n. Will you marry me?”
Tears welled up in her eyes, and she reached out to touch the ring gently. “Yes, Lando. Yes, I’ll marry you.”
Relief and joy flooded through Lando, and he slipped the ring onto her finger, his hands trembling with happiness. He pulled y/n into a tender embrace, their hearts beating as one.
“I’ve never been more certain of anything,” Lando whispered into her ear. “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, and I can’t wait to build our future together.”
Y/n’s laughter was filled with joy as she clung to him, her own tears of happiness mixing with his. “I feel the same way, Lan. This is the best Christmas gift I could ever have imagined.”
As they held each other, the world outside faded away, leaving only the warmth of their love and the soft glow of the candles. The night was filled with the promise of a beautiful future, and the joy of knowing that they would face it together, side by side.
The evening continued with a newfound sense of excitement and anticipation. The ring on y/n’s finger seemed to capture the essence of their love, a symbol of their commitment and the many adventures that lay ahead.
In that perfect moment, surrounded by the love they had built and the dreams they were about to fulfill, Lando and y/n knew that their Christmas Eve had become something truly unforgettable; a celebration of their past, their present, and their future together.
The intensity of the moment was electric, a blend of emotion and excitement that was palpable. As Lando carried y/n upstairs, their laughter and joyful whispers filled the house, echoing the elation they both felt.
The bedroom door swung open, and Lando gently set y/n down on their bed, his eyes never leaving hers. The room was softly illuminated by the warm glow of the lamps, casting a romantic light over the space. Y/n gazed up at Lando, her heart racing with a mix of anticipation and love. She reached out to touch his face, tracing his features gently.
“You’ve made this night so unforgettable,” she murmured, her voice filled with deep emotion. “I never imagined it would be like this, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Lando smiled, his eyes shining with happiness. “I wanted it to be perfect for you. You deserve nothing less.”
They moved closer together, the energy between them almost tangible. Lando’s hands found their way to y/n’s waist, pulling her in for another kiss. It was gentle at first, a slow melding of their lips that quickly grew more passionate. Every touch and kiss seemed to speak volumes, conveying the depth of their feelings and the excitement for their future together.
As they parted slightly, their breaths mingling, Lando’s fingers gently traced the outline of the engagement ring on y/n’s finger. “You look incredible,” he said softly, his voice filled with admiration.
“So do you,” y/n replied, her smile widening. “I’ve never been happier.”
Eventually, as the night wore on, they drifted into a peaceful embrace, the warmth of the bed and the comfort of each other’s presence creating a perfect end to their special evening. The future was bright, and they knew that whatever came next, they would face it together as partners in love and life.
September 2072, Bristol, England
The small piece of paper felt delicate and precious as y/n unfolded it. The handwriting was unmistakable, her own neat script from a time when every word had been carefully considered and every memory meticulously recorded. As she began to read, the words pulled her back into another cherished moment, vividly alive despite the passage of time.
April 03, 2025
Today was our first day living in our new home. I remember the excitement in Lando’s eyes when we drove up the driveway, and the way he held my hand as we walked through each room, imagining all the memories we would make here. It felt like we were starting a new adventure together, building our life from the ground up.
Lando had insisted on unpacking the kitchen first, determined to make it functional so that we could cook a proper meal together. I had to laugh when he nearly toppled over a stack of boxes in his enthusiasm. The kitchen became our little haven, filled with laughter and the smell of our first home-cooked meal. Although I do have to mention that I did most of the cooking.
The first night in the house was magical. We set up the bed and Lando insisted on taking a picture of us in front of the fireplace. It was a silly picture, but it perfectly captured the joy and the sense of accomplishment we felt.
Tears streamed down y/n’s cheeks as she read the entry, overwhelmed by the flood of memories from that early chapter in their lives. She could almost feel the warmth of the fireplace, hear Lando’s laughter, and see the joy in his eyes as they settled into their new home.
She looked out the window again, her gaze drifting over the landscape that had witnessed so many of their moments together. 
With a deep breath, y/n carefully folded the piece of paper and placed it back into the golden box, her fingers lingering on the surface as if to draw strength from the memories it held. 
She had always been a keeper of moments, capturing the essence of their love and life together. Even if Lando had teased her about it, he had always respected her desire to hold onto these memories. And now, as she looked back on the collection of papers and mementos, she was grateful for the opportunity to relive those moments and remember the journey they had traveled together.
December 25, 2025, Bristol, England
The church was filled with a soft glow as the vows were exchanged, casting a warm light over the small gathering of family and friends. Y/n's heart fluttered with each word spoken, and she could feel the significance of the moment settling deep within her.
Lando's words, though wrapped in his characteristic humor and honesty, were heartfelt and sincere. His eyes were locked on hers and his captivating laughter and smile filled the space.
When Lando spoke of his initial impressions and how that smile had changed everything, y/n couldn’t help but recall the moment he described. It was a turning point for both of them, a shift from animosity to an understanding that would blossom into love. 
The tears she had been holding back finally slipped down her cheeks, but they were tears of joy. She was overwhelmed by the enormity of what was happening. Her dreams were coming true, and the man she had loved for so long was now pledging his life to hers. The vows they had exchanged were not just words; they were a promise of a future together.
The priest’s voice brought everyone back to the present, guiding them through the final steps of the ceremony. Y/n and Lando exchanged rings, each one a symbol of their unbreakable commitment to each other.
With the final words of the ceremony, the priest pronounced them husband and wife. The moment Lando kissed y/n, sealing their vows with a kiss, was met with a wave of applause and cheers from their loved ones. It was a moment of pure, unfiltered happiness.
As they walked back down the aisle, hand in hand, y/n could hardly believe how perfect the day had been. Every detail, every moment, had come together beautifully.
They shared their first dance as a married couple, swaying together to a song that held special meaning for them. The world around them seemed to fade as they focused solely on each other, lost in the bliss of their new life as husband and wife.
As the evening drew to a close, y/n and Lando stole a quiet moment together, stepping outside to gaze at the stars. The night air was cool and crisp, a perfect end to a perfect day. They stood in silence, simply enjoying each other’s presence.
“We did it,” Lando said softly, his arm around y/n’s waist.
“Yes, we did,” y/n replied, leaning into him.
Lando kissed the top of her head, something he would do so often. “I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”
“Neither can I,” y/n whispered, her heart full of love and excitement for the future.
As they stood together, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight, they knew that their journey was just beginning. The love they shared was the foundation of their new life, and they were ready to embrace whatever came next, hand in hand, forever.
September 2072, Bristol, England
Y/n's fingers trembled slightly as she reached for another piece of paper. She carefully unfolded the piece, her breath hitching as she recognized her own handwriting. The paper was slightly creased, a sign of its frequent handling. As she began to read, the room seemed to fade away, leaving her alone with the words and the emotions they stirred.
April 03, 2026
Today was our first anniversary in this house. We decided to celebrate it with a picnic in the garden. The sun was shining, and there was a gentle breeze; perfect weather for a day outside. Lando surprised me with a homemade cake, which he had decorated all by himself. It was an absolute disaster, but he was so proud of it that I couldn’t help but fall in love with him all over again.
We spent the afternoon lounging on a blanket, reminiscing about the past year and talking about our dreams for the future. I remember the way his eyes sparkled when he spoke about the life we were building together. It was one of those moments when you realize just how lucky you are to have found someone who makes every day brighter.
Later, as the sun began to set, we danced under the stars. Lando played our song on his phone, and I remember feeling so happy, so content, that I thought my heart might burst.
As y/n read the entry, the tears that had been flowing now turned into a steady stream. She set the paper aside and took a deep, shaky breath, trying to compose herself. The past had a way of reaching out and touching her heart, especially on days when the pain of missing Lando felt almost unbearable. But it was in these moments of reflection that she found strength, drawing comfort from the memories that defined their life together.
With a trembling hand, she closed the box, the weight of its contents both comforting and heavy. She stood up and walked over to the window, looking out at the familiar landscape. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm, golden light across the land.
As she gazed out at the horizon, she whispered softly to the wind, “Thank you, Lando, for everything.” The words were a way to honor the life they had built and the love that would forever remain in her heart.
October 29, 2028, London, England
In the quiet of the delivery room y/n’s exhaustion was palpable, her face flushed and damp with sweat, but the sight of her newborn son filled her with an indescribable joy.
Lando’s grip on y/n’s hand had loosened, but his eyes were filled with tears of relief and wonder. He could hardly believe how quickly the pain had transformed into this beautiful, tiny miracle.
“Look at him,” Lando said softly, his voice choked with emotion. He took a step closer to the bed, his eyes never leaving the baby’s face. “He’s perfect.”
Y/n nodded, tears streaming down her cheeks as she looked at the baby. The exhaustion she felt was overwhelming, but the sight of him made every second of pain worth it. She gently stroked the baby’s tiny fingers, marveling at how small and delicate he was.
The midwife smiled warmly at them and began to clean and wrap the baby. “You did wonderfully, y/n. You both should be very proud.”
The moments that followed were filled with a peaceful silence, broken only by the soft coos and murmurs of the baby as he settled into his mother’s embrace. Y/n and Lando exchanged glances that spoke of their shared joy and wonder.
“I can’t believe he’s finally here,” Lando said, his voice a mere whisper.
“Me neither,” y/n agreed, her eyes locked on their son. “It feels like a dream.”
“I love you,” Lando said, leaning down to press a tender kiss to y/n’s forehead.
“I love you too,” y/n replied, her voice full of emotion. “And I love him so much.”
They looked down at their son, their hearts full. The road ahead would be filled with challenges and sleepless nights, but in this moment, everything was perfect. Their little family was complete, and their journey together was just beginning.
As the first rays of dawn began to filter into the room, y/n held her little baby close, feeling a deep sense of peace and fulfillment. Lando’s arm wrapped around her shoulders, a silent promise of support and love. Together, they began the new chapter of their lives, cherishing the miracle they had brought into the world.
September 2072, Bristol, England
The warmth of the September sun was a gentle balm against y/n's skin as she approached the figure of her husband, peacefully resting beneath the tree. The years had etched lines of wisdom and experience on his face, but he retained the same quiet strength that had first drawn her to him.
Y/n’s heart swelled with a deep sense of gratitude as she watched him. Their journey together had been nothing short of extraordinary. From the early days of their relationship to the challenges of raising three energetic sons, their bond had weathered it all. 
She tiptoed closer, not wanting to disturb him, and gently brushed a stray lock of hair from his forehead. The sun’s rays danced across his face, highlighting the silver in his hair and the lines that spoke of years filled with laughter, love, and the occasional struggle.
Kneeling beside him, y/n allowed herself a moment of quiet reflection. The path they had walked together was marked by both joyous milestones and challenging times, but through it all, they had remained each other’s anchor. The sight of Lando sleeping so peacefully was a reminder of the simple yet profound comfort of being together.
Lando stirred slightly, his eyes fluttering open. When he saw y/n beside him, a smile spread across his face, a smile that held years of shared happiness and unspoken understanding.
"Hey," he murmured, his voice still groggy with sleep. "What are you doing down there?"
y/n chuckled softly, her eyes misting with emotion. "Just wanted to be close to you, and thought I’d wake you."
Lando stretched, sitting up and looking at her tenderly
"After all these years, you still manage to make me fall in love with you all over again," y/n said, leaning in to kiss him softly.
He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close and savoring the warmth of her embrace. "I’ve had the best life with you," he said quietly. "Every moment has been worth it."
They sat together in comfortable silence, the warmth of the sun enveloping them in the moment. The world continued, but in that peaceful corner of their garden, time seemed to slow, allowing them to enjoy the simple joy of being together.
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minicabairport · 2 years
How to Choose Best Heathrow To Sheffield Taxi transfer Company
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Traveling from Heathrow Airport to Sheffield can be a daunting task, especially if you are unfamiliar with the area. Public transportation options can be confusing and time-consuming, while driving yourself can be stressful, not to mention the added expense of parking. One of the best options for a hassle-free and comfortable journey is to hire a Heathrow to Sheffield taxi transfer.
However, choosing the right taxi transfer company is crucial to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey. Here are some tips to help you hire the best Heathrow Airport taxi transfer:
Check the reputation of the taxi transfer company: Before booking your taxi, check the reputation of the company online. You can read reviews and ratings from other customers on platforms like Google, TripAdvisor, or Trustpilot. It is also worth checking if the company has won any awards or certifications for their service.
Check the range of vehicles available: Make sure that the taxi transfer company has a range of vehicles available to suit your needs. If you are traveling alone, a standard taxi will be sufficient, but if you are traveling with a group or have a lot of luggage, a larger vehicle like a minibus or a luxury car may be more appropriate.
Check the level of comfort: Comfort should be a top priority when selecting a taxi transfer service. Ensure that the company provides comfortable and well-maintained vehicles. Check if they have air conditioning, leather seats, and ample legroom.
Check the experience of the drivers: Your safety should be paramount when traveling in a taxi. Check the experience and qualifications of the drivers. Are they licensed and insured? Do they have good driving records? Experienced and professional drivers will ensure that your journey is smooth and stress-free.
Check the availability and punctuality: Make sure that the taxi From Heathrow Terminal 2 is available at the time and date you need them. Check their availability for early morning or late-night transfers as well. It is also important to ensure that they are punctual and arrive at your pickup location on time.
Check the cost: The cost of the taxi transfer service is an important factor to consider. However, don't base your decision solely on price. Make sure that the company offers value for money and provides an excellent service.
In conclusion, hiring a Heathrow to Sheffield taxi transfer is a great option for a comfortable and hassle-free journey. By following these tips, you can ensure that you choose the best taxi transfer company for your needs. Remember to book your taxi transfer in advance to avoid any last-minute stress or disappointment. You can Also Hire Airport transfer From Heathrow Airport-
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diabolus1exmachina · 2 years
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Bristol 412  
This is a Bristol 412, it’s a classic GT car that many haven’t seen before, even in Britain where it was originally built. The body was designed in Italy, the engine was sourced from the USA, and the cars were built at the Bristol factory in southern England.Bristol was one of those unusual British automakers, a little like Morgan, Lister, Caterham, Marcos, or TVR, that produced vehicles in very limited numbers for a very specific clientele. During WWII the team at Bristol were already formulating plans to enter automobile production in earnest after the war. They would eventually enter into a short-lived agreement with Frazer Nash to build a new car based on BMW underpinnings which had been licensed as war reparations.This new car would be named the Bristol 400, it was an elegant two-door luxury car powered by a modified version of the BMW 328 engine sitting on a version of the BMW 326 chassis with a new body built by Bristol.The 400 series Bristols would continue and by 1961 with the release of the Bristol 407 the company had switched to using American V8s from Chrysler.
 In 1975 Bristol released a new design with a radically different body from the team at Zagato in Italy, it was called the Bristol 412 and it would remain in production for almost 20 years.
When it was first released the 412 was powered by Chrysler B series gasoline engines with a displacement of 6,277cc (383 cubic inches). Power was sent to the rear wheels via a Chrysler Torqueflite automatic transmission and no manual option was ever offered – these were intended as luxurious grand tourers not sports cars.From 1977 onwards the 412 was powered by the 5,899 cc (360 cubic inch) Chrysler V8, and the front suspension was modified to account for the lower weight of the engine.The unusual squared-off bodywork was accompanied by a targa style roof. The roof panel could be quickly removed and stored in the trunk when required, the roof also incorporated a hefty roll bar for safety.Inside the cabin you’ll find a luxuriously appointed interior with leather upholstery and a woodgrain dashboard. Interestingly the heating and ventilation system was designed by the same engineers who designed the ventilation system for the Concorde.There is comfortable seating for four and the suspension is tuned for comfort rather than sharp handling.
Between 1975 and 1993 there would be 98 examples of the Bristol 412 built, many of which still survive and are sought after by collectors and enthusiasts
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cobaincreates · 5 years
deeper meanings
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warnings: none
count: 1.5k
gif cred
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droplets stuck to the windshield as if it were parched petals of a garden after an agonizing drought. the street lamps cast several circular shadows into the car, an occasional one elongating and traveling over an expanse plane or valley of skin. a window was cracked to let the early spring air in, providing a cool wind to float around the car then disappear into the dense interior.
the rain pattered among the metal roof, sharp pitched ticks repeating over the soft music coming through the new speakers. the new smell still hovered and would last for the better part of the year. the leather seats glistened even weeks later. there wasn’t much garbage to signal that the car had been lived with for more than 20 days. gwilym was neater than most.
lifting your head from the seat, you looked over at gwilym who was sitting just the same on the drivers side. droplet shadows cast over his face and made him look a lot more concerned.
“what’s that one?”
the corner of his lips pulled for a short moment as he thought. he licked his lips slowly before speaking. “my aeipathy for you is rather difficult to explain.”
you quirked your eyebrows at him when he glanced over. he smiled wider and faced the windshield again.
“an enduring and consuming passion.”
your face warmed just as his expression lit up again. closing the space between you, you leaned your elbow on top of the center console and pulled gwilym’s face to meet yours. he hadn’t seen it coming, but he reciprocated gladly.
wet tires against the damp gravel passed just beside the car and you didn’t bother pulling away from your boyfriend. sure the parked car in an empty lot might look suspicious to anyone passing by, but you didn’t care. there were plenty of nights when neither of you knew what to do and just wanted to spend a few hours together outside of your respective apartments.
gwilym had started this little definition game around the time you got together. it was completely innocent and he introduced you to words you had never heard of before. some mornings he’d send you a nice sized text — or as you liked to call, paragraphs — of words that made him think of you. a couple had been generic and sweet when it started, the first few texts all including “bliss”, “lovely”, “dulcet”, and “irresistible”. no wonder you fell for him so fast.
you slowed your lips over gwilym’s, his hand now tangled in your hair. you focused on how he felt against you, the faint thump in his chest underneath your delicate fingertips, the warmth that radiated through the fabric, his lips meeting yours and matching your pace. it sent shivers under your sweater, that was actually his.
other times when you had driven into town to find a place to sit in the car, you had spent it kissing. it was one of your favorite things to do with him, besides the occasional spontaneous road trip. you had just traveled north of london about three times, always finding someplace new to discover with each other. gwilym seemed to know more about the places you’d been though, even if he claimed he’d never set foot there.
gwilym broke apart from you to catch his breath. he still held you close, pecking you several times as his heartbeat relaxed. you rested your eyes, brushing lips as his breath came out warm over your cheeks.
“let’s go home,” he suggested.
you smiled and looked up at him under your lashes, your chin settling on his chest. “mine or yours, silly?”
gwilym brushed your hair behind your ear. his thumb ran along your cheek as he said, “mine.”
keeping a hand in his as he drove to his flat, you watched the lamps shine down onto your laps every few seconds. the drive was short, his place much closer than yours. you never liked when he’d insisted on picking you up for nights like these. but you were glad he didn’t drive you home right after tonight.
gwilym’s flat was dark as you walked in behind him, keeping a fistful of his sweater as you both maneuvered your way. you kicked your damp shoes off, hoping you didn’t track mud in, and let go of his sweater as his hand reached back to find yours. you pulled away from him a few steps into the apartment, latching on to the doorway of the bathroom and excusing yourself. you switched the light on easily and washed your hands when you were done.
the bedroom was warm in color as you pushed the door open all the way. gwilym sat at the foot of the bed, changed into his pajamas which normally consisted of just a pair of shorts. you smiled at his mussed hair from when he pulled his sweater off.
“t-shirt?” he asked when you stood in between in knees. you nodded and stepped back as his hands left your thighs. you pulled his sweater off and folded it neatly to lay on his dresser. he handed you an old t-shirt and went to the side of the bed to pull the covers back. you changed quickly, pulling your sweatpants off to fold and place on the dresser as well.
you didn’t go to bed just yet as you and gwilym got comfortable under the covers. he had gotten up only to open a window a little, not bothering to turn the light off just yet. you lay with your head on his chest, reveling in the feel of his fingers running through your hair and how you could hear his heartbeat perfectly this way.
“every time you do that, i get shivers,” you mumbled just as a wave started from his fingertips to your shoulders and down your arms.
“sorry.” he chuckled.
“no.” you said quickly and pulled his hand back to your head. “keep doing it.”
gwilym smiled, glancing at you on his chest before continuing to move his fingers through the strands. he turned his head and pecked your forehead.
“let’s go to bristol tomorrow.”
you were nearly asleep when he spoke up, the light from the lamp not stopping you from feeling tired. you hummed in response, not entirely sure of what he had said.
“did you hear me?”
“what did i say then?” he smiled and moved a bit to watch your eyelids.
you sighed and ran a hand up his torso, snuggling further into his warm skin. “bristol.”
“do you want to go?”
you hummed and turned your head to where you imagined his to be. “i don’t want you driving to my flat only to turn back around and drive to bristol.”
“it’ll be on the way.”
you opened your eyes to look at him, his lighting up as you did. “you’ll be heading in the opposite direction only to turn back around.”
“don’t worry about that.” he laughed shortly and turned onto his side. you settled beside him, moving yourself further up the mattress to rest your head against a pillow now.
you kept your eyes open as gwilym stared at you, looking over your face and features. you did the same, reaching out to stroke his stubble. his face was darker than yours since the light was positioned behind him, but you could still see him clearly and that look in his eyes as he reached over to ghost his thumb along your lips.
gwilym smiled intriguingly. “doesn’t ring a bell.”
“you have kalopsia, my love.” you traced your finger over his nose delicately.
he gave you a funny look, still having no idea of the definition.
“the delusion of things being more beautiful than they really are.”
his lips were quick to twist into a frown. a deep frown. “that’s not a nice thing. i know how beautiful you are.”
“i’m only teasing.”
by the look of his face, he still didn’t believe you. you started to bite down on the inside of your lip as regret filled your veins. why did you tell him that? he wasn’t delusional. of course he wasn’t delusional.
gwilym lifted himself to his elbow and pulled you close, meeting your lips halfway. his kiss was determined as his lips opened yours. sincerity mixed in and your eyebrows furrowed underneath him. you were a bit breathless when he pulled away to look at you.
“you are beautiful. i hope you don’t feel any less.”
you smiled gratefully at him, your eyes pricking a bit with tears, but you didn’t let them build up. you pulled gwilym in for one more kiss before you settled beside him in the mess of pillows and sheets. he held your hand against his chest once he turned the light off and you let yourself sink into the mattress and further into him.
you’d be a fool not to feel as deeply for him as you did already. you never felt anything short of beautiful when you were with him and he really just added to your confidence. you knew your worth without him. he was just an added bonus. that was one of the reasons why you loved him. it hadn’t been that long, but you felt that much to be true. gwilym had your heart, wholly.
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weasleysicon · 6 years
Trust to Dust [Badboy Actor!Calum Hood] Ch. 1
a/n: yes i know i haven’t posted in like 30 years but like, ya girl been going through it. anywho, welcome to trust to dust! i randomly got the idea for this fic while i was listening to story of another us in the shower and got too excited and wrote the 1st chapter. it is currently 3am, i am tired. too young, too dumb will be continued, but with slower updates as that fic takes a lot of time to write. the final part to second is also coming at yall soon! i also have an ashton fic in the works but i wanna be up and running with this one first. sorry for the long note but i hope all you lovelies enjoy the first chapter of trust to dust!!! love yall
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“MISS ST. JAMES, thank you for meeting me,” the director, Mr. Richards, smiled as he sat down at the conference table opposite of Gwyneth St. James and her manager, Bristol. Gwyneth smiled and greeted him back, hoping she’d gotten the part in the new movie she auditioned for just a few weeks prior. Gwyneth St. James had been in the acting game for a few years now, earning herself quite a name in the Television world, but was starting to crave what the Film universe held.
“Mr. Richards, it’s so nice to see you again, thank you for calling me back,” Gwyneth said as she crossed her right leg over her left, playing with the hem of her skirt.
Mr. Richards pulled out a thick folder from his briefcase. Upon opening the folder, Gwyneth’s heartbeat picked up as she caught a glimpse of the thick packet that read New Beginnings. She watched intently as he pulled the thick packet out of the folder and slid it over to her, smiling as he did so. “Congratulations, Miss St. James and welcome to the cast. We have a lot to go over,” Mr. Richard’s explained. He went on for a while about the romantic films plot and how long he thinks it’ll take to film. He was growing more and more nervous as time went on, which instinctively made Gwyneth nervous as well. “Now the last order of business, who your co-star is,” Mr. Richards almost croaked out and he began tapping his hand on the table. “You will be working with Calum Hood. I know his repu-”
“Calum Hood?!” Bristol cut Mr. Richards off in the middle of his sentence. What reputation? Gwyneth thought to herself. She’s heard of Calum Hood before, seen a couple of his movies, but she didn’t really like to read the media, as they like to bend the truth. Mr. Richards looked to Bristol and flashed an apologetic smile. “Calum Hood is a complete asshole to work with, why would you hire him, let alone have Gwen work with him? This is ridiculous,” Bristol continued her rant, only succeeding in confusing Gwyneth even more. She didn’t understand why her manager was getting so worked up over this, considering it was Bristol who pushed her to audition for this particular movie because her manager had been friends with Mr. Richards since college.
“Mrs. Patrick, Mr. Hood is going to be on his best behavior during this shoot. Gwyneth doesn’t have to spend time with him outside of filming,” Mr. Richards tried to reason with Bristol.
“Trust me, she won’t,” Bristol rolled her eyes and looked over to Gwyneth who was staring at her freshly painted nails in confusion. “Fine, but any funny business, any at all, and Gwen and I are out of here.”
“Calum, man, wake up! We gotta go,” Ashton impatiently said as he walked into Calum’s room, flicking the light on and yanking the blanket off of his sleeping figure. Calum groaned and curled into a tight ball, chasing the sleep he was being deprived of. “Seriously, Hood, wake the fuck up. We have a meeting with the director of the new movie you’re going to be in.”
Calum finally peeled his eyes open after a few more minutes of listening to Ashton hell at him. He was happy that Ashton was his manager, the two of them being good friends since their teen years, but sometimes it sucked that he had a key to his house. Standing up from his bed, Calum stretched his long, tanned limbs and trudged to his en suite bathroom to shower and get ready for the day. He didn’t want to be in this particular movie, but who was he to reject an opportunity for money? Washing the sleep from his body, he began thinking about who his co-star is. Ashton told him that she wasn’t a real big star, but she was known in the Television world but wanted to branch out. He was curious.
Finishing up getting ready for the interview, Calum met Ashton in his car. “Finally, thought you were going to blow the meeting off as a whole. We’re 20 minutes late as of now,” Ashton informed him as he started the car and pulled out of the driveway.
“Oh trust me, Ash, they’ll wait for me,” Calum scoffed. He didn’t mean to sound as cocky as he did, but it was true. He was one of the biggest names in Hollywood right now, whether it was good or not. If these people wanted a movie that would sell, they’d wait 20 years for Calum to show up.
“Calm it down, Cal,” Ashton sighed as he pulled into the buildings parking space. It wasn’t very far from Calum’s house in Calabasas, which was lucky seeing as they were nearing 30 minutes late. Ashton cut the engine and got out of the car, waiting for Calum to follow. Calum followed suit and got out of the car, getting ready to place a cigarette between his lips when Ashton butted in, “we don’t have time, mate.”
Calum rolled his eyes but nevertheless put the cigarette back into its pack. As they walked in, he took notice of all of the interns and guests that were practically fawning over him, and he wore a knowing smirk on his face.
“Mr. Irwin, Mr. Hood, thank God you’re finally here,” Mr. Richards’ secretary stood up and rushed over to the pair as she spoke into the Bluetooth attached to her ear, “Mr. Irwin and Mr. Hood are here.” She looked down at the ground while she listened to Mr. Richards reply to her. “Right this way, gentlemen.”
When the two men entered the small conference room, he noticed Mr. Richards flipping through what appeared to be the script. “Hello, gentlemen,” Mr. Richards greeted as he shook hands with Ashton and Calum respectively. “Please, have a seat. We have some things to discuss.” As Ashton and Calum took a seat, Calum saw through the hard exterior the director had put up. “Now, I’ve just gotten out of the meeting with your co-star, and her manager has some… concerns regarding you, Mr. Hood,” Mr. Richards tried explaining as carefully as possible, as to not anger Calum. Mr. Richards has heard of Calum’s anger issues, and hopes that this conversation goes well enough without it being released.
“These concerns are?” Ashton asked.
Mr. Richards took a deep breath before answering, “her manager is worried about Calum’s… mischievous reputation and how it’ll effect Miss St. James.” Calum’s jaw began bouncing as he clenched, trying to keep his anger at bay. Who the hell is this St. James prude and what does my reputation have anything to do with her? Calum thought to himself, wondering who the hell she thought she was. “Don’t fret, I assured Bristol that you, Mr. Hood, would be on your best behavior and keep these tarnishing actions to yourself and away from the studio,” Mr. Richards tried sending Calum and Ashton a half hearted smile, hoping to relieve some of the tension in the air. This didn’t work, only raising Calum’s anger.
“No disrespect to you or this St. James chick, but anyone would be lucky to work with me, regardless of my fucking reputation. I am a professional and what I do outside of the studio is none of their business. Thanks for the meeting,” Calum spat, the venom seeping through his voice. After his little outburst, he screeched his chair backwards and stormed out of the building. He needed a cigarette.
Once he was outside and in the back of the building, he reached in his leather jacket and yanked a cigarette out of the pack and placed it between his plump lips, lighting it up. Taking a deep inhale, he felt himself release a bit of the anger that was built inside of him. How dare that director talk to him like that? How dare that manager talk of him like that? Sure, he was known for playing pranks during filming and his “romances” with female co-stars but that doesn’t mean he’s unable to work with. These people just didn’t know him or understand him.
SERIES TAGS: @irwinkitten @plainwhiteluke @astroashtonio @plaidpantsluke @irrevocablylukes @monsteramongmikey @holidayhood @irwinvalentines @catchinqcalum @talkfastfletcher @allltimehemmo @biggestslutforcalum
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wistfulcynic · 6 years
Another Brick In The Wall
Summary: A high school AU. Why? I don't really know. Probably because I've read a few of them lately just out of curiosity and I can't say I care for how Killian is portrayed. So here's my version. It sort of wrote itself this afternoon. Give it a try, let me know what you think. 
I'm gonna say it's vaguely Captain Duckling-ish even though Emma and Killian are both teenagers. How is this possible, you ask? Read and find out.
Rating: T for now, might go M later on.
Tagging, just in case you might be interested: @teamhook, @resident-of-storybrooke, @wellhellotragic, @let-it-raines, @deathbycaptainswan, @rouhn, @kmomof4, @jennjenn615 @tiganasummertree
Read it on AO3
Chapter 1: 
She noticed him right away, the new face in her school. A face that was a bit too skinny, much like his lanky frame, but the high cheekbones of one and the long limbs of the other hinted at good things to come. His dark hair fell messily across his forehead, and his eyes were the bluest she’d ever seen. When they caught hers, he merely raised an eyebrow at her and turned away. 
Her mouth fell open in indignation. No one turned away from Emma Swan. Not in her school. 
“Who’s the new guy?” she asked Ruby, trying to sound nonchalant. Ruby was the gossip master; she knew everything that went on at Storybrooke High. 
Ruby followed her friend's gaze to the tall boy slamming his locker shut and frowning at his class schedule. ‘Um, his name’s Killian Jones. He’s from England or Ireland or somewhere. His brother’s the new harbourmaster, they just moved here last week.” 
“Killian.” Emma tested the name. It was unusual, but she liked it. It fit him. 
Suddenly she was engulfed from behind by a pair of strong arms, chasing all thoughts of the new boy from her head. “Hey, babe,” said Neal, planting a smacking kiss on her cheek. “Whaddya say we ditch this place and go make out under the bleachers?”
Emma shrugged him off, pushing away from his grasp. “Ugh, Neal, I’ve told you before not to do that. And it’s the first day of school, of course I’m not gonna ditch.” 
He laughed. “You’re such a nerd, Ems.” 
She glared at him. “I am not, I just want good grades so I can go to college. Not all of us have football scholarships.” 
“Neal doesn’t have a football scholarship either, not yet,” Ruby pointed out with a small sneer. She was not Neal’s biggest fan.  
“Only a matter of time, Rubes,” said Neal, with a smug grin. “Coach has scouts coming to the first game, so I just gotta be my usual awesome self and it’s in the bag.” 
He slung his arm around Emma’s shoulders and she took a deep, calming breath, barely managing to suppress the urge to cringe. She liked Neal, truly. They had known each other since kindergarten, and she guessed he was technically her boyfriend, but she hated --hated-- the PDA. He knew that, she had told him often enough, but it never seemed to stop him.
She gave him a tense smile. "I'm headed to Psychology," she told him.
"I'll walk you there." His arm tightened around her shoulders as he steered her away from Ruby and towards her first class. 
Killian was in her third period English class, though that first morning he was nearly late to it. By the time he appeared in the doorway it was barely a minute until the bell, and the only open seats were in the first row. She could swear she caught an eyeroll, and he seemed to smirk at the class at large as he deliberately sat in the very front and centre. 
Just in front and to the right of where she was sitting. 
He carried a leather satchel instead of a backpack, and when he slung it open to pull out his notebook she noticed an AP Calculus textbook, a slim laptop, and a large pair of headphones. 
AP Calc and AP English, she thought. Who was this guy? 
He seemed to feel her eyes on him and turned to look at her. She resisted the urge to turn away, boldly holding his blue gaze. Emma Swan did not shrink from anyone, not even disconcertingly handsome foreign boys with very blue eyes. He grinned at her, and she sensed respect in it, even as its brilliance made her heart gallop. 
Then the teacher entered the room, and he shot her a wink and looked away. 
He was in her AP US History class as well, and she heard that he also had AP Physics, French and German, from her friends who were in those classes. She heard that he was taking a Greek class online, from overhearing Miss French, the librarian who was monitoring his studies. She heard he had joined the fencing club from her own father, who coached it. She managed to hear a lot of things about him, eavesdropping and probing for the information as subtly as possible, dying of curiosity but not prepared for her friends or family to know just how much the new boy fascinated her. He was from Bristol in England and he had no family except for his brother, who was ten years older and as Ruby had reported, the new harbourmaster. They had American citizenship through their mother, and after some sort of scandal or disaster in England (no one seemed to know the details) had decided to make a new start in a new country. Killian was sixteen, more than a year younger than Emma, and he should be a junior but he’d already finished, according to Ruby, the British equivalent of a high school diploma and apparently the AP classes were the nearest thing to what he’d be doing if he’d stayed in the UK. 
“If he passes all his AP exams then he can finish high school a year early and start college next year,” Ruby reported. “I’d call him just your average nerd, but Victor and I were at that new coffee shop in Misthaven last Thursday and they had an open mic night. New boy was there, with his guitar.” 
“He plays the guitar?” Seriously?
“Yep, and sings. He’s pretty good. He did a Dylan cover, which, ugh, but then he sang an Irish song too that was acutally kinda great.” 
“Irish? I thought he was English?”
Ruby shrugged. “Irish, English, it’s all the same.” 
Emma was pretty sure that it wasn’t the same at all, but she remembered just in the nick of time that she wasn’t supposed to be interested in Killian, and changed the subject. 
The next time he spoke in English class (he never volunteered to answer questions, but when the teacher called on him he always produced a brilliant answer. Even though he never seemed to do any homework, spending his lunch and free periods on his laptop, with his headphones on) she listened carefully. She was no expert in accents, but he sounded English to her. Like, he wouldn’t be out of place on Downton Abbey. 
She looked at the website of the Misthaven coffee shop and made a note of their next open mic. 
Sitting as unobtrusively as possible in a quiet corner booth, she watched as Killian sat down on the improvised stage and took out his guitar. He ran a hand through his hair and took a deep breath, announcing that he would be playing what he described as “An old Irish folk song with a bit of an update.” He smiled as he said it, and Emma noticed a group of girls she recognised as Misthaven High cheerleaders whispering and giggling at a table just to his right. Before she had a chance to analyse the stab of something she felt watching them, something sharp and unpleasant, Killian began to sing and she was enraptured. 
He was beautiful. His song was beautiful, his voice was beautiful, his eyes were beautiful. And she was fucked. 
She snuck out of the coffee shop without talking to him, and banged her forehead on the steering wheel of her car. Emma Swan did not crush on boys, she was crushed upon. 
She smiled at him in class on Monday, a deliberate, flirty smile. He raised an eyebrow in response, but the corners of his mouth turned up as well and she felt like she could fly to the moon. 
Still, he didn’t talk to her. She’d smiled at him every day for two weeks in both their shared classes, had timed her departures so that they walked out of the classrooms together, had brushed up against him in the hallway, laughing and putting her hand on his arm as she apologised, had dropped her pencil and asked him to pick it up then leaned forward and flipped her hair as he handed it to her. She’d tried everything, all the little tricks that would have reduced any other boy in school to a quivering jelly, but Killian simply smiled and responded with the same detatched politeness that he used with all the other girls. 
Like she was just any other girl. 
Finally, she couldn’t take it any longer. “So,” she said, as they were gathering their things after English class. “Are you going to Homecoming?” 
He looked slightly surprised for a moment, then smirked. “No,” he said, and turned to go.
She grabbed her backpack and hastened after him. “What? Why not?”
He turned to look at her, this time with an incredulous expression. “Why on earth do you care whether I embrace ridiculous American high school traditions or not?” he inquired. 
“I’m just curious.” 
“Indeed. But why?”
She shrugged, not wanting to admit how interested she was in him. 
His eyebrow rose again. “Well, then, let me suggest that you mind your own business, princess.” 
She gaped. How dare he speak to her like that? “I’m not a princess!” she protested. 
“Oh, I think you are. Emma Swan, daughter of the town sheriff, niece of the mayor, girlfriend of the quarterback, head cheerleader, most popular girl in school. You couldn’t be more of a cliché of the perfect small-town American princess if you tried.” He started walking again, dismissing her. 
She followed, running to catch up with his long-legged strides. “You know an awful lot about me,” she huffed.  
“You’re hard to avoid.” 
“I know a lot about you, too.” She didn’t know where that confession had come from, but she planted herself in his path and stood her ground. 
He gave her a sardonic smirk. “I doubt that very much.” 
“You’re from Bristol, England, you’re super smart but you don’t make a big deal about it, you love music and you play the guitar.” She counted on her fingers before throwing him a triumphant look. 
“Oh, well done,” he sneered. “I’d almost think I had an admirer. But I’m afraid you missed out on the most important thing about me, love.” 
“Oh, yeah? And what’s that?”
Something flickered in his eyes, something lost and sad, just for a moment before he slammed the barriers down again. “I am just marking time in this town,” he replied, “until I can pass my exams and go the fuck back home.” She gasped at his language, and he smirked, leaning into her space and almost making her gasp again at the electric sizzle she felt at his nearness. “So don’t get too attached, princess.”
They were standing in the middle of the hallway, inches apart and eyes locked, when suddenly he was gone, slammed back into the lockers behind them with Neal’s forearm against his neck. 
“What are you doing with my girlfriend, dickhead?” snarled Neal. 
Killian was unfazed, merely raising a disdainful eyebrow. “Not a thing, mate.” 
Neal removed his arm, but remained close as Killian slowly straightened. He was skinnier than Neal but also quite a bit taller, and he somehow managed to look intimidating as he glared down at the older boy. 
Neal scowled and stepped back, putting his arm possessively around Emma. “You’re new here,” he said scornfully, “so maybe you don’t know how this works. I’m the quarterback—” 
“And you date the cheerleader and get elected homecoming king, yeah, I’ve seen that movie,” Killian scoffed back. “Trust me, mate, I have no interest in interfering or getting involved with you or your girlfriend.”
“Well.” Neal looked mollified, and Emma wanted to smack him. Couldn’t he see that Killian was making fun of both of them? “Okay then. But I still don’t like you.” 
“I still don’t give a fuck.” 
Neal snorted. “Let’s go, Ems, I’ll walk you to your locker.” He steered her away, the arm around her shoulder like iron. 
The last thing she saw was Killian giving her a mocking bow before he turned and headed in the opposite direction. 
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carveto01 · 3 years
How To Use A Car Valuation Guide
CarVeto UK is an online vehicle valuation company that provides free vehicle valuation and history report services to car owners and vehicle buyers. CarVeto UK offers a wide range of automobile valuation products including the CarVeto system, the Vehicle Valuation Report and the Vehicle Information Package. The Car valuation system uses over ten different factors including vehicle make, model, year of manufacture, mileage, standard of engine power, extras such as leather seats and sunroof, safety features, safety rating, interior quality, wheels and tyres and any extras you might want to add. The Car valuation system uses these factors to determine how much your car is worth. The system is based on the most recent information available about each vehicle including mileage, colour, details about any extras including airbags and tracking devices and any imperfections on the vehicle's outside.
Another Car valuation company is TheMEV (The Medical and Veterinary Internet Research). Their valuation reports are highly regarded online and can be accessed via the Internet and downloaded on demand. TheMEV has many different products including an easy to use car valuation tool which you can run immediately from their website or a mobile app, car safety check, quick car valuation reports, used car condition report and car valuation updates. You can also find valuable information about the history of any used car you are interested in buying through their website.
CarVeto UK also offers a number of other services including used car condition reports, used car pricing and car value estimates and online valuation updates. There are also car valuation tools offered online. CarVeto also offers a number of incentives to keep their customers using their services including discounted annual return visits to any of their six UK office and discount car insurance. The discounts are based on the value of the car less a standard fee for the use of the car and will vary between each CarVeto UK office.
You can also get a car valuation estimate online at any of the CarVeto UK offices. The price given will depend on the model, mileage, area of the country and whether you have a warranty or not. You can also get information about any minor repairs that will affect the value of the car. This way you can get a fair idea about what the car is worth without having to go to the car dealership yourself. This way you can buy the car without under estimating it and can negotiate a good price online for your purchase.
The car dealership can often offer a guaranteed trade-in value if you bring your car there. You should however still do some independent research to make sure that the car is in good condition as you will be taking the car back to the used car market to exchange it. You will also need to have an idea of the car price so you can make an informed decision about how much you want to pay for it. It can sometimes be worthwhile visiting the showroom yourself and going through the paperwork with a mechanic if you are unsure about anything. However, you will not be able to bargain with the seller at all and can expect to pay full price for the car.
Used car dealerships can be a good option when you have an old car that needs a little TLC. You can find used cars in great condition all over the UK and you can even purchase them from companies outside of the UK if you so wish. The majority of dealers will be willing to sell vehicles at below the suggested price provided you buy from them. Many used car dealers can also offer used car valuation guides so you can find out how much your car is worth. This guide is an excellent way to know how much you should be looking to buy your used car for. A car valuation guide can be purchased for very cheap from used car dealers and is a great way to find out the value of your car before you decide to make a purchase.
Contact Us:
CarVeto Address:13 Harbury Road, Henleaze, Bristol, BS9 4PN Email:[email protected] https://g.page/carveto?share
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premiercarriageuk · 3 years
Discover The Symbolism Behind Rolls Royce Wedding Cars And Why They Remain Such A Popular Choice For British Bridal Couples
Luxury cars driven by a professional chauffeur have been a principal of the classic wedding for generations, lending a sense of splendour and prestige to the occasion, so you need a model that can deliver all of that while also embodying the classic style, elegance, and timeless sense of beauty you want your wedding, and be remembered for.
The traditional wedding is as popular now as it has always been, with the Rolls Royce Phantom being the ideal choice for couples seeking to add a touch of luxury and flair to their special day. Prince Charles and Camilla were carried away in a Phantom VI Rolls Royce after their nuptials, and even famed actress Nicole Kidman arrived in a vintage Rolls Royce for her marriage to Keith Urban.
Regardless of how you look at it, Rolls Royce ticks all the right boxes and is still the preferred wedding car for couples who want to make a spectacular entrance on their special day. When looking for a wedding car that will allow you to stick to your wedding colour plan while still arriving in elegance, the Rolls-Royce Phantom Series I, in particular, looks exceptionally lovely in an elegant white finish. On the other hand, the stunning Rolls Royce Phantom Series II, resplendent in a gleaming white exterior, is also the ideal option among the Rolls Royce wedding cars.
Consider your wedding dress
Your lovely wedding dress most likely cost you a fair amount, so seeing it crumpled up and folded over on an unpleasant trip to the church or reception venue in a smaller luxury wedding car may be rather upsetting.
That will be the least of your concerns if you hire a luxury Rolls-Royce chauffeur service from a reputable wedding car hire company because make no mistake, Rolls-Royce offers loads of space. It also has theatre-style seats, making it perfect for comfortably fitting even the most lavish bridal gowns.
Reputation is everything
The Rolls-Royce Phantom is a one-of-a-kind VIP vehicle. The newest model was voted Luxury Car of the Year at the UK Car Awards, just one of numerous accolades and examples of the critical praise this world-class series has received over the years for its tremendous performance, faultless elegance, and insatiably sumptuous leather interiors.
Why choose Rolls Royce wedding cars?
You may plan and prepare every aspect of your big day with military precision and yet have no idea if it will suddenly start raining on the route. While that sleek, fashionable convertible may appear to be a perfect choice for your summer wedding, doing so may put your gorgeous hairdo at risk of being blown apart by a sudden gust of wind or, worse, having your entire wedding gown destroyed by an unexpected downpour.
Rain is nothing to stress about, especially on your wedding day, and thankfully, a few sprinkles do not have to damper your spirits with a luxury wedding car that is ideally adapted to the unpredictable British weather. If you opt for a chauffeur-driven Rolls Royce, you will arrive at your wedding in all your dazzling glory with a string of hair out of place.
Nothing compares to slipping into the extraordinary, unrivaled comfort of a Rolls-Royce Phantom. The deep-pile sheepskin rugs are so plush that you want to curl up and nap among them, the beautifully polished veneers gleam like something out of a royal palace, and those sumptuous leather chairs are so tempting. The Phantom, On the outside, has a strong, dignified image belied only by its elegant curves and flawless finish, making it one of the most sought-after Rolls Royce weddings cars of all time.
There are several wedding cars hire companies that offer this world-class chauffeur-driven luxury car in your choice of black or white finish and with a little research, you will be able to find a company that meets all your requirements.
About Us:
Premier Carriage is a multi-award-winning recommended, wedding car hire service, covering Dorset and Hampshire, Wiltshire, Somerset, Devon, Cornwall, West Sussex, East Sussex, Surrey, Bristol, Avon, and Berkshire in Southern England. Established in 1996, Premier Carriage is one of the UK's leading Wedding Car Hire companies that offer over 750 vehicles, including classic, vintage, and modern vehicles from Rolls-Royce, Bentley, Volkswagen Campervan, or London Routemaster Bus. We are sure to have something to suit your wedding. View our Website's Car Selection. All quotes are tailor-made to your requirements. Our experience is second to none, and we have arranged wedding transportation for thousands of weddings over the years, so we like to think we know a little about our business. To find out more, please visit our website at https://www.premiercarriage.co.uk/.
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