#legit this was on urban dictionary
Finally got past the edgy title, and it turns out it was a tabloid news article?
What did she do for them to think she was blood bending kids to safety? She seems dismissive over the whole thing.
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Okay, ew!
She really hits you in the face with the incest right out of the gate.
Like, if you didn't know these two were sisters, you would legit think they were dating.
(Urban dictionary definition for people like me:
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I'm going to be honest, while siblings do occasionally lie on each other, it's usually because someone took up space on the couch, and they refuse to move so you sit on them.
And then someone farts, and it's a whole new battle of wills.
MOST siblings don't just ask for a cuddle just because you can.
(Maybe I'm biased, but that's how all the siblings I know behave.)
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Sweet christ!
Can you imagine if you were reading this and didn't know they were sisters until right then? It literally hits you like a truck.
A bear doing the tango with a bull in a china shop would be more subtle than this!!!!
I wonder if it gets worst?
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Alright, so it does, and I should just accept that this is the author's fetish.
I am now going to pretend that they are not "sister's" and that the word is being used in a 'Hey Bestie' way for my own sanity.
Okay, more flirting between these two totally not related people, and then the Avatar states that she wants her girlfr- I mean "sister" to share her statue.
You know, totally normal stuff to want with a sibling.
Alright, so they just promised to see each other again. Totally normal, non-romantic stuff to promise each other while cuddling on a couch talking about sharing a joint statue.
Yup. Not weird at all. (I am dying, please send help.)
Time skip a 130 years, we get a new avatar looking at the statues, Another woman. Just, pointing that out there.
And Niva got her way. Now her and her sister will be remembered as a pair forever. Yay?
Okay, but what was the deal with the child blood bending?
Like, we're told it's just slander, but what did Niva do to give the impression she was BLOOD BENDING CHILDREN?
Does she do that a lot? Like, is she bloodbending so regularly that everyone figures that everything she does is just bloodbending?
Because if she did use bloodbending to save kids, then the kids would be dead. Because all of their blood would smash into their organs, causing horrible internal damage.
Also, bloodbending can only be used on a full moon, and...
Okay, I'm overthinking this clearly throw away line that doesn't mean anything, and is just an excuse to imply how "cool" and "edgy" the avatar is, while also giving her the "misunderstood" label.
The fic really is just an excuse for meaningless flirting, and if the two weren't RELATED BY BLOOD, it would just read as a typical, slice of life, cutesy couple interaction.
Honestly, Its biggest sin (if you try really, really hard to pretend the obvious incest doesn't exist), is just being...okay? It's a bit boring, and requires you to actually...care about two rather bland people that we know nothing about and their relationship.
This short fic honestly doesn't make me want to know more about these two, and it makes me wildly uncomfortable.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
can you please tell me what is satellite jeon?! 😭 im so confused please help this poor out
Are you serious? I'm not patronising I'm genuinely asking how can one not know what satellite Jeon means?? Are you new? Because that's the only way you get a pass, anon
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Link to Urban dictionary
If you search for that key word on my blog you will see all the other moments I've shared. But here are some links with this one being my fav
Sometimes anon its Teleport Jeon. We don't see him moving..all we know is that the camera cuts and then Boom! He's next to Jimin
One minute here.
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Next minute....
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One minute here.
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Next minute....
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What they don't tell you though is that its actually satellite/teleport Jikook. Jimin does it too its not just JK. If, JK doesn't find Jimin and stand next to him, alot of the times Jimin will bridge that gap..or call him over.
Like for example Bon voyage season 4 was full of satellite Jimin. Its mostly coz JK had just gone through some shit but yeah, loads of satellite Jimin in sn 4. Like that one time they were eating. JK was all the way across the table standing next to Jin.
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Off Jimin goes
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Jimin gets so close because personal space, what's that?
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And voila! Satellite Jimin
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There was also when Jimin saw Jhope putting a flower in JK's hair so off he went
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If u ask me I didn't see a reason for him to touch JK but thats his man so I dont think he needs one 🤭🤭🤭
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I've talked about this moment before but I didn't have the clip for it at the time. See the thing with JK is, he will try to be subtle when he wants to sit next to Jimin. And sometimes he gives up when he can't make it. Like the moment on this post. But Jimin, Jimin has no chill. If he wants to be next to JK he will make it happen. Here he is yeeting Jin off "his" chair.
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That always makes me smile 🤭🤭 he was like move bitch, that's my seat 😂😂
One last moment from ITS where I have no clue why JK looked like he was 12 years old???
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Anyway anon. I hope you understand now. Satellite Jeon/Jikook is my number one reason why I believe that Jikook is real. So please educate yourself on the subject because these two are legit. They're the real deal.
Even if you search for BTS on Google like 80% of the images are Jikook next to eo. You can't make this shit up. They have ruined the official line up so many times its hysterical 😅😅
I love my partner but I don't have to sit next to him or be around him all the time. But these two... it honestly blows my mind. But honestly, I love this for them
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Looks like a 'legit and official' entry in the urban dictionary.
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jerseymuppet · 1 year
i’m pretty sure the frank fbi thing is fake because there’s no actual source for it, and the “that’s why he can’t say blm or acab” in the urbdic entry you linked is definitely fake lol
No its legit! I definitely could’ve put a better link in that post idk why i put urban dictionary as a source lol my bad. But yeah he legally cannot play or redistribute the song i am going to kill the president of the united states without risking 5 years in a federal prison. And they most definitely clocked his ass as someone to keep an eye out for.
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findmeinthefallair · 2 years
I'm a person who's prone to post-series depression (yup, it's an actual term even though it ain't listed in the DSM, ICD or wherever..only on sites like Urban Dictionary, but it's still real af). I'm already in it and my body's felt as heavy as lead the past few days tbh. Am feeling it hell of a lot more coz I'm wrestling with four other IRL difficulties.
Doesn't help that I'm choosy when it comes to which shows to like, check out and get immersed in. It'll go away nearer Watching and Dreaming's airdate since promos are gonna drop, and I'll connect with excitement and joy for perhaps a number of weeks after that, but then it'll really be goodbye. Feeling the impending goodbye is bad enough.
I can't imagine what went through Dana's mind when that one exec ordered the cancellation (to think, it takes only one person with power to snatch away precious storytelling from millions of fans). I remember her saying she had to lock herself away for a time to legit weep. I'm starting to relate to that..
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seaweedsawyou · 2 years
Podcasts in review 2022
It was decidedly NOT a good year. Hence all the actual play podcasts.
Actual Play :/
These Flimsy Rituals - Divine cycle but fantasy. No seriously, they have Divines, the Rapid Evening, the Crystal Palace - and I'm 90% sure it's a coincidence. Severe lack of Keith J Carberry (or equivalent) makes it hard to listen to. Play their own system, Blades and a variety of other small games to expand the story.
Eidolon Playtest - Jojo stands in a tabletop world with moves such as "reveal your masterplan". Tarot card pulls are much cooler than dice. Their mini seasons (Giants? in particular) are a great place to start. The cast is mostly trans women who both loved and disliked Jojo (and Persona) enough to unionize and make something of their own - one of the characters in the current season is legit Naoto but good (trans). Play different versions of their own game.
Spout lore - somehow they play Dungeon World nigh gmless. The players supply the world, its geography, fauna, even reasons for this particular group of bad guys to kidnap them. Even if I consider the results of their world building inferior to some others, there sure take a ton of joy in creation (and that's beautiful). Also a TON of dick and fart jokes and the weirdest cases of no(?) homo from the cast. ALSO they do a goof (dndads style) by stealing from a more popular podcast thinking it was just a thing (princept as a gender neutral term for "ruler of a principality". look it up. there is only a urban dictionary entry from after partizan has started. a song, a firm and FaTT Wiki entry). Play Dungeon World and Blades (in bonus Patreon content).
Naddpod (Eldermourne) - there had to be a point where I put my foot down. No more dnd podcasts from now on.
The Unexplored Places (Deliverance, OH; Tango Sector) - Deliverance, OH is a cool name for a place to see monsters every week. Tango Sector is a cool name for a place to be scum and villains in, but the sum of its parts is less than. Catfishes: the Rock opera is a masterpiece. Play MotW, Scum and Villainy, Masks, Fiasco, smaller games.
Qomrades - a friend group that plays not dnd decided to record themselves on game night. Play whatever.
Tales Yet Told (Season 1) - discovered through their post in the FaTT tag here (good hustle). Cute (and sufficiently creepy) little story about siblings lost in the woods. Not in a rush to catch up, but I'm looking forward to. Play Babes in the Woods.
Rusty Quill Gaming - absolutely atrocious beginning (eps 2-8 are the same fucking combat encounter). The ending felt out of nowhere: was the fandom as analytical organ required to understand it? Grizzop voice makes me so happy it's illegal. Play Pathfinder (ugh) and a variety of games as bonus content.
Audio Drama :)
Wizards Seeking Wizards - it can be difficult to fill your quadrants when you are a wizard - but you should try anyway. Wacky wizards go on weird love, hate and friend dates. Product of voice actors in quarantine.
The Ballad of Anne and Mary - have you ever wanted to hear cool historical female pirates to sing about their life? Now is your chance. Product of actors in quarantine.
The Doctor Is Dead - ahhh!!!! Cool weird queer (thematically and otherwise) musical. Complete with astonishing songwriting and music. Favorite thing I've encountered all year.
Out of Place - alternate dimension puzzles are more fun when they are based in history (season 1), and not in sci Fi the author has read (season 2).
Beneath our Feet - doctor but not cool.
Mirrors - normally I am very easily impressed by both women and ghosts.
The Tides - I really wanted it to be In Other Waters. Hard to do so without visuals or scientific basis.
Woe.Begone - I won't be listening to another Homestuck while also being personally victimized by the writer (/j but I refuse to elaborate).
Malevolent - possession narratives are sooo fun I will keep listening to another Homestuck 💛
Arden - when fem!Hamlet goes to the nunnery. Oh my god. Oh shit. O fuck. So unfortunate you have to get through the first season to reach the second.
Tech won't save us - host's name is Paris Marx, which makes everything else self explanatory. Your leftie tech podcast.
Various unnamed philosophy podcasts - not good enough to mention. None of them compare to the One (GSSB) which isn't even one primarily.
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kinopioa · 2 years
I notice fandoms of kids media generally have a double standard in opinions pertaining to their show/game/movie
The biggest example besides Sonic I can think of is Regular Show, specifically in regards to Mordecai being considered worse than Rigby
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Here are general reasons they use
"Oh, Mordecai is a simp. Rigby is a chad with Eileen later"
"Mordecai killed Rigby cuz he was jealous"
"Rigby had great character dev"
"Rigby made mistakes, but he always had good intentions"
Let's view these, closely
"Oh, Mordecai is a simp. Rigby is a chad with Eileen later"
Mordecai in the first 2 seasons is noted for his awkward crush for Margaret. According to the modern day urban dictionary definition, he'd have to make great efforts in trying to get attention/favors, generally from a person they don't know
Even though most of the time he's just crushing to the side and having cold feet, and he's already friends with her. The only time he expended effort was 2 S1 eps (both oddly relating to music). After S3s incident with CJ he stops crushing so hard as well, and inversely, Margaret shows some interest romantically to Mordecai too. Despite the later CJ conflict, they manage to get together, and after End of series despite great bonds, both part ways and have their own separate romantic partners with no fuss, further showing he isn't a simp
For Rigby...
S1 and 2, despite even Mordecai noting it, Rigby would dismiss Eileen's advances, even insulting her. Mid S3 he suddenly is revealed to secretly find her cute, and several seasons later for S6's finale he actually is set with her romantically. Ironically, well after Mordecai legitimately is dating
Outside that, his luck with women is similar to Mordecai's: pretty trash romantically. S3's Cruisin' shows it with both failing to be macho to pick up chicks legit.
"Mordecai killed Rigby cuz he was jealous"
Relating to S2's "It's Time", people conveniently forget
-Rigby pushes first. Mordecai responded in self defense in the heat of the moment
-Rigby completely violated the bro code strictly for pettiness on Mordecai not going to the movies with him. He was not legitimately interested in Margaret
-Mordecai immediately regretted accidentally killing him, and begs to the clocks to undo his mistake
People take the "I'll kill you!" line too literally.
Funny enough, no one brings up
-Rigby saying "I'll kill you" to Mordecai in "Death Punchies"
-Skips accidentally killing Rigby in the arm wrestle contest
This downplaying and convenient ignorance is the meat of these double standards
"Rigby had great character dev"
Rigby literally didn't have any until end seasons
S1-3, 90% of supernatural incidents were his fault, with everyone having to pitch in to clean up his mess. S4-5 have been a buffer period where nothing goes wrong, though no development occurs. S6's finale finally has him start to change
While the development is for a positive, waiting over 6 seasons for it seems unfair on Mordecai's behalf. It gets worse when you realize Rigby lied about Mordecai's college rejection
"Rigby made mistakes, but he always had good intentions"
Yeah no. The show makes it clear he's the lazier and more selfish one until his turn around. To name a few;
-He releases the Arcade monster despite Mordecai warning
-He set the BBQ on fire due to ignoring Mordecai's warning, then locks both in the meat cellar out of overconfidence
-He keeps rejecting his brother's help out of jealousy
-He eggs a house despite Mordecai telling him not to (though this was a dream/story)
-He dated Margaret strictly to piss Mordecai off cuz of the tickets
-Reairing of pilot he didn't even apply for work. Mordecai had to do it for him
-He cheated a bet so Mordecai would be blonde for a week. He doesn't feel bad at all until he sees Mordecai hanging out with blonde dudes, then gets possessive
-He cheated in arm wrestling and rubbed it in Skips' face
-He idiotically bet everyone's souls in bowling just for a glowing orb
-He freaking didn't learn his lesson of spontaneously doing challenges after his allergy induced coma
-He sabotaged Mordecai's college acceptance letter, and fabricates that he himself was accepted just so Mordecai would never leave. This is toxic possessiveness
He was a real jerk S1-3, and it's weird to see how people downplay his flaws strictly cuz his later relationship with Eileen, and bias against Mordecai. Mordecai has his own flaws too, but they're mostly self contained, nor affect others. Yet while Rigby gets the pass, he doesn't
The double standard is dumb
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zumpietoo · 2 years
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No, Stillbitter, their job is to write the show, as dictated by RAS....now, you can argue the show should seek to please the viewer, their end consumer, buuuuttt as I routinely point out, their are numerous reasons for that.....and your refusal to accept this is not my or their problem. 
Dude, it’s the show’s last season and traditional, scripted teevee, especially on the CW is dying....plus, again, Netflix funded it....and will control subsequent liscening, etc....
Also, I thought you were convinced fanfic was the ultimate art form?
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I even agree they’re ALL hacks, including RAS, but....irrelevant. You’re just pissed you’re not getting your way and haven’t for, actually, well past 2 seasons....and starting to maybeee realice, you’re never getting your way, after all. And attempting to hide your impotent rage in an “art critique”. Dude, you lose.....because your kween is an unprofessional slut. Suck it.
Also, “respect their own integrity”???? WTF even IS that/does that fucking mean? It’s a dumb teevee show!
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No, they don’t worry at all, nor should you....and we know you’re not, so time to also stop with this bullshit.
RAS never had “wonderboy pants’, dude......you just, again, credited him because you liked Jizzy. Kittylitter Swell was shit (and veryyyyy much tracked with his fantasies of what feminity should be, with lots of sleazy cheating, etc) shit and completely the same old narrative....
No, dude, again, you didn’t. If you legit rewatched this thing....you’d see we were “lucky” in season 1, by accident.....everything else really never was and there was never, EVER a “consistently emotionally anchored narrative”. I have no idea what your pretentious word salad even means, but it certainly was never this show....
And no, that’s how you ended it in your mind for your fanfics....don’t confuse the two. 
OMG.....A) no, Babyman does what RAS tells him to do, time to accept that. B) never existed. Tho, TBF, Jug still does/is, thanks to Cole’s acting. And, again, WTF is this “emotional consistency”???? Definitely NOT what Slizzy showed....and, actually, if you rewatch, you also see her motivations were never about Jughead, she always used him as a placeholder, looked down on him, took credit for his accomplisments and was an asshole. 
No, again, you just don’t like that you don’t have your ship anymoar....
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Oh you’ll watch, continue to insert your fanfics/refuse to accept reality and whine a shit ton moar....
I have never understood viewers who can’t see why something happened after an IRL couple split up and thus needed to be separated onscreen, as well. Especially when the show does so consistently...
And yet True Blood’s apparently already set to reboot, per you. And so fucking what? It is what it is and most shows that have gone on for quite awhile tend to run out of steam, etc....it’s why they end them. 
Does it matter if they do or don’t? 
Gotta love all this concern about their future, all because y’all didn’t get your way!
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OMG....again, it makes you “so sad” that a goofy teevee show didn’t end up giving you what you wanted? Dude.....that IS sad, but it certainly doesn’t make me sad, it makes me laugh at how ridiculous you are.....
Again, really do love how NONE of you are willing to see, let alone accept WHY they changed shit.....go than your kween. 
(also love the impotent rage, again)
Annnddd.....now “I’m leaving, but I have fanfic!!! So it’s better!!!” Gee, neverrrr heard that before....
Again, Snorty, so don’t watch and try recognizing why.....at least we’re no longer getting your endless fake spoilers and scuttlebutt!
Also “bag fumbling”???? Do their dullard brains mean “ball fumbling”, like in football? Cuz I’ve never heard of “bag fumbling”? Is that what happens if you drop your groceries???
Oh it’s Urban Dictionary....okay, I think it’s still a misversion of “ball fumbling”
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Yes, it’s truly wild you didn’t get your way because your kween is an unprofessional slut.....and you refuse to see it.
Dude, they DGAF.....suck it! And we come to the other reason this so utterly infuriates them: it demonstrates they have no power and nobody GAF about them or pleasing them, EVER.....
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septembersghost · 2 years
hi different anon here I get what you're saying about the whole thing about say someone's favorite color was lavender they'd have it at their wedding and their m/f relationship that's not really doing any harm that's just someone's favorite colour but I think here the difference it's not someone with no influence doing it it's taylor swift it's a song and swifities joke all the time about oh she owns red she owns 22 she owns this she owns that and even when maroon was announced there were joke she owns maroon too and when we hear the song I feel like there will be a lot of people saying she owns lavender and its not about gatekeeping a color it's about being allowed to share the history behind it without getting dismissed and if the song is a love song there's gonna be lots of people captioning things with in the lavender haze (which other than mad men and urban dictionary I can't find sources off it being a 1950s saying but there's countless sources about lavender and the queer history of it) (also I take taylors words at face value she is straight in a heterosexual relationship of 6 years she heard the phrase on mad men and she also has a history of not being well researched in a lot of things aka wtcs and amsterdam just this year I definitely do not expect her to know queer history even with her being an ally and being an advocate since even queer people themselves don't know half their own history which is a whole other thing and sucks) but say we never ever had a such thing as gaylor discourse and taylor announced lavender haze and made that reel I think there still would be people rightfully upset at her and her fanbase using the word lavender to describe heterosexual love because there will be a lot of people who are heterosexual and using lavender from her lyrics as symbolism of themselves being in love and colors being used as symbolism is a huge thing for the LGBT+ community each color of the rainbow symbolises something each label has their own specific pride flag colours that have specific symbolism and of all the colors that mean the most and have the most queer history it's lavender so when someone is saying that this could be harmful for queer history I don't think that's a statement that's wrong because it could be and we'll realise how after the song comes out but because of gaylor discourse people are going out of their way to constantly say it's just a color and dismiss other people's concerns I think yeah it's fine to defend taylor against gaylor discourse but people need to stop letting it cloud their minds and end up spreading harmful rhetoric like the only statement needed against gaylor discourse is taylors own words "I can advocate on a community I'm not apart of" but some people go out their way to give all sorts of other reasons to defend she's straight by saying "oh taylors only dated men so she can't possible be..." but there's no need for this comment because take taylors name away and the generalised statement then becomes "she can't be bi or she can't be lesbian because she's only dated men" which is harmful rhetoric that could be seen by people who are questioning and it's a harmful belief to have in yourself especially if you are wanting to be an ally to the community I think the lavender discourse is going the same way where in defending taylor from gaylors swifties are just outright not listening to legit concerns and are not even willing to try to understand and educate themselves in queer history of lavender because if something good is to come from discourse it should be the spread of this information sorry for the rant this is just my perspective I've seen a lot of "it's just a color" comments by people outside and in the community and it's very annoying seeing that because never has a color just been a color in the community and in our history
i just feel like some of this is terminally online discourse? i've seen people say they heard their grandparents use the phrase, like a honeymoon phase (someone dug up this excerpt from an old newspaper: https://href.li/?https://twitter.com/callitwhatuwnto/status/1579241430949965825?s=46&t=lKc_ZS_xuOA9JBoI7wOOog), i've also seen many many queer people with no knowledge of the history at all and surprised by this, it's all dependent on what you've been exposed to. you're definitely allowed to be annoyed (i agree with you that amsterdam was a huge mistake by everyone involved and deserves no attention), but this particular battle isn't getting anyone anywhere, it's only causing rampant toxicity and people being awful to each other, or ascribing the worst, most malicious intent to her (comparing her to putin???). the rampant biphobia and aphobia happening is a mess, but that's on the people perpetuating it. she's an ally, but that doesn't mean she's perfect. none of us are. learning the history is good and valuable, saying she's homophobic and intentionally queerbaiting or being oppressive is not it. she's also not responsible for the stupid things swifties do online and can't control that. i don't expect musicians to know everything, and only we can control how we respond and treat one another and artistic intent, and if we want to educate each other, it's better to do that positively, instead of this engagement in personal attacks and projection. she simply heard a pretty phrase and decided to use it in her art.
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tattoorue · 2 years
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ajarofpickledtears · 2 years
y'all you think this lift is taking me to eeby deeby :(
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Person B: My new word is going to be “legiterally”
Person A: That’s an amazing word
Person B: Thanks it’s a mix of legitimately and literally
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purplexflamingo · 6 years
weirdodujour replied to your post: Drayton’s face when he says slurpee-booty and...
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lakeeriesaltmine · 6 years
thought: ‘senioritis’ is just the name that people gave the burnout that comes with four years in inescapable hell holes like that to discredit the poor students suffering the burnout.
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alonelystargazer · 3 years
I don't understand some online speak, like what's a little meow meow? am I just a little too old for this??
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ltcol-laurens · 7 years
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Never forget that this exists
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