#leitner had no talent of his own just the money and the means to have other people pay the price of his decisions for him
alasroundrock · 8 months
Okay soooooo
First statement from the 18th century? Oh I wonder who else was born in that century and why it wasn't Chester or Norris reading this
Very Posh Voice (someone who could have believably been an old man from a different century)
'But I was young and frightened, and simply watched in quiet awe.' ?? that's what I thought you'd say you dumb fucking horse
A tale with themes of hubris and a man sacrificing both parts of himself and the lives of others to place himself above his fellow men???
Where else have I seen someone bleeding for their own goals (ehm gouging own eyes out ehm) and feeding their entity via the life and fear of others. I know the second part is a common feature of avatars (assuming they even exist in this universe) but I want to hope it's him ok
With all the deaths and the terror it was all still worth it to the violinist because of the music??? Remembering Simon's talk about how being an avatar is like hearing the most beautiful music in your dreams. Thinking about Elias admitting the exhilaration of knowing you would be willing to sacrifice the entire world in the name of your own freedom. Thinking about 'Nothing's wrong with him. He's the pupil of the Eye. He's won.'
In conclusion: Jimmy Magma enjoy your vacation inside the computer
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svskiacohen · 7 years
Character Sheet: Saskia Cohen
Full Name: Saskia Jane Cohen (prev. Saskia Jane Van Hobeek) Meaning of Name: Saskia is a Dutch name, chosen by her father who is from the Netherlands. Her mom liked the named Jane better however, and only calls Saskia by that. She prefers to be called Saskia, but she uses Jane as a fake name sometimes. Cohen is her mother’s last name, and her mother had Saskia’s last name legally changed back to her own when her parents divorced while she was seven. Cohen is a Jewish surname, as her mother is of Russian Jewish descent. Nickname: Sask Birth Date: April 5th Astrological Sign and Details: Aries. She’s a fire sign through and through. She’s impatient, quick-tempered, and independent. 
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Full Name: Saskia Jane Cohen (prev. Saskia Jane Van Hobeek) Meaning of Name: Saskia is a Dutch name, chosen by her father who is from the Netherlands. Her mom liked the named Jane better however, and only calls Saskia by that. She prefers to be called Saskia, but she uses Jane as a fake name sometimes. Cohen is her mother’s last name, and her mother had Saskia’s last name legally changed back to her own when her parents divorced while she was seven. Cohen is a Jewish surname, as her mother is of Russian Jewish descent.  Nickname: Sask Birth Date: April 5th Astrological Sign and Details: Aries. She’s a fire sign through and through. She’s impatient, quick-tempered, and independent.  Birth Place: Ojai, California Age: 20 Nationality: American Race: White, with Dutch and Russian Jewish descent Hair Color: Dark brown Hair Style: Curly and wild Distinct Features of Face: Striking blue eyes Glasses or Contacts: Nope Eye Color: Sky blue Scars or Distinguishing Marks: Lots of tiny scars from falling off bikes, getting into fights, and playing rough as a kid. Small, moon shaped marks on her neck from where an ex-boyfriend once attempted to choke her. A cigarette burn on her arm from her mother.  Disabilities: None Build or Body Type: Slender, too-thin, and tall Height: 5′8 Weight: 115 Speech Patterns: Bored tone, valley girl accent. Tag Words: Fucker, jagweed, asshole Gestures: Eye rolls, licking her lips before she speaks  Weakness: Cigarettes and bar fights FAMILY AND CHILDHOOD
Mother: Anastasia Cohen Father: Lucas Van Hobeek Mother’s Occupation: Former soap actress, now living off of a divorce settlement Father’s Occupation: Engineer for Apple Family Finances: Rich as hell Birth Order: Youngest Brothers: two older brothers, Harry and Adam Sisters: None Other Close Family: A cousin who is just as bad as Saskia, Melinda Best Friend: Bradley Milligan Other Friends: Gabe Leitner, Wesley Costa Enemies: Anyone who looks at her the wrong way Pets: None Home Life During Childhood: Abusive and toxic. Her mother remarried a young model only a year older than Saskia. Her brother Adam suffered from Borderline Personality Disorder and had anger management issues, and the family was terrified of him. Town or City Name(s): Grew up in Los Angeles, California after her mother moved them there after the divorce.  Details of Town(s) or City(s): Her mother used most of the divorce settlement to buy a giant mansion in Beverly Hills that they couldn’t truly afford, and Saskia grew up surrounded by B-List celebrities and new age artist types, every one of them strung out on something What Did His, Her or Their Bedroom Look Like: Messy. Every inch of it was covered with clothing, books, and records. She was constantly blaring rock music anytime she was able to be alone. Any Sports or Clubs: She avoided anything social at all costs. Favorite Toy or Game: Touch football, played with her male classmates Schooling: Private schools where she always stuck out, with ripped fishnets instead of the regulation tights Favorite Subject: Math, surprisingly. Popular or Loner: Popular, but not due to any effort of her own. People mistook her meanness for humor, and she gained a kind of cult following accidentally. To this day, she’s still a darling of the LA nightclub scene and shows up in tabloids occasionally Important Experiences or Events: Her father leaving. Her mother remarrying, three times. Spending a month in a psych ward for her eating disorder. Watching her mother overdose on pills, and having to call an ambulance for her.  Health Problems: Anorexia nervosa, depression.  Religion and beliefs: She’s non-practicing Jewish. PERSONAL
Bad Habits: Biting her lip until it bleeds, chainsmoking, pushing people away.  Good Habits: Not caring what anyone thinks. Best Characteristic: Intelligence and cleverness  Worst Characteristic: Anger  Worst Memory: Her mom forcing her fingers down Saskia’s throat before an audition for a Go-Gurt commercial, because she had eaten too many cookies.  Best Memory: Sitting in the back of a convertible at 3 am, reeling through the streets of LA with someone she loved Proud of: Her resilience Embarrassed by: How deeply, utterly terrified she is of real human connection Driving Style: Aggressive and fast Strong Points: Tough, clever, intelligent Temperament: Volatile Attitude: Pessimistic Weakness: People who treat her badly Fears: Being forgotten, being used, falling in love Phobias: Snakes Secrets: Her brother Adam nearly killed her in a fit of driving rage, and she spent two weeks in the hospital Regrets: Not telling people how she feels, letting her mom push her around her entire life Feels Vulnerable When: She feels out of control Pet Peeves: people who speak too softly Motivation: Survival Short Term Goals and Hopes: To finish college Long Term Goals and Hopes: Find a way to not be miserable all the time Sexuality: Heterosexual Exercise Routine: Over-exercise late at night Day or Night Person: Night person Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert Optimist or Pessimist: Pessimist LIKES AND PREFERENCES
Music: Indie rock, 80′s rock
Books: Anything by Kurt Vonnegut Magazines: A guilty pleasure for the Daily Mail Foods: Gum, Altoids, cherries, anything that’s not really food Drinks: Whiskey, black coffee Animals: Cats Sports: Soccer. Favorite Saying: “Fuck you.”
Color: Black and blue. Clothing: Her dad’s old leather jacket Jewelry: She doesn’t really wear jewelry Games: People’s emotions
Websites: Vine (rip) TV Shows: It’s Always Sunny, Stranger Things Movies: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Greatest Want: For someone to see through all her bullshit Greatest Need: Professional help LIFESTYLE
Relationship with Family: Nonexistent. Her brother Harry and her are the only ones in the family that still speak. Car: An old Mustang her dad bought her instead of visiting from the Netherlands for her 16th birthday. Career: None!! Salary: Dad’s money Other Income: Money from drugs she occasionally deals Dream Career: Professor Dream Life: She can’t picture her life beyond next week Love Life: Incredibly messy.
Sexual Turn Ons: Biting, rough sex, hair pulling, choking Sexual Turn Offs: Men with thin eyebrows, any discussion of Steve Buscemi Hobbies: Reading, drugs Sports or Clubs: None. Talents or Skills: Creating fake identities, lying Intelligence Level: High intelligence Finances: RICH Greatest Strength: Toughness Greatest Weakness: Self-hatred
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