#let Zim say fuck
happy-radio · 10 months
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Lost episode
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kaosanddestruction · 6 months
zadr my behated hate on me if u want idgaf creator literally said zim has and always was supposed to be interpreted as an adult. some stupid old man vs. stupid little kid rivalry
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furballfaggot · 6 months
still no proper dni but if you watch turkey tom get away from my blog
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doomvoidjelly · 1 year
dib membrane should be on the list of characters who should be allowed to say fuck
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xx-slug-xx · 2 months
Ain’t no way people are saying that Ang is “just as bad” as an outed child predator and groomer who owned 600 copies of sadomasichist CSAM of real living children. When Ang drew fucking cartoon porn of fake characters
All because people don’t want to be wrong (or possibly even outed themselves based on the pure fact that people KNEW Kyle was bad news for YEARS and they did nothing about it)
It really shows you where people’s priorities are in situations like these. If it was about protecting kids, they wouldn’t even put Kyle Carrozza in the same ball park as Ang. This shit isn’t even the same sport at this point, and yet they are equally bad “for different reasons”?! No, sorry, but you can’t tell me that real living children being tortured sexually is just as bad as a fake ass drawing of Invader Zim in any circumstance, let alone for “different reasons”
“Don’t make this about proship vs anti” but that’s how this whole situation started. I’m so sick and tired when people get away with shit, proshippers told people that Kyle was a groomer and all around nasty, but they were ignored because they were proship “pedophiles”. They were right, and they told us before any of this came out. It’s not just about pro vs anti, yes. The victims of Kyle are the most important factor here and they should not be ignored. However, we also can’t ignore the other aspects of this situation and many others.
Ang was one of his victims, just like the many others he manipulated and exploited. People don’t want to admit that because they hold their morals above that though. They would rather believe something without definitive proof rather than side with someone who drew icky art, despite there being way more evidence that backs up Ang’s and their supporters claims. Don’t forget that most of the “evidence” of Ang being a “groomer” or whatever came from Kyle and the people who were directly manipulated by him or are his cronies. People who had ulterior motives to protect themselves (in multiple ways).
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goodluckclove · 5 months
On Not Writing
Hi! I'm back. i had a fun two days of doing absolutely nothing writing related, including scrolling this blog. Wife and I played a lot of Valheim. Took a lot of bike rides. Watched Interstellar for the first time - pretty good, kind of silly at the end. It was my first two-day weekend in probably three months, so it was much-needed, hard as it was.
And it got me thinking of some things I wanted to say to the community here. It's especially targeted towards younger writers, of which I used to be one, but I think it can apply to anyone who finds themselves despairing over how much they aren't writing.
Let's imagine you're sitting with me in this coffee shop. It's an overcast Portland morning and I just inadvertently vivisected a croissant. And as we sip our drinks (I ordered a lavender latte), you lament to me. I don't know what to do, Clove. I just haven't been writing!
You know what I say to that?
This is a new hot take of mine that I, once again, worry about upsetting people with. Because I see a lot of guides here about how to write, or how to write consistently, or how to write through writers block. But I haven't seen a single person talking about the inverse - how to not write. Or - perhaps more accurately - how to exist as a human being separate from your identity as a writer.
This is a problem for me.
Listen - I started young. I was 12 when I wrote my first novella, and 13 when I completed my first novel the next year. Adults in my life were impressed by the big-eyed child writing so many words. They encouraged me. I wrote two more novels, and they continued to encourage me. Because of the potential, right? I could be successful. I could be famous.
People stopped pushing me to try other things. I saw I was getting validation as a writer, so that only pushed me to continue fixating over something I was already enjoying and getting pretty good at. Dad had me writing two thousand words every day, because that's what Stephen King did. At 16 I finished four full-length novels, which everyone thought was really cool and interesting. I was also sporting dual hand braces every day throughout the winter to cope with the carpal tunnel I still struggle with to this day.
There is encouraging a person in their passion. There is also poisoning them with the belief that their self-worth comes from pursuing that passion. This is entirely, absolutely, even more true for younger writers and artists.
I am enraged for the young writer in my heart and in my head. Because they worried about a lot of the same things I see people worry about on here. Oh, if I don't write I'm not a writer! And to an extent they're right, as to be a writer you need to at some point write some stuff.
But here's the fucking thing, Young Clover - a child should not strive for the work ethic of a professional adult. You did not need to write 2k words a day to be a writer. You were a writer as soon as you updated that terrible Invader Zim fanfiction you wrote when you were 10.
And more than that, though, the most important thing to a person should not be their job and aspirations. If you don't write every day, you're still a writer. If you've never written anything, you aren't - and that's fine. You might write something later down the line, or you might not. Either way you are still entitled to exist on the planet and capable of living a full and passionate and wonderful life.
Hear my words: being a writer is not more important than being a human being.
If you aren't writing right now, maybe you're not supposed to be. Maybe you're meant to be nurturing your relationships, or nurturing yourself. Maybe you're supposed to be volunteering. Or meeting new people. Or gaining a new field of knowledge. Or getting really good at making focaccia bread. Or watching every Mark Wahlberg movie.
I don't like to hear this any more than you do. If I was told that I, for some reason, was not allowed to write for the rest of my life, I would be miserable for maybe a long time. After that passed it's my hope that I would move on and do other things, because my worth is not dependent on being a writer. I like doing it. I like being it, and I hope to be one for the rest of my life. But I never want it to be the first thing people see when they look at me. I don't even like bringing it up in conversation with people I don't already know.
So yeah, if you have "writer's block", maybe consider putting down the pickaxe and getting some rest. Step away entirely from the large boulder that stands between you being the next Stephen King or Brandon Sanderson or Teen Dystopia Writer no. 2321. Take a break, and I mean an ACTUAL break, not the kind where you spend the whole time sulking about work.
I am legitimately begging the writers on here to have developed lives and interests outside of writing. I am begging because I do not have that and it has consistently been one of the hardest things of my life.
You prioritize living outside your writing and it will improve the quality of your writing when you get back to it, as it'll allow you a frame of reference that extends beyond our niche industry. Or it might make you realize that, while you enjoy writing, what you really love is ceramics. Or game developing. Or mutual-aid activism. Or the movies of Mark Wahlberg.
It is not your job to treat yourself like you already have a dozen deadlines and an audience teetering on the edge of disappointment. That's ultimately not going to help you. Your job on this earth is to exist fully, for the sake of the universe that wants so desperately to live vicariously through you.
So breathe. Breathe and calm down. You aren't a failure and there's nothing you have to prove. All you have to do today is drink some water and have a nice snack while you look at a cloud.
Please be kind. All of us need to be kinder to each other and to ourselves.
That's all I want to say. I love you dearly. Please let me know if you need anything.
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aquaticwolfkuri · 9 days
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You HATE Me, But I Hate YOU More: ch.7
(I rewrite this so many times. I might scrap it lol )
 Going to Skool knowing he had defeated Dib was most gratifying, but without the Dib-human to harass, Skool was boring and even started to feel pointless. Come to think of it, Dib hasn't even tried to sneak into his base, or bother him outside of Skool… Was he spending all his time with that Plotty girl again??? 
This infuriated him like never before. He had thought Dib was finally resisting that girl’s mind control, but clearly he was mistaken. Perhaps if he had Pustulio again, he could override Plotty's stupid mind control… but the thought of rubbing DISGUSTING bacon on his skin again was just … too disgusting to think about. 
“Hey Zim…” Zim turns around, only to find Gaz standing behind him.
“The Dib-sister. What do YOU want?” Zim narrows his eyes at her.
“I just thought I’d let you know Plotty is coming over to see my brother.”
“Grrrr!! I knew it!! As long as she admits that putrid smell, the Dib-Stink will continue to ignore me!! And the GREAT ZIM shall NOT be ignored!!” Zim knew he had to do something.
“Then you should come over. My dad would love to have you over for dinner.” Gaz says before heading off, hoping she's set things in motion.
Zim is repulsed by the idea of going into his enemies territory… but if that Plotty girl was going to see Dib, he would have no choice if he wanted to rid Dib of her influence…. But once Zim was actually standing in front of the door, he began to feel anxious. He stared at the doorbell for about an hour before finally ringing it.
“Ah, the little foreign friend! My son will be so happy to see you” Professor Membrane says before letting Zim inside.
“Uh, yes…his, FRIEND. Now where is he!?” Zim demanded, but Professor Membrane just chuckled, patting the green boy on the head.
“Dib is upstairs in his room.” He says.
Zim wasted no time making his way up the stairs to Dib's room. He kicks the door down and steps inside.
“Zim!?- cough cough! Why are you in my room!?” How and why was Zim in his house??? And why would Gaz let him in???? Doesn't she know how evil Zim is!?
“EH!? Where is the Plotty-girl???” Zim says, looking around the room, but the girl is nowhere to be seen. Had Dib’s sister lied to him???
“Zim, Why would Plotty be here??? I mean, I wish she was here-”
“UGH!! Must I tell you everytime!? Stay away from her, Dib!! She's making your already stupid brain even stupider!!” Zim says, but this infuriates Dib.
“Zim, just stop! Plotty is just a girl!! And I just like her, that's it!! “
“No, you're being mind controlled, DIB!! And Zim shall NOT be ignored for some FILTHY-URTHLING!!” 
“Why are you so insistant on this idea!? I'm not being mind controlled!!” Zim jumps him, and they roll off the bed with Zim pulling Dib's hair.
“Because why else would you ignore your greatest enemy for some Urth-girl!?” Zim says before getting punched in the face hard enough that his wig flies off.
“What???” Zim kicks him in the stomach, sending him into the bedframe.
“Zim will not be ignored!!” Zim declares.
“Zim you… is THAT why you hate Plotty??” Dib asks before coughing into his hands, trying to ignore the growing headache. So that was it? Zim hated Plotty because he was being ignored?? Is Zim… really IS jealous....??? But that was supposed to be impossible...
Dib adjusts his glasses before looking back at Zim, recalling the last few weeks… He and Zim really haven’t been the same, and maybe Zim already knew this, so maybe when Plotty came in between the two of them, she threatened what little was left of them…. But why would any of that matter?? Zim hates him, he should be happy that he wasn’t bothering him anymore… right?? But he wasn't, it was the exact opposite. Zim DID care... He was just too stupid too...distracted by Plotty to notice....
"Zim I-"
“Dib, are you and your friend alright?”
“D-Dad???” Dib looks at the door, then he looks at Zim outside of his disguise…..
“Fuck me…!” Dib gets up, grabbing Zim’s arm, and throwing him onto the bed.
“What do you think your!?-”
“Shut up Zim!” Dib gets into the bed next to him, pulling Zim down, and holding him close before covering him with the blanket, just before Professor Membrane walks through the door.
“Dib, I heard yelling-” His dad stares at him, then notices that Zim is gone, but in his place is a large lump in his son’s bed.
“Son, what are you and you’re green friend doing?”
“U-Um…Nothing?” Dib says, sweating.
“..........You better be using protection Son.” His dad says before shutting the door. Dib blushes brightly, nearly choking.
“D-Dad!!!” Dib doesn’t even know what to say to that. Zim on the other hand, could feel his heart pounding out of his chest like it was going toceszplode, his face burning as his whole body is pressed against Dib’s, being held protectively by one arm. The words of his computer echo in Zim’s head.
“R…R-Release me!!” Zim tries to break free before biting Dib’s arm.
“Ow!! Zim, knock it off!” Dib Shoves Zim against the bed, pinning him down. “I JUST hid your identity from my Dad! You could be a little more-” Zim kicks him in the jaw, quickly climbing out of the bed and retrieving his wig.
“What is your problem!?” 
“Z-Zim did not ask for your….your KINDNESS!! Zim HATES YOU!!” Zim says, and Dib can finally see it clear as day. Zim was blushing… Dib could feel his own cheeks heating up at the sight.
“Zim…?” Maybe he really was crazy.
“Will you go to prom with me?”
“Zim… will you go to prom with me?”
“W-Why would I do that????” Zim asks, but he seems nervous when Dib approaches him.
“Um… well, maybe if I go to prom with you… I won’t be affected by Plotty’s mind control anymore???” 
“Mmm…! Zim supposes he could go with you… B-BUT I WILL DESTROY YOU AFTER!!”
Dib kept waiting for life to pull the rug out from under his feet and wake up from this dream… but that was the thing, this wasn't a dream. Zim was in love with Dib, and Dib… didn't know how to handle that yet... It's hard to believe, but... maybe he liked Zim too...
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jaemmphilia · 1 year
im craving for service top soft innie male reader please ZIM CRUSHING ON HIM SO HARD
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THAT MAKES TWO OF US OMG i love innie sm its not even funny anymore,,,
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alright lets set the scene. you and innie are on a super cute date at the botanical gardens, and then you plan to to go to a little diner afterwards because you are starting to complain about being hungry.
he's holding your hand as you both look at all the plants, and you see these really pretty pink flowers. you had never seen any flower like them before. you gasp, quickly pulling out your phone from your pocket.
"innie, take a picture with the flowers! i need a new lock screen!" you say, lightly pushing him over to the flowers. he huffs, but crouches down by the flowers. he sniffs them while you snap a bunch of pictures. once he deems you've taken enough pictures, he stands up straight, groaning like an old man (he's 22, mind you).
"oi, i can't bend down like that. old knees," he says, which makes you laugh. he smiles as you laugh, the sound reminding him of someone strumming the strings of a harp.
"you've been hanging around hyunjin too much. you're becoming too dramatic." you say once your laughs die down into chuckles. you slip your hand in his, your fingers locking with his longer ones. you both walk around for a bit longer, until your stomach decides to make its hunger known by grumbling loudly.
you feel your cheeks and ears get warm and you look away in embarrassment. innie just chuckles before squeezing your hand. "are you getting hungry? i know i am."
you hum in agreement, the two of you walking back to the parking lot where you parked your car.
after a tasty dinner at the diner, the sun has started to set, the moon and stars taking over. you ask innie if he wants you to drop him off at his college dorm, but he shakes his head and says he's staying the night with you.
now, who are you to deny him of that?
so you agree, and you drive him to your apartment just a few blocks away from the campus. you park your car and you get out, making your way to your apartment.
once you both are inside, you feel innie's hands wrap around you from the back. he nuzzles his face into your neck, his dark strands of hair tickling your skin.
you feel him place soft little kisses on your exposed neck, causing goosebumps to appear on your arms. you let out a content hum, and you feel his hand slowly inch towards the hem of your jeans. now you understand.
innie wants to get laaaiiid.
so that's how you find yourself on your bed, rid of all clothes, your boyfriend in between your legs, his mouth wrapped around your hard length.
you're whining and writhing, desperately wanting to buck your hips up into his warm mouth, but he's got a pretty nice grip on your hips. your fists are gripping the duvet below you, wrinkling it. all you can hear are the lewd sounds of slurping and sucking, and you feel like you could explode.
"innie, i cant take anymore," you whine out, bringing your hand down to push his head away from your sensitive dick, but he doesn't budge.
he just keeps sucking, and you end up spilling into his mouth with a sharp cry of his name. you couldn't hold it anymore, and he knew that. your body falls limp as your chest heaves up and down.
innie swallows the load, wiping his mouth with his forearm. he crawls onto the bed, hovering over you. he just smiles fondly at your fucked-out state, his hands pushing your sweaty fringe away from your face. he leans down and kisses you softly, his slender hands softly caressing your chest and stomach. his tongue slips and glides along yours as he swallows any moan that comes from you.
he pulls away from the slobbery kiss, his eyes staring into yours. you can see all the love he has for you in his dark eyes, and it makes your stomach flutter.
"i love you so much, you have no idea," he says, peppering kisses on your tear-stained cheeks. "i want to spend forever with you."
you loop your arms around his neck loosely, your fingers twirling his deep brown locks of hair. "i love you too, innie. i want to be yours for as long as you'll have me."
"that means forever. as soon as we graduate, i'm putting a ring on your finger." he chuckles, his hand inching to your ass. you feel his fingers prodding at your puckered hole, until he slips his pointer finger in.
you let out a soft gasp at the sudden intrusion, your arms tightening around his neck. he slips his finger in and out until he adds in his middle finger. he takes his slow, his eyes watching your face. he doesn't tear his gaze away for a second, he likes watching the faces you make because of his actions.
of course, his own dick is so hard that it's almost painful, but he refuses to chase his own pleasure before yours. he likes to make sure you get the pleasure you need before he does, because he knows that eventually you'll beg to get him off. that's just the dynamic you guys have.
once innie decides that you're stretches enough for his fat dick, he pulls his digits out of you. he adjusts his position so that he's sitting in between your legs. he lines his dick up with your hole, and he pushes the tip in. he drinks in the little whine that falls from your parted lips. his hand finds its place on your lower stomach, this thumb drawing little shapes on the sweaty skin.
he gets his length all the way in, and he starts at a gentle pace. he feels sweat beading at his hairline, short pants coming from him as you clench around his cock.
once you tap his hand, a sign to tell him that you want more, he begins to thrust. he sticks with short but powerful thrusts, the tip of his cock kissing that sweet spot deep inside you.
you start to moan in time with his thrusts, and he honestly believes that he could cum just from hearing the noises you let out. he tries to think about something that isn't related y to you, in hopes of postponing his release a bit longer. he would hate to cut this moment short because he can't control himself around his sexy boyfriend.
you feel your eyes roll to the back of your head as innie pounds into you. your body starts to shake, the intense amount of pleasure you feel becoming stronger with every passing second.
you don't even have to announce that you're about to cum, because innie wraps his hand around your cock, his hand jerking up and down. you whine some more, your back arching off the bed.
"my sweet boy is gonna cum, isn't he?" innie asks, his voice bordering on teasing.
"mmh, innie.." you whine again, trying to push his hand away to relieve you from the intense amounts of pleasure. "its too much!"
"if its too much, then why do you keep sucking me in, baby?" he asks, a grunt coming from him as he continues to snap his hips forward, the front of his thighs slapping against the back of yours.
"it feels too good, innie.." you moan out, your back arching higher off the bed, your body convulsing as ropes of white spill from your cock and land on your lower stomach and the rest splattering on your chest.
you see stars as innie picks up the pace, almost animalistic. it isn't much longer until he's spilling his release inside you.
he stays nestled inside you for a bit until you whine about the cum that's starting to dry on your body. you already know he won't allow you to move from the bed until you are all cleaned up and dressed in comfy clothes (which he puts on you himself).
you lay there and allow yourself to be pampered by your foxy boyfriend, and once he's finished, he wraps his entire body around you, giving you kisses all over your face until the two of you doze off into snoozeland.
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thechaoticscenejester · 7 months
W4ZZUP SP4RKL3D0GZZ!1!1!1! :3
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U can call me Centipede/Gir/Lancer :D
They/it/he/she (They/It preferably) X3
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Fandom List:
Stars next to my obsessions!!
• The Amazing digital circus
• Five nights at freddy's
• Undertale
•Deltarune ⭐
• Murder Drones ⭐️⭐️⭐️
• Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
• (ROT)Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
• Popee The Performer
• Welcome Home
• Raggedy Ann and Andy
• Hilda
• DreamWorks trolls
• Invader Zim
• Ramshackle
• Johnny the Homicidal maniac
• Mean Girls
• The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals
• K-12
• Diary of a wimpy kid
• Sweet Tooth (Netflix show)
• Inside out 1/2
• Cobra Kai
• Yaelokre ⭐⭐⭐
• Little Witch Academia
• FPE ⭐️⭐️⭐️
• Hamilton ⭐️
• Beetlejuice ⭐️
• Hunt For The Wilderpeople ⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Master Posts:
(Fixed the links!1!1!!!! X3)
The Tadc dark au
The Amazing Digital High School
Tadc: Eternal Tragedy AU
Hazbin Hotel x Tadc
Jthm x iz au
Dead! Zim au
Remaking deltarune w/ocs
Father! Caine au
Hazbin Next Gen Au!!!!
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You can ask me anything and if I want to I'll respond. I don't wanna be rude, but it says ASK not tell. So, don't just tell me some random thing.
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Okay, let's get real here. I don't want to hear about your issues unless you're my friend or you ask first. I don't really like to read vents of random people because I'm no therapist. I can't even deal with my own shit.
You can cuss all you want. Just no slurs.
Please act ur fucking age (some exceptions tho)
DNI: Proshippers, racists, homophobic, under the age of 10, Children, u make NSFW, u make gacha heat, u don't act ur age, Satanists, Zoophiles, pedophiles, ur @/Randysworlds2009, or if I just don't like u :)
That's basically it. If u break any of these boundaries I'll block u<33
I'm a Abbie (FPE) kinnie I'm a bitch so be warned lolzz!!! XD I kin so many characters for my own good!!!! X3 I'm a therian and fiction-kin too!1!1!1!!!! :3
OTHERZ: Raccoon, Cat, Moth, Owl, Goat, and skunk!!!! XD
Hopez u likez my art!!!! >:D
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ditzdove · 10 months
Zim: That was so hot, Dib.
Dib: I literally called the person who just flirted with you a degenterate dog and told them I hope they get dragged through the streets.
Zim: I'm so in love with you.
Dib: "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."
Zim: ...
Zim: What a stupid fucking quote.
Zim: I'm killing way more than two people, idiot.
Zim: I've been expecting you, Dib.
Dib: How did you do that without turning around?
Zim: Let's just say the first few people I did that to were not you.
Dib: I can't imagine what Zim is planning. But I can tell you two things. We won't like it and it won't be legal.
Dib: It’s nice to be wanted, you know?
Zim: Not by the law!
Tak: So, are you two dating now?
Zim & Dib: Yes.
Tak: Why?
Zim: I happen to find Dib very appealing.
Tak: Yeah, I can understand that. I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with Dib.
Zim: You’re insane!
Dib: Sure I am, what’s your point?
Zim: *is visibly upset*
Dib: Zim, what happened? I haven't seen you like this since you found out candyland wasn't an actual country.
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nyiibat2 · 3 months
Opinions /Hot takes I have as someone who’s been a part of the LGBTQ community for seven years (since I was 11/12)
There is certain events that go on at pride that children SHOULD NOT be at. There’s pride days that are family friendly!! I’m sick of seeing children at very clearly adult spaces.
It’s okay to change your mind on your sexuality and to change your label or not use a label at all.
If you are trans and you’re not yet passable please don’t try to use the opposite restroom or get into women/men’s spaces yet. You WILL get there I promise, just give it some time.
Just because you are one of the letters, if you’re white you still have your white privilege. You will never EVER be as oppressed as us POC letters.
Just because a bigot hiding behind a religion was a dick to you, doesn’t mean you get to be a dick to every religious person that you see. We are NOT all the same. Religion is about peace not violence.
Just because you’re a gay women doesn’t give you the right to rub up on or feel up other women especially POC women. This is sexual harassment! (Yes this has happened)
Children under the age of fifteen can NOT fully understand the concept of transitioning. Children identify as carrots some days. If your child says they identify as boy/girl that day, great encourage them. Don’t plant the seeds of being trans in their heads. If your kid is trans they WILL tell you when they’re a teenager. No medical transitions should happen till they’re adults. Puberty blockers can do severe damage to the body and should ONLY be given in extreme cases of dysmorphia under the supervision of trans mental and physical health professionals. Hate to Burst your bubble your body NEEDS to go through puberty to be healthy. Girls especially going through puberty have higher rates of thinking they’re trans because of the flush of new hormones, this is not always the case and they don’t have these feelings when their hormones have balanced, don’t do anything medical for your child unless it’s literally life or death.
The quote blue haired millennial liberals ruined the lgbtq community imo. They’re so quote progressive they’re actually conservatives. They are the reason a lot of bad/disgusting people feel comfortable in our spaces.
Gold star status is disgusting. Bisexual women and men don’t need to justify to your insecure gay or lesbian self why they’ve been with the opposite gender. If you’re that insecure seek therapy not a relationship.
Just because you’re gay doesn’t mean you’re quote automatically one of the girls and quote you’re still a man, no im not showing you my hair or changing in the same room as you. Same goes for being the only female friend in a group of men, there’s boundaries guys! Don’t be fucking creepy.
Put some respect on the names of black and brown trans people and LGBTQ members that came before you to give your white privileged ass a space to be yourself to begin with.
We’ve gone too far with pronouns. They/them grammatically makes sense as it refers to someone not of binary gender. Y’all just had to take it too far with things like Zir/Zim Xer/xim, y’all even let people identify as Cats literally cats and use litter boxes.
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twerkinirken · 1 year
Okay listen up y’all, this shits important
I found out that there is going to be a special event at The Frida Cinema playing Enter The Florpus followed by a Q&A (or All A as per Jhonen)
Obviously we cannot ask the cinema to stream a movie, and that’s not what is important but I contacted the cinema to ask them if it were at all possible to buy a ticket to livestream or record the event to show for a limited time.
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The cinema seemed receptive! In the email they said Nostalgic Nebula is helping running the event so a quick Google search has given me their contact information as well. I am going to reach out via their email as well.
Now as we all know, numbers are important. Let’s all email and ask to have this become an online event. I am reaching out to all Invader Zim fans whether you be shippers, gore fans, soft fans, NSFW or SFW it doesn’t matter. No in fighting, don’t ignore it because you don’t like the blogs usual content. We all want this to happen. Now some guidelines I feel are important:
I cannot stress this enough, being rude is not going to make this happen.
Money talks, no matter how many people ask they will be more inclined if we all say we are willing to purchase a ticket for a live-streamed or recorded event.
Just send one email and reply as appropriating, we wanna overwhelm them positively and spamming “make it a livestream!” Is not only annoying but it could overload this, I’m assuming, smaller more local theatre. Don’t spam the cast, the crew, social media’s, for the love of GOD don’t spam Jhonen, he’s not in charge of this and if we annoy him about this he would demand it not recorded out of spite.
Not every company is capable of live streaming events and could easily be overwhelmed or crash. Be sure to ask if it can be live streamed OR recorded, if they can record it and upload it for a limited time viewing that could be more accessible for them.
Here are the contact links:
I really want this to happen and I know there are tons of other fans who would love this too so please reblog this and share it around. Wow I never thought I would actively ask to have my post reblogged but I want this so yeah
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reynaruina · 6 months
you said that Twink! dib is if PT! Dib had the life he wanted, so would the PT’s be jealous of them??
Also, i saw that post where you said it was a one sided relationship, is it also like that with twink! Dib?
^^related, if Zims Pak has been like, wearing down as he gets older, I imagine he would get more vulnerable to earths germs, so how would both dibs react to zim getting ill?? (Angst plz 🤭🤭)
Also does competent zim lead to the twink or the ponytail au??
And last one, would competent zim pull the ableism and/ or alien as in like border hopper card with membrane?? More specifically having his parents tell to get dib in trouble LOL (also I’m a disabled beaner don’t cancel me 😭😭😭)
Okay let me go point by point here Yeah, PT would be Jealous As Fuck once he got context from Twink! Dib, altho he'd pretend he simply don't believe him and visibly seethe. And Twink! is a massive tease so he'd rub salt on the wound hehe. Okay, you might have misunderstood me: neither PT or Twink! are one-sided, they both love each other, but PT Dib has massive mental roadblocks that prevent him from acting upon those feelings and putting effort into the relationship like Zim is doing right now. Once they come clean about it that should get better, although with massive pains. Twink! Dib and his Zim are both super dedicated to one another and being baddies, no issues there. In my AU Zim is over a century old and PAKs are reused after an irken dies, so they're pretty much impervious to decay...as long as they're well kept. Zim does keep his PAK well maintained best he can but he's been cut off from Irken resources for a long time and scavenging is not gonna cut it forever...I'd assume he eventually could catch something, but hopefully he would have Dib by his side when the time comes. If it happened right now Dib wouldn't be able to do much to help past whatever Zim already tried.
CZ is it's entirely separate thing! PT and Twink Au start off with a more or less canon level intelligence Zim, CZ starts with a completely reworked Zim who's, as the name says, competent. He's Zim by name and plot, but his story is much different.
And yea, CZ Zim absolutely could use that card if he wanted to, it'd be laughably easy for him to get Dib in trouble, but this Zim doesn't see Dib as a threat per se. For the most part. He actually sees him as an inspiration of sorts, because of his desire to go against everything other humans tell him and remain resilient on his idea of Zim being an alien despite the trouble it causes him. CZ Zim is not one to step out of line, fers retribution and getting in trouble w those in power, and envies Dib's capacity to go against the grain and follow his own path. So he would genuinely like to form a bond with him...but also messing around with the guy is much too fun to resist.
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19calicos · 2 months
can you show what everyone's skateboards look like?? please im begging 🙏🏼
this will include the skater cat fan club gc & kuroo!
when someone in the gc fucks up their board, they'll buy a plain deck from ace and hand it over to yn so they can practice and go ham with the board. it always turns out super cool, and yn not only paints something dope af on the deck but they'll also customize the grip tape as well, usually by painting on it. they’re not opposed to grip tape cut outs but its tedious work to them
more below! tap on pics to expand bc im lazy as hell. these will cover current boards (let's just say they're all the standard popsicle shape), so there are some nods to small details that i've already written so far. ignore decks that dont look painted lmfao dont think abt any details too hard ok
also none of these images are mine! all of them were gathered from pinterest.
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yn's current board! the nose of their old deck got badly chipped after it hit kuroo's head and flew into the corner of some wall, and it wasn't worth it to try fixing it so they bought a basic black deck, yanked the aux cord from suna, and went ham with the board. they were really nervous about if they were going to fuck up the thermal hands or not, but obv it turned out fine. suna wrote the "overthinking will fucking kill you" text on the nose of the new board and ended up totally shredding the posca marker he used for it
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suna's board is pretty old in comparison to everyone else's – he snaps the least amount of decks (but to be fair, everyone can only afford cheap ones at this time). red is his favorite color so yn has made sure to incorporate it into all his decks that they get their hands on. they also wrote his name on the grip tape (ignore how it doesnt actually say suna) for funsies since they wanted to practice a new font
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wanted a domo board SO bad after he and samu went home for a weekend and helped their dad clean out the garage. he found his and samu's old domo hats and could not stop thinking about a domo board. his board at the time was fine and everything too but once he was back in tokyo he bought a pink board (the brown one looked too much like shit bc he stared at it too hard) and presented the idea to yn ...... obv they said yes. they threw in the poser text on his grip tape for funsies lolol they wanted to try out the thrasher fire font
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no grip tape paint for samu bc yn was practicing the spider web grip tape cut out on his board. usually yn paints on grip tape but mattsun was commissioning yn at the time and sent them a vid of some guy doing web grip tape on a board. yn figured it was easy enough but they still wanted to use samu's new deck as a guinea pig. he was fine with it and to make up for possibly messing it up, yn brainstormed something extra cool to paint on his deck. samu is considering displaying this one since this one is extra cool
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noya snapped his last deck clean in half from skating on rails lmfao. he and yn watched spirited away the night it happened so that's where the no face on the nose comes from. he goes through the most decks out of everyone bc he's always attempting some crazy ass rail trick. coincidentally he works the most shifts at ace since he's gotta pay for these decks somehow
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kuroo has accumulated two boards so far: his first one that yn picked out at ace (shown above) and the one that yn made for him at community day. he's not planning on skating with the second one for preservation reasons. after finding out that yn designs decks though, he asked if they could customize his somehow, so they doodled gir (in disguise) from invader zim, one of kuroo's favorite tv shows as a kid.
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ukai doesn't skate as often anymore, but sometimes, if he's at ace, he'll join a sesh right after ace closes for the day. yn designed this board for his birthday last year, and he usually keeps it on display in the shop since it's one of yn's best works. it was definitely a process for them to make and took a lot of experimentation, but it paid off and is one of their best performing decks on their socials
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dykeseinfeld · 2 months
@ivecarvedawoodenheart brought up the shitty/lardo palm springs au again and 900 words of....this fell out of me anyway i didn't edit this or even reread it once
i have such overly detailed thoughts on jack’s role in the palm springs au it’s ridiculous considering he is a side character in this but. what is important is that the day they’re stuck in is jack zimmerman’s personal hell
Jack sits in the dark closet, head in his hands. This is stupid this is stupid this is stupid. He can’t breathe. He can’t move. His eyes are clenched so hard they hurt, but the memories keep exploding across his vision so brightly they might as well be fireworks.
White-knuckling the bathroom sink, Kenny banging on the door over and over and over. Not loud enough that he can’t hear the TV, the echoes of Zimmermann can’t rely on his name forever, overrated, underseasoned.
After the hospital, lying in bed. His mom looking at Jack like he’s a wounded animal. Kenny shifting on his feet, trying to act like going first in the draft doesn’t matter, that Jack isn’t a huge failure. Kent winning a Stanley Cup on the television, his dad talking about how he’s so proud. Scratching the label off of his Sprite, wishing it were a beer.
Thinking that he could come to this wedding without seeing Kent, that he could seriously sit in the corner and pretend to his dad’s buddies that everything is fine. Is he stupid? The answer comes before he even finishes asking the question, Yes of course I’m fucking stupid did you seriously think Kent woudln’t come to his own teammates’ wedding I’mfuckingstupidI’msittinginastorageclosetandeveryoneknowsI’mfuckedupI’mfuckedupI’mfuckedup.
Suddenly, Jack’s muscles tighten, and a fist smashes out and hits the metal shelving on the wall. The whole thing shakes, a roll of toilet paper falls off onto his head, and it’s so ridiculous that he exhales for the first time in too long. Not quite a laugh, but enough to remember that he hasn’t been breathing. 
He takes a shaky breath in, unhitches his chest, pushes the breath out. Again. Again. He almost likes this part, his muscles sore, his heart pounding and coming down. Like coming in after a hard skate. He can do this. In. Out. In. Out.
It takes a minute for Jack’s heart rate to slow down. Maybe two. His vision starts to clear. In. Out. He pushes off the ground, gets up, leaning against the shelf to keep steady. In. Out. He can make it to the elevator at the end of the hall, go back up to the room. His dad won’t notice, too busy gladhanding all the other oldtimers who made it out. Jack’s reaching for the door handle, already thinking about the Civil War documentary he’s going to put on, when it flies open, blinding him with light. 
All his brain manages to clock about the person in front of him is mustache before his face is being grabbed and pulled in for a not-entirely-dry kiss, and shoved back with a loud smack. “Jack! Let’s get out of here, you beautiful fucker!”
The man in front of him has a massive grin, a shoulder length flow, and appears to be covered in nothing but a tie-dye beach towel tied precariously around his waist. All the confusion and anxiety of the day is apparently too much because instead of what the hell or who are you, all Jack can manage to say, through an embarrassing voice crack is, “Why!?”
“Shitty, I thought you said this guy knows what’s going on! Is he even in the loop?” A short Asian girl with an undercut, dressed far more appropriately for a wedding in black button down and slacks, appears from behind…did she call him Shitty?
The taller man rolls his eyes, and puts both arms on Jack’s shoulders. His eyes are really quite green. “Au contraire, my dear Lardo. I never said he was in the loop. I said he was the most important man here today.” Jack checks over his shoulders to see if anyone is watching, not sure whether he wants to shout for help or make sure there’s no witnesses if this lunatic kisses him again. “And he is. To me. Lardo, I’d like you to meet Jack Zimmermann, my best friend in this entire godforsaken universe. Jack, this is Lardo, the newest addition to our trio.”
Jack steps free of the grip, tries to school his face into nonchalance, knows he’s failing. “I have never met you before in my life.”
Something cracks in Shitty’s expression, his eyes are so bright with amusement, that they’re almost glowing.
“That’s where you’re wrong. We have met. We spend every single day together. You come down to Massachusetts for a wedding, you step into the hall during cocktails to get some air, you see Kent Parson, duck into here and have a panic attack.” Jack opens his mouth to argue, but Shitty just rolls over him. “You can pretend you’re okay, that everyone and their mother isn’t in that room over there trying to get Bad Bob to tell them what the fuck happened with his son the night before the draft. You can try to pretend that it doesn’t bother you that Kent Parson made it and you didn’t. But that is bullshit. You’re not okay. Today isn’t fine. In fact, Jack Laurent Zimmermann, July 12th is the worst day of your life. And Lardo? Our mission today is to fix it.”
As he lets himself be dragged down the hall, Jack makes a mental note to ask his doctor if his anxiety medication causes hallucinations.
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short-and-ugly · 7 months
Really normal length Skoodge analysis
Gonna just start with the simple things. Things you can get from watching one time alone. Maybe. Probably not I don't think you people think about him enough to gather any of this. No. I'm sorry I love you all. I'm just a specific level of detached from average not-Skoodge viewers and don't know what all is expected. It's that one meme "Even when compensating, experts in any field will overestimate the average person's knowledge."
It's rough. Let's get into it.
Speech is probably an easy one! Yeah? Yeah.
A lot of the things he says are very literal... there's a lot of tacting things that are currently happening. A lot of stating the obvious.
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("I'm afraid!")
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Admittedly... this is probably a byproduct of him not being a "main character." His dialogue is a lot less important than that of characters like Zim and Dib. But it's still worth talking about! I'd like to think it's genuinely just his personality to be obvious and talk about things as if people aren't already aware of them. Maybe even have him be a bit tone-deaf. That's more headcanon territory though! So let's walk on past that before I confuse myself and all of you.
... only happen once. In the background. While he's being talked over by a bunch of teammates.
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("Yeah; really that's actually good and more logical cause I don't really wanna make a chain or nothing like that.")
His speech is a lot more casual and, in transcripts for unfinished episode(s)(?) almost innocent!
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frothing at the mouth at this one actually i dont like it. not good. this is just exposition. he would not fucking say that (probably wrong) (this was written by the shows writers) (it still makes me angry)
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This one I just wanted to add because it's silly. Look at how silly he is. He's just a fun loving guy. Why does his mind go to dancing straight away? We'll never know... the inner machinations of his mind are an enigma.
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Skoodge reads as... more impulsive than anything (and maybe a little anxiety-riddled but that might also just be me projecting). He doesn't strike me as a critical thinker who really tries to like... weigh the consequences of his actions. He just does shit and when it doesn't work out he does more. I imagine that's what most irkens are like, actually, now that I think about it...
His gut instinct must be controlling him because if it isn't then I honestly can't find any good explanation as to how he's survived for so long.
Which perfectly segways me into something a little more analyzing-like:
Skoodge is a cockroach.
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He got shot out of a cannon and still comes back to the Empire. He... really does seem to believe that being here will help him out somehow. As if it hasn't already been proven that nothing he will do will satisfy the society he hails from.
Desperation can make you do desperate things; and Skoodge's entire character just reeks of desperation.
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From apparently being considered to eat his own skin (before being deemed too much by the network) [no screenshot available because I don't even know how I'd begin to look for it] to the more canonical screaming-like-a-baby whenever something happens to him, it kinda makes you wonder how the hell he even got to where he is in the first place.
Now, this is more speculation than actual evidence, but I think it's a fair enough bet to say that Skoodge earned his title as an invader. He has no height to propel him forward in society, so whatever he did would've had to've involved sheer tenacity and an inclination for survival.
He is almost definitely, genuinely, afraid of death. And because of that, he just... doesn't die.
I know at an objective view, he doesn't die because it's funnier that way, and helps with jokes and gags, but like... c'mon. This is a deep analysis post. I'm allowed to get a little indulgent with it.
Treading into more theorization-territory here.
Irkens are raging Xenophobes.
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And Zim fits this bill perfectly! He's slotted himself into this mindset without any issue, making up... unique slurs for humans and other things he comes by. Because he tries too hard to be a perfect irken. Maybe. That's a topic for someone that's insane about Zim, not me. This is about my guy.
If Zim is the perfect representation of an irken soldier (on a purely superficial level), then Skoodge is an outlier. Not in that he's good at his job; he's supposed to be! No, rather, his differences lie in his temperance. His composure, whatever you call it. He is far too complacent and even possibly a bit meek, if you wanna go ahead and call him that.
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You see that? That right there is respect for a... honestly almost certainly, by irken standards, inferior species.
Now, this could either mean one of three things.
Either A) Skoodge is not space racist (best case scenario)
or B) Skoodge lacks self-confidence; not seeing himself as superior, and thus being compliant and respectful to the obvious figure of authority in front of him.
or C) Skoodge does not have respect for his Empire (very unlikely, seeing as the only reason he's still here is because he's trying to gain a promotion from said Empire)
Shooting down option A immediately with this dialogue here (Battle Of The Planets)
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Sorry folks... he is very much so still space racist.
As for option B...
I'm going to be completely honest here. I think I've been interpreting this wrong in my series. I have a whole lot of complex reasons explaining why Skoodge doesn't have much confidence, but honestly, he reads as more... chill. And down-to-earth, than he does as self-loathing.
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There is possibly evidence of him having a more quiet and subdued personality, instead of just him not being a xenophobe; and it comes from the very first episode!
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Crying in front of the tallest at the Assigning. Admittedly, Larb cried too; but he at least had enough push in him to say something.
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Skoodge doesn't. He's even disheartened by the Tallest's initial jeering of him! Which admittedly, might not be the best example of low self-esteem, because those are the literal Leaders of his fucking Empire... but it is definitely a shift from him being the proud, confident, short-and-ugly invader that he's shown to be in Battle Of The Planets. Invading Blorch must've really (rightfully) inflated his ego.
Which he normally lacks.
He lacks ego, but that doesn't mean he lacks confidence. He knows that he's good at things in spite of his flaws, and takes pride in it! Even though that pride ends up shooting him in his own foot. Sad.
And why is it that he lacks ego? Every other irken thus far (sans maybe Sizz-lorr) has demonstrated just how... important. It is for them to have one. How almost ingrained into their nature their egos are. Why does Skoodge not go on to boast about his glory when any other irken in his situation would? Again, it's going to be another one of those things that I just can't be too sure about, but I'm going to hazard to say that it's because he's so physically flawed. Short and ugly. (Probably the reason why his uniform is stained. Why put forth the effort to make your uniform look good if it's impossible for the rest of you?)
There is. Almost no doubt in my mind, that he's had to fight tooth and nail to get to where he is, claw his way to the top. And if he's done that, he knows the struggle of being lower? He knows because no matter how high he gets, he'll still always be that "lower"? augh. what the fuck.
Skoodge has been humbled by this because he's been reminded of it at almost every point in his life. He doesn't boast to inferiors because he knows that there is nothing to boast, that he is technically one of those inferiors. Because even despite his successes, someone will always go on to point out his flaws.
Which really brings attention to Battle Of The Planets, to the Tallest pointing out his flaws. He just had his greatest success. Purple gave him one flaw, he gave another. And he gave it proudly.
With his inclination towards survival it would make sense to reason that he's only polite in front of potentially-threatening company because it means that he's less likely to get pummeled for being. Anything else.
Being polite is just as credible a survival technique as anything else! We just don't get to see any other irkens using it.
Skoodge is. Competent. He conquered his planet first!
He's a good invader. And that's probably because he knows when to run.
He's very vocal about it, if he knows (or thinks) that there's someone around to assist him. Silent with his impending doom (ha) at the Assigning, but very very loud when being chased down in the canyon by the hogulus in Hobo 13.
Now, I don't know about you, but irkens don't really strike me as the kind of species to back down from anything. To me, they read as more of a "do it or die" kinda group. Again, this whole trait kiiiinda almost begging to be pegged as outlier. The only thing that makes me on the fence about this one is, again, the fact that it's a cartoon and Skoodge's fear might be for the sake of gags.
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That doesn't really explain this though. He has literally no reason to be scared here. In this specific scenario (Day Of Da Spookies! unfinished episode) he's disguised as a human. Every person there is none the wiser to him and his alien nature. He's just... like this...? All the time? Apparently? Maybe?
Or maybe! There's other things at play here!
Skoodge is competent...
... but.
A friend put it into better words than I could:
His brain turns to mush whenever he's around Zim.
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(Honestly, the volunteer line might actually add on to his possible lack of self-respect? Hard to say if it's that, or if he's just that desperate to give respect at the sign of any spare bit of authority, even if that authority comes from an irken shorter than him.)
It makes me wonder if most of what we've seen of him is just Zim's influence on him. Scared at the Assigning? He didn't know Zim was there, so that had to have been genuine. Saluting to an inferior species? He had to have known that Zim was there, because Zim introduced himself first (and very loudly at that), but I think it was also genuine because Zim wasn't directly influencing him?
Screaming because of the hogulus and running like a child from some humans? Those are almost definitely Zim's doing. I just. Don't know How.
Screaming is a weakness, I think; at least it should be (in the eyes of irkens), and when Skoodge does it he does it because he seems convinced that Zim will help him. And yet Zim never does! Skoodge has no reason to believe this!
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But still, believe he does.
They had to have been... kind of close? At one point in their lives.
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Potentially. I don't know how close a person can get to Zim, but Skoodge has just barely managed to do it, by virtue of the fact that he is quite possibly the only living thing in the universe that can tolerate being around Zim for more than five seconds.
And his cockroach-itude. That definitely helps. You can't be killed by Zim's passive destructive radius if you genuinely just can't fucking die at all.
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But that explains nothing of his weird eagerness to do things for Zim. It borders on obsessive. It might actually be obsessive, since he's apparently been living in Zim's vents ever since the events of Hobo 13. Without telling him.
Skoodge is fucking deranged. Skoodge doesn't even register as a blip on Zim's radar of people-to-acknowledge, but he will still always just do things for him, and be excited to, too!
I don't know what's wrong with him. The less easy and definitely one too many steps detached from canon explanation would be that he views Zim as the ideal irken and strives to be like him. The easiest explanation would be that he just really likes Zim.
Gosh. Even that still raises the question of how or why he would. Zim is fucking terrible to not just him, but everyone. He is unbiased in whose life he ruins.
And Skoodge is perfectly content with just letting Zim ruin his.
man. i hate him. i really really do.
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