Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Subaru Maniac [08]
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ー The scene starts in the Big Hall at Eden
Ruki: ーー I’ve gotten word from Kou and Azusa. 
Ayato: Oh? He’s finally come cryin’ for help, huh?
Kanato: Well, there’s just no way Subaru would be able to convince those Founders so easily. 
Laito: So, what did it say?
Yuma: The opposite of yer predictions. Apparently the dude pulled it off. 
Ayato: Haah!?
Shuu: Is that true?
Ruki: Without a doubt.
Yuma: Stil, they may be Founders and all, but there’s just two of them, right?
If ya think ‘bout what’s comin’ our way, wouldn’t it be in our best interest if we try and affiliate ourselves with a bigger group?
Reiji: Even if that were the case, the fact we managed to get those Founders on our side is a huge step forward. 
Shuu: ...Now it’ll be interesting to see what side the other Demons decide to take.
ー The scene shifts to the Vibora’s castle
Zweig: Those darned Vampires...I did not think they would manage to win over the Founders.
At this rate, it’s very much possible the Adler and Wolf clans will decide to side with them as well.
Is there nothing we can do...?
Kino: Rest assured. We’ve got the Church backing us up after all.
Zweig: Hmph...They can have any weapon in the world, in the end, they’re but mere humans. Demons will always have the upper hand.
How could this happen...?
Kino: Geez, don’t be like that.
There’s still some things I need you to do for meーー You see!
Zweig: Guh...!?
ー Zweig collapses
Vibora A: Zweig-sama!?
You fiend, you saw an opportunity and took it, didn’t you!?
Kino: Oh please, I would never~
Vibora A: Guaaaaah!!!!
Vibora B: Gyaaaaah!!
*Thud thud*
Kino: I mean, this was my plan all along, so technically I didn’t lie.
Well then...
Kino: I can still use Zweig to my advantage. Take him along.
Clergyman A: Roger.
Kino: Good grief. I better do something about those Vampires as well...
ー The scene shifts to the entrance hall of Eden
Shin: Never did I think we’d come here as part of an alliance.
Carla: ...
ー The others approach them
Yui: ( Ah...Seems like everyone has come to greet us. )
Shuu: ...I didn’t think you’d actually manage to pull it off.
Ruki: Yes, I was convinced you’d get the tables turned on you. 
Subaru: Che...Run your mouth all you want.
Shuu: ...So? You’re actually going to work together with us?
Carla: Yes. Let’s forget about what happened in the past.
Us Founders shall support you to calm down the calamity in the Demon World.
Shin: I mean, Nii-san is the one who made the decision.
Ruki: We’re counting on you.
Yui: ( Thank god...I guess we can rest assured for now. )
Reiji: Well then, why don’t we use this opportunity to hold a dinner banquet to welcome our new allies? 
Yui: ( A banquet, huh...? )
→ I’m worried about Subaru-kun (❦)
Yui: ( I’d love to help but... )
( I doubt Subaru-kun is feeling back in tip-top shape already, so I should probably stay with him. )
Um, I’ll go bring Subaru-kun to his room so he can rest.
Subaru: Haah!? 
Reiji: Yes, please do so. I am sure he must have pushed himself.
Yui: Thank you very much.
→ I’ll help with the preparations 
Yui: Should I help with the preparations as well?
Reiji: No need. More importantly, you should take Subaru to his room.
Subaru: I’m fine, really!
Reiji: You surely pushed yourself, did you not? It would be in your best interest to rest up before the dinner banquet.
Yui: ( Reiji-san is right...He doesn’t seem back in tip-top shape just yet. )
Okay, I’ll do just that. 
Reiji: While you’re at it, would you be so kind as to show our two guests the way to their rooms as well?
Yui: Yes. ...Subaru-kun, let’s go. Carla-san, Shin-kun, this way please. 
Subaru: Once again, I’m just fine...!
Yui: Subaru-kun, let’s go...?
Shin: What do you mean, follow me? Unbelievable. 
Carla: Do not make such a fuss, Shin.
Shin: Haah...Then at least take us to the best room you’ve got available. I mean, we’re your guests so that’s only to be expected, right?
Yui: S-Sure...Gotcha.
( Things took a strange turn... )
Despite the situation at hand,
I felt as if the mood at Eden had lifted, perhaps due to the increase in people. 
However, when you take a look around, things are still falling apart (荒廃). 
No...If anything, the situation has even gotten worse,
compared to before we left for Banmaden. 
Perhaps he has noticed as well,
but Subaru-kun had a stern (険しい) expression on his face.
Just when things should be going our way... 
Once again, I could feel anxiety creeping up on me. 
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