#legend of the seeker aesthetic
miss-what-a-d0ll · 5 months
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𝘭𝘦𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘬𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘣𝘰𝘢𝘳𝘥 🗡🛡️🏹
.𖥔 ݁ ˖.𖥔 ݁ ˖.𖥔 ݁ ˖
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ohnoitstbskyen · 1 year
They turned him into an anime boy haha https://twitter.com/spideraxe30/status/1676427863992463362?s=46&t=iPiW6_AcyhGzA3TEHU2-mg
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... hhhhhuh. Yeah okay, that's definitely An Update. Does he actually look any different in-game? Did he get new animation?
Either way, that sure is... a way to approach him. A rather boring way, I feel.
Like, Vladimir is a dandy. Ignoring his terrible, terrible presentation in League of Legends, to me he always felt like he was supposed to be this over-the-top Dorian Grey hyper-hedonistic maximalist pleasure seeker, fully reveling in wearing outrageous fashion and being The Most Extra at all times
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Wild Rift Vladimir certainly looks less silly, and a lot prettier (which is, in its way, an improvement, Vladimir SHOULD be an impossibly beautiful pretty boy I think), but this just feels aesthetically way too basic for him.
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It's reduced his colors down to just the Noxus Base Palette, and completely removed the decorativism and ornamentation from his outfit. It seems like a design that's going for Sleek™ and I feel like he should look more like covered himself in glue and rolled through Howl Pendragon's bedroom
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Like, he should look like he has a taste for the exotic and expensive, someone who hoards trinkets and jewelry and fashion items like a magpie, someone who wants to show you such delights, my dear, oh truly, someone who dazzles and overwhelms with sheer magnitude of decoration.
Someone who disarms his victims by seeming like a harmless, foppish pretty boy, right up until the blade of his claw rises up your neck and he asks you if you won't please stay for a drink.
Which, by the way, if you wanted to tie him more deeply into Noxus as a region, having him be someone ostentatiously displaying the looted aesthetics of regions and cultures that the empire is actively conquering would be a great way to do that. He's basically a vampire, you won't find a more pitch-perfect metaphorical avatar of imperialism than that.
All my criticisms aside, mind you, anything is better than how horrid he looks in League of Legends right now, so call it a step down aesthetically and a big step up in production value.
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shalini-yadav45 · 7 months
Exploring the Mystique of Alaska's Black Sand Beaches
Alaska's vast wilderness is home to some of the most breathtaking natural wonders on Earth, and among its hidden treasures lie the enigmatic black sand beaches. These captivating coastal landscapes, adorned with dark-hued sands, offer a glimpse into the geological history and raw beauty of the Last Frontier.
Understanding the Origin
The genesis of Alaska's black sand beaches can be traced back to volcanic activity that has shaped the region over millions of years. As molten lava flows from ancient volcanoes reached the frigid waters of the Pacific Ocean, rapid cooling and erosion processes ensued, resulting in the formation of fine black particles that now adorn the shoreline.
Kodiak Island: A Jewel of Diversity
Nestled amidst the emerald waters of the North Pacific lies Kodiak Island, home to one of Alaska's most remarkable black sand beaches. Here, visitors are greeted by a spectacle of contrasts as the dark sands seamlessly blend with the island's verdant forests and rugged cliffs. The allure of Kodiak's black sand beaches lies not only in their aesthetic appeal but also in the rich biodiversity that thrives along these shores.
Ecological Marvels: Flora and Fauna
Despite the harsh climate and remote location, Kodiak's black sand beaches teem with life. The intertidal zones harbor a plethora of marine organisms, from colorful sea stars to elusive octopuses. Birdwatchers flock to the area to catch a glimpse of majestic bald eagles soaring overhead or nesting along the cliffs. Meanwhile, coastal vegetation such as beachgrass and wildflowers dot the landscape, adding bursts of color to the monochromatic sands.
Cultural Significance: Tales of the Tlingit
For the indigenous Tlingit people, the black sand beaches of Alaska hold profound cultural significance. Passed down through generations, oral traditions speak of ancestral ties to the land and sea, where legends of spirits and mythical creatures intertwine with the natural world. Today, these stories continue to resonate, serving as a reminder of the enduring connection between humanity and nature.
Adventure Awaits: Activities for Explorers
Beyond its scenic beauty and ecological wonders, Kodiak Island offers a myriad of activities for adventurous souls. From beachcombing and wildlife viewing to kayaking amidst towering icebergs, there's no shortage of exhilarating experiences to be had along the black sand beaches of Alaska. For thrill-seekers, guided excursions provide the opportunity to explore hidden coves, sea caves, and remote islands, immersing oneself in the untamed wilderness of the Last Frontier.
Conservation Efforts: Preserving Alaska's Natural Heritage
As stewards of this pristine wilderness, conservation efforts are paramount to safeguarding Alaska's black sand beaches for future generations. Local organizations and government agencies work tirelessly to promote sustainable tourism practices, protect critical habitats, and mitigate the impact of human activities on fragile ecosystems. Through education and advocacy, we can ensure that these natural treasures remain intact for years to come.
Conclusion: A Journey Into the Unknown
In conclusion, Alaska's black sand beaches stand as a testament to the enduring power of nature to captivate and inspire. From their volcanic origins to the rich tapestry of life they support, these coastal wonders offer a glimpse into the untamed beauty of the Last Frontier. Whether you're a nature enthusiast, an adventure seeker, or a cultural aficionado, a visit to Alaska's black sand beaches promises an unforgettable journey into the unknown.
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goodmode · 2 years
lemm, O~?
[x] O. The stars or space.
There are those who say that the stars in the night sky are lamps carried by dragonfly explorers flown impossibly far away. There are some that claim they are the yet-unclaimed light of nascent gods, and still more who reckon the stars to be pictures woven into a dark tapestry crafted by their ancestors. Some believe they're the gods of the lumaflies, as numerous and bright as their children.
Others still have less fairytale ideas involving complex mathematics and the motion of the sun, and there are a few working theories going around these days that perhaps the sun and stars are not all that different. Lemm prefers those from an academic standpoint, though he's never bothered to educate himself further and is under no false impression that he has any real grasp on the truth.
It's just that when you read your hundredth this-is-absolutely-the-truth legend lore about what the stars are all about, eventually you start to develop a bit of skepticism that any of them might actually be correct.
The uncertainty is fine. The stars are not a Relic Seeker's department unless they're painted, carved, or written about. He does not concern himself with them; they are another part of life that wisely stays out of his way and minds its own business.
This is what he said, but the Knight of Hallownest has been watching Lemm stand quietly outside the Dirtmouth Stag Station, staring straight up at the recently-cleared sky, for the past… oh, five minutes or so. They are beginning to doubt he was being wholly truthful in his disinterest.
Well, he wasn't expecting that when he came up for supplies, was he?
Being a God-King is hard. Harder still to get the hang of the subtler things, like weather, but Dirtmouth was long overdue for an airing-out after an aeon of being buried in wind and dust and cloud.
Everyone else's reactions have so far been positive. The Knight was wondering how the Kingdom's undergrounders might feel about it, and it seems they're getting their first example.
Eventually Relic Seeker Lemm tears his eyes away from the stars and looks down to meet theirs, finding them leaning over the back of the bench to watch him. It's far too late to mask his awe, so he doesn't bother.
They get a nod, subtle and surprisingly gracious. He's not usually one for either.
"...Show-off," is what he chases it with a moment later, just to keep up appearances. He scoffs as he remembers why he's here, and heads towards the map shop - but he flags a hand at them on the way past and sounds unusually cheerful when he says over his shoulder: "Aye, well, nothing wrong with an aesthetic, is there?"
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mycherrycola · 1 year
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"September, 1968. Whispers abound when Jamie and Theo are put in the college's notoriously haunted dorm room together. Rumor has it that students who stay in that room see visions of monsters, haunted mansions out of the corners of their eyes, and by the end of the year, go completely and utterly insane. The pair play into the mythos and conduct their own investigation into the room's history, fearlessly determined to get to the root of what spawned this whole legend to begin with.
But things get eerie when the rumors, the mansion in particular, materialize before their eyes."
Helloooo terrible plot summary to introduce my boys on this blog haha :D I came up with Jamie, my Chinese-American thrill-seeker, and Theo, my Belgian voice-of-reason-to-Jamie's-chaos, because of my obsession with horror and 60s aesthetics *✧・゚
I've been trying to piece together a fun little story for them so I have an excuse to draw them more, although the story keeps growing and getting more complex xD I really love this sketch though and I want to finish it someday soon *✧・゚
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theguildofgorgon · 5 months
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Aesthetics for Captain Stoneburry, a legend among the seas, lover of cats and a seeker of sacred herbs to elevate his adventures and help others!
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gemsbuild · 7 months
The Unveiled Benefits Of March's Birthstone - Aquamarine
By Gems Build
Welcome to the fascinating world of March birthstones! March is a unique month that is associated with not just one, but two beautiful gemstones: aquamarine and bloodstone. These birthstones hold rich histories, unique characteristics, and a wide array of benefits for those born in March. 
History and Significance of March Birthstone:
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Aquamarine and bloodstone
Gemstones have been cherished for centuries for their beauty and symbolism. The tradition of assigning specific gemstones to each month dates to ancient times. The concept of birthstones has its roots in the breastplate of Aaron, a high priest in the biblical times, which was adorned with twelve gemstones representing the twelve tribes of Israel. Over time, these gemstones became associated with the months of the year, and March was blessed with the captivating aquamarine and bloodstone. 
Aquamarine: Characteristics and Symbolism 
Aquamarine, with its serene blue hue, is a gemstone that has captivated people's hearts for centuries. The name "aquamarine" is derived from the Latin words "aqua" meaning water and "mare" meaning sea, which perfectly describes its mesmerizing color reminiscent of the ocean. The gemstone belongs to the beryl family and is closely related to emeralds. 
Aquamarine is known for its clarity and transparency, with a vitreous luster that adds to its allure. The gemstone can range in color from pale blue to a deep blue green, with the most prized stones being a rich, intense blue. Its color can be influenced by trace amounts of iron present in the stone. 
Aquamarine: Healing Properties and Benefits 
In addition to its aesthetic appeal, aquamarine is believed to possess various healing properties and benefits. It is known as a stone of courage and is said to provide support during times of change and transition. Enhancing communication and self-expression is yet another advantage of it. It is believed to help one articulate their thoughts and feelings with clarity and confidence. 
Furthermore, aquamarine is thought to have a calming and soothing energy, making it an ideal stone for stress relief and promoting a sense of peace and tranquility. It is said to clear the mind, reduce anxiety, and promote emotional balance. For those seeking to deepen their spiritual journey, it is believed to enhance intuition and spiritual awareness. 
Bloodstone: Characteristics and Symbolism 
While aquamarine represents the serene waters, bloodstone, also known as heliotrope, is a gemstone that evokes the earth's raw energy. Bloodstone is a variety of chalcedony with a deep green color, often flecked with red or brown spots resembling drops of blood. Its distinctive appearance has given rise to various legends and folklore throughout history. 
The Greek words "helios," which means sun, and "tropos," which means turn, are the foundation of the word "heliotrope." According to ancient beliefs, bloodstones were believed to turn the sun red when placed in water. This unique characteristic led to its association with healing and protective powers. 
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Bloodstone: Healing Properties and Benefits 
Bloodstones are believed to possess a range of healing properties and benefits. It is often associated with courage, vitality, and strength, making it a popular choice for those seeking to boost their physical and mental stamina. The red speckles in bloodstone are said to represent the blood of Christ, giving the gemstone a strong spiritual connection and protective energy. 
In addition to its protective qualities, bloodstone is believed to support the circulatory system and promote healthy blood flow. It is said to help detoxify the body and stimulate the immune system, making it beneficial for overall health and wellbeing. Bloodstone is also believed to enhance creativity and intuition, making it a valuable stone for artists and spiritual seekers. 
How to Choose the Right March Birthstone 
When it comes to choosing the right March birthstone, it ultimately comes down to personal preference and the energy you wish to connect with. Both aquamarine and bloodstone have their own unique charm and symbolism. 
If you are drawn to the calming and soothing energy associated with aquamarine, you may opt for a piece of jewelry featuring this beautiful gemstone. Whether it's a delicate aquamarine pendant or a pair of aquamarine earrings, there are endless options to suit your style and taste. 
On the other hand, if you resonate with the grounding and protective qualities of bloodstone, you may choose to incorporate this gemstone into your jewelry collection. A bloodstone bracelet, a bloodstone pendant, or even a bloodstone carved into a meaningful shape can serve as a powerful talisman. 
March Birthstone Jewelry Ideas
 March birthstone jewelry not only celebrates your birth month but also allows you to showcase your unique style and personality. Here are a few jewelry ideas to inspire you: 
Aquamarine Stud Earrings: Simple yet elegant, aquamarine stud earrings are a timeless choice that can be worn every day or for special occasions. The serene blue hue of aquamarine will add a touch of sophistication to any outfit. 
Bloodstone Statement Ring: Make a bold statement with a bloodstone ring featuring a large, eye-catching gemstone. The deep green color and red speckles of bloodstone will make a striking impression. 
Aquamarine and Bloodstone Necklace: Combine the energies of both aquamarine and bloodstone with a necklace that features both gemstones. This unique piece will represent the duality of March birthstones and create a harmonious blend. 
Other Gemstones Associated with March 
There are a few additional gemstones that are also associated with this month. These alternative birthstones offer different colors and energies for those who seek variety: 
Jasper: Known for its earthy colors and unique patterns, jasper is believed to bring stability, grounding, and emotional balance. 
Amethyst: With its stunning purple hues, amethyst is a gemstone associated with spirituality, intuition, and protection. 
Jade: Jade is a revered gemstone in many cultures and is believed to bring luck, prosperity, and harmony. 
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 March birthstones, aquamarine and bloodstone, hold a special place in the world of gemstones. From their captivating beauty to their rich symbolism and healing properties, these gemstones have fascinated people for centuries. Whether you choose aquamarine for its calming energies or bloodstone for its grounding and protective qualities, these birthstones offer a connection to the natural world and a unique expression of your individuality. 
So, if you're born in March or simply admire these stunning gemstones, embrace the enchanting world of March birthstones and discover the wonders they hold within! 
Birthstone magic blooms! Beyond your own gem, discover garnet's fire, amethyst's calm, and aquamarine's hope. Find strength in diamond, love in emerald, and magic in alexandrite. Ignite passion with ruby, seek peace in peridot, and wisdom in sapphire. Embrace tourmaline's vibrancy, topaz's warmth, and let tanzanite or turquoise guide you
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mskrianna · 4 years
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❝— Ты говоришь, что это невозможно, просто потому, что не знаешь, как это сделать. Это ошибка.❞
— Ричард Рал, «Легенда об Искателе»
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spiderlilied-viper · 4 years
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alishasboe · 5 years
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Legend of the Seeker (2008-2010)
↳ Destiny (1x02) // “Look to the path ahead, not the trail behind.”
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phoebedoescostume · 5 years
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a little bonus post from my patreon. this isn’t exactly the sort of thing i usually do over there, but it fitted in with my april theme: knights.
“i told you i can't stop thinking about merlin right? well i couldn't help myself but make this little edit while putting together this month's mood boards. there's something so compelling about the central pairing, two-sides-of-the-same-coin merlin and arthur. it's funny that the series really nailed the relationship and character development of those two, but fell short on those aspects with so many of the other characters. two of the least well served characters are unsurprisingly the two female leads. gwen, while a great character, isn't given quite enough to do, and is often mistreated or sidelined for the sake of the plot. morganna also has so much potential, engaging, loveable and well acted whether she's good or evil. but her character development is clunky, and honestly doesn't make much sense.
i remember watching merlin when it was first on, long before my feminist awakening, and even then being frustrated with the female representation in the show. why were gwen and morgana never made knights? why were there no female knights at all, even when class was removed as a barrier? why was practically every other female character either portrayed as ridiculous if they were unattractive or undesirable in some way, or if not, pitted against qwen  as a threat to her relationship with arthur? why was it constantly made very clear that to lose to a woman was embarrassing? why was arthur's go-to insult to compare any poorly executed action to doing it "like a girl"?
i could probably go on, and talk about how even merlin (especially merlin) is the victim of uther and arthur's toxic masculinity, but i will lecture you no further. did i mention that i love this show? i do, because it is possible to love something even if it flawed. which as feminists in a patriarchal society, is something we have to accept, as long as we are able to decode the inherent sexist messages in the media we consume.
if you want a fantasy tv series with better written female characters, i highly recommend legend of the seeker. it's tonally and structurally very similar to merlin, and while it doesn't have any knights, you could argue that the (all female) mord sith play a very similar role in the pseudo-medieval world of the show.”
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firewolf1864 · 5 years
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❝ I do enjoy a challenge. Shall we begin? ❞
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camillesengelsons · 7 years
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Legend of the Seeker - Season 1
In this life, we cannot go back. Only forward. You have a great destiny ahead of you, Richard Cypher, if you're willing to accept it.
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notyourmoniker · 7 years
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Cara x Kahlan Wedding
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j2thepowerof3 · 2 years
o r g a n i z a t i o n
uh hUH! tHat's mY sHiT-
v i d e o e d i t i n g j2thepower0f3
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multifandom (misfits, legend of the seeker, supernatural, dollhouse) || katy perry - who am I living for?
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concert footage montage || stardust - music sounds better with you
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away: lu / mei || novo amor - colourway
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glee || tommy sparks - she's got me dancing
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once upon a time || crack!
c h e v e l l e o n l i n e chevelleonline.net co facebook co tumblr co instagram co twitter
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co home page promo || chevelle - punchline
f a n f i c t i o n
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coronation street || kate / rana - don't go
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warrior nun || ava / beatrice - edge of desire
t a g s
shows: a league of their own american horror story away breaking bad dead to me dexter faking it - karmy the fall first kill fleabag game of thrones - jon snow - jonsa gap the series glee - brittana glow grey's anatomy the handmaid's tale the haunting of hill house - the haunting of bly manor house of cards jessica jones kevin can f**k himself killing eve legend of the seeker lost lovecraft country mad men merlin midnight mass misfits the oc the office - jam once upon a time - swan queen orphan black roswell - candy - dreamer skins - naomily smallville - chlark - clois sons of anarchy stranger things supergirl - supercorp - danvers sisters supernatural true detective the vampire diaries - steroline the walking dead westworld - queen maeve the x files yellowjackets
superheroes: dc - batman - superman - wonder woman marvel - captain america - agent carter - black panther
movies - gone girl - pleasantville - matilda - mad max - the mist - hunger games - the children's hour - portrait of a lady on fire - professor marston and the wonder woman
videogames - mass effect - assassin's creed - bioshock - the sims - life is strange - the last of us - fallout - dragon age - red dead redemption
that gay shit - lintz - shoot - kana - teriah - luimelia - soljiwan - vintage lesbians - soap life - the children's hour
chevelle - pete loeffler
aesthetic - hand porn - eyegasm - eargasm - parallel porn - au - manip - quotes - yes good - bae - beaten and bloody - silhouette - smoking
lulz - gpoy - accurate - christ - live fast die young bad girls do it well - fanfiction - iconic - tumblr - vine - *chokes* - 2020 - cats - dogs
people: ariana grande - robert pattison - kristen stewart - kai
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jonnyparable · 3 years
The Great Townie Project
Sometime last year, way before poor Wanda did it, I put all my Townies through the Hex- I mean, my Great Townie Makeover Project. I wanted them to match more with the aesthetic of the game, and also to add a little to the town's story and scenery.
Base Game Townies
First up, the infamous and much loved base game townies, including legends Brandon Lillard, Ivy Copur, Kennedy Cox, Melissa Fancey and Goopy Gilscarbo are transformed into pretty much a mix of the other groups, but mostly just into nice rural folk and farmers, who either stay nearby or are in town to run errands, buying and selling produce.
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The Bohemians
In Apartment Life, social classes or townie groups are introduced and the Bohemians were one such class. In Cottage Hills, the eclectic Bohemians are now turned into colourful Circus Folk, coming to town together with the summer carnival, with some hanging around throughout the year, living in camps outside of town.
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The Socialites
The fancy Socialites are now Country Estate owning Tories who stay in large fancy homes in the area, just visiting town to shop, socialize, schmooze and condescend. Their whole aesthetic is all country clubs, tennis games, gin & tonics, shades indoors, fur coats and yachts.
The Garden Club
The town's esteemed Garden Club members get a nice retro makeover, with the senior members being more posh and dressy, and the younger members having a more hands on role in the club, wearing gardening aprons, overalls and hats.
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The Gearheads
The badass Gearheads are now automotor Enthusiasts, aviators, racers, bikers, thrill seekers, and mechanics. They are always whizzing about town, just enjoying a day being out on the road with like minded individuals.
The Jocks
The sporty jocks are now fancy Equestrians from a nearby Equestrian School and Polo Club. As mentioned briefly before, they get some of their horses from the Green Estate. They're usually just hanging around town getting drinks, buying horseshoes or buying apples for their horses.
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The Techs
The Techs are transformed into a bizarre group of one half truth seekers and the other half druids. The truth seekers are kooky conspiracy theorists or intrepid cryptid hunters, drawn to the town's strange myths and legends. Strange howling from the woods at night, eerie music playing in the mist? Mysterious, get it on film! The druids are a peace loving group of believers who come just to hear stories of the Goddess, and to respectfully bathe in the spiritual energy of the region. But despite their motives, both groups would do anything to just find the Tree of Life, or get a glimpse of the Goddess.
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