#lee jooehon
beomgyu01 · 3 years
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stuck ✦ 160811
333 notes · View notes
yoonguurt · 4 years
And What Would You Like?
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Pairing: Jooheon x reader
Genre: fluff, smut
Warnings: thigh riding, penetrative sex, protected sex (this is the right way)
You glance at your glass self staring back at you from the mirror, looking as pleased as you felt. Your eyes scan over your reflection in all its ridiculous glory, and you let out a scoff. The woman in front of you is clad in, in your opinion, the most hideous outfit known to man. Your torso is covered in a darker green shirt with oversized golden buttons, the sleeves sliced in a way that reminds you of shark teeth, and that thought kind of makes you feel slightly better. Your leggings are probably the most comfortable leggings you’ve ever worn, but the red and white stripes printed on them make you feel like a walking candy cane. You hate candy canes. You think the shoes might actually be the worst part of this outfit, they fit fine but look far too big for your feet and the same ugly green as your shirt. They have little bells on them that jingle every time you move and the sound of bells haunts your nightmares now. Then there’s the hat. That fucking hat. No, that is definitely the worst part. It’s floppy and red and just pure uncomfortable. It itches and has a weird smell no matter how many times you wash it, and in true Christmas spirit, another damn bell.
You don’t hate your job, but you aren’t sure why you came back. The pay is ok at best, the customers can be a bit assy,  but you do have your coworkers. You say coworkers, but you know you’re only thinking of one in particular. Your mind flashes an image of the cutest dimples and you know that’s the main reason you came back for a second season as one of Santa’s elves. You sigh and grab your keys and trudge out the door. Pulling into your usual spot in the mall parking lot, you feel the urge to turn your car back on and head right back home. The urge only double as you look into the mirror in your sun visor and see that stupid hat again. Your hand flies to your keys that are still in the ignition, ready to turn it and speed out of there. Your hand only has to move just a small amount and your car is ready to go, but before you make that move, you were the sweetest laugh from somewhere in your memory. You hate that just the phantom laugh has the power to make your heart flip and causes your hand to move from the keys. 
Walking through the mall doors immediately makes you want to turn around. Despite the early hour, the speakers are blaring Christmas music, and though you know why, it annoys you. The murmur of constant talking adds to your already forming headache. You can see the line already beginning to form and you already know that you won’t be getting out of here till late. You weave through the small crowd gathering near the corner of the mall where everything had been set up, rounding the corner only to pause in a bit of surprise. Everything is vastly different this year. Last year had been the first year this particular company had set up a Santa area in a mall so everything was pretty, for lack of a better word, crappy. You remember the short, raggedy green carpet that had been set up for people to line up on. It had definitely seen better days, the edges had long started to fray. The carpet let up to a single chair, that always looked like it was one ass away from collapsing. 
The difference today is striking. The green carpet had been replaced, it was still kind of stiff as if this was the first time it was being used. The shitty chair had been replaced by, well many things. The flashy new carpet led to a very large platform with stairs on either side of it. On top sat a very different chair than before. This one looked like no one had ever sat in it, it was very ornate with carvings painted in gold on the top and sides. Directly in front of the chair was a slide. You thought that part was pretty neat, a little bit of an extra reward for having to wait in such long lines.  You walk forward, slightly turning your body every now and then to keep from running into people. You greet the twins, Ella and Emma, as you pass, assuming they’re going to be the second group of partners with you this year. They each give you a wave as they stay in place at the bottom of each set of stairs, which means you’ll be at the top. As soon as you reach the top of the platform, you’re met with the sound of jingling bells. You immediately turn your back to the direction of sound, biting back a smile that really wants your face to split in a wide grin. You do your best to seem like you’re busy doing something as the sound of bells continues behind you. It doesn’t take long for the noise to stop, a whiney sound replacing the jingles. You slowly turn around to see the cutest pout you have ever seen. “ Aw come on. You know I hate when you ignore me!” The sentence was drawn out as the man before had let it out in a whine. “I know you do, Jooheon. That’s why I do it.” You laughed as you replied, knowing it would only cause him to pout at you more even though you meant nothing by it. He gives you a playful shove, pout intensifying before his face shifts into mock anger. Your playful session with Jooheon comes to an abrupt halt as a man dressed in a Santa suit walks up from a third set of stairs hidden behind the platform. You give your partner a quick huff of a laugh and shake your head as you make your way to the right side staircase and motion for the first child in line to start climbing the stairs. 
You can’t even count how many children you had ushered from the stairs to Santa. Your shift was longer than you remembered and your stomach has been reminding you that you needed food for hours no. It had been a very busy opening day and there just hadn’t been enough time for you to grab something to eat on your almost nonexistent break. You had just enough time to rush to the restroom on the other side of the mall and then rush back. You really can’t wait to get home and take a shower and get some sleep before you have to do it all again the next. Grabbing a broom, you help sweep and clean up the village area, all four of you working together to get it done quickly. Finishing your part of cleaning didn’t take long at all so you put your supplies away and wished everyone a quick goodnight and head to the mall entrance. Just as you push through the doors of the mall, you hear someone calling your name from behind you. You turn to see Jooheon jogging to catch up with you and you chuckle a little as you pause and wait for him. Your chuckle turns into more of a giggle when he stops in front you, hands on his knees. You can tell that he is only slightly out of breath and his posture is just an exaggeration. He jerks his head up quickly, flashing you that gorgeous smile and you will your cheeks not to blush. “Hey you wanna go get some food from the place up the street? I know we didn’t get much of a break so I thought you might be hungry and I’m already going. Wanna keep me company?” You feel your stomach do a little flip and your mind immediately tells your body to shut up and that he’s just being nice. Realizing you’ve been silent for a moment, you nod your head and start to tell him that you’re totally down for some food, but a rumble from your stomach beats you to it. Jooheon laughs and your demanding hunger grumble and nods his head toward the parking lot. “Come on then, I’ll drive.”
This was very new. You had never spent time with Jooheon outside of work. What do you even talk about? You weren’t the kind of person to get nervous easily, but you were starting to get that nervous feeling. The two of you walked to his car in silence, shoulders just barely brushing. You took a step to the side, not wanting to crowd Jooheon too much, but almost immediately you were brushing his shoulder again. Jooheon sped up slightly to make it to his car before you did, grabbing his passenger door just in time for you to step up to the car. He flashed you that boyish smile as he held the door for you and bowed slightly and made a swiping motion toward his car. The action caused you to let out a loud laugh as you sat in the seat. Once he had closed the door, you watched as he jogged around the front of the car and planted himself in the driver’s seat. He gave you another quick smile as he turned the key and buckled his seatbelt, casting you a glance to make sure you had done the same. “Safety first.” You giggled at his words, rolling your eyes slightly even though you appreciated the gesture. 
“You good with the chicken place up here?” His eyes never left the road as he spoke, voice calm. Once you gave him an affirmative answer, he nodded his head with a quick ‘cool’ as he switched lanes. The car went silent, but it was in no way an uncomfortable silence. To you, it felt like two people that had lived together for a while, two people enjoying each other’s company while still doing their own thing. You let out a small sigh of content, just enjoying the ride. “Everything ok?” This time Jooheon turned his head in your direction briefly, a look of concern on his face. You gave him a small and a nod, telling him that it wasn’t a bad sigh and he smiled back at you. As he turned into the drive, you realized that though you had passed the restaurant, you had never actually stopped here. A flash of panic shot through you, worrying that there wouldn’t like anything here. You quickly talk yourself down, telling yourself that it’s a chicken place and of course chicken tenders are an option. After your almost panic, you feel the car come to a stop as Jooheon pulls into a parking spot. 
“Pick a table, any table.” Jooheon says in his best over the top magician voice. You give him a playful shove, which he returns. His shove is a tad bit harder than you expected and you start to tip backwards. You close your eyes, preparing yourself for a fall, only to feel a pull on your arm. You feel warm breath on your cheeks and you open your eyes to find Jooheon’s face directly in front of yours. You take a moment to admire his lips up close, your breath hitching as you realize that all you had to do was lean slightly and you’d be kissing him. It feels like forever that you two stand in silence before Jooheon finally speaks. “Sorry. I guess I used a little too much force.” His voice is barely above a whisper and you could feel your cheeks starting to burn, glancing up to see that his are tinted pink too. You take a quick step back and quickly place a smile on your face. “Just check your strength next time, Muscles.” You punctuate your sentence with a small huff of a laugh. He quickly follows your laugh with one of his own and a nod as he follows you toward one of the outdoor patio tables. 
After ordering your food, there is a little bit of awkward silence between the two of you and you do your best to think of something to talk about to ease the awkwardness. “So, why a mall elf? Is it the costume?” You have a bit of a smirk playing on your lips as you wait for his answer. “I just really like kids. I know some of them can be a pain, but most of them are pretty well behaved and I really like seeing the way their eyes light up when they finally get to Santa. What about you?” That was in no way what you were expecting and there was no way you could answer that question honestly. There was no way you could tell him that the only reason you came back was because of him.  You didn’t think about the possibility of him asking you the same question. You really should have thought a little longer. “I just really like Christmas is all.” You mentally scold yourself for such a lame answer. It wasn’t like it was a lie, you really did love Christmas time, it was just a ridiculous answer. You watch as he smirks briefly before giving you a nod. “So what do you do during the rest of the year?” His eyes were focused on yours, almost burning through you. It took you a moment to answer, too focused on his chocolate globes. “Something very similar.” You pause to let out a laugh. “I work in my family’s convenience store. You? What does the cheeriest elf around do on a normal day?” He straightens his back a little and his face turns a bit serious. He’s quiet for a moment, letting his professional aura sink in a little more. “Bakery cashier Jooheon at your service.” His straight face immediately breaks, a giant smile plastered across his face. “A friend of mine owns a bakery and I work for him. He lets me off on the days I work at the mall.” Before you could respond, your food was being sat on the table. You quickly grabbed your chicken tenders, not really realizing how hungry you were until food was right in front of you. You heard a chuckle as you began to dig into your food and you suddenly felt embarrassed for shoveling food in your mouth. Your eating slowed as the two of you continued to make small talk, slowly learning more about each other.
The conversation continued well after the both of you were done eating. Jooheon checked his watch and quirked his eyebrows. “We should probably get you back to your car before it gets too late.” He motioned to sever and told her that you were ready to pay. You watched her walk back into the building quickly coming back at and setting a single ticket on the table. “How much do I owe?” Your focus was on your wallet as you flipped through it to get your cash. “Nope. I got it.” You lifted your head, eyes slightly widening to find Jooheon already handing the server her his card. He turns to face you, smile wide and eyes crinkling slightly. You’re slightly in awe at just how beautiful yet boyish he looks. You get an overwhelming feeling of wanting to pinch his cheeks but wanting to kiss him at the same time. You open your mouth to protest, only to be cut off by the server bringing Jooheon’s card back. He thanks her and she grabs the tray of trash and tells the both of you to have a good night. 
The drive back to your car is filled with soft music. The volume isn’t high, straining slightly you do your best to make out the voice. It’s not one you’ve heard before but it somehow sounds familiar. It's a smooth and honeyed sound, every now and then a growling texture making an appearance. The transition from soft vocals to the graveled rapping is seamless, you almost don’t notice the change. It leaves you feeling warm and calm and it’s very easy to get lost in the sound of the voice. You can feel yourself zoning out, trying to focus on the lyrics. You can make out enough to know that  it’s a song about wanting to confess to someone and it resonates with you. You can feel  how desperately the artist wants the object of his affection to know about  his feelings. The song is nearing its end when you finally realize you’re pulling up to your car and you really want to know who the artist is so you can look them up, but you can’t seem to make yourself ask. You both sit silently for a moment before Jooheon’s voice rings out in the air. “Thanks for coming with. See you tomorrow for the ole shift work? You give him a nod. “Thanks for the invite,I had fun.” You reach for the handle, trying not to swing the door too hard. You give him a smile and a small wave as you step out of the car and move to close the door. You hear Jooheon call your name and you pause and lean down a little to look at him. “Get home safe, yeah?” You laugh and agree, telling him to do the same as you close the door. 
You’re beyond grateful at the feeling of the hot water that falls from the shower head. Showers have always been your favorite part of the day, even to the extent of taking more than one on occasion. Most of your showers where the run of the mill get clean showers, but sometimes you would take far longer than you needed. You really liked being able to take your time, sitting down in the bottom of the tub and letting the water just run over your body. You could almost feel the weight of the day being purged from your body. Showers were your way of relaxing, and though this one was no different, you didn’t let it drag on. You were more tired than usual, which probably had something to do with the slight mental strain of being nervous about the hangout/date with Jooheon. Was it a date? You wanted to entertain that thought but you couldn’t allow yourself. Jooheon was just being nice since you two hadn’t had lunch, nothing more. Even though your brain spent energy telling yourself that was all it was, your heart still felt a small flip at the possibility of a date. 
Feeling a slight chill as you step out of the shower, you rush to grab your favorite of black sweats and plain black shirt that is just a tad too big. You quickly dress yourself and rush to put your work clothes in the dryer, flicking your heat on as you pass the thermostat. Your nightly routine didn’t consist of anything too intensive. You washed your face with a simple face wash, followed by an equally simple moisturizer and a brush of your teeth. Due to the cold, you made sure to dry your hair, not wanting to possibly get sick, which was the final piece of your routine. Your apartment has started to warm up slightly, but you still bury yourself in your bed, dragging the blanket all the way up to your chin. 
Your alarm snaps you out of sleep and you already feel your mood dip. The fog of your dreams lifts enough for you to not fully remember what it was about, but your heart is swelling with feelings of Jooeheon, which leads you to believe he played an important part in your mind's nightly escapades. It isn’t the first time you’ve dreamt of the dimpled man, and you can feel that it probably won’t be the last. Your thought drifts to the day you met Jooheon and a smile immediately graces your lips without you even realizing it. You laugh slightly at the memory, feeling so long ago even though it’s only just been a year. 
You had been sitting in a bland room waiting for your interview to start, eyes panning the room. It was just a small room with dull gray walls, the paint was slightly peeling and there was no wall art anywhere in the room. The only sign of movement was the man on the other side of the room, bouncing his leg. You could practically see the sweat starting to bead up on his forehead and you felt a little bad for him. This was obviously something he wanted and anyone could see how nervous he was about this interview. You noticed as he glanced at you, leg still bouncing only faster. You quickly react by flashing him a smile and giving him a thumbs up as a lady in slacks calls his name. He hadn’t been behind the white door for long before he came back out, this time with a large smile on his face. You had been struck by how boyish his smile had been, not expecting it. Immediately after you were struck by just how attractive the man was and how his smile seemed to fit him perfectly, even though you had never talked to him. After getting the job, you were shocked that Jooheon had been assigned as your elf partner. The company had wanted every employee to have a partner. The partners would work every shift together, the company felt that it would bring some sort of consistency in the village. As soon as you had arrived, he gave you that dazzling smile and you knew that you were going to be hooked. 
You got ready much like you had the day before, mirror mental meltdown included. You hold out hope that today will be a good day, the day before hadn’t been awful despite not getting a lunch. Your hope was very swiftly smashed as you looked at the line already forming. It was twice as long as the day before and from the looks of it, most of the kids were in no way well behaved. Your shift went by in a slow wave of crying kids and impatient mothers. While today you were given a break, Santa really needed to get a way for a few minutes, it felt like there hadn’t been a point. You did your best to maintain your cheery elf persona, and you had done a very good job of it. When it came time to leave, you moved straight toward the door. Staying and cleaning wasn’t really part of your job, but you liked to help out the mall staff, but you just couldn’t bear to be here a minute longer. You gave everyone a quick goodbye and a small wave of your hand.
Your hand is reaching for the door handle when you hear your name being called and you almost groan out loud, the only thing stopping you is the recognition of Jooheon’s voice. You stop and turn to face him, giving him a tired smile. “Hey, think you might wanna get some food again? You know, try to have some fun and get rid of this shitty mood?” You can feel yourself deflate a bit. You would absolutely love to hang out with him again, but you’re drained. You peek up at him and his face has the softest expression on it and you feel your stomach flutter and your mood soften slightly. You realize as you look at him that there is absolutely no way that you can say no to his adorable face. You finally smile a little bigger and give him a small nod. He flashes you a giant smile and grabs your hand and pulls you into the parking lot. 
You look at Jooheon in confusion as he makes no move to turn into the chicken place you went to the night before. He lets out an airy chuckle before looking at you and flashing a smile. “I thought we might check out the 24 hour diner down here.” You give him a nod and tell him that you’ve been wanting to try it for a while, just haven’t gotten the chance. He opens the diner door for you and you smile and thank him as a bell rings out from above the door. You hear someone call out a welcome to you and you nod in their direction and mutter a thank you as Jooheon leads you to a booth in the back corner of the diner. The two of you sit and almost immediately an older woman stops at your table with some menus and a question of what you would like to drink. 
The table is silent as you both study the menu, deciding what your stomach is in the mood for. You end up choosing a cheeseburger, Jooheon choosing the same. “You know, we’ve never swapped numbers.” Jooheon’s voice is a slightly higher pitch than normal, but you’re certain you would be the only one that would notice something like that. You nod and emit a small laugh when he slides his phone across the table, the new contact screen already showing. You slide him your phone before adding yourself into his contacts. The conversation is more small talk, talking about how awful the shift was and singling out the kids whose behavior made them hard to forget. You can certainly feel the weight and bad vibe of the day slowly melt away throughout the dinner. The waitress comes back once you finish your food, taking your plates and asking if you would like any dessert. You quickly order a small bowl of ice cream, Jooheon deciding that he’s fine without dessert. 
Your ice cream doesn’t take long to make it back to the table, and a smile lights up your face as the waitress sets it down for you. Everything is silent as you enjoy your dessert until Jooheon’s voice grabs your attention. “Hey, hold still.” His arm reaches across the table and you feel his finger swipe at the corner of your lip. You can feel your breath hitch and it honestly feels like time has slowed. You watch as his eyes find yours and his arm retracts to his side of the table, his finger making its way to his mouth. You hold your breath as you watch him suck the ice cream off of his finger. You can feel your mouth dry at the action and while you clench your thighs together. Your eyes stay focused on each other for what feels like an eternity, before the waitress interrupts by asking if you needed anything else. Jooheon licks his lips before turning his attention to the older woman, flashing her a smile and asking for the check. It’s silent between you two as you wait to pay. You move to get your wallet, Jooheon only shaking his head when you try to hand him your share. 
Jooheon holds the diner door open for you, walking slightly faster than you to open the door of his car. You smile as you make your way to the car door. “Thank you for such a great date I didn’t even know I was having.” Your voice is light and you laugh at your joke and you see Jooheon’s cheeks turn slightly pink. As he moves to shut the door, you glance over his form, breath catching as you see the slight strain of his pants. You take a moment to take a deep breath as you clench your thighs with more force than the last time. Jooheon makes his way around the car, his pants clinging to his thighs in a way that has you clenching around nothing and you almost let out a moan. The car ride back is silent and not the comfortable kind, it’s full of tension and it is taking all of your control to drive back the want to grip his thighs at every stop. After what feels like forever, Jooheon finally pulls up beside your car. You know you should thank him and open the car door, but you can’t seem to make yourself move. You sit in silence for a few more minutes before Jooehon speaks. “Has it really not been obvious that I like you?” 
Your head snaps to face him, his expression serious. You stare at him for a moment before you realize that you should probably answer him, but your voice seems to not work so you settle for a shake of your head. He doesn’t say anything and you finally muster up the will to make yourself speak. “I-I really had no idea.” Your voice trails off into a whisper at the end as you struggle to keep eye contact. “After interview day, I had hoped I would see you again and when we found out we were partners, I was freaking out inside. I was excited to get to know you and by the end of last season, I was chin deep in feelings for you. I kicked myself for not getting your number last year and I hoped you would be back this year.” You’re barely breathing as you take in his words. He liked you. Jooheon. Jooheon liked you for as long as you liked him. Your mind was spinning, going back and forth between shock and happiness. It took you a few moments to realize that Jooheon had gone quite and you hadn’t responded. You rushed to let him know that you felt the same, your words coming out in a jumble. “Ireallylikeyoutoolikealot.” You mentally kicked yourself, knowing there was almost no way that he understood that. It’s clear by the way he looks at you, beaming smile, that lets you know that he understood. 
There is a period of nothing but staring, neither of you really knowing what to do. Over time, you both start slowly leaning towards each other, not moving at a hasty pace. Your lips finally touch and it almost takes your breath away. It’s very sweet as Jooheon brings his hand to rest on your cheek, thumb rubbing your cheek slowly. It quickly escalates from soft and sweet to heated as his tongue swipes your bottom lip in a silent plea for entrance, which you grant without hesitation. Your makeout session takes another turn as Jooheon places his hand on your waist, squeezing slightly. When you two finally break apart, your chests are heaving as you try to catch your breath. It’s silent for another beat before Jooheon asks if you want to come back to his apartment, which you quickly agree to. He gives you another slow kiss before starting his car and pulling out of the parking lot.
You can’t give an accurate estimate at how far away Jooheon’s apartment is. It feels like days since you left the mall parking lot and Jooheon’s hand rubbing your thigh isn’t making it go any faster. His slow movement and the fact that his hand occasionally dips closer to your needy core seems to make it only drag on. The slow and sensual music on the radio making it even worse, though it does remind you to ask Jooheon about the artist. Jooheon finally pulls the car into a parking spot in front of his apartment building, not hesitating to immediately make his way out and around the car to open your door. His hand finds yours immediately and he tugs you along behind him. 
As soon as you’re in his apartment and his door is closed, your back is pushed up against it, Jooheon’s lips on yours. His hands find purchase on your waist as yours rest on his abdomen. You can feel the muscle underneath your hands and you let out a moan as you run your fingers over his defined abs. You can feel his body tense and shiver as you move your hands over his stomach. His lips make their way down your jaw and onto your neck, finding your sensitive spot almost immediately. When you let out a gasp, you feel him smirk against your neck as he continues to suckle on your neck and you just know you’ll have a mark the next day. His hands slide down to rest on your ass, squeezing and placing a small smack, causing you to let out another moan. He pulls back, lips pink and pupils blown. You’re trying to catch your breath when he takes your hand again and leads you to his bedroom. 
Neither of you bother shutting the bedroom door, making your way straight to his bed. He pulls you around in front of him, kissing you slowly as he leans you back to lay on the bed. When your back meets the bed, he climbs over you making sure to rest most of his weight on his arm while the other hand makes its way to cup your face. His lips slowly make their way down your neck before he leaves a little bite and the junction of your neck and shoulder and his tongue darts out to swipe over the spot. He leans back, resting on his knees as his hands make their way to the hem of your shirt. He looks at you with a quirked eyebrow and you nod, giving him permission. He teases as he slowly removes your shirt, bending down to litter your stomach with kisses. He moves up your body as your shirt moves higher, making sure not to leave a single spot untouched. His hands move to unclasp your bra as soon as the shirt is tossed on the floor. His mouth finds your hardened bud, tongue swirling as his other hand moves to the other breast. You let out a whimper as he begins to roll your other nipple between his thumb and forefinger. 
He brings his mouth back to your lips, placing a quick peck on your lips as his hands make their way to the waistband of your leggings. You hold your breath as his hands move slowly down your body, his eyes fixed on your face. He grips your leggings and slowly pulls them down your body, lips ghosting over the newly exposed skin. After kissing his way back up your legs, making sure to pay special attention to the inside of your thighs, he sits back up and moves to set up against his headboard. You whine at his absence, his teasing and attention to your body having your underwear soaked. “I noticed you looking at my thighs in the car, baby. Why don’t you come up here and have a seat for me.” His voice is dripping with lust and though you didn’t think you could get wetter, you feel your juices running down your thighs. You slowly roll yourself onto your stomach, making sure to stick your ass in the air as you crawl over to his leg. You make sure to maintain eye contact as you straddle his thigh, slowly lowering yourself down. You immediately get a rush of pleasure as soon as your core makes contact with this cloth clad thigh. He lets out a groan, letting you know he can feel how wet you are. He moves his hands to your ass, giving you a slight push causing you to glide across his thigh. You let out a loud moan at the friction, hands immediately coming up to grab your breast. You open your eyes to find Jooheon’s eyes fixated on you, teeth sinking into his lower lip. 
You move your hips slowly, dragging out your pleasure. Jooheon watches you with black pupils as he gives you a push every now and then. You can feel your orgasm slowly building and your increase your pace slightly, making no move to hide the moans falling from your mouth. All at once your feel the tightening of your climax speedily increasing and your grip Jooheon’s shoulders as you lose yourself in the feeling of his thigh on your clit. When the band finally snaps, your nails dig into his shoulders and you let out a loud whine. You feel Jooheon tense underneath you as his nails dig into your ass.
He quickly lifts you off of his thigh, placing you softly on the bed beside him.He quickly removes his clothes and you’re struck by just how gorgeous he is. You let your eyes scan his form as he removes his underwear, dick slightly slapping his stomach and you feel your mouth water at the sight. You get rid of your underwear, tossing them somewhere on the floor as you start to crawl toward him. You reach for his cock, wrapping your hand around him and giving him a slow tug. He moans a higher pitched moan and you can feel yourself clench around nothing at the sound. You move to slide your hand again before his hand wraps around yours. “Normally I would spend hours getting each other worked up, but I’ve thought about this for a while. Baby, I need you right now.” You chuckle a little bit as his flustered honesty, moving yourself to lie back down, legs spread for Jooheon to see your dripping pussy. He groans as he reaches to the drawer beside his bed and grabs a condom, ripping into the foil immediately and rolling it on himself. He looks at you with a questioning look and you know he’s giving you a chance to stop this. You response is a hand sliding down your body and dipping your finger into your entrance. You give him a come hither motion and he whines and moves forward and lines himself up with your hole. You bring your finger up, still glistening with your juices and tap his lips lightly. He eagerly opens, taking your finger into his mouth without hesitation and lets out a deep groan of appreciation at your taste.
He thrusts into you without warning, causing you to let out a gasp as you cling to his shoulders. He leans forward to bury his face in your neck, biting a little harder than before. You reach down and dig your nails into his ass, letting him know to move. He leans up from your neck, giving you a deep kiss as he pulls almost completely out of you before thrusting himself back into your core. His thrusts are soft but hit deep and you can’t help the guttural moan you let out as he quickly finds the spot inside of you that has your vision fuzzy. He realizes he’s found your sweet spot and he makes sure to hit it with every thrust. He moves his hand to play with your clit, thrusts speeding up. His fingers seem to work magic as you feel your second climax quickly approaching. Jooheon’s thrusts get sloppy as he increases pressure on your clit and within seconds you're letting go for the second time, quickly followed by a whine from Jooheon as his hips still. 
His body slumps on yours for a few moments before he leans up and gives you a soft kiss, pulling his length out of you before removing the latex from himself and tying a knot throwing it in the small can in the bathroom. He returns with a warm washcloth and he gently wipes you down, ridding you of all the dried fluid. He throws on a pair of sweatpants on himself and tugs open a drawer and pulls out a large tee and hands it to you along with placing a kiss on your temple. Out of nowhere the thought of the music from the car pops into her mind. “Oh hey. Who were you listening to in the car?” He turns to you, tips of his ears red. “Oh. Um. That was me. I play around with music in my free time.” It hits you why the voice felt comfortable and you smile wide. “It’s really good. I like it alot.” You let out a giggle as his gives you an embarrassed thanks, cheeks heating up with pink. “Do you maybe wanna stay the night and watch a movie? I can run you to get your car so it’s not in the lot all night.” You give a smile and nod your head. “I do have one condition though.” He looks at you with a confused look. “We are absolutely not watching anything that evolves elves.” He laughs and nods as he crawls into his bed and wrapping his arms around you. “No elves. You got it.”
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thecozywhaleshark · 5 years
Pocket Monsta X
Choose Your Fighter
A/n: Sorry this got super long, blame @taetaesbaebaepsae she got carried away with me and we had a ball of a time
(For reference, all pocket members are about the size of a mouse. Please treat them kindly and with care, as they are very smol.)
Word Count: 1580
quiet pocket
stands in his shirt pocket
you have to pat him sometimes to make sure he’s still there
thinks he’s your protector
takes this role seriously
all puffed out chest when a bug flies by you
wouldn’t hurt the fly, just gently shoos him away
“Go away, little guy”
might scream if it came too close to him -“LARGE FLYING BUG HELP”
you will have to flick it away from him
wants to help you with things
will help you contain pocket Wonho and Minhyuk
has been known to drag them by their collar or ear to their pocket mom
“excuse me Wonho’s mom/dad he is misbehaving.”
quiet but sweet 
will wake you up in the mornings by hugging you
always hungry
if you keep snacks in his pocket he’ll be happy
wants to dance 
give him freedom of the countertops while you cook dinner
don’t forget the music
a real sweetie
a mommas boy
he wants to be s t r o n g
give him things to use as weights
built his own gym set out of broken pencils, pen caps, two marshmallows on the ends of a toothpick
wants cuddles all the time 
clings to your face if you have him on your shoulder so you have to keep him in your pocket or hold him in your hands at all times
always trying to escape
will conspire with Minhyuk to pull pranks on you
will tie your shoelaces together when you’re not looking
but will be so upset if you scold him
will start crying
wants to make it up to you
follows you around the house pouting when you refuse to pick him up for a few minutes as punishment
will give you his favorite toy 
“I’m sorry I was bad I’ll do better” 
his lower lip is trembling while he does so 
you use one finger to push it back at him - “it’s okay hoseokie I already forgave you okay? And I think bunny needs you more than I do.” 
clings to his bunny and cuddles you the rest of the day
you can’t take him out of your hand
wrap him in a handkerchief, make sure he’s warm
will get pouty and jealous if you’re not paying him enough attention
also a hungry boy
give him food to keep him occupied while he sulks and you do your thing
he likes noodles
you carry a packet of ramen in your backpack/purse at all times and break off pieces of it to give him to crunch on
eats way more than someone his size should be able to
Result = little round belly
will complain of a stomach ache and you just sigh
“why do you do this every time” 
likes to feed you
finds candies and small pieces of food to carry back to you
little candies he doesn’t know you hide for him to find
wants to be helpful in the kitchen, run up to the spoon to taste thing Ratatouille style
will sit on the counter and contently watch until the food is in need of tasting
much like a baby bird
runs up to you feet pitter-pattering going “snack snack snack snack snack”
if friends are around you’ll get stampeded by the whole 7 all chanting “snack snack snack”
will sing to wake you in the mornings
if you don’t like his singing he’ll get sad. Very sad.
likes to crawl up until he’s right next to your ear, sits with his arms around his knees and sings so joyfully
sometimes it’s not even a song just a tune with words he’s put in himself – like happy birthday but it’s just “window sky ship star tool, window sky ship star tool, WINDOW SKY SHIP STAR TOOL…” 
will be very proud if you compliment him
wants to look nice
always excited for new clothes
spends much time brushing his hair the right way and straightening his little bow tie (a/n: idk why but I’ve decided pocket kihyun has a bow tie and suspenders and now i can’t stop thinking about it)
if you get him a little doll suit he will preen around in it for days
will NOT take it off
will help Shownu contain the other boys
but occasionally gets into mischief and plays innocent
gets embarrassed if caught
blushy red baby
randomly pulls out multiplication and division cards that your niece left at your house and quizzes you while you cook dinner
“you’ll be better at baking if you learn these.” 
“I don’t see how 9x3 will help me any but sure the answer is 27.”
wants you to read to him
all the daring tales of pirates and princesses and daring rescues and mythology
he especially loves mythology
you have to go to the library weekly and he gets so excited
piles of books
you have a minimum of one hour of reading together a day
he always begs for more
will flip out if you eat cucumbers, pouts in his pocket and complains loudly
a yeller
tries to climb out, almost gets himself killed
you’ve threated to put him on a leash
forever in trouble
“Min put that down Min stop that Min give Kihyun his bow tie back you know that makes him upset”
will try to talk you into letting him do dangerous things, like bungee jump off your shoelaces
will do so without your permission if you aren’t watching closely
very loud and friendly to others
yells “HI!” at everyone from his pocket
does not matter if he knows them or not
always popping his head out
“Min honey we don’t talk to strangers” 
will cuddle you splayed out on your belly that’s his favorite spot
secretly wants to be a flower 
sleepy pocket
you call him your green bean baby because he’s just so l o n g
barely fits in your pocket actually
stays in pocket for the most part because he’s sleepy
will makes faces if he doesn’t agree with something said
will come out when you go shopping though
likes to model the doll clothes
another one for wanting more Barbie clothes
always begging for more
likes poetry
and flower petals. Thinks they’re soft
will write you little poems
will run away after giving them to you
tell him you love them and give affection
put a rose head in his pocket with him and he’ll be so smiley
doesn’t want his own bed 
wants to sleep on the pillow you don’t use
will crawl over for morning cuddles
hides behind your legs if left on the ground and gets scared 
thinks he’s a bad boy
but likes to pick you dandelions
you have a special mini vase for his findings
likes to play with fire
keep the matches away from him please he underestimates the size of the flame every time
get him a candle instead and tell him no touch
does not want to do chores
wants to sit on your shoulder and point out all the things of interest
wants everyone to think he's a “bad boi” but always wants cuddles when nobody is looking
will stop playing with kyun to go to his pocket and cuddle while occasionally yelling at kyun from above
throws occasional fits
always bopping his head to a beat
put music on for him while you’re out and he’ll be entertained for hours
another quiet pocket
rests his chin in his hand and watches the world go by
another one you’ll need a pencil for
he has his own hoard of papers, don’t look or he’ll be angry
you gave him his own little music box to keep them in
likes to spin around with the ballerina inside the box
but he’ll bring you them when he’s done because he wrote them for you anyway
if you deny him pencils because he’s in trouble he’ll use anything, like a piece of chocolate, to write you an “I’m Sorry” note and leave it on your pillow
let him bounce around the pillow with Joo in the mornings he gets pent up energy
whines when he’s lonely and you’re busy
“moooooom I’m booooooored”
sits on your shoulder and attempts to braid your hair
might try to swing on it to get your attention
pokes you in the cheek to get your attention
“mom mom look at me” *does something really weird * 
will poke you from his pocket if you put him in time out
“kyun stop poking mommy that hurts” “....” *pokes harder *
he will only wear hoodies
after a bath you’ll be lucky if you can catch him to make him wear any clothes at all
you’ll have to get Shownu to catch him
endless whines as Shownu forces him into pajamas
wants to sleep on your pillow bc he likes to play with your hair as he falls asleep and he thinks it smells nice
but he’ll sneak out of your bed and get into mischief if you aren’t careful
like you’ll wake up and the sink will be taped off to spray you and you’ll be wondering how he even got up to reach the sink
a good climber
resourceful boy
makes himself his own latter so he can get to places without you knowing
likes to wander around at night
if you and Joo’s momma are in the same room they’ll do their raps back and forth from the safety of their pockets yelling as loud as they can
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kpop---scenarios · 5 years
Smut 32 & 50 with Joohoney?? Pleeease???
*Prompt Requests are CLOSED*
"Where should I cum baby?" Jooheon grunts, his thrusts becoming more uneven as his orgasm builds quicker.
"Please cum inside me. I want to feel it drip from my pussy" you moan, looking him in the eyes.
"Fuck you're such a dirty little slut" he spits, ramming his cock into you. "I wonder what else you'll let me do to you"
"Use me however you want, make me your own personal toy" you cry, your orgasm washing over you the same time as his.
"Oh, I fucking will baby."
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wonho-be-mine · 5 years
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CUTIEEEE!!! imagine him sending these to check in with you
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monbebe26-monstax · 5 years
Oh my god the Shownu mafia au was amazing!!! I need one for Jooheon please??
Thank you for loving it so much! Here you go lovey! Enjoy some Honey and darkness! 💛
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The empty darkness should have scared you, but the stars twinkling above you brought you solace. You could feel his eyes and you knew he was smiling that dimpled smile at you being so vulnerable before him. Your gaze shifted to him. He leaned back against the dark gray SUV that sat twenty yards from you. His dark jeans slung low and his dark hoodie tight enough to display a strip of skin just above the band of his jeans. He licked his plump lips as you admired him. He was lean but he was strong, you knew it too. His fiery red hair only a hint at his personality. He could burn you, he would burn you, but you didn’t care.
“Jooheon?” You whispered and he stood taking measured steps to you. Your eyes followed him as he neared. He stopped an arms length away from you. He was going to let you decide what you wanted to do. Would you leave your family for him? Would you walk away from one darkness for another?
“Princess,” he smirked as his hand dropped by his sides.
“Why me?” You asked. Fighting the urge to correct his new pet name for you.
He chuckled as he began to circle you, admiring you from a distance. “You are like me. You know this life like I know this life. You were bred in the darkness and I see it in you even if Daddy doesn’t. The shadows cling to you and you feed them.” He stopped circling you and stood in front of you again. “Baby you are beautiful, you are chaos, and you are war.”
“Taking me will start a war,” you whispered playing with your bracelets.
“I am not taking you Princess,” he lifted an eyebrow at you. “You are running into my arms remember?”
You nodded meeting his gaze biting your lower lip. You saw his gaze intensify as you did so.
“I knew that night you would belong to me and I would belong to you.” He smirked thinking back to that night in the club. You had snuck out and found yourself in his arms for most of the night, but then Kihyun had showed up and explained who Honey was. You had left him, but only temporarily, because that was what they expected of you. The next night you found yourself on his doorstep and then in his bed. He brought you pleasure often that night and he knew he had you just like you knew you had him.
He was wrapped around your finger and had decided it was your decision. He bit his lip as your gaze met his unwavering. “Can you win?”
You nodded closing your eyes as you gave silent goodbyes to your family and your ties as you lifted your hand out to him and stepped towards him. “I am yours.”
He grinned taking your hand and pulling you into his arms. His lips found yours as your wrapped your arms around his shoulders.
“And so begins the bloody war,” he spoke once you pulled away from his kiss.
You sighed, “the war over the princess.”
“You are a queen now Baby,” his hands slipped into the back pockets of your jeans squeezing you. “And I am the king.”
“King Honey,” you tease and he nods proudly before kissing you again
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my-baby-lambs · 5 years
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look at my beautiful boys, getting ready to go on world tour and shit! kihyun’s hair tho... DAMN
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focusongyeom · 6 years
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fymxmh · 5 years
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래디언스 ⌲ do not edit
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kpoppins-world-blog · 5 years
Monsta x reaction to first date
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He be a the type to open the car door for u
Took u to a fancy resturant
Brought u flowers
Will be early
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Dressed super nice
Takes to to a picnic by a river
Gives u a promise ring and roses
Feeds you
Has u back by 10
Super sweet
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Invites u over to dinner and cooks all the food
Candles and more candles
Forgets about dessert and burns it
Apologies and u laugh it off saying its okay
Walks you home
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Takes you to the park
Plays on the swings
"Last one to the yellow slide is a rotten egg"
literally a child
You go for ice cream after
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Goes to the beach with a picnic
You build a sand castle
The picnic is manly store bought snacks 😂
Forgets to put on sunscreen and burns
Walk on the beach at night hand in hand
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Goes to a drive in movie
You sneak in snacks
Makes a bed in back of truck
U see a disney movie
Super cute n cuddly
Falls asleep
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Takes you to a concert
Is screaming yelling top of his lungs the whole time
N ur just like how is his voice not gone yet
Super hyped
Backstage pass
After you go to get pizza n chill
All gif rights to right full owners they are not mine
Im sorry if it was bad it was my first time ill try to get better over time bare with me sorry 💙💛
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dr-banamers · 5 years
Jooheon is officially done!!!
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justbflkpop · 7 years
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[몬채널][C] SN X JH - Side To Side              
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dotothekyeom · 4 years
Monteen things
Seungkwan           🤝            Jooheon
Not the leaders of their group but act like it and MANY people believe they are
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thecozywhaleshark · 5 years
Pocket Monsta X - Happy Holidays
A/n: with thanks from @stealth-liberal for her generosity in explaining more about Hanukkah to me
likes the idea of decorating the outside of the house to be the star of the neighborhood 
helps you string lights around the trees and on the house 
if you live in an apartment then the balcony 
lights all over the inside of the house as well 
made a huge Spotify playlist with every Christmas song he could find on it 
wears a big green sweater and reindeer antlers all around the house
drinks hot chocolate every night 
needs to try every cookie there is so Santa has the best ones 
has an elf ear hat and will wear it every day
if you think you can get him to take it off you are wrong 
keeps climbing up the branches of the Christmas tree even though you told him not too 
keeps eating all the cookies 
you’ll find crumbs everywhere 
tries to be helpful wrapping presents but gets his feet stuck the tape 
prefers bags because he likes the tissue paper 
but also has the issue of falling into the open bags and not being able to get out 
befriends the animal ornaments 
wants to help light the Menorah
knows the Christmas story by heart 
loves The Grinch 
will start dropping ornaments off the tree one day then puts them back on scolding himself 
alternates between being a Who and a Grinch 
screams up the chimney “SANTA I’M GOING TO BED NOW” 
accidentally drinks all the milk
sits up in bed for hours listening intently for the clopping of reindeer hooves on the rooftop 
if you celebrate Hanukkah loves latkes more than anything in the world 
because fried food and potatoes 
gets up at some ungodly hour like 2:30am yelling excitedly that it’s Christmas now and it’s time for presents 
you’ll have to tuck him in and tell him Christmas doesn’t start until at least 7am
if his stocking isn’t full you’ll have to reassure him that Santa flies all over the world but don’t worry he’ll get to your house by 6am
likes singing songs even if he doesn’t know the words
puts tinsel everywhere 
if it’s Hanukkah his eyes go real big when the candles are lit every night 
can’t stop eating Challah - keeps pulling chunks of it out of the sides
gets fiddly when you can’t do anything after the Menorah is lit so you’ll have to cuddle him  
likes driving around at night to see the Christmas lights on all the houses
always wants food 
always wants hot chocolate with a candy cane in it
likes getting socks because then he can use them as blankets and this boy is for all things comfort and blankets 
(might fall asleep in his stocking actually if he decides to wait up for Christmas) 
likes watching the candles of the Menorah burn down until they peeter out and his eyes get too heavy to watch anymore 
is proud of himself for counting to 8 every time 
will go all out for any holiday you celebrate 
Christmas? Heck yeah. Hanukkah? Perfect 
for Hanukkah he wants one of those Menorah sweaters they sell at Walmart, for Christmas, one with a pun and that preferably lights up
gets really into Dreidel games 
but gets upset if his keeps landing on ‘nun’ 
really really really wants it to land on ‘hay’ or ‘gimel’ - crosses his fingers so tightly they almost turn a little purple 
gets mad when the other members keep stealing his gelt and eating them  (gelt are chocolate coins) 
watches the fireplace/Menorah candles until he’s sleepy 
(don’t let him light it - remember his thing with matches? yeah.) 
wears striped footie pajamas to bed
sweaters galore - likes when they cover his hands 
will be sticky from candy canes this entire season 
will eat all the Sufganyots (a kind of jelly donut) if you don’t watch him
^^ he’s a snitch, he will steal off the plates
is jealous of the bells that the Salvation Army people get to ring and wants to ring his own from his pocket 
*tries* to shake his presents under the tree 
gets really into the dreidel games with Jooheon, but will share his candy
is the best at white elephant gifts  
Tag List: @zerotexas1975 @restfromthestreets @tangledsparkles @ruinedbyjin @purpletigertaetae @jedi-cat-6
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kpop---scenarios · 5 years
I love your writing so much that's why I was wondering if you could do a reaction of monsta x where they just came from tour and they have sex with their s/o and their s/o starts to cry out of sudden because they missed them so much. I don't know if it makes sense but thank you in advance, angel 💗
You're too sweet. Thank you!!
Your boyfriend had just gotten home from 9 months of being on tour. You were so fucking happy to have him home and he was so happy to be home. You said all your hellos and whatnot, but it was finally time to have him the way you missed. In the middle of making love you couldn't help the overflowing of emotions and the tears began just flowing out of your eyes.
He would be slightly panicked, thinking he did something you didnt like.
"Baby what did I do?" He asks.
"N-nothing, I just missed you so much" you cry. He gentle pulls out of you and brings you in for a tight hug.
"I'm here now baby"
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Didn't notice you were crying for a few seconds but when he did he just embraced you. He didn't even have to ask, he knew what was wrong. He whispered sweet nothings to you until you calmed down
"I'm sorry I was gone for so long baby"
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He would cry right along with you. You have no idea how guilty he felt for leaving you for that long. It ate him up inside everyday. He understood how you were feeling for sure
"I love you so much. I'm so sorry baby"
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He was not love making, he was fucking and he thought the tears were from how much you liked it he was wrong. He felt like shit after
"I'm sorry I was gone for so long and I'm sorry I didn't stop"
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He semi sighed when you told him why you were crying. You knew this was his job, you knew everything that came along with it but now was NOT the time for these emotions.
"Woman up baby, we can be emotional after"
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He would be like Minhyuk and feel super bad that you were so upset. He would think you deserve someone better, someone who could be there for you all the time. You'd have to convince him you didnt want anyone else.
"I'm sorry baby, I'm no good for you"
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He would just apologize over and over and over whole stroking your hair. He would be assuring you he would be home for a while now and he loved you so much
"You're my world baby"
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wonho-be-mine · 5 years
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lol i think those were the ones he said were swimshorts in his vlive lol
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