#lena bena
bookishjules · 1 year
took a which bread are you uquiz this morning that told me i was zucchini bread and i can't stop thinking about it. my life makes so much sense now
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lovebots · 10 months
LENA BO BENA!!!!!! (sorry i hate to be cringe 😔)
i fricken LOVE ur smaus bro ur sososo funny!!! keep it up fr! love u and ur writing gimme a smooch rn!
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giggling and kicking my feet so hard rn i LOOOOOVE UR WORK SO MUCH 😰
was literally reading ur texts yesterday thinking about how in love w u i am UR SO GOOD
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444names · 2 years
spanish forenames + malawian names
Aardo Aariando Aaricisa Aberta Abiza Ablo Aburio Adacuana Adelian Ades Adidra Adren Adzala Afacena Agro Agueleo Aguil Aidio Aimeanto Ainga Alailao Albeni Aleode Aliantxa Alicaro Alin Alio Alipofia Alis Alisla Alixto Alta Amando Anara Anatrico Ancat Andan Angil Anicel Anifulu Anons Anuel Anyerena Ario Arisa Artula Asalde Ascar Aube Audia Aulinga Aura Ausidio Aziuz Becia Bego Belan Belanya Bena Benai Bene Berna Berne Berquisa Bewe Blanito Bondad Brini Buthedga Bwanaro Cachila Caele Caelia Caelunga Canga Carban Carceda Carcola Carifuli Carioleo Carto Catia Cela Chabalio Chalta Chania Chanisa Chao Chata Chatino Chia Chiaga Chikos Chila Chimo Chimu China Chipura Chira Chirania Chirembo Chiuz Chiuza Chumbo Clay Clomiran Coburica Coldad Cora Cruy Dade Damira Dawire Deber Dererto Dina Diondori Dorde Eche Echim Edaya Edon Edualo Egulbala Eleo Elia Emar Emaricio Endalor Endroila Eramangu Ernata Esta Euferena Eves Ezaya Facunsa Faela Fela Felingon Fembo Feratia Feremia Fereni Ferespe Ferna Ferrana Ferti Ficia Fireya Flon Flona Floribwa Floy Frebelia Fringa Frononde Frotsola Fukarcia Fukawe Fukua Fulila Funa Gabia Gambo Gina Gombo Gomon Gonsuku Grela Grena Gres Guile Guisilva Gusiza Hana Haresto Harto Hira Hoghota Hotine Inga Inma Intera Isana Iska Islan Itina Itsefina Jacia Jacinga Jacqui Jacuano Jacunda Jaimbo Jaitsode Jawa Jimbo Joses Juadola Juamale Juanga Juaran Jula Jumatria Jumwa Justilda Jusya Kacina Kacito Kada Kades Kadovid Kafael Kafra Kaka Kakos Kalea Kamiar Kamirano Kanata Kanda Kantxa Kanuelia Kanuthan Kauber Khote Kondades Koniano Konthiro Kulia Kulicara Kulitso Kuncar Kunga Kungenes Kunjim Lani Lena Lene Lenrindi Leonta Leta Licitza Lievado Lina Lingo Lintin Lisi Lito Liziba Loyago Lucarcia Luisila Lupenia Lupinga Luzama Lwana Machaki Machila Madria Maelao Maga Magda Mageli Mago Maguanda Mague Majande Makhon Mako Mala Malo Mamatana Mana Manata Mancaria Manconi Mancose Mandora Manisizi Mantenia Manto Manuel Maponge Mara Marto Maruz Mase Masesta Mate Mateon Matino Matsi Maubel Maudio Mbandros Mendee Mfulao Mfulina Mhalfo Mina Minda Mines Miro Mkangwe Mode Model Modria Moiloma Mongel Mono Mothaki Mpabio Mpamil Mpascoro Mpaura Mpharo Mpol Msiku Msimilda Msio Msusta Mtalbena Muedga Mundrey Mungu Mweni Mzumbo Nacise Ndawenza Ndelica Ndhlo Ndhlordo Nguaro Nguili Ngulu Ngune Nhlono Nithi Nkho Nkhorna Ntangusi Nuela Nurea Nurna Nyengora Nyirambo Nyirwa Nyolodeo Oldeldad Oramon Oraxiro Pabra Pabrito Pascua Pati Patsa Patsi Pausto Pedampa Pelin Pemilda Phimira Pilisto Pinyanda Racunga Ranga Ranjaca Raturo Raxi Rianacio Rodiagra Rodo Rolga Roto Roxa Rube Rubewe Rula Rulunga Rundio Ruthiwe Sabo Sabruy Saira Salenso Salia Saluan Sana Sanas Santildo Segio Serena Sigoreni Sikusi Simbo Sosama Soswa Sowe Sulejavo Sura Tala Tambo Taminya Tapinto Tapola Tefro Telta Tembe Teono Tewe Thana Thoghota Tina Tita Titano Tito Toria Trago Tria Trin Ulayeta Ulia Ulinisa Umirenka Unga Uredin Urio Vale Valoys Vian Vicio Vido Virwani Wando Wandombo Xima Yamona Yapofin Yena Yendad Zuma
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turkoftheslums · 4 years
Manhandling symbol starters
♧ - slap my muse’s hand away from something they shouldn’t touch
Reno thought he was being really sneaky as he army crawled into Elena’s office to steal some of her snacks. She hadn’t looked at him nor had she given any other indication she knew he was there. Nearing the tin of snacks, he reached his hand up to take some while she was engrossed in her work.
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- S M A C K -
Reno retracted his hand immediately and looked up at Elena, who scolded him without looking away from her work.
Defeated, Reno left as he entered; army crawling.
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Star Trek Aliens Names Bank
Compiled for your convenience, a bank of canon names for the most common aliens of Star Trek.
These are compiled from Memory Alpha and Memory Beta. I tried to distinguish given and surnames as best I could, and generally did not include a name if it was too unclear. Same goes for names of individuals without a specified gender, since we don't know if or how names are gendered for these various cultures. This is also the reason why names are split by gender at all. Beta canon was occasionally used to distinguish given names v. surnames for Alpha canon names (such as Dukat being specified as a surname). For characters that were spies disguised as another species, if their alter ego had a distinct name, I gave each name to their respective species. If not (i.e. Seska), I did not include the name because its unclear to which culture the name derives from. There is a good amount of guesswork in here, and undoubtedly errors.
Species included are Andorians, Bajorans, Betazoids, Bolians, Caitians, Cardassians, Denobulans, Ferengi, Jem'Hadar, Klingons, Orions, Romulans, Tellarites, Trill, Vorta, and Vulcans.
This can be used for general reference at the sorts of names appropriate to each species, or for random generation based on phonemes, such as can be found in Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator, whose namesbase feature was the base concept used for this.
Several of these have very small sample sizes, and may produce janky results in phoneme generators. Male names are overrepresented for pretty much every species. Make of that what you will
Andorians in Alpha Canon are generally referred to by only one name, but in Beta Canon have an expanded naming system (only names aligning with this system are included), with a given name, a surname prefix (ch' for chan, sh' for shen, th' for thaan, and zh' for zhen), and a surname, generally taken from the zhavey (zhen parent). They also tend to have nicknames, which are included on a separate line. Chan and thaan are often considered to more or less correspond to masculinity, and when dealing with binary species, tend to use he/him pronouns, with shen and zhen being the same towards femininity and generally using she/her pronouns.
Alpha Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Beta Canon
Chan (male) Given Names
Shen (female) Given Names
Vindizhei,Thali,Lahvishri,Chelienal,Trenkanshent,Lemarliten,Trenev,Resthenar,Iravothra,Avaranthi,Pava Ek'Noor,Kiramassala,Jessala,Vaacith,Lecheb,Thriazhrovarasa,Vinithnel,Sherivan,Savaaroa,Zharran,Randishira,Molsetev,Antocadra,Corallavellis,Ythrilasifsa
Thaan (male) Given Names
Zhen (female) Given Names
Bajorans put their surnames first and thus have the name order of Surname Given Name
Alpha Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Alpha Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Alpha Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Solian Jarso,Ventor,Falnam,Falvin,Kopyc,Ty,Lat,Gallin,Denor,Var,Vax,Min,Hranok
Alpha Canon
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Surnames (and other names)
Alpha Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Denobulans appear to have only one name, as the only Denobulan with a clear surname is Feezal Phlox, and it is very possible that her husband's name was tacked on simply for the convenience of the human crew.
Alpha Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Beta Canon
Female Names
Terim Azleya,Crenfel,Ghrex,Grazna,Triphox,Telles Vindeilin
Male Names
Korl,Masc,Mettus,Parnikee,Salagho Threx,Tropp,Vleb
Ferengi appear to only use one name.
Alpha Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Adred,Arridor,Barbo,Belongo,Berik,Birta,Bok,Bractor,Brunt,Brak,Broik,Farek,Frin,Frool,Gaila,Gant,Gegis,Gint,Gorad,Goss,Gral,Grimp,Grish,Hoex,Igel,Kayron,Kazago,Keldar,Kol,Kono,Krax,Krem,Leck,Par Lenor,Letek,Lonzo,Lurin,Mordoc,Morta,Muk,Nog,Nava,Nibor,Nilva,Nunk,Omag,Orpax,Plegg,Prak,Quark,Rom,Qol,Quimp,Rata,Reyga,Smeet,Solok,Sovak,Stol,Tarr,Tog,Tol,Torrot,Turot,Tye,Ulis,Yeggie,Zek
Beta Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Aramut,Arno,Balt,Base,Baun,Bijon,Bikk,Bindu,Blemin,Blork,Blout,Blud,Bokat,Borit,Breel,Broc,Brolok,Brubrak,Brund,Chek,Chig,Chintz,Chram,Corlan,Cort,Dav,Deleg,Derro,Dirf,Dorl,Drak,Drayan,Drek,Drik,Dverl,Fal,Falar,Feg,Flax,Flem,Flus,Flynk,Fog,Fram,Frek,Frinx,Garjak,Gart,Gash,Gek,Geln,Gezunt,Gimba,Glat,Glav,Glint,Goem,Goff,Gormie Gormatop,Greb,Grek,Greko,Grix,Gubbin,Gweemo,Hadron,Haurk,Hecko,Helk,Idris,Igel,Issa,Iskel,Joq,Kain,Karg,Kazago,Klarn,Koob,Krechma,Kreln,Kurga,Lifax,Lig,Lant,Lenk,Lept,Liph,Logi,Lonz,Lorp,Zook,Martok,Mecko,Meelo,Mezzo,Migg,Milch,Mirt,Mok,Mox,Moxon,Munk,Myynagi,Nam,Neek,Nix,Nurt,Obe,Oblat,Oblatis,Oblix,Ogger,Olix,Orax,Pluboi,Pod,Posck,Pharh,Promp,Pug,Quirk,Quoop,Qaris,Rableg,Radny,Rank,Rauplop,Rogi,Schlecht,Shmenge,Sluggo,Smoog,Sneat,Squeeb,Squim,Stoonk,Strope,Sumash,Sner,Sorv,Tran,Trapunto,Triv,Tarken,Throk,Trog,Trop,Tunk,Twim,Untz,Vinx,Vol,Vorp,Vung,Vurp,Yinkee,Yomgro,Yost,Zemel,Zhrel,Zind,Zirk,Zoid
Jem'Hadar have names consisting of two parts, separated by an apostrophe. A few of these parts have been repeated, and it's unclear if there is a specific system behind the names.
Alpha Canon
First Part of Name
Second Part of Name
Beta Canon
First Part of Name
Second Part of Name
Klingons generally use a given name and a patrynomic (i.e. 'Son of Mogh'). Houses do sometimes change name based on whoever is currently heading it, but sometimes retain a name of a noted prior member.
Alpha Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Amar,Antaak,A'trom,Atul,Ba'ktor,Barak-Kadan,Bar'el,Barot,B'Etor,B'iJik,Bo'rak,Brok'tan,Brota,Chang,Ch'Pok,Ch'Targh,Chu'vok,Darok,D'Ghor,Divok,Drex,Duras,Gorkon,Goroth,Gowron,Grafk,Hij'qa,H'ohk,Hon-Tihl,H'ta,Huraga,Japar,Ja'rod,J'Dan,Jodmos,Kahless,K'orin,K'vort,Kahmar,Kang,Kargan,Katogh,Kaybok,Kaz,Keedera,Kell,Kerla,Klaa,Klaang,Klag,K'mpec,K'mtar,K'Nera,K'Nor,Kobor,Kodrak,Kohlar,Kol,Kol-Sha,Kolax,Kolos,Koloth,Konmel,Kor,Koral,Korath,Korax,Kornan,Korok,Koroth,Korrd,Korris,Kortar,Koth,Kozak,Kras,Krell,K'retok,Kruge,K'Tal,K'Temang,K'Temoc,Kulge,Kunivas,Kuri,Kurn,K'Vada,K'Vagh,Larg,Larna,Leskit,Linkasa,L'Kor,Lorgh,Lurkan,M'Rek,M'tokra,Magh,Maltz,Martok,Marab,Mogh,Molor,Morag,Morak,Morath,Morka,Mow'ga,M'Rel,Mur'Eq,Noggra,Nu'Daq,Or'Eq,Orak,Ortikan,Pahash,M'Kota R'Cho,Reclaw,Rejac,Rodek,Rorg,Rurik,Rynar,Sarpek,Shovak,Silrek,Sompek,Sorval,Stex,T'Kuvma,T'vis,Tel-Peh,Telok,Toral,Tenavik,T'Greth,Thopok,T'Kar,Toq,Torak,Torath,Torg,Torin,Tse'Dek,Tumek,Ujilli,Vagh,Voq,Vorok,W'mar,Worf,Yeto
Beta Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Adon,Aakan,Alakon,Aktuh,Aktaj,Akor,Aperokei, Anyoqq,Arraq,Argashek,Argan,B'ator,Bardak Linron,Balak,Bek'Ta,Berolik,Berik,Beltz,Belq,Biroq,Bors,Boron Kallarax,Borma,Armek,Bo'roth,B'Vat,B'Tak,Bronal,Breg,Charg,Charak,ChaqI,ChanTogh,Cha'DIch,Ch'Tan,Ch'lan,Ch'kan,Ch'gran,Dargh,Danqo,D'Lor,D'cIq,Dazzo,Davok,Dirak,Dorak,Dolmorr,Dokil,Dohk,Do'Ming,D'kar,Draxon,DRacla,Dorrek,D'Vak,Durak,Fuhrman,Fron'chak,Gapo,Ganthet,Ganok,Gannik,Galarch,Gahlar,Gelt,Gatrell,Garvig,Garvak,Gimor,Gha'rek,G'mtor,G'joth,Gordek,Gorath,Goran,Gorak,Gonn,Goryq,Gorv,Gortak,Gort,Gorrik,Goroth,Gralk,Gra'Kor,Grakal,Gowrik,Gotlak,Grevaq,Grax,Grannk,Grot,Gronn,Grokla,Grodak,Grnar,Grunnil,Grozik,Grouk,Grotek,G'Zar,Gyrik,Gwarz,Guroth,Gurlk,hiJaK,Hervog,Hegron,Hark,Ibrach,Hurgor,Hurghom,Ja'rod,Jardak,Janar,Jadar,Ja'rod,J'dah,J'Bris,Jaroun,J'mpok,J'lang,J'kral,J'Doq,Jureth,J'rgan,J'rak,Joqel,Jo'Krat,J'nek,Kaaj,K’teng,K'tark,K'am,Kagak,Kaga,Kabrerr,Kaarg,Kaare,Kagran,Kaghvagh,Kagh,Kagg,Kage,Kagdar,Kahrl,Kahnrah,Kahlor,Kaldon,Kalax,Kalaw,Kalan,Kalak,Kalor,Kallarax,Kaljagh,Kaleth,Kamar,Kam'pok,Kalun,Kaltar,Kerab,Kanjis,Kanjar,Kandless,Kasak,Karhammur,Kargan,Karel,Kaul,Kateq,Kasiel,Kaseli,K'Dhan,Kbrex,Kaz,Kellen,Kell,Kelad,Kegren,Keer,Ker,Kentin,Kenni,Vlict,Kelthos,Khegh,Khall,Kevlar,Kest,Kesh,Khulr,Khone,Khod,Khezri,Khel,Kir,Kiosan,Kimm,Kich'ta,Kitold,Kishlat,Kirrin,Kiregh,Klasq,Klaad,Kligrok,K'Ley,K'Leht,K'lotek,Klorga,Klor,Kloor,Klivv,Klithis,K'mdek,Kl'rt,Klovagh,K'mpar,K'moth,K'Mek,K'naiah,K'muc,K'mtok,Kohn,Kodrash,Kodek,Kobyk,Kolan,Kolak,Kol,Kolor,Kolloden,Kolj,Koleth,Kopf,Kopek,Konom,Konn,Kon'Jef,Komor,Korath,Korak,Koradan,Kopok,Kori,Korgh,Korek,Kordon,Korbus,Korban,Korma,Korlak,Korpi,Kort,Korsal,Korrgar,Kosted,Korya,Korvog,Korvek,Korvaq,Koru,Koth,Koxx,Kowag,Kovold,Kovikh,Kothaar,Krador,K'rac,Kra'aken,K'pril,Kozor,K'Ratak,Kraloq,Kral,Krelk,Krek,Krazz,Krax,Kravokh,Krett,Krimm,Krenn,Kriz,Krivaq,Kriton,Krit,Kring,Kron,Krom,Krogan,Krov,Krong,Krona,Kryan,Krusk,Kruq,Krozek,Krox,K'Tek,K'Tar,K’Temang,K’Trelan,Kuhrrat,K'tran,K'Tesh,Kultan,Kulok,Kull,Kurrgo,Kuron,Kuri,K'vyr,K'voq,Kveld,Kvaad,Kuut,Kurt,K'zeq,Kyrtu,Kylor,Ky'Dra,Larkan,Lantar,Lak,Ler'at,Lasshar,Larq,Larok,Lojar,Logaar,Lorak,Lorac,Lokor,Lokog,Lugok,Lourn,Loski,L'Vek,Lupo,Mag,Maelgwyn,Mabli,M'Rod,M'Rel,Maltak,Malk,Malach,Makog,Mariq,Margon,Margh,Mard,Manx,Malvak,Menvek,Melkor,Melik,Melekh,M'kar,Mikar,Mida,Mertak,Merik,Molok,Moloj,Mojjar,Morek,Moqlah,Moq,Monak,Morr,Morjod,Morith,Morglar,Morg,M'Rep,M'Raq,Mox,Mow'ga,Mortran,M'ven,Muros,Murgh,Murg,Nej,Nazh,Navok,Narvak,Narrk,Nargov,Nokar,Nyor,Nolath,Nidd,Ngoj,Ngane,Ngabwi,Nevokh,Ow'rik,Okado,Pek,Pejor,Paibok,Paghal,Puklik,Porus,Pok,Pojra,Pitzh,Qeyhnor,Q'ratt,Qao,Qa'Hos,Qua'lon,Qonqar,Qrad,Qolka,Q'Lujj,Qyrll,Quvmoh,Quv,Qurag,Qugh,Rajat,RocIa,Rhaza,Renarg,Rov,Ro'suv,Roneg,Ronak,Roloc,Roka,Rynar,Ruunek,Ruktah,Shaniq,Seegath,Shurin,Sho'Tokh,Sondar,Sompek,Sklar,Skarl,SvaD,Surgh,Sturka,Stren,Starad,Spyre,Sorkav,Talak,Takus,Taghron,Taraz,Tarag,Tangorq, Talgar,T'Chen,Targ,Tichar,Thorn,Thok Mak,Tharrk,Tiral,Tivanazt,Til'k,Tiklor,Toldin,Toladal,Todokh,T'lanak,T'lak,Tong,Tonar,Tolz Kenran,Tolkor,Toreth,Tor'ash,Torad,Torvak,Torv,Torrik,Torr,Torlek,Torghn,Tron,Trolk,Tovoj,Toth,Tygrak,Turrok,Turag,Tunzos,Urthog,Unarrh,Ugilh,Vark,Vall,Valk,Vikagh,V'Tec,Vranx,Vralk,Vorkhas,Vok,Vochar,Xator,Wovogh,Wo'Din,Wartok,Yorikk,Ya'Vang,Yakril
Orions in Alpha canon are only known by one name (with the exception of D'Vana Tendi, who seems to have a distinct given name and surname in that order). In Beta canon, there do appear to be distinct surnames.
Alpha Canon
Female Names
D'Nesh,Devna,Gaila,Maras,Marta,Navaar,Osyraa,Shava,D'Vana Tendi
Male Names
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Melani D'ian,D'Jinnea,D'Vanna,D'Vela,Irina,Katam,Leata,Nalavia,Neera,Neras,Pilenna,Rogaine,Salma,S'Bysh,Susna,Taryl,Treir,Vila,Virra,Virta,Zina,Zona
Male Given Names
Arnet,Artinton,Balon,Ba'M'eel,Barak,Borth,Calculanthra,Caruch,Cophot,Croll,Ragmar Danneskjold,Dennisar,Nashi,Donat,Finit,Ganik,Ganz,Golenz,Bardeck,Gundin,Refner,Harza-Kull,Hassan,Holencas,Honar-Des,Huwald,Julin,Boyor,Jackel,Jarek,Jek,Jester,Jorva,Jovra,Juraav,Kai,Kazek,Kelbrim,Elkar,Ivra,Merkos,Savro,Imri,Kelon,Kestralnamen,Krassus,Krulmadden,Lasslanlin,Kecho,Arthas,Dufen,Madrav,Markav,Malic,Mentain,Emini,Fyash,Amehda,Emerak,Namtac,Narhal,Somchuk,Nispavan,Nodogascur,Deth,Nallin,Benthine,Parrec-Sut,Kaldo,Radras,Radros,Renat,Rento,Neil,Talduk,Sirav,Skevar,Skuros,Sooris,Sorris,Soron,Vintlel,Stavan,Tenger,Tonzak,Unlot,Vasro,Vic,Vloun,Ellefrin,Ibmar
Romulans in Alpha canon seem to have a simple given name surname system, but are said to have three names: one for outsiders, one for family, and a true name. In Beta canon, Romulans have a given name, may or may not have an additional middle name, and have a surname. There are prefixes as well, with gendered prefixes (t' for female, tr' for male, and s' for groups (and presumably non-binary); omitted in familiar settings) for surnames and prefixes for middle names (i' when using the full name, ir' for formality lacking one or more names), as well as T' occasionally being added to any part of a female name.
Alpha Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Middle Names
In Alpha canon, we only have singular names for male Tellarites. Beta canon gives most Tellarites a given name and surname. There does appear to be some sort of naming system at place, with uncapitalized middle names, but I haven't read any books featuring Tellarites and don't know what it may be. If someone does know, please pass it on. These middle have been included with the surnames.
Alpha Canon
Durango,Tevrin Krit,Naarg,Skalaar,Terev,Gaavrin,Gav,Gorch,Gral,Grek
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
gov Ansarg,Agram,Bur'Gun,Brog,B'bargalah,jav Baur,bav Balkar,Dorkin,Dlumppheg,Dagran,blasch Cheg,chim Flar,Evesh,Gartiv,Garab,Gadj,chim Gleer,chim Glamok,Gett'Ipher,jav Gek,Gnakk,Glorak,chim Gliv,Grev,Greshlahrigm,Gralless,bim Gral,glasch Gral,Gouthar,chim Gorsach,glasch Hok,Haggarak,glasch Haaj,Grishnash,chim Grev,jav Lorg,chim Loak,Kyll,Kwelm,Kintro,Khund,Jed,glasch Noar,chim Nak,chim Mort,glasch Mort,glov Mog,glasch Moar,Prev,glasch Pak,kj Onn,Shav,zelev Sereb,Runkaar,lorin Ren,Ragaav,Thantora,glasch Tev,Teglas,Teg,glasch Yov,lek Xav,Trumble,Theloss,Zarv,glasch Vokrak,jav Velk,Ved,chim Var
Unjoined Trill have a given name and a surname. Upon joining with a symbiont, the surname is replaced with the name of the symbiont.
Alpha Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Symbiont Names
Beta Canon
Female Given Names
Male Given Names
Symbiont Names
Alpha Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Beta Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Vulcans have family names, but these are said to be unpronouncable by humans and generally never mentioned, hence not being shown here. In general, 'T' starting a name indicates its being feminine, and 'S' starting a name indicates its being masculine. Multiple characters of either gender have been shown with the 'opposite' starting letter, and Beta canon has mentioned a tradition of bestowing the name of a family matriarch upon a male child and a tradition of not naming newborns and instead naming them at some unspecified later date.
Alpha Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Beta Canon
Female Names
Male Names
Alieth,Bradden,Barat,Corvok,Denak,Decan,Elieth,Bal Itak,Horek,Jarok,Keethzarn,Karatek,Kunas,Kerok,Kelock,Kelek,L'Nel,Lern,Lorin,Meng,Orsak,N'Kal,Nirak,Navok,Rovalat,Sajik,Sahvisha,Sabran,Saalek,Salon,Salok,Salet,Salek,Salar,Salak,Sardax,Sarda,Sarboran,Sanshiin,Satak,Sasav,Sartak,Sarlak,Savel,Savalek,Savaj,Saurik,Sekar,Sekal,Seetara,Selok,Selik,Senok,Sencus,Selvok,Selten,Seren,Sered,Sentek,Shanak,Sevor,Sevek,Sethan,Sessl,Serron,Sh'tan,S'harien,Shanok,Silek,Sibek,Si'tann,Sinak,Simus,Simok,Simm,Silok,Siryk,Sirok,Sipak,Sinek,Sivok,Sivek,Sivak,Slon,S'Larin,Skoel,Sklar,Skel,Skaren,Skamandros,Sohlar,Sofolk,Sodok,Sobon,Sobak,Slovaak,Solev,Solack,Sokketh,Sontor,Sonaj,Solor,Solok,Sorek,Sorak,Sorahl,Sortek,Soron,Sornek,Soreth,Sorel,Soton,Sotok,Sotir,Sotek,Sotak,Soryk,S'relt,Srell,Sovik,Stel,S'task,Stang,Stalek,Stak,Staal,Sterchak,Sten,Stell,Stelin,Storil,Storel,Stoek,Stimm,Stevok,Sudek,Sturek,Stur,Stovok,Stov,Sullien,Sulak,Sufik,Suessor,Sudoc,Surok,Supek,Sunok,Sunak,S'vec,Suven,Suvak,Sutek,Syvar,Syvak,Sytok,Sylix,Svon,Tanok,Talok,Tagok,Tavis,Tavak,Tarok,Tarek,Tevik,Tellus,T'Grell,Teyak,T'Karik,Tos,Torkas,Tolek,Varek,Valak,Vaavek,Vektan,Vekk'r,Varith,Varen,Volkar,Volak,Zakal,Xon
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@powerpuffqirls 😭😭😭MY LOVE!!!!💕💕💕💕
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mermaid-reyes · 7 years
What's the colour for I love you to the moon and back?
i do not know, mein Schatz, but if i did i’d send it to you 😘
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stronglyobsessed · 4 years
20 Question Tag Game
I was tagged by @dauntlessdiva @killingmeissotwoyrsago and @goobycookie - Thank you darlings!!! <3
Rules: answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better
NAME: Lena
NICKNAMES: Lena Bena, Leelee, Een, Ena, Neenoo, Leentoo, Lee, Little Lee, Little Lena, Pink, Pinky, Neen...I have too many I realize.
HEIGHT: 5 ft 2 in
LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English. I took four years of Italian in High School...it didn’t stick
FAVORITE SEASON: Fall!!! I love the crisp, fresh air. It’s my favorite.
FAVORITE SCENT: Apple scents, floral. I like clean smells.
FAVORITE COLOR: Sapphire blue
COFFEE, TEA OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Coffee, always coffee.
AVERAGE SLEEP HOURS: 8-9, but it’s usually very broken.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH: Two in cold weather, one light one in the summer.
DREAM TRIP: Either London or Scotland.
BLOG ESTABLISHED: March 2018, somewhere in there.
RANDOM FACT: I am currently quarantined with my sister, husband and all my animals. It would be fun, accept it kind of feels like house arrest - which I have not ever been on, but I assume this is how it feels.
I am tagging: @daenerystargaryensass @eggsy--kingsman @epicallychrissy @arlessiar @taronunwin @ardentmuse @leeef @qglas @merlinaknight @feelmyskin @lena221bee @fuckmeharryhart @thatdamnokie @thethistlegirl @thatmysticbafflingwonder @elton-hercules-john @elletromil @tastymoves @frost-pink @softnsquishable
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reno2ndgun · 4 years
Reno sat at the bottom of the cliffs where he’d been tossed. Rude’s phone was Dead, Tseng’s got no service for whatever reason. That left Laney.  He dials the number for her phone and smiles tiredly though he knows she can’t see him. “Hey Lena bo Bena....How ya doing? Got some rough news but it’s part of the job. The mission went sour and i’m ... I’m not gonna make it outta this.  Listen, Elena. You can have my desk and booze. Make sure Rude doesn’t drop into Depression drinking.  I don’t have a lot of time... But you’ve all been amazing, and wonderful.  You should tell Tseng you love him. The two of you deserve happiness. Lena, If I ever had a little sister, I would have hoped she was like you. Stay sweet girly!”
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expectyaytions · 6 years
Bughead Wedding One-Shot ... Part II
Sweet Pea woke, hurried to the bathroom to relieve himself. He noticed movement on the bed and two wide eyes looking up at him.
“Hi sleepyhead.” She smiled at him through her pacifier. He walked over to her and sat on the bed, she crawled on his lap. He eyed the clock, 7:17. They were due for brunch at 9.
“You want to come to my room with me so I can get clothes?” She nodded, stood in his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her blankie was up against his neck as she lay comfortably. He grabbed his phone and Veronica’s key to get back in. They headed down the hall to the elevator and up one level. He unlocked the door to his room and was hit by sunlight, he never closed his curtains. His bed was freshly made. He put Lena on the bed and found Winnie the Pooh on the tv. He rooted around his duffle bag for a pair of jeans. Lena was bobbing around while Tigger bounced around singing on the screen. After pulling out his clothes, he debated if he should jump in the shower. What if something happened, what if she fell off the bed, or tripped; how would he tell Veronica? He smelled like: sweat, sex and alcohol. A shower was necessary. Veronica probably did this all the time. He’d leave the door open and listen for any mishaps.
It was the fastest shower of his life. Once he pulled on clean boxers and black jean he emerged from the bathroom to find Lena in the exact same spot laughing and Pooh and Piglet. He debated between a button up and a T-shirt. He was so sick of dressing up. He longed to wear his sweatpants after this weekend. He put on a white v-neck shirt and pulled on a light blue and white vertical striped button up. He brushed his teeth and packed all his stuff into his duffel. He put the tux together in the rental bag and hung it up. He brushed his teeth and fixed his hair. Once he slipped his boots on, he snatched Lena and blew raspberries on her neck. She squealed with delight almost losing her pacifier.
“Are you ready to find mama?” She nodded excitedly. They weren’t going to find Veronica right away though. He was going to pop into the lobby Starbucks. He was dying without his caffeine fix. They made their way down to the lobby. Lena nestled into his arms waving at everyone who looked at her.
They ran into FP in the lobby - he was on the phone but raised an eyebrow and gave him a thumbs up. Lena waved to him and then tried a thumbs up. He ordered 2 black coffees and bought an apple juice for Lena. He grabbed sugars and creamers for Veronica and with Lena in one arm and a coffee in balancing in the other he headed upstairs.
Veronica was clad in only a towel with her hair still wet, when the door opened. Lena shouted for her mom, and V reached for her kissing her head.
“I wondered where you two got up to.” She smiled at her baby girl.
“Winnie the Pooh!” Lena told her mom. Sweet Pea stood in the door suddenly feeling like he was intruding and didn’t belong.
“Thank god you brought coffee.” She sighed. She nibbled her lip before leaning on her tiptoes to kiss him.
“Least I could do.” He muttered lamely with a goofy smile on his face. She set Lena on the floor and took the coffees.
“I didn’t know how you liked it, so I got it black and brought fixings.”
“I used to drink it black however, nowadays I drink it with two cream and one sugar. You know, in case you need that for the future.” She tried to smirk.
“Noted.” He kissed her, wrapping his hands around her waist, and lifting her off the floor.
“Can you get Lena dressed while I finish getting ready?” She asked nervously, “it’s okay if you’d rather not. I get it.”
“Of course I can, where are her clothes?”
“I laid them on the bed with a new pull up. Thank you so much Sweet Pea.”
“Pea!!” Lena shouted from the floor where she was shoving dry Cheerios in her mouth. Veronica and laughed before heading to the bathroom and closing the door.
“Alright Lena-Bena let's get dressed!” She stopped eating and started unzipping her footie pajamas. Once she was naked, she ran a few laps around the room laughing while Sweet Pea chased her. Once he caught her he blew raspberries on her tummy and kissed her cheeks. She shrieked with delight before letting Sweet Pea pull on her toddler jeggings and grey tunic that read ‘Feminist in the making’ in cursive. Sweet Pea chuckled, it was very fitting considering who her mom and aunt were. He slid little black toms brand shoes on her feet and attempted to put her black hair into a ponytail. She was way more patient than his sister’s boys - maybe it was a girl thing. He was clipping in the bow thing when Veronica emerged from the bathroom. She looked gorgeous and here he was, tongue between his teeth trying to clip a bow into a ponytail without hurting a one year old. Veronica had on black fitted pants and a black blouse that was speckled with white polka dots. Her hair- longer these days - was in a high ponytail.
“Oh you didn’t have to do that! I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay - sorry if I fu-messed it up.”
“It looks good - actually. I’m impressed.” She couldn’t help but smile at her. “Look at you my little cupcake, cute as can be. Sweet Pea did a good job.”
“Pea!” She yelled.  
“That’s me.” He sung, still sitting on the floor. She rocketed toward him laughing. He caught her and tossed her in the air. Veronica watched. Her heart tugged. This is all she wanted since Lena was born, a family. Lena was normally very timid toward newcomers, especially men. But she had latched right onto Sweet Pea. She even let him hold her without Veronica in sight. The only people she let do that were Fred, Jughead and Betty. It seemed like a miracle. And she didn’t scream when he did her hair - she never let anyone except mama touch her hair.
“Heels or flats?” She asked holding one in each hand.
“Let me see them on.” He turned with Lena still sitting on his lap.
She put the blacks heels on - three inch black patent. “Very nice, now the flats.” She smiled, but switched shoes, pointy velvet flats. “Which or more comfortable?”
“They both are.” He raised his eyebrows. Neither of those shoes looked comfortable to him.
“What do you think Lena-bean? Which shoes should mummy wear?” He prompted the small child. She put her thinking face on - scrunching her eyebrows together and taping her finger to her head.
“Those!” She pointed to the heels.
“Heels it is.”
“I’d like to see you in something more casual at some point. What do you wear at home?” He stood, taking Lena with him. She reached her juice cup which Sweet Pea had filled when they arrived.
“I wear this. Not heels at home -unless I’m entertaining.” She was packing things and filling her purse with toys and snacks.
“What about sweatpants? Or slippers? Leggings?” Veronica just shook her head.
“I don’t think I’ve ever owned slippers. I may have had sweatpants in college. I did own maternity leggings though. They were a lifesaver, but you’d be surprised at how many designers have a maternity line.” She sipped her coffee leaving a lipstick stain. “Alright, shall we head downstairs?”
“Do you want to go together?” He asked hesitantly.
“Of course! You silly. Unless,” her voiced dropped. Had she been reading the situation wrong?
“I do. I really do. I just didn’t know if you wanted people thinking things.”
“I am no longer Riverdale High Veronica. I care very little about others opinions. If they’re that interested let them talk. But maybe after brunch we could discuss us and this.” She gestures between the two of them.
“I’d like that.” He kissed her, it wasn’t passionate, but it was sweet and lingering. He wanted more of those.
He held the door open for her and carried Lena. She offered, but Lena wanted wanted to be on Sweet Pea’s shoulders. They made their way to the Bughead brunch for their wedding party and family. There was a huge buffet full of breakfast foods, a yogurt parfait bar, a mimosa and Bloody Mary bar, and a donut hole tree. Sweet Pea shook his head. Only these two could pull something like this off.
“Clearly Jug’s books are selling well.” Veronica whispered. Cheryl and Toni swooped in, cooing over Lena.
“I love her shirt V.” Toni commented
“Thanks, I have one that matches actually.”
“Awww! That’s even cuter.” Toni lifted Lena down from Sweet Pea. “Went aren’t you a natural.” She teased.
“As long as you treat her right -I’m still fantastic at archery.” Cheryl threatened.
“Babe, stop.”
“So are you guys going to be next?” Sweet Pea asked, diverting attention from him and Veronica.
“We’ve been thinking about it.” Toni confessed. “I mean it’s all legal now.”
“There’s just a few bumps aka my mother.” Cheryl spat.
“You don’t need here there. You’ve got us.” Veronica soothed.
“But I wanted to give Toni a Blossom family ring. Nana Rose left it for me, and my mother snatched it. We’ll figure it out. Ever since you had Lena we’ve been talking about kids though - more important to us than a wedding- a real family.”
“That’s so sweet!” Veronica jumped a little smiling wide. “You guys would be such great moms! Lena needs some cousins.”
After catching up with a few of the serpent's, Fangs especially. He trailed after them talking up Sweet Pea and playing tag with Lena.
“You know I already slept with him right? Like he slept in my room last night. I’m pretty sure I know quite a few things he’s good at - without you telling me.” Fangs looked shocked at her bluntness.
“But sleeping together isn’t the same as dating someone and Sweet Pea is great at dates. I mean he and I play darts and listen to crime podcasts and watch 20/20. He also is amazing at pool. And he makes really good baked macaroni and cheese. He also always has blueberry pop tarts and Lucky Charms in his cupboard because he knows I like them.” Sweet Pea was just shaking his head at his best friend.
“Thanks Fangs. Thank you for attesting to all my attributes.” He was being sarcastic, but Fangs was too proud of himself to notice.
“You know he also loves kids. His sister is a total wench and leaves them with him all the time so she can go get drunk and high with her dirtbag friends, but Sweet Pea, he doesn’t mind. He feeds them, tucks them in and makes sure they have clean clothes.”
“Sweets you didn’t tell me that.” Veronica said looking at him and grazing his knee. He just shrugged, slightly embarrassed. He actually checked his phone - to see if his sister had texted him. Fangs continued rambling -moving into childhood stories now. Jughead rescued him, asking him to come outside with him. They headed to garden area making small talk.
“Thank god. I needed a breather.” Jughead sighed, sitting in one of the adirondack chairs. “I’m ready for this weekend to be over. My patience is wavering.” Sweet Pea laughed and nodded. “Things with you and Veronica look good.”
“Yeah, it feels weird. Like I’m suddenly living in a alternate universe. It’s sounds girly as fuck - but I feel like I belong a little.”
“Dad says you looked like a natural with Lena this morning.”
“I feel like an instant connection and protectiveness over both of them. I don’t know. Shit like that doesn’t happen in real life, that’s movie stuff.”
“What is, happiness? No, man it’s real and it happens. Even to guys like us. You deserve her! You deserve Lena. They deserve you. It does happen.”
“Families don’t fall into laps. Nothing is ever that easy. Jug, you know this.” Tears filled his eyes. Jughead was the only person Pea could get emotional around. He never mentioned it later I embarrass him or held it over his head. He listened and said what needs to be said.
“Sweet Pea, I know you’ve busted ass to get to where you are. I know you did it all yourself and it was hard. I won’t lie to you, dating Veronica won’t be easy. She’s got a cement wall up and Lena is number one. Archie is complicated and hard headed. But Sweets, all of that is worth it. It won't last forever. If its what you want - and I saw your face last night. I see your internal debate right now. They’re worth it. Veronica never even second glances at anyone. She never lets people get close to her, and I’ve never seen her look as calm, relaxed and happy as I have in the last 18 hours. With you, she’s like that because of you. So stop your self-hate, put on your charm, give Veronica your number and start the life you want with the woman you want.” He was out of breath after his rant.
“Did you rehearse that?” Sweet Pea calmly asked his friend.
“I may have talked to Betty about it last night .”
“Glad I was the topic of your wedding night.”
“I’m serious, Sweets. You’re one of my closest friends. You’ve turned your life around! You’re a PI! You catch bad guys. Now you’ve got one of the best people in Riverdale looking at you with heart eyes.”
“Does she really look at me like that?”
“Yes!” Jughead’s hands flew up in exasperation. “Her and Lena!” Sweet Pea sucked in a breath.
“I don’t know Jug.”
“What don’t you know? What are you scared of?”
“I’m not scared.”
“Sounds like you are.”
“Jones.” Sweet Pea warned. “I don’t want to add a complication to her life. She’s got enough going on.”
“The least you could do it stick with your two date offer.”
“How did you -“
“Veronica texted Betty. Dude, she was that excited about it she texted Betty. She and Betts were texting all morning about you. All these things that were huge how Lena let you take her with you to your room and get coffee. Lena never lets anyone take her out her mom’s sight! Other than Fred and Betts and I. She was gushing about how you did her hair and -Sweets come on.”
“Okay, okay -I get it. I’ll take it slow.”
“Do what feels right, no one cares about slow and fast, go with what you feel.” Their heads turned as FP came towards them. His face hiding panic. “Dad?”
“Archie showed up, which was expected. But he caused a huge scene. Alice, Mary and Fred handled it, but Veronica is a mess and therefore Betty is a mess. So you two better get in there.”
“What did he say?” Sweet Pas asked cautiously.
“He went after Veronica, saying things he knew would upset her. That he was going after her for custody, that she was a terrible mother. He called her a serpent slut.” Jughead and Sweet Pea inhaled sharply at the insult. “Betty took her to the bridal suite and sent me to find you both.”
“Where’s Lena?” Sweets asked.
“Pretty sure Fred has her. I’m not sure she could handle seeing her mom hysterical.” They entered the room, everyone was milling around murmuring to one another -no doubt about what had just happened. They breezed passed everyone and entered the hallway where Fred was walking and bouncing a sobbing and hysterical Lena, who was hiccupping for her “mama.” Sweet Pea’s heart ached for her, he slowed down and approached Fred. Jughead stopped with him. FP has stayed behind -no doubt getting updates from Alice. Lena flung herself at Jughead. Who held her to his chest, rubbing soothing circles into her back. Sweet Pea fished one of her pacifiers out of his pocket and gave it to her. She immediately plucked it into her mouth and reached for her blankie that Fred has over his shoulder.
“They went up to the bridal suite last I heard.” He clasped a hand on Sweet Pea’s shoulder, “Don’t let anything my son says or does affect your feelings for Veronica. He’s not in the picture.” He walked back into the room. Lena seeing Sweet Pea through her tears reached a hand for him. He ran a hand over her hair and tapped her running nose. She put both arms out to him and Jughead handed her over. She laid her head on her blankie, sucking on her pacifier and hiccupping every now and then. She had a hand clasped on the collar of his shirt. He kissed her head. She softly whined for “mama.” The trio made their way up to the penthouse bridal suite.
“It was one of Veronica’s wedding gifts to us. A full weekend in the penthouse bridal suite. It’s been awesome.” They entered to find the two women sitting on the balcony. Betty was running a hand over Veronica’s back as they spoke. They both looked up as the guys entered the balcony. Sweet Pea took in Veronica - her makeup runny and smudged. Black tear stains fell below her chin. He hurried over to her as she stood, he wrapped his free arm around her and kissed the top of her head. Unbeknownst to the pair, Betty and Jughead slipped out, back into the suite.
“I’m sorry.” She said sniffling.
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” He said, tilting her chin upwards and pecking her lips. “The only person that should be apologizing is a certain redhead. I don’t care what he has to say.” She chuckled a little bit.
“You got dragged into my mess. I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to leave this weekend as a weekend thing. Never to be brought up again.”
“You can’t get rid of me that easily. I still owe you two dates.”
“You don’t have to-“ she started, but Sweet Pea cut her off
“I want to.” She hugged him a little tighter.
They said their “see you soon” two hours later. Once was over, he helped her pack her and Lena’s stuff and carried it to her car. He carried a sleepy Lena down and buckled her into her car seat -kissing her forehead before closing the door. He told Veronica he’d see them both at 9am sharp Saturday for a full day date. He kissed her, full of passion against the driver side door.
“Text me when you get home?” He asked her.
“Okay.” She smiled. He opened the door for her and helped her in. “You better drive carefully on that thing.” She warned. Eyeballing his motorcycle parked next to her car.
“Always have always will.” He put on his helmet and straddled the bike. He pulled his sunglasses from his shirt and revved the engine. She rolled her eyes, but blew him a kiss and pulled out. He followed suit.
Veronica was unpacking clothes and starting a load of laundry when the doorbell rang. She’d only been home for an hour - who could possibly be stopping in. She opened the door to find a gentleman behind a huge bouquet of flowers.
“Veronica Lodge?” He asked.
“Yes, that’s me. These are for you.” He handed her the bouquet.
“Thank you!” She called to his departing figure. She smiled, these were beautiful. She plopped them on her kitchen island and pulled out the card.
“Thank you for a wonderful weekend. Check your front porch.” She hurried to the entrance and yanked the door open. There was Sweet Pea, holding a box of chocolate covered strawberries.
“I may have missed you a little already.” He grinned.
“You took the words out of my mouth.” She opened the door to allow him inside.
“Where’s Lena?”
“Just put her down for a nap.” He nodded looking a little disappointed.
“Thank you for the flowers.” She said reaching up and pulled him down for a kiss. “If you’re up for it, I’d like to thank you properly.” He smiled and nodded against her lips. They pulled apart and he grabbed his hand to lead him upstairs. “Did you know chocolate covered strawberries taste better in bed… naked.”
He shook his head. “Well you’re about to find out how good.” She winked seductively as she pulled him into her room and shut the door.
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Sponsored Post: Arknights “Preluding Lights” Event Goes Live with 4 New Operators and Special Crossover Outfits
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December 10th, 2021 - Shanghai, China - Strategic mobile RPG Arknights, is welcoming the new Story Collection, “Preluding Lights”. The brand new event is now underway and will end on December 19th, telling stories from different corners of Terra, and granting players a chance to learn more about the interwoven relationships between those regions. Additionally, the update brings in new rewards, a new themed furniture set, 4 new Operators and special I.T crossover outfits.
  Download and play Arknights now: Click here
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  About Preluding Lights
“Preluding Lights” brings 6 stories, unveiling the mysteries that remain in the previous events and also setting a stage for the following updates. Players will travel through Ursus,Sargon,Iberia, Karlan Trade CO., LTD, and have deeper insights into these places’ background stories. 2 new faces, Carnelian and Bena will also show up in the plots, offering players a chance to learn their unique personalities. 
During the limited-time event “Preluding Lights”, players can obtain Clearance Permits from clearing all stages except for Annihilation and Extreme Mode to redeem rewards, including Bena, Bena’s token, furniture piece: Antique Display Cabinet, LMD, Battle Record, Elite materials, etc. Players can also exchange for Information Fragments that can be used to unlock stories in this and any previous story collections.
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    New Operators
In addition to the various rewards for players to claim, 4 new Operators are joining the game.
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Carnelian, a 6-star Caster, is Beeswax’s sister coming from Sargon. Carnelian’s talents allow her to restore her HP and get the effect doubles when charged. With Carnelian’s skill activated, her Attack Range will increase and her Attack will also be strengthened. When charged, the same target receives increased damage from Carnelia.                                                        
Kirara, a 5-star Specialist, owns a talent that restores her HP continually, and the effect increases if there are no other allied units around. Kirara’s first skill enables her next attack to deal additional Arts damage, while the second skill increases the effect of her talent, and deals Arts damage to all enemies within her Attack Range.
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  Bena, the other 5-star Specialist, is the bonus operator that can be obtained for free. Bena possesses a unique trait that can leave a Substitute after being defeated and swap back to the original after a while. Her talent enables the Substitute to deal Arts damage and reduces the damage taken by the Substitute.
Indigo, a 4-star Caster, can store up her attacks when unable to find a target and fire all at once. Thanks to her talent, Indigo’s attack can bind a target. Her first skill, when activated, changes Indigo’s Attack Range and reduces her Attack Interval greatly, with some loss of the damage each attack deals.
    New Arrivals at Store
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The event will also introduce a crossover with I.T, granting operators trending outfits in the game. “Cómodo” for Thorns, “Liberté//Échec” for Surtr and “Ursus IO79” for Zima will be available at the store for the time being. A newly added furniture set, “Lena’s Rest”, will be on sale as well. Be sure to check it out!
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  About Yostar Games
Founded in 2014 and publisher of Azur Lane and Arknights, Yostar Games specializes in game development, global distribution, investment, and video game IP management. Situated in Tokyo and Shanghai, Yostar Games has rapidly become the top publisher and developer of the anime genre in China and is striving to become a global leader in the gaming industry.
  By: Guest Author
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scandinavianhomes · 4 years
Exempel På Case Skola
Sjölunda skola är en f 6 skola med fritidshem och möjligheten att välkomna upp till 400 barn. Grunden till kritiskt tänkande.
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Varldsreligionerna En Oversikt Lektion I Ak 4 5 6 Samhallskunskap Religionskunskap Mellanstadiet
På vetenskaplig grund 19 lena adamson skolutveckling på vetenskaplig grund 29 stefan norrestam sara alfredsson vbe i högre utbildning och skola 39 anders persson johannes persson är vbe i skolan samma sak som vbe i hälso och sjukvård.
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Exempel på case skola. Ett gäng elever i årskurs 6 hade under en tid på sina egna bloggar publicerat listor med rykten och skvaller om olika lärare och elever på skolan. Verksamheten är integrerad och lokalerna används av alla med en inbjudande aulasittning som hjärta. Lyssna på första avsnittet i serien juridikpodden som tar upp vad.
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Hör av dig till oss. Med korrekt och nyanserad. Att göra visa bild 3.
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Casen i detta casebibliotek har olika längd och kan till exempel användas på följande sätt. Här krävs inga planerade stormöten utan klasserna använder den efter lust och behov. I gangen dulter han ofte borti de andre og virker aggressiv.
Syften och i olika former. övningen syftar till att fånga upp elevernas föreställningar kring och kunskaper om begreppet och företeelsen näthat. För att starta upp dagen för kortare samlingar eller.
Blygsamt till en början men när går man över gränsen till trakasserier egentligen. Ett seminarium på 2 3 timmar där studenterna löser och diskuterar caset i klass rummet tillsammans med en eller flera föreläsningar för att skapa en lärandemodul om håll bar utveckling. Minnen av glädjeämnen och.
Längst ner på sidan hittar du. Ett av resursens dokument hjälper eleverna med en metod där de med hjälp av olika etikskolor benar ut etiska dilemman och resursens andra dokument bifogar ett antal olika potentiella dilemman som eleverna kan sätta tänderna i. Flere elever har tatt opp med lærerne at de syns han er slitsom og noen er også.
En prenumeration på svenska dagbladet ger din verksamhet och dina elever obegränsad tillgång till prisbelönt journalistik med enkel och smidig access utan onödig administration allt till ett mycket förmånligt pris. Etiska dilemman lämpar sig för lärare som vill låta eleverna träna på att bena ut olika etiska dilemman. Det gäller saker som snabbt väckt stor.
Det hela utspelas på skogens grundskola. Aulasittningen används så gott som hela tiden. Vid varje case hittar du utöver bilder och kanske skisser en kort beskrivningar av målsättningarna med projektet och kontaktuppgifter om du vill ta reda på mer.
Har du ett case att dela med dig av. Mange i klassen blir irritert på kim og han får stadig kommentarer ala skjerp deg kim. Förord vi har alla mer eller mindre starka minnen från vår skoltid.
Lærerne på trinnet syns at kim ofte er uromoment i timene.
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Hur Kan Man Tanka Runt Planering Larande Bedomning Bedomning For Larande Lektionsplanering Laroplan
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444names · 2 years
lithuanian forenames
Agdute Aglija Agliudas Agnija Aidantas Aidiliona Aimas Aimiska Aimune Aingras Albelmas Albieta Alda Aldaidija Aldas Aldone Aleksa Alenas Alfaninas Alfas Alfonas Alfonsta Alfrelija Alfrene Algina Alginas Alijuozas Alis Alita Aliudijus Alius Aliute Alolva Alvajus Alvas Alvitas Alvyras Amas Amualfre Anas Anda Aneris Angimane Anguolfre Anguozas Anislaus Anta Antarija Antas Aras Ardaimgas Ardas Argitas Arija Arijus Arimas Arinas Arius Aroberta Artas Arutente Arvyta Audas Audimga Audvidas Augenas Augna Augne Aulija Aulijus Aulislada Aulius Aurgija Aurgirga Aurgitas Ausris Austaudas Aute Benas Beridas Bietale Bina Brolaida Bromenis Brona Brone Dalera Dalveras Danda Danta Darimga Darimvyda Dase Dijandas Dimona Domenja Domuta Domute Dona Donaste Dotadis Edalija Edas Edgarius Edgaus Edmarus Edmune Edute Egijus Egimina Egimunas Egina Eginga Egitas Eleksanas Elenonas Eleona Eleone Elija Elius Elvas Elvyga Elvytis Emina Erimgaus Ertyleone Eugnius Evas Everimas Faus Fele Feliusta Felvyras Ganute Geja Genas Genrima Genrisa Gentas Geras Gidas Gina Ginas Ginastas Ginatefas Gincesta Ginga Ginija Ginius Girelijus Gislas Gita Gramuna Gytika Heleone Hena Henas Henja Ieda Iera Igitaus Ilada Ilika Iliusris Inas Inastas Inata Inatenate Ingra Intas Irda Irdas Ireginte Irmardas Izandreja Izas Jamute Jele Jelijonas Joandas Joanijona Joantanas Joantatas Joka Jokazigne Jokus Jona Jova Jovale Jule June Juolasys Jura Jurazys Juredas Jurele Jusladija Jusrikas Justantas Karuta Kaspauda Kazita Keslondas Kolanute Koldasys Kole Kolita Kona Konikas Kotrytas Krikas Laimona Laivadija Lajus Larkas Lasas Lauta Lava Lavadvyga Leksa Lenas Licijus Ligine Lija Lijule Lijusrija Lika Lilane Linaras Lita Litaulius Lius Liuste Lomuna Lorenas Lorius Maline Mana Mancarute Mancijus Mandas Manta Mante Manutina Maramatas Marimga Maruta Marute Matja Medramune Mejus Miedga Mievalius Mina Minija Minta Mona Monija Mykole Myna Mynalfre Neramuna Neta Nijoanis Nomanta Nomas Onatas Ostas Peta Petanas Petas Petryna Poldana Praimane Pramuna Pramute Prana Pras Raimongra Raintas Raminda Ramundas Ranute Rapas Razyma Redia Regisa Regita Regitas Regitasys Rejulija Relena Relgenius Relija Renas Renis Renius Renta Ricas Richaima Rida Rija Rijantina Rijulena Rijus Rijuste Riksa Rina Ritana Ritas Riucija Rius Riustas Robeladas Roka Rolas Roleopova Rolia Rolvyra Romara Romarija Romarina Romina Romundas Rona Ronaida Ronas Ronatja Ronikadis Ronius Runa Rune Rustas Rute Rynas Rynase Ryta Ryte Rytintas Saleonas Salvyga Sanas Sarda Sigijus Sigina Simantas Simuna Skirdas Skirgaus Skolius Skubas Sofijus Solajus Soleksa Solenrius Sona Sonas Sondaldas Stanas Stancija Stas Stejus Stis Stista Stute Suzas Svajus Svas Tantana Tefanas Tomara Tomenrima Tora Toraidas Torena Tytarda Ugus Vajus Valbinta Valenomas Valeras Valgina Valija Valijus Valma Valvele Vana Vanas Vanertyle Veiginta Verija Vidaimiga Vidandas Vika Vikardas Vikas Vikona Viktomena Vilava Vile Vileksa Vilenija Vilika Vilita Vilora Vilute Vilutika Vilutis Vilvyga Vina Vinas Vindrina Vinta Virdas Virge Virgitas Virius Virmanas Vitanas Vitas Vlaidas Vlanas Vlas Vlaudra Vlaulius Vlaute Vlavadas Vlavaldas Vyda Vydas Vygas Vyta Vytas Zenas Ziginas Ziginija Zignas Zija Zijus Zimardas Zina Zintas Zitas Zyma
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turkoftheslums · 4 years
elena-bo-bena replied to your post “elena-bo-bena replied to your post “elena-bo-bena replied to your...”
“Should I be flattered.... or offended?”
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“Pick whatever floats your boat, ‘Lena.”
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kingerosier · 7 years
☎ Helena
Lena bo Bena 
Generic but if he had to choose it’d be Mambo No. 5
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Last Text Received:
Helena: I swear I’m going to kill you
Last Text Sent:
Evan: Are Edgar and I like blood brothers now because we both had sex with you?
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vietaseriale · 5 years
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sezon 4
Opis: Kara jest szczęśliwa. Wszystko w jej życiu zaczyna się układać. Zbliża się jednak druga rocznica wprowadzenia ustawy o amnestii dla kosmitów. Na kosmitów rozpoczynają się ataki przez ocalałą część organizacji Cadmus. Doprowadzają oni do wyjawienia prawdy na temat prezydenta USA, która okazuje się być kosmitą. Nastroje anty narastają wśród społeczności.
Za atakami stoi Marcy Graves oraz jej brat Otis. Marcy była w przeszłości szefową ochrony Luther Corp. Razem z nimi działa tajemniczy Agent Sprawiedliwości, który po demaskacji prezydent zbiera ludzi wokół siebie przeciwnych obcym.Jest nim profesor Lockwood, który kiedyś był entuzjastom kosmitów na Ziemi. Wszystko jednak z czasem się zmieniło. Firma jego ojca, która produkowała stal padła przez wejście na rynek firmy kosmitów produkującą stal kosmiczną. Dodatkowo podczas jednej z walk z najeźdźcami jego dom został zniszczony. Narastająca w nim nienawiść do obcych spowodowała, że został wyrzucony z uczelni za głoszenie swoich haseł. W czasie kolejnego ataku kosmitów ginie jego ojciec. Po pogrzebie wraz z kolegami niszczy fabrykę stali kosmitów i zabija jej pracowników. Zwraca tym na siebie uwagę Gravsów, którzy proponują mu przyłączenie się do ich krucjaty jako Agent Sprawiedliwości.
Nastroje antykosmickie udzielają się także niektórym agentom DEO, którzy pomagają przestępcą. Marcy porywa znajomą J’onna, dzięki któremu może kontrolować innych kosmitów. Zatruwa wraz z bratem atmosferę kryptonitem, dzięki czemu wyłącza Supergirl. Następują ataki kosmitów na społeczność ludzką mającą na celu podsycić złą atmosferę. Do Central City przybywa Manchester Black, który poszukuje swojej żony. Razem z Jonem odkrywają, że porwała ją Marcy. Dochodzi do walki na festynie. Dzięki oczyszczeniu atmosfery przez Lanę i Brainy Kara wkracza do akcji i powstrzymuje rodzeństwo. Kosmita, który był wykorzystany przez Gravesów do ataku na ludzi zabija ich. Jon i Black odnajdują ciało Fiony. Black pragnie zemsty. Nowy prezydent wyznacza nadzór nad DEO po zdradzie ich agentów przez wojsko.
Lockwood zdobywa coraz więcej zwolenników swoich haseł. Dostaje swój program telewizyjny. Jego alter ego gromadzi wokół siebie bojówki, które atakują obcych. Prezydent ma dość. Nakazuje DEO znalezienie go i rozwiązanie problemu.
Manchester prowadzi swoje krwawe śledztwo, które mają go doprowadzić do Agenta. W końcu odkrywa o nim prawdę i udaje się do domu Bena. Ma zamiar zabić go i jego żonę. Tymczasem Kara także odkrywa prawdę o Lockwood. Udaje się tam wraz z Brainy oraz nową koleżanką z pracy Nia Nal, która okazała się kosmitką mogącą przewidzieć przyszłość. To jej koszmary spowodowane śmiercią żony Bena doprowadziły ich do Agenta. Supergirl udaje się powstrzymać Manchastera. On i Lockwood trafiają do więzienia. Uwięzienia Lockwooda wywołało jednak liczne protestu. Ludzie nazywają go obrońcą ludzkości. Prezydent przybywa do DEO. Na skutek nalegań ze strony rządu Supergirl ma ujawnić swoją tożsamość. Gdy ta odmawia prezydent zwalnia ją ze służby w DEO.
DEO i Supergirl po zwolnieniu często wchodzą sobie w drogę. Hayley chce mieć możliwość kontrolowania bohaterki. Planuje odkryć jej tożsamość przesłuchując wszystkich w agencji. Gdy jej się to udaje Jon wymazuje pamięć generał. Jednak nie może wymazać jej zamiarów. Alex i reszta agentów znających tożsamość Kary godzi się na wymazanie pamięci o niej przez Jona.
Tymczasem na ziemi pojawia się coraz więcej ataków kosmitów na ludzi. Prezydent decyduje się na ułaskawienie Lockwooda i zaproponowanie mu pracy w Białym Domu. Ma także tajny plan umieszczenia na orbicie satelity, która będzie niszczyła każdy statek obcych zbliżających się do Ziemi. Manchaster ucieka z więzienia i tworzy grupę z kosmitami zwaną Elite. Spotyka się z Supergirl i mówi jej o planie prezydenta. Sam odnajduje bazę i ją atakuje. Ma zamiar skierować satelitę na ostrzelanie Białego Domu. Supergirl go powstrzymuje i niszczy obiekt. Elite udaje się uciec. Mimo uratowania życia prezydent jest zły na bohaterkę za zniszczenie satelity.
Jimmy zostaje ciężko postrzelony w swoim biurze. Grozi mu paraliż. Tymczasem do Leny z więzienia wychodzi Lex, którego to ostatnie chwile, w związku z rakiem. Pomaga on siostrze w dokończeniu badań nad lekiem, nad którym pracowała jego siostra mogące uleczyć z chorób na które nie ma lekarstw. Działaniem ubocznym, które może występować to ujawnienie się supermocy u ludzi. Lena nie chce jednak testować go na ludziach, w tym swoim bracie. Stan Jimmmego jednak jest ciężki, że grozi mu śmierć. Nie mając wyjścia Lena podaje mu lek przez co Jimmy znowu jest zdrowy. Pod nieobecność siostry Lex bierze lek i zabija wszystkich pilnujących go agentów. Na jego drodze staje Supergirl. Walka między nimi jest jednak wyrównana, gdyż Lex posiadł moce. Zdołał uciec do Kazni.
Poznajemy historię Lexa. Po morderstwach został skazanych na 32 krotne dożywocie. Mimo więzienia to Lexa nadal kierował swoim przestępczym imperium. Pewnego dnia zadzwonił do niego generał z Kazni, gdzie odnaleziono klona Supergirl. Lex zdobył jej zaufanie i zaczął jej szkolenie. Cały czas sycił w niej nienawiść do Ameryki i jej “siostry”. Poznajemy także, że to on stał za powstaniem Agenta Wolności. Otis i Marcy cały czas realizowali plan za którym stał Lex. W pewnym momencie klon zaczął chorować, a jej komórki rozkładać. Lex specjalnie wywołał u siebie nowotwór przez promieniowanie, aby wymusić na siostrze przyspieszenie pracy nad jej lekiem. Gdy ucieka przed Supergirl udaje się do Kazni, gdzie przetacza swoją krew klonowi, aby wyzdrowiała.
Dalej plan Luthora nabiera pędu. Gdy wszyscy go szukają z pomocą swoich ludzi prowadzi, że rząd ogłasza odwołanie Aktu Amnestii Kosmitów. Podczas konferencji prasowej w Białym Domu pojawia się “Supergirl”, która zabija wszystkich oprócz Bena Lockwooda, który ma szerzyć dalej swoją nienawiść do kosmitów. Po tych wydarzeniach prezydent ogłasza ją jako wroga publicznego numer jeden. Kara może liczyć tylko na swoich przyjaciół, aby oczyścić swoje imię.
Tymczasem nagonka ze strony rządu jest coraz większa. Obowiązuje godzina policyjna. Kosmici są łapani i zamykani w więzieniu. Represje powodują, że jeden z kosmitów zabija żonę Lockwooda. Sekretarz żądny jest zemsty. Odkrywa, że Lana współpracowała z DEO. Postanawia przyjąć lek przez który Lex i Olsen otrzymali moce. Kara i Lena odkrywają, że to Lex jest odpowiedzialny za atak na Biały Dom oraz że kontroluje klona Supergirl, którego nazwał Red Daughter. Ma zamiar doprowadzić do ataku Kazni na USA. Potem planuje ją zdradzić, obronić państwo i zostać bohaterem. Dodatkowo odkrywają, że prezydent pracuje dla Lexa, który stoi za objęciem przez niego urzędu.
Gdy Red atakuje Supergirl, aby ją zająć, Lex zaczyna przeprowadzać swój plan. Daje sygnał do ataku przez wojska Kazni na USA. Potem sam niszczy całą artylerię wojsk najazdowych. Przybywa Red, która informuje go o zabiciu Supergirl. Jednak gdy patrzy na zniszczenia, które spowodował Lex dowiaduje się, że ją zdradził. Pokonanie niej nie stanowi jednak dla niego problemu.Lex zostaje bohaterem i zostaje nominowany przez prezydenta na nowego sekretarza ds. obcych. Lex wysyła zabójców, aby pozbyli się już mu niepotrzebnego Lockwooda. Ben dzięki mocom uchodzi z życiem.
Bohaterowie odkrywają zamiary Luthora. Wykorzystuje on kosmitów, których złapał on  ludzie Lockwooda do zasilenia jego broni, która ma zniszczyć planetę Argo, gdzie obecnie przebywa Superman i inni z Kryptonu. Bohaterowie ruszają na wyspę, gdzie znajduje się broń Lexa. W tym samym czasie przybywa tam Lockwooda ze swoimi ludźmi. Walkę przerywa im Lex. Gdy Supergirl walczy z Lexem, jej przyjaciołom udaje się zniszczyć broń i uwolnić kosmitów. Lockwood i Olsen walcząc ze sobą używają za sobie ekstraktorów przez co oboje tracą moce. Lex zaczyna wygrywać z Karą. Ratuje ją Red, która przyjmuje na siebie śmiercionośną dawkę kryptonu. Po śmierci klona Kara pokonuje Lexa i niszczy jego zbroję. Lex finguje swoją śmierć i ucieka do kryjówki. Tam czeka na niego Lana, która pozbawia go mocy i zabija. Przed śmiercią Lex mówi siostrze, że cały czas była oszukiwana i robiona w głupca przez swoich przyjaciół i wyjawia jej prawdziwą tożsamość Supergirl
Po tych wydarzeniach prezydent zostaje usunięty z urzędu. Lockwood trafia do więzienia. Zniesiono stan wojenny oraz przywrócono Akt o Amnestii Kosmitów, a Supergirl oczyszczona z zarzutów.
Współpracownica Lexa, która chce uciec zostaje zatrzymana przez organizację lub kosmitę która tak naprawdę pociągała za sznurki w planach Lexa - Leviatanh. Na Ziemię przybywa Monitor, który uwalnia brata Jonna. Chce on aby dokonał on zemsty na swoim bracie. Tymczasem on sam udaje się do kryjówki, gdzie znajduje się ciało Lexa.
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