#lemme know if you wanna be untagged!
sincerely-sofie · 7 months
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@scribz-ag24 and @shannadreamgoddess out here making me cry happy tears and it’s not even 9 AM.
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jojo-schmo · 1 year
The new hire at my office: “You’re a big fan of Kirby, huh?”
Me: “Gee, how could you tell~?” :D
My desk space:
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Edit: Fanart credits from left to right-
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ra1ny-daze · 1 year
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spiderrr moment.. el silly.
i would like to thank to tumblr user @marimbodealer for the absolutely genius idea of tapeworm webs. btw.
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mousegirlheart · 1 year
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Mousegirl gf who loves doodling other mice on her chalkboard. It's so much fun!
ft. @toyguin, @marikedrawinge, @mousegard and @beezii!
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lunarrampage · 1 year
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Artfight is officially over! Time to post all my attacks! Here's part one!
In order from left to right characters belong to: @sporesgalaxy, frankenipple on insta, @mxwormie, & @pcktknife
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truly-quirkless-a · 11 months
What Tarot Card are You?
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The Lovers.
the bounty of your heart is abundant. warmth extends from your fingertips, and your smile has the power to light the darkest of rooms. your presence is a comfort– a gift– it is something to be cherished. just beware of stretching yourself too thin; a heart cannot be full if it is constantly emptying itself for the benefit of others. extend that mercy to your own heart, so you may continue to love and let yourself be loved. your chest is not an empty cavity. NUMBER: 6 UPRIGHT: love, harmony, relationships, values alignment, choices REVERSED: self-love, disharmony, imbalance, misalignment of values
Tagged by: Stolen from @/nuravity. Tagging: @eraseur, @the-wild-card-hand (for Sero or Kaminari, have fun!), @emerald-might, @modeinthemiddle , and if you want to do this- mate, steal it, embrace the goblin-
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scr-ppup · 3 months
Alternative queer presentation labels; Lizards.
Making flags when I can. ++ some extra.
Body related descriptions specifically.
Komodo dragon: Alternative queer individuals who are fat/on the heavier side and tall.
Gila monster: Alternative queer individuals who are fat/on the heavier side and average height.
Leachie/leachianus gecko: Alternative queer individuals who are fat/on the heavier size and short.
Green iguana: Alternative queer individuals who are chubby/medium sized and tall.
Chuckwalla: Alternative queer individuals who are chubby/medium sized and average height.
Gold dust day Gecko: Alternative queer individuals who are chubby/medium sized and small.
Blue-tailed skink: Alternative queer individuals who are skinny/thin and tall.
Black rock agama: Alternative queer individuals who are skinny/thin and average height.
Green anole: Alternative queer individuals who are skinny/thin and small.
The extras that came in a whim.
Personality & body related descriptions.
Jumping spider - Alternative small sized queer individuals, who are hairy, and perceived as unnerving or scary while being a total sweetheart, friendly, and curious individuals.
Sphinx cat - Alternative queer individuals who are hairless and possibly always cold, fashionable, and participate in body modifications.
Siamese cat - Alternative queer individuals who are very vocal and loud while being seen as menacing and aggressive due to it.
@radiomogai @obscurian | @rwuffles / @rabidbatboy (for the docs/rentry collection, lemme know if you wanna be untagged)
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chaogongoozles · 10 months
9 People to Get to Know Better
Got tagged by my pal @hejjhug for this! (I just went ahead and made a new post cause the og was too long budvhhvd)
Last Song: Cariño Nuevo by Sunny and The Sunliners
Favourite Colour: 💚 Green!
Last TV Show/Movie: The Boy and the Heron (so gooddddddd)
Currently Watching: Dracula Flow 3 cause I can't get enough of this shit jdhd (this shit ain't nothing to me man)
Sweet, Spicey, or Savoury: Sweet, but especially sweet + sour like rainbow sour belts because it's my main weakness 💀
Relationship Status: taken by my hot stud gf muwuahah (lesbian backflip)
Current Obsession: Sonic (for over 20 years)🤯💥
Last Thing I Googled: hotels in my home city for my gf visiting in Jan :0) 💕
Tag list: tagging pals, old pals, mutuals, who ever really-
(Lemme know if you wanna be untagged!)
@brownie-babey @potatoflavoredwaffle @shawns-aesthetics @sonicanon @zekiozebra
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sincerely-sofie · 8 months
What do you think Ark's gonna do when Twig eventually dies, considering he's immortal and stuff.
Have a fic inspired by this question and this prompt by @oblonger. Be warned. It's a heavy one.
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(Celebi ultimately barely appears in this, sorry. I got caught up in the Ark Angst Train ride :< )
She'd left him the house in her will. She'd left him the home they had spent their days in, that they had wept and laughed and held each other in, and he could barely stand to spend a second within its walls. Take care of it, she'd said in writing messy from the tremors in her hands rather than any lack of familiarity with the script she wrote in. The shutters still squeak and I never got around to fixing that. Sorry to leave you with chores to do. He knew she said it as a joke, but he couldn't bear the thought of her feeling any sort of guilt as she penned these pages in secret while her body broke down around her. 
Fire-types were prone to dying of disease rather than age. He was aware of this, and had hoped she'd be the exception. An infection of the lungs was nothing to fear when a Legend with the power to cure ailments owed a mortal what amounted to a life debt, so he was the one to call on his counterpart when Twig's coughing fits began to yield bloodied kerchiefs. It was a simple thing to mend lungs when one had no shortage of power when it came to vanishing disease—
— Yet Cresselia couldn't heal her. 
She tried again, clasped Twig's shaking hand tighter and murmured her command for the universe around them to abide her instructions and leave his hero unaffected by disease. 
It failed once more. 
Cresselia gave him a sorrowful glance, and he knew. He knew it was because of him. He'd tried so long to forget the curse, and now it had reared its head in the worst way possible. The infection rejected almost all mortal treatments. Now it remained untouched in the face of Legendary ones— and it was because of him. 
Twig had pulled her hand away, flexed her fingers, and laughed tiredly. “Yeah.” She smiled, and he knew it was despite her knowledge of what the two Legends were sitting in quiet terror from. “That might as well happen. Well, I had a good run, right?”
He wanted to scream when he saw her wipe away the tears in her eyes before they fell. He wanted to take her by the shoulders and shake her, to tell her to Stop trying to be brave about this. But he didn't do anything. He just sat there, numb and silent. 
It wasn't even a month afterward that she passed, and he wasn't there when it happened. 
(She'd told him when he'd asked, once, that she had seen a final dimensional scream after being brought back from death by Dialga. Her ability had been dormant ever since she was seized from the afterlife, but it returned for this singular vision before vanishing entirely. He asked her what she'd seen, and she told him she'd seen how she would die. It was fuzzy and vague, but she thought she'd recognize the moment when it came. He was horrified by this. She laughed and told him she was joking, that she just saw what she was going to eat the next morning, and that it wasn't anything to worry about. 
(Looking back, he wished he had paid more attention to how she backpedaled on what her vision contained only when he started to panic. She was lying. She was lying for his sake, and as he reflected on this memory, he could only recall how Kip had mentioned her hiding the fate awaiting her at the end of their mission until she was fading away from existence on their return from Temporal Tower.)
“Hey, Ark? Would you mind running over to the Future Trio’s place and asking them if they'd mind coming over sometime?” 
She sounded so tired. He spent most days at her bedside now, offering what comfort he could as her illness progressed. He looked her over, wary. “I could ask Celebi through our link. There's no need for me to leave to do so.”
“Well, yeah, but I don't want to use her as the middle man on this. You know how she only hears what she wants to hear, right? It'd be better to just go and ask them all in person so we can get an accurate answer.” She frowned up at him from her sickbed. “I know it's a bit silly, but it'd mean a lot to me, Ark.” 
“… You're certain you'll be well enough while I'm gone?” 
“Sure as sure can be.” Her smile was thin at the edges. He wondered if she was in much pain. “I'll holler for Gardevoir if I need anything. You know she'd come running if I did.” 
“Very well. I'll make haste.”
“Nah, take your time. I'm going to be okay.” 
He set off, and he would forever regret leaving her alone that afternoon. 
It was Dusknoir who alerted him to her passing. Ark had gone to her friends’ home as she asked, relaying her request for their company, when the man suddenly went rigid where he sat in the corner of the room. 
Grovyle asked him what was the matter, but Ark himself froze as understanding settled over him with a damning weight. 
Ghost-types could sense the life-force of those they spent much time with, which meant they could tell when that life-force was slipping away from this plane. Dusknoir looked up with tears in his eye, and Ark snapped into the shadows outside their home to hasten to Twig. 
She was already gone by the time he reached her— lying limp in her bed, curled up cozily, the flame of her tail gone out. Her journal was open to a message she'd written before passing, her pen laid across the pages to prop it open— Love you. Keep up the good work. 
She'd known. She'd known it was her time, and she had sent him away to die alone. 
It wasn't fair. 
But when had the world ever shown him kindness?
Years passed after Twig left his side for good. Kip was aging happily despite his grief, and had retired from his archaeology team after earning an injury that jeopardized his career— though he spent his time writing books that swiftly became cornerstone texts for those studying archaeology. Grovyle himself passed soon after Twig did. Celebi murmured something about him dying of a broken heart through her tears when Ark tried to comfort her afterward, and how he still had so much life left in him despite his demise. 
On days like this, where it rained slow and weak as if the world mourned alongside him, he couldn't help his bitterness. 
It wasn't fair. 
Twig had so much left to give the world, and so much left of it to see, and yet she'd been cut down before her time. He knew it wouldn't last forever, that she couldn't remain with him as long as he would walk the wastelands of this wretched world, but it wasn't fair. And the skies had the gall to weep like they cared. 
It was his fault, he knew. She couldn't be saved because of a curse he'd dealt himself, and that was why she couldn't be healed. But surely as much as the universe scorned him, as much as his existence was formed on grudges and terror, the universe wouldn't turn its wrath for him against those he loved. 
She'd shown him so many things. She'd changed him. She'd made him see a point to life. And she was gone.
She was gone, and it was his fault. 
He paced an empty home with his head in his hands and wailed. 
It wasn't fair.
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eveandtheturtles · 2 years
This whole "Love" thing
Fuck it, here's incredibly personal-Headcanon Mikey (including some mentions of other brothers) one shot. I hope I won't make people mad xD
Summary: Mikey has thoughts about himself and is struggling with his identity.
Rating: T for a mention.
Tagging: @madammuffins @turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch @pheradream15 @dilucsflame33 (lemme know if anyone wanna be tagged/untagged in the future! Also plz do tag me in your stuff too!)
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Mikey loved love. He loved the concept of it. The magical fairy tale sold by the TV and comic books.
He loved his family, pizza, New York. He loved being a hero, his skateboard and the ancient teddy bear he got from his dad when he was a kid.
But no matter how hard Mikey tried romantic love evaded him.
There were women, guys and nonbinary pals that he tried to have this love with. Sex was great, don't get him wrong. He enjoyed it and it made people he was with happy but he always could tell like something wasn't quite there. It led him to believe there was something wrong with him.
He had seen his brothers finding love. April eventually getting with Casey. He was happy for them all. He himself though was... confused.
"What is eating you my son?"
Mikey looked up startled from his own thoughts by Splinter's voice. "Me? Psh, nothing, all good, yeah," he replied a bit too quickly waving his arm dismissevely. "What makes you think that?"
"For starters, Michealangelo, you decided to join me for a game of go," the rat smiled at him. "You also have been considering your move for about 15 minutes now and didn't notice when I got up to bring myself some tea." Splinter gestured to the fresh cup next to him.
Mikey glanced there and sighed then looked at the board. He moved one piece, rather unmotivated.
"Sensei, is it possible for someone to... not feel love?" He finally asked.
Splinter stroked his chin before answering slowly. "The simple answer this this would be no, but that is a very complex question and cannot be answered with just one word." He hummed to himself. "In Ancient Greece they have named different kinds of love a person can experience - Storge the love of kinship and familiarity, Philia the platonic love, Eros the lustful love and pure, divine Agape. There are other of course. In the phylisophy of Confucianism there's love expressed by duty and action, focused more on the relationship rather than feelings. In oposition to it stood Mozi with his idea of universal love, equal among everyone."
Normally, with this lenght of lecture Mikey might have gotten distracted by his need to learn more about what he was feeling mixed with anxiety kept him listening. All this information was making him a little dizzy though.
"What does it mean?" He asked.
"It means my son that there is more to love than romance the shows on TV are trying to teach you," his father explained patiently. "You can feel one love without experiencing another. It doesn't make you any less worthy of love or incapable of it."
"What? Who said it was about me? I was, you know asking for a-" he stopped seeing the look on Splinter's face.
"I believe the Internet that Donatello and the rest of you enjoy so much, could have more modern outlook on this topic." He moved a piece on the board, giving Mikey an amused look.
"Right." Mikey nodded. "I better go then. Thanks, sensei."
He stood up and bowed before going further to the lair. What his dad said made him feel better. A little. He was still feeling a bit alone in his head with all that. He could check online like dad suggested but he wasn't sure just how much did Donnie monitor their phones.
He bit his lips. Fuck it. He'll deal with it later. He opened his phone and typed: "Is it normal to not feel love?" His thumb hesistated over the search icon, suddenly feeling a bit scared.
Deep breaths, Mikey, he told himself, then hit it.
Hours later he knew more. There was a name to it. Aromantic, that's how it was called. Leo was poly-bi, Raph was bi, Donnie was demi and he... he was Aromantic. Or aro for short. So this was okay. It really was okay.
Somehow the knowledge that there was name for it. That there were people like him out there, the scope of experiences varying of course but... He wasn't alone. It was such a relief he almost wanted to cry.
He was going to be okay.
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narcolepticelf · 3 years
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This was the first dream I ever drew I think! Back in early September / October 2020? It was originally a gift!!
[Inspo for this post thanks to this and this post!! By @dreamhot and @mesoa-mandoad respectively]
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calli0p3 · 2 years
Free space for ask game: talk about someone random
ohhh omg mare @nightmare-rivulets they are just the mutual ever. their writing is incredible i deffo recommend checking it out! they just understand bee duo like no one else on this webbed site. also every interaction i’ve had with them is wonderful they just need some appreciation tbh
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squidnids · 5 years
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Valentine’s Day time, what’s better than trading cute Pokémon?
(Mala belongs to @malasquid)
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lunarrampage · 1 year
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Artfight attacks part two!
Characters belong to: @king-yanixx, spiralingstarfall/spooksspook on insta and Twitter, & lonelyxpanda_ on insta!
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crystallos-sol · 4 years
Tagged by the great @transstingeucliffe which that post can be found here.
Three ships: Gratsuerlu, kidstar, bakushin (in order: Gray/Lucy/Natsu/Erza (FT), Blackstar/Death The Kid (SE), Bakugou/Shinsou (BNHA)
Last song: Spotify says it's Migraine by TOP.
Currently reading: My favorite book Nevernight by Jay Kristoff(?) &. Super Super Good Tim Drake fic
Currently watching: Uhhh mix of SE & FT (Listen FT & SE may be finished anime wise but I adore both of them !) & Batman the animated series
Currently consuming: I just ate a sandwich! Does that count?
Currently craving: For my headache to go Away.
Uhhhh fuck what where the tag rules again???? Uhhhhhh *rereads the screenshot I had to take bc my memory is fucking shit*
Tagging: @erzascarletisalesbian @shadowfairyglitter @adventures-from-hell @httyd-lover @shakydesk @dickiesgrayson @grayserigala @pastelwitchwritesstuff @mute-skelly
Rules: Don't reblog! Repost! & Tag 9 ppl you wanna get to know better!
(Has always feel free to ignore if you do not want to do it!!!!! Never feel pressured!!!!)
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citizensofcradle · 3 years
Ikemen Prince Carnival/Amusement Park Click and Drag Game🎡
Y’all this took me ENTIRELY too long to make because I’ve never made a click and drag before. This is pure crack tho just to be clear. 5th time’s the charm posting this? I hope😩 I hope y’all enjoy~
I might post part 2 later today, I had a few more scenarios but they wouldn’t all fit in one thing🥲 I would suggest doing these one by one tho bc a couple of the gifs repeat!
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Tagging because some of these people knew I was working on this and I just think the rest might enjoy it😌 Also sorry if I forgot to tag, I have a small brain, pls forgive🥲 Or if you wanna be untagged just lemme know! @atelier-maroron @otomeblcass @rhodolitesrose @delicateikemenmemes @pon-ee @aquagirl1978 @chaosangel767 @ikemenprincessnaga @vvvvavaaaa @ask-ikeprichevalier
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