#lee critiques
scriptmyworld · 2 years
you have a man who you heavily imply in the first season, and explicitly say in the next, is abusive, manipulative, and evil. and you have the woman who’s been buried under her family’s legacy her whole life, who you show us has come from a cold, unforgiving, unaccepting home. a woman who’s never been able to make a choice for herself in her life. who’s entire emotional arc was about reconnecting with her sisters. who is brave, who is loyal, and who is way more giving than she would let anyone know.
and you pair them together???? like some sick twisted love story???? you make her his obedient servant?????
lilith’s arc this season makes so little sense to me and it makes her look stupid. there was literally no reason to untether her from her family like this. you could’ve even had her learn more and then dip!! actually make a decision for herself!!! but instead she’s once again at the whim of another power and you’re framing it like it’s her freedom. this plot genuinely made me ill.
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peachi-blossom · 2 months
My Top 3 Least Favorite Female Leads
This is going to be my ranking on my Top 3 Least Favorite Female Leads.
#3. Meilin "Mei" Lee
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When I watched Turning Red back in 2022 (since I was the target audience for the movie), I did not like Mei because she comes off as annoying, unrelatable, and unlikable to me. This is just my opinion on Mei.
Now, what makes her annoying? She is narcissistic, dishonest, bad-tempered, selfish, and she has no sense of self-control in her emotions. I know she is a teenage girl going through puberty, but I genuinely find her annoying.
What makes her unrelatable? Her shallow friendship with her friends and all of her friends including herself are BOY CRAZY. I know they have some good moments, but I find their friendship kind of shallow to me.
And what makes her so unlikable? She disobeys her parents, lies to her parents, sneaks out of the house, threatens Tyler twice, runs away from her family, and twerks at her mom. And what is the worst part? She completely gets away with it SCOT-FREE. At the end, She just becomes more of a narcissistic brat who never learns to grow up. I know she grew up with a strict Chinese mother, but I just can't see her as a likable character.
Again, why is she so annoying, unrelatable, and unlikable? Because she is literally the OPPOSITE version of me.
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I know there are people who genuinely like Mei and relate to her, but I just couldn't because of how she acted.
The only thing I like about her is her bedroom. It has my favorite colors pink and green and its cozy.
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Now onto the next one!
#2. Princess Ariana De Sacramise
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I hate Princess Ariana De Sacramise so much. She's a shallow Mary Sue who collects men like their Pokemon (yes I watched BlackLightJack's two videos yesterday), treats them like animals, manipulates them, and only cares about their looks. Yes I said it, she is WAY MORE shallow than Mei and her friends! I'm not even joking right now, she is a grown woman who is more shallow than four teenage girls who like 4*Town. Like, she ONLY cares about physical attractiveness of MEN.
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The creators depicted her as some "hero" you're supposed to root for, but in reality, she is a villainess.
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Also, she is a MASSIVE hypocrite.
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Finally, we have the one and only least favorite female lead!
#1. Charlotte "Charlie" Morningstar
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I didn't loathe Charlie in the first three episodes, but after episode 4, It just made me LOATHE her so much. I couldn't stand her anymore. She is a delusional friend who doesn't care about her friends, inconsiderate to their feelings and needs, more annoying than Mei because she acts very happy ALL THE TIME on certain situations, doesn't kill Valentino to rescue Angel Dust, and acts like a SPINELESS CRYBABY AS A GROWN WOMAN! I REPEAT, SHE IS A GROWN WOMAN WHO IS A SPINELESS CRYBABY! NO GROWN ADULT SHOULD BE ACTING LIKE HER BECAUSE THAT MAKES THEM MORE IMMATURE AND SELFISH! ESPECIALLY WOMEN BECAUSE THAT JUST REINFORCES THE STEREOTYPE OF WOMEN BEING USELESS! I HATE SEEING WOMEN BEING SPINELESS CRYBABIES!
She is the absolute worst female lead in animation history! She is everything wrong about what a female lead should NOT be! A SELFISH. INCONSIDERATE. DELUSIONAL. SPINELESS. BRATTY. CRYBABY. That's why I LOATHE Charlie Morningstar!
The reason she acts like this is because she is Vivienne Medrano's horrible self insert.
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How can anybody stand her bratty behavior? I cannot stand her anymore...
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Some people call her a Mary Sue, but for me, I call her a SPINELESS CRYBABY. I have to say all those things because I just can't stand her anymore.
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EDIT 7/23/24:
I changed and expanded my reasons why I loathe Charlie Morningstar so much.
EDIT 7/24/2024:
I expanded more reasons why I loathe Charlie so much since I rushed it last night.
EDIT 7/26/2024:
I explained why I hate seeing women being spineless crybabies.
EDIT 8/06/2024:
I crossed out "narcissistic" because I was pretty harsh on Mei. She's only a teenager who still has a lot to learn after all.
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I’ve been thinking about Mira from D20 Neverafter.
For one, I absolutely love her. She’s amazing and can do no wrong and I would’ve loved to spend more time with her.
But to do a little *analysis* I find it particularly interesting that she never goes back to being a mermaid. The story of the little mermaid works very well as a trans allegory and the fact that Mira never reverts back to being a mermaid in neverafter feels very respectful of this reading.
Mechanically, keeping her a mermaid or at least giving her water powers would’ve added flair to her fighting (similar to Rapunzel’s prehensile hair), but that never happens. Mira never returns to her original body, because it’s not her true body. Instead of experiencing humanity and realizing that it’s not all it’s cracked up to be, that the grass is always greener, Mira gets to keep her legs and truly become the body she always wanted, even if that comes with pain.
And the most important thing is that she never even asks to be a mermaid again. When she has her moment with the sea witch, we never hear (and her body language never shows) her begging for a tail again, to go back to the water. It may be painful, but Mira’s body is her body and she never tries to change it once it fits how she feels.
I’m not sure if anyone has pointed this out yet or if this even makes sense, it’s just my ramblings too late at night, but idk to me this is something that really stands out about neverafter’s take on the little mermaid. As a cis woman obviously I am less qualified to talk about this stuff, and I’d love to hear trans people’s perspectives on this.
Anyways huge props to Mr mulligan, he’s done it again.
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stuckasmain · 2 years
While I can understand a lot of the Criticism of Halloween ends “not enough Micheal myers” is not one of them. Guys. He was only in the original for like nine minutes total— like he never was really the focus?? It’s more that the ‘boogeyman’ talk going around and how fear influences people etc.
Like I hate to break it to some of you guys but Halloween started as a slow character driven horror flick and the sequels and reboots may have diluted the original in your mind.
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jettorii · 2 years
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tickle tango concept with them
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royallyprincesslilly · 8 months
Who in god's name is dressing Henry Cavill these days?!
Please stop!
Wth is this man wearing.
Clothes truly do make the man because these last suits have him looking old, frumpy and just unattractive overall (not unattractive facially because hello, no. Although he does look tired as hell)
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artzychic27 · 1 year
The science kids seem to not like the Akuma class barring Nath, but I wanna know what they don't like about Marinette.
Denise: Oh, sit down, honey! Lemme tell you something about Marinette! She says she loves Adrien, but what does she really love about him? I’ll tell you, he’s the heteronormative dream. White, blonde, rich, upper-middle class, and genes a straight girl would kill for! She has her future children planned out! Two boys and one girls! A designer and model with 2.5 kids, now tell me that is not the “American Dream” or some bullshit.
Zoé: They’re right. It’s unsettling that Marinette has the sexes picked out for her kids. I mean, what if one of them turns out trans? Then what? I think she’ll have a breakdown.
Ismael: Or she’ll give one girl away and try again for a boy. Th-this worries us. And back to Adrien, she doesn’t love him. She loves that he’s “perfect,” and thinks she’s the “perfect girl” for him. So much so that she sabotages any girl who shows a shred of interest in him. Resh and I saw her sabotage the Friendship Day thing with Kagami just so she wouldn’t be able to win and hang out with Adrien.
Reshma: It was… Not pretty. What lengths is she willing to go to? Wh-what if Adrien finds a girl he truly loves?
Marc: What about a guy? What if Adrien realizes he’s gay? Who knows what she’ll do? Not only that, but she keeps dragging the girls into her kinda illegal schemes. Didn’t she get them to put up a fake ‘no parking’ sign?
Jean: I also heard something about her having his entire schedule. I thought that was a rumor started by some psycho fangirls who hate her, but now I think they’re just legitimately concerned.
Reshma: And back to this “perfect girl” thing. I saw her team up with Chloé of all people to sabotage Kagami’s chances with Adrien at the movie premiere.
Cosette: That! That is what we’re talking about! She’ll go to great lengths to ruin Adrien’s own happiness just to make herself happy by dating him. And if we could talk about Luka for a moment. What she did to him was unfair. If she was still in love with Adrien, she shouldn’t have been dating him. When Luka got akumatized into Truth and Alya told him Marinette’s biggest secret was her crush on Adrien, he said he already knows about that…
Lacey: So, her obsession over Adrien didn’t fade! And the explanation for her and Luka breaking up was “oh she’s so secretive!” What secret?! That’s she’s obsessed over Adrien?! Like Marc said, that’s not a secret!
Aurore: Now onto her actions regarding Adrien. As we’ve mentioned, she has his schedule. How did she get it? It’s nowhere online! The only explanation is that she stole his assistant’s tablet and got the information off of that!
Simon: I just tried to hack into her tablet, but it’s got one hell of a firewall. And I doubt Marinette has the hacking knowledge to get into it herself. Therefore, we can only assume that she got ahold of Nathalie’s tablet, or even Adrien’s phone, and got the schedule herself.
Mireille: Oh, and then you have Lila. Her only ambition was to expose Lila as a liar simply because she started showing an interest in Adrien. What about the fact that her friends were being lied to? Then she expected them to believe her every word about Lila being a liar simply because they’re friends. She didn’t provide any evidence, and it only made her look even more jealous of her. I mean, if Lila were to be in our class and I knew she was a liar, I wouldn’t go to my friends as a whole, I’d tell Aurore my concerns, and we’d research the facts together.
Zoé: Yeah, that’s right. Marinette lets her jealousy get the best of her. And yes, while we get jealous from time to time, you don’t see Marc sabotaging another boy for showing an interest Nathaniel, or Denise yelling at some girl for being friends with Simon, or Jean teaming up with his worst enemy to make some guy hanging out with Austin look bad in front of him. Because we’re rational!
Jean: It’s just… That’s like her whole character, being a stalker toward Adrien and not caring who she hurts emotionally just to be close to him. It’s unfair to the people around her, and those helping her with her plans are going to get in trouble.
Reshma: It’s is pretty much the reason why we try to distance ourselves away from her, yet she keeps being persistent.
Marc: Yeah, she won’t stop trying to get Nath and I to make more romance manga which are all basically a guide for her life with Adrien, and it’s deeply disturbing how much detail she has us put into them, right down to the exact texture of Adrien’s hair. We lied and told her we had too many commissions coming in to make more comics for her.
Aurore: Last week, she invited Mireille, Reshma, Lacey, Denise, Cosette, Zoé, and I to a sleepover at her place with the girls from her class, and I had to plan one at the last minute just so we didn’t have to go. I don’t feel like being in the same room as Adrien’s schedule.
Cosette: So, in short, that’s why we don’t like Marinette. She’s obsessive, a stalker, insensitive, and prone to some extreme jealousy. Hell, I could be talking to Adrien right now, and she’ll try to sabotage me in some way. And I’m dating Zoé!
Ismael: Yeah, that’s uh… That’s it… So, what now?
Marc: Guys, Nath just texted! Marinette’s coming to our classroom right now!
Denise: *Throws a desk out of the window* Run! Everybody run, now! *Jumps out of the window*
Lacey: *Packing snacks* We’re just gonna… Not be here! *Jumps out of the window, followed by Jean, Reshma, and Aurore*
Ismael: I’ll be in the catacombs! *Drops a smoke bomb and disappears*
Marc: *Pushing a bookshelf to the side to reveal a hole carved in the wall* You saw nothing!
Simon: *On his tablet* Goodbye, everybody! *A small drone flies into the room, grabs Simon by the back of his shirt, and carries him away*
Mireille: *Pulling apart the floorboards, revealing a panic room*
Zoé: Mireille! Take us with you!
Mireille: Get your own, panic room, bro! *Moves the floorboards back into place*
Cosette: YOU COWARD!
Marinette: Zoé! Cosette! Just the two I was looking for!
Cosette: … *Punches a wall* FUCK!… I’m afraid I must go to the nurse at this very moment. For you see, my hand is horribly injured, and Zoé twisted her ankle.
Zoé: I what? *Cosette kicks her ankle* AAAH! Yes! My ankle is twisted!
Marinette: Oh. Okay, well, maybe later, then-
Cosette: I may need stitches and I gotta go to the hospital for a few weeks! Bye! *Grabs Zoé’s hand and pulls her out of the room*
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knowlesian · 1 year
ngl i lowkey blame the rise of snark as the baseline mode of interaction in geek culture for cinemasins type commentary becoming a big deal and thus for the smug nitpicking that tends to dominate so much of fandom now
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ignitification · 2 years
You may say whatever you want, but if you really are reducing Do-Young's character traits to wearing a suit and being a dick, while at the same time praising Yeo-Jeong because he delivered the 'Who do you want me to kill first?' line and being fucked up in the matters of having dreams about killing the serial killer that killed his own father, you're being superficial. Apart from the romantic side of thing, it's not a competition and saying things like that, while completely also ignoring the intricacies that could be born out of their connection is just shallow. Not to talk about the fact that Dong-Eun and Yeo-Jeong have nothing on the chemistry in the four scenes where Dong-Eun and Do-Yeong interact.
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Characters that deserved better from the writers part 2, because this show really robbed a lot of them.
From Chloé and Zoé not being allowed to form a bond, grow together and stand up to Audrey, to Zoé’s throw-away and rushed introduction in general.
Luka was introduced as nothing more that the third wheel, dropped, and later turned into yet other mindless shipper of Adrien and Marinette (no hate to the ship btw). He has no personality, and seeing his backstory, it’s really a shame they didn’t develop him further.
And finally to Su-Han, a Master of the miraculous, with over two centuries of training, who instead of becoming Marinette’s new teacher, was insulted and degraded by the writers and made into a pathetic wimp, groveling in front of a holder with less than a year of experience.
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sh5 · 2 months
watching a YT video essay about the mcelroys and the narrator starts explaining the concept of among us
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Not gonna lie, I think part of the reason why I was so disappointed in “Evil Dead Rise” is that I’ve seen some relatively good horror movies recently that actually had protagonists that behaved realistically. Just to name an example, in the movie “Nope”, when Daniel Kaluuya’s character was confronted by the three fake aliens at night, his first instincts were:
1) to run away
2) to pull his phone out at a safe distance in order to record what was happening, just in case someone called bullshit on his story
3) to punch the first fake alien that got too close to him.
Meanwhile, “Evil Dead Rise” starts out with this character who can’t tell that there’s some demonic shit going on with her cousin. And this was after:
1) the cousin’s voice started getting all deep and distorted for no reason
2) the cousin was somehow reading a book that they weren’t even looking at
3) the cousin going from lying on the bed, ill, to sitting up straight like nothing happened
It’s a horror trope that characters are stupid, but sometimes, I feel writers take that trope WAY too far. And honestly, I feel that horror movies should have more characters that are actually thinking critically because it makes the movie even more tense. It makes the monsters look competent and doesn’t annoy the audience who just want the characters to use common sense.
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edgepunk · 2 years
Spider-Man brainrot I need to rant
ok but I hate that the MCU made every character a quippy funnyguy. that was Spider-Man's thing, he's the OG quippy funnyguy superhero and there's even an in-lore explanation for that. like it didn't come out of nowhere. he makes quips to ease the tension/come off as confident, because he's scared during most fights and later on, it becomes a legit tactic he uses to anger/annoy his enemies, because then they're prone to making mistakes. he knows he's being a silly guy, he's self-aware. and that's not his entire personality trait either, that's part of his superhero persona. your ole regular Peter Parker doesn't have the need to make quips every two seconds, yes he makes jokes but they're usually a little sarcastic/passive aggressive bc Peter can be an arrogant dickhead at times. normally he's more mellow, which gives balance to his quippy superhero self. it's deliberate.
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pasta-pardner · 2 years
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I love gaming. I love being a gamer.
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yes-koku · 1 year
BATMAN: Hush v The Long Halloween
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So I finally got around to finishing Jeph Loeb's Batman: Hush (prior to this I had already read The Long Halloween)
It was good.
Had a pretty straightforward plot and was easy to follow.The dialogue needed work in areas, notably the jokes, the monologue was okay for the most part but there were certain small things that irked me.
Batman in this story, isn't quite as stoic or feel as calculated as he does in other stories because during the whole thing he's undergoing a phase of change, we can see he doesn't want to let another Jason Todd incident happen to Tim Drake being part of it but the main change being that he's fallen in love with Catwoman (again).
Expanding on Bruce's childhood and life before batman by the introduction of Tommy Elliot just felt like a dead giveaway that Tommy was either going to die or turn out to be a villain. What happens next being so predictable sort of cheapened the effect of the flashbacks but maybe that's just my opinion.
Tommy Elliot also felt incredibly bland, like, very fuckin generic. He was a Scooby Doo villain, that's literally what he was. He wants revenge because as a child an unaware Bruce accidentally saved Tommy's mother's life by asking his father to operate on her. Tommy who tried to kill his parents loathed this and developed a hate boner for Bruce Wayne.
Jim Lee's art is spectacular as usual, so is the colouring.
But I personally do prefer Tim Sale's style on the Long Halloween.
The couloring especially.
It felt more expressive, they used flatter and more tonally dull colours to create an aesthetic, used light and dark imagery so cinematically, it was like they wanted to create art instead of creating something that was flashy and looked cool. No hate to the colourist who did Hush but I just feel like it could have been more interesting is all.
Tim's art style was also extravagant, each character looked like a cartoon but the grounded colour scheme really brings the reality aspect back to it and it just feels... Right.
It differs from Hush a lot but the monologue in Hush makes sense in context. It's not written as diary entries but instead it's literally batman's every thought, it can often waffle and drift into childhood memories at random times.
I like both but I prefer the diary entries used in The Long Halloween over Hush.
Both had a great mystery and kept me guessing who the antagonist would be but Hush just felt like it was missing something.
It took me a while to figure out but it's Gordon. Hush had Catwoman, Robin and Superman as the supporting cast but they don't feel as strong or as interesting of a trio as Batman, Harvey and Jim. Not only are the cast of Hush less charismatic but they also feel less connected to the plot and Batman mythos compared to Jordan and Harvey.
The endings for both were brilliant tho, it's actually really difficult to choose which one I like. The mystery is uncovered but nobody wins. To put it bluntly overall the two stories have quite a lot in common but The Long Halloween takes the cake.
The Long Halloween - 9/10
Hush - 7/10
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maximura · 2 years
Survival Show Idea: When God Lee Taemin returns from the military, in order to give him time to grow his hair out, there should be a survival show to choose his heir. I want every company to send their best boy and every single week they have to embarrass themselves perform a Taemin song. The Drama would be Unprecedented. 
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