#legit started crying while making this post and the graphics for it
sinofwriting · 9 months
After seeing @astonmartinii doing this, I couldn't help but taken inspiration to do my own Tumblr Wrapped.
But first, I just want to say thank you to every single person who read a fic of mine in 2023, who liked, reblogged, and maybe even followed me. I've never had a more fun year writing fanfiction than in 2023 and I can only hope that 2024 will be the same way.
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Here's to the beginning of 2024 and hoping the year treats me and my writing well!
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I've never written more than 50k words in a year. And in 2023 I hit 134,855. No words.
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kokomiin · 2 years
ok i beat TLOU Part I last night so it's time for my gushing oiiiiii this pretty much ended up being the fangirling of a graphics/animation nerd sorry
undoubtedly i feel like this is the absolute best way to experience the game, not just for the quality of life improvements but how much all the new subtleties to the facial animations affected how i interpreted the characters and how many emotional beats hit me. i felt like i was able to see much more into what joel was thinking and feeling about other characters and situations and sympathise with him even more just by watching his face which i felt was huge as he's the kind of character that has more understated emotions. even more than joel and ellie's interactions though, i think the biggest winners of this remake are all of the side characters whose faces were hugely improved and their actors performances got to shine so much more. i loved tess even more in this playthrough, bill, henry and sam hit me much harder, and the npcs and enemies certainly felt more like people than 'ah i can tell by this guy's face that he's an npc'. i haven't finished left behind yet, but i can absolutely say the same for riley.
actually the first thing i intended to talk about on this post before i started gushing about the facial animations was the BEGINNING of the game, the intro where you experience texas going to shit was when i realised exactly what the devs meant when they said they tried to capture the game 'as it is in your memory'. in this part and many others i felt so intense, the improved sense of space and scale in this remake adds a lot to how these kinds of scenes come across. the way they were able to capture the lighting and atmosphere of certain times of day added to all of this as well.
i can probably say more about the visual improvements and how the whole experience was incredibly immersive, but on the gameplay, i know i can never go back to the original game again because of things like being able to smash windows to shoot through em, the 3D audio helping me be able to tell when someone is coming up behind me instead of just turning around constantly while in listen mode, the improved enemy AI making me feel legit overwhelmed at times with how coordinated the enemies can be (particularly in the final encounter at st mary's hospital) one of the biggest things i was feeling was "i cannot wait to replay this on harder difficulties and get my shit kicked in". it also increased my love/hate relationship with the stalker enemies, and i felt like bloaters took longer to kill than just throwing a couple of molotovs at them.
there are a lot of other things to praise like how in the boston QZ i could hear all of these disturbing ambiences coming from the buildings like babies crying, people coughing from being sick, screaming, but overall i just want to say i could feel how much care went into remaking this and refining the work they had all done 10 years ago. watching the pre release videos of the devs talking about it, i can't imagine how it must feel to go back to your best work and be able to show yourself just how far you've come as individuals in your field and as a team. now im going to go play more and probably i'll stream a hard mode playthrough at some point bye!
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damntender · 4 years
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            BECAUSE    I    HAVE    SO    MUCH    LOVE    TO    GIVE    . okay, first off I JUST HIT 100 FOLLOWERS after a matter of like 6 days... how???   ----  though i’m completely unsure why people stick around, or love me or even want to roleplay with my trash ass. i’ve not had an easy time with some horrendous experiences in this community and i wanted to give some love to the people that keep me staying, because all i wanna do is yell about them all the time.  azalea has been a crutch to me in the hardest times of my life, i created her after the loss of my grampa and all my anguish and pain went into trying to do something positive, and with the amount of loss in my life, it was nice to do something beneficial.  and i look back to creating her, and meeting all these incredible individuals along the way, and it’s honestly a blessing.  i wasn’t going to bring her back, but the response i’ve had, the love, the hype has honestly melted my heart and i could never ever thank anyone enough for that. but here, have me shouting about my love for you all in a post <333 
so some special mentions ( or a lot bc i can’t CHOOSE ),  these are people i talk to regularly, that i consider my best, and closest friends on this hellsite. you don’t know how much impact you’ve had on my life, but i have to let you know.  they are in NO particular order,  just the list i’ve written down on my notebook, because i have add and it’s a fucking party in my brain lmao. :))) 
@damncockroach  /  @damnbrazen  -----  becks, my love,  my aNGEL,  my bestie.  you don’t even need me to say how much you mean to me, or how much i love you because i try to make sure i remind you constantly.  you came into my life in a time that i really fucking needed someone,  someone to show me what true best friends are,  to pick me up, to be there and just ??? never leave.  someone i can count on constantly, and you’re always willing to help me. to shower me with hype and love, and i’ve lost count how many times i’ve cried down the phone to you and you’ve calmed me down, and given the best advice, or made me feel valid in my emotions.  you don’t know the impact you have on people becks, you’re honestly one of the best people i’ve met in my entire life. i know they say you get soul mates in forms of best friends, and i truly believe you’re mine.  you’ve been there for me through some of the most horrendous times in my entire life,  and you stood by me and that in itself deserves a medal.  i love you more than words could ever possibly express, and i count myself extremely lucky to call you my best friend, i honestly appreciate you so much.  you just get me,  we can communicate in person with just looks, and that proves our bond tbh.  you’re my rock.  getting to know you,  to know you out of writing and exist in a writing world with you is incredibly special,  and like you said in your original tags:  in fantasy and reality,  till death do us part.  i don’t think i’ve ever had a friend who is so selfless,  so down to earth,  and so compassionate and puts people before themselves until you.  i’ll always be here to remind you what a BABE you are,  how incredibly vital you are to not only me but to this world.  your one of the good ones.  and your talent?? is fucking astounding,  i get to be inspired by you and write with you and just learn from your insane gift,  because you breathe life into words.  you gift me with replies,  with characters and i scream over them forever,  and i can’t even say how in awe i am of you.  the love and depth you put into crafting your ocs,  or putting them into canons too,  just is crazy,  and i will never stop yelling about you.   you deserve all the hype, both in the roleplay world and the real world.  five years of friendship aNGEL !!!! i can’t wait for us to be besties when we’re 80 and can bitch about people still.  what i’m trying to say is, you’ve saved my life, more times than you know, and i wouldn’t still be breathing without you.  i owe you a load for that, and i love you endlessly, more than words could ever capture.  you make this rpc worth being in,  because with you beside me,  i can face anything.  i love you bubba,  so much.  i’m so proud of the person you’ve become,  who you are,  you’re a diamond and i am blessed to know you.  keep being your kickass self <3333 
@damnbrutal  /  @fearmer  /  @phoenique  -----  lunaaa ,  my love ,  the sweetest of angels.  my lil norwegian babe !!!! is there even words to sum you up either??? let me start by saying how i can’t encapsulate how sweet you are,  you’re like sunshine personified.  literally,  the brightest light and you deserve the fucking world, honestly.  meeting you was always meant to be, i truly believe that,  and i can’t ever say how much i love you.  you have been there to capture me when i fall,  to offer insane words of wisdom that comfort me,  to bless me with your presence when i’m breaking over voice chat.  when my grampa was dying,  or had died,  you were the biggest comfort,  you have no idea how much your presence,  your pure heart helped me out of such a horrendous place. you got how i was feeling,  you were sensitive to the subject,  and careful and you put your heart and soul into bringing me into a lighter place.  i can’t even express how much i’m gonna give you a MASSIVE squeeze when we see each other finally!!!!  you are one of the best human beings i’ve ever met,  just the most down to earth,  so pure,  so willing to help others,  and i can’t ever thank you or yell about you enough.  you give such a HUGE amount to your friends,  you’re always there to lend a ear, to offer us support across the ocean,  and i truly can’t even express how much that means.  you’re a fucking diamond, okay??? let’s get yelling about your talent,  your creativity will forever astound me.  from your writing to your graphics,  you’re truly fucking gifted,  and i’ve learned so much off you.  you’re a fucking inspiration in itself.  you’ve always shown me that i have the strength to overpower such negative forces in my life, and keep going, and i can’t ever thank you enough for that honestly, like i don’t think words will ever be as sufficient enough. you’ve put such love into your original characters, like mazia owns my aSS you know this, she is so fucking important to not only azalea but to me.  because you blessed me with this incredibly creative and in depth crafted character and i love her like she’s my own character.  you can truly see how much you love writing her, and the craft and everything and i truly believe you’re one of the best writers on this site.  our babies and their bond make me SOB, like they hit me right in the heart and i still weep over how mazia comes down to find out her best friend, her soul mate is gone.  they have a bond that WE have, we bled that into them, i can see that so clearly, like you’re my person. and i adore u <333  let’s not forget about the love of theo’s life either, odETTE. he adores her. god i get emo just thinking about them, and every single one of our babies.  it’s INSANE to me that someone who lives across the world can mean more to me than the majority of the friends i’ve known in real life.  you’re just SO important to me. i just love you a whole lot, words won’t ever capture it, and i appreciate you, i’m so grateful. thank u for being u. <3333
@hewolf  -------  ANI,  the loml.  while we haven’t wrote on here,  it didn’t feel right NOT including you,  because you’ve been in my life since day one of roleplay.  like when i look back for a constant in my life,  there you are,  making me laugh and being your INSANE, and down to earth self.  god,  how am i ever supposed to put into words just how much i love you?? like you know it knows NO bounds.  i don’t think there’s a person other than family for me who’s been there for me through everything in my life,  from start to finish of all the bullshit i’ve been through,  other than you.  you were there when i got my heart broken for the first time,  when i lost my gran,  grampa and my other grampa,  when i had a miscarriage,  you have been there and picked me up when i felt like i didn’t wanna be here anymore.  and you did it like it was NOTHING,  like it was easy,  and i’m so inspired by you as a person.  by your strength,  and you’re honestly the most hilarious person i’ve ever met.  like i can’t say how much i look forward to your snapchats every day,  how much they make me smile and laugh,  especially in our current predicament of the pandemic.  you’re a true joy,  and you’ve been there to support me always.  can you believe we’ve been besties for ten years next year???? like it’s crazy to me.  i just know that you’re someone i’m gonna have in my life forever,  and i don’t ever want to NOT have you around.  i know lately you’ve had the WORST time,  and i can relate to it,  all i wanna do is be there as best i can,  and it’s hard with shit going on,  i wish i could drive up to you and just give you a squeeze and try and take your mind off it all.  but i can’t.  and that sucks !!!! god,  do you remember where we started???? facebook fuckin roleplay??? i cringe at the thought but they are times i truly hold dear to my heart,  because i look at the development we’ve both had over the years as writers,  though you’ve ALWAYS been an incredible writer.  i look back at myself and i’m like?? who fuckin let her write??? you’re the reason i joined tumblr roleplay,  like you dragged my ass to it,  and it’s insane how long it’s been,  how much my life has changed.  you’re so down to earth,  and out of everyone i’ve met on this hell site,  and in life in general,  you’re one of the most REAL individuals i’ve met and it’s so inspiring??? you’re just so eloquent in your writing and you should have MORE FAITH in yourself because bubby you’re so talented.  i adore you so much,  words will never capture it.  i know that i can legit just ring you like i have previous,  crying down the phone and you’ll be there.  you’ve helped me through so much and i value you so much,  you’re a diamond,  one of the best individuals i’ve met.  you deserve the WORLD,  all the happiness,  because you are a fucking light,  you’re one of the good ones in life.  i love you bubby <33333
@racointeur -----  BEE,  my baby, one of the best friends i’ve ever had.  god, where do i start with you ??? without choking up because that’s gonna be hard.  let me first start by saying, i’m so proud of you, so proud of your strength, because you’ve been through some of the hardest shit as of late and i wish more than anything i could be there to cuddle you,  to support you better than i could here.  no one ever deserves what you’ve been through, but ESPECIALLY NOT you,  you are the kindest person with the BIGGEST heart of gold. all you do for others, is so clear to see, because you’ve always put people before yourself and it truly shows how GOOD of a person you are.  you came into my life when i needed someone too,  we bonded instantly over shadowhunters and our love for our babies jace / izzy, and instantly a bond came and i can’t ever explain how vital you are to me now.  days could pass or even weeks, and when we talk?? it’s like no time has passed.  there’s never any obligation or anger if we both fall off the grid.  you KNOW how important our friendship is to me. you’re one of my fave individuals to write with.  we’ve facetimed crying over the hardships of life,  or even laughed until our sides hurt,  i remember that one night when we spoke about simon biting izzy and how we were howling with laughter.  it’s a memory that legit sticks in my mind,  and makes me all warm and fuzzy.  in this life,  i’ve realised you’ve gotta stay close to the people who feel like sunlight,  the truly GOOD people and you’re one of them.  i know i can always message you, WITH any issue, or just to yell about our babies and you’ll be accepting and that in itself shows how deep our friendship goes,  you’re so accepting,  so supportive and i just love you more than words.  your writing is something i admire so much,  you’re so talented,  so eloquent and i just ??? aspire to be that gifted okay,  you can see your love for each and every character in your threads and i think EVERYONE should go love on you,  because you deserve the hype, and the love the most.  you’ve helped me down from ledges where i legit didn’t want to live anymore, you’ve put up with my bullshit and i can NEVER thank u enough for that.  here we are THREE years almost four years later,  still stuck to each other like glue bc u bet i’m not letting you GO at all, and still best friends.  i admire you so much,  i learn so much from you from your strength and i don’t think i could ever say enough what you mean to me.  you’re just purely talented,  an incredible individual and i can’t wait to meet you when this shit is all over and i’m finished with uni so i can fly out to see you and give you a MASSIVE squeeze.  you’re one of my fave individuals ever in life and i just adore you so so so much.  i love you bee.  you’re honestly world class,  and just a joy to know. <33333
@lethaelite ------ MANDI , you superhuman babe !!!!! gosh, i love you endlessly,  i can’t even begin to express, but it feels like we’ve been friends forever and i honestly can’t imagine a time without you in my life and i ???? don’t want to.  you’re one of the most intelligent individuals i’ve ever met, like you can see it so much in your writing, you put so much into the characters. like clarke???? i accept nO other portrayal than yours, because you just know her so much, at this point?? she’s your oc.  i love writing with her, and with octavia too, like octavia’s relationship with azalea is so important and it melts me, i just can’t help but get soft over them all the time. how azalea has broken down o’s walls.  how they’re ride or die,  all of it is fucking adorable.  and SUCH development.  i’m so glad becks dragged ur ass to tumblr so you can showcase your talent, everyone needs to KNOW how gifted you are!!!! let’s circle back to your talent, let’s talk about you.  you’re a diamond okay? a pure selfless individual with the biggest heart, and i’m so blessed to get to know you,  to be able to call you one of my best friends, and you’ve embraced me as a person, as a writer since we’ve met,  and i can’t ever thank you enough for that.  you’ve listened to me yell about some of the hardest times of my life,  you’ve listened and understood and kept it to yourself and it means everything and more to me.  let’s not FORGET that you’re a fierce badass individual, you’re so strong and i’m so proud of all you’ve battled through,  because i get to learn from your experience and guidance and words.  i look up to you SO much, i wish i had your outlook on life,  like i wish i had your strength because it’s incredible bubba.  honestly!!! you don’t realise the impact you’ve had either,  you have helped me through so much.  you’re kind,  down to earth,  and charismatic and hilarious and just a fucking joy to have around. i can’t wait for you to come over here,  because honestly we’re gonna have some insane memories to look back on,  and you deserve that break and a new surrounding more than anyone honestly.  i just can’t ever yell about you enough,  you’re beyond talented,  you have the BIGGEST heart and you’re one of the good ones in a world of bad.  i can’t wait for all the threads we get to do,  all the character development and everything. i know i can throw anything at you thread wise and you’ll be down for it, i love how much you YELL about threads and the reactions, because it truly shows me your excitement!! i just adore you so much and i can’t ever thank you for being you, for impacting my life how you have, and i’m thankful and appreciative to get you to be in my life. i LOVE you <3333 
@damnpain  /  @armyranger  ------   VIC ------- god where do i begin with you ???? i used to ALWAYS fangirl over you,  like i would be heart eyes at your blogs from far away because i was always terrified to approach because your level of talent fucking astounds me. like you honestly have no clue how much i look up to you as a person,  you honestly are another whole level of talent.  and now i’ve gotten to know you,  and you’ve quickly become one of my best friends because you have the sweetest fucking heart,  you honestly make being on tumblr a pleasure,  and your incredibly soft and kind heart is something i’m so thankful to get to witness.  we’ve bonded over our own hardships both irl and in the community and it’s nice having someone who GETS it,  who understands exactly where i’m coming from,  it’s nice to know i’m not alone.  you’re like my very own hand to hold,  and i value you so fucking much honestly.  you’re honestly a sweetheart,  and you deserve the literal WORLD.  you make me laugh so much,  and you are so welcoming and knowing i can just yell at you about our babies,  really makes my day and i’m so thankful you get as excited as i do.  apollo literally OWNS my ass,  you’ve put your entire heart into him and he is so important to azalea,  so vital to her and i can’t wait to develop them and their relationship more because it’s something i’m so excited about. god don’t get me started on how HEARTBREAKING his story is,  his backstory makes me well up with tears,  poor baby deserves such a break,  he’s the cutest angel,  and i love him.  as i love ALL of your ocs,  you know this.  i’m always gonna be here to hype you up,  because you’re just outstanding,  a true fucking icon.   i remember how much you inspired me from when i saw your max blog so getting to call you one of my best friends now is !!!! amazing to me, but also, you’ve calmed me down when i’m spiralling, listened to my problems and issues and been happy to deal with them and it just shows how much of a selfless person you are.  you are always more than happy to help,  and i love you endlessly and more. and i’m so thankful we found each other even in the wake of all the shit i’ve been through lately,  because you’ve become a rock to me,  i adore you so much,  your incredible nature,  sweet and welcoming and i know i can talk to you about everything.  thank you for being your amazing,  sweet,  and truly extraordinary self,  because you honestly DESERVE the world,  all the happiness and stuff.  i know i’ve found another best friend for life in you,  you’re an angel.  i love love love you vic,  keep being YOU,  because you’re just out of this world,  a true good person.  A DIAMOND <333333
@tragedyhymns  /  @damnbrain  ------   SUN !!!! my sweet angel,  god how do i even begin to describe you or put into words my love for you ????  everytime i talk to you, you make my heart swell because you’re just so fucking sweet. you’re beyond considerate and just one of the nicest individuals i’ve ever met in this hellish community.  you’ve been nothing but a support to me,  and i don’t ever want us to part.  i’ve kept you close from the moment we met in the shadowhunters fandom over three years ago now,  and i’m sorry to say but you’re not getting away from me,  ever.  i just adore you with my entire heart.  i’m so proud of the person you are , i’m so proud that i GET to call you a best friend of mine . let me say i’m SO fucking proud of you for kicking ass with your education , like even when it feels like everything is getting too much and you’re having so much going on ooc??? you power through like the WARRIOR you are, and i’m beaming with pride over you.  because honestly, if there’s anyone who deserves to succeed in life??? it’s you.  your talent is astounding,  we’ll come to your writing, but your GRAPHICS???? like you’re an ASSET to that career you’re going to have.  you’re going to have such an insane career,  i am always taken aback by what you can make and create,  like share some of that talent pls.  never LET anyone bring you down.  you’re truly fucking remarkable.  i also have to commend your writing talent,  because you bring characters to life with such a love,  such a depth and admiration that i am always in awe of you.  matty and cris are by far my favorite babies,  like matty is so vital to azalea and the story we have created for them is one of my favourites, like it is so IMPORTANT to me, i can’t even thank you enough for it.  i also have to yell about how much you took on by creating ash,  and making him your own,  and i love being affiliated with you. you’re so eloquent,  so in depth and so talented, you bleed EVERYTHING into your writing and graphics and it shows.  you’re a treasure.   you mean everything and more to me, you’re just a fucking angel,  i love you.   you’re a light —- i appreciate you so much and i won’t ever be able to thank you for that . you’ve made me smile on the most horrific of days , you’ve been there to listen when things are falling apart . you’ve been there through a lot,  and i love you endlessly.  just know how important you are to me,  i will forever be here to rave about you as a person, your talent. never leave me o k ?? because i’ll actually fucking cry because you mean so much to me!!!!  never forget how loved , how incredible you are , and how much we all STAN you  i love you, you fucking cutie. <3333
@damnsamurai  /  @iswarholy  /  @skailante  ----- ZAWN !!!!! god,,, i love YOU.  i have gotten the opportunity to have you in my life for the past three years and even though we lost touch??? it’s like no TIME has passed,  because you’ve embraced me,  thrown nothing but love at me and just been a fucking angel.  you’re one of the good ones on this site,  like we reconnected and within like three days i had made an oc to be affiliated with yours because i fucking ADORE you.  my opinion of you since we first met,  hasn’t changed.  i thought you were truly blessed with an astounding talent then,  and if anything,  i’m even more convinced of that now,  because i am just constantly in awe of your characters,  of your portrayal of octavia because holy fuck babe,  it’s so GOOD,  so indepth.  you truly bleed complete depth and understanding into her,  as if she’s your actual character and not jroths or the original writers.  actually,  let’s say she’s yours because you show her more fucking love,  lets be real here.  let me also tell you,  how much your little messages about how much you love me on discord everyday,  they truly make my day.  because i’ve had a fucking horrendous time as of late with some shitty times irl and in the community and you’ve become a rock.  you’ve shown me there’s some people left who are intrinsically kind,  who have nothing but a GOOD regard to people.  you’re someone who deserves the literal world,  because you’re just a fucking diamond,  just pure through and through.  and your talent??? god i love writing our babies saff and orion,  we created them,  wrote them and i was hooked instantly,  like i am complete trash for our babies and for YOU,  because you’re so beyond talented,  so gifted.  i am shook at you all of the time,  please TEACH me your ways, pls pls.  i also know that i can approach you to yell about things,  or throw muse posts at you,  and you’ll be accepting.  thank you for embracing me,  for being so accepting,  so sweet to me and an astounding friend,  i count you as one of my best friends.  i honestly don’t think words could ever say how grateful i am for you,  but i hope this makes you smile.  you’re a credit to this fandom,  and i can’t wait to write more with you,  to yell more and for this beautiful friendship to continue.  i love you,  bIG UP THE RIDDEN FAM,  love you always,  please never forget how truly extraordinary you are,  because i’ll always be here to tell you.  i don’t want to be in this fandom ever without YOU  <3333 
@waldenborn  /  @geneticassassin  ----- LILLY  --------- U ANGEL… i don’t even know how i can ever express my true gratitude for you,  for always being there when i need someone,  for being your truly amazing self.  and also for embracing azalea from the very beginning when i made her,  i was such a heart eyes fan girl over you because damn… helo is so well crafted,  so in depth and just everything i aspire to create within my own oc’s.  you have always truly thought him through,  put so much love and creativity into him and that in itself has always astounded me,  i think i’ll always be someone who fangirls over you.  i was terrified to reach out at first,  just because i’m a ball of anxiety and you always made me completely at ease,  and even when we go weeks without talking,  without interacting at all,  it’s like NO time has passed.  we just pick up as we left off,  and i know there’s never ANY pressure and it makes me feel safe,  and like i can truly be myself.  you’re truly world class,  and i can never thank you for all the love and support you’ve given me,  honestly.  i don’t think i could ever put it into words,  but you mean everything to me and to a zillion more people in this fandom,  you’re a big ball of sunshine,  of love,  and you’re a true angel to have around.  A CREDIT.  i can never thank you for accepting me,  hyping me up and wanting to write with me,  honestly writing with you makes me SUPER happy because i get to craft such amazing character relationships with you, but also because i get to be astounded by your incredible replies all of the time.  i get so !!!! at seeing you on the dash bc dATS my babyyyyy. our development with azalea / helo always melts me,  from them meeting in mount weather,  to falling for each other and then facing the end of the world together,  living their peaceful life on earth for six years,  undisturbed.  they deserved that happiness !!!! helo is so important to azalea, like he’s a huge part of her life,  and i love our talks about them,  and you always yelled at me about how much you loved my characters even when i wasn’t writing azalea on tumblr anymore.  i always felt that support from you,  and you have no idea how much it helped me out of so many dark places.  i also adored writing bellamy / gabby with you because they own my aSS, and octavia and helo because hearing all your headcanons about his love of octavia and how protective of me always BLEW my mind.  fancy sharing some of that talent, please???? i am just forever in awe of you.  i count myself lucky to know someone like you. the world needs more GOOD souls like you. just know how much of an impact on my life you’ve had,  you deserve the hype you talented lil baby. I LOVE YOU <33333
@damnstory  /  @azgedaspy  -----  KAT  ----  u sWEET angel <3333  first off, let me YELL about how much of a fucking vital individual you are to this community,  like while we don’t have to ask permission to be part of the “damn” family,  you’ve brought together a group of writers,  and everyone fucking ADORES you because you’re down to earth.  you’re so sweet,  and so fucking lovely.  like i don’t think words even capture my adoration of you.  from the moment we met,  you did nothing but embrace me,  nothing but BUILD me up,  keep reminding me how much i was a strong person,  or a zillion and one other sweet things you said.  i can never thank you enough for that,  as someone who’s really been through it in the fandom with people that i didn’t deserve or ask for,  it was nice for someone to validate me and make me feel like ???? i was wanted around.  you helped my mental state more than words ever could truly express,  i love you endlessly for that, as it shows just HOW good of a person you are.  you have one of the kindest hearts i’ve met,  and your talent forever leaves me taken aback.  you know i’m so trash for your echo,  like the ONLY echo i’ll accept,  i’ll be honest.  like at this rate,  she’s your character in my eyes,  because wow,  the depth,  the love,  the UNDERSTANDING you’ve put into her.  it just is incomparable.  and now you’re bringing the loml bellamy blake to life,  and gOD DAMN you’re so fucking good at him,  you never make any excuses for his behaviour,  you hold him accountable and i love throwing angsty threads of my ocs,  or charas calling him out on his bullshit because you know i’m a SLUT for some angst.  you bring him to life,  and it’s so brilliant,  like truly you’re a talent,  so in depth and so much effort goes into it,  and it’s appreciated,  it’s something i ADMIRE,  you deserve all the hype and more.  you’re one of the best writers i’ve ever come across,  and i have no other choice but to STAN,  always and forever.   you showed me that there’s some good left on this site . you showed me that i can still make friends that i trust and love , and to never be intimidated to talk to people,  because we both know i’ve been terrified to talk to people before.  i always fangirled over you before and i STILL do,  you’re just a fucking angel who deserves the entire world and more.  like truly a treasure,  i count you as one of my best friends on this site,  a person who is so encompassingly good,  that it makes the community a JOY to be in.  i love you kat,  keep being your incredible self,  and throwing your talent into the community,  because i’ll always be here to yell about it.  you’re just world class and i love you so much. <3333
@damnbetray  ------  BEAN,  god if there’s anyone who’s a fucking CUTIE in this fandom,  it’s YOU.  i can’t ever express how much i love you or how much you make me laugh.  you are just beyond talented,  i can’t wait to write with you and develop our characters together.  but more than anything,  you’re just a SWEETHEART,  who has validated how i’ve felt lately,  you’ve made me feel at ease when my world was falling apart.  you’ve stayed and HYPED me up,  made me feel empowered to do what’s BEST for me,  and made sure to tell me i’m doing what’s right and i can never thank you enough for that.  you’ve got the kindest heart,  like truly,  i can’t even express how much i adore you,  words will never EVER encompass that enough.  you’re one of the sweetest babes i’ve met and i LOVE getting to yell about things to you,  like spending the very late hours of the evening with you on voice chat,  laughing our heads off about how stupid our languages or hometowns are.  like comparing sayings,  it honestly made my night.  after such discomfort i’ve experienced,  i can’t even explain how much that means to me,  getting some company,  someone who UNDERSTANDS my horrendous hysteria.  you deserve the WORLD bubby,  honestly.  you’re the cutest babe.  and your accent is SO ADORABLE, i want it... i’m jealous.  also,  your ocs are so well crafted,  i am in awe at your talent to bring characters to life,  how you’ve put your love,  soul and heart into creating them,  it shows how much you adore writing and how much they mean to you and i can’t wait for our soft grounder babies to meet.  azalea will LOVE on her so much,  like just you WAIT.  i’m so grateful for our little squad,  not only making me feel at ease in this fandom,  but being a support network i so desperately needed,  like we ALL need that love.  and i don’t care WHAT you say but ur a fucking talent at not only writing but fucking graphics bc what you created was legit fucking INSANELY incredible,  like i’m jealous pls teach me ur ways, thank u.  you’ve been a fucking angel to me since we met , and i can’t imagine life without you and i don’t wanna . it’s like we’ve been friends forever , and i love that .  you’re a friend i’m blessed to have. thank you for being you. i LOVE U so much,  and i’ll be here ALWAYS to hype you up because you deserve the hype, all of it. soak it up <3333 
OTHERS I LOVE,  that if i had the energy to write MORE about i would but they’re my squad and I ADORE them,  they truly inspire me so much,  and i value all of them,  like as MONTY would say,  the GOOD guys :  @mythso  ;  @mythcals  ;  @mieczlw  ;  @heroach  ;  @roseguided  ;  @buriedwoes  ;  @hevives  ;  @trageday ;  @mudwoven  ;  @coyoted  ;  @pahriahs -----  you ALL deserve the world,  your talent truly astounds me and your presence in this fandom has truly not only melted my heart but made this place a safe space for me,  a place of warmth.  you ALL are aware of how much i love you from how much i’ve yelled at you previously,  and if i could fight through this chronic illness pain right now to talk about you all individually i WOULD, but my meds aren’t working.  your writing is incomparable in talent,  like the depth,  the love you put in,  and how you’re all so DOWN to earth,  such softies and so welcoming and accepting of me???? i can’t thank you enough.  you all deserve ever OUNCE of hype.  like you accepted azalea,  or any other muse i’ve written and that in itself means everything and more to me,  i don’t think words will ever truly express.  for someone who’s insanely anxiety riddled after some shit ooc,  and in the community,  it melts me when i find people with nothing but GOOD intentions,  because it proves that there are STILL good people out there.  i count you as my closest friends,  and i adore writing with you and can’t wait to do it more.  just know you’ve had the biggest of impacts on me,  that by just BEING you,  and sharing your gift,  you’ve made me happy,  made this place ALL the more better,  and words will never do you justice.  you’re all SWEETHEARTS, and a credit to the community.  i ADORE you and love you all so so so much. <3333 
MORE PEOPLE I LOOK UP TO AND WANT TO INTERACT WITH ,  BUT I’M BUT AN ANXIETY RIDDLED BABE SO PLEASE THROW YOURSELVES AT ME : --- @commaender  ;  @commandied  ;  @azhefa  ;  @azgona  ;  @astralgenius  ;  @brotheir  ;  @darkseen  ;  @damnfoxed  ;  @damnbrace  ;  @damnloyal  ;  @shenomaly  ;  @damnbird  ; @damnguard  ;  @damnalone  ;  @earthsheir  ;  @earthreina  ;  @fatalruin  ;  @futuresees  ;  @fatalrisk  ;  @genetictraitor  ;  @glassae  ;  @graunfisop  ;  @holykissed  ;  @hqppier  ;  @heroicis  ;  @imperrator  ;  @knowsdeath  ;  @komfolaui  ;  @laendon  ;  @lovkyna  ;  @lovefray  ;  @mortaele  ;  @mortaele  ;  @nextleveldamaged  ;  @otvblake  ;  @puresthearted  ;  @pyrorize  ;  @praesaes  ;  @preytend  ;  @runegiven  ;  @sunhken  ;  @tribrids  ;  @warstroyed  ;  @wanlidas  ;  @avgustia  .
if i missed anyone !!! i’m sorry,  my add makes it super hard to REMEMBER and focus,  BUT i adore you and look up to you so much <333 
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ducksarebetter · 5 years
I don’t really have much to say... this was from a while back and I never posted it...
So yeah, 1528 words. 
Tried not to be too graphic, minor gore?
Little bit of swearing as well
Enjoy I guess :3
Kai couldn’t move. 
Well, he could, but that wasn’t the point.
He sat up and looked around. Where was he? Everything was dark. The walls... the floor... he couldn’t tell where one began and the other ended. It was like he was suspended in a black void of nothingness. The ground beneath him seemed pretty legit. Hard and cold, like stone. He glanced around nervously, feeling disoriented. Something was off. He could sense danger... a feeling he knew all too well. 
What came out of the darkness before him was not at all dangerous. It was Nya and Lloyd, stumbling forwards, glancing over their shoulders as if they were running from something. What was going on?
Kai instinctively ran towards them, wanting to make sure they were ok. He was surprised when they both drew back in fear, starting to back out the way they came. They stared at him with wild eyes... almost as if they couldn’t see him. Nya pushed Lloyd behind her, standing in front of him as if trying to shield him. 
“Nya? Lloyd?” Kai asked in shock. “What the—“
“GET BACK!!!” Both of them seemed to scream in unison.
“Stay back Lloyd! I won’t let him hurt you!” Nya shrieked. 
She stood bravely in front of Lloyd, but she could never fool Kai. He could see the fear in her eyes.
What was wrong with them?
Something let out a low growl in the darkness behind them. A thick, bloodcurdling snarl, one that made all Kai’s hairs stand on end and sent a shiver down his spine. The temperature seemed to drop, because Kai felt chilly all of a sudden. He hated the cold.
He heard another shriek, this time from Lloyd. His blonde hair was wild and tangled, and his eyes were big and filled with terror. Kai hated seeing the kid like that. It was enough to snap him out of his shock. 
“Hey, woah! Relax guys, why would you think I would hurt you? You know I would never!” Kai said in a desperate attempt to calm them down. 
It was like they couldn’t hear him. Nya stayed facing Kai, trying to keep a brave face. Lloyd had turned to look at... whatever was behind them.
And that’s when it happened.
A third figure appeared, just behind Lloyd. It walked forwards at a steady pace, not making a sound. Kai could tell who it was from the glowing red eye. Cryptor circled around Nya and Lloyd, watching their every move.
“Cry! Oh thank the First Spinjitzu Master you’re here! Nya and Lloyd... there’s something wrong...”
Kai faltered as he watched Cryptor. In one hand he brandished a long silver sword, and the other hand was drawn back, claws unsheathed. The way he was staring down Lloyd and Nya... 
“Cryptor?” Kai said slowly. “Look at me...”
Cryptor made no move to acknowledge him. Instead he let out another low growl, keeping his eyes fixed on Lloyd. Kai slowly came to his senses and realized what was about to happen.
“Cry... Cryptor. Hey, Cry? Cry.” Kai slowly advanced on them. 
If Cryptor went for Lloyd... there wasn’t much he’d be able to do. He was was too far away... and he had no weapon. The only option was to try to diffuse Cryptor before it was too late. But what was wrong with him? Kai had no idea.
“Cryptor.” Kai could hear the fear rising in his own voice. 
Cryptor was still circling Lloyd, staring him down with a bloodthirsty look in his eyes. He was sizing him up, his grip tightening on his sword and flexing his fingers. Kai could see him preparing to pounce…
“NOO!” Kai screamed and started running towards them. Cryptor charged at the same time as him, reaching Lloyd first. All four of them seemed to scream at once as Cryptor jumped at Lloyd, closing his clawed hand down around his throat. Kai was too far and he knew it. Lloyd thrashed and screamed as the nindroid tightened his grip on his neck. Nya ran forwards to help, but Cryptor swung his sword…
Kai sat bolt upright in his bed, narrowly avoiding smashing his head on the bunk above him. He could feel his heart hammering away in his chest, the blood pounding in his ears. Tears streaked his face and blurred his vision. It was just a dream. It was just a dream. He tried to control his rapid breathing, and looked over at the bunk next to him. Sure enough there was Lloyd, sleeping peacefully. No blood gushing from his neck, no wild eyes or messy hair. Just a boy sleeping peacefully. Kai took a deep breath and wiped his face with the back of his hand. They were fine…
Kai finally tore himself away from Lloyd and focused on the end of his bed. Cryptor was curled up at his feet, curled up in a ball. Kai inhaled sharply. Cryptor was his best friend… he would never hurt Nya or Lloyd, and Kai knew it. Still, the thought scared him. He was very much capable of killing them, pretty easily for that matter. If Cry had wanted to hurt them, they’d be dead by now. 
Kai shook his head. What was wrong with him? How could he even let himself think that? Cryptor wouldn’t hurt them. He was a good guy now. He had changed. 
Kai slowly shifted himself, trying not to wake Cryptor as he attempted to get into a more comfortable position.
Too late. Cryptor rolled over as soon as Kai began to move his leg. He turned over and sat up, leaning on the wall as he rubbed his eye. Kai bit his lip. He vaguely recalled that night’s earlier events… Cryptor had been having bad dreams lately, sleeping with Kai for comfort. Shit. Kai felt bad for waking him. He needed sleep.
“Hey… you good?” Came the low voice from the darkness.
“Yeah, sorry for waking you. I’m ok…” Kai didn’t want to worry Cryptor at a time like this. They both needed sleep, and he didn’t want his friend to worry.
Cryptor was quiet for a few moments. Kai bit his lip. He knew wasn’t selling it.
“Kai, what’s wrong?” Cryptor asked.
“Nothing. Everything is fine. Just go back to sleep, ok?”
Cryptor ignored him. “Did you have a bad dream?” He asked softly.
Damn it.
Kai was the one who was supposed to be comforting Cryptor, not vice versa. “Cry it’s ok. I’m alright. I was just going back to sleep.”
Cryptor turned to him, his red eyes shining dimly in the darkness. He put a hand on Kai’s leg. “Dude, you suck at lying. You’re shaky. What happened?”
Well there it goes. Kai sighed in defeat. There was no point in arguing. Might as well talk, now that they were both up.
“I had a dream… Nya and Lloyd. It was like… they were scared of me. I kept asking what was wrong, they were both so shaken up. They were yelling at me, they thought I was going to hurt them. I… then… you were there too, and you were growling and stuff, and circling Lloyd…” Kai could feel his voice break a little. Cryptor watched him patiently as he talked, his face impossible to read. 
“and then… you jumped at Lloyd… and dig your claws into his neck… and then… Nya tried to save him… and then you used your sword…”
Kai swallowed hard, feeling tears boil their way to the surface. Cryptor looked away. Great, Kai thought to himself. Now that he was on the touchy subject, there was no going back. He could feel the tension in the air. He should’ve just kept his mouth shut.
“Hey.” He leaned forward and put a hand on Cryptor’s shoulder. “Cry, you’ve changed. It was just a dream, dude. I know you’d never do that.”
“But I could.” Cryptor murmured. “I’m capable of doing that. How do we know… I wouldn’t? What if something happened and I did? I… what if I did hurt them?”
Kai held his breath. He was right… if he did attack… there wasn’t much that could stop him. 
“But you wouldn’t. You’re one of us now.”
They were both quiet for a few moments.
“I know. I’d never hurt the kid. I’d never hurt any of you. But… if something happened…”
“Cryptor, we both know those odds are slim. But we’re here for you. We would help… and we’ll protect you. And you’re a good guy. Good guys don’t turn on each other like that. Family doesn’t fight family, we make each other stronger.”
Cryptor sighed. “Yeah, I know. I’m sorry.”
Kai raised an eyebrow. “For what?”
Cryptor shrugged and smirked a little. “Pity party? Sorry bout you’re dream. You all good now?”
“Yeah I’m ok. Thanks. How about you?”
“I feel you there. What time is it?”
“Almost four.”
“Still enough time for sleep.”
Cryptor leaned into Kai’s legs and started to purr. Kai smiles to himself. He loved it when he purred… Cryptor, the tough and edgy guy, purring like a kitten. Freaking adorable. 
“Shut up Kai.”
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vinylexams · 5 years
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A very special fireside interview with XUXA SANTAMARIA
Check Insta for our thoughts on this landmark album from Oakland duo XUXA SANTAMARIA. Stay right where you are to read a really fun interview I scored with the band this week. They’ve just released Chancletas D’Oro on Ratskin Records out of Oakland and Michael blessed me with my very own copy. It was so good I knew I needed to tell you all about it and I wanted to pick their brains a little bit, too. Without further ado, please enjoy:
You’re still breaking into indie world at large, but you’ve already got a huge following back in California and your home-base in Oakland. What has it been like to be featured in major outlets like The Fader?
SC: We are a funny project; we ebb and flow from being total hermits to having periods of relatively high visibility (relative to aforementioned hermit state). I wouldn’t say we have a huuuge following in CA but I do think that the ‘fandom’ we’ve developed here is really genuine because we don’t play shows out of an obligation to remain visible but instead do so because we feel super passionate about the work and the audience and I think people respond to that energy. I for one, and perhaps this is because of my background in performance, have a hard time performing the same stuff over and over without change which accounts for us being selective with our playing live. That’s also why videos are such an important part of what we’re about. The piece in The Fader was important to the launch of this album because it established some of the themes and, to an extent, the aesthetics of this album in a way that can be experienced outside of a live setting. None of this is to say we don’t like playing live, in fact we love it, we just like to make our sets pleasurable to ourselves and to our audience by constantly reworking it. We strike a weird balance for sure but we’ve made peace with it. If we ever ‘make it’ (lol) it’ll be on these terms.
Chancletas D'Oro is a pretty incredible record and while it reminds me of a few bands here or there, it’s got a really fresh and unique style that merges dance with all sorts of flavors. How would you describe your music to someone who is curious to listen?
MGK: Haha, we generally struggle to describe our music in a short, neat way (not because we make some kind of impossible-to-categorize music, but just because it’s the synthesis of a ton of different influences and it’s hard for US to perceive clearly). But with that caveat in mind - IDK, bilingual art-punk influenced dance/electronic music?
SC: Thank you for saying so, we’re pretty into it :) Like Matt says, we struggle to pin it down which I think is in part to what he says – our particular taste being all over the place, from Drexciya to The Kinks to Hector Lavoe- but I think this slipperiness has a relationship to our concept making and world building. As creative people we make and intake culture like sharks, always moving, never staying in one place too long. Maybe it’s because we’re both so severely ADHD (a boon in this instance tbh) that we don’t sit still in terms of what we consume and I think naturally that results in an output that is similarly traveling. Point is, the instance a set of words - ‘electronic’, ‘dance’, ‘punk’- feel right for the music is the same instance they are not sufficient. I propose something like: the sound of a rainforest on the edge of a city, breathy but bombastic, music made by machines to dance to, pleasurably, while also feeling some of the sensual pathos of late capitalism as seen from the bottom of the hill.
The internet tells me you’ve been making music as Xuxa Santamaria for a decade now. What has the evolution and development of your songwriting been like over those ten years?
MGK: Well, when we first started out as a band we were so new to making electronic music (Sofia’s background was in the art world and mine was in more guitar-based ‘indie rock’ I guess - lots of smoking weed and making 4 track tapes haha), so we legit forgot to put bass parts on like half the songs on our first album LOL. We’ve learned a lot since then! But in seriousness, we’ve definitely gotten better at bouncing ideas back and forth, at putting in a ton of different parts and then pulling stuff back, and the process is really dynamic and entertaining for both of us.
SC: This project started out somewhat unusually: I was in graduate school and beginning what would become a performance practice. I had hit a creative roadblock working with photography - the medium I was in school to develop- and after reading Frank Kogan’s Real Punks Don’t Wear Black felt this urge to make music as a document of experience following Kogan’s excellent essay on how punk and disco served as spatial receptacles for a wealth of experiences not present in the mainstream of the time. I extrapolated from this notion the idea that popular dance genres like Salsa, early Hip Hop, and Latin Freestyle among many others, had served a similar purpose for protagonists of a myriad Caribbean diasporas. These genres in turn served as sonic spaces to record, even if indirectly, the lived experiences of the coming and going from one’s native island to the mainland US wherein new colonial identities are placed upon you. From this I decided to create an alter ego (ChuCha Santamaria, where our band name originally stems from) to narrate a fantastical version of the history of Puerto Rico post 1492 via dance music. We had absolutely no idea what we were doing but I look back on that album (ChuCha Santamaria y Usted - on vinyl from Young Cubs Records) fondly. It’s rough and strange and we’ve come so far from that sound but it’s a key part of our trajectory. Though my songwriting has evolved to move beyond the subjective scope of this first album - I want to be more inclusive of other marginalized spaces- , it was key that we cut our teeth making it. We are proud to be in the grand tradition of making an album with limited resources and no experience :P
We’re a big community of vinyl enthusiasts and record collectors so first and foremost, thanks for making this available on vinyl. What does the vinyl medium mean to you as individuals and/or as a band?
MGK: I think for us, it’s the combination of the following: A. The experience of listening in a more considered way, a side at a time. B. Tons of real estate for graphics and design and details. C. The sound, duh!
SC: In addition to Matt’s list, I would just say that I approach making an album that will exist in record form as though we were honing a talisman. Its objecthood is very important. It contains a lot of possibility and energy meant to zap you the moment you see it/ hold it. I imagine the encounter with it as having a sequence: first, the graphics - given ample space unlike any other musical medium/substrate- begin to tell a story, vaguely at first. Then, the experience of the music being segmented into Side A and Side B dictate a use of time that is impervious to - at the risk of sounding like an oldie - our contemporary habit of hitting ‘shuffle’ or ‘skip’. Sequencing is thus super important to us (this album has very distinct dynamics at play between sides a/b ). We rarely work outside of a concept so while I take no issue with the current mode of music dissemination, that of prioritizing singles, it doesn’t really work for how we write music.
MGK: We definitely both remain in love with the ‘album as art object/cohesive work’ ideal, so I would say definitely - we care a lot about track sequencing, always think in terms of “Side A/Side B” (each one should be a distinct experience), and details like album art/inserts/LP labels etc matter a lot to us.
What records or albums were most important to you growing up? Which ones do you feel influenced your music the most?
SC: I know they’re canceled cus of that one guy but I listened to Ace of Base’s The Sign a lot as a kid and I think that sorta stuff has a way of sticking with you. I always point to the slippery role language plays in them being a Swedish band singing in English being consumed by a not-yet-English speaking Sofía in Puerto Rico in the mid 90s. Other influences from childhood include Garbage, Spice Girls, Brandy + Monica’s The Boy is Mine, Aaliyah, Gloria Trevi, Olga Tañon etc etc. In terms of who influences me now, that’s a moving target but I’d say for this album I thought a lot about the sound and style of Kate Bush, Technotronic, Black Box, Steely Dan, ‘Ray of Light’-era Madonna plus a million things I’m forgetting.
MGK: Idk, probably a mix of 70-80s art rock/punk/postpunk (Stooges, Roxy Music, John Cale, Eno, Kate Bush, Talking Heads, Wire, Buzzcocks, etc etc), disco/post-disco R&B and dance music (Prince, George Clinton, Chic, Kid Creole), 90s pop + R&B + hip hop (Missy & Timbaland, Outkast/Dungeon Family production-wise are obviously awe-inspiring, So So Def comps, Jock Jams comps, Garbage & Hole & Massive Attack & so on), and unloved pop trash of all eras and styles.
Do you have any “white whale” records that you’ve yet to find?
MGK: Ha - the truth is that we’re both much more of a “what weird shit that we’ve never heard of can we find in the bargain bin” type of record buyer than “I have a custom list of $50 plus records on my discogs account that I lust over”.
SC: Not really, I’m wary of collectorship. That sort of ownership might have an appeal in the hunt, once you have it do you really use it, enjoy it? Funnily, I have a massive collection of salsa records that has entries a lot of music nerds would cry over (though they’re far from good condition, the spines were destroyed by my Abuela’s cat, Misita lol, but some are first pressings in small runs). For me its value however, comes from its link to family, as documents from another time and as an amazing capsule of some of the best music out of the Caribbean. I’m glad I am their guardian (a lot of this stuff is hard to find elsewhere, even digitally) but I live with those records, they’re not hidden away in archival sleeves, in fact, I use some of that music in my other work. Other than that, the records I covet are either those of friends or copies of albums that hold significance but which are likely readily available, Kate Bush’s The Dreaming or Love’s Forever Changes, or The Byrds Sweetheart of The Rodeo as random examples
Finally, is there a piece of interesting band trivia you’ve never shared in another interview?
SC: haha, not really? Maybe that we just had a baby together?
Congrats on your new baby, and also for this wonderful new album. It was a pleasure chatting with you and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for you and your music!
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piahautea · 7 years
Monthly Favorites: June
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Hello, beautiful pea-ple! (Excuse my attempts at being punny 😏) It’s been a while since I shared with you something that I liked/loved/relished to the core so I decided to do a wrap-up of my favorites all taken from the belly of the past month, June. The food category is jam-packed! I definitely had a chance to pig out a lot!
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Well, well it’s your girl getting herself just a ‘lil dab of makeup when she gets a hold of them. 
BYS Brow Definition Kit. I knew I had to get one after watching a series of makeup tutorials my school mates had up on their Youtube channels. And this was definitely a good find! I didn’t know what to get because—hello, me! I don't even know what to buy and not to buy *nervous chuckles*. I love how my eyebrows are now much more defined than they were when I was contented with my pencils.
BYS Brow Tint. Now all I wanted was a spoolie and I was running out of time. Then I asked the saleslady and she came up with this. She put some on my brows and I kinda liked the effect so instead of just a spoolie, I got it in a bottle dipped in caramel-y liquid which offers more than just to brush up my brows but to also give it a softened and more retaining look!
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Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon. I’ve always wanted to have this book the first time I stumbled upon it on Goodreads. And now that it’s been adapted to a movie already, it made me want to pick it up and start getting lost with it already! I started this book last month and just TODAY I finished it in one sitting where I’d left off. I was at p. 20 when I abandoned it for a while and when the electricity was bitching this morning, I decided to continue my progress. ALL I CAN SAY (non-spoiler) IS THAT I MADE THE RIGHT CHOICE. I didn’t waste any time. It was so beautiful. 14 out of 10 heart eyes for this one (now I’m being unrealistic, no?). Here’s a synopsis.
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Coffee-colored turtleneck. A hand-me-down from my mom’s closet! I got so stoked when my mom passed it onto me. 
Dark blue loose blouse w/ low neckline. My mother asked a tailor to make a blouse for me from scratch with her spare yard of cloth and I’m practically in love with it. *awkward peach emoji says hi*
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apps / games
Chocolatier 2. This was one of my favorite childhood games. I reminisced a little and out of surreal boredom and desperation to make chocolates again, I decided to give it another shot! Still gets me by. 
Chocolatier 3. I hated this before. Although I loved the flashback intro, I hated the gameplay. But I don’t know why I found myself downloading this and trying to tiptoe around the gameplay like I used to. Surprisingly, I fell for the make-your-own recipe feature when you visit the concoctions lab! *whispers* I even named one of my chocolates Matty Healy and the City Lights because it was dark chocolate (Matty's dark soul). And neon pink/electic purple for the currants. 
Choices. GDI THIS GAME IS JUST THE MOST WONDERFUL APP OUT THERE??? *clears throat* Sorry. BUT SERIOUSLY. I legit wanted to cry happy tears when I learned this from @chasingroanne (thanks to her screenshots on Twitter!). You have no idea how much I missed playing interactive games since I stopped playing Episode because it was such a waste of time (poor graphics, cringeworthy storylines; need I say more?). This is like a descendant of those interactive apps Electronic Arts used to have on the App Store called Surviving High School and Cause of Death. All I can tell you now is: go get you a good story, name your character and choose the right person to get all those butterflies in your belly from.
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As I’ve said earlier, I did PIG OUT a little too much this month. This summer just doubles my size all the more (hehe). But, food is a necessity am I right? *wink wink*
The Manila Polo Club’s food is the. bomb. dot. com. And the service was spot-on, too! Everything was just so good. Ugh. I went there at the time of my niece’s christening and it was a great experience overall. 
Zark’s Burgers. Y’all have probably heard of this one before! Ugh my stomach was fully loaded after I munched on those nachos, bacon & cheese fries and their best-selling cream cheese burger with jalapenos! Love love loooove.
Wada’s Pizzeria. So this one’s a little pizzeria nearby and my sister and I LOVE spontaneously booping out of nowhere there when we hanker for pizza. The funny story is when we booped off to their store that afternoon, they didn’t have any boxes for the pizzas so instead, they lent to us their ceramic plates and a pan with the pizza Cling wrapped on top. Even though they have their quirks, their thin crust is still one of the best things I’ve ever had.
Calbee fruit granola. My dad brought this home from Japan and it instantly became my favorite breakfast food ever! Just getting a whiff of it makes me insanely happy.  
Milkis. I could get drunk just by slurping on this yogurt soda all day, really (lol exaggerated lvl 10000). Also, I love both flavors equally!
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tv series
Trial & Error. I haven’t finished watching the rest of season 1 yet but I can already tell how I’d laugh a ton more because of ep 1! It’s basically about a lawyer name Josh Segal who gets sent out of the urban jungle by his boss to represent the case of a man accused of being the perpetrator in his wife’s murder. I know that sounds pretty serious business right there. But the characters are hilarious (the people in the small town Josh moved into are crazy. Well, a little too crazy.) You’ll love it too. Find out everything else here.
We Bare Bears. Well I’m not really much of a cartoon-watcher anymore since the absence of Nickelodeon when we moved out of our old home. But ever since I found that video of the three bears walking their Korean friend home and Ice Bear greeting the mom annyeong-haseyo, I just thought that it was too adorable to miss out. As much as I can this past month, I try to catch this show every morning right after I’d woken up.
Masterchef US (S8). Been a fan of Gordon Ramsay for life! I’m definitely plunging into this new season because of the drama (yep) and of course the new challenges and the FOOD (always). As of the moment, my favorite home cook is Brien O’brien. You go watch with me, too. I always wait for newer episodes every week. I’ve never been so impatient haha
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Porcelain Skin by Captain Dipper and the Strawberry Girl. This one just sets the bar higher for anyone looking for calm, relaxing—and probably at the same time tells a story of love—songs. You won’t regret listening to this, I’m telling you. Fall in love with it the way that I did here. Or here if you’re more of a Spotify person.
Daddy Issues by The NBHD. This is the type of song that sets the abandoned stack of logs in the woods on fire despite the perfect winter weather. I mean it. And maybe I am being lvl 10000 exaggerated again but *puppy eyes* if you haven’t heard of this song yet, head onto bed, keep the temperature real nice and cozy for you, play this song and you’ll see. Also, I love Jesse Rutherford’s voice here a little too much. You don’t have to thank me. All yours. Here on my boi YT. Or on milady Spots.
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Girl Interrupted (dir. James Mangold). Now I don’t see a lot of films unraveling the truth about mental illnesses. How it affects the people around you, the things you’ve gotten accustomed to in your life and you firsthand. It’s a tragically appropriate representation of what it’s like: having those feelings, those thoughts, those reflexes that somehow mistakenly brands us definitions we place on plaque cards on our foreheads. This was a terribly moving film and you should watch it.
Congratulations on reaching the end of this post. I hope it was a good read! Love and light to you, beautiful reader. 
♡ Pea
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kaseyspeaks · 7 years
New York Fashion Week 2017 – NYFW Fashion Designer Recap
Wow, wow, wow. My New York Fashion Week was quite the experience. I swear each Season I get busier and busier with more Shows, appointments, and meetings to attend, but I love and take in every second of it. This was my 5th NYFW, and this season was full of designer fittings, sitting front row for multiple Shows, collaborating with amazing and talented photographers, and reuniting with my best blogger friends.
I’m sorry I was so delayed in recapping, but I have a special reason for it. I’ve decided to go full-time “me” and left my full-time job right before NYFW. So, I am now a full-time blogger/model/singer/ME! It has been so crazy getting into the hang of things and adjusting, and with NYFW happening simultaneously, I’ve barely had time and the strength to hold myself together! But, don’t worry – I will explain the transition of this monumental period after I finish recapping all of NYFW, so stay tuned for the next few posts!
I am also working on making this beautiful Youtube recap of my entire New York Fashion Week, so definitely keep your eyes peeled for that!!
Anywhossss, I want to use this blog post to highlight some of my favorite designers of this Season:
Noon By Noor
Noon By Noor is always one of the more pleasant shows to see because of the soft lines and silhouettes, and light colors. This collection had plenty of white and pink, and a consistent, drape-y, night-gown-y feel. The first time I saw Noon by Noor, I remember saying to myself, “Wow, I can really see a lot of people wearing this without question!” This season, Noon by Noor more or less kept the same silhouettes that they’re famously known for, but they decided to add a bit more flare. Elements of masculinity with tailored cuts and bolder colors swept the runway. In addition to the usual pink and soft whites, there were bright reds, blacks and ladybug patterns! Designers Shaikha Noor Rashid Al Khalifa and Shaikha Haya Mohamed Al Khalifa sure gave me and the audience a nice surprise from the usual quiet and quaint tone of their line.
Photo Credit: Linda Gaunt Communications
Tadashi Shoji
Legit, Tadashi is ALWAYS the show I look forward to EVERY season. His dresses are always stupendous and beautifully crafted. His collection this year was filled with luxurious and bohemian vibes. Keeping true to his famous floral patterns and lacey intricacies, Tadashi crafted his pieces with bright, gemstone colors – ruby reds, emerald greens, yellows, and blues. With each model’s step, the audience was drawn in closer and closer to the wanderlust feels of the intimate world of artists, musicians, and Bohemians. The collection reminded me of a more sophisticated and elevated version of Coachella style vibes. It was as if the models consisted of most elite of the Southern Californians and were attending grand ballroom event right off the Runway.
Photo Credit: Linda Gaunt Communications
Bibhu Mohapatra
This Season was the first time I’ve ever been to Bibhu Mohapatra’s show. The line outside was extremely long and people were waiting for almost an hour to get in! I couldn’t wait to see what all the fuss was about. As I took my seat and the models started walking down the runway, I was in awe at how breathtaking the pieces were. Drawing a lot of inspiration from traditional Eastern Asia, the dresses and garments were made with both graceful and strong elements of lace, silk, geometric designs, and high-collars. This was definitely one of my favorite collections this Season to see.
Bibhu and the Team
Photo Credit: Vogue
Son Jung Wan
This is probably my 3rd time seeing Son Jung Wan after witnessing her first Show at NYFW. I am not exaggerating when I say this woman has TALENT – every Show I go to takes my breath away. This Season, there were a lot of vibrant and bright colors: bright pinks, blues, emerald greens, whites, and beiges. Every piece that walked down on each model was absolutely stunning – I want ALL of her clothes in my closet! Not to mention, I was sitting front row right across Kelly Rutherford so that was a nice surprise too. I think Kelly and Son Jung Wan are bffies because at the end, Kelly personally got up and gave her flowers to congratulate her. What a friend to have! *Gossip Girl fan over here fan-girling*
Photo Credit: Deborah Hughes
Phillip Plein
Wow, oh wow. What I have to say about this Show! THOUSANDS of people lined up outside the Hammerstein Ballroom to see Philipp Plein’s second American Show. Bouncers turned many anxious attendees away at the door because the entire multi-level ballroom was at capacity! It was nuts! It was definitely the Show of the Season to attend and everyone wanted to go because not only was it followed by an after-party, but there were a lot of celebrity appearances and performances. Before the Show started, Nicki Minaj was escorted with her bodyguards to her table off the stage. NBD. Then, the famous burlesque queen, Dita Von Teese, opened the event by dancing in a very large champagne glass, splashing anyone in her way (literally). Next came Teyana Taylor who came strutting ALL of her dancing little booty down the runway. It really seemed like Philipp had a huge chunk of change to throw around since he had famous models like Adriana Lima and Irina Shayk walk down the runway. Other notable models were Jasmine Sanders (@goldenbarbie). Then, while the models were walking, rapper Future performed and the whole crowd was having a blast and dancing in their seats.
Now, to talk about the actual fashion part. Well, hrm. Where do I start? Everything revolved around bondage and BDSM-inspired fashion. This was definitely an event not meant to be seen by kids. Occasionally, there were graphic tees with cartoon characters on it, but maybe it was because Philipp tried to subdue the “adult” factor in the show. That hardly worked though if that was his intention. Overall, this Show more seemed like one for a rebellious cry of attention and Press rather than the appreciation of fashion. It certainly wasn’t my taste, but I’m sure it touched the hearts of others outside my tasteful sphere.
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Jasmine Sanders
Teyana Taylor
Photo Credit: WWD
Dan Liu
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! Not only was I able to sit front row, but I was also honored with being able to wear one of his pieces to the Show…AND I got to personally met Dan Liu backstage, shake his hand, and take a photo with him. (Here’s some Press proof for ya taken by a famous international photographer). In his collection, there were lots of pretty and pastel blues, whites, pinks, and gorgeous lacework that filled the runway. I remember when I first saw Dan Liu, I noticed a lot of his dresses were very simple in silhouettes, colors, and fabrics. Two seasons later, it seemed like he was beginning to step out of his comfort zone and really try to express more of his inner passion upon his pieces. This fact was accentuated by the last model, who wore a simple all-white dress, but carried a large dream catcher with Peacock feathers on it – almost symbolizing the natural serenity that his line brought. Bravo, Dan Liu!
Dan Liu
Photo Credit: Riviere Agency/Fashion Week Online
Photo Credit: Robbie Bulilan
Leanne Marshall
Obsessed! Can I please have all her gorgeous dresses? This was another Show that I was blessed with wearing the designer’s pieces and was invited to sit front row. I took my little spin on her otherwise feminine dresses, and I want to show you guys, so I’ll follow up with an outfit post soon! Anyways, Leanne took the runway with bright, statement colors such as teals, yellows, neon pinks, and bright oranges. I personally do not wear bright colors because my skin tone does not fare well with those hues, but Leanne Marshall now has me thinking otherwise! I also love the fact that there was representation of all shapes and sizes down the runway.
Photo Credit: Riviere Agency/Fashion Week Online
Jarel Zhang
“Whoa…” was my initial reaction when the first model walked during Jarel Zhang’s Show. As I was going to my seat in front row, I found myself needing to step around construction signs and traffic cones to clear the way. I was utterly confused, but intrigued. When the first models started walking, I was thinking to myself, “what the heck is going on with this construction worker-inspired clothing?” And “who in the world would wear this?” But, I am one to try to never be quick to judge, so I locked my thoughts away and silently watched the rest of the show. As the show went on, I noticed that the designer actually had something bold to say with his line. Every piece felt strong, fierce, and edgy. The oversized garments had a purposeful, androgynous figure to them and they were constructed with fabrics such as plastic, waterproof rain jacket material, and heavy-duty zippers. It’s almost as if the designer took silhouettes normally found in androgynous styles, and challenged them with rebellious material. Brilliant.
Photo Credit: Riviere Agency/Fashion Week Online
Addition Elle
It was so awesome to see the abundance of plus size models on the runways this Season. Addition Elle, being a leader in the Canadian plus size market, was one of the great Shows that celebrated the beauty of Plus size wear and models. The stunning Ashley Graham opened and closed the Show by wearing her gorgeous lingerie Iines, Purple Rain and Ritz, while social media star and model, Jordyn Wood, debuted her Love & Legend collection. The looks were very playful, sporty, and sexy. It was the Season to applaud all shapes and sizes, and Addition Elle demonstrated that beautifully with their Show. One shirt strongly stated, “Labels Are For Clothes Only,” and I completely agree.
Ashley Grahm
Ashley Grahm
Photo Credit: FWO
Hakan Akkaya
What a show! Hakan Akkaya killed it again this season with their edgy appeal and daring looks. I invited my Turkish friend because she’s a huge fan of his work, and we both absolutely loved the show (and got gift bags)! I could see myself wearing a lot of the Hakan’s pieces since my style is very edgy but classy as well. Apparently there were some famous Turkish models walking down the runway too. The ending of the Show truly made a statement: the troop of models stormed the runway all at once as if they were a mob ready to take over the world.
  Photo Credit: The Bite Mag, Fashion Fad, New York Style Guide, Entertainment World
Fashion Palette
Fashion Palette is always THE Show you want to make sure you see. Showcasing many amazing Australian designers, Fashion Palette has made their mark on U.S. soil for the 5th Season. I was so happy when I was invited to wear one of their pieces to the Show! I wore this beautiful Elliatt dress that I will you show you guys soon in an upcoming outfit post. All of the designers had such striking and wearable designs and accessories. The designers that showed were: Ashlee Lauren, Bronx & Banco, Elliatt, Flare Street, Haus of Song, MB The Label, Sabo Luxe, and Torrance. Ashlee Lauren gave the audience something different this season and killed it with her individual crown and head pieces – it kind of makes me wonder why I don’t have any of her pieces in my closet! In terms of ready-to-wear, I really could not pick my favorite designer because I honestly loved everything and could see myself wearing everything!  I’m going to let photos speak louder than words, so I included my favorite pieces from each designer. I wish the best of luck to these Australian designers making their footprint in America because they deserve to be known!
Ashlee Lauren headpieces
Bronx and Banco
Flare Street
Haus of Song
Sabo Luxe
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Photo Credit: Riviere Agency
Zang Toi
Zang Toi left me in awe. It was my first time attending his Show, and I can definitely say I am attending every season that he allows me to sit! With Asian and Malaysian inspiration sewn into the fabrics, design, and color, it was certainly a striking collection. A lot of his pieces this year were for catered to high-fashion evening wear, gowns, and dresses. I’d love to wear his pieces to a gala or some sort of red carpet event. I enjoyed how he chose a consistent color palette throughout with baby blues, greens, whites, blacks, and grays – it really tied together the entire collection.
Photo Credit: WWD
Marcel Ostertag
I’m normally not a fan of bugs, but Marcel sure had a way to make them look cute! The insect prints brought yet another touch of differentiation on top of the disco era vibe I was getting from his collection. Never have I thought that the colors orange, green, and brown would ever go well together. Quite frankly, the color combo reminds me of a pumpkin, but somehow he pulled it off! Marcel brilliantly added shimmer, structure, and hippie accessories to complete each look – it was marvelous. I’m really curious to see what he has up his sleeve next season!
Photo Credit: Bromley Group
Jia Liu
I will never ever forget Jia Liu’s show. It was so unforgettable and adorable as there were kid models walking down the runway who were just so scrumptious! I almost missed the Show because I had to run to the bathroom right beforehand, and I barely got to my front row seat in time. And boy, was the hard work scrambling to my seat worth it! Everybody in the audience was smiling because both the adult and kid models looked like they were having such a great time. The fashion was very interesting, too. The designer took literal inspiration from The Emoji Movie and screen-printed the images onto tailored suits, sporty dresses, and streetwear. The collection overall was very fun, friendly, and whimsical. This was probably the perfect show to conclude NYFW as it was so memorable in fashion and performance.
Photographer Credit: Getty Images
Well, that’s a wrap! I have finally finished my NYFW September 2017 designer recap! Hope you all enjoyed my takeaways and stay tuned for an outfit recap coming your way.
New York Fashion Week Designer Recap Sept. ’17 New York Fashion Week 2017 - NYFW Fashion Designer Recap Wow, wow, wow. My New York Fashion Week was quite the experience.
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theareya · 8 years
even numbers for the gaming asks!
Okay, its been 1000 years since I posted this gaming ask. But here are the answers!!!! I put most under the read more…
2. First game you played?The first game I ever played ever, in thehistory of forever, was Super Mario Bros. at my babysitter’s house, if mymemory serves me correctly
4. Longest consecutive hours you’ve played agame?Ohkay, let’s see. Without eating or bathing,but I did get up briefly to bathroom and drink water, I finished uncharted 1,2, and 3 consecutively in 120 hrs. Needless to say, I never did that again, asthe blood vessels in my eyes popped, I ate two bigmacs after, and my parentsyelled at me. Otherwise, without moving or tending to most of my basic bodilyneeds, 10 hours max as of late.
6. An underrated game from within the last fewyears?I don’t know, I’m probably biased and neverreally look online to see how the game was rated/how it’s doing. Oh! But! Ireally liked Battleborn, which was basically a game that came out like a littlebefore Overwatch? Or near the same time, actually. You also fight in teamsagainst one another with unique character abilities to obtain certainobjectives. Honestly, it is extremely well done and detailed, but very muchfalls in Overwatch’s shadow possibly due to similarity and budget D:  8. The game with the best atmosphere/scenery?I’m biased. I love Bioshock. But I also am ahuge fan of those apocalyptic, dystopia aesthetics. So, essentially, anythingalong the lines of bioshock, Fallout, and Last of us.
10. Prefer PC or console?I’ve always played on console. And I’m so bad atPC. You would think it’s a bit easier to aim a cursor to shoot at something,but I’m particularly bad at that.
12. Most bizarre game you’ve ever played?Most games are pretty… bizarre. Most of theactual weird ones I’ve only seen online on those “top ten weirdest video games”but maybe Katamari? There are definitely weirder ones… The Nightmare Within wasalso… strange. I don’t actually know what counts as bizarre anymore in thegaming world. Shrek party…
14. Do you watch playthroughs online?Sometimes, yes! If I know I am never going toget the game. For example, an xbox exclusive (I do not have an xbox) or if Ialready played the game and want to see others suffer, lmao. Or if I like thestreamer.
16. The best year in gaming you’ve experienced?… I don’t remember. I’m going to say 2011.
18. Worst game you’ve played?There are probably worse games, but I’ll go withthe most recent one I’ve played, which was Bound by Flame. It was kind of thisunfortunate mix of—attempt at—Dark Souls, Dragon Age, and other medieval games.Some parts of the gameplay were unnecessarily hard for kicks, with no way toovercome the boss aside from chipping away at the health by throwing a rock atit, while your single dead companion lay sprawled in the middle of the fieldten seconds into the fight. And of the one and a half romance options pergender you were allowed, none of them were very enticing. Spoiler** I overcamethe end fight by purchasing 10,000 potions to fight the dragon. I made itthrough just fine, only after using 600 potions. Strategy was little help, butheyo I made it through. 20. Favorite publisher and/or developer?…Sony? I don’t know… I’m terrible at thesequestions.
22. If you could turn one game into movie, whichwould it be?You know I don’t know, since any game thatturns into a movie makes me want to cry bitter tears of hate. I’m looking atresident evil specifically. But if I could turn Bioshock into a really goodmovie with the proper actors/actresses, storyline, extras, atmosphere, then …yeah.
24. Ever cried because of a video game? Whichone(s)?…Too many. Nothing gets me more invested andemotional than a videogame. I guess the only one that has made me actually cryvisible tears is Journey. The ending overwhelmed me in an inexplicable way.
26. How often do you play online? Co-op?Relatively often now, especially withOverwatch, and the fact that a lot of my friends have Overwatch as well. So,like, every other day, if not daily. Otherwise, I love co-oping with a friend mostlybecause the AI that they give to work with you tends to … suck butts. Lookingat Resident Evil… again.
28. Who got YOU into gaming?My babysitter. Haahaa. I used to hang out ather house all the time and I’d watch her play all sorts of games. She’s alsothe one who gifted me my purple game boy color :’D30. On average, how long does it take you in thecharacter creation screen?Could be up to an hour. But at least 30minutes. It depends on if I know what I want.
32. Do you cosplay?I do! But I’ve actually only cosplayed animethings. Most of the video game stuff I would like to cosplay is too hard and/orI wouldn’t do it justice. Also I’ve been parts of group cosplays generally, sowe gotta find a good match.
34. Favorite male npc?For some unknown reason, the only personpopping into my head right now is erandur, the dark elf companion, from skyrim.Like… he’s not my favorite npc, but…my mind is drawing a complete blank. And isjust repeating that name over and over in my head. Oh boy
36. Best antagonist?Albert Wesker. …Spoiler??** Look… if you gottathrow him in a volcano to get rid of him after 200 tries of “just survive longenough” fights, he’s pretty good to me. Please let him die.  
38. Have you tried a game, hated it, then triedagain, and loved it?N….no? There are some games where I getfrustrated, then invite a friend to play, who is extremely over-leveled, andthen they help me… live. Does that count?40. Favorite voice actor?Okay, I love Troy Baker. How can one person beso gosh darn versatile?? For anyone who doesn’t know (I doubt that) He voicesJoel from TLOU, Booker from Bioshock, Sam Drake from Uncharted, to name theones that pop into my head. And he does like a million other voices, and sings,and is just very excellent overall. 
42. A game you will never forget (in a bad ORgood way)?Resident Evil 5 in the respect that I justplayed it during a very happy time in my life with one of my friends. And itwas also when I learned that I really love co-op, as well it was a supertreasured bonding time with that friend. We legit screamed so obnoxiouslythroughout the whole thing, apologized profusely, yelled for help. Like thatgame brought out our full range of emotion while playing.
44. Do graphics matter?Not necessarily. They add a nice kick, butthere are quite a few games I can think of where the gameplay and story aremore prominent. Storyline is generally always the main thing I look for first.Storyline and characters. 46. Always, sometimes, or never use subtitles?ALWAYS. Even for NPCs. Like the setting thatsays “ALL SUBTITLES” one of the reasons is because it alerts me to enemiessometimes too as they whisper in the distance. Which is the closest thing to awarning from jump scares that I’m going to get.
48. A game you’ve always wanted to play but havenever gotten to it?Um. I’ve actually been pretty aggressive ingetting my grubby hands on the games that I want. EXCEPT. Nearly everythingthat came out after Kingdom Hearts: Chain of memories?? Like 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 5 ½,365/3 days  idk there were too many?? AndI basically had almost every console except the PSP so I just kind of gave up??
50. How many games do you own?…uh… too many?? At least 200 if you total allof them from the dawn of my first game boy color.52. A game you will always stand behind, andsupport no matter what?..Fable. OKAY So, even though the game, alongwith the game company crashed and burned, I really loved that first game??Along with The Lost Chapters. I essentially based the experiences I had withFable 2, 3, Journey on how good the first game was. If I were to make someoneplay it now, they would probably think it’s pretty dumb, but I thought it was acleverly made game…54. A sequel you really want?… lmao Fable. AND/OR The Wolf Among us, becausethat’s been sitting there for far too long.56. Do you tell people irl that you play videogames?Yeah. If it comes up in the conversation. Or if…they have merchandise that I want.
58. Ever have someone walk in on a sex scenebetween you and you LI?N…o…60. The game you are best at?I know Bioshock inside and out… I don’t knowwhy I’ve played it so much, it’s a very linear game, but wuh. Also weirdly, I’mvery good at Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. And the only reason I’m obnoxiously goodat that game is because of the Chaos. I love those ridiculous little things andwould do anything to make sure they’re happy and healthy. And in order to dothat I had to play each stage multiple times to get the right power-ups andanimals to feed the Chaos…. There was a whole garden. And god.
62. Would you want to work with video games whenyou are older?I feel like if I start working with it I’llstart disliking it very much, unless I literally work as a tester… that getspaid a decent amount. Like seriously, walk in, sit down, play for… hours uponhours. Otherwise, I do not have the creativity or skill. lmao.
64. Describe your favorite video game using onlythree words?Underwater death city.
66. Game with the yummiest looking food?Final Fantasy XV. Okay, so I haven’t finishedthe game. I’m really not even that far into it, like… at all. I just saw thefood and got hungry. It’s so realistic and pretty.  
68. An older game that you’ve just recentlygotten into?I guess… Fallout New Vegas was pretty old, butthen my friend bought it for me on sale, and I tried it out and it was supergood??? And now I’m really into the Fallout series.
70. Do you play any mobile games?I.. play Fire Emblem Heroes, and a variety ofother mobile games like.. Notice me Senpai, Zen Koi, Mystic Messenger, uhhh…whatever is recommended sometimes. .
72. Have any guilty pleasure games?Not really. I’m pretty prideful in every game Iplay, including my otome games.74. Which game has the best lore?…Once…. Again, BIOSHOCK. Idk there are just somany little things in the city that you can find that point to the history ofthe residents, and what happened to them. There are those audio messages and littlesecrets that everybody has in the city, leading to its fall. I just love it somuch. Skyrim is a close second, to be fair. It’s more immersive and I canroleplay more on there.
6 notes · View notes
theinjectlikes2 · 5 years
How to Boost Content Linkability Without Wasting Your Marketing Budget
Posted by Alex-T
I’m always fascinated with the marketing budgets of enterprise-level companies that are ready to pay astronomical sums to contractors. A recent shmooze in the community was thanks to Hertz that paid 32M to Accentura agency, which (so far) hasn't resulted in any substantial changes to their site.
Though I personally don't work with client’s who throw around millions of dollars, that doesn’t affect the quality of services that I provide. My average client wants to get the maximum by spending as little as possible. It might sound like a tough job for me and indeed it is, but I love the challenges that a small budget brings, as it helps me stay creative and reach new professional heights.
So while the budget isn't a challenge, changing my client's mindset is, and that's because all of my clients are victims of one of the biggest misconceptions about content marketing: They think that once they start publishing content pieces regularly, inbound traffic will hit their site like a meteorite. 
And it’s not just the traffic — links are a subject to a similar misconception. Each time I share studies like the one by Brian Dean that clearly shows that links don’t come on its own, there’s always someone that's going to say: “That’s because their content’s just not good enough." When I have a call with clients that ask for quality content with zero focus on links.
The bottom line is, traffic and links don’t just show up out of thin air. Regardless of how good your content is, how well structured and valuable it may seem, it has nearly zero chances of getting attention in today’s overcrowded digital space.
In this post, I want to share with you five bulletproof tactics that help me boost content linkability without having a big fat budget to waste.
A note on content and modern-day link building
Before we dive into the best ways to boost your content without breaking the bank, it's important to touch on what link-building is today. Links are a digital marketing currency — which you need to earn and spend wisely. And to earn them, you need to build relationships. 
A while ago, I noticed a shift in a client’s mindset: After a few projects delivered together, they started to ask for in-depth forms of content like how-to’s, case studies, and guides — which (according to Brian's research) is exactly the type of content that has the highest chances of getting links. But that’s not necessarily the number one reason why people allocate links.
Links are inherently relationships. And if you agree that linking to a strategic partner brings more benefits compared to referring to a random stranger, then you'll find appreciate Robbie Richards methods.
Robbie’s roundups are a textbook definition of highly linkable content. A post about the best keyword research tools published not that long ago on his blog attracted nearly 300 referring domains and a decent organic traffic share:
What’s his secret?
Robbie made sure to target the experts within his business circle. In a nutshell, his roundup posts work as part of a well-delivered outreach strategy that has a strong focus on gaining links by leveraging existing relationships. This is the key to modern-day link-building — a combination of content, links, and partnerships. 
Without further ado, let’s talk the best ways to promote content that doesn’t involve any where-do-I-get-the-money-for-it drama.
5 bulletproof ways to blow up your content without breaking the bank
If you're creating quality content with zero focus on links, you won't be getting optimal traffic. The only chance to make your content stand out is to focus on its potential linkability even before you actually start writing it. Here are some of favorite ways to get your content seen. 
1. Adding expert quotes
Quoting an expert is one of my favorite ways to boost content linkability and shareability. It’s quick, easy, and doesn’t require a significant time investment. When you write out of your expertise area, adding a quote of a thought-leader grants your content more credibility and value, not to mention boosting its linking potential.
Depending on how influential your company is, you can either select an existing quote or reach out to the experts and ask for a new one.
Here’s a tip: If you decide to go with a pre-existing quote, contact the expert in advance to confirm it. This way, you can make sure that they still stand by that opinion, plus, they’re okay with you quoting them. Remember, while quoting experts is a good idea, you also need to find the right expert and the right quote. Here's how to do that:
If your brand has a big audience, I recommend starting by checking your current followers and subscribers across various channels, including social media. You might not know it, but there’s a good chance you’ll find real influencers among people who follow your brand’s pages. To speed up the process of spotting influencers among your Twitter followers, you can use Followerwonk. This tool allows you to export all your followers to a list and sort them by the size of their audience.
Another way is to analyze the websites that link back to your site. To do that, you can use Moz Link Explorer that will show the list of URLs that are referring to your site. Chances are, some of those authors are pretty influential in their niche.
Finally, you could use BuzzSumo to find relevant influencers to contact. For example, you could export a list of bloggers who are contributing to the industry-leading blogs.
The last option is less suitable for link building purposes, as the influencers that you find have no idea of your business existence and are hard to get on board. However, it’s not impossible. Before getting in touch, make sure to scratch their backs: Share their content on your social media, sign up for their newsletter, etc. To find the influencer’s most recent pieces, search on BuzzSumo Content Analyzer by “Author: [INSERT NAME].” This helps build a bridge and create the right first impression.
Don’t forget that expert quotes need to be allocated in content with special formatting which means you need to involve a designer/developer.
Here are a few examples that I personally find quite visually appealing:
And another one:
2. Strategically linking back to blogs that you’re interested in
Strategic link building is like playing poker while blindfolded. A strategic approach always pays off in the long run in almost any area, but when applied to link building, it depends on how well you can spot linking opportunities. Based on this, your chances of acquiring links are either very high or very low.
If you want industry leaders to link back to your content someday, you have to prove that your content deserves their attention. The best way to get your foot in the door is to link back to them.
You need to find the right experts to link back to. How do you do that?
The mechanic behind finding the right sites to refer to is similar to the one that I shared in a section about expert quotes. However, there’re a few more strategies that I want to add:
Are you a part of any industry groups on Facebook? If so, go and check the members of those groups and find people that are also involved in link building. Now, you have a legit reason to contact them (since you’re both a part of one group on Facebook/LinkedIn) and ask whether they’re interested in getting a link in your upcoming post. Please note, that you shouldn’t skip this step, as by this you’re making them aware that you’re expecting for the favor to be returned.
Have you ever participated in any roundups? If yes, then reach out to the experts that were also featured in this post.
Finally, check your current blog subscribers, clients, and partners. The chances that they’re also interested in partnering up on a link building side are quite high.
3. Adding good images/GIFs and hiring a designer for professional-looking visuals
In 2019, using stock images in your content is a big no. After all, they are easily recognizable for their abstract nature and give away the fact that the author didn’t invest much into creating custom visuals. 
However, there is a way to adapt it to your unique brand style and still make it work. And to do it, you don’t even need to hire a designer right away.
The drag-&-drop tools like Vengagge, Canva, or Visme make it easy to create pretty nice graphics. For example, Canva has a lot of great grids and predefined templates, which makes the whole design process really fast.
What you need to do is take a good-looking cover image, for example, like the ones we use in our blog, and cheer it up with custom-made designs in Canva. You can add your picture, your brand’s logo, or anything else your heart desires. Such an approach allows us to maintain our own unique style while staying within the budget.
Static images are not the only way to pretty up your content. One of my favorite visual elements is GIFs. They are perfect for visualizing step-by-steps and how-tos and can easily demonstrate how to perform something in a digital tool. You can even use them to tell a story. At one of my recent presentations, I used a GIF to explain why simply posting on Twitter is not enough to get attention to a brand.
I saw many posts that were able to acquire loads of links and social shares thanks to good graphics, for instance, this post that featured the SEO experts in Halloween costumes.
Without a doubt, this requires a little bit of a budget, but I’d say it’s 100 percent worth it because it's creating value. The last time our company did something like this for a client, we hired a designer who charged us $30 USD for one image. It’s not too bad since custom-made images make it way easier to pitch your posts to other blogs to get more links!
Hint: When you’re looking for custom graphics that won’t make your wallet cry, you can always find freelancers on sites like Upwork or on freelancing Facebook groups.
4. Delivering email outreach by targeting the “low hanging fruits”
We’ve done a lot of email outreach campaigns here at Digital Olympus, and so, I’ve noticed that we have a fast turnaround rate when our outreach targets are in the “right state of mind," meaning they're interested in cooperating with us.
 There are many reasons why they might show interest. For example, perhaps they’ve recently published a piece and are now invested in promoting it. To spot content marketers and authors like these, you can use Pitchbox. Pitchbox lets you create a list of posts that were published within the last 24 hours based on the keywords of your choice.
The biggest bonus of Pitchbox is that it not only pulls together a list of content pages but it also provides contact details. In addition to this, Pitchbox automates the whole outreach process.
Another tool that can pull together a list of posts published within the last 24 hours is Buzzsumo. Here’s a great piece by Sujan Patel that shows how to deliver outreach the right way.
There can be many speculations about which email outreach techniques work and which don’t, but the truth remains: It’s a very hard time-consuming job that requires lots of skill and practice. In one of my recent posts, I write about proven email outreach techniques and how to master them.
5. Adding stats that don’t involve a huge time investment
You’ve heard that a picture is worth a thousand words. How about this: A number knocks out 10 thousand words. By adding statistics to your piece, you can simply mark out the whole process of having to refer to another page.
But fresh, relevant stats don’t grow on trees. You need to know where you can find them.
The easiest and the cost-efficient way of adding numbers to your piece is by running Twitter polls. They can collect up to 1k results for only $100 USD of properly paid promotion efforts. The biggest plus of running polls on Twitter is that you can create a specific list of people (aka a tailored audience) that will see your ad. For a detailed explanation on how to work with tailored audiences, I recommend checking this post.
Besides running Twitter polls, you can use survey tools that will help you collect answers for a fee:
Survata will show your survey across their online publisher's network with the average cost per answer starting from 1 USD;
Surveymonkey market research module starts from $1.25 for 200 complete responses. As you can see from a screenshot below, it allows you to set up a more laser-targeted group by selecting a particular industry.
Another quick hack that I use from time to time is comparing already existing data sets to reveal new insights. Statista is a great site for getting data on any topic. For instance, on one graph you can show the revenue growth on the major SMM platforms as well as the growth of their audience. Plus, don’t forget that while the numbers are good, the story is key. Statistics tend to be dry without a proper story that they are wrapped in. For inspiration, you can use this great post that shares many stories that were built on numbers.
It doesn’t always have to be serious. Numbers draw more attention than written copy, so you can create a fun poll, for example, whether your followers are more into dogs or cats.
Creating captivating content is hard work and often a hella lot of money, but there are ways to spare a few bucks here and there. By utilizing the strategies that I shared, you can make sure that your content gets the audience it needs without time waste, huge costs, and stress. The amount of backend work you put into research and advertising is what makes your audience not only scroll through your content but actually read it. This is what will differentiate your piece from millions of similar ones.
Create a strategy and go for it! Whether it’s polling, graphics, emails, quotes, or backlinks, make a game plan that will promote your content the right way. Then your site will rock.
Do you have any other tips or suggestions? Tell me below in the comments!
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
from The Moz Blog https://ift.tt/2Z4TgEx via IFTTT
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How to Boost Content Linkability Without Wasting Your Marketing Budget
Posted by Alex-T
I’m always fascinated with the marketing budgets of enterprise-level companies that are ready to pay astronomical sums to contractors. A recent shmooze in the community was thanks to Hertz that paid 32M to Accentura agency, which (so far) hasn't resulted in any substantial changes to their site.
Though I personally don't work with client’s who throw around millions of dollars, that doesn’t affect the quality of services that I provide. My average client wants to get the maximum by spending as little as possible. It might sound like a tough job for me and indeed it is, but I love the challenges that a small budget brings, as it helps me stay creative and reach new professional heights.
So while the budget isn't a challenge, changing my client's mindset is, and that's because all of my clients are victims of one of the biggest misconceptions about content marketing: They think that once they start publishing content pieces regularly, inbound traffic will hit their site like a meteorite. 
And it’s not just the traffic — links are a subject to a similar misconception. Each time I share studies like the one by Brian Dean that clearly shows that links don’t come on its own, there’s always someone that's going to say: “That’s because their content’s just not good enough." When I have a call with clients that ask for quality content with zero focus on links.
The bottom line is, traffic and links don’t just show up out of thin air. Regardless of how good your content is, how well structured and valuable it may seem, it has nearly zero chances of getting attention in today’s overcrowded digital space.
In this post, I want to share with you five bulletproof tactics that help me boost content linkability without having a big fat budget to waste.
A note on content and modern-day link building
Before we dive into the best ways to boost your content without breaking the bank, it's important to touch on what link-building is today. Links are a digital marketing currency — which you need to earn and spend wisely. And to earn them, you need to build relationships. 
A while ago, I noticed a shift in a client’s mindset: After a few projects delivered together, they started to ask for in-depth forms of content like how-to’s, case studies, and guides — which (according to Brian's research) is exactly the type of content that has the highest chances of getting links. But that’s not necessarily the number one reason why people allocate links.
Links are inherently relationships. And if you agree that linking to a strategic partner brings more benefits compared to referring to a random stranger, then you'll find appreciate Robbie Richards methods.
Robbie’s roundups are a textbook definition of highly linkable content. A post about the best keyword research tools published not that long ago on his blog attracted nearly 300 referring domains and a decent organic traffic share:
What’s his secret?
Robbie made sure to target the experts within his business circle. In a nutshell, his roundup posts work as part of a well-delivered outreach strategy that has a strong focus on gaining links by leveraging existing relationships. This is the key to modern-day link-building — a combination of content, links, and partnerships. 
Without further ado, let’s talk the best ways to promote content that doesn’t involve any where-do-I-get-the-money-for-it drama.
5 bulletproof ways to blow up your content without breaking the bank
If you're creating quality content with zero focus on links, you won't be getting optimal traffic. The only chance to make your content stand out is to focus on its potential linkability even before you actually start writing it. Here are some of favorite ways to get your content seen. 
1. Adding expert quotes
Quoting an expert is one of my favorite ways to boost content linkability and shareability. It’s quick, easy, and doesn’t require a significant time investment. When you write out of your expertise area, adding a quote of a thought-leader grants your content more credibility and value, not to mention boosting its linking potential.
Depending on how influential your company is, you can either select an existing quote or reach out to the experts and ask for a new one.
Here’s a tip: If you decide to go with a pre-existing quote, contact the expert in advance to confirm it. This way, you can make sure that they still stand by that opinion, plus, they’re okay with you quoting them. Remember, while quoting experts is a good idea, you also need to find the right expert and the right quote. Here's how to do that:
If your brand has a big audience, I recommend starting by checking your current followers and subscribers across various channels, including social media. You might not know it, but there’s a good chance you’ll find real influencers among people who follow your brand’s pages. To speed up the process of spotting influencers among your Twitter followers, you can use Followerwonk. This tool allows you to export all your followers to a list and sort them by the size of their audience.
Another way is to analyze the websites that link back to your site. To do that, you can use Moz Link Explorer that will show the list of URLs that are referring to your site. Chances are, some of those authors are pretty influential in their niche.
Finally, you could use BuzzSumo to find relevant influencers to contact. For example, you could export a list of bloggers who are contributing to the industry-leading blogs.
The last option is less suitable for link building purposes, as the influencers that you find have no idea of your business existence and are hard to get on board. However, it’s not impossible. Before getting in touch, make sure to scratch their backs: Share their content on your social media, sign up for their newsletter, etc. To find the influencer’s most recent pieces, search on BuzzSumo Content Analyzer by “Author: [INSERT NAME].” This helps build a bridge and create the right first impression.
Don’t forget that expert quotes need to be allocated in content with special formatting which means you need to involve a designer/developer.
Here are a few examples that I personally find quite visually appealing:
And another one:
2. Strategically linking back to blogs that you’re interested in
Strategic link building is like playing poker while blindfolded. A strategic approach always pays off in the long run in almost any area, but when applied to link building, it depends on how well you can spot linking opportunities. Based on this, your chances of acquiring links are either very high or very low.
If you want industry leaders to link back to your content someday, you have to prove that your content deserves their attention. The best way to get your foot in the door is to link back to them.
You need to find the right experts to link back to. How do you do that?
The mechanic behind finding the right sites to refer to is similar to the one that I shared in a section about expert quotes. However, there’re a few more strategies that I want to add:
Are you a part of any industry groups on Facebook? If so, go and check the members of those groups and find people that are also involved in link building. Now, you have a legit reason to contact them (since you’re both a part of one group on Facebook/LinkedIn) and ask whether they’re interested in getting a link in your upcoming post. Please note, that you shouldn’t skip this step, as by this you’re making them aware that you’re expecting for the favor to be returned.
Have you ever participated in any roundups? If yes, then reach out to the experts that were also featured in this post.
Finally, check your current blog subscribers, clients, and partners. The chances that they’re also interested in partnering up on a link building side are quite high.
3. Adding good images/GIFs and hiring a designer for professional-looking visuals
In 2019, using stock images in your content is a big no. After all, they are easily recognizable for their abstract nature and give away the fact that the author didn’t invest much into creating custom visuals. 
However, there is a way to adapt it to your unique brand style and still make it work. And to do it, you don’t even need to hire a designer right away.
The drag-&-drop tools like Vengagge, Canva, or Visme make it easy to create pretty nice graphics. For example, Canva has a lot of great grids and predefined templates, which makes the whole design process really fast.
What you need to do is take a good-looking cover image, for example, like the ones we use in our blog, and cheer it up with custom-made designs in Canva. You can add your picture, your brand’s logo, or anything else your heart desires. Such an approach allows us to maintain our own unique style while staying within the budget.
Static images are not the only way to pretty up your content. One of my favorite visual elements is GIFs. They are perfect for visualizing step-by-steps and how-tos and can easily demonstrate how to perform something in a digital tool. You can even use them to tell a story. At one of my recent presentations, I used a GIF to explain why simply posting on Twitter is not enough to get attention to a brand.
I saw many posts that were able to acquire loads of links and social shares thanks to good graphics, for instance, this post that featured the SEO experts in Halloween costumes.
Without a doubt, this requires a little bit of a budget, but I’d say it’s 100 percent worth it because it's creating value. The last time our company did something like this for a client, we hired a designer who charged us $30 USD for one image. It’s not too bad since custom-made images make it way easier to pitch your posts to other blogs to get more links!
Hint: When you’re looking for custom graphics that won’t make your wallet cry, you can always find freelancers on sites like Upwork or on freelancing Facebook groups.
4. Delivering email outreach by targeting the “low hanging fruits”
We’ve done a lot of email outreach campaigns here at Digital Olympus, and so, I’ve noticed that we have a fast turnaround rate when our outreach targets are in the “right state of mind," meaning they're interested in cooperating with us.
 There are many reasons why they might show interest. For example, perhaps they’ve recently published a piece and are now invested in promoting it. To spot content marketers and authors like these, you can use Pitchbox. Pitchbox lets you create a list of posts that were published within the last 24 hours based on the keywords of your choice.
The biggest bonus of Pitchbox is that it not only pulls together a list of content pages but it also provides contact details. In addition to this, Pitchbox automates the whole outreach process.
Another tool that can pull together a list of posts published within the last 24 hours is Buzzsumo. Here’s a great piece by Sujan Patel that shows how to deliver outreach the right way.
There can be many speculations about which email outreach techniques work and which don’t, but the truth remains: It’s a very hard time-consuming job that requires lots of skill and practice. In one of my recent posts, I write about proven email outreach techniques and how to master them.
5. Adding stats that don’t involve a huge time investment
You’ve heard that a picture is worth a thousand words. How about this: A number knocks out 10 thousand words. By adding statistics to your piece, you can simply mark out the whole process of having to refer to another page.
But fresh, relevant stats don’t grow on trees. You need to know where you can find them.
The easiest and the cost-efficient way of adding numbers to your piece is by running Twitter polls. They can collect up to 1k results for only $100 USD of properly paid promotion efforts. The biggest plus of running polls on Twitter is that you can create a specific list of people (aka a tailored audience) that will see your ad. For a detailed explanation on how to work with tailored audiences, I recommend checking this post.
Besides running Twitter polls, you can use survey tools that will help you collect answers for a fee:
Survata will show your survey across their online publisher's network with the average cost per answer starting from 1 USD;
Surveymonkey market research module starts from $1.25 for 200 complete responses. As you can see from a screenshot below, it allows you to set up a more laser-targeted group by selecting a particular industry.
Another quick hack that I use from time to time is comparing already existing data sets to reveal new insights. Statista is a great site for getting data on any topic. For instance, on one graph you can show the revenue growth on the major SMM platforms as well as the growth of their audience. Plus, don’t forget that while the numbers are good, the story is key. Statistics tend to be dry without a proper story that they are wrapped in. For inspiration, you can use this great post that shares many stories that were built on numbers.
It doesn’t always have to be serious. Numbers draw more attention than written copy, so you can create a fun poll, for example, whether your followers are more into dogs or cats.
Creating captivating content is hard work and often a hella lot of money, but there are ways to spare a few bucks here and there. By utilizing the strategies that I shared, you can make sure that your content gets the audience it needs without time waste, huge costs, and stress. The amount of backend work you put into research and advertising is what makes your audience not only scroll through your content but actually read it. This is what will differentiate your piece from millions of similar ones.
Create a strategy and go for it! Whether it’s polling, graphics, emails, quotes, or backlinks, make a game plan that will promote your content the right way. Then your site will rock.
Do you have any other tips or suggestions? Tell me below in the comments!
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
from The Moz Blog http://tracking.feedpress.it/link/9375/12684838
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noithatotoaz · 5 years
How to Boost Content Linkability Without Wasting Your Marketing Budget
Posted by Alex-T
I’m always fascinated with the marketing budgets of enterprise-level companies that are ready to pay astronomical sums to contractors. A recent shmooze in the community was thanks to Hertz that paid 32M to Accentura agency, which (so far) hasn't resulted in any substantial changes to their site.
Though I personally don't work with client’s who throw around millions of dollars, that doesn’t affect the quality of services that I provide. My average client wants to get the maximum by spending as little as possible. It might sound like a tough job for me and indeed it is, but I love the challenges that a small budget brings, as it helps me stay creative and reach new professional heights.
So while the budget isn't a challenge, changing my client's mindset is, and that's because all of my clients are victims of one of the biggest misconceptions about content marketing: They think that once they start publishing content pieces regularly, inbound traffic will hit their site like a meteorite. 
And it’s not just the traffic — links are a subject to a similar misconception. Each time I share studies like the one by Brian Dean that clearly shows that links don’t come on its own, there’s always someone that's going to say: “That’s because their content’s just not good enough." When I have a call with clients that ask for quality content with zero focus on links.
The bottom line is, traffic and links don’t just show up out of thin air. Regardless of how good your content is, how well structured and valuable it may seem, it has nearly zero chances of getting attention in today’s overcrowded digital space.
In this post, I want to share with you five bulletproof tactics that help me boost content linkability without having a big fat budget to waste.
A note on content and modern-day link building
Before we dive into the best ways to boost your content without breaking the bank, it's important to touch on what link-building is today. Links are a digital marketing currency — which you need to earn and spend wisely. And to earn them, you need to build relationships. 
A while ago, I noticed a shift in a client’s mindset: After a few projects delivered together, they started to ask for in-depth forms of content like how-to’s, case studies, and guides — which (according to Brian's research) is exactly the type of content that has the highest chances of getting links. But that’s not necessarily the number one reason why people allocate links.
Links are inherently relationships. And if you agree that linking to a strategic partner brings more benefits compared to referring to a random stranger, then you'll find appreciate Robbie Richards methods.
Robbie’s roundups are a textbook definition of highly linkable content. A post about the best keyword research tools published not that long ago on his blog attracted nearly 300 referring domains and a decent organic traffic share:
What’s his secret?
Robbie made sure to target the experts within his business circle. In a nutshell, his roundup posts work as part of a well-delivered outreach strategy that has a strong focus on gaining links by leveraging existing relationships. This is the key to modern-day link-building — a combination of content, links, and partnerships. 
Without further ado, let’s talk the best ways to promote content that doesn’t involve any where-do-I-get-the-money-for-it drama.
5 bulletproof ways to blow up your content without breaking the bank
If you're creating quality content with zero focus on links, you won't be getting optimal traffic. The only chance to make your content stand out is to focus on its potential linkability even before you actually start writing it. Here are some of favorite ways to get your content seen. 
1. Adding expert quotes
Quoting an expert is one of my favorite ways to boost content linkability and shareability. It’s quick, easy, and doesn’t require a significant time investment. When you write out of your expertise area, adding a quote of a thought-leader grants your content more credibility and value, not to mention boosting its linking potential.
Depending on how influential your company is, you can either select an existing quote or reach out to the experts and ask for a new one.
Here’s a tip: If you decide to go with a pre-existing quote, contact the expert in advance to confirm it. This way, you can make sure that they still stand by that opinion, plus, they’re okay with you quoting them. Remember, while quoting experts is a good idea, you also need to find the right expert and the right quote. Here's how to do that:
If your brand has a big audience, I recommend starting by checking your current followers and subscribers across various channels, including social media. You might not know it, but there’s a good chance you’ll find real influencers among people who follow your brand’s pages. To speed up the process of spotting influencers among your Twitter followers, you can use Followerwonk. This tool allows you to export all your followers to a list and sort them by the size of their audience.
Another way is to analyze the websites that link back to your site. To do that, you can use Moz Link Explorer that will show the list of URLs that are referring to your site. Chances are, some of those authors are pretty influential in their niche.
Finally, you could use BuzzSumo to find relevant influencers to contact. For example, you could export a list of bloggers who are contributing to the industry-leading blogs.
The last option is less suitable for link building purposes, as the influencers that you find have no idea of your business existence and are hard to get on board. However, it’s not impossible. Before getting in touch, make sure to scratch their backs: Share their content on your social media, sign up for their newsletter, etc. To find the influencer’s most recent pieces, search on BuzzSumo Content Analyzer by “Author: [INSERT NAME].” This helps build a bridge and create the right first impression.
Don’t forget that expert quotes need to be allocated in content with special formatting which means you need to involve a designer/developer.
Here are a few examples that I personally find quite visually appealing:
And another one:
2. Strategically linking back to blogs that you’re interested in
Strategic link building is like playing poker while blindfolded. A strategic approach always pays off in the long run in almost any area, but when applied to link building, it depends on how well you can spot linking opportunities. Based on this, your chances of acquiring links are either very high or very low.
If you want industry leaders to link back to your content someday, you have to prove that your content deserves their attention. The best way to get your foot in the door is to link back to them.
You need to find the right experts to link back to. How do you do that?
The mechanic behind finding the right sites to refer to is similar to the one that I shared in a section about expert quotes. However, there’re a few more strategies that I want to add:
Are you a part of any industry groups on Facebook? If so, go and check the members of those groups and find people that are also involved in link building. Now, you have a legit reason to contact them (since you’re both a part of one group on Facebook/LinkedIn) and ask whether they’re interested in getting a link in your upcoming post. Please note, that you shouldn’t skip this step, as by this you’re making them aware that you’re expecting for the favor to be returned.
Have you ever participated in any roundups? If yes, then reach out to the experts that were also featured in this post.
Finally, check your current blog subscribers, clients, and partners. The chances that they’re also interested in partnering up on a link building side are quite high.
3. Adding good images/GIFs and hiring a designer for professional-looking visuals
In 2019, using stock images in your content is a big no. After all, they are easily recognizable for their abstract nature and give away the fact that the author didn’t invest much into creating custom visuals. 
However, there is a way to adapt it to your unique brand style and still make it work. And to do it, you don’t even need to hire a designer right away.
The drag-&-drop tools like Vengagge, Canva, or Visme make it easy to create pretty nice graphics. For example, Canva has a lot of great grids and predefined templates, which makes the whole design process really fast.
What you need to do is take a good-looking cover image, for example, like the ones we use in our blog, and cheer it up with custom-made designs in Canva. You can add your picture, your brand’s logo, or anything else your heart desires. Such an approach allows us to maintain our own unique style while staying within the budget.
Static images are not the only way to pretty up your content. One of my favorite visual elements is GIFs. They are perfect for visualizing step-by-steps and how-tos and can easily demonstrate how to perform something in a digital tool. You can even use them to tell a story. At one of my recent presentations, I used a GIF to explain why simply posting on Twitter is not enough to get attention to a brand.
I saw many posts that were able to acquire loads of links and social shares thanks to good graphics, for instance, this post that featured the SEO experts in Halloween costumes.
Without a doubt, this requires a little bit of a budget, but I’d say it’s 100 percent worth it because it's creating value. The last time our company did something like this for a client, we hired a designer who charged us $30 USD for one image. It’s not too bad since custom-made images make it way easier to pitch your posts to other blogs to get more links!
Hint: When you’re looking for custom graphics that won’t make your wallet cry, you can always find freelancers on sites like Upwork or on freelancing Facebook groups.
4. Delivering email outreach by targeting the “low hanging fruits”
We’ve done a lot of email outreach campaigns here at Digital Olympus, and so, I’ve noticed that we have a fast turnaround rate when our outreach targets are in the “right state of mind," meaning they're interested in cooperating with us.
 There are many reasons why they might show interest. For example, perhaps they’ve recently published a piece and are now invested in promoting it. To spot content marketers and authors like these, you can use Pitchbox. Pitchbox lets you create a list of posts that were published within the last 24 hours based on the keywords of your choice.
The biggest bonus of Pitchbox is that it not only pulls together a list of content pages but it also provides contact details. In addition to this, Pitchbox automates the whole outreach process.
Another tool that can pull together a list of posts published within the last 24 hours is Buzzsumo. Here’s a great piece by Sujan Patel that shows how to deliver outreach the right way.
There can be many speculations about which email outreach techniques work and which don’t, but the truth remains: It’s a very hard time-consuming job that requires lots of skill and practice. In one of my recent posts, I write about proven email outreach techniques and how to master them.
5. Adding stats that don’t involve a huge time investment
You’ve heard that a picture is worth a thousand words. How about this: A number knocks out 10 thousand words. By adding statistics to your piece, you can simply mark out the whole process of having to refer to another page.
But fresh, relevant stats don’t grow on trees. You need to know where you can find them.
The easiest and the cost-efficient way of adding numbers to your piece is by running Twitter polls. They can collect up to 1k results for only $100 USD of properly paid promotion efforts. The biggest plus of running polls on Twitter is that you can create a specific list of people (aka a tailored audience) that will see your ad. For a detailed explanation on how to work with tailored audiences, I recommend checking this post.
Besides running Twitter polls, you can use survey tools that will help you collect answers for a fee:
Survata will show your survey across their online publisher's network with the average cost per answer starting from 1 USD;
Surveymonkey market research module starts from $1.25 for 200 complete responses. As you can see from a screenshot below, it allows you to set up a more laser-targeted group by selecting a particular industry.
Another quick hack that I use from time to time is comparing already existing data sets to reveal new insights. Statista is a great site for getting data on any topic. For instance, on one graph you can show the revenue growth on the major SMM platforms as well as the growth of their audience. Plus, don’t forget that while the numbers are good, the story is key. Statistics tend to be dry without a proper story that they are wrapped in. For inspiration, you can use this great post that shares many stories that were built on numbers.
It doesn’t always have to be serious. Numbers draw more attention than written copy, so you can create a fun poll, for example, whether your followers are more into dogs or cats.
Creating captivating content is hard work and often a hella lot of money, but there are ways to spare a few bucks here and there. By utilizing the strategies that I shared, you can make sure that your content gets the audience it needs without time waste, huge costs, and stress. The amount of backend work you put into research and advertising is what makes your audience not only scroll through your content but actually read it. This is what will differentiate your piece from millions of similar ones.
Create a strategy and go for it! Whether it’s polling, graphics, emails, quotes, or backlinks, make a game plan that will promote your content the right way. Then your site will rock.
Do you have any other tips or suggestions? Tell me below in the comments!
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
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xaydungtruonggia · 5 years
How to Boost Content Linkability Without Wasting Your Marketing Budget
Posted by Alex-T
I’m always fascinated with the marketing budgets of enterprise-level companies that are ready to pay astronomical sums to contractors. A recent shmooze in the community was thanks to Hertz that paid 32M to Accentura agency, which (so far) hasn't resulted in any substantial changes to their site.
Though I personally don't work with client’s who throw around millions of dollars, that doesn’t affect the quality of services that I provide. My average client wants to get the maximum by spending as little as possible. It might sound like a tough job for me and indeed it is, but I love the challenges that a small budget brings, as it helps me stay creative and reach new professional heights.
So while the budget isn't a challenge, changing my client's mindset is, and that's because all of my clients are victims of one of the biggest misconceptions about content marketing: They think that once they start publishing content pieces regularly, inbound traffic will hit their site like a meteorite. 
And it’s not just the traffic — links are a subject to a similar misconception. Each time I share studies like the one by Brian Dean that clearly shows that links don’t come on its own, there’s always someone that's going to say: “That’s because their content’s just not good enough." When I have a call with clients that ask for quality content with zero focus on links.
The bottom line is, traffic and links don’t just show up out of thin air. Regardless of how good your content is, how well structured and valuable it may seem, it has nearly zero chances of getting attention in today’s overcrowded digital space.
In this post, I want to share with you five bulletproof tactics that help me boost content linkability without having a big fat budget to waste.
A note on content and modern-day link building
Before we dive into the best ways to boost your content without breaking the bank, it's important to touch on what link-building is today. Links are a digital marketing currency — which you need to earn and spend wisely. And to earn them, you need to build relationships. 
A while ago, I noticed a shift in a client’s mindset: After a few projects delivered together, they started to ask for in-depth forms of content like how-to’s, case studies, and guides — which (according to Brian's research) is exactly the type of content that has the highest chances of getting links. But that’s not necessarily the number one reason why people allocate links.
Links are inherently relationships. And if you agree that linking to a strategic partner brings more benefits compared to referring to a random stranger, then you'll find appreciate Robbie Richards methods.
Robbie’s roundups are a textbook definition of highly linkable content. A post about the best keyword research tools published not that long ago on his blog attracted nearly 300 referring domains and a decent organic traffic share:
What’s his secret?
Robbie made sure to target the experts within his business circle. In a nutshell, his roundup posts work as part of a well-delivered outreach strategy that has a strong focus on gaining links by leveraging existing relationships. This is the key to modern-day link-building — a combination of content, links, and partnerships. 
Without further ado, let’s talk the best ways to promote content that doesn’t involve any where-do-I-get-the-money-for-it drama.
5 bulletproof ways to blow up your content without breaking the bank
If you're creating quality content with zero focus on links, you won't be getting optimal traffic. The only chance to make your content stand out is to focus on its potential linkability even before you actually start writing it. Here are some of favorite ways to get your content seen. 
1. Adding expert quotes
Quoting an expert is one of my favorite ways to boost content linkability and shareability. It’s quick, easy, and doesn’t require a significant time investment. When you write out of your expertise area, adding a quote of a thought-leader grants your content more credibility and value, not to mention boosting its linking potential.
Depending on how influential your company is, you can either select an existing quote or reach out to the experts and ask for a new one.
Here’s a tip: If you decide to go with a pre-existing quote, contact the expert in advance to confirm it. This way, you can make sure that they still stand by that opinion, plus, they’re okay with you quoting them. Remember, while quoting experts is a good idea, you also need to find the right expert and the right quote. Here's how to do that:
If your brand has a big audience, I recommend starting by checking your current followers and subscribers across various channels, including social media. You might not know it, but there’s a good chance you’ll find real influencers among people who follow your brand’s pages. To speed up the process of spotting influencers among your Twitter followers, you can use Followerwonk. This tool allows you to export all your followers to a list and sort them by the size of their audience.
Another way is to analyze the websites that link back to your site. To do that, you can use Moz Link Explorer that will show the list of URLs that are referring to your site. Chances are, some of those authors are pretty influential in their niche.
Finally, you could use BuzzSumo to find relevant influencers to contact. For example, you could export a list of bloggers who are contributing to the industry-leading blogs.
The last option is less suitable for link building purposes, as the influencers that you find have no idea of your business existence and are hard to get on board. However, it’s not impossible. Before getting in touch, make sure to scratch their backs: Share their content on your social media, sign up for their newsletter, etc. To find the influencer’s most recent pieces, search on BuzzSumo Content Analyzer by “Author: [INSERT NAME].” This helps build a bridge and create the right first impression.
Don’t forget that expert quotes need to be allocated in content with special formatting which means you need to involve a designer/developer.
Here are a few examples that I personally find quite visually appealing:
And another one:
2. Strategically linking back to blogs that you’re interested in
Strategic link building is like playing poker while blindfolded. A strategic approach always pays off in the long run in almost any area, but when applied to link building, it depends on how well you can spot linking opportunities. Based on this, your chances of acquiring links are either very high or very low.
If you want industry leaders to link back to your content someday, you have to prove that your content deserves their attention. The best way to get your foot in the door is to link back to them.
You need to find the right experts to link back to. How do you do that?
The mechanic behind finding the right sites to refer to is similar to the one that I shared in a section about expert quotes. However, there’re a few more strategies that I want to add:
Are you a part of any industry groups on Facebook? If so, go and check the members of those groups and find people that are also involved in link building. Now, you have a legit reason to contact them (since you’re both a part of one group on Facebook/LinkedIn) and ask whether they’re interested in getting a link in your upcoming post. Please note, that you shouldn’t skip this step, as by this you’re making them aware that you’re expecting for the favor to be returned.
Have you ever participated in any roundups? If yes, then reach out to the experts that were also featured in this post.
Finally, check your current blog subscribers, clients, and partners. The chances that they’re also interested in partnering up on a link building side are quite high.
3. Adding good images/GIFs and hiring a designer for professional-looking visuals
In 2019, using stock images in your content is a big no. After all, they are easily recognizable for their abstract nature and give away the fact that the author didn’t invest much into creating custom visuals. 
However, there is a way to adapt it to your unique brand style and still make it work. And to do it, you don’t even need to hire a designer right away.
The drag-&-drop tools like Vengagge, Canva, or Visme make it easy to create pretty nice graphics. For example, Canva has a lot of great grids and predefined templates, which makes the whole design process really fast.
What you need to do is take a good-looking cover image, for example, like the ones we use in our blog, and cheer it up with custom-made designs in Canva. You can add your picture, your brand’s logo, or anything else your heart desires. Such an approach allows us to maintain our own unique style while staying within the budget.
Static images are not the only way to pretty up your content. One of my favorite visual elements is GIFs. They are perfect for visualizing step-by-steps and how-tos and can easily demonstrate how to perform something in a digital tool. You can even use them to tell a story. At one of my recent presentations, I used a GIF to explain why simply posting on Twitter is not enough to get attention to a brand.
I saw many posts that were able to acquire loads of links and social shares thanks to good graphics, for instance, this post that featured the SEO experts in Halloween costumes.
Without a doubt, this requires a little bit of a budget, but I’d say it’s 100 percent worth it because it's creating value. The last time our company did something like this for a client, we hired a designer who charged us $30 USD for one image. It’s not too bad since custom-made images make it way easier to pitch your posts to other blogs to get more links!
Hint: When you’re looking for custom graphics that won’t make your wallet cry, you can always find freelancers on sites like Upwork or on freelancing Facebook groups.
4. Delivering email outreach by targeting the “low hanging fruits”
We’ve done a lot of email outreach campaigns here at Digital Olympus, and so, I’ve noticed that we have a fast turnaround rate when our outreach targets are in the “right state of mind," meaning they're interested in cooperating with us.
 There are many reasons why they might show interest. For example, perhaps they’ve recently published a piece and are now invested in promoting it. To spot content marketers and authors like these, you can use Pitchbox. Pitchbox lets you create a list of posts that were published within the last 24 hours based on the keywords of your choice.
The biggest bonus of Pitchbox is that it not only pulls together a list of content pages but it also provides contact details. In addition to this, Pitchbox automates the whole outreach process.
Another tool that can pull together a list of posts published within the last 24 hours is Buzzsumo. Here’s a great piece by Sujan Patel that shows how to deliver outreach the right way.
There can be many speculations about which email outreach techniques work and which don’t, but the truth remains: It’s a very hard time-consuming job that requires lots of skill and practice. In one of my recent posts, I write about proven email outreach techniques and how to master them.
5. Adding stats that don’t involve a huge time investment
You’ve heard that a picture is worth a thousand words. How about this: A number knocks out 10 thousand words. By adding statistics to your piece, you can simply mark out the whole process of having to refer to another page.
But fresh, relevant stats don’t grow on trees. You need to know where you can find them.
The easiest and the cost-efficient way of adding numbers to your piece is by running Twitter polls. They can collect up to 1k results for only $100 USD of properly paid promotion efforts. The biggest plus of running polls on Twitter is that you can create a specific list of people (aka a tailored audience) that will see your ad. For a detailed explanation on how to work with tailored audiences, I recommend checking this post.
Besides running Twitter polls, you can use survey tools that will help you collect answers for a fee:
Survata will show your survey across their online publisher's network with the average cost per answer starting from 1 USD;
Surveymonkey market research module starts from $1.25 for 200 complete responses. As you can see from a screenshot below, it allows you to set up a more laser-targeted group by selecting a particular industry.
Another quick hack that I use from time to time is comparing already existing data sets to reveal new insights. Statista is a great site for getting data on any topic. For instance, on one graph you can show the revenue growth on the major SMM platforms as well as the growth of their audience. Plus, don’t forget that while the numbers are good, the story is key. Statistics tend to be dry without a proper story that they are wrapped in. For inspiration, you can use this great post that shares many stories that were built on numbers.
It doesn’t always have to be serious. Numbers draw more attention than written copy, so you can create a fun poll, for example, whether your followers are more into dogs or cats.
Creating captivating content is hard work and often a hella lot of money, but there are ways to spare a few bucks here and there. By utilizing the strategies that I shared, you can make sure that your content gets the audience it needs without time waste, huge costs, and stress. The amount of backend work you put into research and advertising is what makes your audience not only scroll through your content but actually read it. This is what will differentiate your piece from millions of similar ones.
Create a strategy and go for it! Whether it’s polling, graphics, emails, quotes, or backlinks, make a game plan that will promote your content the right way. Then your site will rock.
Do you have any other tips or suggestions? Tell me below in the comments!
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
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ductrungnguyen87 · 5 years
How to Boost Content Linkability Without Wasting Your Marketing Budget
Posted by Alex-T
I’m always fascinated with the marketing budgets of enterprise-level companies that are ready to pay astronomical sums to contractors. A recent shmooze in the community was thanks to Hertz that paid 32M to Accentura agency, which (so far) hasn't resulted in any substantial changes to their site.
Though I personally don't work with client’s who throw around millions of dollars, that doesn’t affect the quality of services that I provide. My average client wants to get the maximum by spending as little as possible. It might sound like a tough job for me and indeed it is, but I love the challenges that a small budget brings, as it helps me stay creative and reach new professional heights.
So while the budget isn't a challenge, changing my client's mindset is, and that's because all of my clients are victims of one of the biggest misconceptions about content marketing: They think that once they start publishing content pieces regularly, inbound traffic will hit their site like a meteorite. 
And it’s not just the traffic — links are a subject to a similar misconception. Each time I share studies like the one by Brian Dean that clearly shows that links don’t come on its own, there’s always someone that's going to say: “That’s because their content’s just not good enough." When I have a call with clients that ask for quality content with zero focus on links.
The bottom line is, traffic and links don’t just show up out of thin air. Regardless of how good your content is, how well structured and valuable it may seem, it has nearly zero chances of getting attention in today’s overcrowded digital space.
In this post, I want to share with you five bulletproof tactics that help me boost content linkability without having a big fat budget to waste.
A note on content and modern-day link building
Before we dive into the best ways to boost your content without breaking the bank, it's important to touch on what link-building is today. Links are a digital marketing currency — which you need to earn and spend wisely. And to earn them, you need to build relationships. 
A while ago, I noticed a shift in a client’s mindset: After a few projects delivered together, they started to ask for in-depth forms of content like how-to’s, case studies, and guides — which (according to Brian's research) is exactly the type of content that has the highest chances of getting links. But that’s not necessarily the number one reason why people allocate links.
Links are inherently relationships. And if you agree that linking to a strategic partner brings more benefits compared to referring to a random stranger, then you'll find appreciate Robbie Richards methods.
Robbie’s roundups are a textbook definition of highly linkable content. A post about the best keyword research tools published not that long ago on his blog attracted nearly 300 referring domains and a decent organic traffic share:
What’s his secret?
Robbie made sure to target the experts within his business circle. In a nutshell, his roundup posts work as part of a well-delivered outreach strategy that has a strong focus on gaining links by leveraging existing relationships. This is the key to modern-day link-building — a combination of content, links, and partnerships. 
Without further ado, let’s talk the best ways to promote content that doesn’t involve any where-do-I-get-the-money-for-it drama.
5 bulletproof ways to blow up your content without breaking the bank
If you're creating quality content with zero focus on links, you won't be getting optimal traffic. The only chance to make your content stand out is to focus on its potential linkability even before you actually start writing it. Here are some of favorite ways to get your content seen. 
1. Adding expert quotes
Quoting an expert is one of my favorite ways to boost content linkability and shareability. It’s quick, easy, and doesn’t require a significant time investment. When you write out of your expertise area, adding a quote of a thought-leader grants your content more credibility and value, not to mention boosting its linking potential.
Depending on how influential your company is, you can either select an existing quote or reach out to the experts and ask for a new one.
Here’s a tip: If you decide to go with a pre-existing quote, contact the expert in advance to confirm it. This way, you can make sure that they still stand by that opinion, plus, they’re okay with you quoting them. Remember, while quoting experts is a good idea, you also need to find the right expert and the right quote. Here's how to do that:
If your brand has a big audience, I recommend starting by checking your current followers and subscribers across various channels, including social media. You might not know it, but there’s a good chance you’ll find real influencers among people who follow your brand’s pages. To speed up the process of spotting influencers among your Twitter followers, you can use Followerwonk. This tool allows you to export all your followers to a list and sort them by the size of their audience.
Another way is to analyze the websites that link back to your site. To do that, you can use Moz Link Explorer that will show the list of URLs that are referring to your site. Chances are, some of those authors are pretty influential in their niche.
Finally, you could use BuzzSumo to find relevant influencers to contact. For example, you could export a list of bloggers who are contributing to the industry-leading blogs.
The last option is less suitable for link building purposes, as the influencers that you find have no idea of your business existence and are hard to get on board. However, it’s not impossible. Before getting in touch, make sure to scratch their backs: Share their content on your social media, sign up for their newsletter, etc. To find the influencer’s most recent pieces, search on BuzzSumo Content Analyzer by “Author: [INSERT NAME].” This helps build a bridge and create the right first impression.
Don’t forget that expert quotes need to be allocated in content with special formatting which means you need to involve a designer/developer.
Here are a few examples that I personally find quite visually appealing:
And another one:
2. Strategically linking back to blogs that you’re interested in
Strategic link building is like playing poker while blindfolded. A strategic approach always pays off in the long run in almost any area, but when applied to link building, it depends on how well you can spot linking opportunities. Based on this, your chances of acquiring links are either very high or very low.
If you want industry leaders to link back to your content someday, you have to prove that your content deserves their attention. The best way to get your foot in the door is to link back to them.
You need to find the right experts to link back to. How do you do that?
The mechanic behind finding the right sites to refer to is similar to the one that I shared in a section about expert quotes. However, there’re a few more strategies that I want to add:
Are you a part of any industry groups on Facebook? If so, go and check the members of those groups and find people that are also involved in link building. Now, you have a legit reason to contact them (since you’re both a part of one group on Facebook/LinkedIn) and ask whether they’re interested in getting a link in your upcoming post. Please note, that you shouldn’t skip this step, as by this you’re making them aware that you’re expecting for the favor to be returned.
Have you ever participated in any roundups? If yes, then reach out to the experts that were also featured in this post.
Finally, check your current blog subscribers, clients, and partners. The chances that they’re also interested in partnering up on a link building side are quite high.
3. Adding good images/GIFs and hiring a designer for professional-looking visuals
In 2019, using stock images in your content is a big no. After all, they are easily recognizable for their abstract nature and give away the fact that the author didn’t invest much into creating custom visuals. 
However, there is a way to adapt it to your unique brand style and still make it work. And to do it, you don’t even need to hire a designer right away.
The drag-&-drop tools like Vengagge, Canva, or Visme make it easy to create pretty nice graphics. For example, Canva has a lot of great grids and predefined templates, which makes the whole design process really fast.
What you need to do is take a good-looking cover image, for example, like the ones we use in our blog, and cheer it up with custom-made designs in Canva. You can add your picture, your brand’s logo, or anything else your heart desires. Such an approach allows us to maintain our own unique style while staying within the budget.
Static images are not the only way to pretty up your content. One of my favorite visual elements is GIFs. They are perfect for visualizing step-by-steps and how-tos and can easily demonstrate how to perform something in a digital tool. You can even use them to tell a story. At one of my recent presentations, I used a GIF to explain why simply posting on Twitter is not enough to get attention to a brand.
I saw many posts that were able to acquire loads of links and social shares thanks to good graphics, for instance, this post that featured the SEO experts in Halloween costumes.
Without a doubt, this requires a little bit of a budget, but I’d say it’s 100 percent worth it because it's creating value. The last time our company did something like this for a client, we hired a designer who charged us $30 USD for one image. It’s not too bad since custom-made images make it way easier to pitch your posts to other blogs to get more links!
Hint: When you’re looking for custom graphics that won’t make your wallet cry, you can always find freelancers on sites like Upwork or on freelancing Facebook groups.
4. Delivering email outreach by targeting the “low hanging fruits”
We’ve done a lot of email outreach campaigns here at Digital Olympus, and so, I’ve noticed that we have a fast turnaround rate when our outreach targets are in the “right state of mind," meaning they're interested in cooperating with us.
 There are many reasons why they might show interest. For example, perhaps they’ve recently published a piece and are now invested in promoting it. To spot content marketers and authors like these, you can use Pitchbox. Pitchbox lets you create a list of posts that were published within the last 24 hours based on the keywords of your choice.
The biggest bonus of Pitchbox is that it not only pulls together a list of content pages but it also provides contact details. In addition to this, Pitchbox automates the whole outreach process.
Another tool that can pull together a list of posts published within the last 24 hours is Buzzsumo. Here’s a great piece by Sujan Patel that shows how to deliver outreach the right way.
There can be many speculations about which email outreach techniques work and which don’t, but the truth remains: It’s a very hard time-consuming job that requires lots of skill and practice. In one of my recent posts, I write about proven email outreach techniques and how to master them.
5. Adding stats that don’t involve a huge time investment
You’ve heard that a picture is worth a thousand words. How about this: A number knocks out 10 thousand words. By adding statistics to your piece, you can simply mark out the whole process of having to refer to another page.
But fresh, relevant stats don’t grow on trees. You need to know where you can find them.
The easiest and the cost-efficient way of adding numbers to your piece is by running Twitter polls. They can collect up to 1k results for only $100 USD of properly paid promotion efforts. The biggest plus of running polls on Twitter is that you can create a specific list of people (aka a tailored audience) that will see your ad. For a detailed explanation on how to work with tailored audiences, I recommend checking this post.
Besides running Twitter polls, you can use survey tools that will help you collect answers for a fee:
Survata will show your survey across their online publisher's network with the average cost per answer starting from 1 USD;
Surveymonkey market research module starts from $1.25 for 200 complete responses. As you can see from a screenshot below, it allows you to set up a more laser-targeted group by selecting a particular industry.
Another quick hack that I use from time to time is comparing already existing data sets to reveal new insights. Statista is a great site for getting data on any topic. For instance, on one graph you can show the revenue growth on the major SMM platforms as well as the growth of their audience. Plus, don’t forget that while the numbers are good, the story is key. Statistics tend to be dry without a proper story that they are wrapped in. For inspiration, you can use this great post that shares many stories that were built on numbers.
It doesn’t always have to be serious. Numbers draw more attention than written copy, so you can create a fun poll, for example, whether your followers are more into dogs or cats.
Creating captivating content is hard work and often a hella lot of money, but there are ways to spare a few bucks here and there. By utilizing the strategies that I shared, you can make sure that your content gets the audience it needs without time waste, huge costs, and stress. The amount of backend work you put into research and advertising is what makes your audience not only scroll through your content but actually read it. This is what will differentiate your piece from millions of similar ones.
Create a strategy and go for it! Whether it’s polling, graphics, emails, quotes, or backlinks, make a game plan that will promote your content the right way. Then your site will rock.
Do you have any other tips or suggestions? Tell me below in the comments!
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
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drummcarpentry · 5 years
How to Boost Content Linkability Without Wasting Your Marketing Budget
Posted by Alex-T
I’m always fascinated with the marketing budgets of enterprise-level companies that are ready to pay astronomical sums to contractors. A recent shmooze in the community was thanks to Hertz that paid 32M to Accentura agency, which (so far) hasn't resulted in any substantial changes to their site.
Though I personally don't work with client’s who throw around millions of dollars, that doesn’t affect the quality of services that I provide. My average client wants to get the maximum by spending as little as possible. It might sound like a tough job for me and indeed it is, but I love the challenges that a small budget brings, as it helps me stay creative and reach new professional heights.
So while the budget isn't a challenge, changing my client's mindset is, and that's because all of my clients are victims of one of the biggest misconceptions about content marketing: They think that once they start publishing content pieces regularly, inbound traffic will hit their site like a meteorite. 
And it’s not just the traffic — links are a subject to a similar misconception. Each time I share studies like the one by Brian Dean that clearly shows that links don’t come on its own, there’s always someone that's going to say: “That’s because their content’s just not good enough." When I have a call with clients that ask for quality content with zero focus on links.
The bottom line is, traffic and links don’t just show up out of thin air. Regardless of how good your content is, how well structured and valuable it may seem, it has nearly zero chances of getting attention in today’s overcrowded digital space.
In this post, I want to share with you five bulletproof tactics that help me boost content linkability without having a big fat budget to waste.
A note on content and modern-day link building
Before we dive into the best ways to boost your content without breaking the bank, it's important to touch on what link-building is today. Links are a digital marketing currency — which you need to earn and spend wisely. And to earn them, you need to build relationships. 
A while ago, I noticed a shift in a client’s mindset: After a few projects delivered together, they started to ask for in-depth forms of content like how-to’s, case studies, and guides — which (according to Brian's research) is exactly the type of content that has the highest chances of getting links. But that’s not necessarily the number one reason why people allocate links.
Links are inherently relationships. And if you agree that linking to a strategic partner brings more benefits compared to referring to a random stranger, then you'll find appreciate Robbie Richards methods.
Robbie’s roundups are a textbook definition of highly linkable content. A post about the best keyword research tools published not that long ago on his blog attracted nearly 300 referring domains and a decent organic traffic share:
What’s his secret?
Robbie made sure to target the experts within his business circle. In a nutshell, his roundup posts work as part of a well-delivered outreach strategy that has a strong focus on gaining links by leveraging existing relationships. This is the key to modern-day link-building — a combination of content, links, and partnerships. 
Without further ado, let’s talk the best ways to promote content that doesn’t involve any where-do-I-get-the-money-for-it drama.
5 bulletproof ways to blow up your content without breaking the bank
If you're creating quality content with zero focus on links, you won't be getting optimal traffic. The only chance to make your content stand out is to focus on its potential linkability even before you actually start writing it. Here are some of favorite ways to get your content seen. 
1. Adding expert quotes
Quoting an expert is one of my favorite ways to boost content linkability and shareability. It’s quick, easy, and doesn’t require a significant time investment. When you write out of your expertise area, adding a quote of a thought-leader grants your content more credibility and value, not to mention boosting its linking potential.
Depending on how influential your company is, you can either select an existing quote or reach out to the experts and ask for a new one.
Here’s a tip: If you decide to go with a pre-existing quote, contact the expert in advance to confirm it. This way, you can make sure that they still stand by that opinion, plus, they’re okay with you quoting them. Remember, while quoting experts is a good idea, you also need to find the right expert and the right quote. Here's how to do that:
If your brand has a big audience, I recommend starting by checking your current followers and subscribers across various channels, including social media. You might not know it, but there’s a good chance you’ll find real influencers among people who follow your brand’s pages. To speed up the process of spotting influencers among your Twitter followers, you can use Followerwonk. This tool allows you to export all your followers to a list and sort them by the size of their audience.
Another way is to analyze the websites that link back to your site. To do that, you can use Moz Link Explorer that will show the list of URLs that are referring to your site. Chances are, some of those authors are pretty influential in their niche.
Finally, you could use BuzzSumo to find relevant influencers to contact. For example, you could export a list of bloggers who are contributing to the industry-leading blogs.
The last option is less suitable for link building purposes, as the influencers that you find have no idea of your business existence and are hard to get on board. However, it’s not impossible. Before getting in touch, make sure to scratch their backs: Share their content on your social media, sign up for their newsletter, etc. To find the influencer’s most recent pieces, search on BuzzSumo Content Analyzer by “Author: [INSERT NAME].” This helps build a bridge and create the right first impression.
Don’t forget that expert quotes need to be allocated in content with special formatting which means you need to involve a designer/developer.
Here are a few examples that I personally find quite visually appealing:
And another one:
2. Strategically linking back to blogs that you’re interested in
Strategic link building is like playing poker while blindfolded. A strategic approach always pays off in the long run in almost any area, but when applied to link building, it depends on how well you can spot linking opportunities. Based on this, your chances of acquiring links are either very high or very low.
If you want industry leaders to link back to your content someday, you have to prove that your content deserves their attention. The best way to get your foot in the door is to link back to them.
You need to find the right experts to link back to. How do you do that?
The mechanic behind finding the right sites to refer to is similar to the one that I shared in a section about expert quotes. However, there’re a few more strategies that I want to add:
Are you a part of any industry groups on Facebook? If so, go and check the members of those groups and find people that are also involved in link building. Now, you have a legit reason to contact them (since you’re both a part of one group on Facebook/LinkedIn) and ask whether they’re interested in getting a link in your upcoming post. Please note, that you shouldn’t skip this step, as by this you’re making them aware that you’re expecting for the favor to be returned.
Have you ever participated in any roundups? If yes, then reach out to the experts that were also featured in this post.
Finally, check your current blog subscribers, clients, and partners. The chances that they’re also interested in partnering up on a link building side are quite high.
3. Adding good images/GIFs and hiring a designer for professional-looking visuals
In 2019, using stock images in your content is a big no. After all, they are easily recognizable for their abstract nature and give away the fact that the author didn’t invest much into creating custom visuals. 
However, there is a way to adapt it to your unique brand style and still make it work. And to do it, you don’t even need to hire a designer right away.
The drag-&-drop tools like Vengagge, Canva, or Visme make it easy to create pretty nice graphics. For example, Canva has a lot of great grids and predefined templates, which makes the whole design process really fast.
What you need to do is take a good-looking cover image, for example, like the ones we use in our blog, and cheer it up with custom-made designs in Canva. You can add your picture, your brand’s logo, or anything else your heart desires. Such an approach allows us to maintain our own unique style while staying within the budget.
Static images are not the only way to pretty up your content. One of my favorite visual elements is GIFs. They are perfect for visualizing step-by-steps and how-tos and can easily demonstrate how to perform something in a digital tool. You can even use them to tell a story. At one of my recent presentations, I used a GIF to explain why simply posting on Twitter is not enough to get attention to a brand.
I saw many posts that were able to acquire loads of links and social shares thanks to good graphics, for instance, this post that featured the SEO experts in Halloween costumes.
Without a doubt, this requires a little bit of a budget, but I’d say it’s 100 percent worth it because it's creating value. The last time our company did something like this for a client, we hired a designer who charged us $30 USD for one image. It’s not too bad since custom-made images make it way easier to pitch your posts to other blogs to get more links!
Hint: When you’re looking for custom graphics that won’t make your wallet cry, you can always find freelancers on sites like Upwork or on freelancing Facebook groups.
4. Delivering email outreach by targeting the “low hanging fruits”
We’ve done a lot of email outreach campaigns here at Digital Olympus, and so, I’ve noticed that we have a fast turnaround rate when our outreach targets are in the “right state of mind," meaning they're interested in cooperating with us.
 There are many reasons why they might show interest. For example, perhaps they’ve recently published a piece and are now invested in promoting it. To spot content marketers and authors like these, you can use Pitchbox. Pitchbox lets you create a list of posts that were published within the last 24 hours based on the keywords of your choice.
The biggest bonus of Pitchbox is that it not only pulls together a list of content pages but it also provides contact details. In addition to this, Pitchbox automates the whole outreach process.
Another tool that can pull together a list of posts published within the last 24 hours is Buzzsumo. Here’s a great piece by Sujan Patel that shows how to deliver outreach the right way.
There can be many speculations about which email outreach techniques work and which don’t, but the truth remains: It’s a very hard time-consuming job that requires lots of skill and practice. In one of my recent posts, I write about proven email outreach techniques and how to master them.
5. Adding stats that don’t involve a huge time investment
You’ve heard that a picture is worth a thousand words. How about this: A number knocks out 10 thousand words. By adding statistics to your piece, you can simply mark out the whole process of having to refer to another page.
But fresh, relevant stats don’t grow on trees. You need to know where you can find them.
The easiest and the cost-efficient way of adding numbers to your piece is by running Twitter polls. They can collect up to 1k results for only $100 USD of properly paid promotion efforts. The biggest plus of running polls on Twitter is that you can create a specific list of people (aka a tailored audience) that will see your ad. For a detailed explanation on how to work with tailored audiences, I recommend checking this post.
Besides running Twitter polls, you can use survey tools that will help you collect answers for a fee:
Survata will show your survey across their online publisher's network with the average cost per answer starting from 1 USD;
Surveymonkey market research module starts from $1.25 for 200 complete responses. As you can see from a screenshot below, it allows you to set up a more laser-targeted group by selecting a particular industry.
Another quick hack that I use from time to time is comparing already existing data sets to reveal new insights. Statista is a great site for getting data on any topic. For instance, on one graph you can show the revenue growth on the major SMM platforms as well as the growth of their audience. Plus, don’t forget that while the numbers are good, the story is key. Statistics tend to be dry without a proper story that they are wrapped in. For inspiration, you can use this great post that shares many stories that were built on numbers.
It doesn’t always have to be serious. Numbers draw more attention than written copy, so you can create a fun poll, for example, whether your followers are more into dogs or cats.
Creating captivating content is hard work and often a hella lot of money, but there are ways to spare a few bucks here and there. By utilizing the strategies that I shared, you can make sure that your content gets the audience it needs without time waste, huge costs, and stress. The amount of backend work you put into research and advertising is what makes your audience not only scroll through your content but actually read it. This is what will differentiate your piece from millions of similar ones.
Create a strategy and go for it! Whether it’s polling, graphics, emails, quotes, or backlinks, make a game plan that will promote your content the right way. Then your site will rock.
Do you have any other tips or suggestions? Tell me below in the comments!
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
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gamebazu · 5 years
How to Boost Content Linkability Without Wasting Your Marketing Budget
Posted by Alex-T
I’m always fascinated with the marketing budgets of enterprise-level companies that are ready to pay astronomical sums to contractors. A recent shmooze in the community was thanks to Hertz that paid 32M to Accentura agency, which (so far) hasn't resulted in any substantial changes to their site.
Though I personally don't work with client’s who throw around millions of dollars, that doesn’t affect the quality of services that I provide. My average client wants to get the maximum by spending as little as possible. It might sound like a tough job for me and indeed it is, but I love the challenges that a small budget brings, as it helps me stay creative and reach new professional heights.
So while the budget isn't a challenge, changing my client's mindset is, and that's because all of my clients are victims of one of the biggest misconceptions about content marketing: They think that once they start publishing content pieces regularly, inbound traffic will hit their site like a meteorite. 
And it’s not just the traffic — links are a subject to a similar misconception. Each time I share studies like the one by Brian Dean that clearly shows that links don’t come on its own, there’s always someone that's going to say: “That’s because their content’s just not good enough." When I have a call with clients that ask for quality content with zero focus on links.
The bottom line is, traffic and links don’t just show up out of thin air. Regardless of how good your content is, how well structured and valuable it may seem, it has nearly zero chances of getting attention in today’s overcrowded digital space.
In this post, I want to share with you five bulletproof tactics that help me boost content linkability without having a big fat budget to waste.
A note on content and modern-day link building
Before we dive into the best ways to boost your content without breaking the bank, it's important to touch on what link-building is today. Links are a digital marketing currency — which you need to earn and spend wisely. And to earn them, you need to build relationships. 
A while ago, I noticed a shift in a client’s mindset: After a few projects delivered together, they started to ask for in-depth forms of content like how-to’s, case studies, and guides — which (according to Brian's research) is exactly the type of content that has the highest chances of getting links. But that’s not necessarily the number one reason why people allocate links.
Links are inherently relationships. And if you agree that linking to a strategic partner brings more benefits compared to referring to a random stranger, then you'll find appreciate Robbie Richards methods.
Robbie’s roundups are a textbook definition of highly linkable content. A post about the best keyword research tools published not that long ago on his blog attracted nearly 300 referring domains and a decent organic traffic share:
What’s his secret?
Robbie made sure to target the experts within his business circle. In a nutshell, his roundup posts work as part of a well-delivered outreach strategy that has a strong focus on gaining links by leveraging existing relationships. This is the key to modern-day link-building — a combination of content, links, and partnerships. 
Without further ado, let’s talk the best ways to promote content that doesn’t involve any where-do-I-get-the-money-for-it drama.
5 bulletproof ways to blow up your content without breaking the bank
If you're creating quality content with zero focus on links, you won't be getting optimal traffic. The only chance to make your content stand out is to focus on its potential linkability even before you actually start writing it. Here are some of favorite ways to get your content seen. 
1. Adding expert quotes
Quoting an expert is one of my favorite ways to boost content linkability and shareability. It’s quick, easy, and doesn’t require a significant time investment. When you write out of your expertise area, adding a quote of a thought-leader grants your content more credibility and value, not to mention boosting its linking potential.
Depending on how influential your company is, you can either select an existing quote or reach out to the experts and ask for a new one.
Here’s a tip: If you decide to go with a pre-existing quote, contact the expert in advance to confirm it. This way, you can make sure that they still stand by that opinion, plus, they’re okay with you quoting them. Remember, while quoting experts is a good idea, you also need to find the right expert and the right quote. Here's how to do that:
If your brand has a big audience, I recommend starting by checking your current followers and subscribers across various channels, including social media. You might not know it, but there’s a good chance you’ll find real influencers among people who follow your brand’s pages. To speed up the process of spotting influencers among your Twitter followers, you can use Followerwonk. This tool allows you to export all your followers to a list and sort them by the size of their audience.
Another way is to analyze the websites that link back to your site. To do that, you can use Moz Link Explorer that will show the list of URLs that are referring to your site. Chances are, some of those authors are pretty influential in their niche.
Finally, you could use BuzzSumo to find relevant influencers to contact. For example, you could export a list of bloggers who are contributing to the industry-leading blogs.
The last option is less suitable for link building purposes, as the influencers that you find have no idea of your business existence and are hard to get on board. However, it’s not impossible. Before getting in touch, make sure to scratch their backs: Share their content on your social media, sign up for their newsletter, etc. To find the influencer’s most recent pieces, search on BuzzSumo Content Analyzer by “Author: [INSERT NAME].” This helps build a bridge and create the right first impression.
Don’t forget that expert quotes need to be allocated in content with special formatting which means you need to involve a designer/developer.
Here are a few examples that I personally find quite visually appealing:
And another one:
2. Strategically linking back to blogs that you’re interested in
Strategic link building is like playing poker while blindfolded. A strategic approach always pays off in the long run in almost any area, but when applied to link building, it depends on how well you can spot linking opportunities. Based on this, your chances of acquiring links are either very high or very low.
If you want industry leaders to link back to your content someday, you have to prove that your content deserves their attention. The best way to get your foot in the door is to link back to them.
You need to find the right experts to link back to. How do you do that?
The mechanic behind finding the right sites to refer to is similar to the one that I shared in a section about expert quotes. However, there’re a few more strategies that I want to add:
Are you a part of any industry groups on Facebook? If so, go and check the members of those groups and find people that are also involved in link building. Now, you have a legit reason to contact them (since you’re both a part of one group on Facebook/LinkedIn) and ask whether they’re interested in getting a link in your upcoming post. Please note, that you shouldn’t skip this step, as by this you’re making them aware that you’re expecting for the favor to be returned.
Have you ever participated in any roundups? If yes, then reach out to the experts that were also featured in this post.
Finally, check your current blog subscribers, clients, and partners. The chances that they’re also interested in partnering up on a link building side are quite high.
3. Adding good images/GIFs and hiring a designer for professional-looking visuals
In 2019, using stock images in your content is a big no. After all, they are easily recognizable for their abstract nature and give away the fact that the author didn’t invest much into creating custom visuals. 
However, there is a way to adapt it to your unique brand style and still make it work. And to do it, you don’t even need to hire a designer right away.
The drag-&-drop tools like Vengagge, Canva, or Visme make it easy to create pretty nice graphics. For example, Canva has a lot of great grids and predefined templates, which makes the whole design process really fast.
What you need to do is take a good-looking cover image, for example, like the ones we use in our blog, and cheer it up with custom-made designs in Canva. You can add your picture, your brand’s logo, or anything else your heart desires. Such an approach allows us to maintain our own unique style while staying within the budget.
Static images are not the only way to pretty up your content. One of my favorite visual elements is GIFs. They are perfect for visualizing step-by-steps and how-tos and can easily demonstrate how to perform something in a digital tool. You can even use them to tell a story. At one of my recent presentations, I used a GIF to explain why simply posting on Twitter is not enough to get attention to a brand.
I saw many posts that were able to acquire loads of links and social shares thanks to good graphics, for instance, this post that featured the SEO experts in Halloween costumes.
Without a doubt, this requires a little bit of a budget, but I’d say it’s 100 percent worth it because it's creating value. The last time our company did something like this for a client, we hired a designer who charged us $30 USD for one image. It’s not too bad since custom-made images make it way easier to pitch your posts to other blogs to get more links!
Hint: When you’re looking for custom graphics that won’t make your wallet cry, you can always find freelancers on sites like Upwork or on freelancing Facebook groups.
4. Delivering email outreach by targeting the “low hanging fruits”
We’ve done a lot of email outreach campaigns here at Digital Olympus, and so, I’ve noticed that we have a fast turnaround rate when our outreach targets are in the “right state of mind," meaning they're interested in cooperating with us.
 There are many reasons why they might show interest. For example, perhaps they’ve recently published a piece and are now invested in promoting it. To spot content marketers and authors like these, you can use Pitchbox. Pitchbox lets you create a list of posts that were published within the last 24 hours based on the keywords of your choice.
The biggest bonus of Pitchbox is that it not only pulls together a list of content pages but it also provides contact details. In addition to this, Pitchbox automates the whole outreach process.
Another tool that can pull together a list of posts published within the last 24 hours is Buzzsumo. Here’s a great piece by Sujan Patel that shows how to deliver outreach the right way.
There can be many speculations about which email outreach techniques work and which don’t, but the truth remains: It’s a very hard time-consuming job that requires lots of skill and practice. In one of my recent posts, I write about proven email outreach techniques and how to master them.
5. Adding stats that don’t involve a huge time investment
You’ve heard that a picture is worth a thousand words. How about this: A number knocks out 10 thousand words. By adding statistics to your piece, you can simply mark out the whole process of having to refer to another page.
But fresh, relevant stats don’t grow on trees. You need to know where you can find them.
The easiest and the cost-efficient way of adding numbers to your piece is by running Twitter polls. They can collect up to 1k results for only $100 USD of properly paid promotion efforts. The biggest plus of running polls on Twitter is that you can create a specific list of people (aka a tailored audience) that will see your ad. For a detailed explanation on how to work with tailored audiences, I recommend checking this post.
Besides running Twitter polls, you can use survey tools that will help you collect answers for a fee:
Survata will show your survey across their online publisher's network with the average cost per answer starting from 1 USD;
Surveymonkey market research module starts from $1.25 for 200 complete responses. As you can see from a screenshot below, it allows you to set up a more laser-targeted group by selecting a particular industry.
Another quick hack that I use from time to time is comparing already existing data sets to reveal new insights. Statista is a great site for getting data on any topic. For instance, on one graph you can show the revenue growth on the major SMM platforms as well as the growth of their audience. Plus, don’t forget that while the numbers are good, the story is key. Statistics tend to be dry without a proper story that they are wrapped in. For inspiration, you can use this great post that shares many stories that were built on numbers.
It doesn’t always have to be serious. Numbers draw more attention than written copy, so you can create a fun poll, for example, whether your followers are more into dogs or cats.
Creating captivating content is hard work and often a hella lot of money, but there are ways to spare a few bucks here and there. By utilizing the strategies that I shared, you can make sure that your content gets the audience it needs without time waste, huge costs, and stress. The amount of backend work you put into research and advertising is what makes your audience not only scroll through your content but actually read it. This is what will differentiate your piece from millions of similar ones.
Create a strategy and go for it! Whether it’s polling, graphics, emails, quotes, or backlinks, make a game plan that will promote your content the right way. Then your site will rock.
Do you have any other tips or suggestions? Tell me below in the comments!
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
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nutrifami · 5 years
How to Boost Content Linkability Without Wasting Your Marketing Budget
Posted by Alex-T
I’m always fascinated with the marketing budgets of enterprise-level companies that are ready to pay astronomical sums to contractors. A recent shmooze in the community was thanks to Hertz that paid 32M to Accentura agency, which (so far) hasn't resulted in any substantial changes to their site.
Though I personally don't work with client’s who throw around millions of dollars, that doesn’t affect the quality of services that I provide. My average client wants to get the maximum by spending as little as possible. It might sound like a tough job for me and indeed it is, but I love the challenges that a small budget brings, as it helps me stay creative and reach new professional heights.
So while the budget isn't a challenge, changing my client's mindset is, and that's because all of my clients are victims of one of the biggest misconceptions about content marketing: They think that once they start publishing content pieces regularly, inbound traffic will hit their site like a meteorite. 
And it’s not just the traffic — links are a subject to a similar misconception. Each time I share studies like the one by Brian Dean that clearly shows that links don’t come on its own, there’s always someone that's going to say: “That’s because their content’s just not good enough." When I have a call with clients that ask for quality content with zero focus on links.
The bottom line is, traffic and links don’t just show up out of thin air. Regardless of how good your content is, how well structured and valuable it may seem, it has nearly zero chances of getting attention in today’s overcrowded digital space.
In this post, I want to share with you five bulletproof tactics that help me boost content linkability without having a big fat budget to waste.
A note on content and modern-day link building
Before we dive into the best ways to boost your content without breaking the bank, it's important to touch on what link-building is today. Links are a digital marketing currency — which you need to earn and spend wisely. And to earn them, you need to build relationships. 
A while ago, I noticed a shift in a client’s mindset: After a few projects delivered together, they started to ask for in-depth forms of content like how-to’s, case studies, and guides — which (according to Brian's research) is exactly the type of content that has the highest chances of getting links. But that’s not necessarily the number one reason why people allocate links.
Links are inherently relationships. And if you agree that linking to a strategic partner brings more benefits compared to referring to a random stranger, then you'll find appreciate Robbie Richards methods.
Robbie’s roundups are a textbook definition of highly linkable content. A post about the best keyword research tools published not that long ago on his blog attracted nearly 300 referring domains and a decent organic traffic share:
What’s his secret?
Robbie made sure to target the experts within his business circle. In a nutshell, his roundup posts work as part of a well-delivered outreach strategy that has a strong focus on gaining links by leveraging existing relationships. This is the key to modern-day link-building — a combination of content, links, and partnerships. 
Without further ado, let’s talk the best ways to promote content that doesn’t involve any where-do-I-get-the-money-for-it drama.
5 bulletproof ways to blow up your content without breaking the bank
If you're creating quality content with zero focus on links, you won't be getting optimal traffic. The only chance to make your content stand out is to focus on its potential linkability even before you actually start writing it. Here are some of favorite ways to get your content seen. 
1. Adding expert quotes
Quoting an expert is one of my favorite ways to boost content linkability and shareability. It’s quick, easy, and doesn’t require a significant time investment. When you write out of your expertise area, adding a quote of a thought-leader grants your content more credibility and value, not to mention boosting its linking potential.
Depending on how influential your company is, you can either select an existing quote or reach out to the experts and ask for a new one.
Here’s a tip: If you decide to go with a pre-existing quote, contact the expert in advance to confirm it. This way, you can make sure that they still stand by that opinion, plus, they’re okay with you quoting them. Remember, while quoting experts is a good idea, you also need to find the right expert and the right quote. Here's how to do that:
If your brand has a big audience, I recommend starting by checking your current followers and subscribers across various channels, including social media. You might not know it, but there’s a good chance you’ll find real influencers among people who follow your brand’s pages. To speed up the process of spotting influencers among your Twitter followers, you can use Followerwonk. This tool allows you to export all your followers to a list and sort them by the size of their audience.
Another way is to analyze the websites that link back to your site. To do that, you can use Moz Link Explorer that will show the list of URLs that are referring to your site. Chances are, some of those authors are pretty influential in their niche.
Finally, you could use BuzzSumo to find relevant influencers to contact. For example, you could export a list of bloggers who are contributing to the industry-leading blogs.
The last option is less suitable for link building purposes, as the influencers that you find have no idea of your business existence and are hard to get on board. However, it’s not impossible. Before getting in touch, make sure to scratch their backs: Share their content on your social media, sign up for their newsletter, etc. To find the influencer’s most recent pieces, search on BuzzSumo Content Analyzer by “Author: [INSERT NAME].” This helps build a bridge and create the right first impression.
Don’t forget that expert quotes need to be allocated in content with special formatting which means you need to involve a designer/developer.
Here are a few examples that I personally find quite visually appealing:
And another one:
2. Strategically linking back to blogs that you’re interested in
Strategic link building is like playing poker while blindfolded. A strategic approach always pays off in the long run in almost any area, but when applied to link building, it depends on how well you can spot linking opportunities. Based on this, your chances of acquiring links are either very high or very low.
If you want industry leaders to link back to your content someday, you have to prove that your content deserves their attention. The best way to get your foot in the door is to link back to them.
You need to find the right experts to link back to. How do you do that?
The mechanic behind finding the right sites to refer to is similar to the one that I shared in a section about expert quotes. However, there’re a few more strategies that I want to add:
Are you a part of any industry groups on Facebook? If so, go and check the members of those groups and find people that are also involved in link building. Now, you have a legit reason to contact them (since you’re both a part of one group on Facebook/LinkedIn) and ask whether they’re interested in getting a link in your upcoming post. Please note, that you shouldn’t skip this step, as by this you’re making them aware that you’re expecting for the favor to be returned.
Have you ever participated in any roundups? If yes, then reach out to the experts that were also featured in this post.
Finally, check your current blog subscribers, clients, and partners. The chances that they’re also interested in partnering up on a link building side are quite high.
3. Adding good images/GIFs and hiring a designer for professional-looking visuals
In 2019, using stock images in your content is a big no. After all, they are easily recognizable for their abstract nature and give away the fact that the author didn’t invest much into creating custom visuals. 
However, there is a way to adapt it to your unique brand style and still make it work. And to do it, you don’t even need to hire a designer right away.
The drag-&-drop tools like Vengagge, Canva, or Visme make it easy to create pretty nice graphics. For example, Canva has a lot of great grids and predefined templates, which makes the whole design process really fast.
What you need to do is take a good-looking cover image, for example, like the ones we use in our blog, and cheer it up with custom-made designs in Canva. You can add your picture, your brand’s logo, or anything else your heart desires. Such an approach allows us to maintain our own unique style while staying within the budget.
Static images are not the only way to pretty up your content. One of my favorite visual elements is GIFs. They are perfect for visualizing step-by-steps and how-tos and can easily demonstrate how to perform something in a digital tool. You can even use them to tell a story. At one of my recent presentations, I used a GIF to explain why simply posting on Twitter is not enough to get attention to a brand.
I saw many posts that were able to acquire loads of links and social shares thanks to good graphics, for instance, this post that featured the SEO experts in Halloween costumes.
Without a doubt, this requires a little bit of a budget, but I’d say it’s 100 percent worth it because it's creating value. The last time our company did something like this for a client, we hired a designer who charged us $30 USD for one image. It’s not too bad since custom-made images make it way easier to pitch your posts to other blogs to get more links!
Hint: When you’re looking for custom graphics that won’t make your wallet cry, you can always find freelancers on sites like Upwork or on freelancing Facebook groups.
4. Delivering email outreach by targeting the “low hanging fruits”
We’ve done a lot of email outreach campaigns here at Digital Olympus, and so, I’ve noticed that we have a fast turnaround rate when our outreach targets are in the “right state of mind," meaning they're interested in cooperating with us.
 There are many reasons why they might show interest. For example, perhaps they’ve recently published a piece and are now invested in promoting it. To spot content marketers and authors like these, you can use Pitchbox. Pitchbox lets you create a list of posts that were published within the last 24 hours based on the keywords of your choice.
The biggest bonus of Pitchbox is that it not only pulls together a list of content pages but it also provides contact details. In addition to this, Pitchbox automates the whole outreach process.
Another tool that can pull together a list of posts published within the last 24 hours is Buzzsumo. Here’s a great piece by Sujan Patel that shows how to deliver outreach the right way.
There can be many speculations about which email outreach techniques work and which don’t, but the truth remains: It’s a very hard time-consuming job that requires lots of skill and practice. In one of my recent posts, I write about proven email outreach techniques and how to master them.
5. Adding stats that don’t involve a huge time investment
You’ve heard that a picture is worth a thousand words. How about this: A number knocks out 10 thousand words. By adding statistics to your piece, you can simply mark out the whole process of having to refer to another page.
But fresh, relevant stats don’t grow on trees. You need to know where you can find them.
The easiest and the cost-efficient way of adding numbers to your piece is by running Twitter polls. They can collect up to 1k results for only $100 USD of properly paid promotion efforts. The biggest plus of running polls on Twitter is that you can create a specific list of people (aka a tailored audience) that will see your ad. For a detailed explanation on how to work with tailored audiences, I recommend checking this post.
Besides running Twitter polls, you can use survey tools that will help you collect answers for a fee:
Survata will show your survey across their online publisher's network with the average cost per answer starting from 1 USD;
Surveymonkey market research module starts from $1.25 for 200 complete responses. As you can see from a screenshot below, it allows you to set up a more laser-targeted group by selecting a particular industry.
Another quick hack that I use from time to time is comparing already existing data sets to reveal new insights. Statista is a great site for getting data on any topic. For instance, on one graph you can show the revenue growth on the major SMM platforms as well as the growth of their audience. Plus, don’t forget that while the numbers are good, the story is key. Statistics tend to be dry without a proper story that they are wrapped in. For inspiration, you can use this great post that shares many stories that were built on numbers.
It doesn’t always have to be serious. Numbers draw more attention than written copy, so you can create a fun poll, for example, whether your followers are more into dogs or cats.
Creating captivating content is hard work and often a hella lot of money, but there are ways to spare a few bucks here and there. By utilizing the strategies that I shared, you can make sure that your content gets the audience it needs without time waste, huge costs, and stress. The amount of backend work you put into research and advertising is what makes your audience not only scroll through your content but actually read it. This is what will differentiate your piece from millions of similar ones.
Create a strategy and go for it! Whether it’s polling, graphics, emails, quotes, or backlinks, make a game plan that will promote your content the right way. Then your site will rock.
Do you have any other tips or suggestions? Tell me below in the comments!
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