#legend of Korra season 1
gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
Gale poorly explains legend of Korra
(I would normally have done this by season, so for the sake of sanity. Here is season 1)
Gale poorly explains: Legend of Korra (season 1)
-“Aang is gone and we need to find the new avatar”
-Tiny Korra bursts in
Korra: “Sup bitches! I’m the avatar”
-“Sure is kyoshi up in here”
(15 years later)
(Korra shows up in republic city)
Korra: Time to act like a female protagonist in the 2010s
(Proceeds to get arrested)
Lin: I’m a straight lace cop that is completely the opposite of my mother toph who has a metal pole up her ass.
Tenzin: I’m Aang’s son and I have to reign Korra in this season and will fail miserably.
Korra: I’m gonna slay at air bending
(Proceeds to get messed up)
Tenzin: Korra meet my family.
Pema: Hi, I’m the woman that is single handedly restoring the Air nomads until season 3. I also stole Tenzin from Lin
Jinora: Hi I’m Jinora, the only character that people like in all four seasons of the show and considered the best addition to the cast.
Ikki: I’m the annoying middle child that will piss off EVERYONE for stopping them from hearing about Zuko’s mom.
Meelo: I make fart jokes. I am one of the comic reliefs.
Korra: Well this is a thing… I’m gonna go pro bend
Bolin: Hey I’m the actual comic relief, and the second best character in the show. I will be trying to date you until you end up kissing my brother… in which case I will get over it after an episode
Mako: hey, im the tsundere dude that looks so generic that people wonder why im a main character. But apparently that’s sexy.
Korra: it is. I can’t wait to kiss you and cause more drama. But first a sport that makes very little sense and is really nerfed for the earth bending team.
(Winning at pro bending!)
Amon: I am part of the Equalist movement. A movement which actually makes little sense in retrospect because there are no rules descriminating against normal people, if anything it’s more like benders have it rough considering the amount of bending criminals.
Korra: He’s stealing bending! He must be stopped!
Asami: Hey, I’m the hot non-bending rich girl that is a genuinely good person and I have way more chemistry with Korra than Mako, but for this season and next will be a Mako simp.
Mako: Cool
Korra: I hate her… but also am attracted to her.
Bolin: I’m just here to have fun
Hiroshi: I’m Asami’s father and totally cool with my daughter dating a filthy fire bender
Tarrlok: I’m the sketchy mayor that is actually really creepy and trying to get you on bored to fight Amon.
Korra: I’m down.
(Joins the force and gets traumatized)
Korra: Yea… he is horrifying.
Lin: I’m quitting the force. Now for some character development.
Bolin: Back to Probending
Tenzin: I was originally against this but now I’m a fan of this game.
(Their opponents cheat and win)
Tenzin: Is that ref Blind!? Wtf!
Korra: They cheated!
(Amon arrives and delivers karma by stealing the bending of the opponents)
Korra: okay that’s a bit Effed up.
Tarrlok: Now I’m gonna enforce some laws that will give the Equalists reasons to actually rebel
(Arrests Korea’s friends)
Korra: Could you not arrest my friends!
Tarrlok: No, now bend the knee
Korra: No, cause I realize you are a creepy f***er. And I will never let an obviously evil water bender trick me into helping ever again… (stay tuned for season two)
Tarrlok: Kidnapping it is!
(Reveals bloodbending)
Korra: OP please nerf
(Korra learns about the blood bending past from Aang)
Aang: Long story short. Cameos and Yakone was a dick to everyone.
Korra: Dang.
(Everyone learns Tarrlok lied)
Tarrlok: Well it doesn’t matter, no one can beat me with my blood bending
Amon: I heard that you were talking s*** and you didn’t think that I would hear it.
(Steals Tarrlok’s bending)
Korra: I’m outtie (flees)
Amon: Time to take this city!
(Takes city)
Iroh: I’m a reference to Iroh and have Zuko’s voice. I’m immediately the best character this season. Unfortunately I’m useless right now
Korra: So we have to stop Amon. Oh look it’s the jerk mayor.
Tarrlok: Amon is actually my brother. He’s a blood bender.
Korra: Gasp! Oh wait I knew that
Asami: Sorry dad, I’m not joining your equalists. Your group claims it’s fighting against controlling regimes only to become one as soon as you get power. It’s very hypocritical.
Hiroshi: Hey! Our protests were mostly peaceful. Now let us use our weapons to kill your friends.
Amon: Ready for me to steal your bending
(Cue fight scene)
Amon: I stole your bending
Korra: not my air bending.
(Blasts him out the window causing him to expose himself as a bender)
Equalists: Gasps! Our leader is a bender. We’ve been lied to. This somehow ruins our movement.
Amon: (revealed to be Noatak) I must flee now.
Korra: Well I am only an airbender now.
Aang: but what if you weren’t. (Restores bending)
Korra: Bitching, time to fix everything
Noatak: Hey bro, sorry about stealing your bending let’s GTFO
Tarrlok: How about double suicide
(Off screen explosion)
Mako: So are we dating now
Korra: Yep!
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elsiebrayisgay · 6 months
i'm about to write the most deranged legend of korra modern au fic ever imagined. korra is a former olympic martial artist who was famous for like five minutes because somebody tried to break her kneecaps to rig her fights and she punched him through a window.
eventually she gets invited to dinner in her terrible downstairs neighbors' awful ancap """commune""" where she gets heavy metal poisoning and a local heiress sues the landlord into the ground as an act of sapphic affection.
eventually she has to get her pro-boxer buddies from college to help her and her new billionaire girlfriend thwart a new mayoral candidate who won't stop quoting hobbes in her speeches but rose to huge popularity because she said the phrases "improved city infrastructure" and "revitalized rail system" and nobody bothered to learn more of her policies than that.
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linnorabeifong · 17 days
Tarrlok @ Korra and the gaang 2.0 in Season 1 Episode 8
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kingoftheu · 7 months
I'm ultimately a Cop Toph defender because if you look at it she loved playing frontier Sheriff (beating up the bad guys with her pals) but as Republic City became bigger it became less and less that. Organized crime, paperwork, dealing with problems of the big city instead of bandits. She then became disillusioned and fucked off of to a swamp.
Absolutely in character for her. It went from frontier justice to a bunch of law and rules and shit so she left.
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ibenology · 5 months
it never ceases to amaze me how completely random the selection of characters my brain decides to be autistic about is.
Out of all the characters in Legend of Korra (some of whom I was quite prepared to obsess over) all my thoughts are currently related to this motherfucker??
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lukewarmoverthinker · 3 months
sometimes, even if i don’t agree with the fan art, its just so good that i have to like it.
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Korra x Female Air Acolyte Series: Part One
Imagine being an air acolyte and a budding romance forming between you and Avatar Korra
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Part Two, Part Three, Part Four and Part Five.
You were an air acolyte that lived on air temple island. You’d originally lived at the Southern Air Temple with your sister who was also an air acolyte. That was how you met Pema. She quickly became close friends with your sister and was always a kind motherly figure to you. Pema left when she married Tenzin but when she heard your sister, your only remaining family member, passed she invited you to live with her at her home. You were only 12 at the time and although you were a fully qualified acolyte neither Tenzin nor Pena made you stick too strictly to your duties. They took you in and gave you a home and a purpose. You were happy and cared for. The Airbender kids were like younger cousins and although you weren’t one of their children you felt safe with Pema and Tenzin.
As you got older you began taking a more active acolyte role and Tenzin began mentoring you. At the age of 17 you’d been in the field a while and were very experienced. Tenzin viewed that as enough experience to travel with his family to meet the avatar and you were so excited.
Oogie began to descend and you peered over the side excited to get your first view at the Avatar’s compound. You recognised Tenzin’s mother immediately and watched amused as her grandchildren interacted with her. Your eyes however went to the girl behind her, the Avatar.
She didn’t look as you expected her to, she looked...normal. You’d been expecting a towering powerful giant but this girl just looked like a friendly normal teenager. She waved slightly and you smiled back at her. Tenzin finally caught sight of her and rushed to greet her. He introduced you and Korra grinned "this is so great! Are you going to be joining us for our lessons? I can’t wait to have someone my age joining me". You frowned and looked at Tenzin. Pema sighed "you'll have to tell her eventually" she sighed. Korra looked crestfallen as Tenzin told her the news, he wasn’t here to train her. Over dinner Korra tried convincing him to change his mind but Tenzin held to his reasons. You tried to help, offering suggestions but nothing would budge Tenzin and Korra stormed away angrily. You watched her walk away and frowned. You understood she was disappointed and wished there was some way you could comfort her. You were sat next to Katara who knocked her cup off the table “ow how clumsy of me!” she cried and you smiled “let me help you”. You reached down to grab her mug and she leant in “Korra always goes to the kennels when she’s upset, they’re outside the main door and to the left”. You stared at her confused and Tenzin’s mother just smiled at you. You excused yourself and followed Katara’s instructions.
You found the kennels but no Korra. However there were some footprints so you followed them into the snowy grounds. You were sure you were lost when you heard a noise. You turned to see a polar bear dog barreling towards you. You gasped and fell backwards as you tried to run. The polar bear dog roared loudly and you closed your eyes before someone intervened. "Naga stop!" someone called and the Avatar appeared. "Bad girl y/n is a friend". The avatar then turned to you "sorry about that, Naga hasn't met you yet and she knows everyone in the compound so she assumed you were trying to hurt her". Korra offered you a hand up and you took it. The girl pulled you effortlessly to your feet surprising you and bringing your faces close together. “Are you okay?” she asked her blue eyes practically dazzling you. “I’m fine...are you?” you asked “I know Tenzin’s revelation couldn’t have been good to hear”. Korra sighed “it’s fine, I mean there are worse things to happen I’m just sick of waiting around for my life to start! I’m kept here like an outcast and whenever I ask about leaving they just tell me I have to wait until I’m a fully training avatar...”. “Hence why you’re so eager to master airbending” you commented and Korra nodded “exactly! Now that’s been pushed back indefinitely so i’m stuck” she said sitting down angrily in the snow. You watched her wondering how you could help her when an idea came to you. “What if I showed you a few things?”. Korra hesitated “what?”. “I know i’m no Airbender but a lot of airbending forms are practised by acolytes too for their health benefits, not to mention we’re around them 24/7, what if I showed you the basics?”. Korra’s face lit up “that’d be amazing! Thanks y/n”. You blushed under her intense gratitude and shrugged “no problem, now let’s get started!”.
You and Korra trained in the snow for a while before Katara found you and told you it was time to leave. Korra was upset but you thought your training had helped a little. She promised to practice the forms you’d shown her every day and you promised to ask Tenzin every day when she could come to Republic City. Your deal was made and you left the Water Tribe with a very strong positive first impression of the Avatar.
When you returned to Republic City you got back on with your normal life. You kept your end of the deal and bugged Tenzin but to no avail. However you were soon going to learn the Avatar waits for no one.  
You were on your way to City hall on an errand for Tenzin when you heard blaring police sirens. You turned to see cars all heading down the same street chasing after what seemed to be...a polar bear dog. You squinted at the figure on the bear’s back but couldn’t see them clearly enough. You joined in the crowd rushing to follow the chase and spotted an officer. "What’s going on? Who is that?" you asked. The man recognised you due to your air nomad uniform and shrugged "no idea, some girl from the water tribe. She resisted arrest after attacking some gang members. Apparently the damage was pretty bad, though I don’t get how one girl could do all that. It looked like a few benders at least". Realisation set in and you shook your head "or the avatar".
You knew Korra wouldn’t be able to outrun the entire police so you just hurried to the police station and demanded to see the avatar. You were taken into the most secure room and the door opened. Korra sat there chained to a table. Her eyes lit up when she saw you and you smiled...before you saw who she was talking to. All the way here you’d prayed it wasn’t Beifong but of course it was. "Chief, Avatar Korra" you nodded to them both "I came as soon as I heard". Lin tutted at you "why did you come?". You paused "to help of course. I'm sure whatever happened we can work out an agreement". Lin turned to you "an agreement? The girl’s a menace. She destroyed countless properties and goods with her vigilantly attitude". "But I'm the avatar! I have to help people" Korra cried. "That title might impress others but not me" Lin glared at Korra and you sighed. "Cheif Beifong please try to..." you started when Korra gasped "wait Beifong? ...you're Toph’s daughter!". Lin sighed "I don’t see why that's relevant?". "Well your mother was friends with Avatar Aang! My past life! She helped him". "Still not relevant" Lin shrugged and you rested a hand on Korra’s chair. "What the Avatar means is your mother understood the value of the Avatar and their role. While Korra’s actions were disruptive she did save those people and she was doing what she considered her duty. How is that any different from the harm your officers caused barreling down the street trying to catch her? I saw atleast 3 overturned Sato mobiles, was that a menace or just officers doing their duty?". "Yes exactly!" Korra cried. You wanted to smile but had to remain serious. Lin sighed "I appreciate what you're trying to do but it won’t work kid. Ordinary people have no ranks to take the law into their own hands, that's the polices duty Avatar or not. So I’m sorry but..." when the door opened. "Y/n?" Tenzin asked and Lin groaned "there’s more of you?". Tenzin managed to arrange Korra’s release and she was set free. You walked with her out of the cell and couldn’t help but laugh as she shot Lin an *I'm watching you* sign. Tenzin however wasn’t in as good a mood. He scolded Korra for travelling here and used this as proof she wasn’t ready. You tried speaking up for her but Tenzin snapped at you and Korra gave you a signal to stop.
It was decided Korra would go straight home and Tenzin led you both there in silence. So you waited at the docks for Korra to be sent away. You weren’t happy about it and made this known by refusing to look at Tenzin. You watched as Korra said goodbye to the Airbender kids and Tenzin sighed. "I know you don’t think it's right but this city is far too busy for her, she needs a more stable environment". You shook your head "does she? She's been locked up in that compound for years. How is she going to learn how to help the world if she’s never experienced it? Locking her away isn’t going to help her but being here in a living breathing city...she’s already learnt to be more careful and respectful to the law and that’s in one day! Imagine what else she could learn". Tenzin was silent and when you looked at him you saw he was thinking. Finally he stepped forward. As Korra went to say goodbye he announced she could stay. "But how...why?" Korra asked and Tenzin glanced at you "let's just say I had some good advice". Korra beamed and rushed to hug you "thank you y/n!". You smiled blushing slightly at the attention "I just said some words that’s all!". "Well I'll always be grateful to you" Korra smiled squeezing your hand and you smiled squeezing back.
Tenzin brought Korra to Air Temple Island and you showed her around. You got her all settled in a new room and brought her all the things she’d need. "We can get anything else in the city" you told her "for now just make do and try to rest. Your training will begin very soon". Korra cheered "yes! I'm so excited! I've been waiting years for this and finally it’s happened". You smiled at how endearing she was and nodded. "Well you've earned it! Get some rest, I'm right across the hall if you need anything". You went back to your own room and prepared for bed. You’d just gotten into the blankets when there was a knock and Korra appeared. "Hey y/n I can’t sleep...". You smiled. She must've literally tried for a minute before giving up. "Well would you like to stay here and talk for a bit?" You asked "perhaps you're a bit excited?". "Yeah that sounds good" Korra agreed, wriggling into the blankets so she was beside you. You kept the lights low to try and make her sleepy and just talked. Korra told you all about her life and you told her about yours. You eventually felt sleepier and sleepier until you could hardly keep your eyes open. You went to tell Korra you were too tired to continue when you realised she was sound asleep. You smiled and covered her up more with the blankets before going to sleep yourself.
Now the Avatar was in Republic City something told you things would be very different...
Season one Korra has a special place in my heart. I loved when she was so cocky and hot headed 🥰🥰
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prodineonblue · 5 months
Red Lotus!Amon Fanfic
I'm writing an Amon fanfic. Some facts:
The Lieutenant is female in this one and actually has a really dark past
Amon survives the explosion thanks to said Lieutenant
We have a romance subplot
Tarrlok is depressed
Zaheer reaches out to Amon, asking him to join the Red Lotus
Work in progress, updating every week!
Amon is a meditating baddie!
Yeah give it a read!
Just to let you all know, the Lieutenant is NOT intended to be a genderbended version of the one in the series, she is a completely different character and I thought making her female would be easier because she is pretty much the MC and writing from a female POV is easier. I would happily make a lieumon fic with the Og lieutenant, I just find that the backstory I have applied to my character is better for me to narrate from a female POV.
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gob-lob · 7 months
My sister said that we could watch rottmnt together after we finished Korra. When we started watching rottmnt and we got to the Warren stone ep my sister was like ‘huh he sounds really familiar’ and I was like ‘oh yeah he does’ until I realized,,, bro. Varrick and Warren Stone share the same voice actor 😭😭😭 how did I never realize it until my sister pointed it out???
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yahoo201027 · 3 months
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Day in Fandom History: June 23…
Korra and Mako infiltrate an Equalist rally in hopes to expose Amon as the fraud that he is for using bending while Asami, Bolin, and General Iroh infiltrate and are later imprisoned at an Equalist airbase. The Season 1 finale, “Endgame”, premiered on this day, 12 Years Ago.
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Rewatching season 1 of Korra is constant whiplash - damn near every part of it either makes me go "that was fucking brilliant" or "that was fucking stupid". No wonder I've been obsessed for a decade
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yapbender · 4 months
if i was in korra’s shoes when she got kidnapped in season 1 i wouldn’t have been complaining is all i’m saying
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nathaniacolver · 1 year
btw this is for the record but i have never in my life disliked the legend of korra! even when i watched it at 14yo and wasn't that into fandoms yet, i still understood that she was a teenager and made stupid decisions sometimes yet learned and grew through it all in the end! i also never even thought the show was bad, y'all pandemic watchers jumped on the hate-train built by homophobes in the early 2010s (oh the defenses we would have heard had korra ended up with mako...).
anyway. on the record, i have never hated or disliked korra (show or character)! i have sat silently among friends that slander the show (just bc i didn't want to deal with the fallout of them realizing my opinion) but i have never disliked her
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turnedinto-themoon · 2 years
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Bro genuinely what the fuck are you talking about
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Like HOW are we still on “I just don’t like how all the lok villains had a point but then they do something bad so we can return to the status quo :///” in the year of our lord 2023?
The status quo of changing your entire societal structure or system of government to adopt and accommodate the legitimate grievances brought up by the villain? Ah yes truly the most heinous of performative activism
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