#leech really needs to learn how to shut up
idleoblivion · 4 months
"A Dangerous Muse" Jade Leech x GN Reader
Synopsis: You found him so pretty, it was hard not to get inspired. Still, it felt a little creepy to sketch him without permission. But it’s fine as long as he doesn’t find out, right?
Word Count: ~1.5k
A/N: This was supposed to be like maybe 500 words idk what happened
Warnings: Lots of teasing (I mean, it's Jade), brief Floyd cameo
Your secret wasn’t a particularly bad one, it was mostly just embarrassing. When he sat with his brother and Azul at lunch, when you could catch him during his shift at the lounge, and if you just happened to spot him at random around campus, you would take almost any chance to draw Jade in your sketchbook. They were usually just sketches of him looking poised and gentlemanly as he did whatever task he had taken up at the time. Occasionally though, you caught him being slightly more expressive, smiling in a way that showed his pointed teeth and made his eyes wrinkle. You were more than a little embarrassed of how well you had learned the details of his face, and by the dozen or more pages you’d already filled up with drawings of him. Something about him just felt naturally alluring and intriguing to you, he made the perfect muse.
Right now, you’re sitting at a table in the lounge trying to look like you're studying and not waiting for the appearance of a certain eel. You picked a seat off to the side by yourself like usual to not draw any attention. You were pretty sure you had overheard him in the halls earlier say he was working this afternoon, so it was odd to you that he hadn’t shown up yet. You pull your sketchbook out while you wait and look through some of your previous works. You sigh looking at one of them where you were especially proud of how you captured the mischievous look that he had been wearing, with a predatory glint in his mismatched eyes that-
…Was incredibly similar to the way he was looking at you right now.
You hadn’t seen him enter from the front door or kitchen, he seemingly materialized out of thin air. But he was there now, walking past the other patrons at their tables and headed towards your own. You hurriedly shut your sketchbook and try your best to act casual.
“Oya, what a surprise seeing you here, prefect. Are you here to try our new menu?” His eyes still have a dangerous look to them, and he not so subtly steals a few glances at your sketchbook.
“No actually, I just got done studying. I was getting ready to leave.” You try to grab your sketchbook and leave before he has time to question you further, but his hand reaches out and sits on top of it first.
“Oh, you’re already done? Are you sure? I could take a look at what you’ve been working on and assist you if you need.” He has a knowing smirk on his face that immediately increases your anxiety. His hand is still resting on top of the sketchbook.
“Uh, that won’t be necessary. I can’t afford to be making deals right now and-”
“Why, who said anything about a deal? Can’t I want to help you simply out of the goodness of my heart?” He feigns an innocent expression that you don’t trust in the slightest.
Before you can retort, he grabs the sketchbook off the table and moves to open it. You nearly lunge out of your seat to try and grab it from him but he seems to anticipate it and holds it behind his back, out of your reach. He smiles again at your panicky face.
“Oya, what’s this? Is there something private in this book of yours? I thought you were supposed to be just studying?” 
“I-I was, I just don’t want you doing anything to my notes, I worked hard on them.” His eyes narrow but his smile widens. “Yes, I’m sure you did. I promise I won’t compromise your work, I only intend to look.”
He pulls the sketchbook in front of him again, and you have to resist the urge to attempt to snatch it immediately. He steps forward until he’s too close, in your personal space. You try to back up only to find he has you caught between him and the table. He really leans in, his face only a few inches from you and you feel your cheeks heating up at the unexpected proximity.
“You’re sure all I’m going to find in here is notes, hm?”
Your mouth opens and closes a few times, trying to find another excuse to get you out of this. Him being so close to you certainly isn’t helping you get your thoughts together. He takes advantage of your shocked state and finally opens it to the page you’d been on.
“W-wait, Jade you can’t-”
“My, what’s all this~?”
He holds the book out of your reach again while he flips through the pages. You don’t even move to stop him this time, accepting your humiliating fate. You look away from him in your shame, which makes you miss the way his eyes light up as he skims over your work.
“...You’re certainly a skilled artist, I’ll give you that.” You force yourself to look back at him and gauge how upset at you he is, but his demeanor offers you no clues to what his mood really is. “I’m no critic, but I can appreciate how detailed your drawings are. You must have studied me very intently, no?”
“I…um, I guess? I just draw you whenever I see you around. I’m sorry, I know that’s-” “Why me?” You’re caught off guard by that question, and he repeats, “Why me? There are a plethora of other students you could draw, but as far as I saw, I appear to be your only subject. Why is that?”
Well, there’s no point in lying to him, and you were already so mortified, what’s a little more humiliation?
“You’re really pretty.”
For the very first time, you see Jade look almost dumbstruck. Only for a brief moment though, as his face almost immediately changes to something much more intense. You almost think he’s upset until you realize he’s looking at you with the same face he made at his terrariums, or when he cultivated a new species of mushroom. He was intrigued, you had his full attention and interest and the weight of it was becoming overwhelming the longer he stared at you.
“You…” he trails off for a second then leans in close to you again. “It’s impressive how often you manage to surprise me.”
“I’m sorry, I still should’ve asked. I can stop, really, I will. I’m so sorry.” You spoke fast and quietly, still wishing for nothing more than a way out of this situation.
“Now, there’s no need for that. Artists need to practice regularly to improve their skills, yes? I would hate to take that away from you.” “Huh? So…you want me to keep sketching you?” “Unfortunately, Azul would have a fit if he found out I was offering you a service and not charging anything.” Of course, nothing comes for free in Octavinelle. 
“Well, what would you charge then? Madol? Would I have to wait tables here?” He laughs lightly under his breath.“No, nothing like that. I believe our little deal should be well thought out and discussed, not impulsively decided right here and now. Why don’t you meet me back here this weekend, and we’ll work something out? Just you and I of course, I’m sure we don’t need Azul to mediate. Maybe I could even have you sample some dishes from our new menu during our discussion. There would be no charge for that of course, since you’d be doing me a favor by agreeing.” 
As you look at his face to decipher his intentions, you're left even more confused. Why is he looking at you almost…fondly? And he wants to meet with you completely alone? And he’d offer you food for free? What did he mean by you meeting with him being a favor to him? Was this…a date? What exactly was he implying? He just continued watching you, with his polite and courteous persona that you can never truly read put back on. Still a bit flustered, you try and rationalize why you should or shouldn’t go, before he interrupts your thoughts one last time.
“Oh, and you’re very pretty as well.”
Your face is burning after that. You swallow the lump in your throat before you meekly respond.
“Oh, t-thanks. Um, yeah, this weekend sounds great.” He smiles with his teeth on display again. “I look forward to it, prefect.” He grabs your hand and places a chaste kiss to the back of it before offering you your sketchbook back. You take it without a word, brain completely short circuiting.
Then just as suddenly as he appeared, he was gone. He left you by yourself with your own racing thoughts and heart and headed towards Azul’s office. You quickly gather yourself and get ready to leave. On your way out the door, you suddenly spot Floyd watching you with an amused smirk. He makes some kissy faces and noises at you teasingly and points toward the office where Jade is. Your face gets hot all over again and you rush out of the lounge, hearing Floyd cackle at you as you hurry away.
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complete-clownery · 7 months
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my new OCs (both of them nameless)
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This is actually how they look like
Hahaha yeah so now that I can finally talk about them (since they're still nameless I'm just going to call them Tarsier and Pygmy)
Here's little backstory for them and how they got to know eachother:
Both of them a street rats with no families,
Pygmy's been a wanderer since their childhood, they were found by a wanderer human woman who was traveling with her small troop, they took them in for a while but eventually left them in a random village the troop was passing trough, when Pygmy was around 10, they got fucked up over that obviously but adapted to the situation pretty easily. Now they're 26 and never really feeling the need to settle down anywhere, they just have to keep on moving for some reason. Oh yeah also Pygmy is born mute (maybe that's why they were left behind by their biological parents) they never learned sign language cuz there was no one to teach it to them, they got their own version of it tho,,, manedged to get them this faar, so that's good enough. They also like to keep a low profile
Tarsier is a bit different, he had a family. He lived together with his mother, but they were poor and after a particularly cold winter his mother died from an illness, he was around 6 years old at the time and now on the streets alone. He somehow survived living on scraps and learning the art of theft. Actually later on when he was 12 and a decent pickpocket some demon gang took him in, but due to complications (that he definitely did not brought up on himself) he had to leave the troop (more like flea). Now he's 24 and goes from village to village now being an excellent pickpocket and a snarky bitch gets in a lot of fucking trouble wherever he goes. he also doesn't know when to shut up, and has made a lot of enemies throughout his years (his extremely annoying too)
His first encounter with Pygmy was pretty funny too.
Tarsier took their wallet, tho not so long after Pygmy being just as streetsamrt as Tarsier is, noticed the missing purce and chased down Tarsier.
Tho Pygmy isn't really a fighter, they learned some tricks while constantly on the road, beat up Tarsier who is an even worse fighter (and massive coward), or more like was about to beat up Tarsier but he promised he would make up for Pygmys troubles by navigating them thought the particularly big village and getting them a place to sleep.
Pygmy was sceptical at first, but been dying for a real bed so they took the offer, tho they were rightfully sceptical cuz that night they got in trouble for breaking in an inn and stealing food, Tarsier obviously tried to put the blame on Pygmy, with no luck tho, cuz others have recognized him as a thief, so they had to run for their lifes
They ended up getting out alive of the village eventually. Pygmy was extremely fed up with Tarsiers shenanigans, but they ended up going in the same direction, also for some reason Tarsier decided that Pygmy is his new favorite person and stuck to them like a leech (much to Pygmys displeasure)
And I have no idea how did they manadge to warm up to eachother, but that happend and now they're sworn broths/siblings, partners in crime, trouble makers, fuck yeah
That's about all the info I can give to you about them
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hcneygemini · 1 year
sentence starters from my wip fics, pt. I
please do not add to this list nor repost the list as your own. tw: mentions of murder + attempted murder.
I just fell for that, didn’t I?
Is it because you like me so much?
I bet you regret this now.
Your heart’s pounding.
You’re too empty headed to know much of anything.
Oh, come on! I know something about seduction.
I know you’ve never heard of it, but some people have friends.
I don’t wanna hang out with the dork gang, though. Just you.
Yeah, well I’m an asshole, so we’re even.
I couldn’t sleep because you weren’t there.
Is that your way of flirting?
You’ve never gone to these lengths before.
You can be a real smart ass sometimes, you know?
I wanna see a different side of you today.
You made one mistake though—you didn't disarm me.
Kiss me.
You’re definitely not boring.
What are you thinking about?
We have to learn to confront it at some point.
Can you wait to kill me until I finish breakfast?
What’s the matter? Jealous?
I’ve never been more serious in my life.
[ Name ] won’t shut up about you.
Stop pretending to be mad.
It’s part of my evil plan.
I’m not repeating anything [ name ] told me in confidence.
You shouldn’t be so vulgar.
We both know we’re not a couple.
You can’t keep just walking away.
Stop being corny, I’m tired.
You look peaceful when you sleep.
I don’t think you think I’m serious. But I’m always serious!
I didn’t go looking for this.
I don’t like trusting people.
Please keep your feet off of my desk.
Wow, you’re so stoic and unafraid of threats!
How much of anything was real?
Was this the truth you wanted?
Past me had shitty taste.
You're so much more than that.
So, we were lied to.
This is really pathetic, you know.
Why should I go anywhere with you?
I have some ideas, but you have to trust me.
I see your cruelty's still intact.
Shit, you're really pale.
Would you stop trying to leech off of the traumatized children?
I don't have time to detail the extent of my work to you.
Why can’t you just talk to me like a normal person?
Yeah, well, I can deal with my shit myself.
Isn’t everyone so much happier without me around, stirring the pot?
I’m tired. Can your love confession wait until tomorrow?
No good deeds go unpunished, or whatever.
I got two people killed… er, technically maybe three.
Tell me another one of your preachy, boring life lessons!
Careful, I can hear the cogs turning in your head from here.
No one here is ‘okay.’
You didn’t have to come, you know.
We both know what I did.
Don’t give me some shit about ‘finding yourself’ and ‘healing.'
Hey, don’t think of it as bribing! Think of it as… a reward for putting my best foot forward.
Jeez, am I the only topic of the rumor mill?
You fell asleep on me.
I guess movie night is a good sedative.
I think I did something. Something bad.
Why do you have to make a joke out of everything?
You tell me yours, I’ll tell you mine.
Why were you so out of it last night?
You know, they’re not so bad if you would just get to know them.
Hey, where the fuck have you been?
Why would I forgive someone who tried to kill me?
Well, shit happens!
You’re either plotting to kill me in my sleep or you’re in love with me.
Are you asking me to stargaze with you?
Life doesn’t need to have some big meaning, I guess. I mean, I’m happy right now.
I come with tidings!
It's a cake that says, 'Sorry for trying to have you murdered!'
I can’t trust your big mouth.
What do you do when you disappear during the day?
I’ve never exactly been in a relationship.
At least take me out before talking about commitment.
Why do you spend time with me?
I’m learning more about you. The real you. And I… like [ them / her / him ].
Wow, you’re lame as shit.
Wait, so you’re seducing me by accident?
You two really like each other, huh?
Wow, your voice is so sexy in the morning.
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plaguery · 6 months
The Alternian sun is a caustic, blistering thing, a mirage of hope to the uninitiated, offering possible peace to those who can bear it. A stark white leech folds its massive body forward towards salvation.
> Be you.
Or be me. That delineation matters little in the end. What you give to me, I will give to you. And we will find ourselves always in some way one in the same.
You are SYBILE VEINNE. You are dead. Rather, UNDEAD as the title would have it and GLOWING for that matter. A stiff body on the ground with stagnant Jade blood pooled along your back, all in the glorious, erratic bioluminescent phase of starvation.  This isn’t the first time you’ve starved. Really, you’ve been at it for half a sweep and made quite the unassuming living statue until your lusus saw to change this. Since then, you’ve been cycling between her feedings, going from awake and vital back into your undeathly, unending slumber.  You figure she was hungry and agitated with having to feed herself for so long.  We can’t all be so lucky to croak without strings attached.
> “What’s your secret?”
What an engaging question, SYBILE. Thank you for the interest, SYBILE. Aren’t these internal interviews always fun? Jokes, you promise to yourself. The kind the audience is in on are the best. You figure you have none. There are two reasons for this, you see.   One, to have a secret, there must be an audience to hide it from. You don’t remember the last time you had an audience with anyone on Alternia. Your aim is to keep it that way. If your existence itself is shut away from the world, what makes a secret?  Two, you’ve just opened up your existence to the world with the first command. The in-joke of being SYBILE VEINNE. Anyone can now be you or be me at this very moment with the right circumstances leading to it. If your existence itself is open completely to the world, what makes a secret? Part of you wishes you could have secrets. But the thing is, you are literally GLOWING, snapping back and forth between an on and off switch. An open secret is even the fool’s knowledge.  You’re a rainbow drinker.
> “What’s a rainbow drinker?”
I’ve been stuck on that one too, SYBILE.  So far, most of your rainbow drinking LIFE has comprised of lying on your back and not-so-decomposing into fleshy stone. Most of the blood provided to you has come from your leech mom, rather than your own biological impulse thrusting you upon an unsuspecting victim.  It’s not a morality or disgust thing keeping you from personally attaining the blood you crave but rather a general stagnation of LIFE. You figure a rainbow drinker LIFE is really just like any other LIFE. And LIFE is not something you were ever good at. You tried to reject it for a reason. But as an unlucky Jade, you had the gene for a particular kind of bloodthirstiness running through your slowing pulse and it rejected your rejection for you. After some more agonies, you awoke to the world again, GLOWING.  The world still did not awake to you.
> Listen to the crashing from the front door.
Mom is a clumsy, wet thing when she’s full. You’d think after all these sweeps she’d learn how to handle her blood bloated body. Mom bunches up beside you, sucker hovering over your slightly open mouth. You’ve always had trouble breathing out of your nose. You never really knew she had the ability to throw blood back up until she started feeding you in desperation after you gave up on your rainbow drinking LIFE.  Rust blood trickles down from her sucker, hitting right above your top lip. Her aim isn’t great. As more cascades down, blood flows out from the landing point, traveling to the mouth one way and up the nostril the other.  It begins to flood down your throat, opening it wide like a gasp of air. You feel the need to cough, but your muscles haven’t given in yet. For a few minutes, you stay as stone.  The blood up your nostril makes you want to squirm but that’s an even more taxing movement. And here it is, the wave of nausea crawling up from your stomach, embracing the back of your throat.  Movement awakens in your veins and the weight begins to lift from your back. Your blood is redistributing, cracking open the stone of your body little by little. Small electrical pulses ring through as it adjusts to sensation again. The nausea heightens. It hurts to wake up.
You don’t really want to be SYBILE VEINNE right now. It sounds like SYBILE is having a possibly excruciating moment in their body and a poor outlook on LIFE. If you could consider it a LIFE at all. It’s hard to be SYBILE VEINNE. SYBILE VEINNE doesn’t even want to be SYBILE VEINNE. Why would I want to be SYBILE VEINNE? I don’t know, SYBILE. But you’re still GLOWING.
> Sit up and turn the GLOWING off.
You are going to ache for a while. You don’t know how you learned to turn the GLOWING off. You don’t even remember doing it for the first time. It just came with the package, you think. From all the stories you read about rainbow drinkers in your old life, they all had to learn the hard way.  Maybe all you’ve known is the hard way.
You could starve again. And Mom could go off on her own again, either die out there or come home bloated for two. And you’ll wake up again.  You don’t really want to be SYBILE VEINNE but you don’t have much of a choice if you want this story. And you can tell a story is coming. You’re a bit of a prognosticator, in that way. To be SYBILE means you’re going to have to start living a LIFE. 
> “Welcome to the hard way.”
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eatcandlewax · 2 years
i have returned to expand upon the leech sibling dating idia post
i'm still impartial about writing the leech sibling as an oc or y/n, but i've just been calling them sage for now. on one hand, I really like the leech sibling reader fics, but on the other idk if it's okay to have this much lore and it still be an x reader.
anyways, i just wanted to write some general little hcs :)
they are the same age as jade and floyd. my reasoning for this one is just because it created more scenarios that made me giggle.
sorta a mix between the jade and floyd. not as unpredictable but also not completely calm. it depends on the situation, even if they choose to be chaotic at the most inappropriate times.
they like tech and internet related things. they're interested in video games and any relatively neat technology since there probably wasn't a lot of that in the coral sea. i also thought it'd be funny if they just had a hyperfixation on learning internet culture and became a living shitpost.
also i wanted them and idia to play obey me together bc teehee
they're in the light music club. not only are they in a room with kalim, lilia, and cater on a regular basis, but they're also given the tools to play music. mostly wanted this detail because they would play the most chaotic music. i could make an entire playlist for it stg-
they keep eating shit from the mostro lounge's kitchen. floyd doesn't do work 50% of the time, jade tries to force feed everyone mushrooms, sage is eating everything in the kitchen. perfect balance for giving azul a migraine.
"please stop eating the food, we need it for the customers"
"are you telling me to go hungry? you're making me do labor on an empty stomach? bad boss! horrible! jail for azul!"
sage dating idia would eventually lead to jade and floyd having the jurisdiction to enter idia's room. not because idia gave it to them, but because they're little shits and they wanted to bother their sibling.
like, sage and idia would be lying in bed after sage skipped work and floyd would just barge in for funsies.
you can't tell me that floyd wouldn't hop into bed with them and start a cuddle puddle.
at some point idia would stop screaming everytime and get used to it, surprisingly.
although it'd take a while for it to come to this, i feel like idia would end up getting fairly comfortable with floyd and jade. which would be an odd sight to see ignihyde's shut in dorm leader with the shady leech siblings.
ortho would immediately adopt the leech siblings as his own and get extremely excited whenever he saw them.
it makes it really hard for idia to be upset at them barging into his room when ortho is so happy about it
sometimes the leech siblings will just steal ortho
there's no reason
they just think it's funny and like hanging out with the little man
"please return my brother"
"our brother now :)"
idia starts panicking when the fish mafia is just doing fun little things with ortho
like random games and crafts
idia is also genuinely worried that one of them will break ortho
not because they're careless
but because floyd and sage hug him all the time and idia KNOWS how hard them fuckers squeeze
it's unlikely that they'd break his robot body, but he wouldn't be surprised if it happened
leech siblings are just built different
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therewasatale · 2 years
On Ao3.
Summary: "Why did you save me?” His voice was still harsh. The Ekon chuckled, his pale-blue eyes wandered over to the hunter. “Because where would I be in this world without you?”
Based on prompt from @seaside-writings
The sewers filled with the painful roar. A sharp thud echoed between the walls. Then an angry, inhuman wail, and then at last, the lesser-Vulkod felt. 
Finally, the hunter was able to catch his breath, and so did the Ekon. 
McCullum pushed himself into sitting, the pain in his back still echoed. With careful eyes, he watched as the blackness swirled around Jonathan's body, then it slowly melted into him, like it was part of him. He had the opportunity to see this phenomenon more than once through his hunts, and in most those case he was convinced he barely got out there alive. "Why did you save me?” His voice was still harsh.
The Ekon chuckled, his pale-blue eyes wandered over to the hunter. “Because where would I be in this world without you?”
McCullum rolled his eyes, but didn't stand up. His coat was stuck to his left arm. His entire side felt numb, his sword lying a few steps away from him. He followed Jonathan's path in silence, even after so many fights he was not able to understand the Ekon.
"My evenings would be boring, if I don't have to run away from Priwens in addition to Ascalon. And, of course, I would really miss our constant verbal jousting." Jonathan stepped in front of him and extended his hand. He waited for a couple of seconds. "Let me help you up, no one can see you here to think that you are going soft on the leeches."
McCullum grunted strong enough to make himself wince. "Shut up." Still, he either didn’t know why, but he accepted the vampire's hand.
"Good, you didn't get hurt that much, however, your arm still needs to get cleaned and stitched up."
"Yeah, yeah. First, I need to get out of this place." Geoffrey picked up his sword from the ground.
They glanced at the creature's corpse. Numerous gunshot and cut marks covered the now still body. No one could tell how long it had been nesting beneath Whitechapel, or how many victims it had over the weeks, or even months.
"They're becoming reckless." Jonathan didn't even notice that he was forced to swallow. Around them, the chamber was filled with the smell of fresh blood.
"Yeah. Let's get out from here."
"As you wish." They began walking back on the track they came from. As always, he walked before the hunter, and made sure McCullum was able to follow him even when they were in complete darkness.
They felt worn stones under the soles of their shoes, and in the distance, they could hear the soft trickling sounds of a canal. Somewhere a rat was scratching around searching for trash.
"How long until we get out?" McCullum's stomach twitched nervously with each step. His sense of time felt off, just like his internal compass.
"Not much."
The hunter's fingers found something in the darkness, he immediately grabbed the hilt of his sword with his right hand.
"It's just me." Jonathan's voice sounded closer, and Geoffrey could swear the leech was smiling with satisfaction.
"Stop playing around." 
"Oh, I'd never do such improper things with the leader of the Guard of Priwen."
The hunter scoffed, but couldn't really suppress the smile. The Ekon's style really started to grow on him. The worst part was that this fact didn't even bother him. "A well-mannered leech." Geoffrey rolled his eyes in the complete darkness. "You were really a posh back then, when we've first met too."
"I was quiet fortune to be raised in a wealthy family, yes. Although, you wouldn't believe me how many etiquette lessons I had to take." His voice seemed closer.
The hunter swallowed coughing a bit. "Really? Learning all those fancy words and where to place the spoons, I suppose."
Jonathan chuckled. "Sitting straight, making sure to use the appropriate word with the proper intonation."
"I bet you learned all the rules and even followed them to the letter when you were a kid. Acting like a true posh gentleman, and never crossing the line." McCullum tried to hold back the edge in his voice, which always appeared when he talked about the rich.
"Well, I-"
Faint sliver of light appeared in from the end of the canal, revealing the Ekon’s silhouette. He was standing barely a step away from McCullum. Geoffrey’s heart skipped a beat, and all of a sudden, he felt very vulnerable. He didn't even realize when Reid got this closer to him.
The echoes of footsteps came from the distance. "It must be the others." He said finally managing to find his voice.
"Yes, I'm afraid. It's better, if I go on a different exit."
McCullum swallowed back the words he wanted to say, and only nodded. As the light got closer, he was able look into the Ekon's eyes.
"But before that." Jonathan lowered his voice. "I didn't give you, my answer."
"What are you-"
"I did cross some lines time to time." He leaned closer until their lips met.
Geoffrey froze in his place, his mind filled with thoughts, his heart hammering from a dazzling mix of emotions. A second later everything in his head quieted down and with a trembling lip he kissed back. 
It was an awkward, unexpected kiss, but still filled with emotion and lust. Neither of them dared to move closer or away for a second. That moment stretched as long as it was able to, before reality managed to take its cruel hold again. He was looking into those icy-blue eyes and they were looking back at him with hunger, but not for blood.
"I have to go." The Ekon vanished.
The light shined at McCullum, he knew his men yelled something as they approached him, but for a couple of seconds he only was able to hear his own heartbeat in his ears.
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Laying low.
Alright, seems like the Big Bossy Spife has to take a course of action.
Now, initially, me responding to fatherless bitch over here (iykyk) was for MY shits and giggles. Did I ever intend for ANYONE else involved?
This was MY drama and I hate the fact that brainless nematode had to involve others when it clearly didn't concern them. For anyone wondering (you're not probably not), I've been getting harassed by said anon ever since this little situation here started. Even after artist and I resolved this,
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As you can see, this an actual conversation Arkdraws and myself had.
bitchass twitter dweller found the need to call me an "n-word" (which Spife canonically is, but dude... Srsly?) tell me to literally die, and basically saying some really racist shit about my ancestors being black, and for some fucking reason comparing the fact that white people can actually see their shit stains while black people can't??? What does that even have to do with anything...?
On to the actual point. Big Bossy Spifey over here is here to take accountability for their actions.
Was it right for me to constantly engage with discord mod and basically make it hell for everyone else?
No. Big Bossy Spifey should've been the bigger person and just deleted the asks and kept their mouth shut, but as I said, it was for my shits and giggles and I wanted to troll. For anyone else who got bothered by said anon and felt uncomfortable with all of this, you have my sincerest apologies for my reckless and immature behaviour. It was not my intention to get you involved. I had not even the slightest notion of such things but it seems as if satan's fetus did.
Will I ever be answering to Plankton wannabe again?
For the sake of this not EVER happening again, no. It seems like no matter how much I try to keep others out of my online business/drama, it will always somehow end up involving them anyways, which I do not enjoy and I'm certain those who are harassed don't either.
So, what have we learned here today, fellers? Don't give people without a life the attention they didn't get from their mother. They will leech off of your very core until you fall dead, then they'll be satisfied.
As for Big Bossy Spifey over here.
Thanks to depressed bitchless person, who ruined it for everyone, Big Bossy Spifey will be stopping the anonymous asks.
Will they still be posting content?
Yes. Spifey, will. But unfortunately, Spifey won't be accepting any anonymous asks, harmless (or not) as they may seem. Not until this braindead of a Tumblr user and coward who hides behind the anonymous button finally gets a life and fucks off my page. Spifey's asks will be off until then.
Spifey will turn off all asks should the harassment continue.
And finally, for all who were involved in my business which really should have a never happened in the first place, I again apologise for unintentionally bringing this mess to you. Spifey was only trying to amuse themselves which unfortunately led to the discomfort of others because somebody simply can't stand still while emitting large amounts of dumbass behaviour. I would also like to advise that all who were involved to turn off anon asks for a while since that really is the best thing you can do in this situation.
That was all Spifey had to say. As for you goofy fellers, love yourself because you are worth it! 🌝👍
And a very special message to braindead anon from Spifey themselves. Wow! The attention you so craved for‼️‼️‼️
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If you know, you know! 😉👍
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mollysbindingtales · 1 year
Life is more complex than what some would like to admit. We often live our day to day repeating the same, monotonous cycle. No one likes change, that's a given. It's uncomfortable, it can be deceiving and just outright painful. However, without change, life becomes boring. Change does NOT have to be big. It could be a change in your wardrobe, to a change in your hairstyle. Most of the time, change comes from life events, some without our control.
The last few months of my life, I was craving for a change. I knew exactly what I needed to do, it was just a matter of doing it. Which of course, is the hardest part. Many factors contribute to the ability of change, and sometimes people just don't have it in them do such. I've learned that's okay. No one is here to force you to change. The word itself can be perceived in many different ways depending on how you view it. At the end of the day, it's your life. YOU are the only one capable of doing such.
I reached a point in my life where I was feeding my energy to all the wrong people, places, and things. From drugs, to whom I shared my bed with. My energy was being leeched on by all these outside factors, that I was starting to lose track of who I really was. I was someone who never gave up, always trying to see the positive light, a listening ear for those who needed it, and being selfless. However, I became TOO selfless. By no means am I saying it's bad to help others. it's only bad when you do it so much you become a people pleaser down to your core, and you lose track of what truly matters. YOU. A lot of people take what you do for granted. You have to learn to separate your feelings and emotions from those type of people, and be SELFISH. It's okay to be selfish with your time, your words, your energy. If you choose not to be, I found that most will walk all over you like an old shoe mat. Stomp on you till you are covered in filth, to the point you do not recognize the person in the mirror.
One day, I decided it would be my last. Except it wasn't. By the grace of God, I was transferred to a hospital to be evaluated and focus on my mental health. Which up to this point of my life, has been my greatest achievement. Why, you ask. Well, I have struggled with mental health since elementary school. Many things contributed to such, which is another story for another day. However, it wasn't until THIS time, that I knew I could never go back. I could never get myself dark like that again. Days where I would avoid the mirror at all costs, days where I'd have a blunt or a pill for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If there would've never been some kind of divine intervention, I'd be stuck in that endless loop. Being in the hospital, not allowed to have your phone..being encouraged to attend the groups daily did something to me. It was like someone pressing the reset button on my back. The first few days were horrible, but as the days went on it got easier. It was in that moment that I knew I needed change. That I didn't want to die. But, I also knew it would be the most uncomfortable and hardest thing to do. To cut off the people that I held so dearly close to my heart, even though I knew they weren't healthy for me. To move away from the city that I thought was my home.
But fast forward a month later, which is today. I decided to share my stories. To overcome the temptations, the negative thoughts. To maintaining sobriety for a month. The longest I have been sober since I was 15 years old. I am 24 now. I feel nothing but happiness. Peace and determination. I'm not saying you'll never have a bad day again. or you won't miss people, the smell of alcohol on each others breath, or sharing a blunt together and shutting the world out..but it does get lighter. It wont be overnight, I have a long ways to go. I'm sure I'll break down and cry and want to reach out, which is all a part of the healing process. Healing is never linear. It's more like hills and valleys. But I know as long as I choose to persevere, and focus on the life that I want, and not the life that I had..I'll be much more happier.
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clown-bait · 6 years
Paranormal Journeys (Pt8) Tortured
Update time! When we last heard of the trashpire she was in a bit of a sticky situation a new face arrived on the scene and somehow she lost a finger. Pennywise is not happy about any of this. Especially because he had to get help from his nemesis. At this point you should just get a pet tracker for your girl Pen she seems to get herself into trouble way too often.
Oh right and some music to go along with this chapter:
Ch 15 Tortured
“Well, well, well if it isn't my favorite bitch! You know I was going to send you some Frontline for christmas since the last time I walked by your house I got covered in fleas.” Leech grinned through the ichor leaking from her face as the alpha werewolf Danielle walked into the barn and backhanded her already bruised face.
“Still making dog jokes even though you're the one on a leash? Leech I knew you were obnoxious but this is just pathetic.”
“H-harder mommy.” Leech whimpered through the sting of the she-wolfs hand.
“ugh and still disgusting.”
“At least when it rains I don't smell like wet dog!” The vampire called out as her rival turned away to Zander who had grabbed her arm as she passed.
“Wait you know her?”
“Unfortunately. I also know that the creature she's dating is the creature you've been looking for Zander”
“You fucked Humperdink?!” Leech shouted from behind them. The she-wolf turned to her in confusion.
“She's been referencing Princess Bride for hours now.” Chris sighed.
“It's a classic! I’ve been trying to get Penny to watch it with me forever now. He liked Labyrinth though so not all hope is lost.”
“Yeah back to *ahem* Penny. The clown that was in the house thats what killed your sister and whats more disgusting she's dating it.” Danielle pointed at Leech who was raising her eyebrows suggestively.
“She's what now?”
“Ok listen its more than just dating, we’re a mated imprinted pair! Like- uh shit how did he describe it…ducklings? Violent sexual ducklings!” Leech called out to them in annoyance. The group grimaced and turned back to ignore her.
“Well, thats a mental image I never needed.” Rick said while rubbing his temples. Danielle regained her composure after cringing at the thought of what the clown and his vampire got up to when they were alone.
“Look I'm not going to explain it but you can help me stop it, using her as bait.” she said to the group while Leech yelled in shock.
“Oh my god you absolute bitch!!” the nosferatu spat and struggled in her restraints.
“She's just as evil as the creature its self so don't feel bad about anything I'm about to suggest but were going to have to torture her a bit for information.”
Chris and Zander both nodded, Rick hesitated but agreed when he saw the others eagerness to work together on this one.
“I am so not evil…..wait no yeah, yeah I am.” Leech snarked at them once again. Whatever it was these humans thought they could do to her she's had worse.
“Get something sharp and silver. Vampires cant tolerate it.” the werewolf grinned. Leech's smile faded as she heard a mirror shatter.
“Ah fuck.”
The werewolf cautiously approached leech brandishing the silver mirror shard in one hand holy water in the other. “Tell us how to get to the clown.”
“You'll have to kill me.” the nosferatu spat.
“Splash her.”
Holy water sliced into Leech’s abused skin fizzing and bubbling like acid. The vampire cursed and whimpered. Then she laughed.
“M-more” she panted and was struck with the water again.  
“Let's try once more how do I find the clown?”
“Have you checked the circus?”
“You're not funny”
“And you snack on milk bones.”
“Hand me the crucifix.” the alpha said to Chris as Leech hollered out to the group.
“Don't believe me? Check her purse! I’ve totally seen some in there!”
The she-wolf pulled out a large cross from a sheet. The nosferatu smiled.
“Oh! We’re gonna get rough I see. Well, we all know I like it rough!” Leech’s sneer turned into a wail of pain as she was brought to the floor. The cross pushing her down via searing internal agony until the thing started to catch fire in Danielle’s hands.
“Th-that it?” the vampire panted and rolled onto her back.
“If you wont tell us how to find him well make him come to us” Danielle sighed putting the cross away. Her prey was as stubborn as she was annoying time for a different tactic.
“He's going to wipe you from existence when he finds out you betrayed him.” Leech snarled keeping her voice low so the humans couldn't hear her. “Why are you risking this?”
“For power. I kill you and put your clown back to sleep, then for 27 long years the town is ours to do with as we please.”
“Always knew you needed to be put down.” Leech muttered.
The blonde bared her teeth and plucked a pair of old rusted sheep sheers off the wall. She turned to Chris who had been wearily watching her since she had entered the barn. “Here make yourself useful.” she called to him holding out the clippers. The ghost hunter took the sheers and looked at the blonde woman and then over to the chained monster on the dusty barn floor.
“You know I don't have any hair right?” the vampire called out from the background.
The she-wolf rolled her eyes and turned to Zander. “Z this thing on the floor? She can lead the creature to us, the thing that killed your sister we have to use her to make sure justice is done.”
“IT would come for her?” the lead ghost hunter asked.
“Oh baby you have no idea!” Leech flashed the room a devilish smile still trying to taunt her captors.
“Ew.” Chris grimaced
“Yeah ok someone help me grab her at least we can shut her up” Zander pulled on Rick’s arm who moved to restrain the nosferatu. Leech raised her eyebrows in amusement as she was thrown to the floor and held down.
“Uh Z? What am I cutting off?” Chris asked
“Well, she doesn't have any hair…. maybe a piece of her shirt?”
Chris and Danielle both shot Zander a questioning look, then gave the same to the vampire when she started laughing from her spot on the floor.
“HA pussies! Like Pennywise would risk everything for a piece of fabric! You gotta cut off something I’d miss!”
“Why are you encouraging that??” The she-wolf shouted completely dumbfounded.
“Honestly? Cause your attempts at being evil here are pretty lame.”
“Plus the guy you gave those scissors to doesn't look like he has the balls to do it anyway.”
“well yeah you're talking about amputating something here!” Chris shouted.
“Just cut off her finger Chris.” Danielle rolled her eyes growing tired and impatient.
“Yeah Chris do it! Bet you’ll bitch out!” Leech yelled and taunted again.
“Chris wait we don't have to do this!” Zander could smell the potential lawsuit from here. His little revenge plot has gotten way out of hand. He had never really expected to find anything and when he did he had just sorta been winging it till he met Danielle in that bar.
“Humperdink is a pussy you gonna let a guy like that control your life? Cut off my finger” Leech shouted again.
“Chris I'm your boss listen to me” Zander pleaded.
“I dont-“
“what are you waiting for be a man DO IT!” Danielle shouted this time.
“Z, I cant-“
“HA! I knew it!” Leech called out triumphantly as if she had just won some kind of prize. Zander continued to shout at his teammate while Danielle motioned the ghost hunter to proceed. The whole thing was a bit overwhelming for him to say the least.
Chris looked at Zander who was now shouting orders at him, the woman he chose to sleep with instead of him and the insane bald creature on the floor.
“This is some real half assed torture you've organized here Danielle I'm kinda embarrassed for you. Seriously you should brush up on your technique cause- FUCK” something behind Leech landed on the floor in a wet thud. “Holy shit I didn't think he'd actually do it…….” the vampire said in a small shocked voice as her breathing rapidly began to increase. The barn was silent in shock, for only a moment nothing but a few splatter noises of thick ichor falling for Leech’s hand. Then the vampire gasped and lurched forward before opening her mouth to scream.
Over all the eons he had existed today had to be one of the top ten worst days of pennywise’s immortal life. the clown led his nemesis down the corridors of his sewer preferring to travel this way and to keep the existence of his- friends is too strong of a word…..associates he has been forced to live with. Yes much better! The existence of his associates hidden.
The group didn't seem too  troubled over his mates plight anyway. Which infuriated the clown even when he showed them her severed finger they rolled their eyes. If they only knew of her condition! At least two of them would actually be concerned!
“Soooo…” the human behind him began to speak. Pennywise let out a low clicking growl in annoyance
“Now that we have this…truce..I have a few-“
“You get three.”
“Can one of them be how to kill you?”
“All right then when did you grow feelings?”
“I didn't grow feelings.”
“That’s not what i saw back at the house”
the clown bared his fangs. “Next question.”
“You cant give me three questions and then refuse to answer them.”
“The only reason you're alive right now sheep boy, is because your grandfather was clever enough to build his farm somewhere I can’t reach. Which way?”
“Left. Are you controlling her mind how did this start?”
Pennywise laughed at that. “You think I wanted this to happen? I was quite content till Leechie ruined my life. She came on to me.”
“I find that hard to believe.”
“For all your snooping you sure don't know much. Humans, so moronic.” the clown grinned to himself. Mike chewed over the implications that someone could actually find this thing attractive enough to pursue it and even fall in love with it. Whoever or whatever Lucy Smith really was she must be sick in the head.
“What is she?”
Pennywise turned his head back and smirked as he walked. “Not human. Something much, much better.”
“Do you love her?”
The clown stopped cold. “That was three questions I'm not answering that.”
“You didn't answer it the first time. Do you love her?”
Pennywise stood still and silent. Mike couldn't see the clown’s ocean blue eyes or the slight quiver of his lip in the dark sewer tunnel but from the absolute stillness the librarian seemed to have his answer.
“We’re making another left.” Mike finally spoke up snapping Pennywise from his trance-like state. “I cant believe you of all people fell in love”
“Shut up Mikey.”
“Clearly she's had quite the effect on you.”
“The others aren't going to believe me when I tell them-“
Pennywise turned and roared in the librarians face. His fangs multiplying so much they no longer fit in his own mouth while his eyes bulged their alarming red and yellow. “NO! SHE STAYS OUT OF THIS” he practically spat bits of flesh into Mike’s eyes in his rage. It took a lot for the librarian to remain as calm as possible trying to remind himself that IT still needed his help and was desperate enough to broker a truce. He'd keep this bit of information for a later use, Pennywise may have a weakness after all.  As the clown turned back around still with those bulging glowing eyes lighting the sewer Mike sighed and boldly gave him one final jab to the ego.
“You definitely love her.”
“I hate your species so much” Pennywise mumbled and continued to blindly lead the way to the outer reaches of his territory.
They came to the end of the sewers greeted by the lush forest surrounding the town animals skittered away in fright at the sight of the creature that emerged from its domain squinting slightly in the light and sniffing the air.
“I don't smell her.” he snarled “Did you lie to me human?! I can find out yes I can! I’ll pluck out your eyes one by one and tear out your ears!” he sang and threatened the poor librarian who stood his ground and shook his head.
“No, I didn't lie. This is the back way to the farm a way only I know about.”
Penny snarled and huffed impatient and hungry from his walk. “Show me.”
“You have to promise”
“Yes, yes your life will be spared if she is unharmed.”
“No you have to promise not to kill anymore children.”
Penny bared his teeth at the librarian. He was close enough he could kill him now and search himself, it would take more time but he'd at least be rid of the little lighthouse keeper of those kids. The clown flexed his claws but paused when something crawled out of the river. A turtle hauled its self out onto a rock to dry in the last remaining beads of light in the setting sun something fluttered in the air around it landing on its shell and unfolding its pale wings. The moth sat on the reptile for a few moments before fluttering onto the clowns claw then out of his grasp forever off into the sky. A warning from his brother. Figures.
“This will not last.” Penny said at last.
“I didn't think it would. If it happens again, if you take a child I will call them back.”
“We have a deal then.” the clown grumbled. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place here. If Leech wasn't so vulnerable he could have said no and just gobbled his long time nemesis up but no. Things had to happen now at the cusp of everything important. He had little choice and he felt helpless and angry. For the first time he had something that made him happy other than food and his brother had to ruin his fun. First he’ll end the losers, then Maturin. He would see to it they all pay.
“Its just this way theres an entrance to the main barn through the cellar, I-I’d hide here when I was younger to get out of slaughterhouse work.”
“Couldn't take a life of a lamb could ya Mikey?” Penny sneered
“I raised them myself, its harder when they're your’s… but then again you wouldn't understand that would you.”
The clown snarled and let out a growl that was thick with offense. “I am learning.” was his answer as he pushed through the dusty wooden door. Mike chewed on the creatures words for a bit. What did that mean? The creature’s sense of urgency was starting to take on a much deeper meaning now as the librarian followed after him.
The cavern got darker and darker as they pushed forward Pennywise melting into the shadows despite his silver costume. Mike used a flashlight to keep track of the thing from his nightmares as it sniffed the dust filled air. Pennywise paused and inhaled deep a low gravely whine escaped his throat and he inhaled again as if the intoxicating scent was quelling an addiction.
“She's here.” he began “She's wounded.”
“Well, she is missing a finger.”
“Quiet human!” penny snapped and listened to the silent cellar.
His eyes flicked forward when he heard it. it was feint but ominous. Someone was singing and Penny knew the song well. She had been singing it non stop for a week now.  
Well you can't hold me
I'm too slippery
I do no sleeping
I get lonely
You can touch me
If you want to
I got poison
I just might bite you
Lie in circles
On the sunlight
Shine like diamonds
On a dark night
Ain't no mercy
In my smiling
Only fangs and
Sweet beguiling
Well the future he don't
Try to find me
Skin I been through
Dies behind me
Solid hollow
Wrapped in hatred
Not a drop of
Venom wasted
Well you can slip in
Try to find me
Hold your breath and
Flat deny me
It makes no difference
To my thinking
I'll be here when
You start sinking
The clowns posture relaxed in relief as he took in the siren call to him. He cocked his head to the side and grinned wide in the direction of the librarian who wasn't sure if it was wise to approach any further. Penny shut his eyes and sighed again.
“My Peachy.”
Who’s ready for carnage! Cause shits about to get fucked up in the next chapter. Some graphic skin removal, playing 70s rock music on muscle tendons someone might even get shot in the face! How exciting! Oh and you know the reveal of whats been going on with our trashpire. That too.
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funny-february14th · 3 years
Twisted feelings
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Floyd Leech x fem!reader +18
this is not edited, im sorry if there are any grammatical or spelling errors
contains: pool sex, friends to lovers, porn with plot, unprotected sex, creampie, oral(f!receiving), Floyd in his merman form
2.5k+ words
The only source of light in the Ramshackle dorm was from your room. It was way past midnight, your mind drifting between the potion book in front of you and the land of dreams. You sighed as you remember the deal you made with Grim. He would learn for the classes where magic would be used and you would learn for the others. The only problem was that the only class where magic was needed was sports, which meant sleepless nights like this for you. You wondered how your friends could manage with all the classes. Did having magic make that much of a difference?
Sure, in your world instead of potions you had chemistry, but the difference between the two was too big plus you could barely understand the name of the ingredients in potions. All in all, you wouldn't pass Crewel's class this semester. You would ask for help, but your only friends were idiots that could barely pass themselves.
Your mind slowly drifted to a specific someone with blue hair. You felt your cheeks hit up as Floyd's face popped into your mind. After the incident with Azul, you and Floyd became weirdly close. At first, his clinginess annoyed you, but after a few weeks, you started wanting his presence around. After a while, you realized that you had developed a small (big) crush on the tall eel. Of course, your friends noticed too, one day at lunch, when Floyd plunged himself next to you.
They noticed how from your usual 'sarcastic, done with life' self you became jiggly, smiling whenever Floyd would call you his 'Little Shrimpy', and how you ignored them once you started talking with the Octavinelle student. Ace and Grim would not shut up about it, teasing you at every chance, thankfully Deuce was as down to Earth as he could be about it, and kept it on the low. Jack, however, was disgusted. You only hoped that their constant bickering wouldn't reach Floyd's ears. You wouldn't know what to do if he found out, you didn't want to ruin the friendship you had with him.
A small knock on your window woke you up from your daydream. You jumped from your chair, your heart racing at the sudden noise. You carefully went to the window, peaking outside. Even with all the darkness that enveloped the night, you recognized Floyd who smiled brightly once he saw you.
"Little Shrimpy, are you busy?" he asked, his teasing voice giving you goosebumps.
"No, not really," you answered, quickly forgetting about the potion exam.
"Wanna come swim with me?"
He didn't have to say it twice, as you were already going down the stairs trying to put on a pair of decent pants. He waited at the front door, immediately swinging one of his arms across your shoulders as usual. You tried to ignore it and calm your heart, telling yourself that he does this with everyone. The walk to the Octavinelle's pool was shorter than you wanted, the constant joking and teasing between the two of you making the time move faster.
No matter how many times you walked into the pool room, you still couldn't comprehend the size of it. Calling it a pool wasn't doing it justice, smaller ocean was a better description.
Floyd didn't look back as he jumped into the pool, turning into his true form. The first time he did it you were so shocked and amazed you could barely speak. You were glad that Floyd trusted you enough to show you that side of him.
"What are you waiting for, Little Shrimpy?" he asked emerging from the water. You crouched in front of him and gave him an awkward smile.
"I didn't bring a swimming suit..." you started saying before Floyd stopped you by grabbing your arm and dragging you into the pool with him. You let out a scream as the water enveloped you, holding onto the boy for dear life. He started laughing at your wet body as you coughed out the water that you accidentally swallowed.
"You should've seen your face!" he continued laughing. If it was Jade or Azul dragging you in the water you would've gotten annoyed, but because it was Floyd you couldn't stop the smile that was slowly creeping on your face. You splashed him in the face to distract him while you swam to the pool's border. Of course, no one could out-swim Floyd, one second he was still laughing and the next his arms were around your waist, keeping you in place.
"Don't leave."
His voice was suddenly more serious and deeper, his arms tightening around you as his tail snaked around your lower body squeezing a bit.
"I wasn't trying to," you explained. "I just wanted to take off my shoes and pants, it's uncomfortable to swim in them." You felt his hold on you lighten gradually, finally letting you free. You hurried to the side of the pool, quickly jumping out and taking off your shoes and sweatpants. Your cheeks were burning when you noticed that Floyd was also watching you. You quickly averted your eyes from him, but you could swear that he had a small blush on his face too.
The air around you suddenly became awkward as you dived back in the pool, slowly swimming towards the reason why your heart was always exploding. He grabbed you again, this time more gentle as his usual smile appeared on his face once again.
"Little Shrimpy, let's dance!" he exclaimed and you laughed as he pulled you into a rhythm of his own choice. He was crooning a song you didn't know, dragging you in a chaotic dance. You tried joining his singing, only for him to side-eye you and change the song.
You continued like this for a couple more minutes, your dancing becoming a slow, romantic one. Your bodies were pressed to each other, your eyes fixated on a scale on his shoulder. You wouldn't dare to look into his eyes as you were sure that you would probably confess. You already were 100% sure that he could feel and hear how fast your heart was beating.
"Y/N, look at me," he whispered in your ear, making your hair stand up. You slowly raised your head, making eye contact with his yellow and green ones. You stopped breathing for a second as his hand caressed your face gently.
Was this one of his usual teasing, did he find out about your crush on him and how he was playing with you? Millions of questions shadowed your mind, and for a second you forgot about Floyd as panic installed in your body.
"Shrimpy I told you to look at me," he said pulling you out from your small panic attack. "Listen to me, Shrimpy," he continued resting his forehead against yours, but still maintaining eye contact.
"I'm in love with you."
Those five words sent your mind spiraling as you never thought you would ever hear them from Floyd. You simply stared at him trying to see if what he was saying was true.
"Please Y/N, say it back," he sighed, his lips getting closer to yours. You've never seen Floyd act this serious before, which made you think that he meant it. You extended one of your hands to his face, a smile spreading on your lips as you closed the gap between the two of you.
He responded immediately, once again his tail snaking around your body to keep you in place. Your hands went to his hair, massaging his scalp, slowly pulling on it, while his hands wandered all over your body touching and groping. Floyd's pointy teeth gently bit your lower lip making you gasp, his tongue not wasting a moment to enter your mouth. His tongue was soft and slightly slimy, as it danced along with yours. You moaned into the kiss, feeling yourself heat up from it as you rubbed your tights together to get some friction.
Floyd smirked at your action, his lips leaving yours and attacking your neck. His hands made their way to your nipples, softly touching them through your shirt. His tail tightened around you at every sound you made as his lips continued to go lower. Somewhere along the way, he took your shirt off, groaning when he saw that you weren't wearing a bra.
"Floyd!" you moaned as his head went under the water, putting your right nipple into his mouth, while his hand was busy with your other boob. His tongue circled the areola, biting and pulling on it, making you shiver and arch more into him. Once he was satisfied with it, he went to the left boob, making sure it got the same treatment. You were sure that tomorrow morning you would wake up with countless love bites and bruises all over your skin.
Faster than you could imagine, you were suddenly hoisted up on the side of the pool and sat down on the edge, your lower legs still in the water, with Floyd's head peeking up from between them.
"Can I?" he asked in his lower voice, his face getting closer to your heat. You were so euphoric that at that moment you forgot to answer him as you only thrust your hips forward. Floyd laughed a bit at your eagerness, playing with your pussy through the panties, making you squirm under his touch even more. "I will need an answer Little Shrimpy". His fingers made work with your folds as he touched everywhere but your clit. You moaned as his thumb finally brushed over your clit, tears forming in your eyes at the edging.
"Please..." you whimpered.
"Please what? I will need you to use your words Little Shrimpy," he said, his hot breath reaching your cunt.
"Please touch me!" you screamed as his finger drew circles on your clit.
"If I knew that my Little Shrimpy was so eager for me, I would've confessed earlier," he laughed as he pulled down your panties, throwing them somewhere in the water. He didn't waste another second, burying his face into your pussy like a thirsty man. Floyd's tongue danced with your clit, sucking on it and pulling sinful sounds from you. Your legs were spasming around his head, his deathly grip spreading them apart so they would crush his head. Not that he would mind. His fingers joined his tongue too, as he inserted one in your hole.
You were only seeing white, your hands desperately trying to find something to grab onto. You were chanting Floyd's name like it was the only words you knew as the knot in your stomach became tighter and tighter at every pressure that Floyd applied with his tongue. Your clit was throbbing as your walls tighten around his finger, your orgasm getting closer.
"I'm... I'm..." you tried to explain, but your mind was too dizzy to form words.
"I know," he said. "I want to see you cum, Little Shrimpy."
His voice triggered your orgasm as you clenched around his finger, your body shaking underneath his touch. You tried regaining your breath from your first orgasm. Floyd pushed himself out of the water, his body looming over yours. Out of reflex, you reached after him, pulling him into a kiss. He smiled into it, 'crushing' you with his weight.
"Are you ready for the main event, Little Shrimpy?" he asked as he bit into the crook of your neck hard enough to leave a mark. The sudden realization that you were still in a public pool hit you, and you tried to hide into Floyd's massive body.
"Not here, please," you said, looking into his eyes. "I don't want someone interrupting," you continued and his smile grew. He pulled himself out of the pool, transforming back into his human form. You bushed when you saw that he was naked, his hard dick was way too obvious to ignore. You also stood up as he took two random towels, giving one to you. You barely had time to put it around your naked body, Floyd hoisting you up in his arms. You looked at him amused at his action and squeezed his soft cheek between your fingers.
"It will be faster this way, Shrimpey," he whispered in your ear followed by one of his signature laughs. You simply hummed in approval, putting your arms around his neck and burying your face into his shoulder. You watched as he passed the multiple rooms and deep inside you, you hoped that you won't bump into someone by accident. Your mind started recalling what had happened in the pool making you squeal in happiness and hug Floyd tighter. He gave you a knowing smirk and opened the door to his room, not wasting another second jumping with you in his bed.
He immediately attached his lips to you, his tongue entering your mouth once again and hungrily, devouring the inside of it. Your legs hugged his hips, pulling his crotch closer. Both of you moaned at the friction, his hips automatically started to hump you for more. The towel that was covering you was long gone from all the movement, Floyd taking this as an opportunity to mark every inch of skin available.
"I'm sorry Y/N, I can't wait any longer," he said with a shaky breath. In response, you parted your legs even more to give him access. Your eyes widened when you felt his dick prodding at your hole, both of you moaning as he started slowly entering. He leaned over you, squishing your boobs under his chest, his lips finding yours as he finally bottomed you out. He sighed in contentment licking the tears that fell down your cheeks from the stretch. "I've wanted to do this for a long time," he confessed as he started to move his hips.
Soft moans and loud sounds of flesh slapping resonated in the room, fueling both of your lust. You tried to stop yourself from crying in pleasure as Floyd's dick scrapped your insides, touching every sensitive spot. His mouth was busy marking your neck, his hips picking up the pace turning you into a blubbering mess.
The familiar knot in your stomach returned making you throw your arms over Floyd, scratching his back in an attempt to still yourself from squirming and shaking. Your walls started to tighten around Floyd's cock, pulling him even deeper. You felt him throb signaling you that he was also close. He pulled you into a sloppy kiss, his lips sending you over the edge as your vision turned white, an incredible pleasure surging through your body. Floyd gave one last thrust, burying his dick deep inside as his thick cum painted your insides.
He passed out onto you, not pulling out, as you both tried to regain your breath. His arms went around you, pulling you into an embrace, gently kissing you.
"You are mine now, Little Shrimpy," he said in a deeper voice, his teeth once again finding a spot to bite you. You chuckled a bit, agreeing with him as your eyes slowly closed, the late hour in the night finally getting to you. Floyd made himself comfortable around you too, also drifting to sleep.
It's safe to say that Floyd wouldn't let you out of his grasp the next day, following you everywhere and glaring at everyone who looked in your direction. Your friends were the first ones to notice the shift in your relationship, their eyes almost popping out of the sockets when they figured it out.
Thank you for reading <3
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sunisglowing · 2 years
ʜᴏᴡ ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇᴡ ᴍᴏᴏɴ ꜱᴏʟᴀʀ ᴇᴄʟɪᴘꜱᴇ ᴀꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʟɪꜰᴇ?
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Pile 1
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Hi there Pile 1, so I'm seeing that you have been hurt by some friendship/s in your recent past. Some of you are worried about financial and you feel really alone right now. Someone may have betrayed your trust. I'm mostly seeing friendships/ friend circles here.. you might have felt trapped and they failed to recognize your beauty and your worthy. These might have been friends that really put you down... mostly because they were insecure themselves so they could really understand why you were so happy and content with yourself.
You will go through a period of social isolation I see which is good. You will be clearing out all the leeches in your life, specially regarding your friendships. You will start see how they manipulated you abd made you feel helpless and trapped. There will be a transformation occurring in your social life. You will go through a period of diving deep in your emotions and looking at the depth of things. Some secrets will be revealed to you that you didn't realize or knew before. This will help you have better judgment and decision making for the future. You will learn to draw a line and understand boundaries this Eclipse season in a healthy way!! This is a significant change in your life and it will help you understand yourself better and you will see your own flaws and mistakes and your shadow side which is beautiful!!
I hope this Eclipse Season brings the necessary changes and lessons that are needed in your life and hope you have strength and courage to go through those lessons!! Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse!!🧡
Pile 2
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This energy is so beautiful!! Hi there Pile 2!! So what I'm seeing is that you will be starting a new course or learning something new!! You creating new structures in your life and it is something you are passionate about!! You have been nurturing something for a very long time and something that makes you really happy. Okay for some of you, I see a pregnancy here!! Maybe some of you will be getting that new this season or you are expecting a baby this month!! Anyways this will make you so happy and joy!! I'm sensing so much happiness and joy coming in Pile 3s life!! I'm so happy rn!!
Now for the others of you, maybe this is a creative endeavor or something creative that will blow up and be really admired by the people around you!! There is so much passion and inspiration. You will somehow inspire others around you will your creation. Maybe you will get accepted into a creative course or college!! I see all positive signs here so don't worry if I don't point something out that you are thinking similarly about. It is most probably a yes!! This is something you care about a lot or you have nurtured for a very long time!! You will be marching to the beat of your own drum and will light others around you too with that burning fire inside you!! I hope this Eclipse season brings you the best of opportunities, luck and happiness!! Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse!!🧡
Pile 3
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You will be or you might have started on a new journey. I sense a lot of students on this pile (ofcourse there's no age limit to that). Maybe you are enhancing and building up your skills. I sense a lot if insecurities regarding to your finances that's really affecting your choices and where you are currently or will be going. I see a lot of confusion here and Indecisiveness. You need to shut the noise of the world and you need to put your mind to rest. Wherever you are headed to, you are going in the right direction so stop doubting your skills and abilities!!
If you feel confused about your choice, you need to remember that any path you choose needs patience and consistency. You won't get instant results. Even BTS didn't get that. I said that because they came through my mind. Just choose something and then make a plan. And then slowly and consistently ACT ON IT. Maybe go out to travel somewhere to clear your head. You need some Positivity and freshness. Maybe travel near a lake or something. You need to have faith in yourself. This is really important. Your faith is being tested rn!! I hope this helps you Pile 3!! Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse!!🧡
Pile 4
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So first of I want you all to know that you all are intuitive and it's like.. You know, you know?? So this is very specific that coming out. This is relating to a past connection. This could be friendship or romantic. I see that you need to stand your ground and communicate yourself properly. It's either an old relationship or someone you kind grew up with. This could be from early childhood or till say more than 2-3 years of a relationship. What I'm sensing is that you need to stand in your power and communicate your properly and clearly. Make good choices of words and be very careful with them.
I think you have been carrying a lot of this person's burdens that are not yours to carry in the first place. Or it maybe that this person NOW feels like a burden. Well that was harsh of me to say but I'm sorry!! You feel a lot pressure and exhaustion in this connection!! But the strength card didn't come out for no reason!! You have a big heart so it's time to take a step and so many more steps back till you can't see this person again!! Pour your heart to yourself!! You deserve your heart and your compassion ❤ be brave enough to wake away that is not making feel good!! I hope you stand up for yourself Pile 4!! Hope you have strength and love for yourself that you so legally deserve!! Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse!!🧡
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
I wanna quickly talk about the whole Yibo turning off/on his related user feature in Weibo. Yes I understand the cpn but I think there is a lesson here for fans to learn so he doesn’t have to do this again. It’s an eye opener on something fans should stop doing. This is not a new feature, to those who are not familiar with how it works — basically it shows the weibo user who is related to you when it comes to both your names being posted together. There are a couple of times when they weren’t each other’s number 1. For example during OOL, it was XZ’s co star that came up because people were posting about the show and them. When One&Only was announced, Yibo’s was Huang Bo. That kind of thing. So it really isn’t bad for the number 1 spot to be taken away from each other. It happens. It creates buzz for their projects which makes investors happy. It’s business.
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However the one we need to pay attention to is why it happened. Why XZ was knocked off the #1 spot. It’s because of a fanwar with a different Actor. There was a melon about him starring in a drama and that was quickly denied. That drama was supposed to have chapters and the Actor stars in the first one. The reason on why that Melon came out when the producer had to clarify and say they are not even casting yet is as good as mine. My best guess is to gain attention for the project. These 🍉 may seem harmless enough as it is because they can claim it’s just a melon. In recent years, especially the last two, these melon accounts have become rampant. I’m not a conspiracy theorist but with how shady weibo and the whole internet cultures is in China — who knows if certain big accounts can be paid to say things. It happens with YXH accounts and internet trolls so it’s a possibility.
What happened was fans of yibo, started making posts ( i personally saw ones from cpfs i follow ) comparing him and that person. It goes both ways. A petty fan war. Both sides posting their names side by side that XZ’s name was knocked off as number 1. When that happened, people scrambled to change that and stopped. But the damage has been done. The point is, Stop posting the name of the person he is being related to in a negative way. If you hate that person so much then stop posting. Don’t give them the attention. Don’t let them leech off of Yibo’s name. Ignore them. They are not worth our time. Turn your energy towards Yibo or XZ. You can rant and say something to let off steam just once but move on after. We don’t know if there are trolls in the midst but fans should not contribute to that.
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It showed how fans never learn. There are times they do good but this is not one of those. It’s a test that they failed. It’s sad cause both of them XZ/WYB were both involved in problematic events all because of how people reacted to 🍉. Their studios both had to come out and clarify— remind fans to not trust these melons and only listen to Official news. Even an auto complete search on weibo when you type Yibo was gone. People suspect his team had it removed because it was related to this recent fiasco. Yibo and his team kept quiet. They didn’t say anything. Ignored it like a boss cause that’s how you should do it. There is nothing more infuriating than making someone feel like they don’t matter for you to even pay attention. The 🍉 had to be aggressively shut down because it hurts Yibo’s professional career. If certain investors and projects hear that, they may not offer dramas/films to Yibo thinking he already has a drama coming up to be filmed. So his name might be taken off those lists. Yes they can always account Yibo’s camp officially but you will be surprised the kind of damage these baseless internet claims can do.
Yes, I see CPFs looking at this and eating candy. I am eating it too. Yibo showing how he will turn it on as long as it’s his ZG again. However this candy is not all SWEET. There is a bitterness to it that we should acknowledge and then do better next time. It’s always XZ and WYB only.
Some candies come with a price and we should be careful. This whole post may be hard to read about and dampens the sweet candy but it’s the truth. We can’t just always focus on the 🍬, we should be aware of things like this and learn from it.
P.S :There is actually a funny way I see 🍤 on weibo deal with it. If you search XZ + 🍉, there are spam posts that has XZ’s photos from his actual/confirmed future projects. It says, if you are looking for melons about Xiao Zhan let me tell you about all these officials dramas he is in. Lol. Nice move.
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bubbledumbbinch · 3 years
I really like your smut writing! So can I please request some spicy headcanons for Floyd, Epel, Riddle and Idia with a fem s!o who surprises them by sending a nudes? How would they react? Thank you^^
Aaa thank you so much!!! I’m p new to this writing/requests thing so I’m really glad you like it! :’)
Warnings: light degradation on Riddle’s part
A/N: this piece of writing is purely 18+. Minors do not interact
NSFW below the cut
Floyd Leech x Fem!Reader
You and Floyd are practically inseparable. You spend so much time together that you feel so sad and empty when he’s gone doing something else!
So when Floyd has work at the lounge or basketball practice, who can blame you when you say you felt a bit lonely? You decide to send your lovely eel boyfriend some photos back in your bedroom while you’re alone.
The body parts you decide to send photos of are your breasts and ass, specifically the parts Floyd loves to squeeze! Well, he loves to squeeze all of you, but he favors those because you make some really cute noises when he does it!
Floyd would take one look at his cell phone, immediately drop everything he’s doing and come find you. If he was working at the lounge then he would drop his tray. If he were at basketball practice he would just straight up leave. His stuff would still be there LOL.
He would definitely be rough with you (as if he isn’t normally) and remove any clothing you had on, if you still had any on, and fuck you multiple times for sending those photos to him while he was away! Don’t you know how much he missed you already?
Floyd pays special attention to use his hands to squeeze your breasts, nipples, or ass with his fingers while he’s ramming his cock deep in your cunt, his head kissing your cervix with each thrust.
It hadn’t even been 3 minutes after you clicked ‘send’ on those photos for Floyd. He didn’t even respond to you, which had you feeling a bit sad. Usually he replied within the minute! You covered your naked form up loosely with the white sheet, which accentuated your body shape even while draped with it.
“Shrimpyyy~” an eerily sweet voice called out in the hallways leading up to your room, leaving you with goosebumps. Suddenly your door burst open and Floyd was standing there, obvious tent in his pants.
“Hi Floyd…” you called out to him. Floyd’s eyes widened and his smile grew large. “You look like a siren Shrimpy…. you’re making me wanna squeeeeze you~” The eel merman closed the distance between you and ripped the sheet off your body, exposing you completely.
Epel Felmier x Fem!Reader
Epel would probably be busy with Vil, learning how to use some new product Vil was promoting soon.
Epel hears a ding on his phone saying you texted him but ignores it since Vil is trying to lecture him. He will definitely get back to you soon! If it was urgent you would call him.
Once Vil is finished with him, Epel finally returns to his room, and opens your text. He definitely doesn’t expect to see you scantily clad in a lavender set of lingerie!!!
Y/N: “Hey my favorite farmboy~ I know you’re probably busy right now but I bought this while I was thinking about you. I’m getting hungry, and I would love to have an apple in my mouth right now. Come over soon~”
Epel gulps down and feels his cock starting to harden in his pants. A part of him just wants to video call you and have phone sex but another part of him wants to ravage you in person!
He would definitely be happy he opened that text in his room!!! Vil didn’t need to see Epel getting so worked up over this.
“I’m on my way now.” He sends the text quickly.
Epel would remove any bits of makeup on his face before heading over to your dorm, bringing over some snacks. Beads of sweat were already starting to build on his face as he enters and heads toward your room.
When he finally gets there, he’s sweet at first when it comes to foreplay and kisses, but you want to see his real side and he wants to show it to you too! Epel would roughly slap your ass and fuck you doggystyle, while you’re screaming out his name, lingerie thrown on the floor along with his own clothes.
“Y/N..?” Epel knocks on your door and opens it, peeking around to see you in bed. “Come here, Epel. I’ve been waiting for a while now, and I want to see how well this set matches with your hair, preferably with your head between my legs~?” You finally used your pointer finger to beckon for him to come closer, in which he quickly did. The boy didn’t hide the way his eyebrows quirked in determination as he smiled eagerly. He knelt down and pulled your panties off, shoving his tongue into your leaking hole.
Riddle Rosehearts x Fem!Reader
Riddle was a changed person after his incident when you were still a new student. You grew to love him and it ultimately led to you two being in a relationship!
Riddle was always very gentle with you when it came to being intimate, you often wanted him to be a bit rougher with you but he said “it wouldn’t be chivalrous”.
You decide to take matters into your own hands by building up tension - you start breaking rules here and there. Riddle would forgive you at first but once he noticed how often you did it, his face would turn red and his voice would raise, yet he still forgave you!
You decide to send a photo of yourself in his bedroom, dressed in a red babydoll lingerie set, your body spread out on his sheets. If you’re bold, you also take pictures with his crown atop your head, showing off the way your nipples perked in the set.
Y/N: “Riddle my dear~, I’ve been so bad. You know it, and I know it. Why don’t you come over here and punish me?”
This was the final straw - your punishment starts now. He’s forgiven your rule breaking so easily because he had a soft spot for you! But you knew this whole time you were breaking rules?!
Riddle storms in a few minutes after sending you many texts in all caps. Once he really sees you sprawled out so seductively on his bed, he can’t help but let his face go red as he swallows a lump in his throat.
His mixture of anger and arousal showed quite freely when he was fucking you into his bed, spewing light degradations towards you while teasing you for being such a whore.
Riddle hikes your leg up onto his shoulder, using it as a leverage to hit a new angle inside your already abused cunt. “So, you really were trying to break those rules on purpose, my rose?” Riddle panted while smirking down at your squealing form. “And then you come into my room while I’m not here, pose so lewdly on my bed, wearing that? I guess you are a dirty slut.” Riddle chuckled darkly, still fucking against your pussy. His grip on your leg tightened. “Say it. Tell me you’re a dirty slut, and maybe I’ll consider forgiving you…”
Idia Shroud x Fem!Reader
Idia… this guy lives his life digitally, he likes texting you frequently, and sometimes he still gets nervous seeing you in person, as your boyfriend!
One day he wasn’t texting you back, which had to mean he was PROBABLY busy gaming.
You decide to surprise him by getting into a cosplay of a character that you both liked. The costume was already a bit revealing but you decided to take it to the next level by sending upskirt pictures that accentuated your butt, and even shots of your panties being soaked under the skirt!
When Idia opened his texts, the photos of you flooded his screen and he screeched, shutting it off before Ortho could wonder what was wrong! “O-Ortho, could you please patrol the hallways right now? I just f-found out I have to do something. A-and,” the blue haired boy stuttered. “Feel free to start up conversations with the dorm members, for as long as you want, okay?” Ortho of course happily agreed and practically flew out of the room.
I can see Idia either calling you to come over or he would want to video call you and watch you bring yourself to orgasm.
Seeing you in those clothes though, I would imagine him reaalllyy wanting you to come over, though.
Idia called your phone and you could hear his shaky breath starting to talk. “Y-Y/N, could you nnh- come over, please? And, m-maybe wear a jacket over yourself, I want to see you wearing that outfit here, please…”
Once you get to Idia’s room, he pulls you eagerly in an embrace, and you feel his hard cock poking your stomach through his pants.
Idia loves to watch you bounce on his cock while you’re wearing the same exact cosplay in the photos!
“Aanh- Y/N-shi…” Idia covered his face with the sleeve of his shirt. His cheeks were radiating heat and his eyes were glazed over with pleasure. The skirt you wore was hiked up to your waist, shirt on the floor along with your bra. “Mm, Idia~ it feels so good, I’m so haaah, so close..!” You could only whimper out, feeling yourself clench around his cock. “C-cumming!!” He pulled you down into a kiss in which you both moaned into as you milked his hot cum into your greedy hole.
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beesmygod · 4 years
teens and weird adults like me of tumblr, i am asking a favor of you: please arm yourself with the knowledge of how the Internet Archive National Emergency Library lending system operated prior to its dissolution so you are not bamboozled by the weird barrage of bizarre lies being spread about it. for a group of people who claim to love reading, none of the people criticizing it apparently bothered to actually look into how the archive functioned and are now willing to destroy one of the most important and valuable resources available to everyone, everywhere.
i’m going to try to make my case here, and i have no doubt there will be gnashing of teeth from people arguing the letter of the law over the spirit of it but i will address that as well. the “damage” done to publishers was near nonexistent but in exchange the publishers who have filed the lawsuit are willing to destroy the archive under the crushing weight of monetary punishment.
the Internet Archive is literally an online library and is recognized as a library by the state of california. it is not a pirate site.
you cannot download the books on the internet archive website. the only book available for download are those in the public domain. all other books can be checked out the same as you would check out any other e-book at any other brick and mortar library. you can borrow the book for 14 days. the books are protected with DRM and copyright protection to prevent theft.
the books online are purchased or donated, and then scanned. you can only borrow as many books as there are physical copies available at the library. so if there is one copy of war and peace  available as an e-book and i check it out, you will have to wait until i’m done with it to check it out yourself. this is slightly different than how regular libraries do it, but regular libraries are currently at war with publishers over e-books and how they fit into libraries.
the national emergency library was temporary. it was slated to last from march 24th to june 30th. it was made specifically in response to the pandemic.
the only change to the current process of book lending was the suspension of wait-lists. this means that for 3 months, multiple people could check out the same book for 14 days. they were able to accomplish this by using the collections from the phillips academy andover, marygrove college, and trent university. the statement from the Internet Archive includes this information:
During the waitlist suspension, users will be able to borrow books from the National Emergency Library without joining a waitlist, ensuring that students will have access to assigned readings and library materials that the Internet Archive has digitized for the remainder of the US academic calendar, and that people who cannot physically access their local libraries because of closure or self-quarantine can continue to read and thrive during this time of crisis, keeping themselves and others safe.  
... Public support for this emergency measure has come from over 100 individuals, libraries and universities across the world, including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).  “Ubiquitous access to open digital content has long been an important goal for MIT and MIT Libraries. Learning and research depend on it,” said Chris Bourg, Director of MIT Libraries. “In a global pandemic, robust digital lending options are key to a library’s ability to care for staff and the community, by allowing all of us to work remotely and maintain the recommended social distancing.”
... A final note on calling this a “National Emergency” Library.  We lend to the world, including these books. We chose that language deliberately because we are pegging the suspension of the waitlists to the duration of the US national emergency.  Users all over the world have equal access to the books now available, regardless of their location.
ok, there are 2 things i want to address now:
the argument that by supporting this writers don’t make money: the fault for this does not and will never lay at the feet of librarians. after reading all of the above, i would find it very difficult to sincerely believe that an author’s royalty money was severely impacted by three months of 14 days library checkouts. we really cannot allow ourselves to start declaring libraries as our financial enemies because they allow the poor to access things they otherwise would not be able to access. institutions that make information freely available to the public need to be preserved at all costs (source: was librarian).
this is a fault in the publisher. the publisher is the one who profits the most from a book sale and the publisher is the one who is filing the lawsuit. the publishing industry is a group of leeches that cling to you as you slowly attempt to make a living.
a library does not hurt profits. a library is a public service.
even if you want to adhere to the letter of the law, i find it extremely difficult to condemn the actions of the internet archive. there was no financial reason for what they did, no malice and no ulterior motive. their national emergency library was a response to brick and mortar libraries being closed in the wake of a pandemic and shutting off a stream of information to people who needed it (especially students!). in response to catastrophe they stepped up and offered a solution. to condemn them under false pretenses (as many did, by calling it a pirate site and weirdly claiming you could download books an unlimited amount of times [?]) has been calamitous.
this was a huge post lol. if you really read this thank you. i hope it made sense. my motive for writing this is not bc i think writers should be poor and should work for free so don’t get it twisted (i draw a dumbass webcomic so i Get It). i just really like libraries and am really upset at the smear job this one got.
please donate to the internet archive.
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moririki · 3 years
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you patch up your fellow hashira after the hardest fight of your lives
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CONTAINS -> MUGEN TRAIN SPOILERS like before the cut and everything, mentions of blood + gore, so kinda angsty but definitely a fluffy ass ending, reader is a hashira but it's left ambiguous as to what element you are👍, i watched the movie two months ago so my recollection of dialogue and plot may be *slightly* off, near-death experience, idk how to write combat so i just... didn’t, reader lowkey thirsts over rengoku's back muscles and shit because why tf not, idk how injuries work aaaa
MORI'S THOUGHTS -> rengoku my beloved,,, he deserves the world,, i think i should have made this less angsty im SORRY (i rlly heard "extra fluffy" and it just went 👩🏻➡️ straight through my head huh) also i bet you guys missed me and my late-ass posting <3 but here i am!! for now!! yeahhhh!! i feel like the writing in this got a little repetitive so i apologise for that
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APPARENTLY, THE DESTRUCTION OF AN ENTIRE TRAIN wasn't enough to end this mission. even with one lower six demon defeated, another much stronger one had replaced it. the arrival of akaza was a significant turning point in the battle, and one that you cursed yourself for missing.
you should have known that this mission would he more dangerous than expected when both you and rengoku had been deployed to the train, alongside three rookies. you should have known better than to let rengoku convince you to stay back and help evacuate rather than let him handle it alone.
he had been so full of confidence- squeezing your hand firmly before rushing off, leaving you feeling slightly lightheaded from the brief contact of his warm palm. you should have wished him luck, told him to be careful, anything, but he was gone before you had the chance.
you made quick work of evacuating the passengers of the derailed train, making sure that they were all confirmed to be outside of the carriages before entrusting their safety to zenitsu and nezuko. it was around when you had carried out the last passenger that you felt the ground rumble beneath your feet, coming from the other side of the embankment that you were currently placed at. 
before you gave yourself time to really think things through, you were shouting instructions to the pair of demon slayers and dashing off towards the source of the noise, hand readily placed on your sword. that was the direction that rengoku ran is all that went through your mind.
the scene that you found yourself facing did little to quell your fears. you reached two bodies first, recognising them as the hapless figures of inosuke and tanjiro. from a glance you could see the extent of their injuries, with the latter laying on the ground barely conscious. the boar-headed one could only stare at the fight happening several metres away, his shoulders slumped in defeat and swords hanging by his sides.
“there’s no opening,” he only whispered, barely audible. that much was true. even you had difficulty keeping up with the movements of rengoku and the demon that he was fighting. the fact that it had already been several minutes and that there was no clear advantage concerned you, and you unsheathed your sword.
“you two stay put, and learn what it means to be a hashira, alright?” you tried offering a brilliant smile, much like you had seen the flame hashira do so many times, but you hoped that yours didn't fall flat. from the slight relief shown on tanjiro’s worn face, though, you took that as a good sign.
without wasting another second, you rushed towards rengoku and the demon, assessing their movements. inosuke wasn’t joking when he said there wasn’t any opening, their movements equally matched. you took the chance and struck when rengoku managed to get the demon to stumble back. bringing your sword down in a vertical strike, you severed one of its arms, before taking a cursory glance back at rengoku to make sure that he was alright.
your wound did little to hinder the demon, as it simply chuckled before regrowing its limb.
“oh? another hashira? don’t tell me you think that this is a fair match,” the demon sneered as you held your sword in front of you, still nervously eyeing the blood that was beginning to drip at rengoku’s feet. it amazed you as to how he was still standing, let alone also ready to keep fighting, but you weren’t going to stop him with that amount of determination in his eyes.
“i wouldn’t say that you appearing after we had to fight an entire train was fair either, but here we are,” you glared at the demon, adjusting the grip on your sword.
“think you can hold on a little longer?” you asked rengoku, still facing the demon.
“always.” you could picture the steadfast smile on his face, lending you his strength whenever you needed it. you took a deep breath, starting your total concentration breathing and launching off of your foot, propelling yourself forwards.
you heard rengoku's footsteps right behind you, dependable as ever. when you swung your sword and sliced through, you knew that the flame hashira was there to follow through with a co-ordinated attack.
despite your best efforts, the upper six demon lived up to its status and provided to be more than a challenge for even both you and rengoku fighting him simultaneously. in fact, akaza had even managed to gain the upper hand a few times, leaving you with a cracked rib that was making it more difficult to focus and control your breathing.
but you and rengoku's big break arrived in the form of a rising sun that leeched itself into your surroundings. the glow was nothing but welcomed by you, though your demon opponent let fear flicker across its face for the first time this night as it turned foot and fled. the invisible adrenaline-fuelled strings that held you up snapped, and you felt the strength from your body sap, too spent to gove chase to akaza.
the bitter taste of defeat crushed you, numbing your senses as you barely heard the cries of tanjiro as he yelled at the retreating figure of akaza. you turned to your fellow yashira, eyes widening and senses returning as you took in the way he had slumped to the floor, head bowed as he kneeled.
"no, don't you dare," you mumbled, dropping to your knees too in front of him. panic gave your limbs a new purpose as your hands stretched out in front of you, seeking out the warmth rengoku still emitted even when mortally wounded.
the most pressing matter was the dark stain of blood that gave his uniform an unnatural sheen that was still spreading. you pressed a hand to the source of it, a large gash across his stomach that was much too deep for your liking. your other hand came to rest on his face, tilting his head up to look at you for any sort of good sign to cling onto.
"you better stay alive!" your voice was shrill, harsher than you wanted it to be, but those were factors you could hardly control more than the blood oozing from rengoku's stomach. you could see how unfocused his eyes were, and how heavy his head was when only being propped up by the waning strength in your hand. your own injuries had been forgotten, cast aside in favour for you to fear for the flame hashira's life.
and still, despite everything, the man still smiled. the blood covering half his face did little to mar its radiance. rengoku raised a shaking, bloody hand of his own, letting it fall heavy against your own as you felt your hold begin to slip.
"you're hurt too, you know." his words were more of a shaky exhale, though you heard it all the same. you felt a smile slip onto yours too as rengoku proved to still be so vigilant in the wellbeing of others.
"you don't need to remind me, shut up and save your energy," you whispered back. you didn't trust yourself to speak any louder in fear of your voice cracking.
"but.. i have to tell you something." the insistence in his eyes was back, burning into you so mich that you couldn't help but lean closer, trying to ease his burden of being audible.
"quit talking like you're dying." you were practically whispering into his ear, close enough to feel the rasp of his breath as he laughed, holding your hand tighter. his other hand came up to your own face, rough thumb brushing against the skin underneath your eye, wiping away a tear you never realised had tracked its way there.
"let me bandage you up." your voice may not have shook, but your hands definitely did as you disentangled them from rengoku's hold, urging him to put pressure on his wound while your fingers found purchase on the hem of your uniform and ripped off a strip of it. it was barely enough to cover his injury but you managed to wrap the severed cloth around his middle a few times, tying it tight and hoping that it was enough to stop the bleeding.
"just.. stay with me until backup comes, alright? you've got tell me something once we get out of here, remember?" rengoku nodded into your palm, smiling at your words as his eyelids fluttered shut. but you were close enough to still feel that he was warm, to feel the slight rise and fall of his chest as he managed to still breathe, and that gave you some comfort.
minutes felt like hours when you had to talk to fill the gap. whether it was to give rengoku something that tethered him to this mortal realm, or a way for you to distract yourself from your own pain, you onew that you would both have to tough it out a little longer, just until the others arrived.
"you know, i've always admired you." you were surprised at both his words and how clear rengoku's voice sounded. your grip on his hand tightened a little, and you leaned towards him so that your forehead pressed against his.
"this is hardly the time to say something like that, kyojuro." you tried not to laugh, the pain of your ribs starting to edge back in as the adrenaline left your body as the sun soaked your bodies.
"i just wanted you to know." you would have responded to the man if it weren't for the shouts that became all too clear. help was here, and everything was going to be okay now.
you didn't want to let rengoku out of your sight, but many insistent hands prised his body from your grip, and with barely the strength to speak there was little that you could do about it except succumb to the pain of your wounds and finally fall unconscious.
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recovery was never an aspect of fighting that you looked forward to. when you finally came to, there were a few gripping moments of panic when you asked a nurse if rengoku was here, if he was alive. you had been assured that he was before the pain and medication kicked in again for a fitful sleep as your body healed.
but no matter how you were pressed back into bed, into the constraints of sleep, you never really felt like you were at rest. your mind was still racing to places your body couldn't as it pieced together the events just before you got hospitalised.
when you could finally get up without keeling over, you were stumboing your way through the hallways as stealthily as possible, leaning on walls for support and peering into rooms as you walked past, in search of your fellow hashira. your cards of luck had lined up when you stumbled upon his sleeping figure less than three rooms down from yours.
he looked a lot cleaner, still donning a serene smile even when unconscious and you felt the panic gripping your body loosen its hold. the throb of your most likely broken ribs was enough of an edge to keep you awake, and you made your way over to rengoku's bedside.
there was a convenient chair placed next to him, and you tried not to grunt in pain as you sat down in it. rengoku didn't even stir at your approach, and you resigned yourself to sitting there, studying his figure and resisting the urge to check whether he was actually breathing or not. if you focused enough, you saw the subtlest rise and fall of his chest, just enough to qualm your fears.
your concentration was broken as you heard the sliding door open again, and the hesitant voice of a nurse breaking your intense silence.
"ah, i'm sorry to interrupt but i need to change rengoku's bandages." to prove her point, the nurse raised her arm to emphasise the strips of fabric held by them. you stood up hastily, sending a cursory glance back at the still-sleeping form of rengoku.
like all matters regarding the flame hashira, you found your mouth and body working a little faster than your brain.
"it's alright, i can change them for you. i'm sure that you have plenty of other patients to tend to." the nurse nodded, though she still looked hesitant to hand you the bandages. you gave her a reassuring smile, stretching out your hand to take them. "i've had plenty of experience with this, don't worry."
the nurse appeared relieved, giving you a quick thanks before exiting and letting the door click shut behind her.
you turned your attention back to rengoku's sleeping figure only to watch him crack a single amber eye open and give you an almost sheepish smile. you couldn't help the flooding sensation of relief that drenched your bones, and you returned his gesture.
"i'm glad to see that you're alright." rengoku's eyes never left yours, and you felt yourself grow hot underneath his gaze.
"glad to see you too." you offered a hand, helping rengoku shuffle further up the bed with minimal effort on your side. despite the bandages covering a large expanse of his upper body, his grip on your hand was still stable and you bit back the fond smile threatening to bloom on your face.
luckily for you, rengoku seemed to get the message that he needed to get shirtless without you asking him, which saved you a whole lot of embarrassment. you weren't confident in your ability to look him in the eye and ask him to strip without blushing, though you did exactly that as your eyes raked over his bare skin.
littered with scars and covering taut muscle, it was hard not to let your eyes wander down his form. from the look on rengoku's face, he looked well aware of the effect that he had on you and fixing you with a practically imperceptible smirk. you were quick to ask him to turn around, and he obliged as quickly as someone with broken and bruised bones could manage.
his back was the same story, with broad shoulders and defined shoulderblades that had muscle twitching without you touching it. you sucked in a breath, way too audible for your liking, and tried not to let your hand stretch out to run your fingers down the expanse of his back. you were here to help treat him, not indulge in some fantasy of yours.
your mindset snapped back to professionalism as you grabbed hold of the fresh bandages, opting to put them on after you removed the old ones. while there was no sign of infection, you still grimaced at the bloody sight of rengoku's major wound. you tried not to show how much it had upset you, both now and in the moment, and your attention turned to your slightly trembling fingers.
you were careful to avoid where his skin was obviously discoloured from bruising, not wanting to cause him any unnecessary pain. he was warm to the touch, enough to invite you in with some false sense of confort before burning you alive. the way his back muscles jumped at your touch did little to help your concentration, but you shouldered on.
your mingld escaped you, insisting on recounting those painful minutes where rengoku was vpeeding out on the battlefield. there was a particular focus on his insistence to tell you something, and you bit your lip. surely, he would ask you at some point from now.
"how are your ribs?" rengoku's voice cut through the silence, its rasping edge acting as evidence of hiw soundly he had been sleeping earlier. while it wasn't the question you wanted him to ask you, you were never one to turn down conversation. especially from him.
"worry about yourself, kyojuro. i'm fine." your appliance of the fresh bandage meant that you would now have to be stood in front of him, a development that had your face flaming from the close proximity. silence set in, and all that distracted you from the rise and fall of his stomach was his breath tickling the sensitive skin of your neck. your eyes flickered towards the ceiling, relying on your hands to guide yourself instead.
you dared to glance down and saw rengoku’s eyes fixed on your face already. there was something about his softened features and the look in his eyes that had you scrambling to stare at the blank ceiling again. as much as you would like to retreat at every first sign if danger or confrontation, you knew that you woukd have to talk to him soon, whether it was you or him who brought up the conversation topic from that day.
taking a deep breath, you perched yourself on the edge of rengoku's bed, still maintaining a professional amount of distance from him. still close enough to spot how his smile brightens when you choose to stay. you glanced down at your fingers, twisting knots into themselves as they were placed in your lap. you almost cursed and placed them underneath you to stop that, but instead you fixed your gaze on the flame hashira's ever-present smile.
"do you remember when you said you had to tell me something? right after akaza?" rengoku straightened up a little, nodding. you gave a cursory glance to the bandages safely wrapped around him, and winced as you remembered how much blood had left him that day. 
as if he could tell what you were thinking, rengoku reached forward and took your hand in his. you sucked in a breath at the sensation of his calloused hands, wincing as your ribs ached in protest. you couldn’t bring yourself to break his stare as your fingers intertwined, and rengoku brought you slightly closer to him. the tension was palpable, and you squeezed his hand in an attempt to alleviate some of it.
“what did you want to tell me, kyojuro?” you were still closing the distance between the two of you, voice barely above a whisper because there was no need to talk any louder for him to hear you. everything about him drew you closer, and the thought of pulling away never crossed your mind. you finally stopped, inches away, staring at him expectantly.
“well, there was a chance that i was going to die that day, so i was going to be selfish and tell you that i love you."
it amazed you how he could say that with such confidence when that statement had effectively swept you off of your feet. you were well aware that you looked more than caught off guard- your eyes had widened, and your mouth probably hung open from shock. that was nothing to stop rengoku’s words, though. if anything, it only encouraged him to keep going.
"and when i said that i admire you, i meant it. i admire your strength and how willing you are to help others. i admire you when it's sunset and you're laughing and i admire the way your hands feel, especially here." he guided your hand to his face, letting it cradle his cheek as he rested his own hand at your wrist, not willing to let go. you were sinking into the warmth of his body, letting his borrowed strength keep you upright.
“and most of all, i admire you because i find your beauty striking in everything that you do.” you were silent as rengoku’s eyes searched your own, watching as his lips split as he laughed. “you’re crying again.” you raised your other hand to your cheekbone, feeling the liquid there that began its trek down the planes of your face. you wiped them away with the back of your hand, keeping yourself anchored to rengoku as you curled your fingers around his own.
you felt so light that you could float away, and you couldn’t  help but laugh and grin as you fully processed the confession of the man lying underneath you. tears still rolled down your cheeks, and you couldn’t help the bittersweet pang as you remembered exactly why he was here recovering.
“you really scared me back there, you know?”
“it wasn’t my intention.” you laughed through your sniffle, feeling his warm hand trace patterns on the back of yours. you shuffled forwards and, as best as your shared injuries allowed it, you gave rengoku a hug. while your arms were around his neck, his rested squarely on your lower back, and it was better than anything else you could imagine.
you pulled away, relinquishing the comfort of his arms in favour of looking him in the eye as you prepared what to say next. admittedly, it was a lot easier when you knew how the other person felt about you.
“you know i admire you too, rengoku, and i love you. so much.” joy rewrote itself within his eyes, and they almost glowed with how intense his emotions were after you uttered those words.
“you do?”
your yes came out as a barely audible breath before you were being snagged forwards by him again. you practically crashed against his lips, but you welcomed the sensation, pulling yourself closer to him and settling on his lap.
you sighed into the searing kiss, only truly appreciating his warmth now as you felt it spread through you. you kissed him back intensely, ignoring the dull ache of your ribs to chase the addictive feeling that you only got around him.
around the person who loved you back.
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aquanova99 · 3 years
Playing with Fire (Demetri x Reader)
Part 1
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A/N: Wow another mini series in the works, who do I think I am. Thank you so much for the idea @artaxerxesthegreat! I hope it started out okay, if you have anything you want to see please let me know
A/N: Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this. I appreciate you!! As always requests are open!
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You heard knocking at your door. You checked your phone, two in the morning?? How had you stayed up so late? And who the hell was visiting you at this hour?
You headed to the door. Whoever was knocking was becoming impatient. Anywhere beyond the reservation and opening the door without question could end up badly. You were surprised to find Leah there.
“Y/n. We need your help.”
Nope. Absolutely not. Sam wasn’t ready to have another girl in the pack. Leah had proved to be one too many. At least in his mind. Leah was still head over heels for Sam and made effort to try and stick up for you. No one else had met you, and honestly in the end it had been a good thing. You hadn’t needed to phase since the confrontation with the two. You’d learned control with out them, you owed them nothing.
“Y/n please. Theres a war coming. We need as many people to testify for the Cullens.”
“Not my problem. I’m not part of the pack. Either one.”
“You heard about Jacob?”
“You forget Paul’s imprint was one of my closest friends. Until Sam found out about that too. Apparently, everyones buddy buddy with the Cullens now.”
“The leeches helped us get rid of some of their own kind to protect the reservation. Well—they needed to protect Bella and we all worked together in the end. Whatever, anyways. There are trained vampires to destroy Jacobs imprint. He needs us to be there if a fight breaks out. The blonde one is convinced we just have to be there to testify shes only half leech.”
Half vampire? Your hand reached for the doorknob. No. This wasn’t your fight.
“Leah, shes useless to us anyway shes never been in a fight.” Who was that? Doesn’t matter, now you definitely weren’t helping.
“Jacob for once in your life, shut up. We need everyone we can get. She had more control than even you when she first phased. If she had the same training we had, she’d be helpful.”
“You two need to leave.” You said through the door. You remembered why you left in the first place. For the most part the pack had this belief that they could do no wrong. Typical misogynistic assholes. Leah still had hope Sam would come to his senses, even if she had finally left the damage had been done.
After hearing very hushed whispering you heard Jacob come to the door. “Look, I’m sorry. I really need to protect my imprint.”
“The child? The very underage child? I am not getting into that. This whole imprinting thing…it’s weird. They choose what you are to them right? Yet, none of you accept that they aren’t into you. Sam didn’t stop chasing Emily, and you wont stop chasing whatever her name is.”
“Her name is Renesme.” You could practically hear his teeth gritting together, “If she chooses someone else, then so be it.”
“Yeah, okay. I’ve heard about all the kids shifting. You don’t need me. I’m not dying for people who would never do the same. Tell little Robitussin sorry on my behalf.” You marched back up to your room. You didn’t allow yourself to relax until the two were out of sight. It didn’t take long for them to disturb you again. This time you couldn’t escape. It was both Sams and Jacobs pack this time.
“I’m sorry did I not make myself clear last night?”
“Y/n, I need to apologize. Even if you decide that you don’t help. I shouldn’t have been so quick to dismiss you. You can still be part of the pack. You always had that right.”
You rolled your eyes, “Gee, thanks. Why do you guys need me at all? You have plenty of people to make yourselves scary to any vampire.”
“We’d like to leave some more experienced people on the reservation in case things get bad. They shouldn’t, but still.”
“You don’t trust the younger ones.” Their silence answered your question, “I have no experience to give you.”
“Cut the crap, y/n. I was on patrol when you got that bloodsucker near Seattle.” Everyone froze, apparently this was new information. It was news to you. You’d been so focused on getting rid of that vampire you hadn’t heard anyones thoughts.
“What about it?”
“You phased quick enough to kill them and then phased out as soon as you were finished. We may need you.” Sam continued
“Is—is that even possible?” Someone youd never met asked, he noticed you staring, “I’m Embry by the way. I’m sorry for what happened.” He said that very clearly aimed at Sam and Leah, maybe not everyone had agreed with what happened to you. You shook yourself out of those thoughts, it doesn’t matter, you told yourself.
“Look, before you say anything, if we don’t scare these guys. They will kill all of us. Apparently, they have leeches that can stop you just by looking at you. There are other werewolves that killed people and they were all destroyed. If we don’t stand up to them everyone we care about will be killed.”
“Well, lucky for me all I have is me myself and I.” you crossed your arms
“You’ve been alone this whole time?!?” Embry asked again, he seemed furious
“For the last almost ten years. My parents were never around much, and the last time I saw them was three years ago. They stopped by for a night.”
“And you—”
“Embry. Relax.” Ooh alpha voice, must be nice to be able to have people have to listen to you. “Y/n you will fight with us.”
Was he seriously trying it with you? You laughed. “Seriously?”
“Worth a shot.”
“Whatever you say alpha.”
“You shouldn’t be able to say no to us.” Jacob said.
“You shouldn’t be able to talk at all, but here we are.” You turned to look at the rest of the tribe, they looked anxious. “you guys must be desperate if you are still here.”
“They are.” One of the bigger guys said, “You don’t have to help us, but wed really appreciate if you did. Like Sam there isn’t supposed to be a fight.”
“You’re expecting one though. Otherwise you wouldn’t be so worried about the res.”
“Paul’s right y/n. Please, its just in case. But if what Sam remembers you’d really be helping us out.” Leah said
You sighed, realistically they wouldn’t stop until you said yes, “I’m telling you now. If I feel like theres no hope I’m out. I’m not risking my life for you or any imprint. That includes little ringtone.”
Jacob tensed up. You waved at him and headed to your car. You needed to take a breather. “Let me know when and where.” You closed the door behind you and started your car up. You didn’t even need to go anywhere yet, you just wanted to get away.
The snow had begun sticking to the ground. The battle would be coming up soon. A few of the pack members had actually tried to be nice to you. Apparently they had been ona ‘do not ask questions, do not engage order.’ Not that it really mattered. You’d kept your distance as much as possible. Sam tried to tell you to do patrols once, he wasn’t happy when he found you watching movies at home. The message went through, he didn’t want to be undermined again anyway. You never met Jacob’s imprint, the less involved you were the better.
There was no avoiding it the morning of the confrontation. You couldn’t believe this many vampires and werewolves were ready to die for this child. Well, the pack had no choice but still. The mass of cloaked vampires entered your view. These people had eons of training, there was no way your side would win. Not without major casualties. The ginger vampire glanced your way and snarled at you. Watch it, you thought, before I take out someone on your side and let you lose. His lips formed a tight line and he turned back. Sam looked at you and asked if you were serious. Honestly, yeah probably, something rubbed you the wrong way about the red head. Sam actually agreed with you and you both refocused on the conversations.
Jacob, the kid and her parents went up to talk to whoever the guy in charge was. You looked at the ones closer to him. They would be the most dangerous you figured. The tall one would probably be the biggest problem if you ran into him, your eyes landed on the two kids next. They could maybe, maybe pass as teenagers. Your heart hurt at the thought of having to kill kids, even if they were immortal kids. You froze at the next person your eyes landed on.
There was no way. No freaking way. This shouldn’t even be possible. You imprinted. You just freaking imprinted. And on a vampire no less. You took a step back. He hadn’t even looked at you yet. Theres no way he’d want anything to do with a wolf. Let alone one that was supposed to fight you. You looked at Sam. You had to get out of there. He hung his head down.
“what is it?”
“We cant fight. We aren’t allowed to mess with imprints.”
“I’m not officially part of the pack, you stay if you want.” You could say that all you wanted, with the mind link he knew how desperately you wanted to avoid fighting anymore.
“Y/n, if we stay we cant promise we wont hurt him.” He sighed, “We have to back down.” You would never doubt sam again. You thought to yourself, you didn’t care how many patrols you had to run.
“I’ll hold you to that.” He joked before he tried to get Jacobs attention. You were already getting a hard time from the pack. They all realized how hard it was to try and avoid feelings for your imprint. You would never stop being grateful to them. I bet they wished they hadn’t made me come out now. A chorus of disagreement came from them You felt tears prick your eyes.
The pack started heading out. Jacob and Sam argued for a minute before he realized it was pointless. The pack had given the Cullens an equalizer. You felt bad but you already felt the urge to protect your imprint. What the hell was happening to you? As the pack started backing away your eyes finally locked with him. You should have just kept walking. You didn’t wait to see his reaction, you turned and ran.
Taglist: @adaydreamaway08 @aunt-pipie @avyannadawn @imtoanonymousforyou @lacychick @minghao3o @quarthly @volturiwolf
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