#let me know if you want me to break down my thoughts on dark!allison because I have them both good and bad
i1f3klic · 1 year
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Dark! Jason Dilaurentis X Black Reader
Warnings: language, back shots, slight forced motion, bathroom sex, oral
"y/n, get your ass over here right now" the blonde said through the phone. You and four others were best friends with the meanest girl in Rosewood.
Even worse, she would force you specifically to sleepover at her house. Days ago, she had told you she was getting anonymous texts from someone named "A". Meaning, Allison was as clingy has ever. I’ve never seen her scared before. I was genuinely worried.
So when she called I always went.
"Fine, just let me pack my stuff" I uttered. I frantically stuffed my bag with needed necessities, and made my way over to Ali's.
I knocked on her front door and to my surprise, her big brother Jason answered it. He glared at me erotically, as if I wore a naked bird waiting for its mother to bathe him.
The glare went on for about a minute. Was he going to let me through or what. I hope Alison comes down the stairs, I hate awkward silences. Jason was so tall and so muscular you could his body print through the shirt. I couldn’t deny it, Jason was really fine. The first time I met him was in the summer of 6th grade, I was sure he was annoyed by me.
“Do you wanna go to your friend or should I close the door” he asks. I shake my head yes and walk past him and I go straight to Allison’s room. I don’t even look back, my body aches in embarrassment. Jason seemed mad, maybe something happened before I came and now I made him more upset.
Hours have gone by, and we still haven't figured out who "A" is. I don’t want to sound like a bad friend or anything but I’m not really surprised that Allison has someone bothering her. She torments other people and I hate when she does that shit. I almost stopped being her friend because of it ,she begged me for days to forgive her and I finally budged.
Allison was really scared though, I’d never seen her in this state before, she’s usually the bully but now she’s the bullied. She’s digging in her box, looking at all the notes from A. I squeeze her shoulder, so she’s knows I’m here for her. “Alli maybe you should give this a break, and A hasn’t texted once since I have been here, maybe they’re done”
“They are not, I’m telling you if u weren’t here, they would be sending paper plates to my window with threats” She looks at me as her face is puffy, I haven’t made to much attention to her face since I got here, but her eyes are puffy and her skin is red. She had been crying. “We could go to the cops and report them” As I finish the sentence she breaks out into tears crashing into her bed. “Don’t you think I thought that, they’ll hurt me if I do it” I’m about to open myself but her mother walks right in and calls us for dinner.
The table was so quiet, it differed largely from my household. There was no loud kids crying , no small conversations nothing.
I kept trying to figure out who would be trying to mess with Allison but the list of people who hated ali was too long. She’s so scared and fragile kind of like a baby, it was like I was walking on glass around her. I could say one thing and she’ll crack. I didn’t know what to say to her and she didn’t tell the rest of the girls, so I don’t have anyone else to talk about this too.
I picked at my spaghetti and meatballs, twirling the noodles on my fork. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a large hand on my thigh, I look down to see Jason's hand caressing it.
I didn’t hate it, it’s not like Jason was unattractive but he was Ali’s big brother so he was automatically off limits. I learned that when Hannah looked at him too hard last summer and Ali had a fit. If she sees this she’s definitely gonna do more then have a fit. I can’t do this Ali, she was just crying infront of me upstairs and now I’m getting touched by her brother, am I a bad friend.
I closed my eyes hoping when I open them again his hand would disappear but it didn’t. I opened them again to still see his hand still on my bare thigh. I had to leave. Allison and I have had our arguments and pretty fights but this is pushing it. I get Allison mad but who knows what she would do is she was furious.
"Can I be excused" I asked before getting up without hearing an answer. I had to get out of that situation, I head to bathroom and wash my face, I was sweating like crazy. I look at myself in the mirror to see Jason behind me. His hard body was pressed up on my butt. I realize I was practically arching in front of the mirror.
“You were gonna leave with out saying goodbye” he asked. I look at him using the mirror,he was looking down at me. N-no just needed to step away for a few” I stuttered. He moved his body slowly caressing his groan on my butt.The feeling was painful but a good painful, I wanted to feel more of that.
If Ali sees this I’m dead. Before I knew it Jason pants came off and so did mine. He bent me over the sink and my arch was lowkey pretty. He moved his dick up and down, teasing me. He slide it inside slowly , we both moaned as it was entering. He started slow and I couldn’t control myself, my moans were just slipping out with no control. Hearing this he went even faster, he covered my mouth. So nobody would hear, his groans were low and sexy.
"You like that princess" he asked. I couldn’t even answer, his dick was taking me away. He went faster and faster, you could hear the sink rattling a little bit. I was enjoying it but I was getting worried, what if Allison came looking for me, I’ve been gone for some time now. He grabs my neck and he goes fully in, he takes slow shots. I’m taking every inch of him. He groaned loudly, he came.
He was so close behind me, I could feel his body heat. He turned me around and looked in my face. I didn’t look away for a second. He was so beautiful I couldn’t take my eyes off him. His lips looked so soft, I had to taste them. I leaned in and kissed him , he kissed back. Our tongues were fighting each other and his mouth tasted like fresh mint. He was such a good kisser, I loved every sound he made. He groaned and I moaned, he reached into my shirt grabbing my titties. He took them out the bra and started touching my nibbles. His hands were so cold, goosebumps came over my body. He lifted up my shirt and started sucking my titties.
Nobody has ever done that to me before. The boys in this town don’t know how to please a girl, since jason was man he knew how to do it. He looked up at me with his brown/green eyes (I forgot the color), he looked like an angel, my pussy was in heat, I took his hands and brought them down to my pussy, he took a look at me and put his head in between my legs. I moaned softly, so he could hear. His head was warm and his tongue was so wet. He was eating me out, it felt so good. I was leaking into his mouth and he slurped up everything. “Jason” I moan. I brush my hand through his hair, it was extremely soft. As I came in his mouth, there was a knock on the door, Ali was on the other side of it.
“Y/n, Y/n” she screamed, she banged on the door, I was so scared I pushed jason off of me and started putting my clothes on. He looks at me calm, I motion my hand to the shower , and he goes in it I throw him his clothes and I leave the bathroom.
“What took you so long”
“I had gas” I lied.
“Ew” she said, she walks and I follow behind her. More A hunt, I turn around and I see Jason quietly leaving the bathroom. We lock eyes and he blows me a kiss. Oh my god Jason is so fine
I rewrote it, hope y’all enjoy.
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mekochansblog · 2 years
My sane
Five Hargreeves x reader
Tag: @thirteen2003fan & @instabull
Warnings: talking about death, sad Five.
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Five looked at Diego and Lila trying to find their “son” Stanley. Five rolled his eyes and sighed knowing the kid he probably got kugelblitz.
He turned his head a bit and grumbled, “Can you believe it Y/N they lost the kid they adopt all because they are sentient STDs.” He then actually looked at his side and saw no one. It’s been a habit lately that he talks to himself thinking his wife was just going to be there. He decided to ignore them for a bit and saw Luther and Sloane. They wanted them to join them at the Sparrow academy.
While walking to the academy he thought about everything he went the past 20 days and more. First, he landed in the courtyard of his house, back to his 20-year-old body. Then he tried to save that apocalypse from his brother, which made him take his family back in time to save them, he landed in the ’60s and tried to save his family from that apocalypse. Took them to the right time but not the right timeline and now he has a stupid kugelblitz to handle yet again. Can’t even get a break right Y/N?
He remembers finding a Polaroid camera during your little search in the apocalypse and taking a picture with you. He remembers your smile and the giggles you will let out when he will say something about his calculations that you knew you weren’t able to understand. It made him want to cry remembering you. He zones back when they got to the academy and Fei opens the door for them.
“Lovely to meet you.” Lila introduces herself to Fei.
“Welcome.” Fei returns to gesture, “make yourselves at home.” She tells the academy people.
Allison who was already in a bad mood, “bitch this is our home.” And sat down.
Five decided to ignore them for now and listen to what Diego noticed. “Where the hell is Viktor and Klaus?”
Five chuckled, “With our luck, probably kugelblitzed by now.”
Diego looked at him weirdly. “You’re a dark little dude sometimes.”
Five listened to Diego and Ben argue like little children and sighed. Jesus, why can’t they just get to the point? “Okay, if the testosterone twins are done, I’d like to get back to a plan.”
Viktor then jogged into the room looking around. He looked like he was about to be in tears.
“Where is he?” He asked looking at the Sparrow academy and then at Allison. Five also looked at them not knowing who they were talking about but having a clue who. Five zoned them out a bit, but Ben brought him back.
“20 bucks on the little one,” Ben whispered to Five while eating cheese puffs. Five looked at him and thought about it.
“I’ll take that action.” Five leaned to Ben to whisper to him, not wanting to get in the middle of his sibling's fight.
‘You shouldn’t be betting on your own siblings Miele that’s just mean coming from you.’ He can already know what would be his wife’s words if she was here.
“This wasn’t about saving the world. This was about hurting me. Payback for - -“ Viktor started, making Five stop thinking about his wife and listening to Viktor and Allison argue.
“Go on. Say her name.” Allison went on looking intimidating and looking down at Viktor. Five got tired of it and stood up.
“That’s it Allison we get it you’re hurt you lost your daughter, but everyone lost someone, not just you, you can’t just say this shit to Viktor, you killed someone important to him.” Five exclaimed back at Allison and everyone started looking at him. Five was pissed everyone lost someone, Luther lost Pogo in a way, Diego lost his mother, Klaus lost our Ben and Dave, and Viktor lost Sissy and now Harlan. Allison turned to him.
“You haven’t lost anyone Five you were stuck in the apocalypse and you were gone for years so how the hell can you say you lost someone!” She screamed at him while holding back tears. Five gave a painful laugh and looked at his sister with so much pain.
“You think I didn’t lose someone too?! I lost my own wife! My happiness I lost her to the stupid apocalypse that I so badly wanted to save all of you guys because those were her last words to me! To save my family! I lost the one person that kept me sane all those years from an illness that we both couldn’t do anything because guess what Allison!?” Five yelled while looking at her, “There was no medicine! No cure! No hospital! I saw the love of my life die in my arms! So to answer your stupid question sister yes I did lose someone are you happy now?!” Five finished and had to take deep breaths.
The whole family looked at him lost for words, not knowing what to tell their young but older brother from the news that he told them. Five sighed and started sniffling feeling the weight of guilt for his wife drowning him. “I lost the only person that I cared about, and I couldn’t do anything to keep her alive with me. I miss her. I miss my Y/N.” Five wept softly. Diego sighed and grabbed his brother and hugged him.
Five felt rigid not having felt a hug since the last one you gave him. He slowly stop tensing and hugged his brother back and cried. Five broke down his walls and held on to Diego for support.
“I miss her Diego and I can’t do anything to bring her back.”
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clarkgriffon · 2 years
While I typically hate dark!character plot lines, I think what I hate about them most is when female characters get them and then fans immediately turn on the character and are the Absolute Worst about it.
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elisela · 2 years
Underappreciated Sterek fic recs please for sleepover ask.
okay so this is maybe cheating because i'm still reading a lot of stuff that was super popular back in the day and really only read recent sterek fics from my friends, so ... these are all from my friends
down with the recipe (bake from the heart) by @tripleaxeldiaz
“War zone” is the first word that comes to mind — every inch of their kitchen is covered in something. Flour on the counters. Streaks of egg whites running down the front of the sink. Smears of butter on the refrigerator handle. Something bubbly and greenon the oven door. And even more smells than when he first walked in — orange zest, mint, something savory like gravy, and something sickly sweet like marshmallows. 
And sitting on the floor, in the eye of the hurricane, is Stiles, looking very messy and very upset.
education in the lovesick blues also by @tripleaxeldiaz
The Greek god’s smile is somehow the most stunning part about him. “Do you know which way Allison Argent’s room is? I think I walked around the school three times now and I still can’t find it.”
“Oh, you’re her sub!” He sticks out a hand, the stack now precariously balancing in the other. “I’m Stiles, her brightest and most handsome colleague.”
“Mr. Hale— Derek. Nice to meet you.” Derek’s hand is warm and strong, and Stiles has an embarrassing flash of wanting that hand gripping some other parts of his body. 
He shakes his head and clears his throat. “Great, let me— I’m just gonna drop these off, and then I’ll show you how to get to her room. There’s a whole spiel too, even though she’s probably already given it to you, but I promised I’d run through it again in case she forgot anything, and who am I to break a promise to a pregnant woman?”
the things that come and go by @softboiidiaz
There was a split second of staring between them, visible concern written over Derek’s face as he took a step forward. 
“I’m sorry…I didn’t know where else to go.” Stiles called out, rain pouring down on him and his breathing becoming uneven. The kid in his arms turning towards Derek, eyes flashing red.
spark like empty lighters by @extasiswings
I knew he didn’t love me, but I adored him anyway — Patti Smith
Or: Derek leaves. Stiles gets possessed. Derek comes back. What that all means...they'll figure it out.
yes, deputy by @sterekxhale
His radar reads the speed as the dark SUV comes into view, and his first thought is that he might have to seize and impound the vehicle, then he realizes who the driver is.
Bon Appetít by @nerdherderette
Stiles is the enfant terrible of modernist cooking. Derek is San Francisco’s celebrated chef of haute cuisine. It’s bad enough their restaurants are within spitting distance of one another, but when they’re asked to scout out the next location for the International Food and Wine Festival, the Queso flameado isn't the only thing going down in flames.
(okay that last one.... might not be underrated by your metrics but by MINE wherein I think everyone and their mother should be reading this fic and living for it, it is. It reminds me of growing up in a Mexican family and nothing will make me stop loving it)
sleepover weekend
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selfawarejester · 3 years
Hey can u please do a teen wolf imagine set in season 2 where she is either Scott or stiles sister and she is sneaking around with isaac (they kinda had a thing before he got the bite and after isaac got more confident so he made a move)and isaac sneaks into her room at night and instead of Allison it’s is y/n that Matt was stalking and taking pictures of and obsessed with and he had pictures of her and isaac kissing and stuff and maybe he leaves the pictures in her locker and it freaks her out and you decide the rest. (Sorry it’s a bit dark)
Oh, I love me some Isaac!!! Forgive me if I get some details wrong, it’s been a while since I saw s2. And I’m gonna make you Scotty boi’s sister, because Melissa 🥰
You weren’t the dating type, much to the relief of your mother and your brother - and for some reason, Stiles, but you preferred to pretend that you didn’t know that. - which is why it was such a shock when you drag Isaac Lahey of all people to sit with them during lunch one day.
“I don’t think this is a good idea, Y/N-“ Isaac tires to say, shooting the boys a wary look, but you just shush him and shove him into a seat. You brightly grin at the shocked faces Scott and Stiles before confessing that you’d been dating Isaac for a while now.
Scott freezes for a full thirty seconds.
Stiles chokes on his hashbrowns, and almost dies in that same time period.
“Da- you’re dating him?” He splutters, pointing at a smirking Isaac. “You’re dating him? Oh my god, what the- Scott, say something.”
Stiles gives you a look that says ‘you’re gonna get it now’ which slowly slides off when Scott just keeps quiet, staring at you with wide eyes.
“Wha- Scott, say something.” He grits out, and you roll your eyes, tired of their dramatics.
“All right, enough! Seriously, people are staring.”
That gets Scott moving again, as he looks around to find that people are, indeed, staring. He’s still shocked because when did you start dating?? But now he’s asking questions like when did you two start dating? Why did you keep it a secret so long?
He always knew you kind of had a thing for him: all the flirty banter, and the lovelorn glances…
You and Isaac started up two months ago, you explain, but it’s been pretty low-key so that he can hide it from his dad. (You don’t outwardly say this, exchanging a specific look, but both you and Scott have been pretty sure something was going very wrong in the Lahey household — Scott had smelt blood and fear wafting off of Isaac way too often for it not to be.) So he kinda just?? Accepts it??
He’s concerned, duh, but you’re so happy and he doesn’t want to get in the way of that. But he sternly tells Isaac he’ll kick his ass if he hurts you. Isaac, to his credit, stifles his laughter and genuinely tells him that he’d rather die than hurt you; and that’s good enough for Scotty.
Of course, all of this changes when Isaac becomes a beta.
He does it for you. He wants to be able to protect you, to love you without fear of losing you or getting you in trouble. Derek’s assured him that your protection is a priority of the pack, because even in his slightly power-greedy Alpha state, Derek wouldn’t let what happened to him and Paige happen to his beta.
Stiles and Scott hover around you throughout the whole time Isaac is suspected of murdering his father. Sheriff Stilinski tried to kick them out during your questioning, but they squeezed onto the small couch in his office and just stared at him the whole time. You were shocked and scared and obviously didn’t know anything, so he sent you home pretty quick.
Melissa’s freaked out because 1) you lied to her?? 2) you’re dating now 3) and it’s a boy suspected of murder. So, yeah, maybe she’s questioning her parenting a bit, but she’s really trying to be supportive.
Scott corners Isaac at school (Stiles is there too, naturally) after the whole ice rink thing, without Erica or Derek, and he swears he’d never hurt you. Unfortunately, you walk in right at that moment.
You know when both of them are lying, so you force the truth of them, then and there. You get thrown off guard, of course — they thought you’d react like Stiles, or just like most of the people in those movies react: with a lot of surprise but general and immediate acceptance.
You do immediately do something: leave and avoid both of them for the next couple of days. Your mom’s curious as to why you’re so distant, and why Scott keeps begging you to talk to him, and why you’re avoiding him -- but ultimately, she lets sleeping dogs lie, because she hopes you’ll come to her with something really important.
You hang out with Lydia and Allison a lot more, Allison backing up for Scott by keeping you safe — she tries to defend him for you, but you make it clear you need a lot of time before you can think about that stuff. She also tries to turn you against Isaac, but you’re even more closed off to that.
Lydia is a fresh breath of air, because she is just as confused about this (even if it’s only possibilities and vague stuff) and she doesn’t wanna know more either. She keeps things light between you and Allison, and keeps your mind off of things. But it doesn’t work when Allison and the others drag you guys to your house for a weird “study session” that gets crashed by a giant lizard thing- god, this was your life now.
Isaac grabbed you, and locked you in a bathroom before the whole thing really started. You scream at him to stop, scream for Scott, and beat on his chest, but he just screws his eyes shut and forces you in there — he knows you’ll hate him afterwards, but he also knows you might run straight at the Kanima if it came for him or Scott.
You do hate him afterwards. A little part of you understands why he did it, and it’s unfortunately the same part that still loves him. But you’re still hugely pissed off, especially after Scott and Stiles tell you that he tried to kill Lydia. So the next day, when he tries to talk to you at school, you glare at him until he goes away.
In swoops Matt, all “charming” smiles and “funny” jokes. He sees his chance: months of watching you and Isaac be all cutesy had paid off. He knew what kind of humor you liked — unfortunately, all it did was remind you of your boyfriend and keep you guys at a distance.
God, he hated it. Bad enough that someone was keeping you from him, but that it was Lahey. The brother of the guy that drowned him, the son of the guy that screamed in his face about how it was his fault- no. He had to break you up.
So he consolidated all the pictures that he’d taken of you: candids of you at school, at home, at the coffee place you liked. He slips them into your locker, and watches you squirm and look around. It’s working. Then, it’s those pictures of you and Isaac, kissing at your secret spot, necking in your bedroom, smiling at each other — labels it “Remember the good times?”
You’re trying to talk about it to Scott, Allison and Stiles, but they’re busy with the Kanima. Lydia tries to help, but she’s so out of it and she has been for a while and you’re starting to get worried.
It gets to a point where you run to Isaac, tears in your eyes, and photographs in your hands. “Is this you?” You sob, and he just pulls you into his arms shushing you - “No! No, babe, I’d never do that!” - and promises to keep you safe. You stay glued to his side after that. Boyd is nice and calm, a contrast to Derek who creeps you out a little.
Through his first full moon, you stay with him and keep him grounded. Your voice keeps his father’s out of his head, keeps him in control.
You’re standing off in a corner, watching with a smirk as Erica - who you’ve gotten weirdly close to in the past few weeks - and Isaac double team Jackson (it’s actually… kinda hot? Especially because damn Isaac keeps looking at you); but your view gets obstructed by Matt. He’s trying to talk to you but you barely listen, keeping eye contact with Isaac over his shoulder. Then they leave with Jackson, and Matt makes a move on you. You flinch away so hard, you hit the counter and get the bartender’s attention.
You confront him about the pictures and he splutters for an excuse. The bartender kicks out Matt, seeing your distress, who’s now more desperate for your attention than ever.
Matt - or the Kanima- kidnaps you during Lydia’s party and keeps you in his basement. You’re scared out of your mind, begging for him to let you go, but he promises you that there won’t be anyone in your ways from now on. While everyone’s dealing with the fiasco at the police station, Isaac, Boyd and Erica come get you.
He’s trying not to cry when he sees your busted lip, the bruises around your wrists where you were tied down.
Boyd and Erica decided to leave, but Isaac didn’t want to leave you behind. So he goes to Scott and Deaton, and becomes a good guy, helps out with Jackson and everything!
He also starts living with you guys, which you’re very excited about ;) But Melissa is very careful about leaving you two alone. And Scott’s stupid senses screw you over in that he interrupts every time you get to more than kissing.
But you find ways. 😉😏😏
Hope you liked it! I think I changed a few things, and I tried to keep the canon timelines for everything, but yeah!
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unsupervisedpanda · 3 years
Scott x sister! Reader
You and your brother used to be so close until he got some new friends. Stiles had even started to ignore you. So in a desperate attempt for something to do you stayed after school one day. On this fateful day your ride ditched and you were left stranded at the school. You are injured and Scott makes a promise.
You and your brother had always been close, so to say it hurt when he had started going out and leaving you all alone was an understatement. Even Stiles had stopped hanging out with you.
On top of that you didn't have many friends, your mom was never home, and Mr. Stilinski was always at work.
You had no one. You only had school. You decided to stay after school today to help the librarian and put away books.
You stayed for a few hours before gasping at the dark curtain that had draped over the sky. It was later then you had thought and you lived pretty far from the school.
You had hitched a ride from your mother this morning but she was probably still at work. Lydia and Allison were probably busy so that left you with Stiles or Scott.
Pulling out your phone you hit the phone icon. Scrolling through the contacts you found Stiles. Calling him first seemed like the safer option seeing as he was probably easier to hitch a ride with and would be less annoyed.
Bzzzz! Bzzzz! The person you are try- you hung up.
Obviously he'd send you to voicemail. Scott it is.
Bzzzz! Bzzzz! "Hello?"
"Scott! Hey. Can you come pick me up? I'm at the school but-"
"Really y/n? You called for a ride? I'm a little busy at the moment. I don't have time for this. So no. I can't." Beep!
He hung up. You looked at the phone in shock. You knew your big brother was getting annoyed with even having you on his contact list but you didn't think he'd abandon you like this. Quickly gathering yourself, you shoved your phone in your pocket.
"Walking it is." You felt your voice break slightly.
Walking out of the parking lot you started the journey of walking home. Sadly though, as though your day couldn't get any worse, it had started to rain.
You tripped as your sneakers slipped on the road but you kept walking. You just wanted to get home. Your soaked clothes made you shiver and you tugged your hoodie closer suddenly wishing you listened to your mom about bringing an umbrella. Little did you or anyone else know that was the least of your worries.
The rain wasn't letting up and neither were your tears. You were soaked and cold and just wanted to be home. To lie in your bed and cry yourself to sleep. As you continued walking through the sheet of rain you heard horns blaring and then you saw a pair of bright headlights.
Before you could register anything else you felt pain, and heard your ribs crack. You tasted the blood after that and soon you smelled smoke. It was all so terrible, but the pain was the worst.
You heard someone yell to you and call to you, but you couldn't answer. Your throat felt raw and tight. All you wanted to do was scream, and so you finally did.
The ambulance came quickly and picked you up, rushing you to the hospital. The driver was looked over but was deemed fine. The police would talk to them later.
For now though they were panicking over your body doing all that could to keep you awake. You felt sleepy and were in extreme pain.
"Where's Scott? I want my brother! Scott! Scott! Please I just want my brother!" You cried.
All you wanted was Scott. He always kissed your injuries better. He always made you feel better. Where was he? He promised he'd always be there!
"Scooott!" You screamed until you throat was sore.
"We need to sedate her!" One of the peramedics called over your sobs.
"We can't! She may have a concussion!" A woman yelled.
The original male peramedic growled but understood.
"Listen miss. What's your name? Maybe we can get ahold of this Scott." He threw you a fake and annoyed smile.
"Y/n McCall! My brother is Scott McCall and my mom is Melissa McCall!" You answered.
"Great! Now let's get you taken care of babe. You're okay with me calling you babe right?" A woman asked as she took care of getting the blood off of your head and and arms.
"Y- yea! I just wanna go home." You winced and screamed as the other paramedic set your leg back into place. The leg you didn't even know you broke.
"Emergency! Young teenage girl in car accident. Broken leg, possible concussion as well as a few possible broken ribs, cuts on arms and a gash on her forehead!" The woman yelled as the doctors and nurses took you away.
"Y/n! Oh my God! What happened!?" Melissa gasped as she followed you to the emergency room.
"M-mom? Oh my God mom! I don't know what happened all I was doing was walking home. I was so cold and wet. I tried calling Scott but he got mad. Like really mad. I wanted to call you but you were working. Now I'm here. Surprise?" You winced after explaining as best you could but your focus was not exactly spot on.
"Oh sweetheart let's get you taken care of." You were then taken away and put into your own room. You fell asleep, but not before checking your phone which had surprisingly survived and looking at the wall paper. A picture of you and Scott. Smiling.
Ring! Ring! Ring! "Hello?" Scott picked up the phone.
Stiles was obviously concerned. Not only had it been a few hours since y/n called but she wasn't answering his texts and it was pouring. Sure it was a pack meeting, but he worried for y/n.
"Mom!? What? Y/n? Yea she called earlier?" Scott's eyebrows furrowed.
Then his face turned to one of shock.
"Stiles. Get the car. Now!" He quickly got up and hung up on his mother running out the door and down the front stairs, but not before grabbing his jacket and running to Stiles' Jeep. Stiles followed quickly not knowing where he was going.
"The hospital!" Scott pressed as Stiles drove to the hospital.
Scott was still processing what his mother had told him. Y/n had been in an accident. She hadn't specified but she told him to get his ass there.
They pulled into the parking lot quickly and ran into the hospital asking for y/n McCall's room. Once they found out they ran up the stairs not bothering with the elevator.
"Mom!? What happened!?" Scott whisper yelled. 
Miss McCall did not look happy.
"Y/n came in. She was soaked and cold. Possible hypothermia at this point. That isn't the worst part though. She came in on an ambulance. An ambulance Scott! And what are those used for?" She questioned.
"Major emergencies? I don't know. What does that have to do with anything?" He asked.
"Y/n was hit by a damn car Scott! She almost died. She had cuts and bruises all over. She has three broken ribs, a broken leg, a concussion, need I go on? Your little sister almost died! She called for a ride that would've taken what, 15 minutes? All you had to do was get over yourself and think about her for once. You ignore her calls, and barely answer her anymore. You two used to be so close and you are pushing her away Scott. And now she is in a hospital bed! And do you know what she was yelling when they were on their way here!? No she wasn't yelling for me! Not Stiles! She was yelling for you Scott!" Melissa ranted.
"Now get your ass in there and take care of her and apologise!" She finished, walking away.
Scott felt terrible. He hadn't meant for this to happen. It was true though. He was pushing you away, but only because he didn't want you to get hurt. That's the only reason he answered. To make sure you weren't in danger.
He hadn't thought about the weather.
He hadn't thought of a damn car hitting you.
He hadn't thought walking home would be dangerous.
His last words to you had been so harsh. Now he had almost lost you, and the fact you were now in a hospital bed because of it? It was stupid.
He and Stiles walked into the dark hospital room. You were sleeping soundly. Your h/l h/c hair was wet and sprawled on your pillow.
"Oh y/n!" Scott rushed to your side and kissed your forehead.
Stiles silently cried as he saw your broken form. You looked so small and broken. Fragile. He and Scott felt terrible. Stiles had sent you to voicemail because he was told to, and then Scott hung up on you. Now you're in a hospital bed broken and beat up. All for what? Nothing. All they knew is they weren't ever leaving your side or ignoring you ever again. Scott made a promise to himself to be a better big brother. To be there for you no matter what. All he knew is he couldn't lose you. You were the only little sister he had. He wasn't going to let some stupid pack meeting keep him away from you. He wasn't going to lose you. Ever.
I hope you enjoyed! Thats it for this one my unsupervised critters! 🐾💞
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heliads · 3 years
I Need a Savior
Based on this request: "A songfic for My Demons by Starset? Stiles and the reader are twins. She’s a witch and part of Scott’s pack. The reader helps Scott and the others get rid of the nogitsune and save Stiles."
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There’s a video playing on your computer. You’re sitting before it, knees tucked up to your chest like you’re a child right now instead of watching yourself as one on the screen in front of you. Your eyes are glued to the two playing figures as if they’ll find some way to save you from the mess you’ve found yourself in, as if by watching what you used to have you’ll be able to have it all back once more.
You’re not alone in the video. The four-year-old Y/N rarely was, and in this particular video her laugh is joined by someone else- your twin brother, Stiles. He’s racing after you in a grassy backyard, in the midst of some no doubt momentous game of tag. He’s shouting something at the top of his tiny lungs as he goes, something about how he’ll always get back to you in the end. If only you could make that same promise now.
The video ends, but you still sit there, unable to move. It’s barely been a few days that your brother was fully possessed by the Nogitsune, but the loss still cuts at you like a knife. Stiles is your twin brother, older only by ten minutes or so. You’ve never had to go without him for longer than a few hours- he’s always there, at home or at school or at your father’s station. This, knowing that he’s somewhere within Beacon Hills but utterly gone to you, is an entirely different kind of pain.
A knock sounds at the door, and you look up to see your father hovering in the doorframe. His attempt at a reassuring smile drops as he sees the video still up on your screen. “I thought I heard voices.” You sigh. “I miss him, Dad. I miss Stiles.” Sheriff Stilinski sighs, walking inside the room at last. “So do I. We’re going to get him back, though. Don’t worry about that.”
You throw your hands in the air, frustrated. “We don’t know that! We don’t know that at all. This is so out of our range that it’s almost crazy. I mean, you barely even started to believe us about the supernatural. You didn’t trust us that werewolves existed, and now my brother has been possessed by a spirit that’s thousands of years old. None of us have any proof that we’re going to get him back.”
Your father winces for a second, then his expression smooths over again. “I’ve heard what you said about all your other exploits with Scott. He never gave up on anything or anyone, and I know you won’t either. None of us are giving up on Stiles, and even if it means that we have to play the long game to get him back, we will. Sure, I may not completely get why Scott McCall went from a kid with terrible asthma to a werewolf, but I know we won’t leave my son behind.”
His voice twists slightly as he says ‘my son’, and you’re hit with the distinct memory that you’re not the only one grieving someone you might have already lost. Yes, you lost your twin brother, but the sheriff lost his son. You can’t snap on him completely. So, you close your laptop screen, forcing the image of you and Stiles away into the darkness, and stand up. “What do you say we get some dinner? It’s late and I’m hungry.” Sheriff Stilinski nods, accepting this best attempt at an apology, and heads back downstairs. You’re left in the dark again, alone.
You can’t help but think through the whole thing over again. Your dad’s right- there’s no way Scott or you or anyone else is remotely considering letting Stiles go. You’ve seen Scott before, and you’ve known him for almost as long as he’s known your brother, so you know for a fact that he won’t give up until your twin is back and as he should be.
Besides, you’ve got another tool in your kit that will help you rescue Stiles- namely, your magic. You are a witch, just like the women in your family before you. Well, just like most of them. Your mother, Claudia, should have inherited the power of the family coven, but the magic seemed to skip over a generation and it went to you instead. Your grandmother kept the power of the witches a secret until it manifested in you a few years ago. You’ve learned spells from her, and you’re hoping that you’ll be able to use at least one of them to save Stiles.
This, actually, is what you find yourself doing the next day. Scott calls you up early, saying something in a rushed tone about how he found an old story about a healing spell in some dusty text in Deaton’s storage. You head over there immediately, and are surprised to find that Scott’s spell just might work. It’s fairly simple, as spells go, but it’ll take a lot out of you. In the spell, you’ll be able to peel back the Nogitsune’s control over Stiles, but you’re not sure that you’ll be able to completely eradicate the spirit’s presence from your brother’s mind, you don’t have enough power for that. Then again, even a brief reprieve for Stiles may help you save him.
So, you, Scott, Lydia, Allison, Isaac, Kira, and the rest head down to where Stiles was last spotted. Derek’s waiting for you there, and he points wordlessly into the Beacon Hills preserve. “I think the Nogitsune is trying to find the Nemeton. He just went in there a few minutes ago.” You nod your gratitude, already slipping between the trees. You used to play in these very woods with your brother when you were small, doing your best to escape your father’s watch long enough to have some fun before the rules came crashing back down around you.
When you see Stiles at once, you almost wonder if you’ve stepped back into your memories. It makes no sense- surely, you should be able to tell that this is an ancient spirit and not your brother. You should know your twin by soul and heart and word, shouldn’t you? Yet, for that one moment, you want to run over to him, sure that Stiles has managed to shake the spirit possessing him and come back to you.
Then Stiles turns around, and you’re hit by a wave of utter wrongness. There’s no other way to describe it- this being is your brother in flesh, sure, but in nothing else. There is no soul in the eyes looking at you, no love or even familiarity in the gruesome smile twisting this thing’s lips. The body is your twin brother, but the mind, oh the mind is so far from being him that it’s almost repulsive.
The Not-Stiles leers at you from where he stands amongst the trees, taking a few steps towards you as if relishing your horror. “Ah. I see my sister has come to visit me.” You shake your head. “I’m not your sister. You’re not him.” The Nogitsune shrugs. “Well, I see I can’t fool you like the others. Unfortunate.” Scott and the others have reached you by now, and your old friend hands you a scanned copy of the spells. You take it wordlessly, although you notice that the Nogitsune’s eyes widen almost imperceptibly at the transferral of the document.
Seconds later, its voice rings out across the forest again, and you swear you can detect an almost nonexistentant strand of nervousness in the spirit’s voice. It’s as if it’s woven trepidation in with the usual array of emotions as it toys with Stiles’ vocal chords. “What’s that about?” You ignore it, beginning to read the spell. You can only hope that it will work, that it will clear the Nogitsune from Stiles’ mind long enough to speak with him.
You finish reading out the spell and stand there for a moment, unsure of what to do next. At first, it looks as if the spell hasn’t done anything at all, and then the boy in front of you that was previously not your brother spasms slightly, bending over at the waist. When he straightens, you know at once that Stiles is back. You run to him, unable to keep a slight sob from tearing its way out of your throat. “Stiles!”
He catches you in his arms. Stiles feels the same way he always has- your brother is well and truly back. He stammers at first, hand rising to his temples as if he can’t believe that he’s back in control once more. “Y/N- it’s me. I’m me.” You muffle another sob. “How are you? Are you okay?” A dark look crosses Stiles’ face now, so mute in its agony that you almost think the Nogitsune has come back to possess him once more.
“It’s bad, Y/N. It’s really bad. I keep trying to fight, but it’s like I’m going insane. Even now, I can feel it circling around me like a vulture.” He grabs at your hands now. “I need you to save me, Y/N. I’m becoming it.” You try to speak, but you can’t find the strength. Already, the power necessary to cast the spell is wearing at you; you’ll only be able to keep it up for so long.
Stiles seems able to sense this, and his voice takes on an additional note of urgency. “I need you to make everything okay again, Y/N. I can’t fight this forever.” You shake your head slightly, afraid to let him down yet knowing that you can’t do much more. “I’m not all-powerful, Stiles. I wish I was.” Something like a broken half-smile flits onto his face. “You’ve always been able to take my pain away, Y/N. Not like Scott, but because of you. We are one and the same, are we not? We’re twins. I know you can do this.”
The spell is clawing at you now, practically tearing you into pieces. You manage to fight it back. You can’t let him go yet- you just got Stiles back. “What can we do? How do I get you back?” Stiles looks panicked, as if he can physically feel the Nogitsune forcing its way back into his head once more. “I don’t know. I don’t know anything. I just need you, Y/N. Save me if I become this demon.”
Then you’re stumbling, lost in an intense thicket of pain. The spell is overwhelming you now, and through tears you release it, letting your thin veneer of control go once more. Scott and the others catch you before you fall, but you’re not paying attention to yourself anymore. No, you’re looking back at your brother, or the body of a boy that was once your brother. The Nogitsune is back, and all traces of Stiles can only be seen in his physical form once more. You feel like sobbing, like breaking down entirely, but you remember what Stiles asked you to do. You have to save him, and that is exactly what you intend on doing.
In the end, you do save him, along with Scott and the others. You barely have time to mourn Allison’s death before you’re plunged into yet another peril, this time to take the Nogitsune down for good. You end up separating from the pack as they go into battle, choosing instead to maintain protective spells around the area that will keep the Oni and other aspects of the Nogitsune from killing your friends. The cost of maintaining all of that magic is wearing on you, but you stand firm. When Scott calls out to you, asking you to give him one last ounce of strength or courage or anything, you do it. Anything to save your brother.
They come out of the school in the end. Walking with them is a dark-haired boy who’s been your friend since birth, someone who was there to take his first steps with you and make you laugh when no one else could. For a second, you draw back, terrified that after all of this the Nogitsune might still be lurking under some crevice of Stiles’ mind, ready to draw him back under again, but when your brother looks at you, you breathe a deep sigh of relief. It’s him. It really and truly is.
Before you can run to him, though, Scott is offering you a small container. “We trapped the Nogitsune inside it, but it could escape at any moment. Can you secure it?” You nod, the spell to contain the evil spirit already running through your head. A second earlier, you would swear that you didn’t have enough energy to levitate a feather, let alone trap a thousand-year-old spirit, but you’re not about to let any chance of harm come to your twin again.
When you finish the spell, you see Stiles straighten up beside you, as if one last chain binding him to the earth has been released, one final shackle broken. You carefully hand the now-bound contained to Scott, and wrap your arms around Stiles. He holds you tight for a second, then steps away, holding you at arm’s length as if he’s almost forgotten what you look like. “Thank you for helping me. Scott told me that you’ve been using your magic to save us.”
Scott nods fervently. “I don’t know that we could have done it without her. Her spells saved our asses several times over.” You can’t help but grin shakily at that. “I needed to get you back. Anything else didn’t really matter.” Stiles hugs you one last time. “Thank you, anyway.” You smile back at him. “Of course, we’re family. You’re my twin, I would do anything for you. Besides, you asked me to save you and so I did. We don’t have to be our demons anymore.”
teen wolf tag list: my savior @underc0vercryptid
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wdwmarveldisney · 3 years
Hey I requested the isaac lahey imagine ‘memories’ I was wondering if u could do it where it’s before she died and it’s the part where Ethan, Aiden and isaac get possessed by those flies but instead of isaac it’s y/n and she attacks the twins and stuff and instead of isaac and Allison sleeping together it’s her and isaac( this is not a smut just the build up to it) and she’s all seductive and dominant and taunting and the aftermath when she isn’t possessed anymore .
Stupid Fly
Isaac Lahey x reader
Summary: Isaac isn’t the one to be possessed by Void but instead its you.
A/N: Okay so I watched the episode so I hope this is accurate. I’m really not good at the build up thing so sorry about that.
GIF isn’t mine
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Your fingers dug into the cover that you sat on, eyes fixed on the ground as your feet swung slightly. Patiently waiting for Isaac, you stopped swinging your feet and began tapping them instead. Your usual bright and lively eyes had this dark swirl to them that didn't fit, that was natural. You didn't hear his footsteps or the bag in his hand hit the ground and only turned when you heard his voice, "What are you doing here?" When your eyes met his, you only held his gaze for a second or two before scanning his face, "I thought I'd wait for you to come back. You didn't just walk out of the hospital, did you?" Isaac shrugged, falling next to you as he scanned you in caution. He could tell something was off, "It's okay. I feel a lot better. All healed," you reached a hand up, fingers grazing his cheek as your eyebrows furrowed in concentration.
"So you're okay?" Isaac didn't like the tone of your voice, soft concern and care that was usually present gone. He nodded, hand going to hold yours and pull it down to the space between the two of you, "What's wrong?" You stared down at your joined hands before giving his a slight squeeze and finally meeting his eyes once more. In response, you simply shrugged and a small smirk made your lips twitch up, "Just wanted to see you," You had leaned in and although he wished it hadn't, all reason had left Isaac as you had inched closer. He could no longer think about you seemed off, that you seemed too confident and too bold because this was the closest you had been since he had talked to about getting back together. You had been avoiding him as you said you had to work out your feelings. Maybe you had, maybe this was you finalising a decision and deciding to just go with it. But this wasn't how you would do it that nagging voice in the back of his head kept screaming at him. That voice was successfully silenced as your lips were pressed gently to his and it took near to no time for him to kiss. You hand went to his chest and you gently pushed him back wards and onto the bed as you continued.
Your hands moved to his hair, lips kissing across his cheek and to his jaw as Isaac leaned his head back to give you more access. Your hand moved to his jaw, tilting his head to face you. You both started giggling as you pecked his lips repeatedly before he finally pulled you close enough to place a longer kiss to your lips.
Light streamed through the crack in the curtains as the soft hum of traffic and nature twisted together and filled the room. Isaac sighed, rolling over to see you and frowning when he realised you were up and out of bed instead of cuddling close like when the two of you fell asleep. He sat up, leaning on his elbows as he watched pick up random objects to admire before placing them back. "There you are. What are you doing over there?" You glanced back over your shoulder with a small smile and you placed the small picture frame back on the dresser and leaning back onto it, "You know, I was at Allison's the other day. We were working on that text, before you came over that is. There's still a lot of weapons there. I thought her new Code was about protecting," Isaac shrugged, not understanding where you were going with this. He sat up a bit more, leaning against the head of the bed as he observed every move of yours. The way you stared around the room, how you didn't bothered by the way that you were topless with your bra on display when you normally would be, how there was this permanent smirk toying your swollen lips.
"Most of them are non-lethal," He defended and your eyes snapped back to him as you nodded, turning back to the things in his room. "Hmm... The daggers looked pretty lethal to me," he could hear the edge to your voice and frowned at the way your fingers tapped a quick beat against the book you held, "But maybe she should keep them. There's still a few of us out there who aren't quite so non-lethal... like the twins," This made him shoot up, reaching for his shirt as his frown got deeper, eyebrows knitting together in worry and confusion, "I thought we were going to give them a second chance?" He gave a small nervous laugh when you didn't seem to react at all, "You're the one to talk me into it," Isaac pointed out and this time, you spun round with an angered expression pulling at your features. Your teeth dug into you bottom lip before you shrugged and snapped, "I changed my mind, they don't deserve it,"
Isaac moved closer to the other end of the bed, reaching for your hands to pull you closer, really panicked by the wild in your eyes. "Things are different now. It doesn't have to be like that anymore," You scoffed at his words, rolling your eyes at the seriousness and concern in his. You took his hands in yours and took those few steps closer before leaning down closer to his lips, "You do remember them trying to kill you numerous times, right?" Isaac gave you pleading as he shook his head at your determination. He wasn't liking where this was going, "They're helping," You dropped his hands with a frown, backing away as you grabbed your top from the floor and pulled it on, "I had a feeling you'd say something like that," He watched you walk out out of the room, slamming the door behind you as you heard him shout after you, "Y/N, wait! Y/N!"
"See? That's what I'm talking about. I'd probably be in his pack by now if it wasn't for my psychotic brother - the one who has to kill everything in sight," you smiled to yourself when you heard their voices, gripping the weapon you stole from Allison tighter as you tried to find them. They keep shouting like that and it'll only make it easier, no werewolf abilities needed. "Careful, Ethan... You're currently the only thing in my sight," As you turned the corner, you saw them go for each other and a smirked pulled at your lips. They really did like making it easier for you. You raised the gun you had in your hands, shooting Ethan in the back and watching them both writhe in pain fro the electricity flowing through them. Swinging the gun to rest across your shoulder you took a step closer, "I guess this is the part where I say something witty,"
You gave a small hollow chuckled, hitting Ethan in the face with the back of the gun when you were closer enough, successfully knocking him out. Your smirk fell and you turned to Aiden with that emotionless face and deadly look in your eyes that made a shiver run down his spine. Or maybe that was the electricity. You crouched down to him, head tilting as you scanned his face. With the shake of your head and the small quirk up of your lips, you whispered, "I'm not witty," and knocked him out just like twin.
You dumped the gun and with a huff, began to drag them to the boys locker room. You dropped their hands, letting them hit the ground with a small smack and turned to Coach's office. Digging through his drawers, a frown made its way to your lips as you began to mutter to yourself, "Come on, Coach. You gotta have a lighter," the smirk took its place back on your lips as you lifted the lighter to be level with your eyes. You grabbed the bottle of alcohol with the piece of fabric stuffed into the top, hesitantly slightly. Was this really the best idea? Shaking your head at the thought, you reassured yourself, "I'm gonna burn it down... For Erica... For Boyd... For Isaac... For everyone! I'm gonna burn it. I'm gonna burn it," with final nod, you walked out to stand by the twins, lighting the fabric. Just as you about you were to throw at them, the fabric was pulled out of the bottle and you turned to see Kira with her katana in hand. You stood in silence for a beat or two before you shrugged, "Nice sword,"
The bottle fell from your hands and smashed by your feet but you couldn't care less, immediately focusing on attacking Kira. You were doing this and if she got in your way then you'd just have to deal with it, right? She managed to push you to the ground and you huffed out in frustration. Why couldn't she just leave you to do it? "Y/N!" You turned, seeing Allison and Isaac both standing either side of Kira. Slowly pulling yourself up, you shook out your arms and rolled your shoulders as the three backed away into Coach's office. Allison closed the door as Isaac and Kira pushed the desk in front to block you out. The twins had stood up behind you and you spun to face them, claws beards as you heard the others talk in Coach's office, "Was that a good idea?"
"Probably not," You swung first and managed to hit Aiden but Ethan got you from behind and you could Kira's worried voice as you struggled, "They're not going to kill each other, are they?" You stomped on Ethan's foot and got out of his grip only for Aiden to get you. Ethan joined him and they both shoved you into the door, the window shattering upon impact. "I think they're going to try," Isaac muttered.
Somehow, you'd got a slight upper hand and was managing perfectly fighting the two at once. That was until the other three began to try and break you apart. They eventually managed to take control, Isaac's main focus being you. Deaton had arrived soon enough, pulling the stupid fly that had managed to sneak through a cut on your side from the Oni's sword, just like Derek. Isaac could see the regret cross your face, hands rubbing at your eyes before you shot up and began profusely apologising to the twins. You couldn't look at the blonde as you helped the twins up and heard the update from Deaton and it wasn't until afterwards and Isaac pulling actually pulling you away from the others, did you finally look up at him. "You okay?" He asked quick, scanning you over. Even with Deaton saying you were fine, Isaac couldn't help but worry. "I'm fine," you turned to go but Isaac pulled you right back making a low growl leave your lips. The boy dropped your wrists, backing away as your eyes flickered to their beta yellow and back before a hand slapped over your mouth in shock. "I'm so sorry," you mumbled and Isaac was quick to hold your hand and reassure you. "No, hey, it's okay," he paused, taking a deep breath before leaning forward slightly and avoiding eye contact as he asked, "Do you regret it?"
"What? No, of course not. I still love you. I just, I didn’t want to have it happen that way, you know? And it was...different. Not bad, just it was weird ‘cause I was possessed-” Isaac’s chuckle cut off your ramble, a blush rising on your cheeks as you watched him smile at you. “It wasn’t exactly the way I wanted it to happen either,” he interlaced his fingers with yours as you both stared at your hands, dopey smiles on your lips. “I wanna work this out, I do. I just need a bit more time,” Isaac met your eyes, noticing the crease in your brows and the small frown on your lips and the way you tilted your head to meet his eyes. He nodded slowly, not letting go of your hand just yet. He didn’t want to ever let go.
You finally pulled away, sent a half grin and began to make your way down the hall, disappearing from his sight as you turned the corner.
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kinnards · 3 years
Thank you so much for tagging me in 'send me a prompt and i'll write you a fic!' May I please request Buck and Eddie prompt where Buddie is already together and Ana makes a comment about Buck or the tsunami? I'd love to see protective Abuela and Eddie ❤❤
hey! i'm sorry i couldn't fit abuela into this but I hope you like it! i had a great time writing this prompt, and it turned out to be almost pure fluff. enjoy! send me a prompt and I'll write you a fic.
this right here, in a grocery store. [one shot, 1.4k, buddie, ao3]
Buck stares alternatively at the two boxes in his hands, taking his sweet time deciding which pasta brand to buy. He and Eddie are getting groceries for the week, along with Christopher, who is happily seated in the cart and has very seriously accepted the task of organizing the items in categories. Eddie has left them in the pasta aisle to go look for Christopher’s favorite cereal and they have agreed to meet at the fruit and vegetable section in two minutes- Buck has to make a quick choice, or else, Eddie won’t get him his quinoa chips.
“What do you think, Superman?” He calls out for Christopher’s attention, showing him both boxes, “Fusilli or farfalle?” Buck asks. The boy scrunches up his nose and rubs his chin between his fingers, thinking hard. It is a hard question, after all.
“I like the little bowties better,” Christopher answers in a serious tone, “I want that one.”
“Farfalle,” Buck corrects softly, handing him the box so he can place it between the bread and the tomato paste cans. “Alright, let’s get rolling.”
Christopher giggles as Buck pushes the cart and makes car noises, reaches out a hand to pat Buck's when they pass a shelf stocked with chocolate on sale. They share a knowing smile as they grab a couple of bags of M&M's.
They are reaching the fruit and veggie section, with Christopher babbling about wanting to get kiwis and tangerines when Buck spots Eddie, a beautiful looking woman standing next to him, facing Eddie so Buck can't see her face. She's sort of tall, slim, and tan, and her long dark curls cascade down her back, shiny and perfectly styled.
A strange feeling of uneasiness settles down in Buck's stomach- he's never been the jealous kind, but his relationship with Eddie is still kind of new (the romantic aspect to it, at least), and they haven't really announced it to the world yet, so he wouldn't blame him for getting hit on at the grocery store. Still, something's not right, and the feeling intensifies as they approach Eddie and Buck takes note of his tense shoulders and a tight smile. He's uncomfortable, eyes flicking from the woman in front of him and the end of the aisle. When Eddie finally sees them, he relaxes for a second before panic flashes in his eyes and he turns back to the woman, scratches his neck, and looks at his son and Buck again.
The woman turns around.
“Miss Flores!” Christopher exclaims, genuinely happy to see her, and she smiles wide, eyes crinkling cutely and all. Buck stops the cart a few steps before he crashes it against them.
“Hello Christopher,” she says, voice syrupy sweet and a little on the edge of childlike, and she crouches down to be on Christopher’s eye level, “long time no see.”
“Hey, Ana,” Eddie clears his throat, “you know Chris, and this is, uh, this is Buck. Buck, meet miss Ana Flores.” Ana directs her thousand-mega-watt smile at him now, and Buck tries not to cringe.
Eddie didn’t introduce Buck as his boyfriend, which, okay, fair, he can’t imagine how awkward it must be for Eddie to run into his ex-girlfriend who doesn’t know he swings both ways at the grocery store, but still. Buck has to pretend that his stomach isn’t tied in knots and slap a fake smile on his face, his mother’s ‘be nice, Evan’ echoing behind his thoughts. Buck takes a deep breath. He’s going to be nice; he can be polite and get out of this as fast as possible.
“Nice to meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you, Buck," she says, but there’s something wrong in the way she says her name, laced with something Buck doesn’t have the time to dissect right now.
"Likewise," he manages to choke out. His skin feels like it's being crawled by ants.
“Miss Flores,” Christopher interrupts, and the three adults turn to look at him in the shopping cart, “Buck is the one who saved me from the tsunami!”
Buck’s stomach drops, suddenly
“Sure, sweetie,” she replies lightly- and God should strike him with lightning if that dismissal didn't make his blood boil- then turns back to Eddie as if Buck wasn’t there, and asks “He’s your best friend, right?”
Eddie bites his lip, his eyes flicker to Buck. He nods, silently communicating that he’s okay with whatever Eddie comes up with to protect them. Buck knows Eddie is not ready to come out publicly, and they decided to keep it inside the family for now- Christopher knows they are together, but they also had a very extensive conversation about what that meant and about talking to other people about their relationship. Their kid is amazing, and they never ask him to lie about their family- but Christopher does understand that his dad needs to be the one to tell people, for now. Buck would never let Eddie hide anything from his son or make him believe that there is anything wrong with their relationship and that it is something to be ashamed of.
Buck trusts Eddie, and that’s all that matters.
“Yeah, no, actually, we’re together now,” Eddie says, twisting the plastic bag he’d been holding in his hands nervously, “Buck is my boyfriend.”
“Oh,” Ana’s face falls, and Buck’s heart speeds up. She looks nervously between the two of them, before settling in Buck again, only a trace of her fake smile left. “I’m happy for you, guys.”
“Thank you,” he utters, completely at lost for words- this is the last thing he expected. “We’re really happy.”
“Buck is the best!” Christopher says, tugging on Buck’s hand, so he lets go of the shopping cart handle to hold his small hand back. Looking down at the kid and his warm smile, every insecurity he has ever had vanishing and replaced by the overwhelming love he feels for him. The way Christopher loves him is something no one could ever take away.
He looks up, finding Eddie's eyes, giving him one of those looks, all soft and fond. It makes Buck feel seen, not just because Eddie had come out to his ex-girlfriend in the middle of a grocery store. They smile at each other, and for a second nothing else exists in their little bubble.
“Wow, yeah, I think- I think I better leave you to it,” Ana twists a curl behind her ear and clears her throat, breaking the spell.
“It was nice to see you, Ana,” Eddie replies with a relaxed smile, steps around the cart, and slides an arm around Buck’s waist. His chest swells with pride, he’s not ashamed to say he loves that Eddie feels comfortable enough to show not only Ana but everyone else around them that Buck is his partner. Buck leans into his boyfriend's hold, smiles brightly at the woman in front of him.
And, well, if he’s also enjoying the fact that Eddie is showing him off to his ex… well, that’s his business and no one else’s.
“You too, Edmundo. Take care,” and with one last smile and wave, she’s gone.
Buck lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, the last knots in his stomach dissolving. He turns to Eddie and what he sees is probably the most adorable thing ever- a blush spreads all the way from Eddie’s neck and cheeks, avoiding Buck’s eyes, checking out the label of Buck’s pasta.
“What was that?” he asks smugly, just to pick on Eddie. He’s so fucking proud of his boyfriend right now, but he’s going to take advantage of his flustered state, or his name isn’t Evan Buckley.
“Well, you’re my boyfriend, aren’t you?” Eddie retorts, still not looking up, and Buck shares a glance with Christopher, who has turned in his seat and is covering his mouth as he giggles, and winks. Sneaking a hand around Eddie’s neck, he pulls him closer and places a wet smooch on his flushed cheek, mwah sound included.
“Gross, daddy!” Chris laughs, and Buck exchanges a look with Eddie- both thinking the same, a mischievous glint in their eyes- and instantly lean down to attack their kid with kisses all over his face.
Right here, Buck decides he doesn’t want big, public declarations of love or expensive gifts. Just this, their family, the reassurance of his hand on his waist and spending time together in something as mundane as grocery shopping with Christopher. Taking small steps together- coming out one person at a time, making Eddie feel safe enough to do it, to even hold him and kiss him in public.
This is all he needs.
taglist: @buddiextarlos @eddie-diass @sunbeambuck @twofirefighterdads @justsmilestuffhappens @firefighterhan @agenderbuckley @allison-usn126
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Derek- Unlikely Allies
A/N: Hey guys, this is a rewrite of something I made a really long time ago. I wanted to mess around with some old concepts that I feel I didn’t flesh out enough. Let me know what you think, or if you want a part 2 of this one!
You raced through the pitch black corridor, shining your flashlight back and forth. You caught glimpses of grimy cement as you ran, narrowly dodging debris on the floor of the old rail depot. It was littered with rusted metal and broken glass, no doubt remnants of Beacon Hills’ abandoned subway cars. 
It was fitting for Derek to have his hideout here, you thought. He seemed to have a habit of living in abandoned places. It must have been working pretty well, because finding him had been difficult. You had torn up your father’s office trying to find the place, knowing Allison must have discovered Derek’s location somewhere in the maps cluttering his desk. 
Your father had narrowed down a couple locations, one of them being the abandoned rail depot on the outskirts of town. When you took a chance and drove out there, a glimpse of Allison’s car out front confirmed your suspicions. She was here to kill Derek. 
You cursed yourself as you searched the depot, wondering if you could have stopped Gerard from getting into her head. Maybe if you had paid more attention, you wouldn’t have had to try and reverse the damage your grandfather had done.
A light up ahead caught your attention. There was a staircase to your right, dimly illuminated from the floor below. You clicked the flashlight off and crept closer. 
“Wait, stop. You don’t know what you’re doing.”
That was Derek’s voice.
“Shut up!”
And that was Allison’s.
You swore under your breath. As you crept down the stairs, you saw Allison standing in front of one of the old subway cars. She had her crossbow raised, and Derek was lying on his back in front of her. He held one hand up defensively, while the other gripped an arrow that was sticking out of his right thigh. Blood was pooling around the wound, which wouldn’t be able to heal until the arrow was removed.
“You killed my mother!” she spat. Her voice was trembling. 
“Your family’s little honor code killed your mother,” Derek snapped. 
You rolled your eyes. Leave it to Derek to still be an ass, even with a crossbow trained on his chest. 
Allison’s finger moved onto the trigger, and you bolted down the stairs. “Wait!”
She glanced over her shoulder, and when she saw you approaching, her brown eyes widened. She turned back to Derek, keeping the crossbow steady. 
“You shouldn’t have followed me, Y/n.”
“I’m trying to protect you,” you told her. 
She let out a bitter laugh. “From what? The monsters? I think we’re past that.”
“You hid this from me!” she spat. “And now you want to try and protect me? Mom is dead. Maybe you should have protected her.”
You looked down and met Derek’s eyes. He knew that Allison was willing to pull the trigger and so did you. He seemed to be asking the same question you were. Could you stop her?
“I’m trying to protect you from yourself. Killing him won’t bring her back, Allison.”
“No, but it will make me feel better.”
“You sure about that?” Derek asked. 
“Yes,” she snarled, moving her finger back onto the trigger.
She might have actually pulled it if you had given her the chance. You couldn’t have been sure, but you weren’t willing to risk it. Derek was an ally that you needed, whether Allison knew that or not. If saving him meant Gerard would be stopped, you had to do what you did next.
Allison froze at the sound of you cocking your gun behind her. “Put it down.”
“Or what?” she asked bitterly. “You’ll put me down?”
A chill ran down your spine. It was the same thing your father had said to Kate on the night she was killed. Allison’s words brought back the bittersweet feelings your aunt’s death had caused.
“If I have to,” you finally said.
“I’m your sister.” Her voice was uneven, as if she was trying to stop herself from crying. 
“I don’t know what you are anymore. All I see right now is the monster that Gerard created.”
Her hands were trembling. The crossbow was shaking in her grip. For a moment, you wondered if you had said the wrong thing. 
Then the weapon fell from her hands, clattering to the cement floor. Allison bolted, running out of the room and up the same stairs you had come down. You could see the tears dripping down her cheeks as she left. Guilt washed over you, but you knew you couldn’t go after her. 
You holstered your gun and walked toward Derek.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, holding out a hand.
Derek glared up at you from the dirty floor. He yanked the arrow out of his thigh with a grunt. He didn’t take your hand as he got up, but he did mutter gruffly “You’re not the one who shot me.”
You watched as the  wound in his leg began to close up, leaving nothing but a bloody stain and a slight rip in his jeans. He began to turn away from you, heading toward one of the rickety subway cars.
“I need your help,” you blurted out.
Derek paused, and turned to raise an eyebrow at you. “With what?”
“I need to kill Gerard.”
“You think that’s gonna save your family?”
You didn’t falter under his gaze. “It’s going to save Allison.”
He crossed his arms over his chest, staring at you for a moment. You looked exhausted, and the dim lights of the old subway station hollowed out your face. Your eyes were still full of life though, sharp and gleaming. Derek could see how desperate you were.
“What if it can’t?” he asked. “What if she…?”
“What if she turns into Kate?” 
He nodded solemnly. 
“Then I’ll kill her myself,” you said softly. “But she doesn’t understand that he’s manipulating her right now. She thinks she’s doing what she wants.” 
“And how do I know I can trust you?” he asked. 
“We have a common enemy. And right now, I couldn’t care less about you being an alpha. Bite as many kids as you want. Hell, bite me if you want to. I just want my sister back.”
Derek’s lips twitched. Was he actually smiling at you? 
“You’d let me bite you if I helped you?”
You felt your breath catch in your throat. “If that’s what it takes.”
Derek raised his eyebrows. “Really?”
“Fine. Give me your arm.”
You cautiously held out your left arm. He reached out and took it, stepping toward you so that your chests were almost touching. He raised your arm to his mouth, and his teeth were so close that you could feel his breath on your skin.
He gazed down at you and grinned, revealing his abnormally sharp canines. You swallowed, and suddenly, he chuckled. That broke the stillness in the air, and you realized he was only messing with you. 
You wrenched your arm out of his grasp as he laughed. “What the hell is the matter with you?”
He grinned. “You should have seen the look on your face.”
“You’re such an asshole,” you spat. “Forget I asked.”
You turned to go, but he grabbed your wrist. “Wait. If you want to stop Gerard, we need to talk to Scott.”
You turned back, shooting him a skeptical look. “Why Scott?” 
“Because we have a plan,” he told you. “And it might be the only chance you have to save your sister.”
“How do I know you’re being serious?” you questioned.
He shrugged. “Like you said, we have a common enemy.”
“And after that?” you asked. 
“We can go on hating each other. Just like old times.”
He was right. The werewolves helping you kill Gerard didn’t necessarily mean you would continue to be allies. As soon as he was dead, you could go right back to the vitriol and violence. 
Deep down though, you knew things in Beacon Hills were shifting. Without Gerard at the helm of the Argent empire, maybe fighting wouldn’t have to be the only option.
“What if things could be different?”
“Like if we didn’t hate each other?” Derek asked.
“I’ve never hated you.”
“I can’t say the same,” he admitted. “But...I don’t hate you anymore.”
“There shouldn’t always be a war going on between us.”
Derek tilted his head. “That’s the way it’s always been.”
“Maybe...maybe it doesn’t have to be.”
Derek’s gaze was skeptical, and you suddenly felt embarrassed for saying it. Of course the idea of peace sounded ridiculous to him. Then he spoke, his words catching you off guard.
“We’ll see,” he said softly. “Hey, what’s wrong with your arm?”
You glanced down, just now noticing the purple bruising that was blooming along your right forearm. It was throbbing with pain, but in the chaos of trying to stop Allison, you had barely noticed. 
You had been headed out of the house after her when you ran into Gerard in the foyer of your home. He was blocking your exit, and when you tried to move past him, he snatched you by the arm. His fingers had gripped you so tightly that you swore the bone was about to break. 
“You’ll never catch her in time.”
“Let go of me,” you spat at him. 
Gerard had simply stared at you with those dark eyes of his. “You’ve always been my greatest disappointment.”
Without a second thought, you slammed your knee between his legs. “Good.”
He had grunted in pain, and his knees buckled. You wrenched your arm out of his grasp and ran. You sped all the way to the rail depot, paranoid he would chase after you and stop you.
“It’s nothing,” you told Derek. “I’m fine.”
He wasn’t buying it. “Did Gerard do that to you?”
“Does it matter?”
“Here,” Derek told you, reaching for your arm. 
“What are you-”
“Trust me?”
You didn’t say anything more, and he took that a yes. He placed one hand under your wounded arm to steady it, and the other one over the bruise. His movements were tender and soft, something you wouldn’t have expected from Derek. You gasped as the veins in his arm began to turn black, and you realized your pain was ebbing away.
When you looked up, there was a hint of a smile playing at his lips. “I bet the hunters never told you we could do that, huh?”
You shook your head, still stunned as he gently held your arm in his hands. “Why did you do that?” 
“Maybe you’re right,” he said softly. “Maybe things can be different.”
You looked into Derek’s green eyes, and for once, you saw something similar inside of them. You and Derek  were both struggling under the weight of your families’ bloody past. You both needed to prove them wrong. If anyone could understand you, it was him. 
You pulled away, but a part of you hesitated for a moment. Something was stirring inside of you, but you refused to acknowledge it while there was so much going on. By the way Derek was looking at you, you could tell he felt it too. 
Finally, you cleared your throat. “So we need to talk to Scott?”
“Yeah,” he said, awkwardly bringing his arms back down to his sides. “We’ve got a homicidal maniac to kill.”
For now that was the plan. Kill Gerard, take back your family, and save Allison. After that, maybe you and Derek could be something more than unlikely allies.
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pretend-writer · 4 years
Better Than Revenge (Hargreeves x sibling!reader)
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Summary: Y/N’s boyfriend broke up with her unexpectedly and the Hargreeves goes and finds out the truth. 
Pairing: Hargreeves x sibling!reader
Title Reference: Better Than Revenge x Taylor Swift
Word Count: 2.1k words
Warning: swearing, violence
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It was all so sudden, I thought that me and him were alright. We've just got back from a trip couple of days ago, taking cute couple pictures and posting it on social media.
Every night, he told me that he loved me and he would never let me go. It took us hours to even hop out of the hotel bed because he would want to cuddle with me all morning. All the love he shared that I thought was genuine didn't mean anything to him.
Was a blind? Was I too naive? Should I have known me and him were in a fake relationship this whole time? Did I waste a year and a half of my life thinking that he loved me? I didn't know what was real anymore.
The only truth that came out of this was that my boyfriend and I were over with. Everything else was a blur.
'Y/N?' Allison tapped me on my shoulder. 'Are you coming inside?'
I've been in my head all day since I got the breakup text from my boyfriend, I totally forgot that I was outside sitting next to Ben's memorial statue.
As I continued to stare at the ground, I shook my head. 'No, thanks.'
'It's about to rain, you should come inside.' Allison still sat beside me even with the complicated weather outside, concerned as she knew something was wrong with her sister. 'What's wrong?'
'You know the best days of my life was supposed to be this trip with my boyfriend?' I slightly chuckled, feeling stupid about myself as I said those words at loud. 'Turns out I was wrong.'
'What did John do?'
I bit my lips and sighed; I couldn't even blame him really. 'It's all my fault. For believing that this was all true, for thinking that he was happy with the relationship. I'm so fucking stupid.'
'What did he say to you?'
'He said enough.'
Allison quickly stood up and left my side. 'I'll be inside, come join me soon okay?'
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
Allison POV; 
The things that Y/N said hit a nerve. I already knew something was not right with the relationship. There was always something off with John but I figured if Y/N trusted him, I should too.
I've should've trusted my guts.
It was one thing to hurt my sister's feelings but to make Y/N sad to a point where she sat in the rain made me very upset and angry.
Y/N was the cheeriest one out of the bunch, constantly making us smile when we're down. Her smile was how we all got through the day, especially during our childhood with our so-called father.
It always took a lot for her to get mad or upset about anything. This already proved that John had something to hide and I would do anything to find out what was going on with his life.
I didn't want to leave Y/N alone under the dark, gray clouds but she seemed as though she was not going anywhere at all. I gave a kiss on the top of head before I walked back into the building.
'What's wrong with her?' Diego peeked through the window, watching Y/N leaning next to Ben's statue.
'John broke up with her and I'm going to find out exactly why.' I flared my nose, infuriated about this situation between my sister and her ex-boyfriend.
Diego furrowed his eyebrows, confused about everything. 'W-wait, John and her broke up? Didn't they just come back from their cute little trip?'
'He's a fucking liar is what it is. I swe-'
'Allison, are you sure he's a prick?' Diego tried to be civil which I completely understood but something about my instincts told me otherwise. 'We have zero proof of why this man broke up with Y/N.'
'That's what I'm trying to find out. I just don't trust him. It doesn't make any sense at all.' I rolled my eyes, taking a deep breath. 'You can watch Y/N while I go do some digging.'
Diego chuckled, 'Are you kidding me? I'm coming with you. Let's expose this man.'
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
Diego POV;
Luther, Vanya and Five were left with Y/N at home to make sure she was comfortable and feeling better. We also had to be extra careful about Y/N finding out about us stalking her old boyfriend.
If Y/N even got a hint about me, Klaus and Allison's whereabouts, her emotions will get the best of her and she will not hesitate to use her ultrasonic scream to try to get to us.
Y/N was the most level headed out of all the Hargreeves but her number one pet peeve was people digging through private lives. Her finding out the truth especially in the fragile state she was in would ruin us.
And seeing her hatred towards paparazzi and the way she fought them off on her off days as Number Eight, I would never want to be Y/N's enemy.
Which was why Allison, Klaus and I, the mouthy triggering siblings had to leave the house. Klaus and I privately argued that Five should've been with us but with his smart mouth, we knew he was going to use his "genius brain" as an excuse to stay and distract Y/N.
Klaus didn't like that, given the fact that Y/N and him were tight like glue. But everyone knew that Klaus was the number one person that needed to leave the house.
'Why can't I stay with Y/N?' Klaus whined, 'You know I suck at these investigating type missions. I could be a great caregiver to our sweet sister. I would give her some warm tea-'
'We haven't even pulled over to John's house and you're already running your mouth. That's why.' I turned around toward Klaus who was laying down in the back of the car as Allison drove my car. 'You'd be the first one to tell Y/N our secret and we can't risk that, dude.'
Allison looked at our brother from the mirror, smiling. 'Don't worry Klaus, she will be fine. I promise.'
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
Klaus POV;
The car suddenly stopped moving, Allison and Diego unbuckled their seatbelts. Ben, who was squished to the side where my legs rested rolled his eyes. 'You could've saved me some space for me to sit.'
'You're a ghost, why does it matter?' I replied back to him, I didn't think that he'd cramp up while I laid down in the back. 'Besides, my legs were on your lap so you should be fine.'
'Who are you talking to?' Diego asked me as he watched me get out of the car.
Ben yelled, just like he always does whenever I claim that I talk to myself. He had to realize we were here for Y/N, Ben can have his moment to shine some other time.
Diego, Ben and I followed Allison into John's house. Y/N used to bring Allison and I here often to hang out with John, we knew where he hid his spare key.
'Let's split up and look for some clues. It's got to be in here somewhere.' Allison mumbled, walking upstairs.
'Psst, Klaus!' Diego pointed behind him, 'You want to partner up? Maybe if we do it together it'll be faster.'
'Why are you whispering? The man isn't even here.' I chuckled at my brother, 'I think working together would take more time.'
Diego hissed, 'Fine! Be that way and go with your imaginary friend.'
'Why are you so upset? You really love me, don't you Diego?'
He pulled out his knife, looking at me intensely without saying any word. I knew Diego was sensitive but I didn't think that would trigger him to throw a knife at my face.
'I'm sorr-' before I was able to finish my apology, Diego struck his knife next to my head, hearing a loud groan from behind.
'Allison! I got him!' Diego shouted as he quickly got up and ran past me. I turned around and saw John lying on the ground, holding his shoulder in pain.
'What are you crazy fuckers doing here.' John winched.
Diego pulled the knife out of him, wiping the blood off with John's shirt before he put it back on his harness. 'Given the circumstances, I do not appreciate your tone dude.'
'See, I knew you Hargreeves were crazy. I don't know how I put up with you and your sister for nearly two years.'
'Now that's when you stop talking.' Diego stuck his finger into his knife wound, making John scream louder than he was before. 'I'm telling you, shut the fuck up before we do more harm.'
'Okay, okay!' John yelled, still grabbing onto his shoulder. All I could think about was how infected his shoulder was going to be after all this mess.
As I stared at John's wound, I went back to thinking about my poor sister. 'Why did you break up with Y/N?'
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
Y/N’s POV; 
'Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.' Luther and Vanya said in sync. They have been at it for about an hour now, I've never seen two human beings intrigued in this boring game before.
Five just stared at them with an angry face like always, all he has been doing was mumbling to himself and complaining about something I couldn't hear from here.
'What are you guys doing exactly?' I questioned my brothers and sister that has been in the living room with me for over an hour doing nothing.
At first it was odd that they were sitting with me, quiet and not saying a word but I didn't question anything. Now it was weird of them to be here as if they were keeping an eye on me.
'Just keeping you company.' Luther grinned, 'Do you need anything?'
'No, thanks.' I gave him a soft smile, asking an additional question. 'Did Allison say anything to you guys?'
I was in such an emotional state, I blurted the end of my relationship to Allison without thinking of anything. What happened between me and John was over, clearly over and if he wanted that I couldn't say no.
Knowing how overprotective Allison can get of me, I was worried what trouble she got herself into. I hoped she wasn't doing what I thought she might be doing.
'Nope, nothing.' Five, Luther and Vanya all said in the same tone.
'Y/N!' I heard Klaus screaming from the front door, rushing inside to come see me. 'He's a fucking dickhead!'
'Who?' I asked Klaus as he was trying to catch a breath, leaning into the couch to rest.
'Your fucking boyfriend, that's who.' Diego walked in right behind Klaus, anger flushed all over his face.
Allison rolled her eyes, hitting Diego's shoulder while standing next to him. 'You don't have to say it like that, geez.'
'What did you guys find at his house?' Luther asked.
'At his hou-' I looked at the three of them, confused. 'What did you guys do?'
'While Vanya, Luther and I were here distracting you Klaus, Allison and Diego went to John's house to find clues as to why he broke up with you.' Five summarized, with a big smirk on his face.
My eye shifted towards Allison, slowly shaking my head. 'You know how I feel about this.'
'Hear me out, okay? He-'
Diego cut Allison off, 'He had a ultrasound picture in his hand Y/N. John is a fucking asshole and I was so close to punchin-'
'He what?' Luther yelled, immediately standing up and towering over everybody. 'Where is he right now?'
'Laying down on his living room floor because Diego threw a knife through his shoulder.' Klaus added.
'Y/N, I'm so sorry okay? But I had to go see for myself and you being sad is the last thing I want to see.' Allison took a step closer to me. 'You we're blaming yourself about this breakup and I didn't want you to do that. That's why I went.'
There were no words left to say; I felt angry, sad, disappointed that my boyfriend of almost two years had a different girl the whole time. John was even about to have a family with some other woman.
I clenched my first as I thought about John, the more flashbacks I had of our "happy times" the angrier I got.
My siblings started to notice the change of my expressions. Klaus' eyes widened, 'Are you okay Y/N?'
'Come on guys, let's go get him.' I took my jacket from the couch, quickly putting them on as I walked towards the front door. All my siblings started to cheer as they walked next to me, Diego and Klaus hugging me from each side.
'Let's get this son of a bitch!' Diego screamed with his fist in the air.
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aftgficrec · 3 years
Thank you so much! This blog has left me with hours and hours of reading and tears and nearly being caught in morning traffic because I stayed up too late reading one of your recommendations.
Do you have any stories where Renee’s or Nicky’s mask falls apart?
They have both had traumatic pasts and Nicky’s struggled with suicide and depression while Renee’s had her own fair share of violence and, while she’s trying to be a better person now, there’s no way she can be perfect all the time. Any days where Nicky or Renee just fall apart? Preferable Canon-compliant but either way.
Thank you again! Have a wonderful day and I beg you—drink water.
I found two that kind of fit for Renee. Unfortunately we don’t have anything new for Nicky, but here are some where he breaks down and more hard times for him in previous recs. - A
also see:
nicky & depression here
angst w/comfort for andreil and nerik here
bad days andreil & nerik here
Nightmares by eyes_like_a_miracle [Rated G, 1660 Words, Complete, 2017]
Most people mistook Renee for a perfect person. Allison knew better.
Call Me Mara by frog2522 [Rated M, 8826 Words, Incomplete, Updated Feb 2021]
"Call me Mara, for the almighty has dealt with me bitterly" ...
Natalie Shields was arrested for drug use and possession at the age of fifteen and relocated into a foster home under the eye of the law. Between withdrawal treatment, fear of her past, and grief, Natalie is thrown into a life she had not planned.
This fic did already exist however I hated how I wrote it so am trying again this time with better planning and editing. Like before please read content warnings for each chapter.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: drug addiction, tw: ptsd
This is After by AgapantoBlu [Rated T, 3109 Words, Complete, 2018]
It’s a summer trip, when it happens. In hindsight, it’s probably not the first time, but in all the years they’ve known each others, it’s an absolute first for the Foxes to witness.
tw: flashbacks, tw: panic attacks, tw: dissociation, tw: referenced conversion therapy, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced torture
All we need is somebody to lean on by AgapantoBlu [Rated T, 33196 words, complete 2018]
“Stuff came up,” he said, in a voice that let no doubts about how much goodness could be in such stuff. None. “It involves my parents and a courtroom.”
Nicky didn’t react while saying those words, but Matt flinched enough for both of them. Once more, he didn’t know the details, but he knew, just like all the other Foxes, that Luther and Maria Hemmick figured in the register of campus security as “unwanted: forbidden entry”.
tw: homophobia, tw: depression, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: implied/referenced drug addiction, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: alcohol
prayers by MadHatterNO7 [Rated M, 15425 words, Complete 2017]
To put it simply, it's like this.
Nicky doesn't want Erik to fix him. Erik doesn't think Nicky is broken.
tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: panic attacks, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: eating disorders
innocence died screaming by loud_as_lions [Rated M, 3800 words, Incomplete, Updated February 2021]
Basically, the conversion camp Nicky went to is being investigated for unlawful therapy tactics and it forces him to finally deal with the trauma he went through there.
There is a lot of soft, family and friend bonding BUT there is also going to be a lot of talk of religion and trauma and conversion therapy and some really dark stuff. I'm begging you, read the tags and chapter warnings and please, please, do not read this if it might trigger you.
tw: conversion therapy, tw: depression, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: religious abuse, tw: homophobia, tw: internalized homophobia
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willwriteforhugs · 3 years
in vino veritas- song mingi (part two)
bestfriend! mingi x reader- part two of two !
~childhood friends to lovers au~
word count: 2.1k
genre: angst, fluff
synopsis: after your lifelong best-friend confesses his love for you, the two of you have to deal with the emotional (and very embarrassing) repercussions.
warnings: drunkenness, a minor hangover
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if you haven’t read part one, please do so! find it here :)
a/n: HUGE apologies about how long this conclusion took! i took a *long* break from writing right after i said i’d write this... *face palm* but i still had a couple of people who really wanted to see this, and i’m hoping they still do! (or did they give up on me...?) anyways, thank you so much for the continued support, even while i was absent. happy reading, and i hope your heart doesn’t break in two<3
- allison
- - -
“please. please love me again.”
the words are like a smack to the face. they sting, the same way a slap does- and for a moment you can’t breathe. in that moment, you wish he had just hit you, because it would feel nearly the same. but you know mingi more than you know yourself, and he hasn’t hit you since you were children. he never would. 
mingi looks down at you, his face contorted in what you assume is a sort of drunken sadness. finally, you form a coherent thought.
no, no, no. you just can’t do this.
your hands are trembling, you notice. you slowly take your hand from him, backtracking a few steps until your back is against the wall. he doesn’t fight it, and he doesn’t break eye contact once.
“love me again...”
you never thought you’d hear those words come out of his mouth. no. how could he do this? reject you as a lovestruck high schooler without a second thought, but then pull this four years later? it’s sick. it’s sick because you were heartbroken. because you still are.
it’s sick because despite every ounce of your body wanting to reject him, to push him away- there is a small part of you that wants to say yes. to say yes, yes, yes, i will love you again, and it will be so easy, because i never stopped. 
mingi’s voice sounds husky- the way it sounds right after he wakes up, or when he eats something particularly bitter.
it’s also how his voice sounds when he’s terribly, terribly sad, and you wish you didn’t know these things about him. 
“y/n, listen to me.” his eyes bore into yours, and he begins to stutter again. “i was an idiot, saying the things i did. i know- i know i felt that way at the time, but- but dear god, if i’d known what i was going to lose? i just..”
“mingi.” to your own surprise, your voice is a stark contrast to his- it’s clear and sharp. decisive. “i need you to stop.”
your counterpart cringes.
“listen,” you plow on. “you. are. drunk. you do not understand what you are saying, but understand this- you’ve upset me.”
finally, your voice breaks a little. “you broke my heart, mingi, and i haven’t forgotten. but i don’t want to remember. so here’s what we are going to do- i am going to go to bed, in my room, and i am going to be alone. somehow i still have an obligation to help you, so you will sleep right here, on this couch. tomorrow morning you will take an advil, call a car, and leave my home. understood?”
you see mingi’s eyes begin to water, and the crack in your chest seems to expand. 
“don’t.” you whisper. “don’t do this to me.”
mingi looks down at the floor for a moment, and finally, having decided to remain quiet, sinks onto the sofa. you turn to leave the room, but as you leave, he calls out again;
“i’m sorry, y/n.”
you just manage to get your bedroom door shut before the sobs start. 
- - - 
you wish you could stay in the dark forever.
the light streaming through your windows is just so invasive...
but maybe the real reason you don’t wish to get up is the man currently sprawled across your living room couch.
god, what even happened last night? will he even remember the things he said?
a part of you- well, most of you- hopes he doesn’t. that would surely simplify things. but even so, you also kind of hope he does remember.
you want to know if he meant it. 
- - -
finally, you sit up in bed, stretching your arms out. when you manage to stand up as well, you beeline for the bathroom.
a quick glance in the mirror confirms your previous suspicions- your face is puffy, from all of the crying. 
good god, the crying...
you know he could hear you, and you are humiliated. not that you think of crying as a bad thing, not inherently- but you have almost never cried in front of mingi, and to think you did last night. and that it was because of him...
you shove your insecurities aside and wash your face. you throw on a simple outfit, and finally you come to stare at your door.
sighing, you open it as quietly as you can. maybe he’ll still be asleep, and you can slip out unnoticed? 
but no such luck. mingi is sitting on the couch, his feet propped up. he doesn’t hold a phone, and the tv isn’t on. not a book in sight- he’s just staring up at the ceiling. 
you close your eyes as they begin to sting.
you can’t believe the effect he’s had on you all these years- and that you’d managed to ignore it for so long. but you can’t ignore it anymore, not with it being the main cause of your pain the past day.
biting your tongue, you step into view. mingi immediately notices you, and shoots into a more presentable position.
you pause to meet his eyes. “i thought i’d told you to leave.”
mingi frowns slightly. “and i thought i’d elect to ignore that part of our conversation.”
so he does remember.
“are you hungover?” you ask.
“only a bit.” he responds stiffly.
you heave a sigh, and the two of you look at each other for a moment, the air stuffy and thick with tension.
you break the silence with a strained whisper. “are we gonna do this?”
mingi doesn’t hesitate to respond, though his voice is no louder than yours was.  “i think we have to.”
you frown, knowing he’s right.
but it hurts, and you wish more than anything it was an ache you could ignore. but your heart has been slowly dying for years now- a fact that you are now painfully aware of.
is it too late to fix it?
before you can say anything more, mingi continues to talk.
“first of all, y/n- i just. i’m so sorry. for coming here last night. i was drunk and i was sad and i didn’t know where else to go.”
“why didn’t you just go home?” you can’t help but sound slightly bitter.
“do you believe me when i say i didn't even think to? all i knew is that i wanted to see you.”
you inhale sharply, and years of sadness burn the back of your eyes. “mingi, i don’t care that you came here in the first place. but i care about the havoc you wreaked when you did.” you stumble over your words. “you- you said you loved me.”
his face is filled with some sort of resignment, but he keeps his eyes on you. “i know i did.”
“because i do.”
heat claws its way up your neck, and you feel the first of the tears begin to flow. “no. you can’t- please, mingi, you can’t just come in here and say that. not after- not after what you did to me.”
mingi bites his lip hard, now looking at the floor. his eyes are wet. “i know that.” his voice sounds pained. “i know that, y/n. that’s why i never intended on telling you... apparently the beer had other plans.”
“what do you mean, ‘never intended’?” you snap. “you mean to say you’ve been in love with me for- for what, a time- even after you told me it would never happen?”
“i was young, y/n! i still am young, but god- i was 16! i didn’t even know what love was! and if you had ever asked me in these recent years-” his voice cracks, and his face displays years of cleverly disguised pain. “if you’d asked me what my biggest regret was, i would have said you. i would have said turning down the love of my life because i was a pubescent idiot.”
even through the tears, you manage to snort at this. 
after a moment, mingi manages a half-hearted smile. “so, uh- are you still trying to kick me out?”
“not really.” you mumble. “but that doesn’t mean i’m happy with you.”
when he doesn’t say anything, you force yourself to continue, even through the tears. “i’m just surprised. you know- do you remember what you told me? you told me that it was just a crush, so you were letting me down easy. but- mingi-ah, it was never just a crush... i loved you, i really did.”
mingi lets a small sigh escape his mouth, and moves to stand in front of you. he gently brushes your hand with his- an invitation. and against your better will, you reach out and take it.
“do you think,” he whispers. “do you think you still could?”
another fat teardrop rolls down your cheek. “that sounds a lot like what you said last night, and you were really drunk.” you whisper back.
“i’m not drunk.” mingi murmurs. “drunk in love, maybe.”
“you’re an idiot.”
“and i hate you.”
“please kiss me.”
and he does.
his lips crash against yours, and you actually give a small yelp of surprise. but the surprise is overwhelmed by the instant rush of emotion you feel- mingi kisses you with an intensity you’ve never experienced. like at any moment he might lose you, like there really is no tomorrow.
he parts his lips along with yours, slipping his tongue into your mouth. you actually feel your knees weaken a bit- but the moment passes, and he moves away from your mouth. he leans downwards and places slow, deliberate kisses along your neck. your hands are tangled in his hair, and his are on your hips. and then it hits you- you are kissing song mingi- the boy whom you vowed to never touch, the boy you always knew you wanted. 
the kiss is a kiss of passion- of regret, of betrayal, of bitterness and of love. it is unlike anything you’ve known. it’s fully fueled by the destroyed hearts of two people who love each other too much.
you never want it to end.
the kiss is everything and nothing, beautiful and painful. it’s all that mingi has ever been.
suddenly, mingi pulls away from you, ending the kiss abruptly. you jerk back in surprise, face burning. had you done something wrong? what the hell were you thinking? you two should be at each other’s throats-
mingi interrupts your thoughts as he grasps your hand in his, leaning down to rest his forehead against yours. “are you alright?” he murmurs.
you glance up, having nearly forgotten that you were in literal tears only minutes before. “yeah, i’m- i’m okay. are you?” on the inside, you wonder. why did he stop? what are we doing? is this okay?
“honestly? i don’t know.”
your brief high falters.
“y/n.” his voice is serious again. “please, y/n. is this really what you want?”
he’s worried that i’m just doing this to fix things.
“mingi.” you force him to meet your eyes. the room is dead silent, and your voice is a little raspy, but it needs to be said. you need to say it, you just do.  “i love you.”
the moment washes over the room like a cool breeze. mingi’s eyes soften to a look of love and concern, and a small smile quirks at his lips. “what? you mean it?”
a moment ago, you were actually scared that you wouldn’t- but now that it was said...
“yes. stars, yes. i love you- i’ve loved you as long as i’ve known you, but i think i was so scared of that love- and of yours- that i shoved it away. but i do, and i’m sure i always will.”
“i love you too.” he manages. “and maybe i didn’t mean to get drunk and say all the things i did, but- but i don’t think i regret it. because i love you, and want to take back everything i said all those years ago. cause i loved you then, too, i just didn’t know it. i hurt you, and that almost ruined this for us. so will you help me make it up to you?”
“how?” you murmur, a feeling of nervous anticipation washing over you.
“let me kiss you a little longer.”
you smile, knowing that even though things aren’t totally fixed yet- and the two of you have a long way to go- you still have gotten him back. mingi. your best friend. your love. your life.
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hepaidattention · 3 years
part 4
where Allison never died in s3 and Lydia and Stiles are going strong in the flirting game but still stubborn, so Allison decides to set them up (with Scott’s help of course).
find part three, two, and one here
"Lydia," Allison was standing there, arms folded over her chest, and her prominent jawline tight and pointed. "I know."
Lydia was standing outside Stiles' locker, a compact mirror in one hand and cherry red lipstick applying to her lips in the other. Lydia cut her eyes up at her tall friend, her mirror snapping closed in her palm. Allison was towering over her today. Apparently she decided to wear heels on the day that Lydia decided to wear the shortest heels she owns. She always regretted wearing the 4 inch heels, she always felt small and insignificant. Especially beside 5'10" Stiles Stilinski.
Lydia tilted her head, freshly coated lips pursed. "And what might that be?"
"About you and Stiles."
Lydia suddenly felt very exposed. It didn't help that she was currently applying lipstick outside his locker, waiting for him to rush to his locker last minute before running off to class. Stiles was always late for school, yet she always waited for him anyway.
Now, her friend was scrutinizing her with a piercing, knowing stare and Lydia felt like she came to school in her underwear.
She gulped, trying to keep her placid exterior in tact. "And what by that oddly accusing tone do you mean?"
"Lydia, stop with the games. I'm not an idiot. I know, and you don't have to be ashamed. I mean c'mon Lydia, it's me."
Lydia did know what she meant. That fact that she knew made Lydia feel very vulnerable and Lydia Martin hated feeling vulnerable. She raised her chin high, trying to feel bigger somehow, feel significant and powerful. However, she knew Allison saw straight through her façade. Allison had seen Lydia had her most vulnerable, and loved her more for it.
She looked at her phone to see the time. Class didn't start for about ten minutes, which gave Lydia and Allison at least nine uninterrupted.
"Okay." Lydia finally admitted. Her heart felt a little lighter as she said it. "I don't know how you found out but... I suppose I can't keep anything from Allison Argent."
Allison smirked, her stance softening into a lean towards the lockers. She looked causal and welcoming rather than tall and threatening now. "Well, yeah, duh." Allison gave her that giant, beautiful, entire-room-staring-at-her-beaming-face smile and Lydia suddenly wondered why she ever tried to keep it from her best friend.
"I ... I mean, I guess it just felt strange ever saying anything, because then it made it real... I just, it was one time, okay? And we never talk about it - but... I can't deny I think about it." She bit down on her bottom lip. Her gaze drifted off into another world. Probably a world of memories. "A lot."
Allison had now been defeated, because Allison had no idea what Lydia was talking about. Allison just knew that Lydia was just totally into him and thought if she pressured her she'd finally admit it - but what Lydia seemed to be implying was far more juicy than she thought. So, she chose not to speak. She let Lydia talk until she gave enough information away.
"Honestly, the other day, I think we might have almost ... I don't know. I might be overthinking it but it felt like we might ... you know, do it again and thank god we didn't. We were just caught up in a moment and if we had I would've had to break Stiles' poor little heart and I just don't want to hurt him like that, not right now,"
Allison was at a loss. At first she thought it was a date Lydia was implying. But now she was thinking it was more. A lot more.
"The first time was a fluke, okay? Like, an impulsive decision I sincerely did for the good of Stiles and I feel bad now, because I know I probably led him on and that was the least of my intentions. I don't want to hurt him. But it meant nothing to me. It was just a kiss."
Allison's heart dropped into her stomach, her jaw slacked, her eyes wide. "Lydia Martin, are you telling me you kissed Stiles Stilinski and you're just telling me now?"
Lydia paled. Her cheeks were a fire red, and the rest of her lost all color. It was like all the blood pooled into her cheeks. "You didn't know?"
Allison laughed. She couldn't help it. This was the best thing she'd heard all week. "No I didn't know you kissed Stiles! Oh my god, Lydia! You kissed him?"
"Shhh!" Lydia hushed her, noticing the sideways looks from nosey classmates as they passed them in the hall. "Could you keep it down, please? I'd rather not become the laughing stock of Beacon Hills High today."
"Laughing stock?" Allison's head bowed to the right, her brows meeting together in the middle. "Lydia, Stiles is hot, okay? And he's on the lacrosse team, and plays pretty frequently now. He's not exactly the nerd he used to be sophomore year. I hear girls in my class talk about how much they want to jump his bones on a regular basis. In fact, many girls ask me for his number on a regular basis."
Lydia's eyes squinted. Allison had to bite her lip back to keep from smiling, the obvious jealousy painted over her face a hilarious sight to see. "Seriously?" She was picking at her nails now, eyes staring out at nothing as she thought. She looked up again, "Stiles? Not Scott, Stiles?"
"Yeah." She nodded slowly. "I mean, Scott's a hot and wanted package all on his own, but girls don't ask me about him. He's my ex."
Lydia shook her head then, finger pointing up like she was about to make a argumentative point. "See, I don't believe you, because I never get questions about Stiles."
"Uh yeah, duh, of course you don't Lyds," Allison was laughing. Lydia didn't seem to get the joke. She sighed and gestured at Stiles' locker, "This? Waiting for him every morning? Eating with him every lunch period? Sitting beside each other in every class you have together? Other girls hardly even have room to flirt with him, let alone have the courage." Lydia blinked, clueless. Allison sighed, "Lydia you're all the girls competition. Of course they're not going to ask you for his number."
Lydia stood up straight and tall, and the look on her face couldn't be described as anything other than defiance. "Don't be ridiculous, Allison. Stiles and I are just friends."
"Yeah?" Allison quirked up one brow, arms folded, mouth smugly smiling. "Do just friends kiss and then not be able to stop thinking about it?"
Lydia's back fell into Stiles locker in a huff. "God, this is why I never told you about that."
A chuckle escaped her throat at Lydia's reaction. "I just want to know how the hell that happened for the benefit of Stiles and not you."
"He was having a panic attack. I was trying to calm him down."
"Oh okay, right," she was nodding in the most mocking of ways and Lydia clearly wanted to slap her over it. "Right. I forgot that doing something that would speed up someone's heart rate always stops a panic attack."
Lydia's eyes were shut tight in shame. "Will you ever drop this?"
"Nope. Never."
Lydia whined. Her eyes were still closed in embarrassment when Stiles came (for once) calmly strolling up to the locker with backpack slung over his shoulder and hair a purposefully wild mess. He gave Allison a warm smile, which she returned, but they stayed quiet as both waited to see if she would notice Stiles' presence.
Lydia finally said, "Just please Allison, I beg of you, don't say anything to St-" Lydia opened her eyes in the nick of time, seeing a wide eyed Stiles standing in front of his locker (which meant he was standing in front of her). "Stiles." She breathed. 
Stiles and Allison smiled, gaze meeting for a split second. "Lydia."
"You're here."
"Uhh, yeah?" Stiles stretched an arm behind his neck, his bicep noticeably flexing as his eyes narrowed slightly. "This is my locker, last time I checked."
Lydia straightened and moved over so he could open it. Standing beside her now, the height difference was amusing to Allison. Lydia's nose reached mid shoulder for him. "I just meant - you're just early."
Stiles checked his watch and shrugged, "Well, some might consider five minutes before class to be on time, but I guess that's early for me." He was fidgeting with the lock when he tried to casually ask, "So, who can Allison not tell something to?"
Lydia was dying on the inside and Allison was loving every minute of it. Lydia said "st" before she saw him, so whatever her lie might be, Stiles would likely not believe it.
"My mom." Lydia lied, and if Allison and Stiles hadn't known it was a lie, they might actually have believed her.
"Okay," Stiles looked between the two suspiciously stiff girls. He said, "Allison, what were you planning on telling Lydia's mom? Spilling some deep dark secret I should know about?"
Lydia was shooting daggers at Allison with just her eyes. Allison's cheeks were dimpled in deep as she said, "Something like that."
Stiles was obviously not buying it, but he tugged on his backpack and said, "Well I'd love to stay and chat, but I have a test to cram for."
Lydia's brow crunched up into a wrinkled v. "Stiles, that test is first period - which starts in four minutes."
"That's two more than I had last exam," Stiles just winks at her as he shuts his locker door closed. "Seriously though, everything's okay right?" He said so happily, so lovingly. His wide hand was on her petite shoulder. Lydia was mute now. She wordlessly nodded. "Okay. See you in class." His hand slid from her shoulder to her hand. He gave it a light squeeze and then he strolled away down the hallway.
Something they both noticed when he was walking away was the wave one blonde gave him. Ginny Green. Stiles gave her a friendly and uncaring wave back, but the blond stopped behind him and just watched his ass sway down the hall. Lydia looked like she might explode. The girl turned back and she saw Lydia's death glare shooting straight for her. Ginny Green quickly avoided all eye contact and rushed down the hall like a mouse being seen sneaking cheese by a cat.
Allison couldn't hold it in anymore. She burst into laughter and Lydia playfully slapped her friends arm in protest. "I'm going to kill you."
"Not if that deathly case of jealousy doesn't kill you first." Allison quipped back. "I can't believe you just found out that Stiles was a chick magnet."
Lydia huffed and flipped her hair back. She was doing that thing where she was trying to seem composed and unbothered, but was really melting away on the inside. "I am not jealous for Stiles Stilinski. Not now, nor will I ever be. If girls think he’s cute at this school then good for him, maybe Stiles can finally find himself a girlfriend. Now, please, for the sake of my sanity Allison, let it go."
"Lydia, you just told me you kissed Stiles, you did, and then I watched as you visibly just told that poor girl with your eyes she was going to be your breakfast if she ever looked at him ever again. Not to mention the moment of hand holding that you two so casually had. There's no way in hell I am ever letting this go now."
Lydia just groaned and walked away from Allison with one swift hair flip to the face. Thankfully Lydia was too short today for it to actually hit her in the face.
"See you at lunch," she called after her. Lydia completely ignored her, half expecting her to flip her off as she went.
Allison now had every reason in her book to go through with her plan. She had to text Scott; operation Stydia was now in motion.
read part five here
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missmonsters2 · 4 years
Between the Lines || X
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PAIRING: Steve Rogers & Fem!Reader (Platonic) / Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader / Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader / Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader x Wanda Maximoff
Summary: Vampire AU. Life has changed drastically since the 1600s. Things are always on the move, and you’ve been very careful to not get on SHIELDs radar. Living on the down-low owning a café, you’re content to live out a quiet existence. That is until the Avengers enter your life.
[Set after the New York Invasion, in CAWS, and goes up to AoU. Canon divergent after.]
Warnings: This series will contain smut(**), poly-relationship, and dark themes.
Note: Oof I came back and DELIVERED 👏👏 it’s really long I’m sorry. I legit said we’re ending this arc today LOL
Count: 11,007
There's something about the way the golden sky hits the horizon of this quiet countryside field.
It's quiet.
At least in comparison to the city.
You like the tall grass that surrounds the stand-alone home. The air is cleaner, crisper. There's a serene peace that settles in the area, and it makes you nostalgic for things you haven't had.
You can hear children running around inside, and the sink running in the kitchen along with food sizzling. Looking over at Natasha, there's a softness that has fallen over her face, a look you're somewhat familiar with, but in a different context.
This might be home for her, too, you realize.
"A safe house?" Tony tilts his head as everyone stares at the farmhouse.
"Let's hope," Clint mutters as everyone enters into the house. "Honey, I'm home!"
You tilt your head, curious when the woman you assume to be Clint's wife walks into the kitchen. You knew she was carrying based on the conversation you overhead, but you were still surprised to find her heavily pregnant.
She was due soon.
"Hi, company," Clint says in a rush as he gives her a kiss on the cheek. "Sorry, I didn't call ahead."
"Hey," the woman replies as she kisses Clint. You hear Tony make a comment to Thor about the strangeness of this, but you were focused on her stomach.
You tilted your head as you could hear its heartbeat.
"Gentlemen and gentle...women," Clint stares at you and Natasha. "This is Laura. My wife."
"I know all your names," Laura smiles while everyone looks at her rather awkwardly because no one but Natasha, you and, David knew about her.
David seemed the most curious, but he has always loved kids and got along with them easily.
"You're due soon," he tells Laura with a smile as he sneaks around you to stand closer to inspect Laura respectfully.
"You can tell?" Laura looks down at her stomach as David nods.
"Yes," he says. "A couple months at the most."
"How can you tell?" Laura asks as you hear tiny rumbling footsteps running towards this room.
"We can smell it," David informs her.
"Incoming," Clint says, kneeling down as his son and daughter excitedly burst into the room.
"Dad!" His daughter jumps in Clint's arm. Clint picks her up as he stands and kisses his son's head.
"Tinier agents," Tony blinks at the scene while Steve looks completely flabbergasted.
"This is Lila and Cooper," Clint smiles softly.
"Did you bring Auntie Nat?" The little girl says, and Natasha turns as she smiles.
"Why don't you hug her and find out?" Natasha starts to walk while Lila runs into her arms.
Natasha picks her up with ease, holding her close as she kisses Lila on the cheek. She comes back to you and tense ever so slightly before you relax.
Of course, you spent a lot of time with Allison as you took care of her, but sometimes, being around young kids would cause just a quick flashback of the ones you couldn't save.
Natasha smiles at you, and you return it lightly.
"This is Lila," Natasha introduces you to her and then telling Lila your name.
"Is she your friend?" Lila asks as she stares at you, and Natasha laughs.
"Yes, she's...my special friend," Natasha looks at you with a smirk to which you roll your eyes gently in response.
"I like your braids," you tell Lila softly, who smiles shyly at you in thanks.
"Sorry to drop by in like this," Steve says to Laura.
"Yeah, we would've, but we were too busy not knowing you existed," Tony chirped in.
Clint smiles as he stands next to his wife and has his hand on Cooper's shoulder.
"Yeah, Fury helped me set this up and kept it off SHIELD's files. I'd like to keep it that way, I figured this is a good place to lay low."
Laura laughed suddenly, and everyone turned to see David giving family photos to her.
"Okay, as low as we can," Clint corrects.
Natasha sets down Lila as she drags you closer to Laura.
"Ah, honey, I missed you," Laura pulls Natasha into a hug before giving you a kind smile.
Your nose twitches as you get closer, and you can smell Laura's pregnancy in more detail.
"And how's little Natasha?" Natasha coos as she bends down to touch Laura's stomach gently.
"You mean Nathaniel?" David snickers and you elbow him in the rib.
"What?" Natasha says as she stands up, looking at David before she turns back to Laura.
"Sorry," Laura gives her an apologetic look that confirms what David said.
Natasha leans back down to Laura's stomach, "Traitor."
"Thor," Steve calls out.
You turn your attention as Thor leaves the house with Steve following him.
You hear Thor say how he saw something in his dream and how he won't find his answers here before flying off.
Everyone seems to have reached their limit and wants to get some rest. You, Natasha, and David decided to stay in one room since the two of you don't sleep. David said he'd be out working on a lot of other things anyways.
"Mind if I shower first?" He asks you and Natasha.
"Go for it," Natasha nods.
"If you use all the hot water, I'll kill you," you tell him, and David just pretends to look offended that you would even insinuate he would before walking off.
You could hear Clint and Laura talking in the next room where he's updating her on the mission and what he'll do once this mission is done. You try to drown it out as you turn and focus on Natasha before you.
"How are you feeling?" You ask softly as you lift your hand to her face.
Natasha presses more firmly into your hold. A part of her wishes she could feel the warmth of your actual hand, but she doesn't want to push you, and you were clearly nowhere ready to touch her with your bare hands.
It didn't stop her from fantasizing about it, though.
"Better," Natasha rasps, "I've stopped hearing the lingering voices."
You nodded, using your thumb to stroke her cheek.
"How was it?" Natasha asks, breaking the silence, and you know what she's referring to.
Slowing dropping your hand, you went to sit at the seat beside the window.
"It was..." you sighed, "I don't know. Hard."
Natasha takes a seat next to you, combing her fingers through your hair, and your eyes fluttered at the serene feeling.
"Talk to me," Natasha softly says. She knows you've probably been refraining from trying to talk about it with her after that night. You must think she may not like it.
But Natasha doesn't care about such things like that. Tatyana was a big part of your life, and even though you haven't said anything about it yet, Natasha knows Wanda will be too.
In what capacity will depend on what you'll allow, what you think Natasha will allow.
"I suppose...I didn't expect her to look so much like Tatyana," you smile weakly. "Looking at her is like nearly looking at a spitting image. Pietro has similar features, being twins, but it's easier to ignore that he's a descendant."
Natasha nods, understanding as she continues to comb through your hair.
"I'm still working on confirming something," you tell her honestly.
"And if what you suspect is true?" Natasha asks.
You purse your lips.
"Then, we have a new set of problems."
The day continues on, and everyone, for the most part, has freshened up. You leave Natasha to her own devices with showering even though earlier she had given you a look that suggested that they could save water if they showered together.
You had felt a hot liquid pool form in your lower stomach as you licked your lips.
But now was neither nor the time to engage in such activities, though you did give her a languid kiss before excusing yourself.
You could hear Tony and Steve talking--passive-aggressively arguing outside. You were about to go out to break it up when your eyes honed in on something.
"Just great," you huffed under your breath as you headed out to the field where there was a tractor.
"Thank you, Laura," a deep voice spoke as he caught your eye as you came up to them.
Laura greeted you, and you nodded in response as she slipped out to do her task.
"Maria tell you to come out here?" You asked, looking at Nick Fury.
"She thought it would be best for me to assess the situation," he shrugs. "I wanted a little word with Stark, anyways."
You shake your head. "Your words will mean nothing to him, you know."
"Then perhaps I should talk with you," Fury redirects. "I hear you're quite involved with this case."
You remain silent, not taking his bait.
"What do you suggest I do?" Fury says, curious about what you'll say.
Before you could answer, you hear Tony approaching, catching the two of you after looking at the tractor.
"Ah, Mrs. Barton, that little minx. What are the two of you doing here? Did Maria call you?" Tony asks as he turns to look at Fury.
"Artificial intelligence, you didn't even hesitate," Fury cocked his brow at Tony.
You tune out the two of them talking as you focus your attention elsewhere. You could hear Steve a little ways away, still ripping woods apart with his bare hands. Inside the house, you could hear the water being turned off, indicating that Natasha was done with her shower, and you decided you would go in soon to shower yourself before helping where you could.
"--you didn't," you catch the end of what Fury said before the man walked off, leaving you alone with the genius billionaire.
He was frustrated--annoyed, you could tell by just looking at his face. The light grimace and pinch between his eyebrow were a clear indication.
Tony catches you staring at him, looking miffed as he peers at you.
"Well, I suppose you have something to say, too, huh?" Tony mutters.
You take a long minute to stare at him, his conversation with Fury not lost on you.
"Not really," you say in the end. "Nothing I haven't already told you, anyways."
"Right, like my ego being too big, and I'm not the be-all, end-all."
You shrug. "No one is the be-all, end-all. If the world had to only rely on one man, we would've gone extinct before cavemen even had the chance to evolve."
"And I'm the man that's going to cause that," Tony persisted.
"No," you shook your head. "You know as well as I do that it was only your fear being shown to you."
"Do I?" Tony scoffed. "All I know is that I saw all my friends dead, and I caused it because I couldn't save them. Who are you to say it's not the future I saw?"
"Because she can't show you the future!" You burst at him, grimacing at your own outburst. You sigh, closing your eyes and pinching the bridge of your nose. "That's not what her power is. In the best-case scenario, she can use telepathy to read your mind to experience your memories and thoughts, and then using that to project hallucinations onto you. In the worst-case scenario, she can use her powers to alter reality to make what she wants to come true. I don't think she's there yet."
"And how do you know all that?" Tony asks, narrowing his eyes at you.
"You know that I came on this mission for my own personal reasons."
"And what? That Maximoff girl is your personal reason?"
"They both are," you tell him. "Her powers aren't entirely unfamiliar to me. Different, yes, I imagine from the scepter, but not unfamiliar."
"I don't see the difference between her powers and my future." Tony blinks at you.
You grumbled, sighing as you try to explain. "It means, dumbass, that Wanda either doesn't realize that she can alter reality or that she doesn't have enough control of her powers to do so yet. I'm betting it's a mix of the two. I felt it when I fought with her. She's chaotic, and her powers are unrefined. Because of that, she can only snoop into your mind and then send you your worst fear in the form of a hallucination. You weren't shown the future, Tony, you were emotionally exploited."
You wanted Tony to understand, not so sure why you were so concerned with it. Tony, like everyone else, was a complex person with a multitude of different faces and layers. On the surface, he was a nonchalant, cocky dickhead (though, you were also sure some of that was truly him on the inside too), but he was also someone who cared.
A lot.
And people who tend to care a lot always overdid everything to protect everything and everyone they care about.
Tony was already hurting.
And Wanda was making it worse.
It was a painful reminder that Tatyana had hurt people too, and you couldn't stop her.
"How do you know that isn't the future for sure? How can you confirm that's not my legacy?" Tony murmurs quietly, looking at the sky as if the low volume would allow him to admit his fear without you hearing.
You stare at him for a long minute, biting your tongue before you draw a long sigh that gets Tony's attention.
Tony watches you, taking off one glove, pressing your lips together as you do so.
You hold out your hand to him.
"If you tell Natasha I touched you before her, I'll break your dick."
Dinner is a pleasant affair. You had gone back into the kitchen swiftly after finishing your talk with Tony. Laura was starting to make dinner, and you let her know not to worry about you and David as the two of you don't eat.
You had taken a step out with David while everyone was bustling around before dinner. It had been a while since you last fed, and you had a feeling things were going to start happening back to back, and you needed to be prepared for it.
The two of you headed into town to the nearest hospital, compelling a nurse to bring you both a blood bag to feed on and forget.
It wasn't a lot, but it would be enough to get through the mission without damage, hopefully. You didn't want to end up taking too much from the hospital and causing a problem, even though the two of you were too far from your own stash.
It would've been better to go to a blood bank, but this town was so small they didn't have one.
You were sitting closely next to Natasha as she ate her dinner, your arm around her, and you fought the urge to hide your face into her neck.
"You should head to NEXUS in Oslo to pick up JARVIS," David tells Tony.
"Is that where he is?" Tony hums. "Smart guy to head to the fastest internet hub on the earth. I'm such a proud dad," Tony pretends to tear up.
"Great, you got one good kid and one fuck up, classic!" You say over Natasha's head while Tony scrunches his nose at you.
"Why did I come?" Fury muttered rather loudly. Seems like all the information he was bringing was already brought up by David.
"For a good time, boss. But you wouldn't happen to have anything else, would you?" Natasha pulled a piece of her bread apart.
"I have you," Fury shrugged. "We ain't got nothing but our wit and our will to save the world. So stand up and take out that platinum bastard."
"Steve doesn't like that kind of talk," Natasha teases.
"You know what, Romanoff?" Steve jokingly threatens while she smiles mischievously at him.
You had been only half-focusing on the conversation at hand, jumping in here and there to throw in remarks. You were thrumming your fingers at your side quietly.
There was something about that first night you had all encountered Ultron.
"So, what does he want?" Fury asked.
"To become better. Better than us. He keeps building bodies," Steve licked his bottom lip.
"Person bodies. We're outmoded, biologically speaking, but he keeps coming back to it," Tony leaned back in his chair.
"He wants the human race to evolve; therefore, he needs to evolve himself," Banner mused.
"I don't think evolving the human race is his goal," David muttered.
"How's he going to do that?" Fury asked.
And then it occurred to you.
"Has anyone talked to Dr. Cho?" You pursed your lips.
There was a lot of noise as everyone was getting ready to leave the Barton household.
Thor was still out on his own, so no one held high hopes he would be coming back for this one.
"Alright, I'll head to you guys as soon as I collect JARVIS from NEXUS," Tony, lets everyone know.
"I'll take David and Banner to the Stark Tower," Fury said. " "Mind if I borrow Miss Hill?"
"All yours," Tony nodded. "What are you gonna do?"
"I don't know, something dramatic, I hope," Fury shrugs.
"Alright, everyone else goes with me," Steve attached his shield onto his back.
You nod as you stood next to Natasha.
"You know, I miss the days when I was the weirdest thing science created," Steve mused.
"What do you mean?" You looked at him with a smirk. "You still are."
"I swear to God--"
"Swearing is not good, Steve," Natasha joined in on the teasing.
"I hate you both," Steve shook his head with a good spirit.
There was something that rubbed you the wrong way when you entered the laboratory.
Sparks from exposed wires filled the air, and you could smell blood and hear the shallow breathing of a woman.
You recognized the scent.
"Dr. Cho is in there," you say quietly for Steve to hear, and the two of you race in to see that she was sitting on the floor, resting against a cabinet as she was clutching her stomach tightly. She had blood dripping from her head and lips, but she was still alive.
"Dr. Cho!" Steve called out as he race to her, bending down to see if she was okay.
"He's uploading himself into the body," Dr. Cho heavily breathes. "You can't just destroy the cradle. You need to get it to Stark."
"I got to find it first," Steve tells her.
"Go," she nods in the direction of outside. He purses her lip at her, but she nods to let Steve know she'll be okay.
He starts to head out but then looks at you.
"I'll catch up," you say offhandedly as you bend down to assess the doctor.
She was bleeding profusely through her stomach, where Ultron shot her. Dr. Cho had done her best to stop the bleeding, but it started to soak through the cloth. You looked around to find her technicians dead, and you frowned.
"Maybe I will get your venom after all," Dr. Cho says with a smirk, bringing your attention back to her.
You cocked your brow at her with a smile. "It's quite the risqué position. I don't know if my girlfriend would like that."
"I'm sure she won't mind you helping a frail, dying girl," Dr. Cho jokes but winces in pain shortly after.
You snort at the word frail but lick your lips nonetheless. "Listen, Doc, I don't wanna catch you doing experiments on yourself after getting my venom, alright?"
She nods, and you lift her hand away along with the cloth. You lower herself down her body, feeling the venom pool in your mouth.
You hear her breath hitch, and you're not sure if it's because she's in pain. You remind yourself you need to be careful. While you could drink the blood that was pouring out from Dr. Cho, you opted not to.
Dr. Cho realized this as you were carefully licking her wound, feeling something amazing happening on her skin under your mouth as she was being healed.
"What a loyal girlfriend you are," Dr. Cho mutters.
"I'm always picking up after you boys," Natasha grunts as she Steve's shield and gives it to you to hold.
You were on your way to Steve when Natasha dropped from the sky on a motorbike, and you found yourself hopping on the back of it as she passed you.
"Seriously, Steve, I've seen people treat their trash better than how often you drop this thing," you joke.
"Little busy, guys," Steve grunts back, "wouldn't say no to some help."
As you get closer to the truck where Ultron and Steve are, you whip his shield to him, and Steve uses it to knock Ultron's arm off of him. Ultron falls, catching sight of you two and uses his power to lift a piece of the ground up to stop Natasha in her tracks.
"Go!" Natasha tells you, and you get up on the motorbike before using your strength to propel yourself onto the truck as you leap.
Ultron sees you and immediately uses his ability to manipulate gravity to launch himself towards you.
But if Pietro was too quick for him, you were just a step behind. You blur to the side, back kicking him with a brute amount of force as Ultron passed you.
The strength of the kick alone had done a lot of damage. Your foot had impaled him halfway as he passed, bolts, and gears falling out of the hole you created.
"Look at us," you look at Steve, "we're a dream team."
"I always wanted to tag team with you," Steve smiles.
"Of course you do," you say as if it was obvious, "I'm your favorite."
"Ugh!" Ultron screams as he flies into Steve's direction this time, but Steve uses the momentum to take them both into the train that was moving next to them.
You followed as you spoke into the intercom, "We're taking the party elsewhere. The truck's all yours with the surprise inside, baby."
"I love when you leave gifts for me, so romantic," Natasha cooed.
"Please stop, or I will vomit," Clint says.
You snort as you follow through the hole Ultron and Steve created when they crashed into the train. You land with grace, noticing there are passengers on the cart.
Steve hits Ultron with enough force to send him flying, and you move as fast as you can over to a young teen to force her lower onto the ground from her seat to avoid being crushed.
"I guess I've got civilian-watching duty," you say almost glumly.
"I'd be happy to trade," Steve huffs as he stands up straight.
You could hear Natasha and Clint talking through your earpiece, and for a second, you wished you had stayed with your girlfriend when you hear that the truck is airborne, but you knew she could handle it.
"No, you seem like you got it," you shake your head with a smile. Luckily with a psychotic robot and turbulence on the train, it was too hard for anyone to grab their phone and record.
Ultron barrels into Steve, knocking him into the corner before Steve uses his foot to kick back.
"Of course," Steve puffs.
Even though you had said that you still helped out when you could, with the narrow pathway the train provided, the two of you had to be careful of making sure civilians didn't get hurt.
Ultron was extremely diligent in keeping you at a distance from him, realizing you were nearly as fast as Pietro and much, much stronger.
But then you heard it.
The light footsteps atop the train at first, then then your eyes easily adjusted to a blur that went past you, knocking into Ultron.
It was Pietro.
Your eyes easily found their way to Wanda as you turned around. She was looking at you, unsure what to think when your eyes met.
Ultron turned back to start towards Pietro, but two metal railings were bent to prevent him from doing so. Ultron turned back to see Wanda, and it was clear on his robotic face that he was hurt, but he also knew he couldn't best Wanda.
"Please, don't do this," Ultron's tone soft and pleading.
"What choice do we have?" Wanda's thick accent hung in the air, and you bit your tongue.
Ultron stilled for a millisecond before he turned around, shooting a blast out from his hand. Everyone dodged, and the explosion shot straight through to the train's front where the conductor was. Taking the momentary distraction, Ultron bolted out of the train and flew away.
With the conductor out, the train started to sway unsteadily, everyone losing their footing, and no one could go after Ultron.
Steve hopped up, heading to the front to check if the conductor was okay, but she was out cold. "We've lost him! He's headed your way."
The train flew off its railing, and everyone hung on the best they could as it kept going even on concrete and dirt.
"Nat!" Clint shouted through the intercom. "Cap, do you see Nat?" His voice was panicked and strained.
You looked out the window of the train in the sky. You could see Quinjet, but Natasha was nowhere in sight.
"What the hell do you mean, Clint?!" You shouted.
"I got the cradle, but Ultron grabbed her the last second we got it. Do you have eyes on her?!" Clint asked, his head moving jerkily as he looked around out the windows.
"If you have the package, get it to Stark!" Steve instructed. "Go!"
You heard Clint frustratedly curse an expletive before he flew the Quinjet away in the other direction.
Warning bells were already going off in your head as you were about to take off the train and see if you could locate Natasha, but Steve's voice stopped you.
"I need you to help stop the train, or these people might die," Steve's jaw was tight, and you knew that he didn't want this either. If he could stop the train on his own or trusted the two twins enough, he would want you out there looking for Natasha too.
You looked around, seeing the humans' petrified faces, all sorts of people on this train, no doubt children too.
You clenched your jaw, swallowing painfully, but you resolved to trust that Natasha was okay and could take care of herself. She had been long before you, you reminded yourself.
"Alright," you breathe out in a huff.
"Civilians are in the path," Steve told Pietro, who rushed off.
"I need you to help me stop this train," you turn to Wanda.
She stares at you but nods once firmly.
You make your way to the front of the train, hopping over the conductor and a few feet away from the train, turning as it approaches you.
Steeling yourself by digging your feet into the ground as you get into a stance with your hands out, the train collides into you. Instead of crushing you like it would an average human, your body hardens to take the shock, and the train pushes you back, gravel and dirt flying everywhere.
It slows down slightly, but it won't come to a complete stop before the train would barrel right into a building. You can see Pietro working around you, and Wanda uses her power to stop the wheels from turning.
The train comes to a full stop smoothly with all three of you, and no one was harmed.  People began to exit the train, and Steve came out to check on you while Wanda checked on Pietro.
"I'm fine, just need a second," you breathe, hearing Pietro say something similar to Wanda.
"Did you get the cradle?" Wanda asks, her eyes floating to you. Your eyes caught hers for a moment, but you turned quickly to your intercoms.
You had tried to contact Natasha, but it was obviously a bust as she didn't answer back. Your next contact was with David to tell him to start searching.
"Stark will handle it," Steve tells Wanda.
"No, he won't," Wanda looked distraught.
"You don't know what you're talking about, you don't know him," Steve defended Tony while Wanda looked more upset as the seconds passed.
"He will do anything to make it right," Wanda says, knowing what she saw in his head. "Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and killing it...where do you think he gets that from?"
Steve pursed his lips because as much as he didn't want to admit it, the girl had a point, and Steve was still miffed about how Tony had kept all this artificial intelligence stuff a secret.
"Stark, anyone, come in?" Steve said into his comms, but it was silent.
You turn around, jaw clenched as you were upset about Natasha taken.
"It'll be fine," you tell the three of them, the confidence in your voice that made everyone quiet. "We need to head back."
You were pissed.
And everyone could tell.
Natasha was taken, and no one knew where Ultron may have taken her. You understood at the time that Steve needed you there to help him, but it didn't help that Natasha was gone.
You were mostly pissed at yourself.
"Well, she's not dead," Tony says as if in an attempt to make you feel better. "If she were, Ultron would be rubbing it in our faces."
You didn't say anything in response, jaw still clenched tightly.
Wanda watched from the other side of the room, looking at you peculiarly with her head slightly tilted and arms crossed together just under her chest. She had gathered that you and Natasha were together, and from the information she got from reading other people's minds, it seemed that it was still relatively a new development.
There was something in Wanda's chest that flared annoyingly at the sight of you so...so worried over the redhead. She didn't quite understand it herself or what was the underlying cause of it. But you looked different with that expression on your face.
"You think Natasha might've left something for you outside the internet? Any old-school spy stuff?" Tony asked as he turned to Clint.
"I can cast some nets to see if I catch anything," Clint pressed his lips together, also eager to find his friend.
Your eyes were glowing red angrily as you tried to control your emotions. David came up to you, putting his hand on your shoulder to try to ground you.
"I'll find her," David promises you.
You were gripping a countertop as you were slightly hunched over it.
You needed air.
Suddenly, the edge of the countertop snapped under your grip, crumbling into smaller pieces, and you let it go as you stood straight.
"Find her within the hour," you tell David, walking briskly out of the room.
When you came back, everything was in chaos.
Everyone was arguing about the body in the cradle and what to do with it. You could see from the corner of your eye that Bruce was angry with Wanda and picking a fight with her.
It was escalating so fast. All of a sudden, Pietro took off as he started destroying lab equipment.
"No, go on," Pietro stood next to Bruce, but the next second afterward, the glass floor shattered underneath him, and he fell through where Clint was.
"Pietro!" Wanda went to help her brother, but then Bruce grabbed her from behind.
Tony and Steve were fighting each other, and you blinked before clenching your jaw.
You blurred over, and just before Steve and Tony were about to collide again, you intercepted, grabbing both their wrists and twisting.
"Ah!" They both yelled as they staggered, almost kneeling on the ground.
The room stilled as everyone look at you.
"We do not fight each other," you snarled at them, looking at Steve and Tony pointedly. "Keep this up, and I'll snap both your wrists."
You grip just slightly tighter in warning before letting them both go, and they stumble a little as they stand up straighter.
"Jesus Christ, I could feel the armor just about to give," Tony says, holding his hand up to inspect his suit while Steve rubs his wrist gingerly.
You then blur over to where Bruce and Wanda to separate them, shoving Bruce a little harder when he refused to let go of Wanda.
Wanda stumbles into your arms when Bruce is forced to let her go. You steady her with your hand on her back. Your scent fills Wanda's nose, and she's almost reeling at how it invades her.
"I get that you're beyond pissed, and what she did was not okay," you tell Bruce, eyes flickering to meet Wanda's for a second before looking back at him. "But clearly the situation has changed, and for now, she's with us. Steve brought them here. This isn't the time. Focus on the mission at hand, figure it out with her after."
"You want me to forgive what she did?" Bruce said incredulously.
"No," you shake your head, "I want you to be an Avenger and put it aside for now because your teammate has been captured, and there's still a maniac robot out there hellbent on making humans extinct."
Your words hit Bruce and seem to sober him from his anger, and he relaxes his clenched jaw as he sighs and nods. You pat him on the shoulder twice before you walk away, leading Wanda with you.
Best to not tempt it again if they're too close together.
Wanda looks at you as you walk with her. The words, 'are you upset with me?' want to leave her mouth, but she forces them in. Of course, you'd be upset with her. She had done so many things to the Avengers, including harming your girlfriend with hallucinations.
Wanda looks away and grits her teeth because she shouldn't care if you're upset with her or not.
But then she feels a light pat on her back.
Wanda looks at you. You aren't looking back at her, there's no indication that you had done that as you keep your head straight ahead.
Wanda had understood the gesture regardless, hearing your voice in her head.
'It's not okay, but I understand. You will get a chance to make it up to Bruce, and he will forgive you. Give it time.'
Before Wanda could say anything, Tony and Steve were at it again, but this time using their words.
"Tony," Steve's face daunt and tight in disapproval, "shut it down!" Steve demanded.
"And I'm telling you, this is will work!" Tony shot back as he caught you coming up to them.
"Tell them!" Tony looks at you, drawing Steve's attention to you as well. "Tell them what you--"
You shoot Tony a warning look, getting him to shut up.
Sighing, you looked at Steve. "Trust me when I say that it will be okay."
"You want him to bring another android to life?" Steve said in disbelief. "We haven't even defeated the first one yet!"
Before you could argue some more, Thor flew in, bringing his lightning hammer on the cradle, bringing the body to life.
"Wait!" Bruce yelled, but it was too late.
For a moment, it was silent, but suddenly, the body smashed out of its cradle.
Glass flew everywhere in its surrounding area. You immediately grabbed Wanda, pulling her to shield her from the flying glass as you used your hand to protect her head.
You felt a piece of glass slice through your cheek on the surface, momentarily stinging before it mended itself.
When everyone stood straighter as the glass settled, there was a giant red android standing in his naked glory, and a giant yellow stone plastered into his forehead.
You had known this was coming when you touched Tony's hand. You had seen quite far ahead;  everything from this, to the fight with Ultron in Tony's perspective, and even a little after that.
When the government and the United Nations wanted to be involved in the Avengers' affairs.
That would be a tricky one to navigate, and you wanted more time to think about it.
When you had relayed what you had seen back to him on the farm, you reassured him that he doesn't kill anyone in the next while, but you didn't exactly tell him what he will do in the future in detail as it could cause counterproductive results and change the future again.
All you could tell Tony was that he was on the right path, he was going to create something to help win the battle, and a heat seal would come in handy.
But back to the matter at hand, you knew this was coming, and yet, actually seeing the giant red walking toaster rubbed you the wrong way, and you weren't quite sure why.
He was floating and quickly flew towards Thor, who easily deterred the android away.
Thor raised his hands as Steve and Clint were ready to fight. Pietro came back, looking at you with a quirk of his brow when he saw you still holding Wanda.
You let go awkwardly because you were distracted, forgetting that you were still protecting her.
Why Pietro was staring at you like that, you didn't know. It's not like Wanda stepped out of your arms, either.
"I'm sorry," the android came back, sounding very similar to JARVIS. "That was odd...thank you," he looked at Thor.
"Thor, you helped create this?" Steve said as he eyed the being before him.
"I had a vision. A whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life and at its center is that," Thor says, pointing to the stone in the android's head.
"What? The gem?" Bruce clarified.
"It's the Mind Stone. It's one of the six Infinity Stones, the greatest power in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities," Thor explained.
"Then why would you bring it to life..." Steve pursed his lips, even more suspicious of the new being.
"Because Stark is right," Thor says, almost looking pained to admit.
"That's just gonna unnecessarily inflate his ego," you mutter while Tony was accessing what he helped bring to life.
"We can't defeat Ultron," Thor says, but then catches David entering the room. "Okay, well, maybe he can, but he seems like he has a lot to do."
"Help is good," the android tilted his head.
"Why does your 'vision' sound a lot like JARVIS," Steve's brows furrowed.
"We...configured JARVIS' matrix to create something new," Tony explained.
"I think I've had enough of the new," Steve pursed his lips, never taking his eyes off the android.
The android looked over to Steve. "You think I'm a child of Ultron?"
"You're not?" Steve countered back.
The android shook his head. "I'm not Ultron. I'm not Jarvis...I am...I am." Since he had yet to name himself, and due to Thor's vision, everyone decided that's what his name would be.
Wanda looked at Vision suspiciously. Her eyes narrowing at him. "I looked in your head and saw annihilation."
"Look again," he prompted her, staring at her intensely, and you resisted the urge to curl your lip back.
Wanda does what he says, a curious look on her face.
"Yeah, her seal of approval means jack-shit to me," Clint says.
You watched as everyone goes back and forth, with Vision ending with a long, windy, talk about himself and that they need to go. You resist the urge to roll your eyes.
"Sokovia. Natasha's there too," David answered, giving you a look when everyone questions where they were going.
"Then let's go," you lick your lips.
The ride back to Sokovia feels long, even with Tony flying the Quinjet as fast as possible.
You stand in the back, looking out the window as the clouds pass by. You hear someone come up to you, but you don't move.
The smell of cinnamon and orange blossom floats you're way, so you don't have to know who it was.
The two of you stand in silence, appreciating the view outside.
"Sometimes...sometimes I can see a glimpse into your head," Wanda says quietly, so the others don't hear.
Your eyes peer over to her before slowly looking back out.
"It's not polite to snoop," you say equally as quiet.
"I can't exactly control it..." Wanda mumbles.
"Even so, you should at least pretend you don't know," you moisten your lips.
It's quiet for a moment before Wanda speaks up again.
"I...saw someone. Things I can't explain," Wanda says unsurely, and you know what she's talking about.
Even though you know she can't help it, you can't help but also feel a little miffed.
You knew that Wanda had a right to know, and yet, you didn't say anything.
"You were looking for me..." Wanda realizes.
"And Pietro," you add, giving her a look, almost laughing when she scrunches her nose.
"We're...connected," Wanda slowly says, turning to face you more.
You swallow as you turn to face her as well.
Wanda's staring at you intensely as if drawing in every little detail about your face and committing it to memory. There's a tight feeling in both her stomach and chest, and she doesn't understand.
She doesn't understand you.
You nod softly.
"Will you tell me about it?" Wanda asks.
"After everything has settled," you tell her.
Wanda swallows.
"You want me to stay?"
She says it so softly, you're surprised such a tone can come out of her when lately she's been an angry bull.
With the time you have, you take in her features. Her long dark hair behind her ears, round face, with define cheeks and jawline was familiar. Her long lashes framed her eyes, and her dark eyeliner and the lighting inside the craft dimmed the color of her eyes.
She looked at you with an intensity that made you dizzy.
"Yeah," you rasp. "How else will you make it up to Banner?"
Natasha hears you calling her name as you run-up to her cell. She stands up, meeting you on the other side, her hand touches yours.
"You okay?" You ask her, accessing her thoroughly for any kind of injuries.
"Yeah," she tells you, smiling a little at your protective behavior, and once you're satisfied that she's relatively unharmed, you look back to her face.
"We gotta get going, team's already out there, and we're missing all the action," you say, liking the way Natasha smirks.
"Don't suppose you found a key just lying around on your way in, did you?"
You tilt your head, looking at the built-in lock on the cell door. Placing your hand over it, you yanked with a substantial amount of strength, forcing the metal underneath to give way.
You threw the hunk of metal behind your back and looked at your girlfriend. She smiled at you as she slides the door open, jumping into you to hug you briefly.
"Let's go," she says as she pulls back.
The two of you navigate your way through, but the ground begins to shake as you're almost out of there. The two of you stumble slightly before steadying yourselves.
"What's the situation?" You ask into the comms.
"Ultron's got Vibranium under the city. We're up in the air," Tony advises.
"Shit, we need to get out here," you say, turning to Natasha. "We're not going to make it on foot, so I'm going to carry you on my back."
Natasha nods, and you turn around, lower yourself so she can get on. Once she's secured on with her legs wrapped tightly around your waist, you adjust here once more before you're satisfied.
"Keep your head down and close to me," you tell her, feeling her following your instructions. The speed you'd be going at could accidentally break her neck if you weren't careful.
With that, you race out, quickly reaching the outside. Everything seems to be crumbling at you begin to maneuver onto the rocks, leaping onto another one as they fall. Eventually, you reach the cliffside wall, using your hands along with your feet to climb up.
When you reach safe ground, Natasha gets off.
"Didn't even break a sweat, huh?" She says to you.
"I have great stamina," you joke, but Natasha raises her brow at her, quirking her lip on one side into a seductive smirk.
"I'll be sure to test that out one day."
You feel awful.
Sokovia is falling apart, people are screaming and crying, and it's a war zone out here.
You separated from Natasha, warning her to not get kidnapped again because you don't think you could live with that kind of worry. She merely kisses your cheek before she races off to go help Steve and Thor.
You met up with David, who was huddled up with one of Ultron's robots, and a laptop next to him. The robot was powered down by David, who had his hands on its chest intensely.
"What are you doing?" You ask, looking at his laptop screen to see he was uploading something.
David didn't break his concentration or even open his eyes, but he answered you. "I'm trying to reprogram this bot's mainframe. The Vision is deleting Ultron off the net, so if I can do this, then I can turn this bot over to help us, and then spread it over to all Ultron's other bots."
"That would definitely turn the tide on this," you say, crushing a flying robot towards David.
"I...I got it!" David exclaimed, powering up the robot in hand. It stood up, accessing you, and you stood on guard, but it started to attack its own kind as a threat in the next moment.
"I just need to finish uploading the software to be spread," David picked up his laptop. "I'm going to take cover to finish this, and then find The Vision. I'm good here, you should go."
You nod at him before you take off at high speed. On your way, you bumped into Clint and Wanda. They were being overpowered as they tried to help civilians out of the area.
A group of bots begin to close in. It seems David is still in the process of uploading the software, so the attacks haven't ceased. You notice a bot hellbent on self-destruction as it plummets towards the ground.
Clint is already moving towards Wanda, shouting at her to move. You rush towards the two of them, jumping and pushing them through a building window just as an explosion hits. There are shots still being fired even as the three of you take cover.
Clint's already sitting up, alert as he tries to look at the situation outside without getting shot. Wanda crawls towards the wall, gasping and whimpering.
"How could I let this happen?" She's so distraught.
"Hey, hey, are you alright?" Clint asks, but you put your hand on his shoulder.
Clint looks at you. The situation outside still needs to be handled, and he seems like he doesn't have the time to try to give her a pep talk. You nod at him, and he nods back. Getting up, Clint readies his arrows before he kicks open the door.
"This is all our fault," Wanda cries quietly.
You grab her face, getting her to look up at you. "Look at me," you tell her. "It doesn't matter whose fault it is. It's your fault, my fault, it's everyone's fault. Regardless, this is happening."
She looks at you, breathing harshly as she blinks rapidly.
"I know you're hurting, but this is your homeland, and it's up in the air. Literally. Hopefully, if David manages, we won't be fighting an entire army of robots, but we still got one bad guy to fight," you swallow before hearing something approach as you push and move Wanda out of the way just as a shot fires through the wall.
Wanda looks even more frightened, and she's hanging on the front of your jacket as you readjust to move away from the wall.
"We can't change what we've done, we can only try to fix it going forward. I don't care about anything you did or who you were before this."
"I can't fix this," she bellows to you.
"Yes, you can," you backfire immediately at her. "If you scared and want to let everyone else clean up your mess, I'm fine with letting you do that. You'll be safe here, and Pietro can come to get you. But you can't sit here and tell me that you're okay with letting your fear control you. You can do this, I know you can."
Wanda stares at you, eyes shaking as bites her tongue, letting the silence fall.
"Why do you believe in me so much? Care about me so much?" Wanda asks quietly, feeling something stir in her stomach.
You look back at her, noticing that Wanda seems calmer. Maybe because you feel like you're looking at someone so similar to Tatyana in many ways. That Wanda feels like she's the villain who had caused this.
Perhaps thought she had wanted to be a villain at the start.
But it wretches your gut painfully.
"If anyone could become a hero, it'd be you."
"David, please tell me you're almost finished," you say into the comms as you, Wanda, and Clint fight the rest of the robots in your area.
The three of you need to work your way to Steve and the rest of the gang when Pietro flew in to take Wanda.
"Keep up, old man!" He teasingly says as he darts off.
"I hate him so much," Clint breathes deeply.
"If you want, I can carry you," you shrug.
"I both want to and hate the idea," Clint scrunches his nose but allows you to carry him.
"I'm really close guys, just hang tight!" David tells everyone.
"The next wave is going to hit any minute," Steve says. "What do you have, Stark?"
"Working on a heat seal," he tells everyone.
"We don't have the time," Thor says, "Ultron is trying to get to the core. We need to make a choice."
"That's not a solution," Steve firmly says.
"There's no math here, Steve. Everyone up here versus everyone down there?"
"I'm not leaving this rock with one civilian on it," Steve doesn't budge.
"I'm not saying we should go," Natasha counters back, nodding her head back and forth as she considers something. "There are worse ways to go. Besides, where else am I going to get a view like this?"
"I have at least fifteen other places that have better views than this."
Natasha looks over to see you had shown up with a disapproving look on your face.
"I think we might have to settle," Natasha gives you a self-deprecating smile that shows all too much that this is the only way.
"I don't settle."
With that, another voice comes on the radio.
"Glad you think the view is nice, hopefully, you think this is much better," Fury comes in with a Helicarrier in view. "Nice, right? I pulled her out of the mothballs with a couple old friends. She's dusty, but she'll do."
"Fury, you son of a bitch!" Steve says with a smile.
"Ooh! You kiss your mother with that mouth?" Fury replies in teasing.
Natasha looks over to you, smiling as you come up to her.
"Did you know?" She asks, and you shrug, not wanting to tell her that you touched Tony.
"If Fury decided to show up at the farm with actually nothing else planned, I think we would have to vote him off the island," you offer instead.
"That's comforting," Fury sarcastically said.
"Anytime," you reply.
Within seconds, lifeboats are deployed, and everyone is helping with the evacuation.
"The odds aren't looking too great here," Thor interrupts. "The core is getting bombarded."
"Rhodey, get everyone on the Helicarrier!" Tony says as he flies towards Thor to help.
"This is exactly what I wanted. All of you against all of me. How could you possibly hope to stop me?"
"Like the old man said," Tony looks at Steve. "Together."
The bots begin to rush towards everyone, and you swallow.
"Wait, guys!" You hear David through the comms. "I...got it!"
Just like that, the bots stop dead in their tracks and power down before powering back up again.
This time, they turn their attention towards Ultron.
"Are you kidding me?" Ultron grumbles as the bots rush towards him, firing shots away that Ultron easily deflects.
Because The Vision burned him off the net, Ultron has no way of accessing the software David created to try to change the bots back to his side.
The Hulk rushes towards Ultron, punching him square in the chest and sending him flying miles away.
Everyone turns to look at each other as David blurs into the area with his laptop.
"I feel like we missed a very epic battle scene," Tony says, "like a defining moment in a movie."
"Oh, I'm sorry," David says sarcastically, "if you want, I can totally fix that for you."
"Nope, we're good," Steve says quickly. "We still need to get the stragglers, but if Ultron comes back to the core, we're doomed."
"I'll protect it," Wanda interjects, looking at you as she does. "There's no one better than me."
You nod as Clint looks at Nat.
"Nat, let's go," he nods outside. She looks at you, and you nod at her as it would be faster for you to find civilians on your own.
You look at David. "Alright, nerd, you're going with me. I think you had enough alone time for today."
"You are so ungrateful, oh my god."
"I love you," you smile.
Tony is using the extra bots to help push the rock further into the sky. If they can get it into space, using the heat seal would cause the least amount of damage to Sokovia.
"I can't believe I'm going into space again," Tony mumbled, glad he had made the adjustments to his suit so it would be suitable to go into space better this time.
He had been prepared since the alien invasion.
"Maybe you chose the wrong career path and should've become an astronaut instead," you joke, getting a low chuckle in return.
You had run the perimeter with David, seeing that there were no civilians left.
Natasha volunteered to try to convince The Hulk to either change back or get his ass on the Helicarrier. You would've volunteered, but you don't think The Hulk would be happy to see you, and you can't keep biting the man to force him to change back either.
"I think I can hear a woman screaming," David mumbled. "I'll go check."
He takes off, and you are about to head back when you hear shots fired in the distance. You turn and speed over.
You felt your stomach dropping when you approach the scene. Everything seems to happen in slow motion.
Ultron in his jet, shooting down at Clint, who has a little boy in his arms. You turn your head to see Pietro.
He looks at you, giving you a smirk that feels all too familiar like it's his last one.
Pietro is a step faster than you, he probably always will be. But that doesn't stop you. You force yourself to run. Run faster. Run harder. The sheer amount of force causes a sickening crack in your legs, but you make it just in time.
Pietro only gets shot once through his stomach before you push him out of the way and cover Clint and the child.
The shooting stops as Ultron flies away.
The silence settles, and Clint looks up to see you standing straight before him. You've been shot all over, multiple times in multiple areas.
You suddenly puke up blood as you fall to your knees.
Pietro immediately gets up from the ground rushing over to you, catching you in his arms.
"Why did you do that?!" He yells at you, hands over your body, but he doesn't know which areas to stop the bleeding.
"You idiot," you tell him. "Can you heal from being shot? I don't think so."
Though you say that, the only thing that healed, even though rather slowly, was the crack in your leg.
"You're not healing," Clint says, his tone urgent. He looks at you as blood pours out. "Why aren't you healing?"
"She doesn't have enough blood in her system."
Clint turns over to see David, looking horrified. He kneels down, taking you from Pietro's arms.
"I told you, you fucking idiot, that we should've just taken more blood bags from the hospital," David scolds you.
"This is hardly the time for, 'I told you so,'" You reply weakly.
"Get the kid onto the boat," David looks at Clint and then looks at Pietro. "You need to go collect your sister. There are no more civilians, and we're reaching the stratosphere soon."
"What about--"
"I got this," David says as he bites into your neck. You hiss at the sudden pain. Clint and Pietro have more questions, but they do as David says and take off.
"You better pray to God that we make it back in time," David purses his lips as he pushes your sleeve up to bite in various places.
The damage to Sokovia is still devastating. It's not entirely obliterated, and people will be able to rebuild their country.
The Hulk, unfortunately, had taken off on his own in stealth mode. He didn't want to be found.
It seems The Vision has taken care of completely destroying Ultron, taking this chapter to an end.
It's not the perfect ending, but it could be a lot worse.
There was only one problem left.
You were dying.
Or at least, on your way to either going completely feral for blood to help you heal or going to a deep slumber until you were fed.
Either one was on the table at this point.
"What do we do?" Natasha asks David sharply as they're still in the air being transported back.
They were on the Helicarrier in their own private section away from the people as they didn't know what you were going to do.
"I only temporarily closed her wounds to stop the bleeding," David tells everyone, explaining why he bit you earlier. He was injecting his healing venom. "Venom doesn't quite work the same way on vampires as it does on humans. She still has a lot of internal bleeding that won't stop, and the only thing that can stop it is if she drinks blood."
"We don't have any blood bags on here!" Steve says as he looks at you, full of worry.
"We could...we could cut and drain our own blood," Natasha looks at you before looking back at David. "She can drink the blood as long as she's not biting us, right?"
David purses his lips as if to consider it but then shakes his head. "She's too badly wounded, it won't be enough. Plus, none of you are in the state to lose any more blood, even if you guys all donate. I can heal your wounds, but I can't make your body produce more blood."
"Then what do we do?" Natasha wants to scream. She can't lose you. She just can't.
At that moment, Pietro and Wanda come in. Pietro can hardly stand up himself, so Wanda is supporting him. They had heard part of the conversation as they came in.
Pietro looks at you, face full of anguish because you're only like this because you saved him.
You're tense on the table, occasionally arching your back up in pain and need. David is holding you down by your arm in case you suddenly get a burst of energy and massacre everyone in this room for blood.
Wanda looks at you, jaw clenched.
The feeling of loss is threatening her on her doorstep. You had saved Pietro, God knows if she could survive to lose her only family.
But Wanda was not ready to let you go either.  
It has occurred to Wanda that outside of Pietro, the only person in this world that may understand her, believe in her, protect her, care for her...would be you.
There was something there, something undefined and frightening. Wanda was sure you felt it too with her, though ignoring it for Natasha.
David looked at Wanda. He knew that he shouldn't.
Yet before he could even stop himself, Wanda looks sharply over at him, catching his thoughts.
You would be entirely beyond pissed at him.
It would cause a whole new set of problems for everyone.
He was sure you would rather die.
But David wasn't willing to risk the chance of you going feral, which was almost guaranteed at this point, or your death.
He just wasn't.
"She can drink my blood," Wanda says, drawing everyone's attention. Wanda was the only person who hadn't sustained any significant damage or got shot. She could afford to lose blood.
"What?" Steve looks at David, who has his lips pursed.
"It would work, wouldn't it?" Wanda also looks at you, your eyes glowing a red she's all too familiar in seeing in herself. "It would be even better than drinking from a blood bag to feed directly from me."
Wanda doesn't fully understand what you are, or the concept of vampires, but she catches pieces here and there from everyone around the room.
And there's a feeling of intrigue and possession that flutters knowing that she was the only one you could drink blood from, aside from her brother.
Pietro grips his sister's arms tighter, torn because if you could drink her blood, you could drink his, but he was also in no shape to lose any more blood.
Wanda pats his arms to assure him she'll be fine. Pietro leans against the wall as Wanda comes closer to you.
"It...would, but..." David's eyes shift over to Natasha.
Natasha clenches her jaw.
The words about how feeding can be an incredibly intimate and private act come back to her.
It's not that Natasha is particularly jealous of Wanda in that way. She's more jealous that she can't do anything to help you herself.
Natasha can't muster the words out of her mouth, so she tersely nods.
With that, Wanda stands right next to your lying body on the bed.
"Everyone, stand back," David says, trying to keep you still, but it's like you can smell how close to feeding you are.
The burst of energy does come, but you use to break out of David's grip as you fling him across the room.
"Shit!" David yells, convinced that you're going to kill Wanda to drain her blood. He stands up, reading to try to fight you even though it would be a losing battle.
But he stops.
You merely stand before Wanda, her face in your hands as you tilt her head up to expose her neck.
You press your nose against her neck, taking a long inhale as you purr at the scent.
Wanda can hear alarm bells in her head that tell her you're a predator, and she's your prey, but she doesn't tremble. Instead, she brings her hands up to hold your wrists as if to keep them in place.
You chuckle throatily, attitude nothing like your usual self, "How brave."
Wanda swallows slowly, the action very visible as the muscles in her neck move.
"It was you who taught me that I could be a hero," she says quietly as if it's only for your ears.
The words seem to trigger something in you as you sink your teeth into her neck, a mouthful of blood rushing into you.
It's been too long, you almost forgot what it was like.
It was hot in your mouth, as fresh as it was.
You could feel a warm body being pressed you, hear a heart beating, and smell the arousal.
A deep moan left Wanda's mouth, unable to control it. A hot, liquid fire shot down to her lower stomach, pooling in her gut.
Wanda couldn't describe how it felt, what she was experiencing, but you were doing something to her as you drank from her, holding her close to you.
You suddenly lift her into the air, wrapping her legs around your waist as you blurred over to the drawer cabinet against the wall, pushing Wanda up on it roughly. Your hands held her possessively.
Wanda was pressed to the wall as she sat on the cabinet, her legs still wrapped against you tightly as she fisted her hand into the back of your hair.
Everyone watched in astonishment of the act, David biting on his tongue as he looked at Natasha, who had no expression on her face to indicate what she was feeling.
Blood was rushing into your mouth, and it was delicious, making you delirious, but that didn't stop you from realizing there was a crowd in the room watching you feed, watching Wanda unravel.
You released your mouth from her neck.
"Leave," you demanded lowly and roughly, hardly coherent before you resume sinking your teeth back into Wanda.
Natasha stared at you, you seemed lost in your own world as you fed, and Natasha knows that you are only like this due to how injured you are.
As everyone leaves the room, Natasha looks at the two of you once more. Wanda's hand is buried in your hair while she's arching into you.
As she exits the room, Natasha catches Wanda's eyes, staring at her intensely with an unknown meaning in them before her eyes flutter close just as the door shuts.
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dumdumsun · 3 years
Of Starlight
A/N: Onto the final five chapters ❤️ Dw though bc season two is still being written, so we’re not done here
Warnings: mentions of blood and violence
Word Count: 2571
Chapter 16: Accomplices
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The pain in Five’s side was still stinging, but he tried to ignore it as they entered the pub. He was fortunate to have someone like (Y/N) fretting over his well-being enough to let him lean some of his weight on her as they walked. Her arm was wrapped around his waist, hand resting above his wound, his own arm wrapped around her waist. Klaus, once seeing Luther, turned to his siblings and pointed towards their colossal brother. “Look.” He smiled as if to say ‘told you so’. The four of them approached the table Luther settled for, the man staring up at them under heavy brows. “Trying a little hair of the dog, are we? Hm?” Klaus lightly teased.
“Leave me alone.” He sulked, bringing his cup to his lips. The four leaned closer to provide their own words of encouragement to get him to work with them, but Diego sat beside his brother.
“Give us a minute.” Was all he said. The three others stared at the vigilante for a second before Klaus shrugged.
“Okay. Come on. Maybe they’ll brood each other to death.” He walked away from the table, motioning for the younger two to follow. (Y/N) turned the both of them around and walked with Klaus. They leaned on a table that was almost out of total earshot of the conversation. The three wordlessly watched the two of them talk, catching but a few words now and again. Beside her, (Y/N) felt Five lean up straight, away from her side. He braced both hands on the table behind him, trying to steady himself. She stared at the boy in concern and shifted a little closer. His head turned to her and watched as she motioned for him to lean against her again, if he wanted. Five’s eyes flicked around her face, seriously conflicted about whether or not he wanted to be comforted and assisted by the only person who truly took it upon themselves to do so. But he figured she’d been caring for him for so long, she seemed happy to do just about anything for him. What more was simply letting her help him stand straight? He wouldn’t hesitate to do it for her. So, with a small grunt, he pressed his uninjured side against her, the girl smiling contently and wrapping her arm around him again. Klaus’s movement beside them caught their attention. He tapped his wrist with his finger as if to symbolize a wristwatch. Five only nodded at him either in acknowledgement or confirmation, (Y/N) didn’t know.
She very gently kissed Five’s hair once Klaus looked away again. “How’re you feeling?” She whispered. The boy hummed and shifted his feet. Reaching up, he held onto the hand of the arm wrapped around his shoulders. The gentle squeeze he gave was enough to answer her question. The three at the table perked their heads up at Luther’s exclamation, “You should’ve led with that!” The man pushed himself out of his chair and hurried towards the exit. Five and (Y/N) glanced at each other before following their brother. Literally ripping the door off its hinges, Luther charged out of the pub, his siblings hurrying after.
Daylight had burnt out by the time Allison returned to the cabin from the hospital, where she had abandoned the officer she’d been deceiving into helping her find clues about Vanya and Leonard. As she ascended the small staircase to the porch, the sound of violin music reached her ears and a wind that seemed to only be affecting the area surrounding the cabin blew around just about everything. She stalked towards the entrance of the cabin, perplexed by the random occurrence around her. “Vanya? Is that you?” She called out, but only received violin strings in response. Fortunately, the front door was unlocked, granting her easy access. Stepping inside, Vanya was standing in the middle of the lounge room, absorbed in her music as that same wind shook the lights above them, the curtains, and rocked the chairs beside her. “Vanya, there you are. What is going on?” Allison closed the door behind her as her sister ceased the playing and turned to her.
“What are you doing here?”
“I came to find you. Are you okay?”
Vanya hesitated. “Yeah?”
“There’s something… weird going on. What’s causing it?”
The chirping of the crickets outside saved them from the silence that would’ve followed Allison’s question. Vanya shifted on her feet before tilting her chin up. “Me.”
Allison, suspicious, slowly walked closer. “What do you mean, ‘me’?”
“I mean… I made those things happen. With my powers,” Her words made Allison stop altogether and stare in shock. “Turns out I’ve had them all this time. It’s weird, huh?”
It took her a few seconds, but Allison eventually let out a choked gasp, blinking and shaking her head. “It’s- It’s incredible.”
Sensing that there was more to why she was there, Vanya furrowed her brows. “But?”
“Can- Can we do this in the car?”
“You’re not gonna want to hear it.” Allison sighed. Vanya tilted her head with a false smile.
“Well, that’s never stopped you before.” She sassed. Allison looked away before taking a deep breath.
“Leonard Peabody? His real name is Harold Jenkins,” This information left Vanya speechless, staring at her sister with an unreadable expression as she walked closer to her. “Remember when I couldn’t find anything in the library on Leonard? It’s because Leonard Peabody doesn’t exist. Harold Jenkins does. He was in prison for twelve years. He murdered his father when he was thirteen-”
“This is… insane. His dad was an engineer at the-”
“I have the police report in the car, Vanya. I can show you.”
Vanya hesitated again, blinking slowly. “I don’t… I don’t understand.”
“Leonard, Harold, I- I know it doesn’t make any sense, and I know it sounds crazy, but we were in his house. He has pictures of all of us with our eyes gouged out.”
“W-What? I-”
“I promise I will tell you everything in the car, but it is not safe-” Allison began pulling her sister to the front door but Vanya stopped her.
“No, stop!” She sighed, exasperated, before taking a seat in one of the chairs. Allison knelt in front of her, not sure what to say.
“Look, um… I can’t imagine how hard it is for you to hear this...how you feel right now, but I… I love you, and I- I just… wanna be here for you, as your sister.”
“There’s just no way,” Vanya murmured, slightly shaking her head. “I mean, I love him. This just doesn’t make any sense. And this power… I- I don’t know. I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t know what to do.” She began breaking down, placing her head in hands. As she sniffled, Allison stared off, in thought. Coming to a realization, she furrowed her brows.
“I understand now.”
The metal squealing of the door alerted the four-year-old (Y/N) to peek over at what was happening. Her father demanded that she stand with her back to them until she was told otherwise, but he wasn’t currently watching her. She watched as Grace walked into the dark room with a tray of food for Vanya, who had sat up in bed. (Y/N) was informed by her robotic mother that her sister was sick, so she had to be transported away from her and her siblings to avoid spreading her infection. She missed her dearly and always asked Grace to wish Vanya a speedy recovery for her. “Who’s hungry?” She heard her mother chirp. She couldn’t see much else, for after Allison walked in, their father stood in the doorway, blocking Vanya from her view. “Now. You have to take your medicine, like a good girl. It’ll help calm your nerves.”
(Y/N) turned her full body towards the room, truly curious as to why she was brought down here if she couldn’t even speak to Vanya. “It’s time, Number Three,” She heard Reginald’s voice. “Do it.” From the very slim space between her parents, she could see Allison walk up to Vanya, but not their faces or actions. After a few seconds of silence, Allison sighed and began to speak,
“I heard a rumor… you think you’re just ordinary.”
There were no other words spoken between her sisters. Allison was ordered to leave the room afterwards. When she joined her sister’s side, (Y/N) quickly grabbed hold of her hand. “What happened, sis?”
“I don’t know… I just… I had to use my power. But I don’t know why.”
“Number Eight,” Their father’s voice made both girls jump and tilt their heads up. He stood before them, taking off his monocle. He then crouched before them and stared (Y/N) in her eyes. “Number Eight, summon a clone. Tell it to make sure Number Seven does not leave her room. No matter what. Understand?”
“I understand,” She whispered before turning away and singing her tune. From her shadow, a clone of herself appeared and stood motionless, awaiting an order. “Make sure… Make sure Seven doesn’t leave her room. No matter what.” She quietly ordered, the clone only walking past them and standing in front of the door. Reginald watched its every move, pleased when it didn’t do anything to defy its orders. He nodded and stood to his full height.
“Come along, Number Three, Number Eight.” He walked down the long hallway to exit. (Y/N) stared at her clone, not leaving her spot until Grace placed a hand on her shoulder and guided her down the hall.
“He made us accomplices.”
Tears in her eyes, Vanya could only stare at her sister in betrayal. Allison tried to meet her eyes, but darted her gaze back down to the floor in shame. “You did this to me…?”
“I… I didn’t realize.”
“You knew this whole time? That I had powers?!” Vanya jumped up from her chair and walked away, but Allison stood as well.
“No, no! I didn’t really understand until I came today, until I saw it.”
Vanya turned to her, her voice shaking as she spoke, “Well, now it all makes sense. This is why you guys never wanted me around.”
“What?! No!”
“You couldn’t risk me threatening your place in the house, your- your dominance. You and (Y/N) constantly whispering to each other, mocking me!”
“That is not true. Don’t blame (Y/N) like this, she didn’t-”
“You two couldn’t handle the fact that Dad might find me special!”
“You are special, Vanya! With or without powers!” Allison raised her voice. Vanya’s face began to flush red with anger.
“Don’t- Don’t say that! You destroyed my life!”
“Oh, please, Vanya. Everything is out in the open. We can move on!”
Vanya’s expression set into determination, as if she had decided on something. “Oh, I’m moving on. But not with you, with Leonard.”
“With Harold, you mean.”
“With Leonard! The only person who has ever loved me for me.”
Rumbling sounded quietly, but neither sister paid much attention. At Vanya’s words, Allison simply scoffed. Vanya lifted her chin. “Look me in the eye and tell me you’re not threatened now.” The wooden wind chimes clanked against each other as the curtains in front of the open windows swayed with the wind powered by Vanya. Allison glanced to the side, clearly nervous.
“I don’t wanna argue with you-”
“Then go!” Vanya boomed. Allison winced and slightly reared back as a crash could be heard from the distance. The wind picked up and their hair now flowed along with it.
“I’m only trying to help you-”
“I don’t want your help!” Vanya screamed.
“Vanya, I love you!” Allison cried.
“Stop saying that!!!”
Allison looked up as the lights flickered, the ceiling lamp swinging above their heads. She watched as Vanya’s power swayed the rocking chair, the items on the table, the dreamcatcher, then to her own sister, who looked as if she was going to explode from her heated anger. Glass smashed from somewhere in the house, but she was only worried about her sister. “Are you okay?”
“I! Said! Go!” Her scream sent the lights above them shattering. Allison gasped and tried to block the glass from falling onto her. She realized then that there was no stopping her sister in any reasonable manner. She choked on a sob as she set her eyes on Vanya.
“Please, don’t make me do this,” She cried, but Vanya only stood before her, silent, fuming. Allison gasped and opened her mouth. “I heard a rumor…” But she didn’t get to finish, for Vanya’s violin bow came into contact with her throat, slashing across it. All movement within the cabin halted as Allison gasped, then choked, blood squirting and streaming down to her chest. Realizing what she’d done, Vanya’s expression dropped, as well as her bow, as she rushed to her sister.
“Allison!” She grabbed ahold of her as Allison pressed her hand to her bleeding throat. They stared each other in the eyes as Allison began to fall to her knees. “No! No! Allison!” Once she fell to the floor, Vanya hovered over her, not knowing what to do. She screamed as her sister opened her mouth wide to talk, to squeak, to gasp, to do anything, but only her chokes were what left her lips.
“Vanya!” Leonard burst through the door. His face dropped at the sight before him.
“I didn’t mean to!” Vanya cried. But Leonard, once he came to terms with their current situation, smiled.
Almost excited.
The ride to Leonard’s grandmother’s cabin was silent. Five drove the car, eyes fixed on the road and beside him, Klaus sat in the passenger seat, his knees up to his chest. In the back, (Y/N) sat in between Luther and Diego, the latter staring out the window, the former tapping his foot to the floor of the car in impatience. Suddenly leaning forward, Luther was right behind Five. “Hey. Can you go any faster?”
“Ask me again, and I’ll burn you with a cigarette lighter.” Was all he said, but when Luther sat back again, the boy pressed on the gas harder.
Arriving at the cabin, Luther and (Y/N) were the first out of the car, bolting up the stairs with Klaus right on their heels. Luther burst inside, but he and (Y/N) froze at the sight before them.
Luther got to her before she could, kneeling down and gently lifting her head. Allison’s dark brown eyes were wide, blood still spilling from her open throat. Beside him, (Y/N) was sobbing into her hands, which were covering her mouth. Klaus was on his other side, his hands on Luther’s shoulder, watching as he cried for Allison, begging her to wake up, to look at him. (Y/N) reached one of her trembling hands forward and grasped Allison’s limp one in hers. Behind her, she heard Five’s feet scruff against the carpet.
She stood, stumbling back into the boy, but he caught hold of her before either could fall. He turned her in his hold and held her head against his shoulder, watching as Klaus lifted his head and glanced over at them with teary eyes. Five could’ve winced at the death grip (Y/N) had on his arms, but he didn’t.
Taglist: @nate-isnt-great @43sparrows @sapphicsyn @m00n-sh @starcurrent @alexander-hamilhoe @youcandalekmyballs @wonderlandfandomkingdom @yrdadjstcallsmekatya @narikyuwu @sm0kingcrack @a-t-h-r-e-e-n-a @moatsnow @bubblegumflamingos @call-me-starstorm @rev-enviadhell @meowiemari @magicalgothpandamaker @simping-4-fictional-men @hehehehannahthings @harrystylescherrie @rhain3
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