Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Kino Maniac [08]
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ー The scene starts in Kino’s room at the Ghouls’ manor
Kino: Damnit...!
Kino: ...Haah...
I couldn’t seem to calm down the anger boiling up inside of me.
That woman called me pitiful. 
I might have been in the past.
I was a miserable child,
abandoned by his own parents.
I am a Vampire,
not a Ghoul. 
However, back when I was a child,
I was not as powerful as I am right now.
So the Ghouls around me,
began to use me as a way,
to vent off their own frustrations,
towards Vampires who were usually the ones picking on them.
ー A flashback ensues
Ghoul Boy C: You’re a Vampire, aren’t you? So what are you doing here?
Ghoul Boy D: Apparently he was dumped. Fufu...
Kino: ...
Ghoul Boy C: ...What are you giving me that look for, huh...?
Ghoul Boy D: Ah, do you think you’re better than us because you’re a Vampire, perhaps?
Ghoul Boy C: Hah! Don’t be ridiculous! Vampire or not, we’re not the slightest bit scared of you!
Ghoul Boy D: Exactly! Take this! ...Ugh!
Kino: Ow...
Ghoul Boy C: Round two! Ey!
Kino: Guh...
( What did I do to deserve this...? )
( Papa, why did you leave me...? )
*Thud thud* 
Kino: ...Kuh...
( I won’t let them get away with this...None of them... )
( I hate Ghouls...Papa and the other Vampires as well... )
( I hate everything and everyone... )
Ghoul Boy C: Ah, maybe we went a little too far...
Ghoul Boy D: Who cares? He’s immortal anyway. There’s always tomorrow.
ー The two boys leave
Kino: ( Why am I powerless...? )
( I’m a Vampire. If only I was stronger, I could get back at them...at everyone. )
...I want to grow strong.
( I want strong powers...so I won’t lose to anyone... )
ー The flashback ends
Kino: ...
( But things are different now. I have changed... )
( I am powerful now. I can use magic which the Ghouls cannot... )
( That’s not all...I could even get my hands on even stronger powers. )
( After all, I... )
( The son of the Great and Almight...Karlheinz.... )
Nobody can defy me right now. 
I won’t let anyone look down on me, no matter who they are. I’ll kill them all... 
Yui...That goes for you as well, you know? Fufu...
( Once I’ve got those powers, I’ll no longer need her... )
( Anyone who goes against my will should just disappear from this World... )
ー The scene shifts to black
???: ...Chichinashi. Chichinashi!
Yui: ...Uu...Hm...?
ー Yui wakes up in the dungeon
Yui: ( Where am I...? )
( Right. Yuuri-san, he... )
Yui: ( My wrists and ankles have been shackled...I can’t run away like this... )
???: Oi! You’re awake? 
Yui: ( ...This voice... )
→ Could it be...!
Yui: Ayato-kun, is that you...? Are you there?
Ayato: Yeah, I am! I’m on the other side of the wall, in the cell next to yours!
→ Look around (❦)
Yui: ( Where is it coming from...? )
Ayato: Oi! Chichinashi! Can you hear me!?
Yui: ...I can! Ayato-kun, is that you? 
Ayato: Yeah, it’s me! The one and only! I’m on the other side of the wall, in the cell next to yours!
Ayato: Anyway, I’m surprised. I didn’t think they’d throw you into the dungeon as well... 
The fuck did you do? 
Yui: Well...
 ー Yui explains
Ayato: Hm. I see. 
Yui: ...
( I didn’t mention anything about his past... )
( It’s not like I’m trying to protect Kino-kun or anything but... )
( I just feel like it isn’t something I should talk lightly about... )
Ayato: God, I can’t believe you tried to take matters into your own hands and got caught.
You really are hopeless, aren’t you? You dumb Chichinashi...
Yui: ...I’m sorry...
But I just couldn’t keep silent any longer, before I knew it, the words just blurted out...
I didn’t want to back down. 
Ayato: Hmm. Well, you’re usually not like that, but you can be incredibly stubborn once in a blue moon. 
I’m sure that makes Kino all the more of a tough cookie for you to crack though. 
Yui: ...
( A tough cookie...I guess that’s true but... )
Ayato: Anyway, that Yuuri dude...
Kino must be threatenin’ him pretty badly behind the scenes if he’s willin’ to go that far for the guy. 
Yui: Well...
( I feel like that’s not the case... )
( It’s only a prediction on my part but...I’m pretty sure that Yuuri-san is aware of Kino-kun’s full backstory... )
( I believe that he’s chosen to take his side out of sympathy...Besides... )
ー Yui recalls Yuuri’s words
Yuuri: ...He’s not at fault.
Yui: Eh...?
Yuuri: I am...the only one to blame.
Yui: That...
ー The flashback ends
Yui: ( I wonder what he meant by that? )
( Yuuri-san might play a part in Kino-kun’s past somehow...? )
Ayato: ...Oi, what’s wrong? Did you fall asleep? 
Yui: ...I didn’t! I was just lost in thought for a sec.
Ayato: Haah...Anyway, the main issue is how we’re gonna get outta here.
Yui: ...Right.
Ayato-kun is making perfect sense. 
But now that I have been thrown inside a cell as well,
I believe that it will only be even more difficult,
to escape this place. 
Taking Ayato-kun into consideration as well,
perhaps I should have tried to get onto Kino-kun’s good side (機嫌) instead. 
But I lost sight of things,
to the point where I couldn’t think straight. 
Between that boy who attempted to save us. 
As well as learning about Kino-kun’s past (過去). 
I believe that the reason Kino-kun turned out the way he did,
most definitely has something to do with what happened in the past.
Yuuri-san might know more about that. 
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