#legit could'nt help myself
spotlightstudios · 1 year
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The back is done!
Joey messed up a lot of people's lives w/ his company, but Sammy is my favorite of them, so he gets Art Privileges♡
(For anyone who missed the first one, I decided to draw scenes from the End Credits of batim in the front/back of my copy of The Illusion of Living! Sammy is in the back cover.)
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Doing this was so much fun! Serotonin to level ten!
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itsthisgirlfanfic · 4 years
Chapter 5
The 5 hour flight was well worth it. The crisp Cali air felt so good against my skin. N.E.R.D’s “Love Bomb”, blasting in the car while my hair blowed out the window as it sped. I was so happy to be here. Especially with her.
“What’s wrong with you?”, Syd asked while turning the volume down.
I started giggling.
“I’m just excited,that’s all”, I said then stuck my tougue out.
“Crazy bitch”, Syd laughed then turned the radio back up.
Me and Syd been talking for a while and we always wanted to see each other. I know she makes music, but she never shows me any of it, so I was like I’m coming out there. She did'nt believe me, but here I am. I’m also like besties with her bro, Taco. Were perfect. Steph moving out to Cali, made it easier to come see her. Also Aaron or should I say ASAP Rocky, and his rapping, he’s peforming at Coachella this year. I swear Steph lives under a rock, she knows nothin, I did'nt tell her about Syd either.
“Were here.”, Syd said turning into a parking lot of loft apartments. I was in awe looking at the location and realizing the beach was right across the street.
“This is beautiful”, I said out loud.
Lugging suitcases, we walked inside and her apartment was dimmed. She clicked something and turned on blue,green and pink lights that was hanging on the walls.
“Like it dark…keeps the mood,” she said smiling.
I laughed, poked her, then dropped my bags.
I walked to the living room and seen a small T.V placed on a table, underneath a collection of Cds. I then turned around and saw what obviously must have been her santuary.
“Wow”, I said, running my fingers along the piano keys. Her mircophone, along with piano all hooked up to the computer. A bunch of wires on the floor.
“Sick right?”, she said then clicked the mouse to the computer.
“Are you gonna show me something finally?”, I said smiling.
“Maybe”, she said scrolling down her music list on Itunes.
“But first…”
She put on a instrumental to some song. It was so mellow, and nice. Then she turned around with this look.
“What?”, I said grinning.
“Come here,” she said, grabbing my waist, pulling me closer, then kissed me. The kisses got more passionate. The heat in the room increased as I felt her hand slowly pull up my shirt. As her cold hand faintly touched my stomach, I moaned. She smiled in the middle of the kiss.
“Let’s go”, she said pulling my hand into a room.
“Get on don’t be a bitch”, I told Stephanie as I sat on the bike. She looked scared as shit.
“If I die, I’m gonna hunt you as a ghost and make your underwear float and shit”, she said as she wobbled on the handle bars.
She had today off and I was almost done with my album. All I needed to do is legal shit. Today was the perfect day to just chill. Ever since that day at Starbucks me and her got closer. She told me she had a boyfriend but he’s a faggot so she’s considered single in my eyes. I laughed then took off as soon as she sat firm.
“OH SHIT!”, she screamed as I swerved the bike barely missing a parked car.
I kept peddling. I can faintly smelt the scent of roses as she leaned back.
Good shit.
“Where are we going?”, she asked.
“You’ll see”, I said turning into a path full of wood chips. Most of it is forest but when you keep going you’ll see the lake. One of my favorite places. Usually me and the gang would come here and do some crazy shit, but this was mostly my place where I just come to think and shit. 5 minutes later when we reached it I stopped the bike.
“This is beautiful..”, she said jumping off. I dropped the bike and walked with her toward the water. It was fucking hot today but I was wearing a pink Thrasher hoodie, black jeans, and my blue Vans. At least she was dressed right with some high waisted shorts shit, white tank top, and some sandals. I saw her looking up to the sky.
“What?”, I asked as I approached her.
“It’s gonna rain”, she said then looked toward the water.
“You ever get inside?”, she motioned to the water.
“Nah, I have fucking asthma!”, I said.
“That doesnt mean anything dip-shit!”, she said taking her sandals off and putting her foot in the water, making the water swirl.
“OMG! Look at that!”, she screamed out nowhere.
I looked.
“There’s nothing fuc-”
Then the bitch pushed me in the water.
“YO I CANT SWIM AHHHHHHH!!!!”, I said lying my ass off and screaming. I took my sweatshirt off and grabbed my hat which was floating. She was dying laughing. Then I grabbed her leg.
“AHHHHH!!”, she screamed as she splashed inside. We both started laughing.
“Tyler you asshole!!!”, she said getting hold of herself. The water was a little deep. She started ringing her hair out. Then I grabbed her and put her on my back. Her tits felt great.
Then I heard voices coming from a distance.
“Yo someone’s coming”, I said in a low tone putting her down. She looked and we both saw the bushes move.
“Shit ummm”, she looked behind her.
“Let’s go over there,” she swam toward some rocks. After a few agonizing minutes the voices got loud and clear.
“No one will ever find out.”
“What about your wife?”
“What about her? She aint shit. All her and that bitch have here is me. There not going nowhere. Now do what your paid to do.”
Me and Stephanie couldnt help but watch and here everything that was happening. Wait…isnt that her dad?
I could'nt believe what I heard, and was seeing. As I saw the lady bob her head back and forth, sucking that niggas dick, my anger was boiling. My skin immediatly got red and my breathing got faster.
“Yo I cant believe your dad-”
“He’s not my fucking father.”, I said the angry tears already falling.
“Shit, dont cry”, Tyler said grabbing me closer. We were still in the water, and the sun was now being covered by clouds, like nature was in the situation that just occured.
“The shit that’s fucked up is that he’s right.”, I said now really crying. Hurt the fact it was true and that my mom was helpless.
“You have me, Stephanie. And the niggas gonna get what he deserves.”, Tyler said, wrapping his arms around me.
I woke up the next morning, lying on my side snuggled in my covers. Then there was a knock at the door.
I opened my eyes and saw my mom slowly open the door, looking like she haven't slept in a year. The only time she bothered to come to me, was when he wasn't there.
“What time did he get home last night.”, I asked closing my eyes back, waiting for the answer.
“Stephanie you know he-”, already knowing she’s gonna explain why we shouldn't ask questions like that because blah blah blah.
“Mom…just stop.”, I said getting up.
She sighed.
“I made breakfast”, she said. I knew the routine. Every time Joe didn't come home, my mom made sure she became the “perfect” wife he wants. Food already on the table, clothes ironed…everything.
“Ok, I’ll be there in a few.”
I got up and checked my phone.
Tyler:Come to tha store at 12, there’s a surpriseeeeeee!
I couldnt help but smile. I mean he’s been having that effect lately. Funny thing is I havent seen Aaron since him and Yara came. Too busy “rapping”. Yara on the other hand been staying at her "babe’s” house. Who I havent even met yet. 
Realizing I had time I got on my laptop. Checking my email, one specifically stood out. Apparently the picture Lego took of me a long time ago, got a lot of reviews on his tumblr. I don’t know how the guy got my email but some guy wants me to model for him. Weird I never thought of myself as a model.
I clicked it.
As I looked, I realized it was legit. His name is Laith Herrera.
I dialed the number.
“Hello?”, the guy answered.
“Hello, this is Stephanie Hayes”
“Oh yes, the girl I been looking for…”
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