#let me know in some kind of way if youd be interested
sugarsprink · 1 year
would ppl want to see me post some older art I have onto here? I have a few things that I think would be a great fit to have on here instead of being slowly forgotten on my twitter
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
idk i just feel like there's something particularly cruel about having a solid episode concept like "verosika hosts a fuck you party for blitz and everyone else he's fucked over," because its a great way to show a pattern of behavior in blitz and the effect he has on others he's been with and hurt!
then.. they put stolas there. stolas, "you have sex with me every month or your I.M.P is going under without my book you need, no exceptions until i legally gave you an asmodean crystal a year later, for your work", goetia, or whatever the fuck his last name is.
this episode is trying so hard to make stolas on equal levels to verosika and the other imps dumped by blitz, but if any of these hellborn actually knew how he got into a "relationship" with blitz to begin with, and how blitz never even had a choice in whether or not he wants to be with stolas, (even when they were kids!) i really doubt theyd want anything to do with him. stolas never explains that their relationship wasnt a relationship, just a transactional monthly hookup to literally keep blitz's business afloat. he doesn't, because he STILL doesn't fully understand what he did wrong, but understands it enough to know he had to be the one to break off the deal he made. i doubt he'll ever actually explain what the deal was to any outsiders who ask, because then stolas would be forced to actually be held accountable for his own actions, and we cant possibly have that! /sar
i think one of the worst lines from stolas in this episode, aside from most of them because i think hes annoying, was when blitz expressed he didnt know why anyone would care about him, stolas responds that this party, dedicated to blitz, because they hate him so much, shows how much they ""care."" and that might have some kind of point coming out of verosikas mouth- implying that these people genuinely cared for him at one point and he pushed them away- but absolutely not stolas's. so its no wonder that blitz responds by self deprecating himself, saying, "i dont even know why youd want to be with me." followed by stolas admitting that what he really wants is someone to care about him.
and honestly, thats another thing too. i cant believe that after everything, after everything stolas has claimed about wanting blitz because he loves and respects him, when blitz then asks WHY stolas wants him, stolas responds, "you know what i want? i want to know what its like to not be alone. i want to be someone's someone. i want someone to care about me." because it shouldve been his moment to explain to blitz what he sees in him, and why he fell in love with him to begin with the more they slept together. but it wasnt.
not only is it unbelievably selfish of stolas to make blitz go through all of this for almost a year, to not only have NO reason as to why he has/had feelings for blitz, (basically confirming to me that stolas never really cared about blitz or his feelings, still doesn't, and just needed to have an adult relationship someone who didn't outwardly hate his guts like stella did, because were 2 and a half fucking seasons into this show and still dont know why the love interest romantically wants the main character, and die hard viv stans still think the stoliz insta posts count as canon because they're on copium,) but to ignore the one good thing in his life that he insists that he genuinely loves, octavia, in favor of him acting as if he'll die alone completely if he doesn't have a partner..
y'know that one scene in adventure time where jake is like, "dude.. let's kill the horse."? thats how i feel towards stolas right now.
Let's kill the owl.
I'm so tired, Anon.
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bitwynn · 1 year
so i was talking with my friend abt like-- genshin lore and it got to the subject of forbidden knowledge and stuff
and she used this analogy of it being a computer virus or a corrupted file that cant be processed properly
which then made me think "ahaha yes SAGAU IDEA--"
so what if... the forbidden knowledge was the fact that the world is a game/simulation? and since the world of genshin is a computer program, it wasnt built to handle the realization of the nature of its existence and like-- processed it as eleazar, and "forbidden knowledge" and its other effects on the world
eleazar is the system like-- turning it into the safest thing the program can handle and leaving it to the gods (rukk and desh) to try and fully put a stop to it like anti-virus-- the program is only running the world, not the beings and people in it, so itd make sense for them to stop it since when the world is ending and you can do something about it, youd probably do something about it--
since rukk and desh were gods and therefore much "closer" to the games code/programming (closer in the sense that they were much more directly tied/connected to it-- esp rukkha because of irminsul), they were able to handle the realization in a sense-- like... they knew that they werent "real" in some sense and knew that this knowledge is slowly killing them and their deaths to the knowledge that "they werent real" is inevitable and that-- in a way, the eleazar is one of the safest ways for people to handle the knowledge-- that even the world is protecting them from the ruin of it
i imagine the way the two gods processed the information was like-- thru the "corruptive qualities of forbidden knowledge" and in fragmented parts. its why i said that they only knew that they werent "real" and not that they knew that theyre a video game world-- kind of in the same vein of practically every harbinger going "the sky is fake let me tell you about it" (proceeds to not tell you about it) (dottore i love you but im still mad about it)
but if the "forbidden knowledge" is knowledge about how youre not real because youre a video game and youre not supposed to be self aware of it, how then can the harbingers handle that information without going mad or constantly dying of eleazar? i mean-- in the both the manga and in the game its pretty explicitly said that like, dottore fully stopped colleis eleazar and practically cured her of it.
so... you know how they manage to keep altered information in the form of stories in scaramouches archon quest? i think a similar case happened here-- an allegorical story about people living in a fake reality, be it a dream or a story or something, was made to preserve this information. and since it wasnt the pure unadulterated truth about the nature of this worlds existence anymore, the program could handle it and keep anyone from reading it suffering the negative effects of forbidden knowledge
pierro probably did it tbh-- in the archon quest, it was said that the events of khaenriah and the events leading to the deaths of king deshret and rukkhadevata are similar, if not exactly the same.
so how can we then tie this into SAGAU? are you still with me? did you completely forget that this is about me bullshitting the games lore so much to fit this really specific genre of genshin fandom stuff so you can make content about it? have you forgotten i write SAGAU fics? ...honestly i cant blame you for that last one if you did, i havent been writing SAGAU fic in a WHILE LMAO
the concept of "forbidden knowledge" being used in SAGAU is really interesting which is why im writing abt it in the first place lmao-- and the concept is uber fun so this is just me helping you fit this into your own fics and fanworks
since the "forbidden knowledge" is literally just like "youre a computer program and youre not supposed to know that", y/n would DEFINITELY be able to handle it without the adverse effects. and i know that y/n is basically the equivalent of a mary sue at this point and it physically hurted me when i started writing y/n fics but-- if you think abt it, it makes sense
i am trying so hard rn to like-- not turn this into a discussion about mary sues-- just watch OSPs video on the subject and youre golden lmao
it makes sense for y/n to be able to handle it because number one: y/n is literally us. y/n is not lines of code in a program. y/n is never supposed to end up inside a program or software, and is DEFINITELY SUPER AWARE OF THE FACT THAT GENSHIN IS NOT REAL.
y/n is a human, or at least was a human before they got isekaied or whatever plot thing you decide to do to put y/n in the genshi world. y/n is human, not programming and can definitely handle the thought of "youre not real, youre a game". (lmao it could also really make for some good introspection and/or angst moments where they could philosophize about themselves now that theyre in the game, and the nature of pataphysics and all that fun stuff lmao)
i feel like-- you could also use this as like, a sort of leverage thing? to prove that you are who you say you are and, if this is impostor au, you could use it to your advantage as well in more aggressive ways-- not just as a "prove that youre the one above us all" situation but as a sort of self defence thing-- like when scara and dottore were both talking about the sky being fake thing
obviously youd be immune to eleazar and the madness of the forbidden knowledge caps and the other adverse effects-- BUT you could also inflict those things to the people and the world around you. while other characters like the fatui and the gods could say "youre fake, the world isnt real", they wont inflict the bad stuff since its like they heard the info from a friend of a friend of a friend-- the knowledge has been filtered and purified and fragmented so much that it wont do anything-- its not the full unadulterated truth
but when y/n says it, thats when it inflicts the adverse effects. its the difference between knowing something happened because you were there when it happened and witnessed it, and knowing something happened because you heard it happen from a friend who found out thru the internet. y/n fully knows the truth and intricacies of that statement on so many different levels than the characters can comprehend which is why they can do that.
i feel like it could depend with the volume and amount of people that heard-- like, if you scream it and a whole crowd hears you, the ones closest to you suffer the worst cases of eleazar ever recorded or EVEN DIE, and the severity just decreases the further it gets away from you. itd also be an instant withering zone or become something like the mud from the chasm
i also wanna say that you can "control" the spread in a way but like-- i dont see a way of making that happen tbh. if youre reading this and are getting inspo, go wild babes-- i believe in you, but i personally dont believe that y/n can control it. using the "computer virus" analogy, youd probably have to go into the essence of Teyvat itself to "delete that information" similarly to irminsul but different in the sense of like-- irminsul only put it in the recycle bin but youre going in the recycle bin, selecting all instances and deleting it. maybe you can bullshit it via leylines and abyss mage drops since they carry around leyline branches but i personally think that you just spew out forbidden knowledge, and have to go to irminsul itself to delete it
but yeah! thats my thoughs on Forbidden Knowledge in SAGAU and how it could fit into the world of the AU! making this actually like-- inspired me a bit to write again lmao-- theres just like, so many cool ass concepts in genshin that i dont see in this AU (probably because i havent been there in a while ;vjklldxfg) and i really hope you guys get inspired too :))
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k-s-morgan · 1 year
hi ks!! hope you're doing well. i absolutely love your hannibal meta posts, and while i have no idea if youd still be open to any asks, id love to hear your insight on something im stuck on (im also rly new to analysis so pls forgive me for any dumb comments!!) tw sa mention
in the hannibal s3e13 script when dolarhyde attacks will in his hotel room, there are a few lines with notable word choice:
Tumblr media
"postcoital" "terrible lover's embrace" it threw me off a bit bc i didnt expect such specific wording. is this scene an allegory for sa? i wasnt sure if this was just the norm for hannibal scripts or if this was something noteworthy.
as far as i understand dolarhyde is now terribly jealous of will for being the subject of hannibal's love and angry at being emasculated. lots of ppl also say dolarhyde wanted to "change" hannibal by ruining/"defiling" the one thing (will) he truly cared for.
everything seems to makes sense, but i dont know if im making something out of nothing, or oversimplifying it. do you have a take on this considering your opinions on the francis hannibal and will dynamic? id love to hear anything you have to offer!! ty for all you do <3
Another ask: hello!! so sorry to bother again, happy late birthday!! i was judt wondering if you got my ask about the will + francis scene in the script---totally ok if you dont wanna answer it! i would just love to discuss it because i couldnt find much discussion for it when i tried searching tumblr/google
Hey! Thank you so much for your ask and for your wishes <3
So, 'Hannibal' scripts are indeed famous for having rich sexual imagery. In this specific case, there is also context. I don't know if you've seen this already, but there is indeed evidence that Francis had sexual interest in Hannibal (apart from other kinds of fascination). From his notes made for the show, this particular bit (transcribed by Bentley):
“I think we are so similar and could be the best partners that history could have seen. Let me show you what we could do together doctor. I am so eager to please you to be your friend your lover perhaps. Why not I think we could love each other doctor. Don’t you want to have someone that is the one in your life. That special someone that is always here for you. It is me doctor? I am!”
Here’s an interesting part about Will as addressed to Hannibal:
“He faces you, he traps you but in the end he is broken! Do you think he understands you? Do you think he really appreciates your magical power? Does he realize how special and unique and wonderful you are doctor. I have my doubts, I don’t think he really sings the wonder, the salvation that can come from following you, knowing you. ”
That’s extremely interesting because it gives a much deeper insight into Francis and his motivations. For one thing, one of the phrases that always bothered me in the show is his description of Will - namely, the mention that he’s “not very handsome”. It’s from the books, so it might apply there, but Will in the show is handsome, very much so. Francis seems to resent him.
After Hannibal basically helps Will get to Francis in the museum & some more events later, Francis grows furious because he realizes that Will is the central player while he, Francis, is a pawn. Hannibal doesn't care about him the way he thought.
Francis’ attitude to Will undergoes some changes: at the start, he touched his photo, which denotes his interest. He threw him away like a toy in the museum, and while it’s just an interpretation, to me, he looked pissed at Will in particular. When he tells Hannibal later that Will interests him, it can’t be just from their museum encounter. Francis clearly knows a lot about Will (likely from Freddie’s articles), but he doesn’t like him because he thinks him unworthy of Hannibal, which his notes prove. But in TWOTL, in the moment you mentioned, Francis is very unsure about Will. He is no longer certain what to think of him (since he thinks Hannibal has chosen him). He automatically treats him with some sort of respect because of who he is to Hannibal and what he must represent.
I think this explains how they chose to describe the scene of the attack. It's not necessarily a sexual assault, but violence frequently has erotic undertones in 'Hannibal.' Here, Francis might be trying to look at Will like Hannibal, like a lover, hoping to understand what he sees in him. He's respectful and almost reverent at some points after Will regains consciousness. In his eyes in these moments, Will is Hannibal's partner, the man who has what Francis wanted.
Notably, this respect turns into fury in the finale, where he attacks Will viciously. Interesting that he goes to ruin his face first and foremost. Considering his own insecurity, it says a lot about his many-layered jealousy, from deep to a superficial physical level.
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sharkrightsactivist · 2 years
hello everyone! Thought id share how to say goodbye in russian since i could think of a few ways, here they are ranging fron most to least casual!
Покá - opposite of привéт, super casual and means "bye"! you would normally say this to a friend, close family member or someone younger than you. i can't think of the origin but the word has a second meaning, which is "for now/while".
До скóрого - (lit. until soon), somewhere between пока and до встречи in terms of formality, but meaning is closest to the next point.
До встрéчи - literally translates to "until (our next) meeting", a bit more formal than покá, but unlike it clearly implies that you will meet the person again at some point later, so id say its closer "See you" / "Until next time".
There is also a second version, "До нóвых встреч" (lit. until new meetings, meaning is the same, ive heard it used most often on tv programmes and when adressing an audience) and a more 'urgent' version: До скóрых встреч (Until our next meetings [which will happen soon]).
До свидáния - same literal meaning as до встречи but does not necessarily imply youre going to see the person again. Im not sure about the origins of this one but it likely has to do with the somewhat obsolete verb свúдиться - to meet/encounter someone, lit. to see each other.
Вс��гó дóброго/хорóшего - lit. means "(I wish you) All the best." You can use this when leaving a work meeting, finishing a phone call respectfully or with a customer. It can be used outside of professional situations but from my experience that's less common. Here, дóброе is used in its second meaning (first being "kind/pleasant [person]"), which is "good/nice".
Прощáй(те) - means farewell. a permanent goodbye, you will likely never see the people you say this to again. Прощай is the slightly more casual version while прощайте is more formal or refers to a group. Interesting fact: it wasnt formed from простúть (to forgive) but instead простúться (to bid farewell). the second word is also somewhat obsolete.
hope this was interesting! let me know what topics youd like me to talk about next and ask questions if you have them!
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Idk if youd be super into it but Id really like to hear about why you don't like wilhelm. :0 idkidk your thoughts on every1 are just so interesting to me n I like the thought you put in them idk
I can't get over how I'm like "I don't like this guy I made up evil thoughts about him in my head and not the fun kind" and now all my anons are like "wanna tell us about him???" vjnfjbngjb
I'll go into depth a little more because your asks is very nice but idk if I'll ever reveal the depths of why I hate this shitty little lad
So! Idk if I've just been on some weird sides of fandom but I generally see him portrayed as like,, some pseudo twink whose only purpose is comedic banter on the sidelines of other ships or being Edmund "daddy dom" Avery Junior's bitch (in case you can't tell from how I phrased that I don't like that portrayal of Avery either vjfnbjgnb) and I don't like that!! I also just,, do not fuck with the whole "oh no he wasn't a death eater because he wanted to he was forced into it he's actually innocent!!" and I've seen some of that with Wilhelm too.
I think this dude is just,, a genuinely shitty person. Getting the basics out of the way homeboy is a blood supremacist and a death eater. Not a great start when it comes to being a good person. I've already delved briefly into his relationship with Aurora here but I'll elaborate. I think he's an entitled shitbag (this entitlement is also what makes me think homeboy does not know that no means no and you can kinda let that brainwave take you wherever you want but really I will not elaborate more on this part (he's also got a particular taste in women that I've alluded to in my moodboards but once again I'm not gonna bring it up any more than that)). He thinks he's smarter than everyone else, that he can manipulate everyone into thinking he's someone better than who he really is (and he can) and the fact that he's aware enough of this to keep doing it so successfully is just,, he knows he's not a good person and still, he pretends to be one to get what he wants. Classic wolf in sheep's clothing!!! He's maintained a friendship for years simply because he thinks it's funny to laugh behind Aurora's back like what kind of person does that??
I can also provide a bit of context for my portrayal of Wilhelm I guess lol. I'm not the one who came up with the name Wilhelm for him obviously but since we canonically only know his last name someone had to. Wilhelm is of Germanic origin and thus I've decided that he's Austrian lol. Wilkes shares his last name with the main antagonist from I think it's Stephen King's Misery?? Don't quote me on that lmao. Anyway, the character's main trait in that book is that they're like,, relentlessly cruel so in my portrayal of Wilkes I definitely took inspiration from his namesake. He originally attended Durmstrang where he was close with Rowle and Dolohov (especially the latter) though he was expelled in his third year and due to connections he was able to attend Hogwarts instead where he was sorted into Slytherin. He spent his time at Durmstrang tormenting not only but probably, in particular, Igor Karkarov (who I think had an exchange year to Hogwarts in his seventh year where Wilhelm continued to bully him while playing completely innocent to anyone else)
I think Wilhelm is a fairly tall, muscular young man, with such a pale complexion and blonde hair that he looks like he never sees sunlight. He's got multi-coloured eyes, one light brown and the other blue, very fluffy hair (sheep's clothing) and a charming smile with prominent fangs (wolf) and exposed gums. He looks far too cunty for a man who's as homophobic as he is
I'm glad you enjoy my character rambles jvnfjbngjb I'd be more than happy to ramble about someone else lol
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dayurno · 1 year
No but fr. Kandrew win. Let me EXPLAIN Gansey and Ronan to you (the characters that post is about) so you can know how much
So Richard Campell Gansey III is a fancy rich boy who believes he has a Destiny™. He died once and a ghost told him has to find a Lost Ancient King and so he built his entire personality around that. Also he is going to die again but that's nbd
Ronan Lynch is an ANGRY rich boy. His dad was murdered a couple years back and his life has spiraled out of control since, including the dreams/nightmares he kind of brings to reality once in a while, and a lot of drag racing and other general bad ideas.
They are BEST friends. They go to the same private school. When Ronan was on his self-destruction spiral, Gansey saved him from being killed by a nightmare and they have been attached at the hip since. Ronan goes on countryside walks to satisfy Gansey's obsession. The only time Gansey, a famously moral person, did shady things was to keep Ronan on school and therefore by his side. He also punched a man to defend him once. They would die for each other.
There are more parallels than this but it would get too long. You can even cast Adam as Neil.
The best part of trc is that literally every relantioship is too unhinged not to be a little romantic. They are all canonically in love with each other
HAHA THIS WAS SO SERIOUS AND PASSIONATE youve convinced me anon youve already convinced me on the first line i believe in you! dearly and honestly!
because of this i did pick up trc again! i do have some thoughts so far and youre right adam can be cast as neil because they have a very interesting brand of self-flagellation and snark! also very observant and somehow detached from it? can't quite explain it but i really see it!
gansey oh well ive always liked him :) reading trc now ive really only grown more fond of him, hes smart and beautiful and gentle........ i dont know yet about him being anything alike kevin but i do really see how his little gangly pack of mutts' loyalty for him is alike to how andrew and neil (and jean!) look at kevin..... i think perhaps gansey is a manic pixie dream girl-fied version of kevin, which is not quite how he is in reality, but is definitely how the remains of the perfect court see kevin! so in a way they are the same. but more so kevin is a shadow of ganseys shadow if that makes sense
and for ronan i was surprised at how much i actually liked him! ive seen him going around on tumblr and well i need you to know i dont trust bald men or even men with buzzcuts so in my first read of him back in 2020 i didnt like ronan at all. now that im older and more mature and such i do like him a lot though! he is angry and child-like which i see in andrew, but because he is so undeniably 16 years old about it there is an earnestness to him andrew has since lost. nevertheless i really see how he trails after gansey like a puppy on a leash so yeah in the end. kandrew
as a final and perhaps funny consideration i think kevins trcsona might actually be blue.... a little gruff and clumsy and moved by a lot of guilt (im only on book one!) but still with a lot more bite than youd expect..... im not yet sure though. just throwing ideas around. for now lets stick to gansey
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whumpitisthen · 8 months
5 and 7 for the dark oc asks?
For this ask game :)
I will do these for Auden and Grim as they have been my main bois for the most part! (and are the most developed because of that)
Read more because this came out way longer than it had any business being (i get so excited when someone sends me an ask i just have to deliver!! you know!! I didn't even expect someone to send me anything from that i just thought the questions were cool 👉👈)
5. What is their moral code?
Moral code in Hell is... An interesting concept. Generally speaking most people who live in Hell have grayer morality than those that do not, as Hell allows for depravity that will ruin you unless you grow used to it. Bearing that in mind:
Auden is an angel, fresh out of Heaven. A righteous one too, as he is a Guardian, meant to be a protector of the innocent. Even if he wasn't being abused and picked on by everyone, he'd still have awful trouble coming to terms with how life is down here for everyone. He finds the hurting of anything living unbearable, even for those that may deserve it — which separates him from other angels, because no matter how hard he tries to put on this face of rage and disgust whenever faced with a hellspawn, seeing someone like Mori being not only hurt, but tortured so casually and undeservedly put him in more distress than what Heaven deems rational. He is meant to feel nothing but hatred for demons. He is meant to be pure, above them all. He should know and understand that not a single one of them deserve mercy. But he can't. He tries, he parrots every awful expression angels use to spew their vitriol at demonkind, but he is such a bleeding heart, he can't help it. If possible, he is even more morally soft than Heaven wants him to be, and that is unfortunately not a good thing to be according to the rules of neither Hell, nor Heaven.
Grim, on the other hand, is the polar opposite. He is so far above the question of this made up concept. He is a god, for crying out loud, if anything, he should be able to decide with finality what is and isn't morally correct. He spends most of his time in the ethically questionable Hell, but he doesn't truly belong on anywhere but Earth — the moral dilemmas of Heaven and Hell are meaningless to him. What is important is his fun. If faced with a seemingly obvious question of mortality, like 'would you help the helpless?', he would not think of morals and ethics, he would think of what answer would be funnier. Or more beneficial to him. Morals will not even come to mind. His answer will be highly dependent on his current mood. He understands the concept, well enough to use it to taunt and mock, but he does not take part in philosophies like this. Rights and wrongs are a part of life, and why would any of it matter if every person has their own minds made up about what counts as what? It only serves to feed judgement, and judgement is not part his field of work. And in any case, did you ever know Death to be fair? I doubt it!
7. How far are they willing to go to get what they want?
(ive actually been doing a little character study and one of the questions was what is it that they want, or if they have it already, how do they hold onto it? And im thinking of posting that at some point too :3 let me know if youd like to see it im just fleshing them out — i think this is the first time I've ever written out that expression, and it sounds so metal and torturous??? "Fleshing Them Out" it sounds like gore i love it)
Auden wants a lot of things, probably the main one being acceptance. He has tried so hard all his life to get such a simple thing, but he has unfortunately been looking in the wrong places, asking for it from the wrong people, and never managed to grasp it for long. If there was some kind of miracle worker who could just magically make all the other angels accept him as he is, he would do just about anything. If Grim, for example, being the powerful deity he is, could make something like this happen, Auden would give up everything he has for it. Every bit of dignity, all morals, even body parts maybe. He is so desperate for it, however, that he would do all that for less. His thirst for belonging started in Heaven, but by the time he arrives in Hell, all he truly wants is for someone to see him and appreciate him for himself, to tell him he is perfect as he is. Grim has shown he understands this part of Auden in little ways already, seeing how unconfident he is and how entranced he became with him at the slightest sign of respect and love, even if clearly fake. A couple kind, understanding words; an 'I know you can't help it, it's okay' can melt Auden, even bring him to tears on bad days. Now he is more desperate than ever before, all alone in the worst place imaginable, so it's not surprising how he clings to those words like his life depends on it, even if the one cooing them at him is someone who only does so to hurt him.
Grim is a tenacious bastard. What he wants is power to do whatever he wants to and to keep everyone in a chokehold with nothing but his intimidating presence. He wants that fear he causes, and he already has it. Yet, he holds onto it carelessly. He is not worried about it ever fizzling out, because even if some are truly unafraid of Death, the vast majority will always shiver at his cold presence. While he likes showing off his powers every once in a while, he does not need to do that for that fearful respect to remain. He has a reputation, and to break that reputation he has built up over millenia is no easy feat. If his status is ever threatened, however, he will become enraged, murderous, threatening, dangerous, desperate, unstoppable, and near inconsolable. While he is awfully difficult to get to this point, what with his mastery of keeping all eyes on him and proficiency at leading social situations, it is not impossible. He will lose all the theatrics and replace them with a chilling lack of emotion, brutal efficiency and uncontrollable thirst for blood. He would not stop the slaughter until he is not only respected, but Worshipped by every mortal and immortal at his feet, begging for forgiveness in terror. He will burn the world to the ground. He will kill without reason or care, until someone stops him. The one trusted to do that is his Lord, usually. These "hissy fits", as his Lord calls them, could be world ending. Luckily, they don't happen often, as you'd need someone just as tenacious as Grim to be able to tilt him that bad, and as powerful as his Lord to strip him of his effortless control. If we're talking about something way lower scale, like a single person like Auden, who is also something he wanted, things aren't that much different. If he wants something, he takes it. If there's resistance, he overpowers them, at first through words, then through violence. If he cannot, he will keep being a pest until they give up, having fun toying with them, as he still remains the true one in control. He is not used to not getting what he wants. But if nothing works, sooner or later he will be pissed off enough to start throwing one of his infamous, catastrophic hissy fits, and start levelling buildings.
Taglist: @whumpsday @whump-me-all-night-long @whumpifi
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isabelguerra · 11 months
Wizard prom. head in my hands. Dont even get me started on wizard prom. I’m assuming you’re talking about yule in their 6th year, pls correct me if that not it but I can’t think of anything else youd be referring to so I’m going to talk about Yule.
It gets a little into shipping territory! Some of the yule pairups aren’t automatically romantic. The ships in wizard au are, since i made the au, catered to me, but don’t let that stop you. These are how I wrote them but if you think it’d be fun to see stephen/alex or idk collin/cody be my guest. With that said the yule pairs are:
- Isabel & Max: They go for appearances (Hogwarts champion & Quidditch captain, Guerra family heir, one of the best witches in their year) and because neither got dates with people they liked otherwise. Which is not to say other people didn’t ask them, but neither were interested in those people. So, why not go with your best friend?
- Cody & the Beauxbatons champion, who is a sweet boy with soft brown hair and glasses
- Ed & RJ: #nonbinaryswag
- Ollie & some Durmstrang twink
- Stephen & Dimitri (imo still the funniest crackship out there)
- Johnny does not get a date (loser)
- Violet & Lisa
- Spender & Garcia: I used to have Spender go alone but that was before sparcia became real so as much as i would like to laugh at him and make him single again i have to vote for gay rights
- Isaac also doesn’t get a date (loser x2). Maybe he asks someone and they turn him down. I like to bully Isaac
- Day & Zarei
Those are the pairings I can think of. Otherwise we have Jeff who goes alone but has a great time, Suzy and Collin who spend the whole night trying to get a scoop rather than dancing (Collin was roped into this unwillingly), Professor Walker who is chaperoning, and I feel like I’m forgetting some but if I remember I’ll add them in later.
This lineup is WAYYYY WAY different than the OG au, I think back in 2015 it was more like:
- Max alone because he couldn’t get a date
- Ed & Isabel went as bffs
- Isaac no date
- Jang went as a group of 4 bffs with matching outfits
Which has changed a lot. Ed & Isabel don’t go together anymore because going with your sibling is social suicide and also Ed likes RJ. Wizard AU is first and foremost an izjo au, and Isabel and Johnny did the chicken dance around asking each other until it was too late, so Isabel going with Max is part of that. They end up hanging out through most of yule anyway, but they didn’t ask each other and they both kind of regret it. The gang doesn’t go with each other anymore because as fun as I think it’d be, I think it’s something they would do at 12 and not 16. Theyre all growing into being their own person, and that involves being daring and asking the person they like to wizard prom except Johnny.
I dug through discord and found these old messages bullying izjo for not asking each other. Please enjoy
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angeleccstasy · 1 year
(louder than everyone else) hiii hiii su how r u ^_^.... also do you have any horror recs (either movies or internet media!!).......
OH!! SYBIL HI THERE!!!!! im good hope you are too ^.^ !!
hmmm let me think i havent really been consuming horror or at least not actively + finding new stuff :0 well there is myhouse.wad! its been around for a few months but if you dont know its a doom mod! its a map of the mod creators deceased friends childhood home and it appears innocent at first but things quickly turn dark. you can either play it yourself here or watch a playthru of it or watch a video essay the essay i watched that introduced me to the mod was this one!! its got unfiction aspects to it in the other files you can look at and just from watching someone play depending on how good you are at games maybe its not super painful to navigate BUT IT IS PRETTY FUCKING LENGTHY so im not sure if youd wanna play it if you get frustrated easily w/ that kind of thing it might be too much :00 either way i think its a neat little gem :DD !! cws for the usual horror imagery and house fires and surreal imagery is prevalent throughout and im not sure exactly how but you can end up killing a dog early on etc! next recommendation uhhhh, the og coraline novel maybe? idk if youve seen the film or not but either way i dont think itll affect your reading experience! i read it b4 i saw the film and the book just means a lot to me!! side note ive always thought it was really cool that book coraline and movie coraline as characters were so different from each other but both still valid interpretations of kids and the way kids act :o not sure if books or horror for kids (PRETTY WELL WRITTEN HORROR STILL TBF) is what youre looking for but give it a try if youre interested!! cws for pretty common horror imagery and body horror and eye related horror and ghosts dead kids and such! OH and i just remembered this game markiplier played! burger & frights !! basically youre riding home late at night from grabbing a burger and scary ghost woman haunts you :C you can play it here or watch a playthru like markipliers ITS GOODDDD I BELIEVE IT WAS MADE BY THE SAME PERSON WHO MADE TWILIGHT VS WALKING IF YOU KNOW/REMEMBER THAT :3 cws for again horror imagery and blood and somewhat body horror and jumpscares etc!
BUT YEAH THATS KINDA IT FOR MY RECS ^_^ and actually you could revisit some older pieces of media! like ddlc (for free on itch here) for example :3 you dont have to play it! you can watch sagan hawkes' analysis who im always a big fan of or watch someones playthru!
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quadrant-query · 11 months
ok ok lets clear some shit up hey bro hey dude hey guy hey grey hey grey my buddy my pal my guy on the internet i was not admitting to purposefully pretend flirting with you there i was referencing how you constantly think im flirting with you and honestly maybe its on me for not realizing youd somehow take that shit that way so sorry i guess but tbh its not my fault youre that desperate sorry man i know youve got your hopes up real high for whatever reason but i usually try and at least know a guys name before flirting with them
It's "Gray", actually. Ironic that you can't even get my fake name right.
And let me clear up some shit of my own, you self important asswipe: I do not think you're flirting with me. I think you're intentionally walking the line with no actual romantic feelings behind the actions, simply because you're the kind of absolutely lame and pathetic basement dweller that has nothing else to do with their time besides attempt to fuck with random internet users to see what you can get them to do. Have you ever heard of asking someone out as a joke? For the intent of making a fool of them in front of an audience? I am intimately goddamn familiar with that old schoolfeeding ritual, and I am way fucking wiser to these stupid games then you seem to realize.
Basically, cut the crap, asshole; I am not interested in your fake flirting nor am I going to respond in kind. Platonically, go fuck yourself with a rusty spike.
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ankhisms · 2 years
still thinking about ooo ep 30 after rewatching it last night & editing gifs from it this morning and i think its an interesting choice for the cafe to be decorated with masks youd typically see at a masquerade in venice.. it lines up nicely with how both ankh and eiji have their own masks they hide behind in different ways, both being too scared of being hurt through vulnerability to open up. its especially interesting because this is the episode where ankh FINALLY does open up and tell hina eiji and date some details about what happened 800 years ago, dropping the mask if you will. hes really allowing himself to be vulnerable for the first time and eiji in turn is wanting to understand ankh more.
also another thing i noticed was the contrast and highlighting of siblings this episode. we see dr maki reckoning with his idealized version of his sister vs the reality of his sister, which gives us our first real insight into why hes going to be so obsessed with ending the world before it "becomes more corrupt", since his sister was cruel to him and so in killing her she can live as a kind version of herself in his mind. in contrast we have ankh and hina, and at this point theres really no doubt in my mind that even if hina hasnt fully examined her conflict in feelings about ankh possessing shingo its clear to me that she cares about ankh and sees him as another sibling by this point in the show. hina is SO worried about ankh when eiji drags him back into the cafe after the attack, and ankh allows himself to rest in hinas lap while shes holding onto him and really its just. such a sibling moment. your big brother has been hurt and all you can do is try to keep him calm and let him know youre there with him. it really contrasts to makis experience with having a sister because hina IS a very kind and caring person, even if she and ankh butt heads they still are family and she still is scared of her bird sibling being hurt
anyway im so normal about this show
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airasora · 2 years
Some thoughts Ive had about the handmaids tale hollina au you brought up ages ago but man it would be so good either way. I think itd be so interesting if Holli, as beautiful and, er, voluptious and basically like built for baby making (the wide hips and big breats - sorry if im sound gross im trying to think of it in gilead logic LOL) turns out to be barren. Idk how she'd land in a position as a commanders wife but it'd be such a subversion for her to be the cocky sarcastic woman she is in that position. (I think of serena waterford being all sarcastic about how useless men are in the first season lol). And then youd have Lina who is the sweet pure little bean - what could she have done to land her in the position of handmaid!? I think itd be easier for them to fall into an affair with this dynamic as well - handmaid Lina being submissive to the wife of the household and Holli taking advantage of that. I think thatd be so interesting to explore. But Holli being a stripper/adultress/etc but fertile thus landing as a handmaid and Lina being the perfect image of a wife to a commander sticking to the rules makes a lot more sense if we were to think technically/in-character reality if you threw them in Gilead. Ugh its so hard to choose - I've been thinking about this way too much 🙈 I guess i just wanted to hear more about your thoughts on this au if you have any
I have been in this exact same position for literal MONTHS as well cause DAMN I love both scenarios.
With Holli being the wife, we'd get to see her be absolutely ruthless towards Lina, kinda like Serena towards June. But then Lina might see Holli in a vulnerable position and being as kind as she is offers support and comfort, resulting in them eventually building an odd trust between each other, which would then blossom into love eventually.
I could see Holli not even really wanting a child, and I see her in a really loveless marriage, just as forced upon her as Lina is as a handmaid. I see Holli as this really bitter, unlikable woman whose shell Lina has to spend a lot of time breaking through.
With Lina being the wife, I could see her being so sad to be in the position she's in, heartbroken to watch her husband have sex with another woman in front of her and guilty for being part of a system that regularly rapes women. So she always tries to be kind to Holli, even trying to be her friend, just to provide some sort of comfort. And Holli just wanting absolutely nothing to do with her for, well, obvious reasons.
I could see Holli also viewing Lina as someone really weak, this meek little submissive girl and then, when Holli would get pregnant, I could see a situation where Lina protects Holli from, let's say, an Aunt trying to use that... electrical baton? What's it called? (Please let me know) And Lina would basically FINALLY actually speak up and get angry, and everyone would be in shock cause Lina is this very sweet, meek woman, so no one even knows how to react to hearing her yell at an Aunt.
I guess, while I love both, with Lina being the wife and Holli the handmaid, it gives a pretty cool dynamic shift as wives are usually the dominant ones with handmaids being the submissive ones and to have Holli and Lina, where one is clearly has an overall more aggressive personality than the other in canon, switch dynamics like that would maybe be more interesting.
But, yeah, I love both. I might do both set-ups, and to just make it two short fanfics separate from each other.
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butterflyindisguise · 2 months
Blog #1
I started a new job recently, i like it a lot
It gives me a lot more perspective on people.
Ive always had a problem trying too hard to understand others’ thought processes/trying to make people understand mine and this has been interesting how ive started to let go of it.
I find myself praying for these people i see and those I work with. I have so much joy in my life, but not many others are as lucky as to have that. Im extremely privileged to have these opportunities and part of the process of letting go of old bad habits is understanding. I see anger and sadness and frustration and I sympathize, empathize even. I want to help but I know God’s way is for me to spread kindness and keep them in my prayers.
Today the person training me was super upset about a misplaced cleaning itsm in the breakroom. Im usually super quiet around my superiors, i prefer to watch them to see who Im most comfortable around. He stomped around the entire store looking for me, finally finding me and accusing me of putting it there. Of course, i had only gotten there minutes prior so it couldnt have been me, but it made me wonder how difficult someones life outside of work would be to make them lash out at something as minuscule as a cleaning supply.
I hope people like this begin to let go like i have.
Ive been really proud of myself, dropping bad habits and taking baby steps towards happiness, finding joy in small things. Every day isn’t going to be perfect and I know that, i know that days aren’t like movies where it all sucks then everything is magically made better by some crazy event that happens in the span of an hour and 45 minutes, so im slow with myself. Ive put less pressure on “living happy”, and more about “living negativity free”.
This month is different for me too. My sister died this month years ago. My mom suffered the worst. When she died i was told it was my fault. Sometimes I still struggle with that. It makes me sad. So i look for birds in the sky. We both think these birds are her coming to see us. So when I see a bird it makes things a little bit better.
I don’t have work again for three days which will be an amazing break for my feet, and i get to sleep in (lol). I like writing about my thoughts because a lot of the time these things are constantly running through my head and writing it down makes me feel a little more organized. I wanted to try writing them online because (im a bit of an attention wh*re >.<), or i want people to see these and maybe feel less alone. Either or, whichever youd like to interpret this as.
I hope whoever is reading this has an amazing day and knows that they are loved and appreciated on this earth. None of us would be the same without you. Thank you for existing and trying your best
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fictionfixations · 5 months
angry ranting time
(i curse. a lot.)
hi. heres my reveal that i play magic awakened
about the story. can we talk about the fact that for some reason NO ONE BLINKS AN EYE at the use of the memory removal charm whatever the fuck??? like i havent been in this fandom for so long so i forgot a lot, but is it legal to just remove memories from people?? (lets not even talk about muggles…) like. okay. so the grandma removed the memory from her grandkid (traumatic memory). but she was so shit at it (she 'rushed' it so then ivy(? I FORGOT THE NAMES) had memory issues all the time and didnt even remember her SISTER??? HELLO?) like okay even if its 'legal' id have to assume youd need some sort of permit or whatever the fuck to be allowed to use it, and to be skilled at it too to not mess someone up. because memories are such an important part of you that taking them away has to be a crime!? (AND ITS NOT?? you can just ruin someones life and be like '…it was rushed' AND NO ONE BATS AN EYE? ARE YOU SERIOUS?!)
if ivy didn't actually disappear her sister (and it was the sister who disappeared herself by accident which made ivy think she did it) how the fuck did the quibbler end up talking about it? howd they even hear of it?? usually i support the quibbler and hate the daily prophet but like. seriously…? (if they learned it from law enforcement didnt the grandma explain that the sister did it to herself?! YOU FUCKING INCOMPETENT--) "Local Girl Make Sister Disappear to Keep Her Out of Hogwarts" HELLO? YOUR INFORMATION IS WRONG. YOU MF. HOW DARE YOU YOU DISAPPOINTMENT. (im. so pissed off.)
i forgot how much the fandom makes me so angry though because everyone in the storys kind of an idiot and huifsheiuf???? i want to SCREAM. (tldr; adults are still shit)
i thought ivy was kinda something like neville but it isnt that shes just forgetful, shes forgetful because her gRANDMA decided it was a good idea to MEMORY WIPE her. like. guys… the magic world needs like fucking therapists or some shit to talk this through instead of using super powerful spells to do whatever the fuck. (WHO thought it was a good idea to teach children [AT MAXIMUM AT 11 YEARS OLD. because Ivy's sister knew it BEFORE Ivy got her hogwarts letter.] the vanishing spell oh my god. oh wait. the grandma. BITCH.)
LIKe. SERIOUSLY??? it baffles me how things like this can just happen
ALSO there are still like dark wizards
and i mean yeah people are still gonna be evil but now theres ANOTHER evil oh my god (i know theres meant to be something to make the story interesting but im sobbing where the fuck are the adults to deal with this shit)
theres this thing called NOTME (wow. excellent naming skills.) that wants to reveal magic to the muggles by doing illegal things (okay well illegal things can be vague because just revealing it is illegal. but more like. think magical things in front of a crowd. ..which is very likely to lead to just utter panic because its so many.)
idk i didnt really pay attention because im just. tired at this point (harry potter has a way of doing that to me).
also one sad moment that gets an honorable mention. so you know george weasley? i think thats the twin that survived (i am SO bad with names)
we encounter him and he talks about pranking umbridge with his twin
and hes just saying 'we' and im thinking 'wait is he alive??' but no hes just. saying it (even if technically we probably dont know about his twins death so we might be confused) and it just
makes me sad. :(
also i forgot what i was meant to do here so im just kind of waiting for my doods to finish it since idk what im supposed to do
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(it passed onto 13 minutes and then something happened and i won?? IDFK i got so confused. ive gone to the bird but nothing happens and my attacks dont affect it so idk)
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unadulterated-syd · 2 years
is this one still up? looks really fun!
Send in a couple things about you, personality + gender + gender preference,, and I'll give you a character I'd pair you with platonically (add your fandom!!)
so, im an intp, i love horror movies and mystery books (my favs at the moment are those from stalking jack the ripper series yk), im a rock/metal music lover, i draw some stuff and write abt romance&horror (usually they walk together), i play rpg and atm im trying the dungeon master thing. i dont talk to alot of people, that takes tooo much energy, few people think im rude cause tbh i dont have much patience and i dont let people step on me yk, still i care too much abt others (i just dont like them to know it), so i help anyone that asks for it on my own way, but i hate being helped cause talking abt my problems makes me feel weak. also i go for she/her and i dont have any gender preferences.
my fandoms are stranger things, twd, supernatural, wednesday, hp and alice in borderland (yep you dont write abt some of these but i like to talk abt them:])
yes all my events are still up!
like you said, i don't write for all your fandoms, however i can give you a matchup for; stranger things, the walking dead, wednesday and harry potter!
we actually have a LOT in common,, you just seem cooler than me tbh
(id love to talk to u about horror btw)
stranger things -> this one id like to put you with eleven hopper!
the way id mostly support this is you seem a lot like max, and those two have one of the best bonds (though i ship elmax this friendship would be platonic)
youd help her with bullying problems and would NOT let her ever feel bad about herself
and tbh i think you guys could be a badass duo (not side kick way cause youd both bring equal amounts to the table)
plus i think will would warm up to you and im sure you could help him with his sexuality issues (we all know he thinks badly of himself)
but el would just really adore you, and you her i think itd be a good friendship all around
(i genuinely think shed be scared of horror movies and then she sees a slasher and then is a fanatic tbh)
the walking dead -> i think i want to put you with glenn
hear me out, him being a poser before the apocalypse and you GENUINELY teaching him about punk/rock, and horror culture
like when hes passionate about something he stands his ground,, and you stand his ground with him (you two always win bc youd always be right)
the two of you BOTH going on the ride in his red car
being friends with him since day 1 of the apocalypse and bonding
helping him in your secretive ways and him noticing it >>
he would hes very good at detecting things like that,, and would be v thankful but wouldnt tell you cause obviously you dont want to talk about it
plus hed silently understand your feelings so u dont need to express them
wednesday -> i give you ajax!!
see hypothetically, i think xaviers the type to also be super into horror and punk/rock
so ajax is already heavily exposed to your interests + i think hed be into some horror
and hes the type to enjoy a light amount of rock/punk
i think hed be big on apocalypse shows for some reason
i feel like neither of tou are comfortable sharing emotions you just kind of know everything about eachother and act accordingly
you guys could geek out over new horror movies and such!!!
plus you and enid would get along really well so you three would be best pals
i think youd bud heads with xavier so the two of you would probably argue a lot and Ajax would bully the two of you about it
Harry Potter -> I want to pair you with Fred and George
i cant even explain this one
you guys just are best friends
and youre the only one that ever gets serious (when you need to ofc)
plus they def dont discuss feelings to one another lets be honest
I hope these work for you!!! :)))
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