#let me know if there are any other ones youd be interested in seeing- we can do a round 2 for hk skins sometime! :]
needed a way to force myself to work on the hk skins a bit (i still dont have reference sprites for a lot of them)
so i made a bunch of pfps of them! transparent so different backgrounds/flags can be added behind them
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portal ford ^
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object-head bill ^
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weirdmaggedon ford ^
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gold ford ^
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paranoid ford ^
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bord (do not tag as ship do not tag as ship do not tag as ship-) ^
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sea grunk ford ^
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mullet stan ^
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fez stan ^
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weirdmaggedon stan ^
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sea grunk stan ^
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autism creature ^
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scruffy creature (his hat fell off during the fall) ^
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thewertsearch · 4 months
Karkat’s pretty close to snapping himself, which would be an understandable reaction to the events of the last two minutes, let alone the last month. He doesn't deserve this.
Come to think of it, have we ever seen any incarnations of Karkat from beyond this point on the timeline? I don't think we have. That's understandable, I suppose - seeing a Karkat this traumatized would have given the game away.
CCG: GUESS I HAVE TO BRAVE IT FOR FEFERI'S SAKE. PAST cuttlefishCuller [PCC] 380 HOURS AGO responded to memo. PCC: For my sake? 38)
A ghost appears in chat.
This is just haunting, isn't it? Thanks to Trollian, Karkat can freely converse with his dead friends, but trying to save them will immediately doom the timeline. All he can do is dodge her confused questions, as her corpse lies not five feet from where he's standing.
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Oh, the clown car is just full to the brim today, isn't it?
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That’s what an angel looks like? I don’t know what the fuck us up with LOWAA, but I need to find out more.
Methinks Eridan is just not a very observant person. The trolls have a lot of smart cookies on their team, but he's not one of them.
PCA: can you put in a wword wwith your past self maybe buggin him to make the trip wwhen he gets the chance CCG: WAIT, WERE YOU HITTING ON ME BACK THEN? CCG: *ARE* YOU HITTING ON ME? CCG: LIKE AN ACTUAL RED SOLICITATION, IS THAT WAS THIS WAS???
I honestly think Eridan might be a bigger problem than Vriska.
With Vriska, there’s always been a sense that she at least regrets what she does. That doesn’t stop her from doing it, but it does mean there’s a seed of remorse inside her that could, in time, bloom into actual character development.
Eridan, on the other hand, completely lacks even the most meager shred of introspection. Not only does he not understand why his behavior is wrong, he doesn't even recognize it as wrong. He was remorseless in his harassment of Feferi, he was remorseless when he attacked Sollux, and I guarantee he’ll be just as remorseless as a full-fledged murderer.
Can someone just give this kid a hug?
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jinnie-ret · 1 year
hii, its the anon who asked about lgbtq+ readers.
what i had in mind was a nonbinary 9th member who uses they/them pronouns and interviewers and talk how hosts etc keep misgendering them and using the wrong pronouns, saying how theyre the only female member. the boys are the one to keep adamantly correcting them, no matter how many times they have to do it. the reader would be annoyed at the interviewers but glad the boys had their back, maybe the boys reassuring them at the end.
obviously only write it if you feel comfortable, thank you for answering my original ask!! your writing is great and a big comfort, i honestly think youd be great at writing it but this is your blog and only write what you feel comfy writing <333
who I am
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stray kids x ninth member non-binary!reader (platonic)
genre: angst, fluff
content warnings: ignorant interviewer, misgendering
word count: 1.4k
summary: the boys support y/n for who they are, and show them that they truly have their back when a podcast goes wrong.
Thank you so much! Ok! I finally wrote it! I hope that this brings you great comfort like my other fics do too! And please give me feedback that this was written okay because I would never want to misrepresent anyone or their feelings in my writing.
As always, like, reblog if you enjoyed, and my asks are open for any requests you may have. And let me know if you'd like to be tagged when I post :)
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"Welcome back to the podcast! Today we have a special guest, or guests, should I say, Stray Kids! Everyone give it up for Stray Kids!" the interviewer, Oscar, introduces us, the camera panning to us all sat in a cosy studio setting. We were currently in LA promoting our new album.
"Thank you inviting us!" Bang Chan says bashfully. We all knew of the podcast, well, us English speakers did, and we were so excited to be on the show.
"So, let's get right into it, you're here to talk about your new album, right?" Oscar smiles, looking down at his notes before asking us the question.
"Yeah, we've just released our new album 5STAR, and we hope that our fans enjoy it, and, yeah!" Felix begins to explain, smiling as he trails off, not knowing what else to add on. You give him a rub on the shoulder, letting him know that he was doing a good job. That's what you loved about being in Stray Kids, no matter who you were, you had each other's backs.
"It really is so cool to have you all here, and may I say, this really is a unique bunch of members you have here," Oscar waves his hands as he explains.
"Well, we like to think that we all bring something different to the table haha," you laugh along politely.
"Well, that's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about, Y/N," Oscar turns his body towards you slightly.
The others go 'ohhh', making you blush slightly.
"You want to ask me?" you brush your hair back, your newly cut black mullet, which went down a treat with stays.
"Yes, the reason I say you're in quite a unique situation, is because, well, it's so rare to see 8 guys and a girl in one group together!" Oscar smiles.
Your smile dropped.
Maybe you had gotten your hopes up, thinking he'd be talking about your input on the fashion of the group, considering it was quite well known, especially with the group's growing popularity that you created many of the pieces that yourself and the boys would wear.
But no. Somehow you didn't think that this topic would be brought up once again.
"Stray Kids is family, no matter what," Hyunjin spoke up, communicating as best he could in English that gender didn't matter.
The boys could sense your discomfort at Oscar blatantly calling you a girl. Surely he's done enough research that he knows you identify differently?
Even the less confident English speakers, Lee Know and Jeongin seemed to catch on what was happening.
"And what an interesting family you are indeed," Oscar didn't notice your unease or the slightly more defensive stances that the boys acquired from their seats.
"I also wanted to comment that I think Y/N is my bias, you guys!"
Seeming to think there was a more lighter mood in the room, Y/N themself to relax a bit and laugh along.
"Come on boys, don't be jealous, I just think she's got this special quality about her," Oscar continued, thinking the frowns on your members' faces were playfully jealous of his comment.
"They are very special to us, we feel lucky to have them in our group," Han spoke up, subtlely linking his pinkie with yours as a form of comfort. The boys knew that such situations like this still hurt you, because of how you struggled to understand why you felt different and finally knew why, it was frustrating when other people, who were clearly in a position to do some research, didn't know.
Of course you'd give the benefit of the doubt, maybe he didn't know and he might be apologetic, in which case it would all smooth over.
But it wasn't in this case.
"Actually, Oscar, Y/N is non-binary," Chan began, looking towards you to see if you wanted to continue.
"Yes, I use they/them pronouns and don't identify as either male or female, I'm just, me," you shrug it off and say casually, because that's how you felt it should be. It wasn't a big deal,.it was just who you are.
"Oh wow, that's quite interesting, so you don't look at it like she's your younger sister? Or you don't think that as a boyband you have a disadvantage having a female member?" Oscar furrowed his brows.
"We don't feel the need to recognise our member by a gender," Seungmin grabbed the mic provided by the studio and calmly spoke into it, it almost fully calmed you down, his soft voice as he spoke in English filling the room.
"It doesn't matter. We are a group. Just a group of people who like making music and entertaining our stays, and that's how they like it, so..." Felix's knee bobbed up and down, and you couldn't tell if the ray of sunshine was slowly turning into a thundercloud or if he was nervous to speak his mind. You were thankful either way.
"Right... I mean, it's funny, it must be weird, like having her as a novelty to the group, almost?" Oscar said genuinely, like he didn't see an issue in how he was conducting himself.
"They are best," Jeongin threw a cheeky smile your way, making the weight on your shoulders feel just a little bit lighter.
"We're a unit. A team. I mean, it's funny, we don't feel the need to separate ourselves based on gender," Chan passive aggressively said, using the man's previous words to show he would not take anymore ignorance to how his member was being treated.
"Look, I don't expect people to understand straight away, but I can appreciate them looking at me not just for what I believe is a socially constructed view, one that I don't align with, but for my talent," you slowly explained, nerves filling your body as you hoped the way that you had explained yourself had made sense and would get a message across to the interviewer.
"See, that's something I think would bring even more attention to your success! Y/N do you think that creating this facade has brought you more fans?" Oscar questioned, his kind intentions slipping away.
"Excuse me?" you were taken aback. Facade? He thought that you were pretending?
"Hyung? We can go now? Yeah, ok, great. We'll be leaving now, thank you for your time, I think," Chan sarcastically smiled at Oscar after getting the green light from their manager that they could leave.
"So, that wraps up our interview with Stray Kids today..."
You sighed as you all got into the van, leaving the studio all together. You sat in the back with Lee Know and Changbin.
"What did he say at the end?" Lee Know questioned, rubbing your knee soothingly.
"That I'm a fake," you scrunch your face, looking at the ceiling of the car to trap your tears and avoid them from escaping.
"He has no idea what he's talking about, Y/Nnie," Changbin turned to you as best he could at the back of the van.
"I just wish I could feel normal, but sometimes it's things like this that just alienate me from everyone else, you know?" you sigh, tapping your leg with your fingers to distract yourself.
"You're far from an alien, Y/N. We don't care about what other people say, you're a part of us. Chan hyung was right, we're a unit, and we'll stay as one forever," Hyunjin reassured you.
"Plus, if anyone is an alien, it's Hannie," Seungmin savagely chuckled.
"I'M AN ALIEN ON THIS EARTH!!!" Han took that as his cue to sing his song loudly, causing you to groan and cover your ears.
"Someone help him return to his home planet," you giggled, making the other boys laugh along with you.
"Seriously though, we've got you, hm? Stupid interviewers like that have no respect..." Jeongin shook his head, feeling irritated.
"He was nice at the start..." you trailed off, thinking about Oscar's bright personality which was for sure what brought in viewers and listeners of the podcast.
"But then he showed his true colours, he was rude, you didn't deserve the disrespect, end of," Chan said from the front of the car, making his voice a little louder than normal so everyone could hear.
"Thanks, Channie," you smiled, the two boys in the back of the car with you letting you relax against them as the stress seemed to leave your body.
They had your back, always.
tagged: @skz-streamer @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain @kiraisastay
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
idk i just feel like there's something particularly cruel about having a solid episode concept like "verosika hosts a fuck you party for blitz and everyone else he's fucked over," because its a great way to show a pattern of behavior in blitz and the effect he has on others he's been with and hurt!
then.. they put stolas there. stolas, "you have sex with me every month or your I.M.P is going under without my book you need, no exceptions until i legally gave you an asmodean crystal a year later, for your work", goetia, or whatever the fuck his last name is.
this episode is trying so hard to make stolas on equal levels to verosika and the other imps dumped by blitz, but if any of these hellborn actually knew how he got into a "relationship" with blitz to begin with, and how blitz never even had a choice in whether or not he wants to be with stolas, (even when they were kids!) i really doubt theyd want anything to do with him. stolas never explains that their relationship wasnt a relationship, just a transactional monthly hookup to literally keep blitz's business afloat. he doesn't, because he STILL doesn't fully understand what he did wrong, but understands it enough to know he had to be the one to break off the deal he made. i doubt he'll ever actually explain what the deal was to any outsiders who ask, because then stolas would be forced to actually be held accountable for his own actions, and we cant possibly have that! /sar
i think one of the worst lines from stolas in this episode, aside from most of them because i think hes annoying, was when blitz expressed he didnt know why anyone would care about him, stolas responds that this party, dedicated to blitz, because they hate him so much, shows how much they ""care."" and that might have some kind of point coming out of verosikas mouth- implying that these people genuinely cared for him at one point and he pushed them away- but absolutely not stolas's. so its no wonder that blitz responds by self deprecating himself, saying, "i dont even know why youd want to be with me." followed by stolas admitting that what he really wants is someone to care about him.
and honestly, thats another thing too. i cant believe that after everything, after everything stolas has claimed about wanting blitz because he loves and respects him, when blitz then asks WHY stolas wants him, stolas responds, "you know what i want? i want to know what its like to not be alone. i want to be someone's someone. i want someone to care about me." because it shouldve been his moment to explain to blitz what he sees in him, and why he fell in love with him to begin with the more they slept together. but it wasnt.
not only is it unbelievably selfish of stolas to make blitz go through all of this for almost a year, to not only have NO reason as to why he has/had feelings for blitz, (basically confirming to me that stolas never really cared about blitz or his feelings, still doesn't, and just needed to have an adult relationship someone who didn't outwardly hate his guts like stella did, because were 2 and a half fucking seasons into this show and still dont know why the love interest romantically wants the main character, and die hard viv stans still think the stoliz insta posts count as canon because they're on copium,) but to ignore the one good thing in his life that he insists that he genuinely loves, octavia, in favor of him acting as if he'll die alone completely if he doesn't have a partner..
y'know that one scene in adventure time where jake is like, "dude.. let's kill the horse."? thats how i feel towards stolas right now.
Let's kill the owl.
I'm so tired, Anon.
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cadaverousdecay · 5 months
I've been seeing a lot of vamipire stuff on tumblr recently (mostly from you lol) so could reccomend some "beginner" vampire media? because I'm geniunely out of the loop (never even seen Twilight) but I am very interested
Thanks in advance! :)
yay yay yay!!!!!! okay!!!
to start out id definitely say dracula 1931 is a nice starting point. (and the novel too, which is a lot different than the movie and is incredible. dracula daily just started may 3rd so its not too late to hop on that if youre interested) dracula is the most popular of any vampire character and he inspired countless aspects of the vampire as we know it. there are many great adaptations, but the 1931 version, while not completely faithful, is a classic and i would say is essential to any vampire lovers journey
then i neeeeeed to say the lost boys 1987. it is my favorite movie, its so fun, its about a family that moves to santa carla, california "the murder capital of the world" and gets tangled up in the affairs of vampires. i think it does well to introduce you to the world of vampires, its a great start, people who have zero knowledge of vampires can enjoy this movie
after that id say what we do in the shadows (2014) is a great one. its a mockumentary and does well to introduce u to a lot of vampiric concepts and different types of vampires. it builds up its world so wonderfully and its just really funny
then buffy the vampire slayer (the show) is great at introducing u to vampires and other creatures of the night, and is one of my favorite shows. its funny and can get serious when it needs to and brings up so many wonderful thoughts and ideas. and its fun to watch, every episode, even when not dealing with vampires, is very well written id say
i dont want to overwhelm u with vampire media so ill start out with these :) i have lots more that i love but i dont know ur exact taste. let me know what aspects of vampire media u vibe with and i can try to tailor a list of suggestions for u. if u lean more towards original gothic vampires or newer ones, horrifying or comedic, arthouse or cheesy gorefests etc etc.
and i think the most important thing to keep in mind when it comes to vampires is that they are VERY versatile creatures. there are vampires spanning every genre, representing things from illness to otherness to all the evils of the world, to misunderstood heroes. and the traits associated with vampires change from story to story. theres always more to learn about them and there are always new creative views on them. so dont stress about trying to pick up on everything there is to know about vampires. just have fun with it :)
hope u enjoy the suggestions!! i mostly suggested movies but if youd like any short story or song suggestions on vampires i also have those so let me know! i bid u welcome! enter freely and of your own will!
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wsknbfanaccnt · 8 days
So, Since you love Akashi can I ask you for any Akashi relationships headcanons you have in your head? Especially I like to read about crush phase. But anything you can imagine is good! Hope this's fine! Have you a great day! I'll answer you tomorrow! With love, Tilli.
but yes I do love Akashi and I would love to do this request heheh~
I hope you enjoy!
Akashi Relationship Headcanons
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let's start with the crush phase
so imo this boy wouldn't really have a "crush" phase per se, like the ones that we would have as children and like get nervous around your crush
instead its the opposite. its that feeling of letting his walls down and being himself around you was what intrigued him
since he has to act so intimidating and professional most of the time, he feels relaxed and comfortable whenever he's with you
and he doesn't feel the need to impress you all of the time
that kind of person is exactly what he needs in a relationship
and you were real, unlike those people from other companies where they only really care about money and nothing else
so even if it seemed you were just acting normal, he was so interested in you having such honest opinions, not caring about what others think and prioritizing yourself
i feel like he would kinda look up to you in this sense
eventually he realizes that he started to miss your prescence. Your laugh, your voice, your smile.. everything about you
and soon you're all he thinks about <3
when he's doing work he catches himself daydreaming about you, just replaying in his head your interactions from earlier that day and smiling to himself, feeling warmth in his heart
and whenever you're with him, times flies by so fast and he wishes he could slow it down so that he could feel at ease more in his daily life
but of course, he noticed that you were catching feelings as well. This boy never misses a single hint of nonverbal communication
the way you tucked your hair behind your ears when you talked to him, when you get giddy when you see him, and your voice gets higher pitched when you talked to him
he knows the classic signs lol
and he never misses a single one because he pays attention to you that much
but eventually he decides to make you his, because also he hates it when he sees you laughing and having fun with other boys
this jealous man
he needed to claim whats his LMFAO
he doesnt do anything fancy to ask you, actually he did something really basic
he just pulled you aside after school to somewhere private and asked the magic question
you know him, he doesn't like to brag about his money or anything
and he would like to be a normal boy for once thank you very much
so this was the perfect opportunity to experience something that a lot of people experience in their life, like confessing to their crush while youre walking to your house
when he went home that night he was giggling to himself in private and just randomly smiling whenever hes doing stuff
his servants know exactly whats happening i think
okay the crush section is getting long LETS GO TO THE RELATIONSHIP SECTION
this man is the most green flag man you have ever seen (aside from his personality disorder and his jealousy issues)
he reassures you a lot, ALWAYS makes sure you're safe (he has never missed a day of the sidewalk rule)
he's not much of a texter, but he always always ALWAYS texts you good morning and goodnight no matter what
if he didn't youd be worried tbh
he loves to go on random little dates with you, to the cafe, to the park, just little things like that because what he likes best is to spend time with you and stare at you because he just adores you with every inch of his being (like a lot of inches👀)
occaisonally he'd call you and be like "lets go to Italy this weekend"
yes he doesn't like to show off his money but he loves spoiling you more
he knows how to communicate especially about in a relationship (i say he knows how to but tbh hes just trying his best)
he knows to reassure you with every insecurity and problems that you two might face
he always reminds you that he loves you so much and he'd fight the entire world for you
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gettinshiggywithit · 2 years
Hhiiiii I love ur work !! Can I request for bsd poe with a s/o that's an artist and sometimes likes to draw scenes from his writings and shows him <333
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!Poe With An s/o Who’s an artist!
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Scenario:- poe with an s/o who draws
Pairing:- Edgar Allan Poe x gn!reader
Genre:- fluff
Type:- Headcanons
A/N:- Hiyaa anon! Thanks for the request! I hope you like it and if you feel comfortable please let me know what you thought abt it!
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Poe may call himself a detective,but i think we all know that his ability to create worlds with words is what makes him special
When you first met and he found out you too were an artist(one of the drawing kind) he wanted to know all about your hobby
And naturally you wanted to know about his writing too,especially since it connected to his ability!
After a little time had passed and you’d grown totally comfortable with eachother,you openly shared your art without fearing judgement from either party.
One thing You loved to do was read poe’s work and then draw what had manifested itself in your mind as you read
And when you were done,youd ask him to take you into his story so you could both see how accurate youd gotten.
If you were spot on you’d jump and cheer and poe would find it totally adorable how such a simple thing brought you so much joy😭
But if you missed even a smol thing or if your rendition was completely different,youd want to figure out where it had gone “wrong”
And even though you strived for perfection in your art(its one of the many things you shared in common) poe would make sure to let you know that it was perfect as it was.
Sometimes you contemplated turning his stories into comics
It would be a way to combine both your skills!
You both got to work on a story then
And when i say you both got to work,i mean he wrote it,then you both went and experienced it and afterwards you illustrated your adventure!
Obviously you gave your characters different names,but anyone who knew the two of you,knew that those characters couldn’t be anyone else other than you!
Poe loved that you were able to mix the things that made each of you happy,and he loved how easy it was.how natural it felt.
Poe may have had the ability to draw a reader into the world of a novel,but you were able to draw the world of a novel,out for a reader.
And although your talents were different while also being the same,they both meshed together perfectly.
Much like you had with him
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please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but these stories? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
Comments & Reblogs w/ tags >>>>>>>>>>>likes please
Taglist open for anyone interested!
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suffarustuffaru · 11 months
We need more re:zero fanfics that are just characters being forced to go to therapy. Subaru is ordered by the Royal Knights to attend weekly sessions (that secretly double as interrogations, though due to patient confidentiality the therapist is only able to pass on information that regards other people being put in danger) and the therapist stumbles out of there every week needing a drink because trying to make something coherent out of a conversation with Natsuki Subaru concerning anything related to his fluctuating emotional state and the very obvious/mysterious trauma underpinning all of his actions is practically an Olympic sport — and that was before unearthing his self-harm habit, severe inferiority complex, and what may be suicidal tendencies. Reinhard is so emotionally repressed that he’s refusing to let himself feel anything even regarding having to face off against his grandmother’s corpse and his superiors keep walking back the meager process any sessions manage to make. Otto seems perfectly normal and then he mentions being willing to die for Subaru’s sake as soon as three days after he met him. Ram just sits there glaring for the full hour and a half. Wilhelm uses the time to express his latest revenge plot in very well thought out detail. Heinkel is such a horrible mess that I can’t even make a joke out of what he’d do to that poor therapist’s emotional state. Roswaal doesn’t seem to realize what therapy IS. That poor therapist is in Hell.
anon ive always wanted to see something like this for sure HAH its just such a fascinating idea?? especially when 99% of people in the rz cast desperately need extensive therapy 😭😭 but yeah theres different ways you could take an idea like this and the conditions you set are really interesting.
the idea of it being a therapist appointed by the government, essentially, who’s also there to gather information (but keeps at least some details hidden for the sake of their patients) so the government can keep a leash on certain characters (subaru and reinhard particularly) + subaru is still locked by rbd taboo of course is so fascinating to me. of course—is it ideal conditions for therapy? hell no lmao 😭😭 but its a super good in universe explanation as to why theyre getting therapy (other than all of them being Mentally Unwell)—and given the therapist and everyone in the cast minus subaru and al are working with medieval knowledge, the odds were not in their favors anyway oops. and this is assuming that the cast has the BEST THERAPIST IN THE FANTASY WORLD POSSIBLE for this!! haah theyve got a real difficult job ahead of them.
and also an idea like this is difficult to write. ive always wanted a “rz cast goes to therapy” fic hah but writing the FULL cast is tricky!! tbh id feel bad not including at least a good chunk of the cast in a fic like this given SO MANY of them desperately need therapy. and this idea is Extremely character focused—you have to know every character’s intimate traumas and flaws and personalities to pull this sort of thing off. its inherently in depth character exploration, and depending on how Good you want the therapist character to be, youd probablyyy have to do at least a bit of research (??) (unless you have personal experience in this department already??) there on. how to write a therapist? but thats just me getting fixated on the practical aspects of this wkdndn this is definitely why we havent really seen much fic on this sort of idea yet. i think itd work really well as a collab though, possibly!! you can devote a therapy session to one character per chapter or something and mix it up later the further it goes on <3 or at least thats my idea for this at the moment. i think one therapy session per chapter would be very good leadup though in a Hypothetical Fic about this, and you then have the time to explore each character in depth and introduce each of them!!
ok as for the examples you gave anon—HAH yeah thats a good summary for sure 😭😭 again, this is interesting because these are Not good conditions for therapy.
they all think with their medieval knowledge. subaru cant talk about rbd and everything related to it, which is his biggest core trauma. reinhards superiors dont want him to improve because hes their perfect malleable obedient weapon right now and they chose to break him like that. they probably wont want heinkel to improve much either, given theres implications that people like russell fellow purposely helped make heinkel Worse (such as the false rumors that he kidnapped one of the royal familys kids). and also regarding characters like heinkel—he wont improve if he doesnt get some sort of rehab on top of the therapy akdnd and he wont improve if he doesnt make an effort either. and also i know theres characters like petra who are way more normal compared to everyone else and shes not in dire need of therapy unlike everyone else, but id argue petra should at least have a check up because girl is a twelve year old thats been shoved into life threatening events recently okay 😭😭 AND the astreas are gonna need some hardcore family therapy wkdndn theyll just need individual sessions first to work up to that……… but will the kingdom really allow that to happen either?
yeah so the therapist is in for a reckoning in general 😭😭 with the plot you gave anon—if the therapist genuinely tries their best, this could result in some friction. the therapist hears out all these big important people related to the royal selection—roswaal, the astreas, various other emilia camp members, and people from other factions im sure (such as julius, joshua, ferris, crusch, etc)—but the therapist is held back from fully helping all of them because the kingdom keeps them all on a leash, including the therapist themselves. will the therapist succumb to what the kingdom wants and ensure they never improve past a certain point? or ensure they never improve at all?
it creates this overarching plot to an otherwise standard premise i think—and theres a bittersweetness because the therapist cant fully help them as it is right now. and its hard to help characters like subaru and reinhard who are Incomprehensible in their own ways. even in the fantasy world with its Wide Range of dangerous traumatic events tinged with magic, subaru and reinhard are absolutely outliers. plus as i said earlier, some characters Want to improve so badly and will try their best to do so (such as emilia) and some might not have much desire to even try (such as heinkel). everyone in the cast have their own goals, motivations, and a lot of them to some degree will be unreliable narrators either purposefully or accidentally or unwittingly. the otto example you gave anon is so true because i an SO sure his ass would pretend to be normal bc he doesnt want to be there only to accidentally reveal hes not 😭😭😭 joshua is another good example bc of his hate love relationship with his brother and how he tries to conceal it by gaslighting himself into worshipping his brother’s every move and trying to live vicariously through him (joshua also hates reinhard too but pretends not to so theres that too) 👍👍👍 and also emilia and reinhard are examples of characters whove been taught the absolute WORST lessons in the world so youd have to get into unravelling that 😭😭 like theyre both afraid to be closer to others out of fear of hurting them, they have issues regarding what people see them as and what people expect them to be, learned powerlessness, terrible father figures, guilt complexes, being blamed for things that arent their fault, also the fucked up family history, etc etc. there is SO much baggage HAH.
and again, the poor therapist is getting a bunch of rz main characters and crucial side characters—many of them are well known in some way, or important political figures, and they ALL got the most buck wild stories so the stakes are Very High😭😭 itll be a fun ride im sure!! but i do think this idea is super super neat. id love to explore each and every character and all their nuances—i think a fic like this would only really fully work if youre sympathetic towards everyone, but youre not afraid to get them for their faults too. wilhelm, heinkel, roswaal are good examples. clind too by proxy, given frederica needs to get away from his ass too (RAM ALSO NEEDS TO GET AWAY FROM ROSWAAL ISTG.) and again, a fic like this requires in depth knowledge of all these characters or the premise can fall apart a bit—this is a fic all about exploring their deepest traumas after all <3
but yeah anyway i too am in dire need of a rz cast goes to therapy fic anon!!! T^T thank you for the ask i will continue to think on this idea 🙏
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this is far overdue, so heres an introduction post
• you can call me queenie, im keeping my real name anonymous • muslim (feel free to ask any questions, idm, theres no stupid questions only misinformation) • minor • my birthday is march 20th, astrology is full of shit because i am the epitome of a gemini but apparently im a pisces ??? no • she/her • poc • intp (i know way too much about mbti and not enough about other forms of typology, like socionics, enneagram, etc) • self-diagnosed autistic • my special interests include writing (either original work or fanfics) and psychology • hobbies include hyperfixating, reading, writing, listening to music, and ranting to my friends about books ive recently read
on this blog pretty much all i do is talk about my fandoms, which may include:
• riordanverse • shadowhunters • the folk of the air • the ascendance series • heartstopper • anne with an e
(its mostly the first two tho)
and then the slew of anime i watch, which ill link here
my asks are also open in case youd like to request headcanons or fanfics, but obviously i cant do it if i dont know the fandom, so please if its anything anime/manga related, i cant guarantee that ill know it, so try to include the name in the ask
i also have a side blog @queenie-says-free-palestine. dont think i need to clarify what the posts are abt
uquiz masterlist (uquizzes i made):
• assigning you an ascendance series kin • choose something about me and ill decide if i like you or not • i assign you a percy jackson kin except the questions are stupid
more to come
kinlist here
my tags:
#queenie doesnt shut up #eka asks
dni if you are:
• zionist • ableist • sexist (that counts as misogyny OR supporting #killallmen) • racist • religiophobic (including antisemitism) • xenophobic • proshipper • sexualise minors (real OR fictional. idc if you age them up)
masterlist of my writing
i do have an ao3 account, which i will link here, but i only have like two works up on there as of april 2023
i also have a wattpad account, but its just the same fics as my ao3 account
also please follow the writing blog i made with my friendsss
tagging people who deserve some love:
irl: @itadori-yujiii - sister who is always on the receiving end of my rants @tinadablackthorn - other sister, sometimes forget she exists tbh @greenmanwiththesauce - asshole friend who exists solely to make me question my existence @velversess - my parabatai ily @1tomie1 - one of my irl friends who is literally me but not really @maybecordelia - cousin but also best friend also my fangirl buddy 🫶🫶 @ada-apolog1st - frenemy 😘😘
online (all of which are very cool people w amazing taste) @aliciasfantasyxox - online-friend-in-law we have not conversed but hello @moondust-on-the-hijabi - one of the first friends i made on here :D lovely lady lin rules over EVERYTHINGGG @that-multi-fandom-hijabi - ARAB MUSLIM AROACES UNITE !!!! @nerdy-girl3791 - showed up one day n i love seeing you around yes hello @sleepy-vix - someone who likes heartstopper, bsd, sk8, thats hot people shit right there @loife1m - LOLLIPOP :DD my love you are a breath of heaven walking upon this beautiful earth STAY STRONG BABES @someonewhogotanaccount - rambling twinsies whos basically a confused n optimistic me @heartstars - MY LITTLE SISTER I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH @reyna-obsessed - my darling mini come lets be gremlins together @hijabi-desi-bookworm - STOP CALLING ME [redacted nickname] OR I SWEAR TO GOD ILL SMITE YOU (jk ily esme<33)
yea thats pretty much it, may update later idk
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callibones · 13 days
uhhh hh ..... hello! this is the same anon who sent in that ask about object camps. the camps you suggested sound really interesting! im a little too scared to join them for now haha but they sound really cool. they will rotate in my mind for a while i think HGFDSFGHJGFDSDFGH other than that .. 1 . i came across the wiki camp two and it looked so creative and interesting to me! i dont program in css that often anymore but the site makes me wanna go over and put in a bunch of pages. problem is.. i don't know how to Apply? or Do Anything? rn the site is locked for voting but just in general i tried reading the rules but still couldn't understand how it worked. if you knew anything about it that'd be nice. it also seems to have a discord server..? again im scared to check myself but if youre in it i wanna know whether it's a nice space to be in.
2 . uhhghgfdghj i peered through the rest of the blog and found the shelled one blaseball fic you posted ? and i think im really Normal about it. So after reading that i now trust your fanfic opinions. are there any other blaseball fics you'd strongly recommend? and uh general.. uh, evil mind controlly fics would be really nice too (the book of bill is also sort of ruining me along with this so i am truly looking for ANYTHING and like omg hbdxszexrdcfdsxrctvdxszaf) and thats all i wanted to ask you! sorry this is getting REALLY LONG i wish you well and i am So Sorry for bothering you!
HELLO AGAIN! not botherin me at all. :-] i was hopin youd find that answer.... i made sure to answer it at the same time u sent the question so you'd have a MAXIMUM CHANCE of findin it, and u Did! so Yay! welcome back. im going to tag my answers to your Post's with 🩸🟪 so we Never Get Separated Again. but i want you to know.... i don't bite! i literally can't on account of my face is a monitor. so if you wanna chat, feel free to dm me! you seem like a really fun person and we clearly have a lotta interest's in common so Consider That: An Option.
1) the wiki camp 2 is ABSOLUTELY a welcoming community. in fact, check this out: here's an index of plainly written explanations of various community in-jokes, to ensure nobody's left confused! while i'm not super active on the discord due to hyperfixating on single spaces at a time like some sort of cryptid, i have a lot of wonderful friends in the community and i'd wholeheartedly call it nice.
you don't have to apply to write, either! while i don't think there's an ETA yet on when the wiki's re-opening, whenever it does you'll be able to make an account for free and start creating to your heart's content! sometimes people who do that even get roped into the camp due to Token Shenanigans....
2) look. i get it. how much do i get it? the post you're talking about was written by my bill cipher fictive. and guess what book made me pick THAT thing up? we're in the same boat. i'm (RELATIVELY) normal 'round these parts, but if you do end up dropping me a line, maybe you'll happen upon some of my stuff? just sayin'. but as for what i can do for ya at the desk here...
thing is, i actually haven't read that much blaseball fanfic. i know! i WANT to. i have a list, which i'll reblog with your special tag right after this. but my brain doesn't let me read a lotta long stuff these days, which is SUCKS! i might poke around some tags and see what i can find, but that spectacular shelled one fic's the only one of its kind i know.
if you wanna read something Long and Serious and Really Really Good that's haunted me for years, put your eyes on Oil and Water, the shoe thieves disaster marriage classic about grief and autism and family and other such things.
then read everything else that catches your fancy, and send me your picks! and hey. if anyone reading this wants to help a cute anon out and knows some fics (or wrote some fics) that fit the Bill i mean the bill, PLEASE lemme know!! i Understand wanting more evil mind control. it's kind of my whole thing. PLUS i'm literally the shelled one's favorite
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Idk if youd be super into it but Id really like to hear about why you don't like wilhelm. :0 idkidk your thoughts on every1 are just so interesting to me n I like the thought you put in them idk
I can't get over how I'm like "I don't like this guy I made up evil thoughts about him in my head and not the fun kind" and now all my anons are like "wanna tell us about him???" vjnfjbngjb
I'll go into depth a little more because your asks is very nice but idk if I'll ever reveal the depths of why I hate this shitty little lad
So! Idk if I've just been on some weird sides of fandom but I generally see him portrayed as like,, some pseudo twink whose only purpose is comedic banter on the sidelines of other ships or being Edmund "daddy dom" Avery Junior's bitch (in case you can't tell from how I phrased that I don't like that portrayal of Avery either vjfnbjgnb) and I don't like that!! I also just,, do not fuck with the whole "oh no he wasn't a death eater because he wanted to he was forced into it he's actually innocent!!" and I've seen some of that with Wilhelm too.
I think this dude is just,, a genuinely shitty person. Getting the basics out of the way homeboy is a blood supremacist and a death eater. Not a great start when it comes to being a good person. I've already delved briefly into his relationship with Aurora here but I'll elaborate. I think he's an entitled shitbag (this entitlement is also what makes me think homeboy does not know that no means no and you can kinda let that brainwave take you wherever you want but really I will not elaborate more on this part (he's also got a particular taste in women that I've alluded to in my moodboards but once again I'm not gonna bring it up any more than that)). He thinks he's smarter than everyone else, that he can manipulate everyone into thinking he's someone better than who he really is (and he can) and the fact that he's aware enough of this to keep doing it so successfully is just,, he knows he's not a good person and still, he pretends to be one to get what he wants. Classic wolf in sheep's clothing!!! He's maintained a friendship for years simply because he thinks it's funny to laugh behind Aurora's back like what kind of person does that??
I can also provide a bit of context for my portrayal of Wilhelm I guess lol. I'm not the one who came up with the name Wilhelm for him obviously but since we canonically only know his last name someone had to. Wilhelm is of Germanic origin and thus I've decided that he's Austrian lol. Wilkes shares his last name with the main antagonist from I think it's Stephen King's Misery?? Don't quote me on that lmao. Anyway, the character's main trait in that book is that they're like,, relentlessly cruel so in my portrayal of Wilkes I definitely took inspiration from his namesake. He originally attended Durmstrang where he was close with Rowle and Dolohov (especially the latter) though he was expelled in his third year and due to connections he was able to attend Hogwarts instead where he was sorted into Slytherin. He spent his time at Durmstrang tormenting not only but probably, in particular, Igor Karkarov (who I think had an exchange year to Hogwarts in his seventh year where Wilhelm continued to bully him while playing completely innocent to anyone else)
I think Wilhelm is a fairly tall, muscular young man, with such a pale complexion and blonde hair that he looks like he never sees sunlight. He's got multi-coloured eyes, one light brown and the other blue, very fluffy hair (sheep's clothing) and a charming smile with prominent fangs (wolf) and exposed gums. He looks far too cunty for a man who's as homophobic as he is
I'm glad you enjoy my character rambles jvnfjbngjb I'd be more than happy to ramble about someone else lol
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quark-art · 2 years
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im doing commissions!!!
if youre interested in buying one, check the info under the cut for how to do it, and if not, reblogging this post would still be appreciated!
(i also have a ko-fi page and a paypal donations page now!)
ok so!
STEP ONE - contact me!
you can message me via: - email ([email protected]) - tumblr (just dm this blog) - discord (my handle is quark#9884) - twitter (over here)
STEP TWO - let me know what you want!
describe what youd like me to draw for your commission: if you want just a sketch, full color and lighting, a bust, full-body, no background, a basic scenic background, or anything else listed in the above images! if youd like something that ISNT listed above, describe it for me and ill figure out an appropriate price.
ill need references or at least a semi-detailed description for any characters involved, as well as some idea of what youd like to see in terms of pose, lighting, background, or anything else youre paying for. if you can draw up a quick thumbnail of what youd like, that would be very helpful as well! if i need any other information, ill be sure to ask, and if theres anything i [cant/wont/dont trust myself to] draw ill let you know and we can figure something out.
STEP THREE - payment!
once all the details are set in stone, ill let you know how much its going to cost, and let you know how to pay me. i prefer paypal because its the simplest for me to use, but i do have venmo and i also recently set up a ko-fi page if thats more your speed.
payment upfront is preferred; im not gonna start working on the commission if i dont know im actually gonna get paid for it lol
thats about it! if you have any questions, feel free to send them to this blog via my askbox. im really excited to draw stuff for you guys!
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
Bro said Isagi is too plain /j LMAOO ok but I kinda see what you mean?? Like maybe it’s because he’s got the most normal background out of everyone that unless you’re super interested in him it’s kinda hard to find something build off….like everyone at least has something unique about their background that adds a little extra depth (like injuries, medical things, bullying, etc) but he kinda just had the model life besides losing his match LMAO
Stop that ego idea Lowk…..no ok but I’m gonna read through that and imagine his bug eyes staring at me and lose it LMAOO
Ok but when you first told me you didn’t really like the itoshis I was kinda flabbergasted because I was like wait….is this the same person who wrote cherry tree????? If you hadn’t said anything I would’ve assumed you were a Rin fan because of how well it was written LMAO I was already super excited seeing the 6k wc but now after everything else I’m like oh yeah that’s on the lower side for Mira LMAOOOOO
NO FR please fill in the lore holes…..don’t let this end like jjk……I need to know…..you know they really should just hire us as oracles like we know what’s good!!!
I recently got badgered into watching haikyuu and it’s SO CHILL compared to bllk HAHAHA still enjoyable though!!!! But bllk honestly kinda reminds me of the kuroko’s basketball with the battle like aspects of it so I’m sure the hype will keep increasing!!!
Putting my trust in kaneshiro because he usually cooks!!! I’m ngl I’m kinda sick of seeing Kaiser Isagi and Rin though SHOW THE OTHERS
And THANK YOU WHAT A GOD SEND but OMGGG ITS THIS ARTIST!!! I RECOGNIZE THIS STYLE!! Pause I’ll translate this im gonna do Left to Right Top to Bottom
Karasu in Hiori’s Body:
1 - The one with his finger pointing up
Karasu: “The hell are ya lookin at?! There’s nothin to see here idiots!”
Someone else who I assume is Hiori: “Hey you shouldn’t use your middle finger…”
2 - the hair scene: He’s arranging his hair with a bunch of wax just like usual
3 - face pulling taunt image: Karasu is unsatisfied with Hiori’s stiff facial muscles and small mouth
K: This idiot’s mouth is so small he’s like a baby chick
4- With Isagi: Hiori usually assists him so when Isagi had to face him in a strength/muscle battle his brain glitched.
K: As if I’d let you move around
Hiori’s thoughts: Karasu-kun’s pretty dexterous huh, he’s already moving around.
5- smirking:
The immeasurable damage (to the heart) of a rare scene is very healing
K: As usual, when you fight on your own your feet get stuck. So mid.
Hiori in Karasus body:
1- kicking: Even with a different physique, his dexterity allows him to continue playing without any problems. His only thoughts are “His legs are pretty long…I wonder if they’d break”
2- hair down:
Hiori, who doesn’t lift a finger to adjust his hair.
H: Does anyone have clippers or scissors? This hairs gettin in the way
K: Wait a damn minute ya dunce!!!
3- smiling:
H: Hahaha yer so dumb, what are ya even doing?
4- With Otoya:
H: I couldn’t pass anywhere but there….sorry.
Text: A toxic looking face vs a sincere apology and behavior of someone who tries to compromise with others
Otoya: “…………..ah……..yeah……….its fine…..”
Everytime he says “I” (in a less aggressive tone) Otoya does a double take
Someone: Otoya’s got a hell of a lot of goosebumps!! And that face of rejection is insane!!!
- Karasu anon
i think a combo of that + him being too nice off field makes him a bit difficult for me in the same way yuki is but whereas yuki at least has medical trauma isagi is just chilling 😭 idk maybe one day i’ll be struck w inspiration for him 😰 but yeah out of everyone in bllk who i’ve written for i’d say he’s been the hardest character for me so far!!
NAH BECAUSE IT’S LOWKEY FIRE I CAN’T LIE…maybe young ego when he got enough sleep was fine af 🤔 imagine we get his backstory and he’s the most gorgeous man ever who literally puts yukimiya to shame HAHAHA that would crack me up…ego would be the ultimate side character to write about though because honestly i don’t even think there IS an ego nation 😭 there would be two readers fr (you and me)
LMAOO omg not the undercover itoshi non-fan 😭 pls i actually did start bllk for rin so i must give my king credit but he was a gateway drug to nagi and karasu fr…the day people stick more to his canon than fanon personality is the day i’ll wear my rin stan badge w pride ‼️ and YEAH i always forget that 6k is actually quite a lot of words…like people will post that they got carried away on a one shot and for them that’s like 1-3k words but for me getting carried away on a one shot atp means 15k+ 😩 anything between 5-10k is the normal range and anything less than 5k is quick and short!! but i’m also a wordy gal so 😰
i think i watched one ep of hq in 2020 and just couldn’t get into it!! i’ve heard good things abt it so no hate just wasn’t quite the show for me. i’ve also heard knb is good!! it’s another one i haven’t watched…tbh i’ve watched a very random assortment of animes 😭 but not that many unfortunately i’m not very good abt sitting down and watching tv it’s very rare for me to start a new show (one of my mutuals on here had to convince me to start bllk because otherwise i wouldn’t have…all because of a rin fanart i reblogged 😩)
I’M BORED OF THEM TOO maybe because none of them are my favs…i trust kaneshiro though all of the other matches have been super fun to read all at once so i’m sure it’ll be the same for bm vs pxg!!
MY TRANSLATING GOAT 😭🙏🏻 i hope it didn’t seem like i was trying to get you to do that or anything HAHA i just didn’t know if the caption was smth freaky or not…like pls don’t think i’m crazy i promise i have no idea what it says 👹
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findroleplay · 10 months
Hello! I hope you are all having an amazing day! Im 20+ looking for others 20+ to possible RP out an MxM Omegaverse idea I've been thinking of for awhile now!
The general gist of it is our characters are investigators for a series of crimes. Maybe our characters tend to work alone and were partnered together for this particular case or maybe they have always been partners, but either way they dislike each other heavily. I have an Omega OC I'd like to use for this, he's rude, mean, tired, and more than willing to pushback. If your OC happens to be an Alpha, the dislike on my characters end would be due to bad past experiences with Alphas. Maybe your character dislikes mine from how aggressive he comes across as or maybe he has his own reasoning entirely! I would like for this to be slow burn with something eventually happening later down the line that gets them both to finally see eye to eye and opening to door for the possibility of feelings developing for one another over time.
I'd like for the two of us to be able to plot out this idea further, ironing out all the details of it, for what this universe is like, what crimes our characters are investigating, etc, All of that good stuff! Given the subject matter, I dont mind if this goes in a bit of a gritty dark route either in regards to the crimes our OCs investigate or even between our characters themselves! Maybe my character forgot to take his heat surpressants and goes into heat at some point during the investigations and your character takes advantage of him in this state, maybe your character forcefully puts the investigation on pause to get my character somewhere safe to ride out his heat on his own. Maybe your character enforces mines already sour opinion of Alphas, maybe he helps him heal and see that not all Alphas are as bad as the ones he has met in the past. I think theres plenty directions it can go and that it'd be interesting to explore them! NSFW isn't a must nor is it something I am actively looking for but given the universe this takes place in, I wouldn't mind if things went in that direction either! All I ask is that we discuss everything before hand if youd want NSFW down the line so we can discuss kinks, limits, etc.
While I know this plot is geared a bit more towards Alpha characters, your character DOES NOT have to be an Alpha! I welcome Alphas, Betas, and even other Omegas! I'd be more than willing to adjust certain details here and there along side you to better fit whatever your characters secondary gender is!
If you have any ideas you'd want to add into this plot, feel free to let me know! If you have any completely different plot ideas entirely that you have been just dying to play out, feel free to let me know! I'd love to hear any ideas you may have and work something out with you!
My reply length tends to be on the more longer side and I'd prefer yours be too, but I will try my best to mirror you! Just no one liners please, Id like to have something to work with!
Lastly, Ooc chat isnt a necessity at all but would be appreciative! Id love to be able to talk to and maybe even make new friends but thats not a requirement or a deal breaker if youd rather stick to the roleplay/roleplay-related chatting.
So yeah!! This will be on discord, like this post and I'll reach out! Hope to hear from you soon!
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chesthighwater · 1 year
Asking you about a character! And it's gonna be... the Outsider!! Yippee!!!
First impression: Who's This Douchebag. why are your arms crossed and why do you feel the need to share facts about my life with me i already know all that. oh you're branding me? to give me supernatural powers???? okay. so that has. Undertones.
Impression now: oh, that's tough. i mean he's a very interesting character- i know some people who would have VERY insightful things to say about him- but i feel like i don't rotate him in my head nearly enough to achieve that level of knowledge. i mean i know some people who swirl this man around in their mind at mach speeds. my meagre opinions couldn't begin to compare. i like the potential chaos he can cause- just his existence by itself sometimes puts a spanner in the works. and the void is also a FASCINATING concept to me. i think he's tough to get right in general- there's a reason why i don't write outsider dialogue even when i think having him show up to taunt people would be cool and fun. mayhaps i should rotate him in my head more
Favorite moment: im gonna be real with you chief so many of my most memorable moments with the outsider is me wanting to strangle his smug ass. especially since my first playthroughs of dh were very influenced by like. me feeling like no matter what i do, i can't possibly do anything right. and him showing to be like "MY DEAR CORVO YOU SURE FUCKED UP AGAIN BIG TIME" didn't exactly help. but one thing off the top of my head- his little speech about lady boyle. i found it very intriguing because it was the first time (if i recall correctly) that we were shown him giving a more specific prediction of the future (beyond like, Ah Yes My Dear Corvo You Will Change The World Or Whatever). it made me really curious about the extent of his "clairvoyance".
Idea for a story: i'd love to hear some takes on the Other marked. like not the known marked i want you all to make shit up. give me insight into his psyche via the people he chooses to bind himself to. also, i'm always down for explorations of weird void shit and how any of that works. what does he even do all day? how does the way he "sees" the marked/the world manifest? what are whales? please let me know.
Unpopular opinion: now i know some outsider scholars debate his morality a lot. like, is he "evil"? does he even have anything resembling a moral compass at this point? i don't think this is an unpopular opinion at all, but to me he is just creature. sort of blue and orange morality i think. its not about good or evil or whatever he just does things. i find it quite difficult to imagine that he is trying to provoke a "net positive" change in the world. he is just doing stuff
Favorite relationship: hmmm corvosider? again i don't rotate them in my head nearly as much as i should, but it definitely has the uh. well certain Characteristics and trope potential that i could very much get into LMAO.... those who know me (and probably those who dont i think im very obvious) could easily pick out a few i imagine
Favorite headcanon: this isnt even a headcanon but dont you think it would be fun to see your own reflection in his eyes. theyre like a phone screen when you shut it off accidentally and have to see your own face. like would you not get distracted by that. hed be telling you some important shit about the future and your failures in life and youd be like fighting the urge to wave/pull a face just to see what it looks like
ask me about a character <3
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goth-oatmilk-latte · 1 year
it really bothers me to see other women my age having bridal showers or pretty weddings or even getting married. i cannot imagine having close, supportive friends and family in any endeavor, much less my failed attempt at marriage. again.
i never wanted a wedding, but it would be nice to have enough friends to have a bridal party or a wedding or even to pick out a dress with. when i thought i was going to have a small wedding, i tried on dresses alone for about ten minutes before i handed everything back to the attendant and told her sorry i lied no one else was coming and i didnt want to take up her time trying on dresses no one will even care about. i never have true friendship from other women and i know i never will. all of my girlfriends end up not being friends with me for one reason or another, or we are still "friends," but they very loudly with their actions let me know im not worth their time to be around. they find the time for others but not me.
theres not a real comparison for the loneliness you feel with a dozen dresses and hearing the bridal party next to yours all talking about how pretty their bestie looks while you try to imagine someone being out there for you, but knowing theres no one and that it doesnt even matter. what was even more embarrassing was the lady asked if my mom or mother in law was coming and if I wanted to wait for them, and i had to also tell her neither of them gave a fuck and i really did lie i didnt have anyone else, it was just me, and i didn't want to waste a perfectly good fitting room and party area for no one, that i just wanted to try on some stuff to see if i looked okay enough to consider a wedding.
and i didn't. i didnt even fully try anything on i just held it up to my body and decided i was going to look hideous so what was the point anyway. i think i got one like almost fully on before i decided it was enough. i could just order something cheap off shein if i wanted bc no one would care.
i wish i wasnt always everyone's stepping stone to their perfect partner or friendship, but i always am. ive never once been good enough to be "the one," im the one everyone abuses and fucks up before they find their one. it is exhausting to know i dont hold any significance to anyone that theyd stop abusing me or cheating on me or wouldnt do it to begin with bc they just love me for me. i get it though. im not pretty, im not interested, im not smart, im not funny, im just mentally ill. so im like a trial version of a wife, you can decide what about me youd change and find the woman who fits those and boom. your perfect woman!
that is my role. i am lifes stepping stone.
im tired of it.
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