#let haruka come visit the new island paradise with Yuta and Haruto
overdevelopedglasses · 11 months
Tojoctober Day 25 - Father
(I’ll make the world safe and sound for you)
Alt title is from “Dear Theodosia” which is from Hamilton
Haruka inquires about Kazama. Kiryu surprisingly answers. 
(Kiwami spoilers)
It’s a late night for Kiryu, as he was kept awake by maintenance around the orphanage, the things that he didn’t want the kids to help with. He’s sitting on his futon, about to light a cigarette, when he hears his door creak open. He turns around, expecting to see one of the younger kids, and prepares to comfort another nightmare.
What he sees instead is Haruka, who is peering into the room.
“Uncle Kaz?” she whispers.
“I’m awake, Haruka. Come in.” He beckons her into the room, and she closes the door behind her.
“Is everything ok?” he asks. It’s the first time she’s come into his room since they’ve moved here. 
“I can’t get to sleep.” Haruka says, crawling over the futon to get to where Kiryu sits.
“I understand.” Kiryu wraps an arm around Haruka’s shoulders. He’s still a bit in awe with how much she’s grown in the past couple of years. The little girl who went through so much is almost shoulder-to-shoulder with him when they’re sitting.
They sit in a comfortable silence for a little bit before Haruka speaks up.
“Did you like your father, Uncle Kaz?”
Kiryu feels his heart drop.
“My… do you mean Kazama-san?”
“I don’t remember much about him… but we talked to him for a little bit, right?”
“Yeah, we did.” Kiryu shut his eyes, thinking about his adoptive father. “Despite his reputation, he was a merciful man. He taught Nishiki and I a lot about his world. He was a beacon of light that we all looked to and admired. He wasn’t perfect, but he cared for us, and as orphans that’s all we could ask for.”
“Do you think he was a good father?” Haruka asks. Kiryu opens his eyes again, and looks at the young girl.
“He probably could’ve done better,” Kiryu admitted, “but he did what he could. He didn’t have to create Sunflower, yet he did. He didn’t have to let Nishiki and I swear up, but he did. I’ll forever be grateful to him.”
“I wonder if… Jingu ever loved me.” Haruka looks at her lap, unable to meet his eyes any longer. Kiryu's heart sinks even further.
“I’m not too sure about that. However, I know that your mother loved you very much.”
“How did you know, Uncle Kaz?” she looks back into Kiryu’s eyes.
“Well…” Kiryu reflected on Yumi for a brief moment, but seemed to know the answer all along. “She looked at you like you were her entire world. Even in her last moments, she was concerned about you and your well being. I may doubt her choice in me sometimes, but I cannot deny her love for you.” he finishes, giving her a small smile.
Haruka’s eyes widen, and she looks back down at her lap. It’s only a few seconds before Kiryu sees a tear fall from her face.
“Uncle Kaz… I miss my mom.” Haruka chokes out, throwing her arms around his neck, and beginning to sob into his shoulder. They sit like this for a second until Kiryu speaks his mind.
“Haruka… I will never replace your mother. But, I promise I will do the best I can. Ok?” “You… don’t need to worry about that,” Haruka sits up, still keeping her arms around Kiryu’s neck. “You may think of yourself as Uncle Kaz, but you’ve always been my father.”
This time, Kiryu is the one who starts to cry.
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